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by alumni of

Economics Department
University of Essex
Colchester, United Kingdom

These are publications listed in RePEc written by alumni of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service and listed in the RePEc Genealogy. List of alumni. For a list of publications by current members of the department, see here. Register yourself.

This page is updated in the first days of each month.

| Working papers | Journal articles | Books | Chapters | Software components |

Working papers

Undated material is listed at the end


  1. Dan Anderberg & Gordon Dahl & Christina Felfe & Helmut Rainer & Thomas Siedler, 2024. "Diversity and Discrimination in the Classroom," RF Berlin - CReAM Discussion Paper Series 2405, Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM).
  2. Jaime Arellano-Bover & Marco De Simoni & Luigi Guiso & Rocco Macchiavello & Domenico J. Marchetti & Mounu Prem, 2024. "Mafias and Firms," CESifo Working Paper Series 11043, CESifo.
    • Arellano-Bover, Jaime & De Simoni, Marco & Guiso, Luigi & Macchiavello, Rocco & Marchetti, Domenico J. & Prem, Mounu, 2024. "Mafias and Firms," SocArXiv sr6ep, Center for Open Science.
    • Arellano-Bover, Jaime & De Simoni, Marco & Guiso, Luigi & Macchiavello, Rocco & Marchetti, Domenico J. & Prem, Mounu, 2024. "Mafias and Firms," IZA Discussion Papers 16893, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
    • De Simoni, Marco & Guiso, Luigi & Macchiavello, Rocco & Marchetti, Domenico J. & Prem, Mounu, 2024. "Mafias and Firms," CEPR Discussion Papers 18982, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  3. Guiso, L. & Herrera, H. & Morelli, M. & Sonno, Tommaso, 2024. "Economic insecurity and the demand for populism in Europe," LSE Research Online Documents on Economics 122069, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library.
  4. Anup Malani & Cynthia Kinnan & Gabriella Conti & Kosuke Imai & Morgen Miller & Shailender Swaminathan & Alessandra Voena & Bartek Woda, 2024. "Evaluating and Pricing Health Insurance in Lower-Income Countries: A Field Experiment in India," CESifo Working Paper Series 11006, CESifo.
  5. Gabriella Conti & Sören Kliem & Malte Sandner, 2024. "Early Home Visiting Delivery Model and Maternal and Child Mental Health at Primary School Age," CESifo Working Paper Series 11256, CESifo.
  6. Simon Lodato & Christos Mavridis & Federico Vaccari, 2024. "The Unelected Hand? Bureaucratic Influence and Electoral Accountability," Papers 2402.17526,, revised Jun 2024.
  7. Stephen McKnight & Laura Povoledo, 2024. "Understanding Emerging Market Business Cycles," Serie documentos de trabajo del Centro de Estudios Económicos 2024-02, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos.
  8. Juan R. Hernández & Mateo Hoyos & Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària, 2024. "Monetary Policy in Emerging Markets under Global Uncertainty," Working Papers DTE 634, CIDE, División de Economía.
  9. Maarten van Rooij & Olivier Coibion & Dimitris Georgarakos & Bernardo Candia & Yuriy Gorodnichenko, 2024. "Keeping up with the Jansens: causal peer effect on household spending, beliefs and happiness," Working Papers 804, DNB.
  10. Georgarakos, Dimitris & Popov, Alexander, 2024. "I (don’t) owe you: sovereign default and borrowing behavior," Working Paper Series 2893, European Central Bank.
  11. Weber, Michael & Candia, Bernardo & Afrouzi, Hassan & Ropele, Tiziano & Lluberas, Rodrigo & Frache, Serafin & Meyer, Brent & Kumar, Saten & Gorodnichenko, Yuriy & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Coibion, Oliv, 2024. "Tell me something I don’t already know: learning in low and high-inflation settings," Working Paper Series 2914, European Central Bank.
  12. Baumann, Ursel & Ferrando, Annalisa & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Gorodnichenko, Yuriy & Reinelt, Timo, 2024. "SAFE to Update Inflation Expectations? New Survey Evidence on Euro Area Firms," IZA Discussion Papers 17015, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  13. Francesco D’Acunto & Evangelos Charalambakis & Dimitris Georgarakos & Geoff Kenny & Justus Meyer & Michael Weber, 2024. "Household Inflation Expectations: An Overview of Recent Insights for Monetary Policy," NBER Working Papers 32488, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  14. Panagiotis Delis & Stavros Degiannakis & George Filis & Theodosios Palaskas & Chrysostomos Stoforos, 2024. "Determinants of regional business cycle synchronization in Greece," Working Papers 329, Bank of Greece.
  15. Claudio Deiana & Ludovica Giua & Roberto Nisticò, 2024. "Legalization and Long-Term Outcomes of Immigrant Workers," CESifo Working Paper Series 11026, CESifo.
  16. Maria De Paola & Roberto Nisticò & Vincenzo Scoppa, 2024. "Workplace Peer Effects in Fertility Decisions," CSEF Working Papers 714, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy.
  17. Luis E. Arango & Luz A. Flórez & N. Johana Marín & Carlos E. Posada, 2024. "Consumption of households in Colombia: What do the retail trade indices tell us?," Borradores de Economia 1275, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  18. Christian Ghiglino & Nicole Tabasso, 2024. "Endogenous Identity in a Social Network," Papers 2406.10972,
  19. Alfred Anate Mayaki, 2024. "Pareto-Nash Reversion Strategies: Three Period Dynamic Co-operative Signalling with Sticky Efficiency Wages," Papers 2406.18471,
  20. AMBASHI Masahito & IWASAKI Fusanori, 2024. "The History of Industrial Cooperation and International Industrial Policy in Post-war Japan: A text analysis based on minutes of the National Diet proceedings (Japanese)," Policy Discussion Papers (Japanese) 24007, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI).


  1. Christos Alexakis & Antonios Chantziaras & Fotini Economou & Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Christos Grose, 2023. "Animal Behavior in Capital markets: Herding formation dynamics, trading volume, and the role of COVID-19 pandemic," Post-Print hal-04102932, HAL.
  2. Sebastian Doerr & Leonardo Gambacorta & Luigi Guiso & Marina Sanchez del Villar, 2023. "Privacy regulation and fintech lending," BIS Working Papers 1103, Bank for International Settlements.
  3. Luigi Guiso & Luana Zaccaria, 2023. "From Patriarchy to Partnership: Gender Equality and Household Finance," Working Papers Central Bank of Chile 968, Central Bank of Chile.
  4. Fagereng, Andreas & Guiso, Luigi & Ring, Marius, 2023. "How much and how fast do investors respond to equity premium changes? Evidence from wealth taxation," CEPR Discussion Papers 17792, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  5. Battaglini, Marco & Guiso, Luigi & Lacava, Chiara & Miller , Douglas L. & Patacchini, Eleonora, 2023. "Refining Public Policies with Machine Learning: The Case of Tax Auditing," CEPR Discussion Papers 17796, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  6. Conti, Gabriella & Giustinelli, Pamela, 2023. "For Better or Worse? Subjective Expectations and Cost-Benefit Trade-Offs in Health Behavior," CEPR Discussion Papers 18157, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  7. Gabriella Conti & Pamela Giustinelli, 2023. "For Better or Worse? Subjective Expectations and Cost-Benefit Trade-Offs in Health Behavior: An application to lockdown compliance in the United Kingdom," Working Papers 2023-012, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group.
  8. Ehrmann, Michael & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Kenny, Geoff, 2023. "Credibility Gains from Communicating with the Public: Evidence from the ECB’s new Monetary Policy Strategy," CEPR Discussion Papers 17784, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  9. Ehrmann, Michael & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Kenny, Geoff, 2023. "Credibility gains from communicating with the public: evidence from the ECB’s new monetary policy strategy," Working Paper Series 2785, European Central Bank.
  10. Dimitris Georgarakos & Tullio Jappelli & Geoff Kenny & Luigi Pistaferri, 2023. "Labor Supply Response to Windfall Gains," CSEF Working Papers 682, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy.
  11. Junghum Park, 2023. "Overconfidence and Correlated Information Structures," Bank of Lithuania Working Paper Series 116, Bank of Lithuania.
  12. Stavros Degiannakis, 2023. "The D-model for GDP nowcasting," Working Papers 317, Bank of Greece.
  13. Stavros Degiannakis & George Filis & Grigorios Siourounis & Lorenzo Trapani, 2023. "Superkurtosis," Working Papers 318, Bank of Greece.
    • Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Siourounis, Grigorios & Trapani, Lorenzo, 2019. "Superkurtosis," MPRA Paper 96563, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    • Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Siourounis, Grigorios & Trapani, Lorenzo, 2019. "Superkurtosis," MPRA Paper 94473, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  14. Stavros Degiannakis & Eleftheria Kafousaki, 2023. "Forecasting VIX: The illusion of forecast evaluation criteria," Working Papers 322, Bank of Greece.
  15. Bove, Vincenzo & Di Salvatore, Jessica & Nistico, Roberto, 2023. "Economic Sanctions and Trade Flows in the Neighbourhood," IZA Discussion Papers 15970, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  16. Bove, Vincenzo & Di Salvatore, Jessica & Elia, Leandro & Nistico, Roberto, 2023. "Mothers at Peace: International Peacebuilding and Post-conflict Fertility," IZA Discussion Papers 16569, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  17. Kelishomi, Ali Moghaddasi & Nistico, Roberto, 2023. "Economic Sanctions and Informal Employment," IZA Discussion Papers 16589, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  18. Bertoni, Marco & Chinetti, Simone & Nistico, Roberto, 2023. "Employment Protection, Job Insecurity, and Job Mobility," IZA Discussion Papers 16647, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  19. Ali Moghaddasi Kelishomi & Roberto Nisticò, 2023. "Trade sanctions and informal employment," WIDER Working Paper Series wp-2023-19, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER).
  20. AMBASHI Masahito, 2023. "How are Organizational Architectures of Corporate Social Responsibility Related to Corporate Performance? The case of Japanese listed companies," Discussion papers 23030, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI).


  1. Melisso Boschi & Alessandro Girardi & Marco Ventura, 2022. "The relative effectiveness of EU national and supranational fiscal rules," Working Papers in Public Economics 222, University of Rome La Sapienza, Department of Economics and Law.
  2. Marc Fabel & Matthias Flückiger & Markus Ludwig & Helmut Rainer & Maria Waldinger & Sebastian Wichert, 2022. "The Power of Youth: Did the "Fridays for Future" Climate Movement Trickle-Up to Influence, Voters, Politicians, and the Media?," CESifo Working Paper Series 9742, CESifo.
  3. Anastasiou, Dimitris & Drakos, Konstantinos & Kapopoulos, Panayotis, 2022. "Predicting international tourist arrivals in Greece with a novel sector-specific business leading indicator," MPRA Paper 113860, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Fagereng, Andreas & Guiso, Luigi & Pistaferri, Luigi, 2022. "Assortative Mating and Wealth Inequality," CEPR Discussion Papers 17148, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  5. Conti, Gabriella & Giannola, Michele & Toppeta, Alessandro, 2022. "Parental Beliefs, Perceived Health Risks, and Time Investment in Children: Evidence from COVID-19," CEPR Discussion Papers 17724, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  6. Cristina Constantinescu & Ana Margarida Fernandes & Arti Grover & Stavros Poupakis & Santiago Reyes, 2022. "Globally Engaged Firms in the Covid-19 Crisis," CESifo Working Paper Series 9711, CESifo.
  7. Bussolo,Maurizio & Ezebuihe,Jessy Amarachi & Munoz Boudet,Ana Maria & Poupakis,Stavros & Rahman,Tasmia & Sarma,Nayantara, 2022. "Social Norms and Gender Equality : A Descriptive Analysis for South Asia," Policy Research Working Paper Series 10142, The World Bank.
  8. Vaccari, Federico, 2022. "Competition in Signaling," FEEM Working Papers 329582, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM).
  9. Vaccari, Federico, 2022. "Efficient Communication in Organizations," FEEM Working Papers 329583, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM).
  10. Vaccari, Federico, 2022. "Influential News and Policy-making," FEEM Working Papers 329584, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM).
  11. Albertazzi, Andrea & Ploner, Matteo & Vaccari, Federico, 2022. "Welfare in Experimental News Markets," FEEM Working Papers 329585, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM).
  12. Luttmann, Alexander & Gaggero, Alberto A, 2022. "How does COVID-19 affect intertemporal price dispersion? Evidence from the airline industry," MPRA Paper 111797, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  13. Luttmann, Alexander & Gaggero, Alberto A, 2022. "Discount opportunities in hub-and-spoke networks: The determinants of hidden-city ticketing," MPRA Paper 113960, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  14. Georgarakos, Dimitris & Kenny, Geoff, 2022. "Household spending and fiscal support during the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from a new consumer survey," Working Paper Series 2643, European Central Bank.
  15. Dimitris Christelis & Dimitris Georgarakos & Tullio Jappelli & Geoff Kenny, 2022. "Wealth Shocks and Portfolio Choice," CSEF Working Papers 652, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy.
  16. George Filis & Stavros Degiannakis & Zacharias Bragoudakis, 2022. "Forecasting macroeconomic indicators for Eurozone and Greece: How useful are the oil price assumptions?," Working Papers 296, Bank of Greece.
  17. Vincenzo Bove & Jessica Di Salvatore & Leandro Elia & Roberto Nisticò, 2022. "Mothers at peace: post-conflict fertility and United Nations peacekeeping," WIDER Working Paper Series wp-2022-126, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER).
  18. Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía & Luz A. Flórez & Didier Hermida & Francisco Lasso-Valderrama & Leonardo Fabio Morales & Juan J. Ospina-Tejeiro & José Pulido, 2022. "Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Fast-Tracking Automation in Developing Countries? Evidence from Colombia," Borradores de Economia 1209, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  19. Luz A. Flórez & Didier Hermida & Leonardo Fabio Morales, 2022. "The Heterogeneous Effect of Minimum Wage on Labor Market Flows in Colombia," Borradores de Economia 1213, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  20. Luca Paolo Merlino & Nicole Tabasso, 2022. "Optimal Verification of Rumors in Networks," Papers 2207.01830,, revised Jun 2024.
  21. Luca P. Merlino & Nicole Tabasso, 2022. "Optimal Inspection of Rumors in Networks," Working Papers 2022: 19, Department of Economics, University of Venice "Ca' Foscari".
  22. Venetis, Ioannis & Ladas, Avgoustinos, 2022. "Co-movement and global factors in sovereign bond yields," MPRA Paper 115801, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  23. AMBASHI Masahito, 2022. "Industrial Policy Reconsidered Based on Recent Debates (Japanese)," Policy Discussion Papers (Japanese) 22016, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI).
  24. Masahito Ambashi, 2022. "Further Reasons for the “But for†Defense of a Grant-Back Clause and the Attribute of Innovation," KIER Working Papers 1073, Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research.
  25. Masahito Ambashi & Fusanori Iwasaki & Keita Oikawa, 2022. "Prediction Errors of Macroeconomic Indicators and Economic Shocks for ASEAN Member States, 1990-2021," KIER Working Papers 1088, Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research.


  1. Melisso Boschi & Valeria Bevilacqua & Carla Di Falco, 2021. "The effect of property taxes on house prices: Evidence from the 1993 and the 2012 reforms in Italy," CAMA Working Papers 2021-82, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  2. Leander Andres & Marc Fabel & Helmut Rainer, 2021. "How Much Violence Does Football Hooliganism Cause?," CESifo Working Paper Series 9431, CESifo.
  3. Holmlund, Helena & Rainer, Helmut & Reich, Patrick, 2021. "All geared towards success? Cultural origins of gender gaps in student achievement," Working Paper Series 2021:10, IFAU - Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy.
  4. Christos Alexakis & Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Patroklos Patsoulis, 2021. "COVID-19 containment measures and stock market returns: An international spatial econometrics investigation," Post-Print hal-03163917, HAL.
  5. Christos Alexakis & Michael Dowling & Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Michael Polemis, 2021. "Textual Machine Learning: An Application to Computational Economics Research," Post-Print hal-03182910, HAL.
  6. Luigi Guiso & Massimo Morelli & Tommaso Sonno & Helios Herrera, 2021. "The Financial Drivers of Populism in Europe," BAFFI CAREFIN Working Papers 21166, BAFFI CAREFIN, Centre for Applied Research on International Markets Banking Finance and Regulation, Universita' Bocconi, Milano, Italy.
  7. Conti, Gabriella & Pizzo, Elena & Morris, Steve & Melnychuk, Mariya, 2021. "The Economic Costs of Child Maltreatment in UK," CEPR Discussion Papers 16397, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  8. Conti, Gabriella & Lumey, L.H. & , & Ekamper, Peter & Poupakis, Stavros, 2021. "Severe Prenatal Shocks and Adolescent Health: Evidence from the Dutch Hunger Winter," CEPR Discussion Papers 16633, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  9. Conti, Gabriella & Cattan, Sarah & Farquharson, Christine & Ginja, Rita & Pecher, Maud, 2021. "The Health Effects of Universal Early Childhood Interventions: Evidence from Sure Start," CEPR Discussion Papers 16730, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  10. Anup Malani & Phoebe Holtzman & Kosuke Imai & Cynthia Kinnan & Morgen Miller & Shailender Swaminathan & Alessandra Voena & Bartosz Woda & Gabriella Conti, 2021. "Effect of Health Insurance in India: A Randomized Controlled Trial," Working Papers 2021-055, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group.
  11. Sarah Cattan & Gabriella Conti & Christine Farquharson & Rita Ginja & Maud Pecher, 2021. "The health impacts of universal early childhood interventions: evidence from Sure Start," IFS Working Papers W21/25, Institute for Fiscal Studies.
  12. Federico Vaccari, 2021. "Competition in Costly Talk," Papers 2103.05317,, revised Apr 2023.
  13. Paul Levine & Stephen McKnight & Alexander Mihailov & Jonathan Swarbrick, 2021. "Limited Asset Market Participation and Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy," School of Economics Discussion Papers 0921, School of Economics, University of Surrey.
  14. Rodrigo Dorantes-Gilardi & Aurora A. Ramírez-Álvarez & Diana Terrazas-Santamaría, 2021. "Is there a differentiated gender effect of collaboration with supercited authors? Evidence from early-career economists," Serie documentos de trabajo del Centro de Estudios Económicos 2021-05, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos.
  15. Ramiro Bautista Espinosa & Diana Terrazas Santamaría, 2021. "La viabilidad de invertir en almacenamiento de energía solar en México: un enfoque de opciones reales," Serie documentos de trabajo del Centro de Estudios Económicos 2021-09, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos.
  16. Alba Carlos & Cuadra Gabriel & Hernández Juan R. & Ibarra-Ramírez Raúl, 2021. "Capital Flows to Emerging Economies and Global Risk Aversion during the COVID-19 Pandemic," Working Papers 2021-17, Banco de México.
  17. Jan K. Brueckner & Achim I. Czerny & Alberto A. Gaggero, 2021. "Airline Delay Propagation: A Simple Method for Measuring Its Extent and Determinants," CESifo Working Paper Series 9369, CESifo.
  18. Gorodnichenko, Yuriy & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Kenny, Geoff & Weber, Michael, 2021. "The Effect of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Household Spending," CEPR Discussion Papers 15966, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  19. Cecion, Martina & Coenen, Günter & Gerke, Rafael & Le Bihan, Hervé & Motto, Roberto & Aguilar, Pablo & Ajevskis, Viktors & Giesen, Sebastian & Albertazzi, Ugo & Gilbert, Niels & Al-Haschimi, Alexander, 2021. "The ECB’s price stability framework: past experience, and current and future challenges," Occasional Paper Series 269, European Central Bank.
  20. Assenmacher, Katrin & Glöckler, Gabriel & Holton, Sarah & Trautmann, Peter & Ioannou, Demosthenes & Mee, Simon & Alonso, Conception & Argiri, Eleni & Arigoni, Filippo & Bakk-Simon, Klára & Bergbauer, , 2021. "Clear, consistent and engaging: ECB monetary policy communication in a changing world," Occasional Paper Series 274, European Central Bank.
  21. Bańnkowska, Katarzyna & Borlescu, Ana Maria & Charalambakis, Evangelos & Da Silva, António Dias & Di Laurea, Davide & Dossche, Maarten & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Honkkila, Juha & Kennedy, Neale & Kenny, 2021. "ECB Consumer Expectations Survey: an overview and first evaluation," Occasional Paper Series 287, European Central Bank.
  22. Delis, Panagiotis & Degiannakis, Stavros & Giannopoulos, Kostantinos, 2021. "What should be taken into consideration when forecasting oil implied volatility index?," MPRA Paper 110831, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  23. Degiannakis, Stavros, 2021. "Stock market as a nowcasting indicator for real investment," MPRA Paper 110914, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  24. Maria De Paola & Roberto Nisticò & Vincenzo Scoppa, 2021. "Academic Careers And Fertility Decisions," Working Papers 202101, Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Economia, Statistica e Finanza "Giovanni Anania" - DESF.
  25. Kelishomi, Ali Moghaddasi & Nistico, Roberto, 2021. "Employment Effects of Economic Sanctions in Iran," IZA Discussion Papers 14814, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  26. Ali Moghaddasi Kelishomi & Roberto Nisticò, 2021. "Employment Effects of Economic Sanctions," CSEF Working Papers 615, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy.
  27. Claudio Deiana & Ludovica Giua & Roberto Nisticò, 2021. "Getting Off on the Wrong Foot: The Long-Term Effects of Missing a Large-Scale Amnesty for Immigrant Workers," CSEF Working Papers 625, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy.
  28. Leonardo Fabio Morales & Christian Posso & Luz A. Flórez, 2021. "Heterogeneity in the Returns to Tertiary Education for the Disadvantage Youth: Quality vs. Quantity Analysis," Borradores de Economia 1150, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  29. Luz A. Florez & Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & Carlos Esteban Posada, 2021. "Estimating the reservation wage across city groups in Colombia: A stochastic frontier approach," Borradores de Economia 1163, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  30. Keita Oikawa & Yasuyuki Todo & Masahito Ambashi & Fukunari Kimura & Shujiro Urata, 2021. "The Impact of COVID-19 on Business Activities and Supply Chains in the ASEAN Member States and India," Working Papers DP-2021-17, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).
  31. Yasuyuki Todo & Keita Oikawa & Masahito Ambashi & Fukunari Kimura & Shujiro Urata, 2021. "Robustness and Resilience of Supply Chains During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings from a Questionnaire Survey on the Supply Chain Links of Firms in ASEAN and India," Working Papers DP-2021-40, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).
  32. Masahito Ambashi & Fusanori Iwasaki & Keita Oikawa, 2021. "Prediction Errors of Macroeconomic Indicators and Economic Shocks for ASEAN Member States," Working Papers DP-2022-02, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).
  33. Keita Oikawa & Yasuyuki Todo & Masahito Ambashi & Fukunari Kimura & Shujiro Urata, 2021. "Economic Policies to take Advantage of the Vigorous Private Dynamism in AMS and India during the COVID-19 Crisis," Working Papers PB-2021-02, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).
  34. Masahito Ambashi, 2021. "Technology Competition, Cumurative Innovation, and Technological Development Scheme," KIER Working Papers 1065, Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research.
  35. Masahito Ambashi, 2021. "Theoretical Analysis of University Research and Teaching in the Presence of External Research Funding," KIER Working Papers 1069, Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research.


  1. Fabio Galeotti & Maria Montero & Anders Poulsen, 2020. "The Attraction and Compromise Effects in Bargaining: Experimental Evidence," Working Papers halshs-02466032, HAL.
  2. Gordon B. Dahl & Christina Felfe & Paul Frijters & Helmut Rainer, 2020. "Caught between Cultures: Unintended Consequences of Improving Opportunity for Immigrant Girls," CESifo Working Paper Series 8045, CESifo.
  3. Dan Anderberg & Helmut Rainer & Fabian Siuda, 2020. "Quantifying Domestic Violence in Times of Crisis," CESifo Working Paper Series 8593, CESifo.
  4. Felfe, Christina & Rainer, Helmut & Saurer, Judith, 2020. "Why Birthright Citizenship Matters for Immigrant Children: Short- and Long-Run Impacts on Educational Integration," Munich Reprints in Economics 84773, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  5. Mr. Anil Ari & David Bartolini & Vizhdan Boranova & Gabriel Di Bella & Mr. Kamil Dybczak & Ms. Keiko Honjo & Raju Huidrom & Andreas Jobst & Nemanja Jovanovic & Ezgi O. Ozturk & Ms. Laura Papi & Mr. Se, 2020. "Infrastructure in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe: Benchmarking, Macroeconomic Impact, and Policy Issues," IMF Departmental Papers / Policy Papers 2020/011, International Monetary Fund.
  6. Ballis, Antonis & Drakos, Konstantinos, 2020. "A Markov Chain Analysis for Capitalization Dynamics in the Cryptocurrency Market," MPRA Paper 109329, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Patsoulis, Patroklos, 2020. "COVID-19 Lockdown Intensity and Stock Market Returns: A Spatial Econometrics Approach," MPRA Paper 100662, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Ruben Durante & Luigi Guiso & Giorgio Gulino, 2020. "Asocial Capital: Civic Culture and Social Distancing during COVID-19," Working Papers 1181, Barcelona School of Economics.
  9. Guiso, Luigi & Pistaferri, Luigi & Fagereng, Andreas & Blomhoff Holm, Martin, 2020. "K-Returns to Education," CEPR Discussion Papers 14310, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  10. Makarin, Alexey & Guiso, Luigi, 2020. "Affinity, Trust, and Information," CEPR Discussion Papers 15250, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  11. Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri, 2020. "The insurance role of the firm," EIEF Working Papers Series 2001, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), revised Jan 2020.
  12. Commander, Simon & Poupakis, Stavros, 2020. "Political Networks across the Globe," IZA Discussion Papers 13103, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  13. Poupakis,Stavros, 2020. "Are Inflows of FDI Good for Russian Exporters ?," Policy Research Working Paper Series 9201, The World Bank.
  14. Apedo Amah,Marie Christine & Avdiu,Besart & Cirera,Xavier & Vargas Da Cruz,Marcio Jose & Davies,Elwyn Adriaan Robin & Grover,Arti Goswami & Iacovone,Leonardo & Kilinc,Umut & Medvedev,Denis & Maduko,Fr, 2020. "Unmasking the Impact of COVID-19 on Businesses : Firm Level Evidence from Across the World," Policy Research Working Paper Series 9434, The World Bank.
  15. Hernández Juan R., 2020. "Covered Interest Parity: A Stochastic Volatility Approach to Estimate the Neutral Band," Working Papers 2020-02, Banco de México.
  16. Jan K. Brueckner & Achim I. Czerny & Alberto A. Gaggero, 2020. "Airline Schedule Buffers and Flight Delays: A Discrete Model," CESifo Working Paper Series 8545, CESifo.
  17. Luttmann, Alexander & Gaggero, Alberto A, 2020. "Purchase discounts and travel premiums during holiday periods: Evidence from the airline industry," MPRA Paper 104863, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  18. Ekaterina A. Aleksandrova & Venera I. Bagranova & Christopher J. Gerry, 2020. "The Effect Of Health Shocks On Labour Market Outcomes In Russia," HSE Working papers WP BRP 237/EC/2020, National Research University Higher School of Economics.
  19. Olivier Coibion & Dimitris Georgarakos & Yuriy Gorodnichenko & Michael Weber, 2020. "Forward Guidance and Household Expectations," Working Papers 2020-07, Becker Friedman Institute for Research In Economics.
  20. Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Pistaferri, Luigi & Van Rooij, Maarten, 2020. "Heterogeneous Wealth Effects," CEPR Discussion Papers 14453, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    • Dimitris Christelis & Dimitris Georgarakos & Tullio Jappelli & Luigi Pistaferri & Maarten van Rooij, 2020. "Heterogeneous Wealth Effects," Working Papers 2020_20, Business School - Economics, University of Glasgow.
  21. Ehrmann, Michael & Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris, 2020. "Exploring Differences in Household Debt Across the United States and Euro Area Countries," CEPR Discussion Papers 15368, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  22. Jappelli, Tullio & Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Kenny, Geoff, 2020. "The Covid-19 Crisis and Consumption: Survey Evidence from Six EU Countries," CEPR Discussion Papers 15525, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  23. Dimitris Christelis & Dimitris Georgarakos & Tullio Jappelli, 2020. "Financial Risk-taking and Differential Bargaining Power within Households," Working Papers 2020_32, Business School - Economics, University of Glasgow.
  24. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2020. "Oil price assumptions for macroeconomic policy," MPRA Paper 100705, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  25. Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos & Salvador, Enrique & Vougas, Dimitrios, 2020. "On the Stationarity of Futures Hedge Ratios," MPRA Paper 102907, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  26. Maria De Paola & Roberto Nisticò & Vincenzo Scoppa, 2020. "Fertility Decisions And Employment Protection: The Unintended Consequences Of The Italian Jobs Act," Working Papers 202003, Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Economia, Statistica e Finanza "Giovanni Anania" - DESF.
  27. Deiana, C. & Giua, L. & Nisticò, R., 2020. "Opium Price Shocks and Prescription Opioids in the US," Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers 20/23, HEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of York.
  28. Luis E. Arango & Luz A. Flórez & Laura D. Guerrero, 2020. "Minimum wage effects on informality across demographic groups in Colombia," Borradores de Economia 1104, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  29. Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía & Leonardo Fabio Morales & Didier Hermida-Giraldo & Luz A. Flórez, 2020. "The Labor Market of Immigrants and Non-Immigrants Evidence from the Venezuelan Refugee Crisis," Borradores de Economia 1119, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  30. Leonardo Fabio Morales & Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía & Jose Pulido & Luz A. Flórez & Didier Hermida & Karen L. Pulido-Mahecha & Francisco Lasso-Valderrama, 2020. "Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Colombian Labor Market: Disentangling the Effect of Sector-Specific Mobility Restrictions," Borradores de Economia 1129, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  31. Luca P. Merlino & Paolo Pin & Nicole Tabasso, 2020. "Debunking Rumors in Networks," Papers 2010.01018,, revised May 2022.
  32. Lucchetti, Riccardo & Venetis, Ioannis A., 2020. "A replication of "A quasi-maximum likelihood approach for large, approximate dynamic factor models" (Review of Economics and Statistics, 2012)," Economics Discussion Papers 2020-5, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel).
  33. Georgoutsos, Dimitris & Moratis, George, 2020. "On the informative value of the EU-wide stress tests and the determinants of banks’ stock return reactions," MPRA Paper 62773, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  34. Masahito Ambashi, 2020. "ASEAN Development and Innovation Strategy in the Era of New Industrialisation," Working Papers PB-2020-06, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).


  1. Chambers, Marcus J & Taylor, AM Robert, 2019. "Deterministic Parameter Change Models in Continuous and Discrete Time," Essex Finance Centre Working Papers 24072, University of Essex, Essex Business School.
  2. Sonntag, Axel & Poulsen, Anders, 2019. "Focality is intuitive - Experimental evidence on the effects of time pressure in coordination games," MPRA Paper 92262, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Anders Poulsen & Graciela Zevallos-Porles, 2019. "Sender-Receiver Games with Endogenous Ex-Post Information Acquisition: Experimental Evidence," Working Paper series, University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) 19-04, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
  4. Audrey Au Yong Lyn & Helmut Rainer, 2019. "Prohibition without Protection: Marriageable Age Law Reforms and Adolescent Fertility in Mexico," ifo Working Paper Series 314, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich.
  5. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Polemis, Michael, 2019. "Convergence or divergence in finance journal ranking?," MPRA Paper 93528, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Leonardo Gambacorta & Luigi Guiso & Paolo Emilio Mistrulli & Andrea Pozzi & Anton Tsoy, 2019. "The Cost of Steering in Financial Markets: Evidence from the Mortgage Market," Temi di discussione (Economic working papers) 1252, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
  7. Battaglini, Marco & Guiso, Luigi & Lacava, Chiara & Patacchini, Eleonora, 2019. "Tax Professionals: Tax-Evasion Facilitators or Information Hubs?," CEPR Discussion Papers 13656, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  8. Christos Kotsogiannis & Xavier Mateos-Planas, 2019. "Tax Evasion as Contingent Debt," Discussion Papers 1903, Centre for Macroeconomics (CFM).
  9. Conti, Gabriella & Ginja, Rita & Narita, Renata, 2019. "The Value of Free Health Insurance Schemes in Developing Countries," Research Department working papers 1519, CAF Development Bank Of Latinamerica.
  10. Gabriella Conti & Giacomo Mason & Stavros Poupakis, 2019. "Developmental Origins of Health Inequality," Working Papers 2019-041, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group.
  11. Gabriella Conti & Stavros Poupakis & Malte Sandner & Sören Kliem, 2019. "The Effects of Home Visiting on Mother-Child Interactions: Evidence from Dynamic Micro-Level Data," Working Papers 2019-066, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group.
  12. F. Crossley, Thomas & Levell, Peter & Poupakis, Stavros, 2019. "Regression with an imputed dependent variable," ISER Working Paper Series 2019-07, Institute for Social and Economic Research.
  13. Novella, Rafael & Rosas-Shady, David & Alvarado, Alfredo, 2019. "Are We Nearly There Yet?: New Technology Adoption and Labor Demand in Peru," IDB Publications (Working Papers) 9765, Inter-American Development Bank.
  14. Jan K. Brueckner & Achim I. Czerny & Alberto A. Gaggero, 2019. "Airline Mitigation of Propagated Delays: Theory and Empirics on the Choice of Schedule Buffers," CESifo Working Paper Series 7875, CESifo.
  15. Coibion, Olivier & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Gorodnichenko, Yuriy & van Rooij, Maarten, 2019. "How Does Consumption Respond to News about Inflation? Field Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial," Department of Economics, Working Paper Series qt30478554, Department of Economics, Institute for Business and Economic Research, UC Berkeley.
  16. Dimitris Georgarakos & Konstantinos Tatsiramos, 2019. "Monetary policy transmission to consumer financial stress and durable consumption," CESifo Working Paper Series 7671, CESifo.
  17. Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Van Rooij, Maarten, 2019. "Trust in the Central Bank and Inflation Expectations," CEPR Discussion Papers 14202, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  18. Amzallag, Adrien & Calza, Alessandro & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Sousa, João, 2019. "Monetary policy transmission to mortgages in a negative interest rate environment," Working Paper Series 2243, European Central Bank.
  19. Dimitris Christelis & Dimitris Georgarakos & Tullio Jappelli & Luigi Pistaferri & Maarten van Rooij, 2019. "Wealth Shocks and MPC Heterogeneity," NBER Working Papers 25999, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  20. Zacharias Bragoudakis & Stavros Degiannakis & George Filis, 2019. "Oil and pump prices: is there any asymmetry in the Greek oil downstream sector?," Working Papers 268, Bank of Greece.
  21. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2019. "Oil price volatility forecasts: What do investors need to know?," MPRA Paper 94445, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  22. Chatziantoniou, Ioannis & Degiannakis, Stavros & Delis, Panagiotis & Filis, George, 2019. "Can spillover effects provide forecasting gains? The case of oil price volatility," MPRA Paper 96266, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  23. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Klein, Tony & Walther, Thomas, 2019. "Forecasting Realized Volatility of Agricultural Commodities," MPRA Paper 96267, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  24. Chatziantoniou, Ioannis & Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2019. "Futures-based forecasts: How useful are they for oil price volatility forecasting?," MPRA Paper 96446, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  25. Michele Di Maio & Roberto Nisticò, 2019. "The Effect of Parental Job Loss on Child School Dropout: Evidence from the Occupied Palestinian Territories," HiCN Working Papers 295, Households in Conflict Network.
  26. Kraehnert, Kati & Brück, Tilman & Di Maio, Michele & Nistico, Roberto, 2019. "The Effects of Conflict on Fertility: Evidence from the Genocide in Rwanda," IZA Discussion Papers 12328, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  27. Bertoni, Marco & Nistico, Roberto, 2019. "Ordinal Rank and Peer Composition: Two Sides of the Same Coin?," IZA Discussion Papers 12789, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  28. Deiana, Claudio & Giua, Ludovica & Nistico, Roberto, 2019. "The Economics behind the Epidemic: Afghan Opium Price and Prescription Opioids in the US," IZA Discussion Papers 12872, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  29. Luz A. Flórez & Leidy Gómez D., 2019. "Skill mismatch and labour turnover in a developing country: the Colombian case," Borradores de Economia 1099, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  30. Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti & Ioannis A. Venetis, 2019. "Dynamic Factor Models in gretl. The DFM package," gretl working papers 7, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche (I), Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali.
  31. Masahiko Tsutsumi & Masahito Ambashi & Asuna Okubo, 2019. "FTA Strategies to Strengthen Indonesian Exports: Using the Computable General Equilibrium Model," Working Papers DP-2019-16, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).
  32. Masahito Ambashi, 2019. "Government Initiatives Matter for Innovation in ASEAN," Working Papers PB-2019-03, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).


