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Peter Tinsley



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Blog mentions

As found by, the blog aggregator for Economics research:
  1. Flint Brayton & Eileen Mauskopf & David L. Reifschneider & Peter A. Tinsley & John Williams, 1997. "The role of expectations in the FRB/US macroeconomic model," Federal Reserve Bulletin, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), vol. 83(Apr), pages 227-245, April.

    Mentioned in:

    1. Michael Woodford: Revolución y Evolución en la Macroeconomía del siglo XX
      by Enrique Bour in Foco Económico on 2011-03-16 17:00:00
  2. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P. A., 2001. "Shifting endpoints in the term structure of interest rates," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 47(3), pages 613-652, June.

    Mentioned in:

    1. Bernanke: Inflation Expectations and Inflation Forecasting
      by Mark Thoma in Economist's View on 2007-07-11 01:08:00
    2. Rebonato on Bond-Yield Econometrics
      by Francis Diebold in No Hesitations on 2015-07-27 19:09:00

Working papers

  1. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2006. "Survey-Based Estimates of the Term Structure of Expected U.S. Inflation," Staff Working Papers 06-46, Bank of Canada.

    Cited by:

    1. Altug, Sumru & Çakmaklı, Cem, 2015. "Forecasting Inflation using Survey Expectations and Target Inflation: Evidence for Brazil and Turkey," CEPR Discussion Papers 10419, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    2. Sumru Altug & Cem Cakmakli, 2014. "Inflation Targeting and Inflation Expectations: Evidence for Brazil and Turkey," Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Papers 1413, Koc University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum.
    3. Hubrich, Kirstin & González, Andrés & Teräsvirta, Timo, 2011. "Forecasting inflation with gradual regime shifts and exogenous information," Working Paper Series 1363, European Central Bank.
    4. Reicher Christopher Phillip & Utlaut Johannes Friederich, 2013. "Monetary policy shocks and real commodity prices," The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, De Gruyter, vol. 13(1), pages 715-749, October.
    5. Elmar Mertens, 2011. "Measuring the level and uncertainty of trend inflation," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2011-42, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    6. Chernov, Mikhail & Mueller, Philippe, 2012. "The term structure of inflation expectations," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 106(2), pages 367-394.
    7. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2007. "Perhaps the FOMC Did What It Said It Did: An Alternative Interpretation of the Great Inflation," Staff Working Papers 07-19, Bank of Canada.
    8. Reicher, Christopher Phillip & Utlaut, Johannes Friederich, 2011. "The effect of inflation on real commodity prices," Kiel Working Papers 1704, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel).
    9. Todd E. Clark & Troy Davig, 2008. "An empirical assessment of the relationships among inflation and short- and long-term expectations," Research Working Paper RWP 08-05, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    10. Cem Cakmakli & Hamza Demircan, 2020. "Using Survey Information for Improving the Density Nowcasting of US GDP with a Focus on Predictive Performance during Covid-19 Pandemic," Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Papers 2016, Koc University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum.
    11. Bruno Feunou & Jean-Sébastien Fontaine, 2021. "Debt-Secular Economic Changes and Bond Yields," Staff Working Papers 21-14, Bank of Canada.
    12. Clark, Todd E. & Doh, Taeyoung, 2014. "Evaluating alternative models of trend inflation," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 30(3), pages 426-448.

  2. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Term structure transmission of monetary policy," Research Working Paper RWP 05-06, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

    Cited by:

    1. Eric Schaling & Mewael F. Tesfaselassie & Sylvester Eijffinger, 2007. "Learning About the Term Structure and Optimal Rules for Inflation Targeting," Working Papers 062, Economic Research Southern Africa.
    2. Erdemlioglu, Deniz, 2009. "Macro Factors in UK Excess Bond Returns: Principal Components and Factor-Model Approach," MPRA Paper 28895, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    3. Petra Gerlach-Kristen & Barbara Rudolf, 2010. "Macroeconomic and interest rate volatility under alternative monetary operating procedures," BIS Working Papers 319, Bank for International Settlements.
    4. Sydney C. Ludvigson & Serena Ng, 2009. "A Factor Analysis of Bond Risk Premia," NBER Working Papers 15188, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    5. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Term structure transmission of monetary policy," Research Working Paper RWP 05-06, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    6. Chi-Young Choi & Young Se Kim & Róisín O'Sullivan, 2011. "Inflation Targeting and Relative Price Variability: What Difference Does Inflation Targeting Make?," Southern Economic Journal, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 77(4), pages 934-957, April.
    7. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P.A., 2009. "Perhaps the 1970s FOMC did what it said it did," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 56(6), pages 842-855, September.

  3. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Perhaps the FOMC did what it said it did : an alternative interpretation of the Great Inflation," Research Working Paper RWP 05-04, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

    Cited by:

    1. Stephen G. Cecchetti & Peter Hooper & Bruce C. Kasman & Kermit L. Schoenholtz & Mark W. Watson, 2007. "Understanding the Evolving the Evolving Inflation Process," Working Papers 2007-4, Princeton University. Economics Department..
    2. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Minding the gap : central bank estimates of the unemployment natural rate," Research Working Paper RWP 05-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    3. Pierre L. Siklos, 2010. "Revisiting the Coyne Affair: a singular event that changed the course of Canadian monetary history," Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Economics Association, vol. 43(3), pages 994-1015, August.
    4. Olivier Coibion & Yuriy Gorodnichenko, 2008. "Monetary Policy, Trend Inflation and the Great Moderation: An Alternative Interpretation," NBER Working Papers 14621, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    5. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Term structure transmission of monetary policy," Research Working Paper RWP 05-06, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    6. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P.A., 2009. "Perhaps the 1970s FOMC did what it said it did," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 56(6), pages 842-855, September.
    7. Kishor, N. Kundan, 2012. "A Note On Time Variation In A Forward-Looking Monetary Policy Rule: Evidence From European Countries," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 16(S3), pages 422-437, November.

  4. Peter Tinsley & Sharon Kozicki, 2005. "Central Bank Estimates of the Unemployment Natural Rate," Computing in Economics and Finance 2005 138, Society for Computational Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2007. "Perhaps the FOMC Did What It Said It Did: An Alternative Interpretation of the Great Inflation," Staff Working Papers 07-19, Bank of Canada.

  5. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Minding the gap : central bank estimates of the unemployment natural rate," Research Working Paper RWP 05-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

    Cited by:

    1. Giacomo Carboni & Martin Ellison, 2010. "Inflation and output volatility under asymmetric incomplete information," Post-Print hal-00753043, HAL.
    2. Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy, Alex & Papell, David H., 2012. "Taylor rules and the Great Inflation," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 34(4), pages 903-918.
    3. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2007. "Perhaps the FOMC Did What It Said It Did: An Alternative Interpretation of the Great Inflation," Staff Working Papers 07-19, Bank of Canada.
    4. Carboni, Giacomo & Ellison, Martin, 2009. "The Great Inflation and the Greenbook," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 56(6), pages 831-841, September.
    5. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P.A., 2009. "Perhaps the 1970s FOMC did what it said it did," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 56(6), pages 842-855, September.

  6. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2003. "Permanent and transitory policy shocks in an empirical macro model with asymmetric information," Research Working Paper RWP 03-09, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

    Cited by:

    1. Haicheng Shu & Peter Spencer, 2023. "Oil prices in the real economy," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 38(6), pages 878-897, September.
    2. Beechey, Meredith & Österholm, Pär, 2007. "The Rise and Fall of U.S. Inflation Persistence," Working Paper Series 2007:18, Uppsala University, Department of Economics.
    3. Gbaguidi DAVID, 2011. "Expectations Impact On The Effectiveness Of The Inflation-Real Activity Trade-Off," Theoretical and Practical Research in the Economic Fields, ASERS Publishing, vol. 2(2), pages 141-181.
    4. William T. Gavin & Finn E. Kydland & Michael R. Pakko, 2006. "Monetary policy, taxes and the business cycle," Working Papers 2004-017, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
    5. Efrem Castelnuovo & Paolo Surico, 2006. "The Price Puzzle: Fact or Artifact?," "Marco Fanno" Working Papers 0016, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche "Marco Fanno".
    6. Marco Lyrio & Hans Dewachter, 2004. "Filtering Long-Run Inflation Expectations with a Structural Macro Model of the Yield Curve," Computing in Economics and Finance 2004 188, Society for Computational Economics.
    7. Martin Melecky & Diego Rodríguez Palenzuela & Ulf Söderström, 2008. "Inflation Target Transparency and the Macroeconomy," Working Papers Central Bank of Chile 490, Central Bank of Chile.
    8. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Minding the gap : central bank estimates of the unemployment natural rate," Research Working Paper RWP 05-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    9. Athanasios Orphanides & John C. Williams, 2004. "The decline of activist stabilization policy: natural rate misperceptions, learning, and expectations," International Finance Discussion Papers 804, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    10. Aoki, Kosuke & Kimura, Takeshi, 2007. "Uncertainty about perceived inflation target and monetary policy," Discussion Paper Series 1: Economic Studies 2007,18, Deutsche Bundesbank.
    11. Bloch, Laurence, 2012. "Product market regulation, trend inflation and inflation dynamics in the new Keynesian Phillips curve," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 29(5), pages 2058-2070.
    12. Kevin J. Lansing, 2006. "Time-Varying U.S. Inflation Dynamics and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve," Computing in Economics and Finance 2006 488, Society for Computational Economics.
    13. Binder, Carola, 2017. "Fed speak on main street: Central bank communication and household expectations," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 52(C), pages 238-251.
    14. Lhuissier, Stéphane & Zabelina, Margarita, 2015. "On the stability of Calvo-style price-setting behavior," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 57(C), pages 77-95.
    15. Diegel, Max, 2022. "Time-varying credibility, anchoring and the Fed's inflation target," Discussion Papers 2022/9, Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics.
    16. Feldkircher, Martin & Lukmanova, Elizaveta & Tondl, Gabriele, 2019. "Global Factors Driving Inflation and Monetary Policy: A Global VAR Assessment," Department of Economics Working Paper Series 289, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business.
    17. Hubrich, Kirstin & González, Andrés & Teräsvirta, Timo, 2011. "Forecasting inflation with gradual regime shifts and exogenous information," Working Paper Series 1363, European Central Bank.
    18. William T. Gavin & Benjamin D. Keen & Finn E. Kydland, 2013. "Monetary policy, the tax code, and the real effects of energy shocks," Working Papers 2013-019, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
    19. Antipin, Jan-Erik & Boumediene, Farid Jimmy & Österholm, Pär, 2012. "Forecasting Inflation Using Constant Gain Least Squares," Working Papers 126, National Institute of Economic Research.
    20. Peter N. Ireland, 2006. "Changes in the Federal Reserve's Inflation Target: Causes and Consequences," NBER Working Papers 12492, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    21. Estrella, Arturo, 2015. "The Price Puzzle And Var Identification," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 19(8), pages 1880-1887, December.
    22. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2012. "Effective Use of Survey Information in Estimating the Evolution of Expected Inflation," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 44(1), pages 145-169, February.
    23. Sarno, Lucio & Menkhoff, Lukas & Schmeling, Maik & Schrimpf, Paul, 2016. "Currency Value," CEPR Discussion Papers 11324, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    24. Takeshi Kimura & Kosuke Aoki, 2009. "Central Bank's Two-Way Communication with the Public and Inflation Dynamics," 2009 Meeting Papers 108, Society for Economic Dynamics.
    25. J. A. Lafuente & R. Pérez & J. Ruiz, 2018. "Disentangling permanent and transitory monetary shocks with a non-linear Taylor rule," Documentos de Trabajo del ICAE 2018-19, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Instituto Complutense de Análisis Económico.
    26. Cássio R. A. Alves & Márcio P. Laurini, 2022. "Measuring inflation persistence under time-varying inflation target and stochastic volatility with jumps," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 42(2), pages 342-349.
    27. Sune Karlsson & Pär Österholm, 2023. "Is the US Phillips curve stable? Evidence from Bayesian vector autoregressions," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 125(1), pages 287-314, January.
    28. Edward N. Gamber & Jeffrey P. Liebner & Julie K. Smith, 2013. "Inflation Persistence: Revisited," Working Papers 2013-002, The George Washington University, Department of Economics, H. O. Stekler Research Program on Forecasting.
    29. Dewachter, Hans & Iania, Leonardo & Lyrio, Marco, 2011. "A New-Keynesian Model of the Yield Curve with Learning Dynamics: A Bayesian Evaluation," Insper Working Papers wpe_250, Insper Working Paper, Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa.
    30. Jang, Tae-Seok & Sacht, Stephen, 2021. "Forecast heuristics, consumer expectations, and New-Keynesian macroeconomics: A Horse race," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 182(C), pages 493-511.
    31. Marcelo Arbex & Sidney Caetano & Wilson Correa, 2018. "Macroeconomic Effects of Inflation Target Uncertainty Shocks," Working Papers 1804, University of Windsor, Department of Economics.
    32. Marc-André Gosselin & Sharon Kozicki, 2023. "Making It Real: Bringing Research Models into Central Bank Projections," Discussion Papers 2023-29, Bank of Canada.
    33. David Andolfatto & Scott Hendry & Kevin Moran, 2007. "Are Inflation Expectations Rational?," Working Paper series 27_07, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis.
    34. Ahsan ul Haq Satti & Wasim Shahid Malik, 2017. "The Unreliability of Output-Gap Estimates in Real Time," The Pakistan Development Review, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, vol. 56(3), pages 193-219.
    35. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2007. "Perhaps the FOMC Did What It Said It Did: An Alternative Interpretation of the Great Inflation," Staff Working Papers 07-19, Bank of Canada.
    36. Lavan Mahadeva, 2007. "A model of market surprises," Bank of England working papers 327, Bank of England.
    37. Kozicki, Sharon, 2012. "Macro has progressed," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 34(1), pages 23-28.
    38. Taeyoung Doh, 2007. "What does the yield curve tell us about the Federal Reserve's implicit inflation target?," Research Working Paper RWP 07-10, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    39. Bedri Kamil Onur Tas, 2014. "Why is Inflation Targeting Successful?: Analysis of Inflation Target Transparency," EcoMod2014 6725, EcoMod.
    40. Dossche, Maarten & Everaert, Gerdie, 2005. "Measuring inflation persistence: a structural time series approach," Working Paper Series 495, European Central Bank.
    41. Peter D. Spencer, 2008. "Stochastic Volatility in a Macro-Finance Model of the U.S. Term Structure of Interest Rates 1961-2004," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 40(6), pages 1177-1215, September.
    42. Efrem Castelnuovo & Paolo Surico, 2005. "The Price Puzzle and Indeterminacy," Macroeconomics 0507021, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    43. Haroon Mumtaz & Konstantinos Theodoridis, 2017. "The Federal Reserve’s implicit inflation target and Macroeconomic dynamics. A SVAR analysis," Working Papers 820, Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance.
    44. Qazi Haque, 2017. "Monetary Policy, Inflation Target and the Great Moderation: An Empirical Investigation," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 2017-13, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
    45. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Term structure transmission of monetary policy," Research Working Paper RWP 05-06, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    46. Scott C. Patrick, 2020. "How Much Better Is Commitment Policy Than Discretionary Policy? Evidence From Six Developed Economies," The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, De Gruyter, vol. 20(2), pages 1-28, June.
    47. Todd E. Clark & Sharon Kozicki, 2004. "Estimating equilibrium real interest rates in real time," Research Working Paper RWP 04-08, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    48. Michal Franta & Branislav Saxa & Kateøina Šmídková, 2010. "The Role of Inflation Persistence in the Inflation Process in the New EU Member States," Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver), Charles University Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, vol. 60(6), pages 480-500, December.
    49. Michael P. Clements & Ana Beatriz Galvão, 2011. "Improving Real-time Estimates of Output Gaps and Inflation Trends with Multiple-vintage Models," Working Papers 678, Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance.
    50. Monica Gentile & Roberto Renò, 2005. "Specification Analysis of Diffusion Models for the Italian Short Rate," Economic Notes, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA, vol. 34(1), pages 51-83, February.
    51. Fabio Milani, 2005. "Expectations, Learning and Macroeconomic Persistence," Macroeconomics 0510022, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    52. Filipova, Kameliya & Audrino, Francesco & De Giorgi, Enrico, 2014. "Monetary policy regimes: Implications for the yield curve and bond pricing," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 113(3), pages 427-454.
    53. Beechey, Meredith, 2004. "Excess Sensitivity and Volatility of Long Interest Rates: The Role of Limited Information in Bond Markets," Working Paper Series 173, Sveriges Riksbank (Central Bank of Sweden).
    54. Jonsson, Thomas & Österholm, Pär, 2009. "The Properties of Survey-Based Inflation Expectations in Sweden," Working Papers 114, National Institute of Economic Research.
    55. Kevin Moran, 2005. "Learning and the Welfare Implications of Changing Inflation Targets," Cahiers de recherche 0511, CIRPEE.
    56. Beechey, Meredith & Österholm, Pär, 2010. "Forecasting inflation in an inflation-targeting regime: A role for informative steady-state priors," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 26(2), pages 248-264, April.
    57. Qazi Haque, 2017. "Monetary Policy, Target Inflation and the Great Moderation: An Empirical Investigation," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 2017-10, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
    58. William T. Gavin & Benjamin D. Keen & Michael R. Pakko, 2005. "The monetary instrument matters," Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, vol. 87(Sep), pages 633-658.
    59. Canepa, Alessandra, 2022. "Ination Dynamics and Time-Varying Persistence: The Importance of the Uncertainty Channel," Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers 202211, University of Turin.
    60. Chi-Young Choi & Young Se Kim & Róisín O'Sullivan, 2011. "Inflation Targeting and Relative Price Variability: What Difference Does Inflation Targeting Make?," Southern Economic Journal, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 77(4), pages 934-957, April.
    61. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P.A., 2009. "Perhaps the 1970s FOMC did what it said it did," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 56(6), pages 842-855, September.
    62. Taeyoung Doh, 2009. "Yield curve in an estimated nonlinear macro model," Research Working Paper RWP 09-04, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    63. Gbaguidi, David Sedo, 2011. "Regime Switching in a New Keynesian Phillips Curve with Non-zero Steady-state Inflation Rate," MPRA Paper 35481, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    64. Henzel, Steffen R., 2013. "Fitting survey expectations and uncertainty about trend inflation," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 35(C), pages 172-185.
    65. Donald Coletti, 2023. "A Blueprint for the Fourth Generation of Bank of Canada Projection and Policy Analysis Models," Discussion Papers 2023-23, Bank of Canada.
    66. Jean-Philippe Cayen & Marc-André Gosselin & Sharon Kozicki, 2009. "Estimating DSGE-Model-Consistent Trends for Use in Forecasting," Staff Working Papers 09-35, Bank of Canada.
    67. Lukmanova, Elizaveta & Rabitsch, Katrin, 2023. "Evidence on monetary transmission and the role of imperfect information: Interest rate versus inflation target shocks," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 158(C).

