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by members of

Laboratoire d'Économie d'Orléans (LEO)
Faculté de droit, d'économie et de gestion
Université d'Orléans
Orléans, France

(Orleans Economic Laboratory, Faculty of Law, Economics and Management, University of Orleans)

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. Find also a compilation of publications from alumni here.

This page is updated in the first days of each month.

| Working papers | Journal articles | Books | Chapters |

Working papers


  1. Leila Ben Salem & Ridha Nouira & Christophe Rault, 2024. "On the Impact of Oil Prices on Sectoral Inflation: Evidence from World’s Top Oil Exporters and Importers," CESifo Working Paper Series 10879, CESifo.
  2. Leila Ben Salem & Montassar Zayati & Ridha Nouira & Christophe Rault, 2024. "Volatility Spillover between Oil Prices and Main Exchange Rates: Evidence from a DCC-GARCH-Connectedness Approach," CESifo Working Paper Series 10989, CESifo.
  3. Leila Ben Salem & Ridha Nouira & Sami Saafi & Christophe Rault, 2024. "How Do Oil Prices Affect the GDP and Its Components? New Evidence from a Time-Varying Threshold Model," CESifo Working Paper Series 11107, CESifo.
  4. Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh & Christophe Rault, 2024. "Financial Inclusion and Threshold Effects in Carbon Emissions," CESifo Working Paper Series 11237, CESifo.
  5. Sullivan Hu'e & Christophe Hurlin & Yang Lu, 2024. "Backtesting Expected Shortfall: Accounting for both duration and severity with bivariate orthogonal polynomials," Papers 2405.02012,, revised May 2024.
  6. Henri Fraisse & Christophe Hurlin, 2024. "Modèles internes des banques pour le calcul du capital réglementaire (IRB) et intelligence artificielle," Débats économiques et financiers 44, Banque de France.
  7. Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna & Holzmeister, Felix & Huber, Juergen & Johannesson, Magnus & Kirchler, Michael & Neusüß, Sebastian & Razen, Michael & Weitzel, Utz & Abad-Díaz, David & Abudy, Menac, 2024. "Nonstandard errors," LSE Research Online Documents on Economics 123002, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library.
    • Albert J. Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neusüß & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & David Abad‐Díaz & Menachem (Meni) Abudy , 2024. "Nonstandard Errors," Journal of Finance, American Finance Association, vol. 79(3), pages 2339-2390, June.
    • Albert J. Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neussüs & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & Christian Brownlees & Javier Gil-Bazo, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Working Papers 1303, Barcelona School of Economics.
    • Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna & Holzmeister, Felix & Huber, Jürgen & Johannesson, Magnus & Kirchler, Michael & Neusüss, Sebastian & Razen, Michael & Weitzel, Utz, 2021. "Non-standard errors," IWH Discussion Papers 11/2021, Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH).
    • Albert J. et al. Menkveld, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," CESifo Working Paper Series 9453, CESifo.
    • Albert J Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neusüss & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & Gunther Capelle-Blancard & David Abad-Dí, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Post-Print halshs-03500882, HAL.
    • Menkveld, A. & Dreber, A. & Holzmeister, F. & Huber, J. & Johannesson, M. & Kirchler, M. & Neusüss, S. & Razen, M. & Neusüss, S. & Neusüss, S., 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 2182, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge.
    • Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna & Holzmeister, Felix & Huber, Juergen & Johannesson, Magnus & Hasse, Jean-Baptiste & e.a.,, 2023. "Non-Standard Errors," LIDAM Reprints LFIN 2023002, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain Finance (LFIN).
    • Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna & Holzmeister, Felix & Huber, Jürgen & Johannesson, Magnus & Kirchler, Michael & Neusüss, Sebastian & Razen, Michael & Weitzel, Utz, 2021. "Non-standard errors," SAFE Working Paper Series 327, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE.
    • Albert J. Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Jürgen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neusüss & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & David Abad-Dí­az & Menachem Abudy & Tobi, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Working Papers 2021-31, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, Universität Innsbruck.
    • Wolff, Christian & Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna & Holzmeister, Felix & Huber, Juergen & Johannesson, Magnus & Kirchler, Michael & Neusüess, Sebastian & Razen, Michael & Weitzel, Utz, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," CEPR Discussion Papers 16751, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    • Albert J. Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neussüs & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & Christian T. Brownlees & Javier Gil-Baz, 2021. "Non-standard errors," Economics Working Papers 1807, Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
    • Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna & Holzmeister, Felix & Huber, Juergen & Johannesson, Magnus & Kirchler, Michael & Neusüss, Sebastian & Razen, Michael & Weitzel, Utz & Abad-Díaz, David & Abudy, Mena, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Working Papers 2021:17, Lund University, Department of Economics.
    • Albert J. Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neusüss & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & Edwin Baidoo & Michael Frömmel & et al, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Working Papers of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University, Belgium 21/1032, Ghent University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
    • Francesco Franzoni & Roxana Mihet & Markus Leippold & Per Ostberg & Olivier Scaillet & Norman Schürhoff & Oksana Bashchenko & Nicola Mano & Michele Pelli, 2022. "Non-Standard Errors," Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper Series 22-09, Swiss Finance Institute.
    • Moinas, Sophie & Declerck, Fany & Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna, 2023. "Non-Standard Errors," TSE Working Papers 23-1451, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE).
    • Ferrara, Gerardo & Jurkatis, Simon, 2021. "Non-standard errors," Bank of England working papers 955, Bank of England.
    • Albert J Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neusüss & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & Gunther Capelle-Blancard & David Abad-Dí, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-03500882, HAL.
    • Ciril Bosch-Rosa & Bernhard Kassner, 2023. "Non-Standard Errors," Rationality and Competition Discussion Paper Series 385, CRC TRR 190 Rationality and Competition.
    • Menkveld, A. & Dreber, A. & Holzmeister, F. & Huber, J. & Johannesson, M. & Kirchler, M. & Neusüss, S. & Razen, M. & Neusüss, S. & Neusüss, S., 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Janeway Institute Working Papers 2112, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge.
    • Albert J. Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Félix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neusüss & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & Gunther Capelle-Blancard, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 21033, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne.
  8. Daniela Balutel & Christopher Henry & Jorge Vásquez & Marcel Voia, 2024. "The Role of Beliefs in Entering and Exiting the Bitcoin Market," Staff Working Papers 24-22, Bank of Canada.
  9. Purva Gole & Erica Perego & Camelia Turcu, 2024. "UIP Deviations in Times of Uncertainty: Not all Countries Behave Alike," Working Papers 2024-09, CEPII research center.
  10. Alexandra T Tapsoba & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel, 2024. "Does Youth Resentment Matter in Understanding the Surge of Extremist Violence in Burkina Faso?," Post-Print hal-04416513, HAL.
  11. Chantale Oweggi & Pascale Combes Motel & Jean-Louis Combes & Manegdo Ulrich Doamba, 2024. "Forest conservation policies in the kitchen: When protected areas influence household fuel choices in Tanzania," Working Papers hal-04567226, HAL.
  12. Aimé Okoko & Pascale Combes Motel & Sonia Schwartz, 2024. "Does the EU-ETS affect the firm's capital structure? Evidence from French manufacturing firms. LEO Working Paper 2024-09," Working Papers hal-04637992, HAL.
  13. Wassie, Mengistu Alamneh & Kornher, Lukas & Zaki, Chahir, 2024. "Revisiting the Impact of Trade Facilitation Measures in Africa: Structural Gravity Estimation and Ad Valorem Tariff Equivalents," IAAE 2024 Conference, August 2-7, 2024, New Delhi, India 344296, International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE).
  14. Mariz Abdou Kalliny & Chahir Zaki, 2024. "Are Global Value Chains Women Friendly in Developing Countries ? Evidence from Firm-Level Data," Working Papers hal-04392960, HAL.
  15. Dorian Balvir & Aubin Vignoboul, 2024. "Counter-cyclicality of the fiscal policy: a woman's touch. LEO Working Paper 2024-07," Working Papers hal-04452068, HAL.


  1. Maxime Menuet & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu & Anastasios Xepapadeas, 2023. "Environmental quality along the process of economic growth: a theoretical reappraisal," Post-Print hal-04327682, HAL.
  2. Chicot Eboué & Patrick Villieu, 2023. "Dette publique, retour de l’inflation et policy mix : qu’enseigne l’expérience contemporaine ?," Post-Print hal-04327689, HAL.
  3. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu, 2023. "The Physiocratic Analysis of Money: A Reappraisal," Post-Print hal-04327773, HAL.
  4. Kady Keita & Isabelle Rabaud & Camelia Turcu, 2023. "Fiscal outcomes, current account imbalances, and institutions in Europe: Exploring nonlinearities," Post-Print hal-04171812, HAL.
  5. Amelie Guillin & Isabelle Rabaud & Chahir Zaki, 2023. "Does the depth of trade agreements matter for trade in services?," Post-Print hal-04362476, HAL.
  6. Amélie Guillin & Isabelle Rabaud & Chahir Zaki, 2023. "La profondeur des accords commerciaux régionaux affecte-t-elle les échanges internationaux de services ? Un point sur la région MOAN," Post-Print hal-04362487, HAL.
  7. Hajare El Hadri & Daniel Mirza & Isabelle Rabaud, 2023. "Natural Disasters, Bilateral Exports and Foreign Consumers' Altruism," Post-Print hal-04511448, HAL.
  8. Alexis Direr, 2023. "Portfolio Choice With Time Horizon Risk," Post-Print hal-04501750, HAL.
  9. Rémi Bazillier & Francesco Magris & Daniel Mirza, 2023. "Labor Mobility Agreements and Exit of Migrants: Evidence from Europe," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-03898774, HAL.
  10. Mouna Ben Abdeljelil & Christophe Rault & Fateh Belaïd, 2023. "Economic Growth and Pollutant Emissions: New Panel Evidence from the Union for the Mediterranean Countries," CESifo Working Paper Series 10201, CESifo.
  11. Thouraya Hadj Amor & Ridha Nouira & Christophe Rault & Anamaria Diana Sova, 2023. "Real exchange rate misalignments and economic growth in Tunisia: New evidence from a threshold analysis of asymmetric adjustments," Post-Print hal-04214698, HAL.
  12. Ekrame Boubtane & Christophe Rault, 2023. "The Economic Impact of International Migration in Tunisia [L’impact économique des migrations en Tunisie]," Post-Print halshs-04155132, HAL.
  13. Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2023. "Machine Learning and IRB Capital Requirements," Working Papers hal-04414108, HAL.
  14. Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2023. "Machine Learning and IRB Capital Requirements: Advantages, Risks, and Recommendations [Machine Learning et Modèles IRB : Avantages, Risques et Préconisations]," Working Papers halshs-04518248, HAL.
  15. Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2023. "Risk of Claims and Moral Hazard for House Insurance in Canada," Post-Print hal-04327807, HAL.
  16. Bharatee Bhusana Dash & J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2023. "Inequality, transaction costs and voter turnout: evidence from Canadian provinces and Indian states," Post-Print hal-04328300, HAL.
  17. Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod & Eva Coll-Martínez & Camelia Turcu, 2023. "Location attributes explaining the entry of firms in creative industries: evidence from France," Post-Print hal-04063106, HAL.
  18. Vignawou Lucien Ahouangbe & Camelia Turcu, 2023. "How bilateral foreign direct investment influences environmental convergence," Post-Print hal-04328328, HAL.
  19. António Afonso & Cristina Badarau & Camélia Turcu, 2023. "Introduction to INFER special issue on “new aspects of economic and financial integration”," Post-Print hal-04328332, HAL.
  20. Pauline Avril & Gregory Levieuge & Camelia Turcu, 2023. "Do bankers want their umbrellas back when it rains? Evidence from typhoons in China," Working Papers 2023.08, International Network for Economic Research - INFER.
  21. West Togbetse & Camelia Turcu, 2023. "Chinese FDI in Africa, natural resources and the energy transition challenges," Working Papers 2023.15, International Network for Economic Research - INFER.
  22. West Togbetse & Camelia Turcu, 2023. "Natural resources and China’s foreign assistance in Africa: a two-sided story," Working Papers 2023.16, International Network for Economic Research - INFER.
  23. Sabine Bacouël-Jentjens & Grégory Levieuge & José Riascos & Camelia Turcu, 2023. "Sustainable development and the extractive industry. An assessment of the Mexican case," Working Papers 2023.17, International Network for Economic Research - INFER.
  24. Ablam Estel Apeti & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea, 2023. "Inflation targeting and the composition of public expenditure: Evidence from developing countries," Post-Print hal-04072840, HAL.
  25. Ablam Estel Apeti & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea, 2023. "Inflation targeting and fiscal policy volatility: Evidence from developing countries," Post-Print hal-04339447, HAL.
  26. Jean-Marc B Atsebi & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea, 2023. "The sectoral trade losses from financial crises," Post-Print hal-04459024, HAL.
  27. Ablam Estel Apeti & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea, 2023. "Fiscal institutions and the development of fiscal capacity: The case of fiscal rules," Working Papers hal-04472417, HAL.
  28. Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel, 2023. "Que nous apprend la littérature récente sur la « nature et les causes de la richesse des nations » ?," Post-Print hal-04013722, HAL.
  29. Tebkieta Alexandra Tapsoba & Pascale Combes Motel & Jean-Louis Combes, 2023. "Transferts de migrants, sécurité alimentaire et variabilité climatique : le cas du Burkina Faso," Post-Print hal-04093365, HAL.
  30. Pascale Combes Motel & Jean-Louis Combes, 2023. "Pourquoi certains pays ont-ils plus rapidement que d’autres atteint un haut niveau de développement ?," Post-Print hal-04093620, HAL.
  31. Mohamed Boly & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel, 2023. "Does environment pay for politicians?," Post-Print hal-04209496, HAL.
  32. Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel & Manegdo Ulrich Doamba & Youba Ndiaye, 2023. "Mining the forests: do protected areas hinder mining-driven forest loss in Sub-Saharan Africa?," Working Papers hal-04061084, HAL.
  33. Pascale Combes Motel & Jean-Louis Combes & Bao-We-Wal Bambe & Chantale Riziki Oweggi, 2023. "Does Climate Change Affect Firms’ Innovative Capacity in Developing Countries ?," Working Papers hal-04341934, HAL.
  34. Jean-Galbert Ongono Olinga & Pascale Combes Motel & José Gustavo Feres & Sonia Schwartz, 2023. "Protected-areas and technological progress in agriculture in the Brazilian Legal Amazon: An analysis of the Porter hypothesis," Working Papers hal-04354596, HAL.
  35. Ablam Estel Apeti & Bao-We-Wal Bambe & Jean-Louis Combes, 2023. "On the Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Reforms: Fiscal Rules and Public Expenditure Efficiency," Working Papers hal-03961062, HAL.
  36. Ablam Estel Apeti & Jean-Louis Combes & Eyah Denise Edoh, 2023. "Entrepreneurship in developing countries: can mobile money play a role?," Working Papers hal-04081304, HAL.
  37. Ablam Estel Apeti & Bao-We-Wal Bambe & Jean-Louis Combes & Eyah Denise Edoh, 2023. "Original Sin: Fiscal Rules and Government Debt in Foreign Currency in Developing Countries," Working Papers hal-04130477, HAL.
  38. Marize Abdou Kalliny & Chahir Zaki, 2023. "Are Global Value Chains Women Friendly? Evidence from Firm-Level Data in Developing Countries," Post-Print hal-04309749, HAL.
  39. Mariz Abdou Kalliny & Ibrahim Elbadawi & Patrick Plane & Chahir Zaki, 2023. "On the Nexus Between Global Value Chains Participation, Exchange Rate Dynamics, Digitalization and Quality of Institutions," Post-Print hal-04479291, HAL.
  40. Chahir Zaki & Fida Karam, 2023. "When Trade Agreements Are Gender-Friendly: Impact on Women Empowerment using Firm Data," Working Papers hal-04346779, HAL.
  41. Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso & Thais Nunez Rocha & Chahir Zaki, 2023. "What type of trade is promoted by environmental regulations?," Working Papers hal-04638916, HAL.
  42. Aboushady, Nora & Zaki, Chahir, 2023. "Are global value chains for sale? On business-state relations in the MENA region," IDOS Discussion Papers 17/2023, German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS).
  43. Anne Lavigne, 2023. "Les retraites : une exception française ?," Post-Print halshs-04206179, HAL.
  44. Sébastien Galanti & Çiğdem Yilmaz Özsoy, 2023. "Can Blockchain Help Improve Financial Inclusion? A Comparative Study," Post-Print hal-04511390, HAL.
  45. Elodie Djemai & Yohan Renard, 2023. "Willingness to pay for a new mosquito-repellent ointment: Experimental evidence from Burkina Faso," Working Papers DT/2023/07, DIAL (Développement, Institutions et Mondialisation).
  46. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Catherine Bruneau & Maxime Nicolas & Thomas Renault, 2023. "An Experimental Analysis of Investor Sentiment," Post-Print hal-04222561, HAL.
  47. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Constance Monnier-Schlumberger, 2023. "Do Sanctions or Moral Costs Prevent the Formation of Cartel-Type Agreements?," Working Papers hal-04153693, HAL.
  48. Aliocha Accardo & Sylvérie Herbert & Cristina Jude & Adrian Penalver, 2023. "Measuring and Comparing Consumption Inequality between France and the United States," Working papers 904, Banque de France.
  49. Caroline Jardet & Cristina Jude & Menzie Chinn, 2023. "Foreign direct investment under uncertainty evidence from a large panel of countries," Post-Print hal-04356033, HAL.
  50. Nicolas Berman & Mathieu Couttenier & Victoire Girard, 2023. "Mineral resources and the salience of ethnic identities," AMSE Working Papers 2232, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France.
  51. Daniela Balutel & Christopher Henry & Doina Rusu, 2023. "Cryptoasset Ownership and Use in Canada: An Update for 2022," Discussion Papers 2023-14, Bank of Canada.


  1. Luc Arrondel & Jean-Brieux Delbos & Dominique Durant & Christian Pfister & Laurent Soulat, 2022. "L’épargne-retraite : deux décennies de comportements des ménages français (1997-2018)," Post-Print halshs-04208482, HAL.
  2. Mohamed Boly & Jean-Louis Combes & Maxime Menuet & Alexandru Minea & Pascale Combes Motel & Patrick Villieu, 2022. "Can Public Debt Mitigate Environmental Debt? Theory and Empirical Evidence," Post-Print hal-03573000, HAL.
  3. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu, 2022. "Un « fardeau » de la dette publique ? Les limites du concept de soutenabilité," Post-Print hal-04223042, HAL.
  4. Yacouba Coulibaly & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2022. "How Do Natural Resource - Backed Loans Affect the Public Debt Sustainability in Developing Countries ? Empirical Evidence," Working Papers hal-04638798, HAL.
  5. Rezgar FEIZI & Sahar AMIDI & Thais NUNEZ-ROCHA & Isabelle RABAUD, 2022. "Carbon Tax and Emissions Transfer: a Spatial Analysis," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2965, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  6. Amélie GUILLIN & Isabelle RABAUD & Chahir ZAKI, 2022. "Does the Depth of Trade Agreements Matter for Trade in Services? Evidence from the MENA Region," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2984, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  7. Béatrice BOULU-RESHEF & Alexis DIRER & Nicole VON WILCZUR, 2022. "Algorithmic vs. Human Portfolio Choice," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2966, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  8. Dylan Bourny & Daniel Mirza & Camelia Turcu, 2022. "The Culture-Promotion Effect of Multinationals on Trade: the IKEA case," Working Papers 2022-06, CEPII research center.
  9. Daniel Mirza & Souleymane Coulibaly & Alejandro Forero Rojas & Hiau Looi, 2022. "Nontariff measures and services trade restrictions in global value chains," Post-Print hal-03810306, HAL.
  10. Daniel Mirza & Elena Stancanelli & Thierry Verdier, 2022. "Household Expenditure in the Wake of Terrorism: evidence from high frequency in-home-scanner data," Post-Print halshs-03673160, HAL.
  11. Bros, Catherine & Gille, Véronique & Maniquet, François, 2022. "Female labour, status and decision power," LIDAM Discussion Papers CORE 2022027, Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE).
  12. Catherine Bros & Fozan Fareed & Julie Lochard, 2022. "Climbing the economic ladder: The role of microfinance institutions in promoting entrepreneurship in Pakistan," Post-Print hal-04143033, HAL.
  13. Leila Ben Salem & Ridha Nouira & Khaled Jeguirim & Christophe Rault, 2022. "The Determinants of Crude Oil Prices: Evidence from ARDL and Nonlinear ARDL Approaches," CESifo Working Paper Series 10050, CESifo.
  14. Sabrine Ferjani & Sami Saafi & Ridha Nouira & Christophe Rault, 2022. "The Impacts of the Dollar-Renminbi Exchange Rate Misalignment on the China-United States Commodity Trade: An Asymmetric Analysis," CESifo Working Paper Series 9706, CESifo.
  15. Najia Maraoui & Thouraya Hadj Amor & Islem Khefacha & Christophe Rault, 2022. "How Economic, Political and Institutional Factors Influence the Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes? New Evidence from Selected Countries of the MENA Region," CESifo Working Paper Series 9709, CESifo.
  16. Christophe Hurlin & Christophe P'erignon & S'ebastien Saurin, 2022. "The Fairness of Credit Scoring Models," Papers 2205.10200,, revised Feb 2024.
  17. Hu'e Sullivan & Hurlin Christophe & P'erignon Christophe & Saurin S'ebastien, 2022. "Measuring the Driving Forces of Predictive Performance: Application to Credit Scoring," Papers 2212.05866,, revised Jun 2023.
  18. Elena Ivona Dumitrescu & Sullivan Hué & Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2022. "Machine Learning for Credit Scoring: Improving Logistic Regression with Non Linear Decision Tree Effects," Post-Print hal-03331114, HAL.
  19. Valérie Mignon & Christophe Hurlin, 2022. "Statistique et probabilités en économie-gestion (2e édition)," Post-Print hal-03698792, HAL.
  20. Christophe Pérignon & Olivier Akmansoy & Christophe Hurlin & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johanneson & Michael Kirchler & Albert Menkveld & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel, 2022. "Reproducibility of Empirical Results: Evidence from 1,000 Tests in Finance," Working Papers hal-03810013, HAL.
  21. Sullivan Hué & Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon & Sébastien Saurin, 2022. "Explainable Performance," Working Papers hal-03897380, HAL.
  22. Mihai Ioan Mutascu & Claudiu Tiberiu Albulescu & Nicholas Apergis & Cosimo Magazzino, 2022. "Do gasoline and diesel prices co-move? Evidence from the time–frequency domain," Post-Print hal-03858096, HAL.
  23. Florian Horky & Mihai Mutascu & Jarko Fidrmuc, 2022. "Oil and renewable energy returns during pandemic," Post-Print hal-03858106, HAL.
  24. Mihai Mutascu, 2022. "CO2 emissions in the USA: new insights based on ANN approach," Post-Print hal-03858110, HAL.
  25. Mihai Mutascu & Alexandre Sokic, 2022. "An extended wavelet approach of the money–output link in the United States," Post-Print hal-03858118, HAL.
  26. Mihai Mutascu & Scott Hegerty, 2022. "The role of refugees in the underground economy of the European Union," Post-Print hal-03858127, HAL.
  27. Daniela Balutel & Marie-Hélène Felt & Gradon Nicholls & Marcel Voia, 2022. "Bitcoin Awareness, Ownership and Use: 2016–20," Discussion Papers 2022-10, Bank of Canada.
  28. Daniela Balutel & Christopher Henry & Kim Huynh & Marcel Voia, 2022. "Cash in the Pocket, Cash in the Cloud: Cash Holdings of Bitcoin Owners," Staff Working Papers 22-26, Bank of Canada.
  29. Daniela Balutel & Walter Engert & Christopher Henry & Kim Huynh & Marcel Voia, 2022. "Private Digital Cryptoassets as Investment? Bitcoin Ownership and Use in Canada, 2016-2021," Staff Working Papers 22-44, Bank of Canada.
  30. J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2022. "Do rival political parties enforce government efficiency? Evidence from Canada 1867–2021," Post-Print hal-03810540, HAL.
  31. Mihailo Radoman & Marcel Voia, 2022. "Internal promotion and the Bosman ruling: Evidence from the English Premier League," Post-Print hal-04059055, HAL.
  32. Stephen FERRIS & Marcel-Cristian VOIA, 2022. "Do Rival Political Parties Enforce Government Efficiency? Evidence from Canada, 1867 - 2021," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2948, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  33. Bharatee Bhusana DASH & Stephen FERRIS & Marcel-Cristian VOIA, 2022. "Inequality, Transaction Costs and Voter Turnout: evidence from Canadian Provinces and Indian States," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2953, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  34. Avril Pauline & Levieuge Grégory & Turcu Camelia, 2022. "Natural Disasters and Financial Stress: Can Macroprudential Regulation Tame Green Swans?," Working papers 874, Banque de France.
  35. Claudiu Tiberiu Albulescu & Camélia Turcu, 2022. "Productivity, financial performance, and corporate governance: evidence from Romanian R&D firms," Post-Print hal-03810531, HAL.
  36. Kady Keita & Camelia Turcu, 2022. "Promoting Counter-Cyclical Fiscal Policy: Fiscal Rules Versus Institutions," Post-Print hal-04059017, HAL.
  37. Bao-We-Wal BAMBE & Jean Louis COMBES & Kabinet KABA & Alexandru MINEA, 2022. "Inflation Targeting and Developing countries’ Performance: Evidence from Firm-Level Data," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2941, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  38. Sonia Schwartz & Johanna Choumert-Nkolo & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel & E. Kere, 2022. "Optimal protected area implementation under spillover effects," Post-Print hal-03563920, HAL.
  39. Mohamed Boly & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel & Sonia Schwartz, 2022. "Environmental Awareness and Electoral Outcomes," Post-Print hal-03667107, HAL.
  40. Pascale Combes Motel, 2022. "Introductory Macroeconomics," Post-Print hal-03865968, HAL.
  41. Jean-Louis Combes & Pierre Lesuisse, 2022. "Inflation and unemployment, new insights during the EMU accession," Post-Print hal-03790350, HAL.
  42. Amirah El-Haddad & Chahir Zaki, 2022. "Firm Closures and Performance in A Time of Pandemic," Working Papers 1530, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Jan 2022.
  43. City Eldeep & Chahir Zaki, 2022. "Covid-19, Vulnerability and Policy Response: A CGE Model of Egypt," Working Papers 1532, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Jan 2022.
  44. Amirah El-Haddad & Chahir Zaki, 2022. "Post Covid-19 Firm-Level Government Support in Egypt: Uneven Allocation and Unequal Effects," Working Papers 1573, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Aug 2022.
  45. Amirah El-Haddad & Chahir Zaki, 2022. "Firm Dynamics in Times of COVID: Evidence from Egyptian Firms," Working Papers 1586, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Sep 2022.
  46. Yasmine Eissa & Chahir Zaki, 2022. "On GVC and Innovation: What Is at Stake?," Working Papers 1589, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Sep 2022.
  47. Jasmin Fouad & Moheb Said & Wesam Sherif & Chahir Zaki, 2022. "Public Banks and Development in Egypt: Overview, Issues and the Way Forward," Working Papers 1594, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Nov 2022.
  48. Nada Hazem & Marina Hicham & Racha Ramadan & Moheb Said & Chahir Zaki, 2022. "Investigating the Effects of COVID-19 on the Jordanian Economy:A Macro-Micro Analysis," Working Papers PRR44, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Oct 2022.
  49. Julien Gourdon & Wautabouna Ouattara & Chahir Zaki, 2022. "Intégration régionale et zone de libre-échange continentale africaine : espoir d’une croissance durable pour l’économie africaine ?," Post-Print hal-04561527, HAL.
  50. Sabrina Aouici & Anne Lavigne & Lorry Bruttin & Emilio Pitarelli & Anna Suppa & Karima Bouaziz, 2022. "Analyses critiques," Post-Print hal-04143940, HAL.
  51. Mika Vidlund & Antti Mielonen & Niko Väänänen & Anne Lavigne, 2022. "Pension contribution levels and cost-sharing in statutory and occupational pensions: a cross-national study of eight European countries," Working Papers halshs-03902122, HAL.
  52. Anne Lavigne, 2022. "Pension contribution level in France," Working Papers halshs-03902127, HAL.
  53. C Garrouste, 2022. "Competence screening of applicants to high education programs in France: The new challenges raised by the 2021 reform of the Baccalaureate diploma," Post-Print hal-03241762, HAL.
  54. Sébastien Galanti & Aurélien Leroy & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2022. "Investment and access to external finance in Europe: Does analyst coverage matter?," Post-Print hal-03621537, HAL.
  55. Sébastien GALANTI & Ҫiğdem Yilmaz ӦZSOY, 2022. "Digital finance, development and climate change," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2920, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  56. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl, 2022. "The impact of distance on parochial altruism: An experimental investigation," Post-Print hal-03789996, HAL.
  57. Dorian Balvir, 2022. "Fiscal Rules: The imitation game," Working Papers hal-04638871, HAL.
  58. Victoire Girard & Teresa Molina-Millán & Guillaume Vic, 2022. "Artisanal mining in Africa," NOVAFRICA Working Paper Series wp2201, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Nova School of Business and Economics, NOVAFRICA.
  59. Yunzhi Zhang & Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, 2022. "Does new donors' aid affect gross exports and GVC participation differently?," Post-Print hal-03676653, HAL.
  60. Alin Marius Andries & Daniela Balutel, 2022. "The impact of national culture on systemic risk," Post-Print hal-03857156, HAL.


  1. Françoise Drumetz & Christian Pfister, 2021. "The Meaning of MMT," Working papers 833, Banque de France.
  2. Réda Marakbi & Camélia Turcu & Patrick Villieu, 2021. "Institutions’ Impact On The Corruption–Growth Nexus: Nonlinearities And Transmission Channels," Post-Print hal-03268947, HAL.
  3. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu & Marcel Voia, 2021. "Does public debt secure social peace? A diversionary theory of public debt management," Post-Print hal-03528847, HAL.
  4. Alexandru Minea & René Tapsoba & Patrick Villieu, 2021. "Inflation targeting adoption and institutional quality: Evidence from developing countries," Post-Print hal-03557876, HAL.
  5. Maxime Menuet & Hugo Oriola & Patrick Villieu, 2021. "Do Conservative Central Bankers Weaken the Chances of Conservative Politicians?," Working Papers hal-03479411, HAL.
  6. Maxime MENUET & Alexandru MINEA & Patrick VILLIEU & Anastasios XEPAPADEAS, 2021. "Growth, Endogenous Environmental Cycles, and Indeterminacy," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2889, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  7. Askandarou Diallo, & Jacolin Luc, & Isabelle Rabaud., 2021. "Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Private Investment in Sub-Saharan African Countries: Crowding-In or Out ?," Working papers 816, Banque de France.
  8. Volker Nitsch & Isabelle Rabaud, 2021. "Under Attack: Terrorism and International Trade in France, 2014-16," CESifo Working Paper Series 9108, CESifo.
  9. Nitsch, Volker & Rabaud, Isabelle, 2021. "Under attack: Terrorism and international trade in France, 2014–2016," Publications of Darmstadt Technical University, Institute for Business Studies (BWL) 129119, Darmstadt Technical University, Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law, Institute for Business Studies (BWL).
  10. Alexis Direr & Camelia Turcu, 2021. "Développements récents de la science économique," Post-Print hal-03528576, HAL.
  11. Daniel Mirza & Rita Der Sarkisian & Chahir Zaki, 2021. "Geographical Exposure to Conflicts and Firm Performance: Evidence from The MENA Region," Working Papers 1458, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Feb 2021.
  12. Fateh Belaïd & Christophe Rault & Camille Massié, 2021. "A Life-Cycle Analysis of French Household Electricity Demand," CESifo Working Paper Series 8814, CESifo.
  13. Fateh Belaïd & Christophe Rault, 2021. "Energy Expenditure in Egypt: Empirical Evidence Based on a Quantile Regression Approach," CESifo Working Paper Series 8815, CESifo.
  14. Fateh Belaïd & Christophe Rault & Camille Massié, 2021. "A life-cycle theory analysis of French household electricity demand," Post-Print hal-03271505, HAL.
  15. Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh & Sami Ben Naceur & Oussama Kanaan & Christophe Rault, 2021. "Investigating the asymmetric impact of oil prices on GCC stock markets," Post-Print hal-03529868, HAL.
  16. Elena Dumitrescu & Sullivan Hué & Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2021. "Machine Learning or Econometrics for Credit Scoring: Let's Get the Best of Both Worlds," Working Papers hal-02507499, HAL.
  17. Mihai Mutascu, 2021. "Artificial intelligence and unemployment: New insights," Post-Print hal-03528263, HAL.
  18. Claudiu Tiberiu Albulescu & Mihai Ioan Mutascu, 2021. "Fuel price co-movements among France, Germany and Italy: A time-frequency investigation," Post-Print hal-03529585, HAL.
  19. Cosimo Magazzino & Mihai Mutascu & Samuel Asumadu Sarkodie & Festus Fatai Adedoyin & Phebe Asantewaa Owusu, 2021. "Heterogeneous effects of temperature and emissions on economic productivity across climate regimes," Post-Print hal-03529652, HAL.
  20. Cosimo Magazzino & Mihai Mutascu & Marco Mele & Samuel Asumadu Sarkodie, 2021. "Energy consumption and economic growth in Italy: A wavelet analysis," Post-Print hal-03539125, HAL.
  21. Mihai Mutascu & Alexandre Sokic, 2021. "Okun's law in the US: New insights in time and frequency," Post-Print hal-03676246, HAL.
  22. Mihai MUTASCU & Nicolae-Bogdan IANC & ALBERT LESSOUA, 2021. "Public debt and inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa: the case of EMCCA and WAEMU countries," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2909, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  23. Heng Chen & Matthew Strathearn & Marcel Voia, 2021. "Consumer Cash Withdrawal Behaviour: Branch Networks and Online Financial Innovation," Staff Working Papers 21-28, Bank of Canada.
  24. Daniela Balutel & Christopher Henry & Jorge Vásquez & Marcel Voia, 2021. "Bitcoin Adoption and Beliefs in Canada," Staff Working Papers 21-60, Bank of Canada.
  25. J. Stephen Ferris & Bharatee Bhusana Dash & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2021. "Does Income Inequality enter into an Aggregate Model of Voter Turnout? Evidence from Canada and Indian States," Carleton Economic Papers 21-09, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  26. Clément Mathonnat & Alexandru Minea & Marcel Voia, 2021. "Length of Crises and Financial Development [Longueur des crises et développement financier]," Post-Print hal-03509485, HAL.
  27. Lynda Khalaf & Maral Kichian & Charles Saunders & Marcel Voia, 2021. "Dynamic panels with MIDAS covariates: Nonlinearity, estimation and fit," Post-Print hal-03528880, HAL.
  28. Daniela Balutel & Marcel Cristian Voia, 2021. "The effects of bank levies post-financial crisis in Eastern Europe," Post-Print hal-03533212, HAL.
  29. Luke Ignaczak & Louis Raffestin & Marcel Voia, 2021. "Do the determinants of employment duration vary across employment spells?," Post-Print hal-03676565, HAL.
  30. Anand Acharya & Lynda Khalaf & Marcel Voia & Myra Yazbeck & David Wensley, 2021. "Severity of Illness and the Duration of Intensive Care," Working Papers 2021-003, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group.
  31. Alexandru Minea & Camelia Turcu, 2021. "What are the new challenges for the fiscal policy in the Central and Eastern Europe countries? [Quels nouveaux challenges de politique budgétaire en Europe Centrale et de l’Est ?]," Post-Print hal-03509545, HAL.
  32. Makram El-Shagi & Camélia Turcu, 2021. "Monetary, financial and fiscal fragility in 2020s," Post-Print hal-03532496, HAL.
  33. Alexandru Minea & Camélia Turcu, 2021. "New challenges for fiscal policy in Central and Eastern Europe," Post-Print hal-03532521, HAL.
  34. Pedro Cerqueira & Francisco Serranito & Camélia Turcu, 2021. "Policy Challenges for Open Economies," Post-Print hal-03533001, HAL.
  35. Peter Claeys & Helena Sanz-Morales & Camélia Turcu, 2021. "[Guest Editors’ Remarks] Special Theme 2: Asian and European Economic Integration at a Crossroads," Post-Print hal-03537487, HAL.
  36. Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo, 2021. "Does the composition of government spending matter for government bond spreads?," Post-Print hal-02887274, HAL.
  37. Amélie Barbier-Gauchard & Kea Baret & Alexandru Minea, 2021. "National fiscal rules and fiscal discipline in the European Union," Post-Print hal-03160610, HAL.
  38. Weneyam Hippolyte Balima & Alexandru Minea & Cezara Vinturis, 2021. "On the Redistributive Effects of Monetary Policy: Inflation Targeting Adoption and Income Inequality," Post-Print hal-03297106, HAL.
  39. Ablam Estel Apeti & Jean-Louis Combes & Xavier Debrun & Alexandru Minea, 2021. "Did Fiscal Space Foster Covid-19's Fiscal Stimuli ?," Post-Print hal-03351634, HAL.
  40. Amélie Barbier & Kea Baret & Alexandru Minea, 2021. "What are the effects of fiscal rules on fiscal discipline in the European Union? [Quels sont les effets des règles budgétaires sur la discipline budgétaire en Union Européenne ?]," Post-Print hal-03509466, HAL.
  41. Combes,Jean-Louis,Minea,Alexandru,Sawadogo,Pegdewende Nestor, 2021. "Do Illicit Financial Flows Hurt Tax Revenues ? Evidence from the Developing World," Policy Research Working Paper Series 9781, The World Bank.
  42. Carine Meyimdjui & Jean-Louis Combes, 2021. "Food Price Shocks and Household Consumption in Developing Countries: The Role of Fiscal Policy," IMF Working Papers 2021/012, International Monetary Fund.
  43. Jala Youssef & Chahir Zaki, 2021. "On the Determinants and Outcomes of IMF Loans: A Political Economy Approach," Working Papers 1492, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Oct 2021.
  44. Asmaa Ezzat & Chahir Zaki, 2021. "On the Political Economy of Trade Agreements: A De Jure and De Facto Analysis of Institutions," Working Papers 1514, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Dec 2021.
  45. Mouez Fodha & Djamel Kirat & Chahir Zaki, 2021. "On Stranded Assets and Climate Risk: Are Financial Markets the Last Resort?," Working Papers 1526, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Dec 2021.
  46. Aya Elewa & Chahir Zaki, 2021. "Multi-product Firms and Export Skewness: Does Firm Size Matter?," Post-Print hal-04523415, HAL.
  47. Farag, Markos & Zaki, Chahir, 2021. "On the Determinants of Trade in Natural Gas: A Political Economy Approach," EWI Working Papers 2021-8, Energiewirtschaftliches Institut an der Universitaet zu Koeln (EWI).
  48. Christelle Garrouste & Massimo Loi, 2021. "School-to-work transitions in Europe: Paths towards a permanent contract," Working Papers hal-03245376, HAL.
  49. Christelle Garrouste & Cyrille Piatecki & Yvan Stroppa, 2021. "Matching dynamics and optima in a multi-agents labor market setting, 2015," Working Papers hal-03245585, HAL.
  50. Raphaëlle Bellando & Laura-Dona Capota & Sébastien Galanti, 2021. "Bond Fund Fragility: Flow Reactions to Extremely Negative Return Shocks," Post-Print hal-03261778, HAL.
  51. Oana Calavrezo & Lewis Hounkpevi & Florence Journeau & Yoan Robin, 2021. "Use of short-time working scheme during the Covid-19 crisis in France [L’utilisation de l’activité partielle en France pendant la crise de la Covid-19]," Post-Print hal-03474302, HAL.
  52. Marie-Pierre HORY & Grégory LEVIEUGE & Daria ONORI, 2021. "Public spending, currency mismatch and financial frictions," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2873, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  53. Karine Constant & Marion Davin, 2021. "Pollution, children’s health and the evolution of human capital inequality," Erudite Working Paper 2021-02, Erudite.
  54. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef, 2021. "Possible in Economics," Post-Print hal-03536991, HAL.
  55. Matthieu PICAULT & Julien PINTER & Thomas RENAULT, 2021. "Media sentiment on monetary policy: determinants and relevance for inflation expectations," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2895, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  56. Benoit Chèze & Charles Collet & Anthony Paris, 2021. "Estimating discrete choice experiments : theoretical fundamentals," Working Papers hal-03262187, HAL.
  57. Zawojska, Ewa & Gastineau, Pascal & Mahieu, Pierre-Alexandre & Cheze, Benoit & Paris, Anthony, 2021. "Measuring policy consequentiality perceptions in stated preference surveys," 2021 Annual Meeting, August 1-3, Austin, Texas 313977, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
  58. Victoire Girard, 2021. "Stabbed in the back? Mandated political representation and murders," Post-Print hal-03557730, HAL.
  59. Maleke Fourati & Victoire Girard & Jeremy Laurent-Lucchetti, 2021. "Sexual violence as a weapon of war," NOVAFRICA Working Paper Series wp2103, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Nova School of Business and Economics, NOVAFRICA.
  60. Anneliese Krautkraemer & Sonia Schwartz, 2021. "Payment for Environmental Services and pollution tax under imperfect competition," Post-Print hal-03194799, HAL.
  61. Zhe Dai & Yunzhi Zhang & Rui Zhang, 2021. "The Impact of Environmental Regulations on Trade Flows: A Focus on Environmental Goods Listed in APEC and OECD," Post-Print hal-03676612, HAL.
  62. Quentin LAJAUNIE, 2021. "Nonlinear Impulse Response Function for Dichotomous Models," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2852, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  63. Candelon, Bertrand & Hasse, Jean-Baptiste & Lajaunie, Quentin, 2021. "ESG-Washing in the Mutual Funds Industry? From Information Asymmetry to Regulation," LIDAM Reprints LFIN 2021023, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain Finance (LFIN).


  1. Anastasia Melachrinos & Christian Pfister, 2020. "Stablecoins: A Brave New World?," Working papers 757, Banque de France.
  2. Christian Pfister & Jean-Guillaume Sahuc, 2020. "Unconventional Monetary Policies: A Stock-Taking Exercise," Working papers 761, Banque de France.
  3. Pfister Christian, 2020. "The 100% Reserve Reform: Calamity or Opportunity?," Working papers 786, Banque de France.
  4. Luc Arrondel & Dominique Durant & Christian Pfister & Laurent Soulat, 2020. "Pension anticipée et épargne financière des ménages," Post-Print halshs-03166768, HAL.
  5. Luc Arrondel & Jean-Brieux Delbos & Dominique Durant & Christian Pfister & Laurent Soulat, 2020. "Early retirement and household financial savings [Pension anticipée et épargne financière des ménages]," Post-Print halshs-03229960, HAL.
  6. Maxime Menuet & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu & Anastasios Xepapadeas, 2020. "Economic Growth and the Environment: A Theoretical Reappraisal," DEOS Working Papers 2031, Athens University of Economics and Business.
  7. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu, 2020. "Reputation and the “need for enemies”," Post-Print hal-02876593, HAL.
  8. Réda Marakbi & Patrick Villieu, 2020. "Corruption, tax evasion, and seigniorage in a monetary endogenous growth model," Post-Print hal-03130295, HAL.
  9. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu, 2020. "Reputation versus the need for enemies [Réputation versus besoin d'ennemis]," Post-Print hal-03514044, HAL.
  10. Patrick Villieu, 2020. "Préface," Post-Print hal-03573387, HAL.
  11. Maxime MENUET & Patrick VILLIEU, 2020. "L’analyse physiocratique de la monnaie : une réévaluation," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2838, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  12. Alexis Direr, 2020. "Bringing present bias back to the present," Working Papers hal-02133525, HAL.
  13. Alexis Direr, 2020. "Intermittent Discounting," Working Papers hal-02167093, HAL.
  14. Alexis DIRER, 2020. "Efficient scoring of multiple-choice tests," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2752, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  15. Abir Abid & Christophe Rault, 2020. "On the Exchange Rate and Economic Policy Uncertainty Nexus: A Panel VAR Approach for Emerging Markets," CESifo Working Paper Series 8189, CESifo.
  16. Abir ABID & Christophe RAULT, 2020. "On the Exchange Rates Volatility and Economic Policy Uncertainty Nexus: A Panel VAR Approach for Emerging Markets," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2816, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  17. Abir ABID & Christophe RAULT, 2020. "On the Exchange Rates Volatility and Economic Policy Uncertainty Nexus: A Panel VAR Approach for Emerging Markets," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2894, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  18. Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2020. "Reproducibility Certification in Economics Research," Working Papers hal-02896404, HAL.
  19. Albert Lessoua & Mihai Mutascu & Camélia Turcu, 2020. "Firm Performance and Exports: Evidence from the Romanian Wine Industry," Post-Print hal-03529481, HAL.
  20. Camélia TURCU & Mihai MUTASCU & Albert LESSOUA, 2020. "Firms’ Performance and Exports: The Case of Romanian Winemakers," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2747, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  21. Stephen J. Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2020. "What aggregate data can tell us about voter turnout in Canada; did changes in the distribution of income matter?," Carleton Economic Papers 20-18, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  22. Wen Ci & Michelle Laing & Marcel Voia & Christopher Worswick, 2020. "Immigrant earnings returns to post‐migration education: Evidence for Canada, 1999–2013," Post-Print hal-03529693, HAL.
  23. J Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2020. "Political parties in Canada: What determines entry, exit and the duration of their lives?," Post-Print hal-03539222, HAL.
  24. Stephen FERRIS & Marcel-Cristian VOIA, 2020. "Elections, Economic Outcomes and Policy Choices in Canada: 1870 - 2015," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2812, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  25. Luke IGNACZAK & Louis RAFFESTIN & Marcel-Cristian VOIA, 2020. "Duration Dependence in employment: Evidence across multiple spells," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2813, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  26. Valentina-Ioana Mera & Monica Ioana Pop Silaghi & Camélia Turcu, 2020. "Economic Sentiments and Money Demand Stability in the CEECs," Post-Print hal-03528904, HAL.
  27. Inma Martínez-Zarzoso & Christian Oberst & Camélia Turcu, 2020. "Introduction: special issue on the environment, resources and pollution – new challenges for economic development," Post-Print hal-03529194, HAL.
  28. Camelia Turcu & Yunzhi Zhang, 2020. "How Does Development Aid Impact Trade Performance and Margins? Evidence from China," Working Papers 2020.05, International Network for Economic Research - INFER.
  29. Hendrik Kruse & Thais Nunez Rocha & Camelia Turcu, 2020. "Infrastructure aid for resource trade? The crossroads of strategy and sustainable development," Working Papers 2020.06, International Network for Economic Research - INFER.
  30. Arrouna Keita & Camelia Turcu, 2020. "Natural Resource Discoveries and Fiscal Discipline," Working Papers 2020.07, International Network for Economic Research - INFER.
  31. Nicolae-Bogdan IANC & Camélia TURCU, 2020. "So alike, yet so different: comparing fiscal multipliers across EU members and candidates," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2792, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  32. Jean-Louis Combes & Xavier Debrun & Alexandru Minea & Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo & Cezara Vinturis, 2020. "Can fiscal rules curb income inequality?," Post-Print hal-03062727, HAL.
  33. Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo, 2020. "Composition of Government Spending and the Cost of Sovereign Borrowing [Composition des dépenses publiques et coût de l'emprunt souverain]," Post-Print hal-03513896, HAL.
  34. Mohamed Boly & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel, 2020. "How much does environment pay for politicians?," CERDI Working papers halshs-01845067, HAL.
  35. Alexandra T. Tapsoba & Pascale Combes Motel & Jean-Louis Combes, 2020. "Youth resentment and violence: evidence from Burkina Faso," HiCN Working Papers 335, Households in Conflict Network.
  36. Jean-Louis Combes & Mary-Françoise Renard & Shuo Shi, 2020. "Have unequal treaties fostered domestic market integration in Late Imperial China ?," CERDI Working papers hal-02619286, HAL.
  37. Amal Hamada & Melike Sökmen & Chahir Zaki, 2020. "Investigating The Libyan Conflict and Peace-Building Process: Past Causes and Future Prospects," Working Papers 1383, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Mar 2020.
  38. Ibrahim El-Badawi & Hosam Ibrahim & Chahir Zaki, 2020. "Civil War Onset, Natural Resource Rents and Social Cohesion," Working Papers 1401, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Sep 2020.
  39. Dina Kassab & Chahir Zaki, 2020. "Agree to Disagree? Making Sense of Vagueness in International Environmental Agreements," Working Papers 1405, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Oct 2020.
  40. Fida Karam & Chahir Zaki, 2020. "On Women Participation and Empowerment in InternationalTrade: Impact on Trade Margins in the MENA Region," Working Papers 1425, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Nov 2020.
  41. Rym AYADI & Giorgia GIOVANNETTI & Enrico MARVASI & Chahir ZAKI, 2020. "Global Value Chains and the Productivity of Firms in MENA countries: Does Connectivity Matter?," Working Papers - Economics wp2020_03.rdf, Universita' degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa.
  42. Marion Dovis & Chahir Zaki, 2020. "Global Value Chains and Local Business Environments: Which Factors Really Matter in Developing Countries?," Post-Print hal-03123185, HAL.
  43. Mohieldin,Mahmoud & Rostom,Ahmed Mohamed Tawfick & Zaki,Chahir, 2020. "The External Wealth of Arab Nations : Structure, Trends, and Policy Implications," Policy Research Working Paper Series 9103, The World Bank.
  44. Anne Lavigne, 2020. "Уровень Жизни Пенсионеров, Механизмы Поддержки Социальной Солидарности И Обеспечения Равенства Между Мужчинами И Женщинами С Точки Зрения Пенсий Во Франции," Post-Print halshs-03902139, HAL.
  45. Michela Braga & Daniele Checchi & Francesco Scervini & Christelle Garrouste, 2020. "Selecting or rewarding teachers? International evidence from primary schools," Post-Print hal-03241671, HAL.
  46. Oana CALAVREZO & Lewis HOUNKPEVI & Florence JOURNEAU & Marie-Hélène NGUYEN, 2020. "L’utilisation de l’activité partielle durant la crise de la Covid-19 : une analyse empirique entre mars et mai 2020," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2804, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  47. Oana Calavrezo & Lewis Hounkpevi & Florence Journeau & Yoann Robin, 2020. "L’utilisation de l’activité partielle en France pendant la crise de la Covid-19 : Une analyse empirique sous l’angle du genre," Post-Print hal-03676166, HAL.
  48. Sébastien Galanti & Françoise Le Quéré, 2020. "Industrie de la gestion d'actifs : de l'émergence à l'apparition de nouveaux risques," Post-Print hal-03529738, HAL.
  49. Sébastien Galanti & Anne-Gael Vaubourg, 2020. "Unbundling financial services: The case of brokerage and investment research," Post-Print hal-03554514, HAL.
  50. Francesco MAGRIS & Daria ONORI, 2020. "Taylor and fiscal rules: when do they stabilize the economy?," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2746, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  51. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Nina Rapoport, 2020. "Voluntary contributions in cascades: The tragedy of ill-informed leadership," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-02977853, HAL.
  52. Matthieu Picault & Louis Raffestin, 2020. "The other side of forward guidance: Are central banks constrained by financial markets?," Post-Print hal-03533307, HAL.
  53. Aurore BURIETZ & Matthieu PICAULT, 2020. "Lenders’ asymmetric reaction to the ECB’s non-standard policies in the syndicated loan market," Working Papers 2020-ACF-03, IESEG School of Management.
  54. Anthony PARIS & Pascal GASTINEAU & Pierre-Alexandre MAHIEU & Benoît CHEZE, 2020. "Citizen involvement in the energy transition: Highlighting the role played by the spatial heterogeneity of preferences in the public acceptance of biofuels," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2828, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  55. Ophélie Couperier & Jérémy Leymarie, 2020. "Backtesting Expected Shortfall via Multi-Quantile Regression," Working Papers halshs-01909375, HAL.
  56. Victoire Girard & Nicolas Berman & Mathieu Couttenier, 2020. "Natural resources and the salience of ethnic identities," NOVAFRICA Working Paper Series wp2007, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Nova School of Business and Economics, NOVAFRICA.
  57. Girard, Victoire & Kudebayeva, Alma & Toews, Gerhard, 2020. "Inflated Expectations and Commodity Prices: Evidence from Kazakhstan," GLO Discussion Paper Series 469, Global Labor Organization (GLO), revised 2020.
  58. Damien Sans & Sonia Schwartz & Hubert Stahn, 2020. "Environmental services and market power [Services environnementaux et pouvoir de marché]," Post-Print hal-03513852, HAL.
  59. Yunzhi Zhang, 2020. "Free trade and the environment – evidence from Chinese cities," Post-Print hal-03676122, HAL.
  60. Jean-Baptiste Hasse & Quentin Lajaunie, 2020. "Does the Yield Curve Signal Recessions? New Evidence from an International Panel Data Analysis," Working Papers halshs-02549044, HAL.
  61. Alin Marius Andries & Daniela Balutel & Iulian Ihnatov & Silviu Gabriel Ursu, 2020. "The nexus between corporate governance, risk taking, and growth," Post-Print hal-03557687, HAL.