  1. Chambers, MJ, 2018. "Frequency Domain Estimation of Cointegrating Vectors with Mixed Frequency and Mixed Sample Data," Economics Discussion Papers 21144, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  2. Chambers, Marcus J & Taylor, AM Robert, 2018. "Time-Varying Parameters in Continuous and Discrete Time," Essex Finance Centre Working Papers 21684, University of Essex, Essex Business School.
  3. Sara L. McGaughey & Pascalis Raimondos & Lisbeth La Cour, 2018. "What is a Foreign Firm? Implications for Productivity Spillovers," CESifo Working Paper Series 7109, CESifo.
  4. Fernando Di Nicola & Melisso Boschi & Giorgio Mongelli, 2018. "Effective marginal and average tax rates in the 2017 Italian tax-benefit system," Working Papers wp2018-1, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Department of Finance.
  5. Christina Felfe & Martin G. Kocher & Helmut Rainer & Judith Saurer & Thomas Siedler, 2018. "More Opportunity, More Cooperation? The Behavioral Effects of Birthright Citizenship on Immigrant Youth," CESifo Working Paper Series 6991, CESifo.
  6. Eleonora Guarnieri & Helmut Rainer, 2018. "Female Empowerment and Male Backlash," CESifo Working Paper Series 7009, CESifo.
  7. David Bartolini & Agnese Sacchi & Domenico Scalera & Alberto Zazzaro, 2018. "The closer the better? Institutional distance and information blurring in a political agency model," Mo.Fi.R. Working Papers 146, Money and Finance Research group (Mo.Fi.R.) - Univ. Politecnica Marche - Dept. Economic and Social Sciences.
  8. David Bartolini, 2018. "Firms at the productivity frontier enjoy lower effective taxation," OECD Economics Department Working Papers 1475, OECD Publishing.
  9. Andreas Fagereng & Luigi Guiso & Davide Malacrino & Luigi Pistaferri, 2018. "Heterogeneity and Persistence in Returns to Wealth," CESifo Working Paper Series 7107, CESifo.
  10. Guiso, Luigi & Herrera, Helios & Morelli, Massimo & Sonno, Tommaso, 2018. "Populism: Demand and Supply," CEPR Discussion Papers 11871, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  11. Guiso, Luigi & Herrera, Helios & Morelli, Massimo & Sonno, Tommaso, 2018. "Global Crises and Populism: the Role of Eurozone Institutions," CEPR Discussion Papers 12944, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  12. Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli, 2018. "Investment in Financial Information and Portfolio Performance," EIEF Working Papers Series 1807, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), revised Jun 2018.
  13. Andreas Fagereng & Luigi Guiso & Mr. Davide Malacrino & Luigi Pistaferri, 2018. "Heterogeneity and Persistence in Returns to Wealth," IMF Working Papers 2018/171, International Monetary Fund.
  14. Christos Kotsogiannis & Alan Woodland, 2018. "Climate Change, Strict Pareto Improvements in Welfare and Multilateral Income Transfers," Discussion Papers 2018-04, School of Economics, The University of New South Wales.
  15. Conti, Gabriella & Ginja, Rita & Narita, Renata, 2018. "The Value of Health Insurance: A Household Job Search Approach," Working Papers in Economics 6/18, University of Bergen, Department of Economics.
  16. Orazio Attanasio & Richard Blundell & Gabriella Conti & Giacomo Mason, 2018. "Inequality in socioemotional skills: a cross-cohort comparison," Working Papers 2018-071, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group.
  17. Gabriella Conti & Mark Hanson & Hazel Inskip & Sarah Crozier & Cyrus Cooper & Keith Godfrey, 2018. "Beyond Birth Weight: The Origins of Human Capital," Working Papers 2018-089, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group.
  18. Bussolo, Maurizio & Commander, Simon & Poupakis, Stavros, 2018. "Political Connections and Firms: Network Dimensions," IZA Discussion Papers 11498, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  19. Stephen McKnight & Alexander Mihailov & Fabio Rumler, 2018. "NKPC-Based Inflation Forecasts with a Time-Varying Trend," Serie documentos de trabajo del Centro de Estudios Económicos 2018-05, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos.
  20. garcia, juan manuel & alvarado enciso, alfredo, 2018. "Estimación de elasticidades de demanda de bienes y servicios en Perú mediante los métodos AIDS y QUAIDS [Estimating demand elasticities of goods and services in Peru using the AIDS and QUAIDS metho," MPRA Paper 89282, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  21. Ampudia, Miguel & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Slacalek, Jiri & Tristani, Oreste & Vermeulen, Philip & Violante, Giovanni L., 2018. "Monetary policy and household inequality," Working Paper Series 2170, European Central Bank.
  22. Gábor-Tóth, Enikő & Georgarakos, Dimitris, 2018. "Economic policy uncertainty and stock market participation," CFS Working Paper Series 590, Center for Financial Studies (CFS).
  23. Stavros Degiannakis & George Filis & Sofia Panagiotakopoulou, 2018. "Oil Price Shocks and Uncertainty: How stable is their relationship over time?," BAFES Working Papers BAFES13, Department of Accounting, Finance & Economic, Bournemouth University.
  24. Stavros Degiannakis & George Filis, 2018. "Forecasting European Economic Policy Uncertainty," BAFES Working Papers BAFES15, Department of Accounting, Finance & Economic, Bournemouth University.
  25. Stavros Degiannakis & George Filis & Vipin Arora, 2018. "Oil prices and stock markets: A review of the theory and empirical evidence," BAFES Working Papers BAFES22, Department of Accounting, Finance & Economic, Bournemouth University.
  26. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Tsemperlidis, Stefanos, 2018. "Economic announcements and the 10-year US Treasury bond: Surprising findings without the surprise component," MPRA Paper 94176, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  27. Giannopoulos, George & Degiannakis, Stavros & Holt, Andrew & Pongpoonsuksri, Teerapon, 2018. "The Impact of the 2007 Global Financial Crisis on IPO Performance in Asian-Pacific Emerging Markets," MPRA Paper 96269, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  28. Degiannakis, Stavros, 2018. "Multiple Days Ahead Realized Volatility Forecasting: Single, Combined and Average Forecasts," MPRA Paper 96272, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  29. Eleonora Bertoni & Michele Di Maio & Vasco Molini & Roberto Nisticò, 2018. "Education is Forbidden: The Effect of the Boko Haram Conflict on Education in North-East Nigeria," CSEF Working Papers 495, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy.
  30. Marco Bertoni & Roberto Nisticò, 2018. "Rank Concerns, Peer Effects, and Ability Tracking in University. Evidence from a Randomized Experiment," CSEF Working Papers 506, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy.
  31. Luz A. Flórez & Karen L. Pulido-Mahecha & Mario A. Ramos-Veloza, 2018. "Okun´s law in Colombia: a non-linear cointegration," Borradores de Economia 1039, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  32. Luz Adriana Florez & Lina Cardona-Sosa & Leonardo Fabio Morales & Julian Londoño, 2018. "The Returns from Training in Colombia: Evidence from a Longitudinal Survey," Borradores de Economia 1048, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  33. Luis E. Arango & Luz A. Flórez & María A. Olarte-Delgado, 2018. "Precio del carbón y dinámica laboral en Valledupar," Documentos de trabajo sobre Economía Regional y Urbana 271, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  34. Dimitris A. Georgoutsos & Petros M. Migiakis, 2018. "Risk perceptions and fundamental effects on sovereign spreads," Working Papers 250, Bank of Greece.
  35. Tsuyoshi Kawase & Masahito Ambashi, 2018. "Disciplines on State-Owned Enterprises under the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Overview and Assessment," Working Papers DP-2017-13, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).
  36. Nobuya Fukugawa & Masahito Ambashi Author-Person : pam152 & Yuanita Suhud, 2018. "Division of Labour Amongst Innovation Intermediaries in Agricultural Innovation Systems: The Case of Indonesia," Working Papers DP-2018-06, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).


  1. Chambers, MJ & McCrorie, JR & Thornton, MA, 2017. "Continuous Time Modelling Based on an Exact Discrete Time Representation," Economics Discussion Papers 20497, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  2. Melisso Boschi & Stefano d'Addona, 2017. "The stability of tax elasticities over the business cycle in European countries," CAMA Working Papers 2017-44, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  3. Fernando Di Nicola & Melisso Boschi & Giorgio Mongelli, 2017. "Effective marginal and average tax rates in the 2017 Italian tax-benefit system for individuals and household," Working papers 62, Società Italiana di Economia Pubblica.
  4. Bartolini, David & Ninka, Eniel & Santolini, Raffaella, 2017. "Tax Decentralisation, Labour productivity and Employment," MPRA Paper 81070, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Oguzhan Akgun & David Bartolini & Boris Cournède, 2017. "The capacity of governments to raise taxes," OECD Economics Department Working Papers 1407, OECD Publishing.
  6. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Michelacakis, Nickolas, 2017. "Spatial Price Discrimination and Privatization on Vertically Related Markets," MPRA Paper 76964, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Kesavayuth, Dusanee & Lee, Sang-Ho & Zikos, Vasileios, 2017. "Merger and Innovation Incentives in a Differentiated Industry," MPRA Paper 79821, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Guiso, Luigi & Pistaferri, Luigi & Fagereng, Andreas, 2017. "Firm-Related Risk and Precautionary Saving Response," CEPR Discussion Papers 11809, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  9. Guiso, Luigi & Michelacci, Claudio & Gratton, Gabriele & Morelli, Massimo, 2017. "From Weber to Kafka: Political Instability and the Rise of an Inefficient Bureaucracy," CEPR Discussion Papers 12081, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  10. Luigi Guiso & Helios Herrera & Massimo Morelli & Tommaso Sonno, 2017. "Demand and Supply of Populism," EIEF Working Papers Series 1703, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), revised Feb 2017.
  11. Leonardo Gambacorta & Luigi Guiso & Paolo Mistrulli & Andrea Pozzi & Anton Tsoy, 2017. "The Cost of Distorted Financial Advice - Evidence from the Mortgage Market," EIEF Working Papers Series 1713, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), revised Oct 2017.
  12. Conti, Gabriella & Ginja, Rita, 2017. "Who Benefits From Free Health Insurance: Evidence from Mexico," Working Papers in Economics 18/17, University of Bergen, Department of Economics.
  13. Gabriella Conti & Rita Ginja, Renata Narita, 2017. "Non-Contributory Health Insurance and Household Labor Supply: Evidence from Mexico," Working Papers, Department of Economics 2017_17, University of São Paulo (FEA-USP).
  14. Capistrán Carlos & Chiquiar Daniel & Hernández Juan R., 2017. "Identifying Dornbusch's Exchange Rate Overshooting with Structural VECs: Evidence from Mexico," Working Papers 2017-11, Banco de México.
  15. Jappelli, Tullio & Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Van Rooij, Maarten & Pistaferri, Luigi, 2017. "Asymmetric Consumption Effects of Transitory Income Shocks," CEPR Discussion Papers 12025, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  16. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2017. "Forecasting oil prices," MPRA Paper 77531, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  17. Degiannakis, Stavros & Giannopoulos, George & Ibrahim, Salma & Rozic, Ivana, 2017. "Earnings Management to Avoid Losses and Earnings Declines in Croatia," MPRA Paper 80164, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  18. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2017. "Forecasting oil price realized volatility using information channels from other asset classes," MPRA Paper 96276, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  19. Luz Adriana Flórez & Leonardo Morales Z & Daniel Medina & José Lobo C, 2017. "Labour flows across firm´s size, economic sectors and wages in Colombia: evidence from employer-employee linked panel," Borradores de Economia 1013, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  20. Luis E. Arango & Luz A. Flórez, 2017. "Informalidad laboral y elementos para un salario mínimo diferencial por regiones en Colombia," Borradores de Economia 1023, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  21. Masahito Ambashi, 2017. "ASEAN as an FDI Attractor: How Do Multinationals Look at ASEAN?," Working Papers PB-2016-04, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).


  1. Chambers, MJ, 2016. "The Estimation of Continuous Time Models with Mixed Frequency Data," Economics Discussion Papers 15988, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  2. Chambers, MJ, 2016. "The Effects of Sampling Frequency on Detrending Methods for Unit Root Tests," Economics Discussion Papers 16062, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  3. Chambers, MJ & Kyriacou, M, 2016. "Jackknife Bias Reduction in the Presence of a Near-Unit Root," Economics Discussion Papers 17623, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  4. Michael Thornton & Marcus Chambers, 2016. "Continuous Time ARMA Processes: Discrete Time Representation and Likelihood Evaluation," Discussion Papers 16/10, Department of Economics, University of York.
  5. Fabio Galeotti & Maria Montero & Anders Poulsen, 2016. "How Strong are the Attraction and Compromise Effects in Bargaining? Experimental Evidence," Post-Print halshs-01418307, HAL.
  6. Dan Anderberg & Helmut Rainer & Kerstin Roeder, 2016. "Family-Specific Investments and Divorce: A Theory of Dynamically Inconsistent Household Behavior," CESifo Working Paper Series 5996, CESifo.
  7. Christina Felfe & Helmut Rainer & Judith Saurer, 2016. "Why Birthright Citizenship Matters for Immigrant Children: Impacts on Parental Educational Choice," CESifo Working Paper Series 6037, CESifo.
  8. Hansjörg Blöchliger & David Bartolini & Sibylle Stossberg, 2016. "Does Fiscal Decentralisation Foster Regional Convergence?," OECD Economic Policy Papers 17, OECD Publishing.
  9. Sibylle Stossberg & David Bartolini & Hansjörg Blöchliger, 2016. "Fiscal decentralisation and income inequality: Empirical evidence from OECD countries," OECD Economics Department Working Papers 1331, OECD Publishing.
  10. David Bartolini & Sibylle Stossberg & Hansjörg Blöchliger, 2016. "Fiscal Decentralisation and Regional Disparities," OECD Economics Department Working Papers 1330, OECD Publishing.
  11. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Polemis, Michael, 2016. "Gasoline Price Wars: Spatial Dependence Awakens," MPRA Paper 70037, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  12. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Michelacakis, Nickolas, 2016. "A Comment on "Sequential Spatial Competition in Vertically Related Industries with Different Product Varieties"," MPRA Paper 73485, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  13. Stamatopoulos, Ioannis & Hadjidema, Stamatina & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos, 2016. "Explaining Corporate Effective Tax Rates Before and During the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Greece," MPRA Paper 73787, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  14. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Polemis, Michael, 2016. "Specialization, Matching Intensity and Income Inequality of Sellers," MPRA Paper 74579, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  15. Stamatopoulos, Ioannis & Hadjidema, Stamatina & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos, 2016. "Corporate Income Tax Compliance Costs and their Determinants: Evidence from Greece," MPRA Paper 75736, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  16. Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Nickolas J. Michelacakis & Vassilios G. Papavassiliou, 2016. "A comment on 'Cross-border merger, vertical structure, and spatial competition'," Working Paper series 16-14, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis, revised Aug 2016.
  17. Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Nickolas J. Michelacakis & Vassilios G. Papavassiliou, 2016. "Addendum to Eleftheriou and Michelacakis (2016)," Open Access publications 10197/8092, Research Repository, University College Dublin.
  18. Kesavayuth, Dusanee & Zikos, Vasileios, 2016. "Does well-being help you with unemployment?," MPRA Paper 71918, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  19. Guiso, Luigi & Pistaferri, Luigi & Fagereng, Andreas & Malacrino, Davide, 2016. "Heterogeneity in Returns to Wealth and the Measurement of Wealth Inequality," CEPR Discussion Papers 11047, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  20. Guiso, Luigi & Pistaferri, Luigi & Fagereng, Andreas, 2016. "Back to background risk?," CEPR Discussion Papers 11051, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  21. Polidano, Cain & Tabasso, Domenico, 2016. "Fully Integrating Upper-Secondary Vocational and Academic Courses: A Flexible New Way?," IZA Discussion Papers 9694, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  22. Dreher, Axel & Gehring, Kai & Kotsogiannis, Christos & Marchesi, Silvia, 2016. "Information transmission within federal fiscal architectures: Theory and evidence," CEPR Discussion Papers 11344, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  23. Conti, Gabriella & Ginja, Rita, 2016. "Health Insurance and Child Health: Evidence from Mexico," IZA Discussion Papers 10122, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  24. Stephen McKnight, 2016. "Investment and forward-looking monetary policy: A Wicksellian solution to the problem of indeterminacy," Serie documentos de trabajo del Centro de Estudios Económicos 2016-02, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos.
  25. Stephen McKnight & Laura Povoledo, 2016. "Can indeterminacy and self-fulfilling expectations help explain international business cycles?," Serie documentos de trabajo del Centro de Estudios Económicos 2016-07, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos.
  26. Stephen McKnight & Alexander Mihailov & Antonio Pompa Rangel, 2016. "What do Latin American inflation targeters care about? A comparative Bayesian estimation of central bank preferences," Serie documentos de trabajo del Centro de Estudios Económicos 2016-08, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos.
  27. Hernández Juan R., 2016. "Unit Root Testing in ARMA Models: A Likelihood Ratio Approach," Working Papers 2016-03, Banco de México.
  28. Alderighi, Marco & Gaggero, Alberto A & Piga, Claudio A, 2016. "The hidden side of dynamic pricing in airline markets," MPRA Paper 71674, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  29. Quirmbach, Diana & Gerry, Christopher J., 2016. "Gender, education and Russia’s tobacco epidemic: a life-course approach," LSE Research Online Documents on Economics 66815, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library.
  30. Christopher J. Gerry & Igor Sheiman, 2016. "The Health Workforce of the Russian Federation in the Context Of the International Trends," HSE Working papers WP BRP 01/PSP/2016, National Research University Higher School of Economics.
  31. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2016. "Forecasting oil price realized volatility: A new approach," MPRA Paper 69105, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  32. Degiannakis, Stavros & Potamia, Artemis, 2016. "Multiple-days-ahead value-at-risk and expected shortfall forecasting for stock indices, commodities and exchange rates: inter-day versus intra-day data," MPRA Paper 74670, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  33. Stoforos, Chrysostomos & Degiannakis, Stavros & Palaskas, Theodosios, 2016. "Hedge Fund Returns under Crisis Scenarios: A Holistic Approach," MPRA Paper 80161, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  34. Degiannakis, Stavros, 2016. "The one-trading-day-ahead forecast errors of intra-day realized volatility," MPRA Paper 80163, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  35. Vincenzo Bove & Claudio Deiana & Roberto Nisticò, 2016. "Global Arms Trade and Oil Dependence," CSEF Working Papers 452, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy, revised 10 Feb 2018.
  36. Lina Cardona-Sosa & Luz Adriana Flórez & Leonardo Morales Zurita, 2016. "Intra-household labour supply after an unemployment event: The added worker effect," Borradores de Economia 944, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  37. Luis E. Arango & Luz A. Flórez, 2016. "Determinants of structural unemployment in Colombia. A search approach," Borradores de Economia 969, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  38. Rockett, Kate & Régibeau, Pierre & Ambashi, Masahito, 2016. "Grantbacks, Territorial Restraints, and the Type of Follow-On Innovation: The "But for..." Defense," CEPR Discussion Papers 11575, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  39. KIMURA Fukunari & CHEN Lurong & ILIUTEANU Maura Ada & YAMAMOTO Shimpei & AMBASHI Masahito, 2016. "TPP, IPR Protection, and Their Implications for Emerging Asian Economies," Working Papers PB-2016-02, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).


  1. Jie Ma & Pascalis Raimondos, 2015. "Competition for FDI and Profit Shifting," CESifo Working Paper Series 5153, CESifo.
  2. Fabio Galeotti & Maria Montero & Anders Poulsen, 2015. "Efficiency versus Equality in Bargaining," Discussion Papers 2015-18, The Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics, School of Economics, University of Nottingham.
  3. Wolfgang Luhan & Anders Poulsen & Michael Roos, 2015. "Real time tacit bargaining, payoff focality, and coordination complexity: Experimental evidence," Working Paper series, University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) 15-11, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
  4. Fabio Galeotti & Maria Montero & Anders Poulsen, 2015. "Efficiency versus equality in real-time bargaining with communication," Working Paper series, University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) 15-18, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
  5. Stefan Bauernschuster & Timo Hener & Helmut Rainer, 2015. "When Labor Disputes Bring Cities to a Standstill: The Impact of Public Transit Strikes on Traffic, Accidents, Air Pollution, and Health," CESifo Working Paper Series 5313, CESifo.
  6. David Bartolini & Agnese Sacchi & Simone Salotti & Raffaella Santolini, 2015. "Fiscal decentralisation in times of financial crises," Working Papers. Collection A: Public economics, governance and decentralization 1506, Universidade de Vigo, GEN - Governance and Economics research Network.
  7. David Bartolini, 2015. "Municipal Fragmentation and Economic Performance of OECD TL2 Regions," OECD Regional Development Working Papers 2015/2, OECD Publishing.
  8. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Michelacakis, Nickolas, 2015. "Socially optimal Nash equilibrium locations and privatization in a model of spatial duopoly with price discrimination," MPRA Paper 63893, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  9. Fotis, Panagiotis & Polemis, Michael & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos, 2015. "Upward Pricing Pressure Formulations with Logit Demand and Endogenous Partial Acquisitions," MPRA Paper 66049, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  10. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Michelacakis, Nickolas, 2015. "A Unified Model of Spatial Price Discrimination," MPRA Paper 66557, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  11. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Michelacakis, Nickolas, 2015. "Vertical Mergers and Downstream Spatial Competition with Different Product Varieties, Revised and Corrected," MPRA Paper 68107, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  12. Polemis, Michael & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos, 2015. "To Regulate or to Deregulate? The Role of Downstream Competition in Upstream Monopoly Vertically Linked Markets," MPRA Paper 68726, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  13. Gabriele Foà & Leonardo Gambacorta & Luigi Guiso & Paolo Emilio Mistrulli, 2015. "The supply side of household finance," Temi di discussione (Economic working papers) 1044, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
  14. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2015. "Corporate Culture, Societal Culture, and Institutions," CEPR Discussion Papers 10424, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  15. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2015. "Monnet's Error?," CEPR Discussion Papers 10559, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  16. Guiso, Luigi & Pistaferri, Luigi & Schivardi, Fabiano, 2015. "Learning Entrepreneurship From Other Entrepreneurs?," CEPR Discussion Papers 10997, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  17. Gabriele Gratton & Luigi Guiso & Claudio Michelacci & Massimo Morelli, 2015. "From Weber to Kafka: Political Activism and the Emergence of an Inefficient Bureaucracy," Working Papers 560, IGIER (Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research), Bocconi University.
  18. Marco Francesconi & Robert A. Pollak & Domenico Tabasso, 2015. "Unequal Bequests," CESifo Working Paper Series 5202, CESifo.
  19. Pellizzari, Michele & Leonardi, Marco & Tabasso, Domenico, 2015. "Wage compression within the firm," CEPR Discussion Papers 10770, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  20. Michael Coelli & Domenico Tabasso, 2015. "Where Are the Returns to Lifelong Learning?," Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series wp2015n24, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne.
  21. Gabriella Conti & James J. Heckman & Rodrigo Pinto, 2015. "The Effects of Two Influential Early Childhood Interventions on Health and Healthy Behaviors," Working Papers 2015-011, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group.
  22. Stephen McKnight, 2015. "Are consumption taxes preferable to income taxes in preventing macroeconomic instability?," Serie documentos de trabajo del Centro de Estudios Económicos 2015-04, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos.
  23. Bramati, Maria Caterina & Gaggero, Alberto A. & Solomon, Edna, 2015. "International trade and domestic competition: Evidence from Belgium," Greenwich Papers in Political Economy 13145, University of Greenwich, Greenwich Political Economy Research Centre.
  24. Nazarov, Vladimir (Назаров, Владимир) & Davis, Christopher Mark (Дэвис, Кристофер Марк) & Gerry, Christopher J. (Гэрри, Кристофер Дж.) & Polyakova, Aleksandra (Полякова, Александра) & Sisigina, Natali, 2015. "Evaluating the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Health System [Оценка Эффективности И Результативности Системы Здравоохранения]," Published Papers mn41, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  25. Dimitris Christelis & Michael Ehrmann & Dimitris Georgarakos, 2015. "Exploring Differences in Household Debt Across Euro Area Countries and the United States," Staff Working Papers 15-16, Bank of Canada.
  26. Dimitris Christelis & Dimitris Georgarakos & Tullio Jappelli & Maarten van Rooij, 2015. "Consumption Uncertainty and Precautionary Saving," CSEF Working Papers 421, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy.
  27. Bersimis, Sotirios & Degiannakis, Stavros & Georgakellos, Dimitrios, 2015. "Real Time Monitoring of Carbon Monoxide Using Value-at-Risk Measure and Control Charting," MPRA Paper 65865, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  28. Chatziantoniou, Ioannis & Degiannakis, Stavros & Eeckels, Bruno & Filis, George, 2015. "Forecasting Tourist Arrivals Using Origin Country Macroeconomics," MPRA Paper 68062, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  29. Boldanov, Rustam & Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2015. "Time-varying correlation between oil and stock market volatilities: Evidence from oil-importing and oil-exporting countries," MPRA Paper 72082, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  30. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Palaiodimos, George, 2015. "Investments and uncertainty revisited: The case of the US economy," MPRA Paper 72083, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  31. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Hassani, Hossein, 2015. "Forecasting implied volatility indices worldwide: A new approach," MPRA Paper 72084, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  32. Angelidis, Timotheos & Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2015. "US stock market regimes and oil price shocks," MPRA Paper 80436, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  33. Degiannakis, Stavros, 2015. "A Probit Model for the State of the Greek GDP Growth," MPRA Paper 96280, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  34. Tabasso, Nicole, 2015. "Diffusion of Multiple Information: On Information Resilience and the Power of Segregation," Climate Change and Sustainable Development 206383, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM).


  1. Pascalis Raimondos & Alan D. Woodland, 2014. "Market Access and Welfare: Is there a Conflict?," CESifo Working Paper Series 5136, CESifo.
  2. Dan Anderberg & Helmut Rainer & Jonathan Wadsworth & Tanya Wilson, 2014. "Unemployment and domestic violence," CentrePiece - The magazine for economic performance 411, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE.
  3. Stefan Bauernschuster & Timo Hener & Helmut Rainer, 2014. "Children of a (Policy) Revolution: The Introduction of Universal Child Care and its Effect on Fertility," CESifo Working Paper Series 4776, CESifo.
  4. Volker Meier & Helmut Rainer, 2014. "Daddy Months," CESifo Working Paper Series 5033, CESifo.
  5. Volker Meier & Helmut Rainer, 2014. "Pigou Meets Ramsey: Gender-Based Taxation with Non-Cooperative Couples," ifo Working Paper Series 179, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich.
  6. Raffaella SANTOLINI & David BARTOLINI, 2014. "Political institutions behind good governance," Working Papers 405, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche (I), Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali.
  7. Luigi Guiso, 2014. "Risk Aversion and Financial Crisis," EIEF Working Papers Series 1412, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), revised Dec 2014.
  8. Luigi Guiso & Helios Herrera & Massimo Morelli, 2014. "Cultural Differences and Institutional Integration," Working Papers 529, IGIER (Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research), Bocconi University.
  9. Nils Hergery & Christos Kotsogiannisz & Steve McCorriston, 2014. "Multiple taxes and alternative forms of FDI: evidence from cross-border acquisitions," Working Papers 1401, Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation.
  10. Gabriella Conti & Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter & James Heckman & Rémi Piatek, 2014. "Bayesian exploratory factor analysis," CeMMAP working papers 30/14, Institute for Fiscal Studies.
  11. Junjian Yi & James J. Heckman & Junsen Zhang & Gabriella Conti, 2014. "Early Health Shocks, Intrahousehold Resource Allocation, and Child Outcomes," Working Papers 2014-022, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group.
  12. Melanie Parravano & Odile Poulsen, 2014. "Stake size and the power of focal points in coordination games: Experimental evidence," Working Paper series, University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) 14-07, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
  13. Hernández Juan R., 2014. "Peso-Dollar Forward Market Analysis: Explaining Arbitrage Opportunities during the Financial Crisis," Working Papers 2014-09, Banco de México.
  14. Marco Alderighi & Alberto A. Gaggero & Claudio A. Piga, 2014. "The effect of code-share agreements on the temporal profile of airline fares," Working Paper series 27_14, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis.
  15. Jappelli, Tullio & Georgarakos, Dimitris, 2014. "Wealth Shocks, Unemployment Shocks and Consumption in the Wake of the Great Recession," CEPR Discussion Papers 10196, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  16. Inderst, Roman & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Deuflhard, Florian, 2014. "Financial Literacy and Savings Account Returns," CEPR Discussion Papers 9882, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  17. Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Sanz-de-Galdeano, Anna, 2014. "The Impact of Health Insurance on Stockholding: A Regression Discontinuity Approach," IZA Discussion Papers 8635, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  18. Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos, 2014. "Intra-Day Realized Volatility for European and USA Stock Indices," MPRA Paper 64940, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised Jan 2015.
  19. Degiannakis, Stavros & Duffy, David & Filis, George & Livada, Alexandra, 2014. "Business Cycle Synchronisation in EMU: Can Fiscal Policy Bring Member-Countries Closer?," MPRA Paper 67892, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  20. Degiannakis, Stavros & Dent, Pamela & Floros, Christos, 2014. "A Monte Carlo Simulation Approach to Forecasting Multi-period Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall Using the FIGARCH-skT Specification," MPRA Paper 80431, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  21. Degiannakis, Stavros & Duffy, David & Filis, George, 2014. "Business Cycle Synchronisation in EU: A time-varying approach," MPRA Paper 80437, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  22. Degiannakis, Stavros & Kiohos, Apostolos, 2014. "Multivariate modelling of 10-day-ahead VaR and dynamic correlation for worldwide real estate and stock indices," MPRA Paper 80438, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  23. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Kizys, Renatas, 2014. "The effects of oil price shocks on stock market volatility: Evidence from European data," MPRA Paper 96296, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  24. Roberto Nisticò, 2014. "The Effect of PhD Funding on Post-degree Research Career and Publication Productivity," CSEF Working Papers 362, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy, revised 24 Jun 2015.
  25. Vincenzo Bove & Roberto Nisticò, 2014. "Coups d'état and Defense Spending: A Counterfactual Analysis," CSEF Working Papers 366, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy.
  26. Luz Adriana Flórez, 2014. "The Search and Matching Equilibrium in an Economy with an Informal Sector: A Positive Analysis of Labor Market Policies," Borradores de Economia 831, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  27. Luz Adriana Flórez, 2014. "The Efficiency of the Informal Sector on the Search and Matching Framework," Borradores de Economia 832, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  28. Luz Adriana Flórez, 2014. "Optimal Policy with Informal Sector and Endogenous Savings," Borradores de Economia 833, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  29. Christian Chiglino & Nicole Tabasso, 2014. "Risk Aversion in a Model of Endogenous Growth," School of Economics Discussion Papers 0314, School of Economics, University of Surrey.
  30. Nicole Tabasso, 2014. "Diffusion of Multiple Information," School of Economics Discussion Papers 0914, School of Economics, University of Surrey.


  1. Chambers, MJ, 2013. "The Calculation of Some Limiting Distributions Arising in Near-Integrated Models with GLS Detrending," Economics Discussion Papers 8975, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  2. Melisso Boschi & Massimiliano Marzo & Simone Salotti, 2013. "Domestic Versus International Determinants Of European Business Cycles: A GVAR Approach," CAMA Working Papers 2013-28, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  3. Zoe Bett & Anders Poulsen & Odile Poulsen, 2013. "How Salient is an Equal but Inefficient Outcome in a Coordination Situation? Some Experimental Evidence," Working Paper series, University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) 13-02-R, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
  4. Nabanita Datta Gupta & Anders Poulsen & Marie Claire Villeval, 2013. "Gender matching and competitiveness: experimental evidence," Post-Print halshs-00661770, HAL.
  5. Dan Anderberg & Helmut Rainer & Jonathan Wadsworth & Tanya Wilson, 2013. "Unemployment and Domestic Violence: Theory and Evidence," CEP Discussion Papers dp1230, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE.
  6. Stefan Bauernschuster & Timo Hener & Helmut Rainer, 2013. "Does Expanding Public Child Care Encourage Fertility? County-Level Evidence from Germany," ifo Working Paper Series 158, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich.
  7. Anderberg, Dan & Rainer, Helmut, 2013. "Economic abuse: A theory of intrahousehold sabotage," Munich Reprints in Economics 20189, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  8. Bonin, Holger & Fichtl, Anita & Rainer, Helmut & Spieß, C. Katharina & Stichnoth, Holger & Wrohlich, Katharina, 2013. "Zentrale Resultate der Gesamtevaluation familienbezogener Leistungen," Munich Reprints in Economics 20203, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  9. Francesconi, Marco & Rainer, Helmut & Klaauw, 2013. "Unintended consequences of welfare reform for children with single parents: a theoretical analysis," Munich Reprints in Economics 20333, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  10. Faravelli, Marco & Kirchkamp, Oliver & Rainer, Helmut, 2013. "The effect of power imbalances on incentives to make non-contractible investments," Munich Reprints in Economics 20623, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  11. Auer, Wolfgang & Danzer, Natalia & Rainer, Helmut, 2013. "Fixed-term Employment and Fertility: Theory and Evidence from German Micro Data," VfS Annual Conference 2013 (Duesseldorf): Competition Policy and Regulation in a Global Economic Order 79894, Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association.
  12. Bauernschuster, Stefan & Hener, Timo & Rainer, Helmut, 2013. "Does the Expansion of Public Child Care Increase Birth Rates? Evidence from a Low-Fertility Country," VfS Annual Conference 2013 (Duesseldorf): Competition Policy and Regulation in a Global Economic Order 79909, Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association.
  13. David Bartolini, 2013. "The Role of Incentives in Co-operation Failures," OECD Regional Development Working Papers 2013/9, OECD Publishing.
  14. Stilianos Alexiadis & Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Peter Nijkamp, 2013. "Do Income Disparities dissipate across the US States? Experimenting with a Vector Error Correction Model," Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 13-165/VIII, Tinbergen Institute.
  15. Stilianos Alexiadis & Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Peter Nijkamp, 2013. "Regional Inequality and Human Capital Quality: The Impact of Technology on the Arrival Rate of Employment Offers," Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 13-166/VIII, Tinbergen Institute, revised 31 Oct 2013.
  16. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Robert Rosenman & Vasileios Zikos, 2013. "Does Personality Affect how People Perceive their Health?," Working Papers 2013-13, School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University.
  17. Guiso, Luigi & Herrera, Helios & Morelli, Massimo, 2013. "A Culture Based Theory of Fiscal Union Desirability," CAGE Online Working Paper Series 138, Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE).
  18. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio & Butler, Jeff, 2013. "Manipulating Reliance on Intuition Reduces Risk and Ambiguity Aversion," CEPR Discussion Papers 9461, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  19. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2013. "Time Varying Risk Aversion," CEPR Discussion Papers 9589, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  20. Guiso, Luigi & Morelli, Massimo & Herrera, Helios, 2013. "A Cultural Clash View of the EU Crisis," CEPR Discussion Papers 9679, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  21. Guiso, Luigi & Gottlieb, Charles & Fagereng, Andreas, 2013. "Asset Market Participation and Portfolio Choice over the Life Cycle," CEPR Discussion Papers 9691, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  22. Guiso, Luigi & Viviano, Eliana, 2013. "How Much Can Financial Literacy Help?," CEPR Discussion Papers 9693, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  23. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2013. "The Value of Corporate Culture," CEPR Discussion Papers 9716, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  24. Julie Moschion & Domenico Tabasso, 2013. "Trust of Second Generation Immigrants: Intergenerational Transmission or Cultural Assimilation?," Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series wp2013n02, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne.
  25. Cain Polidano & Domenico Tabasso, 2013. "Making It Real: The Benefits of Workplace Learning in Upper-Secondary VET Courses," Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series wp2013n31, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne.
  26. Wolfgang Luhan & Odile Poulsen & Michael Roos, 2013. "Unstructured Bargaining over an Endogenously Produced Surplus and Fairness Ideals: An Experiment," Working Paper series, University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) 13-10, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
  27. Stavros Degiannakis & George Filis & Renatas Kizys, 2013. "Oil price shocks and stock market volatility: evidence from European data," Working Papers 161, Bank of Greece.
  28. Stavros Degiannakis & Andreas Andrikopoulos & Timotheos Angelidis & Christos Floros, 2013. "Return dispersion, stock market liquidity and aggregate economic activity," Working Papers 166, Bank of Greece.
  29. Stavros Degiannakis & Timotheos Angelidis & George Filis, 2013. "Oil price shocks and volatility do predict stock market regimes," Working Papers 170, Bank of Greece.
  30. Degiannakis, Stavros & Duffy, David & Filis, George, 2013. "Time-varying Business Cycles Synchronisation in Europe," MPRA Paper 52925, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  31. Degiannakis, Stavros & Livada, Alexandra, 2013. "Evaluation of Realized Volatility Predictions from Models with Leptokurtically and Asymmetrically Distributed Forecast Errors," MPRA Paper 67968, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  32. Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos & Dent, Pamela, 2013. "Forecasting Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall using Fractionally Integrated Models of Conditional Volatility: International Evidence," MPRA Paper 80433, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  33. Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos, 2013. "Modeling CAC40 Volatility Using Ultra-high Frequency Data," MPRA Paper 80445, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  34. Degiannakis, Stavros & Livada, Alexandra, 2013. "Realized Volatility or Price Range: Evidence from a discrete simulation of the continuous time diffusion process," MPRA Paper 80449, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  35. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Floros, Christos, 2013. "Oil and stock price returns: Evidence from European industrial sector indices in a time-varying environment," MPRA Paper 80495, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  36. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Floros, Christos, 2013. "Oil and stock returns: Evidence from European industrial sector indices in a time-varying environment," MPRA Paper 96298, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  37. AMBASHI Masahito, 2013. "Does Competition Improve Industrial Productivity? An analysis of Japanese industries on the basis of the industry-level panel data," Discussion papers 13098, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI).