  7. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2002. "Alternative sources of the lag dynamics of inflation," Research Working Paper RWP 02-12, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

    Cited by:

    1. Gbaguidi DAVID, 2011. "Expectations Impact On The Effectiveness Of The Inflation-Real Activity Trade-Off," Theoretical and Practical Research in the Economic Fields, ASERS Publishing, vol. 2(2), pages 141-181.
    2. Jondeau, E. & Le Bihan, H., 2003. "ML vs GMM Estimates of Hybrid Macroeconomic Models (With an Application to the New Phillips Curve)," Working papers 103, Banque de France.
    3. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Minding the gap : central bank estimates of the unemployment natural rate," Research Working Paper RWP 05-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    4. Todd E. Clark, 2003. "Disaggregate evidence on the persistence of consumer price inflation," Research Working Paper RWP 03-11, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    5. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "What do you expect? : imperfect policy credibility and tests of the expectations hypothesis?," Research Working Paper RWP 01-02, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    6. Ricardo Nunes, 2010. "Inflation Dynamics: The Role of Expectations," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 42(6), pages 1161-1172, September.
    7. Carlos J. Rodriguez-Fuentes & Antonio Olivera-Herrera & David Padron-Marrero, 2004. "Monetary policy and inflation persistence in the Eurozone," ERSA conference papers ersa04p218, European Regional Science Association.
    8. André Kurmann, 2004. "Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Dynamic Stochastic Theories with an Application to New Keynesian Pricing," Macroeconomics 0409028, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    9. Bloch, Laurence, 2012. "Product market regulation, trend inflation and inflation dynamics in the new Keynesian Phillips curve," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 29(5), pages 2058-2070.
    10. Thórarinn G. Pétursson, 2022. "Long‐term inflation expectations and inflation dynamics," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 27(1), pages 158-174, January.
    11. Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken, 2010. "Averaging forecasts from VARs with uncertain instabilities," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 25(1), pages 5-29.
    12. Kevin J. Lansing, 2006. "Time-Varying U.S. Inflation Dynamics and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve," Computing in Economics and Finance 2006 488, Society for Computational Economics.
    13. Timothy Cogley & Argia M. Sbordone, 2006. "Trend inflation and inflation persistence in the New Keynesian Phillips curve," Staff Reports 270, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
    14. Claude Diebolt & Mamoudou Toure & Jamel Trabelsi, 2012. "Monetary Credibility Effects on Inflation Dynamics: A Macrohistorical Case Study," Working Papers 12-04, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    15. Robalo Marques, Carlos, 2004. "Inflation persistence: facts or artefacts?," Working Paper Series 371, European Central Bank.
    16. Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken, 2006. "Forecasting of small macroeconomic VARs in the presence of instabilities," Research Working Paper RWP 06-09, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    17. Jondeau, Eric & Le Bihan, Herve, 2005. "Testing for the New Keynesian Phillips Curve. Additional international evidence," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 22(3), pages 521-550, May.
    18. Alain Guay & Florian Pelgrin, 2004. "The U.S. New Keynesian Phillips Curve: An Empirical Assessment," Staff Working Papers 04-35, Bank of Canada.
    19. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2012. "Effective Use of Survey Information in Estimating the Evolution of Expected Inflation," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 44(1), pages 145-169, February.
    20. Filippo Altissimo & Michael Ehrmann & Frank Smets, 2006. "Inflation persistence and price-setting behaviour in the euro area : a summary of the Inflation Persistence Network evidence," Working Paper Research 95, National Bank of Belgium.
    21. Bakhshi, Hasan & Khan, Hashmat & Rudolf, Barbara, 2007. "The Phillips curve under state-dependent pricing," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 54(8), pages 2321-2345, November.
    22. Philippe Jeanfils & Koen Burggraeve, 2005. "Noname - A new quarterly model for Belgium," Working Paper Research 68, National Bank of Belgium.
    23. Jang, Tae-Seok & Sacht, Stephen, 2021. "Forecast heuristics, consumer expectations, and New-Keynesian macroeconomics: A Horse race," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 182(C), pages 493-511.
    24. Barnes, Michelle L. & Gumbau-Brisa, Fabià & Lie, Denny & Olivei, Giovanni P., 2011. "Estimation of Forward-Looking Relationships in Closed Form: An Application to the New Keynesian Phillips Curve," Working Papers 2011-05, University of Sydney, School of Economics.
    25. Pivetta, Frederic & Reis, Ricardo, 2007. "The persistence of inflation in the United States," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 31(4), pages 1326-1358, April.
    26. Rautureau, Nicolas, 2004. "Measuring the long-term perception of monetary policy and the term structure," Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 12/2004, Bank of Finland.
    27. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2003. "Permanent and transitory policy shocks in an empirical macro model with asymmetric information," Research Working Paper RWP 03-09, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    28. Vararat Khemangkorn & Roong Poshyananda Mallikamas & Pranee Sutthasri, 2008. "Inflation Dynamics and Implications on Monetary Policy," Working Papers 2008-02, Monetary Policy Group, Bank of Thailand.
    29. Todd E. Clark & Troy Davig, 2008. "An empirical assessment of the relationships among inflation and short- and long-term expectations," Research Working Paper RWP 08-05, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    30. Choi, Yoonseok & Kim, Sunghyun, 2016. "Testing an alternative price-setting behavior in the new Keynesian Phillips curve: Extrapolative price-setting mechanism," International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 44(C), pages 253-265.
    31. Karanasos, Menelaos & Paraskevopoulos,Alexandros & Canepa, Alessandra, 2020. "Unified Theory for the Large Family of Time Varying Models with Arma Representations: One Solution Fits All," Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers 202008, University of Turin.
    32. Stephen Murchison & Andrew Rennison & Zhenhua Zhu, 2004. "A Structural Small Open-Economy Model for Canada," Staff Working Papers 04-4, Bank of Canada.
    33. Bakhshi, Hasan & Khan, Hashmat & Burriel-Llombart, Pablo & Rudolf, Barbara, 2007. "The New Keynesian Phillips curve under trend inflation and strategic complementarity," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 29(1), pages 37-59, March.
    34. Jamie Armour, 2006. "An Evaluation of Core Inflation Measures," Staff Working Papers 06-10, Bank of Canada.
    35. René Lalonde, 2005. "Endogenous Central Bank Credibility in a Small Forward-Looking Model of the U.S. Economy," Staff Working Papers 05-16, Bank of Canada.
    36. Karanasos, Menelaos & Paraskevopoulos, Alexandros & Magdalinos, Anastasios & Canepa, Alessandra, 2024. "A Unified Theory for Arma Models with Varying Coefficients: One Solution Fits All," Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers 202413, University of Turin.
    37. Anna Piretti & Charles St-Arnaud, 2006. "Launching the NEUQ: The New European Union Quarterly Model, A Small Model of the Euro Area and U.K. Economies," Staff Working Papers 06-22, Bank of Canada.
    38. Malikane, Christopher & Mokoka, Tshepo, 2012. "Monetary policy credibility: A Phillips curve view," The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 52(3), pages 266-271.
    39. Jondeau, Eric & Le Bihan, Hervé, 2008. "Examining bias in estimators of linear rational expectations models under misspecification," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 143(2), pages 375-395, April.
    40. Gbaguidi, David Sedo, 2011. "Regime Switching in a New Keynesian Phillips Curve with Non-zero Steady-state Inflation Rate," MPRA Paper 35481, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    41. Kim Chang-Jin & Kim Yunmi, 2008. "Is the Backward-Looking Component Important in a New Keynesian Phillips Curve?," Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, De Gruyter, vol. 12(3), pages 1-20, September.
    42. Pym Manopimoke, 2016. "The Output Euler Equation and Real Interest Rate Regimes," PIER Discussion Papers 33, Puey Ungphakorn Institute for Economic Research.
    43. Fu, Bowen, 2020. "Is the slope of the Phillips curve time-varying? Evidence from unobserved components models," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 88(C), pages 320-340.
    44. Gbaguidi, David, 2012. "La courbe de Phillips : temps d’arbitrage et/ou arbitrage de temps," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 88(1), pages 87-119, mars.
    45. Tenreyro, Silvana & Drechsel, Thomas & McLeay, Michael, 2019. "Monetary policy for commodity booms and busts," CEPR Discussion Papers 14030, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.

  8. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2002. "Term premia : endogenous constraints on monetary policy," Research Working Paper RWP 02-07, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

    Cited by:

    1. Tillmann, Peter, 2007. "Inflation regimes in the US term structure of interest rates," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 24(2), pages 203-223, March.
    2. Osmani T. Guillen & Benjamin M. Tabak, 2008. "Characterizing the Brazilian Term Structure of Interest Rates," Working Papers Series 158, Central Bank of Brazil, Research Department.
    3. Tillmann, Peter, 2003. "Cointegration and Regime-Switching Risk Premia in the U.S. Term Structure of Interest Rates," Bonn Econ Discussion Papers 27/2003, University of Bonn, Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE).
    4. PeterTillmann, 2004. "Cointegration and Regime-Switching Risk Premia in the U.S. Term Structure of Interest Rates," Computing in Economics and Finance 2004 53, Society for Computational Economics.
    5. Zbynek Stork, 2016. "Term Structure of Interest Rates: Macro-Finance Approach," EcoMod2016 9566, EcoMod.

  9. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "What do you expect? : imperfect policy credibility and tests of the expectations hypothesis?," Research Working Paper RWP 01-02, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

    Cited by:

    1. Andrés González & Franz Hamann, 2011. "Lack of Credibility, Inflation Persistence and Disinflation in Colombia," Borradores de Economia 658, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
    2. James McNeil, 2020. "Estimation of Impulse response functions with term structure local projections," Working Papers daleconwp2020-05, Dalhousie University, Department of Economics.
    3. Peter Lildholdt & Anne Vila Wetherilt, 2004. "Anticipation of monetary policy in UK financial markets," Bank of England working papers 241, Bank of England.
    4. Daniel L. Thornton, 2004. "Tests of the expectations hypothesis: resolving the Campbell-Shiller paradox," Working Papers 2003-022, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
    5. Chopin, Nicolas & Pelgrin, Florian, 2004. "Bayesian inference and state number determination for hidden Markov models: an application to the information content of the yield curve about inflation," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 123(2), pages 327-344, December.
    6. Daniel L. Thornton, 2012. "Greenspan’s conundrum and the Fed’s ability to affect long-term yields," Working Papers 2012-036, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
    7. Linda S. Goldberg & Michael W. Klein, 2005. "Establishing credibility: evolving perceptions of the European Central Bank," Staff Reports 231, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
    8. Dick Dijk & Siem Jan Koopman & Michel Wel & Jonathan H. Wright, 2014. "Forecasting interest rates with shifting endpoints," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 29(5), pages 693-712, August.
    9. Athanasios Orphanides & John C. Williams, 2007. "Inflation targeting under imperfect knowledge," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, pages 1-23.
    10. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2002. "Alternative sources of the lag dynamics of inflation," Research Working Paper RWP 02-12, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    11. Nikola Mirkov, 2014. "International financial transmission of the Fed's monetary policy," International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research (IJBESAR), International Hellenic University (IHU), Kavala Campus, Greece (formerly Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology - EMaTTech), vol. 7(2), pages 7-49, September.
    12. Kwangyong Park, 2020. "The Excess Sensitivity of Long-term Interest rates and Central Bank Credibility," Working Papers 2020-29, Economic Research Institute, Bank of Korea.
    13. Grégory Levieuge & Yannick Lucotte & Sébastien Ringuedé, 2015. "Central bank credibility and the expectations channel: Evidence based on a new credibility index," NBP Working Papers 209, Narodowy Bank Polski.
    14. Daniel Oliveira Cajueiro & Benjamin M. Tabak, 2010. "Fluctuation Dynamics in US Interest Rates and the Role of Monetary Policy," Working Papers Series 206, Central Bank of Brazil, Research Department.
    15. Massimo Guidolin & Manuela Pedio, 2019. "Forecasting and Trading Monetary Policy Effects on the Riskless Yield Curve with Regime Switching Nelson†Siegel Models," Working Papers 639, IGIER (Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research), Bocconi University.
    16. Faust, Jon & Wright, Jonathan H., 2013. "Forecasting Inflation," Handbook of Economic Forecasting, in: G. Elliott & C. Granger & A. Timmermann (ed.), Handbook of Economic Forecasting, edition 1, volume 2, chapter 0, pages 2-56, Elsevier.
    17. Glenn D. Rudebusch & Eric T. Swanson & Tao Wu, 2006. "The Bond Yield "Conundrum" from a Macro-Finance Perspective," Monetary and Economic Studies, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, vol. 24(S1), pages 83-109, December.
    18. Orphanides, Athanasios & Williams, John C, 2005. "Inflation Scares and Forecast-Based Monetary Policy," CEPR Discussion Papers 4844, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    19. William Poole, 2005. "Understanding the term structure of interest rates," Speech 2, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
    20. Mirkov, Nikola, 2012. "International Financial Transmission of the US Monetary Policy: An Empirical Assessment," Working Papers on Finance 1201, University of St. Gallen, School of Finance.
    21. Glenn D. Rudebusch & Tao Wu, 2007. "Accounting for a Shift in Term Structure Behavior with No‐Arbitrage and Macro‐Finance Models," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 39(2‐3), pages 395-422, March.
    22. Refet S. Gürkaynak & Jonathan H. Wright, 2012. "Macroeconomics and the Term Structure," Journal of Economic Literature, American Economic Association, vol. 50(2), pages 331-367, June.
    23. Leo Krippner & Michelle Lewis, 2018. "Real-time forecasting with macro-finance models in the presence of a zero lower bound," Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series DP2018/04, Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
    24. Dewachter, Hans & Iania, Leonardo & Lyrio, Marco, 2011. "A New-Keynesian Model of the Yield Curve with Learning Dynamics: A Bayesian Evaluation," Insper Working Papers wpe_250, Insper Working Paper, Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa.
    25. Tao Wu & Glenn Rudebusch, 2005. "The Recent Shift in Term Structure Behavior from a No-Arbitrage Macro-Finance Perspective," Computing in Economics and Finance 2005 3, Society for Computational Economics.
    26. Linda S. Goldberg & Michael W. Klein, 2010. "Evolving Perceptions of Central Bank Credibility: The European Central Bank Experience," NBER Chapters, in: NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2010, pages 153-182, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    27. David Andolfatto & Scott Hendry & Kevin Moran, 2007. "Are Inflation Expectations Rational?," Working Paper series 27_07, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis.
    28. Strohsal, Till & Winkelmann, Lars, 2015. "Assessing the anchoring of inflation expectations," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 50(C), pages 33-48.
    29. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2003. "Permanent and transitory policy shocks in an empirical macro model with asymmetric information," Research Working Paper RWP 03-09, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    30. Refet S. Gürkaynak & Brian P. Sack & Eric T. Swanson, 2003. "The excess sensitivity of long-term interest rates: evidence and implications for macroeconomic models," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2003-50, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    31. Rajnish Mehra & Arunima Sinha, 2016. "The Term Structure of Interest Rates in India," NBER Working Papers 22020, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    32. Glenn D. Rudebusch & Brian P. Sack & Eric T. Swanson, 2006. "Macroeconomic implications of changes in the term premium," Working Paper Series 2006-46, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    33. N. Kundan Kishor & Evan F. Koenig, 2016. "The roles of inflation expectations, core inflation, and slack in real-time inflation forecasting," Working Papers 1613, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
    34. Richard K. Crump & Stefano Eusepi & Emanuel Moench, 2016. "The term structure of expectations and bond yields," Staff Reports 775, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
    35. Daniela Osterrieder, 2013. "Interest Rates with Long Memory: A Generalized Affine Term-Structure Model," CREATES Research Papers 2013-17, Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University.
    36. Athanasios Orphanides & John C. Williams, 2002. "Imperfect knowledge, inflation expectations, and monetary policy," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2002-27, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    37. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Term structure transmission of monetary policy," Research Working Paper RWP 05-06, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    38. Massimo Guidolin & Daniel L. Thornton, 2010. "Predictions of short-term rates and the expectations hypothesis," Working Papers 2010-013, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
    39. Travis J. Berge, 2017. "Understanding Survey Based Inflation Expectations," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2017-046, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    40. Meredith J. Beechey & Erik Hjalmarsson & Pär Österholm, 2008. "Testing the expectations hypothesis when interest rates are near integrated," International Finance Discussion Papers 953, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    41. Massimo Guidolin & Manuela Pedio, 2019. "Forecasting and Trading Monetary Policy Switching Nelson-Siegel Models," BAFFI CAREFIN Working Papers 19106, BAFFI CAREFIN, Centre for Applied Research on International Markets Banking Finance and Regulation, Universita' Bocconi, Milano, Italy.
    42. Shigeru Iwata, 2010. "Monetary Policy and the Term Structure of Interest Rates When Short-Term Rates Are Close to Zero," Monetary and Economic Studies, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, vol. 28, pages 59-78, November.
    43. David Andolfatto & Scott Hendry & Kevin Moran, 2002. "Inflation Expectations and Learning about Monetary Policy," Staff Working Papers 02-30, Bank of Canada.
    44. Madeline Zavodny & Donna K. Ginther, 2005. "Does the Beige Book Move Financial Markets?," Southern Economic Journal, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 72(1), pages 138-151, July.
    45. Barrera, Carlos, 2022. "Characterizing the Anchoring Effects of Official Forecasts on Private Expectations," MPRA Paper 114258, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    46. Refet S. Gürkaynak & Brian Sack & Eric Swanson, 2005. "The Sensitivity of Long-Term Interest Rates to Economic News: Evidence and Implications for Macroeconomic Models," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 95(1), pages 425-436, March.

  10. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "Dynamic specifications in optimizing trend-deviation macro models," Research Working Paper RWP 01-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

    Cited by:

    1. Holger Kraft & Claus Munk & Frank Thomas Seifried & Sebastian Wagner, 2017. "Consumption habits and humps," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 64(2), pages 305-330, August.
    2. Marcelle, Chauvet & Insu, Kim, 2019. "Incomplete Price Adjustment and Inflation Persistence," MPRA Paper 97497, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 04 Dec 2019.
    3. Kareen Rozen, 2010. "Foundations of Intrinsic Habit Formation," Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 78(4), pages 1341-1373, July.
    4. James M. Nason & George A. Slotsve, 2004. "Along the New Keynesian Phillips curve with nominal and real rigidities," FRB Atlanta Working Paper 2004-9, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
    5. Marco Lyrio & Hans Dewachter, 2004. "Filtering Long-Run Inflation Expectations with a Structural Macro Model of the Yield Curve," Computing in Economics and Finance 2004 188, Society for Computational Economics.
    6. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Minding the gap : central bank estimates of the unemployment natural rate," Research Working Paper RWP 05-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    7. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "What do you expect? : imperfect policy credibility and tests of the expectations hypothesis?," Research Working Paper RWP 01-02, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    8. Fujiwara, Ippei & Hara, Naoko & Hirose, Yasuo & Teranishi, Yuki, 2005. "The Japanese Economic Model (JEM)," Monetary and Economic Studies, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, vol. 23(2), pages 61-142, May.
    9. Sean Holly & Luisa Corrado, 2004. "Habit formation and Interest-Rate Smoothing," Computing in Economics and Finance 2004 215, Society for Computational Economics.
    10. Anthony Garratt & Donald Robertson & Stephen Wright, 2006. "Permanent vs transitory components and economic fundamentals," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 21(4), pages 521-542, May.
    11. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2002. "Alternative sources of the lag dynamics of inflation," Research Working Paper RWP 02-12, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    12. Hans Dewachter, 2004. "Macro factors and the term structure of interest rates," Money Macro and Finance (MMF) Research Group Conference 2003 25, Money Macro and Finance Research Group.
    13. Rodrigo Caputo, 2009. "External Shocks and Monetary Policy. Does it Pay to Respond to Exchange Rate Desviations?," Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review, Universidad Alberto Hurtado/School of Economics and Business, vol. 24(1), pages 55-99, Junio.
    14. Wakerly, Elizabeth C & Elena Loukoianova & Shaun P. Vahey, 2003. "A Real Time Tax Smoothing Based Fiscal Policy Rule," Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2003 215, Royal Economic Society.
    15. Agénor, Pierre-Richard & Bayraktar, Nihal, 2010. "Contracting models of the Phillips curve empirical estimates for middle-income countries," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 32(2), pages 555-570, June.
    16. Philippe Jeanfils & Koen Burggraeve, 2005. "Noname - A new quarterly model for Belgium," Working Paper Research 68, National Bank of Belgium.
    17. Dewachter, Hans & Iania, Leonardo & Lyrio, Marco, 2011. "A New-Keynesian Model of the Yield Curve with Learning Dynamics: A Bayesian Evaluation," Insper Working Papers wpe_250, Insper Working Paper, Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa.
    18. Li, Tongtong & Wang, Shibo & Yang, Jinqiang, 2021. "Robust consumption and portfolio choices with habit formation," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 98(C), pages 227-246.
    19. Wei-Bin Zhang, 2013. "Dynamic Interactions among Growth, Environmental Change, Habit Formation, and Preference Change," The International Journal of Economic Behavior - IJEB, Faculty of Business and Administration, University of Bucharest, vol. 3(1), pages 3-25, December.
    20. Marcelle, Chauvet & Insu, Kim, 2010. "Microfoundations of Inflation Persistence in the New Keynesian Phillips Curve," MPRA Paper 23109, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    21. Plasmans, J.E.J. & Fornero, J. & Michalak, T., 2007. "A Microfounded Sectoral Model for Open Economies," Discussion Paper 2007-39, Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research.
    22. Fiona Atkins, 2005. "Financial Crises and Money Demand in Jamaica," Birkbeck Working Papers in Economics and Finance 0512, Birkbeck, Department of Economics, Mathematics & Statistics.
    23. Kozicki, Sharon, 2012. "Macro has progressed," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 34(1), pages 23-28.
    24. Alvarez González, Luis Julián, 2008. "What Do Micro Price Data Tell Us on the Validity of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve?," Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal (2007-2020), Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel), vol. 2, pages 1-36.
    25. Gongpil Choi, 2001. "Structural changes and the scope of inflation targeting in Korea," Pacific Basin Working Paper Series 2001-05, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    26. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2003. "Permanent and transitory policy shocks in an empirical macro model with asymmetric information," Research Working Paper RWP 03-09, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    27. McAdam, Peter & Willman, Alpo, 2003. "New Keynesian Phillips Curves: a reassessment using euro-area data," Working Paper Series 265, European Central Bank.
    28. Leith, Campbell & Moldovan, Ioana & Rossi, Raffaele, 2008. "Optimal Monetary Policy in a New Keynesian Model with Habits in Consumption," SIRE Discussion Papers 2008-55, Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE).
    29. Wei-Bin ZHANG, 2012. "Habits, Saving Propensity, And Economic Growth," Scientific Bulletin - Economic Sciences, University of Pitesti, vol. 11(2), pages 3-15.
    30. Marco Lyrio & Hans Dewachter & Konstantijn Maes, 2006. "A joint model for the term structure of interest rates and the macroeconomy," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 21(4), pages 439-462.
    31. Rodrigo Caputo, 2004. "Habit formation and its implications for small open economies," Money Macro and Finance (MMF) Research Group Conference 2003 11, Money Macro and Finance Research Group.
    32. Rodrigo Caputo, 2004. "Exchange Rates, Inflation and Monetary Policy Objectives in Open Economies: The Experience of Chile," Econometric Society 2004 Latin American Meetings 298, Econometric Society.
    33. Charles St-Arnaud, 2004. "Une approche éclectique d'estimation du PIB potentiel pour le Royaume-Uni," Staff Working Papers 04-46, Bank of Canada.
    34. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Term structure transmission of monetary policy," Research Working Paper RWP 05-06, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    35. David Dupuis, 2004. "The New Keynesian Hybrid Phillips Curve: An Assessment of Competing Specifications for the United States," Staff Working Papers 04-31, Bank of Canada.
    36. Corrado, Luisa & Holly, Sean, 2011. "Multiplicative habit formation and consumption: A note," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 113(2), pages 116-119.
    37. Campbell Leith & Ioana Moldovan & Raffaele Rossi, 2012. "Online Appendix to "Optimal Monetary Policy in a New Keynesian Model with Habits in Consumption"," Online Appendices 09-154, Review of Economic Dynamics.
    38. Kendrick, David A., 2005. "Stochastic control for economic models: past, present and the paths ahead," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 29(1-2), pages 3-30, January.