  1. Sanvi Avouyi-Dovi & Christian Pfister & Franck Sédillot, 2019. "French Households’ Portfolio: The Financial Almost Ideal Demand System Appraisal," Working papers 728, Banque de France.
  2. Christian Pfister, 2019. "Central Bank Digital Currency:One, Two or None?," Working papers 732, Banque de France.
  3. Maxime Menuet & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2019. "The Peril of Fiscal Rules," Post-Print hal-02314996, HAL.
  4. Maxime Menuet & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2019. "Increasing Returns, Balanced-Budget Rules, and Aggregate Fluctuations," Post-Print hal-02315041, HAL.
  5. Maxime Menuet & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2019. "Endogenous fluctuations and the balanced - budget rule: taxes versus spending - based adjustment," Post-Print hal-02315146, HAL.
  6. Mohamed Boly & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel & Maxime Menuet & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2019. "Public debt versus Environmental debt: What are the relevant Tradeoffs?," Post-Print hal-02315163, HAL.
  7. Alexandru Minea & Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu, 2019. "Public Debt, Fiscal Space and Endogenous Growth Cycles," Post-Print hal-02315201, HAL.
  8. Maxime Menuet & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2019. "Fiscal Space and Endogenous Growth Cycles," Post-Print hal-02359057, HAL.
  9. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu, 2019. "Contraintes de liquidité, croissance et inégalités," Post-Print hal-02397574, HAL.
  10. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu, 2019. "Faut-il détruire les ennemis de nos adversaires ? Besoin d’ennemis et réputation dans un conflit électoral," Post-Print hal-03573337, HAL.
  11. Patrick Villieu, 2019. "Macroéconomie : l’investissement," Post-Print hal-03573359, HAL.
  12. Maxime Menuet & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2019. "Budget Rules, Distortionnary Taxes, and Aggregate Instability: A reappraisal," Working Papers hal-02153856, HAL.
  13. Hajare El Hadri & Daniel Mirza & Isabelle Rabaud, 2019. "Natural Disasters and Countries' Exports: New Insights from a New (and an Old) Database," Post-Print hal-02411650, HAL.
  14. Nathalie Avallone & Séverine Chédor & Isabelle Rabaud, 2019. "Les déterminants du commerce international de technologie incorporelle : une approche par les équations de gravité," Post-Print hal-03531087, HAL.
  15. Alexis Direr & Rim Ennajar-Sayadi, 2019. "How price-elastic is the demand for retirement saving?," Post-Print halshs-02492600, HAL.
  16. Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Thouraya Hadj Amor & Ridha Nouira & Christophe Rault, 2019. "Political Risk and Real Exchange Rate: What can we Learn from Recent Developments in Panel Data Econometrics for Emerging and Developing Countries?," CESifo Working Paper Series 7443, CESifo.
  17. NIDHALEDDINE BEN CHEIKH & SAMI BEN NACEUR & OUSSAMA KANAAN & Christophe RAULT, 2019. "Oil Prices and GCC Stock Markets: New Evidence from Vector Smooth Transition Models," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2697, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  18. Denisa Banulescu & Christophe Hurlin & Jeremy Leymarie & O. Scaillet, 2019. "Backtesting Marginal Expected Shortfall and Related Systemic Risk Measures," Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper Series 19-48, Swiss Finance Institute.
  19. Sylvain Benoît & Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2019. "Pitfalls in systemic-risk scoring," Post-Print hal-02292305, HAL.
  20. Christophe Pérignon & Kamel Gadouche & Christophe Hurlin & Roxane Silberman & Eric Debonnel, 2019. "Certify reproducibility with confidential data," Post-Print hal-03528358, HAL.
  21. Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2019. "Machine learning et nouvelles sources de données pour le scoring de crédit," Post-Print hal-03532418, HAL.
  22. Christophe Hurlin & Grégoire Iseli & Christophe Pérignon & Stanley Yeung, 2019. "The counterparty risk exposure of ETF investors," Post-Print hal-03579305, HAL.
  23. Sylvain Benoît & Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2019. "A Theoretical and Empirical Comparison of Systemic Risk Measures," Working Papers hal-02292323, HAL.
  24. J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Christian Voia, 2019. "Elections, Economic Outcomes and Policy in Canada: 1870 - 2015," Carleton Economic Papers 19-11, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  25. Gubhinder Kundhi & Marcel Voia, 2019. "Bootstrap bias correction for average treatment effects with inverse propensity weights," Post-Print hal-03537536, HAL.
  26. Marcel-Cristian Voia & Thi Hong Thinh Doan, 2019. "What We Should Know About House Reconstruction Costs?," Post-Print hal-03539386, HAL.
  27. Cristina Badarau & Camelia Turcu, 2019. "New insights into macro-financial stability and welfare," Post-Print hal-03270999, HAL.
  28. Cândida Ferreira & Camélia Turcu, 2019. "Recent challenges of the European integration: an introduction," Post-Print hal-03533129, HAL.
  29. Thais Nunez-Rocha & Camélia Turcu, 2019. "Trade in Fuels and Environmental Regulation: A Two-Sided Story," Post-Print insu-02312442, HAL.
  30. Kady Keita & Camelia Turcu, 2019. "How to limit fiscal procyclicality: the role of exchange rate regimes, fiscal rules and institutions," Working Papers 2019.01, International Network for Economic Research - INFER.
  31. Camelia Turcu & Yunzhi Zhang, 2019. "Does one good deserve another? Evidence from China’s trade and aid policy," Working Papers 2019.02, International Network for Economic Research - INFER.
  32. Nicolae-Bogdan Ianc & Camelia Turcu, 2019. "So alike, yet so different: comparing fiscal multipliers across E(M)U candidates," Working Papers 2019.03, International Network for Economic Research - INFER.
  33. Keita,Kady Synthia & Turcu,Camelia, 2019. "On Promoting Fiscal Discipline : The Role of Exchange Rate Regimes, Fiscal Rules and Institutions," Policy Research Working Paper Series 8964, The World Bank.
  34. Bédhat Jean-Marc Atsebi & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea, 2019. "The trade costs of financial crises," CERDI Working papers halshs-01990335, HAL.
  35. Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo, 2019. "Does the composition of government expenditures matter for sovereign bond spreads' evolution in developing countries?," CERDI Working papers halshs-02019063, HAL.
  36. Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo, 2019. "Assessing the effects of combating illicit financial flows on domestic tax revenue mobilization in developing countries," CERDI Working papers halshs-02019073, HAL.
  37. Moulaye Bamba & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea, 2019. "The effects of fiscal consolidations on the composition of government spending," CERDI Working papers halshs-02043892, HAL.
  38. Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Cezara Vinturis & Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo, 2019. "Can fiscal rules curb income inequality? Evidence from developing countries," CERDI Working papers halshs-02423126, HAL.
  39. Dorina Lazăr & Alexandru Minea & Alexandra-Anca Purcel, 2019. "Pollution and economic growth: Evidence from Central and Eastern European countries," Post-Print hal-03182346, HAL.
  40. Amelie BARBIER-GAUCHARD & Kea BARET & Alexandru MINEA, 2019. "National Fiscal Rules Adoption and Fiscal Discipline in the European Union," Working Papers of BETA 2019-40, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  41. Pascale Combes Motel & Bocar Samba Ba & Sonia Schwartz, 2019. "Challenging pollution and the balance problem from rare earth extraction: How recycling and environmental taxation matter," CERDI Working papers halshs-02065976, HAL.
  42. Sonia Schwartz & Johanna Choumert-Nkolo & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel & Éric Nazindigouba Kere, 2019. "On the optimal setting of protected areas," CERDI Working papers halshs-02082753, HAL.
  43. Bénédicte Niel & Yann Laurans & Renaud Lapeyre & Pascale Combes Motel & Jean-Louis Combes, 2019. "Why do anti-deforestation policies succeed or fail? Review of the Theory of Change emerging from the existing literature," CERDI Working papers halshs-02090658, HAL.
  44. Alexandra T Tapsoba & Pascale Combes Motel & Jean-Louis Combes, 2019. "Remittances, food security and climate variability: The case of Burkina Faso," CERDI Working papers halshs-02364775, HAL.
  45. Ariane Amin & Johanna Choumert-Nkolo & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel & Eric N. Kéré & Jean-Galbert Ongono-Olinga & Sonia Schwartz, 2019. "Neighborhood effects in the Brazilian Amazônia: Protected areas and deforestation," Post-Print hal-01951359, HAL.
  46. Pascale Combes Motel & Jean-Louis Combes & Sonia Schwartz, 2019. "Les aires protégées, un moyen efficace de lutte contre la déforestation tropicale?," Post-Print hal-04093814, HAL.
  47. Pascale Combes Motel & Jean-Louis Combes, 2019. "Et si c’était le réchauffement climatique qui provoquait la stagnation séculaire?," Post-Print hal-04094063, HAL.
  48. Jean-Louis Combes & Mary-Françoise Renard & Sampawende J.-A. Tapsoba, 2019. "Provincial public expenditure in China: a tale of pro-cyclicality," Post-Print hal-01727900, HAL.
  49. Hippolyte Wenéyam Balima & Jean-Louis Combes, 2019. "Remittances and bond yield spreads in emerging market economies," Post-Print hal-01990352, HAL.
  50. Jean-Louis Combes & Tidiane Kinda & Rasmané Ouedraogo & Patrick Plane, 2019. "Financial flows and economic growth in developing countries," Post-Print hal-02074268, HAL.
  51. Fida Karam & Chahir Zaki, 2019. "A New Dawn for MENA Firms: Service Trade Liberalization for More Competitive Exports," Working Papers 1296, Economic Research Forum, revised 2019.
  52. Jala Youssef & Chahir Zaki, 2019. "A Decade of Competition Policy in Arab Countries: A De jure and De facto Assessment," Working Papers 1301, Economic Research Forum, revised 2019.
  53. Jala Youssef & Chahir Zaki, 2019. "Between Stabilization and Allocation in the MENA Region: Are Competition Laws Helping?," Working Papers 1319, Economic Research Forum, revised 21 Aug 2019.
  54. Youssef,Hoda & Zaki,Chahir, 2019. "From Currency Depreciation to Trade Reform : How to Take Egyptian Exports to New Levels?," Policy Research Working Paper Series 8809, The World Bank.
  55. Anne Lavigne, 2019. "Quelle réforme pour la réversion en France ?," Post-Print halshs-03902064, HAL.
  56. Christophe Albert & Anne Lavigne, 2019. "The French pension system," Post-Print halshs-03903377, HAL.
  57. Hodonou Dannon & Chrysost Bangake & Jude Eggoh, 2019. "Structure de marché et performance économique des institutions de microfinance dans l’UEMOA : cas du Bénin et du Togo," Post-Print hal-02504798, HAL.
  58. Raphaëlle BELLANDO & Laura-Dona CAPOTA & Sébastien GALANTI, 2019. "The impact of return shocks on mutual funds’ flows: an empirical study of French bond mutual funds," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2730, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  59. Grégory Levieuge & Yannick Lucotte & Florian Pradines-Jobet, 2019. "The Cost of Banking Crises: Does the Policy Framework Matter?," Working papers 712, Banque de France.
  60. Sylvain Benoît & Yannick Lucotte & Sébastien Ringuedé, 2019. "Competition and price stickiness: Evidence from the French retail gasoline market," Working Papers hal-02292332, HAL.
  61. Juan Carlos Cuestas & Nicolas Reigl & Yannick Lucotte, 2019. "The evolution and heterogeneity of credit procyclicality in Central and Eastern Europe," Bank of Estonia Working Papers wp2019-03, Bank of Estonia, revised 01 Nov 2019.
  62. Karine Constant & Marion Davin, 2019. "Environmental Policy and Growth when Environmental Awareness is Endogenous," Post-Print hal-01944466, HAL.
  63. Karine Constant, 2019. "Environmental policy and human capital inequality: A matter of life and death," Post-Print hal-03148461, HAL.
  64. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Constance Monnier-Schlumberger, 2019. "Lutte contre les cartels : Comment dissuader les têtes brûlées ?," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-02123622, HAL.
  65. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl, 2019. "Social Distance and Parochial Altruism: An Experimental Study," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-02135633, HAL.
  66. Vincent Bignon & Régis Breton & Mariana Rojas Breu, 2019. "Currency union with or without banking union," Post-Print hal-02313956, HAL.
  67. Valérie Mignon & Margaux Escoffier & Emmanuel Hache & Anthony Paris, 2019. "Determinants of investments in solar photovoltaic: Do oil prices really matter?," EconomiX Working Papers 2019-28, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  68. Margaux ESCOFFIER & Emmanuel HACHE & Valérie MIGNON & Anthony PARIS, 2019. "Determinants of solar photovoltaic deployment in the electricity mix: Do oil prices really matter?," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2729, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  69. Damien Sans & Sonia Schwartz & Hubert Stahn, 2019. "On Outsourced Abatement Services: Market Power and Efficient Regulation," Post-Print hal-02477911, HAL.
  70. Naceur, Sami Ben & Candelon, Bertrand & Lajaunie, Quentin, 2019. "Taming financial development to reduce crises," LIDAM Reprints LFIN 2019005, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain Finance (LFIN).


  1. Christian Pfister, 2018. "(Real-)Time Is Money," Working papers 675, Banque de France.
  2. Christian Pfister, Natacha Valla, 2018. "‘New Normal’ or ‘New Orthodoxy’? Elements of a Central Banking Framework for the After-Crisis," Working papers 680, Banque de France.
  3. Christian Pfister, 2018. "Taxation of Savings and Portfolio Choices of French Households," Working papers 699, Banque de France.
  4. Maxime Menuet & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2018. "Deficit, monetization, and economic growth: a case for multiplicity and indeterminacy," Post-Print hal-01682711, HAL.
  5. Thierry Baudassé & Rémi Bazillier & Isabelle Rabaud, 2018. "Introduction: quels liens entre migrations et institutions," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-02348625, HAL.
  6. Thierry Baudassé & Thierry Montalieu & Isabelle Rabaud, 2018. "Une approche institutionnelle du lien migration et commerce de services," Post-Print hal-03535108, HAL.
  7. Hajare El Hadri & Daniel Mirza & Isabelle Rabaud, 2018. "Why Natural Disasters Might Not Lead to a Fall in Exports in Developing Countries?," Working Papers hal-02411652, HAL.
  8. Alexis Direr & Éric Yayi, 2018. "La stratégie de désinvestissement graduel des marchés financiers sécurise-t-elle réellement l’épargne ?," Post-Print hal-03530141, HAL.
  9. Klaus Abbink & David Masclet & Daniel Mirza, 2018. "Inequality and inter-group conflicts: experimental evidence," Post-Print halshs-01684004, HAL.
  10. José de Sousa & Daniel Mirza & Thierry Verdier, 2018. "Terror networks and trade: Does the neighbor hurt?," Post-Print halshs-01887082, HAL.
  11. Daniel MIRZA & Francesco MAGRIS & Rémi BAZILLIER, 2018. "Open Border Policies and the Exit of Migrants: Theory and Evidence from EU and Schengen Agreements," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2610, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  12. Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh & Sami Ben Naceur & Oussama Kanaan & Christophe Rault, 2018. "Oil Prices and GCC Stock Markets: New Evidence from Smooth Transition Models," CESifo Working Paper Series 7072, CESifo.
  13. Ridha Nouira & Thouraya Hadj Amor & Christophe Rault, 2018. "Oil Price Fluctuations and Exchange Rate Dynamics in the MENA Region: Evidence from Non-Causality-in- Variance and Asymmetric Non-Causality Tests," CESifo Working Paper Series 7201, CESifo.
  14. Jérémy Leymarie & Christophe Hurlin & Antoine Patin, 2018. "Loss Functions for LGD Models Comparison," Post-Print hal-01923050, HAL.
  15. Mihai Mutascu, 2018. "G7 countries: between trade openness and CO2 emissions," Post-Print hal-03555446, HAL.
  16. Albert Lessoua & Mihai Mutascu & Camélia Turcu, 2018. "Financial performance and exports: the case of Romanian winemakers," Working Papers 2018.07, International Network for Economic Research - INFER.
  17. Zhiqi Chen & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2018. "Short-Term and Long-Term Margins of International Trade: Evidence from the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement -forthcoming in Frontiers of Economics in China," Carleton Economic Papers 18-01, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  18. Zhiqiang Chen & Marcel Cristian Voia, 2018. "Short-Term and Long-Term Margins of International Trade: Evidence from the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement," Post-Print hal-03554381, HAL.
  19. Leonard Sabetti & David Jacho-Chávez & Robert Petrunia & Marcel Voia, 2018. "Tail Risk in a Retail Payments System," Post-Print hal-03573058, HAL.
  20. Pedro Cerqueira & Monica Ioana Pop Silaghi & Andreea Stoian & Camelia Turcu, 2018. "Perspectives on Financial, Monetary, and Economic Developments in Eastern Europe," Post-Print hal-03532976, HAL.
  21. Valentina-Ioana Mera & Camelia Turcu & Monica Ioana Pop Silaghi, 2018. "Economic uncertainty and money demand stability in the CEECs," Working Papers 2018.08, International Network for Economic Research - INFER.
  22. Arauzo Carod, Josep Maria & Coll Martínez, Eva & Turcu, Camelia, 2018. "Where New Creative Industries Locate? Evidence from French Departments," Working Papers 2072/307042, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Department of Economics.
  23. Clément Mathonnat & Alexandru Minea, 2018. "Forms of Democracies and Macroeconomic Volatility: An Exploration of the Political Institutions Black-Box," Post-Print hal-01903680, HAL.
  24. Hippolyte Wenéyam Balima & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea, 2018. "The “Dark Side” Of Credit Default Swaps Initiation: A Close Look At Sovereign Debt Crises," Post-Print hal-01951351, HAL.
  25. Clément Mathonnat & Alexandru Minea, 2018. "Financial development and the occurrence of banking crises," Post-Print hal-02072363, HAL.
  26. Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel & Philippe Delacote & Thierry Urbain Yogo, 2018. "Public spending, credit and natural capital: Does access to capital foster deforestation?," Working Papers 1806, Chaire Economie du climat.
  27. Johanna Choumert Nkolo & Pascale Combes Motel & Charlain Guegang Djimeli, 2018. "Income-generating Effects of Biofuel Policies: A Meta-analysis of the CGE Literature," Post-Print hal-01700830, HAL.
  28. Pierre Raphaël Bertrand & Jean-Louis Combes & Marie-Eliette Dury & Doha Hadouni & Sergio Bianchi, 2018. "Overfitting of Hurst estimators for multifractional Brownian motion: A fitting test advocating simple models," Post-Print hal-01816206, HAL.
  29. Jean-Louis Combes & Mahamat Hamit-Haggar & Sonia Schwartz, 2018. "A multilevel analysis of the determinants of willingness to pay to prevent environmental pollution across countries," Post-Print hal-01870980, HAL.
  30. Chahir Zaki & Raimundo Soto & Ibrahim El Badawi, 2018. "Sovereign Wealth Funds, Cross-Border Investment Bias and Institutions: The Case of Arab Countries2," Working Papers 1173, Economic Research Forum, revised 25 Mar 2008.
  31. Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso & Mona Said & Chahir Zaki, 2018. "Trade Policy and Input Liberalization: The Effect on Egyptian Firms’ Productivity," Working Papers 1238, Economic Research Forum, revised 14 Oct 2018.
  32. Karim Badr & Reham Rizk & Chahir Zaki, 2018. "Firm Productivity and Agglomeration Economies: Evidence from Egyptian Data," Working Papers 1239, Economic Research Forum, revised 15 Oct 2018.
  33. Marion Dovis & Chahir Zaki, 2018. "Global Value Chains and Business Environment: Which Factors Do Really Matter?," Working Papers 1270, Economic Research Forum, revised 19 Dec 2018.
  34. Jude Eggoh & Chrysost Bangake & Gervasio Semedo, 2018. "Do remittances spur economic growth? Evidence from developing countries," Post-Print hal-02107277, HAL.
  35. Joseph G. Attila & Chrysost Bangake & Jude Eggoh & Gervasio Semedo, 2018. "Les transferts de fonds des migrants influencent-ils la qualité des institutions dans les pays récipiendaires ?," Post-Print hal-02107263, HAL.
  36. Sébastien Galanti & Zahra Ben Braham & Raphaëlle Bellando, 2018. "Les recommandations sur actions des analystes financiers sont-elles informatives et profitables ? Application à un marché frontière," Post-Print hal-01724265, HAL.
  37. Sébastien Galanti, 2018. "Risques Financiers. Mesures et conséquences," Post-Print hal-01724259, HAL.
  38. Marie-Pierre HORY & Grégory LEVIEUGE & Daria ONORI, 2018. "The (low) fiscal multiplier when debt is denominated in foreign currency," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2583, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  39. Olessia CAILLÉ & Daria ONORI, 2018. "Conditional Risk-Based Portfolio," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2629, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  40. Nicolas Clootens & Djamel Kirat, 2018. "Threshold Regressions for the Resource Curse," Working Papers halshs-01944214, HAL.
  41. Sessi Tokpavi & Christophe Boucher, 2018. "Stocks and Bonds: Flight-to-Safety for Ever?," EconomiX Working Papers 2018-39, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  42. Sullivan HUE & Yannick LUCOTTE & Sessi TOKPAVI, 2018. "Measuring network systemic risk contributions: A leave-one-out approach," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2708, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  43. Karine Constant & Marion Davin, 2018. "Unequal vulnerability to climate change and the transmission of adverse effects through international trade," Working Papers 2018.01, FAERE - French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
  44. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Constance Monnier, 2018. "Une évaluation expérimentale des dispositifs de lutte contre les cartels," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-02065222, HAL.
  45. Cristina Jude, 2018. "Does FDI crowd out domestic investment in transition countries?," Working papers 695, Banque de France.
  46. Emmanuel Hache & Anthony Paris, 2018. "Market Efficiency and Optimal Hedging Strategy for the US Ethanol Market," EconomiX Working Papers 2018-6, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  47. Anthony Paris, 2018. "On the link between oil and agricultural commodity prices: Do biofuels matter?," Post-Print hal-01676917, HAL.
  48. Olessia Caillé & Louis Raffestin, 2018. "Cross-asset holdings and the resiliency of wholesale funding," Working Papers hal-01973120, HAL.
  49. Rémi BAZILLIER & Victoire GIRARD, 2018. "The Gold Digger and the Machine: Evidence on the Distributive Effect of the Artisanal and Industrial Gold Rushes in Burkina Faso," Working Paper dd84b95c-5588-4303-a749-d, Agence française de développement.
  50. Victoire Girard, 2018. "Don’t Touch My Road. Evidence from India on Affirmative Action And Everyday Discrimination," Post-Print hal-03528872, HAL.
  51. Michel Mougeot & Sonia Schwartz, 2018. "A Discriminatory Mechanism to Reduce Urban Congestion," Post-Print hal-01797958, HAL.
  52. CANDELON Bertrand, & HASSE Jean-Baptiste, & LAJAUNIE Quentin,, 2018. "SRI: Truths and lies," LIDAM Discussion Papers CORE 2018034, Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE).


  1. C. Pfister, 2017. "Monetary Policy and Digital Currencies: Much Ado about Nothing?," Working papers 642, Banque de France.
  2. Maxime MENUET & Alexandru MINEA & Patrick VILLIEU, 2017. "Public Debt, Endogenous Growth Cycles and Indeterminacy," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2467, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  3. Hajare EL HADRI & Daniel MIRZA & Isabelle RABAUD, 2017. "Natural Disasters and Countries' Exports: New Insights from a New (and an Old Database)," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2503, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  4. Andrea Ariu & Elena Biewen & Sven Blank & Guillaume Gaulier & María Jesús González & Philipp Meinen & Daniel Mirza & César Martín Machuca & Patry Tello, 2017. "Firm heterogeneity and aggregate business services exports: micro evidence from Belgium, France, Germany and Spain," Working Papers 1735, Banco de España.
  5. Rémi Bazillier & Francesco Magris & Daniel Mirza, 2017. "Out-migration and economic cycles," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-01375656, HAL.
  6. Catherine Bros & Alain Desdoigts & Hugues Kouassi Kouadio, 2017. "Land Tenure Insecurity as an Investment Incentive: The Case of Migrant Cocoa Farmers and Settlers in Ivory Coast," Working Papers DT/2017/12, DIAL (Développement, Institutions et Mondialisation).
  7. Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh & Christophe Rault, 2017. "Investigating First-Stage Exchange Rate Pass-Through: Sectoral and Macro Evidence from Euro Area Countries," CESifo Working Paper Series 6366, CESifo.
  8. Nidhaleddine BEN_CHEIKH & Christophe RAULT, 2017. "Investigating First-Stage Exchange Rate Pass-Through: Sectoral and Macro Evidence From Euro Area Countries," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2472, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  9. Christophe Hurlin & Sébastien Laurent & Rogier Quaedvlieg & Stephan Smeekes, 2017. "Risk Measure Inference," Post-Print hal-01457393, HAL.
  10. Sylvain Benoît & Jean-Edouard Colliard & Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2017. "Where the Risks Lie: A Survey on Systemic Risk," Post-Print hal-01498631, HAL.
  11. Régis Breton & Sébastien Galanti & Christophe Hurlin & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2017. "La relation firme-analyste explique-t-elle les erreurs de prévision des analystes ?," Post-Print hal-01724249, HAL.
  12. Jorge Cruz Lopez & Jeffrey Harris & Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2017. "CoMargin," Post-Print hal-03579309, HAL.
    • Jorge A. Cruz Lopez & Jeffrey H. Harris & Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2015. "CoMargin," Working Papers halshs-00979440, HAL.
  13. Mihai Mutascu, 2017. "The tax–spending nexus: evidence from Romania using wavelet analysis," Post-Print hal-03534738, HAL.
  14. Mihai Mutascu & Aurora Murgea, 2017. "Globalization and financial performances in French cosmetic industry," Working Papers halshs-01504099, HAL.
  15. Hossein Kavand & Macel Voia, 2017. "The Vuong test for nonnested models," Canadian Stata Users' Group Meetings 2017 07, Stata Users Group.
  16. Anand Acharya & Lynda Khalaf & Marcel Voia & Myra Yazbeck & David Wensley, 2017. "Simulation-based robust IV inference for lifetime data," Canadian Stata Users' Group Meetings 2017 15, Stata Users Group.
  17. Luke Ignaczak & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2017. "Duration Dependence in Employment: Evidence From the Last Half of the 20th Century," Carleton Economic Papers 17-01, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  18. Jean-Thomas Bernard & Ba Chu & Lynda Khalaf & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2017. "Non-standard Confidence Sets for Ratios and Tipping Points with Applications to Dynamic Panel Data," Carleton Economic Papers 17-05, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  19. J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2017. "Is the Aggregate Size of Government in Canada Too Large?," Post-Print hal-03529902, HAL.
  20. Marcel Voia & Wen Ci & Michael Haan, 2017. "Love, Money, Location: The Interconnectedness Of Marital Status, Income, And Location Choice Of Immigrants To British Columbia, Canada," Post-Print hal-03531151, HAL.
  21. Kim Huynh & Marcel Voia, 2017. "Mixed proportional hazard models with continuous finite mixture unobserved heterogeneity: an application to Canadian firm survival," Post-Print hal-03532476, HAL.
  22. Huntley Schaller & Marcel Voia, 2017. "Panel Cointegration Estimates of the Effect of Interest Rates, Capital Goods Prices, and Taxes on the Capital Stock," Post-Print hal-03532961, HAL.
  23. Kim Huynh & Yuri Ostrovsky & Robert Petrunia & Marcel Voia, 2017. "Industry shutdown rates and permanent layoffs: evidence from firm-worker matched data," Post-Print hal-03573064, HAL.
  24. Alexandra Popescu & Camélia Turcu, 2017. "Sovereign debt and systemic risk in the eurozone," Post-Print hal-02521449, HAL.
  25. Julien Ciucci & Dominique Prunetti & Camélia Turcu, 2017. "Firms location, taxes and environment," Post-Print hal-02549864, HAL.
  26. Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Mousse Ndoye Sow, 2017. "Is fiscal policy always counter- (pro-) cyclical? The role of public debt and fiscal rules," Post-Print hal-01682627, HAL.
  27. Jean-Louis Combes & Xavier Debrun & Alexandru Minea & René Tapsoba, 2017. "Inflation Targeting, Fiscal Rules and the Policy Mix: Cross-effects and Interactions," Post-Print hal-01682693, HAL.
  28. Weneyam Hippolyte Balima & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea, 2017. "Sovereign debt risk in emerging market economies: Does inflation targeting adoption make any difference?," Post-Print halshs-01426508, HAL.
  29. Johanna CHOUMERT & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Charlain GUEGANG DJIMELI, 2017. "The biofuel-development nexus: A meta-analysis," Working Papers 201709, CERDI.
  30. Derya KELES & Johanna CHOUMERT & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Eric Nazindigouba KERE, 2017. "Does the expansion of biofuels encroach on the forest?," Working Papers 201719, CERDI.
  31. Johanna CHOUMERT & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Pierre Leonard LE ROUX, 2017. "Stacking up the ladder: A panel data analysis of Tanzanian household energy choices," Working Papers 201724, CERDI.
  32. Jean-Louis COMBES & Tidiane KINDA & Rasmané OUEDRAOGO & Patrick PLANE, 2017. "Does It Pour When it Rains? Capital Flows and Economic Growth in Developing Countries," Working Papers 201702, CERDI.
  33. Aya Ahmed & Chahir Zaki, 2017. "Export Concentration and Competition: Does the Firms Type Matter?," Working Papers 1078, Economic Research Forum, revised 04 Jun 2017.
  34. Mélika Ben Salem & Chahir Zaki, 2017. "Revisiting the Impact of Trade Openness on Informal and Irregular Employment in Egypt," Working Papers 1107, Economic Research Forum, revised 06 2002.
  35. Chahir Zaki & Fida Karam, 2017. "Why Don’t MENA Countries Trade More? The Curse of Bad Institutions," Working Papers 1148, Economic Research Forum, revised 10 2003.
  36. Karam, Fida & Zaki, Chahir, 2017. "Why can’t MENA countries trade more?: The curse of bad institutions," AGRODEP working papers 37, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
  37. Christophe Daniel & Anne Lavigne & Stéphane Mottet & Jesus-Herell Nze Obame & Bruno Séjourné & Christian Tagne, 2017. "Que valent les engagements des régimes de retraite envers les retraités en France ?," Post-Print halshs-03902070, HAL.
  38. Christophe Daniel & Anne Lavigne & Stéphane Mottet & Jesus Herell Nze Obame & Bruno Séjourné & Christian Tagne, 2017. "L'impact de la réforme des retraites de 1993 sur l'équivalent patrimonial des droits à la retraite en France," Working Papers hal-01616826, HAL.
  39. C Garrouste & Estelle Courtial, 2017. "Forecasting Employability in the Earth Sciences: The CIPEGE tool (Chapter 15)," Post-Print hal-03241697, HAL.
  40. Raphaëlle BELLANDO & Oana TOADER, 2017. "An analysis of banks’ weaknesses in the light of stress tests," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2479, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  41. Oana Calavrezo & Véronique Rémy, 2017. "Évaluation des effets de la formation sur le devenir professionnel et le ressenti des salariés en insertion," Post-Print hal-03557715, HAL.
  42. Sébastien Galanti & Zahra Ben Braham, 2017. "Information efficiency on an emerging market: analysts’ recommendations in Tunisia," Post-Print hal-01489492, HAL.
  43. Sébastien Galanti & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2017. "Optimism bias in financial analysts' earnings forecasts: Do commissions sharing agreements reduce conflicts of interest?," Post-Print hal-01724257, HAL.
  44. Daria ONORI & Francesco MAGRIS & Antoine LE RICHE, 2017. "Monetary Rules in a Two-Sector Endogenous Growth Model with Cash-in-Advance Constraint," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2504, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  45. Nicolas Clootens & Djamel Kirat, 2017. "A Reappraisal of the Resource Curse," Post-Print insu-01526068, HAL.
  46. Ibrahim Ahamada & Mouez Fodha & Djamel Kirat, 2017. "Regional Differences in CO2 Emissions from the French Residential Sector: Determinants and Distributional Consequences," Post-Print halshs-01630664, HAL.
  47. Christophe Boucher & Gilles de Truchis & Elena Dumitrescu & Sessi Tokpavi, 2017. "Testing for Extreme Volatility Transmission with Realized Volatility Measures," EconomiX Working Papers 2017-20, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  48. Gregory Levieuge & Yannick Lucotte & Florian Pradines-Jobet, 2017. "Central banks preferences and banking sector vulnerability," Bank of Estonia Working Papers wp2017-3, Bank of Estonia, revised 25 May 2017.
  49. Cuestas, Juan Carlos & Lucotte, Yannick & Reigl, Nicolas, 2017. "Banking sector concentration, competition and financial stability: the case of the Baltic countries," Bank of Estonia Working Papers wp2017-7, Bank of Estonia, revised 11 Sep 2017.
  50. Aurélien Leroy & Yannick Lucotte, 2017. "Competition and credit procyclicality in European banking," Bank of Estonia Working Papers wp2017-9, Bank of Estonia, revised 09 Nov 2017.
  51. Karine Constant, 2017. "Environnement, croissance et inégalités : le rôle particulier du canal de la santé," Post-Print hal-01702231, HAL.
  52. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Samuel H. Brott & Adam Zylbersztejn, 2017. "Does Uncertainty Deter Provision of Public Goods?," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-01441053, HAL.
  53. Fabrice Le Lec & Theodore Alexopoulos & Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Marie-Pierre Fayant & Franck Zenasni & Todd Lubart & Nicolas Jacquemet, 2017. "Courtship behavior: The Out-of-my-league effect," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-01476515, HAL.
  54. Marie Albert & Cristina Jude, 2017. "Venezuela : l’insoutenabilité du modèle de croissance, source de tous les risques," Post-Print hal-03539341, HAL.
  55. Cristina Jude & Gregory Levieuge, 2017. "Growth Effect of Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Economies: The Role of Institutional Quality," Post-Print hal-03557767, HAL.
  56. Helmi Hamdi & Abdelaziz Hakimi & Rashid Sbia & Nabila Boukef Jlassi, 2017. "Financial Liberalization And The Environmental Quality: Evidence From Tunisia," Post-Print halshs-01902754, HAL.
  57. Matthieu Picault & Thomas Renault, 2017. "Words are not all created equal: A new measure of ECB communication," Post-Print hal-03205121, HAL.
  58. Alexandre Girard & Matthieu Picault, 2017. "L’évolution de la communication des banques centrales depuis les crises des subprimes et de l’euro," Post-Print hal-03529917, HAL.
  59. Matthieu Picault, 2017. "Pricing the ECB's forward guidance with the EONIA swap curve," Post-Print hal-03533070, HAL.
  60. Gabriel Gomes & Emmanuel Hache & Valérie Mignon & Anthony Paris, 2017. "On the Current Account - Biofuels Link in Emerging and Developing Countries: Do Oil Price Fluctuations Matter?," Working Papers 2017-07, CEPII research center.
  61. Louis Raffestin, 2017. "Do bond credit ratings lead to excess comovement?," Post-Print hal-01649992, HAL.
  62. Victoire Girard, 2017. "Quel rôle pour les inégalités dans les conflits ? Étude du cas des conflits religieux en Inde," Post-Print hal-03533115, HAL.
  63. Victoire Girard, 2017. "Does inequality matter in conflicts? A case study of religious conflicts in India," Post-Print hal-03558131, HAL.
  64. Victoire GIRARD, 2017. "Stabbed in the back: Does sabotage follow mandated political representation?," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2544, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  65. Hory, Marie-Pierre & Organització de Cooperació i Desenvolupament Econòmic, Països de l', 2017. "International tax competition: A reappraisal," Working Papers 2072/290763, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Department of Economics.
  66. Pascale PHELINAS & Sonia SCHWARTZ, 2017. "Regulating transgenic soybean production in Argentina," Working Papers 201721, CERDI.
  67. Damien Sans & Sonia Schwartz & Hubert Stahn, 2017. "About polluting eco-industries: optimal provision of abatement goods and Pigouvian fees," Post-Print hal-01682684, HAL.


  1. Leila Ali Aga & Patrick Villieu, 2016. "Evasion fiscale et croissance : un cadre théorique simple," Post-Print hal-03529211, HAL.
  2. Alexis DIRER & Rim ENNAJAR-SAYADI, 2016. "How Pride Elastic is the Demand For Retirement Saving," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2436, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  3. Alexis DIRER & Rim ENNAJAR-SAYADI, 2016. "How Price Elastic is the Demand For Retirement Saving?," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2437, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  4. Matthieu Crozet & Emmanuel Milet & Daniel Mirza, 2016. "The impact of domestic regulations on international trade in services: Evidence from firm-level data," Post-Print hal-03676602, HAL.
  5. Rémi BAZILLIER & Francesco MAGRIS & Daniel MIRZA, 2016. "Out-Migration and Economic Cycles," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2314, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  6. Sandra M. Leitner & Manuel Marcias & Daniel Mirza & Robert Stehrer & Roman Stöllinger, 2016. "The Future Development of EU Industry in a Global Context," wiiw Research Reports 409, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw.
  7. Sandra M. Leitner & Manuel Marcias & Daniel Mirza & Olga Pindyuk & Iulia Siedschlag & Robert Stehrer & Roman Stöllinger & Zuzanna Studnicka, 2016. "The Evolving Composition of Intra-EU Trade," wiiw Research Reports 414, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw.
  8. C. RAULT & Jean-Christophe DUMONT & Ekrame BOUBTANE, 2016. "Immigration and Economic Growth in the OECD Countries 1986-2006," Working Papers 201601, CERDI.
  9. Ekrame Boubtane & Jean-Christophe Dumont & Christophe Rault, 2016. "Document de Recherche du Laboratoire d'Économie d'Orléans "Immigration and economic growth in the OECD countries 1986- 2006" [Document de Recherche du Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orléans &qu," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-01252165, HAL.
  10. Mohamed Arouri & Christophe Estay & Christophe Rault & David Roubaud, 2016. "Economic policy uncertainty and stock markets: Long-run evidence from the US," Post-Print hal-02009137, HAL.
  11. Adel Ben Youssef & Laurence Lannes & Christophe Rault & Agnès Soucat, 2016. "Energy Consumption and Health Outcomes in Africa," Post-Print halshs-01384730, HAL.
  12. Denisa Banulescu-Radu & Christophe Hurlin & Bertrand Candelon & Sébastien Laurent, 2016. "Do We Need High Frequency Data to Forecast Variances?," Post-Print hal-01448237, HAL.
  13. Denisa Banulescu & Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2016. "Forecasting High-Frequency Risk Measures," Post-Print hal-03554206, HAL.
  14. MUTASCU Mihai & PEREAU Jean-Christophe & URSU Eugen, 2016. "A Wavelet Analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in France," Cahiers du GREThA (2007-2019) 2016-10, Groupe de Recherche en Economie Théorique et Appliquée (GREThA).
  15. Mihai Mutascu, 2016. "A bootstrap panel Granger causality analysis of energy consumption and economic growth in the G7 countries," Post-Print hal-03526523, HAL.
  16. Aviral Kumar Tiwari & Mihai Ioan Mutascu & Claudiu Tiberiu Albulescu, 2016. "Continuous wavelet transform and rolling correlation of European stock markets," Post-Print hal-03528475, HAL.
  17. Mihai Mutascu, 2016. "Government Revenues and Expenditures in the East European Economies: A Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Approach," Post-Print hal-03529603, HAL.
  18. Liliana Harding & Mihai Mutascu, 2016. "Does migration affect tax revenue in Europe?," University of East Anglia School of Economics Working Paper Series 2016-08, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
  19. Hossein Kavand & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2016. "Estimation of Health Care Demand and its Implication on Income Effects of Individuals," Carleton Economic Papers 16-01, Carleton University, Department of Economics, revised 26 Jun 2017.
  20. Alberto Bagnai & Camélia Turcu, 2016. "Introduction: Recent Monetary and Financial Developments in Europe," Post-Print hal-03533141, HAL.
  21. Youssouf Kiendrebeogo & Alexandru Minea, 2016. "Financial development and poverty: evidence from the CFA Franc Zone," Post-Print hal-01687522, HAL.
  22. Youssouf Kiendrebeogo & Alexandru Minea, 2016. "Financial Factors and Manufacturing Exports: Firm-Level Evidence From Egypt," Post-Print hal-01687529, HAL.
  23. Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Lavinia Teodora Mustea & Urbain Thierry Yogo, 2016. "Output effects of fiscal stimulus in Central and Eastern European countries," Post-Print halshs-01298018, HAL.
  24. Weneyam Hippolyte Balima & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea, 2016. "Bond Markets Initiation and Tax Revenue Mobilization in Developing Countries," Post-Print halshs-01426487, HAL.
  25. Desbureaux Sébastien & Eric Kéré Nazindigouba & Combes Motel Pascale, 2016. "Working Paper 238 - Impact Evaluation in a Landscape: protected natural forests, anthropized forested lands and deforestation leakages in Madagascar’s rainforests," Working Paper Series 2341, African Development Bank.
  26. Eric Nazindigouba KERE & Johanna CHOUMERT & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Jean-Louis COMBES & OLIVIER SANTONI & Sonia SCHWARTZ, 2016. "Addressing Contextual and Location Biases in the Assessment of Protected Areas Effectiveness on Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazônia," Working Papers 201602, CERDI.
  27. Sebastien DESBUREAUX & Eric Nazindigouba KERE & Pascale COMBES MOTEL, 2016. "Impact Evaluation in a Landscape: Protected Natural Forests, Anthropized Forested Lands and Deforestation Leakages in Madagascar's Rainforests," Working Papers 201613, CERDI.
  28. Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel & Sonia Schwartz, 2016. "Un survol de la théorie des biens communs," Post-Print hal-01687617, HAL.
  29. Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel & Somlanaré Romuald Kinda, 2016. "Do Climate Mitigation Efforts Hurt Trade Performance?," Post-Print halshs-01418253, HAL.
  30. Jean-Louis COMBES & Rasmané OUEDRAOGO, 2016. "How Does Inclusive Growth Boost Tax Revenue Mobilization?," Working Papers 201605, CERDI.
  31. Jean-Louis Combes & Rasmané Ouedraogo & Sampawende Jules Tapsoba, 2016. "Structural shifts in aid dependency and fiscal policy in developing countries," Post-Print halshs-01298059, HAL.
  32. Jean-Louis Combes & Rasmané Ouedraogo & Mr. Sampawende J Tapsoba, 2016. "What Does Aid Do to Fiscal Policy? New Evidence," IMF Working Papers 2016/112, International Monetary Fund.
  33. Aboushady, Nora & Zaki, Chahir, 2016. "Productivity, Exports Performance and Investment Climate: Evidence from Firm Level-Data," Conference papers 332689, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  34. Ibrahim Elbadawi & Chahir Zaki, 2016. "Does Exchange Rate Undervaluation Matter for Exports and Trade Margins? Evidence from Firm-Level Data," Working Papers 1004, Economic Research Forum, revised May 2016.
  35. Nora Aboushady & Chahir Zaki, 2016. "Investment Climate and Firms’ Exports in Egypt: When Politics Matter," Working Papers 1071, Economic Research Forum, revised 12 2016.
  36. Christophe Daniel & Anne Lavigne & Stéphane Mottet & Jesus Herell Nze Obame & Bruno Séjourné & Christian Tagne, 2016. "L'équivalent patrimonial des droits à la retraite en France : Méthodologie et Mesure à partir de l'Echantillon Inter-Régime de Retraités," Post-Print hal-02864135, HAL.
  37. Christophe Daniel & Anne Lavigne & Stéphane Mottet & Jesus-Herell Nze Obame & Bruno Séjourné & Christian Tagne, 2016. "La réforme des retraites de 1993 en France : quel impact sur l’équivalent patrimonial des droits à la retraite ?," Working Papers halshs-01293255, HAL.
  38. Christophe Daniel & Anne Lavigne & Stéphane Mottet & Jesus-Herell Nze Obame & Bruno Séjourné & Christian Tagne, 2016. "L’équivalent patrimonial des droits à la retraite en France : une approche par caisse de retraite sur données de l’EIR 2012," Working Papers halshs-01293314, HAL.
  39. Anne LAVIGNE & Christophe DANIEL & Stéphane MOTTET & Jesus Herell NZE-OBAME & Bruno SEJOURNE & Christian Rodrigue TAGNE, 2016. "L’équivalent patrimonial des droits à la Retraite en France : méthodologie et mesure à partir de l’Echantillon Inter-régime de retraités (version de Février 2016)," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2351, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  40. Christophe DANIEL & Anne LAVIGNE & Stéphane MOTTET & Jesus Herell NZE-OBAME & Bruno SEJOURNE & Christian Rodrigue TAGNE, 2016. "L'équivalent patrimonial des droits à la Retraite en France : méthodologie et mesure à partir de l'Echantillon Inter-Régime de retraités (version de Février 2016)," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2449, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  41. Christelle Garrouste & Estelle Courtial, 2016. "Strategische Ermittlung des Bedarfs an „ökologischen Kompetenzen“ : das Instrument „Cipege“ [Towards a strategic anticipation of “green competencies” : The CIPEGE tool]," Post-Print hal-03241678, HAL.
  42. C Garrouste, 2016. "Girls and Science in France (Chapter 41)," Post-Print hal-03241699, HAL.
  43. Rémi Bazillier & Cristina Boboc & Oana Calavrezo, 2016. "Measuring employment vulnerability in Europe," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-01375646, HAL.
  44. Rémi Bazillier & Cristina Boboc & Oana Calavrezo, 2016. "Mesurer la vulnérabilité au travail en Europe," Post-Print hal-03557723, HAL.
  45. Sébastien Galanti, 2016. "Archival data of financial analysts' earnings forecasts in the Euro zone: problems with euro conversions," Post-Print hal-01724241, HAL.
  46. Sébastien Galanti & Françoise Le Quere, 2016. "Quelles incidences d'un élargissement du rôle des fonds d'investissement collectifs ?," Post-Print hal-01724268, HAL.
  47. Kuechle Graciela & Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Sean D. Carr, 2016. "Prediction- and Control-Based Strategies in Entrepreneurship: The Role of Information," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-01296948, HAL.
  48. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Irene Comeig & Robert Donze & Gregory D. Weiss, 2016. "Risk aversion in prediction markets: A framed-field experiment," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-01368197, HAL.
  49. Cristina Jude, 2016. "Technology Spillovers from FDI. Evidence on the Intensity of Different Spillover Channels," Post-Print hal-03533194, HAL.
  50. Boukef Jlassi, Nabila & Hamdi, Helmi & Joyce, Joseph, 2016. "External Liabilities, Domestic Institutions and Banking Crises in Developing Economies," MPRA Paper 81120, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 06 Apr 2017.
  51. Jung-Hyun Ahn & Vincent Bignon & Régis Breton & Antoine Martin, 2016. "Liquidity, Collateral Quality, and Negative Interest Rate," Staff Reports 763, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
  52. Anthony Paris, 2016. "The Effect of Biofuels on the Link between Oil and Agricultural Commodity Prices: A Smooth Transition Cointegration Approach," EconomiX Working Papers 2016-5, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  53. Louis Raffestin, 2016. "Foreign exchange investment rules and endogenous currency crashes," Working Papers hal-01277113, HAL.
  54. Camille Chaserant & Victoire Girard & Antoine Pietri, 2016. "The Spread of Rational Choice in the Social Sciences: A Sign of Strength or Weakness? [L’expansion du choix rationnel en sciences sociales : signe de vigueur ou marque de faiblesse ?]," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-01396350, HAL.
  55. Victoire Girard, 2016. "Mandated political representation and crimes against the low castes," WIDER Working Paper Series wp-2016-74, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER).