  1. Chambers, Marcus J. & Kyriacou, Maria, 2012. "Jackknife bias reduction in autoregressive models with a unit root," MPRA Paper 38255, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. M Boschi & S d'Addona & A Goenka, 2012. "Testing external habits in an asset pricing model," CAMA Working Papers 2012-20, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  3. Timo Hener & Helmut Rainer & Thomas Siedler, 2012. "Political Socialization in Flux? Linking Family Non-Intactness during Childhood to Adult Civic Engagement," CESifo Working Paper Series 3918, CESifo.
  4. Volker Meier & Helmut Rainer, 2012. "Beyond Ramsey: Gender-Based Taxation with Non-Cooperative Couples," CESifo Working Paper Series 3966, CESifo.
  5. Rainer, Helmut & Smith, Ian, 2012. "Education, Communication and Wellbeing: An Application to Sexual Satisfaction," Munich Reprints in Economics 19754, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  6. David Bartolini & Alberto Gaggero, 2012. "Coalitions in the airline industry: an empirical approach," Quaderni di Dipartimento 165, University of Pavia, Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods.
  7. Christos Kallandranis & Konstantinos Drakos & Nicholas Giannakopoulos, 2012. "Counterterrorism Effectiveness: The Impact on Life and Property Losses," EUSECON Policy Briefing 19, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  8. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Constantine Manasakis & Vasileios Zikos, 2012. "Upstream R&D Networks," Working Papers 1201, University of Crete, Department of Economics.
  9. Oriana Bandiera & Luigi Guiso & Andrea Prat & Raffaella Sadun, 2012. "Matching Firms, Managers, and Incentives," CEP Discussion Papers dp1144, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE.
  10. Oriana Bandiera & Luigi Guiso & Andrea Prat & Raffaella Sadun, 2012. "What Do CEOs Do?," CEP Discussion Papers dp1145, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE.
  11. Guiso, Luigi & Pinotti, Paolo, 2012. "Democratization and Civic Capital," CEPR Discussion Papers 8847, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  12. Guiso, Luigi, 2012. "Household Finance: An Emerging Field," CEPR Discussion Papers 8934, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  13. Guiso, Luigi & Giuliano, Paola & Butler, Jeff, 2012. "Trust and Cheating," CEPR Discussion Papers 9202, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  14. Guiso, Luigi & Giuliano, Paola & Butler, Jeff, 2012. "Trust, Values and False Consensus," CEPR Discussion Papers 9216, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  15. Luigi Guiso, 2012. "Trust & Insurance Markets," EIEF Working Papers Series 1207, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), revised Jul 2012.
  16. Cain Polidano & Domenico Tabasso & Yi-Ping Tseng, 2012. "A Second Chance at Education for Early School Leavers," Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series wp2012n14, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne.
  17. Conti, Gabriella & Hansman, Chris, 2012. "Personality and the education-health gradient," ISER Working Paper Series 2012-20, Institute for Social and Economic Research.
  18. Gabriella Conti & Christopher Hansman & James J. Heckman & Matthew F. X. Novak & Angela Ruggiero & Stephen J. Suomi, 2012. "Primate Evidence on the Late Health Effects of Early Life Adversity," Working Papers 2012-008, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group.
  19. Cole, Steven W. & Conti, Gabriella & Arevalo, Jesusa M. & Ruggiero, Angela M. & Heckman, James J. & Suomi, Stephen J., 2012. "Transcriptional Modulation of the Developing Immune System by Early Life Social Adversity," IZA Discussion Papers 6915, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  20. Conti, Gabriella & Heckman, James J., 2012. "The Economics of Child Well-Being," IZA Discussion Papers 6930, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  21. Conti, Gabriella & Heckman, James J., 2012. "The Developmental Approach to Child and Adult Health," IZA Discussion Papers 7060, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  22. Kocher, Martin G. & Poulsen, Odile & Zizzo, Daniel J., 2012. "Social preferences, accountability, and wage bargaining," Discussion Papers in Economics 14039, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  23. Stephen McKnight & Alexander Mihailov, 2012. "Do real balance effects invalidate the Taylor principle in closed and open economies?," Serie documentos de trabajo del Centro de Estudios Económicos 2012-10, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos.
  24. Volodymyr Bilotkach & Alberto A. Gaggero & Claudio A. Piga, 2012. "Airline Pricing under Different Market Conditions: evidence from European Low-Cost Carriers," Discussion Paper Series 2012_01, Department of Economics, Loughborough University, revised Jan 2012.
  25. Marco Alderighi & Alberto Gaggero, 2012. "Do non-stop flights boost exports?," DEM Working Papers Series 012, University of Pavia, Department of Economics and Management.
  26. Marco Alderighi & Alberto Gaggero, 2012. "Accessibilità aerea e capacità esportativa del manifatturiero italiano," Quaderni di Dipartimento 163, University of Pavia, Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods.
  27. Haliassos, Michael & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Pasini, Giacomo, 2012. "Household Debt and Social Interactions," CEPR Discussion Papers 9238, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  28. Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos & Livada, Alexandra, 2012. "Evaluating Value-at-Risk Models before and after the Financial Crisis of 2008: International Evidence," MPRA Paper 80463, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  29. Nicole Tabasso, 2012. "Endogenous Growth and Consumption Aggregation," School of Economics Discussion Papers 0712, School of Economics, University of Surrey.
  30. Dimitris A. Georgoutsos & Petros Migiakis, 2012. "Heterogeneity of the determinants of euro-area sovereign bond spreads; what does it tell us about financial stability?," Working Papers 143, Bank of Greece.


  1. Henrik Barslund Fosse & Pascalis Raimondos, 2011. "Reducing Tariffs according to WTO Accession Rules: The Case of Vietnam," CESifo Working Paper Series 3628, CESifo.
  2. Pascalis Raimondos & Alan D. Woodland, 2011. "Reciprocity, World Prices and Welfare," CESifo Working Paper Series 3607, CESifo.
  3. Dan Anderberg & Helmut Rainer, 2011. "Domestic Abuse: Instrumental Violence and Economics Incentives," CESifo Working Paper Series 3673, CESifo.
  4. Bauernschuster, Stefan & Rainer, Helmut, 2011. "Political regimes and the family: How sex-role attitudes continue to differ in reunified Germany," Munich Reprints in Economics 20152, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  5. Auer, Wolfgang & Hofmann, Herbert & Rainer, Helmut & Reinkow, Janina, 2011. "Zeit für Familie – Thema des 8. Familienberichts," Munich Reprints in Economics 20677, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  6. Konstantinos Drakos & Panagiotis Th. Konstantinou, 2011. "Terrorism Shocks and Public Spending: Panel VAR Evidence from Europe," Economics of Security Working Paper Series 48, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  7. Christos Kallandranis & Konstantinos Drakos, 2011. "Terrorism Shocks and Stock Market Reaction Patterns," EUSECON Policy Briefing 14, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  8. Olaf J. de Groot & Konstantinos Drakos & Cathérine Müller, 2011. "How Rational Is the Response of Individuals to the Threat of Terrorism in Europe?," EUSECON Policy Briefing 9, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  9. Konstantinos Drakos, 2011. "Extent and Intensity of Investment with Multiple Capital Goods," Post-Print hal-00724615, HAL.
  10. Alexiadis, Stilianos & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos, 2011. "Health is wealth: an empirical note across the US states," MPRA Paper 33517, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  11. Stilianos Alexiadis & Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Peter Nijkamp, 2011. "Labor Market Dynamics and Technology Adoption: Theory and Empirical Evidence," Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 11-163/3, Tinbergen Institute.
  12. Luigi Guiso & Paolo Pinotti, 2011. "Democratization and Civic Capital in Italy," Quaderni di storia economica (Economic History Working Papers) 23, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
  13. Rustichini, Aldo & Guiso, Luigi, 2011. "What drives women out of entrepreneurship? The joint role of testosterone and culture," CEPR Discussion Papers 8204, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  14. Rustichini, Aldo & Guiso, Luigi, 2011. "Understanding the size and profitability of firms: The role of a biological factor," CEPR Discussion Papers 8205, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  15. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio & Butler, Jeff, 2011. "The role of intuition and reasoning in driving aversion to risk and ambiguity," CEPR Discussion Papers 8334, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  16. Luigi Guiso & Chaoqun Lai & Makoto Mirei, 2011. "Detecting Propagation Effects by Observing Aggregate Distributions: The Case of Lumpy Investments," EIEF Working Papers Series 1112, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), revised Jun 2011.
  17. Domenico Tabasso, 2011. "With or Without You: Hazard of Divorce and Intra-household Allocation of Time," Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series wp2011n07, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne.
  18. Michael Keen & Christos Kotsogiannis, 2011. "Coordinating Climate and Trade Policies: Pareto Efficiency and the Role of Border Tax Adjustments," CESifo Working Paper Series 3494, CESifo.
  19. Nils Herger & Christos Kotsogiannis & Steve McCorriston, 2011. "International Taxation and FDI Strategies: Evidence From US Cross-Border Acquisitions," Discussion Papers 1109, University of Exeter, Department of Economics.
  20. Stephen McKnight, 2011. "Real indeterminacy and the timing of money in open economies," Serie documentos de trabajo del Centro de Estudios Económicos 2011-01, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos.
  21. Stephen McKnight, 2011. "Investment and interest rate policy in the open economy," Serie documentos de trabajo del Centro de Estudios Económicos 2011-02, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos.
  22. Dimitris Georgarakos & Roman Inderst, 2011. "Financial Advice and Stock Market Participation," BCL working papers 51, Central Bank of Luxembourg.
  23. Filis, George & Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos, 2011. "Dynamic correlation between stock market and oil prices: The case of oil-importing and oil-exporting countries," MPRA Paper 96299, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Chambers, MJ & Kyriacou, M, 2010. "Jackknife Bias Reduction in the Presence of a Unit Root," Economics Discussion Papers 2785, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  2. Chambers, MJ, 2010. "Jackknife Estimation of Stationary Autoregressive Models," Economics Discussion Papers 2786, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  3. Marcus J. Chambers & Joanne S. Ercolani & A. M. Robert Taylor, 2010. "Testing for seasonal unit roots by frequency domain regression," Discussion Papers 10/02, University of Nottingham, Granger Centre for Time Series Econometrics.
  4. Anders Poulsen & Michael Roos, 2010. "Do People Make Strategic Commitments? Experimental Evidence on Strategic Information Avoidance," University of East Anglia Applied and Financial Economics Working Paper Series 007, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
  5. Marco Faravelli & Oliver Kirchkamp & Helmut Rainer, 2010. "Social Welfare versus Inequality Concerns in an Incomplete Contract Experiment," CESifo Working Paper Series 2933, CESifo.
  6. Stefan Bauernschuster & Helmut Rainer, 2010. "From Politics to the Family: How Sex-Role Attitudes Keep on Diverging in Reunified Germany," CESifo Working Paper Series 2957, CESifo.
  7. Helmut Rainer & Thomas Siedler, 2010. "Family Location and Caregiving Patterns from an International Perspective," CESifo Working Paper Series 2989, CESifo.
  8. Volker Meier & Helmut Rainer, 2010. "On the Optimality of Joint Taxation for Non-Cooperative Couples," CESifo Working Paper Series 3128, CESifo.
  9. Konstantinos Drakos & Cathérine Müller, 2010. "On the Determinants of Terrorism Risk Concern in Europe," Economics of Security Working Paper Series 36, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  10. Konstantinos Drakos & Cathérine Müller, 2010. "Terrorism Risk Concern in Europe," Economics of Security Working Paper Series 37, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  11. Alexiadis, Stilianos & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos, 2010. "The Morphology of Income Convergence in US States: New Evidence using an Error-Correction-Model," MPRA Paper 20096, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  12. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Athanasiou, George, 2010. "Labour Market, Obesity and Public Policy Considerations," MPRA Paper 20926, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  13. Hadjidema, Stamatina & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos, 2010. "Environmental Taxation under Productive Differentials: An Efficiency Analysis," MPRA Paper 21861, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  14. Alexiadis, Stilianos & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos, 2010. "The ‘Trade-off’ between Spatial Equity and Economic Efficiency Revisited: Evidence from the US States," MPRA Paper 24372, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  15. L. Guiso & L. Pistaferri & F. Schivardi, 2010. "Credit within the firm," Working Paper CRENoS 201009, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  16. Guiso, Luigi & Alvarez, Fernando & Lippi, Francesco, 2010. "Durable consumption and asset management with transaction and observation costs," CEPR Discussion Papers 7702, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  17. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2010. "Civic Capital as the Missing Link," CEPR Discussion Papers 7757, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  18. Luigi Guiso, 2010. "A Trust-driven Financial Crisis.Implications for the Future of Financial Markets," EIEF Working Papers Series 1006, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), revised Mar 2010.
  19. Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales, 2010. "The Determinants of Attitudes towards Strategic Default on Mortgages," Economics Working Papers ECO2010/31, European University Institute.
  20. Corsetti, Giancarlo & Devereux, Michael P. & Guiso, Luigi & Hassler, John & Saint-Paul, Gilles & Sinn, Hans-Werner & Sturm, Jan-Egbert & Vives, Xavier, 2010. "The financial crisis: Risks and challenges for the euro area," Munich Reprints in Economics 20103, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  21. Corsetti, Giancarlo & Devereux, Michael P. & Guiso, Luigi & Hassler, John & Saint-Paul, Gilles & Sinn, Hans-Werner & Sturm, Jan-Egbert & Vives, Xavier, 2010. "The European economy," Munich Reprints in Economics 20104, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  22. Corsetti, Giancarlo & Devereux, Michael P. & Guiso, Luigi & Hassler, John & Saint-Paul, Gilles & Sinn, Hans-Werner & Sturm, Jan-Egbert & Vives, Xavier, 2010. "Implications of the crisis for US adjustment needs," Munich Reprints in Economics 20105, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  23. Corsetti, Giancarlo & Devereux, Michael P. & Guiso, Luigi & Hassler, John & Saint-Paul, Gilles & Sinn, Hans-Werner & Sturm, Jan-Egbert & Vives, Xavier, 2010. "From fiscal rescue to global debt," Munich Reprints in Economics 20106, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  24. Tabasso, Domenico, 2010. "With or Without You: Divorce Rates and Intra-Household Allocation of Time," IZA Discussion Papers 5292, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  25. Gabriella Conti & James J. Heckman & Sergio Urzua, 2010. "Early endowments, education, and health," Working Papers 2011-001, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group.
  26. Anders Frederiksen & Odile Poulsen, 2010. "Increasing Income Inequality: Productivity, Bargaining and Skill-Upgrading," University of East Anglia Applied and Financial Economics Working Paper Series 006, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
  27. Rafael Salas & Juan Gabriel Rodríguez, 2010. "Popular support for egalitarian social welfare," Working Papers 171, ECINEQ, Society for the Study of Economic Inequality.
  28. Christopher Gerry & Tomasz Marek Mickiewicz & Zlatko Nikoloski, 2010. "Did Mass Privatisation really increase Post-Communist male mortality?," UCL SSEES Economics and Business working paper series 103, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES).
  29. Haliassos, Michael & Georgarakos, Dimitris, 2010. "Differences in Portfolios across Countries: Economic Environment versus Household Characteristics," CEPR Discussion Papers 8017, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  30. Haliassos, Michael & Georgarakos, Dimitris, 2010. "Stockholding: Participation, Location, and Spillovers," CEPR Discussion Papers 8113, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  31. Georgarakos, Dimitris & Lojschová, Adriana & Ward-Warmedinger, Melanie, 2010. "Mortgage indebtedness and household financial distress," Working Paper Series 1156, European Central Bank.
  32. Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos, 2010. "Hedge Ratios in South African Stock Index Futures," MPRA Paper 96301, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  33. Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos, 2010. "VIX Index in Interday and Intraday Volatility Models," MPRA Paper 96304, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  34. Luz Adriana Flórez, 2010. "Monetary Policy and Commodity Prices: an endogenous analysis using an SVAR approach," Borradores de Economia 610, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  35. Dimitris A. Georgoutsos & Petros Migiakis, 2010. "European sovereign bond spreads: monetary unification, market conditions and financial integration," Working Papers 115, Bank of Greece.


  1. Anders U. Poulsen & Michael V. M. Roos, 2009. "Do People Make Strategic Moves? Experimental Evidence on Strategic Information Avoidance," Discussion Papers 09-06, University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
  2. Anders Poulsen & Odile Poulsen, 2009. "Altruism and welfare when preferences are endogenous," Working Paper series, University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) 09-02, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
  3. Helena Holmlund & Helmut Rainer & Thomas Siedler, 2009. "Meet the Parents?: The Causal Effect of Family Size on the Geographic Distance between Adult Children and Older Parents," Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin 923, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  4. Marco Faravelli & Oliver Kirchkamp & Helmut Rainer, 2009. "Social welfare versus inequality aversion in an incomplete contract experiment," Jena Economics Research Papers 2009-016, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
  5. Rainer, Helmut & Siedler, Thomas, 2009. "The role of social networks in determining migration and labour market outcomes: Evidence from German reunification," Munich Reprints in Economics 19783, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  6. David Bartolini & Alberto Zazzaro, 2009. "The Anticompetitive Effects of the Antitrust Policy," Mo.Fi.R. Working Papers 18, Money and Finance Research group (Mo.Fi.R.) - Univ. Politecnica Marche - Dept. Economic and Social Sciences.
  7. David Bartolini & Raffaella Santolini, 2009. "Fiscal Rules and the Opportunistic Behaviour of the Incumbent Politician: Evidence from Italian Municipalities," CESifo Working Paper Series 2605, CESifo.
  8. Konstantinos Drakos, 2009. "Cross-Country Stock Market Reactions to Major Terror Events: The Role of Risk Perception," Economics of Security Working Paper Series 16, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  9. Konstantinos Drakos, 2009. "The Determinants of Terrorist Shocks' Cross-Market Transmission," Economics of Security Working Paper Series 17, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  10. Konstantinos Drakos, 2009. "Security Economics: A Guide for Data Availability and Needs," Economics of Security Working Paper Series 6, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  11. Konstantinos Drakos, 2009. "Big Questions, Little Answers: Terrorism Activity, Investor Sentiment and Stock Returns," Economics of Security Working Paper Series 8, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  12. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Athanasiou, George & Petrakis, Panagiotis, 2009. "Wages and Higher Education Participation," MPRA Paper 19615, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  13. Guiso, Luigi, 2009. "A test of narrow framing and its origin," CEPR Discussion Papers 7112, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  14. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2009. "Moral and Social Constraints to Strategic Default on Mortgages," CEPR Discussion Papers 7352, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  15. Guiso, Luigi & Giuliano, Paola & Butler, Jeff, 2009. "The Right Amount of Trust," CEPR Discussion Papers 7461, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  16. Kennickell, Arthur & Fitzpatrick, Trevor & Ehrmann, Michael & Bonci, Riccardo & Museux, Jean-Marc & Honkkila, Juha & Vilmunen, Jouko & Herrala, Risto & Komprej, Irena & Jeran, Matjaž & Geršak, Uroš & , 2009. "Survey data on household finance and consumption: research summary and policy use," Occasional Paper Series 100, European Central Bank.
  17. Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli & Mario Padula, 2009. "Pension Risk, Retirement Saving and Insurance," EIEF Working Papers Series 0902, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), revised Apr 2009.
  18. Tabasso, D, 2009. "With or Without You: Time Use Complementarities and Divorce Rate in the US," Economics Discussion Papers 8937, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  19. Tabasso, D, 2009. "Temporary Contracts and Monopsony Power in the UK Labour Market," Economics Discussion Papers 8938, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  20. Ourania Karakosta & Christos Kotsogiannis & Miguel-Angel Lopez-Garcia, 2009. "Does Indirect Tax Harmonization Deliver Pareto Improvements in the Presence of Global Public Goods?," CESifo Working Paper Series 2668, CESifo.
  21. Kessing, Sebastian G. & Konrad, Kai A. & Kotsogiannis, Christos, 2009. "Federalism, weak institutions and the competition for foreign direct investment," Munich Reprints in Economics 22086, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
  22. Pudney, Stephen & Conti, Gabriella & Galeotti, Andrea & Mueller, Gerrit, 2009. "Popularity," ISER Working Paper Series 2009-03, Institute for Social and Economic Research.
    • Gabriella Conti & Andrea Galeotti & Gerrit Mueller & Stephen Pudney, 2012. "Popularity," NBER Working Papers 18475, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  23. Alberto A. Gaggero & Claudio A. Piga, 2009. "Airline Market Power and Intertemporal Price Dispersion," Discussion Paper Series 2009_10, Department of Economics, Loughborough University, revised Jul 2009.
  24. Haliassos, Michael & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Bilias, Yannis, 2009. "Portfolio Inertia and Stock Market Fluctuations," CEPR Discussion Papers 7239, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  25. Georgarakos, Dimitris & Tatsiramos, Konstantinos, 2009. "Immigrant Self-Employment: Does Intermarriage Matter?," IZA Discussion Papers 4350, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  26. Dimitrios Christelis & Dimitris Georgarakos, 2009. "Household Economic Decisions under the Shadow of Terrorism," CSEF Working Papers 213, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy.
  27. Dimitrios Christelis & Dimitris Georgarakos & Michael Haliassos, 2009. "Stockholding: From Participation to Location and to Participation Spillovers," CSEF Working Papers 230, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy.
  28. Georgarakos, Dimitris & Pasini, Giacomo, 2009. "Trust, sociability and stock market participation," CFS Working Paper Series 2009/29, Center for Financial Studies (CFS).
  29. Degiannakis, Stavros & Giannopoulos, George, 2009. "Is PEAD a consequence of the presence of the cognitive bias of self-attribution in investors’ expectations regarding permanent earnings? Evidence from Athens Stock Exchange," MPRA Paper 96305, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  30. Avgouleas, Emilios & Degiannakis, Stavros, 2009. "Trade transparency and trading volume: the possible impact of the financial instruments markets directive on the trading volume of EU equity markets," MPRA Paper 96306, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  31. I A Venetis & I Paya & D Peel, 2009. "ESTAR model with multiple fixed points. Testing and Estimation," Working Papers 599093, Lancaster University Management School, Economics Department.
  32. Dimitris A. Georgoutsos & Petros M. Migiakis, 2009. "Benchmark bonds interactions under regime shifts," Working Papers 103, Bank of Greece.


  1. Melisso Boschi & Alessandro Girardi, 2008. "The contribution of domestic, regional, and international factors to Latin America’s business cycle," ISAE Working Papers 105, ISTAT - Italian National Institute of Statistics - (Rome, ITALY).
  2. Melisso Boschi & Luca Pieroni, 2008. "Aluminium market and the macroeconomy," Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia, Finanza e Statistica 42/2008, Università di Perugia, Dipartimento Economia.
  3. Eriksson, Tor & Poulsen, Anders & Villeval, Marie Claire, 2008. "Feedback and Incentives: Experimental Evidence," IZA Discussion Papers 3440, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  4. Francesconi, Marco & Van Der Klaauw, Wilbert & Rainer, Helmut, 2008. "Unintended Consequences of Welfare Reform: The Case of Divorced Parents," CEPR Discussion Papers 7107, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  5. Rainer, Helmut & Selvaretnam, Geetha & Ulph, David, 2008. "Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) in a Model of Fertility Choice," SIRE Discussion Papers 2008-09, Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE).
  6. Rainer, Helmut & Smith, Ian, 2008. "Staying together for the sake of the home? House price shocks and partnership dissolution in the UK," ISER Working Paper Series 2008-31, Institute for Social and Economic Research.
  7. Siedler, Thomas & Rainer, Helmut, 2008. "Social networks in determining migration and labour market outcomes: evidence from the German reunification," ISER Working Paper Series 2008-36, Institute for Social and Economic Research.
  8. David BARTOLINI, 2008. "A model of Cooperative Investments with Three Players," Working Papers 312, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche (I), Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali.
  9. David BARTOLINI & Alberto ZAZZARO, 2008. "Are Antitrust Fines Friendly to Competition? An Endogenous Coalition Formation Approach to Collusive Cartels," Working Papers 325, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche (I), Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali.
  10. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2008. "Social Capital as Good Culture," CEPR Discussion Papers 6657, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  11. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2008. "Long Term Persistence," CEPR Discussion Papers 6981, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  12. Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli, 2008. "Financial Literacy and Portfolio Diversification," EIEF Working Papers Series 0812, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), revised Oct 2008.
  13. Christos Kotsogiannis & Konstantinos Serfes, 2008. "Public Goods and Tax Competition in a Two-Sided Market," Discussion Papers 0808, University of Exeter, Department of Economics.
  14. Gabriella Conti & Stephen Pudney, 2008. "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! Survey design and the analysis of satisfaction," Working Papers 016, "Carlo F. Dondena" Centre for Research on Social Dynamics (DONDENA), Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi.
  15. Frederiksen, Anders & Poulsen, Odile, 2008. "Management Compensation and Firm-Level Income Inequality," IZA Discussion Papers 3676, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  16. Alberto Gaggero & Claudio A. Piga, 2008. "Airline Competition in the British Isles," Discussion Paper Series 2008_12, Department of Economics, Loughborough University, revised Oct 2008.
  17. Christopher Gerry & Jong-Kyu Lee & Tomasz Marek Mickiewicz, 2008. "Macroeconomic Stability, Governance and Growth: Empirical Lessons from the Post-Communist Transition," UCL SSEES Economics and Business working paper series 89, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES).
  18. Dimitrios Christelis & Dimitris Georgarakos, 2008. "Investing at Home and Abroad: Different Costs, Different People?," CSEF Working Papers 188, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy, revised 10 Jan 2013.
  19. Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Haliassos, Michael, 2008. "Economic integration and mature portfolios," CFS Working Paper Series 2008/05, Center for Financial Studies (CFS).
  20. Angelidis, Timotheos & Degiannakis, Stavros, 2008. "Volatility forecasting: intra-day vs. inter-day models," MPRA Paper 80434, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  21. Degiannakis, Stavros & Livada, Alexandra & Panas, Epaminondas, 2008. "Rolling-sampled parameters of ARCH and Levy-stable models," MPRA Paper 80464, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  22. Degiannakis, Stavros, 2008. "ARFIMAX and ARFIMAX-TARCH Realized Volatility Modeling," MPRA Paper 80465, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  23. Degiannakis, Stavros, 2008. "Forecasting Vix," MPRA Paper 96307, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  24. Degiannakis, Stavros & Xekalaki, Evdokia, 2008. "SPEC Model Selection Algorithm for ARCH Models: an Options Pricing Evaluation Framework," MPRA Paper 96321, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  25. Angelidis, Timotheos & Degiannakis, Stavros, 2008. "Volatility forecasting: Intra-day versus inter-day models," MPRA Paper 96322, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  26. Luis Eduardo Arango & Fernando Arias & Luz Adriana Flórez, 2008. "Trends, Fluctuations, and Determinants of Commodity Prices," Borradores de Economia 521, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.


  1. Schmitt, Nicolas & Raimondos, Pascalis, 2007. "Commodity Taxation and Parallel Imports," CEPR Discussion Papers 6580, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  2. Boschi, Melisso, 2007. "Foreign capital in Latin America: A long-run structural Global VAR perspective," Economics Discussion Papers 8918, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  3. Poulsen, Anders, 2007. "Learning to Make Strategic Moves: Experimental Evidence," MPRA Paper 10927, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Siedler, Thomas & Rainer, Helmut, 2007. "Subjective income and employment expectations and preferences for redistribution," ISER Working Paper Series 2007-21, Institute for Social and Economic Research.
  5. Francesconi, Marco & Rainer, Helmut & van der Klaauw, Wilbert, 2007. "The Effects of In-Work Benefit Reform in Britain on Couples: Theory and Evidence," IZA Discussion Papers 2980, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  6. Bartolini, David, 2007. "Market Efficiency and Coalition Structures," Economics Discussion Papers 8910, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  7. Luigi Guiso & Raoul Minetti, 2007. "The Structure of Multiple Credit Relationships: Evidence from US Firms," Economics Working Papers ECO2007/46, European University Institute.
  8. Christos Kotsogiannis, 2007. "Federal Tax Competition and the Efficiency Consequences for Local Taxation of Revenue Equalization," Discussion Papers 0701, University of Exeter, Department of Economics.
  9. Christos Kotsogiannis & Diego Martinez, 2007. "Ad Valorem Taxes and the Fiscal Gap in Federations," Discussion Papers 0703, University of Exeter, Department of Economics.
  10. Stephen McKnight & Alexander Mihailov, 2007. "Re-examining the Importance of Trade Openness for Aggregate Instability," Economic Analysis Research Group Working Papers earg-wp2007-12, Henley Business School, University of Reading.
  11. Christopher Gerry & Tomasz Marek Mickiewicz, 2007. "Inequality, democracy and taxation: lessons from the post-communist transition," UCL SSEES Economics and Business working paper series 74, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES).
  12. Christopher Gerry & Eugene Nivorozhkin & John Rigg, 2007. "The Great Divide: Ruralisation of Poverty in Russia," UCL SSEES Economics and Business working paper series 76, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES).
  13. Christopher Gerry & Carmen A Li, 2007. "Consumption Smoothing and Vulnerability in Russia," William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series wp885, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan.
  14. Georgarakos, Dimitris & Tatsiramos, Konstantinos, 2007. "Entrepreneurship and Survival Dynamics of Immigrants to the U.S. and their Descendants," IZA Discussion Papers 2792, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  15. Timotheos Angelidis & Stavros Degiannakis, 2007. "Backtesting VaR Models: An Expected Shortfall Approach," Working Papers 0701, University of Crete, Department of Economics.
  16. Angelidis, Timotheos & Degiannakis, Stavros, 2007. "Backtesting VaR Models: A Τwo-Stage Procedure," MPRA Paper 80418, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  17. Angelidis, Timotheos & Benos, Alexandros & Degiannakis, Stavros, 2007. "A Robust VaR Model under Different Time Periods and Weighting Schemes," MPRA Paper 80466, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  18. Degiannakis, Stavros & Xekalaki, Evdokia, 2007. "Assessing the Performance of a Prediction Error Criterion Model Selection Algorithm in the Context of ARCH Models," MPRA Paper 96324, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  19. Degiannakis, Stavros & Xekalaki, Evdokia, 2007. "Simulated Evidence on the Distribution of the Standardized One-Step-Ahead Prediction Errors in ARCH Processes," MPRA Paper 96326, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  20. Luis Eduardo Arango & Fernando Arias & Luz Adriana Flórez & Munir Jalil, 2007. "Cronología de los ciclos de negocios recientes en Colombia," Borradores de Economia 461, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  21. Luis Eduardo Arango & Fernando Arias & Luz Adriana Flórez, 2007. "Cronología de los ciclos de crecimiento recientes en Colombia," Borradores de Economia 464, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.


  1. Pascalis Raimondos & Alan D. Woodland, 2006. "Steepest Ascent Tariff Reforms," CESifo Working Paper Series 1760, CESifo.
  2. Nielsen, Soren Bo & Schjelderup, Guttorm & Raimondos, Pascalis, 2006. "Taxes and Decision Rights in Multinationals," CEPR Discussion Papers 5952, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  3. Raimondos, Pascalis & Kreickemeier, Udo, 2006. "Tariff-Tax Reforms and Market Access," CEPR Discussion Papers 5889, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  4. Raimondos, Pascalis & Kreickemeier, Udo, 2006. "Concertina Reforms with International Capital Mobility," CEPR Discussion Papers 5888, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  5. Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis & Woodland, Alan D., 2006. "Measuring Tax Efficiency," Working Papers 05-2004, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Economics.
  6. Nabanita Datta Gupta & Anders Poulsen & Marie Claire Villeval, 2006. "Male and Female Competitive Behavior," Post-Print halshs-00175475, HAL.
  7. Helmut Rainer & Thomas Siedler, 2006. "O Brother, Where Art Thou?: The Effects of Having a Sibling on Geographic Mobility and Labor Market Outcomes," Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin 608, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  8. Helmut Rainer & Thomas Siedler, 2006. "Does Democracy Foster Trust?," Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin 609, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
  9. Rainer, Helmut & Siedler, Thomas, 2006. "Does Democracy Foster Trust? Evidence from the German Reunification," Economics Discussion Papers 8903, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  10. L. Guiso & F. Schivardi, 2006. "What determines entrepreneurial clusters?," Working Paper CRENoS 200616, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  11. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2006. "Does Culture Affect Economic Outcomes?," CEPR Discussion Papers 5505, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  12. Guiso, Luigi & Pistaferri, Luigi & Schivardi, Fabiano, 2006. "Labour Adjustment: Disentangling Firing and Mobility Costs," CEPR Discussion Papers 5787, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  13. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2006. "The Cost of Banking Regulation," CEPR Discussion Papers 5864, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  14. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio, 2006. "Information Acquisition and Portfolio Performance," CEPR Discussion Papers 5901, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  15. Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri & Fabiano Schivardi, 2006. "Disentangling employment and wage rigidity," 2006 Meeting Papers 536, Society for Economic Dynamics.
  16. Christos Kotsogiannis & Robert Schwager, 2006. "Fiscal Equalization and Yardstick Competition," Working Papers 2006-15, University of Kentucky, Institute for Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations.
  17. Anders Frederiksen & Odile Poulsen, 2006. "Rising Wage Inequality: Does the Return to Management Tell the Whole Story?," Discussion Papers 05-007, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.
  18. Ejargque, Joao & McKnight, Stephen, 2006. "Can we identify the relative price between consumption and investment?," Economics Discussion Papers 8904, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  19. Juan Prieto Rodríguez & Juan Gabriel Rodríguez & Rafael Salas, 2006. "On The Measurement Of Illegal Wage Discrimination: The Michael Jordan Paradox," Working Papers 38, ECINEQ, Society for the Study of Economic Inequality.
  20. Christopher Gerry & Tomasz Mickiewicz, 2006. "Inequality, Fiscal Capacity and the Political Regime: Lessons from the Post-Communist Transition," William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series wp831, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan.
  21. Gloria Alonso & Pilar Esguerra & Luz Adriana Flórez & Franz Hamann & Munir Jalil & Luisa Silva, 2006. "POLÍTICA MONETARIA Y CAMBIARIA Y ESTABILIDAD DEL TIPO DE CAMBIO EN ALGUNOS PAÍSES EMERGENTES: Hungría, Chile, China, Perú y Brasil," Borradores de Economia 426, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  22. Ruthira Naraidoo & Patrick Minford & Ioannis A. Venetis, 2006. "The political economy of unemployment and threshold effects. A nonlinear time series approach," Keele Economics Research Papers KERP 2006/21, Centre for Economic Research, Keele University.
  23. Bekiros, S. & Georgoutsos, D., 2006. "Direction-of-Change Forecasting using a Volatility- Based Recurrent Neural Network," CeNDEF Working Papers 06-16, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance.
  24. Bekiros, S. & Georgoutsos, D., 2006. "Estimating the Correlation of International Equity Markets with Multivariate Extreme and Garch models," CeNDEF Working Papers 06-17, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance.


  1. Søren Bo Nielsen & Pascalis Raimondos & Guttorm Schjelderup, 2005. "Centralized vs. De-centralized Multinationals and Taxes," CESifo Working Paper Series 1586, CESifo.
  2. Melisso Boschi & Alessandro Girardi, 2005. "Euro Area inflation: long-run determinants and short-run dynamics," ISAE Working Papers 60, ISTAT - Italian National Institute of Statistics - (Rome, ITALY).
  3. Boschi, Melisso & Girardi, Alessandro, 2005. "Does one monetary policy fit all? the determinants of inflation in EMU countries," MPRA Paper 28554, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Marie-Claire Villeval & Nabanita Datta Gupta & Anders Poulsen, 2005. "Male and Female Competitive Behavior - Experimental Evidence," Working Papers 0512, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  5. Nabanita Datta Gupta & Anders Poulsen & Marie Claire Villeval, 2005. "Male and Female Competitive Behavior: Experimental," Post-Print halshs-00175039, HAL.
  6. Nabanita Datta Gupta & Anders Poulsen & Marie Claire Villeval, 2005. "Do (Wo)Men Prefer (Non)Competitive Jobs?," Post-Print halshs-00176712, HAL.
  7. David BARTOLINI, 2005. "The Italian Auction for Radio Spectrum Licences," Working Papers 231, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche (I), Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali.
  8. Luigi Guiso & Monica Paiella, 2005. "The Role Of Risk Aversion In Predicting Individual Behavior," Temi di discussione (Economic working papers) 546, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
  9. Luigi Guiso & Monica Paiella & Ignazio Visco, 2005. "Do capital gains affect consumption? Estimates of wealth effects from Italian households� behavior," Temi di discussione (Economic working papers) 555, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
  10. Luca Casolaro & Leonardo Gambacorta & Luigi Guiso, 2005. "Regulation, formal and informal enforcement and the development of the household loan market. Lessons from Italy," Temi di discussione (Economic working papers) 560, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
  11. Haliassos, Michael & Reiter, Michael, 2005. "Trusting the stock market," CFS Working Paper Series 2005/27, Center for Financial Studies (CFS).
  12. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2005. "Cultural Biases in Economic Exchange," CEPR Discussion Papers 4837, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  13. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2005. "Trusting the Stock Market," CEPR Discussion Papers 5288, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  14. Guiso, Luigi & Schivardi, Fabiano, 2005. "Learning to be an Entrepreneur," CEPR Discussion Papers 5290, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  15. Terence D.Agbeyegbe & Elena Goldman, 2005. "Estimation of threshold time series models using efficient jump MCMC," Economics Working Paper Archive at Hunter College 406, Hunter College Department of Economics, revised 2005.
  16. Christos Kotsogiannis & Robert Schwager, 2005. "On the Incentives to Experiment in Federations," CESifo Working Paper Series 1585, CESifo.
  17. Christos Kotsogiannis & Robert Schwager, 2005. "Policy Innovation In Federal Systems," Urban/Regional 0504001, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  18. Axel Dreher & Christos Kotsogiannis & Steve McCorriston, 2005. "How do Institutions Affect Corruption and the Shadow Economy?," Public Economics 0502012, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 24 Feb 2005.
  19. Christos Kotsogiannis & Miguel-Angel Lopez-Garcia, 2005. "Imperfect Competition, Indirect Tax Harmonization and Public Goods," Discussion Papers 0501, University of Exeter, Department of Economics.
  20. Kessing, Sebastian G. & Konrad, Kai A. & Kotsogiannis, Christos, 2005. "Federal tax autonomy and the limits of cooperation [Föderale Steuerautonomie und die Grenzen der Kooperation]," Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Market Processes and Governance SP II 2005-18, WZB Berlin Social Science Center.
  21. Poulsen, Odile & Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard, 2005. "Love Thy Neighbor: Bonding versus Bridging Trust," Working Papers 05-7, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  22. Poulsen, Odile & Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard, 2005. "The Long and Winding Road: Social Capital and Commuting," Working Papers 05-6, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  23. Bilias, Yannis & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Haliassos, Michael, 2005. "Equity culture and the distribution of wealth," CFS Working Paper Series 2005/20, Center for Financial Studies (CFS).
  24. Angelidis, Timotheos & Degiannakis, Stavros, 2005. "Modeling Risk for Long and Short Trading Positions," MPRA Paper 80467, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  25. Xekalaki, Evdokia & Degiannakis, Stavros, 2005. "Evaluating Volatility Forecasts in Option Pricing in the Context of a Simulated Options Market," MPRA Paper 80468, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  26. Degiannakis, Stavros & Xekalaki, Evdokia, 2005. "Predictability and Model Selection in the Context of ARCH Models," MPRA Paper 80486, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  27. Luis Eduardo Arango & Luz Adriana Flórez, 2005. "Tramo Corto de la Curva de Rendimientos, Cambio de Régimen Inflacionario y Expectativas de Inflación en Colombia," Borradores de Economia 360, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  28. Ivan Paya & Agustín Duarte & Ioannis A. Venetis, 2005. "The Long Memory Story Of Real Interest Rates. Can It Be Supported?," Working Papers. Serie AD 2005-01, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, S.A. (Ivie).
  29. D Peel & I A Venetis, 2005. "Smooth transition models and arbitrage consistency," Working Papers 566786, Lancaster University Management School, Economics Department.