  11. James A. Clouse & Dale W. Henderson & Athanasios Orphanides & David H. Small & Peter A. Tinsley, 2000. "Monetary policy when the nominal short-term interest rate is zero," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2000-51, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Athanasios Orphanides, 2020. "The fiscal–monetary policy mix in the euro area: challenges at the zero lower bound," Economic Policy, CEPR, CESifo, Sciences Po;CES;MSH, vol. 35(103), pages 461-517.
    2. Tony Yates, 2004. "Monetary Policy and the Zero Bound to Interest Rates: A Review1," Journal of Economic Surveys, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 18(3), pages 427-481, July.
    3. Athanasios Orphanides, 2011. "Monetary Policy Lessons from the Crisis," Chapters, in: Sylvester Eijffinger & Donato Masciandaro (ed.), Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision, chapter 2, Edward Elgar Publishing.
    4. Bofinger, Peter & Feld, Lars P. & Schmidt, Christoph M. & Schnabel, Isabel & Wieland, Volker, 2018. "Vor wichtigen wirtschaftspolitischen Weichenstellungen. Jahresgutachten 2018/19 [Setting the Right Course for Economic Policy. Annual Report 2018/19]," Annual Economic Reports / Jahresgutachten, German Council of Economic Experts / Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, volume 127, number 201819.
    5. Athanasios Orphanides, 2021. "The Power of Central Bank Balance Sheets," Monetary and Economic Studies, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, vol. 39, pages 35-54, November.
    6. Haldane, Andrew & Roberts-Sklar, Matt & Wieladek, Tomasz & Young, Chris, 2016. "QE: The Story so far," Bank of England working papers 624, Bank of England.
    7. Willem H. Buiter, 2003. "Deflation: Prevention and Cure," NBER Working Papers 9623, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    8. Taneli Mäkinen & Fan Li & Andrea Mercatanti & Andrea Silvestrini, 2020. "Effects of eligibility for central bank purchases on corporate bond spreads," BIS Working Papers 894, Bank for International Settlements.
    9. Liu, Dehong & Gu, Hongmei & Xing, Tiancai, 2016. "The meltdown of the Chinese equity market in the summer of 2015," International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 45(C), pages 504-517.
    10. Joyce, Michael & Lasaosa, Ana & Stevens , Ibrahim & Tong, Matthew, 2010. "The financial market impact of quantitative easing," Bank of England working papers 393, Bank of England.
    11. Karen H. Johnson & David H. Small & Ralph W. Tryon, 1999. "Monetary policy and price stability," International Finance Discussion Papers 641, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    12. Louisa Kammerer & Miguel D. Ramirez, 2018. "Did Smaller Firms face Higher Costs of Credit during the Great Recession? A Vector Error Correction Analysis with Structural Breaks," Working Papers 1707, Trinity College, Department of Economics, revised Jun 2018.
    13. Mariano Kulish, 2006. "Term Structure Rules for Monetary Policy," RBA Research Discussion Papers rdp2006-02, Reserve Bank of Australia.
    14. Coenen, Gunter & Wieland, Volker, 2003. "The zero-interest-rate bound and the role of the exchange rate for monetary policy in Japan," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 50(5), pages 1071-1101, July.
    15. Bennett T. McCallum, 2000. "Theoretical analysis regarding a zero lower bound on nominal interest rates," Conference Series ; [Proceedings], Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, pages 870-935.
    16. Dieppe, Alistair & McAdam, Peter, 2006. "Monetary policy under a liquidity trap: Simulation evidence for the euro area," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Elsevier, vol. 20(3), pages 338-363, September.
    17. Ben S. Bernanke & Vincent Reinhart & Brian P. Sack, 2004. "Monetary policy alternatives at the zero bound: an empirical assessment," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2004-48, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    18. John C. Williams, 2020. "The Research–Policy Nexus: ZLB, JMCB, and FOMC," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 52(S2), pages 601-605, December.
    19. Koijen, Ralph S.J. & Koulischer, François & Nguyen, Benoît & Yogo, Motohiro, 2021. "Inspecting the mechanism of quantitative easing in the euro area," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 140(1), pages 1-20.
    20. John C. Williams, 2009. "Heeding Daedalus: Optimal Inflation and the Zero Lower Bound," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Economic Studies Program, The Brookings Institution, vol. 40(2 (Fall)), pages 1-49.
    21. Carl E. Walsh, 2011. "The Future of Inflation Targeting," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 87(s1), pages 23-36, September.
    22. Cizkowicz, Piotr & Rzonca, Andrzej, 2011. "Interest rates close to zero, post-crisis restructuring and natural interest rate," MPRA Paper 36989, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    23. W. Scott Frame & Eva Steiner, 2020. "Quantitative Easing and Agency MBS Investment and Financing Choices by Mortgage REITs," Working Papers 2020, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, revised 27 Apr 2021.
    24. Rafael Cezar & Maéva Silvestrini, 2021. "Impact of the ECB Quantitative Easing on the International Investment Position," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 165, pages 241-263.
    25. Svensson, Lars-E-O, 2001. "The Zero Bound in an Open Economy: A Foolproof Way of Escaping from a Liquidity Trap," Monetary and Economic Studies, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, vol. 19(S1), pages 277-312, February.
    26. Simon Gilchrist & Egon ZakrajŠEk, 2013. "The Impact of the Federal Reserve's Large-Scale Asset Purchase Programs on Corporate Credit Risk," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 45(s2), pages 29-57, December.
    27. Willem H. Buiter & Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, 1999. "Liquidity Traps: How to Avoid Them and How to Escape Them," NBER Working Papers 7245, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    28. Lars E.O. Svensson, 2004. "The Magic of the Exchange Rate: Optimal Escape from a Liquidity Trap in Small and Large OPen Economies," Working Papers 072004, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research.
    29. Takatoshi Ito, 2004. "Inflation Targeting and Japan: Why has the Bank of Japan not Adopted Inflation Targeting?," RBA Annual Conference Volume (Discontinued), in: Christopher Kent & Simon Guttmann (ed.),The Future of Inflation Targeting, Reserve Bank of Australia.
    30. Hills, Timothy S. & Nakata, Taisuke & Schmidt, Sebastian, 2019. "Effective lower bound risk," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 120(C).
    31. Miglierina Enrico & Molho Elena, 2002. "Well-posedness and convexity in vector optimization," Economics and Quantitative Methods qf0221, Department of Economics, University of Insubria.
    32. Athanasios Orphanides & Volker W. Wieland, 1999. "Efficient monetary policy design near price stability," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1999-67, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    33. Gaballo, Gaetano & Ehrmann, Michael & Hoffmann, Peter & Strasser, Georg, 2019. "Can more public information raise uncertainty? The international evidence on forward guidance," CEPR Discussion Papers 13977, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    34. Yuzo Honda, 2014. "The Effectiveness of Nontraditional Monetary Policy: The Case of Japan," The Japanese Economic Review, Japanese Economic Association, vol. 65(1), pages 1-23, March.
    35. Koulischer, François & Struyven, Daan, 2014. "Central bank liquidity provision and collateral quality," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 49(C), pages 113-130.
    36. Nobuyuki Oda & Kazuo Ueda, 2007. "The Effects Of The Bank Of Japan'S Zero Interest Rate Commitment And Quantitative Monetary Easing On The Yield Curve: A Macro‐Finance Approach," The Japanese Economic Review, Japanese Economic Association, vol. 58(3), pages 303-328, September.
    37. Nelson, Edward, 2013. "Friedman's monetary economics in practice," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 38(C), pages 59-83.
    38. Hiroshi Ugai, 2007. "Effects of the Quantitative Easing Policy: A Survey of Empirical Analyses," Monetary and Economic Studies, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, vol. 25(1), pages 1-48, March.
    39. Chikashi Tsuji, 2016. "Did the expectations channel work? Evidence from quantitative easing in Japan, 2001–06," Cogent Economics & Finance, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 4(1), pages 1210996-121, December.
    40. Tim Robinson & Andrew Stone, 2005. "Monetary Policy, Asset-Price Bubbles and the Zero Lower Bound," NBER Working Papers 11105, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    41. Hess T. Chung & Jean-Philippe Laforte & David L. Reifschneider & John C. Williams, 2011. "Have we underestimated the likelihood and severity of zero lower bound events?," Working Paper Series 2011-01, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    42. Gauti B. Eggertsson, 2006. "Fiscal multipliers and policy coordination," Staff Reports 241, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
    43. Kimura Takeshi & Small David H., 2006. "Quantitative Monetary Easing and Risk in Financial Asset Markets," The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, De Gruyter, vol. 6(1), pages 1-54, March.
    44. Diana Hancock & Wayne Passmore, 2015. "How Does the Federal Reserve's Large-Scale Asset Purchases (LSAPs) Influence Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) Yields and U.S. Mortgage Rates?," Real Estate Economics, American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, vol. 43(4), pages 855-890, November.
    45. Arne Bigsten, 2005. "Can Japan Make a Comeback?," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 28(4), pages 595-606, April.
    46. Shu Wu & Shigeru Iwata, 2004. "Estimating Monetary Policy Effects When Interest Rates are Bounded at Zero," Econometric Society 2004 Far Eastern Meetings 478, Econometric Society.
    47. Coenen, Günter & Ehrmann, Michael & Gaballo, Gaetano & Hoffmann, Peter & Nakov, Anton & Nardelli, Stefano & Persson, Eric & Strasser, Georg, 2017. "Communication of monetary policy in unconventional times," Working Paper Series 2080, European Central Bank.
    48. Hunt, Benjamin & Laxton, Douglas, 2004. "The Zero Interest Rate Floor (ZIF) and its Implications for Monetary Policy in Japan," National Institute Economic Review, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, vol. 187, pages 76-92, January.
    49. Carsten M. Stann & Theocharis N. Grigoriadis, 2020. "Monetary Policy Transmission to Russia and Eastern Europe," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 62(2), pages 303-353, June.
    50. David L. Reifschneider & John M. Roberts, 2005. "Expectations formation and the effectiveness of strategies for limiting the consequences of the zero bound on interest rates," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2005-70, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    51. Yuzo Honda, 2013. "The Effectiveness Of Nontraditional Monetary Policy: The Case Of Japan," Discussion Papers in Economics and Business 13-25, Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics.
    52. Burkhard, Lukas & Fischer, Andreas M., 2009. "Communicating policy options at the zero bound," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 28(5), pages 742-754, September.
    53. Nelson, Edward, 2003. "The Future of Monetary Aggregates in Monetary Policy Analysis," CEPR Discussion Papers 3897, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    54. Bruce McGough & Glenn D. Rudebusch & John C. Williams, 2004. "Using a long-term interest rate as the monetary policy instrument," Working Paper Series 2004-22, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    55. Alan J. Auerbach & Maurice Obstfeld, 2005. "The Case for Open-Market Purchases in a Liquidity Trap," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 95(1), pages 110-137, March.
    56. Oda, Nobuyuki & Nagahata, Takashi, 2008. "On the function of the zero interest rate commitment: Monetary policy rules in the presence of the zero lower bound on interest rates," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Elsevier, vol. 22(1), pages 34-67, March.
    57. Siekmann, Helmut & Wieland, Volker, 2020. "The ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court concerning the public sector purchase program: A practical way forward," IMFS Working Paper Series 140, Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS).
    58. Claudio Borio & Anna Zabai, 2016. "Unconventional monetary policies: a re-appraisal," BIS Working Papers 570, Bank for International Settlements.
    59. Bennett T. McCallum, 2001. "Inflation targeting and the liquidity trap," Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue Mar.
    60. Ragna Alstadheim, 2010. "The zero lower bound on the interest rate and a Neo-Classical Phillips curve," Working Paper 2010/13, Norges Bank.
    61. Dai, Meixing, 2011. "Quantitative and credit easing policies at the zero lower bound on the nominal interest rate," MPRA Paper 28129, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    62. Ali al-Nowaihi & Sanjit Dhami, 2011. "Strategic monetary and fiscal policy interaction in a liquidity trap," Discussion Papers in Economics 11/43, Division of Economics, School of Business, University of Leicester.
    63. Demary, Markus & Hüther, Michael, 2015. "Gefährden die unkonventionellen Maßnahmen der EZB den Ausstieg aus dem Niedrigzinsumfeld?," IW policy papers 7/2015, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute.
    64. van Holle, Frederiek, 2017. "Essays in empirical finance and monetary policy," Other publications TiSEM 30d11a4b-7bc9-4c81-ad24-5, Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management.
    65. Coenen, Gunter & Wieland, Volker, 2004. "Exchange-rate policy and the zero bound on nominal interest rates," MPRA Paper 76687, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    66. Lars E.O. Svensson, 2003. "Escaping from a Liquidity Trap and Deflation: The Foolproof Way and Others," NBER Working Papers 10195, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    67. Okina, Kunio & Shiratsuka, Shigenori, 2004. "Policy commitment and expectation formation: Japan's experience under zero interest rates," The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 15(1), pages 75-100, March.
    68. Mr. Gauti B. Eggertsson, 2003. "How to Fight Deflation in a Liquidity Trap: Committing to Being Irresponsible," IMF Working Papers 2003/064, International Monetary Fund.
    69. R. S.J. Koijen & F. Koulischer & B. Nguyen & M. Yogo, 2016. "Quantitative Easing in the Euro Area: The Dynamics of Risk Exposures and the Impact on Asset Prices," Working papers 601, Banque de France.
    70. Costa-Filho, João, 2019. "The 2008 Crisis: An International Finance (Over)view," Journal of Quantitative Methods, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan, vol. 3(2), pages 1-27.
    71. Jean-Marc Natal, 2004. "Deflation and Deflationary Traps: The Situation in Switzerland," Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES), Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES), vol. 140(I), pages 127-170, March.
    72. Lyonnet, Victor & Werner, Richard A., 2011. "The lessons from QE and other "unconventional" monetary policies: Evidence from the Bank of England," CFS Working Paper Series 2011/29, Center for Financial Studies (CFS).
    73. Jeff W. Huther & Jane E. Ihrig & Elizabeth C. Klee, 2017. "The Federal Reserve's Portfolio and its Effect on Interest Rates," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2017-075, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    74. Belke, Ansgar & Gros, Daniel, 2021. "QE in the euro area: Has the PSPP benefited peripheral bonds?," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 73(C).
    75. Taisuke Nakata & Sebastian Schmidt & Timothy Hills, 2016. "The Risky Steady State and the Interest Rate Lower Bound," 2016 Meeting Papers 39, Society for Economic Dynamics.
    76. Ben S. Bernanke & Vincent R. Reinhart, 2004. "Conducting Monetary Policy at Very Low Short-Term Interest Rates," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 94(2), pages 85-90, May.
    77. Small David H. & Clouse James, 2005. "The Scope of Monetary Policy Actions Authorized Under the Federal Reserve Act," The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, De Gruyter, vol. 5(1), pages 1-43, April.
    78. Roberto M. Billi, 2009. "Was monetary policy optimal during past deflation scares?," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, vol. 94(Q III), pages 67-98.
    79. Junning Cai, 2004. "Liquidity Trap Prevention and Escape: A Simple Proposition," Macroeconomics 0402033, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    80. Kotaro Ishi & Mr. Kenji Fujita & Mr. Mark R. Stone, 2011. "Should Unconventional Balance Sheet Policies Be Added to the Central Bank toolkit? a Review of the Experience so Far," IMF Working Papers 2011/145, International Monetary Fund.
    81. Marquez, Jaime & Morse, Ari & Schlusche, Bernd, 2013. "The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet and overnight interest rates: Empirical modeling of exit strategies," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 37(12), pages 5300-5315.
    82. Lewis, Kenneth A. & Seidman, Laurence S., 2008. "Overcoming the zero interest-rate bound: A quantitative prescription," Journal of Policy Modeling, Elsevier, vol. 30(5), pages 751-760.
    83. Klaeffling, Matt & López Pérez, Víctor, 2003. "Inflation targets and the liquidity trap," Working Paper Series 272, European Central Bank.
    84. Alan G. Ahearne & Joseph E. Gagnon & Jane Haltmaier & Steven Scott MacDonald, 2002. "Preventing deflation: lessons from Japan's experience in the 1990s," International Finance Discussion Papers 729, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    85. David L. Reifschneider & John C. Williams, 2000. "Three lessons for monetary policy in a low-inflation era," Conference Series ; [Proceedings], Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, pages 936-978.
    86. Cenedese, Gino & Elard, Ilaf, 2018. "Unconventional monetary policy and the portfolio choice of international mutual funds," Bank of England working papers 705, Bank of England.
    87. Fernando M. Duarte & Benjamin K. Johannsen & Leonardo Melosi & Taisuke Nakata, 2020. "Strengthening the FOMC’s Framework in View of the Effective Lower Bound and Some Considerations Related to Time-Inconsistent Strategies," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2020-067, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    88. Stann, Carsten M. & Grigoriadis, Theocharis, 2019. "Monetary policy transmission to Russia & Eastern Europe," Discussion Papers 2019/6, Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics.
    89. Mariano Kulish, 2005. "Should Monetary Policy use Long-term Rates?," Boston College Working Papers in Economics 635, Boston College Department of Economics.
    90. Mr. Andre Meier, 2009. "Panacea, Curse, or Nonevent? Unconventional Monetary Policy in the United Kingdom," IMF Working Papers 2009/163, International Monetary Fund.
    91. Shigeru Iwata, 2010. "Monetary Policy and the Term Structure of Interest Rates When Short-Term Rates Are Close to Zero," Monetary and Economic Studies, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, vol. 28, pages 59-78, November.
    92. Jones, Callum & Kulish, Mariano, 2013. "Long-term interest rates, risk premia and unconventional monetary policy," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 37(12), pages 2547-2561.
    93. Bofinger, Peter & Schnabel, Isabel & Feld, Lars P. & Schmidt, Christoph M. & Wieland, Volker, 2014. "Mehr Vertrauen in Marktprozesse. Jahresgutachten 2014/15 [More confidence in market processes. Annual Report 2014/15]," Annual Economic Reports / Jahresgutachten, German Council of Economic Experts / Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, volume 127, number 201415.
    94. Athanasios Orphanides, 2004. "Monetary policy in deflation: the liquidity trap in history and practice," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2004-01, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    95. Nagayasu, Jun, 2007. "Empirical analysis of the exchange rate channel in Japan," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 26(6), pages 887-904, October.
    96. Alfonso Palacio Vera, 2009. "Some Reflections on the Theory of the “Liquidity Trap”," Documentos de trabajo de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales 09-02, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales.
    97. James A. Clouse & David H. Small, 2004. "The scope of monetary policy actions authorized under the Federal Reserve Act," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2004-40, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    98. Jaime R. Marquez & Ari Morse & Bernd Schlusche, 2012. "The Federal Reserve's balance sheet and overnight interest rates," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2012-66, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    99. Takatoshi Ito, 2009. "Fire, flood, and lifeboats: policy responses to the global crisis of 2007-09," Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue Oct, pages 207-249.
    100. Jakub Jakl, 2020. "Outreach and Effects of the ECB Corporate Sector Purchase Programme," Prague Economic Papers, Prague University of Economics and Business, vol. 2020(3), pages 291-314.
    101. Hiroshi Ugai, 2006. "Effects of the Quantitative Easing Policy: A Survey of Empirical Analyses," Bank of Japan Working Paper Series 06-E-10, Bank of Japan.
    102. Nobuyuki Oda & Takashi Nagahata, 2005. "On the Function of the Zero Interest Rate Commitment: Monetary Policy Rules in the Presence of the Zero Lower Bound on Interest Rates," Bank of Japan Working Paper Series 05-E-1, Bank of Japan.
    103. Mäkinen, Taneli & Li, Fan & Mercatanti, Andrea & Silvestrini, Andrea, 2022. "Causal analysis of central bank holdings of corporate bonds under interference," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 113(C).
    104. Lim, Jamus Jerome & Mohapatra, Sanket, 2016. "Quantitative easing and the post-crisis surge in financial flows to developing countries," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 68(C), pages 331-357.
    105. Laurence H. Meyer, 2001. "Does money matter?," Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, vol. 83(May), pages 1-16.
    106. Gauti B. Eggertsson & Michael Woodford, 2003. "Optimal Monetary Policy in a Liquidity Trap," NBER Working Papers 9968, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    107. Michal Jurek & Pawel Marszalek, 2015. "Policy alternatives for the relationship between ECB monetary and financial policies and new member states," Working papers wpaper112, Financialisation, Economy, Society & Sustainable Development (FESSUD) Project.
    108. James M. Nason & Charles I. Plosser, 2012. "Time-consistency and credible monetary policy after the crisis," Business Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, issue Q2, pages 19-26.
    109. Buiter, Willem, 2001. "The Liquidity Trap in an Open Economy," CEPR Discussion Papers 2923, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    110. Voutsinas, Konstantinos & Werner, Richard A., 2011. "New evidence on the effectiveness of "Quantitative Easing" in Japan," CFS Working Paper Series 2011/30, Center for Financial Studies (CFS).
    111. Robert N McCauley & Kazuo Ueda, 2009. "Government debt management at low interest rates," BIS Quarterly Review, Bank for International Settlements, June.
    112. William T. Gavin, 2003. "Inflation targeting: why it works and how to make it work better," Working Papers 2003-027, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
    113. Semmler, Willi & Zhang, Wenlang, 2007. "Asset price volatility and monetary policy rules: A dynamic model and empirical evidence," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 24(3), pages 411-430, May.
    114. Reifschneider, David L. & Roberts, John M., 2006. "Expectations formation and the effectiveness of strategies for limiting the consequences of the zero bound," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Elsevier, vol. 20(3), pages 314-337, September.
    115. Michael A. S. Joyce & Ana Lasaosa & Ibrahim Stevens & Matthew Tong, 2011. "The Financial Market Impact of Quantitative Easing in the United Kingdom," International Journal of Central Banking, International Journal of Central Banking, vol. 7(3), pages 113-161, September.
    116. Bias Peter V. & Hall Joshua D., 2021. "A Test of Neo-Fisherism: 1964–2019," The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, De Gruyter, vol. 21(1), pages 221-251, January.
    117. Mamatzakis, Emmanuel & Bermpei, Theodora, 2016. "What is the effect of unconventional monetary policy on bank performance?," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 67(C), pages 239-263.
    118. Rafael Cezar & Maéva Silvestrini, 2018. "Impact of the ECB Quantitative Easing on the French International Investment Position," Working papers 701, Banque de France.
    119. Maciej Ryczkowski, 2015. "Ewolucja pogladow Miltona Friedmana, a ocena polityki pienieznej Fed i EBC w okresie kryzysu finansowego," Working Papers 168/2015, Institute of Economic Research, revised Dec 2015.
    120. Kuttner, Kenneth-N, 2004. "Comments on "Price Stability and Japanese Monetary Policy."," Monetary and Economic Studies, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, vol. 22(3), pages 37-46, October.
    121. Carl E. Walsh, 2009. "Using monetary policy to stabilize economic activity," Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, pages 245-296.
    122. Nobuyuki Oda & Kazuo Ueda, 2005. "The Effects of the Bank of Japan's Zero Interest Rate Commitment and Quantitative Monetary Easing on the Yield Curve: A Macro-Finance Approach (subsequently published in "The Japanese Economic Re," CARF F-Series CARF-F-031, Center for Advanced Research in Finance, Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo.