  1. Aurel Schubert & Mariagnese Branchi & Paul Van den Bergh & Lusine Harutyunyan & Katherine Hennings & Marllena Chitu & Gloria Peña & Leif Lengelsen & Ben Dubow & Laura Vajanne & Christian Pfister & Joe, 2015. "Data-sharing: issues and good practices," IFC Reports 2, Bank for International Settlements.
  2. Christian Pfister & Françoise Drumetz & Jean-Guillaume Sahuc, 2015. "Politique Monétaire," Post-Print hal-01612726, HAL.
  3. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu, 2015. "Is Government Debt a Vamp? Public Finance in a Transylvanian Growth Model," Working Papers halshs-01199770, HAL.
  4. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu, 2015. "Why Are Reforms Incomplete? Reputation Versus The " Need For Enemies "," Working Papers halshs-01199773, HAL.
  5. Maxime Menuet & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2015. "Deficit Rules and Monetization in a Growth Model with Multiplicity and Indeterminacy," Working Papers halshs-01199774, HAL.
  6. Alexandru MINEA & Patrick VILLIEU & Maxime MENUET, 2015. "Deficit Rules and Monetization in a Growth Model with Multiplicity and Indeterminacy (doc en attente)," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2238, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  7. Jean-Bernard Chatelain & Alexis Direr & Antoine Parent, 2015. "Crises financières et contagions internationales : mise en perspective macroéconomique et cliométrique. Une introduction," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-01305363, HAL.
  8. Anis Omri & Saida Daly & Christophe Rault & Anissa Chaibi, 2015. "Financial Devlopment, Environmental Quality, Trade and Economic Growth: What Causes What in MENA Countries?," CESifo Working Paper Series 5204, CESifo.
  9. Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh & Christophe Rault, 2015. "Recent Estimates of Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Import Prices in the Euro Area," CESifo Working Paper Series 5341, CESifo.
  10. Ekrame Boubtane & Jean-Christophe Dumont & Christophe Rault, 2015. "Immigration and Economic Growth in the OECD Countries 1986-2006," CESifo Working Paper Series 5392, CESifo.
  11. Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh & Christophe Rault, 2015. "The Pass-Through of Exchange Rate in the Context of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis," CESifo Working Paper Series 5550, CESifo.
  12. Ekrame BOUBTANE & Jean-Christophe DUMONT & Christophe RAULT, 2015. "Immigration and Economic Growth in the OECD Countries 1986-2006," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2235, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  13. Christophe Hurlin & Valérie Mignon, 2015. "Statistique et probabilités en économie-gestion," Post-Print hal-01411459, HAL.
  14. Sylvain Benoît & Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2015. "Implied Risk Exposures," Post-Print hal-01485613, HAL.
  15. Benjamin Hamidi & Christophe Hurlin & Patrick Kouontchou & Bertrand Maillet, 2015. "A DARE for VaR," Post-Print hal-02312327, HAL.
    • Benjamin Hamidi & Christophe Hurlin & Patrick Kouontchou & Bertrand Maillet, 2015. "A DARE for VaR," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 36(1), pages 7-38.
  16. Francesco Forte & Mihai Mutascu, 2015. "State fragility and fiscal decentralization in EU ex-communist countries in a public choice approach," Working Papers halshs-01101558, HAL.
  17. Oasis Kodila-Tedika & Mihai Mutascu, 2015. "Tax Revenues and Intelligence: A Cross-Sectional Evidence," Working Papers halshs-01101559, HAL.
  18. Mihai Mutascu, 2015. "Government revenues and expenditures in the EU ex-communist countries: a bootstrap panel Granger causality approach," Working Papers halshs-01109233, HAL.
  19. Mihai Mutascu, 2015. "A bootstrap panel Granger causality analysis of government revenues and expenditures in the PIIGS countries," Working Papers halshs-01111809, HAL.
  20. J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2015. "Political Parties in Canada: What Determines Their Entry, Exit and the Duration of Their Lives?," Carleton Economic Papers 15-08, Carleton University, Department of Economics, revised 04 Apr 2016.
  21. Mihailo Radoman & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2015. "Internal Promotion in Competitive Sports: Evidence from the English Premier League," Carleton Economic Papers 15-09, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  22. Ci, Wen & Galdo, Jose C. & Voia, Marcel & Worswick, Christopher, 2015. "Wage Returns to Mid-Career Investments in Job Training through Employer-Supported Course Enrollment: Evidence for Canada," IZA Discussion Papers 9007, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  23. Alexandru MINEA & Jean-Louis COMBES & Weneyam Hippolyte BALIMA, 2015. "Sovereign Debt Risk in Emerging Countries: Does Inflation Targeting Adoption Make Any Difference?," Working Papers 201504, CERDI.
  24. Alexandru Minea & Lavinia Teodora Mustea, 2015. "A fresh look at fiscal multipliers: one size fits it all? Evidence from the Mediterranean area," Post-Print halshs-01152806, HAL.
  25. Johanna Choumert & Pascale Combes Motel & Katrin Millock, 2015. "Climate change mitigation and adaptation in developing and transition countries: introduction," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-01413432, HAL.
  26. Johanna Choumert & Pascale Combes Motel & Katrin Millock, 2015. "Special Issue: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Developing and Transition Countries," Post-Print halshs-01302623, HAL.
  27. Jean-Louis COMBES & Mary-Françoise RENARD & Sampawende Jules TAPSOBA, 2015. "Provincial Public Expenditure in China: A Tale of Profligacy," Working Papers 201524, CERDI.
  28. Hala El-Said & Mahmoud Al-Said & Chahir Zaki, 2015. "Trade and Access to Finance of SMEs: is There a Nexus?," Working Papers 903, Economic Research Forum, revised Apr 2015.
  29. Fida Karam & Chahir Zaki, 2015. "How did Wars Dampen Trade in the MENA Region?," Working Papers 933, Economic Research Forum, revised Aug 2015.
  30. Irène Selwaness & Chahir Zaki, 2015. "On the Interaction Between Trade Reforms and Labor Market Regulation: Evidence from the MENA Countries' Labor Markets," Working Papers 970, Economic Research Forum, revised Nov 2015.
  31. Haq, Tariq. & Zaki, Chahir., 2015. "Macroeconomic policy for employment creation in Egypt : past experience and future prospects," ILO Working Papers 994894173402676, International Labour Organization.
  32. Christophe Daniel & Anne Lavigne & Stéphane Mottet & Jesus-Herell Nze Obame & Bruno Séjourné & Christian Tagne, 2015. "Retirees' Pension Wealth in France: An Assessment on Sample Administrative Data," Working Papers halshs-01175605, HAL.
  33. Dominique Glaymann & Christelle Garrouste & François Grima & Béatrice Barbusse & Vincent de Briant & Victor Gomez Frias, 2015. "Le tutorat des stagiaires en entreprise. No.2015-72," Post-Print hal-03245631, HAL.
  34. Gunther Capelle-Blancard & Raphaëlle Bellando, 2015. "L'accès aux données bancaires et financières : une mission de service public," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-01296626, HAL.
  35. Sébastien Galanti & Iarina Lazar, 2015. "Euro PP : comment situer le Placement Privé parmi les modes de financement des PME-ETI ?," Post-Print hal-01724238, HAL.
  36. Daria ONORI, 2015. "Optimal Growth, Debt Dynamics and Welfare under GDP-Based Collaterals," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1966, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  37. Marwân-al-Qays BOUSMAH & Daria ONORI, 2015. "Financial Openness, Aggregate Consumption, and Threshold Effects," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1967, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  38. Daria Onori, 2015. "Optimal Growth and Debt Dynamics under GDP-Based Collaterals," Working Papers halshs-01251352, HAL.
  39. Claire Gavard & Djamel Kirat, 2015. "Flexibility in the Market for International Carbon Credits and Price. Dynamics Difference with European Allowances," Working Papers 2015.03, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
  40. Guesmi, Khaled & Kablan, Sandrine & Belgacem, Aymen, 2015. "The regional pricing of risk: An empirical investigation of the MENA equity determinants," MPRA Paper 70271, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2015.
  41. Grégory Levieuge & Yannick Lucotte & Sébastien Ringuedé, 2015. "Central bank credibility and the expectations channel: Evidence based on a new credibility index," NBP Working Papers 209, Narodowy Bank Polski.
  42. Karine Constant, 2015. "Environmental Policy and Inequality: A Matter of Life and Death," AMSE Working Papers 1527, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France.
  43. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef, 2015. "Toward a Personal Identity Argument to Combine Potentially Conflicting Social Identities," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-01261341, HAL.
  44. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Charles A Holt & Melissa Thomas-Hunt, 2015. "Organization Style, Leadership Strategy and Free-Riding," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-01300135, HAL.
  45. C. Jude & M. I. Pop Silaghi, 2015. "Employment effects of foreign direct investment. New Evidence from Central and Eastern European Countries," Working papers 553, Banque de France.
  46. C. Jude & G. Levieuge, 2015. "Growth effect of FDI in developing economies: The role of institutional quality," Working papers 559, Banque de France.
  47. M. Albert & C. Jude & C. Rebillard, 2015. "The Long Landing Scenario: Rebalancing from Overinvestment and Excessive Credit Growth. Implications for Potential Growth in China," Working papers 572, Banque de France.
  48. BOUKEF JLASSI, NABILA & Hamdi, Helmi, 2015. "The relationship between Financial liberalization, Financial Stability and Capital Control: Evidence from a multivariate framework for developing countries," MPRA Paper 64328, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  49. Kamel Malik BENSAFTA & Gervasio SEMEDO, 2015. "Les structures économiques des pays du Maghreb : convergence ou divergence vis-à-vis de l'Europe ? (annule et remplace le DR LEO 2013-05)," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2092, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  50. Georgiana-Denisa Banulescu & Elena Ivona Dumitrescu, 2015. "Which Are the SIFIs? A Component Expected Shortfall Approach to Systemic Risk," Post-Print hal-01385923, HAL.
  51. Damien Sans & Sonia Schwartz & Hubert Stahn, 2015. "On Abatement Services: Market Power and Efficient Environmental Regulation," Working Papers halshs-01182200, HAL.


  1. Hélène Ehrhart & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2014. "Debt, seigniorage, and the Growth Laffer Curve in developing countries," Post-Print halshs-01413444, HAL.
  2. Rémi Bazillier & Isabelle Rabaud & Camélia Turcu, 2014. "Compétitivité territoriale et localisation du travail et des entreprises : une introduction," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-01375639, HAL.
  3. Isabelle Rabaud, 2014. "Gains à l'échange de services pour les pays africains : mythe ou réalité ?," Working Papers halshs-01250890, HAL.
  4. Isabelle RABAUD, 2014. "Gains à l'échange de services pour les pays africains : Mythe ou réalité ?," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2217, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  5. Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh & Christophe Rault, 2014. "The Role of the Business Cycle in Exchange Rate Pass-Through: The Case of Finland," William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series wp1078, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan.
  6. Kyoungsoo Yoon & Christophe Hurlin, 2014. "Cross-country-heterogeneous and Time-varying Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policies in AEs on Portfolio Inflows to EMEs," Working Papers 2014-5, Economic Research Institute, Bank of Korea.
  7. Perignon , Christophe & Yeung , Stanley & Hurlin, Christophe & Iseli, Grégoire, 2014. "The Collateral Risk of ETFs," HEC Research Papers Series 1050, HEC Paris.
  8. Bertrand Candelon & Elena Ivona Dumitrescu & Christophe Hurlin, 2014. "Currency Crises Early Warning Systems: Why They Should Be Dynamic," Post-Print hal-01385975, HAL.
  9. Georgiana-Denisa Banulescu & Bertrand Candelon & Christophe Hurlin & Sébastien Laurent, 2014. "Do We Need Ultra-High Frequency Data to Forecast Variances?," Working Papers halshs-01078158, HAL.
  10. Sebastien Lechevalier & Cyrille Dossougoin & Christophe Hurlin & Satoko Takaoka, 2014. "How did the Japanese Employment System Change?Investigating the Heterogeneity of Downsizing Practices across Firms," KIER Working Papers 883, Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research.
  11. Süleyman Bolat & Aviral Kumar Tiwari & Mihai Mutascu, 2014. "The behaviour of US and UK public debt: further evidence based on time varying parameters," Working Papers halshs-01107962, HAL.
  12. J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2014. "The Effect of Federal Government Size on Private Economic Performance in Canada: 1870–2011," Carleton Economic Papers 14-01, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  13. Firouz Fallahi & Mohammad Karimi & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2014. "Are Shocks to Energy Consumption Persistent? Evidence from Subsampling Confidence Intervals," Carleton Economic Papers 14-02, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  14. J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2014. "Does Aggregate Government Size Effect Private Economic Performance in Canada?," Carleton Economic Papers 14-13, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  15. Siedschlag, Iulia & Smith, Donal & Turcu, Camelia & Zhang, Xiaoheng, 2014. "Boosting the Attractiveness of the European Union to International Investment in R&D Activities: What Matters?," Papers RB2014/2/7, Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI).
  16. Alexandra Popescu & Camelia Turcu, 2014. "Systemic Sovereign Risk in Europe: an MES and CES Approach," Working Papers 2014.04, International Network for Economic Research - INFER.
  17. Pascale Combes Motel & Johanna Choumert & Alexandru Minea & Thomas Sterner, 2014. "Explorations in the Environment–Development Dilemma," Post-Print hal-01822015, HAL.
  18. Richard Durech & Alexandru Minea & Lavinia Teodora Mustea & Lubica Slusna, 2014. "Regional evidence on Okun's Law in Czech Republic and Slovakia," Post-Print halshs-01019147, HAL.
  19. Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Lavinia Teodora Mustea & Mousse Ndoye Sow, 2014. "The Euro and the Crisis: Evidence on Recent Fiscal Multipliers," Post-Print halshs-01413336, HAL.
  20. Alexandru Minea & Thierry Montalieu, 2014. "Les pays d’Europe centrale et orientale et l’Union européenne : quelles stratégies de politiques budgétaire et monétaire ?," Post-Print halshs-01413436, HAL.
  21. Jean-Louis Combes & Mr. Xavier Debrun & Alexandru Minea & Rene Tapsoba, 2014. "Inflation Targeting and Fiscal Rules: Do Interactions and Sequencing Matter?," IMF Working Papers 2014/089, International Monetary Fund.
  22. Somlanare Romuald KINDA & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Jean-Louis COMBES, 2014. "Do Environmental Policies Hurt Trade Performance?," Working Papers 201404, CERDI.
  23. Sonia SCHWARTZ & Jean Galbert ONGONO OLINGA & Eric Nazindigouba KERE & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Jean-Louis COMBES & Johanna CHOUMERT & Ariane Manuela AMIN, 2014. "A spatial econometric approach to spillover effects between protected areas and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon," Working Papers 201406, CERDI.
  24. Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Philippe DELACOTE, 2014. "Public expenses, credit and natural capital: Substitution or complementarity?," Working Papers 201409, CERDI.
  25. Rasmané OUEDRAOGO & Jean-Louis COMBES, 2014. "How does external debt impact democratization? Evidence from developing countries," Working Papers 201408, CERDI.
  26. Claudio ARAUJO & Jean-Louis COMBES & José Gustavo FERES, 2014. "Determinants of Amazon Deforestation: The role of Off-Farm Income," Working Papers 201423, CERDI.
  27. Jean-Louis COMBES & Rasmané OUEDRAOGO, 2014. "Does Pro-cyclical Aid Lead to Pro-cyclical Fiscal Policy? An Empirical Analysis for Sub-Saharan Africa," Working Papers 201424, CERDI.
  28. Jean-Louis Combes & Christian Hubert Ebeke & Mathilde Maurel & Thierry Urbain Yogo, 2014. "Remittances and Working Poverty," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-01162228, HAL.
  29. Jean-Louis Combes & Christian Hubert Ebeke & Mireille S. Ntsama Etoundi & Urbain Thierry Yogo, 2014. "Are Remittances and Foreign Aid a Hedge Against Food Price Shocks in Developing Countries?," Post-Print halshs-00913164, HAL.
  30. Jean-Louis Combes & Lavinia Teodora Mustea, 2014. "Une analyse des multiplicateurs budgétaires : quelles leçons pour les pays en développement et émergents ?," Post-Print halshs-01413441, HAL.
  31. El-Enbaby, Hoda & Hendy, Rana & Zaki, Chahir, 2014. "Do Product Standards Matter for Margins of Trade in Egypt? Evidence from Firm-Level Data," Conference papers 332520, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  32. Fida Karam & Chahir Zaki, 2014. "Trade Volume and Economic Growth in the MENA Region: Goods or Services?," Working Papers 825, Economic Research Forum, revised Apr 2014.
  33. Rana Hendy & Chahir Zaki, 2014. "Trade Facilitation and Firms Exports: The Case of Egypt," Working Papers 843, Economic Research Forum, revised Oct 2014.
  34. Hoda Selim & Chahir Zaki, 2014. "The Institutional Curse of Natural Resources in the Arab World," Working Papers 890, Economic Research Forum, revised Dec 2014.
  35. Anne Lavigne, 2014. "La réforme des retraites," Post-Print halshs-01018181, HAL.
  36. Anne Lavigne, 2014. "Le système de retraite en France : enjeux et réformes possibles," Post-Print halshs-01018190, HAL.
  37. Christelle Laetitia Garrouste & Margarida Rodrigues, 2014. "Employability of young graduates in Europe," Post-Print hal-03241681, HAL.
  38. Estelle Courtial & C Garrouste, 2014. "Model Predictive Control Strategy to Forecast Employability in Earth Sciences," Post-Print hal-03241701, HAL.
  39. Raphaëlle BELLANDO & Zahra BEN BRAHAM & Sébastien GALANTI, 2014. "The profitability of financial analysts' Recommendations: evidence from an Emerging market," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1865, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  40. Raphaëlle Bellando & Zahra Ben Braham & Sébastien Galanti, 2014. "The Performance of Portfolios Based on Analysts' Recommendations: the Tunisian Case," Working Papers halshs-01204662, HAL.
  41. Rémi Bazillier & Cristina Boboc & Oana Calavrezo, 2014. "Employment vulnerability in Europe: Is there a migration effect?," Working Papers halshs-01203755, HAL.
  42. Zahra Ben Braham & Sébastien Galanti, 2014. "Recommendation Value on an Emerging Market: the Impact of Analyst' Recommendations on Stock Prices and Trading Volumes in Tunisia," Working Papers halshs-01015380, HAL.
  43. Bertrand Caudelon & Sessi Tokpavi, 2014. "A Nonparametric Test for Granger-causality in Distribution with Application to Financial Contagion," EconomiX Working Papers 2014-18, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  44. Abdul Aleem & Amine Lahiani, 2014. "A Threshold Vector Autoregression Model of Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Mexico," Post-Print halshs-01022416, HAL.
  45. Ahmed Atil & Amine Lahiani & Duc Khuong Nguyen, 2014. "Asymmetric and nonlinear pass-through of crude oil prices to gasoline and natural gas prices," Post-Print halshs-01022598, HAL.
  46. Amine Lahiani & Duc Khuong Nguyen & Thierry Vo, 2014. "Understanding return and volatility spillovers among major agricultural commodities," Working Papers 2014-243, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
  47. Aymen Belgacem & Anna Creti & Khaled Guesmi & Amine Lahiani, 2014. "Volatility spillovers and macroeconomic announcements: evidence from crude oil markets," Working Papers 2014-50, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
  48. Shawkat Hammoudeh & Amine Lahiani & Duc Khuong Nguyen & Ricardo M. Sousa, 2014. "Asymmetric and nonlinear passthrough of energy prices to CO2 emission allowance prices," Working Papers 2014-82, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
  49. Shawkat Hammoudeh & Amine Lahiani & Duc Khuong Nguyen & Ricardo M. Sousa, 2014. "Energy prices and CO2 emission allowance prices: A quantile regression approach," NIPE Working Papers 06/2014, NIPE - Universidade do Minho.
  50. Amine Lahiani & Shawkat Hammoudeh & Rangan Gupta, 2014. "Linkages between Financial Sector CDS Spreads and Macroeconomic Influence in a Nonlinear Setting," Working Papers 201456, University of Pretoria, Department of Economics.
  51. Arslan Tariq Rana & Mazen Kebewar, 2014. "The Political Economy of FDI flows into Developing Countries: Does the depth of International Trade Agreements Matter?," Papers 1402.0139,
  52. Karine Constant & Marion Davin, 2014. "Environmental Policy and Growth in a Model with Endogenous Environmental Awareness," AMSE Working Papers 1405, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France, revised Mar 2014.
  53. Karine Constant & Carine Nourry & Thomas Seegmuller, 2014. "Population growth in polluting industrialization," Post-Print hal-01410650, HAL.
  54. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef, 2014. "Cooperation and the Boundaries of the Firm: A Framed-Field Experiment," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-01300137, HAL.
  55. Anton Ovchinnikov & Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Phillip E. Pfeifer, 2014. "Balancing Acquisition and Retention Spending for Firms with Limited Capacity," Post-Print hal-01290217, HAL.
  56. Robin Boudias, 2014. "Capital Inflows, Exchange Rate Regimes and Credit Dynamics in Emerging Market Economies," Working Papers 2014-17, CEPII research center.
  57. Vuillemey, G. & Breton, R., 2014. "Endogenous Derivative Networks," Working papers 483, Banque de France.
  58. Kamel Malik Bensafta, 2014. "Les exportations des produits manufacturés et convergence du niveau de vie : cas d'un pays exportateur de pétrole," Working Papers halshs-01012054, HAL.
  59. Kamel Malik Bensafta & Gervasio Semedo, 2014. "Transmission de la volatilité et Central-Banking," Working Papers halshs-01012058, HAL.
  60. Kamel Malik Bensafta & Gervasio Semedo, 2014. "Les structures économiques des pays du Maghreb : convergence ou divergence vis-à-vis de l'Europe ?," Working Papers halshs-01012035, HAL.
  61. Kamel Malik Bensafta, 2014. "A Regional Analysis of Markets Uncertainty Spillovers," Working Papers halshs-01015435, HAL.


  1. Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Alexandru MINEA & Patrick VILLIEU, 2013. "Deforestation and Seigniorage in Developing Countries: A Tradeoff?," Working Papers 201322, CERDI.
  2. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2013. "Debt policy rule, productive government spending, and multiple growth paths: a note," Post-Print halshs-00829552, HAL.
  3. Alexis Direr & Eric Yayi, 2013. "Les choix de portefeuille des épargnants sur le cycle boursier et le cycle de vie," Working Papers halshs-00827239, HAL.
  4. Alexis DIRER & Eric YAYI, 2013. "Les choix de portefeuille des épargnants sur le cycle boursier et le cycle de vie," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1082, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  5. Crozet, M. & Milet, E. & Mirza, D., 2013. "The Discriminatory Effect of Domestic Regulations on International Trade in Services: Evidence from Firm-Level Data," Working papers 451, Banque de France.
  6. Ekrame BOUBTANE & Dramane COULIBALY & C. RAULT, 2013. "Immigration, growth and unemployment: Panel VAR evidence from OECD countries," Working Papers 201304, CERDI.
  7. Ekrame BOUBTANE & C. RAULT & Dramane COULIBALY, 2013. "Immigration, unemployment and GDP in the host country: Bootstrap panel Granger causality analysis on OECD countries," Working Papers 201303, CERDI.
  8. Ekrame Boubtane & Dramane Coulibaly & Christophe Rault, 2013. "Immigration, Unemployment and Growth in the Host Country: Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Analysis on OECD Countries," CESifo Working Paper Series 4213, CESifo.
  9. Hurlin , Christophe & Perignon, Christophe, 2013. "Systemic Risk Score: A Suggestion," HEC Research Papers Series 1005, HEC Paris.
  10. Elena Ivona Dumitrescu & Christophe Hurlin & Jaouad Madkour, 2013. "Testing Interval Forecasts: a GMM-Based Approach," Post-Print hal-01385898, HAL.
  11. Bertrand Candelon & Elena Ivona Dumitrescu & Christophe Hurlin & Franz Palm, 2013. "Multivariate Dynamic Probit Models: An Application to Financial Crises Mutation," Post-Print hal-01449943, HAL.
  12. Alexandru Minea & Christophe Hurlin, 2013. "Is public capital really productive? A methodological reappraisal," Post-Print halshs-00804179, HAL.
  13. Régis Breton & Sébastien Galanti & Christophe Hurlin & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2013. "Does the firm-analyst relationship matter in explaining analysts' earnings forecast errors?," Working Papers hal-00862996, HAL.
  14. Denisa Georgiana Banulescu & Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2013. "High-Frequency Risk Measures," Working Papers halshs-00859456, HAL.
  15. Bertrand Candelon & Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin, 2013. "Network Effects and Infrastructure Productivity in Developing Countries," NCID Working Papers 08/2013, Navarra Center for International Development, University of Navarra.
  16. Kodila-Tedika, Oasis & Mutascu, Mihai, 2013. "Shadow economy and tax revenue in Africa," MPRA Paper 50812, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  17. Mutascu, Mihai & Danuletiu, Dan, 2013. "The literacy impact on tax revenues," Economics Discussion Papers 2013-63, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel).
  18. Marcel-Cristian Voia & Mihailo Radoman, 2013. "Youth Training Programs and their Impact on Career and Spell Duration of Professional Soccer Players," Carleton Economic Papers 13-01, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  19. Marcel-Cristian Voia & Saikou Amadou Diallo, 2013. "The Threat of Domestic Violence and Women Empowerment: The Case of West Africa," Carleton Economic Papers 13-05, Carleton University, Department of Economics, revised 14 Dec 2015.
  20. Jean-Marie Dufour & Lynda Khalaf & Marcel Voia, 2013. "Finite-sample resampling-based combined hypothesis tests, with applications to serial correlation and predictability," CIRANO Working Papers 2013s-40, CIRANO.
  21. Ci, Wen & Galdo, José & Voia, Marcel & Worswick, Christopher, 2013. "Does adult training benefit Canadian workers?," CLSSRN working papers clsrn_admin-2013-42, Vancouver School of Economics, revised 26 Sep 2013.
  22. Nikolay Nenovsky & Kiril Tochkov & Camélia Turcu, 2013. "Monetary Regimes and EU Accession: Comparing Bulgaria and Romania," Post-Print halshs-00830086, HAL.
  23. Christian Aubin & Camélia Turcu, 2013. "The Impact of Exchange Rate Regimes on Production Structures Across Countries: the European Case," Working Papers hal-00961835, HAL.
  24. Jean-Louis COMBES & Alexandru MINEA & Mousse Ndoye SOW, 2013. "Crises and Exchange Rate Regimes: Time to break down the bipolar view?," Working Papers 201326, CERDI.
  25. Youssouf Kiendrebeogo & Alexandru Minea, 2013. "Accès aux services financiers et réduction de la pauvreté dans les PED," Post-Print halshs-00825728, HAL.
  26. John Hudson & Alexandru Minea, 2013. "Innovation, Intellectual Property Rights, and Economic Development: A Unified Empirical Investigation," Post-Print halshs-00833858, HAL.
  27. Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Alassane DRABO & Martine AUDIBERT, 2013. "Health capital depreciation effects on development: theory and measurement," Working Papers 201310, CERDI.
  28. Johanna Choumert & Pascale Combes Motel & K. Hervé Dakpo, 2013. "Is the environmental Kuznets curve for deforestation a threatened theory ? A meta-analysis of the literature," Post-Print hal-02652346, HAL.
  29. Jean-Louis COMBES & Mathilde MAUREL & Christian EBEKE, 2013. "The effect of remittances prior to an election," Working Papers 201307, CERDI.
  30. Hala El-Said & Mahmoud Al-Said & Chahir Zaki, 2013. "What Determines the Access to Finance of SMEs? Evidence from the Egyptian Case," Working Papers 752, Economic Research Forum, revised May 2013.
  31. Anne Lavigne, 2013. "Economie des retraites," Post-Print halshs-00833782, HAL.
  32. Chiara Dal Bianco & C Garrouste & Omar Paccagnella, 2013. "18 Early-life circumstances and cognitive functioning dynamics in later life," Post-Print hal-03241718, HAL.
  33. Mircea Badescu & Christelle Garrouste & Massimo Loi, 2013. "The distribution of adult training among European unemployed: Evidence from recent surveys," Post-Print halshs-01057667, HAL.
  34. Mohamed El Hedi Arouri & Raphaëlle Bellando & Sébastien Ringuedé & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2013. "Herding in French stock markets: Empirical evidence from equity mutual funds," Post-Print halshs-01066726, HAL.
  35. Jean-Bernard Chatelain & Raphaëlle Bellando & Adrian Pop, 2013. "Développements récents en économie monétaire et bancaire," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-01305366, HAL.
  36. Anne-Gael Vaubourg & Valdete Berisha-Krasniqui & Sébastien Galanti & Christophe Hurlin & Régis Breton, 2013. "We study whether financial analysts' concern for preserving good relationships with firms' managers motivates them to issue pessimistic or optimistic forecasts. Based on a dataset of one-yearahead EPS," Larefi Working Papers 1304, Larefi, Université Bordeaux 4.
  37. Sébastien GALANTI & Zahra BEN BRAHAM, 2013. "Recommendation Value on an Emerging Market: the Impact of Financial Analysts Recommendations on Stock Price and Trading Volume in Tunisia," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1393, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  38. Daria Onori, 2013. "Optimal Growth under Flow-Based Collaterals," Working Papers halshs-00824672, HAL.
  39. Sessi Tokpavi, 2013. "Testing for the Systemically Important Financial Institutions: a Conditional Approach," EconomiX Working Papers 2013-27, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  40. Bertrand Maillet & Sessi Tokpavi & Benoit Vaucher, 2013. "Minimum Variance Portfolio Optimisation under Parameter Uncertainty: A Robust Control Approach," EconomiX Working Papers 2013-28, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  41. Mohamed El Hedi Arouri & Shawkat Hammoudeh & Amine Lahiani & Duc Khuong Nguyen, 2013. "Long memory and structural breaks in modeling the return and volatility dynamics of precious metals," Working Papers hal-00798033, HAL.
  42. Mohamed El Hedi Arouri & Shawkat Hammoudeh & Duc Khuong Nguyen & Amine Lahiani, 2013. "On the short- and long-run efficiency of energy and precious metal markets," Working Papers hal-00798036, HAL.
  43. Mohamed El Hedi Arouri & Amine Lahiani & Duc Khuong Nguyen, 2013. "World gold prices and stock returns in China: insights for hedging and diversification strategies," Working Papers hal-00798038, HAL.
  44. Selim Mankaï & Aymen Belgacem, 2013. "Interactions Between Risk-Taking, Capital, and Reinsurance for Property-Liability Insurance Firms," EconomiX Working Papers 2013-23, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  45. Aymen Belgacem, 2013. "Explaining the Stock Market's Reaction to Macroeconomic Announcements," Post-Print halshs-01064891, HAL.
  46. Mazen Kebewar, 2013. "The effect of debt on corporate profitability : Evidence from French service sector," Papers 1301.0072,, revised Mar 2014.
  47. Muhammad Khan & Mazen Kebewar & Nikolay Nenovsky, 2013. "Inflation Uncertainty, Output Growth Uncertainty and Macroeconomic Performance: Comparing Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes in Eastern Europe," Papers 1303.6192,
  48. Mazen Kebewar, 2013. "Does debt affect profitability? An empirical study of French trade sector," Working Papers halshs-00780310, HAL.
  49. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef, 2013. "Individuals and Identity in Economics," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-01297357, HAL.
  50. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef, 2013. "Economics of identity and economics of the firm: why and how their three central questions overlap," Post-Print hal-01290219, HAL.
  51. Arslan Tariq Rana & Philippe Saucier, 2013. "Les clauses environnementales dans les accords de libre échange entre pays développés et pays émergents - Analyse des déterminants," Post-Print halshs-01058357, HAL.
  52. Boukef Jlassi, Nabila & Hamdi, Helmi, 2013. "Financial liberalization, disaggregated capital flows and banking crisis: Evidence from developing countries," MPRA Paper 55779, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
  53. Ahn, J-H. & Breton, R., 2013. "Securitization, Competition and Monitoring," Working papers 457, Banque de France.
  54. Bignon, V. & Breton, R. & Rojas Breu, M., 2013. "Currency Union with and without Banking Union," Working papers 450, Banque de France.
  55. Kamel Malik BENSAFTA & Gervasio SEMEDO, 2013. "Les structures économiques de pays du Maghreb : convergence ou divergence vis-à-vis de l'Europe ? (annulé et remplacé par le DR LEO 2015-11)," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1148, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  56. Kamel Malik BENSAFTA & Gervasio SEMEDO, 2013. "Transmission de la volatilité et central banking : quelles réactions durant la crise des subprimes ?," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1694, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  57. Nicolas Sanz & Sonia Schwartz, 2013. "Are pollution permit markets harmful for employment?," Post-Print halshs-00866721, HAL.


  1. Isabelle Rabaud & Thierry Montalieu, 2012. "Une analyse critique des mesures de restrictions aux échanges de services," Post-Print halshs-01064953, HAL.
  2. Thierry Montalieu & Isabelle Rabaud, 2012. "The Impact of Restrictions in Trade in the Telecommunications: an Application to Middle East and North African Countries," Working Papers halshs-00827761, HAL.
  3. Matthieu Crozet & Emmanuel Milet & Daniel Mirza, 2012. "The Discriminatory Effect of Domestic Regulations on International Services Trade," Working Papers 2012-02, CEPII research center.
  4. Haller, Stefanie A. & Damijan, Joe & Kaitila, Ville & Kostevc, Črt & Maliranta, Mika & Milet, Emmanuel & Mirza, Daniel & Rojec, Matija, 2012. "A portrait of trading firms in the services sectors Comparable evidence from four EU countries," Discussion Papers 1283, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy.
  5. Damijan, Joe & Haller, Stefanie A. & Kaitila, Ville & Maliranta, Mika & Milet, Emmanuel & Rojec, Matija & Mirza, Daniel, 2012. "The performance of trading firms in the services sectors Comparable evidence from four EU countries," Discussion Papers 1284, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy.
  6. Vani K. Borooah & Catherine Bros, 2012. "The Distribution of Social Capital, Confidence in Public Bodies, and Electoral Participation in India," Economics Working Paper from Condorcet Center for political Economy at CREM-CNRS 2012-05-ccr, Condorcet Center for political Economy.
  7. Mohamed El Hedi Arouri & Adel Ben Youssef & Hatem M'Henni & Christophe Rault, 2012. "Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions in Middle East and North African Countries," CESifo Working Paper Series 3726, CESifo.
  8. Mohamed El Hedi Arouri & Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Christophe Rault & Robert Sova & Anamaria Sova, 2012. "Environmental Regulation and Competitiveness: Evidence from Romania," CESifo Working Paper Series 3916, CESifo.
  9. Christophe Rault & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2012. "Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment: does Finance Matter?," Post-Print halshs-00830134, HAL.
  10. AROURI, Mohamed El Hedi & BEN YOUSSEF, Adel & M'HENNI, Hatem & Rault, Christophe, 2012. "Empirical Analysis of The EKC Hypothesis for Sulfur Dioxide Emissions in Selected Middle East and North African Countries," MPRA Paper 46185, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2012.
  11. Bertrand Candelon & Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2012. "Sampling Error and Double Shrinkage Estimation of Minimum Variance Portfolios," Post-Print hal-01385835, HAL.
  12. Elena Ivona Dumitrescu & Christophe Hurlin, 2012. "Testing for Granger Non-causality in Heterogeneous Panels," Post-Print hal-01385899, HAL.
  13. Bertrand Candelon & Elena Ivona Dumitrescu & Christophe Hurlin, 2012. "How to Evaluate an Early Warning System? Towards a Unified Statistical Framework for Assessing Financial Crises Forecasting Methods," Post-Print hal-01385900, HAL.
  14. Elena Ivona Dumitrescu & Christophe Hurlin & Vinson Pham, 2012. "Backtesting Value-at-Risk: From Dynamic Quantile to Dynamic Binary Tests," Post-Print hal-01385901, HAL.
  15. Bertrand Candelon & Elena-Ivona Dumitrescu & Christophe Hurlin, 2012. "How to evaluate an Early Warning System ?," Working Papers halshs-00450050, HAL.
  16. Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon & Victoria Stodden, 2012. " a novel dissemination and collaboration platform for executing published computational results," Working Papers halshs-00739233, HAL.
  17. Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2012. "The Risk Map: A New Tool for Validating Risk Models," Working Papers halshs-00746273, HAL.
  18. Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2012. "Margin Backtesting," Working Papers halshs-00746274, HAL.
  19. Bertrand Candelon & Guillaume Gaulier & Christophe Hurlin, 2012. "Extreme Financial Cycles," Working Papers halshs-00769817, HAL.
  20. Herrera, Santiago & Hurlin, Christophe & Zaki, Chahir, 2012. "Why don't banks lend to Egypt's private sector ?," Policy Research Working Paper Series 6094, The World Bank.
  21. Mutascu, Mihai, 2012. "Influence of clime conditions on tax revenues," MPRA Paper 40324, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  22. Mutascu, Mihai, 2012. "Tax revenues under World Religions: a Panel Analysis," MPRA Paper 40337, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  23. Mihai Mutascu, 2012. "The Binary Choice Approach of Laffer Curve," FEAA Working Papers 2012.FEAA.F.01, West University of Timisoara, Romania, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
  24. Alexandru Minea & Antoine Parent, 2012. "Is High Public Debt Always Harmful to Economic Growth? Reinhart and Rogoff and some complex nonlinearities," Working Papers 12-08, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  25. Alexandru MINEA & Youssouf KIENDREBEOGO, 2012. "Financial Factors and Manufacturing Exports:Theory and Firm-level Evidence From Egypt," Working Papers 201221, CERDI.
  26. René TAPSOBA & Alexandru MINEA & Jean-Louis COMBES, 2012. "Inflation Targeting and Fiscal Rules: Do Interactions and Sequence of Adoption Matter?," Working Papers 201223, CERDI.
  27. K. Herve DAKPO & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Johanna CHOUMERT, 2012. "The environmental Kuznets curve for deforestation: a threatened theory? A meta-analysis," Working Papers 201216, CERDI.
  28. Pascale Combes Motel, 2012. "Les fondements économiques des énergies renouvelables," Post-Print halshs-00704814, HAL.
  29. Nasser Ary Tanimoune & Jean-Louis Combes & René Tapsoba, 2012. "Policy Mix Coherence: What Does it Mean for Monetary Policy in West Africa?," CERDI Working papers halshs-00678712, HAL.
  30. Zaki, Chahir & Selwaness, Irène, 2012. "Assessing the Impact of Trade Reforms on Informality in Egypt," Conference papers 332191, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  31. Karam, Fida & Zaki, Chahir, 2012. "On the Determinants of Trade in Services: Evidence from the MENA Region," Conference papers 332217, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  32. Thomas Laursen & Karim Badr & Chahir Zaki, 2012. "Egypt Economic Monitoring Note, Fall 2012," World Bank Publications - Reports 27101, The World Bank Group.
  33. Omar Paccagnella & Christelle Garrouste, 2012. "Early-life circumstances and late-life income," Post-Print hal-03245161, HAL.
  34. Christelle Garrouste & Omar Paccagnella, 2012. "Childhood conditions, education and main job (Abstracts proceeding, page 101)," Post-Print hal-03245229, HAL.
  35. Garrouste, Christelle & Rodrigues, Margarida, 2012. "The employability of young graduates in Europe: Analysis of the ET2020 benchmark," MPRA Paper 49919, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  36. Michel Lubrano & Abdoul Aziz Junior Ndoye, 2012. "Bayesian Unconditional Quantile Regression. An Analysis of Recent Expansions in Wage Structure and Earnings Inequality in the U.S. 1992-2009," AMSE Working Papers 1203, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France.
  37. Ibrahim Ahamada & Djamel Kirat, 2012. "The impact of phase II of the EU ETS on the electricity-generation sector," Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 12007, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne.
  38. Ibrahim Ahamada & Djamel Kirat, 2012. "Evidence of a nonlinear effect of the EU ETS on the electricity-generation sector," Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 12047, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne.
  39. Bertrand Candelon & Marc Joëts & Sessi Tokpavi, 2012. "Testing for crude oil markets globalization during extreme price movements," EconomiX Working Papers 2012-28, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  40. Mazen Kebewar, 2012. "La structure du capital et la profitabilit\'e: Le cas des entreprises industrielles fran\c{c}aises," Papers 1212.6795,
  41. Mazen Kebewar, 2012. "La structure du capital et la profitabilité : Une étude empirique sur données de panel françaises," Working Papers hal-00751211, HAL.
  42. Mazen Kebewar, 2012. "L'Impact De L'Endettement Sur La Profitabilité Une Étude Empirique Sur Données Françaises En Panel," Working Papers halshs-00749685, HAL.
  43. Mazen Kebewar, 2012. "L'Endettement Affecte-T-Il La Profitabilité? Le Cas Des Firmes Agro-Alimentaires Françaises," Working Papers halshs-00756972, HAL.
  44. Mazen Kebewar, 2012. "La structure du capital et la profitabilité : Le cas des entreprises industrielles françaises," Working Papers halshs-00758410, HAL.
  45. Mazen Kebewar, 2012. "La structure du capital et la profitabilité : Une étude empirique sur données françaises en panel," Working Papers halshs-00826530, HAL.
  46. Cristina Jude, 2012. "Horizontal and Vertical Technology Spillovers from FDI in Eastern Europe," Working Papers halshs-00828022, HAL.
  47. Pop-Silaghi, Monica & Jude, Cristina & Alexa, Diana & Litan, Cristian, 2012. "Do business and public sector research and development expenditures contribute to economic growth in central and eastern European countries? A dynamic panel estimation," Economics Discussion Papers 2012-4, School of Economics, Kingston University London.


  1. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2011. "Déficits persistants et croissance endogène," Post-Print halshs-00666897, HAL.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 2011. "Quel objectif pour la dette publique à moyen terme ?," Working Papers halshs-00829660, HAL.
  3. Alexis Direr, 2011. "Are Betting Markets Efficient ? Evidence from European Football Championships," Post-Print hal-00734531, HAL.
  4. Klaus Abbink & David Masclet & Daniel Mirza, 2011. "Inequality and Riots – Experimental Evidence," CIRANO Working Papers 2011s-10, CIRANO.
  5. Matthieu Crozet & Emmanuel Milet & Daniel Mirza, 2011. "Le club utra select des firmes exportatrices de services," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00610973, HAL.
  6. Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Christophe Rault & Robert Sova & Anamaria Sova, 2011. "Europe Agreements and Trade Balance: Evidence from Four New EU Members," CESifo Working Paper Series 3340, CESifo.
  7. Alexandru Minea & Christophe Rault, 2011. "External Monetary Shocks and Monetary Integration: Evidence from the Bulgarian Currency Board," CESifo Working Paper Series 3409, CESifo.
  8. Jude C. Eggoh & Chrysost Bangaké & Christophe Rault, 2011. "Energy Consumption and Economic Growth Revisited in African Countries," CESifo Working Paper Series 3590, CESifo.
  9. Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Thouraya Hadj Amor & Christophe Rault, 2011. "Sources of Real Exchange Rate Volatility and International Financial Integration: A Dynamic GMM Panel Approach," CESifo Working Paper Series 3645, CESifo.
  10. Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Christophe Rault & Robert Sova & Anamaria Sova, 2011. "Trade Specialisation and Economic Convergence: Evidence from two Eastern European Countries," DEGIT Conference Papers c016_071, DEGIT, Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade.
  11. Hatem M'henni & Mohamed El Hedi Arouri & Adel Ben Youssef & Christophe Rault, 2011. "Income Level and Environmental Quality in The MENA Countries: Discussing the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis," Working Papers 587, Economic Research Forum, revised 05 Jan 2011.
  12. Sylvain Benoît & Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin, 2011. "A Theoretical and Empirical Comparison of Systemic Risk Measures: MES versus CoVaR," Working Papers hal-02058255, HAL.
  13. Régis Breton & Sébastien Galanti & Christophe Hurlin & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2011. "Does soft information matter for financial analysts' forecasts? A gravity model approach," Working Papers halshs-00829908, HAL.
  14. Bertrand Candelon & Elena-Ivona DUMITRESCU & Christophe HURLIN & Franz C. PALM, 2011. "Modelling Financial Crises Mutation," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1238, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  15. Elena-Ivona DUMITRESCU & Christophe HURLIN & Jaouad MADKOUR, 2011. "Testing Interval Forecasts: A New GMM-based Test," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1549, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  16. Mutascu, Mihai & Shahbaz, Muhammad & Tiwari, Aviral Kumar, 2011. "Revisiting the relationship between electricity consumption, capital and economic growth: Cointegration and causality analysis in Romania," MPRA Paper 29233, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  17. Mutascu, Mihai, 2011. "Taxation and democracy," MPRA Paper 31592, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  18. Muhammad, Shahbaz & Mihai, Mutascu & Parvez, Azim, 2011. "Environmental Kuznets Curve in Romania and the Role of Energy Consumption," MPRA Paper 32254, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 15 Jul 2011.
  19. Mutascu, Mihai & Tiwari, Aviral & Estrada, Fernando, 2011. "Taxation and political stability," MPRA Paper 32272, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  20. Estrada, Fernando & Mutascu, Mihai & Tiwari, Aviral, 2011. "Estabilidad política y tributación [Taxation and political stability]," MPRA Paper 32414, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  21. Mutascu, Mihai, 2011. "Compulsory voting and tax revenues," MPRA Paper 33987, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  22. Bernard, Jean-Thomas & Gavin, Michael & Khalaf, Lynda & Voia, Marcel, 2011. "The Environmental Kuznets Curve: Tipping Points, Uncertainty and Weak Identification," Working Papers 119109, University of Laval, Center for Research on the Economics of the Environment, Agri-food, Transports and Energy (CREATE).
  23. Marcel-Cristian Voia & J. Stephen Ferris, 2011. "Do Canadian Business Cycle Peaks Predict Federal Election Calls?," Carleton Economic Papers 11-03, Carleton University, Department of Economics, revised 07 May 2012.
  24. Mohammad Karimi & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2011. "Identifying Extreme Values of Exchange Market Pressure," Carleton Economic Papers 11-10, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  25. Mohammad Karimi & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2011. "Empirics of Currency Crises: A Duration Analysis Approach," Carleton Economic Papers 11-11, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  26. Mohammad Karimi & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2011. "Currency Crises, Exchange Rate Regimes, and Capital Account Liberalization: A Duration Analysis Approach," Carleton Economic Papers 11-12, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  27. Nikolay NENOVSKY & Kiril TOCHKOV & Camelia TURCU, 2011. "From Prosperity to Depression: Bulgaria and Romania (1996/97 ??? 2010)," William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series wp1018, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan.
  28. Jean-Louis COMBES & Christian EBEKE & Mathilde MAUREL, 2011. "Remittances and the Prevalence of Working Poor," Working Papers 201109, CERDI.
  29. Jean-Louis COMBES & Christian EBEKE & Mireille NTSAMA ETOUNDI, 2011. "Are Foreign Aid and Remittances a Hedge against Food Price Shocks in Developing Countries?," Working Papers 201121, CERDI.
  30. Jean-Louis Combes & Patrick Plane & Mr. Tidiane Kinda, 2011. "Capital Flows, Exchange Rate Flexibility, and the Real Exchange Rate," IMF Working Papers 2011/009, International Monetary Fund.
  31. Chahir Zaki, 2011. "On Trade Policies and Wage Disparity in Egypt: Evidence from Microeconomic Data," Working Papers 606, Economic Research Forum, revised 08 Jan 2011.
  32. Santiago Herrera & Hoda Selim & Hoda Youssef & Chahir Zaki, 2011. "Egypt beyond the Crisis: Medium-Term Challenges for Sustained Growth," Working Papers 625, Economic Research Forum, revised 09 Jan 2011.
  33. Chahir Zaki, 2011. "Assessing the Global Effect of Trade Facilitation: Evidence from the MIRAGE Model," Working Papers 659, Economic Research Forum, revised 12 Jan 2011.
  34. Christelle Garrouste, 2011. "Explaining learning gaps in Namibia: The role of language proficiency," Post-Print hal-03241747, HAL.
  35. Danilo Cavapozzi & Alessio Fiume & Christelle Garrouste & Guglielmo Weber, 2011. "Human Capital Accumulation and Investment Behaviour," Post-Print hal-03241785, HAL.
  36. Danilo Cavapozzi & Christelle Garrouste & Omar Paccagnella, 2011. "Childhood, Schooling and Income Inequality," Post-Print hal-03241787, HAL.
  37. Christelle Garrouste & Massimo Loi, 2011. "School-to-work transitions in Europe: Speed of convergence to permanent employment," Post-Print hal-03245393, HAL.
  38. Christelle Garrouste & Omar Paccagnella, 2011. "Shall I stay or shall I go? Late graduation and retirement decision," Post-Print hal-03245583, HAL.
  39. Christelle Garrouste, 2011. "Towards a Benchmark on the Contribution of Education and Training to Employability: Methodological Note. EUR 24616 EN," Working Papers hal-03245317, HAL.
  40. Garrouste, Christelle, 2011. "Towards a benchmark on the contribution of education and training to employability: methodological note," MPRA Paper 37153, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  41. Michel Lubrano & Abdoul Aziz Junior Ndoye, 2011. "Inequality decomposition using the Gibbs output of a Mixture of lognormal distributions," Working Papers halshs-00585248, HAL.
  42. Calavrezo, Oana & Pelek, Selin, 2011. "Qui sont les salariés payés au niveau du salaire minimum? Une analyse empirique à partir de données turques," GIAM Working Papers 11-2, Galatasaray University Economic Research Center, revised 13 Feb 2011.
  43. Oana Calavrezo & Richard Duhautois & Francis Kramarz, 2011. "L'importance des "réseaux d'entreprises" dans la mobilité sectorielle des salariés," Working Papers hal-00831499, HAL.
  44. Daria Onori, 2011. "Welfare, Competition, Specialization and Growth," Working Papers halshs-00580722, HAL.
  45. Ibrahim Ahamada & Djamel Kirat, 2011. "The impact of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme on electricity generation," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00629900, HAL.
  46. Duc Khuong Nguyen & Mohamed Arouri & Amine Lahiani, 2011. "Return and volatility transmission between world oil prices and stock markets of the GCC countries," EcoMod2011 2820, EcoMod.
  47. Karine Constant & Carine Nourry & Thomas Seegmuller, 2011. "Polluting Industrialization," Working Papers halshs-00633608, HAL.