  1. McCrorie, J.R. & Chambers, M.J., 2004. "Granger Causality and the Sampling of Economic Processes," Discussion Paper 2004-39, Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research.
  2. Chambers, M.J. & McCrorie, J.R., 2004. "Frequency Domain Gaussian Estimation of Temporally Aggregated Cointegrated Systems," Discussion Paper 2004-40, Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research.
  3. Chambers, M.J. & McCrorie, J.R., 2004. "Identification and Estimation of Exchange Rate Models with Unobservable Fundamentals," Discussion Paper 2004-38, Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research.
  4. Pascalis Raimondos & Alan D. Woodland, 2004. "Measuring Tax Efficiency: A Tax Optimality Index," CESifo Working Paper Series 1236, CESifo.
  5. Pascalis Raimondos & Alan D. Woodland, 2004. "Non-Preferential Trading Clubs," CESifo Working Paper Series 1145, CESifo.
  6. Aditya Goenka & Melisso Boschi, 2004. "International capital flows and transmission of financial crises," Econometric Society 2004 Far Eastern Meetings 785, Econometric Society.
  7. Boschi, Melisso, 2004. "International Financial Contagion: Evidence from the Argentine Crisis of 2001-2002," MPRA Paper 28546, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Poulsen, Anders U. & Tan, Jonathan H.W., 2004. "Can Information Backfire? - Experimental Evidence from the Ultimatum Game," Working Papers 04-16, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  9. Rainer, Helmut, 2004. "Gender Discrimination and Efficiency in Marriage: the Bargaining Family under Scrutiny," Economics Discussion Papers 8880, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  10. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio, 2004. "Awareness and Stock Market Participation," CEPR Discussion Papers 4182, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  11. Guiso, Luigi & Minetti, Raoul, 2004. "Multiple Creditors and Information Rights: Theory and Evidence from US Firms," CEPR Discussion Papers 4278, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  12. Guiso, Luigi & Pagano, Marco & Jappelli, Tullio & Padula, Mario, 2004. "Financial Market Integration and Economic Growth in the EU," CEPR Discussion Papers 4395, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  13. Terence D.Agbeyegbe & Janet G. Stotsky & Asegedech WoldeMariam, 2004. "Trade Liberalization, Exchange Rate Changes, and Tax Revenue in Sub-Saharan Africa," Economics Working Paper Archive at Hunter College 403, Hunter College Department of Economics, revised 2004.
  14. Terence D.Agbeyegbe & Patrick N. Osakwe, 2004. "Real Exchange Rate Volatility and the Choice of Regimes in Emerging Markets," Economics Working Paper Archive at Hunter College 404, Hunter College Department of Economics, revised 2004.
  15. Axel Dreher & Christos Kotsogiannis & Steve McCorriston, 2004. "Corruption Around The World: Evidence From A Structural Model," Public Economics 0406004, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  16. Poulsen, Odile & Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard, 2004. "Social Capital and Market Centralisation: A Two-Sector Model," Working Papers 04-12, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  17. Aditya Goenaka & Odile Poulsen, 2004. "Factor Intensity reversal and Chaos I," Econometric Society 2004 Australasian Meetings 86, Econometric Society.
  18. Goenka, Aditya & Poulsen, Odile, 2004. "Factor Intensity Reversal and Ergodic Chaos," Working Papers 04-13, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  19. Juan Gabriel Rodríguez & Rafael Salas & Irene Perrote, 2004. "Partial Horizontal Inequity Orderings: A non-parametric Approach," Economic Working Papers at Centro de Estudios Andaluces E2004/01, Centro de Estudios Andaluces.
  20. Juan Gabriel Rodríguez & Rafael Salas, 2004. "A Bistochastic Nonparametric Estimator," Economic Working Papers at Centro de Estudios Andaluces E2004/22, Centro de Estudios Andaluces.
  21. Juan Prieto Rodríguez & Juan Gabriel Rodríguez & Rafael Salas, 2004. "Is an inequality-neutral flat tax reform really neutral?," Economic Working Papers at Centro de Estudios Andaluces E2004/43, Centro de Estudios Andaluces.
  22. Juan Prieto Rodríguez & Juan Gabriel Rodríguez & Rafael Salas, 2004. "Interactions inequality-polarization: an impossibility result," Economic Working Papers at Centro de Estudios Andaluces E2004/64, Centro de Estudios Andaluces.
  23. Tomasz Marek Mickiewicz & Christopher Gerry & Kate Bishop, 2004. "Inherited labour hoarding, insiders and employment growth. Panel data results: Poland, 1996-2002," UCL SSEES Economics and Business working paper series 37, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES).
  24. Christopher Gerry & Carmen A. Li, 2004. "Revisiting Consumption Smoothing and the 1998 Russian Crisis," UCL SSEES Economics and Business working paper series 43, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES).
  25. Tomasz Marek Mickiewicz & Christopher Gerry & Kate Bishop, 2004. "Privatisation, corporate control and employment growth: evidence from a panel of large Polish firms, 1996-2002," UCL SSEES Economics and Business working paper series 47, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES).
  26. Degiannakis, Stavros & Xekalaki, Evdokia, 2004. "Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) Models: A Review," MPRA Paper 80487, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  27. Degiannakis, Stavros, 2004. "Forecasting Realized Intra-day Volatility and Value at Risk: Evidence from a Fractional Integrated Asymmetric Power ARCH Skewed-t Model," MPRA Paper 80488, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  28. Degiannakis, Stavros, 2004. "Volatility Forecasting: Evidence from a Fractional Integrated Asymmetric Power ARCH Skewed-t Model," MPRA Paper 96330, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  29. Angelidis, Timotheos & Benos, Alexandros & Degiannakis, Stavros, 2004. "The Use of GARCH Models in VaR Estimation," MPRA Paper 96332, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  30. Luis Eduardo Arango & Luz Adriana Flórez & Angélica María Arosemena, 2004. "El Tramo Corto de la Estructura a Plazo como Predictor de Expectativas de la Actividad Económica en Colombia," Borradores de Economia 279, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  31. Luis Eduardo Arango & Luz Adriana Flórez, 2004. "Expectativas de Actividad Económica en Colombia y Estructura a Plazo: Un Poco más de Evidencia," Borradores de Economia 302, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  32. Luz Adriana Flórez & Carlos Esteban Posda & José Fernando Escobar, 2004. "El crédito y sus factores determinantes: el caso colombiano (1990 -2004)," Borradores de Economia 311, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  33. Ivan Paya & Agustín Duarte & Ioannis A. Venetis, 2004. "Predicting Real Growth And The Probability Of Recession In The Euro Area Using The Yield Spread," Working Papers. Serie AD 2004-31, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, S.A. (Ivie).
  34. Ivan Paya & David A. Peel & Ioannis A. Venetis, 2004. "Asymmetry In The Link Between The Yield Spread And Industrial Production. Threshold Effects And Forecasting," Working Papers. Serie AD 2004-41, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, S.A. (Ivie).
  35. Ioannis A. Venetis & Agustin Duarte & Ivan Paya, 2004. "The long memory story of ex post real interest rates. Can it be supported?," Econometrics 0404004, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Slobodan Djajic & Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos-Moller, 2003. "Logic of aid in an intertemporal setting," IHEID Working Papers 06-2003, Economics Section, The Graduate Institute of International Studies.
  2. Poulsen, Anders, 2003. "The Survival and Welfare Implications of Altruism When Preferences are Endogenous," Working Papers 03-7, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  3. Poulsen, Anders & Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard, 2003. "Rise and Decline of Social Capital," Working Papers 03-10, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  4. Poulsen, Anders, 2003. "On Efficiency, Tie Breaking Rules and Role Assignment Procedures in Evolutionary Bargaining," Working Papers 03-9, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  5. Rainer, Helmut, 2003. "Should We Write Prenuptial Contracts?," Economics Discussion Papers 8871, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  6. Luigi Guiso & Monica Paiella, 2003. "Risk Aversion, Wealth and Background Risk," Temi di discussione (Economic working papers) 483, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
  7. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio & Haliassos, Michael, 2003. "Household Stockholding in Europe: Where Do We Stand, and Where Do We Go?," CEPR Discussion Papers 3694, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  8. Guiso, Luigi, 2003. "Small business finance in Italy," EIB Papers 10/2003, European Investment Bank, Economics Department.
  9. Terence D.Agbeyegbe, 2003. "On the feasibility of a monetary union in the Southern Africa Development Community," Economics Working Paper Archive at Hunter College 306, Hunter College Department of Economics, revised 2003.
  10. Terence D.Agbeyegbe, 2003. "The tail behavior of stock index return on the Jamaican Stock Exchange," Economics Working Paper Archive at Hunter College 305, Hunter College Department of Economics.
  11. Georgarakos, Dimitris, 2003. "Risky Asset Ownership Decisions by the Elderly in the UK: Evidence from the Retirement Survey," Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2003 84, Royal Economic Society.
  12. Sibbertsen, Philipp & Venetis, Ioannis, 2003. "Distinguishing between long-range dependence and deterministic trends," Technical Reports 2003,16, Technische Universität Dortmund, Sonderforschungsbereich 475: Komplexitätsreduktion in multivariaten Datenstrukturen.


  1. Poulsen, Anders, 2002. "On the Evolutionary Stability of Bargaining Inefficiency," Working Papers 02-5, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  2. Poulsen, Anders & Poulsen, Odile, 2002. "Materialism, Reciprocity and Altruism in the Prisoner's Dilemma - An Evolutionary Analysis," Working Papers 02-18, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  3. Neugebauer, Tibor & Poulsen, Anders & Schramm, Arthur, 2002. "Fairness and Reciprocity in the Hawk-Dove game," Working Papers 02-12, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  4. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2002. "Does Local Financial Development Matter?," CEPR Discussion Papers 3307, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  5. Guiso, Luigi & Bertola, Giuseppe & Pistaferri, Luigi, 2002. "Uncertainty and Consumer Durables Adjustment," CEPR Discussion Papers 3332, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  6. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2002. "People's Opium? Religion and Economic Attitudes," CEPR Discussion Papers 3588, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  7. Mariassunta Giannetti & Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli & Mario Padula & Marco Pagano, 2002. "Financial Market Integration, Corporate Financing and Economic Growth," European Economy - Economic Papers 2008 - 2015 179, Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), European Commission.
  8. Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli, 2002. "Stockholding in Italy," CSEF Working Papers 82, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy.
  9. Michael J. Keen & Christos Kotsogiannis, 2002. "Tax competition in federations and the welfare consequences of decentralization," Discussion Papers 0201, University of Exeter, Department of Economics.
  10. Goenka, A. & Poulsen, O., 2002. "Indeterminacy and Labor Augmenting Externalities," Working Papers 02-9, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  11. Poulsen, Odile, 2002. "Optimal Patent Policies: A Survey," Working Papers 02-7, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  12. Gerry, Christopher J & Li, Carmen A, 2002. "Vulnerability to welfare change during economic shocks: Evidence from the 1998 Russian crisis," Economics Discussion Papers 3619, University of Essex, Department of Economics.


  1. Chambers, MJ, 2001. "Cointegration and Sampling Frequency," Economics Discussion Papers 2760, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  2. Chambers, MJ, 2001. "Testing for Unit Roots with Flow Data and Varying Sampling Frequency," Economics Discussion Papers 2761, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  3. Michael Keen & Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos, 2001. "Tax Principles and Tax Harmonization under Imperfect Competition: A Cautionary Example," CESifo Working Paper Series 518, CESifo.
  4. Søren Bo Nielsen & Pascalis Raimondos & Guttorm Schjelderup, 2001. "Formula Apportionment and Transfer Pricing under Oligopolistic Competition," CESifo Working Paper Series 491, CESifo.
  5. Poulsen, Anders, 2001. "Reciprocity, Materialism and Welfare: An Evolutionary Model," Working Papers 01-3, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  6. Poulsen, Anders, 2001. "On Entry Deterrence and Imperfectly Observable Commitment," Working Papers 01-14, University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics.
  7. Drakos, Konstantinos & Kutan, Ali M., 2001. "Opposites attract: The case of Greek and Turkish financial markets," ZEI Working Papers B 06-2001, University of Bonn, ZEI - Center for European Integration Studies.
  8. Drakos, Konstantinos & Kutan, Ali M., 2001. "Regional effects of terrorism on tourism: Evidence from three Mediterranean countries," ZEI Working Papers B 26-2001, University of Bonn, ZEI - Center for European Integration Studies.
  9. Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri & Fabiano Schivardi, 2001. "Insurance within the Firm," Temi di discussione (Economic working papers) 414, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
  10. Christos Kotsogiannis & Robert Schwager, 2001. "Political Uncertainty and Policy Innovation," Discussion Papers 0111, University of Exeter, Department of Economics.
  11. Irene Perrote Coste & Juan Gabriel Rodríguez Hernández & Rafael Salas del Marmol, 2001. "A non-parametric decomposition of redistribution into vertical and horizontal components," Documentos de trabajo de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales 01-07, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales.
  12. Gerry, Christopher J & Kim, Byung-Yeon & Li, Carmen A, 2001. "The Gender Wage Gap and Wage Arrears in Russia: Evidence from the RLMS," Economics Discussion Papers 3616, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  13. Dimitris Georgoutsos & George Kouretas, 2001. "Common Stochastic Trends In International Stock Markets: Testing In An Integrated Framework," Working Papers 0104, University of Crete, Department of Economics.
  14. Panayiotis Diamantis & Dimitris Georgoutsos & George Kouretas, 2001. "The Monetary Approach in the Presence of I(2) Components: A Cointegration Analysis of the Official and Black Market for Foreign Currency in Latin America," Working Papers 0108, University of Crete, Department of Economics.


  1. Lahiri, Sajal & Raimondos, Pascalis, 2000. "Special Interest Politics and Aid Fungibility," CEPR Discussion Papers 2482, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  2. Luigi Guiso & Fabiano Schivardi, 2000. "Information Spillovers and Factor Adjustment," Temi di discussione (Economic working papers) 368, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
  3. Luigi Guiso & Anil K. Kashyap & Fabio Panetta & Daniele Terlizzese, 2000. "Will a Common European Monetary Policy Have Asymmetric Effects?," Temi di discussione (Economic working papers) 384, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
  4. Guiso, Luigi & Zingales, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola, 2000. "The Role of Social Capital In Financial Development," CEPR Discussion Papers 2383, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  5. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio, 2000. "Household Portfolios in Italy," CEPR Discussion Papers 2549, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  6. Luigi Guiso & Michael Haliassos & Tullio Jappelli, 2000. "Household Portfolios: An International Comparison," CSEF Working Papers 48, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy.
  7. Dimitris Georgoutsos & George Kouretas, 2000. "A Multivariate I(2) Cointegration Analysis Of German Hyperinflation," Working Papers 0001, University of Crete, Department of Economics, revised 00 Jul 2001.


  1. Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos-Møller, 1999. "Lobbying by Ethnic Groups and Aid Allocation," EPRU Working Paper Series 99-05, Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics, revised Oct 2003.
  2. Salas, Rafael, 1999. "Multilevel interterritorial convergence and additive multidimensional inequality decomposition," UC3M Working papers. Economics 6107, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Economía.
  3. Bajo, Oscar & Salas, Rafael, 1999. "Inequality foundations of concentration measures: an application to the hannah-kay indices," UC3M Working papers. Economics 6137, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Economía.


  1. Chambers, MJ, 1998. "Gaussian estimation of temporally aggregated cointegrated systems," Economics Discussion Papers 2763, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  2. Chambers, MJ, 1998. "Temporal aggregation and the asymptotic variance of optimal estimators in cointegrated systems," Economics Discussion Papers 2767, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  3. Attanasio, Orazio & Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio, 1998. "The Demand for Money, Financial Innovation and the Welfare Cost of Inflation: An Analysis with Households' Data," CEPR Discussion Papers 1927, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  4. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio & Pistaferri, Luigi, 1998. "What Determines Earnings and Employment Risk," CEPR Discussion Papers 2043, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  5. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio, 1998. "Private Transfers, Borrowing Constraints and the Timing of Homeownership," CEPR Discussion Papers 2050, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.


  1. Raimondos-Moller, P. & Scharf, K.A., 1997. "The Optimal Design of Transfer Pricing Rules: A Non-Cooperative Analysis," The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series (TWERPS) 502, University of Warwick, Department of Economics.
  2. Detragiache, Enrica & Garella, Paolo & Guiso, Luigi, 1997. "Multiple Versus Single Banking Relationships," CEPR Discussion Papers 1649, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  3. Guiso, Luigi, 1997. "High-Tech Firms and Credit Rationing," CEPR Discussion Papers 1696, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  4. Galeotti, Marzio & Guiso, Luigi & Sack, Brian & Schiantarelli, Fabio, 1997. "Inventories, Production Smoothing and the Shape of the Cost Function," CEPR Discussion Papers 1697, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.


  1. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio, 1996. "Background Uncertainty and the Demand for Insurance Against Insurable Risks," CEPR Discussion Papers 1423, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  2. Guiso, Luigi & Parigi, Giuseppe, 1996. "Investment and Demand Uncertainty," CEPR Discussion Papers 1497, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  3. Guiso, L. & Jappelli, T., 1996. "Intergenerational Transfers, Borrowing Constraints and the Timing of Home Ownership," Papers 275, Banca Italia - Servizio di Studi.


  1. Chambers, MJ, 1995. "The Estimation of Systems of Joint Differential-Difference Equations," Economics Discussion Papers 2764, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  2. Chambers, MJ, 1995. "Seasonality in Continuous Time Models," Economics Discussion Papers 2765, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  3. Chambers, MJ, 1995. "Long Memory and Aggregation in Macroeconomic Time Series," Economics Discussion Papers 2766, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  4. Chambers, MJ & Bailey, RE, 1995. "The Price of Wheat in Early Modern England," Economics Discussion Papers 2771, University of Essex, Department of Economics.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J & Nowman, K Ben, 1994. "Forecasting with the Almost Ideal Demand System," Economics Discussion Papers 10025, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  2. Bailey, RE & Chambers, MJ, 1994. "A Theory of Commodity Price Fluctuations," Economics Discussion Papers 2772, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  3. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio & Terlizzese, Daniele, 1994. "Income Risk, Borrowing Constraints and Portfolio Choice," CEPR Discussion Papers 888, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.


  1. Bailey, RE & Chambers, MJ, 1993. "Short-term demographic interactions in pre-census England: A stochastic differential equations approach," Economics Discussion Papers 2768, University of Essex, Department of Economics.
  2. Lahiri, S. & Raimondos, P., 1993. "On the Correction of Trade Distortions in a Small Open Economy," ISER Discussion Paper 0292, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University.
  3. Albert Ando & Luigi Guiso & Daniele Terlizzese, 1993. "Dissaving by the Elderly, Transfer Motives and Liquidity Constraints," NBER Working Papers 4569, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio & Terlizzese, Daniele, 1992. "Earnings Uncertainty and Precautionary Saving," CEPR Discussion Papers 699, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  2. Daniele Franco & Jagadeesh Gokhale & Luigi Guiso & Laurence J. Kotlikoff & Nicola Sartor, 1992. "Generational accounting: the case of Italy," Working Papers (Old Series) 9208, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
  3. Ando, A. & Guiso, L. & Terlizzese, D., 1992. "Young Household's Saving and the Life Cycle of Opportunities. Evidence from Japan and Italy," Papers 164, Banca Italia - Servizio di Studi.
  4. Barca, F. & Cannari, L. & Guiso, L., 1992. "Bequests and Saving for Retirement. What Impels the Accumulation of Wealth," Papers 165, Banca Italia - Servizio di Studi.
  5. Guiso, L. & Jappelli, T., 1992. "Risk Sharing and Precautionary Saving," Papers 185, Banca Italia - Servizio di Studi.
  6. M. Antònia Monés & Rafael Salas & Eva Ventura, 1992. "Consumption, real after tax interest rates and income innovations. A panel data analysis," Economics Working Papers 18, Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.


  1. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio & Terlizzese, Daniele, 1991. "Why is Italy's Savings Rate So High?," CEPR Discussion Papers 572, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  2. Albert Ando & Luigi Guiso & Daniele Terlizzese & Daniel Dorsainvil, 1991. "Younger Households Saving: Evidence From Japan and Italy," NBER Working Papers 3871, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Karfakis, C. J. & Moschos, D.M., 1990. "Interest Rate Linkages Within the European Monetary System: A Time Series Analysis," Working Papers 144, University of Sydney, School of Economics.
  2. Karfakis, C. J. & Moschos, D.M., 1990. "Asymmetries in the European Monetary System: Evidence from Interest Ra tes," Working Papers 145, University of Sydney, School of Economics.


  1. Isabel Argimón & José M. González-Páramo & Rafael Salas, 1987. "Progresividad y capacidad redistributiva de la imposición indirecta en España en 1980," Documentos de trabajo de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales 87-07, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales.


  1. Isabel Argimon & José M. González-Páramo & Rafael Salas, 1986. "Una metodología para el calculo de la rémora fiscal en el IRPF con datos agregados: aplicación al saco español, 1979-83," Documentos de trabajo de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales 86-13, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales.
  2. Isabel Argimon & José M. González-Páramo & Rafael Salas, 1986. "Progresividad y capacidad redistributiva del impuesto sobre la renta en España 1979-1984," Documentos de trabajo de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales 86-14, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales.


  1. Pascalis Raimondos-Møller & Alan D. Woodland, "undated". "Tariff Strategies and Small Open Economies," EPRU Working Paper Series 97-15, Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
  2. Slobodan Djajic & Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos-Møller, "undated". "Transfer and the Intertemporal Terms of Trade," EPRU Working Paper Series 96-20, Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
  3. Pascalis Raimondos-Møller & Kimberley A. Sharf, "undated". "The Optimal Design of Transfer Pricing Rules: A Non-Cooperative Approach," EPRU Working Paper Series 98-01, Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
  4. Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos-Møller & Kar-yiu Wong & Alan D. Woodland, "undated". "Optimal Income Transfers and Tariffs," EPRU Working Paper Series 97-06, Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
  5. Wolfgang Mayer & Pascalis Raimondos-Møller, "undated". "The Politics of Foreign Aid," EPRU Working Paper Series 99-07, Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
  6. Søren Bo Nielsen & Pascalis Raimondos-Møller & Guttorm Schjelderup, "undated". "Tax Spillovers under Separate Accounting and Formula Apportionment," EPRU Working Paper Series 01-07, Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
  7. Pascalis Raimondos Møller & Alan D. Woodland, "undated". "Non-Preferential Clubs," EPRU Working Paper Series 02-14, Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
  8. Michael Keen & Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos-Møller, "undated". "When is Policy Harmonisation Desirable?," EPRU Working Paper Series 98-02, Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
  9. Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos, "undated". "Competition for Aid and Trade Policy," EPRU Working Paper Series 94-12, Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
  10. Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos, "undated". "Tying of Aid to Trade Policy Reform and Welfare," EPRU Working Paper Series 94-08, Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
  11. Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos, "undated". "Public Good Provision and the Welfare Effects of Indirect Tax Harmonisation," EPRU Working Paper Series 95-13, Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
  12. Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos, "undated". "Is There Anything Wrong with Tied-Aid?," EPRU Working Paper Series 94-05, Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
  13. George Manolas & Demetrios Moschos, "undated". "P-Star As An Indicator Of Inflationary Pressure In Greece," Working Papers 9404, University of Crete, Department of Economics.
  14. Juan Prieto & Juan Gabriel Rodríguez & Rafael Salas, "undated". "Polarization, Inequality and Tax Reforms," Working Papers 2003-23, FEDEA.
  15. Rafael Salas, "undated". "Multilevel interterritorial convergence and additive multidimensional inequality decomposition: An application to Spanish territories," Studies on the Spanish Economy 37, FEDEA.
  16. Rafael Salas, "undated". "Convergencia, movilidad y redistribución interregional en Espana: 1981-1996," Studies on the Spanish Economy 40, FEDEA.
  17. Juan Prieto-Rodríguez & Rafael Salas & Santiago Álvarez-García, "undated". "The Evolution Of Income Inequality In The European Union," Working Papers 10-02 Classification-JEL , Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
  18. Juan Prieto-Rodríguez & Rafael Salas & Santiago Álvarez-García, "undated". "Movilidad Social Y Desigualdad Económica," Working Papers 7-02 Classification-JEL :, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
  19. Juan G. Rodríguez & Rafael Salas, "undated". "Extended Bi-Polarization And Inequality Measures," Working Papers 10-03 Classification-JEL , Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
  20. Juan Prieto-Rodríguez & Juan Gabriel Rodríguez & Rafael Salas, "undated". "Interactions Inequality-Polarization: Characterization Results(*)," Working Papers 15-05 Classification-JEL , Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
  21. Juan Gabriel Rodríguez & Rafael Salas, "undated". "A Probabilistic Nonparametric Estimator," Working Papers 2-05 Classification-JEL :, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
  22. Dimitris Georgoutsos & George Kouretas, "undated". "The Pound Sterling And Franc Poincare In The 1920s: Long-Run Relationships, Speculation And Temporal Stability," Working Papers 9502, University of Crete, Department of Economics.
  23. Dimitris Georgoutsos & George Kouretas & Dikaios Tserkezos, "undated". "Temporal Aggregation In Structural Var Models," Working Papers 9505, University of Crete, Department of Economics.
  24. Panayiotis Diamantis & Dimitris Georgoutsos & George Kouretas, "undated". "Cointegration Tests Of The Monetary Exchange Rate Model: The Canadian-U.S. Dollar, 1970 - 1994," Working Papers 9506, University of Crete, Department of Economics.
  25. Panayiotis Diamantis & Dimitris Georgoutsos & George Kouretas, "undated". "The Monetary Approach To The Exchange Rate: Long-Run Relationships, Identification And Temporal Stability," Working Papers 9507, University of Crete, Department of Economics.
  26. Panayiotis Diamantis & Dimitris Georgoutsos & George Kouretas, "undated". "The Monetary Exchange Rate Model: Fragile Evidence From Cointegration Tests," Working Papers 9508, University of Crete, Department of Economics.
  27. Panayiotis Diamantis & Dimitris Georgoutsos & George Kouretas, "undated". "Long-Run Purchasing Power Parity: How Sure Are We That Cointegration Exists?," Working Papers 9509, University of Crete, Department of Economics.
  28. Panayiotis Diamantis & George Kouretas & Dimitris Georgoutsos, "undated". "COINTEGRATION TESTS OF FORWARD MARKET EFFICIENCY DURING THE 1920s," Working Papers 9609, University of Crete, Department of Economics.
  29. Panayiotis Diamantis & Dimitris Georgoutsos & George Kouretas, "undated". "The Monetary Model in the Presence of I (2) Components: A Cointegration Analysis," Working Papers 9904, University of Crete, Department of Economics.
  30. Dimitris Georgoutsos & George Kouretas, "undated". "Interest Parity, the Term Structure and Cointegration: an Integrated Approach," Working Papers 9906, University of Crete, Department of Economics.

Journal articles


  1. Konstantinos Drakos & Dimitris Tsouknidis, 2024. "Investment under uncertainty and irreversibility: Evidence from the shipping markets," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 29(2), pages 2139-2154, April.
  2. Ariston Karagiorgis & Antonis Ballis & Konstantinos Drakos, 2024. "The Skewness‐Kurtosis plane for cryptocurrencies' universe," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 29(2), pages 2543-2555, April.
  3. Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Peter Nijkamp & Michael L. Polemis, 2024. "Club convergence of sustainable development: fresh evidence from developing and developed countries," Economic Change and Restructuring, Springer, vol. 57(2), pages 1-18, April.
  4. Christina Christou & Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Patroklos Patsoulis, 2024. "Convergence behavior of sovereign bond yields in the EU and COVID-19 government responses," Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, Springer, vol. 17(1), pages 1-16, December.
  5. Konstantinos Christopoulos & Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Peter Nijkamp, 2024. "The equity–efficiency trade-off and the intensity of COVID-19 pandemic government responses: evidence from US states," Regional Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 58(2), pages 350-364, February.
  6. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Vasileios Zikos, 2024. "Mental health and obesity," Applied Economic Analysis, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 32(94), pages 41-61, February.
  7. L. Guiso & H. Herrera & M. Morelli & T. Sonno, 2024. "Economic insecurity and the demand for populism in Europe," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 91(362), pages 588-620, April.
  8. Gabriella Conti & Sören Kliem & Malte Sandner, 2024. "Early Home Visiting Delivery Model and Maternal and Child Mental Health at Primary School Age," AEA Papers and Proceedings, American Economic Association, vol. 114, pages 401-406, May.
  9. Conti, Gabriella & Poupakis, Stavros & Ekamper, Peter & Bijwaard, Govert E. & Lumey, L.H., 2024. "Severe prenatal shocks and adolescent health: Evidence from the Dutch Hunger Winter," Economics & Human Biology, Elsevier, vol. 53(C).
  10. Stavros Poupakis & Francesco Salustri, 2024. "Asynchronous fieldwork in cross-country surveys: an application to physical activity," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 67(3), pages 1303-1318, September.
  11. Albertazzi, Andrea & Ploner, Matteo & Vaccari, Federico, 2024. "Welfare and competition in expert advice markets," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 219(C), pages 74-103.
  12. Hernández, Juan R. & Ventosa-Santaulària, Daniel & Valencia, J. Eduardo, 2024. "Global supply chain inflationary pressures and monetary policy in Mexico," Emerging Markets Review, Elsevier, vol. 58(C).
  13. Olivier Coibion & Dimitris Georgarakos & Yuriy Gorodnichenko & Geoff Kenny & Michael Weber, 2024. "The Effect of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Household Spending," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 114(3), pages 645-677, March.
  14. Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Jappelli, Tullio & Kenny, Geoff, 2024. "Consumer risk-taking and stock market investment: Insights using the CES’s consumer finance module," Research Bulletin, European Central Bank, vol. 119.
  15. Chrysostomos Stoforos & Stavros Degiannakis & Panagiotis Delis & George Filis & Theodosios Palaskas, 2024. "Business Cycles Synchronization: Literature Review," Journal of Economic Analysis, Anser Press, vol. 3(4), pages 222-249, December.
  16. Claudio Deiana & Ludovica Giua & Roberto Nisticò, 2024. "Opium Price Shocks and Prescription Opioids in the USA," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 86(3), pages 449-484, June.
  17. Bove, Vincenzo & Di Salvatore, Jessica & Elia, Leandro & Nisticò, Roberto, 2024. "Mothers at peace: International peacebuilding and post-conflict fertility," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 167(C).
  18. Kelishomi, Ali Moghaddasi & Nisticò, Roberto, 2024. "Economic sanctions and informal employment," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 89(C).
  19. Paraskevi K. Salamaliki & Ioannis A. Venetis, 2024. "Fiscal Space and Policy Response to Financial Crises: Market Access and Deficit Concerns," Open Economies Review, Springer, vol. 35(2), pages 323-361, April.


  1. Kallandranis, Christos & Anastasiou, Dimitrios & Drakos, Konstantinos, 2023. "Credit rationing prevalence for Eurozone firms," Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, vol. 158(C).
  2. Anastasiou, Dimitris & Krokida, Styliani-Iris & Tsouknidis, Dimitris & Drakos, Konstantinos, 2023. "Can the tone of central bankers’ speeches discourage potential bank borrowers in the Eurozone?," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 139(C).
  3. Karagiorgis, Ariston & Drakos, Konstantinos, 2023. "A stochastic analysis of hedge funds’ higher moments," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 66(C).
  4. Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Iliya Komarev & Paul Klumpes, 2023. "Regulating the Market for Audit Services: A Game Theoretic Approach," Abacus, Accounting Foundation, University of Sydney, vol. 59(3), pages 697-734, September.
  5. Alexakis, Christos & Chantziaras, Antonios & Economou, Fotini & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Grose, Christos, 2023. "Animal Behavior in Capital markets: Herding formation dynamics, trading volume, and the role of COVID-19 pandemic," The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 67(C).
  6. Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Patroklos Patsoulis & Michael Polemis, 2023. "Convergence among academic journals in accounting: a note," Scientometrics, Springer;Akadémiai Kiadó, vol. 128(2), pages 1055-1069, February.
  7. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Prompong Shangkhum & Vasileios Zikos, 2023. "Well‐being and doctor visits: The mediating role of a healthy diet," Australian Economic Papers, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 62(3), pages 501-523, September.
  8. Guiso, Luigi & Zaccaria, Luana, 2023. "From patriarchy to partnership: Gender equality and household finance," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 147(3), pages 573-595.
  9. Francesconi, Marco & Pollak, Robert A. & Tabasso, Domenico, 2023. "Unequal bequests," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 157(C).
  10. Gabriella Conti & Rita Ginja, 2023. "Who Benefits from Free Health Insurance?: Evidence from Mexico," Journal of Human Resources, University of Wisconsin Press, vol. 58(1), pages 146-182.
  11. Maurizio Bussolo & Simon Commander & Stavros Poupakis, 2023. "Political connections and firms: network dimensions," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 75(1), pages 256-280.
  12. Vaccari, Federico, 2023. "Competition in costly talk," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 213(C).
  13. Federico Vaccari, 2023. "Influential news and policy-making," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 76(4), pages 1363-1418, November.
  14. Terrazas-Santamaria Diana & Mendoza-Palacios Saul & Berasaluce-Iza Julen, 2023. "An Alternative Approach to Frequency of Patent Technology Codes: The Case of Renewable Energy Generation," Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment Journal, De Gruyter, vol. 17(1), pages 1-14, January.
  15. Rodrigo Dorantes-Gilardi & Aurora A. Ramírez-Álvarez & Diana Terrazas-Santamaría, 2023. "Is there a differentiated gender effect of collaboration with super-cited authors? Evidence from junior researchers in economics," Scientometrics, Springer;Akadémiai Kiadó, vol. 128(4), pages 2317-2336, April.
  16. Juan R. Hernández, 2023. "Explaining Apparent deviations from Covered Interest Parity: Evidence from Mexico," Remef - Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas Nueva Época REMEF (The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance), Instituto Mexicano de Ejecutivos de Finanzas, IMEF, vol. 18(1), pages 1-27, Enero - M.
  17. Toledo, Katia & Alvarado, Alfredo, 2023. "Tackling BEPS in the Global South: Evidence from Peru’s tax reform," Economic Systems, Elsevier, vol. 47(3).
  18. Gaggero, Alberto A. & Luttmann, Alexander, 2023. "The determinants of hidden-city ticketing: Competition, hub-and-spoke networks, and advance-purchase requirements," Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Elsevier, vol. 173(C).
  19. Olivier Coibion & Dimitris Georgarakos & Yuriy Gorodnichenko & Maarten van Rooij, 2023. "How Does Consumption Respond to News about Inflation? Field Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial," American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, American Economic Association, vol. 15(3), pages 109-152, July.
  20. Da Silva, António Dias & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Weißler, Marco, 2023. "How people want to work – preferences for remote work after the pandemic," Economic Bulletin Boxes, European Central Bank, vol. 1.
  21. Georgarakos, Dimitris & Kouvavas, Omiros & Meyler, Aidan & Neves, Pedro, 2023. "What do consumers think is the main driver of recent inflation?," Economic Bulletin Boxes, European Central Bank, vol. 6.
  22. Georgarakos, Dimitris & Kenny, Geoff & Meyer, Justus, 2023. "Recent changes in consumers’ medium-term inflation expectations – a detailed look," Research Bulletin, European Central Bank, vol. 104.
  23. Olivier Coibion & Dimitris Georgarakos & Yuriy Gorodnichenko & Michael Weber, 2023. "Forward Guidance and Household Expectations," Journal of the European Economic Association, European Economic Association, vol. 21(5), pages 2131-2171.
  24. Oh, Frederick Dongchuhl & Park, Junghum, 2023. "A large creditor in contagious liquidity crises," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 146(C).
  25. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2023. "Oil price assumptions for macroeconomic policy," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 117(C).
  26. Eleftheria Kafousaki & Stavros Degiannakis, 2023. "Forecasting VIX: the illusion of forecast evaluation criteria," Economics and Business Letters, Oviedo University Press, vol. 12(3), pages 231-240.
  27. Panagiotis Delis & Stavros Degiannakis & Konstantinos Giannopoulos, 2023. "What Should be Taken into Consideration when Forecasting Oil Implied Volatility Index?," The Energy Journal, , vol. 44(5), pages 231-250, September.
  28. Stavros Degiannakis, 2023. "The D-model for GDP nowcasting," Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, Springer;Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, vol. 159(1), pages 1-33, December.
  29. Stavros Degiannakis & George Filis & Grigorios Siourounis & Lorenzo Trapani, 2023. "Superkurtosis," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 55(8), pages 2061-2091, December.
    • Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Siourounis, Grigorios & Trapani, Lorenzo, 2019. "Superkurtosis," MPRA Paper 96563, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    • Stavros Degiannakis & George Filis & Grigorios Siourounis & Lorenzo Trapani, 2023. "Superkurtosis," Working Papers 318, Bank of Greece.
    • Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Siourounis, Grigorios & Trapani, Lorenzo, 2019. "Superkurtosis," MPRA Paper 94473, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  30. Bertoni, Marco & Nisticò, Roberto, 2023. "Ordinal rank and the structure of ability peer effects," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 217(C).
  31. Vincenzo Bove & Jessica Di Salvatore & Roberto Nisticò, 2023. "Economic Sanctions and Trade Flows in the Neighborhood," Journal of Law and Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 66(4), pages 671-697.
  32. Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía & Luz A. Florez & Didier Hermida & Francisco Lasso & Leonardo Fabio Morales & Juan Jose Ospina & José Pulido, 2023. "Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Fast-Tracking Automation in Developing Countries? Evidence from Colombia," Journal of Human Capital, University of Chicago Press, vol. 17(4), pages 593-616.
  33. Luca P. Merlino & Paolo Pin & Nicole Tabasso, 2023. "Debunking Rumors in Networks," American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, American Economic Association, vol. 15(1), pages 467-496, February.
  34. Yasuyuki Todo & Keita Oikawa & Masahito Ambashi & Fukunari Kimura & Shujiro Urata, 2023. "Robustness and resilience of supply chains during the COVID‐19 pandemic," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 46(6), pages 1843-1872, June.