  12. Sharon Kozicki & Peter Tinsley, 1999. "Permanent and Transitory Policy Shocks in a VAR with Asymmetric Information," Computing in Economics and Finance 1999 844, Society for Computational Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2002. "Alternative sources of the lag dynamics of inflation," Research Working Paper RWP 02-12, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

  13. Peter A. Tinsley, 1998. "Rational error correction," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1998-37, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Giovanni Angelini & Luca Fanelli Fanelli, 2015. "Misspecification and Expectations Correction in New Keynesian DSGE Models," Quaderni di Dipartimento 1, Department of Statistics, University of Bologna.
    2. Marc-André Gosselin & René Lalonde, 2004. "Modélisation « PAC » du secteur extérieur de l'économie américaine," Staff Working Papers 04-3, Bank of Canada.
    3. Kiley, Michael T., 2001. "Computers and growth with frictions: aggregate and disaggregate evidence," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Elsevier, vol. 55(1), pages 171-215, December.
    4. Michael Arghyrou & Christopher Martin & Costas Milas, 2005. "Non-linear inflationary dynamics: evidence from the UK," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 57(1), pages 51-69, January.
    5. Giacinto Micucci & Valter di Giacinto, 2009. "The Producer Service Sector in Italy: Long-term Growth and its Local Determinants," Spatial Economic Analysis, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 4(4), pages 391-425.
    6. Fanelli, Luca, 2006. "Multi-equational linear quadratic adjustment cost models with rational expectations and cointegration," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 30(3), pages 445-456, March.
    7. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2002. "Alternative sources of the lag dynamics of inflation," Research Working Paper RWP 02-12, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    8. Angelini, Elena & Bokan, Nikola & Christoffel, Kai & Ciccarelli, Matteo & Zimic, Srečko, 2019. "Introducing ECB-BASE: The blueprint of the new ECB semi-structural model for the euro area," Working Paper Series 2315, European Central Bank.
    9. Sienknecht, Sebastian, 2016. "Reassessing price adjustment costs in DSGE models," MPRA Paper 73763, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    10. Jeffrey C. Fuhrer & Giovanni P. Olivei, 2004. "Estimating forward looking Euler equations with GMM estimators: an optimal instruments approach," Working Papers 04-2, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
    11. Ireland, Peter N., 2001. "Sticky-price models of the business cycle: Specification and stability," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 47(1), pages 3-18, February.
    12. Philippe Jeanfils & Koen Burggraeve, 2005. "Noname - A new quarterly model for Belgium," Working Paper Research 68, National Bank of Belgium.
    13. Òscar Jordà & Sharon Kozicki, 2007. "Estimation and Inference by the Method of Projection Minimum Distance," Staff Working Papers 07-56, Bank of Canada.
    14. Meurers Martin, 2004. "Estimating Supply and Demand Functions in International Trade: A Multivariate Cointegration Analysis for Germany / Die Schätzung von Angebots- und Nachfragefunktionen im Außenhandel: Eine multivariate," Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik), De Gruyter, vol. 224(5), pages 530-556, October.
    15. Rochelle M. Edge & Thomas Laubach & John C. Williams, 2003. "The responses of wages and prices to technology shocks," Working Paper Series 2003-21, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    16. Kozicki, Sharon, 2012. "Macro has progressed," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 34(1), pages 23-28.
    17. Fanelli, Luca, 2007. "Evaluating the New Keynesian Phillips Curve under VAR-based learning," MPRA Paper 1616, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    18. Matthieu Lemoine & Harri Turunen & Mohammed Chahad & Antoine Lepetit & Anastasia Zhutova & Pierre Aldama & Pierrick Clerc & Jean-Pierre Laffargue, 2019. "The FR-BDF Model and an Assessment of Monetary Policy Transmission in France," Working papers 736, Banque de France.
    19. Peter Von zur Muehlen, 2001. "The effect of past and future economic fundamentals on spending and pricing behavior in the FRB/US macroeconomic model," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2001-12, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    20. Matthieu Lemoine & Harri Turunen & Mohammed Chahad & Antoine Lepetit & Anastasia Zhutova & Pierre Aldama & Pierrick Clerc & Jean-Pierre Laffargue, 2019. "The FR-BDF Model and an Assessment of Monetary Policy Transmission in France, Working Paper Series no. 736, Banque de France," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-02400611, HAL.
    21. Fanelli, Luca, 2002. "A new approach for estimating and testing the linear quadratic adjustment cost model under rational expectations and I(1) variables," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 26(1), pages 117-139, January.
    22. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "Dynamic specifications in optimizing trend-deviation macro models," Research Working Paper RWP 01-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    23. David Aristei & Luca Pieroni, 2007. "Habits, Complementarities and Heterogenenity in Alcohol and Tobacco Demand: A Multivariate Dynamic Model," Working Papers 38/2007, University of Verona, Department of Economics.
    24. Luca Fanelli, 2009. "Estimation of quasi-rational DSGE monetary models," Quaderni di Dipartimento 3, Department of Statistics, University of Bologna.
    25. Anders Rygh Swensen & Pål Boug & Ådne Cappelen & Eilev S. Jansen, 2019. "The consumption Euler equation or the Keynesian consumption function?," Discussion Papers 904, Statistics Norway, Research Department.
    26. Olivier Gervais & Marc-André Gosselin, 2014. "Analyzing and Forecasting the Canadian Economy through the LENS Model," Technical Reports 102, Bank of Canada.
    27. Marc-André Gosselin & René Lalonde, 2003. "Un modèle « PAC » d'analyse et de prévision des dépense des ménages américains," Staff Working Papers 03-13, Bank of Canada.
    28. Gbaguidi, David, 2012. "La courbe de Phillips : temps d’arbitrage et/ou arbitrage de temps," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 88(1), pages 87-119, mars.
    29. Christopher Martin & Michael Arghyrou & Costas Milas, 2004. "Nonlinear inflation dynamics: evidence from the UK," Money Macro and Finance (MMF) Research Group Conference 2003 59, Money Macro and Finance Research Group.

  14. Peter A. Tinsley, 1998. "Short rate expectations, term premiums, and central bank use of derivatives to reduce policy uncertainty," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1999-14, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Melecky, Ales & Melecky, Martin, 2008. "From Inflation to Exchange Rate Targeting: Estimating the Stabilization Effects," MPRA Paper 10844, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    2. Paolo Savona & Aurelio Maccario & Chiara Oldani, 2000. "On Monetary Analysis of Derivatives," Open Economies Review, Springer, vol. 11(1), pages 149-175, August.
    3. Martina Cecioni & Giuseppe Ferrero & Alessandro Secchi, 2011. "Unconventional Monetary Policy in Theory and in Practice," Questioni di Economia e Finanza (Occasional Papers) 102, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
    4. Sala, Luca & Söderström, Ulf & Trigari, Antonella, 2008. "Monetary Policy Under Uncertainty in an Estimated Model with Labour Market Frictions," CEPR Discussion Papers 6826, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    5. Chiara Oldani, 2006. "money demand and futures," ISAE Working Papers 69, ISTAT - Italian National Institute of Statistics - (Rome, ITALY).
    6. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "Dynamic specifications in optimizing trend-deviation macro models," Research Working Paper RWP 01-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    7. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2002. "Term premia : endogenous constraints on monetary policy," Research Working Paper RWP 02-07, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    8. Small David H. & Clouse James, 2005. "The Scope of Monetary Policy Actions Authorized Under the Federal Reserve Act," The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, De Gruyter, vol. 5(1), pages 1-43, April.
    9. James A. Clouse & Dale W. Henderson & Athanasios Orphanides & David H. Small & Peter A. Tinsley, 2000. "Monetary policy when the nominal short-term interest rate is zero," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2000-51, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    10. Chiara Oldani, 2005. "An Overview of the Literature about Derivatives," Macroeconomics 0504004, University Library of Munich, Germany.

  15. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 1998. "Term structure views of monetary policy," Research Working Paper 98-07, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

    Cited by:

    1. Todd E. Clark & Troy Davig, 2008. "An empirical assessment of the relationships among inflation and short- and long-term expectations," Research Working Paper RWP 08-05, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    2. Filippo COSSETTI & Francesco GUIDI, 2009. "ECB Monetary Policy and Term Structure of Interest Rates in the Euro Area: an Empirical Analysis," Working Papers 334, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche (I), Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali.
    3. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Term structure transmission of monetary policy," Research Working Paper RWP 05-06, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    4. Peter A. Tinsley, 1998. "Short rate expectations, term premiums, and central bank use of derivatives to reduce policy uncertainty," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1999-14, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

  16. Reva Krieger & Peter A. Tinsley, 1997. "Asymmetric adjustments of price and output," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1997-31, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Bergvall, Anders & Forsfält, Tomas & Hjelm, Göran & Nilsson, Jonny & Vartiainen, Juhana, 2007. "KIMOD 1.0 Documentation of NIER´s Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model of the Swedish Economy," Working Papers 100, National Institute of Economic Research.
    2. Yamei Liu & Walter Enders, 2003. "Out‐of‐Sample Forecasts and Nonlinear Model Selection with an Example of the Term Structure of Interest Rates," Southern Economic Journal, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 69(3), pages 520-540, January.
    3. Kuo, Shew-Huei, 2000. "An examination of the evolving relationship between interest rates of different maturities in Japan, and test of the expectations hypothesis of the term structure to ascertain the feasibility of using," ISU General Staff Papers 2000010108000014910, Iowa State University, Department of Economics.
    4. Liu, Yamei, 2000. "Overfitting and forecasting: linear versus non-linear time series models," ISU General Staff Papers 2000010108000014914, Iowa State University, Department of Economics.
    5. Deleersnyder, B. & Dekimpe, M.G. & Sarvary, M. & Parker, P.M., 2003. "Weathering Tight Economic Times: The Sales Evolution Of Consumer Durables Over The Business Cycle," ERIM Report Series Research in Management ERS-2003-046-MKT, Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), ERIM is the joint research institute of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
    6. Rena Sivitanidou, 1999. "Does the Theory of Irreversible Investments Help Explain Movements in Office-Commerical Construction?," Working Paper 8659, USC Lusk Center for Real Estate.
    7. Ramos, Raul & Clar, Miquel & Surinach, Jordi, 1999. "EMU: some unanswered questions," ERSA conference papers ersa99pa220, European Regional Science Association.
    8. Carol Corrado & Joe Mattey, 1997. "Capacity Utilization," Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, vol. 11(1), pages 151-167, Winter.
    9. Morris, Daniel H. & Parrott, Scott D. & Mehlhorn, Joey & Tewari, Rachna & Pruitt, Ross, 2017. "The Price Transmission Relationship Between Ethanol, Wholesale Gasoline, And Blended Retail Gasoline," International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics (IJFAEC), Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Department of Economics and Finance, vol. 5(2), April.

  17. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 1997. "Shifting endpoints in the term structure of interest rates," Research Working Paper 97-08, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

    Cited by:

