January 2022, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-2 Special issue: ICEA Public Policy Lesson conference, part of the After the Pandemic Conference Series
by Jerzy Konieczny - 3-25 The Economic Consequences of R= 1: Towards a Workable Behavioural Epidemiological Model of Pandemics
by Joshua S. Gans - 27-49 The Political Economy of the Next Pandemic
by Peter A.G. Van Bergeijk - 51-69 Ethnic Inequality and Anti-authoritarianism in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Moses Ogenyi & Karim Nchare - 71-88 Public Health Shock, Intervention Policies, and Health Behaviors: Evidence from COVID-19
by Samira Hasanzadeh & Modjgan Alishahi - 89-120 Will The Widespread Use of Cashless Payments Reduce the Frequency of the Use of Cash Payments?
by Hiroshi Fujiki - 121-141 Economic Policy Uncertainty and the Co-Movement between REITs and Exchange Rate
by Ibrahim D. Raheem & Ismail O. Fasanya & Agboola H. Yusuf - 143-175 Macro-Financial Parameters Influencing Bitcoin Prices: Evidence from Symmetric and Asymmetric ARDL Models
by P. Srinivasan & Bipasha Maity & K. Krishna Kumar
December 2021, Volume yyyy-mm-dd, Issue yyyy-mm-dd
- 389-405 Real Estate Bubbles and Contagion: Evidence from Selected European Countries
by Jean-Louis Bago & Imad Rherrad & Koffi Akakpo & Ernest Ouédraogo
December 2021, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 407-426 Do distributional preferences reverse on a dollar? An experiment
by Marlon Williams
December 2020, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 371-402 EBA's Capital Exercise and Technical Efficiency of the Banks
by Adhiraj Singh Rathore - 403-438 Spend Less, Get More? Explaining Health Spending and Outcome Differences Between Canada and Italy
by Livio Di Matteo & Thomas Barbiero - 439-460 Trade Liberalization and Productivity Growth: A Firm-level Analysis from Kenya
by Stehen Esaku & Waldo Krugell - 461-483 Knowledge and Export Modes: Which Export Strategy Boosts Firms Knowledge Acquisition?
by Marco Di Cintio
October 2020, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 255-269 The Effect of Remittances on Imports in Eight Latin-American Countries
by Julio César Hernández & Wilfredo Toledo - 271-319 Identifying New Approaches to U.S. Drug Policy Using Ownership, Location, and Internalization Factors
by Mariana Saenz & Anthony G. Barilla - 321-329 Another Look at Devaluation and the Trade Balance in China
by Ethan McGee & Kamal P. Upadhyaya & Rabindra N Bhandari - 331-344 Why Do Past Disabilities Still Haunt the Newly Healthy?
by Umut Oguzoglu - 345-369 Value at Risk, Legislative Framework, Crises, and Procyclicality: what goes wrong?
by Evangelos Vasileiou & Aristeidis Samitas
July 2020, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 129-132 Ten Years of the Review of Economic Analysis
by Jerzy (Jurek) Konieczny - 133-165 Interactions among Economic Ideas, Policies and Experience: the Establishment of Inflation Targeting in Canada, 1991-2001
by David Laidler - 167-202 The Effects of Corporate Bonds on Employment: Early Evidence from Greece
by Pinar Deniz & Thanasis Stengos & Ege Yazgan - 203-233 Inflation Dynamics: Expectations, Structural Breaks and Global Factors
by Pierre L. Siklos - 235-253 The Effects of Corporate Bonds on Employment: Early Evidence from Greece
by Sotirios Karagiannis & Dimitrios Thomakos
April 2020, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-57 Measuring U.S. 19th Century Economic Activity Using Unexploited Railway and Postal Micro-level Data
by Robert W. Dimand & Olivia Gong & Michael O’reilly & Thomas Velk & Mengyue Zhao - 59-72 Health Outcomes Before, During and After the Great Recession in Canada: A Longitudinal Analysis
by Ehsan Latif - 73-87 Policy Uncertainty and the Demand for Money in Japan
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Majid Maki Nayeri - 89-127 The Effects of Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Premiums on Employment and Wages: Evidence from US Longitudinal Data
by Nicola Ciccarelli
November 2019, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 283-398 An Ex Post Analysis of the US Airways/American Airlines Merger
by Huubinh B. Le - 293-323 Fear of Crime and Saving Behavior
by Tristan A. Canare & Jamil Paolo S. Francisco & Edgardo Manuel Miguel M. Jopson - 325-381 The Transfer Problem Surfaces in Sub-Saharan Africa: Net Foreign Assets, Financial Liberalization and Real Exchange Rates
by Oyakhilome Ibhagui - 399-417 Trends in Factor Price Elasticities Adding Energy to Capital and Labor in the US Economy Net Foreign Assets, Financial Liberalization and Real Exchange Rates
by Henry Thompson
September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 203-218 An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Budget Deficits (Total and Primary) and Personal Income Tax Rates on the Ex Post Real Interest Rate Yield on Long-Term U.S. Treasury Bonds Evidence from Dynamic Estimators
by Richard J. Cebula - 219-232 Does Financial Remoteness Affect Foreign Direct Investment?