  1. Dan Anderberg & Helmut Rainer & Fabian Siuda, 2022. "Quantifying domestic violence in times of crisis: An internet search activity‐based measure for the COVID‐19 pandemic," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, Royal Statistical Society, vol. 185(2), pages 498-518, April.
  2. Dan Anderberg & Helmut Rainer & Fabian Siuda, 2022. "Der Einfluss der Covid-19-Pandemie auf häusliche Gewalt – neue Ansätze zur Quantifizierung mittels Google-Suchdaten," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 75(01), pages 32-34, January.
  3. Leander Andres & Marc Fabel & Helmut Rainer, 2022. "Wie viel Gewalt verursacht der Profifußball in Deutschland?," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 75(02), pages 24-27, February.
  4. Leander Andres & Marc Fabel & Matthias Flückiger & Markus Ludwig & Helmut Rainer & Maria Waldinger & Sebastian Wichert, 2022. "Trägt die Fridays-for-Future-Bewegung zum politischen Klimawandel bei? Big Data Economics mit Hilfe von Mobilfunk-, Schulstreik-, (Social-)Media-, Wetter- und Fußballdaten," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 75(05), pages 28-33, May.
  5. Anastasiou, Dimitris & Ballis, Antonis & Drakos, Konstantinos, 2022. "Constructing a positive sentiment index for COVID-19: Evidence from G20 stock markets," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 81(C).
  6. Karagiorgis, Ariston & Drakos, Konstantinos, 2022. "The Skewness-Kurtosis plane for non-Gaussian systems: The case of hedge fund returns," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 80(C).
  7. Anastasiou, Dimitris & Kallandranis, Christos & Drakos, Konstantinos, 2022. "Borrower discouragement prevalence for Eurozone SMEs: Investigating the impact of economic sentiment," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 194(C), pages 161-171.
  8. De Fraja Gianni & Eleftheriou Konstantinos & Ioakimidis Marilou, 2022. "A Note on University Admission Tests: Simple Theory and Empirical Analysis," The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, De Gruyter, vol. 22(3), pages 623-632, July.
  9. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Polemis, Michael L. & Stengos, Thanasis, 2022. "Does market power converge among the US states? Evidence from the natural gas sector," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 214(C).
  10. Konstantinos Christopoulos & Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Peter Nijkamp, 2022. "The role of pre-pandemic teleworking and E-commerce culture in the COVID-19 dispersion in Europe," Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, Springer, vol. 15(1), pages 1-16, April.
  11. Nguyen, Le Bao Ngoc & Kesavayuth, Dusanee & Rangkakulnuwat, Poomthan, 2022. "Effect of Locus of Control on Job Performance: Evidence from Australian Panel Data," Asian Journal of Applied Economics, Kasetsart University, Center for Applied Economics Research, vol. 29(1).
  12. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Prompong Shangkhum & Vasileios Zikos, 2022. "Building physical health: What is the role of mental health?," Bulletin of Economic Research, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 74(2), pages 457-483, April.
  13. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Robert E Rosenman & Vasileios Zikos, 2022. "Leaving the labor market: Exit routes, personality traits and well-being," PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, vol. 17(3), pages 1-20, March.
  14. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Prompong Shangkhum & Vasileios Zikos, 2022. "Well-Being and Physical Health: A Mediation Analysis," Journal of Happiness Studies, Springer, vol. 23(6), pages 2849-2879, August.
  15. Guiso, Luigi & Pozzi, Andrea & Tsoy, Anton & Gambacorta, Leonardo & Mistrulli, Paolo Emilio, 2022. "The cost of steering in financial markets: Evidence from the mortgage market," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 143(3), pages 1209-1226.
  16. Bryson, Alex & Conti, Gabriella & Hardy, Rebecca & Peycheva, Darina & Sullivan, Alice, 2022. "The consequences of early menopause and menopause symptoms for labour market participation," Social Science & Medicine, Elsevier, vol. 293(C).
  17. Stavros Poupakis, 2022. "Does FDI in Upstream and Downstream Sectors Facilitate Quality Upgrading? Evidence from Russian Exporters," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 84(2), pages 451-471, April.
  18. Thomas F. Crossley & Peter Levell & Stavros Poupakis, 2022. "Regression with an imputed dependent variable," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 37(7), pages 1277-1294, November.
  19. Alba, Carlos & McKnight, Stephen, 2022. "Laffer curves in emerging market economies: The role of informality," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 72(C).
  20. Stephen McKnight & Laura Povoledo, 2022. "Endogenous fluctuations and international business cycles," Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 55(1), pages 312-348, February.
  21. Alderighi, Marco & Gaggero, Alberto A. & Piga, Claudio A., 2022. "Hidden prices with fixed inventory: Evidence from the airline industry," Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Elsevier, vol. 157(C), pages 42-61.
  22. Brueckner, Jan K. & Czerny, Achim I. & Gaggero, Alberto A., 2022. "Airline delay propagation: A simple method for measuring its extent and determinants," Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Elsevier, vol. 162(C), pages 55-71.
  23. Grodner, Andrew & Lasso de la Vega, Casilda & Salas, Rafael & Zeager, Lester A., 2022. "A local equivalence scale and its information basis," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 216(C).
  24. Prieto-Rodriguez, Juan & Perez-Villadoniga, Maria J. & Salas, Rafael & Russo, Ana, 2022. "Impact of London Toxicity Charge and Ultra Low Emission Zone on NO2," Transport Policy, Elsevier, vol. 129(C), pages 237-247.
  25. Alina Khabibullina & Ekaterina Aleksandrova & Christopher J Gerry & Vasily Vlassov, 2022. "First population norms for the EQ-5D-3L in the Russian Federation," PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, vol. 17(3), pages 1-19, March.
  26. Paul Chaisty & Christopher J Gerry & Stephen Whitefield, 2022. "The buck stops elsewhere: authoritarian resilience and the politics of responsibility for COVID-19 in Russia," Post-Soviet Affairs, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 38(5), pages 366-385, September.
  27. Dossche, Maarten & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Kolndrekaj, Aleksandra & Tavares, Francisco, 2022. "Household saving during the COVID-19 pandemic and implications for the recovery of consumption," Economic Bulletin Boxes, European Central Bank, vol. 5.
  28. Georgarakos, Dimitris & Kenny, Geoff, 2022. "Household spending and fiscal support during the pandemic – the role of public perceptions," Research Bulletin, European Central Bank, vol. 94.
  29. Georgarakos, Dimitris & Kenny, Geoff, 2022. "Household spending and fiscal support during the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from a new consumer survey," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 129(S), pages 1-14.
  30. Hyun Duk Lee & Frederick Dongchuhl Oh & Junghum Park, 2022. "The impact of mandatory K‐IFRS adoption on IPO underpricing," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 27(1), pages 1101-1119, January.
  31. Frederick Dongchuhl Oh & Junghum Park, 2022. "Managerial incentives and the medium of exchange in takeovers," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 43(8), pages 4077-4086, December.
  32. Panagiotis Delis & Stavros Degiannakis & Konstantinos Giannopoulos, 2022. "Forecasting the Oil Volatility Index Using Factors of Uncertainty," Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, Asian Online Journal Publishing Group, vol. 9(1), pages 13-20.
  33. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Klein, Tony & Walther, Thomas, 2022. "Forecasting realized volatility of agricultural commodities," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 38(1), pages 74-96.
  34. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2022. "Oil price volatility forecasts: What do investors need to know?," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 123(C).
  35. Stavros Degiannakis & George Giannopoulos & Salma Ibrahim & Bjørn N. Jørgensen, 2022. "An alternative approach to detect earnings management to meet or beat benchmarks," Journal of Accounting Literature, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 45(1), pages 64-99, November.
  36. Stavros Degiannakis & Christos Floros & Enrique Salvador & Dimitrios Vougas, 2022. "On the stationarity of futures hedge ratios," Operational Research, Springer, vol. 22(3), pages 2281-2303, July.
  37. Panagiotis Delis & Stavros Degiannakis & George Filis, 2022. "What matters when developing oil price volatility forecasting frameworks?," Journal of Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 41(2), pages 361-382, March.
  38. Stavros Degiannakis, 2022. "Stock market as a nowcasting indicator for real investment," Journal of Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 41(5), pages 911-919, August.
  39. Nisticò, Roberto, 2022. "Political institutions and economic development over more than a century," Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Elsevier, vol. 61(C), pages 199-215.
  40. Moghaddasi Kelishomi, Ali & Nisticò, Roberto, 2022. "Employment effects of economic sanctions in Iran," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 151(C).
  41. Luis E. Arango & Oscar Iván Ávila–Montealegre & Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía & Jesús Alonso Botero–García & Edgar Caicedo-García & Eleonora Dávalos–Álvarez & Luz A. Flórez & Javier G. Gómez-Pineda & Anderso, 2022. "Efectos macroeconómicos del salario mínimo en Colombia," Revista ESPE - Ensayos sobre Política Económica, Banco de la Republica de Colombia, issue 103, pages 1-117, September.
  42. Leonardo Fabio Morales & Leonardo Bonilla‐Mejía & Jose Pulido & Luz A. Flórez & Didier Hermida & Karen L. Pulido‐Mahecha & Francisco Lasso‐Valderrama, 2022. "Effects of the COVID‐19 pandemic on the Colombian labour market: Disentangling the effect of sector‐specific mobility restrictions," Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 55(S1), pages 308-357, February.


  1. Helmut Rainer & Andreas Peichl, 2021. "Erwerbstätigenpotenzial besser ausschöpfen," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 74(07), pages 06-10, July.
  2. Guarnieri, Eleonora & Rainer, Helmut, 2021. "Colonialism and female empowerment: A two-sided legacy," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 151(C).
  3. Felfe, Christina & Kocher, Martin G. & Rainer, Helmut & Saurer, Judith & Siedler, Thomas, 2021. "More opportunity, more cooperation? The behavioral effects of birthright citizenship on immigrant youth," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 200(C).
  4. Konstantinos Drakos & Ioannis Malandrakis, 2021. "Global Versus Non-Global Banks: A Capital Ratios-Based Analysis," Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, Central bank of Montenegro, vol. 10(2), pages 5-22.
  5. Kallandranis, Christos & Drakos, Konstantinos, 2021. "Self-Rationing in European Businesses: Evidence from Survey Analysis," Finance Research Letters, Elsevier, vol. 41(C).
  6. Anastasiou, Dimitrios & Ballis, Antonis & Drakos, Konstantinos, 2021. "Cryptocurrencies’ Price Crash Risk and Crisis Sentiment," Finance Research Letters, Elsevier, vol. 42(C).
  7. Anastasiou, Dimitrios & Drakos, Konstantinos, 2021. "European depositors’ behavior and crisis sentiment," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 184(C), pages 117-136.
  8. Dimitrios Anastasiou & Konstantinos Drakos, 2021. "Borrowers' perceptions of lending conditions: worlds apart or closer than close?," International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 12(3), pages 285-307.
  9. Antonis Ballis & Konstantinos Drakos, 2021. "The explosion in cryptocurrencies: a black hole analogy," Financial Innovation, Springer;Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, vol. 7(1), pages 1-8, December.
  10. Dimitrios Anastasiou & Konstantinos Drakos, 2021. "Nowcasting the Greek (semi‐) deposit run: Hidden uncertainty about the future currency in a Google search," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 26(1), pages 1133-1150, January.
  11. Stilianos Alexiadis & Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Peter Nijkamp, 2021. "Club convergence of per capita disposable income in the United States," Regional Science Policy & Practice, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 13(5), pages 1565-1580, October.
  12. Alexakis, Christos & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Patsoulis, Patroklos, 2021. "COVID-19 containment measures and stock market returns: An international spatial econometrics investigation," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Elsevier, vol. 29(C).
  13. Christos Alexakis & Michael Dowling & Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Michael Polemis, 2021. "Textual Machine Learning: An Application to Computational Economics Research," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 57(1), pages 369-385, January.
  14. Gabriele Gratton & Luigi Guiso & Claudio Michelacci & Massimo Morelli, 2021. "From Weber to Kafka: Political Instability and the Overproduction of Laws," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 111(9), pages 2964-3003, September.
  15. Durante, Ruben & Guiso, Luigi & Gulino, Giorgio, 2021. "Asocial capital: Civic culture and social distancing during COVID-19," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 194(C).
  16. Luigi Guiso, 2021. "Trust and insurance," The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, Palgrave Macmillan;The Geneva Association, vol. 46(4), pages 509-512, October.
  17. Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri & Fabiano Schivardi, 2021. "Learning Entrepreneurship from Other Entrepreneurs?," Journal of Labor Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 39(1), pages 135-191.
  18. Gabriella Conti & Elena Pizzo & Stephen Morris & Mariya Melnychuk, 2021. "The economic costs of child maltreatment in UK," Health Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 30(12), pages 3087-3105, December.
  19. Kasim Allel & Gerard Abou Jaoude & Stavros Poupakis & Neha Batura & Jolene Skordis & Hassan Haghparast-Bidgoli, 2021. "Exploring the Associations between Early Childhood Development Outcomes and Ecological Country-Level Factors across Low- and Middle-Income Countries," IJERPH, MDPI, vol. 18(7), pages 1-15, March.
  20. Paolo Candio & Andrew J. Hill & Stavros Poupakis & Anni-Maria Pulkki-Brännström & Chris Bojke & Manuel Gomes, 2021. "Copula Models for Addressing Sample Selection in the Evaluation of Public Health Programmes: An Application to the Leeds Let’s Get Active Study," Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, Springer, vol. 19(3), pages 305-312, May.
  21. Diana Terrazas‐Santamaria, 2021. "Strategic introduction of a new product under uncertainty: A duopoly case," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 42(4), pages 796-807, June.
  22. Alfredo Alvarado, 2021. "Impacto de SUNAFIL sobre la informalidad laboral: ¿Qué factores ayudaron a que sea más efectiva?," Investigaciones, Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social.
  23. Brueckner, Jan K. & Czerny, Achim I. & Gaggero, Alberto A., 2021. "Airline schedule buffers and flight delays: A discrete model," Economics of Transportation, Elsevier, vol. 26.
  24. Gaggero, Alberto A. & Piazza, Giovanni, 2021. "Multilayer networks and route entry into the airline industry: Evidence from the U.S. domestic market," Research in Transportation Economics, Elsevier, vol. 90(C).
  25. Brueckner, Jan K. & Czerny, Achim I. & Gaggero, Alberto A., 2021. "Airline mitigation of propagated delays via schedule buffers: Theory and empirics," Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Elsevier, vol. 150(C).
  26. Ekaterina Aleksandrova & Venera Bagranova & Christopher J Gerry, 2021. "The effect of health shocks on labour market outcomes in Russia [Ageing and unused capacity in Europe: is there an early retirement trap?]," Cambridge Journal of Economics, Cambridge Political Economy Society, vol. 45(6), pages 1319-1336.
  27. Christopher J Gerry & Maria Kaneva, 2021. "Adapting to the Challenges of Chronic Non-communicable Diseases: Evidence from Russia," Applied Research in Quality of Life, Springer;International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies, vol. 16(4), pages 1537-1553, August.
  28. Andrey Aistov & Ekaterina Aleksandrova & Christopher J. Gerry, 2021. "Voluntary private health insurance, health-related behaviours and health outcomes: evidence from Russia," The European Journal of Health Economics, Springer;Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsökonomie (DGGÖ), vol. 22(2), pages 281-309, March.
  29. Valerii Baidin & Christopher J. Gerry & Maria Kaneva, 2021. "How Self-Rated is Self-Rated Health? Exploring the Role of Individual and Institutional Factors in Reporting Heterogeneity in Russia," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Springer, vol. 155(2), pages 675-696, June.
  30. Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Jappelli, Tullio & Kenny, Geoff, 2021. "How has the COVID-19 crisis affected different households’ consumption in the euro area?," Research Bulletin, European Central Bank, vol. 84.
  31. Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Jappelli, Tullio & Pistaferri, Luigi & Rooij, Maarten van, 2021. "Heterogeneous wealth effects," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 137(C).
  32. Dimitris Christelis & Michael Ehrmann & Dimitris Georgarakos, 2021. "Exploring Differences in Household Debt across the United States and Euro Area Countries," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 53(2-3), pages 477-501, March.
  33. Ioannis Chatziantoniou, Stavros Degiannakis, George Filis, and Tim Lloyd, 2021. "Oil price volatility is effective in predicting food price volatility. Or is it?," The Energy Journal, International Association for Energy Economics, vol. 0(Number 6).
  34. Chatziantoniou, Ioannis & Degiannakis, Stavros & Delis, Panagiotis & Filis, George, 2021. "Forecasting oil price volatility using spillover effects from uncertainty indices," Finance Research Letters, Elsevier, vol. 42(C).
  35. Aleksander Olstad & George Filis & Stavros Degiannakis, 2021. "Oil and currency volatilities: Co‐movements and hedging opportunities," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 26(2), pages 2351-2374, April.
  36. Maria De Paola & Roberto Nisticò & Vincenzo Scoppa, 2021. "Employment protection and fertility decisions: the unintended consequences of the Italian Jobs Act [Wrongful discharge laws and innovation]," Economic Policy, CEPR, CESifo, Sciences Po;CES;MSH, vol. 36(108), pages 735-773.
  37. Luz A. Flórez & Leonardo Fabio Morales & Daniel Medina & José Lobo, 2021. "Labor flows across firm size, age, and economic sector in Colombia vs. the United States," Small Business Economics, Springer, vol. 57(3), pages 1569-1600, October.
  38. Luis E. Arango & Luz A. Flórez, 2021. "Regional Labour Informality in Colombia and a Proposal for a Differential Minimum Wage," Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 57(6), pages 1016-1037, June.
  39. Nikolaos A. Krimpas & Paraskevi K. Salamaliki & Ioannis A. Venetis, 2021. "Factor decomposition of disaggregate inflation: the case of Greece," International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 11(1), pages 37-62.
  40. D. Georgoutsos & G. Moratis, 2021. "On the informative value of the EU-wide stress tests and the determinants of banks’ stock return reactions," Empirica, Springer;Austrian Institute for Economic Research;Austrian Economic Association, vol. 48(4), pages 977-1008, November.


  1. Marcus J. Chambers & A. M. Robert Taylor, 2020. "Deterministic Parameter Change Models in Continuous and Discrete Time," Journal of Time Series Analysis, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 41(1), pages 134-145, January.
  2. Chambers, Marcus J., 2020. "Frequency domain estimation of cointegrating vectors with mixed frequency and mixed sample data," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 217(1), pages 140-160.
  3. Sara L. McGaughey & Pascalis Raimondos & Lisbeth Cour, 2020. "Foreign influence, control, and indirect ownership: Implications for productivity spillovers," Journal of International Business Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Academy of International Business, vol. 51(9), pages 1391-1412, December.
  4. Christina Felfe de Ormeño & Helmut Rainer, 2020. "Intended and Unintended Consequences of Birthright Citizenship," CESifo Forum, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 21(04), pages 14-18, November.
  5. Sofia Amaral & Victoria Endl-Geyer & Helmut Rainer, 2020. "Familiäre Gewalt und die Covid-19-Pandemie: Ein Überblick über die erwarteten Auswirkungen und mögliche Auswege," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 73(07), pages 52-56, July.
  6. Christina Gathmann & Ole Monscheuer & Christina Felfe & Helmut Rainer & Swantje Falcke & Paolo Pinotti & Graziella Bertocchi & Chiara Strozzi, 2020. "Einbürgerung (junger) Migranten: Katalysator oder Belohnung für gelungene Integration?," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 73(11), pages 03-24, November.
  7. Christina Felfe & Helmut Rainer & Judith Saurer, 2020. "Why Birthright Citizenship Matters for Immigrant Children: Short- and Long-Run Impacts on Educational Integration," Journal of Labor Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 38(1), pages 143-182.
  8. Ballis, Antonis & Drakos, Konstantinos, 2020. "Testing for herding in the cryptocurrency market," Finance Research Letters, Elsevier, vol. 33(C).
  9. Drakos, Konstantinos & Konstantinou, Panagiotis Th. & Thoma, Foteini-Anna, 2020. "Inflation uncertainty and inflation expectations: Micro-level evidence from the eurozone," The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Elsevier, vol. 21(C).
  10. Christopoulos, Konstantinos & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos, 2020. "The fiscal impact of health care expenditure: Evidence from the OECD countries," Economic Analysis and Policy, Elsevier, vol. 67(C), pages 195-202.
  11. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Polemis, Michael, 2020. "One list to fit them all: What do we learn from journal ranking?," Finance Research Letters, Elsevier, vol. 35(C).
  12. Christopoulos, Konstantinos & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos, 2020. "Premature mortality in the US: A convergence study," Social Science & Medicine, Elsevier, vol. 258(C).
  13. Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Nickolas J. Michelacakis, 2020. "Location decisions and welfare under spatial price discrimination," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 41(7), pages 1202-1210, October.
  14. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Kaung Myat Ko & Vasileios Zikos, 2020. "Financial risk attitudes and aging in Australia," Australian Economic Papers, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 59(1), pages 43-54, March.
  15. Kesavayuth, Dusanee & Poyago-Theotoky, Joanna & Tran, Dai Binh & Zikos, Vasileios, 2020. "Locus of control, health and healthcare utilization," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 86(C), pages 227-238.
  16. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Robert E. Rosenman & Vasileios Zikos, 2020. "The dynamic effects of retirement on well-being," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 52(54), pages 5921-5935, November.
  17. Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli, 2020. "Investment in Financial Information and Portfolio Performance," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 87(348), pages 1133-1170, October.
  18. Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri, 2020. "The insurance role of the firm," The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, Palgrave Macmillan;International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics (The Geneva Association), vol. 45(1), pages 1-23, March.
  19. Andreas Fagereng & Luigi Guiso & Davide Malacrino & Luigi Pistaferri, 2020. "Heterogeneity and Persistence in Returns to Wealth," Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 88(1), pages 115-170, January.
  20. Agbeyegbe, Terence D., 2020. "Bayesian analysis of output gap in Barbados," Latin American Journal of Central Banking (previously Monetaria), Elsevier, vol. 1(1).
  21. Attanasio, Orazio & Blundell, Richard & Conti, Gabriella & Mason, Giacomo, 2020. "Inequality in socio-emotional skills: A cross-cohort comparison," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 191(C).
  22. McKnight, Stephen & Mihailov, Alexander & Rumler, Fabio, 2020. "Inflation forecasting using the New Keynesian Phillips Curve with a time-varying trend," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 87(C), pages 383-393.
  23. McKnight, Stephen & Mihailov, Alexander & Pompa Rangel, Antonio, 2020. "What do Latin American inflation targeters care about? A comparative Bayesian estimation of central bank preferences," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 63(C).
  24. Aurora A. Ramírez à lvarez & Diana Terrazas Santamaría, 2020. "Evolución temporal del impacto tecnológico de las patentes mexicanas: una aplicación del algoritmo de expectativas/Temporal evolution of the technological impact of Mexican patents: An application ," Estudios Económicos, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos, vol. 35(1), pages 37-69.
  25. Alfredo Alvarado & Belén Conde & Rafael Novella & Andrea Repetto, 2020. "NEETs in Latin America and the Caribbean: Skills, Aspirations, and Information," Journal of International Development, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 32(8), pages 1273-1307, November.
  26. Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Sanz-de-Galdeano, Anna, 2020. "The impact of health insurance on stockholding: A regression discontinuity approach," Journal of Health Economics, Elsevier, vol. 69(C).
  27. Dimitris Christelis & Dimitris Georgarakos & Tullio Jappelli & Maarten van Rooij, 2020. "Trust in the Central Bank and Inflation Expectations," International Journal of Central Banking, International Journal of Central Banking, vol. 16(6), pages 1-37, December.
  28. Dimitris Christelis & Dimitris Georgarakos & Tullio Jappelli & Maarten van Rooij, 2020. "Consumption Uncertainty and Precautionary Saving," The Review of Economics and Statistics, MIT Press, vol. 102(1), pages 148-161, March.
  29. Garam Ahn & Frederick Dongchuhl Oh & Junghum Park, 2020. "The Efficiency of Financial Holding Companies in Korea," Korean Economic Review, Korean Economic Association, vol. 36, pages 29-58.
  30. Bragoudakis, Zacharias & Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2020. "Oil and pump prices: Testing their asymmetric relationship in a robust way," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 88(C).
  31. Ana María Tribín-Uribe & Achyuta Adhvaryu & Cesar Anzola-Bravo & Oscar Ávila-Montealegre & Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía & Juan Carlos Castro-Fernández & Luz A. Flórez & Ánderson Grajales-Olarte & Alexander , 2020. "Migración desde Venezuela en Colombia: caracterización del fenómeno y análisis de los efectos macroeconómicos," Revista ESPE - Ensayos sobre Política Económica, Banco de la Republica de Colombia, issue 97, pages 1-74, October.
  32. Luis E. Arango & Luz A. Flórez, 2020. "Determinants of structural unemployment in Colombia: a search approach," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 58(5), pages 2431-2464, May.
  33. Lucchetti, Riccardo & Venetis, Ioannis A., 2020. "A replication of "A quasi-maximum likelihood approach for large, approximate dynamic factor models" (Review of Economics and Statistics, 2012)," Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal (2007-2020), Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel), vol. 14, pages 1-14.


  1. Marcus J. Chambers & Peter A. Zadrozny, 2019. "Econometric Modelling with Mixed Frequency and Temporally Aggregated Data," Journal of Time Series Analysis, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 40(6), pages 869-871, November.
  2. Marcus J. Chambers, 2019. "Frequency Domain Estimation of Continuous Time Cointegrated Models with Mixed Frequency and Mixed Sample Data," Journal of Time Series Analysis, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 40(6), pages 887-913, November.
  3. Sara L. McGaughey & Pascalis Raimondos, 2019. "Shifting MNE taxation from national to global profits: A radical reform long overdue," Journal of International Business Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Academy of International Business, vol. 50(9), pages 1668-1683, December.
  4. Melisso Boschi & Stefano d'Addona, 2019. "The Stability of Tax Elasticities over the Business Cycle in European Countries," Fiscal Studies, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 40(2), pages 175-210, June.
  5. Isoni, Andrea & Poulsen, Anders & Sugden, Robert & Tsutsui, Kei, 2019. "Focal points and payoff information in tacit bargaining," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 114(C), pages 193-214.
  6. Fabio Galeotti & Maria Montero & Anders Poulsen, 2019. "Efficiency Versus Equality in Bargaining," Journal of the European Economic Association, European Economic Association, vol. 17(6), pages 1941-1970.
  7. David Bartolini & Eniel Ninka & Raffaella Santolini, 2019. "Tax decentralization, labour productivity, and employment in OECD countries," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 51(34), pages 3710-3729, July.
  8. Konstantinos Drakos & Christos Kallandranis & Socrates Karidis, 2019. "Determinants of Trust in Institutions in Times of Crisis: Survey‐Based Evidence from the European Union," Journal of Common Market Studies, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 57(6), pages 1228-1246, November.
  9. Dimitrios Anastasiou & Konstantinos Drakos, 2019. "The Association Between Bank Credit Terms and Conditions and the Business Cycle in the Euro Area," Applied Economics Quarterly (formerly: Konjunkturpolitik), Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin, vol. 65(4), pages 247-256.
  10. Dimitrios Anastasiou & Konstantinos Drakos, 2019. "A note on bank loan officers' expectations for credit standards: Evidence from the European bank lending survey," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 24(1), pages 49-53, January.
  11. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos, 2019. "Spillovers of tax audits in Greek tourist destinations," Annals of Tourism Research, Elsevier, vol. 76(C), pages 334-337.
  12. Stamatopoulos, Ioannis & Hadjidema, Stamatina & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos, 2019. "Explaining corporate effective tax rates: Evidence from Greece," Economic Analysis and Policy, Elsevier, vol. 62(C), pages 236-254.
  13. Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Evangelos Sambracos, 2019. "Tourism–growth nexus and spatial spillovers: Evidence from Greece," Tourism Economics, , vol. 25(2), pages 297-302, March.
  14. Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Peter Nijkamp & Michael L. Polemis, 2019. "Asymmetric price adjustments in US gasoline markets: impacts of spatial dependence on the ‘rockets and feathers’ hypothesis," Regional Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53(5), pages 667-680, May.
  15. Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Michael L. Polemis, 2019. "The equity implications of e‐commerce: A note," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 40(5), pages 515-519, July.
  16. Gabriele Foà & Leonardo Gambacorta & Luigi Guiso & Paolo Emilio Mistrulli, 2019. "The Supply Side of Household Finance," The Review of Financial Studies, Society for Financial Studies, vol. 32(10), pages 3762-3798.
  17. Marco Leonardi & Michele Pellizzari & Domenico Tabasso, 2019. "Wage Compression within the Firm: Evidence from an Indexation Scheme," The Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 129(624), pages 3256-3291.
  18. Michael Coelli & Domenico Tabasso, 2019. "Where are the returns to lifelong learning?," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 57(1), pages 205-237, July.
  19. Ana Cinta G Cabral & Christos Kotsogiannis & Gareth Myles, 2019. "Self-Employment Income Gap in Great Britain: How Much and Who?," CESifo Economic Studies, CESifo Group, vol. 65(1), pages 84-107.
  20. Wolfgang J. Luhan & Odile Poulsen & Michael W. M. Roos, 2019. "Money or morality: fairness ideals in unstructured bargaining," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 53(4), pages 655-675, December.
  21. Carlos Capistrán & Daniel Chiquiar & Juan R. Hernández, 2019. "Identifying Dornbusch's Exchange Rate Overshooting with Structural VECs: Evidence from Mexico," International Journal of Central Banking, International Journal of Central Banking, vol. 15(5), pages 207-254, December.
  22. Alderighi, Marco & Gaggero, Alberto A., 2019. "Flight availability and international tourism flows," Annals of Tourism Research, Elsevier, vol. 79(C).
  23. Gaggero, Alberto A. & Ogrzewalla, Lukas & Bubalo, Branko, 2019. "Pricing of the long-distance bus service in Europe: The case of Flixbus," Economics of Transportation, Elsevier, vol. 19(C), pages 1-1.
  24. Maria Kaneva & Christopher J. Gerry & Nikolay Avxentiev & Valerii Baidin, 2019. "Attitudes to reform: Could a cooperative health insurance scheme work in Russia?," International Journal of Health Economics and Management, Springer, vol. 19(3), pages 371-394, December.
  25. Dimitris Christelis & Dimitris Georgarakos & Tullio Jappelli & Luigi Pistaferri & Maarten van Rooij, 2019. "Asymmetric Consumption Effects of Transitory Income Shocks," The Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 129(622), pages 2322-2341.
  26. Florian Deuflhard & Dimitris Georgarakos & Roman Inderst, 2019. "Financial Literacy and Savings Account Returns," Journal of the European Economic Association, European Economic Association, vol. 17(1), pages 131-164.
  27. Frederick Dongchuhl Oh & Junghum Park, 2019. "Potential competition and quality disclosure," Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 28(4), pages 614-630, November.
  28. Stavros Degiannakis & George Filis, 2019. "Forecasting European economic policy uncertainty," Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Scottish Economic Society, vol. 66(1), pages 94-114, February.
  29. Chatziantoniou, Ioannis & Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2019. "Futures-based forecasts: How useful are they for oil price volatility forecasting?," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 81(C), pages 639-649.
  30. Stavros Degiannakis & George Giannopoulos & Salma Ibrahim & Ivana Rozic, 2019. "Earnings management to avoid losses and earnings declines in Croatia," International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 9(3), pages 219-238.
  31. Stavros Degiannakis & George Filis & Stefanos Tsemperlidis, 2019. "Economic announcements and the 10-year U.S. Treasury: Surprising findings without the surprise component," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 26(15), pages 1269-1273, September.
  32. Bertoni, Eleonora & Di Maio, Michele & Molini, Vasco & Nisticò, Roberto, 2019. "Education is forbidden: The effect of the Boko Haram conflict on education in North-East Nigeria," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 141(C).
  33. Di Maio, Michele & Nisticò, Roberto, 2019. "The effect of parental job loss on child school dropout: Evidence from the Occupied Palestinian Territories," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 141(C).
  34. Kati Kraehnert & Tilman Brück & Michele Di Maio & Roberto Nisticò, 2019. "The Effects of Conflict on Fertility: Evidence From the Genocide in Rwanda," Demography, Springer;Population Association of America (PAA), vol. 56(3), pages 935-968, June.
  35. Luz A. Flórez, 2019. "Job search inefficiency and optimal policies in the presence of an informal sector," International Journal of Economic Theory, The International Society for Economic Theory, vol. 15(4), pages 399-429, December.
  36. Luis E. Arango & Luz A. Flórez & María A. Olarte-Delgado, 2019. "Precio del carbón y dinámica laboral en Valledupar," Revista de Economía del Rosario, Universidad del Rosario, vol. 22(2), pages 313-370, December.
  37. Luz A. Flórez & Catalina Granda, 2019. "Retirement choice in a frictionless labor market," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 39(1), pages 734-740.
  38. Tabasso, Nicole, 2019. "Diffusion of multiple information: On information resilience and the power of segregation," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 118(C), pages 219-240.
  39. Salamaliki, Paraskevi K. & Venetis, Ioannis A., 2019. "Transmission Chains Of Economic Uncertainty On Macroeconomic Activity: New Empirical Evidence," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 23(8), pages 3355-3385, December.
  40. Maria-Eleni K. Agoraki & Dimitris A. Georgoutsos & Georgios P. Kouretas, 2019. "Capital Markets Integration and Cointegration: Testing for the Correct Specification of Stock Market Indices," JRFM, MDPI, vol. 12(4), pages 1-20, December.
  41. Ambashi, Masahito & Régibeau, Pierre & Rockett, Katharine E., 2019. "Grantbacks, territorial restraints, and innovation," International Journal of Industrial Organization, Elsevier, vol. 67(C).


  1. Marcus J. Chambers & Maria Kyriacou, 2018. "Jackknife Bias Reduction in the Presence of a Near-Unit Root," Econometrics, MDPI, vol. 6(1), pages 1-28, March.
  2. Raimondos, Pascalis & Woodland, Alan, 2018. "Reciprocity in trade negotiations and welfare," Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 111(C), pages 134-142.
  3. Helmut Rainer & Clara Albrecht & Stefan Bauernschuster & Victoria Endl-Geyer & Anita Dietrich & Timo Hener & Joachim Ragnitz, 2018. "Mauer in den Köpfen? Die Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen Ost- und Westdeutscher 28 Jahre nach der Wende," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 71(21), pages 56-61, November.
  4. Anderberg, Dan & Rainer, Helmut & Roeder, Kerstin, 2018. "Family-specific investments and divorce with dynamically inconsistent households: Marital contracts and policy," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 148(C), pages 199-225.
  5. David Bartolini & Agnese Sacchi & Simone Salotti & Raffaella Santolini, 2018. "Fiscal Decentralization in Times of Financial Crises," CESifo Economic Studies, CESifo Group, vol. 64(3), pages 456-488.
  6. Dimitrios Anastasiou & Konstantinos Drakos & Stylianos Giannoulakis, 2018. "Are Bank Credit Standards Affected by the Business Cycle? Evidence from the Euro Area," Applied Economics Quarterly (formerly: Konjunkturpolitik), Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin, vol. 64(1), pages 5-16.
  7. Drakos, Konstantinos & Giannakopoulos, Nicholas, 2018. "Self and bank credit rationing: a trivariate probit with double selection," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 44(C), pages 124-134.
  8. Konstantinos Drakos & Christos Kallandranis & Socrates Karidis, 2018. "A note on trust in the ECB in the era of sovereign debt crisis," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 25(6), pages 366-368, March.
  9. Michael Polemis & Konstantinos Eleftheriou, 2018. "To Regulate Or To Deregulate? The Role Of Downstream Competition In Upstream Monopoly Vertically Linked Markets," Bulletin of Economic Research, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 70(1), pages 51-63, January.
  10. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Vasileios Zikos, 2018. "Happy People Are Less Likely To Be Unemployed: Psychological Evidence From Panel Data," Contemporary Economic Policy, Western Economic Association International, vol. 36(2), pages 277-291, April.
  11. Kesavayuth, Dusanee & Ko, Kaung Myat & Zikos, Vasileios, 2018. "Locus of control and financial risk attitudes," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 72(C), pages 122-131.
  12. Kesavayuth, Dusanee & Liang, Yufang & Zikos, Vasileios, 2018. "An active lifestyle and cognitive function: Evidence from China," The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, Elsevier, vol. 12(C), pages 183-191.
  13. Ahmed, Rifaan & Kesavayuth, Dusanee & Zikos, Vasileios, 2018. "Does being smarter make you happier? Evidence from Europe," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 76(C), pages 55-67.
  14. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Robert E. Rosenman & Vasileios Zikos, 2018. "Retirement and health behaviour," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 50(54), pages 5859-5876, November.
  15. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Sang-Ho Lee & Vasileios Zikos, 2018. "Merger and Innovation Incentives in a Differentiated Industry," International Journal of the Economics of Business, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 25(2), pages 207-221, May.
  16. Guiso, Luigi & Rustichini, Aldo, 2018. "What drives women out of management? The joint role of testosterone and culture," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 109(C), pages 221-237.
  17. Guiso, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola & Zingales, Luigi, 2018. "Time varying risk aversion," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 128(3), pages 403-421.
  18. Guiso, Luigi & Rustichini, Aldo, 2018. "Understanding the size and profitability of firms: The role of a biological factor," Research in Economics, Elsevier, vol. 72(1), pages 65-85.
  19. Andreas Fagereng & Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri, 2018. "Portfolio Choices, Firm Shocks, and Uninsurable Wage Risk," The Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economic Studies Ltd, vol. 85(1), pages 437-474.
  20. Axel Dreher & Kai Gehring & Christos Kotsogiannis & Silvia Marchesi, 2018. "Information transmission within federal fiscal architectures: theory and evidence," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 70(1), pages 243-265.
  21. Ferraresi, Massimiliano & Kotsogiannis, Christos & Rizzo, Leonzio, 2018. "Decentralization and fuel subsidies," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 74(C), pages 275-286.
  22. Poulsen, Odile & Saral, Krista J., 2018. "Coordination and focality under gain–loss framing: Experimental evidence," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 164(C), pages 75-78.
  23. McKnight, Stephen, 2018. "Investment And Forward-Looking Monetary Policy: A Wicksellian Solution To The Problem Of Indeterminacy," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 22(5), pages 1345-1369, July.
  24. Alderighi, Marco & Gaggero, Alberto A., 2018. "Flight cancellations and airline alliances: Empirical evidence from Europe," Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Elsevier, vol. 116(C), pages 90-101.
  25. Rafael Salas & John A. Bishop & Lester A. Zeager, 2018. "Second‐Order Discrimination and Generalized Lorenz Dominance," Review of Income and Wealth, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, vol. 64(3), pages 563-575, September.
  26. Christopher J. Gerry & Igor Sheiman, 2018. "Too many and too few: The paradoxical case of physicians in the Russian Federation," International Journal of Health Planning and Management, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 33(1), pages 391-402, January.
  27. Christopher J. Gerry & Yulia Raskina & Daria Tsyplakova, 2018. "Convergence or Divergence? Life Expectancy Patterns in Post-communist Countries, 1959–2010," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Springer, vol. 140(1), pages 309-332, November.
  28. Georgarakos, Dimitris, 2018. "Do consumers respond symmetrically to positive and negative income shocks?," Research Bulletin, European Central Bank, vol. 44.
  29. Stavros Degiannakis, George Filis, and Vipin Arora, 2018. "Oil Prices and Stock Markets: A Review of the Theory and Empirical Evidence," The Energy Journal, International Association for Energy Economics, vol. 0(Number 5).
  30. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Panagiotakopoulou, Sofia, 2018. "Oil price shocks and uncertainty: How stable is their relationship over time?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 72(C), pages 42-53.
  31. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Hassani, Hossein, 2018. "Forecasting global stock market implied volatility indices," Journal of Empirical Finance, Elsevier, vol. 46(C), pages 111-129.
  32. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2018. "Forecasting oil prices: High-frequency financial data are indeed useful," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 76(C), pages 388-402.
  33. Degiannakis, Stavros, 2018. "Multiple days ahead realized volatility forecasting: Single, combined and average forecasts," Global Finance Journal, Elsevier, vol. 36(C), pages 41-61.
  34. Roberto Nisticò, 2018. "The Effect of PhD Funding on Postdegree Research Career and Publication Productivity," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 80(5), pages 931-950, October.
  35. Vincenzo Bove & Claudio Deiana & Roberto Nistic�, 2018. "Global Arms Trade and Oil Dependence," The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Oxford University Press, vol. 34(2), pages 272-299.
  36. Lina Cardona‐Sosa & Luz Adriana Flórez & Leonardo Fabio Morales & Banco de la República, 2018. "How does the Household Labour Supply Respond to the Unemployment of the Household Head?," LABOUR, CEIS, vol. 32(4), pages 174-212, December.