    1. Geert Bekaert & Seonghoon Cho & Antonio Moreno, 2005. "New-Keynesian Macroeconomics and the Term Structure," NBER Working Papers 11340, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    2. Hans Dewachter & Leonardo Iania & Marco Lyrio, 2014. "Information in the yield curve: A Macro-Finance approach," Working Paper Research 254, National Bank of Belgium.
    3. Matsumura, Marco & Moreira, Ajax & Vicente, José, 2011. "Forecasting the yield curve with linear factor models," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 20(5), pages 237-243.
    4. Bobeica, Elena & Ciccarelli, Matteo & Vansteenkiste, Isabel, 2019. "The link between labor cost and price inflation in the euro area," Working Paper Series 2235, European Central Bank.
    5. Stefano Eusepi & Bruce Preston, 2013. "Fiscal foundations of inflation: imperfect knowledge," Staff Reports 649, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
    6. Hans Dewachter, 2008. "Imperfect information, macroeconomic dynamics and the yield curve : an encompassing macro-finance model," Working Paper Research 144, National Bank of Belgium.
    7. Tao Wu, 2001. "Macro factors and the affine term structure of interest rates," Working Paper Series 2002-06, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    8. Alejandro Justiniano & Giorgio E. Primiceri & Andrea Tambalotti, 2013. "The Effects of the Saving and Banking Glut on the U.S. Economy," NBER Chapters, in: NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2013, pages 52-67, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    9. Tallman, Ellis W. & Zaman, Saeed, 2020. "Combining survey long-run forecasts and nowcasts with BVAR forecasts using relative entropy," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 36(2), pages 373-398.
    10. Glenn D. Rudebusch & John C. Williams, 2008. "Revealing the Secrets of the Temple: The Value of Publishing Central Bank Interest Rate Projections," NBER Chapters, in: Asset Prices and Monetary Policy, pages 247-289, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    11. Demertzis Maria & Marcellino Massimiliano & Viegi Nicola, 2012. "A Credibility Proxy: Tracking US Monetary Developments," The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, De Gruyter, vol. 12(1), pages 1-36, June.
    12. Stefano Eusepi & Marc P. Giannoni & Bruce Preston, 2017. "Some implications of learning for price stability," CAMA Working Papers 2017-08, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
    13. Hans Dewachter & Marco Lyrio & Konstantijn Maes, 2001. "The Effect of Monetary Unification on German Bond Markets," International Economics Working Papers Series wpie005, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centrum voor Economische Studiën, International Economics.
    14. Jagjit Chadha & Sean Holly, 2006. "Macroeconomic Models and the Yield Curve," Computing in Economics and Finance 2006 105, Society for Computational Economics.
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    16. Luis Gil-Alana & Antonio Moreno, 2007. "Uncovering the U.S. Term Premium: An Alternative Route," Faculty Working Papers 12/07, School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Navarra.
    17. Christoph Berninger & Almond Stöcker & David Rügamer, 2022. "A Bayesian time‐varying autoregressive model for improved short‐term and long‐term prediction," Journal of Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 41(1), pages 181-200, January.
    18. Marco Lyrio & Hans Dewachter, 2004. "Filtering Long-Run Inflation Expectations with a Structural Macro Model of the Yield Curve," Computing in Economics and Finance 2004 188, Society for Computational Economics.
    19. Wali Ullah & Yoshihiko Tsukuda & Yasumasa Matsuda, 2012. "Term Structure Forecasting of Government Bond Yields with Latent and Macroeconomic Factors: Does Macroeconomic Factors Imply Better Out-of-Sample Forecasts?," TERG Discussion Papers 287, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University.
    20. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Minding the gap : central bank estimates of the unemployment natural rate," Research Working Paper RWP 05-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    21. Michael D. Bauer & Glenn D. Rudebusch, 2017. "Interest Rates Under Falling Stars," CESifo Working Paper Series 6571, CESifo.
    22. Sarno, Lucio & Thornton, Daniel L. & Valente, Giorgio, 2007. "The Empirical Failure of the Expectations Hypothesis of the Term Structure of Bond Yields," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Cambridge University Press, vol. 42(1), pages 81-100, March.
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    27. Rossi, Barbara & Wang, Yiru, 2019. "Vector autoregressive-based Granger causality test in the presence of instabilities," MPRA Paper 101492, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    28. Todd E. Clark, 2003. "Disaggregate evidence on the persistence of consumer price inflation," Research Working Paper RWP 03-11, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    29. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "What do you expect? : imperfect policy credibility and tests of the expectations hypothesis?," Research Working Paper RWP 01-02, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
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    37. Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken, 2010. "Averaging forecasts from VARs with uncertain instabilities," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 25(1), pages 5-29.
    38. Daniel L. Thornton, 2012. "Greenspan’s conundrum and the Fed’s ability to affect long-term yields," Working Papers 2012-036, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
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    43. Junko Koeda, 2011. "How Does Yield Curve Predict GDP Growth? A Macro-Finance Approach Revisited," CIRJE F-Series CIRJE-F-784, CIRJE, Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo.
    44. Jeffrey C. Fuhrer & Giovanni P. Olivei & Eric Rosengren & Geoffrey M. B. Tootell, 2018. "Should the Fed regularly evaluate its monetary policy framework?," Working Papers 18-8, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
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    52. Shujaat Khan & Edward S. Knotek, 2014. "Drifting Inflation Targets and Monetary Stagflation," Working Papers (Old Series) 1426, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
    53. Glenn D. Rudebusch, 2010. "Macro-finance models of interest rates and the economy," Working Paper Series 2010-01, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    54. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2002. "Alternative sources of the lag dynamics of inflation," Research Working Paper RWP 02-12, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    55. Kwangyong Park, 2020. "The Excess Sensitivity of Long-term Interest rates and Central Bank Credibility," Working Papers 2020-29, Economic Research Institute, Bank of Korea.
    56. Andreas Reschreiter, 2010. "Inflation And The Mean‐Reverting Level Of The Short Rate," Manchester School, University of Manchester, vol. 78(1), pages 76-91, January.
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    58. Ellis W. Tallman & Saeed Zaman, 2015. "Forecasting Inflation: Phillips Curve Effects on Services Price Measures," Working Papers (Old Series) 1519, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
    59. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 1996. "Moving endpoints and the internal consistency of agents' ex ante forecasts," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 96-47, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
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    61. Hans Dewachter, 2004. "Macro factors and the term structure of interest rates," Money Macro and Finance (MMF) Research Group Conference 2003 25, Money Macro and Finance Research Group.
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    66. Peter N. Ireland, 2006. "Changes in the Federal Reserve's Inflation Target: Causes and Consequences," NBER Working Papers 12492, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
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    68. Queijo von Heideken, Virginia, 2008. "Monetary Policy Regimes and the Volatility of Long-Term Interest Rates," Working Paper Series 220, Sveriges Riksbank (Central Bank of Sweden).
    69. Glenn D. Rudebusch & Eric T. Swanson & Tao Wu, 2006. "The Bond Yield "Conundrum" from a Macro-Finance Perspective," Monetary and Economic Studies, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, vol. 24(S1), pages 83-109, December.
    70. Andrea Carriero & Carlo Favero & Iryna Kaminska, 2004. "Financial Factors, Macroeconomic Information and the Expectations Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates," Working Papers 253, IGIER (Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research), Bocconi University.
    71. Jeff Fuhrer & Giovanni P. Olivei & Eric S. Rosengren & Geoffrey M.B. Tootell, 2018. "Should the Federal Reserve Regularly Evaluate Its Monetary Policy Framework?," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Economic Studies Program, The Brookings Institution, vol. 49(2 (Fall)), pages 443-517.
    72. Philippe Andrade & Richard K. Crump & Stefano Eusepi & Emanuel Moench, 2013. "Fundamental disagreement," Staff Reports 655, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
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    79. Shuo Cao, 2018. "Learning about Term Structure Predictability under Uncertainty," GRU Working Paper Series GRU_2018_006, City University of Hong Kong, Department of Economics and Finance, Global Research Unit.
    80. Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken, 2006. "Forecasting of small macroeconomic VARs in the presence of instabilities," Research Working Paper RWP 06-09, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    81. Shigenori Shiratsuka, 2021. "Monetary Policy Effectiveness under the Ultra-Low Interest Rate Environment: Evidence from Yield Curve Dynamics in Japan," Keio-IES Discussion Paper Series 2021-012, Institute for Economics Studies, Keio University.
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    84. Tao Wu & Glenn Rudebusch, 2004. "A Macro-Finance Model of the Term Structure, Monetary Policy, and the Economy," 2004 Meeting Papers 104, Society for Economic Dynamics.
    85. Glenn D. Rudebusch & Tao Wu, 2007. "Accounting for a Shift in Term Structure Behavior with No‐Arbitrage and Macro‐Finance Models," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 39(2‐3), pages 395-422, March.
    86. Refet S. Gürkaynak & Jonathan H. Wright, 2012. "Macroeconomics and the Term Structure," Journal of Economic Literature, American Economic Association, vol. 50(2), pages 331-367, June.
    87. Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken, 2011. "Advances in forecast evaluation," Working Papers (Old Series) 1120, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
    88. Monika Piazzesi & Martin Schneider, 2006. "Equilibrium Yield Curves," NBER Working Papers 12609, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
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    90. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P. A., 2001. "Term structure views of monetary policy under alternative models of agent expectations," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 25(1-2), pages 149-184, January.
    91. Thomas Laubach, 2003. "New evidence on the interest rate effects of budget deficits and debt," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2003-12, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    92. Bruno Feunou & Jean-Sébastien Fontaine, 2012. "Forecasting Inflation and the Inflation Risk Premiums Using Nominal Yields," Staff Working Papers 12-37, Bank of Canada.
    93. Jiazi Chen & Zhiwu Hong & Linlin Niu, 2022. "Forecasting Interest Rates with Shifting Endpoints: The Role of the Demographic Age Structure," Working Papers 2022-06-25, Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University.
    94. Charles L. Evans & David A. Marshall, 2005. "Fundamental Economic Shocks and The Macroeconomy," Working Papers Central Bank of Chile 351, Central Bank of Chile.
    95. Michael D. Bauer, 2015. "Restrictions on Risk Prices in Dynamic Term Structure Models," CESifo Working Paper Series 5241, CESifo.
    96. Bobeica, Elena & Ciccarelli, Matteo & Vansteenkiste, Isabel, 2021. "The changing link between labor cost and price inflation in the United States," Working Paper Series 2583, European Central Bank.
    97. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2012. "Effective Use of Survey Information in Estimating the Evolution of Expected Inflation," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 44(1), pages 145-169, February.
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    99. James D. Hamilton & Seth Pruitt & Scott Borger, 2011. "Estimating the Market-Perceived Monetary Policy Rule," American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, American Economic Association, vol. 3(3), pages 1-28, July.
    100. Eric Gaus & Arunima Sinha, 2015. "Characterizing Investor Expectations for Assets with Varying Risk," Working Papers 15-01, Ursinus College, Department of Economics.
    101. Michael T. Kiley, 2008. "Monetary policy actions and long-run inflation expectations," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2008-03, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
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    104. Carlos Carvalho & Stefano Eusepi & Emanuel Moench & Bruce Preston, 2023. "Anchored Inflation Expectations," American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, American Economic Association, vol. 15(1), pages 1-47, January.
    105. Brian Ironside & Robert J. Tetlow, 2006. "Real-time model uncertainty in the United States: the Fed from 1996-2003," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2006-08, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    106. Dewachter, Hans & Iania, Leonardo & Lyrio, Marco, 2011. "A New-Keynesian Model of the Yield Curve with Learning Dynamics: A Bayesian Evaluation," Insper Working Papers wpe_250, Insper Working Paper, Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa.
    107. Tao Wu & Glenn Rudebusch, 2005. "The Recent Shift in Term Structure Behavior from a No-Arbitrage Macro-Finance Perspective," Computing in Economics and Finance 2005 3, Society for Computational Economics.
    108. Don H. Kim & Athanasios Orphanides, 2005. "Term structure estimation with survey data on interest rate forecasts," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2005-48, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    109. Malik, Sheheryar & Meldrum, Andrew, 2016. "Evaluating the robustness of UK term structure decompositions using linear regression methods," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 67(C), pages 85-102.
    110. Karsten Ruth, 2007. "Interest rate reaction functions for the euro area," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 33(3), pages 541-569, November.
    111. Sean P. Grover & Kevin L. Kliesen & Michael W. McCracken, 2016. "A Macroeconomic News Index for Constructing Nowcasts of U.S. Real Gross Domestic Product Growth," Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, vol. 98(4), pages 277-296.
    112. Christopher F. Baum & Meral Karasulu, 1997. "Credible Disinflation Policy in a Dynamic Setting," Boston College Working Papers in Economics 375, Boston College Department of Economics.
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    114. John C. Williams, 2005. "Robust estimation and monetary policy with unobserved structural change," Proceedings, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), pages 53-81.
    115. Guihai Zhao, 2020. "Learning, Equilibrium Trend, Cycle, and Spread in Bond Yields," Staff Working Papers 20-14, Bank of Canada.
    116. Antonio Diez de los Rios & Maral Shamloo, 2017. "Quantitative Easing and Long-Term Yields in Small Open Economies," Staff Working Papers 17-26, Bank of Canada.
    117. Dewachter, Hans & Iania, Leonardo, 2009. "An Extended Macro-Finance Model with Financial Factors," MPRA Paper 18840, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    118. Marc-André Gosselin & Sharon Kozicki, 2023. "Making It Real: Bringing Research Models into Central Bank Projections," Discussion Papers 2023-29, Bank of Canada.
    119. Ruth, Karsten, 2004. "Interest rate reaction functions for the euro area Evidence from panel data analysis," Discussion Paper Series 1: Economic Studies 2004,33, Deutsche Bundesbank.
    120. Wali Ullah & Yasumasa Matsuda & Yoshihiko Tsukuda, 2014. "Dynamics of the term structure of interest rates and monetary policy: is monetary policy effective during zero interest rate policy?," Journal of Applied Statistics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 41(3), pages 546-572, March.
    121. Yiru Wang & Barbara Rossi, 2019. "VAR-based Granger-causality test in the presence of instabilities," Economics Working Papers 1642, Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
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    125. Taylor, Alan M. & Davis, Josh & Fuenzalida, Cristian, 2019. "The Natural Rate Puzzle: Global Macro Trends and the Market-Implied r," CEPR Discussion Papers 14201, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
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    128. Carlo A. Favero & Arie E. Gozluklu & Haoxi Yang, 2011. "Demographics and The Behaviour of Interest Rates," Working Papers 388, IGIER (Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research), Bocconi University.
    129. Rossi, Barbara, 2013. "Advances in Forecasting under Instability," Handbook of Economic Forecasting, in: G. Elliott & C. Granger & A. Timmermann (ed.), Handbook of Economic Forecasting, edition 1, volume 2, chapter 0, pages 1203-1324, Elsevier.
    130. Kaya, Huseyin, 2013. "Forecasting the yield curve and the role of macroeconomic information in Turkey," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 33(C), pages 1-7.
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    132. Taeyoung Doh, 2007. "What does the yield curve tell us about the Federal Reserve's implicit inflation target?," Research Working Paper RWP 07-10, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    133. Tillmann, Peter, 2003. "Cointegration and Regime-Switching Risk Premia in the U.S. Term Structure of Interest Rates," Bonn Econ Discussion Papers 27/2003, University of Bonn, Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE).
    134. Karapanagiotidis, Paul, 2012. "Improving Bayesian VAR density forecasts through autoregressive Wishart Stochastic Volatility," MPRA Paper 38885, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    135. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2003. "Permanent and transitory policy shocks in an empirical macro model with asymmetric information," Research Working Paper RWP 03-09, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    136. Refet S. Gürkaynak & Brian P. Sack & Eric T. Swanson, 2003. "The excess sensitivity of long-term interest rates: evidence and implications for macroeconomic models," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2003-50, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    137. Rajnish Mehra & Arunima Sinha, 2016. "The Term Structure of Interest Rates in India," NBER Working Papers 22020, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    138. Matthieu Lemoine & Harri Turunen & Mohammed Chahad & Antoine Lepetit & Anastasia Zhutova & Pierre Aldama & Pierrick Clerc & Jean-Pierre Laffargue, 2019. "The FR-BDF Model and an Assessment of Monetary Policy Transmission in France," Working papers 736, Banque de France.
    139. Francis X. Diebold & Glenn D. Rudebusch & S. Boragan Aruoba, 2004. "The Macroeconomy and the Yield Curve: A Dynamic Latent Factor Approach," NBER Working Papers 10616, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
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    141. Todd E. Clark & Troy Davig, 2009. "Decomposing the declining volatility of long-term inflation expectations," Research Working Paper RWP 09-05, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    142. Nobuyuki Oda & Takashi Suzuki, 2007. "A Macro-Finance Analysis of the Term Structure and Monetary Policy in Japan: Using a Model with Time-Variant Equilibrium Rates of Real Interest and Inflation and with the Zero Lower Bound of Nominal I," Bank of Japan Working Paper Series 07-E-17, Bank of Japan.
    143. Alain Monfort & Fulvio Pegoraro & Jean-Paul Renne & Guillaume Roussellet, 2017. "Staying at zero with affine processes : an application to term structure modelling," Rue de la Banque, Banque de France, issue 52, november.
    144. James H. Stock & Mark W. Watson, 2003. "Has the Business Cycle Changed? Evidence and Explanations," Working Papers 2003-2, Princeton University. Economics Department..
    145. Todd E. Clark & Troy Davig, 2008. "An empirical assessment of the relationships among inflation and short- and long-term expectations," Research Working Paper RWP 08-05, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    146. Gaus, Eric & Sinha, Arunima, 2018. "What does the yield curve imply about investor expectations?," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 57(C), pages 248-265.
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    226. Elena Bobeica & Matteo Ciccarelli & Isabel Vansteenkiste, 2020. "The Link between Labor Cost Inflation and Price Inflation in the Euro Area," Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Policies Book Series, in: Gonzalo Castex & Jordi Galí & Diego Saravia (ed.),Changing Inflation Dynamics,Evolving Monetary Policy, edition 1, volume 27, chapter 4, pages 071-148, Central Bank of Chile.
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    Cited by:

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    3. Darrel Cohen & Glenn Follette, 1999. "The automatic fiscal stabilizers: quietly doing their thing," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1999-64, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
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    5. Marc-André Gosselin & René Lalonde, 2004. "Modélisation « PAC » du secteur extérieur de l'économie américaine," Staff Working Papers 04-3, Bank of Canada.
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    54. Svensson, Lars O & Tetlow, Robert J, 2005. "Optimal Policy Projections," MPRA Paper 839, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    55. Fagan, Gabriel & Henry, Jerome & Mestre, Ricardo, 2005. "An area-wide model for the euro area," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 22(1), pages 39-59, January.
    56. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "Dynamic specifications in optimizing trend-deviation macro models," Research Working Paper RWP 01-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    57. Haberis, Alex & Harrison, Richard & Waldron, Matt, 2019. "Uncertain policy promises," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 111(C), pages 459-474.
    58. Aizhan Bolatbayeva & Alisher Tolepbergen & Nurdaulet Abilov, 2020. "A macroeconometric model for Russia," Russian Journal of Economics, ARPHA Platform, vol. 6(2), pages 114-143, June.
    59. Reifschneider, David L. & Stockton, David J. & Wilcox, David W., 1997. "Econometric models and the monetary policy process," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Elsevier, vol. 47(1), pages 1-37, December.
    60. John C. Robertson, 2000. "Central bank forecasting: an international comparison," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, vol. 85(Q2), pages 21-32.
    61. Seidel, Gerald, 2005. "Endogenous Inflation - The Role of Expectations and Strategic Interaction," Sonderforschungsbereich 504 Publications 05-14, Sonderforschungsbereich 504, Universität Mannheim;Sonderforschungsbereich 504, University of Mannheim.
    62. Ms. Keiko Honjo & Mr. Benjamin L Hunt, 2006. "Stabilizing Inflation in Iceland," IMF Working Papers 2006/262, International Monetary Fund.
    63. David Dupuis, 2004. "The New Keynesian Hybrid Phillips Curve: An Assessment of Competing Specifications for the United States," Staff Working Papers 04-31, Bank of Canada.
    64. Haberis, Alex & Harrison, Richard & Waldron, Matthew, 2017. "Uncertain forward guidance," Bank of England working papers 654, Bank of England.
    65. Fagan, Gabriel & Henry, Jérôme & Mestre, Ricardo, 2001. "An area-wide model (AWM) for the euro area," Working Paper Series 42, European Central Bank.
    66. Morris A. Davis & Michael G. Palumbo, 2001. "A primer on the economics and time series econometrics of wealth effects," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2001-09, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    67. David L. Reifschneider & John C. Williams, 2000. "Three lessons for monetary policy in a low-inflation era," Conference Series ; [Proceedings], Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, pages 936-978.
    68. James A. Clouse & Dale W. Henderson & Athanasios Orphanides & David H. Small & Peter A. Tinsley, 2000. "Monetary policy when the nominal short-term interest rate is zero," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2000-51, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    69. Garratt, Anthony & Lee, Kevin C & Pesaran, M. Hashem & Shin, Yongcheol, 1998. "A Structural Cointegrating VAR Approach to Macroeconometric Modelling," Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 9823, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge.
    70. Matthew B. Canzoneri & Robert E. Cumby & Behzad T. Diba, 1998. "Is the Price Level Determined by the Needs of Fiscal Solvency?," NBER Working Papers 6471, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    71. Harrison, Richard & Waldron, Matt, 2021. "Optimal policy with occasionally binding constraints: piecewise linear solution methods," Bank of England working papers 911, Bank of England.
    72. Luisa Corrado & Sean Holly, 2006. "The Linearisation and Optimal Control of Large Non-Linear Rational Expectations Models by Persistent Excitation," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 28(2), pages 139-153, September.
    73. Stephan Schulmeister, 2004. "Aktienkursdynamik und privater Konsum in den USA und in Deutschland," WIFO Studies, WIFO, number 25188, July.
    74. Roberto M. Billi & George A. Kahn, 2008. "What is the optimal inflation rate?," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, vol. 93(Q II), pages 5-28.
    75. Andrew Atkeson & Lee E. Ohanian, 2001. "Are Phillips curves useful for forecasting inflation?," Quarterly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, vol. 25(Win), pages 2-11.
    76. Sylvain Martel, 2005. "Y a-t-il eu surinvestissement au Canada durant la seconde moitié des années 1990?," Staff Working Papers 05-5, Bank of Canada.
    77. James M. Poterba, 2000. "Stock Market Wealth and Consumption," Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, vol. 14(2), pages 99-118, Spring.
    78. David L. Reifschneider & Peter Tulip, 2007. "Gauging the uncertainty of the economic outlook from historical forecasting errors," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2007-60, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    79. Benjamin M. Friedman, 2013. "The Simple Analytics of Monetary Policy: A Post-Crisis Approach," The Journal of Economic Education, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 44(4), pages 311-328, October.
    80. Balatti, Mirco, 2020. "Inflation volatility in small and large advanced open economies," Working Paper Series 2448, European Central Bank.
    81. Marc-André Gosselin & René Lalonde, 2003. "Un modèle « PAC » d'analyse et de prévision des dépense des ménages américains," Staff Working Papers 03-13, Bank of Canada.
    82. Reifschneider, David L. & Roberts, John M., 2006. "Expectations formation and the effectiveness of strategies for limiting the consequences of the zero bound," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Elsevier, vol. 20(3), pages 314-337, September.
    83. Andrew T. Levin & John H. Rogers & Ralph W. Tryon, 1997. "A guide to FRB/Global," International Finance Discussion Papers 588, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    84. Andrew G. Haldane & Arthur E. Turrell, 2019. "Drawing on different disciplines: macroeconomic agent-based models," Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Springer, vol. 29(1), pages 39-66, March.
    85. Eric Jondeau & Franck Sédillot, 1999. "Forecasting French and German long-term rates using a rational expectations model," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 135(3), pages 413-436, September.
    86. Yash P. Mehra, 2001. "The wealth effect in empirical life-cycle aggregate consumption equations," Economic Quarterly, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, issue Spr, pages 45-67.
    87. Antulio N. Bomfim, 2001. "Measuring equilibrium real interest rates: what can we learn from yields on indexed bonds?," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2001-53, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

  19. Raymond Board & Peter A. Tinsley, 1996. "Smart systems and simple agents: industry pricing by parallel rules," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1996-50, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 1998. "Vector rational error correction," Research Working Paper 98-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    2. Jon Faust & Ralph W. Tryon, 1994. "A distributed block approach to solving near-block-diagonal systems with an application to a large macroeconometric model," International Finance Discussion Papers 488, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    3. John Rust, 1996. "Dealing with the Complexity of Economic Calculations," Computational Economics 9610002, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 21 Oct 1997.