by Michael Machokoto & Lanre Kassim - 233-254 Central Banking in Modern Democracies: Private vs. Public Control
by Panagiotis Kotsios - 255-283 Dynamic spillovers between stock and money markets in Nigeria: A VARMA-GARCH approach
by Afees A. Salisu & Kazeem O. Isah & Alberto Assandri - 285-291 Book Review: John Komlos, The Foundations of Real-World Economics: What Every Student Should Know, ISBN:978-1-138-29654-1, Routledge, NY, 2019
by Larry Allen
July 2019, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-38 Worker Heterogeneity and the Popularity of the Minimum Wage Institution
by George Economides & Thomas Moutos - 39-82 The Role of the Minimum Wage on the Declining Wage Inequality in Latin America: Evidence from Brazil
by Paul Garcia Hinojosa - 83-116 Management Quality and Innovation in Emerging Countries
by Oleg Sidorkin - 117-144 Visible and Invisible Forces: What Drives the Intensity of Trading in the European Carbon Market?
by Iordanis Kalaitzoglou - 145-174 The Impact of Special Economic Zones on Exporting Behavior
by Ronald B. Davies & Arman Mazhikeyev - 175-202 Does Entry Business Regulation Deter FDI? Evidence from Dynamic Estimators
by Kyriakos Emmanouilidis & Christos Karpetis
November 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 313-349 The Canadian University Selectivity Premium
by Joniada Milla - 351-370 Reconciling Orthodox and Heterodox Views on Money and Banking
by David Andolfatto - 371-407 Liquidity Provision, Ambiguous Asset Returns and the Financial Crisis
by Willem Spanjers - 409-437 The Relationship between Administrative Corruption and Wages in Egypt’s Governmental Sector: An Experimental Analysis
by Marwa Biltagy & Mervat Taha
May 2018, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 221-243 Economic Growth and the Public Sector: A Comparison of Canada and Italy, 1870-2013
by Livio Di Matteo & Thomas Barbiero - 245-266 Is NY's Supply-Side Experiment Working? A Preliminary Analysis using County Unemployment Rates
by Lynn B. Snarr & Hal Snarr & Dan Friesner - 267-284 The Differential Impact of Financial Intermediation on Economic Growth in Oil-Dependent Economies
by Anthony Anyanwu & Christopher Gan & Baiding Hu - 285-312 Games of Two Halves: Non-Experimental Evidence on Cooperation, Defection and the Prisoner’s Dilemma
by Stephen Dobson & John Goddard
March 2018, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 121-150 Public Investment, Government Indebtedness and Transitional Dynamics
by Constantine Angyridis & Panagiotis Tsintzos - 151-179 Untangling the Health Impacts of Mexico – U.S. Migration
by David L. Ortmeyer & Michael A. Quinn - 181-202 Exploratory Study of Comparison Income and Individual Debt Using British Household Panel Survey
by Ourega-Zoé Ejebu - 203-219 Availability of Better Data On Communication Networks Can Undermine Community Enforcement
by James D. Campbell
January 2018, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-1 Guest Editorial: 3rd International Conference in Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance
by Theodore Panagiotidis - 1-43 Optimal Taxation and the Tradeoff Between Efficiency and Redistribution
by George Economides & Anastasios Rizos - 45-54 Search Frictions, Efficiency Wages and Equilibrium Unemployment
by Chris Martin & Bingsong Wang - 55-74 Estimating the Impact of Credit Risk Determinants in two Southeast European Countries: A Non-Linear Structural VAR Approach
by Michail Karoglou & Kostas Mouratidis & Sofoklis Vogiazas - 75-96 Heterogeneous Monetary Policy Transmission in the Housing Market
by Maria Christidou & Panagiotis Th. Konstantinou & Costas Roumanias - 97-119 The Competitiveness of the European ICT Industry
by Dimitris Psychoyios & George Dotsis
December 2017, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 107-125 Business ‘Psych’cles: A Close Look at Mental Health and State-level Economic Performance Using Google Search Data
by Daniel Farhat & Tarja Viitanen - 127-153 A Bayesian Spatial Propensity Score Matching Evaluation of the Regional Impact of Micro-finance
by Rolando Gonzales & Patricia Aranda & Joel Mendizabal - 155-168 Do Exchange Rate Changes Have Symmetric or Asymmetric Effects on the Demand for Money in Korea?