  1. Thornton, Michael A. & Chambers, Marcus J., 2017. "Continuous time ARMA processes: Discrete time representation and likelihood evaluation," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 79(C), pages 48-65.
  2. Fernando Di Nicola & Melisso Boschi & Giorgio Mongelli, 2017. "Effective marginal and average tax rates in the 2017 Italian tax-benefit system," ECONOMIA PUBBLICA, FrancoAngeli Editore, vol. 2017(3), pages 67-90.
  3. Stefan Bauernschuster & Timo Hener & Helmut Rainer, 2017. "When Labor Disputes Bring Cities to a Standstill: The Impact of Public Transit Strikes on Traffic, Accidents, Air Pollution, and Health," American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, American Economic Association, vol. 9(1), pages 1-37, February.
  4. Rainer Helmut & Fichtl Anita & Hener Timo, 2017. "Familienpolitik in Deutschland: Kausale Evaluationsstudien und ausgewählte Ergebnisse," Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, De Gruyter, vol. 18(2), pages 117-131, June.
  5. Helmut Rainer, 2017. "Die Entwicklung des Bereichs Sozialpolitik und Arbeitsmärkte zum ifo Zentrum für Arbeitsmarkt- und Bevölkerungsökonomik (2000–2015)," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 70(13), pages 57-59, July.
  6. Volker Meier & Helmut Rainer, 2017. "Daddy months," Journal of Population Economics, Springer;European Society for Population Economics, vol. 30(3), pages 875-892, July.
  7. Bartolini, David & Santolini, Raffaella, 2017. "Political institutions behind good governance," Economic Systems, Elsevier, vol. 41(1), pages 68-85.
  8. David Bartolini, 2017. "Administrative fragmentation and economic performance of OECD TL2 regions," OECD Journal: Economic Studies, OECD Publishing, vol. 2016(1), pages 109-129.
  9. Michael Demoussis & Konstantinos Drakos & Nicholas Giannakopoulos, 2017. "The impact of sovereign ratings on euro zone SMEs’ credit rationing," Journal of Economic Studies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 44(5), pages 745-764, October.
  10. Panagiotis N. Fotis & Michael L. Polemis & Konstantinos Eleftheriou, 2017. "Unilateral effects of partial acquisitions: consistent calculation of GUPPI under horizontal merger guidelines within the EU," Economia e Politica Industriale: Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, Springer;Associazione Amici di Economia e Politica Industriale, vol. 44(3), pages 315-325, September.
  11. Dusanee Kesavayuth, 2017. "The benefits of the reciprocal grantback clause in patent licensing," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 26(5), pages 418-428, July.
  12. Andreas Fagereng & Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri, 2017. "Firm-Related Risk and Precautionary Saving Response," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 107(5), pages 393-397, May.
  13. Luigi Guiso & Chaoqun Lai & Makoto Nirei, 2017. "An Empirical Study of Interaction-Based Aggregate Investment Fluctuations," The Japanese Economic Review, Japanese Economic Association, vol. 68(2), pages 137-157, June.
  14. Andreas Fagereng & Charles Gottlieb & Luigi Guiso, 2017. "Asset Market Participation and Portfolio Choice over the Life-Cycle," Journal of Finance, American Finance Association, vol. 72(2), pages 705-750, April.
  15. Martin G. Kocher & Odile Poulsen & Daniel J. Zizzo, 2017. "Social preferences, accountability, and wage bargaining," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 48(3), pages 659-678, March.
  16. McKnight, Stephen, 2017. "Are Consumption Taxes Preferable To Income Taxes For Preventing Macroeconomic Instability?," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 21(4), pages 1023-1058, June.
  17. Alderighi, Marco & Gaggero, Alberto A., 2017. "Fly and trade: Evidence from the Italian manufacturing industry," Economics of Transportation, Elsevier, vol. 9(C), pages 51-60.
  18. Gerry, Christopher J. & Kaneva, Maria & Zasimova, Liudmila, 2017. "Reforming voluntary drug insurance in Russian healthcare: does social solidarity matter?," Health Policy, Elsevier, vol. 121(11), pages 1177-1185.
  19. Yannis Bilias & Dimitris Georgarakos & Michael Haliassos, 2017. "Has Greater Stock Market Participation Increased Wealth Inequality in the Us?," Review of Income and Wealth, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, vol. 63(1), pages 169-188, March.
  20. Frederick Dongchuhl Oh & Junghum Park, 2017. "Credit ratings and corporate disclosure behaviour: evidence from regulation fair disclosure in Korea," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 49(35), pages 3481-3494, July.
  21. Degiannakis, Stavros & Potamia, Artemis, 2017. "Multiple-days-ahead value-at-risk and expected shortfall forecasting for stock indices, commodities and exchange rates: Inter-day versus intra-day data," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 49(C), pages 176-190.
  22. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2017. "Forecasting oil price realized volatility using information channels from other asset classes," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 76(C), pages 28-49.
  23. Stoforos, Chrysostomos E. & Degiannakis, Stavros & Palaskas, Theodosios B., 2017. "Hedge fund returns under crisis scenarios: A holistic approach," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 42(C), pages 1196-1207.
  24. Degiannakis, Stavros, 2017. "The one-trading-day-ahead forecast errors of intra-day realized volatility," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 42(C), pages 1298-1314.
  25. Stavros Degiannakis & George Filis & George Palaiodimos, 2017. "Investments and uncertainty revisited: the case of the US economy," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 49(45), pages 4521-4529, September.
  26. Sotirios Bersimis & Stavros Degiannakis & Dimitrios Georgakellos, 2017. "Real-time monitoring of carbon monoxide using value-at-risk measure and control charting," Journal of Applied Statistics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 44(1), pages 89-108, January.
  27. Flórez, Luz A., 2017. "Informal sector under saving: A positive analysis of labour market policies," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 44(C), pages 13-26.
  28. Georgoutsos, Dimitris & Moratis, George, 2017. "Bank-sovereign contagion in the Eurozone: A panel VAR Approach," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 146-159.
  29. Dimitris A. Georgoutsos & Georgios P. Kouretas, 2017. "The Relevance of the Monetary Model for the Euro / USD Exchange Rate Determination: a Long Run Perspective," Open Economies Review, Springer, vol. 28(5), pages 989-1010, November.
  30. Masahito Ambashi, 2017. "Competition Effects and Industrial Productivity: Lessons from Japanese Industry," Asian Economic Papers, MIT Press, vol. 16(3), pages 212-249, Fall.


  1. Marcus J Chambers, 2016. "Unobserved Components and Time Series Econometrics , edited by Siem Jan Koopman and Neil Shephard . Published by Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2015 . Total number of pages: 400. ISBN: 978-0-19-96," Journal of Time Series Analysis, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 37(6), pages 862-863, November.
  2. Chambers, Marcus J., 2016. "The estimation of continuous time models with mixed frequency data," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 193(2), pages 390-404.
  3. Thornton, Michael A. & Chambers, Marcus J., 2016. "The exact discretisation of CARMA models with applications in finance," Journal of Empirical Finance, Elsevier, vol. 38(PB), pages 739-761.
  4. Bett, Zoë & Poulsen, Anders & Poulsen, Odile, 2016. "The focality of dominated compromises in tacit coordination situations: Experimental evidence," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 60(C), pages 29-34.
  5. Stefan Bauernschuster & Timo Hener & Helmut Rainer, 2016. "Children Of A (Policy) Revolution: The Introduction Of Universal Child Care And Its Effect On Fertility," Journal of the European Economic Association, European Economic Association, vol. 14(4), pages 975-1005, August.
  6. Timo Hener & Helmut Rainer & Thomas Siedler, 2016. "Political socialization in flux?: linking family non-intactness during childhood to adult civic engagement," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, Royal Statistical Society, vol. 179(3), pages 633-656, June.
  7. Dan Anderberg & Helmut Rainer & Jonathan Wadsworth & Tanya Wilson, 2016. "Unemployment and Domestic Violence: Theory and Evidence," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 126(597), pages 1947-1979, November.
  8. Anagnostopoulou, Seraina C. & Drakos, Konstantinos, 2016. "Bank loan terms and conditions: Is there a macro effect?," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 37(C), pages 269-282.
  9. Vasileios M. Koutras & Konstantinos Drakos, 2016. "A generalized polynomial-logistic distribution and applications," Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 45(18), pages 5478-5494, September.
  10. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Michelacakis, Nickolas J., 2016. "A comment on ‘Vertical mergers and downstream spatial competition with different product varieties’," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 143(C), pages 84-86.
  11. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Michelacakis, Nickolas J. & Papavassiliou, Vassilios G., 2016. "Addendum to Eleftheriou and Michelacakis (2016)," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 148(C), pages 53-54.
  12. Paul Klumpes & Iliya Komarev & Konstantinos Eleftheriou, 2016. "The pricing of audit and non-audit services in a regulated environment: a longitudinal study of the UK life insurance industry," Accounting and Business Research, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 46(3), pages 278-302, April.
  13. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Vasileios Zikos, 2016. "Price or Quantity? A New Irrelevance Result for Mixed Markets," Australian Economic Papers, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 55(1), pages 29-42, March.
  14. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Robert E. Rosenman & Vasileios Zikos, 2016. "Retirement, Personality, And Well-Being," Economic Inquiry, Western Economic Association International, vol. 54(2), pages 733-750, April.
  15. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Constantine Manasakis & Vasileios Zikos, 2016. "Endogenous R&D Networks among Upstream Firms," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 37(2), pages 79-94, March.
  16. Andreas Fagereng & Luigi Guiso & Davide Malacrino & Luigi Pistaferri, 2016. "Heterogeneity in Returns to Wealth and the Measurement of Wealth Inequality," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 106(5), pages 651-655, May.
  17. Jeffrey V. Butler & Paola Giuliano & Luigi Guiso, 2016. "The Right Amount Of Trust," Journal of the European Economic Association, European Economic Association, vol. 14(5), pages 1155-1180, October.
  18. Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales, 2016. "Long-Term Persistence," Journal of the European Economic Association, European Economic Association, vol. 14(6), pages 1401-1436, December.
  19. Guiso, Luigi & Herrera, Helios & Morelli, Massimo, 2016. "Cultural Differences and Institutional Integration," Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 99(S1), pages 97-113.
  20. Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales, 2016. "Monnet’s error?," Economic Policy, CEPR, CESifo, Sciences Po;CES;MSH, vol. 31(86), pages 247-297.
  21. Jeff Butler & Paola Giuliano & Luigi Guiso, 2016. "Trust and Cheating," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 126(595), pages 1703-1738, September.
  22. Polidano, Cain & Tabasso, Domenico, 2016. "Fully integrating upper-secondary vocational and academic courses: A flexible new way?," Economics of Education Review, Elsevier, vol. 55(C), pages 117-131.
  23. Nils Herger & Christos Kotsogiannis & Steve McCorriston, 2016. "Multiple taxes and alternative forms of FDI: evidence from cross-border acquisitions," International Tax and Public Finance, Springer;International Institute of Public Finance, vol. 23(1), pages 82-113, February.
  24. Christos Kotsogiannis & Konstantinos Serfes, 2016. "Optimal performance reward, tax compliance and enforcement," Economic Theory Bulletin, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 4(2), pages 325-345, October.
  25. Gabriella Conti & James J. Heckman & Rodrigo Pinto, 2016. "The Effects of Two Influential Early Childhood Interventions on Health and Healthy Behaviour," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 126(596), pages 28-65, October.
  26. Anders Frederiksen & Odile Poulsen, 2016. "Income Inequality: The Consequences Of Skill-Upgrading When Firms Have Hierarchical Organizational Structures," Economic Inquiry, Western Economic Association International, vol. 54(2), pages 1224-1239, April.
  27. Quirmbach, Diana & Gerry, Christopher J., 2016. "Gender, education and Russia’s tobacco epidemic: A life-course approach," Social Science & Medicine, Elsevier, vol. 160(C), pages 54-66.
  28. Park, Junghum & Ju, Biung-Ghi, 2016. "Hierarchical outcomes and collusion neutrality on networks," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 254(1), pages 179-187.
  29. Degiannakis, Stavros & Duffy, David & Filis, George & Livada, Alexandra, 2016. "Business cycle synchronisation in EMU: Can fiscal policy bring member-countries closer?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 52(PB), pages 551-563.
  30. Boldanov, Rustam & Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2016. "Time-varying correlation between oil and stock market volatilities: Evidence from oil-importing and oil-exporting countries," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 209-220.
  31. Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos, 2016. "Intra-day realized volatility for European and USA stock indices," Global Finance Journal, Elsevier, vol. 29(C), pages 24-41.
  32. Ioannis Chatziantoniou & Stavros Degiannakis & Bruno Eeckels & George Filis, 2016. "Forecasting tourist arrivals using origin country macroeconomics," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 48(27), pages 2571-2585, June.
  33. Stavros Degiannakis & Alexandra Livada, 2016. "Evaluation of realized volatility predictions from models with leptokurtically and asymmetrically distributed forecast errors," Journal of Applied Statistics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 43(5), pages 871-892, April.
  34. Luz Adriana FLÓREZ & Francisco PERALES, 2016. "Labour protection and informal work: A cross-national analysis of European countries, 2004–2012," International Labour Review, International Labour Organization, vol. 155(4), pages 623-650, December.
  35. Ghiglino, Christian & Tabasso, Nicole, 2016. "Risk aversion in a model of endogenous growth," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 64(C), pages 30-40.
  36. Georgoutsos, Dimitris A. & Kouretas, Georgios P., 2016. "Interest parity, cointegration, and the term structure: Testing in an integrated framework," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 46(C), pages 281-294.
  37. Georgoutsos, Dimitris & Kounitis, Thomas, 2016. "Treasury yields and credit spread dynamics: A regime-switching approach," The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Elsevier, vol. 14(PA), pages 39-51.


  1. Marcus J. Chambers, 2015. "The Calculation of Some Limiting Distributions Arising in Near-Integrated Models with GLS Detrending," Journal of Time Series Analysis, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 36(4), pages 562-586, July.
  2. Neil Kellard & Denise Osborn & Jerry Coakley & Marcus J. Chambers, 2015. "Testing for a Unit Root in a Near-Integrated Model with Skip-Sampled Data," Journal of Time Series Analysis, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 36(5), pages 630-649, September.
  3. Abouwafia, Hashem E. & Chambers, Marcus J., 2015. "Monetary policy, exchange rates and stock prices in the Middle East region," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 37(C), pages 14-28.
  4. Marcus J. Chambers, 2015. "A Jackknife Correction to a Test for Cointegration Rank," Econometrics, MDPI, vol. 3(2), pages 1-21, May.
  5. Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis & Woodland, Alan D., 2015. "Market access and welfare: Is there a conflict?," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 126(C), pages 163-166.
  6. Melisso Boschi & Massimiliano Marzo & Simone Salotti, 2015. "Domestic versus international determinants of European business cycles: a GVAR approach," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 49(2), pages 403-421, September.
  7. Meier, Volker & Rainer, Helmut, 2015. "Pigou meets Ramsey: Gender-based taxation with non-cooperative couples," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 77(C), pages 28-46.
  8. Marco Francesconi & Helmut Rainer & Wilbert Klaauw, 2015. "Unintended consequences of welfare reform for children with single parents: a theoretical analysis," Review of Economics of the Household, Springer, vol. 13(3), pages 709-733, September.
  9. Konstantinos Drakos & Nicholas Giannakopoulos & Panagiotis Theodore Konstantinou, 2015. "Investigating Persistence in the US Mutual Fund Market: A Mobility Approach," Review of Economic Analysis, Digital Initiatives at the University of Waterloo Library, vol. 7(1), pages 54-83, June.
  10. Petros Arvanitis & Konstantinos Drakos, 2015. "The Net Stable Funding Ratio of US Bank Holding Companies: A Retrospective Analysis," International Journal of Economic Sciences, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, vol. 4(2), pages 1-9, June.
  11. Konstantinos Drakos & Christos Kallandranis, 2015. "A Note on the Effect of Terrorism on Economic Sentiment," Defence and Peace Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 26(6), pages 600-608, December.
  12. Maria Psillaki & Konstantinos Eleftheriou, 2015. "Trade Credit, Bank Credit, and Flight to Quality: Evidence from French SMEs," Journal of Small Business Management, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53(4), pages 1219-1240, October.
  13. Kesavayuth, Dusanee & Rosenman, Robert E. & Zikos, Vasileios, 2015. "Personality and health satisfaction," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 54(C), pages 64-73.
  14. Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales, 2015. "Corporate Culture, Societal Culture, and Institutions," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 105(5), pages 336-339, May.
  15. Guiso, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola & Zingales, Luigi, 2015. "The value of corporate culture," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 117(1), pages 60-76.
  16. Luigi Guiso & Eliana Viviano, 2015. "How Much Can Financial Literacy Help?," Review of Finance, European Finance Association, vol. 19(4), pages 1347-1382.
  17. Luigi Guiso, 2015. "A Test of Narrow Framing and its Origin," Italian Economic Journal: A Continuation of Rivista Italiana degli Economisti and Giornale degli Economisti, Springer;Società Italiana degli Economisti (Italian Economic Association), vol. 1(1), pages 61-100, March.
  18. Oriana Bandiera & Luigi Guiso & Andrea Prat & Raffaella Sadun, 2015. "Matching Firms, Managers, and Incentives," Journal of Labor Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 33(3), pages 623-681.
  19. Jeffrey V. Butler & Paola Giuliano & Luigi Guiso, 2015. "Trust, Values, And False Consensus," International Economic Review, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association, vol. 56(3), pages 889-915, August.
  20. Terence D. Agbeyegbe, 2015. "An inverted U‐shaped crude oil price return‐implied volatility relationship," Review of Financial Economics, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 27(1), pages 28-45, November.
  21. Cain Polidano & Domenico Tabasso & Yi-Ping Tseng, 2015. "A second chance at education for early school leavers," Education Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 23(3), pages 358-375, June.
  22. Junjian Yi & James J. Heckman & Junsen Zhang & Gabriella Conti, 2015. "Early Health Shocks, Intra†household Resource Allocation and Child Outcomes," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 125(588), pages 347-371, November.
  23. Parravano, Melanie & Poulsen, Odile, 2015. "Stake size and the power of focal points in coordination games: Experimental evidence," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 94(C), pages 191-199.
  24. Stephen McKnight & Alexander Mihailov, 2015. "Do Real Balance Effects Invalidate the Taylor Principle in Closed and Open Economies?," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 82(328), pages 938-975, October.
  25. Bilotkach, Volodymyr & Gaggero, Alberto A. & Piga, Claudio A., 2015. "Airline pricing under different market conditions: Evidence from European Low-Cost Carriers," Tourism Management, Elsevier, vol. 47(C), pages 152-163.
  26. Alderighi, Marco & Gaggero, Alberto A. & Piga, Claudio A., 2015. "The effect of code-share agreements on the temporal profile of airline fares," Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Elsevier, vol. 79(C), pages 42-54.
  27. Bubalo, Branko & Gaggero, Alberto A., 2015. "Low-cost carrier competition and airline service quality in Europe," Transport Policy, Elsevier, vol. 43(C), pages 23-31.
  28. Maria Bramati & Alberto Gaggero & Edna Solomon, 2015. "International Trade and Domestic Competition: Evidence from Belgium," Review of Industrial Organization, Springer;The Industrial Organization Society, vol. 46(4), pages 383-399, June.
  29. Juan Gabriel Rodr�guez & Rafael Salas, 2015. "Majority voting and Gini-based social welfare: testing the hypothesis of symmetry," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 22(8), pages 658-663, May.
  30. Christopher J. Gerry & Georgios Papadopoulos, 2015. "Sample attrition in the RLMS, 2001–10," The Economics of Transition, The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, vol. 23(2), pages 425-468, April.
  31. Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Jappelli, Tullio, 2015. "Wealth shocks, unemployment shocks and consumption in the wake of the Great Recession," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 72(C), pages 21-41.
  32. Georgarakos, Dimitris & Fürth, Sven, 2015. "Household repayment behavior: The role of social capital and institutional, political, and religious beliefs," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 37(C), pages 249-265.
  33. Angelidis, Timotheos & Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George, 2015. "US stock market regimes and oil price shocks," Global Finance Journal, Elsevier, vol. 28(C), pages 132-146.
  34. Stavros Degiannakis, 2015. "A Probit Model for the State of the Greek GDP Growth," IJFS, MDPI, vol. 3(3), pages 1-12, August.
  35. Luz Adriana Florez, 2015. "The Search and Matching Equilibrium in an Economy with an Informal Sector: A Positive Analysis of Labour Market Policies," Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad, Universidad de los Andes,Facultad de Economía, CEDE, August.
  36. Ghiglino, Christian & Tabasso, Nicole, 2015. "The dynamics of innovations and citations," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 131(C), pages 94-97.
  37. Chatzikonstanti, Vasiliki & Venetis, Ioannis A., 2015. "Long memory in log-range series: Do structural breaks matter?," Journal of Empirical Finance, Elsevier, vol. 33(C), pages 104-113.
  38. Ioannis A Venetis & Paraskevi K Salamaliki, 2015. "Unit roots and trend breaks in the Greek labor market," Journal of Economic Studies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 42(4), pages 641-658, September.
  39. Vasileios Siakoulis & Ioannis Venetis, 2015. "On inter-arrival times of bond market extreme events. An application to seven European markets," Journal of Economics and Finance, Springer;Academy of Economics and Finance, vol. 39(4), pages 717-741, October.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J. & Ercolani, Joanne S. & Taylor, A.M. Robert, 2014. "Testing for seasonal unit roots by frequency domain regression," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 178(P2), pages 243-258.
  2. Pascalis Raimondos-Møller & Alan Woodland, 2014. "Steepest ascent tariff reform," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 55(1), pages 69-99, January.
  3. Boschi, Melisso & Girardi, Alessandro & Ventura, Marco, 2014. "Partial credit guarantees and SMEs financing," Journal of Financial Stability, Elsevier, vol. 15(C), pages 182-194.
  4. Andrea Isoni & Anders Poulsen & Robert Sugden & Kei Tsutsui, 2014. "Efficiency, Equality, and Labeling: An Experimental Investigation of Focal Points in Explicit Bargaining," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 104(10), pages 3256-3287, October.
  5. Helmut Rainer & Stefan Bauernschuster & Natalia Danzer & Anita Fichtl & Timo Hener & Christian Holzner & Janina Reinkowski & Anita Dietrich, 2014. "Child Benefit and Child Allowances in Germany: Their Impact on Family Policy Goals," ifo DICE Report, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 12(01), pages 37-45, April.
  6. Stefan Bauernschuster & Anita Fichtl & Timo Hener & Helmut Rainer & Anita Dietrich, 2014. "Kinder einer Politikreform: Führen mehr Krippenplätze zu mehr Kindern?," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 67(10), pages 30-37, May.
  7. Stefan Bauernschuster & Anita Fichtl & Timo Hener & Helmut Rainer & Anita Dietrich, 2014. "Streiks im öffentlichen Nahverkehr: Negative Folgen für Verkehr, Umwelt und Gesundheit," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 67(24), pages 31-36, December.
  8. Konstantinos Drakos & Catherine Mueller, 2014. "On the Determinants of Terrorism Risk Concern in Europe," Defence and Peace Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 25(3), pages 291-310, June.
  9. Konstantinos Drakos & Panagiotis Th. Konstantinou, 2014. "Terrorism, crime and public spending: Panel VAR evidence from europe," Defence and Peace Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 25(4), pages 349-361, August.
  10. Vasileios M. Koutras & Konstantinos Drakos & Markos V. Koutras, 2014. "A Polynomial Logistic Distribution and its Applications in Finance," Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 43(10-12), pages 2045-2065, May.
  11. Jeffrey Butler & Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli, 2014. "The role of intuition and reasoning in driving aversion to risk and ambiguity," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 77(4), pages 455-484, December.
  12. Polidano, Cain & Tabasso, Domenico, 2014. "Making it real: The benefits of workplace learning in upper-secondary vocational education and training courses," Economics of Education Review, Elsevier, vol. 42(C), pages 130-146.
  13. Julie Moschion & Domenico Tabasso, 2014. "Trust of second-generation immigrants: intergenerational transmission or cultural assimilation?," IZA Journal of Migration and Development, Springer;Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH (IZA), vol. 3(1), pages 1-30, December.
  14. Ourania Karakosta & Christos Kotsogiannis & Miguel-Angel Lopez-Garcia, 2014. "Indirect tax harmonization and global public goods," International Tax and Public Finance, Springer;International Institute of Public Finance, vol. 21(1), pages 29-49, February.
  15. Keen, Michael & Kotsogiannis, Christos, 2014. "Coordinating climate and trade policies: Pareto efficiency and the role of border tax adjustments," Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 94(1), pages 119-128.
  16. Christos Kotsogiannis & Konstantinos Serfes, 2014. "The Comparison of ad Valorem and Specific Taxation under Uncertainty," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 16(1), pages 48-68, February.
  17. Conti, Gabriella & Frühwirth-Schnatter, Sylvia & Heckman, James J. & Piatek, Rémi, 2014. "Bayesian exploratory factor analysis," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 183(1), pages 31-57.
  18. Stephen McKnight & Marco Robles Sánchez, 2014. "Is a monetary union feasible for Latin America? Evidence from real effective exchange rates and interest rate pass-through levels," Estudios Económicos, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos, vol. 29(2), pages 225-262.
  19. Alderighi, Marco & Gaggero, Alberto A., 2014. "The effects of global alliances on international flight frequencies: Some evidence from Italy," Journal of Air Transport Management, Elsevier, vol. 39(C), pages 30-33.
  20. Alberto A. Gaggero, 2014. "csvconvert: A simple command to gather comma-separated value files into Stata," Stata Journal, StataCorp LP, vol. 14(3), pages 662-669, September.
  21. Rodríguez, Juan Gabriel & Salas, Rafael, 2014. "The Gini coefficient: Majority voting and social welfare," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 152(C), pages 214-223.
  22. Christopher J. Gerry & Tomasz M. Mickiewicz & Zlatko Nikoloski, 2014. "Mortality And Financial Crises," Journal of International Development, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 26(7), pages 939-948, October.
  23. Dimitris Georgarakos & Michael Haliassos & Giacomo Pasini, 2014. "Household Debt and Social Interactions," The Review of Financial Studies, Society for Financial Studies, vol. 27(5), pages 1404-1433.
  24. Stavros Degiannakis, George Filis, and Renatas Kizys, 2014. "The Effects of Oil Price Shocks on Stock Market Volatility: Evidence from European Data," The Energy Journal, International Association for Energy Economics, vol. 0(Number 1).
  25. Stavros Degiannakis & Pamela Dent & Christos Floros, 2014. "A Monte Carlo Simulation Approach to Forecasting Multi-period Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall Using the FIGARCH-skT Specification," Manchester School, University of Manchester, vol. 82(1), pages 71-102, January.
  26. Stavros Degiannakis & David Duffy & George Filis, 2014. "Business Cycle Synchronization in EU: A Time-Varying Approach," Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Scottish Economic Society, vol. 61(4), pages 348-370, September.
  27. Stavros Degiannakis & Apostolos Kiohos, 2014. "Multivariate modelling of 10-day-ahead VaR and dynamic correlation for worldwide real estate and stock indices," Journal of Economic Studies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 41(2), pages 216-232, March.
  28. Bove, Vincenzo & Nisticò, Roberto, 2014. "Military in politics and budgetary allocations," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 42(4), pages 1065-1078.
  29. Vincenzo Bove & Roberto Nisticò, 2014. "Coups d’état and defense spending: a counterfactual analysis," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 161(3), pages 321-344, December.
  30. Paraskevi Salamaliki & Ioannis Venetis, 2014. "Smooth transition trends and labor force participation rates in the United States," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 46(2), pages 629-652, March.


  1. Michael A. Thornton & Marcus J. Chambers, 2013. "Continuous-time autoregressive moving average processes in discrete time: representation and embeddability," Journal of Time Series Analysis, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 34(5), pages 552-561, September.
  2. Chambers, Marcus J., 2013. "Jackknife estimation of stationary autoregressive models," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 172(1), pages 142-157.
  3. Chambers, Marcus J. & Kyriacou, Maria, 2013. "Jackknife estimation with a unit root," Statistics & Probability Letters, Elsevier, vol. 83(7), pages 1677-1682.
  4. Nabanita Datta Gupta & Anders Poulsen & Marie Claire Villeval, 2013. "Gender Matching And Competitiveness: Experimental Evidence," Economic Inquiry, Western Economic Association International, vol. 51(1), pages 816-835, January.
  5. Isoni, Andrea & Poulsen, Anders & Sugden, Robert & Tsutsui, Kei, 2013. "Focal points in tacit bargaining problems: Experimental evidence," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 59(C), pages 167-188.
  6. Helmut Rainer & Wolfgang Auer & Stefan Bauernschuster & Natalia Danzer & Anita Fichtl & Timo Hener & Christian Holzner & Janina Reinkowski & Martin Werding & Anita Dietrich, 2013. "Öffentlich geförderte Kinderbetreuung in Deutschland: Evaluierung der Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung von Müttern," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 66(07), pages 31-40, April.
  7. Helmut Rainer & Stefan Bauernschuster & Natalia Danzer & Anita Fichtl & Timo Hener & Christian Holzner & Janina Reinkowski & Anita Dietrich, 2013. "Kindergeld und Kinderfreibeträge in Deutschland: Evaluierung der Auswirkungen auf familienpolitische Ziele," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 66(09), pages 28-36, April.
  8. Helmut Rainer & Timo Hener & Thomas Siedler & Anita Fichtl & Anita Dietrich, 2013. "Politische Sozialisation im Wandel? Zusammenhang von Familienstruktur und bürgerschaftlichem Engagement," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 66(17), pages 30-38, September.
  9. Holger Bonin & Anita Fichtl & Helmut Rainer & C. Katharina Spieß & Holger Stichnoth & Katharina Wrohlich & Anita Dietrich, 2013. "Lehren für die Familienpolitik – Zentrale Resultate der Gesamtevaluation familienbezogener Leistungen," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 66(18), pages 22-30, October.
  10. Holger Bonin & Anita Fichtl & Helmut Rainer & C. Katharina Spieß & Holger Stichnoth & Katharina Wrohlich, 2013. "Zentrale Resultate der Gesamtevaluation familienbezogener Leistungen," DIW Wochenbericht, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research, vol. 80(40), pages 3-13.
  11. Faravelli, Marco & Kirchkamp, Oliver & Rainer, Helmut, 2013. "The effect of power imbalances on incentives to make non-contractible investments," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 61(C), pages 169-185.
  12. Anderberg, Dan & Rainer, Helmut, 2013. "Economic abuse: A theory of intrahousehold sabotage," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 97(C), pages 282-295.
  13. Helena Holmlund & Helmut Rainer & Thomas Siedler, 2013. "Meet the Parents? Family Size and the Geographic Proximity Between Adult Children and Older Mothers in Sweden," Demography, Springer;Population Association of America (PAA), vol. 50(3), pages 903-931, June.
  14. David Bartolini & Raffaella Santolini, 2013. "Fiscal autonomy and quality of governance in OECD countries," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 33(1), pages 706-713.
  15. Koutras, Vasileios M. & Drakos, Konstantinos, 2013. "A migration approach for USA banks' capitalization: Are the 00s the same with the 90s?," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 30(C), pages 131-140.
  16. Konstantinos Drakos, 2013. "Bank loan terms and conditions for Eurozone SMEs," Small Business Economics, Springer, vol. 41(3), pages 717-732, October.
  17. Konstantinos Drakos & Panagiotis Th. Konstantinou, 2013. "Investment decisions in manufacturing: assessing the effects of real oil prices and their uncertainty," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 28(1), pages 151-165, January.
  18. Stilianos Alexiadis & Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Peter Nijkamp, 2013. "Regional inequalities and the impact of ‘matching technology’ on the arrival rate of employment offers: A theoretical and empirical analysis," Papers in Regional Science, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 92(2), pages 285-304, June.
  19. Konstantinos Eleftheriou & George Athanasiou & Periklis Kougoulis, 2013. "Labour market, obesity and public policy considerations," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 33(1), pages 783-793.
  20. Alexiadis, Stilianos & Eleftheriou, Konstantinos & Nijkamp, Peter, 2013. "Technology adoption within a search model: Evidence from OECD countries," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 33(C), pages 137-148.
  21. Stamatina Hadjidema & Konstantinos Eleftheriou, 2013. "A Search Theoretic Approach on Environmental Taxation under Productive Differentials: A Note," International Advances in Economic Research, Springer;International Atlantic Economic Society, vol. 19(2), pages 153-166, May.
  22. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Vasileios Zikos, 2013. "International and National R & D Networks in Unionized Oligopoly," LABOUR, CEIS, vol. 27(1), pages 18-37, March.
  23. Kesavayuth, Dusanee & Zikos, Vasileios, 2013. "R&D versus output subsidies in mixed markets," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 118(2), pages 293-296.
  24. Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales, 2013. "The Determinants of Attitudes toward Strategic Default on Mortgages," Journal of Finance, American Finance Association, vol. 68(4), pages 1473-1515, August.
  25. Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli & Mario Padula, 2013. "Pension Wealth Uncertainty," Journal of Risk & Insurance, The American Risk and Insurance Association, vol. 80(4), pages 1057-1085, December.
  26. Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri & Fabiano Schivardi, 2013. "Credit within the Firm," The Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economic Studies Ltd, vol. 80(1), pages 211-247.
  27. Thiess Buettner & Christos Kotsogiannis, 2013. "Climate change: fiscal and international trade issues—introduction," International Tax and Public Finance, Springer;International Institute of Public Finance, vol. 20(3), pages 357-359, June.
  28. Michael Finus & Christos Kotsogiannis & Steve McCorriston, 2013. "The International Dimension of Climate Change Policy," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 56(2), pages 151-160, October.
  29. Kotsogiannis, Christos & Woodland, Alan, 2013. "Climate and international trade policies when emissions affect production possibilities," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier, vol. 66(2), pages 166-184.
  30. Conti, Gabriella & Hansman, Christopher, 2013. "Personality and the education–health gradient: A note on “Understanding differences in health behaviors by education”," Journal of Health Economics, Elsevier, vol. 32(2), pages 480-485.
  31. Gabriella Conti & Andrea Galeotti & Gerrit Müller & Stephen Pudney, 2013. "Popularity," Journal of Human Resources, University of Wisconsin Press, vol. 48(4), pages 1072-1094.
    • Pudney, Stephen & Conti, Gabriella & Galeotti, Andrea & Mueller, Gerrit, 2009. "Popularity," ISER Working Paper Series 2009-03, Institute for Social and Economic Research.
    • Gabriella Conti & Andrea Galeotti & Gerrit Mueller & Stephen Pudney, 2012. "Popularity," NBER Working Papers 18475, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  32. Rafael Salas & Juan Rodríguez, 2013. "Popular support for social evaluation functions," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 40(4), pages 985-1014, April.
  33. Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris, 2013. "Investing at home and abroad: Different costs, different people?," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 37(6), pages 2069-2086.
  34. Dimitris Christelis & Dimitris Georgarakos & Michael Haliassos, 2013. "Differences in Portfolios across Countries: Economic Environment versus Household Characteristics," The Review of Economics and Statistics, MIT Press, vol. 95(1), pages 220-236, March.
  35. Degiannakis, Stavros & Livada, Alexandra, 2013. "Realized volatility or price range: Evidence from a discrete simulation of the continuous time diffusion process," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 30(C), pages 212-216.
  36. Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos & Dent, Pamela, 2013. "Forecasting value-at-risk and expected shortfall using fractionally integrated models of conditional volatility: International evidence," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 27(C), pages 21-33.
  37. Degiannakis, Stavros & Filis, George & Floros, Christos, 2013. "Oil and stock returns: Evidence from European industrial sector indices in a time-varying environment," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 26(C), pages 175-191.
  38. Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos, 2013. "Modeling CAC40 volatility using ultra-high frequency data," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 28(C), pages 68-81.
  39. Salamaliki, Paraskevi K. & Venetis, Ioannis A., 2013. "Energy consumption and real GDP in G-7: Multi-horizon causality testing in the presence of capital stock," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 39(C), pages 108-121.
  40. Paraskevi Salamaliki & Ioannis Venetis & Nicholas Giannakopoulos, 2013. "The causal relationship between female labor supply and fertility in the USA: updated evidence via a time series multi-horizon approach," Journal of Population Economics, Springer;European Society for Population Economics, vol. 26(1), pages 109-145, January.
  41. Georgoutsos, Dimitris A. & Migiakis, Petros M., 2013. "Heterogeneity of the determinants of euro-area sovereign bond spreads; what does it tell us about financial stability?," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 37(11), pages 4650-4664.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J. & Thornton, Michael A., 2012. "Discrete Time Representation Of Continuous Time Arma Processes," Econometric Theory, Cambridge University Press, vol. 28(1), pages 219-238, February.
  2. Henrik Barslund Fosse & Pascalis Raimondos‐Møller, 2012. "Reducing Tariffs According to WTO Accession Rules: The Case of Vietnam," Review of Development Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 16(2), pages 331-341, May.
  3. Boschi, Melisso & Goenka, Aditya, 2012. "Relative risk aversion and the transmission of financial crises," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 36(1), pages 85-99.
  4. Melisso Boschi, 2012. "Long- and short-run determinants of capital flows to Latin America: a long-run structural GVAR model," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 43(3), pages 1041-1071, December.
  5. Helmut Rainer & Ian Smith, 2012. "Education, Communication and Wellbeing: An Application to Sexual Satisfaction," Kyklos, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 65(4), pages 581-598, November.
  6. Helmut Rainer & Thomas Siedler, 2012. "Family Location and Caregiving Patterns from an International Perspective," Population and Development Review, The Population Council, Inc., vol. 38(2), pages 337-351, June.
  7. Anita Fichtl & Timo Hener & Helmut Rainer & Anita Dietrich, 2012. "Betreuungsgeld," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 65(21), pages 38-44, November.
  8. Meier, Volker & Rainer, Helmut, 2012. "On the optimality of joint taxation for noncooperative couples," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 19(4), pages 633-641.
  9. Stefan Bauernschuster & Helmut Rainer, 2012. "Political regimes and the family: how sex-role attitudes continue to differ in reunified Germany," Journal of Population Economics, Springer;European Society for Population Economics, vol. 25(1), pages 5-27, January.
  10. David Bartolini & Raffaella Santolini, 2012. "Political yardstick competition among Italian municipalities on spending decisions," The Annals of Regional Science, Springer;Western Regional Science Association, vol. 49(1), pages 213-235, August.
  11. Alberto A. Gaggero & David Bartolini, 2012. "The Determinants of Airline Alliances," Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, University of Bath, vol. 46(3), pages 399-414, September.
  12. Konstantinos Drakos, 2012. "US banks' capitalization speed‐of‐adjustment: a microeconometric approach," Journal of Financial Economic Policy, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 4(3), pages 270-286, July.
  13. Konstantinos Drakos, 2012. "Extent and intensity of investment with multiple capital goods," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 44(22), pages 2799-2810, August.
  14. Kesavayuth, Dusanee & Zikos, Vasileios, 2012. "Upstream and downstream horizontal R&D networks," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 29(3), pages 742-750.
  15. Fernando Alvarez & Luigi Guiso & Francesco Lippi, 2012. "Durable Consumption and Asset Management with Transaction and Observation Costs," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 102(5), pages 2272-2300, August.
  16. Luigi Guiso, 2012. "Trust and Insurance Markets," Economic Notes, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA, vol. 41(1-2), pages 1-26, February.
  17. Terence D. Agbeyegbe, 2012. "Energy and Security in South Asia Cooperation or Conflict?– By Charles K. Ebinger," Natural Resources Forum, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 36(2), pages 142-143, May.
  18. Alberto A. Gaggero, 2012. "Regulation And Risk: A Cross‐Country Survey Of Regulated Companies," Bulletin of Economic Research, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 64(2), pages 226-238, April.
  19. Alberto Gaggero, 2012. "A note on reverse auctions," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 33(1), pages 47-50, February.
  20. Marco Alderighi & Alberto A. Gaggero, 2012. "Air Accessibility and Export Capability of the Italian Manufacturing Industry," L'industria, Società editrice il Mulino, issue 4, pages 635-662.
  21. Gerry, Christopher J., 2012. "The journals are full of great studies but can we believe the statistics? Revisiting the Mass Privatisation – Mortality Debate," Social Science & Medicine, Elsevier, vol. 75(1), pages 14-22.
  22. Luis E. Arango & Fernando Arias & Adriana Flórez, 2012. "Determinants of commodity prices," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 44(2), pages 135-145, January.
  23. Dimitris A. Georgoutsos & Petros M. Migiakis, 2012. "Benchmark Bonds Interactions under Regime Shifts," European Financial Management, European Financial Management Association, vol. 18(3), pages 389-409, June.