  1. Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Alexandru MINEA & Patrick VILLIEU, 2010. "Disinflation against the Environment? An application to the trade-off between seigniorage and deforestation," Working Papers 201014, CERDI.
  2. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2010. "Financial Development, Institutional Quality and Maximizing-Growth Trade-Off in Government Finance," Post-Print hal-00488706, HAL.
  3. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2010. "Développement financier, qualité institutionnelle et croissance : un modèle simple avec effet de seuil," Post-Print halshs-00587083, HAL.
  4. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2010. "Endogenous Growth, Government Debt and Budgetary Regimes : A Corrigendum," Post-Print halshs-00630713, HAL.
  5. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2010. "Dette publique, croissance et bien-être : une perspective de long terme," Post-Print halshs-00672605, HAL.
  6. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2010. "Introduction. Développement financier, institutions et croissance," Post-Print halshs-00673469, HAL.
  7. Direr A. & Visser M., 2010. "The influence of sellers on buyers:the case of portfolio choices," Working Papers ERMES 1007, ERMES, University Paris 2.
  8. Alexis Direr & Muriel Roger, 2010. "Le Produit d'Epargne Retraite Populaire (PERP) : caractéristiques des détenteurs et projection des niveaux de rentes," Post-Print halshs-00754425, HAL.
  9. Alexis DIRER, 2010. "Equilibrium Lottery Games and Preferences Under Risk," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 550, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  10. José de Sousa & Daniel Mirza & Thierry Verdier, 2010. "Terrorism Networks and Trade: Does the Neighor Hurt?," Working Papers 2010-04, CEPII research center.
  11. Guillaume Gaulier & Emmanuel Milet & Daniel Mirza, 2010. "Les firmes françaises dans le commerce de service," Working Papers 2010-28, CEPII research center.
  12. Catherine Bros, 2010. "Social fragmentation and public goods : polarization, inequality and patronage in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00476016, HAL.
  13. Catherine Bros & Mathieu Couttenier, 2010. "Untouchability And Public Infrastructure," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00542235, HAL.
  14. Mohamed El Hedi Arouri & Christophe Rault, 2010. "Oil Prices and Stock Markets: What Drives what in the Gulf Corporation Council Countries?," CESifo Working Paper Series 2934, CESifo.
  15. António Afonso & Christophe Rault, 2010. "Long-run Determinants of Sovereign Yields," CESifo Working Paper Series 3155, CESifo.
  16. António Afonso & Christophe Rault, 2010. "Short and Long-run Behaviour of Long-term Sovereign Bond Yields," CESifo Working Paper Series 3249, CESifo.
  17. Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Christophe Rault & Robert Sova & Anamaria Sova, 2010. "Determinants of Pollution Abatement and Control Expenditure in Romania: A Multilevel Analysis," CESifo Working Paper Series 3255, CESifo.
  18. DRINE Imed & RAULT Christophe, 2010. "Does the Balassa-Samuelson Hypothesis Hold for Asian Countries? An Empirical Analysis using Panel Data Cointegration Tests," EcoMod2003 330700045, EcoMod.
  19. Mohamed El Hedi Arouri & Christophe Rault, 2010. "Les effets des fluctuations du prix du pétrole sur les marchés boursiers dans les pays du Golfe," Working Papers hal-00507825, HAL.
  20. Caporale, Guglielmo Maria & Rault, Christophe & Sova, Robert & Sova, Anamaria, 2010. "Pollution Abatement and Control Expenditure in Romania: A Multilevel Analysis," IZA Discussion Papers 5041, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  21. Imed DRINE & Christophe RAULT, 2010. "Fluctuation de change et performances économiques," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 658, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  22. Christophe Hurlin & Patrick Kouontchou & Bertrand Maillet, 2010. "Un MEDAF à plusieurs moments réalisés," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00482370, HAL.
  23. Christophe Hurlin, 2010. "What would Nelson and Plosser find had they used panel unit root tests?," Post-Print hal-00593348, HAL.
  24. Tiwari, Aviral & Mutascu, Mihai, 2010. "Economic growth and and FDI in ASIA: A panel data approach," MPRA Paper 28172, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  25. Kim P. Huynh & Luke Ignaczak & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2010. "Stochastic Dominance, Estimation and Inference for Censored Distributions with Nuisance Parameter," Carleton Economic Papers 10-02, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  26. Anindya Sen & Marcel-Cristian Voia & Frances R. Woolley, 2010. "Hot or Not: How Appearance Affects Earnings and Productivity in Academia," Carleton Economic Papers 10-07, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  27. Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Jean-Louis COMBES & Catherine ARAUJO BONJEAN & Claudio ARAUJO & Eustaquio J. REIS, 2010. "Does Land Tenure Insecurity Drive Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon?," Working Papers 201013, CERDI.
  28. Martine AUDIBERT & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Alassane DRABO, 2010. "Global Burden of Disease and Economic Growth," Working Papers 201036, CERDI.
  29. Pascale Combes Motel & C. Michael Hogan, 2010. "Causes of deforestation," Post-Print hal-00484020, HAL.
  30. Christian EBEKE & Jean-Louis COMBES, 2010. "Remittances and Household Consumption Instability in Developing Countries," Working Papers 201015, CERDI.
  31. Christian EBEKE & Jean-Louis COMBES, 2010. "Do remittances dampen the effect of natural disasters on output growth volatility in developing countries?," Working Papers 201031, CERDI.
  32. Jean-Louis COMBES & Patrick PLANE & Tidiane KINDA, 2010. "Capital Flows and their Impact on the Real Effective Exchange Rate," Working Papers 201032, CERDI.
  33. Catherine Araujo Bonjean & Jean-Louis Combes, 2010. "De la mesure de l'intégration des marchés agricoles dans les pays en développement," Post-Print halshs-00537608, HAL.
  34. Zaki, Chahir, 2010. "A Global Assessment of the Trade Facilitation Effects: the Case of MIRAGE Model," Conference papers 331990, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  35. Rana Hendy & Chahir Zaki, 2010. "Assessing The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Wage Inequalities in Egypt: A Microsimulation Analysis," Working Papers 555, Economic Research Forum, revised 10 Jan 2010.
  36. Anne Lavigne & Jesus Herell Nze Obame, 2010. "Securing Pension Benefits in DB Private Schemes with Priority Rules: an Insight from Contracting Theory," Post-Print halshs-00457313, HAL.
  37. Belhadj, Aam & Eggoh, Jude, 2010. "Co-movements Of Business Cycles In The Maghreb: Does Trade Matter?," MPRA Paper 35778, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  38. Pascal Godefroy & Christelle Garrouste & Anne Laferrère, 2010. "Validation des données françaises de l’enquête SHARE à l’aide de données externes d’autres enquêtes : les exemples de la santé et du revenu," Post-Print hal-03241774, HAL.
  39. Christelle Garrouste & Kornelia Kozovska & Elena Arjona Perez, 2010. "Education and Long-Term Unemployment," Post-Print hal-03245305, HAL.
  40. Garrouste, Christelle & Godefroy, Pascal & Laferrère, Anne, 2010. "Validating SHARE in France with other French surveys : health and income data," MPRA Paper 28736, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  41. Garrouste, Christelle, 2010. "100 years of educational reforms in Europe: a contextual database," MPRA Paper 31853, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  42. Mohamed El Hedi Arouri & Raphaëlle Bellando & Sébastien Ringuedé & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2010. "Herding by institutional investors: empirical evidence from French mutual funds," Working Papers hal-00507832, HAL.
  43. Raphaëlle Bellando, 2010. "Measuring herding intensity: a hard task," Working Papers halshs-00517610, HAL.
  44. Calavrezo, Oana & Duhautois, Richard & Walkowiak, Emmanuelle, 2010. "Short-Time Compensation and Establishment Exit: An Empirical Analysis with French Data," IZA Discussion Papers 4989, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  45. Oana Calavrezo & Richard Duhautois & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2010. "Chômage partiel et disparition des établissements : une analyse à partir de données françaises," Working Papers hal-00831493, HAL.
  46. ONORI, Daria, 2010. "Competition and growth: reinterpreting their relationship," LIDAM Discussion Papers CORE 2010033, Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE).
  47. Mohamed El Hedi Arouri & Amine Lahiani & Khuong Nguyen Duc, 2010. "Forecasting the conditional volatility of oil spot and futures prices with structural breaks and long memory models," Working Papers 13, Development and Policies Research Center (DEPOCEN), Vietnam.
  48. Amine LAHIANI & Mohamed EL HEDI AROURI & Duc KHUONG NGUYEN, 2010. "Forecasting the Conditional Volatility of Spot and Futures Oil Prices with Structural Breaks and Long Memory Models," EcoMod2010 259600101, EcoMod.
  49. Igor LEBRUN & Ludovic DOBBELAERE, 2010. "A Macro-econometric Model for the Economy of Lesotho," EcoMod2010 259600102, EcoMod.
  50. Petar Chobanov & Amine LAHIANI & Nikolay NENOVSKY, 2010. "Money Market Integration and Sovereign CDS Spreads Dynamics in the New EU States," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1253, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  51. Yannick LUCOTTE, 2010. "The Choice of Adopting Inflation Targeting in Emerging Economies: Do Domestic Institutions Matter?," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1561, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  52. Jung Hyun Ahn & Régis Breton, 2010. "Titrisation, concurrence et rente bancaire," Post-Print hal-00553734, HAL.
  53. Jung-Hyun Ahn & Régis Breton, 2010. "Securitization, competition and efficiency," Post-Print hal-00650848, HAL.
  54. Sonia Schwartz & Hubert Stahn, 2010. "Competitive Permit Markets and Vertical Structures: The Relevance of Imperfect Competitive Eco-Industries," Working Papers halshs-00501831, HAL.


  1. Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Alexandru MINEA & Patrick VILLIEU, 2009. "Deforestation and Seigniorage in Developing Countries:Better Environment or Lower Inflation?," Working Papers 200903, CERDI.
  2. Alexandru MINEA & Hélène EHRHART & Patrick VILLIEU, 2009. "Deficit, Seigniorage and the Growth Laffer Curve in developing countries," Working Papers 200926, CERDI.
  3. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2009. "Investissement public et effets non linéaires des déficits budgétaires," Discussion Papers (REL - Recherches Economiques de Louvain) 2009031, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).
  4. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2009. "Borrowing to Finance Public Investment? The "Golden Rule of Public Finance" Reconsidered in an Andogenous Growth Setting"," Post-Print hal-00387502, HAL.
  5. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2009. "Threshold effects in monetary and fiscal policies in a growth model: Assessing the importance of the financial system," Post-Print hal-00387507, HAL.
  6. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2009. "Impôt, déficit et croissance économique : un réexamen de la courbe de Laffer," Post-Print hal-00448337, HAL.
  7. Daniel Mirza & Habib Zitouna, 2009. "Oil Prices, Geography and Endogenous Regionalism: Too Much Ado About (Almost) Nothing," Working Papers 2009-26, CEPII research center.
  8. Nathalie Colombier & David Masclet & Daniel Mirza & Claude Montmarquette, 2009. "Global Security Policies Against Terrorism and the Free Riding Problem: An Experimental Approach," CIRANO Working Papers 2009s-44, CIRANO.
  9. Lionel Fontagné & Daniel Mirza, 2009. "Exports and Wages: Discriminating between the Sources of Rents," Discussion Papers (REL - Recherches Economiques de Louvain) 2009012, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).
  10. Carolina Lennon & Daniel Mirza & Giuseppe Nicoletti, 2009. "Complementarity of Inputs across Countries in Services Trade," Post-Print hal-00813417, HAL.
  11. José de Sousa & Daniel Mirza & Thierry Verdier, 2009. "Terrorism and trade : does the neighbor hurt ?," Post-Print halshs-00400705, HAL.
  12. Catherine Bros, 2009. "Social Fragmentation and Public Goods Revisiting the Olson's Effect in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00424155, HAL.
  13. António Afonso & Christophe Rault, 2009. "Budgetary and External Imbalances Relationship: A Panel Data Diagnostic," CESifo Working Paper Series 2559, CESifo.
  14. António Afonso & Christophe Rault, 2009. "Bootstrap Panel Granger-Causality between Government Budget and External Deficits for the EU," CESifo Working Paper Series 2581, CESifo.
  15. Mohamed El hedi Arouri & Christophe Rault, 2009. "On the Influence of Oil Prices on Stock Markets: Evidence from Panel Analysis in GCC Countries," CESifo Working Paper Series 2690, CESifo.
  16. António Afonso & Christophe Rault, 2009. "Spend-and-tax: A Panel Data Investigation for the EU," CESifo Working Paper Series 2705, CESifo.
  17. Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Thouraya Hadj Amor & Christophe Rault, 2009. "International Financial Integration and Real Exchange Rate Long-Run Dynamics in Emerging Countries: Some Panel Evidence," CESifo Working Paper Series 2819, CESifo.
  18. Donatella Gatti & Christophe Rault & Anne-Gael Vaubourg, 2009. "Unemployment and Finance: How do Financial and Labour Market Factors Interact?," CESifo Working Paper Series 2901, CESifo.
  19. Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Christophe Rault & Robert Sova & Anamaria Sova, 2009. "Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from Ten New EU Members," Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin 940, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  20. Imed DRINE & Christophe RAULT, 2009. "Une analyse économétrique des sources de fluctuations du taux de change réel dans trois pays en développement : le cas du Maroc, des Philippines et de l’Uruguay," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 135, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  21. Ant??nio Afonso & Christophe Rault, 2009. "Bootstrap panel Granger-causality between government spending and revenue in the EU," William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series wp944, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan.
  22. Christophe RAULT & Guglielmo Maria CAPORALE & Thouraya HADJ AMOR, 2009. "International Financial Integration And Real Exchange Rate Long-Run Dynamics In Emerging Countries," William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series wp970, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan.
  23. Talpos, Ioan & Dima, Bogdan & Mutascu, Mihai & Enache, Cosmin, 2009. "Empirical Evidencies for the Budget Deficits Co-Integration in the Old European Union Members: Are there any Interlinkages in Fiscal Policies?," MPRA Paper 12647, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  24. Mutascu, Mihai, 2009. "The effect of the government intervention in economy on corruption," MPRA Paper 16175, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  25. Luke Ignaczak & Marcel Voia, 2009. "A Nonparametric Analysis Of Canadian Employment Patterns," Carleton Economic Papers 09-01, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  26. Marcel Voia & Liqun Wang & Ricardas Zitikis, 2009. "A Distributional Analysis of Treatment Effects on Subpopulations of a Socioeconomic Experiment," Carleton Economic Papers 09-02, Carleton University, Department of Economics, revised 05 Feb 2010.
  27. J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2009. "Does the Risk or Realization of a Federal Election Precipitate Canadian Output Growth? – revised version: Does the Expectation or Realization of a Federal Election Precipitate Canadian Output Growth?," Carleton Economic Papers 09-11, Carleton University, Department of Economics, revised Feb 2011.
  28. Siedschlag, Iulia & Smith, Donal & Turcu, Camelia & Zhang, Xiaoheng, 2009. "What Determines the Attractiveness of the European Union to the Location R&D Multinational Firms?," Papers DYNREG46, Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI).
  29. Cornel Oros & Camélia Turcu, 2009. "The Monetary Transmission Mechanisms in the CEECs : A Structural VAR Approach," Post-Print hal-00954297, HAL.
  30. Alexandru Minea & C. Rault, 2009. "Some New Insights into Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Bulgaria," Post-Print halshs-00539141, HAL.
  31. Romain PIRARD & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Jean-Louis COMBES, 2009. "A response to the commentary on “Compensated Successful Efforts”," Working Papers 200902, CERDI.
  32. Jean-Louis COMBES & Gérard CHAMBAS & Joseph G. ATTILA, 2009. "Aide publique au développement et transition fiscale," Working Papers 200901, CERDI.
  33. Zaki, Chahir, 2009. "Towards an Explicit Modeling of Trade Facilitation in CGE Models: Evidence from Egypt," Conference papers 331897, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  34. Rana HENDY & Chahir ZAKI, 2009. "Rethinking the Redistribution Effects of Trade Liberalization in Egypt : A Microsimulation Analysis," Working Papers 2009-23, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics.
  35. Belhadj, ARAM & Bouguezzi, WAJDI & Jedlane, NABIL, 2009. "A Common Monetary Policy For The Maghreb: The Winners and The Losers?," MPRA Paper 29701, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  36. Belhadj, Aam, 2009. "Heterogeneity of the Maghreb: the results of optimized monetary rules," MPRA Paper 40374, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  37. Garrouste, Christelle & Loi, Massimo, 2009. "Applications De La Theorie Des Jeux A L'Education: Pour Quels Types Et Niveaux D'Education, Quels Modeles, Quels Resultats? [Applications of Game Theory in Education - What Types and At What Levels," MPRA Paper 31825, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  38. Raphaëlle Bellando & Linh Tran Dieu, 2009. "La relation entre flux d entrées nets et performance des fonds : une étude appliquée au cas des OPCVM actions français," Post-Print halshs-00451026, HAL.
  39. Raphaëlle Bellando & Sébastien Ringuedé, 2009. "Compétition entre fonds et prise de risque excessive : une application empirique au cas français," Working Papers halshs-00451027, HAL.
  40. Raphaëlle BELLANDO & Linh TRAN-DIEU, 2009. "La relation entre flux d’entrées nets et rentabilité des fonds : une étude appliquée au cas des OPCVM actions français," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 963, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  41. Oana Calavrezo & Richard Duhautois & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2009. "The Short-Time Compensation Program in France: An Efficient Measure against Redundancies?," Working Papers hal-00831348, HAL.
  42. Djamel Kirat & Ibrahim Ahamada, 2009. "The impact of the European Union emission trading scheme on electricity generation sectors," Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 09025, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne.
  43. Borghans, L. & Cörvers, F., 2009. "The Americanization of European higher education and research," Research Memorandum 051, Maastricht University, Maastricht Research School of Economics of Technology and Organization (METEOR).
  44. Aymen Belgacem, 2009. "Fundamentals, Macroeconomic Announcements and Asset Prices," EconomiX Working Papers 2009-16, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  45. Yannick Lucotte, 2009. "Central Bank Independence and Budget Deficits in Developing Countries: New Evidence from Panel Data Analysis," Post-Print halshs-00447398, HAL.


  1. Nelly Gregoriadis & Florina, Cristina Semenescu-Badarau & Patrick Villieu, 2008. "Monetary Policy Transmission Asymmetries in a Heterogeneous Monetary Union: a Simple Contractual Solution," Post-Print halshs-00250319, HAL.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 2008. "Macroéconomie : consommation et épargne," Post-Print halshs-00250802, HAL.
  3. Patrick Villieu, 2008. "Quelle gouvernance pour une Union monétaire asymétrique? Un modèle simple," Post-Print halshs-00252103, HAL.
  4. Alexandru Minea & Christophe Rault & Patrick Villieu, 2008. "Further Theoretical and Empirical Evidence on Money to Growth Relation," Post-Print halshs-00257349, HAL.
  5. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2008. "Une nouvelle perspective sur la relation non linéaire entre déficits budgétaires et croissance économique," Post-Print halshs-00257364, HAL.
  6. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2008. "Faut-il financer l'investissement public par emprunt? Les enseignements d'un modèle de croissance endogène," Post-Print halshs-00261090, HAL.
  7. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2008. "Taxes, Deficit and Economic Growth: the Laffer Curve Revisited," Post-Print halshs-00370539, HAL.
  8. Isabelle Rabaud, 2008. "Migration et transferts des migrants en Méditerranée : vers une meilleure gouvernance," Post-Print halshs-00224969, HAL.
  9. Julien Fouquau & Christophe Hurlin & Isabelle Rabaud, 2008. "The Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle: a Panel Smooth Transition Regression Approach," Post-Print halshs-00230176, HAL.
  10. Isabelle Rabaud, 2008. "Migration and the EMP: A Political Economy Perspective," Post-Print halshs-00292590, HAL.
  11. Isabelle Rabaud, 2008. "Transferts de fonds des migrants et développement économiques des pays du sud de la Méditerranée," Post-Print halshs-00292594, HAL.
  12. Hughes Jennequin & Isabelle Rabaud & Elif Unan, 2008. "Remittances and Catching up of Southern Mediterranean Countries," Post-Print halshs-00363521, HAL.
  13. Direr, Alexis, 2008. "Epargne retraite et redistribution," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Docweb) 0804, CEPREMAP.
  14. David Masclet & Daniel Mirza & Klaus Abbink, 2008. "Social inequality, coordination and conflicts : an experimental evidence on riot," Post-Print halshs-00324658, HAL.
  15. Daniel Mirza & Thierry Verdier, 2008. "International trade, security and transnational terrorism: Theory and a survey of empirics," Post-Print halshs-00754282, HAL.
  16. Catherine Bros, 2008. "Power distribution and endogenous segregation," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00204974, HAL.
  17. António Afonso & Christophe Rault, 2008. "What do we really Know about Fiscal Sustainability in the EU? A Panel Data Diagnostic," CESifo Working Paper Series 2226, CESifo.
  18. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2008. "Purchasing Power Parity for Developing and Developed Countries. What can we Learn from Non-Stationary Panel Data Models?," CESifo Working Paper Series 2255, CESifo.
  19. Christophe Rault & Robert Sova & Ana Maria Sova, 2008. "Modeling International Trade Flows between CEEC and OECD Countries," CESifo Working Paper Series 2282, CESifo.
  20. António Afonso & Christophe Rault, 2008. "3-Step Analysis of Public Finances Sustainability: the Case of the European Union," CESifo Working Paper Series 2393, CESifo.
  21. Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Christophe Rault & Robert Sova & Ana Maria Sova, 2008. "On the Bilateral Trade Effects of Free Trade Agreements between the EU-15 and the CEEC-4 Countries," CESifo Working Paper Series 2419, CESifo.
  22. Christophe Rault & Ana Maria Sova & Robert Sova, 2008. "The Role of Association Agreements within European Union Enlargement to Central and Eastern European Countries," Post-Print halshs-00202790, HAL.
  23. Christophe Rault, 2008. "Long-run Strong-exogeneity," Post-Print halshs-00270417, HAL.
  24. Alexandru Minea & Christophe Rault, 2008. "Some New Insights Into Currency Boards: Evidence from Bulgaria," Post-Print halshs-00363380, HAL.
  25. Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Christophe Rault & Ana Maria Sova & Robert Sova, 2008. "On the Trade Balance Effects of Free Trade Agreements between the EU-15 and the CEEC-4 Countries," Post-Print halshs-00363699, HAL.
  26. Alexandru Minea & Christophe Rault, 2008. "Monetary Policy Transmission: Old Evidence and Some New Facts from Bulgaria 1/Introduction," Post-Print halshs-00375295, HAL.
  27. António Afonso & Cristophe Rault, 2008. "Bootstrap Panel Granger-Causality Between Government Spending and Revenue," Working Papers Department of Economics 2008/39, ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, Universidade de Lisboa.
  28. Caporale, Guglielmo Maria & Rault, Christophe & Sova, Anamaria & Sova, Robert, 2008. "Determinants of Pollution Abatement and Control Expenditure: Evidence from Romania," IZA Discussion Papers 3787, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  29. F. Arestoff & Christophe Hurlin, 2008. "Estimates of Government Net Capital Stocks for 26 Developing Countries, 1970-2002," Post-Print halshs-00257375, HAL.
  30. Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2008. "Backtesting Value-at-Risk : A GMM Duration-based Test," Post-Print halshs-00363146, HAL.
  31. B. Moreno-Dodson & Christophe Hurlin, 2008. "Public Spending Efficiency: an Empirical Analysis for Seven Fast Growing Countries," Post-Print halshs-00364785, HAL.
  32. Christophe Hurlin & Baptiste Venet, 2008. "Financial Development and Growth: A Re-Examination using a Panel Granger Causality Test," Working Papers halshs-00319995, HAL.
  33. F. ARESTOFF & Christophe HURLIN, 2008. "Estimates of Government Net Capital Stocks for 26 Developing Countries," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 562, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  34. Mutascu, Mihai, 2008. "Shadow economy, economic growth and labor market - Romanian case," MPRA Paper 11392, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  35. Mihai, Mutascu, 2008. "The Vote, The Politics and the interjurisdictional Transfers: The Romanian Case," MPRA Paper 12048, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  36. Talpos, Ioan & Dima, Bogdan & Mutascu, Mihai, 2008. "The Fiscal Policy and the Stability of the nominal Sector: The Romanian Case (revisited version)," MPRA Paper 12262, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  37. Talpos, Ioan & Dima, Bogdan & Mutascu, Mihai & Enache, Cosmin, 2008. "Culture And Migration: A Tale About Fear And Hope (With An Empirical Analysis On European Union Case)," MPRA Paper 7746, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  38. Mutascu, Mihai & Lobont, Oana & Crasneac, Alexandru Ocatavian & Nicolescu, Cristina, 2008. "Finantarea autoritatilor locale in Romania," MPRA Paper 9740, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  39. Talpos, Ioan & Dima, Bogdan & Mutascu, Mihai & Enache, Cosmin, 2008. "Politica fiscala si output-urile sociale: cazul U.E," MPRA Paper 9741, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised Jun 2008.
  40. Vivek Dehejia & Marcel Voia, 2008. "International Income Comparisons and Location Choice: Methodology, Analysis, and Implications," Carleton Economic Papers 08-02, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  41. Stephen Ferris & Marcel Voia, 2008. "What determines the length of a typical Canadian parliamentary government?," Carleton Economic Papers 08-06, Carleton University, Department of Economics, revised Dec 2009.
  42. Cornel Oros & Camélia Turcu, 2008. "How Does Sector Concentration Evolve at Country and Region Levels ? The European Case," Post-Print hal-00954301, HAL.
  43. Claudio ARAUJO & Catherine ARAUJO BONJEAN & Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Eustaquio J. REIS, 2008. "Property rights and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon," Working Papers 200820, CERDI.
  44. Romain PIRARD & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Jean-Louis COMBES, 2008. "A methodology to estimate impacts of domestic policies on deforestation: Compensated Successful Efforts for “avoided deforestation” (REDD)," Working Papers 200805, CERDI.
  45. Samuel GUERINEAU & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Jean-Louis COMBES, 2008. "Deforestation and credit cycles in Latin American countries," Working Papers 200808, CERDI.
  46. Araujo, Claudio & Bonjean, Catherine Araujo & Combes, Jean Louis & Motel, Pascal Combes & Reis, Eustaquio Jose, 2008. "Land Reform And Deforestation In The Brazilian Amazonia," 46th Congress, July 20-23, 2008, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil 108618, Sociedade Brasileira de Economia, Administracao e Sociologia Rural (SOBER).
  47. Patrick Plane & Jean-Louis Combes & Nasser Ary Tanimoune, 2008. "La politique budgétaire et ses effets de seuil sur l'activité en Union Economique et Monétaire de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (UEMOA)," Post-Print hal-00360159, HAL.
  48. Zaki, Chahir, 2008. "Does Trade Facilitation Matter in Bilateral Trade?," Conference papers 331804, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  49. Aram Belhadj, 2008. "Heterogeneity of Monetary Regimes in Maghreb : an Illustration with National Taylor Rules," Post-Print halshs-00276064, HAL.
  50. Wladimir Andreff & Anne Lavigne, 2008. "Avant-propos," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00649143, HAL.
  51. Anne Lavigne, 2008. "The French Pension Reform Five Years Later: Assessment and Pending Issues," Post-Print halshs-00362123, HAL.
  52. Anne Lavigne, 2008. "Is Migration a Solution to the Expected Financial Unsustainability of Pension Systems in Developed Countries?," Post-Print halshs-00363359, HAL.
  53. Chrysost Bangake & Jude Eggoh, 2008. "The Impact of Currency Unions on Trade : Lessons from CFA Franc Zone and Implications for proposed African Monetary Unions," Post-Print halshs-00364866, HAL.
  54. Christelle Garrouste, 2008. "Language Skills and Economic Returns," Post-Print hal-03241777, HAL.
  55. Raphaëlle Bellando, 2008. "Le conflit d'agence dans la gestion déléguée de portefeuille : une revue de littérature," Post-Print halshs-00308570, HAL.
  56. Thierry Baudassé & Raphaëlle Bellando, 2008. "The Role of Financial Markets in Achieving a Sustainable Economic Development Process," Post-Print halshs-00328095, HAL.
  57. Pierre-Guillaume Méon & Raphaëlle Bellando & Jean-Bernard Chatelain, 2008. "Introduction: Special issue: 24th Symposium on Money, Bank and Finance," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00432114, HAL.
  58. Oana Calavrezo & Richard Duhautois & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2008. "The Short-Time Compensation Program: an Efficient Measure against Redundancies," Post-Print halshs-00358546, HAL.
  59. Oana Calavrezo & Richard Duhautois & F. Kramarz, 2008. "Networks of Mobility," Post-Print halshs-00357842, HAL.
  60. Oana Calavrezo, 2008. "L'insertion professionnelle des jeunes en apprentissage : une analyse empirique en termes d'efficacité," Post-Print halshs-00358511, HAL.
  61. Oana Calavrezo & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2008. "Y a t-il eu substitution entre le chômage partiel et la réduction du temps de travail ?," Post-Print halshs-00364448, HAL.
  62. Cristina Boboc-Trandas & Oana Calavrezo, 2008. "Wage Collective Bargaining and Employee Voluntary Quits: a Romanian Empirical Analysis," Post-Print halshs-00273350, HAL.
  63. Oana Calavrezo & Richard Duhautois & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2008. "Forte baisse des autorisations de chômage partiel entre 1996 et 2005," Post-Print halshs-00257745, HAL.
  64. Oana Calavrezo & Florent Sari, 2008. "From Unemployment to Work: a French Econometric Analysis with Spatial Constraints," Post-Print halshs-00358096, HAL.
  65. Oana Calavrezo, 2008. "The Effect of Fixed-Term Employment on the Integration of School-Leavers on the Labour Market: Evidence from France," Post-Print halshs-00362404, HAL.
  66. Oana Calavrezo & Florent Sari, 2008. "Caractéristiques communales et retour à l'emploi : une analyse empirique," Post-Print halshs-00364458, HAL.
  67. Sébastien Galanti, 2008. "When the Payment Mode Affects the Quality of Advices. Financial Analysts, Fund Managers, and Brokerage Commissions," Post-Print halshs-00224805, HAL.
  68. Sébastien Galanti, 2008. "A Note on a Useful Distinction: Rules, and what Makes Rules Work?," Post-Print halshs-00224887, HAL.
  69. Sessi TOKPAVI, 2008. "Sélection dynamique de portefeuille dans un cadre Moyenne-VaR : une approche GARCH multivariée," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1463, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  70. Amine LAHIANI & Olivier SCAILLET, 2008. "Testing for threshold effect in ARFIMA models: Application to US unemployment rate data," Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper Series 08-42, Swiss Finance Institute.
  71. Aymen Belgacem, 2008. "L'impact des signaux de politique monétaire sur la rentabilité et la volatilité des actions du CAC 40," EconomiX Working Papers 2008-38, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  72. Régis Breton, 2008. "Voluntary Recoinage, the Quality of Coins and the Debasement Puzzle," Post-Print halshs-00360180, HAL.
  73. Jung-Hyun Ahn & Régis Breton, 2008. "Securitization and the Intensity of Competition," Post-Print halshs-00360176, HAL.
  74. Michel Mougeot & Sonia Schwartz, 2008. "Allocation optimale de quotas de pollution et information asymétrique," Post-Print hal-00448969, HAL.


  1. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2007. "Un modèle simple de croissance endogène avec effet de seuil des politiques monétaire et fiscale," Post-Print halshs-00250321, HAL.
  2. Nelly Gregoriadis & Florina Semenescu & Patrick Villieu, 2007. "Monetary Policy Transmission Asymmetries : A simple Contractual Solution," Post-Print halshs-00252114, HAL.
  3. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2007. "Persistent Deficits, Growth and Indeterminacy: the GRPF Revisited," Post-Print halshs-00253802, HAL.
  4. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2007. "Long-Run Monetary and Fiscal Policy Trade-Off in an Endogenous Growth Model with Transaction Costs," Post-Print halshs-00253806, HAL.
  5. Nelly Gregoriadis & Florina Semenescu & Patrick Villieu, 2007. "Monetary Policy and Inflation Divergences in a Heterogeneous Monetary Union," Post-Print halshs-00253885, HAL.
  6. Thierry Montalieu & Isabelle Rabaud, 2007. "La libéralisation des échanges de services dans le partenariat euro-méditterranéen," Post-Print halshs-00205017, HAL.
  7. Cristina Boboc-Trandas & Hughes Jennequin & Anne Lavigne & Isabelle Rabaud & Elif Unan, 2007. "Migration as a Win-Win Process in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: Remittances and Intergenerational Transfers between Countries with Different Demographic Cycles," Post-Print halshs-00292584, HAL.
  8. Alexis Direr, 2007. "Flexible Life Annuities," CESifo Working Paper Series 2125, CESifo.
  9. Verdier, Thierry & Mirza, Daniel, 2007. "Are Lives a Substitute for Livelihoods? Terrorism, Security and US Bilateral Imports," CEPR Discussion Papers 6173, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  10. Verdier, Thierry & Mirza, Daniel, 2007. "International Trade, Security and Transnational Terrorism: Theory and Empirics," CEPR Discussion Papers 6174, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  11. Lionel Fontagné & Daniel Mirza, 2007. "International trade and rent sharing among developed and developing countries," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00155812, HAL.
  12. Christophe Rault, 2007. "Une synthèse de l'exogénéité dans les modèles vectoriels à correction d'erreurs," Post-Print halshs-00202651, HAL.
  13. Antonio Afonso & Christophe Rault, 2007. "Should we Care for Structural Breaks when Assessing Fiscal Sustainability?," Post-Print halshs-00202656, HAL.
  14. I. Drine & Christophe Rault, 2007. "Purchasing Power Parity for developing and developed. What can we Learn from Non-Stationary Panel Data Models?," Post-Print halshs-00202773, HAL.
  15. Christophe Rault, 2007. "The Sources of Real Exchange Fluctuations in Developing countries: an Econometric Investigation," Post-Print halshs-00202814, HAL.
  16. Christophe Rault, 2007. "Further Results on Week-Exogeneity in Vector Error Correction Models," Post-Print halshs-00202833, HAL.
  17. Rault, Christophe & Sova, Robert & Sova, Anamaria, 2007. "Modeling International Trade Flows Between Eastern European Countries and OECD Countries," IZA Discussion Papers 2851, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  18. Imed DRINE & Christophe RAULT, 2007. "Purchasing Power Parity for Deloping and Developed. What can we Learm from Non-Stationary Panel Data Models," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1375, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  19. Christophe RAULT & Ana Maria SOVA & Robert SOVA, 2007. "The Endogeneity of Association Agreements and their Impact on Trade for Eastern Countries: Empirical Evidence for Romania," William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series wp868, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan.
  20. G. Destais & Julien Fouquau & C. Hurlin, 2007. "Energy Demand Models: A Threshold Panel Specification of the "Kuznets Curve"," Post-Print halshs-00222786, HAL.
  21. Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2007. "Un Test de Validité de la Value-at-Risk," Post-Print halshs-00257309, HAL.
  22. Christophe Hurlin & R. Kierzenkowski, 2007. "Credit Market Disequilibrium in Poland: Can we find what we expect? Non stationarity and the Short Side Rule," Post-Print halshs-00257320, HAL.
  23. Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin, 2007. "Modèles à Changement de Régimes et Macro-économiques," Post-Print halshs-00257400, HAL.
  24. Christophe Hurlin, 2007. "Irregularly Spaced Intraday Value-at-Risk (ISIVaR) Models: Forecasting and Predictive Abilities," Post-Print halshs-00257448, HAL.
  25. Christophe Hurlin, 2007. "Testing Granger Non-Causality in Heterogeneous Panel Data Models," Post-Print halshs-00268218, HAL.
  26. Christophe Hurlin, 2007. "Une Synthèse des Tests de Cointégration sur Données de Panel," Post-Print halshs-00270210, HAL.
  27. Christophe Hurlin, 2007. "How to Estimate Public Capital Productivity?," Working Papers halshs-00156684, HAL.
  28. Christophe Hurlin & Valérie Mignon, 2007. "Second Generation Panel Unit Root Tests," Working Papers halshs-00159842, HAL.
  29. Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2007. "Une Evaluation des Procédures de Backtesting," Working Papers halshs-00159846, HAL.
  30. Christophe HURLIN, 2007. "Testing Granger Non-Causality in Heterogeneous Panel Data Models with Fixed Coefficients," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1547, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  31. Mutaşcu, Mihai Ioan & Crasneac, Alexandru Ocatavian & Dănuleţiu, Dan-Constantin, 2007. "The Taxes Impact On The Economic Growth: The Case Of European Union," MPRA Paper 6143, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  32. Gilles Koléda, 2007. "A Two-countries Two-R&D-sectors Model of Growth and Trade," DEGIT Conference Papers c012_009, DEGIT, Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade.
  33. Joseph G. ATTILA & Jean-Louis COMBES & Gérard CHAMBAS, 2007. "Corruption et mobilisation des recettes publiques : une analyse économétrique," Working Papers 200716, CERDI.
  34. Belhadj, Aam & bangake, Chrysost & Jedlane, NABIL, 2007. "Toward Maghreb monetary unification:what does the theory and history tell us?," MPRA Paper 40375, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  35. Chrysost Bangake & Aram Belhadj & Nabil Jedlane, 2007. "Théorie et histoire des unions monétaires : leçons et perspectives pour le Maghreb," Post-Print halshs-00370281, HAL.
  36. Chrysost Bangake & Aram Belhadj & Nabil Jedlane, 2007. "Theory and history of monetary unions: lessons and prospects for Maghreb," Post-Print halshs-00273072, HAL.
  37. Charlie Berger & Anne Lavigne, 2007. "A Model of the French Pension Reserve Fund: What Could be the Optimal Contribution Path Rate?," Post-Print halshs-00135478, HAL.
  38. Anne Lavigne, 2007. "Le Fonds de réserve pour les retraites : bilan et perspectives," Post-Print halshs-00135479, HAL.
  39. Garrouste, Christelle, 2007. "Determinants and Consequences of Language-in-Education Policies: Essays in Economics of Education," MPRA Paper 25071, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  40. Raphaëlle BELLANDO & Sébastien RINGUEDE, 2007. "Compétition entre fonds et prise de risque excessive : une application empirique au cas des OPCVM actions de droit français," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 329, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  41. Raphaëlle Bellando & Françoise Le Quere & Franceline Mercurelli & Jean-Paul Pollin & Sébastien Ringuedé & Linh Tran Dieu & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2007. "La gestion déléguée d'actifs financiers : théorie, observation, enjeux," Post-Print halshs-00257566, HAL.
  42. Raphaëlle Bellando & Françoise Le Quere & Jean-Paul Pollin, 2007. "La gestion déléguée d'actifs financiers," Post-Print halshs-00280849, HAL.
  43. Raphaëlle Bellando, 2007. "Incitations implicites et prises de risque dans la gestion déléguée, une application au cas des OPCVM actions français," Post-Print halshs-00226349, HAL.
  44. Oana Calavrezo & Richard Duhautois & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2007. "Le recours au chômage partiel entre 1995 et 2005," Post-Print halshs-00273482, HAL.
  45. Oana Calavrezo, 2007. "Les contrats à durée limitée : quel impact sur la stabilisation en emploi?," Post-Print halshs-00273330, HAL.
  46. C. Boboc-Trandas & O. Calavrezo, 2007. "L'emploi en Roumanie," Post-Print halshs-00277815, HAL.
  47. Oana Calavrezo & Richard Duhautois & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2007. "The Effect of Working Time Reduction on Short-Time Compensation : a French Empirical Analysis," Post-Print halshs-00357993, HAL.
  48. Sébastien Galanti, 2007. "When the Payment Mode Affects this Quality of Advices," Post-Print halshs-00225013, HAL.
  49. Lahiani, Amine & Yousfi, Ouidad, 2007. "Modèls Garch à la mémoire longue: application aux taux de change tunisiens [GARCH models : evidence from Tunisian Exchange market]," MPRA Paper 28702, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2008.
  50. Régis Breton & Bertrand Gobillard, 2007. "Robust and Non-Robust Equilibria in a Strategic Market Game," Post-Print halshs-00256835, HAL.


  1. Antoine d'Autume & Patrick Villieu, 2006. "Théories et modèles de la macroéconomie : Introduction," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00250324, HAL.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 2006. "Investissement," Post-Print halshs-00250908, HAL.
  3. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2006. "Threshold Effects in Monetary and Fiscal Policies in a Simple Cash-In-Advance Endogenous Growth Model," Post-Print halshs-00252117, HAL.
  4. Patrick Villieu & Alexandru Minea, 2006. "Financial Repression, Tax Evasion and Long-Run Monetary and Fiscal Policy Trade-Off in an Endogenous Growth Model with Transaction Costs," Working Papers halshs-00007955, HAL.
  5. Thierry Montalieu & Isabelle Rabaud, 2006. "Trade in Services : how does it Work for MENA Countries?," Post-Print halshs-00204169, HAL.
  6. G. Guillochon & X. Niel & C. Peyroux & Isabelle Rabaud, 2006. "La mesure des échanges internationaux de services," Post-Print halshs-00206110, HAL.
  7. Isabelle Rabaud, 2006. "Trade in services : How does it work ?," Working Papers halshs-00007789, HAL.
  8. Hugues JENNEQUIN & Isabelle RABAUD, 2006. "Location of services industries in MENA countries, in EU and NMS: a comparative analysis?," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1161, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  9. Alexis Direr & Thomas Weitzenblum, 2006. "Modéliser la distribution des richesses en France," Post-Print halshs-00754165, HAL.
  10. Antoine Parent & Christophe Rault, 2006. "The Rationality of French Investors Before World War I : A Cliometric Contribution," Post-Print hal-00278711, HAL.
  11. Christophe Hurlin & Valérie Mignon, 2006. "Une Synthèse des Tests de Racine Unitaire sur Données de Panel," Post-Print halshs-00078770, HAL.
  12. G. Destais & Julien Fouquau & C. Hurlin, 2006. "Economic Development and Energy Intensity: a Panel Data Analysis," Post-Print halshs-00222798, HAL.
  13. Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2006. "Bactesting Var Accuracy : A New Simple Test," Post-Print halshs-00257323, HAL.
  14. Christophe Hurlin, 2006. "Networks Effects in the Productivity of Infrastructures in Developing Countries," Post-Print halshs-00257370, HAL.
  15. Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin, 2006. "Threshold Effects in the Public Capital Productivity: An International Panel Smooth Transition Approach," Post-Print halshs-00257390, HAL.
  16. Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin, 2006. "Modèles non linéaires et prévisions," Post-Print halshs-00257441, HAL.
  17. Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2006. "Backtesting Value at Risk Accuracy : A New Simple Test," Post-Print halshs-00257461, HAL.
  18. Christophe HURLIN & Sessi TOKPAVI, 2006. "Backtesting VaR Accuracy: A Simple and Powerful Test," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 268, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  19. Hurlin, Christophe, 2006. "Network effects of the productivity of infrastructure in developing countries," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3808, The World Bank.
  20. Dima, Bogdan & Mutascu, Mihai & Enache, Cosmin, 2006. "Cultural Determinants Of Economic Growth: The Case Of European Countries," MPRA Paper 5688, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  21. Talpos, Ioan & Dima, Bogdan & Mutascu, Mihai, 2006. "The Fiscal Policy And The Stability Of The Nominal Sector: The Romanian Case," MPRA Paper 5689, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  22. Talpos, Ioan & Dima, Bogdan & Mutascu, Mihai & Enache, Cosmin, 2006. "A cultural model of performance at the central government level," MPRA Paper 5690, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  23. Alexandru Minea, 2006. "Méthodes de décomposition tendance-cycle : quelques enseignements théoriques et empiriques," Post-Print halshs-00261096, HAL.
  24. Claudio ARAUJO & Catherine ARAUJO BONJEAN & Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Eustaquio J. REIS, 2006. "Land tenure insecurity and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazonia," Working Papers 200615, CERDI.
  25. Claudio Araujo & Catherine Araujo Bonjean & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel, 2006. "Land Tenure Insecurity and Economic Growth in Brazil," Post-Print hal-00187038, HAL.
  26. Jean-Louis COMBES & Gérard CHAMBAS & Jean-François BRUN, 2006. "Recettes publiques des pays en développement. Méthode d’évaluation," Working Papers 200611, CERDI.
  27. Jean-François BRUN & Gérard CHAMBAS & Jean-Louis COMBES & Philippe DULBECCO & Axel GASTAMBIDE & Samuel GUERINEAU & Sylviane GUILLAUMONT JEANNENEY & Grégoire ROTA-GRAZIOSI, 2006. "Evaluation de l’espace budgétaire des pays en développement," Working Papers 200621, CERDI.
  28. Jean-Louis Combes & Tahsin Saadi Sedik, 2006. "How Does Trade Openness Influence Budget Deficits in Developing Countries?," Post-Print hal-00023333, HAL.
  29. Anne Lavigne, 2006. "Retraite, épargne et fiscalité," Post-Print halshs-00007669, HAL.
  30. Anne Lavigne, 2006. "Le Fonds de réserve pour les retraites en France : peut-il faire face au déséquilibre financier prévisible du régime général ?," Post-Print halshs-00081411, HAL.
  31. Anne Lavigne, 2006. "Tarification, relation de clientèle et opacité," Post-Print halshs-00258455, HAL.
  32. Anne Lavigne, 2006. "Faut-il modifier le mode d'alimentation du FRR," Post-Print halshs-00258564, HAL.
  33. Anne Lavigne, 2006. "La gouvernance des fonds de pension privés aux Etats-Unis," Post-Print halshs-00259315, HAL.
  34. Anne Lavigne & Florence Legros, 2006. "Finance comportementale et fonds de pension," Working Papers halshs-00007693, HAL.
  35. Mouhamadou Fall & Anne Lavigne, 2006. "Contrats d'assurance multipériodiques et déformation des croyances," Working Papers halshs-00008910, HAL.
  36. Anne Lavigne, 2006. "Gouvernance et investissement des fonds de pension privés aux Etats-Unis," Working Papers halshs-00081401, HAL.
  37. Mouhamadou FALL & Anne LAVIGNE, 2006. "Multiperiod Health Insurance Contracts & Bayesian Updating of Beliefs," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1263, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  38. Raphaëlle Bellando, 2006. "Le problème d'agence dans la délégation de gestion de portefeuille : une revue de la littérature," Working Papers halshs-00009383, HAL.
  39. Raphaëlle BELLANDO, 2006. "Les problèmes d’agence dans la délégation de gestion de portefeuille : une revue de littérature," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1140, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  40. Raphaëlle Bellando & Françoise Le Quéré & Franceline Mercurelli & Jean-Paul Pollin & Sébastien Ringuedé & Linh Tran Dieu & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2006. "La délégation de gestion de portefeuille par les investisseurs institutionnels : résultats de l'enquête," Post-Print halshs-00290795, HAL.
  41. Oana Calavrezo & Richard Duhautois & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2006. "Le chômage partiel : quelles tendances ?," Post-Print halshs-00273394, HAL.
  42. Sébastien Galanti, 2006. "Which side are you on? How institutional positions affect financial analysts' incentives," Post-Print halshs-00224433, HAL.
  43. Catherine Bruneau & Amine Lahiani, 2006. "Estimation d'un modèle TIMA avec asymétrie contemporaine par inférence indirecte," EconomiX Working Papers 2006-17, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  44. Régis Breton & Bertrand Gobillard, 2006. "Robustness of equilibrium price dispersion in finite market games," EconomiX Working Papers 2006-10, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  45. Régis Breton, 2006. "A Smoke Screen Theory of Financial Intermediation," Working Papers halshs-00009595, HAL.