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Jungho Baek - 169-184 Testing the Empirical Validity of the Adaptive Markets Hypothesis
by Hany Fahmy
June 2017, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-32 The Advantages of Probabilistic Survey Questions
by Simon M. Potter & Giorgio Topa & Wilbert van den Klaauv - 33-56 Bayesian Methods for Empirical Macroeconomics
by Gary Koop - 57-79 Nonlinear Effects of Oil Prices on Consumer Prices: A Comparative Study of Net Oil Consuming Countries
by M.Ali Sotoudeh & Andrew C. Worthington - 81-105 Role of Focus and Managerial Ownership in Financial Performance of REITs: An Empirical Examination
by Turki Badi Al-Shimmiri & Rafiq Bhuyan & Wafaa Sbeiti
December 2016, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 97-124 Firm Corruption in the Presence of an Auditor
by Michael Dietrich & Jolian McHardy & Abhijit Sharma - 125-134 An Empirical Model of Behavioral Heterogeneity
by Subal C. Kumbhakar & Mike G. Tsionas - 135-152 Unemployment and Organizational Commitment: Evidence from a Panel of Australian Manufacturing Firms
by Nicholas Apergis - 153-176 Explaining Private Debt
by Lenno Uusküla
June 2016, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-16 Has Growth and Convergence of Developing Economies Been Derailed?
by Michael Spence - 17-45 Corruption, Public Expenditure and Human Capital Accumulation
by Spyridon Boikos - 47-68 Business Cycle Dynamics of Economic Growth in the OECD Countries: Evidence from Markov-Switching Model
by Tarlok Singh - 69-46 Friedman Meets Hayek on Money and Prices in Canada
by Kam Hon Chu
December 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 111-134 The Determinants of Mergers & Acquisitions in a Resource-Based Industry: What Role for Environmental Sustainability?
by Roberto Leon-Gonzales & Lise Tole - 135-156 Quantitative Easing and the U.S. Stock Market: A Decision Tree Analysis
by Ramaprasad Bhar & A.G. Malliaris & Mary Malliaris - 157-172 Price Regulation and Health Care with Disease Dynamics
by Luca Lambertini & Alessandro Tampieri - 173-183 Sunny Upside? The Relationship Between Sunshine and Stock Market Returns
by Gary Smith & Michael Zurhellen
June 2015, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-2 Guest Editorial: AMEF
by Theodore Panagiotidis - 3-23 Effects of Inflation on Output Gap: A MRS-IV Approach
by Mustafa Caglayan & Ozge Kandemir Kocaaslan & Konstantinos Mouratidis - 24-53 Exchange Rate Volatility and other Determinants of Hysteresis in Exports – Empirical Evidence for the Euro Area
by Ansgar H. Belke & Matthias Göcke & Laura Werner - 54-83 Investigating Persistence in the US Mutual Fund Market: A Mobility Approach
by Konstantinos Drakos & Nicholas Giannakopoulos & Panagiotis Theodore Konstantinou - 84-110 Changes in Relative Ability as a Determinant of the U.S. College Premium
by Darius Martin & Yongli Zhang
December 2014, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 87-118 On Luxury and Equilibrium
by Andrea Mantovi - 119-131 Examining the Tradeoff Between Fixed Pay and Performance-Related Pay: A Choice Experiment Approach
by Junui Shen & Kazuhito Ogawa & Hiromasa Takahashi - 132-140 A Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Content as a Predictor of Exchange Rate Movements
by Serda Selin Ozturk & Kursad Ciftci
June 2014, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-35 The Effects of Central Bank Independence and Inflation Targeting On Macroeconomic Performance: Evidence from Natural Experiments
by Michael Parkin - 36-52 Where Has The Currency Gone? And Why? The Underground Economy And Personal Income Tax Evasion In The U.S., 1970-2008
by Richard J. Cebula - 53-67 How Powerful Was the National Policy? The Lesson of the Cotton Mills
by Michael N.A. Hinton & Thomas Barbiero & Min Seong Kim - 68-86 Asymmetry and Lilien’s Sectoral Shifts Hypothesis: A Quantile Regression Approach