  20. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 1996. "Moving endpoints and the internal consistency of agents' ex ante forecasts," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 96-47, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Tallman, Ellis W. & Zaman, Saeed, 2020. "Combining survey long-run forecasts and nowcasts with BVAR forecasts using relative entropy," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 36(2), pages 373-398.
    2. Glenn D. Rudebusch, 1999. "Is the Fed too timid? Monetary policy in an uncertain world," Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory 99-05, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    3. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "What do you expect? : imperfect policy credibility and tests of the expectations hypothesis?," Research Working Paper RWP 01-02, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    4. Flint Brayton & Andrew T. Levin & Ralph W. Tryon & John C. Williams, "undated". "The Evolution of Macro Models at the Federal Reserve Board," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1997-29, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), revised 10 Dec 2019.
    5. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2006. "Survey-Based Estimates of the Term Structure of Expected U.S. Inflation," Staff Working Papers 06-46, Bank of Canada.
    6. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2002. "Alternative sources of the lag dynamics of inflation," Research Working Paper RWP 02-12, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    7. Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken, 2006. "Forecasting of small macroeconomic VARs in the presence of instabilities," Research Working Paper RWP 06-09, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    8. Doshi, Hitesh & Jacobs, Kris & Liu, Rui, 2018. "Macroeconomic determinants of the term structure: Long-run and short-run dynamics," Journal of Empirical Finance, Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 99-122.
    9. Jondeau, E. & Sedillot, F., 1998. "La prevision des taux longs français et allemands a partir d'un modele a anticipations rationnelles," Working papers 55, Banque de France.
    10. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P. A., 2001. "Term structure views of monetary policy under alternative models of agent expectations," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 25(1-2), pages 149-184, January.
    11. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2012. "Effective Use of Survey Information in Estimating the Evolution of Expected Inflation," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 44(1), pages 145-169, February.
    12. Bjarni G. Einarsson, 2024. "Online Monitoring of Policy Optimality," Economics wp95, Department of Economics, Central bank of Iceland.
    13. Christopher F. Baum & Meral Karasulu, 1997. "Credible Disinflation Policy in a Dynamic Setting," Boston College Working Papers in Economics 375, Boston College Department of Economics.
    14. Antulio N. Bomfim & Glenn D. Rudebusch, 1997. "Opportunistic and deliberate disinflation under imperfect credibility," Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory 97-07, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    15. Rautureau, Nicolas, 2004. "Measuring the long-term perception of monetary policy and the term structure," Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 12/2004, Bank of Finland.
    16. Sharon Kozicki, 2001. "Implications of real-time data for forecasting and modeling expectations," Research Working Paper RWP 01-12, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    17. Todd E. Clark & Troy Davig, 2008. "An empirical assessment of the relationships among inflation and short- and long-term expectations," Research Working Paper RWP 08-05, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    18. Kozicki, Sharon, 2002. "Comments on 'Forecasting with a real-time data set for macroeconomists'," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 24(4), pages 541-557, December.
    19. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "Dynamic specifications in optimizing trend-deviation macro models," Research Working Paper RWP 01-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    20. Todd E. Clark & Sharon Kozicki, 2004. "Estimating equilibrium real interest rates in real time," Research Working Paper RWP 04-08, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    21. Pavol Povala & Anna Cieslak, 2012. "Understanding bond risk premia," 2012 Meeting Papers 771, Society for Economic Dynamics.
    22. Todd E. Clark & Taeyoung Doh, 2011. "A Bayesian evaluation of alternative models of trend inflation," Working Papers (Old Series) 1134, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
    23. Peter A. Tinsley, 1998. "Short rate expectations, term premiums, and central bank use of derivatives to reduce policy uncertainty," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1999-14, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    24. Eric Jondeau & Franck Sédillot, 1999. "Forecasting French and German long-term rates using a rational expectations model," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 135(3), pages 413-436, September.
    25. Clark, Todd E. & Doh, Taeyoung, 2014. "Evaluating alternative models of trend inflation," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 30(3), pages 426-448.

  21. Flint Brayton & Peter A. Tinsley, 1993. "Interest rate policies for price stability," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 93-22, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. John V. Duca, 1994. "Would the addition of bond or equity funds make M2 a better indicator of nominal GDP?," Economic and Financial Policy Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, issue Q IV, pages 1-14.

  22. Peter A. Tinsley, 1993. "Fitting both data and theories: polynomial adjustment costs and error- correction decision rules," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 93-21, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Wieland, Volker & Wolters, Maik, 2013. "Forecasting and Policy Making," Handbook of Economic Forecasting, in: G. Elliott & C. Granger & A. Timmermann (ed.), Handbook of Economic Forecasting, edition 1, volume 2, chapter 0, pages 239-325, Elsevier.
    2. Andrew T.. Levin & Volker Wieland & John Williams, 1999. "Robustness of Simple Monetary Policy Rules under Model Uncertainty," NBER Chapters, in: Monetary Policy Rules, pages 263-318, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    3. Marc-André Gosselin & René Lalonde, 2004. "Modélisation « PAC » du secteur extérieur de l'économie américaine," Staff Working Papers 04-3, Bank of Canada.
    4. Jondeau, E. & Le Bihan, H., 2003. "ML vs GMM Estimates of Hybrid Macroeconomic Models (With an Application to the New Phillips Curve)," Working papers 103, Banque de France.
    5. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 1998. "Vector rational error correction," Research Working Paper 98-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    6. John C. Williams, 2003. "Simple rules for monetary policy," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, pages 1-12.
    7. Aaron Drew & Benjamin Hunt, 1999. "Efficient simple policy rules and the implications of potential output uncertainty," Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series G99/5, Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
    8. Wieland, Volker & Cwik, Tobias & Müller, Gernot J. & Schmidt, Sebastian & Wolters, Maik Hendrik, 2012. "A new comparative approach to macroeconomic modeling and policy analysis," IMFS Working Paper Series 49, Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS).
    9. Flint Brayton & Andrew T. Levin & Ralph W. Tryon & John C. Williams, "undated". "The Evolution of Macro Models at the Federal Reserve Board," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1997-29, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), revised 10 Dec 2019.
    10. Reva Krieger & Peter A. Tinsley, 1997. "Asymmetric adjustments of price and output," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1997-31, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    11. Hunt, Benjamin & Rose, David & Scott, Alasdair, 2000. "The core model of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's Forecasting and Policy System," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 17(2), pages 247-274, April.
    12. Richard Black & David Rose, 1997. "Canadian Policy Analysis Model: CPAM," Staff Working Papers 97-16, Bank of Canada.
    13. Levin, Andrew T. & Wieland, Volker & Williams, John C., 2001. "The performance of forecast-based monetary policy rules under model uncertainty," Working Paper Series 68, European Central Bank.
    14. Philippe Jeanfils & Koen Burggraeve, 2005. "Noname - A new quarterly model for Belgium," Working Paper Research 68, National Bank of Belgium.
    15. Antulio N. Bomfim & Glenn D. Rudebusch, 1997. "Opportunistic and deliberate disinflation under imperfect credibility," Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory 97-07, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    16. Rochelle M. Edge & Thomas Laubach & John C. Williams, 2003. "The responses of wages and prices to technology shocks," Working Paper Series 2003-21, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    17. Antulio N. Bomfim & Robert J. Tetlow & Peter Von zur Muehlen & John Williams, 1997. "Expectations, learning and the costs of disinflation: experiments using the FRB/US model," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1997-42, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    18. René Lalonde & Dirk Muir, 2007. "The Bank of Canada's Version of the Global Economy Model (BoC-GEM)," Technical Reports 98, Bank of Canada.
    19. Lars E. O. Svensson, 2000. "Open-Economy Inflation Targeting," NBER Working Papers 6545, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    20. Peter Von zur Muehlen, 2001. "The effect of past and future economic fundamentals on spending and pricing behavior in the FRB/US macroeconomic model," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2001-12, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    21. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "Dynamic specifications in optimizing trend-deviation macro models," Research Working Paper RWP 01-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    22. Charles St-Arnaud, 2004. "Une approche éclectique d'estimation du PIB potentiel pour le Royaume-Uni," Staff Working Papers 04-46, Bank of Canada.
    23. Reifschneider, David L. & Stockton, David J. & Wilcox, David W., 1997. "Econometric models and the monetary policy process," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Elsevier, vol. 47(1), pages 1-37, December.
    24. Paul Conway & Aaron Drew & Ben Hunt & Alasdair Scott, 1998. "Exchange rate effects and inflation targeting in a small open economy: a stochastic analysis using FPS," Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series G99/4, Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
    25. Raf Wouters & Michel Dombrecht, 2000. "Model-based inflation forecasts and monetary policy rules," Working Paper Research 01, National Bank of Belgium.
    26. David Dupuis, 2004. "The New Keynesian Hybrid Phillips Curve: An Assessment of Competing Specifications for the United States," Staff Working Papers 04-31, Bank of Canada.
    27. Morris A. Davis & Michael G. Palumbo, 2001. "A primer on the economics and time series econometrics of wealth effects," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2001-09, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    28. Brayton, Flint & Tinsley, P. A., 1996. "Effective interest rate policies for price stability," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 13(2), pages 289-314, April.
    29. Grégory Levieuge, 2006. "Règle de Taylor vs Règle-ICM : Applications à la zone euro," Post-Print halshs-00204035, HAL.
    30. Kimberly Beaton & René Lalonde & Corinne Luu, 2009. "A Financial Conditions Index for the United States," Discussion Papers 09-11, Bank of Canada.
    31. Raymond Board & Peter A. Tinsley, 1996. "Smart systems and simple agents: industry pricing by parallel rules," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1996-50, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    32. Marc-André Gosselin & René Lalonde, 2003. "Un modèle « PAC » d'analyse et de prévision des dépense des ménages américains," Staff Working Papers 03-13, Bank of Canada.
    33. Aaron Drew & Ben Hunt, 1998. "The Forecasting and Policy System: preparing economic projections," Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series G98/7, Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
    34. James Twaddle & David Hargreaves & Tim Hampton, 2006. "Other stabilisation objectives within an inflation targeting regime: Some stochastic simulation experiments," Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series DP2006/04, Reserve Bank of New Zealand.

  23. William Kan & Reva Krieger & Peter A. Tinsley, 1989. "The long and short of industrial strength pricing," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 99, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Carol Corrado & Joe Mattey, 1997. "Capacity Utilization," Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, vol. 11(1), pages 151-167, Winter.

  24. David Neumark & Peter A. Tinsley & Suzanne Tosini, 1988. "After-hours stock prices and post-crash hangovers," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 50, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Vinodh Madhavan & Partha Ray, 2019. "Price and Volatility Linkages Between Indian Stocks and Their European GDRs," Journal of Emerging Market Finance, Institute for Financial Management and Research, vol. 18(2_suppl), pages 213-237, August.
    2. Qadan, Mahmoud, 2018. "Switches in price discovery: Are U.S. traders more qualified in making valuations?," The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 44(C), pages 221-234.
    3. Hens, Thorsten & Schindler, Nilüfer, 2020. "Value and patience: The value premium in a dividend-growth model with hyperbolic discounting," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 172(C), pages 161-179.
    4. Shmuel Hauser & Yael Tanchuma & Uzi Yaari, 1998. "International Transfer Of Pricing Information Between Dually Listed Stocks," Journal of Financial Research, Southern Finance Association;Southwestern Finance Association, vol. 21(2), pages 139-157, June.
    5. Gagnon, Louis & Karolyi, G. Andrew, 2009. "Information, Trading Volume, and International Stock Return Comovements: Evidence from Cross-Listed Stocks," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Cambridge University Press, vol. 44(4), pages 953-986, August.
    6. Gagnon, Louis & Karolyi, G. Andrew, 2006. "Price and Volatility Transmission across Borders," Working Paper Series 2006-5, Ohio State University, Charles A. Dice Center for Research in Financial Economics.
    7. Constantinos Katrakilidis & Athanasios Koulakiotis, 2006. "The Impact of Stock Exchange Rules on Volatility and Error Transmission -- The Case of Frankfurt and Zurich Cross-Listed Equities," Annals of Economics and Finance, Society for AEF, vol. 7(2), pages 321-338, November.
    8. Timofei Bogomolov & Lixian Liu & Petko S Kalev, 2013. "Can time difference deter arbitrage opportunities?," Journal of Asset Management, Palgrave Macmillan, vol. 14(2), pages 79-94, April.
    9. William Goetzmann & Zoran Ivkovich & K. Rouwenhorst, 2000. "Day Trading International Mutual Funds: Evidence And Policy Solutions," Yale School of Management Working Papers ysm138, Yale School of Management, revised 01 Jun 2001.
    10. Tse, Yiuman, 1999. "Round-the-clock market efficiency and home bias: Evidence from the international Japanese government bonds futures markets," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 23(12), pages 1831-1860, December.
    11. Koulakiotis, Athanasios & Dasilas, Apostolos & Papasyriopoulos, Nicholas, 2009. "Volatility and error transmission spillover effects: Evidence from three European financial regions," The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 49(3), pages 858-869, August.
    12. Júlio Lobão & Maria Eva Jerke, 2020. "Short-term Overreaction in American Depository Receipts," Scientific Annals of Economics and Business (continues Analele Stiintifice), Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, vol. 67(4), pages 423-435, December.
    13. Lin, W.L. & Engle, R.F. & Ito, T., 1991. "Do Bulls and Bears Move Across Borders? International Transmission of Stock Returns and Volatility as the World Turns," Working papers 9121, Wisconsin Madison - Social Systems.
    14. Goodhart, Charles A. E. & O'Hara, Maureen, 1997. "High frequency data in financial markets: Issues and applications," Journal of Empirical Finance, Elsevier, vol. 4(2-3), pages 73-114, June.
    15. Ito, Takatoshi & Engle, Robert F. & Lin, Wen-Ling, 1992. "Where does the meteor shower come from? : The role of stochastic policy coordination," Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 32(3-4), pages 221-240, May.
    16. Bhargava, Rahul & Dubofsky, David A., 2001. "A note on fair value pricing of mutual funds," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 25(2), pages 339-354, February.
    17. Zolotoy, L., 2008. "Empirical essays on the information transfer between and the informational efficiency of stock markets," Other publications TiSEM 2a2652c6-1060-4622-8721-8, Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management.
    18. Sandeep Patel & Asani Sarkar, 1998. "Stock market crises in developed and emerging markets," Research Paper 9809, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
    19. Wang, Steven Shuye & Meng Rui, Oliver & Firth, Michael, 2002. "Return and volatility behavior of dually-traded stocks: the case of Hong Kong," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 21(2), pages 265-293, April.
    20. William Goetzmann & Zoran Ivkovich & K. Rouwenhorst, 2000. "Day Trading International Mutual Funds: Evidence And Policy Solutions," Yale School of Management Working Papers ysm138, Yale School of Management, revised 01 Jun 2001.
    21. Craig, Alastair & Dravid, Ajay & Richardson, Matthew, 1995. "Market efficiency around the clock Some supporting evidence using foreign-based derivatives," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 39(2-3), pages 161-180.
    22. Manuela CROCI, 2003. "An empirical analysis of international equity market co-movements: implications for informational efficiency," Working Papers 197, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche (I), Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali.
    23. Kaul, Aditya & Mehrotra, Vikas, 2007. "The role of trades in price convergence: A study of dual-listed Canadian stocks," Journal of Empirical Finance, Elsevier, vol. 14(2), pages 196-219, March.
    24. Shinhua Liu, 2007. "Securities Transaction Tax and Market Efficiency: Evidence from the Japanese Experience," Journal of Financial Services Research, Springer;Western Finance Association, vol. 32(3), pages 161-176, December.
    25. Chris D'Souza, 2007. "Where Does Price Discovery Occur in FX Markets?," Staff Working Papers 07-52, Bank of Canada.
    26. Lin, Wen-Ling, 1995. "Market closure and predictability of intradaily stock returns in the United States and Japan," Journal of Empirical Finance, Elsevier, vol. 2(1), pages 19-44, March.
    27. El Ghini, Ahmed & Saidi, Youssef, 2014. "Return and Volatility Spillovers in the Moroccan Stock Market During The Financial Crisis," MPRA Paper 53439, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    28. Chih-hsiang Hsu & Ming-sung Kao & Wei-pen Tsai, 2014. "Information Transmission between Dual Listed Stocks with Non-Overlapping Trading Hours," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 34(3), pages 1733-1741.
    29. Agarwal, Sumit & Liu, Chunlin & Rhee, S. Ghon, 2007. "Where does price discovery occur for stocks traded in multiple markets? Evidence from Hong Kong and London," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 26(1), pages 46-63, February.
    30. Vlasova, E. & Luo, D., 2022. "Volatility spillover between the Russia-India-China triad and the United States: A multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity analysis," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 54(2), pages 111-128.
    31. Partha Ray & Vinodh Madhavan, 2014. "Price and Volatility Linkages between Indian Stocks and their European GDRs," Proceedings of International Academic Conferences 0300812, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
    32. Rabinovitch, Ramon & Silva, Ana Cristina & Susmel, Raul, 2003. "Returns on ADRs and arbitrage in emerging markets," Emerging Markets Review, Elsevier, vol. 4(3), pages 225-247, September.
    33. Michael J. Fleming, 1997. "The round-the-clock market for U.S. Treasury securities," Economic Policy Review, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, vol. 3(Jul), pages 9-32.
    34. Nicholas Apergis & Costas Katrakilidis & Stamatis Papastamatis, 1997. ""Meteor showers" and "heat waves" in Greek financial markets," International Advances in Economic Research, Springer;International Atlantic Economic Society, vol. 3(4), pages 364-375, November.
    35. Abhyankar, Abhay H., 1995. "Trading-round-the clock: Return, volatility and volume spillovers in the Eurodollar futures markets," Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Elsevier, vol. 3(1), pages 75-92, May.
    36. Lieberman, Offer & Ben-Zion, Uri & Hauser, Shmuel, 1999. "A characterization of the price behavior of international dual stocks: an error correction approach," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 18(2), pages 289-304, February.

  25. Helen T. Farr & P. A. V. B. Swamy & Peter A. Tinsley & Peter Von zur Muehlen, 1983. "On logical validity and econometric modelling: the case of money supply," Special Studies Papers 180, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Conway, Roger K., 1985. "Examining Intertemporal Export Elasticities for Wheat, Corn, and Soybeans: A Stochastic Coefficients Approach," Technical Bulletins 157006, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.

  26. Gerhard Fries & Peter A. Tinsley & Peter Von zur Muehlen, 1982. "The short-run volatility of money stock targeting," Special Studies Papers 169, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Hans M. Amman & David A. Kendrick, 2003. "A Classification System for Economic Stochastic Control Models," Computing in Economics and Finance 2003 114, Society for Computational Economics.
    2. Gary S. Anderson & Marvin Goodfriend & Anil K. Kashyap & George R. Moore & Richard D. Porter, 1984. "A weekly perfect foresight model of the nonborrowed reserve operating procedure," Working Paper 84-04, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
    3. Benjamin M. Friedman, 1982. "Using a credit aggregate target to implement monetary policy in the financial environment of the future," Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, pages 223-265.
    4. Rodney Wingrove & Ronald Davis, 2012. "Manual-Control Analysis Applied to the Money Supply Control Task," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 39(1), pages 99-111, January.
    5. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2007. "Perhaps the FOMC Did What It Said It Did: An Alternative Interpretation of the Great Inflation," Staff Working Papers 07-19, Bank of Canada.
    6. David E. Lindsey & Athanasios Orphanides & Robert H. Rasche, 2004. "The reform of October 1979: how it happened and why," Working Papers 2004-033, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
    7. Kendrick, David A., 2005. "Stochastic control for economic models: past, present and the paths ahead," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 29(1-2), pages 3-30, January.
    8. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P.A., 2009. "Perhaps the 1970s FOMC did what it said it did," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 56(6), pages 842-855, September.

  27. George R. Moore & P. A. V. B. Swamy & Peter A. Tinsley, 1982. "An autopsy of a conventional macroeconomic relation: the case of money demand," Special Studies Papers 167, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. A. Bruinshoofd & C.J.M. Kool, 2004. "Dutch Corporate Liquidity Management: New Evidence on Aggregation," Working Papers 04-05, Utrecht School of Economics.
    2. Conway, Roger K. & Gill, Gurmukh S., 1987. "Is the Phillips Curve Stable? A Time-Varying Parameter Approach," Staff Reports 277925, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
    3. Arnade, Carlos & Shoemaker, Robbin, 1988. "Portraying Traders As Revenue Maximizers," Staff Reports 278144, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.