  1. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2005. "The Economics of Persistent Deficits," Post-Print halshs-00250909, HAL.
  2. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2005. "La règle d'or des finances publiques : y a t-il un "free lunch"?," Post-Print halshs-00252123, HAL.
  3. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2005. "Borrowing to Finance Public Investment? Sense and No-sense of the Golden Rule of Public Finance," Post-Print halshs-00253401, HAL.
  4. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2005. "Persistent Deficits, Endogenous Growth and Non-linear Effects of Fiscal Policy," Post-Print halshs-00253424, HAL.
  5. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2005. "Persistent Deficit, Growth and Indeterminacy: the Golden Rule of Public Finance Revisited," Post-Print halshs-00254737, HAL.
  6. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2005. "Borrowing to Finance Public Investment? Sense and No-Sense of the GRPF," Post-Print halshs-00261222, HAL.
  7. Isabelle Rabaud, 2005. "The Degree of Openness of Services Industries and Comparative Advantage in Services," Post-Print halshs-00204173, HAL.
  8. Isabelle Rabaud, 2005. "The degree of openness of openness of services industries and comparative advantage in services," Post-Print halshs-00204831, HAL.
  9. Isabelle Rabaud, 2005. "Le degré d'ouverture et l'avantage comparative dans les services," Post-Print halshs-00204834, HAL.
  10. Daniel Mirza & Jerneja Jug, 2005. "Environmental regulations in gravity equations : evidence from Europe," Post-Print halshs-00109360, HAL.
  11. Daniel Mirza, 2005. "Book review of "Multinational firms and the theory of international trade, by James Markusen"," Post-Print halshs-00109361, HAL.
  12. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2005. "La PPA est-elle vérifiée pour les pays développés et en développement ? Un ré-examen par l’économétrie des panels non-stationnaires," Documents de recherche 05-13, Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne.
  13. Antoine Parent & Christophe Rault, 2005. "The Influences Affecting French Assets Abroad Prior 1914," Documents de recherche 05-14, Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne.
  14. Balázs Égert & Imed Drine & Kirsten Lommatzsch & Christophe Rault, 2005. "The Balassa-Samuelson Effect in Central and Eastern Europe: Myth or Reality?," Documents de recherche 05-15, Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne.
  15. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2005. "Testing for inflation convergence between the Euro Zone and its CEE partners," William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series wp768, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan.
  16. Marie Musard-Gies, 2005. "Do ECB's statements steer short-term and long-term interest rates in the euro zone?," Money Macro and Finance (MMF) Research Group Conference 2005 56, Money Macro and Finance Research Group.
  17. Christophe Hurlin, 2005. "Un Test Simple de l'Hypothèse de Non Causalité dans un Modèle de Panel Hétérogène," Post-Print halshs-00257326, HAL.
  18. Christophe Hurlin, 2005. "A Comment on The Dynamic Macroeconomic Effects of Public Capital," Post-Print halshs-00257328, HAL.
  19. D. Clément & Christophe Hurlin & F. Serres, 2005. "Downgrading in the First Job: Who and Why," Post-Print halshs-00257331, HAL.
  20. Christophe Hurlin, 2005. "The productivy Effects of Public Capital in Developing Countries," Post-Print halshs-00257440, HAL.
  21. Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2005. "Une évaluation des procédures de Backtesting : Tout va pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes," Post-Print halshs-00257497, HAL.
  22. Ioan Talpos & Bogdan Dima & Cosmin Enache & Mihai Ioan Mutascu, 2005. "Agency, Associations And Culture: A Thale Of State And Society," Public Economics 0510022, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  23. Ioan Talpos & Bogdan Dima & Mihai Mutascu & Cosmin Enache, 2005. "A New Approach Of The Budget Deficit: An Empirical Analysis," Public Economics 0510023, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  24. Ioan Talpos & Bogdan Dima & Mihai Mutascu & Cosmin Enache, 2005. "The Connection Between Resources And Allocations. The Behaviour Of Public Central Administration: The Roumanian Case," Public Economics 0511001, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  25. Gilles Koléda, 2005. "Northern and Southern Patent Novelty Requirements Harmonization, Growth and Trade," DEGIT Conference Papers c010_025, DEGIT, Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade.
  26. Mouez Fodha & Gilles Koleda, 2005. "Les effets de l'élargissement de l'Union sur la croissance des partenaires méditerranéens : le cas de l'économie tunisienne," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00275100, HAL.
  27. Claudio ARAUJO & Catherine ARAUJO BONJEAN & Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Eustaquio J. REIS, 2005. "Insécurité foncière et déforestation dans l'Amazonie brésilienne," Working Papers 200516, CERDI.
  28. Nasser ARY TANIMOUNE & Jean-Louis COMBES & Patrick PLANE, 2005. "Les effets non linéaires de la politique budgétaire : le cas de l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine," Working Papers 200520, CERDI.
  29. Anne Lavigne, 2005. "La fiscalité des fonds de pension aux Etats-Unis," Post-Print halshs-00259313, HAL.
  30. Anne Lavigne & Charlie Berger, 2005. "The French Pension Trust Fund: Can it cope with the Expected Financial Unsustainability of the PAYG Pension System?," Money Macro and Finance (MMF) Research Group Conference 2005 7, Money Macro and Finance Research Group.
  31. C. Aaron & I. Bilon & Sébastien Galanti & Y. Tadjeddine, 2005. "Les styles de gestion de portefeuille existent-ils?," Post-Print halshs-00224453, HAL.
  32. Régis Breton, 2005. "Intermédiation, diversification et dissimulation d'information," Post-Print halshs-00256577, HAL.
  33. Régis Breton, 2005. "Certification bancaire dans une économie schumpétérienne," Post-Print halshs-00256852, HAL.
  34. Sonia Schwartz, 2005. "Exclusion par manipulation des marchés des permis d’emission," CAE Working Papers 26, Aix-Marseille Université, CERGAM.


  1. Patrick Villieu, 2004. "Un modèle de synthèse pour l'étude des politiques conjoncturelles," Post-Print halshs-00250326, HAL.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 2004. "La théorie économique de la monnaie," Post-Print halshs-00252023, HAL.
  3. Patrick Villieu, 2004. "Monnaie," Post-Print halshs-00252028, HAL.
  4. Patrick Villieu, 2004. "Quel avenir pour le modèle IS-LM?," Post-Print halshs-00255751, HAL.
  5. Patrick Villieu, 2004. "Consommation et Epargne," Post-Print halshs-00264054, HAL.
  6. Isabelle Rabaud, 2004. "Balance of Payments database : e user-guide," Post-Print halshs-00204179, HAL.
  7. Isabelle Rabaud, 2004. "Methodology of Cepii's Database on Trade in Services," Post-Print halshs-00204857, HAL.
  8. Daniel Mirza, 2004. "How much trade contributes to the formation of market structure," Post-Print halshs-00068345, HAL.
  9. Christophe Rault, 2004. "Further results on weak-exogeneity in vector error correction models," Econometric Society 2004 Far Eastern Meetings 402, Econometric Society.
  10. Christophe Rault & Imed Drine, 2004. "On the long-run determinants of real exchange rates for developing countries : Evidence from Africa, Latin America and Asia," Econometric Society 2004 Far Eastern Meetings 403, Econometric Society.
  11. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2004. "A re-examination of the Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis using recent panel data unit-root and cointegration tests: Evidence from MENA countries," Post-Print hal-02878010, HAL.
  12. Christophe Hurlin & R. Kierzenkowski, 2004. "Credit Market Disequilibrium in Poland: Can we find what we expect? Non Stationarity and the Min Condition," Post-Print halshs-00257379, HAL.
  13. Christophe Hurlin, 2004. "Testing Granger causality in Heterogeneous panel data models with fixed coefficients," Post-Print halshs-00257395, HAL.
  14. Christophe Hurlin, 2004. "20th Symposium on Monetary and Financial Economics," Post-Print halshs-00257499, HAL.
  15. Claudio ARAUJO & Catherine ARAUJO BONJEAN & Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL, 2004. "Insécurité foncière et croissance économique au Brésil," Working Papers 200420, CERDI.
  16. Anne Lavigne, 2004. "La tarification des services bancaires : une exception française?," Post-Print halshs-00258561, HAL.
  17. Anne Lavigne, 2004. "Partage des informations entre les prêteurs sur le marché du crédit : quelques éléments d'analyse théorique et empirique," Post-Print halshs-00259309, HAL.
  18. Oana Calavrezo, 2004. "Etude comparative des contrats d'objectifs," Post-Print halshs-00273123, HAL.
  19. C. Aaron & Sébastien Galanti & Y. Tadjeddine, 2004. "La gestion collective dans un marché agité : La dynamique des styles à partir des cartes de Kohonen," Post-Print halshs-00224515, HAL.
  20. C. Aaron & Sébastien Galanti & Y. Tadjeddine, 2004. "Les styles des gérants OPCVM actions en France 1999-2003," Post-Print halshs-00224544, HAL.
  21. Sébastien Galanti, 2004. "Se distinguer sans s'isoler : le rôle du Consensus des analystes sur le marché d'actions," Post-Print halshs-00224721, HAL.
  22. Régis Breton, 2004. "Accounting Transparency and the Cost of Capital," Post-Print halshs-00257193, HAL.


  1. Cette, G. & Pfister, C., 2003. "The Challenges of the "New Economy" for Monetary Policy," Working papers 100, Banque de France.
  2. Amélie Barbier-Gauchard & Patrick Villieu, 2003. "Quelle cible de déficit dans la zone Euro? Les enseignements d'un modèle à deux pays," Post-Print halshs-00250330, HAL.
  3. Patrick Villieu, 2003. "Pacte de stabilité, crédibilité du policy mix et coordination des politiques budgétaires en union monétaire," Post-Print halshs-00250425, HAL.
  4. Patrick Villieu, 2003. "Convergence budgétaire et volatilité des conditions monétaires dans la zone Euro : pistes théoriques et éléments d'appréciation empiriques," Post-Print halshs-00255752, HAL.
  5. Isabelle Rabaud, 2003. "La méthodologie de la base CHELEM du CEPII : un point sur la base balance des paiements," Post-Print halshs-00204238, HAL.
  6. Isabelle Rabaud, 2003. "Current Account imbalances : Short-Term or Long-Term Financing," Post-Print halshs-00204491, HAL.
  7. B. Coeuré & Isabelle Rabaud, 2003. "Attractivité de la France : analyse, perception et mesure," Post-Print halshs-00206102, HAL.
  8. Isabelle Rabaud, 2003. "Dans la bagarre internationale, la France regagne du terrain," Post-Print halshs-00292586, HAL.
  9. Daniel Mirza, 2003. "Commerce et marché du travail en concurrence imparfaite," Post-Print halshs-00109439, HAL.
  10. Giuseppe Nicoletti & Stephen S. Golub & Dana Hajkova & Daniel Mirza & Kwang-Yeol Yoo, 2003. "Policies and International Integration: Influences on Trade and Foreign Direct Investment," OECD Economics Department Working Papers 359, OECD Publishing.
  11. Yannick L'Horty & Christophe Rault, 2003. "The Impact of Growth, Labour Cost and Working Time on Employment: Lessons from the French Experience," Documents de recherche 03-08, Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne.
  12. Yannick L’Horty & Christophe Rault, 2003. "Inflation, Minimum Wage and Other Wages: An Econometric Study on French Macroeconomic Data," Documents de recherche 03-09, Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne.
  13. Jacqueline Pradel & Christophe Rault, 2003. "Exogeneity in vector error correction models with purely exogenous long-run paths," Documents de recherche 03-10, Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne.
  14. Yannick L'Horty & Christophe Rault, 2003. "The causes of unemployment in France : A new ws-ps model estimation [Les causes du chômage en France : une ré-estimation du modèle ws-ps]," Post-Print hal-02878006, HAL.
  15. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2003. "A re-examination of the Purchasing Power Parity using non-stationary dynamic panel methods : a comparative approach for developing and developed countries," William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series 2003-570, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan.
  16. Hurlin, Christophe & Lechevalier, Sébastien, 2003. "The heterogeneity of employment adjustment across Japanese firms. A study using panel data," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Couverture Orange) 0310, CEPREMAP.
  17. Catherine ARAUJO BONJEAN & Jean-Louis COMBES & Patrick PLANE, 2003. "Preserving vertical co-ordination in the West African cotton sector," Working Papers 200303, CERDI.
  18. Anne Lavigne, 2003. "Analysing French Pension Reforms," Post-Print halshs-00007670, HAL.
  19. Anne Lavigne, 2003. "Pension Funds in France: Still a Dead-End?," Post-Print halshs-00007671, HAL.
  20. Anne Lavigne, 2003. "Le marché français de l'assurance en 2001," Post-Print halshs-00258709, HAL.
  21. Jean-Baptiste Desquilbet & Pierre Gaze & Anne Lavigne & Corentine Leroy & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2003. "Les conventions de services bancaires : quels enjeux pour les banquiers et leurs clients?," Post-Print halshs-00258738, HAL.
  22. Jean-Baptiste Desquilbet & Pierre Gaze & Anne Lavigne & Corentine Leroy & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2003. "Quel périmètre optimal pour les conventions de services bancaires," Post-Print halshs-00290802, HAL.
  23. Raphaëlle Bellando & Jean-Paul Pollin, 2003. "Foreign Trade Pricing and Consistency of a Monetary Union, septembre," Post-Print halshs-00280857, HAL.
  24. Raphaëlle Bellando & Gilbert Colletaz, 2003. "La fiabilité des informations extraites des estimations paramétriques des densités neutres au risque," Post-Print halshs-00280853, HAL.
  25. Raphaëlle Bellando & Jean-Paul Pollin, 2003. "Foreign Trade Pricing and Consistency of a Monetary Union," Post-Print halshs-00287713, HAL.
  26. Sébastien Galanti, 2003. "What do analysts do? Investor decision and analyst rémunération mode," Post-Print halshs-00224826, HAL.
  27. Régis Breton, 2003. "Monitoring and the Acceptability of Bank Money," Post-Print halshs-00257106, HAL.
  28. Vincent Bignon & Régis Breton, 2003. "Note sur l'origine de la monnaie dans les modèles de search," Post-Print halshs-00256579, HAL.
  29. Michel Aglietta & Régis Breton, 2003. "Financial System and Modes of Corporate Control," Post-Print halshs-00256830, HAL.


  1. Patrick Villieu, 2002. "Franco Modigliani et l'hypothèse du cycle de vie," Post-Print halshs-00252037, HAL.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 2002. "Le Pacte de stabilité : un instrument optimal de gestion du policy mix?," Post-Print halshs-00255755, HAL.
  3. Isabelle Rabaud, 2002. "La balance des paiements de la France en 2001," Post-Print halshs-00204502, HAL.
  4. D. Nivat & Isabelle Rabaud, 2002. "Investissements directs et activité des entreprises étrangères : un point méthodologique," Post-Print halshs-00204971, HAL.
  5. B. Coeuré & Isabelle Rabaud, 2002. "Connaissance de l'attractivité de la France : problématique et besoins statistiques," Post-Print halshs-00206116, HAL.
  6. Alexis DIRER, 2002. "Crédit interentreprises et risque de système," Discussion Papers (REL - Recherches Economiques de Louvain) 2002035, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).
  7. Yannick L’Horty & Christophe Rault, 2002. "Inflation, salaires et SMIC : quelles relations ?," Documents de recherche 02-01, Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne.
  8. Christophe Hurlin & Rafal Kierzenkowski, 2002. "A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment of the Bank Lending Channel and Loan Market Disequilibrium in Poland," NBP Working Papers 22, Narodowy Bank Polski.
  9. Tiemen Woutersen & Marcel Voia, 2002. "Adaptive Estimation of the Dynamic Linear Model with Fixed Effects," University of Western Ontario, Departmental Research Report Series 200210, University of Western Ontario, Department of Economics.
  10. Jean-François BRUN & Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Mary-Françoise RENARD, 2002. "Increased Exposure of China to Asymmetric External Shocks: Is Fiscal Federalism an Efficient Answer?," Working Papers 200217, CERDI.
  11. Jean-Louis COMBES & Tahsin SAADI SEDIK, 2002. "How does Trade openness Influence Budget Deficits?," Working Papers 200209, CERDI.
  12. Jean-Louis COMBES & Romain VEYRUNE, 2002. "Currency boards: are they as strong as they look?," Working Papers 200214, CERDI.
  13. Anne Lavigne, 2002. "Le marché français de l'assurance en 2000," Post-Print halshs-00258706, HAL.
  14. Philippe Bernard & Najat El Mekkaoui & Anne Lavigne & Ronan Mahieu, 2002. "Structure par âge de la population et détention d'assurance vie : les conséquences du vieillissement à l'horizon 2010?," Post-Print halshs-00259303, HAL.
  15. Sébastien Galanti, 2002. "Incentives and constraints in information production: a study of financial analyst' behavior and representations," Post-Print halshs-00224836, HAL.
  16. Bruno AMABLE & Régis BRETON & Xavier RAGOT, 2002. "Does the “New Economy” Change the Frontiers of the Large Corporation?," Discussion Papers (REL - Recherches Economiques de Louvain) 2002029, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).
  17. Vincent Bignon & Régis Breton & Edouard Challe & Xavier Ragot, 2002. "Nature et origine de la monnaie : Reflexions à partir des modèles récents," Post-Print halshs-00256940, HAL.
  18. Régis Breton, 2002. "Inside Money, Debts, and the Mechanics of Exchange?," Post-Print halshs-00256907, HAL.
  19. Régis Breton, 2002. "Financial Intermediation and the incentives to produce information," Post-Print halshs-00256915, HAL.
  20. Vincent Bignon & Régis Breton, 2002. "Note sur l'origine de la monnaie dans les modèles de prospection monétaire," Post-Print halshs-00256905, HAL.


  1. Thierry Baudassé & Patrick Villieu, 2001. "Monnaie et prospection," Post-Print halshs-00250429, HAL.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 2001. "Convergence Budgétaire, taux d'intérêt et taux de change dans une union monétaire hétérogène," Post-Print halshs-00255769, HAL.
  3. Francisco Serranito & Patrick Villieu, 2001. "La réduction des déficits publics en Europe : incidences sur les marchés financiers internationaux et sur la crédibilité de la monnaie unique," Post-Print halshs-00256001, HAL.
  4. Isabelle Rabaud, 2001. "La balance des paiements de la France en 2000," Post-Print halshs-00204507, HAL.
  5. Lionel Fontagné & Daniel Mirza, 2001. "International Trade and Rent Sharing in Developed and Developing countries," Working Papers 2001-09, CEPII research center.
  6. Yannick L’Horty & Christophe Rault, 2001. "Why is French Equilibrium Unemployment so High : an Estimation of the WS-PS Model," Documents de recherche 01-18, Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne.
  7. Claudio ARAUJO & Catherine ARAUJO BONJEAN & Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL, 2001. "Devaluation and Cattle Markets Integration in Burkina Faso," Working Papers 200114, CERDI.
  8. Jean-François BRUN & Jean-Louis COMBES & Mary-Françoise RENARD, 2001. "Are There Spillover Effects Between Coastal and Non-Coastal Regions in China ?," Working Papers 200113, CERDI.
  9. Najat El Mekkaoui & Anne Lavigne & Ronan Mahieu, 2001. "La détention d'actifs risqués selon l'âge : une étude économétrique," Post-Print halshs-00258506, HAL.
  10. Anne Lavigne, 2001. "Bundling and tying in banking services," Post-Print halshs-00258547, HAL.
  11. Anne Lavigne, 2001. "Le marché français de l'assurance en 1999," Post-Print halshs-00258704, HAL.
  12. Michel Juillard & Régis Breton & Cyrille Lacu & Jacky Fayolle & Michel Aglietta & Vincent Touzé & Jacques Le Cacheux, 2001. "INGENUE : une modélisation intergénérationnelle et universelle," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03571294, HAL.
  13. Vincent Bignon & Régis Breton, 2001. "Middlemen as a Separating Device," Post-Print halshs-00256963, HAL.
  14. Régis Breton, 2001. "Vieillissement démographique et transferts internationaux d'épargne," Post-Print halshs-00256815, HAL.
  15. V. Bignon & Régis Breton, 2001. "Intermédiation et segmentation des marchés," Post-Print halshs-00256814, HAL.
  16. Régis Breton, 2001. "Systèmes financiers, contrôle des entreprises et accumulation du capital," Post-Print halshs-00256967, HAL.
  17. Michel Aglietta & Régis Breton, 2001. "Financial systems, corporate control, and capital accumulation," Post-Print halshs-00256788, HAL.


  1. Patrick Villieu, 2000. "Elargissement de l'Union monétaire et coordination des politiques budgétaires : un point de vue," Post-Print halshs-00250434, HAL.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 2000. "La théorie fiscale des prix : une note pédagogique," Post-Print halshs-00253512, HAL.
  3. Christophe Blot & Francisco Serranito & Patrick Villieu, 2000. "Politique monétaire commune et convergence des dépenses publiques en Europe," Post-Print halshs-00253596, HAL.
  4. Christophe Blot & Francisco Serranito & Patrick Villieu, 2000. "Common Monetary Policy adn Convergence of Fiscal Policies in Europe," Post-Print halshs-00255868, HAL.
  5. Isabelle Rabaud, 2000. "Les investissements directs entre la France et l'étranger en 1999," Post-Print halshs-00204510, HAL.
  6. Isabelle Rabaud, 2000. "La balance des paiements de la France en 1999," Post-Print halshs-00204515, HAL.
  7. Alexis Direr, 2000. "Relative Consumption and Saving," Econometric Society World Congress 2000 Contributed Papers 1056, Econometric Society.
  8. Helene Erkel-Rousse & Daniel Mirza, 2000. "Import Price-Elastcities: Reconsidering the Evidence," Econometric Society World Congress 2000 Contributed Papers 0909, Econometric Society.
  9. Mirza, D., 2000. "Evaluating Trade's Competitive Effect from Overall Seller Concentration Estimates : the Case of the OECD Countries," Papiers d'Economie Mathématique et Applications 2000.108, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1).
  10. Claudio ARAUJO & Catherine ARAUJO BONJEAN & Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL, 2000. "The effect of devaluation on cattle markets integration in Burkina Faso," Working Papers 200018, CERDI.
  11. Jean-Louis COMBES & Patrick GUILLAUMONT, 2000. "Volatilité des prix des produits primaires, vulnérabilité et développement," Working Papers 200014, CERDI.
  12. Jean-Louis COMBES & Patrick GUILLAUMONT, 2000. "Commodity Price Volatility, Vulnerability and Development," Working Papers 200015, CERDI.
  13. Anne Lavigne, 2000. "Les PER doivent-ils être imposés comme les produits d'assurance-vie?," Post-Print halshs-00258450, HAL.
  14. Najat El Mekkaoui & Anne Lavigne, 2000. "Conflits d'agence au sein des fonds de pension privés," Post-Print halshs-00258496, HAL.
  15. Thierry Baudassé & Anne Lavigne, 2000. "Pourquoi et comment légifirer sur l'usure?," Post-Print halshs-00258502, HAL.
  16. Anne Lavigne, 2000. "Le marché français de l'assurance en 1998," Post-Print halshs-00258610, HAL.
  17. Thierry Baudassé & Raphaëlle Bellando & Gilbert Colletaz & Anne Lavigne, 2000. "Les caractéristiques socio-économiques des interdits bancaires," Post-Print halshs-00285954, HAL.
  18. Raphaëlle Bellando & Servane Pfister & Jean-Paul Pollin, 2000. "Evolution et déterminants de la crédibilité de l'union monétaire européenne durant la phase de transition. Une étude comparative France, Italie, Grande-Bretagne," Post-Print halshs-00280867, HAL.
  19. Group INGENUE, V. Touz & R. Breton & R. Arezki & M. Juillard & M. Aglietta & J. LeCacheux & J. Fayolle & C. Lacu & B. Rzepkowski, 2000. "Ingenue, A Multi-Regional Overlapping Generations Model," Computing in Economics and Finance 2000 178, Society for Computational Economics.
  20. Vincent Bignon & Régis Breton, 2000. "Les intermédiaires sont-ils solubles dans le search?," Post-Print halshs-00256972, HAL.
  21. Régis Breton, 2000. "Economie et démographie mondiales au XXIe siècle : le nombre et le savoir," Post-Print halshs-00256829, HAL.


  1. Patrick Villieu, 1999. "La politique monétaire a-t-elle un avantage comparatif dans la lutte contre l'inflation?," Post-Print halshs-00250456, HAL.
  2. Isabelle Rabaud, 1999. "Les causes du désajustement de la balance courante mondiale : un réexamen," Post-Print halshs-00204590, HAL.
  3. B. Chane Kune & P. Compaire & N. Mulder & Isabelle Rabaud, 1999. "Export performance of Industrialised Countries in Transport," Post-Print halshs-00205063, HAL.
  4. Rault, C., 1999. "Non-Causality in VAR-ECM Models with Purely Exogeneous Long-Run Paths," Papiers d'Economie Mathématique et Applications 1999.44, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1).
  5. Philippe Jean-Pierre & Christophe Hurlin & Guillaume Gaulier, 1999. "Testing Convergence: A Panel Data Approach," Post-Print hal-03287635, HAL.
  6. Jean-François BRUN & Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL, 1999. "Geographical Spillovers and Growth," Working Papers 199904, CERDI.
  7. Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Patrick GUILLAUMONT & Sylviane GUILLAUMONT JEANNENEY, 1999. "Intégration à l'économie mondiale et instabilité des taux de croissance (révisé en E 1999.27)," Working Papers 199906, CERDI.
  8. Catherine ARAUJO BONJEAN & Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL, 1999. "The Economic Consequences of Export Instability in Developing Countries: A Survey," Working Papers 199926, CERDI.
  9. Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL & Patrick GUILLAUMONT & Sylviane GUILLAUMONT JEANNENEY, 1999. "Ouverture sur l'extérieur et instabilité des taux de croissance," Working Papers 199927, CERDI.
  10. Anne Lavigne, 1999. "Le marché français de l'assurance en 1997," Post-Print halshs-00258607, HAL.
  11. Raphaëlle Bellando & Gilbert Colletaz, 1999. "Peut-on extraire des informations à partir des prix d'options? Une étude de Monte-Carlo," Post-Print halshs-00286491, HAL.


  1. Taoufik RAJHI & Patrick VILLIEU, 1998. "Dynamique transitoire et non-superneutralité de la monnaie dans un modèle de croissance endogène à deux secteurs," Discussion Papers (REL - Recherches Economiques de Louvain) 1998021, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).
  2. Thierry Baudassé & M. Semedo & P. Villieu, 1998. "Intégration commerciale du secteur agricole et répartition des revenus dans les économies en développement," Post-Print halshs-00220453, HAL.
  3. Jean-Baptiste Desquilbet & Patrick Villieu, 1998. "L'interdépendance des banques centrales peut-elle être contre-productive?," Post-Print halshs-00250518, HAL.
  4. Jean-Baptiste Desquilbet & Patrick Villieu, 1998. "La théorie du policy mix : un bilan critique," Post-Print halshs-00250573, HAL.
  5. G. Semedo & Patrick Villieu, 1998. "Mondialisation, intégration économique et croissance : nouvelles approches," Post-Print halshs-00250899, HAL.
  6. Patrick Villieu, 1998. "Fiscalité et Epargne : un point de vue théorique," Post-Print halshs-00252045, HAL.
  7. Patrick Villieu, 1998. "Introduction," Post-Print halshs-00252047, HAL.
  8. Patrick Villieu, 1998. "Les mécanismes de la croissance endogène I : Croissance endogène versus croissance exogène : un modèle de synthèse," Post-Print halshs-00252053, HAL.
  9. Patrick Villieu, 1998. "Les mécanismes de la croissance endogène II : Innovation, différenciation des produits et développement économique," Post-Print halshs-00252071, HAL.
  10. Jean-Baptiste Desquilbet & Patrick Villieu, 1998. "La théorie du policy mix," Post-Print halshs-00252083, HAL.
  11. Patrick Villieu, 1998. "Quelles règles monétaires et budgétaires en UEM? Un modèle illustratif à deux pays," Post-Print halshs-00253611, HAL.
  12. Patrick Villieu, 1998. "Quelles règles monétaires et budgétaires en UEM?," Post-Print halshs-00255929, HAL.
  13. Isabelle Rabaud, 1998. "Le "désajustement" de la balance courante mondiale," Post-Print halshs-00204517, HAL.
  14. Isabelle Rabaud, 1998. "Change in Geographical Specialisation Patterns 1967-1997," Post-Print halshs-00204522, HAL.
  15. B. Chane Kune & P. Compaire & N. Mulder & Isabelle Rabaud, 1998. "Productivité et performance à l'exportation dans le transport : une étude sur le cas de huit pays," Post-Print halshs-00204588, HAL.
  16. B. Chane Kune & N. Mulder & Isabelle Rabaud, 1998. "Productivité et performance à l'exportation dans le transport : le cas de huit pays," Post-Print halshs-00205073, HAL.
  17. Yannick L’Horty & Christophe Rault, 1998. "Durée du travail, productivité et emploi," Documents de recherche 98-11, Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne.
  18. Rault, C., 1998. "L'exogeneite dans les modeles VAR_ECM avec des sentiers de long terme purement exogenes," Papiers d'Economie Mathématique et Applications 98.20, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1).
  19. Hurlin, C. & MB.P. N'Diaye, P., 1998. "La methode d'estimation des moindres carres modifies ou fully modified," Papiers d'Economie Mathématique et Applications 98.26, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1).
  20. Jean-François BRUN & Gérard CHAMBAS & Jean-Louis COMBES, 1998. "La politique fiscale agit-elle sur la croissance ?," Working Papers 199808, CERDI.
  21. Anne Lavigne, 1998. "Le marché français de l'assurance en 1996," Post-Print halshs-00258605, HAL.


  1. G. Semedo & Patrick Villieu, 1997. "La zone franc : mécanismes et perspectives macroéconomiques," Post-Print halshs-00250892, HAL.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 1997. "Effets non keynésiens des ajustements budgétaires : augmentation des impôts ou réduction des dépenses?," Post-Print halshs-00253617, HAL.
  3. Patrick Villieu, 1997. "La réduction des déficits publics en économie ouverte : baisse des dépenses ou accroissement des prélèvements fiscaux?," Post-Print halshs-00255942, HAL.
  4. Portier, Franck & Hurlin, Christophe, 1997. "Taux d'actualisation public, distorsions fiscales et croissance," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Couverture Orange) 9718, CEPREMAP.
  5. Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL, 1997. "Epargne de précaution et substitution imparfaite des formes de richesse," Working Papers 199704, CERDI.
  6. Jean-François BRUN & Jean-Louis COMBES & Pascale COMBES MOTEL, 1997. "Les effets du chômage sur la consommation : le cas de la France (1970-1994)," Working Papers 199716, CERDI.
  7. Jean-Paul Pollin & Anne Lavigne, 1997. "Les théories de la monnaie," Post-Print halshs-00258439, HAL.
  8. Anne Lavigne, 1997. "Pourquoi et comment assurer les crédits?," Post-Print halshs-00258489, HAL.
  9. Anne Lavigne, 1997. "The New French Legislation on Pension Funds: a User's Guide," Post-Print halshs-00259288, HAL.


  1. Anne Lavigne & Patrick Villieu, 1996. "La politique monétaire : nouveaux enjeux, nouveaux débats," Post-Print halshs-00250586, HAL.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 1996. "Substitution des monnaies et régime de change : un réexamen de l'argument de l'autonomie de la politique monétaire," Post-Print halshs-00250609, HAL.
  3. Anne Lavigne & Patrick Villieu, 1996. "La coordination des politiques économiques," Post-Print halshs-00252088, HAL.
  4. Patrick Villieu, 1996. "Déficits publics; croissance et politique monétaire : structure néoclassique, effets keynésiens," Post-Print halshs-00253620, HAL.
  5. Patrick Villieu, 1996. "Déficit public; croissance et politique monétaire : structure classique; effets keynésiens?," Post-Print halshs-00255944, HAL.
  6. Jean-Baptiste Desquilbet & Patrick Villieu, 1996. "L'indépendance des banques centrales peut-elle être contreproductive?," Post-Print halshs-00255948, HAL.
  7. Pascale Combes Motel, 1996. "Les déterminants de l'offre de bétail dans les pays sahéliens," Post-Print halshs-01822037, HAL.
  8. Gérard CHAMBAS & Jean-Louis COMBES, 1996. "Deux siècles de débat sur la progressivité de l'impôt en France 1700-1917," Working Papers 199630, CERDI.
  9. Anne Lavigne, 1996. "Le marché français de l'assurance en 1994," Post-Print halshs-00258603, HAL.
  10. Raphaëlle Bellando & Jean-Paul Pollin, 1996. "Le canal du crédit en France depuis la déréglementation financière : quelques tests exploratoires," Post-Print halshs-00287657, HAL.


  1. Patrick Villieu, 1995. "La substitution monnaie-consommation : un rectificatif," Post-Print halshs-00250663, HAL.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 1995. "Monnaie et finance : perspectives de réconciliation," Post-Print halshs-00252095, HAL.
  3. Patrick Villieu, 1995. "Perspectives de macroéconomie monétaire," Post-Print halshs-00253622, HAL.
  4. Anne Lavigne, 1995. "Le marché français de l'assurance en 1993," Post-Print halshs-00258597, HAL.
  5. Raphaëlle Bellando & Xavier Laure & Anne Lavigne, 1995. "La vente à perte du crédit," Post-Print halshs-00259282, HAL.
  6. Anne Lavigne & Nicolas Venard, 1995. "Financial Conglomerates: Are they Riskier than their Components?," Post-Print halshs-00259283, HAL.
  7. Anne Lavigne & Nicolas Venard, 1995. "La réglementation prudentielle des conglomérats financiers," Post-Print halshs-00259286, HAL.


  1. Anne Lavigne, 1994. "Sélection bibliographique sur l'industrie bancaire," Post-Print halshs-00258477, HAL.


  1. Patrick Villieu, 1993. "Les modèles à encaisses préalables : un renouveau des fondements microéconomiques de la macroéconomie monétaire?," Post-Print halshs-00250679, HAL.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 1993. "Inflation et croissance dans les modèles à encaisses préalables : effet Stockman ou effet Tobin?," Post-Print halshs-00250681, HAL.
  3. Patrick Villieu, 1993. "Crise de la balance des paiements et substituabilité entre monnaie et consommation," Post-Print halshs-00250683, HAL.
  4. Taoufik Rajhi & Patrick Villieu, 1993. "Accélération monétaire et croissance endogène," Post-Print halshs-00250783, HAL.
  5. Motel, P., 1993. "The Effects of Risk and Capital Market Imperfections in a Household Model of Livestock-Keeping: Theory and Sahelian Evidence," Papers 9312, Laval - Recherche en Politique Economique.
  6. Motel, P., 1993. "A Computable Stochastic Control Model for the Assessment of the Impact of Floods on Growth in Bangladesh," Papers 9320, Laval - Recherche en Politique Economique.
  7. Bertrand CRETTEZ & Anne LAVIGNE, 1993. "Développements récents de la littérature sur l’incohérence temporelle et la crédibilité de la politique économique," Discussion Papers (REL - Recherches Economiques de Louvain) 1993031, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).


  1. Patrick Villieu, 1992. "Inflation et accumulation du capital : le rôle de la substituabilité entre consommation et encaisses réelles," Post-Print halshs-00250791, HAL.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 1992. "Risque et fluctuations des cours boursiers dans les modèles à contrainte de transactions," Post-Print halshs-00250794, HAL.
  3. Patrick Villieu, 1992. "Contraintes de disposition préalable de monnaie et déséquilibres macroéconomiques," Post-Print halshs-00250906, HAL.
  4. Patrick Villieu, 1992. "Les paradoxes de la monnaie et l'impôt restreints dans un modèle à contrainte de transactions monétaires," Post-Print halshs-00252078, HAL.
  5. Thierry Baudassé & Anne Lavigne, 1992. "La Réforme de la législation sur l'Usure : un premier bilan," Post-Print halshs-00220499, HAL.
  6. Raphaëlle Bellando & Anne Lavigne, 1992. "Taux d'intérêt débiteurs et créditeurs en Europe : une approche empirique," Post-Print halshs-00258469, HAL.
  7. Thierry Baudassé & Raphaëlle Bellando & Anne Lavigne & Carlos Pardo, 1992. "La réforme de la législation sur l'Usure," Post-Print halshs-00258596, HAL.


  1. Patrick Villieu, 1991. "Intermédiation financière et courbe de Phillips dans un modèle à contrainte de transactions monétaires," Post-Print halshs-00250797, HAL.
  2. Anne Lavigne, 1991. "175 ans de bilans : jalons pour histoire de la Caisse des dépôts et Consignations," Post-Print halshs-00258467, HAL.


  1. Patrick Villieu, 1990. "Financement du déficit budgétaire et paradoxes de la monnaie et de l'impôt restreints," Post-Print halshs-00255970, HAL.
  2. Denis Kessler & Anne Lavigne & Carlos Pardo, 1990. "La rémunération des comptes courants et la facturation des services bancaires en Europe," Post-Print halshs-00258462, HAL.
  3. Denis Kessler & Anne Lavigne & Carlos Pardo, 1990. "Déréglementation financière, rémunération des dépôts en comptes courants et facturation des services bancaires en Grande Bretagne," Post-Print halshs-00258590, HAL.
  4. Anne Lavigne, 1990. "La crédibilité des politiques monétaires," Post-Print halshs-00259280, HAL.
  5. P. Artus & Raphaëlle Bellando & Ph. Ducos & Jean-Paul Pollin, 1990. "Formation des taux d'intérêt à long terme," Post-Print halshs-00287946, HAL.


  1. Patrick Villieu, 1989. "Inflation et accumulation du capital dans un modèle à encaisses préalables," Post-Print halshs-00255974, HAL.
  2. Anne Lavigne, 1989. "La crédibilité des politiques monétaires auprès des agents financiers," Post-Print halshs-00258458, HAL.
  3. Anne Lavigne, 1989. "La déréglementation des taux d'intérêt créditeurs et la facturation des services financiers en Espagne," Post-Print halshs-00258578, HAL.
  4. Denis Kessler & Anne Lavigne & Carlos Pardo, 1989. "La rémunération des comptes courants et la facturation des services financiers en Espagne," Post-Print halshs-00258580, HAL.
  5. Denis Kessler & Anne Lavigne & Carlos Pardo, 1989. "Libéralisation financière, rémunération des comptes courants et facturation des services financiers en R.F.A," Post-Print halshs-00258581, HAL.


  1. Anne Lavigne & Philippe Waechter, 1988. "Public Debt and Inflation," Post-Print halshs-00258447, HAL.


  1. Denis Kessler & Anne Lavigne & Sergio Perelman & Pierre Pestieau, 1987. "Existe-t-il une Europe de l'épargne?," Post-Print halshs-00259256, HAL.


  1. Denis Kessler & Anne Lavigne & Pierre-Antoine Ullmo, 1986. "Les voies et moyens de la refonte des structures financières dans les pays en développement," Post-Print halshs-00258574, HAL.


  1. Denis Kessler & Anne Lavigne, 1984. "Dette publique et épargne des ménages," Post-Print halshs-00258443, HAL.
  2. Denis Kessler & Anne Lavigne, 1984. "Les conséquences économiques et sociales du vieillissementde la population," Post-Print halshs-00258765, HAL.

Journal articles


  1. Pfister Christian, 2024. "Issuing a Wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency: Why and How," Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, Sciendo, vol. 59(1), pages 35-40, February.
  2. Marc-Alexandre Sénégas & Patrick Villieu, 2024. "L'hyperinflation : un bilan pour le centenaire de l'expérience allemande des années 1920," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(1), pages 49-68.
  3. Menuet, Maxime & Minea, Alexandru & Villieu, Patrick, 2024. "The perils of fiscal feedback rules," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 220(C).
  4. Maxime Menuet & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu & Anastasios Xepapadeas, 2024. "Environmental quality along the process of economic growth: a theoretical reappraisal," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 77(4), pages 1219-1258, June.
  5. Maxime Menuet & Hugo Oriola & Patrick Villieu, 2024. "Do conservative central bankers weaken the chances of conservative politicians?," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 62(4), pages 681-738, June.
  6. Ben Salem, Leila & Nouira, Ridha & Saafi, Sami & Rault, Christophe, 2024. "How do oil prices affect the GDP and its components? New evidence from a time-varying threshold model," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 190(C).
  7. Ben Cheikh, Nidhaleddine & Rault, Christophe, 2024. "Financial inclusion and threshold effects in carbon emissions," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 192(C).
  8. Ben Salem, Leila & Zayati, Montassar & Nouira, Ridha & Rault, Christophe, 2024. "Volatility spillover between oil prices and main exchange rates: Evidence from a DCC-GARCH-connectedness approach," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 91(C).
  9. Albert J. Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neusüß & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & David Abad‐Díaz & Menachem (Meni) Abudy , 2024. "Nonstandard Errors," Journal of Finance, American Finance Association, vol. 79(3), pages 2339-2390, June.
    • Albert J. Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neussüs & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & Christian Brownlees & Javier Gil-Bazo, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Working Papers 1303, Barcelona School of Economics.
    • Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna & Holzmeister, Felix & Huber, Jürgen & Johannesson, Magnus & Kirchler, Michael & Neusüss, Sebastian & Razen, Michael & Weitzel, Utz, 2021. "Non-standard errors," IWH Discussion Papers 11/2021, Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH).
    • Albert J. et al. Menkveld, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," CESifo Working Paper Series 9453, CESifo.
    • Albert J Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neusüss & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & Gunther Capelle-Blancard & David Abad-Dí, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Post-Print halshs-03500882, HAL.
    • Menkveld, A. & Dreber, A. & Holzmeister, F. & Huber, J. & Johannesson, M. & Kirchler, M. & Neusüss, S. & Razen, M. & Neusüss, S. & Neusüss, S., 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 2182, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge.
    • Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna & Holzmeister, Felix & Huber, Juergen & Johannesson, Magnus & Hasse, Jean-Baptiste & e.a.,, 2023. "Non-Standard Errors," LIDAM Reprints LFIN 2023002, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain Finance (LFIN).
    • Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna & Holzmeister, Felix & Huber, Juergen & Johannesson, Magnus & Kirchler, Michael & Neusüß, Sebastian & Razen, Michael & Weitzel, Utz & Abad-Díaz, David & Abudy, Menac, 2024. "Nonstandard errors," LSE Research Online Documents on Economics 123002, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library.
    • Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna & Holzmeister, Felix & Huber, Jürgen & Johannesson, Magnus & Kirchler, Michael & Neusüss, Sebastian & Razen, Michael & Weitzel, Utz, 2021. "Non-standard errors," SAFE Working Paper Series 327, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE.
    • Albert J. Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Jürgen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neusüss & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & David Abad-Dí­az & Menachem Abudy & Tobi, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Working Papers 2021-31, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, Universität Innsbruck.
    • Wolff, Christian & Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna & Holzmeister, Felix & Huber, Juergen & Johannesson, Magnus & Kirchler, Michael & Neusüess, Sebastian & Razen, Michael & Weitzel, Utz, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," CEPR Discussion Papers 16751, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    • Albert J. Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neussüs & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & Christian T. Brownlees & Javier Gil-Baz, 2021. "Non-standard errors," Economics Working Papers 1807, Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
    • Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna & Holzmeister, Felix & Huber, Juergen & Johannesson, Magnus & Kirchler, Michael & Neusüss, Sebastian & Razen, Michael & Weitzel, Utz & Abad-Díaz, David & Abudy, Mena, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Working Papers 2021:17, Lund University, Department of Economics.
    • Albert J. Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neusüss & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & Edwin Baidoo & Michael Frömmel & et al, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Working Papers of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University, Belgium 21/1032, Ghent University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
    • Francesco Franzoni & Roxana Mihet & Markus Leippold & Per Ostberg & Olivier Scaillet & Norman Schürhoff & Oksana Bashchenko & Nicola Mano & Michele Pelli, 2022. "Non-Standard Errors," Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper Series 22-09, Swiss Finance Institute.
    • Moinas, Sophie & Declerck, Fany & Menkveld, Albert J. & Dreber, Anna, 2023. "Non-Standard Errors," TSE Working Papers 23-1451, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE).
    • Ferrara, Gerardo & Jurkatis, Simon, 2021. "Non-standard errors," Bank of England working papers 955, Bank of England.
    • Albert J Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Felix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neusüss & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & Gunther Capelle-Blancard & David Abad-Dí, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-03500882, HAL.
    • Ciril Bosch-Rosa & Bernhard Kassner, 2023. "Non-Standard Errors," Rationality and Competition Discussion Paper Series 385, CRC TRR 190 Rationality and Competition.
    • Menkveld, A. & Dreber, A. & Holzmeister, F. & Huber, J. & Johannesson, M. & Kirchler, M. & Neusüss, S. & Razen, M. & Neusüss, S. & Neusüss, S., 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Janeway Institute Working Papers 2112, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge.
    • Albert J. Menkveld & Anna Dreber & Félix Holzmeister & Juergen Huber & Magnus Johannesson & Michael Kirchler & Sebastian Neusüss & Michael Razen & Utz Weitzel & Gunther Capelle-Blancard, 2021. "Non-Standard Errors," Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 21033, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne.
  10. Mihai Ioan Mutascu & Scott W. Hegerty, 2024. "Expected inflation and interest-rate dynamics in the COVID era: evidence from the time–frequency domain," Empirica, Springer;Austrian Institute for Economic Research;Austrian Economic Association, vol. 51(2), pages 559-582, May.
  11. Cosimo Magazzino & Marco Mele & Claudiu Tiberiu Albulescu & Nicholas Apergis & Mihai Ioan Mutascu, 2024. "The presence of a latent factor in gasoline and diesel prices co-movements," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 66(5), pages 1921-1939, May.
  12. Daniela Balutel & Christopher S. Henry & Kim P. Huynh & Marcel C. Voia, 2024. "Cash in the Pocket, Cash in the Cloud: Cash Holdings of Bitcoin Owners," International Journal of Central Banking, International Journal of Central Banking, vol. 20(3), pages 115-159, July.
  13. Daniela Balutel & Marie-Hélène Felt & Gradon Nicholls & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2024. "Bitcoin awareness, ownership and use: 2016–20," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 56(1), pages 33-58, January.
  14. Doan Thi Hong Thinh & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2024. "Risk of Claims and Moral Hazard for House Insurance in Canada," Journal of Housing Research, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 33(1), pages 1-16, January.
  15. Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod & Eva Coll-Martínez & Camelia Turcu, 2024. "Location attributes explaining the entry of firms in creative industries: evidence from France," The Annals of Regional Science, Springer;Western Regional Science Association, vol. 72(1), pages 223-254, January.
  16. Camélia Turcu & Yunzhi Zhang, 2024. "Does one good turn deserve another? Evidence from China’s trade and aid policy," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 36(6), pages 741-760, August.
  17. Bambe, Bao-We-Wal & Combes, Jean-Louis & Kaba, Kabinet & Minea, Alexandru, 2024. "Inflation targeting and firm performance in developing countries," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 163(C).
  18. Apeti, Ablam Estel & Combes, Jean-Louis & Minea, Alexandru, 2024. "Inflation targeting and fiscal policy volatility: Evidence from developing countries," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 141(C).
  19. Jean-Marc B Atsebi & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea, 2024. "The sectoral trade losses from financial crises," Industrial and Corporate Change, Oxford University Press and the Associazione ICC, vol. 33(2), pages 466-489.
  20. Markos Farag & Chahir Zaki, 2024. "On the economic and political determinants of trade in natural gas," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 47(2), pages 806-836, February.
  21. Ayadi, Rym & Giovannetti, Giorgia & Marvasi, Enrico & Zaki, Chahir, 2024. "Trade networks and the productivity of MENA firms in global value chains," Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Elsevier, vol. 69(C), pages 10-23.
  22. Jala Youssef & Chahir Zaki, 2024. "A decade of competition laws in Arab economies: a de jure and de facto assessment," International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 19(1), pages 56-85.
  23. Amirah El-Haddad & Chahir Zaki, 2024. "Storm survivors: Evidence from firms in times of pandemic," The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 33(2), pages 165-198, February.
  24. Fida Karam & Chahir Zaki, 2024. "On trade policy and workers’ transition between the formal and informal sectors: An application to the MENA region in the time of COVID-19," The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 33(5), pages 796-817, July.
  25. Dorian Balvir, 2024. "Fiscal rules: the imitation game," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 56(6), pages 708-727, February.