by Theodore Panagiotidis & Gianluigi Pelloni
December 2013, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 127-176 Macroeconomic Effects of Job Reallocations: A Survey
by Giovanni Gallipoli & Gianluigi Pelloni - 177-189 John von Neumann between Physics and Economics: A methodological note
by Luca Lambertini - 190-212 The Real Deal? Information Asymmetries and Tuition Discounting in Higher Education
by Van Kolpin & Mark Stater - 213-250 The Commercial Real Estate Market, Central Bank Monitoring and Macroprudential Policy
by Krzysztof Olszewski
June 2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-24 The Force Field of Tourism
by Jorge Ridderstaat & Robertico Croes - 25-41 The Demand of Car Rentals: a Microeconometric Approach with Count Models and Survey Data
by Antonio Menezes & Ainura Uzagalieva - 42-69 Quality of Ski Resorts and Competition Between the Emilian Apennines and Altipiani Trentini. an Estimate of the Hedonic Price
by Sergio Alessandrini - 70-85 Nature-Based Tourists in the Gironde Estuary: Examining and Identifying the Relationship between their Expenditure and the Motivations for their Visit
by Asma Ben Othmen - 86-102 How to Value the Benefits of a Recreational Area? A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Conversion of a Brownfield to a Public Beach in Muggia (Italy)
by Jerome Massiani - 103-126 Destination Image Analysis for Tarragona Cultural Heritage
by Miquel Angel Bove-Sans & Raquel Laguado- Ramirez
December 2012, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 179-208 Migration Impact Assessment: A Review of Evidence-Based Findings
by Peter Nijkamp - 209-223 Cost and Efficacy of Water Disinfection Practices: Evidence from Canada
by Arian Khaleghi Moghadam & Mohammed Dore - 224-246 Measuring the Unemployment Risk in Northern Greece from the LFS Micro-Data during the Period 1994-2006
by Stavros Rodokanakis & Vasileios A. Vlachos - 247-273 Cost Benefit Analysis of UNESCO World Heritage Site Designation in Nova Scotia
by Burc Kayahan & Brian Vanblarcom
June 2012, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editor's foreword
by Jerzy (Jurek) Konieczny - 3-8 In memoriam: Tapan Biswas (1942-2010)
by Gianluigi Pelloni - 9-16 Least Concave Ordinal Utility Function and the Marshalian Cardinal Utility
by Taradas Bandyopadhyay & Tapan Biswas - 17-37 Asking Price And Price Discounts: The Strategy Of Selling An Asset Under Price Uncertainty
by Tapan Biswas & Jolian Mchardy - 39-51 On the incentives to increase input efficiency under monopoly trade unions
by Tapan Biswas & Jolian McHardy - 53-65 The Relation Between Prices of Factors and Goods in General Equilibrium
by Taradas Bandyopadhyay & Tapan Biswas - 67-75 Weak Axiom of Independence and the Non-Expected Utility Theory
by Tapan Biswas - 77-88 (Originally published in Public Choice (1994) 80: 23-34) - Efficiency and consistency in group decisions
by Tapan Biswas - 89-104 Global univalence when mappings are not necessarily continuous
by Taradas Bandyopadhyay & Tapan Biswas - 105-122 Stochastic Dominance and Comparative Risk Aversion
by Tapan Biswas - 123-129 Monopolistic Competition n a Large Economy
by Tapan Bswas - 131-143 Distributive Justice And Allocation By The Market: On The Characterization Of A Fair Market Economy
by Tapan Biswas - 145-149 Factor-Supply Responses And The Gross-Substitute System
by Tapan Biswas - 151-156 A Note on the Generalised Measures of Risk Aversion
by Tapan Biswas - 157-163 Non-optimality of the Myopic Decision Rule: The Case of a Two-Sector Open Economy
by Tapan Biswas - 165-174 The Marshallian Consumer
by Tapan Biswas - 175-177 A Note on Complimentary Over Time
by Tapan Biswas
October 2011, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 102-108 Is the economic crisis over (and out)?