  1. Marcus J. Chambers, 2011. "Cointegration and sampling frequency," Econometrics Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 14(2), pages 156-185, July.
  2. Boschi, Melisso & Girardi, Alessandro, 2011. "The contribution of domestic, regional and international factors to Latin America's business cycle," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 28(3), pages 1235-1246, May.
  3. Wolfgang Auer & Herbert Hofmann & Helmut Rainer & Janina Reinkowski, 2011. "Zeit für Familie – Thema des 8. Familienberichts," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 64(23), pages 31-33, December.
  4. Helmut Rainer & Geethanjali Selvaretnam & David Ulph, 2011. "Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in a model of fertility choice," Journal of Population Economics, Springer;European Society for Population Economics, vol. 24(3), pages 1101-1132, July.
  5. Bartolini David & Zazzaro Alberto, 2011. "The Impact of Antitrust Fines on the Formation of Collusive Cartels," The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, De Gruyter, vol. 11(1), pages 1-30, September.
  6. David Bartolini & Fabio Fiorillo, 2011. "Cooperation among Local Councils for the Provision of Public Goods," Rivista italiana degli economisti, Società editrice il Mulino, issue 1, pages 85-108.
  7. Konstantinos Drakos, 2011. "Testing Uncertainty's Effect in Real Options with Multiple Capital Goods," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 78(310), pages 330-346, April.
  8. Drakos, Konstantinos & Müller, Cathérine, 2011. "Terrorism risk concern in Europe," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 112(2), pages 195-197, August.
  9. Drakos, Konstantinos & Giannakopoulos, Nicholas, 2011. "On the determinants of credit rationing: Firm-level evidence from transition countries," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 30(8), pages 1773-1790.
  10. Konstantinos Drakos, 2011. "Security Economics: A Guide For Data Availability And Needs," Defence and Peace Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 22(2), pages 147-159.
  11. Tilman Bruck & Michael Brzoska & Konstantinos Drakos, 2011. "The Economics Of Security: A European Perspective," Defence and Peace Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 22(2), pages 99-104.
  12. Konstantinos Drakos, 2011. "Behavioral Channels in the Cross‐Market Diffusion of Major Terrorism Shocks," Risk Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 31(1), pages 143-159, January.
  13. Stilianos Alexiadis & Konstantinos Eleftheriou, 2011. "A note on the relation between inter-regional inequality and economic efficiency: evidence from the US states," Regional Science Policy & Practice, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 3(1), pages 37-44, March.
  14. Eleftheriou, Konstantinos, 2011. "Efficiency and specialization: A search theoretic approach," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 28(1-2), pages 229-238, January.
  15. Luigi Guiso & Fabiano Schivardi, 2011. "What Determines Entrepreneurial Clusters?," Journal of the European Economic Association, European Economic Association, vol. 9(1), pages 61-86, February.
  16. Gabriella Conti & Stephen Pudney, 2011. "Survey Design and the Analysis of Satisfaction," The Review of Economics and Statistics, MIT Press, vol. 93(3), pages 1087-1093, August.
  17. Stephen McKnight, 2011. "Should Central Banks Target Consumer or Producer Prices?," International Finance, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 14(3), pages 445-479, December.
  18. Stephen McKnight, 2011. "Investment and interest rate policy in the open economy," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 63(4), pages 673-699, December.
  19. Alberto A. Gaggero & Claudio A. Piga, 2011. "Airline Market Power and Intertemporal Price Dispersion," Journal of Industrial Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 59(4), pages 552-577, December.
  20. Christelis, Dimitris & Georgarakos, Dimitris & Haliassos, Michael, 2011. "Stockholding: Participation, location, and spillovers," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 35(8), pages 1918-1930, August.
  21. Dimitris Georgarakos & Giacomo Pasini, 2011. "Trust, Sociability, and Stock Market Participation," Review of Finance, European Finance Association, vol. 15(4), pages 693-725.
  22. Filis, George & Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos, 2011. "Dynamic correlation between stock market and oil prices: The case of oil-importing and oil-exporting countries," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 20(3), pages 152-164, June.


  1. Nielsen, Søren Bo & Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis & Schjelderup, Guttorm, 2010. "Company taxation and tax spillovers: Separate accounting versus formula apportionment," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 54(1), pages 121-132, January.
  2. Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis & Schmitt, Nicolas, 2010. "Commodity taxation and parallel imports," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 94(1-2), pages 153-162, February.
  3. Poulsen, Anders & Poulsen, Odile, 2010. "Prisoner's Dilemma payoffs and the evolution of co-operative preferences," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 39(2), pages 158-162, April.
  4. Anders Poulsen & Michael Roos, 2010. "Do people make strategic commitments? Experimental evidence on strategic information avoidance," Experimental Economics, Springer;Economic Science Association, vol. 13(2), pages 206-225, June.
  5. Helmut Rainer & Ian Smith, 2010. "Staying together for the sake of the home?: house price shocks and partnership dissolution in the UK," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, Royal Statistical Society, vol. 173(3), pages 557-574, July.
  6. Stefan Bauernschuster & Wido Geis & Christian Holzner & Helmut Rainer, 2010. "Das Bundesverfassungsgerichtsurteil zu den Hartz-IV-Regelsätzen: Hintergrund und Bedeutung," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 63(05), pages 21-29, March.
  7. David Bartolini, 2010. "Separation of Regulatory Powers When Contracts Are Incomplete," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 12(2), pages 225-247, April.
  8. Drakos, Konstantinos, 2010. "Terrorism activity, investor sentiment, and stock returns," Review of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 19(3), pages 128-135, August.
  9. Konstantinos Drakos, 2010. "The determinants of terrorist shocks' cross‐market transmission," Journal of Risk Finance, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 11(2), pages 147-163, March.
  10. Konstantinos Dimitrios Drakos & Eleftherios Goulas, 2010. "Investment in Greek manufacturing under irreversibility and uncertainty: the message in used capital expenditures," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 42(14), pages 1797-1809.
  11. Stilianos Alexiadis & Konstantinos Eleftheriou, 2010. "A note on the morphology of regional unemployment in Greece," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 30(4), pages 2779-2786.
  12. Vasileios Zikos & Dusanee Kesavayuth, 2010. "Downstream R&D, raising rival's costs, and input-price contracts: a comment on the role of spillovers," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 30(4), pages 3018-3025.
  13. Giancarlo Corsetti & Michael P. Devereux & Luigi Guiso & John Hassler & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Xavier Vives, 2010. "EEAG Report on the European Economy 2010," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 1-140, February.
  14. Giancarlo Corsetti & Michael P. Devereux & Luigi Guiso & John Hassler & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Xavier Vives, 2010. "Chapter 4: US adjustment needs," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 101-110, February.
  15. Giancarlo Corsetti & Michael P. Devereux & Luigi Guiso & John Hassler & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Xavier Vives, 2010. "Chapter 5: Implications of the crisis for the euro area," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 11-127, February.
  16. Giancarlo Corsetti & Michael P. Devereux & Luigi Guiso & John Hassler & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Xavier Vives, 2010. "Chapter 1: The European Economy: Macroeconomic outlook," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 11-51, February.
  17. Giancarlo Corsetti & Michael P. Devereux & Luigi Guiso & John Hassler & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Xavier Vives, 2010. "Authors: The members of the European Economic Advisory Group at CESifo 2010," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 129-132, February.
  18. Giancarlo Corsetti & Michael P. Devereux & Luigi Guiso & John Hassler & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Xavier Vives, 2010. "Foreword," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 1-2, February.
  19. Giancarlo Corsetti & Michael P. Devereux & Luigi Guiso & John Hassler & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Xavier Vives, 2010. "Summary," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 3-10, February.
    • Torben M. Andersen & Giuseppe Bertola & John Driffill & Harold James & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Branko Uroševic, 2016. "Summary," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 08-13, February.
    • Giancarlo Corsetti & Michael P. Devereux & John Hassler & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Xavier Vives, 2011. "Summary," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 9-16, February.
    • Giuseppe Bertola & John Driffill & Harold James & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Ákos Valentinyi, 2014. "Summary," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 08-13, February.
    • Lars Calmfors & Giancarlo Corsetti & John Hassler & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Ákos Valentinyi & Xavier Vives, 2012. "Summary," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 08-16, February.
    • Lars Calmfors & Giancarlo Corsetti & Michael P. Devereux & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Xavier Vives, 2008. "Summary," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 3-11, February.
    • Lars Calmfors & Giancarlo Corsetti & Seppo Honkapohja & John Kay & Willi Leibfritz & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Xavier Vives, 2005. "Summary," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 3-8, March.
    • Giancarlo Corsetti & Michael P. Devereux & John Hassler & Tim Jenkinson & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Xavier Vives, 2009. "Summary," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 3-10, February.
    • Giuseppe Bertola & John Driffill & Harold James & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Ákos Valentinyi, 2015. "Summary," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 08-12, February.
    • Torben M. Andersen & Giuseppe Bertola & John Driffill & Clemens Fuest & Harold James & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Branko Uroševic, 2017. "Summary," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 08-11, March.
    • Lars Calmfors & Giancarlo Corsetti & Michael P. Devereux & Seppo Honkapohja & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Xavier Vives, 2007. "Summary," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 3-14, February.
    • Giuseppe Bertola & John Driffill & Harold James & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Ákos Valentinyi, 2013. "Summary," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 08-12, February.
  20. Giancarlo Corsetti & Michael P. Devereux & Luigi Guiso & John Hassler & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Xavier Vives, 2010. "Chapter 2: A trust-driven financial crisis," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 53-70, February.
  21. Giancarlo Corsetti & Michael P. Devereux & Luigi Guiso & John Hassler & Gilles Saint-Paul & Hans-Werner Sinn & Jan-Egbert Sturm & Xavier Vives, 2010. "Chapter 3: From Fiscal Rescue to Global Debt," EEAG Report on the European Economy, CESifo, vol. 0, pages 71-100, February.
  22. Luigi Guiso & Raoul Minetti, 2010. "The Structure of Multiple Credit Relationships: Evidence from U.S. Firms," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 42(6), pages 1037-1071, September.
  23. Christos Kotsogiannis, 2010. "Federal tax competition and the efficiency consequences for local taxation of revenue equalization," International Tax and Public Finance, Springer;International Institute of Public Finance, vol. 17(1), pages 1-14, February.
  24. Christos Kotsogiannis & Konstantinos Serfes, 2010. "Public Goods and Tax Competition in a Two‐Sided Market," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 12(2), pages 281-321, April.
  25. Gabriella Conti & James Heckman & Sergio Urzua, 2010. "The Education-Health Gradient," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 100(2), pages 234-238, May.
  26. Gaggero, Alberto A. & Piga, Claudio A., 2010. "Airline competition in the British Isles," Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Elsevier, vol. 46(2), pages 270-279, March.
  27. Juan Prieto Rodríguez & Juan Gabriel Rodríguez & Rafael Salas, 2010. "Income mobility and economic inequality from a regional perspective," Journal of Applied Economics, Universidad del CEMA, vol. 13, pages 335-350, November.
  28. Christopher Gerry & Carmen Li, 2010. "Consumption smoothing and vulnerability in Russia," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 42(16), pages 1995-2007.
  29. Yannis Bilias & Dimitris Georgarakos & Michael Haliassos, 2010. "Portfolio Inertia and Stock Market Fluctuations," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 42(4), pages 715-742, June.
  30. Stavros Degiannakis & Christos Floros, 2010. "Hedge Ratios in South African Stock Index Futures," Journal of Emerging Market Finance, Institute for Financial Management and Research, vol. 9(3), pages 285-304, December.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J., 2009. "Discrete Time Representations Of Cointegrated Continuous Time Models With Mixed Sample Data," Econometric Theory, Cambridge University Press, vol. 25(4), pages 1030-1049, August.
  2. Boschi, Melisso & Pieroni, Luca, 2009. "Aluminium market and the macroeconomy," Journal of Policy Modeling, Elsevier, vol. 31(2), pages 189-207.
  3. Eriksson, Tor & Poulsen, Anders & Villeval, Marie Claire, 2009. "Feedback and incentives: Experimental evidence," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 16(6), pages 679-688, December.
  4. Helmut Rainer & Thomas Siedler, 2009. "O Brother, Where Art Thou? The Effects of Having a Sibling on Geographic Mobility and Labour Market Outcomes," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 76(303), pages 528-556, July.
  5. Helmut Rainer & Thomas Siedler, 2009. "The role of social networks in determining migration and labour market outcomes," The Economics of Transition, The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, vol. 17(4), pages 739-767, October.
  6. Marco Francesconi & Helmut Rainer & Wilbert vanderKlaauw, 2009. "The Effects of In-Work Benefit Reform in Britain on Couples: Theory and Evidence," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 119(535), pages 66-100, February.
  7. Rainer, Helmut & Siedler, Thomas, 2009. "Does democracy foster trust?," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 37(2), pages 251-269, June.
  8. Konstantinos Drakos & Nicholas Giannakopoulos, 2009. "An econometric analysis of counterterrorism effectiveness: the impact on life and property losses," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 139(1), pages 135-151, April.
  9. Dusanee Kesavayuth & Vasileios Zikos, 2009. "Endogenous Contracts in Unionized Oligopoly," LABOUR, CEIS, vol. 23(2), pages 209-235, June.
  10. Dusanee Kesavayuth, 2009. "Patent licensing and research exemption," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 29(2), pages 944-956.
  11. Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales, 2009. "Cultural Biases in Economic Exchange?," The Quarterly Journal of Economics, President and Fellows of Harvard College, vol. 124(3), pages 1095-1131.
  12. Sebastian Kessing & Kai Konrad & Christos Kotsogiannis, 2009. "Federalism, weak institutions and the competition for foreign direct investment," International Tax and Public Finance, Springer;International Institute of Public Finance, vol. 16(1), pages 105-123, February.
  13. Axel Dreher & Christos Kotsogiannis & Steve McCorriston, 2009. "How do institutions affect corruption and the shadow economy?," International Tax and Public Finance, Springer;International Institute of Public Finance, vol. 16(6), pages 773-796, December.
  14. Prieto-Rodríguez, Juan & Rodríguez, Juan Gabriel & Salas, Rafael & Suarez-Pandiello, Javier, 2009. "Quantifying fear: The social impact of terrorism," Journal of Policy Modeling, Elsevier, vol. 31(5), pages 803-817, September.
  15. Georgarakos, Dimitris & Tatsiramos, Konstantinos, 2009. "Entrepreneurship and survival dynamics of immigrants to the U.S. and their descendants," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 16(2), pages 161-170, April.
  16. Stavros Degiannakis & George Giannopoulos, 2009. "Is PEAD a consequence of the presence of the cognitive bias of self-attribution in investors' expectations regarding permanent earnings? Evidence from Athens Stock Exchange," International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 1(1), pages 89-110.
  17. Emilios Avgouleas & Stavros Degiannakis, 2009. "Trade transparency and trading volume: the possible impact of the financial instruments markets directive on the trading volume of EU equity markets," International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 1(1), pages 96-123.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J., 2008. "Corrigendum to: "Testing for unit roots with flow data and varying sampling frequency" [J. Econom. 119 (1) (2004) 1-18]," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 144(2), pages 524-525, June.
  2. Kreickemeier, Udo & Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis, 2008. "Tari[ff]-tax reforms and market access," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 87(1), pages 85-91, August.
  3. Søren Bo Nielsen & Pascalis Raimondos‐Møller & Guttorm Schjelderup, 2008. "Taxes and Decision Rights in Multinationals," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 10(2), pages 245-258, April.
  4. Neugebauer, Tibor & Poulsen, Anders & Schram, Arthur, 2008. "Fairness and reciprocity in the Hawk-Dove Game," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 66(2), pages 243-250, May.
  5. Anders Poulsen & Odile Poulsen, 2008. "A note on commitment when there are errors in communication," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 3(74), pages 1-8.
  6. Rainer, Helmut & Siedler, Thomas, 2008. "Subjective income and employment expectations and preferences for redistribution," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 99(3), pages 449-453, June.
  7. Helmut Rainer, 2008. "Gender discrimination and efficiency in marriage: the bargaining family under scrutiny," Journal of Population Economics, Springer;European Society for Population Economics, vol. 21(2), pages 305-329, April.
  8. Konstantinos Drakos & Eleftherios Goulas, 2008. "Irreversible investment under uncertainty: the message in Leasing Expenditures," International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 1(4), pages 412-426.
  9. Konstantinos Drakos & Eleftherios Goulas, 2008. "The relative importance of sector and country factors for leasing penetration rates across European industries," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 15(15), pages 1197-1200.
  10. Konstantinos Drakos, 2008. "Efficiency and formation of expectations: evidence from the European investment survey," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 40(8), pages 1015-1022.
  11. Konstantinos Eleftheriou, 2008. "Matching, Specialties and Wage Inequality," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 10(11), pages 1-12.
  12. Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales, 2008. "Trusting the Stock Market," Journal of Finance, American Finance Association, vol. 63(6), pages 2557-2600, December.
  13. Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales, 2008. "Alfred Marshall Lecture Social Capital as Good Culture," Journal of the European Economic Association, MIT Press, vol. 6(2-3), pages 295-320, 04-05.
  14. Luigi Guiso & Monica Paiella, 2008. "Risk Aversion, Wealth, and Background Risk," Journal of the European Economic Association, MIT Press, vol. 6(6), pages 1109-1150, December.
  15. Arakelian, Veni & Moschos, Demetrios, 2008. "Modeling pairwise convergence: A Bayesian approach with an application to Greek inflation," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 99(2), pages 340-344, May.
  16. Terence D. Agbeyegbe, 2008. "On the feasibility of a monetary union in the Southern Africa Development Community," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 13(2), pages 150-157.
  17. Kotsogiannis, Christos & Schwager, Robert, 2008. "Accountability and fiscal equalization," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 92(12), pages 2336-2349, December.
  18. Kotsogiannis, Christos & Marti­nez, Diego, 2008. "Ad valorem taxes and the fiscal gap in federations," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 99(3), pages 431-434, June.
  19. Nils Herger & Christos Kotsogiannis & Steve McCorriston, 2008. "Cross-border acquisitions in the global food sector," European Review of Agricultural Economics, Oxford University Press and the European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation, vol. 35(4), pages 563-587, December.
  20. Alberto A. Gaggero, 2008. "Optimal Investment in the Presence of Investment Shock and Congestion," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 164(2), pages 327-342, June.
  21. Juan Gabriel Rodriguez & Rafael Salas & Juan Prieto-Rodriguez, 2008. "A theoretical model of wage discrimination with inspection fines," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 10(3), pages 1-9.
  22. Rodri­guez, Juan Prieto & Rodri­guez, Juan Gabriel & Salas, Rafael, 2008. "A study on the relationship between economic inequality and mobility," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 99(1), pages 111-114, April.
  23. Christopher J. Gerry & Eugene Nivorozhkin & John A. Rigg, 2008. "The great divide: 'ruralisation' of poverty in Russia," Cambridge Journal of Economics, Cambridge Political Economy Society, vol. 32(4), pages 593-607, July.
  24. Christopher Gerry & Tomasz Mickiewicz, 2008. "Inequality, democracy and taxation: Lessons from the post-communist transition," Europe-Asia Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 60(1), pages 89-111.
  25. Angelidis, Timotheos & Degiannakis, Stavros, 2008. "Volatility forecasting: Intra-day versus inter-day models," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 18(5), pages 449-465, December.
  26. Stavros Degiannakis & Alexandra Livada & Epaminondas Panas, 2008. "Rolling-sampled parameters of ARCH and Levy-stable models," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 40(23), pages 3051-3067.
  27. Stavros Degiannakis, 2008. "ARFIMAX and ARFIMAX-TARCH realized volatility modeling," Journal of Applied Statistics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 35(10), pages 1169-1180.
  28. Stavros Degiannakis & Evdokia Xekalaki, 2008. "SPEC model selection algorithm for ARCH models: an options pricing evaluation framework," Applied Financial Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 4(6), pages 419-423.
  29. Luis Eduardo Arango & Fernando Arias & Luz Adriana Flórez & Munir Jalil, 2008. "Cronología de los ciclos de negocios recientes en Colombia," Revista Lecturas de Economía, Universidad de Antioquia, CIE, June.
  30. Arango, Luis Eduardo & Flórez, Luz Adriana, 2008. "Tramo corto de la curva de rendimientos, cambio de régimen inflacionario y expectativas de inflación en Colombia," El Trimestre Económico, Fondo de Cultura Económica, vol. 0(297), pages 183-210, enero-mar.
  31. Luis Eduardo Arango & Fernando Arias & Luz Adriana Flórez & Munir Jalil, 2008. "Business Cycles Chronology for Colombia," Lecturas de Economía, Universidad de Antioquia, Departamento de Economía, issue 68, pages 9-37, Enero-Jun.
  32. Diamandis, Panayiotis F. & Georgoutsos, Dimitris A. & Kouretas, Georgios P., 2008. "Testing the forward rate unbiasedness hypothesis during the 1920s," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 18(4), pages 358-373, October.
  33. Bekiros, Stelios D. & Georgoutsos, Dimitris A., 2008. "The extreme-value dependence of Asia-Pacific equity markets," Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Elsevier, vol. 18(3), pages 197-208, July.
  34. S. D. Bekiros & D. A. Georgoutsos, 2008. "Direction-of-change forecasting using a volatility-based recurrent neural network," Journal of Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 27(5), pages 407-417.
  35. Stelios Bekiros & Dimitris Georgoutsos, 2008. "Non-linear dynamics in financial asset returns: the predictive power of the CBOE volatility index," The European Journal of Finance, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 14(5), pages 397-408.
  36. T. Ida & M. Anbashi, 2008. "Analysis of vertical separation of regulators under adverse selection," Journal of Economics, Springer, vol. 93(1), pages 1-29, February.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J. & Roderick McCrorie, J., 2007. "Frequency domain estimation of temporally aggregated Gaussian cointegrated systems," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 136(1), pages 1-29, January.
  2. Poulsen, Anders Udo, 2007. "Information and endogenous first mover advantages in the ultimatum game: An evolutionary approach," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 64(1), pages 129-143, September.
  3. Anders Poulsen & Jonathan Tan, 2007. "Information acquisition in the ultimatum game: An experimental study," Experimental Economics, Springer;Economic Science Association, vol. 10(4), pages 391-409, December.
  4. Rainer, Helmut, 2007. "Should we write prenuptial contracts?," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 51(2), pages 337-363, February.
  5. Konstantinos Drakos, 2007. "The size of under‐reporting bias in recorded transnational terrorist activity," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, Royal Statistical Society, vol. 170(4), pages 909-921, October.
  6. Konstantinos Drakos & Paris Zachouris, 2007. "On performance persistence in the Greek equity fund market," Global Business and Economics Review, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 9(1), pages 75-91.
  7. Konstantinos Drakos & Eleftherios Goulas & Christos Kallandranis, 2007. "New vs. used capital investment decisions under liquidity constraints," Applied Financial Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 3(1), pages 15-18.
  8. Luigi Guiso & Fabiano Schivardi, 2007. "Spillovers in Industrial Districts," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 117(516), pages 68-93, January.
  9. Christos Kotsogiannis & Miguel-Angel Lopez-Garcia, 2007. "Imperfect competition, indirect tax harmonization and public goods," International Tax and Public Finance, Springer;International Institute of Public Finance, vol. 14(2), pages 135-149, April.
  10. Sotiris Karkalakos & Christos Kotsogiannis, 2007. "A spatial analysis of provincial corporate income tax responses: evidence from Canada," Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Economics Association, vol. 40(3), pages 782-811, August.
  11. Dreher, Axel & Kotsogiannis, Christos & McCorriston, Steve, 2007. "Corruption around the world: Evidence from a structural model," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 35(3), pages 443-466, September.
  12. Gaggero, Alberto A., 2007. "Regulatory risk in the utilities industry: An empirical study of the English-speaking countries," Utilities Policy, Elsevier, vol. 15(3), pages 191-205, September.
  13. Timotheos Angelidis & Alexandros Benos & Stavros Degiannakis, 2007. "A robust VaR model under different time periods and weighting schemes," Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Springer, vol. 28(2), pages 187-201, February.
  14. Stavros Degiannakis & Evdokia Xekalaki, 2007. "Simulated evidence on the distribution of the standardized one-step-ahead prediction errors in ARCH processes," Applied Financial Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 3(1), pages 31-37.
  15. Venetis, Ioannis A. & Paya, Ivan & Peel, David A., 2007. "Deterministic impulse response in a nonlinear model. An analytical expression," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 95(3), pages 315-319, June.