  1. Pierre Lahbabi & Christian Pfister, 2023. "Introduction," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(1), pages 9-17.
  2. Christian Pfister, 2023. "Politique monétaire et monnaies numériques," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(1), pages 225-239.
  3. Yannick Lucotte & Christian Pfister, 2023. "Cryptoactifs et monnaies numériques. Introduction," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 3-20.
  4. Christian Pfister, 2023. "Money’s Adventures in Cryptoland," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 65-112.
  5. Françoise Drumetz & Christian Pfister, 2023. "It takes two to tango: a reply to our MMT critics," European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, Edward Elgar Publishing, vol. 20(1), pages 78-89, May.
  6. Chicot Eboué & Patrick Villieu, 2023. "Dette publique, retour de l’inflation et policy mix : qu’enseigne l’expérience contemporaine ?," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(2), pages 15-62.
  7. Chicot Eboué & Patrick Villieu, 2023. "Conclusion générale," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(2), pages 259-265.
  8. Hajare El Hadri & Daniel Mirza & Isabelle Rabaud, 2023. "Natural Disasters, Bilateral Exports and Foreign Consumers' Altruism," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 152, pages 103-133.
  9. Amelie Guillin & Isabelle Rabaud & Chahir Zaki, 2023. "Does the depth of trade agreements matter for trade in services?," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 46(12), pages 3616-3653, December.
  10. Keita, Kady & Rabaud, Isabelle & Turcu, Camelia, 2023. "Fiscal outcomes, current account imbalances, and institutions in Europe: Exploring nonlinearities," International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 175(C), pages 121-134.
  11. Alexis Direr, 2023. "Portfolio Choice With Time Horizon Risk," International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance (IJTAF), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 26(06n07), pages 1-19, November.
  12. Rémi Bazillier & Francesco Magris & Daniel Mirza, 2023. "Labor mobility agreements and exit of migrants: Evidence from Europe," Kyklos, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 76(3), pages 319-350, August.
  13. Dylan Bourny & Daniel Mirza & Camelia Turcu, 2023. "The culture-promotion effect of multinationals on trade: the IKEA case," Journal of Economic Geography, Oxford University Press, vol. 23(4), pages 771-800.
  14. Catherine Bros & Véronique Gille & François Maniquet, 2023. "Female labour, status and decision power," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 90(358), pages 453-476, April.
  15. Catherine Bros & Fozan Fareed & Julie Lochard, 2023. "Climbing the economic ladder: The role of microfinance institutions in promoting entrepreneurship in Pakistan," Journal of International Development, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 35(6), pages 1143-1162, August.
  16. Amor, Thouraya Hadj & Nouira, Ridha & Rault, Christophe & Sova, Anamaria Diana, 2023. "Real exchange rate misalignments and economic growth in Tunisia: New evidence from a threshold analysis of asymmetric adjustments," The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 88(C), pages 215-227.
  17. Mouna Ben Abdeljelil & Christophe Rault & Fateh Belaïd, 2023. "Economic growth and pollutant emissions: new panel evidence from the union for the Mediterranean countries," Economic Change and Restructuring, Springer, vol. 56(3), pages 1537-1566, June.
  18. Daniela Balutel & Marcel C. Voia, 2023. "Surviving the Storm: Hazard Models and Signaling Shocks in Bitcoin Prices," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 21-46.
  19. Ferris, J. Stephen & Voia, Marcel-Cristian, 2023. "Do rival political parties enforce government efficiency? Evidence from Canada 1867–2021," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 77(C).
  20. Bharatee Bhusana Dash & J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2023. "Inequality, transaction costs and voter turnout: evidence from Canadian provinces and Indian states," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 194(3), pages 325-346, March.
  21. Kady Keita & Camelia Turcu, 2023. "Promoting Counter-Cyclical Fiscal Policy: Fiscal Rules Versus Institutions," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 65(4), pages 736-781, December.
  22. Apeti, Ablam Estel & Combes, Jean-Louis & Minea, Alexandru, 2023. "Inflation targeting and the composition of public expenditure: Evidence from developing countries," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 76(C).
  23. N. Kundan Kishor & Alexandru Minea & Gurnain Kaur Pasricha, 2023. "Introduction to the special issue "Macroeconomic Policy in Turbulent Times in EMEs"," Indian Economic Review, Springer, vol. 58(2), pages 253-260, September.
  24. Hippolyte Balima & Alexandru Minea & Cezara Vinturis, 2023. "Do sovereign credit rating events affect the foreign exchange market? Evidence from a treatment effect analysis," Southern Economic Journal, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 90(1), pages 156-181, July.
  25. Tebkieta Alexandra Tapsoba & Pascale Combes Motel & Jean-Louis Combes, 2023. "Transferts de migrants, sécurité alimentaire et variabilité climatique : le cas du Burkina Faso," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 74(2), pages 53-81.
  26. Boly, Mohamed & Combes, Jean-Louis & Combes Motel, Pascale, 2023. "Does environment pay for politicians?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 128(C).
  27. Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso & Thaís Núñez-Rocha & Chahir Zaki, 2023. "Impact of environmental regulations and environmental provisions on trade," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 35(3), pages 109-115.
  28. Amirah El-Haddad & Chahir Zaki, 2023. "Vulnerability and resilience: crisis transmission channels for GVCs in COVID times," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 43(4), pages 1581-1592.
  29. Jala Youssef & Chahir Zaki, 2023. "On the Determinants and Outcomes of IMF Loans in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Do Politics Matter?," Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 59(9), pages 2834-2850, July.
  30. Yasmine Eissa & Chahir Zaki, 2023. "On GVC and innovation: the moderating role of policy," Economia e Politica Industriale: Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, Springer;Associazione Amici di Economia e Politica Industriale, vol. 50(1), pages 49-71, March.
  31. Amirah El-Haddad & Chahir Zaki, 2023. "The Role of Political Connections in COVID Policy Response: Effectiveness of Firm-Level Government Support in Egypt," Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 59(8), pages 1213-1235, August.
  32. City Eldeep & Chahir Zaki, 2023. "On the unfinished business of stabilization programs: a CGE model of Egypt," Middle East Development Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 15(1), pages 66-100, January.
  33. Aya Elewa & Chahir Zaki, 2023. "Multi-product Firms and Export Skewness: Does Firm Size Matter?," The International Trade Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 37(3), pages 314-330, May.
  34. Sébastien Galanti, 2023. "Cryptoactifs et portefeuille optimal," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 47-63.
  35. Sébastien Galanti & Çiğdem Yilmaz Özsoy, 2023. "Can Blockchain Help Improve Financial Inclusion? A Comparative Study," Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 57(2), pages 438-449, April.
  36. Elodie Djemai & Yohan Renard & Anne-Laure Samson, 2023. "Mothers and fathers: education, co-residence, and child health," Journal of Population Economics, Springer;European Society for Population Economics, vol. 36(4), pages 2609-2653, October.
  37. Caroline Jardet & Cristina Jude & Menzie Chinn, 2023. "Foreign direct investment under uncertainty evidence from a large panel of countries," Review of International Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 31(3), pages 854-885, August.
  38. Nicolas Berman & Mathieu Couttenier & Victoire Girard, 2023. "Mineral Resources and the Salience of Ethnic Identities," The Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 133(653), pages 1705-1737.
  39. Achille Barnabé Assouto & Dewanou Jean-Luc Houngbeme, 2023. "Access to credit and agricultural productivity: Evidence from maize producers in Benin," Cogent Economics & Finance, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 11(1), pages 2196856-219, December.


  1. Pierre Jaillet & Christian Pfister, 2022. "Quelles règles budgétaires pour quelle UEM ?," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(2), pages 265-293.
  2. Pierre Jaillet & Christian Pfister, 2022. "Better Fiscal Rules for a More Integrated EMU," Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, Springer;ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics;Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), vol. 57(6), pages 377-383, November.
  3. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu, 2022. "Un « fardeau » de la dette publique ? Les limites du concept de soutenabilité," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(2), pages 139-164.
  4. Patrick Villieu, 2022. "Histoire de la macroéconomie," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(3), pages 3-7.
  5. Boly, Mohamed & Combes, Jean-Louis & Menuet, Maxime & Minea, Alexandru & Motel, Pascale Combes & Villieu, Patrick, 2022. "Can public debt mitigate environmental debt? Theory and empirical evidence," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 111(C).
  6. Florent Bresson & Nathalie Ferrière & Christophe Jalil Nordman & Isabelle Rabaud & Victor Stéphane, 2022. "Avant-propos," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 31(2), pages 7-8.
  7. Amélie Guillin & Isabelle Rabaud & Chahir Zaki, 2022. "La profondeur des accords commerciaux régionaux affecte-t-elle les échanges internationaux de services ? Un point sur la région MOAN," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 31(2), pages 151-156.
  8. Volker Nitsch & Isabelle Rabaud, 2022. "Under attack: Terrorism and international trade in France, 2014–2016 [The economic cost of conflict: A case study of the Basque Country]," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 74(4), pages 976-998.
  9. Mirza, Daniel & Stancanelli, Elena & Verdier, Thierry, 2022. "Household expenditure in the wake of terrorism: Evidence from high frequency in-home-scanner data," Economics & Human Biology, Elsevier, vol. 46(C).
  10. Ekrame Boubtane & Christophe Rault, 2022. "L’impact économique des migrations en Tunisie," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 235-267.
  11. Ben Salem, Leila & Nouira, Ridha & Jeguirim, Khaled & Rault, Christophe, 2022. "The determinants of crude oil prices: Evidence from ARDL and nonlinear ARDL approaches," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 79(C).
  12. Fateh Belaïd & Christophe Rault & Camille Massié, 2022. "A life-cycle theory analysis of French household electricity demand," Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Springer, vol. 32(2), pages 501-530, April.
  13. Sabrine Ferjani & Sami Saafi & Ridha Nouira & Christophe Rault, 2022. "The Impacts of the Dollar-Renminbi Exchange Rate Misalignment on the China-United States Commodity Trade: An Asymmetric Analysis," Journal of Quantitative Economics, Springer;The Indian Econometric Society (TIES), vol. 20(3), pages 507-554, September.
  14. Dumitrescu, Elena & Hué, Sullivan & Hurlin, Christophe & Tokpavi, Sessi, 2022. "Machine learning for credit scoring: Improving logistic regression with non-linear decision-tree effects," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 297(3), pages 1178-1192.
  15. Magazzino, Cosimo & Mutascu, Mihai Ioan, 2022. "The Italian fiscal sustainability in a long-run perspective," The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Elsevier, vol. 26(C).
  16. Mutascu Mihai & Hegerty Scott W., 2022. "The role of refugees in the underground economy of the European Union," IZA Journal of Development and Migration, Sciendo & Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH (IZA), vol. 13(1), pages 1-19, January.
  17. Mihailo Radoman & Marcel C. Voia, 2022. "Internal promotion and the Bosman ruling: Evidence from the English Premier League," LABOUR, CEIS, vol. 36(4), pages 445-470, December.
  18. Clément Mathonnat & Alexandru Minea & Marcel Voia, 2022. "Does more finance lead to longer crises?," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 45(1), pages 111-135, January.
  19. Luke Ignaczak & Louis Raffestin & Marcel Voia, 2022. "Do the determinants of employment duration vary across employment spells?," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 54(9), pages 1011-1029, February.
  20. Daniela Balutel & Marcel Cristian Voia, 2022. "The effects of bank levies post-financial crisis in Eastern Europe," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 34(2), pages 196-218, February.
  21. Daniela Balutel & Christopher Henry & Jorge Vásquez & Marcel Voia, 2022. "Bitcoin adoption and beliefs in Canada," Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 55(4), pages 1729-1761, November.
  22. Claudiu Tiberiu Albulescu & Camélia Turcu, 2022. "Productivity, financial performance, and corporate governance: evidence from Romanian R&D firms," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 54(51), pages 5956-5975, November.
  23. Alexandru Minea & Camélia Turcu, 2022. "New challenges for fiscal policy in Central and Eastern Europe," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 34(2), pages 143-148, February.
  24. Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel, 2022. "Que nous apprend la littérature récente sur la « nature et les causes de la richesse des nations » ?," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(3), pages 289-313.
  25. Schwartz, S. & Choumert-Nkolo, J. & Combes, J.-L. & Combes-Motel, P. & Kere, E., 2022. "Optimal protected area implementation under spillover effects," Resource and Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 68(C).
  26. Jean-Louis Combes & Pierre Lesuisse, 2022. "Inflation and unemployment, new insights during the EMU accession," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 172, pages 124-142.
  27. Rym Ayadi & Giorgia Giovannetti & Enrico Marvasi & Giulio Vannelli & Chahir Zaki, 2022. "Demand and supply exposure through global value chains: Euro‐Mediterranean countries during COVID," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 45(3), pages 637-656, March.
  28. Eldeep City & Zaki Chahir, 2022. "COVID-19 Impact and Policy Response: A General Equilibrium Approach for Egypt," Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, De Gruyter, vol. 18(3), pages 139-170, December.
  29. Mohamed Ali Marouani & Jala Youssef & Chahir Zaki, 2022. "Structural change in developing countries: Which policies matter?," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 31(2), pages 137-142.
  30. Asmaa Ezzat & Chahir Zaki, 2022. "On the political economy of trade agreements: A de jure and de facto analysis of institutions," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 172, pages 143-156.
  31. Nora Aboushady & Yasmine Kamal & Chahir Zaki, 2022. "Disentangling the impact of trade barriers on wages: evidence from the MENA region," Middle East Development Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 14(1), pages 43-69, January.
  32. Galanti, Sébastien & Leroy, Aurélien & Vaubourg, Anne-Gaël, 2022. "Investment and access to external finance in Europe: Does analyst coverage matter?," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 81(C).
  33. Renard, Yohan, 2022. "From fees to free: User fee removal, maternal health care utilization and child health in Zambia," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 156(C).
  34. Boulu-Reshef, Béatrice & Schulhofer-Wohl, Jonah, 2022. "The impact of distance on parochial altruism: An experimental investigation," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 75(C).
  35. Andries, Alin Marius & Balutel, Daniela, 2022. "The impact of national culture on systemic risk," Economic Systems, Elsevier, vol. 46(2).


  1. Christian Pfister, 2021. "La réforme du 100 % réserves : calamité ou opportunité ?," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(1), pages 293-316.
  2. Christian Pfister & Natacha Valla, 2021. "Une banque centrale pour le changement climatique ?," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(3), pages 241-267.
  3. Françoise Drumetz & Christian Pfister, 2021. "De quoi la MMT est-elle le nom ?," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 3-46.
  4. Christian Pfister & Natacha Valla, 2021. "Financial Stability Is Easier to Green Than Monetary Policy," Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, Springer;ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics;Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), vol. 56(3), pages 154-159, May.
  5. Françoise Drumetz & Christian Pfister, 2021. "Modern Monetary Theory: A Wrong Compass for Decision-Making," Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, Springer;ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics;Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), vol. 56(6), pages 355-361, November.
  6. Alexandru Minea & René Tapsoba & Patrick Villieu, 2021. "Inflation targeting adoption and institutional quality: Evidence from developing countries," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 44(7), pages 2107-2127, July.
  7. Marakbi, Réda & Turcu, Camélia & Villieu, Patrick, 2021. "Institutions’ Impact On The Corruption–Growth Nexus: Nonlinearities And Transmission Channels," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 25(1), pages 257-279, January.
  8. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu, 2021. "Reputation and the “need for enemies”," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 72(4), pages 1049-1089, November.
  9. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu & Marcel Voia, 2021. "Does public debt secure social peace? A diversionary theory of public debt management," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 57(3), pages 475-501, October.
  10. Ben Cheikh, Nidhaleddine & Ben Naceur, Sami & Kanaan, Oussama & Rault, Christophe, 2021. "Investigating the asymmetric impact of oil prices on GCC stock markets," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 102(C).
  11. Abir Abid & Christophe Rault, 2021. "On the Exchange Rates Volatility and Economic Policy Uncertainty Nexus: A Panel VAR Approach for Emerging Markets," Journal of Quantitative Economics, Springer;The Indian Econometric Society (TIES), vol. 19(3), pages 403-425, September.
  12. Denisa Banulescu-Radu & Christophe Hurlin & Jérémy Leymarie & Olivier Scaillet, 2021. "Backtesting Marginal Expected Shortfall and Related Systemic Risk Measures," Management Science, INFORMS, vol. 67(9), pages 5730-5754, September.
  13. Florian Horky & Mihai Mutascu & Jarko Fidrmuc, 2021. "Pandemic Versus Financial Shocks: Comparison of Two Episodes on the Bitcoin Market," Applied Economics Quarterly (formerly: Konjunkturpolitik), Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin, vol. 67(2), pages 113-141.
  14. Mutascu, Mihai, 2021. "Artificial intelligence and unemployment: New insights," Economic Analysis and Policy, Elsevier, vol. 69(C), pages 653-667.
  15. Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu & Mutascu, Mihai Ioan, 2021. "Fuel price co-movements among France, Germany and Italy: A time-frequency investigation," Energy, Elsevier, vol. 225(C).
  16. Mutascu, Mihai & Sokic, Alexandre, 2021. "Okun's law in the US: New insights in time and frequency," The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 82(C), pages 207-222.
  17. Khalaf, Lynda & Kichian, Maral & Saunders, Charles J. & Voia, Marcel, 2021. "Dynamic panels with MIDAS covariates: Nonlinearity, estimation and fit," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 220(2), pages 589-605.
  18. J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2021. "Elections, economic outcomes and policy choices in Canada: 1870 – 2015," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53(16), pages 1840-1855, April.
  19. El-Shagi, Makram & Turcu, Camélia, 2021. "Monetary, financial and fiscal fragility in 2020s," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 117(C).
  20. Pedro Cerqueira & Francisco Serranito & Camélia Turcu, 2021. "Policy Challenges for Open Economies," Open Economies Review, Springer, vol. 32(5), pages 823-827, November.
  21. Balima, Hippolyte Wenéyam & Combes, Jean-Louis & Minea, Alexandru, 2021. "The “Dark Side” Of Credit Default Swaps Initiation: A Close Look At Sovereign Debt Crises," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 25(1), pages 124-153, January.
  22. Combes, Jean-Louis & Minea, Alexandru & Sawadogo, Pegdéwendé Nestor, 2021. "Does the composition of government spending matter for government bond spreads?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 96(C), pages 409-420.
  23. Amélie Barbier-Gauchard & Kea Baret & Alexandru Minea, 2021. "National fiscal rules and fiscal discipline in the European Union," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53(20), pages 2337-2359, April.
  24. Amélie Barbier-Gauchard & Jean-Louis Combes, 2021. "La politique budgétaire à l’épreuve de la crise sanitaire : enjeux et perspectives. Introduction," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(3), pages 3-17.
  25. Mahmoud Mohieldin & Ahmed Rostom & Chahir Zaki, 2021. "The external wealth of Arab nations: Structure, trends, and policy implications," Economic Notes, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA, vol. 50(2), July.
  26. Inmaculada Martínez Zarzoso & Mona Said & Chahir Zaki, 2021. "Trade policy and input liberalization: The effect on Egyptian firms’ productivity," Review of Development Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 25(3), pages 1305-1325, August.
  27. Farag Markos & Zaki Chahir, 2021. "Price and Income Elasticities of Natural Gas Demand in Egypt: A Bound Test Approach," Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, De Gruyter, vol. 17(1), pages 27-55, April.
  28. Hendy, Rana & Zaki, Chahir, 2021. "Trade facilitation and firms exports: Evidence from customs data," International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 75(C), pages 197-209.
  29. Nesreen Seleem & Chahir Zaki, 2021. "On modelling the determinants of total factor productivity in the MENA region: a macro-micro firm-level evidence," International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 32(2), pages 147-178.
  30. Ibrahim Elbadawi & Chahir Zaki, 2021. "Exchange rate undervaluation, economic institutions and exports performance: evidence from firm-level data," International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 14(1), pages 62-93.
  31. Marion Dovis & Chahir Zaki, 2021. "Correction to: Global Value Chains and Local Business Environments: Which Factors Really Matter in Developing Countries?," Review of Industrial Organization, Springer;The Industrial Organization Society, vol. 59(3), pages 561-561, November.
  32. Nora Aboushady & Chahir Zaki, 2021. "Do exports and innovation matter for the demand of skilled labor?," International Review of Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 35(1), pages 25-44, January.
  33. Fida Karam & Chahir Zaki, 2021. "On women participation and empowerment in international trade: Impact on trade margins in the MENA region," The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 30(3), pages 384-406, April.
  34. Raphaëlle Bellando & Laura-Dona Capotă & Sébastien Galanti, 2021. "Bond Fund Fragility: Flow Reactions to Extremely Negative Return Shocks," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 42(2), pages 81-115.
  35. Levieuge, Grégory & Lucotte, Yannick & Pradines-Jobet, Florian, 2021. "The cost of banking crises: Does the policy framework matter?," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 110(C).
  36. Aurélien Leroy & Yannick Lucotte, 2021. "Environnement de taux bas et rentabilité des banques en zone euro," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(2), pages 157-177.
  37. Constant, Karine & Davin, Marion, 2021. "Pollution, children’s health and the evolution of human capital inequality," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 112(C), pages 9-25.
  38. Escoffier, Margaux & Hache, Emmanuel & Mignon, Valérie & Paris, Anthony, 2021. "Determinants of solar photovoltaic deployment in the electricity mix: Do oil prices really matter?," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 97(C).
  39. Victoire Girard, 2021. "Stabbed in the back? Mandated political representation and murders," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 56(4), pages 595-634, May.
  40. Bertrand Candelon & Jean-Baptiste Hasse & Quentin Lajaunie, 2021. "ESG-Washing in the Mutual Funds Industry? From Information Asymmetry to Regulation," Risks, MDPI, vol. 9(11), pages 1-23, November.


  1. Pfister Christian, 2020. "Digital currencies: from myth to innovative projects [Monnaies digitales : du mythe aux projets innovants]," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 230.
  2. Bussière Matthieu & Sahuc Jean-Guillaume & Pfister Christian, 2020. "The link between money and inflation since 2008 [Le lien entre monnaie et inflation depuis 2008]," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 232.
  3. Luc Arrondel & Jean-Brieux Delbos & Dominique Durant & Christian Pfister & Laurent Soulat, 2020. "Pension anticipée et épargne financière des ménages," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(6), pages 227-259.
  4. Christian Pfister & Jean-Guillaume Sahuc, 2020. "Unconventional monetary policies: A stock-taking exercise," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 130(2), pages 137-169.
  5. Anastasia Melachrinos & Christian Pfister, 2020. "Stablecoins : le meilleur des mondes ?," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 23-57.
  6. Réda Marakbi & Patrick Villieu, 2020. "Corruption, tax evasion, and seigniorage in a monetary endogenous growth model," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 22(6), pages 2019-2050, December.
  7. Isabelle Rabaud, 2020. "Serge FELD Les migrations internationales et le développement. L’exode de compétences et les envois de fonds émigrés Collection : Populations, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2019, 231 pages," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 159-162.
  8. Alexis Direr & Camelia Turcu, 2020. "Développements récents de la science économique. Introduction," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(3), pages 37-41.
  9. Lessoua, Albert & Mutascu, Mihai & Turcu, Camélia, 2020. "Firm Performance and Exports: Evidence from the Romanian Wine Industry," Journal of Wine Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 15(2), pages 207-228, May.
  10. Mihai Mutascu & Scott W. Hegerty, 2020. "Capital-Flow Volatility and Economic Openness: A Wavelet Approach," Applied Economics Quarterly (formerly: Konjunkturpolitik), Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin, vol. 66(4), pages 291-318.
  11. Mihai Mutascu & Aurora Murgea, 2020. "Exports and financial performances in French cosmetic industry:Long live the ‘lipstick effect’!," Economic Research Guardian, Weissberg Publishing, vol. 10(1), pages 44-68, June.
  12. Mihai Mutascu, 2020. "Does Compulsory Voting Increase Collected Tax Revenues?," Economic Research Guardian, Weissberg Publishing, vol. 10(2), pages 144-152, December.
  13. Wen Ci & Michelle Laing & Marcel Voia & Christopher Worswick, 2020. "Immigrant earnings returns to post‐migration education: Evidence for Canada, 1999–2013," Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 53(4), pages 1599-1617, November.
  14. Martínez-Zarzoso, Inma & Oberst, Christian & Turcu, Camélia, 2020. "Introduction: special issue on the environment, resources and pollution – new challenges for economic development," Environment and Development Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 25(6), pages 529-536, December.
  15. Ianc, Nicolae-Bogdan & Turcu, Camelia, 2020. "So alike, yet so different: Comparing fiscal multipliers across EU members and candidates," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 93(C), pages 278-298.
  16. Valentina-Ioana Mera & Monica Ioana Pop Silaghi & Camélia Turcu, 2020. "Economic Sentiments and Money Demand Stability in the CEECs," Open Economies Review, Springer, vol. 31(2), pages 343-369, April.
  17. Moulaye Bamba & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea, 2020. "The effects of fiscal consolidations on the composition of government spending," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 52(14), pages 1517-1532, March.
  18. Ba, Bocar Samba & Combes-Motel, Pascale & Schwartz, Sonia, 2020. "Challenging pollution and the balance problem from rare earth extraction: how recycling and environmental taxation matter," Environment and Development Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 25(6), pages 634-656, December.
  19. Omneia HELMY & Chahir ZAKI & Aliaa ABDALLAH, 2020. "Do Workers’ Remittances Promote Consumption Stability In Egypt?," Applied Econometrics and International Development, Euro-American Association of Economic Development, vol. 20(2), pages 127-144.
  20. Marion Dovis & Chahir Zaki, 2020. "Global Value Chains and Local Business Environments: Which Factors Really Matter in Developing Countries?," Review of Industrial Organization, Springer;The Industrial Organization Society, vol. 57(2), pages 481-513, September.
  21. Nada Hazem & Chahir Zaki, 2020. "Mind the Measure: On the Effects of Antidumping Investigations in Egypt," Journal of African Trade, Springer, vol. 7(1), pages 1-14, December.
  22. Fida Karam & Chahir Zaki, 2020. "A new dawn for MENA firms: service trade liberalization for more competitive exports," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 52(1), pages 19-35, January.
  23. Ibrahim Elbadawi & Raimundo Soto & Chahir Zaki, 2020. "Sovereign wealth funds and cross-border investment bias: the case of Arab countries," Middle East Development Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 12(1), pages 1-23, January.
  24. Chrysost Bangake & Jude Eggoh, 2020. "Financial Development Thresholds and the Remittances-Growth Nexus," Journal of Quantitative Economics, Springer;The Indian Econometric Society (TIES), vol. 18(2), pages 425-445, June.
  25. Chrysost BANGAKE & Jude EGGOH, 2020. "Les transferts des migrants améliorent-ils l’inclusion financière dans les pays récipiendaires ?," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 51, pages 115-132.
  26. Braga, Michela & Checchi, Daniele & Scervini, Francesco & Garrouste, Christelle, 2020. "Selecting or rewarding teachers? International evidence from primary schools," Economics of Education Review, Elsevier, vol. 76(C).
  27. Sébastien Galanti & Françoise Le Quéré, 2020. "Industrie de la gestion d'actifs : de l'émergence à l'apparition de nouveaux risques," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(1), pages 109-128.
  28. Sébastien Galanti & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2020. "Unbundling financial services: The case of brokerage and investment research," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 40(1), pages 473-484.
  29. Antoine Riche & Francesco Magris & Daria Onori, 2020. "Monetary rules in a two-sector endogenous growth model," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 69(4), pages 1049-1100, June.
  30. Juan Carlos Cuestas & Yannick Lucotte & Nicolas Reigl, 2020. "Banking sector concentration, competition and financial stability: the case of the Baltic countries," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 32(2), pages 215-249, February.
  31. Garcia Revelo, José David & Lucotte, Yannick & Pradines-Jobet, Florian, 2020. "Macroprudential and monetary policies: The need to dance the Tango in harmony," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 108(C).
  32. Picault, Matthieu & Raffestin, Louis, 2020. "The other side of forward guidance: Are central banks constrained by financial markets?," Finance Research Letters, Elsevier, vol. 36(C).
  33. Bazillier, Remi & Girard, Victoire, 2020. "The gold digger and the machine. Evidence on the distributive effect of the artisanal and industrial gold rushes in Burkina Faso," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 143(C).
  34. Alin Marius Andries & Daniela Balutel & Iulian Ihnatov & Silviu Gabriel Ursu, 2020. "The nexus between corporate governance, risk taking, and growth," PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, vol. 15(2), pages 1-24, February.


  1. Christian Pfister, 2019. "2. Les monnaies digitales, un nouvel univers ?," Regards croisés sur l'économie, La Découverte, vol. 0(1), pages 40-52.
  2. Christian Pfister, 2019. "Monnaie digitale de banque centrale : une, deux ou aucune ?," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(3), pages 115-130.
  3. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu, 2019. "Faut-il détruire les ennemis de nos adversaires ? Besoin d’ennemis et réputation dans un conflit électoral," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(3), pages 55-81.
  4. Fouejieu, Armand & Popescu, Alexandra & Villieu, Patrick, 2019. "Trade-offs between macroeconomic and financial stability objectives," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 81(C), pages 621-639.
  5. Hajare El Hadri & Daniel Mirza & Isabelle Rabaud, 2019. "Natural disasters and countries' exports: New insights from a new (and an old) database," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 42(9), pages 2668-2683, September.
  6. Nathalie Avallone & Séverine Chédor & Isabelle Rabaud, 2019. "Les déterminants du commerce international de technologie incorporelle : une approche par les équations de gravité," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(2), pages 165-202.
  7. Alexis Direr & Rim Ennajar-Sayadi, 2019. "How price-elastic is the demand for retirement saving?," The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, Palgrave Macmillan;The Geneva Association, vol. 44(1), pages 102-122, January.
  8. Andrea Ariu & Elena Biewen & Sven Blank & Guillaume Gaulier & María Jesus González & Philipp Meinen & Daniel Mirza & Cesar Martín & Patry Tello, 2019. "Firm heterogeneity and aggregate business services exports: Micro evidence from Belgium, France, Germany and Spain," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 42(2), pages 564-589, February.
  9. Catherine Bros & Alain Desdoigts & Hugues Kouadio, 2019. "Land Tenure Insecurity as an Investment Incentive: The Case of Migrant Cocoa Farmers and Settlers in Ivory Coast," Journal of African Economies, Centre for the Study of African Economies, vol. 28(2), pages 147-175.
  10. Nouira, Ridha & Hadj Amor, Thouraya & Rault, Christophe, 2019. "Oil price fluctuations and exchange rate dynamics in the MENA region: Evidence from non-causality-in-variance and asymmetric non-causality tests," The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 73(C), pages 159-171.
  11. Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Thouraya Hadj Amor & Ridha Nouira & Christophe Rault, 2019. "Political Risk and Real Exchange Rate: What Can We Learn from Recent Developments in Panel Data Econometrics for Emerging and Developing Countries?," Journal of Quantitative Economics, Springer;The Indian Econometric Society (TIES), vol. 17(4), pages 741-762, December.
  12. Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2019. "Machine learning et nouvelles sources de données pour le scoring de crédit," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(3), pages 21-50.
  13. Hurlin, Christophe & Iseli, Grégoire & Pérignon, Christophe & Yeung, Stanley, 2019. "The counterparty risk exposure of ETF investors," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 102(C), pages 215-230.
  14. Benoit, Sylvain & Hurlin, Christophe & Pérignon, Christophe, 2019. "Pitfalls in systemic-risk scoring," Journal of Financial Intermediation, Elsevier, vol. 38(C), pages 19-44.
  15. Mutascu, Mihai, 2019. "Phillips curve in US: New insights in time and frequency," Research in Economics, Elsevier, vol. 73(1), pages 85-96.
  16. Cosimo Magazzino & Mihai Mutascu, 2019. "A wavelet analysis of Italian fiscal sustainability," Journal of Economic Structures, Springer;Pan-Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies (PAPAIOS), vol. 8(1), pages 1-13, December.
  17. Jean-Thomas Bernard & Ba Chu & Lynda Khalaf & Marcel Voia, 2019. "Non-Standard Confidence Sets for Ratios and Tipping Points with Applications to Dynamic Panel Data," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 134, pages 79-108.
  18. Marcel-Cristian Voia & Thi Hong Thinh Doan, 2019. "What We Should Know About House Reconstruction Costs?," The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Springer, vol. 58(3), pages 489-516, April.
  19. Mohammad Karimi & Marcel‐Cristian Voia, 2019. "Empirics of currency crises: A duration analysis approach," Review of Financial Economics, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 37(3), pages 428-449, July.
  20. Cândida Ferreira & Camélia Turcu, 2019. "Recent challenges of the European integration: an introduction," International Economics and Economic Policy, Springer, vol. 16(3), pages 463-465, July.
  21. Thais Nunez-Rocha & Camelia Turcu, 2019. "Trade in Fuels and Environmental Regulation: A Two-Sided Story," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 61(2), pages 302-343, June.
  22. Mathonnat, Clément & Minea, Alexandru, 2019. "Forms of democracy and economic growth volatility," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 81(C), pages 594-603.
  23. Lazăr, Dorina & Minea, Alexandru & Purcel, Alexandra-Anca, 2019. "Pollution and economic growth: Evidence from Central and Eastern European countries," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 81(C), pages 1121-1131.
  24. Amin, A. & Choumert-Nkolo, J. & Combes, J.-L. & Combes Motel, P. & Kéré, E.N. & Ongono-Olinga, J.-G. & Schwartz, S., 2019. "Neighborhood effects in the Brazilian Amazônia: Protected areas and deforestation," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier, vol. 93(C), pages 272-288.
  25. Choumert-Nkolo, Johanna & Combes Motel, Pascale & Le Roux, Leonard, 2019. "Stacking up the ladder: A panel data analysis of Tanzanian household energy choices," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 115(C), pages 222-235.
  26. Hippolyte Wenéyam Balima & Jean‐Louis Combes, 2019. "Remittances and bond yield spreads in emerging market economies," Review of International Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 27(1), pages 448-467, February.
  27. Araujo, Claudio & Combes, Jean-Louis & Féres, José Gustavo, 2019. "Determinants of Amazon deforestation: the role of off-farm income," Environment and Development Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 24(2), pages 138-156, April.
  28. Combes, Jean-Louis & Kinda, Tidiane & Ouedraogo, Rasmané & Plane, Patrick, 2019. "Financial flows and economic growth in developing countries," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 83(C), pages 195-209.
  29. Jean-Louis Combes & Mary-Françoise Renard & Sampawende J.-A. Tapsoba, 2019. "Provincial public expenditure in China: a tale of pro-cyclicality," Economic Change and Restructuring, Springer, vol. 52(1), pages 19-41, February.
  30. Nora Aboushady & Chahir Zaki, 2019. "Investment climate and Trade Margins in Egypt: Which Factors Do Matter?," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 39(4), pages 2275-2301.
  31. Selwaness, Irène & Zaki, Chahir, 2019. "On the interaction between exports and labor market regulation: Evidence from the MENA countries," The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 73(C), pages 24-33.
  32. Karam, Fida & Zaki, Chahir, 2019. "Why Don’t MENA Countries Trade More? The Curse of Deficient Institutions," The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 73(C), pages 56-77.
  33. Salem, Mélika Ben & Zaki, Chahir, 2019. "Revisiting the Impact of Trade Openness on Informal and Irregular Employment in Egypt," Journal of Economic Integration, Center for Economic Integration, Sejong University, vol. 34(3), pages 465-497.
  34. Chahir Zaki & Alia Abdallah & May Sami, 2019. "How Do Trade Margins Respond to Exchange Rate? The Case of Egypt," Journal of African Trade, Springer, vol. 6(1), pages 60-80, December.
  35. Karim Badr & Reham Rizk & Chahir Zaki, 2019. "Firm productivity and agglomeration economies: evidence from Egyptian data," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 51(51), pages 5528-5544, November.
  36. Anne Lavigne, 2019. "Quelle réforme pour la réversion en France ?," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 129(5), pages 675-692.
  37. Hodonou Dannon & Chrysost Bangaké & Jude Eggoh, 2019. "Structure de marché et performance économique des institutions de microfinance dans l’UEMOA : cas du Bénin et du Togo," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 29-44.
  38. Jude Eggoh & Chrysost Bangake & Gervasio Semedo, 2019. "Do remittances spur economic growth? Evidence from developing countries," The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 28(4), pages 391-418, May.
  39. Muhammad Khan & Jude Eggoh, 2019. "Sectoral variability and the foundations of optimal inflation rate," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 51(38), pages 4203-4217, August.
  40. Olessia Caillé & Daria Onori, 2019. "Conditional Risk-Based Portfolio," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 40(2), pages 77-117.
  41. Hué, Sullivan & Lucotte, Yannick & Tokpavi, Sessi, 2019. "Measuring network systemic risk contributions: A leave-one-out approach," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 100(C), pages 86-114.
  42. Leroy, Aurélien & Lucotte, Yannick, 2019. "Competition and credit procyclicality in European banking," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 99(C), pages 237-251.
  43. Levieuge, G. & Lucotte, Y. & Pradines-Jobet, F., 2019. "Central banks’ preferences and banking sector vulnerability," Journal of Financial Stability, Elsevier, vol. 40(C), pages 110-131.
  44. Constant, Karine & Davin, Marion, 2019. "Environmental Policy And Growth When Environmental Awareness Is Endogenous," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 23(3), pages 1102-1136, April.
  45. Constant, Karine, 2019. "Environmental policy and human capital inequality: A matter of life and death," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier, vol. 97(C), pages 134-157.
  46. Karine Constant & Marion Davin, 2019. "Unequal Vulnerability to Climate Change and the Transmission of Adverse Effects Through International Trade," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 74(2), pages 727-759, October.
  47. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Constance Monnier-Schlumberger, 2019. "Lutte contre les cartels : comment dissuader les têtes brûlées ?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 70(6), pages 1187-1199.
  48. Cristina Jude, 2019. "Does FDI crowd out domestic investment in transition countries?," The Economics of Transition, The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, vol. 27(1), pages 163-200, January.
  49. Vincent Bignon & Régis Breton & Mariana Rojas Breu, 2019. "Currency Union With Or Without Banking Union," International Economic Review, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association, vol. 60(2), pages 965-1003, May.
  50. Louis Raffestin, 2019. "Endogenous crashes in the foreign exchange market: a theoretical model," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 40(1), pages 7-51.
  51. Damien Sans & Sonia Schwartz & Hubert Stahn, 2019. "On Outsourced Abatement Services: Market Power and Efficient Regulation," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 136, pages 55-78.
  52. Naceur, Sami Ben & Candelon, Bertrand & Lajaunie, Quentin, 2019. "Taming financial development to reduce crises," Emerging Markets Review, Elsevier, vol. 40(C), pages 1-1.


  1. Christian Pfister, 2018. "Fiscalité de l'épargne et choix de portefeuille des ménages français," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(3), pages 61-75.
  2. Maxime Menuet & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2018. "Deficit, monetization, and economic growth: a case for multiplicity and indeterminacy," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 65(4), pages 819-853, June.
  3. Thierry Baudassé & Rémi Bazillier & Isabelle Rabaud, 2018. "Introduction : quels liens entre migrations et institutions ?," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 7-14.
  4. Thierry Baudassé & Thierry Montalieu & Isabelle Rabaud, 2018. "Une approche institutionnelle du lien migration et commerce de services," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 43-64.
  5. Alexis Direr & Éric Yayi, 2018. "La stratégie de désinvestissement graduel des marchés financiers sécurise-t-elle réellement l’épargne ?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 69(3), pages 505-531.
  6. De Sousa, José & Mirza, Daniel & Verdier, Thierry, 2018. "Terror networks and trade: Does the neighbor hurt?," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 107(C), pages 27-56.
  7. Klaus Abbink & David Masclet & Daniel Mirza, 2018. "Inequality and inter-group conflicts: experimental evidence," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 50(3), pages 387-423, March.
  8. Hurlin, Christophe & Leymarie, Jérémy & Patin, Antoine, 2018. "Loss functions for Loss Given Default model comparison," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 268(1), pages 348-360.
  9. Mihai Mutascu, 2018. "G7 countries: between trade openness and CO2 emissions," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 38(3), pages 1446-1456.
  10. Mutascu, Mihai, 2018. "A time-frequency analysis of trade openness and CO2 emissions in France," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 115(C), pages 443-455.
  11. Cieślukowski Maciej & Mutascu Mihai, 2018. "Fiscal consequences of the abolition of sugar levies," Economics and Business Review, Sciendo, vol. 4(4), pages 83-96, November.
  12. Zhiqi Chen & Marcel C. Voia, 2018. "Short-Term and Long-Term Margins of International Trade: Evidence from the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement," Frontiers of Economics in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities, Higher Education Press, vol. 13(1), pages 93-115, March.
  13. Sabetti Leonard & Jacho-Chávez David T. & Petrunia Robert & Voia Marcel C., 2018. "Tail Risk in a Retail Payments System," Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik), De Gruyter, vol. 238(3-4), pages 353-369, July.
  14. Pedro Cerqueira & Monica Ioana Pop Silaghi & Andreea Stoian & Camelia Turcu, 2018. "Perspectives on Financial, Monetary, and Economic Developments in Eastern Europe," Eastern European Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 56(5), pages 329-333, September.
  15. Mathonnat, Clément & Minea, Alexandru, 2018. "Financial development and the occurrence of banking crises," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 96(C), pages 344-354.
  16. Jean‐Louis Combes & Xavier Debrun & Alexandru Minea & René Tapsoba, 2018. "Inflation Targeting, Fiscal Rules and the Policy Mix: Cross‐effects and Interactions," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 128(615), pages 2755-2784, November.
  17. Combes, Jean-Louis & Delacote, Philippe & Combes Motel, Pascale & Yogo, Thierry Urbain, 2018. "Public spending, credit and natural capital: Does access to capital foster deforestation?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 73(C), pages 306-316.
  18. Choumert Nkolo, Johanna & Combes Motel, Pascale & Guegang Djimeli, Charlain, 2018. "Income-generating Effects of Biofuel Policies: A Meta-analysis of the CGE Literature," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 147(C), pages 230-242.
  19. Keles, Derya & Choumert-Nkolo, Johanna & Combes Motel, Pascale & Nazindigouba Kéré, Eric, 2018. "Does the expansion of biofuels encroach on the forest?," Journal of Forest Economics, Elsevier, vol. 33(C), pages 75-82.
  20. Kamal, Yasmine & Zaki, Chahir, 2018. "How Do Technical Barriers to Trade Affect Exports? Evidence from Egyptian Firm-Level Data," Journal of Economic Integration, Center for Economic Integration, Sejong University, vol. 33(4), pages 659-721.
  21. Myriam Ramzy & Chahir Zaki, 2018. "Do environment regulations matter for EU-MENA trade?," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 50(39), pages 4197-4221, August.
  22. Joseph Attila & Chrysost Bangaké & Jude C. Eggoh & Gervasio Semedo, 2018. "Les transferts de fonds des migrants influencent-ils la qualité des institutions dans les pays récipiendaires ?," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 29-42.
  23. Onori, Daria, 2018. "Optimal Growth, Debt Dynamics, And Welfare Under Gdp-Based Collaterals," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 22(8), pages 1905-1936, December.
  24. Gavard, Claire & Kirat, Djamel, 2018. "Flexibility in the market for international carbon credits and price dynamics difference with European allowances," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 76(C), pages 504-518.
  25. Grégory Levieuge & Yannick Lucotte & Sébastien Ringuedé, 2018. "Central bank credibility and the expectations channel: evidence based on a new credibility index," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 154(3), pages 493-535, August.
  26. José David Garcia Revelo & Aurélien Leroy & Yannick Lucotte, 2018. "Les politiques macroprudentielles : enjeux et défis," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 127-174.
  27. Nabila Boukef Jlassi & Helmi Hamdi & Joseph P. Joyce, 2018. "External liabilities, domestic institutions and banking crises in developing economies," Review of International Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 26(1), pages 96-116, February.
  28. Gomes, Gabriel & Hache, Emmanuel & Mignon, Valérie & Paris, Anthony, 2018. "On the current account - biofuels link in emerging and developing countries: do oil price fluctuations matter?," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 116(C), pages 60-67.
  29. Paris, Anthony, 2018. "On the link between oil and agricultural commodity prices: Do biofuels matter?," International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 155(C), pages 48-60.
  30. Girard, Victoire, 2018. "Don’t Touch My Road. Evidence from India on Affirmative Action And Everyday Discrimination," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 103(C), pages 1-13.
  31. Hory, Marie-Pierre, 2018. "Delayed mimicking: the timing of fiscal interactions in Europe," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 55(C), pages 97-118.
  32. Michel Mougeot & Sonia Schwartz, 2018. "A Discriminatory Mechanism to Reduce Urban Congestion," German Economic Review, Verein für Socialpolitik, vol. 19(2), pages 190-208, May.


  1. Candus, E. & Pfister, C. & Sédillot, F., 2017. "Où s’investit l’épargne des Français ?," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 214, pages 5-21.
  2. Émilie Candus & Christian Pfister & Franck Sédillot, 2017. "Where do French people invest their savings?," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 48, pages 5-22, Winter.
  3. Christian Pfister & Natacha Valla, 2017. "« Nouvelle normale » ou « nouvelle orthodoxie » ?. Éléments d’un nouveau cadre d’action pour les banques centrales," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 68(HS1), pages 41-62.
  4. Christian Pfister, 2017. "Monnaies digitales et politique monétaire : beaucoup de bruit pour rien ?," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(2), pages 37-63.
  5. Christian Pfister, 2017. "Le temps (réel), c’est de l’argent," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 195-212.
  6. Rémi Bazillier & Francesco Magris & Daniel Mirza, 2017. "Out-migration and economic cycles," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 153(1), pages 39-69, February.
  7. Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh & Christophe Rault, 2017. "Investigating first-stage exchange rate pass-through: Sectoral and macro evidence from euro area countries," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 40(12), pages 2611-2638, December.
  8. Régis Breton & Sébastien Galanti & Christophe Hurlin & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2017. "La relation firme-analyste explique-t-elle les erreurs de prévision des analystes ?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 68(6), pages 1033-1062.
  9. Cruz Lopez, Jorge A. & Harris, Jeffrey H. & Hurlin, Christophe & Pérignon, Christophe, 2017. "CoMargin," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Cambridge University Press, vol. 52(5), pages 2183-2215, October.
    • Jorge A. Cruz Lopez & Jeffrey H. Harris & Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2015. "CoMargin," Working Papers halshs-00979440, HAL.
    • Jorge Cruz Lopez & Jeffrey Harris & Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2017. "CoMargin," Post-Print hal-03579309, HAL.
  10. Sylvain Benoit & Jean-Edouard Colliard & Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Pérignon, 2017. "Where the Risks Lie: A Survey on Systemic Risk," Review of Finance, European Finance Association, vol. 21(1), pages 109-152.
  11. Christophe Hurlin & Sébastien Laurent & Rogier Quaedvlieg & Stephan Smeekes, 2017. "Risk Measure Inference," Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 35(4), pages 499-512, October.
  12. Mihai Mutascu, 2017. "The tax–spending nexus: evidence from Romania using wavelet analysis," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 29(3), pages 431-447, July.
  13. Marcel VOIA & Wen CI & Michael HAAN, 2017. "Love, Money, Location : The Interconnectedness of Marital Status, Income, and Location Choice of Immigrants to British Columbia, Canada," JODE - Journal of Demographic Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 83(4), pages 421-444, December.
  14. Schaller, Huntley & Voia, Marcel, 2017. "Panel cointegration estimates of the user cost elasticity," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 53(C), pages 235-250.
  15. J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2017. "Is the Aggregate Size of Government in Canada Too Large?," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 173(4), pages 723-752, December.
  16. Kim P. Huynh & Yuri Ostrovsky & Robert J. Petrunia & Marcel C. Voia, 2017. "Industry shutdown rates and permanent layoffs: evidence from firm-worker matched data," IZA Journal of Labor Economics, Springer;Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH (IZA), vol. 6(1), pages 1-31, December.
  17. Kim Huynh & Marcel Voia, 2017. "Mixed proportional hazard models with continuous finite mixture unobserved heterogeneity: an application to Canadian firm survival," Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 33(1), pages 81-94, January.
  18. Popescu, Alexandra & Turcu, Camelia, 2017. "Sovereign debt and systemic risk in the eurozone," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 67(C), pages 275-284.
  19. Combes, Jean-Louis & Minea, Alexandru & Sow, Moussé, 2017. "Is fiscal policy always counter- (pro-) cyclical? The role of public debt and fiscal rules," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 65(C), pages 138-146.
  20. Balima, Wenéyam Hippolyte & Combes, Jean-Louis & Minea, Alexandru, 2017. "Sovereign debt risk in emerging market economies: Does inflation targeting adoption make any difference?," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 70(C), pages 360-377.
  21. Youssouf Kiendrebeogo & Alexandru Minea, 2017. "Financial Factors and Manufacturing Exports: Firm-Level Evidence From Egypt," Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53(12), pages 2197-2213, December.
  22. Kere, Eric Nazindigouba & Choumert, Johanna & Combes Motel, Pascale & Combes, Jean Louis & Santoni, Olivier & Schwartz, Sonia, 2017. "Addressing Contextual and Location Biases in the Assessment of Protected Areas Effectiveness on Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazônia," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 136(C), pages 148-158.
  23. Omneia Helmy & Chahir Zaki, 2017. "The nexus between internal and external macroeconomic imbalances: evidence from Egypt," Middle East Development Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 9(2), pages 198-232, July.
  24. Christophe Daniel & Anne Lavigne & Stéphane Mottet & Jesus-Herell Nze Obame & Bruno Séjourné & Christian Tagne, 2017. "Que valent les engagements des régimes de retraite envers les retraités en France ?," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 127(5), pages 889-912.
  25. Sébastien Galanti & Zahra Ben Braham, 2017. "Information efficiency on an emerging market: analysts' recommendations in Tunisia," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 37(1), pages 377-390.
  26. Galanti, Sébastien & Vaubourg, Anne Gaël, 2017. "Optimism bias in financial analysts' earnings forecasts: Do commissions sharing agreements reduce conflicts of interest?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 67(C), pages 325-337.
  27. Nicolas Clootens & Djamel Kirat, 2017. "A Reappraisal of the Resource Curse," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 37(1), pages 12-18.
  28. Ibrahim Ahamada & Mouez Fodha & Djamel Kirat, 2017. "Regional Differences in CO2 Emissions from the French Residential Sector: Determinants and Distributional Consequences," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 127(3), pages 353-374.
  29. Leroy, Aurélien & Lucotte, Yannick, 2017. "Is there a competition-stability trade-off in European banking?," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 46(C), pages 199-215.
  30. Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Samuel H. Brott & Adam Zylbersztejn, 2017. "Does Uncertainty Deter Provision of Public Goods?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 68(5), pages 785-791.
  31. Cristina Jude & Gregory Levieuge, 2017. "Growth Effect of Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Economies: The Role of Institutional Quality," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 40(4), pages 715-742, April.
  32. Philippe Saucier & Arslan Tariq Rana, 2017. "Do preferential trade agreements contribute to the development of trade? Taking into account the institutional heterogeneity," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 149, pages 41-56.
  33. Alexandre Girard & Matthieu Picault, 2017. "L’évolution de la communication des banques centrales depuis les crises des subprimes et de l’euro," Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 101-112.
  34. Picault, Matthieu & Renault, Thomas, 2017. "Words are not all created equal: A new measure of ECB communication," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 79(C), pages 136-156.
  35. Matthieu Picault, 2017. "Pricing the ECB's forward guidance with the EONIA swap curve," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 22(2), pages 129-138, April.
  36. Raffestin, Louis, 2017. "Do bond credit ratings lead to excess comovement?," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 85(C), pages 41-55.
  37. Victoire Girard, 2017. "Quel rôle pour les inégalités dans les conflits ? Étude du cas des conflits religieux en Inde," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 127(1), pages 93-117.