by Karim M. Abadir - 109-128 Clustering and Classification in Option Pricing
by Nikola Gradojevic & Dragan Kukolj & Ramazan Gencay - 129-148 Can Dynamic Panel Data Explain the Finance-Growth Link? An Empirical Likelihood Approach
by Umut Oguzoglu & Thanasis Stengos - 149-172 The Effect of Emissions on U.S. State Total Factor Productivity Growth
by Neophyta Empora & Theofanis Mamuneas
July 2011, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-2 Guest Editorial
by Theodore Panagiotidis & Gianluigi Pelloni - 3-45 California Dreamin': The Feeble Case for Cluster Policies
by Gilles Duranton - 46-58 Human Capital and Regional Growth in Switzerland
by Wolfgang Polasek & Wolfgang Schwarzbauer & Richard Sellner - 59-79 Nonlinear Stochastic Convergence Analysis of Regional Unemployment Rates in Poland
by Joanna Tyrowicz & Piotr Wojcik - 80-101 The Spatial Distribution of Labour Force Participation and Market Earnings at the Sub-National Level in Ireland
by Karyn Morrissey & Cathal O'Donoghue
September 2010, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 215-228 Finance, Market, Globalization: Lessons from the 2007-09 Crisis
by Salvatore Rossi - 229-231 Guest Editorial
by Roberto Patuelli & Gianluigi Pelloni - 232-255 An Agent-Based Decision Support Model for the Development of E-Services in the Tourist Sector
by Frank Bruinsma & Karima Kourtit & Peter Nijkamp - 256-271 Destination Unknown. Is there any Economics Beyond Tourism Areas?
by Guido Candela & Paolo Figini - 272-286 On-line Booking and Revenue Management: Evidence from a Low-Cost Airline
by Marco Alderighi & Claudio A. Piga - 287-303 Prospects and Limits of Tourism-Led Growth: The International Evidence
by Adamos Adamou & Sofronis Clerides
June 2010, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 135-136 Workshop on Bayesian Econometric Methods
by Rodney Strachan - 137-138 'The 21st Century Belongs to Bayes' Debate: Introduction
by Gael Martin - 139-152 On the Relevance of the Bayesian Approach to Statistics
by Christian P. Robert - 153-168 An Agnostic Look at Bayesian Statistics and Econometrics
by Russell Davidson - 169-193 Size Distortion of Bootstrap Tests: an Example from Unit Root Testing
by Russell Davidson - 194-214 Bayesian Methods for Completing Data in Spatial Models
by Wolfang Polasek & Carlos Llano & Richard Sellner
January 2010, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-2 Guest Editorial
by Theodore Panagiotidis & Gianluigi Pelloni - 3-19 Social Evils - From Unemployment to Idleness to Prejudice. Some Suggestions for Mapping the Modern Equivalents of These Old Evils onto New Injustices
by Danny Dorling - 20-31 Where Should We Live?
by Andrew E. Clark - 32-45 Labour Market Dynamics in Greek Regions: a Bayesian Markov Chain Approach Using Proportions Data
by George A. Christodoulakis & Emmanuel C. Mamatzakis - 46-72 Active Labour Market Policies and Unemployment Convergence in Transition
by Joanna Tyrowicz & Piotr Wojcik - 73-85 Aggregate and Regional Economic Effects of New Railway Infrastructure
by Wolfang Polasek & Wolfang Schwarzbauer & Richard Sellner - 86-109 Inter- and intraindustrial Job-to-Job Flows. A Linkage Analysis of Regional Vacancy Chains in Austria
by Christine M. Aumayr - 110-134 To Migrate or to Commute?
by Stefan Gruber
September 2009, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-33 Much Appreciated? The Rise of the Canadian Dollar
by Michael B. Devereux - 34-59 Testing for Restricted Stochastic Dominance: Some Further Results
by Russell Davidson - 60-79 Financial Stability, Monetarism and the Wicksell Connection
by David Laidler - 80-97 Optimal Product Proliferation in Monopoly: A Dynamic Analysis
by Luca Lambertini - 98-118 Honorary Lecture on S. James Press and Bayesian Analysis
by Arnold Zellner