  28. Peter A. Tinsley & Peter Von zur Muehlen, 1982. "A maximum probability approach to short-run policy," Special Studies Papers 168, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Volker W. Wieland, 1999. "Monetary policy, parameter uncertainty and optimal learning," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1999-48, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    2. Henderson, Dale, 1999. "Monetary policy issues for the Eurosystem : A comment," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Elsevier, vol. 51(1), pages 137-148, December.
    3. Franco Modigliani, 1988. "The Monetarist Controversy Revisited," Contemporary Economic Policy, Western Economic Association International, vol. 6(4), pages 3-18, October.
    4. Darlington, J. & Pantelides, C. C. & Rustem, B. & Tanyi, B. A., 2000. "Decreasing the sensitivity of open-loop optimal solutions in decision making under uncertainty," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 121(2), pages 343-362, March.
    5. Peter Von zur Muehlen, 2001. "Activist vs. non-activist monetary policy: optimal rules under extreme uncertainty," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2001-02, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

  29. M. E. Friar & Paul A. Spindt & Peter A. Tinsley, 1980. "Indicator and filter attributes of monetary aggregates: a nit-picking case for disaggregation," Special Studies Papers 140, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Andrés González Gómez & Lavan Mahadeva & Diego Rodríguez & Luis Eduardo Rojas, 2009. "Monetary Policy Forecasting In A Dsge Model With Data That Is Uncertain, Unbalanced And About The Future," Borradores de Economia 5480, Banco de la Republica.
    2. Christian Bordes & Michael Driscoll & Garry Mac Donald, 1985. "Le contenu en information des agrégats monétaires français," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 36(6), pages 1169-1206.
    3. Soofi, E. S. & Retzer, J. J., 2002. "Information indices: unification and applications," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 107(1-2), pages 17-40, March.
    4. Coenen, Guenter & Levin, Andrew & Wieland, Volker, 2003. "Data Uncertainty and the Role of Money as an Information Variable for Monetary Policy," CFS Working Paper Series 2003/07, Center for Financial Studies (CFS).
    5. Dale W. Henderson, 1982. "The role of intervention policy in open economy financial policy: a macroeconomic perspective," International Finance Discussion Papers 202, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    6. Mahadeva, Lavan, 2007. "Monetary Policy and Data Uncertainty: A Case Study of Distribution, Hotels and Catering Growth," Discussion Papers 19, Monetary Policy Committee Unit, Bank of England.
    7. Brayton, Flint & Tinsley, P. A., 1996. "Effective interest rate policies for price stability," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 13(2), pages 289-314, April.
    8. Sunil Paul & M. Ramachandran, 2013. "Do Currency Equivalent Monetary Aggregates Have an Edge over Their Simple Sum Counterparts?," South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance, , vol. 2(2), pages 107-143, December.
    9. Raghbendra Jha & Ibotombi Longjam, 2008. "A Divisia type saving aggregate for India," Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 1(1), pages 51-66.

  30. James R. Barth & P. A. V. B. Swamy & Peter A. Tinsley, 1980. "The rational expectations approach to economic modelling," Special Studies Papers 143, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Silva Lopes, Artur, 1994. "A "hipótese das expectativas racionais": teoria e realidade (uma visita guiada à literatura até 1992) [The "rational expectations hypothesis": theory and reality (a guided tour ," MPRA Paper 9699, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 23 Jul 2008.
    2. Conway, Roger K., 1985. "Examining Intertemporal Export Elasticities for Wheat, Corn, and Soybeans: A Stochastic Coefficients Approach," Technical Bulletins 157006, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
    3. Conway, Roger K. & Gill, Gurmukh S., 1987. "Is the Phillips Curve Stable? A Time-Varying Parameter Approach," Staff Reports 277925, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
    4. Vinod Cheriyan & Anton J. Kleywegt, 2016. "A dynamical systems model of price bubbles and cycles," Quantitative Finance, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 16(2), pages 309-336, February.
    5. Arnade, Carlos & Shoemaker, Robbin, 1988. "Portraying Traders As Revenue Maximizers," Staff Reports 278144, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
    6. Peter Von zur Muehlen, 2001. "Activist vs. non-activist monetary policy: optimal rules under extreme uncertainty," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2001-02, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    7. Conway, Roger & Hrubovcak, James & LeBlanc, Michael, 1985. "The Structure of Agricultural Investment: Comparing a Flexible Accelerator with Stochastic Coefficients," Technical Bulletins 157016, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.

  31. James Berry & Bonnie Garrett & John H. Kalchbrenner & Peter A. Tinsley, 1978. "On filtering auxiliary information in short-run monetary policy," Special Studies Papers 108, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Wieland, Volker & Beck, Günter W., 2008. "Central Bank misperceptions and the role of money in interest rate rules," Working Paper Series 967, European Central Bank.
    2. Henderson, Dale, 1999. "Monetary policy issues for the Eurosystem : A comment," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Elsevier, vol. 51(1), pages 137-148, December.
    3. Wieland, Volker, 2003. "Monetary Policy and Uncertainty about the Natural Unemployment Rate," CFS Working Paper Series 2003/05, Center for Financial Studies (CFS).
    4. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2007. "Perhaps the FOMC Did What It Said It Did: An Alternative Interpretation of the Great Inflation," Staff Working Papers 07-19, Bank of Canada.
    5. Dale W. Henderson & Jinill Kim, 2002. "Inflation targeting and nominal income growth targeting: when and why are they suboptimal?," International Finance Discussion Papers 719, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    6. Dale W. Henderson, 1982. "The role of intervention policy in open economy financial policy: a macroeconomic perspective," International Finance Discussion Papers 202, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    7. Kendrick, David A., 2005. "Stochastic control for economic models: past, present and the paths ahead," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 29(1-2), pages 3-30, January.
    8. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P.A., 2009. "Perhaps the 1970s FOMC did what it said it did," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 56(6), pages 842-855, September.

  32. M. E. Friar & Bonnie Garrett & Peter A. Tinsley, 1978. "The measurement of money demand," Special Studies Papers 133, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Sean Collins & William C. Whitesell, 1996. "A minor redefinition of M2," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 96-7, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

  33. John H. Kalchbrenner & Peter A. Tinsley, 1976. "On the use of optimal control in the design of monetary policy," Special Studies Papers 76, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Benigno, Pierpaolo & Woodford, Michael, 2012. "Linear-quadratic approximation of optimal policy problems," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 147(1), pages 1-42.
    2. Lars E.O. Svensson, 1999. "Price Stability as a Target for Monetary Policy: Defining and Maintaining Price Stability," NBER Working Papers 7276, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    3. Lars E. O. Svensson & Michael Woodford, 2003. "Optimal Policy with Partial Information in a Forward-Looking Model: Certainty-Equivalence Redux," NBER Working Papers 9430, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    4. Svensson, Lars & Woodford, Michael, 2000. "Indicator Variables for Optimal Policy," Seminar Papers 688, Stockholm University, Institute for International Economic Studies.
    5. Svensson, Lars E. O. & Woodford, Michael, 2004. "Indicator variables for optimal policy under asymmetric information," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 28(4), pages 661-690, January.
    6. John C. Williams, 2005. "Robust estimation and monetary policy with unobserved structural change," Proceedings, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), pages 53-81.
    7. Peter Von zur Muehlen, 2001. "Activist vs. non-activist monetary policy: optimal rules under extreme uncertainty," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2001-02, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

  34. P. A. V. B. Swamy & Peter A. Tinsley, 1976. "Linear prediction and estimation methods for regression models with stationary stochastic coefficients," Special Studies Papers 78, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. George Hondroyiannis & P.A.V.B. Swamy & George Tavlas & Michael Ulan, 2008. "Some Further Evidence on Exchange-Rate Volatility and Exports," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 144(1), pages 151-180, April.
    2. Bidani, Benu & Ravallion, Martin, 1997. "Decomposing social indicators using distributional data," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 77(1), pages 125-139, March.
    3. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Minding the gap : central bank estimates of the unemployment natural rate," Research Working Paper RWP 05-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    4. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 1998. "Vector rational error correction," Research Working Paper 98-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    5. Hornbaker, Robert H. & Dixon, Bruce L. & Sonka, Steven T., 1987. "Estimating Activity Costs for Multi-Output Firms With a Random Coefficient Regression Model," 1987 Annual Meeting, August 2-5, East Lansing, Michigan 269946, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
    6. Gardiner, Walter H. & Dixit, Praveen M, 1987. "Price Elasticity of Export Demand: Concepts and Estimates," Foreign Agricultural Economic Report (FAER) 305286, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
    7. Stephen Hall & P. A. V. B. Swamy & George S. Tavlas, 2011. "Generalized Cointegration: A New Concept with an Application to Health Expenditure and Health Outcomes," Discussion Papers in Economics 11/22, Division of Economics, School of Business, University of Leicester.
    8. Thomas H. Turner & Charles H. Whiteman, 1981. "Econometric policy evaluation under rational expectations," Quarterly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, vol. 5(Spr / Sum).
    9. Garry J. Schinasi & P. A. V. B. Swamy, 1987. "The out-of-sample forecasting performance of exchange rate models when coefficients are allowed to change," International Finance Discussion Papers 301, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    10. Hondroyiannis, George & Swamy, P. A. V. B. & Tavlas, George S., 2001. "Modelling the long-run demand for money in the United Kingdom: a random coefficient analysis," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 18(3), pages 475-501, August.
    11. Roger K. Conway & Charles B. Hallahan & Richard P. Stillman & Paul T. Prentice, 1990. "Forecasting livestock prices: Fixed and stochastic coefficients estimation comparisons," Agribusiness, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 6(1), pages 15-32.
    12. Chien-Chiang Lee & An-Hsing Chang, 2013. "Revisiting the demand for money function: evidence from the random coefficients approach," Quantitative Finance, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 13(9), pages 1491-1502, September.
    13. Tanjuakio, Rodolfo V. & Gempesaw, Conrado M., II & Elterich, Joachim G., 1992. "An Optimal Control Framework For Inter - Regional Dairy Policy Analysis," Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, vol. 24(2), pages 1-11, December.
    14. Reva Krieger & Peter A. Tinsley, 1997. "Asymmetric adjustments of price and output," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1997-31, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    15. Hans M. Amman & David A. Kendrick, 2003. "A Classification System for Economic Stochastic Control Models," Computing in Economics and Finance 2003 114, Society for Computational Economics.
    16. Jalal D. Akhavein & John H. Leusner & P. A. V. B. Swamy, "undated". "Solving an Empirical Puzzle in the Capital Asset Pricing Model," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1996-14, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), revised 04 Dec 2019.
    17. Aksoy, Yunus & Orphanides, Athanasios & Wieland, Volker & Wilcox, David & Small, David, 2003. "A Quantitative Exploration of the Opportunistic Approach to Disinflation," CEPR Discussion Papers 4073, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    18. Ericsson, Neil R., 1992. "Parameter constancy, mean square forecast errors, and measuring forecast performance: An exposition, extensions, and illustration," Journal of Policy Modeling, Elsevier, vol. 14(4), pages 465-495, August.
    19. Amman, Hans M. & Kendrick, David A., 2003. "Mitigation of the Lucas critique with stochastic control methods," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 27(11-12), pages 2035-2057, September.
    20. Cheng Hsiao & M. Hashem Pesaran, 2004. "Random Coefficient Panel Data Models," IEPR Working Papers 04.2, Institute of Economic Policy Research (IEPR).
    21. Joseph Aschheim & Costas Christou & P. Swamy & George Tavlas, 1996. "A random coefficient model of speculative attacks: The case of the Mexican peso," Open Economies Review, Springer, vol. 7(1), pages 553-571, March.
    22. Jin Seo Cho & Peter C. B. Phillips & Juwon Seo, 2019. "Parametric Inference on the Mean of Functional Data Applied to Lifetime Income Curves," Working papers 2019rwp-153, Yonsei University, Yonsei Economics Research Institute.
    23. William Barnett & Marcelle Chauvet, 2009. "International Financial Aggregation and Index Number Theory: A Chronological Half-century Empirical Overview," Open Economies Review, Springer, vol. 20(1), pages 1-37, February.
    24. McClain, Emily A. & Halbrendt, Catherine & Sherbourne, Jennifer & Gempesaw, Conrado, 1992. "Subsidies and Cattle Production in the Amazon: An Economic Policy Analysis," 1992 Occasional Paper Series No. 6 197874, International Association of Agricultural Economists.
    25. Gempesaw, Conrado M., II & Tambe, A.M. & Nayga, Rodolfo M., Jr. & Toensmeyer, Ulrich C., 1988. "The Single Index Market Model In Agriculture," Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association, vol. 17(2), pages 1-9, October.
    26. Latruffe, Laure & Minviel, Jean Joseph & Salanié, Julien, 2013. "The role of environmental and land transaction regulations on agricultural land price: The example of the French region Brittany," Working Papers 207855, Institut National de la recherche Agronomique (INRA), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2).
    27. Francis X. Diebold & Peter Pauly, 1987. "Structural change and the combination of forecasts," Journal of Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 6(1), pages 21-40.
    28. LeBlanc, Michael & Durst, Ron & Hrubovcak, James & Conway, Roger, 1987. "Economic Consequences Of Tax Reform On Agricultural Investment," 1987 Annual Meeting, August 2-5, East Lansing, Michigan 270122, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
    29. Conway, Roger K. & Gill, Gurmukh S., 1987. "Is the Phillips Curve Stable? A Time-Varying Parameter Approach," Staff Reports 277925, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
    30. William A. Barnett & Haiyang Xu, 1998. "Money Velocity with Interest Rate Stochastic Volatility and Exact Aggregation," Macroeconomics 9803004, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    31. Stephen G. Hall & P. A. V. B. Swamy & George S. Tavlas, 2014. "Time Varying Coefficient Models; A Proposal for selecting the Coefficient Driver Sets," Discussion Papers in Economics 14/18, Division of Economics, School of Business, University of Leicester.
    32. Lass, Daniel A. & Gempesaw, Conrado M., II, 1992. "Estimation Of Firm-Varying, Input-Specific Efficiencies In Dairy Production," Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association, vol. 21(2), pages 1-9, October.
    33. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2007. "Perhaps the FOMC Did What It Said It Did: An Alternative Interpretation of the Great Inflation," Staff Working Papers 07-19, Bank of Canada.
    34. Jin Seo Cho & Peter C. B. Phillips & Juwon Seo, 2022. "Parametric Conditional Mean Inference With Functional Data Applied To Lifetime Income Curves," International Economic Review, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association, vol. 63(1), pages 391-456, February.
    35. Boyd, Roy & Caporale, Tony, 1997. "Is there a liquidity effect? An investigation using the Kalman filter," Journal of Policy Modeling, Elsevier, vol. 19(6), pages 627-634, December.
    36. Mikio Ito & Kiyotaka Maeda & Akihiko Noda, 2018. "The futures premium and rice market efficiency in prewar Japan," Economic History Review, Economic History Society, vol. 71(3), pages 909-937, August.
    37. Barnett, William A. & Chauvet, Marcelle, 2011. "How better monetary statistics could have signaled the financial crisis," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 161(1), pages 6-23, March.
    38. Tucci, Marco P., 1995. "Time-varying parameters: a critical introduction," Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Elsevier, vol. 6(2), pages 237-260, June.
    39. Lass, Daniel A. & Gempesaw, Conrado M, II, 1990. "The Supply of Off-Farm Labor: A Random Coefficients Approach," 1990 Annual meeting, August 5-8, Vancouver, Canada 270989, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
    40. P.A.V.B. Swamy & George S. Tavlas & Stephen G. Hall & George Hondroyiannis, 2008. "Estimation of Parameters in the Presence of Model misspecification and Measurement Error," Discussion Papers in Economics 08/27, Division of Economics, School of Business, University of Leicester.
    41. William A. Barnett & Yi Liu & Haiyang Xu & Mark Jensen, 1996. "The CAPM Risk Adjustment Needed for Exact Aggregation over Financial Assets," Econometrics 9602003, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    42. Latruffe , Laure & Minvie, Jean Joseph & Salanié, Julien, 2013. "The Role of Environmental and Land Transaction Regulations on Agricultural Land Price: The example of Brittany," Factor Markets Working Papers 164, Centre for European Policy Studies.
    43. Arnade, Carlos & Shoemaker, Robbin, 1988. "Portraying Traders As Revenue Maximizers," Staff Reports 278144, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
    44. Tucci, Marco P., 1997. "Adaptive control in the presence of time-varying parameters," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 22(1), pages 39-47, November.
    45. Chia-Hung Sun, 2007. "Economic integration, efficiency change and technological progress," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 39(5), pages 653-662.
    46. LeBlanc, Michael & Hrubovcak, James & Durst, Ron L. & Conway, Roger K., 1992. "Farm Machinery Investment And The Tax Reform Act Of 1986," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Western Agricultural Economics Association, vol. 17(1), pages 1-14, July.
    47. Peter Von zur Muehlen, 2001. "Activist vs. non-activist monetary policy: optimal rules under extreme uncertainty," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2001-02, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    48. Shreya Pal & Indranil Bandyopadhyay, 2022. "Impact of financial inclusion on economic growth, financial development, financial efficiency, financial stability, and profitability: an international evidence," SN Business & Economics, Springer, vol. 2(9), pages 1-29, September.
    49. Ronald Davis & Dallas Denery & David Kendrick & Raman Mehra, 2012. "Introduction to the Works of Rodney C. Wingrove: Engineering Approaches to Macroeconomic Modeling," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 39(1), pages 71-76, January.
    50. Barnett, William A. & Chauvet, Marcelle, 2008. "The End of the Great Moderation: “We told you so.”," MPRA Paper 11642, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    51. Kendrick, David A., 2005. "Stochastic control for economic models: past, present and the paths ahead," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 29(1-2), pages 3-30, January.
    52. Caporale, Tony, 1998. "The impact of monetary regime changes: Some exchange rate evidence," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 35(1), pages 85-94, March.
    53. Paravastu Ananta Venkata Bhattanatha Swamy & I-Lok Chang & Peter von zur Muehlen & Amit Achameesing, 2022. "The Role of Coefficient Drivers of Time-Varying Coefficients in Estimating the Total Effects of a Regressor on the Dependent Variable of an Equation," JRFM, MDPI, vol. 15(8), pages 1-14, July.
    54. Swamy Paravastu & Peter Muehlen & Jatinder Singh Mehta & I-Lok Chang, 2022. "The State Of Econometrics After John W. Pratt, Robert Schlaifer, Brian Skyrms, And Robert L. Basmann," Sankhya B: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Springer;Indian Statistical Institute, vol. 84(2), pages 627-654, November.
    55. Rahman, Tauhidur & Mittelhammer, Ronald C., 2004. "Decomposing Well-Being Indicators Using Distributional Data," 2004 Annual meeting, August 1-4, Denver, CO 20232, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
    56. Martin Falk & Mariya Hake, 2008. "Wachstumswirkungen der Forschungsausgaben," WIFO Studies, WIFO, number 34120, July.
    57. Hadjiantoni, Stella & Kontoghiorghes, Erricos John, 2022. "An alternative numerical method for estimating large-scale time-varying parameter seemingly unrelated regressions models," Econometrics and Statistics, Elsevier, vol. 21(C), pages 1-18.
    58. John H. Kareken, 1981. "Deregulating commercial banks: the watchword should be caution," Quarterly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, vol. 5(Spr / Sum).
    59. Conway, Roger & Hrubovcak, James & LeBlanc, Michael, 1985. "The Structure of Agricultural Investment: Comparing a Flexible Accelerator with Stochastic Coefficients," Technical Bulletins 157016, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
    60. Tucci, Marco P., 2002. "A note on global optimization in adaptive control, econometrics and macroeconomics," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 26(9-10), pages 1739-1764, August.
    61. Marco Tucci, 2006. "Understanding the Difference Between Robust Control and Optimal Control in a Linear Discrete-Time System with Time-Varying Parameters," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 27(4), pages 533-558, June.

  35. Peter A. Tinsley, 1975. "On proximate exploitation of intermediate information in macroeconomic forecasting," Special Studies Papers 59, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Lars E.O. Svensson, 1999. "Price Stability as a Target for Monetary Policy: Defining and Maintaining Price Stability," NBER Working Papers 7276, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.

  36. Roger Craine & Arthur M. Havenner & Peter A. Tinsley, 1974. "On Nerff solutions of macroeconomic tracking problems," Special Studies Papers 48, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Hans M. Amman & David A. Kendrick, 2003. "A Classification System for Economic Stochastic Control Models," Computing in Economics and Finance 2003 114, Society for Computational Economics.
    2. Roger Craine & Arthur Havenner & Peter Tinsley, 1976. "Optimal Macroeconomic Control Policies," NBER Chapters, in: Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, Volume 5, number 2, pages 191-203, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    3. Marco Tucci, 2006. "Understanding the Difference Between Robust Control and Optimal Control in a Linear Discrete-Time System with Time-Varying Parameters," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 27(4), pages 533-558, June.

  37. Peter A. Tinsley, 1971. "On ramps, turnpikes, and distributed lag approximations of optimal intertemporal adjustment," Special Studies Papers 15, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Guy V. G. Stevens, 1973. "The multinational firm and the determinants of investment," International Finance Discussion Papers 29, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    2. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Minding the gap : central bank estimates of the unemployment natural rate," Research Working Paper RWP 05-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    3. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 1998. "Vector rational error correction," Research Working Paper 98-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    4. Reva Krieger & Peter A. Tinsley, 1997. "Asymmetric adjustments of price and output," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1997-31, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    5. Simoneau, Marcel, 1982. "Vers une mesure de la progressivité technologique," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 58(3), pages 283-302, juillet-s.
    6. Antulio N. Bomfim & Robert J. Tetlow & Peter Von zur Muehlen & John Williams, 1997. "Expectations, learning and the costs of disinflation: experiments using the FRB/US model," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1997-42, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    7. Egon Zakrajšek, 1997. "Retail inventories, internal finance, and aggregate fluctuations," Research Paper 9722, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

  38. Peter A. Tinsley, 1970. "On polynomial approximation of distributed lags," Special Studies Papers 4, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Malcolm Cohen & Robert Gillingham & Dale Heien, 1973. "A Monte Carlo Study of Complex Finite Distributed Lag Structures," NBER Chapters, in: Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, Volume 2, number 1, pages 53-63, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    2. Michalski, Raphael Joseph, 1977. "An application of consistent statistical estimation to a nonlinear macroeconomic policy model," ISU General Staff Papers 197701010800007086, Iowa State University, Department of Economics.