  1. Bachellerie, A. & Charavel, C. & Pfister, C., 2016. "La destination finale des placements financiers des ménages avant et pendant la crise," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 205, pages 55-61.
  2. Leila Ali Aga & Patrick Villieu, 2016. "Evasion fiscale et croissance : un cadre théorique simple," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(2), pages 27-57.
  3. Crozet, Matthieu & Milet, Emmanuel & Mirza, Daniel, 2016. "The impact of domestic regulations on international trade in services: Evidence from firm-level data," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 44(3), pages 585-607.
  4. Arouri, Mohamed & Estay, Christophe & Rault, Christophe & Roubaud, David, 2016. "Economic policy uncertainty and stock markets: Long-run evidence from the US," Finance Research Letters, Elsevier, vol. 18(C), pages 136-141.
  5. Ekrame Boubtane & Jean-Christophe Dumont & Christophe Rault, 2016. "Immigration and economic growth in the OECD countries 1986–2006," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 68(2), pages 340-360.
  6. Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh & Christophe Rault, 2016. "The Role of the Business Cycle in Exchange Rate Pass-Through: The Case of Finland," Journal of Quantitative Economics, Springer;The Indian Econometric Society (TIES), vol. 14(1), pages 15-27, June.
  7. Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh & Christophe Rault, 2016. "Recent estimates of exchange rate pass-through to import prices in the euro area," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 152(1), pages 69-105, February.
  8. Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh & Christophe Rault, 2016. "The Pass‐through of Exchange Rate in the Context of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 21(2), pages 154-166, April.
  9. Denisa Banulescu-Radu & Christophe Hurlin & Bertrand Candelon & Sébastien Laurent, 2016. "Do We Need High Frequency Data to Forecast Variances?," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 123-124, pages 135-174.
  10. Denisa Banulescu & Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2016. "Forecasting High‐Frequency Risk Measures," Journal of Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 35(3), pages 224-249, April.
  11. Aviral K. Tiwari & Suleyman Bolat & Mihai Mutascu, 2016. "The Behaviour of US and UK Public Debt: Further Evidence Based on Time Varying Parameters," Journal Transition Studies Review, Transition Academia Press, vol. 23(1), pages 11-19.
  12. Mutascu, Mihai, 2016. "A bootstrap panel Granger causality analysis of energy consumption and economic growth in the G7 countries," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier, vol. 63(C), pages 166-171.
  13. Tiwari, Aviral Kumar & Mutascu, Mihai Ioan & Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu, 2016. "Continuous wavelet transform and rolling correlation of European stock markets," International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 42(C), pages 237-256.
  14. Mihai Mutascu, 2016. "Government Revenues and Expenditures in the East European Economies: A Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Approach," Eastern European Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 54(6), pages 489-502, November.
  15. Saikou Amadou Diallo & Marcel Voia, 2016. "The Threat of Domestic Violence and Women Empowerment: The Case of West Africa," African Development Review, African Development Bank, vol. 28(1), pages 92-103, March.
  16. Fallahi, Firouz & Karimi, Mohammad & Voia, Marcel-Cristian, 2016. "Persistence in world energy consumption: Evidence from subsampling confidence intervals," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 57(C), pages 175-183.
  17. Alberto Bagnai & Camélia Turcu, 2016. "Introduction: Recent Monetary and Financial Developments in Europe," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 58(2), pages 147-151, June.
  18. Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Moussé Sow, 2016. "Crises and exchange rate regimes: time to break down the bipolar view?," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 48(46), pages 4393-4409, October.
  19. Youssouf Kiendrebeogo & Alexandru Minea, 2016. "Financial development and poverty: evidence from the CFA Franc Zone," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 48(56), pages 5421-5436, December.
  20. Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Lavinia Mustea & Thierry Yogo, 2016. "Output effects of fiscal stimulus in Central and Eastern European countries," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 28(1), pages 108-127, January.
  21. Wenéyam Hippolyte Balima & Jean‐Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea, 2016. "Bond Markets Initiation and Tax Revenue Mobilization in Developing Countries," Southern Economic Journal, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 83(2), pages 550-572, October.
  22. Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes-Motel & Sonia Schwartz, 2016. "Un survol de la théorie des biens communs," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 24(3), pages 55-83.
  23. Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes-Motel & Somlanare Romuald Kinda, 2016. "Do Climate Mitigation Efforts Hurt Trade Performance?," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 126(5), pages 947-970.
  24. Jean-Louis Combes & Rasmane Ouedraogo & Sampawende J.-A. Tapsoba, 2016. "Structural shifts in aid dependency and fiscal policy in developing countries," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 48(46), pages 4426-4446, October.
  25. Hoda El-Enbaby & Rana Hendy & Chahir Zaki, 2016. "Do SPS measures matter for margins of trade? Evidence from firm-level data," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 48(21), pages 1949-1964, May.
  26. Fida Karam & Chahir Zaki, 2016. "How did wars dampen trade in the MENA region?," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 48(60), pages 5909-5930, December.
  27. Christophe Daniel & Jesus Herell Nze Obame & Bruno Séjourné & Anne Lavigne & Christian Tagne & Stéphane Mottet, 2016. "L’équivalent patrimonial des droits à la retraite en France. Méthodologie et mesure à partir de l’échantillon inter-régime de retraités," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(5), pages 5-45.
  28. R. Bellando & Z. Ben Braham & S. Galanti, 2016. "The profitability of financial analysts’ recommendations: evidence from an emerging market," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 48(46), pages 4410-4418, October.
  29. Rémi BAZILLIER & Cristina BOBOC & Oana CALAVREZO, 2016. "Measuring employment vulnerability in Europe," International Labour Review, International Labour Organization, vol. 155(2), pages 265-280, June.
  30. Sébastien Galanti & Françoise Le Quéré, 2016. "Quelles incidences d’un élargissement du rôle des fonds d’investissement collectifs ?," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(3), pages 235-254.
  31. Galanti, Sébastien, 2016. "Archival data of financial analysts' earnings forecasts in the euro zone: Problems with euro conversions," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 38(C), pages 466-473.
  32. Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah & Daria Onori, 2016. "Financial Openness, Aggregate Consumption and Threshold Effects," Pacific Economic Review, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 21(3), pages 358-380, August.
  33. Djamel Kirat & Ibrahim Ahamada, 2016. "Evidence for threshold eff​ects in the pass-through of carbon prices to wholesale electricity prices," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 36(4), pages 2350-2364.
  34. Bertrand Candelon & Sessi Tokpavi, 2016. "A Nonparametric Test for Granger Causality in Distribution With Application to Financial Contagion," Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 34(2), pages 240-253, April.
  35. Hoang, Thi Hong Van & Lahiani, Amine & Heller, David, 2016. "Is gold a hedge against inflation? New evidence from a nonlinear ARDL approach," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 54(C), pages 54-66.
  36. Lahiani, Amine & Hammoudeh, Shawkat & Gupta, Rangan, 2016. "Linkages between financial sector CDS spreads and macroeconomic influence in a nonlinear setting," International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 43(C), pages 443-456.
  37. Aurélien Leroy & Yannick Lucotte, 2016. "Structural and Cyclical Determinants of Bank Interest-Rate Pass-Through in the Eurozone," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 58(2), pages 196-225, June.
  38. Lucotte, Yannick, 2016. "Co-movements between crude oil and food prices: A post-commodity boom perspective," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 147(C), pages 142-147.
  39. Aurélien Leroy & Yannick Lucotte, 2016. "Architecture des systèmes financiers et performances macroéconomiques," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(3), pages 297-316.
  40. Karine Constant & Natacha Raffin, 2016. "Environnement, croissance et inégalités : le rôle particulier du canal de la santé," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(3), pages 9-29.
  41. Boulu-Reshef, Béatrice & Comeig, Irene & Donze, Robert & Weiss, Gregory D., 2016. "Risk aversion in prediction markets: A framed-field experiment," Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, vol. 69(11), pages 5071-5075.
  42. Cristina Jude, 2016. "Technology Spillovers from FDI. Evidence on the Intensity of Different Spillover Channels," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 39(12), pages 1947-1973, December.
  43. Marie Albert & Cristina Jude, 2016. "Venezuela : l’insoutenabilité du modèle de croissance, source de tous les risques," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(4), pages 201-222.
  44. Cristina Jude & Monica Ioana Pop Silaghi, 2016. "Employment Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: New evidence from Central and Eastern European Countries," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 145, pages 32-49.
  45. Khaled Guesmi & Nabila BOUKEF JLASSI & Ahmed Atil & Imen Haouet, 2016. "On the Influence of Oil Prices on Financial Variables," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 36(4), pages 2261-2274.
  46. Marie-Pierre Hory, 2016. "Fiscal multipliers in Emerging Market Economies: Can we learn something from Advanced Economies?," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 146, pages 59-84.


  1. Combes, J.-L. & Combes Motel, P. & Minea, A. & Villieu, P., 2015. "Deforestation and seigniorage in developing countries: A tradeoff?," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 116(C), pages 220-230.
  2. Jean-Bernard Chatelain & Alexis Direr & Antoine Parent, 2015. "Crises financières et contagions internationales : mise en perspective macroéconomique et cliométrique. Une introduction," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(3), pages 3-14.
  3. Jože Damijan & Stefanie A. Haller & Ville Kaitila & Črt Kostevc & Mika Maliranta & Emmanuel Milet & Daniel Mirza & Matija Rojec, 2015. "The Performance of Trading Firms in the Services Sectors – Comparable Evidence from Four EU Countries," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 38(12), pages 1809-1849, December.
  4. Bros, Catherine & Couttenier, Mathieu, 2015. "Untouchability, homicides and water access," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 43(3), pages 549-558.
  5. Afonso, António & Rault, Christophe, 2015. "Multi-step analysis of public finances sustainability," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 199-209.
  6. Omri, Anis & Daly, Saida & Rault, Christophe & Chaibi, Anissa, 2015. "Financial development, environmental quality, trade and economic growth: What causes what in MENA countries," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 242-252.
  7. Ant Afonso & Christophe Rault, 2015. "Short- and long-run behaviour of long-term sovereign bond yields," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 47(37), pages 3971-3993, August.
  8. Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Christophe Rault & Anamaria Diana Sova & Robert Sova, 2015. "Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from 10 New European Union Members," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 20(1), pages 48-60, January.
  9. Benjamin Hamidi & Christophe Hurlin & Patrick Kouontchou & Bertrand Maillet, 2015. "A DARE for VaR," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 36(1), pages 7-38.
    • Benjamin Hamidi & Christophe Hurlin & Patrick Kouontchou & Bertrand Maillet, 2015. "A DARE for VaR," Post-Print hal-01243402, HAL.
    • Benjamin Hamidi & Christophe Hurlin & Patrick Kouontchou & Bertrand Maillet, 2015. "A DARE for VaR," Post-Print hal-02312327, HAL.
  10. Sylvain Benoit & Christophe Hurlin & Christophe Perignon, 2015. "Implied Risk Exposures," Review of Finance, European Finance Association, vol. 19(6), pages 2183-2222.
  11. Aviral Kumar TIWARI & Suresh K G & Mihai MUTAȘCU, 2015. "A Structural VAR analysis of Fiscal shocks on current accounts in Greece," Theoretical and Applied Economics, Asociatia Generala a Economistilor din Romania / Editura Economica, vol. 0(3(604), A), pages 5-20, Autumn.
  12. Mihai Mutascu, 2015. "A bootstrap panel Granger causality analysis of government revenues and expenditures in the PIIGS countries," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 35(3), pages 2000-2004.
  13. Tiwari, Aviral Kumar & Mutascu, Mihai Ioan & Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu & Kyophilavong, Phouphet, 2015. "Frequency domain causality analysis of stock market and economic activity in India," International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 39(C), pages 224-238.
  14. Tiwari , Aviral Kumar & Mutascu , Mihai, 2015. "Fiscal sustainability in E.U.27," European Economic Letters, European Economics Letters Group, vol. 4(1), pages 1-4.
  15. Tiwari Aviral Kumar & Mutascu Mihai, 2015. "Is the Labour Force Participation Rate Non-Stationary in Romania?," Review of Economic Perspectives, Sciendo, vol. 14(4), pages 411-426, January.
  16. Mihailo Radoman & Marcel C. Voia, 2015. "Youth Training Programs and Their Impact on Career and Spell Duration of Professional Soccer Players," LABOUR, CEIS, vol. 29(2), pages 163-193, June.
  17. Ferris, J. Stephen & Voia, Marcel C., 2015. "The effect of federal government size on private economic performance in Canada: 1870–2011," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 49(C), pages 172-185.
  18. Fallahi, Firouz & Voia, Marcel-Cristian, 2015. "Convergence and persistence in per capita energy use among OECD countries: Revisited using confidence intervals," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 52(PA), pages 246-253.
  19. Jean-Thomas Bernard & Michael Gavin & Lynda Khalaf & Marcel Voia, 2015. "Environmental Kuznets Curve: Tipping Points, Uncertainty and Weak Identification," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 60(2), pages 285-315, February.
  20. Kim Huynh & David Jacho-Chávez & Robert Petrunia & Marcel Voia, 2015. "A nonparametric analysis of firm size, leverage and labour productivity distribution dynamics," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 48(1), pages 337-360, February.
  21. Mohammad Karimi & Marcel Voia, 2015. "Identifying extreme values of exchange market pressure," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 48(3), pages 1055-1078, May.
  22. Wen Ci & Jose Galdo & Marcel Voia & Christopher Worswick, 2015. "Wage returns to mid-career investments in job training through employer supported course enrollment: evidence for Canada," IZA Journal of Labor Policy, Springer;Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH (IZA), vol. 4(1), pages 1-25, December.
  23. Alexandru Minea & Lavinia Mustea, 2015. "A fresh look at fiscal multipliers: one size fits it all? Evidence from the Mediterranean area," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 47(26), pages 2728-2744, June.
  24. Choumert, Johanna & Motel, Pascale Combes & Millock, Katrin, 2015. "Climate change mitigation and adaptation in developing and transition countries: introduction to the special issue," Environment and Development Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 20(4), pages 425-433, August.
  25. Jean Louis Combes & Christian Ebeke & Mathilde Maurel, 2015. "The effect of remittances prior to an election," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 47(38), pages 4074-4089, August.
  26. Karam, Fida & Zaki, Chahir, 2015. "Trade volume and economic growth in the MENA region: Goods or services?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 45(C), pages 22-37.
  27. Chahir Zaki, 2015. "How Does Trade Facilitation Affect International Trade?," The European Journal of Development Research, Palgrave Macmillan;European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), vol. 27(1), pages 156-185, January.
  28. Hala El-Said & Mahmoud Al-Said & Chahir Zaki, 2015. "Trade and access to finance of SMEs: is there a nexus?," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 47(39), pages 4184-4199, August.
  29. Eggoh, Jude & Belhadj, Aram, 2015. "Business Cycles in the Maghreb: Does Trade Matter?," Journal of Economic Integration, Center for Economic Integration, Sejong University, vol. 30(3), pages 553-576.
  30. Jude Eggoh & Hilaire Houeninvo & Gilles-Armand Sossou, 2015. "Education, Health And Economic Growth In African Countries," Journal of Economic Development, Chung-Ang Unviersity, Department of Economics, vol. 40(1), pages 93-111, March.
  31. Galanti, Sébastien & Lazar, Iarina, 2015. "Euro PP : comment situer le placement privé parmi les modes de financement des PME-ETI?," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 91(3), pages 367-382, Septembre.
  32. Daria Onori, 2015. "Competition and Growth: Reinterpreting their Relationship," Manchester School, University of Manchester, vol. 83(4), pages 398-422, July.
  33. Ibrahim Ahamada & Djamel Kirat, 2015. "The impact of phase II of the EU ETS on wholesale electricity prices," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 125(6), pages 887-908.
  34. Maillet, Bertrand & Tokpavi, Sessi & Vaucher, Benoit, 2015. "Global minimum variance portfolio optimisation under some model risk: A robust regression-based approach," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 244(1), pages 289-299.
  35. Sessi Tokpavi, 2015. "Commentaire sur l’article « Droits de contrôle versus droits pécuniaires, crise financière et vulnérabilité des banques européennes »," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 66(3), pages 537-539.
  36. El Hedi Arouri, Mohamed & Lahiani, Amine & Nguyen, Duc Khuong, 2015. "World gold prices and stock returns in China: Insights for hedging and diversification strategies," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 44(C), pages 273-282.
  37. Hammoudeh, Shawkat & Lahiani, Amine & Nguyen, Duc Khuong & Sousa, Ricardo M., 2015. "An empirical analysis of energy cost pass-through to CO2 emission prices," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 49(C), pages 149-156.
  38. Jammazi, Rania & Lahiani, Amine & Nguyen, Duc Khuong, 2015. "A wavelet-based nonlinear ARDL model for assessing the exchange rate pass-through to crude oil prices," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 34(C), pages 173-187.
  39. Mohamed BELHEDI & Ines SLAMA & Amine LAHIANI, 2015. "Tranmission Of International Shocks To An Emerging Small Open-Economy: Evidence From Tunisia," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 42, pages 231-258.
  40. Aymen Belgacem & Anna Creti & Khaled Guesmi & Amine Lahiani, 2015. "Volatility spillovers and macroeconomic announcements: evidence from crude oil markets," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 47(28), pages 2974-2984, June.
  41. Yannick Lucotte, 2015. "Le ciblage d’inflation dans les économies émergentes," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(2), pages 93-128.
  42. Aurélien Leroy & Yannick Lucotte, 2015. "Heterogeneous monetary transmission process in the Eurozone: Does banking competition matter?," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 141, pages 115-134.
  43. Yannick Lucotte, 2015. "Euro area banking fragmentation in the aftermath of the crisis: a cluster analysis," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 22(13), pages 1046-1050, September.
  44. B�atrice Boulu-Reshef, 2015. "Toward a Personal Identity Argument to Combine Potentially Conflicting Social Identities," Review of Social Economy, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 73(1), pages 1-18, March.
  45. Rana Arslan Tariq, 2015. "Trade and Conflicts: Do Preferential Trade Agreements Matter?," Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy, De Gruyter, vol. 21(4), pages 561-574, December.
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  1. Alexandra Popescu & Patrick Villieu, 2014. "Déficit budgétaire, dette publique et croissance dans les pays d'Europe centrale et orientale," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(3), pages 53-72.
  2. Jean-Paul Pollin & Patrick Villieu, 2014. "Financial and Fiscal Aspects of the EMU Crisis," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 124(6), pages 859-865.
  3. Maxime Menuet & Patrick Villieu, 2014. "Public Debt Adjustment in a Simple Model of Stochastic Endogenous Growth," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 124(6), pages 991-1012.
  4. Eggoh, Jude C. & Villieu, Patrick, 2014. "A simple endogenous growth model of financial intermediation with multiplicity and indeterminacy," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 38(C), pages 357-366.
  5. Ehrhart, Hélène & Minea, Alexandru & Villieu, Patrick, 2014. "Debt, seigniorage, and the Growth Laffer Curve in developing countries," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 42(C), pages 199-210.
  6. Rémi Bazillier & Isabelle Rabaud & Camelia Turcu, 2014. "Compétitivité territoriale et localisation du travail et des entreprises : une introduction," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Armand Colin, vol. 0(2), pages 197-217.
  7. Isabelle Rabaud, 2014. "Gains à l'échange de services pour les pays africains : mythe ou réalité ?," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(2), pages 103-142.
  8. Clément Carbonnier & Alexis Direr & Ihssane Slimani-Houti, 2014. "Do Savers Respond to Tax Incentives? The Case of Retirement Savings," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 113-114, pages 225-256.
  9. Dennery, Charles & Direr, Alexis, 2014. "Optimal lottery," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 55(C), pages 15-23.
  10. Alexis Direr & Eric Yayi, 2014. "Les choix de portefeuille des épargnants sur le cycle boursier et le cycle de vie," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 472(1), pages 125-152.
  11. Daniel Mirza & Thierry Verdier, 2014. "Are Lives a Substitute for Livelihoods? Terrorism, Security, and US Bilateral Imports," Journal of Conflict Resolution, Peace Science Society (International), vol. 58(6), pages 943-975, September.
  12. Stefanie Haller & Jože Damijan & Ville Kaitila & Črt Kostevc & Mika Maliranta & Emmanuel Milet & Daniel Mirza & Matija Rojec, 2014. "Trading firms in the services sectors: comparable evidence from four EU countries," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 150(3), pages 471-505, August.
  13. Catherine Bros, 2014. "The Burden of Caste on Social Identity in India," Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 50(10), pages 1411-1429, November.
  14. Farhani, Sahbi & Chaibi, Anissa & Rault, Christophe, 2014. "CO2 emissions, output, energy consumption, and trade in Tunisia," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 38(C), pages 426-434.
  15. Farhani, Sahbi & Mrizak, Sana & Chaibi, Anissa & Rault, Christophe, 2014. "The environmental Kuznets curve and sustainability: A panel data analysis," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 71(C), pages 189-198.
  16. Robert Sova & Christophe Rault & Guglielmo Caporale & Anamaria Sova, 2014. "Improving Environmental Performance: A Challenge for Romania," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 57(3), pages 431-452, March.
  17. Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Thouraya Hadj Amor & Christophe Rault, 2014. "Sources Of Real Exchange Rate Volatility And International Financial Integration: A Dynamic Generalised Method Of Moments Panel Approach," Journal of International Development, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 26(6), pages 810-820, August.
  18. Candelon, Bertrand & Dumitrescu, Elena-Ivona & Hurlin, Christophe, 2014. "Currency crisis early warning systems: Why they should be dynamic," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 30(4), pages 1016-1029.
  19. Oasis Kodila-Tedika & Mihai Mutascu, 2014. "Shadow economy and tax revenue in Africa," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 34(1), pages 469-479.
  20. Aviral Tiwari & Mihai Mutascu, 2014. "A revisit on the tax burden distribution and GDP growth: fresh evidence using a consistent nonparametric test for causality for the USA," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 46(3), pages 961-972, May.
  21. Mihai Mutascu, 2014. "Influence of climate conditions on tax revenues," Contemporary Economics, University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw., vol. 8(3), September.
  22. Cristina Badarau & Camelia Turcu, 2014. "Asymétries financières et canal du bilan bancaire en Europe élargie," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(3), pages 113-130.
  23. Alexandra Popescu & Camelia Turcu, 2014. "Systemic Sovereign Risk in Europe: an MES and CES Approach," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 124(6), pages 899-925.
  24. Rémi Bazillier & Isabelle Rabaud & Camelia Turcu, 2014. "Éditorial," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Armand Colin, vol. 0(2), pages 195-195.
  25. Alexandru Minea & Thierry Montalieu, 2014. "Les pays d'Europe centrale et orientale et l'Union européenne : quelles stratégies de politiques budgétaire et monétaire ?," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(3), pages 7-16.
  26. Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Lavinia Mustea & Mousse Ndoye Sow, 2014. "The Euro and the Crisis: Evidence on Recent Fiscal Multipliers," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 124(6), pages 1013-1038.
  27. Durech, Richard & Minea, Alexandru & Mustea, Lavinia & Slusna, Lubica, 2014. "Regional evidence on Okun's Law in Czech Republic and Slovakia," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 42(C), pages 57-65.
  28. Minea, Alexandru & Tapsoba, René, 2014. "Does inflation targeting improve fiscal discipline?," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 40(C), pages 185-203.
  29. Pascale Combes Motel & Johanna Choumert & Alexandru Minea & Thomas Sterner, 2014. "Explorations in the Environment–Development Dilemma," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 57(4), pages 479-485, April.
  30. Jean-Louis Combes & Lavinia Mustea, 2014. "Une analyse des multiplicateurs budgétaires : quelles leçons pour les pays en développement et émergents ?," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(3), pages 17-33.
  31. Combes, Jean-Louis & Ebeke, Christian Hubert & Etoundi, Sabine Mireille Ntsama & Yogo, Thierry Urbain, 2014. "Are Remittances and Foreign Aid a Hedge Against Food Price Shocks in Developing Countries?," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 54(C), pages 81-98.
  32. Jean-Louis Combes & Christian Hubert Ebeke & Mathilde Maurel & Thierry Urbain Yogo, 2014. "Remittances and Working Poverty," Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 50(10), pages 1348-1361, November.
  33. Zaki, C., 2014. "An empirical assessment of the trade facilitation initiative: econometric evidence and global economic effects," World Trade Review, Cambridge University Press, vol. 13(1), pages 103-130, January.
  34. Chahir Zaki, 2014. "On Trade Policies and Wage Disparity: Evidence from Egyptian Microeconomic Data," International Economic Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 28(1), pages 37-69, March.
  35. Eggoh, Jude C. & Khan, Muhammad, 2014. "On the nonlinear relationship between inflation and economic growth," Research in Economics, Elsevier, vol. 68(2), pages 133-143.
  36. Christelle Laetitia Garrouste & Margarida Rodrigues, 2014. "Employability of young graduates in Europe," International Journal of Manpower, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 35(4), pages 425-447, July.
  37. Michel Lubrano & Abdoul Aziz Junior Ndoye, 2014. "Bayesian Unconditional Quantile Regression: An Analysis of Recent Expansions in Wage Structure and Earnings Inequality in the US 1992–2009," Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Scottish Economic Society, vol. 61(2), pages 129-153, May.
  38. Aleem, Abdul & Lahiani, Amine, 2014. "Monetary policy credibility and exchange rate pass-through: Some evidence from emerging countries," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 43(C), pages 21-29.
  39. Atil, Ahmed & Lahiani, Amine & Nguyen, Duc Khuong, 2014. "Asymmetric and nonlinear pass-through of crude oil prices to gasoline and natural gas prices," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 65(C), pages 567-573.
  40. Aleem, Abdul & Lahiani, Amine, 2014. "A threshold vector autoregression model of exchange rate pass-through in Mexico," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 30(C), pages 24-33.
  41. Grégory Levieuge & Yannick Lucotte, 2014. "A Simple Empirical Measure of Central Banks' Conservatism," Southern Economic Journal, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 81(2), pages 409-434, October.
  42. Constant, Karine & Nourry, Carine & Seegmuller, Thomas, 2014. "Population growth in polluting industrialization," Resource and Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 36(1), pages 229-247.
  43. Anton Ovchinnikov & Béatrice Boulu-Reshef & Phillip E. Pfeifer, 2014. "Balancing Acquisition and Retention Spending for Firms with Limited Capacity," Management Science, INFORMS, vol. 60(8), pages 2002-2019, August.
  44. Pop Silaghi, Monica Ioana & Alexa, Diana & Jude, Cristina & Litan, Cristian, 2014. "Do business and public sector research and development expenditures contribute to economic growth in Central and Eastern European Countries? A dynamic panel estimation," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 36(C), pages 108-119.
  45. Hamdi, Helmi & Jlassi, Nabila Boukef, 2014. "Financial liberalization, disaggregated capital flows and banking crisis: Evidence from developing countries," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 41(C), pages 124-132.
  46. Ahn, Jung-Hyun & Breton, Régis, 2014. "Securitization, competition and monitoring," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 40(C), pages 195-210.
  47. Kamel Malik Bensafta & Gervasio Semedo, 2014. "Market Volatility Transmission and Central Banking: What Happened during the Subprime Crisis?," International Economic Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 28(4), pages 559-588, December.
  48. Raffestin, Louis, 2014. "Diversification and systemic risk," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 46(C), pages 85-106.
  49. Sonia Schwartz & Hubert Stahn, 2014. "Competitive Permit Markets and Vertical Structures: The Relevance of Imperfectly Competitive Eco-Industries," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 16(1), pages 69-95, February.


  1. Jude C. Eggoh & Patrick Villieu, 2013. "Un réexamen de la non-linéarité entre le développement financier et la croissance économique," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 123(2), pages 211-236.
  2. Minea, Alexandru & Villieu, Patrick, 2013. "Debt Policy Rule, Productive Government Spending, And Multiple Growth Paths: A Note," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 17(4), pages 947-954, June.
  3. Alexis Direr & Michael Visser, 2013. "Portfolio choice and financial advice," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 34(2), pages 35-64.
  4. Alexis Direr, 2013. "Are betting markets efficient? Evidence from European Football Championships," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 45(3), pages 343-356, January.
  5. Matthieu Crozet & Julien Gourdon & Florain Mayneris & Thierry Mayer & Daniel Mirza, 2013. "L'efficacité des dispositifs de soutien à l'exportation," La Lettre du CEPII, CEPII research center, issue 334.
  6. Catherine Bros & Vani K Borooah, 2013. "Confidence in Public Bodies, and Electoral Participation in India," The European Journal of Development Research, Palgrave Macmillan;European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), vol. 25(4), pages 557-583, September.
  7. Ekrame Boubtane & Dramane Coulibaly & Christophe Rault, 2013. "Immigration, Growth, and Unemployment: Panel VAR Evidence from OECD Countries," LABOUR, CEIS, vol. 27(4), pages 399-420, December.
  8. Boubtane, Ekrame & Coulibaly, Dramane & Rault, Christophe, 2013. "Immigration, unemployment and GDP in the host country: Bootstrap panel Granger causality analysis on OECD countries," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 33(C), pages 261-269.
  9. Bertrand Candelon & Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin, 2013. "Network Effects and Infrastructure Productivity in Developing Countries," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 75(6), pages 887-913, December.
  10. Herrera, Santiago & Hurlin, Christophe & Zaki, Chahir, 2013. "Why don't banks lend to Egypt's private sector?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 33(C), pages 347-356.
  11. Hurlin, Christophe & Minea, Alexandru, 2013. "Is public capital really productive? A methodological reappraisal," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 228(1), pages 122-130.
  12. Colletaz, Gilbert & Hurlin, Christophe & Pérignon, Christophe, 2013. "The Risk Map: A new tool for validating risk models," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 37(10), pages 3843-3854.
  13. Elena‐Ivona Dumitrescu & Christophe Hurlin & Jaouad Madkour, 2013. "Testing Interval Forecasts: A GMM‐Based Approach," Journal of Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 32(2), pages 97-110, March.
  14. Tiwari, Aviral Kumar & Mutascu, Mihai & Andries, Alin Marius, 2013. "Decomposing time-frequency relationship between producer price and consumer price indices in Romania through wavelet analysis," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 31(C), pages 151-159.
  15. Tiwari, Aviral Kumar & Mutascu, Mihai Ioan & Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu, 2013. "The influence of the international oil prices on the real effective exchange rate in Romania in a wavelet transform framework," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 40(C), pages 714-733.
  16. Shahbaz, Muhammad & Mutascu, Mihai & Azim, Parvez, 2013. "Environmental Kuznets curve in Romania and the role of energy consumption," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier, vol. 18(C), pages 165-173.
  17. Mihai Mutascu, 2013. "Tax revenues under World Religions: a Panel Analysis," Economic Research Guardian, Weissberg Publishing, vol. 3(2), pages 154-168, December.
  18. Voia, Marcel-Cristian & Ferris, J. Stephen, 2013. "Do business cycle peaks predict election calls in Canada?," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 29(C), pages 102-118.
  19. Christian Aubin & Camelia Turcu, 2013. "L'impact du régime de change sur les structures de production en Europe," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 113-144.
  20. Siedschlag, Iulia & Smith, Donal & Turcu, Camelia & Zhang, Xiaoheng, 2013. "What determines the location choice of R&D activities by multinational firms?," Research Policy, Elsevier, vol. 42(8), pages 1420-1430.
  21. Nenovsky, Nikolay & Tochkov, Kiril & Turcu, Camelia, 2013. "Politiques Monétaires et Intégration Européenne Le cas de deux Pays des Balkans," Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest, Editions NecPlus, vol. 44(02), pages 141-162, June.
  22. Youssouf Kiendrebeogo & Alexandru Minea, 2013. "Accès aux services financiers et réduction de la pauvreté dans les PED," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 64(3), pages 483-493.
  23. Hudson, John & Minea, Alexandru, 2013. "Innovation, Intellectual Property Rights, and Economic Development: A Unified Empirical Investigation," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 46(C), pages 66-78.
  24. Choumert, Johanna & Combes Motel, Pascale & Dakpo, Hervé K., 2013. "Is the Environmental Kuznets Curve for deforestation a threatened theory? A meta-analysis of the literature," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 90(C), pages 19-28.
  25. Christian Ebeke & Jean-Louis Combes, 2013. "Do remittances dampen the effect of natural disasters on output growth volatility in developing countries?," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 45(16), pages 2241-2254, June.
  26. Rana Hendy & Chahir Zaki, 2013. "On informality and productivity of micro and small enterprises: evidence from MENA countries," International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 19(4), pages 438-470.
  27. Hala El-Said & Mahmoud Al-Said & Chahir Zaki, 2013. "Access to finance and financial problems of SMEs: evidence from Egypt," International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 20(3), pages 286-309.
  28. F. Karam & C. Zaki, 2013. "On the determinants of trade in services: evidence from the MENA region," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 45(33), pages 4662-4676, November.
  29. Rana Hendy & Chahir Zaki, 2013. "Assessing the Effects of Trade Liberalization on Wage Inequalities in Egypt: A Microsimulation Analysis," The International Trade Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 27(1), pages 63-104, March.
  30. Jude C. Eggoh & Denis H. Acclassato, 2013. "Crise des institutions de placement illégal d'argent au Bénin : origine et manifestations," Revue Tiers-Monde, Armand Colin, vol. 0(4), pages 191-204.
  31. Raphaëlle Bellando & Jean-Bernard Chatelain & Adrian Pop, 2013. "Développements récents en économie monétaire et bancaire. Introduction," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 3-13.
  32. Candelon, Bertrand & Joëts, Marc & Tokpavi, Sessi, 2013. "Testing for Granger causality in distribution tails: An application to oil markets integration," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 31(C), pages 276-285.
  33. Baaziz, Yosra & Labidi, Moez & Lahiani, Amine, 2013. "Does the South African Reserve Bank follow a nonlinear interest rate reaction function?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 35(C), pages 272-282.
  34. Arouri, Mohamed El Hedi & Hammoudeh, Shawkat & Lahiani, Amine & Nguyen, Duc Khuong, 2013. "On the short- and long-run efficiency of energy and precious metal markets," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 40(C), pages 832-844.
  35. Grégory Levieuge & Yannick Lucotte, 2013. "Les cibleurs d'inflation sont-ils monomaniaques ?," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 49-81.
  36. Mazen Kebewar, 2013. "The effect of Debt on Corporate Profitability :Evidence from French Service Sector," Brussels Economic Review, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles, vol. 56(1), pages 43-59.
  37. Boulu-Reshef, Béatrice, 2013. "Economics of identity and economics of the firm: why and how their three central questions overlap," Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 9(3), pages 363-379, September.
  38. B�atrice Boulu-Reshef, 2013. "Individuals and Identity in Economics," Review of Social Economy, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 71(4), pages 543-546, December.
  39. Arslan Tariq Rana & Philippe Saucier, 2013. "Les clauses environnementales dans les accords de libre-échange entre pays développés et pays émergents. Analyse des déterminants," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(2), pages 49-66.
  40. Sanz, Nicolas & Schwartz, Sonia, 2013. "Are pollution permit markets harmful for employment?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 35(C), pages 374-383.


  1. Minea, Alexandru & Villieu, Patrick, 2012. "Persistent Deficit, Growth, And Indeterminacy," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 16(S2), pages 267-283, September.
  2. Isabelle Rabaud & Thierry Montalieu, 2012. "Une analyse critique des mesures de restriction aux échanges de services," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 63(4), pages 779-793.
  3. Arouri, Mohamed El Hedi & Caporale, Guglielmo Maria & Rault, Christophe & Sova, Robert & Sova, Anamaria, 2012. "Environmental Regulation and Competitiveness: Evidence from Romania," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 81(C), pages 130-139.
  4. Donatella Gatti & Christophe Rault & Anne-Gael Vaubourg, 2012. "Unemployment and finance: how do financial and labour market factors interact?," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 64(3), pages 464-489, July.
  5. Christophe Rault & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg, 2012. "Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment: Does Finance Matter?," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 54(1), pages 43-64, March.
  6. Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Christophe Rault & Robert Sova & Anamaria Sova, 2012. "European free trade agreements and trade balance: Evidence from four new European Union members," The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 21(6), pages 839-863, January.
  7. Mohamed El Hedi Arouri & Christophe Rault, 2012. "Oil Prices And Stock Markets In Gcc Countries: Empirical Evidence From Panel Analysis," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 17(3), pages 242-253, July.
  8. Elena-Ivona Dumitrescu & Christophe Hurlin & Vinson Pham, 2012. "Backtesting Value-at-Risk: From Dynamic Quantile to Dynamic Binary Tests," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 33(1), pages 79-112.
  9. Bertrand Candelon & Guillaume Gaulier & Christophe Hurlin, 2012. "Extreme Financial cycles," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 122(6), pages 823-831.
  10. Dumitrescu, Elena-Ivona & Hurlin, Christophe, 2012. "Testing for Granger non-causality in heterogeneous panels," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 29(4), pages 1450-1460.
  11. Candelon, B. & Hurlin, C. & Tokpavi, S., 2012. "Sampling error and double shrinkage estimation of minimum variance portfolios," Journal of Empirical Finance, Elsevier, vol. 19(4), pages 511-527.
  12. Bertrand Candelon & Elena-Ivona Dumitrescu & Christophe Hurlin, 2012. "How to Evaluate an Early-Warning System: Toward a Unified Statistical Framework for Assessing Financial Crises Forecasting Methods," IMF Economic Review, Palgrave Macmillan;International Monetary Fund, vol. 60(1), pages 75-113, April.
  13. Mihai Mutascu, 2012. "Taxation under media capture," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 32(4), pages 2752-2767.
  14. Shahbaz, Muhammad & Mutascu, Mihai & Tiwari, Aviral Kumar, 2012. "Revisiting the Relationship between Electricity Consumption, Capital and Economic Growth: Cointegration and Causality Analysis in Romania," Journal for Economic Forecasting, Institute for Economic Forecasting, vol. 0(3), pages 97-120, September.
  15. Dehejia Vivek H. & Voia Marcel C., 2012. "International Income Comparisons and Social Welfare: Methodology, Analysis, and Implications," Journal of Globalization and Development, De Gruyter, vol. 3(1), pages 1-24, June.
  16. Huynh, Kim P. & Petrunia, Robert J. & Voia, Marcel, 2012. "Duration of new firms: The role of startup financial conditions, industry and aggregate factors," Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Elsevier, vol. 23(4), pages 354-362.
  17. J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2012. "What are the significant determinants of entrepreneurship?," International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 17(4), pages 415-454.
  18. Kim P. Huynh & Robert J. Petrunia & Marcel Voia, 2012. "Initial Financial Conditions, Unobserved Heterogeneity and the Survival of Nascent Canadian Manufacturing Firms," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 33, pages 109-125, March.
  19. Camelia Turcu & Camelia Turcu, 2012. "15th INFER ANNUAL CONFERENCE," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 32(4), pages 1-30.
  20. Combes, Jean-Louis & Kinda, Tidiane & Plane, Patrick, 2012. "Capital flows, exchange rate flexibility, and the real exchange rate," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 34(4), pages 1034-1043.
  21. Jude Eggoh, 2012. "Inflation Effects on Finance-Growth Link: A Panel Smooth Threshold Approach," International Economic Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 26(4), pages 711-725, June.
  22. Bangake, Chrysost & Eggoh, Jude C., 2012. "Pooled Mean Group estimation on international capital mobility in African countries," Research in Economics, Elsevier, vol. 66(1), pages 7-17.
  23. Raphaëlle Bellando, 2012. "The bias in a standard measure of herding," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 32(2), pages 1537-1544.
  24. Oana Calavrezo & François Lodin, 2012. "Short-Time Working Arrangements in France During the Crisis: An Empirical Analysis of Firms and Employees," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 54(2), pages 299-320, June.
  25. Calavrezo, Oana & Sari, Florent, 2012. "Caractéristiques communales et retour à l′emploi : Une analyse empirique sur données françaises," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Editions NecPlus, vol. 2010(01), pages 89-110, April.
  26. Onori, Daria, 2012. "Welfare, competition, specialization and growth," Research in Economics, Elsevier, vol. 66(4), pages 355-370.
  27. Aymen Belgacem & Amine Lahiani, 2012. "More on the impact of US macroeconomic announcements: Evidence from French and German stock markets' volatility," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 32(2), pages 1509-1526.
  28. Mohamed El Hédi Arouri & Amine Lahiani & Duc Khuong Nguyen, 2012. "Oil-stock volatility transmission, portfolio selection and hedging," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 32(4), pages 2768-2778.
  29. Arouri, Mohamed El Hédi & Lahiani, Amine & Lévy, Aldo & Nguyen, Duc Khuong, 2012. "Forecasting the conditional volatility of oil spot and futures prices with structural breaks and long memory models," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 34(1), pages 283-293.
  30. Arouri, Mohamed El Hedi & Hammoudeh, Shawkat & Lahiani, Amine & Nguyen, Duc Khuong, 2012. "Long memory and structural breaks in modeling the return and volatility dynamics of precious metals," The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 52(2), pages 207-218.
  31. Lucotte, Yannick, 2012. "Adoption of inflation targeting and tax revenue performance in emerging market economies: An empirical investigation," Economic Systems, Elsevier, vol. 36(4), pages 609-628.
  32. Jude, Cristina, 2012. "FDI, Productivity and Wages. New Evidence from a Romanian Matched Sample," Journal for Economic Forecasting, Institute for Economic Forecasting, vol. 0(4), pages 36-55, December.
  33. Breton, R. & Pinto, C. & Weber, P.F., 2012. "Banks, moral hazard, and public debts," Financial Stability Review, Banque de France, issue 16, pages 57-70, April.
  34. Semedo, Gervasio & Gauthier, Laurent & Bensafta, Kamel Malik, 2012. "Pôles de convergence, gains dynamiques de l’intégration économique et monétaire en Afrique de l’Ouest : une approche en termes de clusters," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 88(1), pages 37-85, mars.


  1. Bachellerie, A. & Birouk, O. & Pfister, C., 2011. "La destination finale des placements financiers des ménages français," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 184, pages 59-69.
  2. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2011. "Déficits persistants et croissance endogène," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 62(6), pages 1001-1014.
  3. Patrick Villieu, 2011. "Quel objectif pour la dette publique à moyen terme ?," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(3), pages 79-98.
  4. Nikolay Nenovsky & Patrick Villieu, 2011. "EU enlargement and monetary regimes from the insurance model perspective," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 23(4), pages 433-447, May.
  5. Nathalie Colombier & David Masclet & Daniel Mirza & Claude Montmarquette, 2011. "Global Security Policies against Terrorism and the Free Riding Problem: An Experimental Approach," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 13(5), pages 755-790, October.
  6. Christophe Rault, 2011. "Long-run strong-exogeneity," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 31(1), pages 1-8.
  7. Christophe Rault & António Afonso, 2011. "Long-run Determinants of Sovereign Yields," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 31(1), pages 367-374.
  8. Minea, Alexandru & Rault, Christophe, 2011. "External monetary shocks and monetary integration: Evidence from the Bulgarian currency board," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 28(5), pages 2271-2281, September.
  9. Eggoh, Jude C. & Bangake, Chrysost & Rault, Christophe, 2011. "Energy consumption and economic growth revisited in African countries," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 39(11), pages 7408-7421.
  10. Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Thouraya Hadj Amor & Christophe Rault, 2011. "International financial integration and real exchange rate long-run dynamics in emerging countries: Some panel evidence," The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 20(6), pages 789-808, September.
  11. Bertrand Candelon & Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2011. "Backtesting Value-at-Risk: A GMM Duration-Based Test," Journal of Financial Econometrics, Oxford University Press, vol. 9(2), pages 314-343, Spring.
  12. Mihai Mutascu & Anne-Marie Fleischer, 2011. "A Logit Analysis Of Development And Democracy. The Romania’S Case," Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi - Stiinte Economice (1954-2015), Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, vol. 2011, pages 173-182, july.
  13. Mihai Ioan Mutaşcu & Dan Constantin Dănuleţiu, 2011. "Taxes And Economic Growth In Romania. A Var Approach," Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, Faculty of Sciences, "1 Decembrie 1918" University, Alba Iulia, vol. 1(13), pages 1-10.
  14. Aviral Kumar Tiwari & Mihai Mutascu, 2011. "Economic Growth and FDI in Asia: A Panel-Data Approach," Economic Analysis and Policy, Elsevier, vol. 41(2), pages 173-187, September.
  15. Mihai Mutascu, 2011. "Taxation and democracy," Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 14(4), pages 343-348.
  16. Mihai Mutascu & Anne-Marie Fleischer, 2011. "Shadow Economy and Tax Evasion: A Panel VAR approach. The Case of E.U.27," Economic Research Guardian, Weissberg Publishing, vol. 1(1), pages 24-33, September.
  17. Huynh, Kim P. & Jacho-Chávez, David T. & Petrunia, Robert J. & Voia, Marcel, 2011. "Functional Principal Component Analysis of Density Families With Categorical and Continuous Data on Canadian Entrant Manufacturing Firms," Journal of the American Statistical Association, American Statistical Association, vol. 106(495), pages 858-878.
  18. Luke Ignaczak & Marcel Voia, 2011. "A Retrospective Analysis of Employment Duration: Evidence from the Second Half of the Twentieth Century," LABOUR, CEIS, vol. 25(1), pages 97-125, March.
  19. J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2011. "Does the expectation or realization of a federal election precipitate Canadian output growth?," Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Economics Association, vol. 44(1), pages 107-132, February.
  20. Gilles Koléda & Hugo Pillu, 2011. "Déterminants de l’innovation dans les technologies énergétiques efficientes et renouvelables," Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 197(1), pages 105-128.
  21. Combes, Jean-Louis & Ebeke, Christian, 2011. "Remittances and Household Consumption Instability in Developing Countries," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 39(7), pages 1076-1089, July.
  22. Bangake, Chrysost & Eggoh, Jude C., 2011. "The Feldstein-Horioka puzzle in African countries: A panel cointegration analysis," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 28(3), pages 939-947, May.
  23. Jude C. Eggoh, 2011. "Récents développements de la littérature sur la finance et la croissance économique," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(3), pages 141-150.
  24. Bangake, Chrysost & Eggoh, Jude C., 2011. "Further evidence on finance-growth causality: A panel data analysis," Economic Systems, Elsevier, vol. 35(2), pages 176-188, June.
  25. Raphaëlle Bellando & Linh Tran-Dieu, 2011. "La relation entre flux d'entrées nets et performance des fonds. Une étude appliquée au cas des opcvm actions français," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 62(2), pages 255-275.
  26. Sévane Ananian & Oana Calavrezo, 2011. "Les trajectoires salariales des individus payés au voisinage du Smic dans le secteur privé. Une analyse empirique sur données françaises entre 1995 et 2007," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 448(1), pages 49-78.
  27. Kirat, Djamel & Ahamada, Ibrahim, 2011. "The impact of the European Union emission trading scheme on the electricity-generation sector," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 33(5), pages 995-1003, September.
  28. Ibrahim Ahamada & Djamel Kirat, 2011. "L'impact de la contrainte carbone sur le secteur électrique," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 121(2), pages 259-281.
  29. Nikolay Nenovsky & Amine Lahiani & Petar Chobanov, 2011. "Empirical Investigation of Systemic Risk in the New EU States," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 31(2), pages 1401-1412.
  30. Aleem, Abdul & Lahiani, Amine, 2011. "Monetary policy rules for a developing country: Evidence from Pakistan," Journal of Asian Economics, Elsevier, vol. 22(6), pages 483-494.
  31. Arouri, Mohamed El Hedi & Lahiani, Amine & Nguyen, Duc Khuong, 2011. "Return and volatility transmission between world oil prices and stock markets of the GCC countries," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 28(4), pages 1815-1825, July.
  32. Abdul Aleem & Amine Lahiani, 2011. "Estimation and evaluation of core inflation measures," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 43(25), pages 3619-3629.
  33. Jude Cristina & Pop Silaghi Monica, 2011. "Innovation Versus Income Convergence In Central And Eastern Europe. Is There A Correlation?," Annals of Faculty of Economics, University of Oradea, Faculty of Economics, vol. 1(1), pages 72-79, July.
  34. Kamel Malik Bensafta & Semedo Gervasio, 2011. "Chocs, chocs de volatilité et contagion entre les marchés boursiers. Application d'un modèle icss-mgarch," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 62(2), pages 277-311.
  35. Julien Bueb & Sonia Schwartz, 2011. "Strategic manipulation of a pollution permit market and international trade," Journal of Regulatory Economics, Springer, vol. 39(3), pages 313-331, June.