  1. Ercolani, Joanne S. & Chambers, Marcus J., 2006. "Estimation Of Differential-Difference Equation Systems With Unknown Lag Parameters," Econometric Theory, Cambridge University Press, vol. 22(3), pages 483-498, June.
  2. McCrorie, J. Roderick & Chambers, Marcus J., 2006. "Granger causality and the sampling of economic processes," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 132(2), pages 311-336, June.
  3. Marcus J. Chambers & J. Roderick McCrorie, 2006. "Identification And Estimation Of Exchange Rate Models With Unobservable Fundamentals," International Economic Review, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association, vol. 47(2), pages 573-582, May.
  4. Raimondos-Moller, Pascalis & Woodland, Alan D., 2006. "Non-preferential trading clubs," Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 68(1), pages 79-91, January.
  5. Raimondos-Moller, Pascalis & Woodland, Alan D., 2006. "Measuring tax efficiency: A tax optimality index," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 90(10-11), pages 1903-1922, November.
  6. Anders Poulsen & Odile Poulsen, 2006. "Endogenous Preferences and Social-Dilemma Institutions," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 162(4), pages 627-660, December.
  7. Konstantinos Drakos & Christos Kallandranis, 2006. "Modelling Labour Demand Dynamics beyond the Frictionless Environment," LABOUR, CEIS, vol. 20(4), pages 699-720, December.
  8. Drakos, Konstantinos & Goulas, Eleftherios, 2006. "Investment and conditional uncertainty: The role of market power, irreversibility, and returns-to-scale," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 93(2), pages 169-175, November.
  9. Konstantinos Drakos & Andreas Gofas, 2006. "The Devil You Know but Are Afraid to Face," Journal of Conflict Resolution, Peace Science Society (International), vol. 50(5), pages 714-735, October.
  10. Konstantinos Drakos, 2006. "A note on uncertainty and investment across the spectrum of irreversibility," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 13(13), pages 873-876.
  11. Konstantinos Drakos & Andreas Gofas, 2006. "In Search Of The Average Transnational Terrorist Attack Venue," Defence and Peace Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 17(2), pages 73-93.
  12. Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales, 2006. "Does Culture Affect Economic Outcomes?," Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, vol. 20(2), pages 23-48, Spring.
  13. Agbeyegbe, Terence D., 2006. "Editor's introduction: Trade, taxes and economic growth: The case of Asia and Africa," Journal of Asian Economics, Elsevier, vol. 17(2), pages 203-206, April.
  14. Agbeyegbe, Terence D. & Stotsky, Janet & WoldeMariam, Asegedech, 2006. "Trade liberalization, exchange rate changes, and tax revenue in Sub-Saharan Africa," Journal of Asian Economics, Elsevier, vol. 17(2), pages 261-284, April.
  15. Christos Kotsogiannis & Robert Schwager, 2006. "Political Uncertainty and Policy Innovation," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 8(5), pages 779-805, December.
  16. Kotsogiannis, Christos & Schwager, Robert, 2006. "On the incentives to experiment in federations," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 60(3), pages 484-497, November.
  17. Kessing, Sebastian G. & Konrad, Kai A. & Kotsogiannis, Christos, 2006. "Federal tax autonomy and the limits of cooperation," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 59(2), pages 317-329, March.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J., 2005. "The purchasing power parity puzzle, temporal aggregation, and half-life estimation," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 86(2), pages 193-198, February.
  2. La Cour, Lisbeth & Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis, 2005. "What affects students’ performance? An investigation of the importance of admission characteristics," Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift, Nationaløkonomisk Forening, vol. 2005(1), pages 359-379.
  3. Anders Poulsen & Gert Svendsen, 2005. "Social Capital and Endogenous Preferences," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 123(1), pages 171-196, April.
  4. Konstantinos Drakos & Ali M. Kutan, 2005. "Why Do Financial Markets Move Together?: An Investigation of Greek and Turkish Markets," Eastern European Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 43(4), pages 5-26, August.
  5. Drakos, Konstantinos, 2005. "The Elasticity of Substitution across Maturities in International Capital Markets: A Simple Test," Journal of Economic Integration, Center for Economic Integration, Sejong University, vol. 20, pages 727-745.
  6. Konstantinos Drakos & Panagiotis Konstantinou, 2005. "Competition and Contestability in Transition Banking: An Empirical Analysis," South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region, vol. 3(2), pages 183-209.
  7. Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli, 2005. "Awareness and Stock Market Participation," Review of Finance, Springer, vol. 9(4), pages 537-567, December.
  8. Giuseppe Bertola & Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri, 2005. "Uncertainty and Consumer Durables Adjustment," The Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economic Studies Ltd, vol. 72(4), pages 973-1007.
  9. Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri & Fabiano Schivardi, 2005. "Insurance within the Firm," Journal of Political Economy, University of Chicago Press, vol. 113(5), pages 1054-1087, October.
  10. Agbeyegbe, Terence D. & Osakwe, Patrick N., 2005. "Real exchange rate volatility and the choice of regimes in emerging markets," Journal of Asian Economics, Elsevier, vol. 15(6), pages 1005-1022, January.
  11. Kotsogiannis, Christos & Lopez-Garcia, Miguel-Angel & Myles, Gareth D., 2005. "The origin principle, tax harmonization and public goods," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 87(2), pages 211-219, May.
  12. Conti, Gabriella, 2005. "Training, productivity and wages in Italy," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 12(4), pages 557-576, August.
  13. Aditya Goenka & Odile Poulsen, 2005. "Indeterminacy and labor augmenting externalities," Journal of Economics, Springer, vol. 86(1), pages 143-166, December.
  14. Juan Gabriel Rodríguez & Rafael Salas & Irene Perrote, 2005. "Partial Horizontal Inequity Orderings: A Non‐parametric Approach," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 67(3), pages 347-368, June.
  15. Jorge Onrubia & Rafael Salas & José Sanz, 2005. "Redistribution and labour supply," The Journal of Economic Inequality, Springer;Society for the Study of Economic Inequality, vol. 3(2), pages 109-124, August.
  16. Mickiewicz, Tomasz & Gerry, Christopher J. & Bishop, Kate, 2005. "Privatisation, corporate control and employment growth: Evidence from a panel of large Polish firms, 1996-2002," Economic Systems, Elsevier, vol. 29(1), pages 98-119, March.
  17. Xekalaki, Evdokia & Degiannakis, Stavros, 2005. "Evaluating volatility forecasts in option pricing in the context of a simulated options market," Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 49(2), pages 611-629, April.
  18. Timotheos Angelidis & Stavros Degiannakis, 2005. "Modeling risk for long and short trading positions," Journal of Risk Finance, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 6(3), pages 226-238, July.
  19. Stavros Degiannakis & Evdokia Xekalaki, 2005. "Predictability and model selection in the context of ARCH models," Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 21(1), pages 55-82, January.
  20. Luz Adriana Flórez & Carlos Esteban Posada & José Fernando Escobar, 2005. "Crédito y depósitos bancarios en Colombia (1990-2004): una relación de largo plazo," Revista ESPE - Ensayos sobre Política Económica, Banco de la Republica de Colombia, vol. 23(48), pages 12-63, Junio.
  21. Florez, Luz Adriana, 2005. "Generación y flujo del ahorro y la inversión: análisis de la coyuntura internacional," Perfil de Coyuntura Económica, Universidad de Antioquia, CIE, November.
  22. Luis E Arango & Luz Adriana Flórez & Angélica M Arosemena, 2005. "El Tramo Corto de la Estructura a Plazo como Predictor de Expectativas de la Actividad Económica en Colombia," Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía, Instituto de Economía. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile., vol. 42(125), pages 79-101.
  23. David A. Peel & Ioannis A. Venetis, 2005. "Smooth Transition Models and Arbitrage Consistency," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 72(287), pages 413-430, August.
  24. Venetis, Ioannis A. & Peel, David, 2005. "Non-linearity in stock index returns: the volatility and serial correlation relationship," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 22(1), pages 1-19, January.
  25. Duarte, Agustin & Venetis, Ioannis A. & Paya, Ivan, 2005. "Predicting real growth and the probability of recession in the Euro area using the yield spread," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 21(2), pages 261-277.
  26. Bekiros, Stelios D. & Georgoutsos, Dimitris A., 2005. "Estimation of Value-at-Risk by extreme value and conventional methods: a comparative evaluation of their predictive performance," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 15(3), pages 209-228, July.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J., 2004. "Testing for unit roots with flow data and varying sampling frequency," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 119(1), pages 1-18, March.
  2. Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos‐Møller, 2004. "Donor Strategy under the Fungibility of Foreign Aid," Economics and Politics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 16(2), pages 213-231, July.
  3. Slobodan Djajić & Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos‐Møller, 2004. "Logic of Aid in an Intertemporal Setting," Review of International Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 12(1), pages 151-161, February.
  4. Poulsen, Anders U., 2004. "On efficiency, tie-breaking rules and role assignment procedures in evolutionary bargaining," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 47(2), pages 233-243, March.
  5. David Bartolini, 2004. "Problemi di cooperazione fra agenzie di regolamentazione: il caso del settore idrico," ECONOMIA PUBBLICA, FrancoAngeli Editore, vol. 2004(2).
  6. Drakos, Konstantinos, 2004. "Terrorism-induced structural shifts in financial risk: airline stocks in the aftermath of the September 11th terror attacks," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 20(2), pages 435-446, June.
  7. Konstantinos Drakos, 2004. "A Note on Sector, Rating, and Maturity Effects on Risk Premia," International Journal of Business and Economics, School of Management Development, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, vol. 3(3), pages 201-216, December.
  8. Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales, 2004. "The Role of Social Capital in Financial Development," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 94(3), pages 526-556, June.
  9. Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli & Mario Padula & Marco Pagano, 2004. "Financial market integration and economic growth in the EU [‘International measures of schooling years and schooling quality’]," Economic Policy, CEPR, CESifo, Sciences Po;CES;MSH, vol. 19(40), pages 524-577.
  10. Luigi Guiso, 2004. "Conflitti d'interesse nell'industria bancaria. Come limitarne lo sfruttamento," Banca Impresa Società, Società editrice il Mulino, issue 3, pages 455-462.
  11. Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales, 2004. "Does Local Financial Development Matter?," The Quarterly Journal of Economics, President and Fellows of Harvard College, vol. 119(3), pages 929-969.
  12. Costas Karfakis & Demetrios Moschos & Moïse Sidiropoulos, 2004. "Capital mobility and inflation persistence: theory and evidence from Greece," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 9(2), pages 125-133.
  13. Costas Karfakis & Demetrios Moschos, 2004. "Predicting Currency Crises: Evidence from Two Transition Economies," Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 40(1), pages 95-103, January.
  14. Keen, Michael J. & Kotsogiannis, Christos, 2004. "Tax competition in federations and the welfare consequences of decentralization," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 56(3), pages 397-407, November.
  15. Santiago Alvarez-Garcia & Juan Prieto-Rodriguez & Rafael Salas, 2004. "The evolution of income inequality in the European Union during the period 1993-1996," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 36(13), pages 1399-1408.
  16. Christopher J. Gerry & Byung-Yeon Kim & Carmen A Li, 2004. "The gender wage gap and wage arrears in Russia: Evidence from the RLMS," Journal of Population Economics, Springer;European Society for Population Economics, vol. 17(2), pages 267-288, June.
  17. Luis Eduardo Arango & Luz Adriana Flórez, 2004. "Expectativas de actividad económica en Colombia y estructura a plazo: un poco más de evidencia," Revista ESPE - Ensayos sobre Política Económica, Banco de la Republica de Colombia, vol. 22(47), pages 126-160, December.
  18. Ioannis A. Venetis & David A. Peel & Ivan Paya, 2004. "Asymmetry in the link between the yield spread and industrial production: threshold effects and forecasting," Journal of Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 23(5), pages 373-384.
  19. D. A. Peel & I. Paya & I. Venetis, 2004. "Estimates of US monetary policy rules with allowance for changes in the output gap," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 11(10), pages 601-605.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J., 2003. "The Asymptotic Efficiency Of Cointegration Estimators Under Temporal Aggregation," Econometric Theory, Cambridge University Press, vol. 19(1), pages 49-77, February.
  2. Wolfgang Mayer & Pascalis Raimondos‐Møller, 2003. "The Politics of Foreign Aid: A Median Voter Perspective," Review of Development Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 7(2), pages 165-178, May.
  3. Søren Bo Nielsen & Pascalis Raimondos–Møller & Guttorm Schjelderup, 2003. "Formula Apportionment and Transfer Pricing under Oligopolistic Competition," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 5(2), pages 419-437, April.
  4. Anders Poulsen, 2003. "On The Evolutionary Stability Of "Tough" Bargaining Behavior," International Game Theory Review (IGTR), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 5(01), pages 63-71.
  5. Drakos, Konstantinos, 2003. "The term structure of deviations from the interest parity," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 13(1), pages 57-67, February.
  6. Drakos, Kostas, 2003. "Assessing the success of reform in transition banking 10 years later: an interest margins analysis," Journal of Policy Modeling, Elsevier, vol. 25(3), pages 309-317, April.
  7. Konstantinos Drakos & Ali M. Kutan, 2003. "Regional Effects of Terrorism on Tourism in Three Mediterranean Countries," Journal of Conflict Resolution, Peace Science Society (International), vol. 47(5), pages 621-641, October.
  8. Guiso, Luigi & Sapienza, Paola & Zingales, Luigi, 2003. "People's opium? Religion and economic attitudes," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 50(1), pages 225-282, January.
  9. Luigi Guiso & Michael Haliassos & Tullio Jappelli, 2003. "Household stockholding in Europe: where do we stand and where do we go? [‘Limited market participation and volatility of assets prices’]," Economic Policy, CEPR, CESifo, Sciences Po;CES;MSH, vol. 18(36), pages 123-170.
  10. Michael Keen & Christos Kotsogiannis, 2003. "Leviathan and Capital Tax Competition in Federations," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 5(2), pages 177-199, April.
  11. Jean-Pierre Drugeon & Odile Poulsen & Alain Venditti, 2003. "On Intersectoral allocations, factors substitutability and multiple long-run growth paths," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 21(1), pages 175-183, January.
  12. Juan Prieto-Rodríguez & Rafael Salas & Juan Gabriel Rodríguez, 2003. "Polarization Characterization Of Inequality-Neutral Tax Reforms," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 4(19), pages 1-7.
  13. Irene Perrote & Juan Gabriel Rodríguez & Rafael Salas, 2003. "La inequidad horizontal y la redistribución vertical en el Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas: Un análisis de robustez," Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics, IEF, vol. 166(3), pages 49-60, September.
  14. Ivan Paya & Ioannis A. Venetis & David A. Peel, 2003. "Further Evidence on PPP Adjustment Speeds: the Case of Effective Real Exchange Rates and the EMS," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 65(4), pages 421-437, September.
  15. Venetis, Ioannis A. & Paya, Ivan & Peel, David A., 2003. "Re-examination of the predictability of economic activity using the yield spread: a nonlinear approach," International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 12(2), pages 187-206.
  16. D. A. Peel & I. A. Venetis, 2003. "Purchasing power parity over two centuries: trends and nonlinearity," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 35(5), pages 609-617.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J. & McGarry, Joanne S., 2002. "Modeling Cyclical Behavior With Differential-Difference Equations In An Unobserved Components Framework," Econometric Theory, Cambridge University Press, vol. 18(2), pages 387-419, April.
  2. Lahiri, Sajal & Raimondos-Moller, Pascalis & Wong, Kar-yiu & Woodland, Alan D., 2002. "Optimal foreign aid and tariffs," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 67(1), pages 79-99, February.
  3. Keen, Michael & Lahiri, Sajal & Raimondos-Moller, Pascalis, 2002. "Tax principles and tax harmonization under imperfect competition: A cautionary example," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 46(8), pages 1559-1568, September.
  4. Pascalis Raimondos-M¯ller, 2002. "Transfer pricing rules and competing governments," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 54(2), pages 230-246, April.
  5. Konstantinos Drakos, 2002. "Myopia, Liquidity Constraints, and Aggregate Consumption: The Case of Greece," Journal of Economic Development, Chung-Ang Unviersity, Department of Economics, vol. 27(1), pages 97-105, June.
  6. Drakos, Konstantinos, 2002. "Common Factors in Eurocurrency Rates: A Dynamic Analysis," Journal of Economic Integration, Center for Economic Integration, Sejong University, vol. 17, pages 164-184.
  7. Konstantinos Drakos, 2002. "The Dealership Model for Interest Margins: The Case of the Greek Banking Industry," Journal of Emerging Market Finance, Institute for Financial Management and Research, vol. 1(1), pages 75-98, May.
  8. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio & Pistaferri, Luigi, 2002. "An Empirical Analysis of Earnings and Employment Risk," Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, American Statistical Association, vol. 20(2), pages 241-253, April.
  9. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio, 2002. "Private Transfers, Borrowing Constraints and the Timing of Homeownership," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 34(2), pages 315-339, May.
  10. Orazio P. Attanasio & Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli, 2002. "The Demand for Money, Financial Innovation, and the Welfare Cost of Inflation: An Analysis with Household Data," Journal of Political Economy, University of Chicago Press, vol. 110(2), pages 317-351, April.
  11. Kotsogiannis, Christos & Makris, Miltiadis, 2002. "On production efficiency in federal systems," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 76(2), pages 281-287, July.
  12. Michael J. Keen & Christos Kotsogiannis, 2002. "Does Federalism Lead to Excessively High Taxes?," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 92(1), pages 363-370, March.
  13. Rafael Salas, 2002. "Multilevel interterritorial convergence and additive multidimensional inequality decomposition," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 19(1), pages 207-218.
  14. Oscar Bajo & Rafael Salas, 2002. "Inequality foundations of concentration measures: An application to the Hannah-Kay indices," Spanish Economic Review, Springer;Spanish Economic Association, vol. 4(4), pages 311-316.
  15. Georgoutsos D. & Kouretas G., 2002. "Cointegration, Uncoverd Interest Parity and the Term Structure of Interest Rates: Some International Evidence," European Research Studies Journal, European Research Studies Journal, vol. 0(1-2), pages 7-22, January -.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J., 2001. "Temporal Aggregation And The Finite Sample Performance Of Spectral Regression Estimators In Cointegrated Systems," Econometric Theory, Cambridge University Press, vol. 17(3), pages 591-607, June.
  2. Drakos, Konstantinos, 2001. "Monetary policy and the yield curve in an emerging market: the Greek case," Emerging Markets Review, Elsevier, vol. 2(3), pages 244-262, September.
  3. Drakos, Konstantinos, 2001. "Fixed income excess returns and time to maturity," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 10(4), pages 431-442.
  4. Kostas Drakos, 2001. "Testing the Ricardian Equivalence Theorem: Time Series Evidence from Greece," Journal of Economic Development, Chung-Ang Unviersity, Department of Economics, vol. 26(1), pages 149-160, June.
  5. Drakos, Kostantinos, 2001. "The Expectations Hypothesis of the Term Structure: The Greek Interbank Market," Economia Internazionale / International Economics, Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato Agricoltura di Genova, vol. 54(4), pages 477-489.
  6. Luigi Guiso & Michael Haliassos & Tullio Jappelli, 2001. "Le profil des détenteurs d'actions en Europe," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 64(4), pages 169-178.
  7. Luigi Guiso & Michael Haliassos & Tullio Jappelli, 2001. "The profile of European stockholders," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 64(4), pages 163-171.
  8. Salas, Rafael, 2001. "Erratum to "Welfare-consistent inequality indices in changing populations:: The marginal population replication axiom A note" [Journal of Public Economics 67 (1997) 145-150]," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 80(2), pages 339-339, May.


  1. Pascalis Raimondos-Møller & Alan D. Woodland, 2000. "Tariff strategies and small open economies," Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Economics Association, vol. 33(1), pages 25-40, February.
  2. Lahiri, Sajal & Raimondos-Moller, Pascalis, 2000. "Lobbying by Ethnic Groups and Aid Allocation," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 110(462), pages 62-79, March.
  3. Enrica Detragiache & Paolo Garella & Luigi Guiso, 2000. "Multiple versus Single Banking Relationships: Theory and Evidence," Journal of Finance, American Finance Association, vol. 55(3), pages 1133-1161, June.
  4. Zacharias Bragoudakis & Demetrios Moschos, 2000. "Relative Prices and Sectoral Labor Productivity Differentials:A long-run Analysis for Greece," Ekonomia, Cyprus Economic Society and University of Cyprus, vol. 4(2), pages 142-155, Winter.
  5. Diamandis, Panayiotis F. & Georgoutsos, Dimitris A. & Kouretas, Georgios P., 2000. "The monetary model in the presence of I(2) components: long-run relationships, short-run dynamics and forecasting of the Greek drachma," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 19(6), pages 917-941, December.


  1. Marcus J. Chambers & Roy E. Bailey, 1999. "A Statistical Analysis of Wheat Price Fluctuations in England: 1685–1850," Journal of Agricultural Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 50(3), pages 564-588, September.
  2. Marcus J. Chambers, 1999. "A Note on Modelling Seasonal Processes in Continuous Time," Journal of Time Series Analysis, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 20(2), pages 139-143, March.
  3. Chambers, Marcus J., 1999. "Discrete time representation of stationary and non-stationary continuous time systems," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 23(4), pages 619-639, February.
  4. Djajic, Slobodan & Lahiri, Sajal & Raimondos-Moller, Pascalis, 1999. "Foreign Aid, Domestic Investment and Welfare," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 109(458), pages 698-707, October.
  5. Luigi Guiso & Anil K. Kashyap & Fabio Panetta & Daniele Terlizzese, 1999. "Will a common European monetary policy have asymmetric effects?," Economic Perspectives, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, vol. 23(Q IV), pages 56-75.
  6. Luigi Guiso & Giuseppe Parigi, 1999. "Investment and Demand Uncertainty," The Quarterly Journal of Economics, President and Fellows of Harvard College, vol. 114(1), pages 185-227.
  7. Karfakis, Costas & Moschos, Demetrios, 1999. "Searching for Indicators of Foreign Exchange Market Pressure: Evidence from Greece," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 4(1), pages 63-73, January.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J., 1998. "The estimation of systems of joint differential-difference equations," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 85(1), pages 1-31, July.
  2. Chambers, Marcus J, 1998. "Long Memory and Aggregation in Macroeconomic Time Series," International Economic Review, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association, vol. 39(4), pages 1053-1072, November.
  3. Roy E. Bailey & Marcus J. Chambers, 1998. "The impact of real wage and mortality fluctuations on fertility and nuptiality in precensus England," Journal of Population Economics, Springer;European Society for Population Economics, vol. 11(3), pages 413-434.
  4. Slobodan Djajic & Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos-Moller, 1998. "The Transfer Problem and the Intertemporal Terms of Trade," Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Economics Association, vol. 31(2), pages 427-436, May.
  5. Lahiri, Sajal & Raimondos-Moller, Pascalis, 1998. "Public good provision and the welfare effects of indirect tax harmonisation," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 67(2), pages 253-267, February.
  6. Guiso, Luigi, 1998. "High-tech firms and credit rationing," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 35(1), pages 39-59, March.
  7. Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli, 1998. "Background Uncertainty and the Demand for Insurance Against Insurable Risks," The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, Palgrave Macmillan;International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics (The Geneva Association), vol. 23(1), pages 7-27, June.
  8. Moschos, D. & Stournaras, Y., 1998. "Domestic and foreign price links in an aggregate supply framework: The case of Greece," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 56(1), pages 141-157, June.
  9. Rafael Salas & Isabel Rabadan, 1998. "Lifetime And Vertical Intertemporal Inequality, Income Smoothing, And Redistribution: A Social Welfare Approach," Review of Income and Wealth, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, vol. 44(1), pages 63-79, March.
  10. Salas, Rafael, 1998. "Welfare-consistent inequality indices in changing populations:: The marginal population replication axiomA Note," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 67(1), pages 145-150, January.
  11. Salas, Rafael, 1998. "Horizontal Inequality and Vertical Redistribution in a Social Welfare Framework," Public Finance = Finances publiques, , vol. 53(2), pages 229-242.
  12. Diamandis, Panayiotis F. & Georgoutsos, Dimitris A. & Kouretas, Georgios P., 1998. "The Monetary Approach to the Exchange Rate: Long-Run Relationships, Identification and Temporal Stability," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 20(4), pages 741-766, October.
  13. Dimitris A. Georgoutsos & Georgios P. Kouretas & Dikaios E. Tserkezos, 1998. "Temporal aggregation in structural VAR models," Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 14(1), pages 19-34, March.


  1. Marcus Chambers & K. Ben Nowman, 1997. "Forecasting with the almost ideal demand system: evidence from some alternative dynamic specifications," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 29(7), pages 935-943.
  2. Lahiri, Sajal & Raimondos-Moller, Pascalis, 1997. "On the tying of aid to tariff reform," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 54(2), pages 479-491, December.
  3. Lahiri, Sajal & Raimondos-Moller, Pascalis, 1997. "Competition for aid and trade policy," Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 43(3-4), pages 369-385, November.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J., 1996. "The Estimation of Continuous Parameter Long-Memory Time Series Models," Econometric Theory, Cambridge University Press, vol. 12(2), pages 374-390, June.
  2. Chambers, Marcus J., 1996. "Fractional integration, trend stationarity and difference stationarity Evidence from some U.K. macroeconomic time series," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 50(1), pages 19-24, January.
  3. Marcus Chambers, 1996. "Speed of adjustment and estimation of the partial adjustment model," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 3(1), pages 21-23.
  4. Chambers, Marcus J & Bailey, Roy E, 1996. "A Theory of Commodity Price Fluctuations," Journal of Political Economy, University of Chicago Press, vol. 104(5), pages 924-957, October.
  5. Lahiri, Sajal & Raimondos, Pascalis, 1996. "Correcting Trade Distortions in a Small Open Economy," Review of International Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 4(3), pages 287-299, October.
  6. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio & Terlizzese, Daniele, 1996. "Income Risk, Borrowing Constraints, and Portfolio Choice," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 86(1), pages 158-172, March.
  7. Rafael Salas, 1996. "Fundamentos de bienestar de los índices de desigualdad pertenecientes a la clase de la entropía generalizada," Investigaciones Economicas, Fundación SEPI, vol. 20(3), pages 403-409, September.


  1. Lahiri, Sajal & Raimondos, Pascalis, 1995. "Welfare effects of aid under quantitative trade restrictions," Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 39(3-4), pages 297-315, November.
  2. Terence Agbeyegbe, 1995. "External linkages and growth in small economies," The Review of Black Political Economy, Springer;National Economic Association, vol. 24(1), pages 83-86, June.


  1. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio & Terlizzese, Daniele, 1994. "Housing finance arrangements, intergenerational transfers and consumption : The Italian experience," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 11(2), pages 145-155, April.


  1. R. E. Bailey & M. J. Chambers, 1993. "Long‐Term Demographic Interactions in Precensus England," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, Royal Statistical Society, vol. 156(3), pages 339-362, May.
  2. Chambers, Marcus J., 1993. "A nonnested approach to testing continuous time models against discrete alternatives," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 57(1-3), pages 319-343.
  3. Raimondos, Pascalis, 1993. "On the Todaro paradox," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 42(2-3), pages 261-267.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J, 1992. "Estimation of a Continuous-Time Dynamic Demand System," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 7(1), pages 53-64, Jan.-Marc.
  2. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio & Terlizzese, Daniele, 1992. "Earnings uncertainty and precautionary saving," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 30(2), pages 307-337, November.
  3. Agbeyegbe, Terence D, 1992. "Common Stochastic Trends: Evidence from the London Metal Exchange," Bulletin of Economic Research, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 44(2), pages 141-151, April.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J., 1991. "Discrete Models for Estimating General Linear Continuous Time Systems," Econometric Theory, Cambridge University Press, vol. 7(4), pages 531-542, December.
  2. Guiso, Luigi & Jappelli, Tullio, 1991. "Intergenerational transfers and capital market imperfections : Evidence from a cross-section of Italian households," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 35(1), pages 103-120, January.


  1. Chambers, Marcus J., 1990. "Forecasting with demand systems : A comparative study," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 44(3), pages 363-376, June.
  2. Karfakis, Costas J & Moschos, Demetrios M, 1990. "Interest Rate Linkages within the European Monetary System: A Time Series Analysis," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 22(3), pages 389-394, August.
  3. Schiantarelli, F. & Georgoutsos, D., 1990. "Monopolistic competition and the Q theory of investment," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 34(5), pages 1061-1078, July.


  1. Moschos, Demetrios, 1989. "Export expansion, growth and the level of economic development: An empirical analysis," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 30(1), pages 93-102, January.
  2. Karfakis, Costas & Moschos, Demetrios, 1989. "Testing for long run purchasing power parity : A time series analysis for the greek drachma," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 30(3), pages 245-248, September.
  3. Agbeyegbe, Terence D., 1989. "Interest rates and metal price movements: Further evidence," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier, vol. 16(2), pages 184-192, March.


  1. Gressani, Daniela & Guiso, Luigi & Visco, Ignazio, 1988. "Disinflation in Italy: An analysis with the econometric model of the bank of Italy," Journal of Policy Modeling, Elsevier, vol. 10(2), pages 163-203.
  2. Bedrossian, Arakel & Moschos, Demetrios, 1988. "Industrial Structure, Concentration and the Speed of Price Adjustment," Journal of Industrial Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 36(4), pages 459-476, June.
  3. Agbeyegbe, Terence D., 1988. "An exact discrete analog of an open linear non-stationary first-order continuous-time system with mixed sample," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 39(3), pages 237-250, November.


  1. Agbeyegbe, Terence D., 1987. "An Exact Discrete Analog to a Closed Linear First-Order Continuous-Time System with Mixed Sample," Econometric Theory, Cambridge University Press, vol. 3(1), pages 143-149, February.


  1. Agbeyegbe, Terence D., 1984. "The exact discrete analog to a closed linear mixed-order system," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 7(3), pages 363-375, September.


  1. Moschos, D, 1983. "Aggregate Price Responses to Wage and Productivity Changes: Evidence from the U.S," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 8(3-4), pages 169-175.


Undated material is listed at the end


  1. Juan Esteban Carranza & Juan D. Martin-Ocampo & Alvaro J. Riascos & Jesús Botero & Matheo Arellano Morales & Diego Montañez & Marcos González Auhing & Jaime Bonet-Morón & Diana Ricciuli-Marín & Gerson, 2022. "Covid-19 consecuencias y desafíos en la economía colombiana. Una mirada desde las universidades," Books, Banco de la Republica de Colombia, number 2022-isbn:9789587848496 edited by Darwin Cortés Cortés & Christian Posso & Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas & Banco de la República & Univ.


  1. Escudero, Verónica. & Asenjo, Antonia. & Liepmann, Hannah. & Pignatti, Clemente. & Tabasso, Domenico., 2019. "What works promoting pathways to decent work," Studies on Growth with Equity, International Labour Office, Research Department, number 995045492902676, July.
  2. Masahito Ambashi, 2019. "Vientiane-hanoi Expressway Project," Books, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), number 2018-rpr-03 edited by Masahito Ambashi, January-J.


  1. Helmut Rainer & Clara Albrecht & Stefan Bauernschuster & Anita Fichtl & Timo Hener & Joachim Ragnitz & Anita Dietrich, 2018. "Deutschland 2017 - Studie zu den Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger im vereinigten Deutschland," ifo Forschungsberichte, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, number 96.
  2. Masahito Ambashi, 2018. "Innovation Policy in ASEAN," Books, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), number 2018-innovation-policy-in edited by Masahito Ambashi, January-J.
  3. Lurong Chen & Shujiro Urata & Junji Nakagawa & Masahito Ambashi, 2018. "Emerging Global Trade Governance Mega Free Trade Agreements and Implications for ASEAN," Books, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), number 2018-routledge-eria-04 edited by Lurong Chen & Shujiro Urata & Junji Nakagawa & Masahito Ambashi, January-J.
  4. Masahito Ambashi, 2018. "Development Strategy of Five Selected Sectors in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (2020-2025)," Books, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), number 2018-RPR-07 edited by Masahito Ambashi, January-J.
  5. Lurong Chen & Shujiro Urata & Junji Nakagawa & Masahito Ambashi (ed.), 2018. "Emerging Global Trade Governance," Taylor & Francis books, Taylor & Francis, number emgtg, July.


  1. Stavros Degiannakis & Christos Floros, 2015. "Modelling and Forecasting High Frequency Financial Data," Palgrave Macmillan Books, Palgrave Macmillan, number 978-1-137-39649-5, March.


  1. Helmut Rainer & Stefan Bauernschuster & Wolfgang Auer & Natalia Danzer & Mine Hancioglu & Bastian Hartmann & Timo Hener & Christian Holzner & Notburga Ott & Janina Reinkowski & Martin Werding, 2013. "Kinderbetreuung," ifo Forschungsberichte, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, number 59.
  2. Helmut Rainer & Stefan Bauernschuster & Natalia Danzer & Timo Hener & Christian Holzner & Janina Reinkowski, 2013. "Kindergeld," ifo Forschungsberichte, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, number 60.


  1. Ando,Albert & Guiso,Luigi & Visco,Ignazio (ed.), 2006. "Saving and the Accumulation of Wealth," Cambridge Books, Cambridge University Press, number 9780521032230.


  1. Luigi Guiso & Michael Haliassos & Tullio Jappelli (ed.), 2003. "Stockholding in Europe," Palgrave Macmillan Books, Palgrave Macmillan, number 978-0-230-50267-3, March.


  1. Ando,Albert & Guiso,Luigi & Visco,Ignazio (ed.), 1994. "Saving and the Accumulation of Wealth," Cambridge Books, Cambridge University Press, number 9780521452083.


  1. Corsetti, Giancarlo & Devereux, Michael P. & Guiso, Luigi & Hassler, John & Saint-Paul, Gilles & Sinn, Hans-Werner & Sturm, Jan-Egbert & Vives, Xavier, . "EEAG Report on the European Economy 2010," Monographs in Economics, University of Munich, Department of Economics, number 20108, November.
  2. Hidetoshi Nishimura & Fukunari Kimura & Masahito Ambashi & Souknilanh Keola, . "Lao PDR at the Crossroads: Industrial Development Strategies 2016–2030," Books, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), number 2015-rpr-02 edited by Hidetoshi Nishimura & Fukunari Kimura & Masahito Ambashi & Souknilanh Keola, January-J.



  1. Gabriella Conti & Sweta Gupta, 2024. "Early childhood interventions to reduce intergenerational inequality," Chapters, in: Elina Kilpi-Jakonen & Jo Blanden & Jani Erola & Lindsey Macmillan (ed.), Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality, chapter 26, pages 342-356, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  2. Dimitris Georgoutsos & George Moratis, 2024. "The Sovereign Rating Channel in the European Debt Crisis: Spillover Effects on Sovereign CDS and Other Systemic Risk Indicators," World Scientific Book Chapters, in: Cheng Few Lee & Alice C Lee & John C Lee (ed.), Handbook of Investment Analysis, Portfolio Management, and Financial Derivatives In 4 Volumes, chapter 60, pages 1929-1959, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd..


  1. Leonardo Fabio Morales & Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía & José David Pulido & Luz A. Flórez & Francisco Lasso-Valderrama & Didier Hermida-Giraldo & Karen L. Pulido-Mahecha, 2022. "Efectos de la pandemia por Covid-19 en el mercado laboral colombiano," Chapters, in: Darwin Cortés Cortés & Christian Posso & Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas & Banco de la República & Univ (ed.), Covid-19 consecuencias y desafíos en la economía colombiana. Una mirada desde las universidades, chapter 4, pages 61-86, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
  2. Masahito Ambashi & Takuya Fujita & Hiroshi Suzuki, 2022. "Hard Infrastructure Development," Chapters, in: Fukunari Kimura & Keita Oikawa (ed.), The Comprehensive Asia Development Plan (CADP) 3.0: Towards an Integrated, Innovative, Inclusive, and Sustainable Economy, chapter 6, pages 160-210, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).


  1. Ioanna T. Kokores & Konstantinos Eleftheriou, 2021. "Introduction," Springer Books, in: Ioanna T. Kokores & Pantelis Pantelidis & Theodore Pelagidis & Demetrius Yannelis (ed.), Money, Trade and Finance, chapter 0, pages 1-7, Springer.
  2. Christopher J. Gerry, 2021. "Explaining the Heterogeneity of Health Outcomes in Post-Communist Europe," Springer Books, in: Elodie Douarin & Oleh Havrylyshyn (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Economics, edition 1, chapter 23, pages 589-615, Springer.
  3. Dimitris A. Georgoutsos & Thomas I. Kounitis, 2021. "Regime Switches in the Yield Curve-Credit Spread Relationship and the Prediction of Recessions," Springer Books, in: Ioanna T. Kokores & Pantelis Pantelidis & Theodore Pelagidis & Demetrius Yannelis (ed.), Money, Trade and Finance, chapter 0, pages 169-191, Springer.


  1. Juan Prieto-Rodríguez & Juan Gabriel Rodríguez & Rafael Salas, 2020. "The Measurement of Wage Discrimination with Imperfect Information: A Finite Mixture Approach," Research on Economic Inequality, in: Inequality, Redistribution and Mobility, volume 28, pages 187-204, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  2. Maria-Eleni K. Agoraki & Dimitris A. Georgoutsos & George T. Moratis, 2020. "Determinants of Euro-Area Bank CDS Spreads," World Scientific Book Chapters, in: Cheng Few Lee & John C Lee (ed.), HANDBOOK OF FINANCIAL ECONOMETRICS, MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS, AND MACHINE LEARNING, chapter 60, pages 2161-2198, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd..


  1. Orazio Attanasio & Richard Blundell & Gabriella Conti & Giacomo Mason, 2018. "Inequality in Socio-emotional Skills: A Cross-Cohort Comparison," NBER Chapters, in: Inequality and Public Policy, Trans-Atlantic Public Economics Seminar 2018, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Luigi Guiso & Helios Herrera & Massimo Morelli, 2016. "Cultural Differences and Institutional Integration," NBER Chapters, in: NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2015, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  2. Terence D. Agbeyegbe, 2016. "Modeling US Stock Market Volatility-Return Dependence Using Conditional Copula and Quantile Regression," Studies in Economic Theory, in: Graciela Chichilnisky & Armon Rezai (ed.), The Economics of the Global Environment, pages 597-621, Springer.


  1. Stavros Degiannakis & Christos Floros, 2015. "Introduction to High Frequency Financial Modelling," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: Modelling and Forecasting High Frequency Financial Data, chapter 1, pages 1-23, Palgrave Macmillan.
  2. Stavros Degiannakis & Christos Floros, 2015. "Intraday Realized Volatility Measures," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: Modelling and Forecasting High Frequency Financial Data, chapter 2, pages 24-57, Palgrave Macmillan.
  3. Stavros Degiannakis & Christos Floros, 2015. "Methods of Volatility Estimation and Forecasting," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: Modelling and Forecasting High Frequency Financial Data, chapter 3, pages 58-109, Palgrave Macmillan.
  4. Stavros Degiannakis & Christos Floros, 2015. "Multiple Model Comparison and Hypothesis Framework Construction," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: Modelling and Forecasting High Frequency Financial Data, chapter 4, pages 110-160, Palgrave Macmillan.
  5. Stavros Degiannakis & Christos Floros, 2015. "Realized Volatility Forecasting: Applications," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: Modelling and Forecasting High Frequency Financial Data, chapter 5, pages 161-216, Palgrave Macmillan.
  6. Stavros Degiannakis & Christos Floros, 2015. "Recent Methods: A Review," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: Modelling and Forecasting High Frequency Financial Data, chapter 6, pages 217-242, Palgrave Macmillan.
  7. Stavros Degiannakis & Christos Floros, 2015. "Intraday Hedge Ratios and Option Pricing," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: Modelling and Forecasting High Frequency Financial Data, chapter 7, pages 243-273, Palgrave Macmillan.


  1. Konstantinos Drakos & Ekaterini Kyriazidou & Ioannis Polycarpou, 2014. "A Dynamic Gravity Model for Global Bilateral Investment Holdings," International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics, in: Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, volume 23, pages 125-152, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  2. Stilianos Alexiadis & Konstantinos Eleftheriou & Peter Nijkamp, 2014. "Intraregional Income Convergence: Cross Section and Time Series Evidence from the USA," Advances in Spatial Science, in: Karima Kourtit & Peter Nijkamp & Robert Stimson (ed.), Applied Regional Growth and Innovation Models, edition 127, chapter 0, pages 217-240, Springer.


  1. Michael A. Thornton & Marcus J. Chambers, 2013. "Temporal aggregation in macroeconomics," Chapters, in: Nigar Hashimzade & Michael A. Thornton (ed.), Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Empirical Macroeconomics, chapter 13, pages 289-310, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  2. Guiso, Luigi & Sodini, Paolo, 2013. "Household Finance: An Emerging Field," Handbook of the Economics of Finance, in: G.M. Constantinides & M. Harris & R. M. Stulz (ed.), Handbook of the Economics of Finance, volume 2, chapter 0, pages 1397-1532, Elsevier.
  3. Gabriella Conti, 2013. "The Developmental Origins of Health Inequality," Research on Economic Inequality, in: Health and Inequality, volume 21, pages 285-309, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


  1. Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales, 2011. "The Value of Corporate Culture," NBER Chapters, in: Causes and Consequences of Corporate Culture, pages 60-76, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  2. Axel Dreher & Christos Kotsogiannis & Steve McCorriston, 2011. "The Impact of Institutions on the Shadow Economy and Corruption: A Latent Variables Approach," Chapters, in: Friedrich Schneider (ed.), Handbook on the Shadow Economy, chapter 13, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  3. Andrea Báez-Montenegro & Juan Prieto-Rodríguez & Rafael Salas, 2011. "Chapter 7 Changes Over Time in Parental Education and Inequality of Opportunities in Chile," Research on Economic Inequality, in: Inequality of Opportunity: Theory and Measurement, pages 157-177, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


  1. David Bartolini & Alberto Zazzaro, 2010. "The Anticompetitive Effects of the Antitrust Policy," Contributions to Economics, in: Giorgio Calcagnini & Enrico Saltari (ed.), The Economics of Imperfect Markets, chapter 0, pages 213-232, Springer.
  2. Christopher J. Gerry & Jong-Kyu Lee & Tomasz M. Mickiewicz, 2010. "Governance, Institutions and Growth: Empirical Lessons from the Post-Communist Transition," Studies in Economic Transition, in: Enrico Marelli & Marcello Signorelli (ed.), Economic Growth and Structural Features of Transition, chapter 2, pages 41-59, Palgrave Macmillan.


  1. Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales, 2009. "Does Local Financial Development Matter?," Springer Books, in: Damiano Bruno Silipo (ed.), The Banks and the Italian Economy, chapter 0, pages 31-66, Springer.
  2. Dimitris Georgarakos & Konstantinos Tatsiramos, 2009. "Immigrant self-employment: does intermarriage matter?," Research in Labor Economics, in: Ethnicity and Labor Market Outcomes, pages 253-271, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


  1. Luigi Guiso & Monica Paiella & Ignazio Visco, 2006. "Do Capital Gains Affect Consumption? Estimates of Wealth Effects from Italian Households’ Behavior," Chapters, in: Lawrence R. Klein (ed.), Long-run Growth and Short-run Stabilization, chapter 3, Edward Elgar Publishing.


  1. Pascalis Raimondos-Møller & Alan D. Woodland, 2005. "On Two Elementary Propositions on Customs Unions," Contributions to Economics, in: Günter S. Heiduk & Kar-yiu Wong (ed.), WTO and World Trade, pages 43-60, Springer.


  1. Luigi Guiso & Michael Haliassos & Tullio Jappelli, 2003. "Stockholding: A European Comparison," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: Luigi Guiso & Michael Haliassos & Tullio Jappelli (ed.), Stockholding in Europe, chapter 1, pages 3-29, Palgrave Macmillan.
  2. Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli, 2003. "Stockholding in Italy," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: Luigi Guiso & Michael Haliassos & Tullio Jappelli (ed.), Stockholding in Europe, chapter 6, pages 141-167, Palgrave Macmillan.


  1. Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos-Møller, 1997. "Tied Aid, Unemployment and Welfare," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: Jitendralal Borkakoti & Chris Milner (ed.), International Trade and Labour Markets, chapter 10, pages 219-230, Palgrave Macmillan.


  1. Sajal Lahiri & Pascalis Raimondos, 1996. "Food Aid and Food Production: A Theoretical Analysis," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: V. N. Balasubramanyam & D. Greenaway (ed.), Trade and Development, chapter 2, pages 22-31, Palgrave Macmillan.
  2. Dimitris Georgoutsos & Nicolaos Karamouzis & Dimitris Georgoutsos & Nicolaos Karamouzis, 1996. "Empirical issues of the sterling-Deutschmark exchange rate behaviour before and after the September 1992 crisis," Chapters, in: Christos C. Paraskevopoulos & Ricardo Grinspun & Theodore Georgakopoulos (ed.), Economic Integration and Public Policy in the European Union, chapter 8, pages 101-111, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Software components


  1. Stavros Poupakis, 2022. "RRP: Stata module to compute Rescaled Regression Prediction (RRP) using two samples," Statistical Software Components S459111, Boston College Department of Economics.


  1. Alberto A. Gaggero, 2011. "CSVCONVERT: Stata module to append multiple csv files," Statistical Software Components S457351, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 11 Oct 2014.

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