  1. Minea, Alexandru & Villieu, Patrick, 2010. "Financial development, institutional quality and maximizing-growth trade-off in government finance," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 27(1), pages 324-335, January.
  2. Minea, Alexandru & Villieu, Patrick, 2010. "Endogenous growth, government debt and budgetary regimes: A Corrigendum," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 32(2), pages 709-711, June.
  3. Alexandru MINEA & Patrick VILLIEU, 2010. "DeVELOPPEMENT FINANCIER, QUALITe INSTITUTIONNELLE ET CROISSANCE : UN MODeLE SIMPLE AVEC EFFETS DE SEUIL," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 32, pages 31-58.
  4. Alexandru MINEA & Patrick VILLIEU, 2010. "DeVELOPPEMENT FINANCIER, INSTITUTIONS ET CROISSANCE - INTRODUCTION," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 32, pages 5-8.
  5. Alexis Direr, 2010. "Flexible Life Annuities," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 12(1), pages 43-55, February.
  6. Alexis Direr & Muriel Roger, 2010. "Le Produit d'Épargne Retraite Populaire (Perp) : caractéristiques des détenteurs et projection des niveaux de rentes," Economie & Prévision, La Documentation Française, vol. 0(3), pages 79-92.
  7. Direr, A., 2010. "The taxation of life annuities under adverse selection," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 94(1-2), pages 50-58, February.
  8. Matthieu Crozet & Daniel Mirza & Emmanuel Millet, 2010. "The Ultra-Select Club of Service Export Firms," La Lettre du CEPII, CEPII research center, issue 302.
  9. Mirza, Daniel, 2010. "GATS and the Regulation of International Trade in Services edited by Marion Panizzon, Nicole Pohl, and Pierre Sauvé Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008," World Trade Review, Cambridge University Press, vol. 9(3), pages 548-550, July.
  10. Guillaume Gaulier & Emmanuel Milet & Daniel Mirza, 2010. "Les firmes françaises dans le commerce international de services," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 435(1), pages 125-147.
  11. Catherine Bros, 2010. "Impact de la fragmentation sociale sur la production de biens publics : polarisation et patronage en Uttar Pradesh et au Bihar, Inde," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 18(3), pages 49-78.
  12. Mohamed El Hédi Arouri & Christophe Rault, 2010. "Les effets des fluctuations du prix du pétrole sur les marchés boursiers dans les pays du Golfe," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 61(5), pages 945-959.
  13. Mohamed Arouri & Christophe Rault, 2010. "Oil Prices and Stock Markets: What Drives What in the Gulf Corporation Council Countries," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 122, pages 41-56.
  14. António Afonso & Christophe Rault, 2010. "What do we really know about fiscal sustainability in the EU? A panel data diagnostic," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 145(4), pages 731-755, January.
  15. Christophe Hurlin & Patrick Kouontchou & Bertrand Maillet, 2010. "Un MEDAF à plusieurs moments réalisés," Brussels Economic Review, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles, vol. 53(3/4), pages 457-480.
  16. Christophe Hurlin & Florence Arestoff, 2010. "Are Public Investment Efficient in Creating Capital Stocks in Developing Countries?," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 30(4), pages 3177-3187.
  17. Christophe Hurlin, 2010. "What would Nelson and Plosser find had they used panel unit root tests?," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 42(12), pages 1515-1531.
  18. Mihai Mutaşcu & Dan Constantin Dănuleţiu, 2010. "Corruption And Social Welfare In The Eu27 Countries," Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, Faculty of Sciences, "1 Decembrie 1918" University, Alba Iulia, vol. 1(12), pages 1-44.
  19. Mihai Mutascu, 2010. "Corruption, Social Welfare, Culture and Religion in European Union 27," Transition Studies Review, Springer;Central Eastern European University Network (CEEUN), vol. 16(4), pages 908-917, February.
  20. Mihai Ioan Mutascu & Anne-Marie Fleischer, 2010. "A VAR Analysis of FDI and Wages: The Romania's Case," International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research (IJBESAR), International Hellenic University (IHU), Kavala Campus, Greece (formerly Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology - EMaTTech), vol. 3(2), pages 41-56, December.
  21. Kim P. Huynh & Robert J. Petrunia & Marcel Voia, 2010. "The Impact Of Initial Financial State On Firm Duration Across Entry Cohorts," Journal of Industrial Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 58(3), pages 661-689, September.
  22. Chu, Ba & Voia, Marcel, 2010. "Modeling the contemporaneous duration dependence for high-frequency stock prices," Finance Research Letters, Elsevier, vol. 7(3), pages 148-162, September.
  23. Romocea-Turcu, C., 2010. "Does sectors´distribution at the European NUTS2 level fi tinto a Von Thünen framework?," Applied Econometrics and International Development, Euro-American Association of Economic Development, vol. 10(1).
  24. Catherine Araujo Bonjean & Jean-Louis Combes, 2010. "De la mesure de l'intégration des marchés agricoles dans les pays en développement," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 18(1), pages 5-20.
  25. Lavigne, Anne & Nze-Obame, Jesus Herell, 2010. "Securing pension benefits in DB private schemes with priority rules: an insight from contracting theory," Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Cambridge University Press, vol. 9(1), pages 25-42, January.
  26. Jude C. EGGOH, 2010. "DeVELOPPEMENT FINANCIER, INSTABILITe FINANCIeRE ET CROISSANCE eCONOMIQUE : UN ReEXAMEN DE LA RELATION," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 32, pages 9-30.
  27. Chrysost Bangake & Jude C Eggoh, 2010. "Finance-Growth Link In Oecd Countries: Evidence From Panel Causality And Cointegration Tests," Brussels Economic Review, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles, vol. 53(3/4), pages 375-392.
  28. Eggoh C. Jude, 2010. "Financial Development And Growth: A Panel Smooth Regression Approach," Journal of Economic Development, Chung-Ang Unviersity, Department of Economics, vol. 35(1), pages 15-33, March.
  29. Chrysost Bangaké & Jude Eggoh, 2010. "International Capital Mobility in African Countries: Do the legal origins matter?," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 30(1), pages 73-83.
  30. Oana Calavrezo & Florent Sari, 2010. "Caractéristiques communales et retour à l'emploi. Une analyse empirique sur données françaises," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Armand Colin, vol. 0(1), pages 89-109.
  31. Oana Calavrezo & Secretariat Contact, 2010. "International Conference on the Employment of Older Workers," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 30(3), pages 1-25.
  32. Boboc Cristina & Calavrezo Oana, 2010. "Wage Collective Bargaining and Employee Voluntary Quits: A Romanian Empirical Analysis," South East European Journal of Economics and Business, Sciendo, vol. 5(1), pages 75-84, April.
  33. Sébastien Galanti & Grégory Levieuge, 2010. "“Introduction to the Special Issue: 26th symposium on Money, Banking and Finance”," Brussels Economic Review, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles, vol. 53(3/4), pages 332-336.
  34. Jude Cristina & Vaidean Viorela, 2010. "Estimating Technical Progress In Central And Eastern Europe. What Role For Fdi?," Annals of Faculty of Economics, University of Oradea, Faculty of Economics, vol. 1(2), pages 262-269, December.
  35. Jung-Hyun Ahn & Régis Breton, 2010. "Titrisation, concurrence et rente bancaire," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 61(3), pages 431-439.
  36. Kamel malik Bensafta, 2010. "Non-stationary Variance and Volatility Causality," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 30(4), pages 2920-2935.
  37. Sonia Schwartz, 2010. "Pollution Permit Market: Using Incentive Contracts to Reduce Dominant Firm Inefficiencies," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 30(4), pages 3201-3208.


  1. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2009. "Investissement public et effets non linéaires des déficits budgétaires," Recherches économiques de Louvain, De Boeck Université, vol. 75(3), pages 281-311.
  2. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2009. "Impôt, déficit et croissance économique : un réexamen de la courbe de Laffer," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 119(4), pages 653-675.
  3. Minea, Alexandru & Villieu, Patrick, 2009. "Threshold effects in monetary and fiscal policies in a growth model: Assessing the importance of the financial system," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 31(2), pages 304-319, June.
  4. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2009. "Borrowing to Finance Public Investment? The 'Golden Rule of Public Finance' Reconsidered in an Endogenous Growth Setting," Fiscal Studies, Institute for Fiscal Studies, vol. 30(1), pages 103-133, March.
  5. Carolina Lennon & Daniel Mirza & Giuseppe Nicoletti, 2009. "Complementarity of Inputs across Countries in Services Trade," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 93-94, pages 161-182.
  6. Lionel Fontagné & Daniel Mirza, 2009. "Exports and Wages: Discriminating between the Sources of Rents," Recherches économiques de Louvain, De Boeck Université, vol. 75(1), pages 35-61.
  7. José de Sousa & Daniel Mirza & Thierry Verdier, 2009. "Trade and the Spillovers of Transnational Terrorism," Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES), Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES), vol. 145(IV), pages 453-461, December.
  8. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2009. "Une analyse économétrique des sources de fluctuations du taux de change réel dans trois pays en développement. Le cas du Maroc, des Philippines et de l'Uruguay," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 60(6), pages 1421-1453.
  9. Christophe Rault & António Afonso, 2009. "Bootstrap panel granger-causality between government budget and external deficits for the EU," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 29(2), pages 1027-1034.
  10. António Afonso & Christophe Rault, 2009. "Spend-and-tax: a panel data investigation for the EU," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 29(4), pages 2542-2548.
  11. António Afonso & Christophe Rault, 2009. "Spend spend-and and-tax: a panel data investigation for the EU," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 29(4), pages 1-32.
  12. Minea, Alexandru & Rault, Christophe, 2009. "Some New Insights into Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Bulgaria," Journal of Economic Integration, Center for Economic Integration, Sejong University, vol. 24, pages 563-595.
  13. Guglielmo Caporale & Christophe Rault & Robert Sova & Anamaria Sova, 2009. "On the bilateral trade effects of free trade agreements between the EU-15 and the CEEC-4 countries," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 145(2), pages 189-206, July.
  14. Christophe Rault & Robert Sova & Ana Maria Sova, 2009. "Modelling international trade flows between CEEC and OECD countries," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 16(15), pages 1547-1554.
  15. Julien Fouquau & Ghislaine Destais & Christophe Hurlin, 2009. "Energy demand models: a threshold panel specification of the 'Kuznets curve'," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 16(12), pages 1241-1244.
  16. Mihai Mutaşcu & Marius Miloş, 2009. "Optimizing The Size Of Government Spending By Cofog Structure. The Case Of European Union Member States," Theoretical and Applied Economics, Asociatia Generala a Economistilor din Romania / Editura Economica, vol. 12(12(541)(s), pages 222-230, December.
  17. Mihai Mutascu, 2009. "Political regime durability, development and governance: the Romania’s case," Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi - Stiinte Economice (1954-2015), Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, vol. 56, pages 433-441, November.
  18. Mihai MutaÅŸcu & Marius MiloÅŸ, 2009. "Optimal Size Of Government Spending. The Case Of European Union Member States," Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, Faculty of Sciences, "1 Decembrie 1918" University, Alba Iulia, vol. 1(11), pages 1-45.
  19. Ioan TALPOS & Bogdan DIMA & Ioan Mihai MUTASCU & Oana Ramona LOBONT, 2009. "Microeconomic Fundaments Of Foreign Direct Investments Contagion Effects: Romania And European Union Case," The Annals of the "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava. Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Romania, Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, vol. 9(1(9)), pages 141-150, June.
  20. OROS, Cornel & ROMOCEA-TURCU, Camelia, 2009. "The Monetary Transmission Mechanisms In The Ceecs: A Structural Var Approach," Applied Econometrics and International Development, Euro-American Association of Economic Development, vol. 9(2).
  21. ROMOCEA-TURCU, Camélia, 2009. "Specialisation Et Disparites Dans L’Europe Des Regions Et Des Pays," Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, Euro-American Association of Economic Development, vol. 9(1).
  22. Combes Motel, P. & Pirard, R. & Combes, J.-L., 2009. "A methodology to estimate impacts of domestic policies on deforestation: Compensated Successful Efforts for "avoided deforestation" (REDD)," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 68(3), pages 680-691, January.
  23. Pirard, R. & Combes, J.-L. & Combes Motel, P., 2009. "A response to the commentary on "Compensated Successful Efforts"," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 68(8-9), pages 2179-2181, June.
  24. Araujo, Claudio & Bonjean, Catherine Araujo & Combes, Jean-Louis & Combes Motel, Pascale & Reis, Eustaquio J., 2009. "Property rights and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 68(8-9), pages 2461-2468, June.
  25. Gbewopo Attila & Gérard Chambas & Jean-Louis Combes, 2009. "Corruption et mobilisation des recettes publiques : une analyse économétrique," Recherches économiques de Louvain, De Boeck Université, vol. 75(2), pages 229-268.
  26. Richard Duhautois & Emmanuelle Walkowiak & Oana Calavrezo, 2009. "The Substitution of Worksharing and Short-Time Compensation in France: A Difference-in-differences Approach," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 29(2), pages 820-833.
  27. Oana Calavrezo & Richard Duhautois & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2009. "L'effet de l'artt sur le chômage partiel. Une analyse empirique entre 1995 et 2005," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 60(6), pages 1393-1419.
  28. Lahiani, A. & Scaillet, O., 2009. "Testing for threshold effect in ARFIMA models: Application to US unemployment rate data," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 25(2), pages 418-428.
  29. MASCA Simona-Gabriela & JUDE Cristina, 2009. "The Vicious Circle Of Fdi And Consumption In Romania," Annals of Faculty of Economics, University of Oradea, Faculty of Economics, vol. 2(1), pages 417-423, May.
  30. Bensafta, Kamel Malik & Semedo, Gervasio, 2009. "De la transmission de la volatilité à la contagion entre marchés boursiers : l’éclairage d’un modèle VAR non linéaire avec bris structurels en variance," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 85(1), pages 13-76, mars.
  31. Dragota, Victor & Stoian, Andreea & Pele, Daniel Traian & Mitrica, Eugen & Bensafta, Malik, 2009. "The Development of the Romanian Capital Market: Evidences on Information Efficiency," Journal for Economic Forecasting, Institute for Economic Forecasting, vol. 6(2), pages 147-160, June.
  32. Bueb, Julien & Schwartz, Sonia, 2009. "Permis d’émission négociables et commerce international dans des marchés de concurrence imparfaite," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 85(3), pages 303-318, septembre.
  33. Sonia Schwartz, 2009. "Comment distribuer les quotas de pollution ?. Une revue de la littérature," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 119(4), pages 535-568.


  1. Pfister, C., 2008. "Flexibilité du marché du travail : quels enseignements tirer des travaux de recherche menés à la Banque de France ?," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 169, pages 37-47.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 2008. "Quelle gouvernance pour une union monétaire asymétrique? Un modèle simple," Brussels Economic Review, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles, vol. 51(1), pages 57-78.
  3. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2008. "Faut-il financer l'investissement public par emprunt ?. Les enseignements d'un modèle de croissance endogène," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 59(1), pages 5-32.
  4. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2008. "Un réexamen de la relation non linéaire entre déficits budgétaires et croissance économique," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 59(3), pages 561-570.
  5. Christophe Rault & Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2008. "Further theoretical and empirical evidence on money to growth relation," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 28(13), pages 1.
  6. Cristina Badarau Semenescu & Patrick Villieu & Nelly Gregoriadis, 2008. "Monetary policy transmission asymmetries in a heterogeneous monetary union: a simple contractual solution," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 5(20), pages 1-7.
  7. Fouquau, Julien & Hurlin, Christophe & Rabaud, Isabelle, 2008. "The Feldstein-Horioka puzzle: A panel smooth transition regression approach," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 25(2), pages 284-299, March.
  8. Alexis Direr, 2008. "Multiple Equilibria in Markets with Screening," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 40(4), pages 791-798, June.
  9. Alexis Direr, 2008. "Épargne retraite et redistribution," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 417(1), pages 119-133.
  10. Nina Kousnetzoff & Daniel Mirza & Habib Zitouna, 2008. "Prix du pétrole, coûts de transport et mondialisation," La Lettre du CEPII, CEPII research center, issue 282.
  11. Mirza, Daniel & Verdier, Thierry, 2008. "International trade, security and transnational terrorism: Theory and a survey of empirics," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 36(2), pages 179-194, June.
  12. Hanène Henchiri & Jean-Paul Pollin, 2008. "Configurations des systèmes financiers et contraintes de financement," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 59(6), pages 1097-1129.
  13. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2008. "Purchasing Power Parity For Developing And Developed Countries. What Can We Learn From Non‐Stationary Panel Data Models?," Journal of Economic Surveys, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 22(4), pages 752-773, September.
  14. Christophe Rault & Robert Sova & Ana Maria Sova, 2008. "The Role of Association Agreements within European Union Enlargement to Central and Eastern European Countries," Aussenwirtschaft, University of St. Gallen, School of Economics and Political Science, Swiss Institute for International Economics and Applied Economics Research, vol. 63(03), pages 309-328, September.
  15. Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2008. "Une évaluation des procédures de Backtesting. « Tout va pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes »," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 29(1), pages 53-80.
  16. Ioan Talpos & Bogdan Dima & Mihai Mutascu & Cosmin Enache, 2008. "Culture and Migration: a Tale about Fear and Hope (with an Empirical Analysis on European Union Case)," Theoretical and Applied Economics, Asociatia Generala a Economistilor din Romania / Editura Economica, vol. 4(4(521)), pages 19-32, April.
  17. Ioan Talpos & Bogdan Dima & Mihai Ioan Mutascu & Cosmin Eugen Enache, 2008. "Tax Politcy and Social Output: The UE Case," Theoretical and Applied Economics, Asociatia Generala a Economistilor din Romania / Editura Economica, vol. 8(8(525)), pages 09-30, August.
  18. MutaÅŸcu Mihai, 2008. "Shadow Economy, Economic Growth And Labor Market. Romanian Case," Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, Faculty of Sciences, "1 Decembrie 1918" University, Alba Iulia, vol. 1(10), pages 1-36.
  19. Marcel Voia, 2008. "A Distributional Analysis Of Treatment Effects In Randomized Experiments," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 3(36), pages 1-9.
  20. Gilles Koléda, 2008. "Promoting innovation and competition with patent policy," Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Springer, vol. 18(3), pages 433-453, August.
  21. Cornel Oros & Camelia Romocea Turcu, 2008. "How Does Sector Concentration Evolve At Country And Region Levels? The European Case," The AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC journal, Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest, Romania, vol. 10(24), pages 273-282, June.
  22. Camelia Romocea-Turcu, 2008. "Regional disparities in industry location and income: a footloose capital model," Review of Regional Research: Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft, Springer;Gesellschaft für Regionalforschung (GfR), vol. 28(2), pages 145-177, September.
  23. Minea, Alexandru, 2008. "The Role of Public Spending in the Growth Theory Evolution," Journal for Economic Forecasting, Institute for Economic Forecasting, vol. 5(2), pages 99-120, June.
  24. Nasser Ary Tanimoune & Jean-Louis Combes & Patrick Plane, 2008. "La politique budgétaire et ses effets de seuil sur l'activité en Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)," Economie & Prévision, La Documentation Française, vol. 0(5), pages 145-162.
  25. Anne Lavigne, 2008. "Le Fonds de réserve pour les retraites, bilan et perspectives," Regards croisés sur l'économie, La Découverte, vol. 0(1), pages 187-196.
  26. Wladimir Andreff & Anne Lavigne, 2008. "Avant-propos," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 118(2), pages 133-134.
  27. Raphaëlle Bellando, 2008. "Le conflit d'agence dans la gestion déléguée de portefeuille : une revue de littérature," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 118(3), pages 317-339.
  28. Michel Mougeot & Sonia Schwartz, 2008. "Allocation optimale de quotas de pollution et information asymétrique," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 59(3), pages 505-515.


  1. Pfister, C., 2007. "Labour market flexibility: what does Banque de France research tell us?," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 10, pages 79-93, Winter.
  2. Alexandru Minea & Patrick Villieu, 2007. "Un modèle simple de croissance endogène avec effet de seuil des politiques monétaire et fiscale," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 58(3), pages 649-659.
  3. Fontagne, Lionel & Mirza, Daniel, 2007. "International trade and rent sharing among developed and developing countries," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 24(3), pages 523-558, May.
  4. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2007. "Fluctuations de Change et Performances Economiques," Brussels Economic Review, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles, vol. 50(4), pages 427-444.
  5. Christophe Rault & António Afonso, 2007. "Should we care for structural breaks when assessing fiscal sustainability?," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 3(63), pages 1-9.
  6. Marie Musard-Gies, 2007. "Apprentissage des préférences des banques centrales. Quel est le degré optimal de transparence ?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 58(3), pages 671-682.
  7. Christophe Hurlin & Valérie Mignon, 2007. "Une synthèse des tests de cointégration sur données de Panel," Economie & Prévision, La Documentation Française, vol. 0(4), pages 241-265.
  8. Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2007. "Un test de validité de la Value at Risk," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 58(3), pages 599-608.
  9. Hurlin, Christophe & Kierzenkowski, Rafal, 2007. "Credit market disequilibrium in Poland: Can we find what we expect?: Non-stationarity and the short-side rule," Economic Systems, Elsevier, vol. 31(2), pages 157-183, June.
  10. Ioan Talpos & Bogdan Dima & Mihai Mutascu & Cosmin Enache, 2007. "An Empirical Analysis of the Budget Deficit," Theoretical and Applied Economics, Asociatia Generala a Economistilor din Romania / Editura Economica, vol. 11(11(516)), pages 15-36, November.
  11. Ioan Talpos & Bogdan Dima & Mihai Ioan Mutascu & Cosmin Enache, 2007. "The Public Finance Stance and the Economic Growth: the Case of European Union," Theoretical and Applied Economics, Asociatia Generala a Economistilor din Romania / Editura Economica, vol. 11(11(516)(s), pages 43-54, November.
  12. Ioan Talpos & Bogdan Dima & Cosmin Enache & Valentin Munteanu & Mihai Mutascu, 2007. "The Impact of the Public Authorities’ Messages – the European Central Bank Case," Theoretical and Applied Economics, Asociatia Generala a Economistilor din Romania / Editura Economica, vol. 3(3(508)), pages 17-48, March.
  13. Gilles Koléda, 2007. "L'efficacité dynamique du brevet versus son inefficience statique. Un compromis utilisant l'exigence de nouveauté," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 58(4), pages 789-806.
  14. Berger, Charlie & Lavigne, Anne, 2007. "A model of the French pension reserve fund: what could be the optimal contribution path rate?," Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Cambridge University Press, vol. 6(3), pages 233-250, November.
  15. Schwartz Sonia, 2007. "Market Power Effects on Market Equilibrium in Ambient Permit Markets," The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, De Gruyter, vol. 7(1), pages 1-27, February.
  16. Sonia Schwartz, 2007. "Exclusion par manipulation des marchés de permis d'émission," Recherches économiques de Louvain, De Boeck Université, vol. 73(1), pages 95-119.


  1. Fougère, D. & Pfister, C., 2006. "Réformes structurelles sur le marché du travail : que nous enseignent les études microéconomiques ?," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 151, pages 47-58.
  2. Antoine d’Autume & Patrick Villieu, 2006. "Théories et Modèles de la Macroéconomie. Introduction," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 116(1), pages 1-3.
  3. Alexis Direr & Thomas Weitzenblum, 2006. "Modéliser la distribution des richesses en France," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 82, pages 151-186.
  4. Daniel Mirza, 2006. "How Much Does Trade Contribute to Market Structure?," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 73(289), pages 59-74, February.
  5. Antoine Parent & Christophe Rault, 2006. "The Rationality of French Investors before World War I: A Cliometric Contribution," Historical Social Research (Section 'Cliometrics'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), vol. 31(2), pages 287-294.
  6. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2006. "Testing for inflation convergence between the Euro Zone and its CEE partners," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 13(4), pages 235-240.
  7. I Drine & C Rault, 2006. "What are the Long-Run Determinants of the Real Exchange Rate in Mena Countries? An Empirical Investigation," Studies in Economics and Econometrics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 30(1), pages 83-100, April.
  8. Marie Musard‐Gies, 2006. "Do European Central Bank'S Statements Steer Interest Rates In The Euro Zone?," Manchester School, University of Manchester, vol. 74(s1), pages 116-139, September.
  9. Ioan Talpos & Bogdan Dima & Cosmin Enache & Mihai Mutascu, 2006. "Public Decisions and Culture," Theoretical and Applied Economics, Asociatia Generala a Economistilor din Romania / Editura Economica, vol. 5(5(500)), pages 3-24, July.
  10. Ioan Talpos & Bogdan Dima & Mihai Mutascu & Cosmin Enache, 2006. "Fiscal Policy, Civil Society Rights and Culture: Is there Any Connection?," Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, vol. 9(Special C), pages 127-156, December.
  11. Claudio Araujo & Catherine Araujo Bonjean & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes-Motel, 2006. "Insécurité foncière et croissance économique au Brésil," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 14(1), pages 79-97.
  12. Claudio Araujo & Catherine Araujo Bonjean & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes-Motel, 2006. "Land Tenure Insecurity and Economic Growth in Brazil," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 14(5), pages 75-91.
  13. Claudio Araujo & Catherine Araujo Bonjean & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel, 2006. "Relationship between the land market, economic growth and land insecurity explained by an overlapping model," Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Center of Political Economy, vol. 26(4), pages 575-595.
  14. Jean-Louis Combes & Tahsin Saadi-Sedik, 2006. "How does trade openness influence budget deficits in developing countries?," Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 42(8), pages 1401-1416.
  15. Jean-Bernard Chatelain & Anne Lavigne, 2006. "Introduction," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 116(4), pages 429-430.
  16. Sébastien Galanti, 2006. "Which Side Are You On? How Institutional Positions Affect Financial Analysts’ Incentives," Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 40(2), pages 387-394, June.
  17. Catherine Bruneau & Amine Lahiani, 2006. "Estimation d'un modèle TIMA avec asymétrie contemporaine par inférence indirecte," Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES), Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES), vol. 142(IV), pages 479-500, December.
  18. Sonia Schwartz, 2006. "Marchés des permis de pollution et concurrence imparfaite," Revue Française d'Économie, Programme National Persée, vol. 20(3), pages 183-225.


  1. Jerneja Jug & Daniel Mirza, 2005. "Environmental Regulations in Gravity Equations: Evidence from Europe," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 28(11), pages 1591-1615, November.
  2. Yannick L’Horty & Christophe Rault, 2005. "The Impact of Growth, Labour Cost and Working Time on Employment: Lessons from the French Experience," LABOUR, CEIS, vol. 19(3), pages 595-620, September.
  3. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2005. "Déterminants de long terme des taux de change réels pour les pays en développement : une comparaison internationale," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 13(1), pages 123-150.
  4. Rault, Christophe, 2005. "Further Results on Weak Exogeneity in Vector Error Correction Models," Brazilian Review of Econometrics, Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria - SBE, vol. 25(2), November.
  5. Christophe Hurlin & Valérie Mignon, 2005. "Une synthèse des tests de racine unitaire sur données de panel," Economie & Prévision, La Documentation Française, vol. 0(3), pages 253-294.
  6. Christophe Hurlin, 2005. "Un test simple de l'hypothèse de non-causalité dans un modèle de panel hétérogène," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 56(3), pages 799-809.
  7. C. Hurlin, 2005. "Kamps, C.: The Dynamic Macroeconomic Effects of Public Capital. Theory and Evidence for OECD Countries," Journal of Economics, Springer, vol. 86(3), pages 308-312, December.
  8. David Clement & Christophe Hurlin & Fabien Serres, 2005. "Downgrading in the first job: who and why?," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 12(4), pages 227-233.
  9. Gilles Koléda, 2005. "La valeur de la protection des brevets français appréciée par leurs renouvellements," Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 168(2), pages 97-114.
  10. Claudio Araujo & Catherine Araujo Bonjean & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel, 2005. "Devaluation and Cattle Market Integration in Burkina Faso," Journal of African Economies, Centre for the Study of African Economies, vol. 14(3), pages 359-384, September.
  11. Catherine Aaron & Isabelle Bilon & Sébastien Galanti & Yamina Tadjeddine, 2005. "Les styles de gestion de portefeuille existent-ils ?," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 81(4), pages 171-188.
  12. Régis Breton, 2005. "Intermédiation, diversification et dissimulation d'information," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 56(3), pages 765-775.
  13. Sonia Schwartz, 2005. "Position dominante sur un marché de permis différenciés," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 56(3), pages 669-678.


  1. Gilbert Cette & Christian Pfister, 2004. "Challenges of the “New Economy” for Monetary Policy," International Productivity Monitor, Centre for the Study of Living Standards, vol. 8, pages 27-36, Spring.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 2004. "Une macroéconomie sans LM ?. Un modèle de synthèse pour l'analyse des politiques conjoncturelles," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 114(3), pages 289-322.
  3. Stephen S. Golub & Dana Hajkova & Daniel Mirza & Giuseppe Nicoletti & Kwang-Yeol Yoo, 2004. "L'influence des politiques sur les échanges et l'investissement direct étranger," Revue économique de l'OCDE, Éditions OCDE, vol. 2003(1), pages 7-93.
  4. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2004. "La PPA est-elle verifiee pour les pays developpes et en developpement ? Un re-examen par l'econometrie des panels non-stationnaires," Economie Internationale, CEPII research center, issue 97, pages 49-80.
  5. Parent, Antoine & Rault, Christophe, 2004. "The Influences Affecting French Assets Abroad Prior to 1914," The Journal of Economic History, Cambridge University Press, vol. 64(2), pages 328-362, June.
  6. Drine, I. & Rault, Ch., 2004. "Does the Balassa-Samuelson Hypothesis Hold for Asian Countries?. An Empirical Analysis using Panel Data and Cointegration Tests," Applied Econometrics and International Development, Euro-American Association of Economic Development, vol. 4(4).
  7. Yannick L'horty & Christophe Rault, 2004. "Inflation, minimum wage and other wages: an econometric study on French macroeconomic data," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 36(4), pages 277-290.
  8. Gilles Koléda, 2004. "Innovations horizontales et verticales, croissance et régimes technologiques," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 55(6), pages 1171-1190.
  9. Gilles Koléda, 2004. "Patents' novelty requirement and endogenous growth," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 114(2), pages 201-221.
  10. Jean-Louis Combes & Romain Veyrune, 2004. "Effet de discipline et effet de crédibilité de l’ancrage nominal," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 75(2), pages 55-69.
  11. Catherine Aaron & Sébastien Galanti & Yamina Tadjeddine, 2004. "La gestion collective dans un marché agité : la dynamique des styles à partir des cartes de Kohonen," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 114(4), pages 507-526.


  1. Olivier de Bandt & Christian Pfister, 2003. "Politique monétaire, capital bancaire et liquidité des marchés," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 73(4), pages 213-226.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 2003. "Pacte de stabilité, crédibilité du policy mix et coordination des politiques budgétaires en union monétaire," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 54(1), pages 25-46.
  3. Amélie Barbier & Patrick Villieu, 2003. "Quelle cible de déficit dans la zone euro ?. Les enseignements d'un modèle à deux pays," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 54(3), pages 499-509.
  4. Benoît Coeuré & Isabelle Rabaud & Thierry Madiès, 2003. "Attractivité de la France : analyse, perception et mesure ; suivi d'un commentaire de Thierry Madiès," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 363(1), pages 97-127.
  5. Alexis Direr, 2003. "Concurrence interbancaire et sélection des investissements," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 69, pages 101-117.
  6. Stephen S. Golub & Dana Hajkova & Daniel Mirza & Giuseppe Nicoletti & Kwang-Yeol Yoo, 2003. "The Influence of Policies on Trade and Foreign Direct Investment," OECD Economic Studies, OECD Publishing, vol. 2003(1), pages 7-83.
  7. Daniel Mirza & Joaquim Oliveira Martins, 2003. "Commerce et marché du travail en concurrence imparfaite ; suivi d'un commentaire de Joaquim Oliveira Martins," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 363(1), pages 47-67.
  8. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2003. "A Re‐examination of the Balassa–Samuelson Hypothesis Using Recent Panel Data Unit‐Root and Cointegration Tests: Evidence from MENA Countries," African Development Review, African Development Bank, vol. 15(2‐3), pages 106-125.
  9. L'Horty, Yannick & Rault, Christophe, 2003. "Why Is French Equilibrium Unemployment So High? An Estimation of the WS-PS Model," Journal of Applied Economics, Universidad del CEMA, vol. 6(1), pages 1-30, May.
  10. Jacqueline Pradel & Christophe Rault, 2003. "Exogeneity in Vector Error Correction Models with Purely Exogenous Long‐Run Paths," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 65(5), pages 629-653, December.
  11. Yannick L’Horty & Christophe Rault, 2003. "Les causes du chômage en France. Une ré-estimation du modèle ws-ps," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 54(2), pages 271-294.
  12. Yannick L'horty & Christophe Rault, 2003. "Why Is French Equilibrium Unemployment So High?," Journal of Applied Economics, Universidad del CEMA, vol. 6, pages 127-156, May.
  13. Egert, Balazs & Drine, Imed & Lommatzsch, Kirsten & Rault, Christophe, 2003. "The Balassa-Samuelson effect in Central and Eastern Europe: myth or reality?," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 31(3), pages 552-572, September.
  14. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2003. "Long-run determinants of the real exchange rate for MENA countries," International Advances in Economic Research, Springer;International Atlantic Economic Society, vol. 9(1), pages 84-84, February.
  15. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2003. "Do panel data permit the rescue of the Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis for Latin American countries?," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 35(3), pages 351-359.
  16. Anne Lavigne, 2003. "Pension Funds in France: Still a Dead End?," The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, Palgrave Macmillan;The Geneva Association, vol. 28(1), pages 127-150, January.
  17. Anne Lavigne, 2003. "Analysing French Pension Reforms," The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, Palgrave Macmillan;The Geneva Association, vol. 28(4), pages 727-733, October.
  18. Raphaëlle Bellando & Jean-Paul Pollin, 2003. "Foreign Trade Pricing and Consistency of a Monetary Union," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 54(5), pages 1117-1136.
  19. Vincent Bignon & Régis Breton, 2003. "Note sur l'origine de la monnaie dans les modèles de search," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 54(3), pages 521-529.


  1. Gilbert Cette & Christian Pfister, 2002. "« Nouvelle économie » et politique monétaire," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 53(3), pages 669-677.
  2. Pierre Jaillet & Christian Pfister, 2002. "Quelques questions sur la conduite d'une politique monétaire unique dans une zone économique et financière en voie d'intégration," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 65(1), pages 127-152.
  3. Alexis Direr, 2002. "Crédit interentreprises et risque de système," Recherches économiques de Louvain, De Boeck Université, vol. 68(3), pages 371-384.
  4. Hélène Erkel-Rousse & Daniel Mirza, 2002. "Import price elasticities: reconsidering the evidence," Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Economics Association, vol. 35(2), pages 282-306, May.
  5. Mamoghli, Chokri & Henchiri, Hanène, 2002. "Microstructure du marché des changes interbancaire tunisien : les déterminants de la fourchette des prix," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 78(2), pages 207-220, Juin.
  6. Jean‐Louis Combes & Patrick Guillaumont, 2002. "Commodity Price Volatility, Vulnerability and Development," Development Policy Review, Overseas Development Institute, vol. 20(1), pages 25-39, March.
  7. Jean-François Frun & Jean-Louis Combes & Mary-Françoise Renard, 2002. "Y-a-t-il une diffusion de la croissance entre les provinces chinoises ?," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 10(3), pages 61-72.
  8. Brun, J. F. & Combes, J. L. & Renard, M. F., 2002. "Are there spillover effects between coastal and noncoastal regions in China?," China Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 13(2-3), pages 161-169.
  9. Jean-Michel Charpin & Anne Lavigne & Yves Ullmo, 2002. "Éditorial," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 68(4), pages 15-23.
  10. Bruno Amable & Régis Breton & Xavier Ragot, 2002. "Does the “New Economy” Change the Frontiers of the Large Corporation," Recherches économiques de Louvain, De Boeck Université, vol. 68(1), pages 239-255.


  1. Gérard Kremer & Christian Pfister, 2001. "Quelles alternatives à un prêteur international en dernier ressort ?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 52(2), pages 431-445.
  2. Thierry Baudassé & Patrick Villieu, 2001. "Introduction," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 111(3), pages 333-346.
  3. Alexis Direr, 2001. "Interdependent Preferences and Aggregate Saving," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 63-64, pages 297-308.
  4. Christophe Hurlin, 2001. "Estimating the contribution of public capital with times series production functions: a case of unreliable inference," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 8(2), pages 99-103.
  5. Vincent Bignon & Régis Breton, 2001. "Intermédiation et segmentation des marchés," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 111(3), pages 401-422.


  1. Christian Pfister, 2000. "Relations entre politique monétaire unique et politiques prudentielles," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 51(3), pages 683-692.
  2. Patrick Villieu, 2000. "Élargissement de l'Union monétaire et coordination des politiques budgétaires : un point de vue," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 59, pages 137-163.
  3. Rault, Christophe, 2000. "Non-causality in VAR-ECM models with purely exogenous long-run paths," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 66(1), pages 7-15, January.
  4. J.-L Combes & P. Guillaumont & S. Guillaumont Jeanneney & P. Motel Combes, 2000. "Ouverture sur l'extérieur et instabilité des taux de croissance," Revue Française d'Économie, Programme National Persée, vol. 15(1), pages 3-33.
  5. Thierry Baudassé & Anne Lavigne, 2000. "Pourquoi et comment légiférer sur l’usure ?," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 58(3), pages 163-184.
  6. Najat El Mekkaoui & Anne Lavigne, 2000. "Conflits d'agence au sein des fonds de pension privés. L'exemple américain," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 51(1), pages 187-205.
  7. Raphaelle Bellando & Servane Pfister & Jean-Paul Pollin, 2000. "Évolution et déterminants de la crédibilité de l’Union Monétaire Européenne durant la phase de transition : une étude comparative France, Italie et Grande-Bretagne," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 56(1), pages 165-194.


  1. Christophe Hurlin & Frank Portier, 1999. "Taux d'actualisation public, distorsions fiscales et croissance endogène," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 54, pages 173-201.
  2. Guillaume Gaulier & Christophe Hurlin & Philippe Jean-Pierre, 1999. "Testing Convergence: A Panel Data Approach," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 55-56, pages 411-427.
  3. Christophe Hurlin, 1999. "La contribution du capital public à la productivité des facteurs privés : une estimation sur panel sectoriel pour dix pays de l'OCDE," Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 137(1), pages 49-65.


  1. Jean-Baptiste Desquilbet & Patrick Villieu, 1998. "La théorie du policy-mix : un bilan critique," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 45(1), pages 31-62.
  2. Jean-Baptiste Desquilbet & Patrick Villieu, 1998. "L'indépendance de la Banque centrale peut-elle être contreproductive ? Une illustration en économie ouverte," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 49(6), pages 1415-1434.
  3. Isabelle Rabaud, 1998. "Le "désajustement" de la balance courante mondiale," La Lettre du CEPII, CEPII research center, issue 170.
  4. Anne Lavigne, 1998. "Éditorial : Petit tour d’horizon sur la recherche monétaire et financière en France," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 49(5), pages 7-10.


  1. Combes, Jean-Louis & Daubrée, Cécile & Motel-Combes, Pascale, 1997. "Union européenne et pays ACP : la fin des privilèges ?," Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales (CESR), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), vol. 42.


  1. Christophe Hurlin & Franck Portier, 1996. "Le partage de la valeur ajoutée dans le cycle," Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 125(4), pages 73-85.
  2. Pascale Motel-Combes, 1996. "Les déterminants de l'offre de bétail dans les pays sahéliens," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 47(5), pages 1103-1119.
  3. Jean-Louis Combes, 1996. "Epargne de précaution et stabilisation optimale des prix des produits agricoles d'exportation," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 47(4), pages 983-994.
  4. Anne Lavigne, 1996. "Pourquoi et comment assurer les crédits ?," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 38(3), pages 135-148.
  5. Jean-Paul Pollin & Raphaëlle Bellando & Claude Jessua, 1996. "Le canal du crédit en France depuis la déréglementation financière : quelques tests exploratoires," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 47(3), pages 731-743.


  1. Anne Lavigne, 1994. "Le financement de l'industrie (Débat)," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 30(3), pages 187-187.


  1. Pierre Jaillet & Christian Pfister, 1993. "Du SME à la monnaie unique," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 262(1), pages 21-36.
  2. Patrick Villieu & Taoufik Rajhi, 1993. "Accélération monétaire et croissance endogène," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 44(2), pages 257-286.
  3. Patrick Villieu, 1993. "Crise de la balance des paiements et substituabilité entre monnaie et consommation," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 44(3), pages 593-614.
  4. Anne Lavigne, 1993. "Sélection bibliographique sur l'industrie bancaire," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 27(4), pages 487-499.


  1. Patrick Villieu, 1992. "Inflation et accumulation du capital : Le role de la substituabilité entre consommation et encaisses réelles," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 27, pages 73-89.
  2. Raphaëlle Bellando & Anne Lavigne, 1992. "Taux d'intérêts débiteurs et créditeurs en Europe, une approche en termes de causalité," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 43(2), pages 383-403.


  1. Anne Lavigne, 1991. "Cent-soixante-quinze ans de bilans : jalons pour une histoire financière de la Caisse des dépôts et consignations," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 1(1), pages 287-317.


  1. Denis Kessler & Anne Lavigne & Carlos Pardo, 1990. "Rémunération des dépôts à vue et facturation des services bancaires en Europe," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 12(1), pages 204-226.
  2. Patrick Artus & Philippe Ducos & Jean-Paul Pollin & Raphaëlle Bellando, 1990. "Formation des taux d'intérêt à long terme," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 12(1), pages 46-69.



  1. Bouët, Antoine, ed. & Odjo, Sunday P., ed. & Zaki, Chahir, ed., 2022. "Africa agriculture trade monitor 2022," IFPRI books, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), number 9781737916437, February.


  1. Fozan Fareed, 2020. "Financial Inclusion, Entrepreneurship and Gender. An Empirical Assessment using Microeconomic Data," Erudite Ph.D Dissertations, Erudite, number ph20-01 edited by Julie Lochard & Catherine Bros, September.


  1. Catherine Bros, 2018. "Essays on social norms, capabilities and local development in India," Erudite HDR / Erudite Accreditation to supervise Ph.D., Erudite, number hd18-01 edited by Mélika Ben Salem, March.
  2. William H. Greene & Lynda Khalaf & Paul Makdissi & Robin C. Sickles & Michael Veall & Marcel-Cristia (ed.), 2018. "Productivity and Inequality," Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, Springer, number 978-3-319-68678-3, June.


  1. William H. Greene & Lynda Khalaf & Robin Sickles & Michael Veall & Marcel-Cristian Voia (ed.), 2016. "Productivity and Efficiency Analysis," Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, Springer, edition 1, number 978-3-319-23228-7, June.


  1. Marek Belka & Jens Thomsen & Kim Abildgren & Pietro Catte & Pietro Cova & Patrizio Pagano & Ignazio Visco & Petar Chobanov & Amine Lahiani & Nikolay Nenovsky & Cristina Badarau & Grégory Levieuge & To, 2011. "Monetary Policy after the Crisis," SUERF Studies, SUERF - The European Money and Finance Forum, number 2011/3 edited by Ernest Gnan, & Ryszard Kokoszczynski & Tomasz Lyziak & Robert McCauley, May.



  1. Angelika Welte & Joy Wu & Marcel Voia, 2023. "Using non-traditional point of interest data as merchant survey sample frames," IFC Bulletins chapters, in: Bank for International Settlements (ed.), Data science in central banking: applications and tools, volume 59, Bank for International Settlements.
  2. Odjo, Sunday P. & Matchaya, Greenwell & Zaki, Chahir, 2023. "Overview and recent challenges," IFPRI book chapters, in: Africa agriculture trade monitor 2023, chapter 1, pages 22-31, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
  3. Aboushady, Nora & Ramzy, Myriam & Zaki, Chahir, 2023. "Which agreements boost agricultural trade in Africa?," IFPRI book chapters, in: Africa agriculture trade monitor 2023, chapter 2, pages 32-68, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
  4. Sall, Leysa M. & Odjo, Sunday & Zaki, Chahir, 2023. "Competetiveness of the cotton value chain in Africa," IFPRI book chapters, in: Africa agriculture trade monitor 2023, chapter 4, pages 105-145, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
  5. Odjo, Sunday P. & Traoré, Fousseini & Zaki, Chahir, 2023. "Summary and conclusions," IFPRI book chapters, in: Africa agriculture trade monitor 2023, chapter 7, pages 205-208, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).


  1. Jean-Louis Combes & Mary-Françoise Renard & Shuo Shi, 2022. "Have Unequal Treaties Fostered Domestic Market Integration in Late Imperial China?," World Scientific Book Chapters, in: Antoine Le Riche & Antoine Parent & Lei Zhang (ed.), Institutional Change and China Capitalism Frontier of Cliometrics and its Application to China, chapter 2, pages 3-29, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd..
  2. Sébastien Galanti & Ҫiğdem Yilmaz Ӧzsoy, 2022. "Digital finance, development, and climate change," IFC Bulletins chapters, in: Bank for International Settlements (ed.), Statistics for Sustainable Finance, volume 56, Bank for International Settlements.


  1. Bouët, Antoine & Odjo, Sunday P. & Zaki, Chahir, 2020. "Overview [in Africa agriculture trade monitor 2020]," IFPRI book chapters, in: Africa agriculture trade monitor 2020, chapter 1, pages 7-16, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
  2. Odjo, Sunday P. & Zaki, Chahir, 2020. "Africa in global agricultural trade," IFPRI book chapters, in: Africa agriculture trade monitor 2020, chapter 2, pages 17-40, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
  3. Bouët, Antoine & Goundan, Anatole & Zaki, Chahir, 2020. "Competitiveness of African countries in agrifood products," IFPRI book chapters, in: Africa agriculture trade monitor 2020, chapter 4, pages 77-117, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
  4. Bouët, Antoine & Odjo, Sunday P. & Zaki, Chahir, 2020. "Summary and conclusions [In Africa agriculture trade monitor 2020]," IFPRI book chapters, in: Africa agriculture trade monitor 2020, chapter 7, pages 173-174, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).


  1. Odjo, Sunday P. & Traoré, Fousseini & Zaki, Chahir, 2019. "Intra-African trade integration," IFPRI book chapters, in: Africa agriculture trade monitor 2019, chapter 3, pages aatm43-71, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).


  1. Hossein Kavand & Marcel Voia, 2018. "Estimation of Health Care Demand and its Implication on Income Effects of Individuals," Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, in: William H. Greene & Lynda Khalaf & Paul Makdissi & Robin C. Sickles & Michael Veall & Marcel-Cristia (ed.), Productivity and Inequality, pages 275-304, Springer.


  1. Kim P. Huynh & Yuri Ostrovsky & Robert J. Petrunia & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2016. "Worker Separations and Industry Instability," Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, in: William H. Greene & Lynda Khalaf & Robin Sickles & Michael Veall & Marcel-Cristian Voia (ed.), Productivity and Efficiency Analysis, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 161-174, Springer.
  2. Christelle Garrouste, 2016. "Girls and science in France," Investigaciones de Economía de la Educación volume 11, in: José Manuel Cordero Ferrera & Rosa Simancas Rodríguez (ed.), Investigaciones de Economía de la Educación 11, edition 1, volume 11, chapter 41, pages 733-752, Asociación de Economía de la Educación.


  1. Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Christophe Rault & Anamaria Sova & Robert Sova, 2014. "The finance–growth nexus: evidence from ten new EU members," Chapters, in: Ewald Nowotny & Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald & Peter Backé (ed.), Financial Cycles and the Real Economy, chapter 13, pages 217-234, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  2. Mohammad Karimi & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2014. "Currency Crises, Exchange Rate Regimes and Capital Account Liberalization: A Duration Analysis Approach," Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance, in: Frauke Schleer-van Gellecom (ed.), Advances in Non-linear Economic Modeling, edition 127, pages 233-262, Springer.


  1. Bertrand Candelon & Elena-Ivona Dumitrescu & Christophe Hurlin & Franz C. Palm, 2013. "Multivariate Dynamic Probit Models: An Application to Financial Crises Mutation," Advances in Econometrics, in: VAR Models in Macroeconomics – New Developments and Applications: Essays in Honor of Christopher A. Sims, volume 32, pages 395-427, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


  1. Kim P. Huynh & David T. Jacho-Chávez & Marcel C. Voia, 2011. "Nonlinear Difference-in-Difference Treatment Effect Estimation: A Distributional Analysis," Advances in Econometrics, in: Missing Data Methods: Cross-sectional Methods and Applications, pages 247-268, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


  1. Ghislaine Destais & Julien Fouquau & Christophe Hurlin, 2007. "Economic Development and Energy Intensity: A Panel Data Analysis," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: Jan Horst Keppler & Régis Bourbonnais & Jacques Girod (ed.), The Econometrics of Energy Systems, chapter 5, pages 98-120, Palgrave Macmillan.


  1. Imed Drine & Christophe Rault, 2006. "Learning about the Long-Run Determinants of Real Exchange Rates for Developing Countries: A Panel Data Investigation," Contributions to Economic Analysis, in: Panel Data Econometrics Theoretical Contributions and Empirical Applications, pages 307-325, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


  1. Laurent Clerk & Christian Pfister, 2003. "The role of financial factors in the transmission of monetary policy," BIS Papers chapters, in: Bank for International Settlements (ed.), Monetary policy in a changing environment, volume 19, pages 192-212, Bank for International Settlements.
  2. Gilbert Cette & Christian Pfister, 2003. "The challenges of the "new economy" for monetary policy," BIS Papers chapters, in: Bank for International Settlements (ed.), Monetary policy in a changing environment, volume 19, pages 213-233, Bank for International Settlements.


  1. Jean-Louis Combes & Patrick Guillaumont & Sandra Poncet, 2002. "On the Measurement of the Openness of the Chinese Economy," Chapters, in: Mary-Françoise Renard (ed.), China and its Regions, chapter 1, Edward Elgar Publishing.

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