  39. Peter A. Tinsley, 1970. "Capital structure, precautionary balances, and valuation of the firm: the problem of financial risk," Special Studies Papers 7, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Guy V. G. Stevens, 1973. "The multinational firm and the determinants of investment," International Finance Discussion Papers 29, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    2. Reva Krieger & Peter A. Tinsley, 1997. "Asymmetric adjustments of price and output," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1997-31, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    3. Psillaki, Maria & Tsolas, Ioannis E. & Margaritis, Dimitris, 2010. "Evaluation of credit risk based on firm performance," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 201(3), pages 873-881, March.
    4. Erkki Laitinen, 1995. "The duality of bankruptcy process in Finland," European Accounting Review, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 4(3), pages 433-454.

  40. A. J. Tella & Peter A. Tinsley, 1968. "The labor market and potential output of the Federal Reserve-MIT econometric model: a preliminary report," Staff Studies 45, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

    Cited by:

    1. Rancan, Antonella, 2022. "The "place of the Phillips curve" in macroeconometric models: The case of the first Federal Reserve Board's model (1966-1980s)," Economics & Statistics Discussion Papers esdp22080, University of Molise, Department of Economics.
    2. Rancan, Antonella, 2021. "The “Place Of The Phillips Curve” in Macroeconometric Models: The Case of the First Federal Reserve Board’s Model (1966-1980s)," OSF Preprints t5jrx, Center for Open Science.

  41. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, "undated". "Rational Vector Error Correction Models," Computing in Economics and Finance 1997 1, Society for Computational Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 1998. "Vector rational error correction," Research Working Paper 98-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.


  1. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2012. "Effective Use of Survey Information in Estimating the Evolution of Expected Inflation," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 44(1), pages 145-169, February.

    Cited by:

    1. Markku Lanne & Jani Luoto, 2017. "A New Time‐Varying Parameter Autoregressive Model for U.S. Inflation Expectations," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 49(5), pages 969-995, August.
    2. Stefano Eusepi & Marc P. Giannoni & Bruce Preston, 2017. "Some implications of learning for price stability," CAMA Working Papers 2017-08, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
    3. Issler, João Victor & Soares, Ana Flávia, 2019. "Central Bank credibility and inflation expectations: a microfounded forecasting approach," FGV EPGE Economics Working Papers (Ensaios Economicos da EPGE) 812, EPGE Brazilian School of Economics and Finance - FGV EPGE (Brazil).
    4. James M. Nason & Gregor W. Smith, 2013. "Measuring The Slowly Evolving Trend In Us Inflation With Professional Forecasts," Working Paper 1316, Economics Department, Queen's University.
    5. Speck, Christian, 2016. "Inflation Anchoring in the Euro Area," VfS Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change 145697, Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association.
    6. Timothy Cogley & Thomas J. Sargent, 2014. "Measuring Price-Level Uncertainty and Instability in the U.S., 1850-2012," Working Papers 2014-33, Economic Research Institute, Bank of Korea.
    7. Marco Del Negro & Domenico Giannone & Marc Giannoni & Andrea Tambalotti, 2018. "Global trends in interest rates," Staff Reports 866, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
    8. Francesca Rondina, 2018. "Estimating unobservable inflation expectations in the New Keynesian Phillips Curve," Working Papers 1804E, University of Ottawa, Department of Economics.
    9. Behera, Harendra Kumar & Patra, Michael Debabrata, 2022. "Measuring trend inflation in India," Journal of Asian Economics, Elsevier, vol. 80(C).
    10. NAKAJIMA, Jouchi, 2023. "Estimation of firms' inflation expectations using the survey DI," Discussion Paper Series 749, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.
    11. Faust, Jon & Wright, Jonathan H., 2013. "Forecasting Inflation," Handbook of Economic Forecasting, in: G. Elliott & C. Granger & A. Timmermann (ed.), Handbook of Economic Forecasting, edition 1, volume 2, chapter 0, pages 2-56, Elsevier.
    12. Juan Angel Garcia & Aubrey Poon, 2018. "Trend Inflation and Inflation Compensation," IMF Working Papers 2018/154, International Monetary Fund.
    13. Paul Hubert & Harun Mirza, 2014. "Inflation expectation dynamics: the role of past present and forward looking information," Working Papers hal-03473828, HAL.
    14. Philippe Andrade & Richard K. Crump & Stefano Eusepi & Emanuel Moench, 2013. "Fundamental disagreement," Staff Reports 655, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
    15. García, Juan Angel & Poon, Aubrey, 2019. "Inflation trends in Asia: implications for central banks," Working Paper Series 2338, European Central Bank.
    16. Nathan Goldstein & Ben‐Zion Zilberfarb, 2023. "The closer we get, the better we are?," Economic Inquiry, Western Economic Association International, vol. 61(2), pages 364-376, April.
    17. Ken Miyajima & James Yetman, 2019. "Assessing inflation expectations anchoring for heterogeneous agents: analysts, businesses and trade unions," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 51(41), pages 4499-4515, September.
    18. Arnoud Stevens & Joris Wauters, 2021. "Is euro area lowflation here to stay? Insights from a time‐varying parameter model with survey data," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 36(5), pages 566-586, August.
    19. Elmar Mertens & James M. Nason, 2018. "Inflation and professional forecast dynamics: an evaluation of stickiness, persistence, and volatility," BIS Working Papers 713, Bank for International Settlements.
    20. Kaihatsu, Sohei & Nakajima, Jouchi, 2018. "Has trend inflation shifted?: An empirical analysis with an equally-spaced regime-switching model," Economic Analysis and Policy, Elsevier, vol. 59(C), pages 69-83.
    21. Shaun P Vahey & Elizabeth C Wakerly, 2013. "Moving towards probability forecasting," BIS Papers chapters, in: Bank for International Settlements (ed.), Globalisation and inflation dynamics in Asia and the Pacific, volume 70, pages 3-8, Bank for International Settlements.
    22. Speck, Christian, 2017. "Inflation anchoring in the euro area," Working Paper Series 1998, European Central Bank.
    23. Christine Garnier & Elmar Mertens & Edward Nelson, 2015. "Trend Inflation in Advanced Economies," International Journal of Central Banking, International Journal of Central Banking, vol. 11(4), pages 65-136, September.
    24. Didier Nibbering & Richard Paap & Michel van der Wel, 2015. "What Do Professional Forecasters Actually Predict?," Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 15-095/III, Tinbergen Institute, revised 13 Oct 2017.
    25. Jmaes McNeil, 2020. "Monetary policy and the term structure of Inflation expectations with information frictions," Working Papers daleconwp2020-07, Dalhousie University, Department of Economics.
    26. Andrew B. Martinez, 2020. "Extracting Information from Different Expectations," Working Papers 2020-008, The George Washington University, Department of Economics, H. O. Stekler Research Program on Forecasting.
    27. Joshua C C Chan & Yong Song, 2017. "Measuring inflation expectations uncertainty using high-frequency data," CAMA Working Papers 2017-61, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
    28. Marc Giannoni & Domenico Giannone & Andrea Tambalotti & Marco Del Negro, 2017. "Safety, Liquidity, and the Natural Rate of Interest," 2017 Meeting Papers 803, Society for Economic Dynamics.
    29. Ryan Niladri Banerjee & Aaron Mehrotra, 2018. "Deflation expectations," BIS Working Papers 699, Bank for International Settlements.
    30. Garratt, Anthony & Lee, Kevin & Shields, Kalvinder, 2016. "Information rigidities and the news-adjusted output gap," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 70(C), pages 1-17.
    31. Paul Hubert & Harun Mirza, 2019. "The role of forward- and backward-looking information for inflation expectations formation," Post-Print hal-03403616, HAL.
    32. Doh, Taeyoung & Smith, A. Lee, 2022. "A new approach to integrating expectations into VAR models," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 132(C), pages 24-43.
    33. Saeed Zaman, 2021. "A Unified Framework to Estimate Macroeconomic Stars," Working Papers 21-23R2, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, revised 31 May 2024.
    34. Richard K. Crump & Stefano Eusepi & Emanuel Moench, 2016. "The term structure of expectations and bond yields," Staff Reports 775, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
    35. James Yetman, 2018. "The perils of approximating fixed-horizon inflation forecasts with fixed-event forecasts," BIS Working Papers 700, Bank for International Settlements.
    36. Álvarez, Luis J. & Sánchez, Isabel, 2019. "Inflation projections for monetary policy decision making," Journal of Policy Modeling, Elsevier, vol. 41(4), pages 568-585.
    37. Richard K. Crump & Stefano Eusepi & Emanuel Moench & Bruce Preston, 2021. "The Term Structure of Expectations," Staff Reports 992, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
    38. Mototsugu Shintani & Naoto Soma, 2020. "The Effects of QQE on Long-run Inflation Expectations in Japan," CARF F-Series CARF-F-494, Center for Advanced Research in Finance, Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo.
    39. Speck, Christian, 2016. "Inflation anchoring in the euro area," Discussion Papers 04/2016, Deutsche Bundesbank.
    40. Luis J. Álvarez & Isabel Sánchez, 2017. "A suite of inflation forecasting models," Occasional Papers 1703, Banco de España.
    41. Todd E. Clark & Gergely Ganics & Elmar Mertens, 2022. "Constructing Fan Charts from the Ragged Edge of SPF Forecasts," Working Papers 22-36, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
    42. Ren, Yi-Shuai & Klein, Tony & Jiang, Yong & Ma, Chao-Qun & Yang, Xiao-Guang, 2024. "Dynamic spillovers among global oil shocks, economic policy uncertainty, and inflation expectation uncertainty under extreme shocks," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 91(C).
    43. Cem Cakmakli & Hamza Demircan, 2020. "Using Survey Information for Improving the Density Nowcasting of US GDP with a Focus on Predictive Performance during Covid-19 Pandemic," Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Papers 2016, Koc University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum.
    44. Knüppel, Malte & Vladu, Andreea L., 2016. "Approximating fixed-horizon forecasts using fixed-event forecasts," Discussion Papers 28/2016, Deutsche Bundesbank.
    45. Martin Feldkircher & Pierre L. Siklos, 2018. "Global inflation dynamics and inflation expectations," CAMA Working Papers 2018-60, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
    46. Benjamin K. Johannsen & Elmar Mertens, 2016. "A Time Series Model of Interest Rates With the Effective Lower Bound," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2016-033, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    47. Sohei Kaihatsu & Jouchi Nakajima, 2015. "Has Trend Inflation Shifted?: An Empirical Analysis with a Regime-Switching Model," Bank of Japan Working Paper Series 15-E-3, Bank of Japan.
    48. Toshitaka Sekine & Frank Packer & Shunichi Yoneyama, 2022. "Individual Trend Inflation," Working Papers on Central Bank Communication 042, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Economics.
    49. Kevin J. Lansing, 2019. "Endogenous Forecast Switching Near the Zero Lower Bound," Working Paper Series 2017-24, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    50. Huw Dixon & Joshy Easaw & Saeed Heravi, 2020. "Forecasting inflation gap persistence: Do financial sector professionals differ from nonfinancial sector ones?," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 25(3), pages 461-474, July.
    51. Marta Banbura & Andries van Vlodrop, 2018. "Forecasting with Bayesian Vector Autoregressions with Time Variation in the Mean," Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 18-025/IV, Tinbergen Institute.
    52. Joshua C.C. Chan & Todd E. Clark & Gary Koop, 2018. "A New Model of Inflation, Trend Inflation, and Long‐Run Inflation Expectations," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 50(1), pages 5-53, February.
    53. Hanoma, Ahmed & Nautz, Dieter, 2018. "The information content of inflation swap rates for the long-term inflation expectations of professionals: Evidence from a MIDAS analysis," Discussion Papers 2018/16, Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics.

  2. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P.A., 2009. "Perhaps the 1970s FOMC did what it said it did," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 56(6), pages 842-855, September.

    Cited by:

    1. Michael D. Bordo & Pierre L. Siklos, 2015. "Central Bank Credibility: An Historical and Quantitative Exploration," NBER Working Papers 20824, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    2. Coibion, Olivier & Gorodnichenko, Yuriy & Kueng, Lorenz & Silvia, John, 2012. "Innocent Bystanders? Monetary Policy and Inequality in the U.S," IZA Discussion Papers 6633, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
    3. Rehman, Mubeen Abdur & Irfan, Muhammad & Naeem, Muhammad Abubakr & Lucey, Brian M. & Karim, Sitara, 2023. "Macro-financial implications of central bank digital currencies," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 64(C).
    4. Lutz Kilian & Logan T. Lewis, 2011. "Does the Fed Respond to Oil Price Shocks?," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 121(555), pages 1047-1072, September.
    5. Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy, Alex & Papell, David H., 2012. "Taylor rules and the Great Inflation," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 34(4), pages 903-918.
    6. Michael Bordo & Pierre Siklos, 2014. "Central Bank Credibility, Reputation and Inflation Targeting in Historical Perspective," NBER Working Papers 20693, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    7. Ron Alquist & Olivier Coibion, 2014. "Commodity Price Co-Movement and Global Economic Activity," Staff Working Papers 14-32, Bank of Canada.
    8. Huang, Yu-Fan, 2015. "Time variation in U.S. monetary policy and credit spreads," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 43(C), pages 205-215.
    9. Olivier Coibion & Yuriy Gorodnichenko, 2008. "Monetary Policy, Trend Inflation and the Great Moderation: An Alternative Interpretation," NBER Working Papers 14621, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    10. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2012. "Effective Use of Survey Information in Estimating the Evolution of Expected Inflation," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 44(1), pages 145-169, February.
    11. Benjamin D. Keen & Evan F. Koenig, 2018. "How Robust Are Popular Models of Nominal Frictions?," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 50(6), pages 1299-1342, September.
    12. Hongyi Chen & Pierre Siklos, 2022. "Central bank digital currency: A review and some macro-financial implications," CAMA Working Papers 2022-12, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
    13. Zamarripa, Rene, 2021. "Estimating the Bank of Mexico’s reaction function in the last three decades: A Bayesian DSGE approach with rolling-windows," The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 56(C).
    14. Marcelo Arbex & Sidney Caetano & Wilson Correa, 2018. "Macroeconomic Effects of Inflation Target Uncertainty Shocks," Working Papers 1804, University of Windsor, Department of Economics.
    15. Burton A. Abrams & James L. Butkiewicz, 2012. "The Political Business Cycle: New Evidence from the Nixon Tapes," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 44, pages 385-399, March.
    16. Olivier Coibion & Yuriy Gorodnichenko, 2011. "Why Are Target Interest Rate Changes So Persistent?," NBER Working Papers 16707, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    17. Riccardo DiCecio & Edward Nelson, 2013. "The Great Inflation in the United States and the United Kingdom: Reconciling Policy Decisions and Data Outcomes," NBER Chapters, in: The Great Inflation: The Rebirth of Modern Central Banking, pages 393-438, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    18. Qazi Haque, 2017. "Monetary Policy, Inflation Target and the Great Moderation: An Empirical Investigation," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 2017-13, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
    19. Qazi Haque, 2017. "Monetary Policy, Target Inflation and the Great Moderation: An Empirical Investigation," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 2017-10, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
    20. Mr. Ron Alquist & Mr. Olivier Coibion, 2013. "The Comovement in Commodity Prices: Sources and Implications," IMF Working Papers 2013/140, International Monetary Fund.
    21. Coibion, Olivier & Gorodnichenko, Yuriy & Kueng, Lorenz & Silvia, John, 2017. "Innocent Bystanders? Monetary policy and inequality," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 88(C), pages 70-89.

  3. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P.A., 2008. "Term structure transmission of monetary policy," The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 19(1), pages 71-92, March.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  4. Sharon Kozicki & P. Tinsley, 2006. "Minding the Gap: Central Bank Estimates of the Unemployment Natural Rate," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 27(2), pages 295-327, May.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  5. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P.A., 2005. "What do you expect? Imperfect policy credibility and tests of the expectations hypothesis," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 52(2), pages 421-447, March.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  6. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2004. "Permanent and transitory policy shocks in an empirical macro model with asymmetric information," Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue Mar.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  7. Clouse James & Henderson Dale & Orphanides Athanasios & Small David H. & Tinsley P.A., 2003. "Monetary Policy When the Nominal Short-Term Interest Rate is Zero," The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, De Gruyter, vol. 3(1), pages 1-65, September.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  8. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P. A., 2002. "Dynamic specifications in optimizing trend-deviation macro models," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 26(9-10), pages 1585-1611, August.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  9. Tinsley, P A, 2002. "Rational Error Correction," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 19(2), pages 197-225, April.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  10. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P. A., 2001. "Shifting endpoints in the term structure of interest rates," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 47(3), pages 613-652, June.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  11. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P. A., 2001. "Term structure views of monetary policy under alternative models of agent expectations," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 25(1-2), pages 149-184, January.

    Cited by:

    1. Tallman, Ellis W. & Zaman, Saeed, 2020. "Combining survey long-run forecasts and nowcasts with BVAR forecasts using relative entropy," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 36(2), pages 373-398.
    2. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Minding the gap : central bank estimates of the unemployment natural rate," Research Working Paper RWP 05-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    3. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "What do you expect? : imperfect policy credibility and tests of the expectations hypothesis?," Research Working Paper RWP 01-02, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    4. Orphanides, Athanasios & Wei, Min, 2012. "Evolving macroeconomic perceptions and the term structure of interest rates," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 36(2), pages 239-254.
    5. Aoki, Kosuke & Kimura, Takeshi, 2007. "Uncertainty about perceived inflation target and monetary policy," Discussion Paper Series 1: Economic Studies 2007,18, Deutsche Bundesbank.
    6. Manuel Gonzalez-Astudillo & Jean-Philippe Laforte, 2020. "Estimates of r* Consistent with a Supply-Side Structure and a Monetary Policy Rule for the U.S. Economy," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2020-085, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    7. Todd E. Clark & Saeed Zaman, 2013. "Forecasting implications of the recent decline in inflation," Economic Commentary, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, issue Nov.
    8. Ireland, Peter N., 2015. "Monetary policy, bond risk premia, and the economy," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 76(C), pages 124-140.
    9. Shujaat Khan & Edward S. Knotek, 2014. "Drifting Inflation Targets and Monetary Stagflation," Working Papers (Old Series) 1426, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
    10. Athanasios Orphanides & John C. Williams, 2007. "Inflation targeting under imperfect knowledge," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, pages 1-23.
    11. Hans M. Amman & David A. Kendrick, 2003. "A Classification System for Economic Stochastic Control Models," Computing in Economics and Finance 2003 114, Society for Computational Economics.
    12. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2002. "Alternative sources of the lag dynamics of inflation," Research Working Paper RWP 02-12, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    13. Davide Delle Monache & Ivan Petrella, 2014. "Adaptive Models and Heavy Tails," Working Papers 720, Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance.
    14. Emanuel Kopp & Peter D. Williams, 2018. "A Macroeconomic Approach to the Term Premium," IMF Working Papers 2018/140, International Monetary Fund.
    15. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P. A., 2001. "Shifting endpoints in the term structure of interest rates," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 47(3), pages 613-652, June.
    16. Orphanides, Athanasios & Williams, John C, 2005. "Inflation Scares and Forecast-Based Monetary Policy," CEPR Discussion Papers 4844, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    17. Bulkley, George & Giordani, Paolo, 2011. "Structural breaks, parameter uncertainty, and term structure puzzles," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 102(1), pages 222-232, October.
    18. Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken, 2006. "Forecasting of small macroeconomic VARs in the presence of instabilities," Research Working Paper RWP 06-09, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    19. Machava, Agostinho & Brännäs, Kurt, 2015. "Mozambican Monetary Policy and the Yield Curve of Treasury Bills - An Empirical Study," Umeå Economic Studies 918, Umeå University, Department of Economics.
    20. Doshi, Hitesh & Jacobs, Kris & Liu, Rui, 2018. "Macroeconomic determinants of the term structure: Long-run and short-run dynamics," Journal of Empirical Finance, Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 99-122.
    21. Peter Hooper & Frederic S. Mishkin & Amir Sufi, 2019. "Prospects for Inflation in a High Pressure Economy: Is the Phillips Curve Dead or is It Just Hibernating?," NBER Working Papers 25792, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    22. Bharat Trehan & Tao Wu, 2004. "Time varying equilibrium real rates and monetary policy analysis," Working Paper Series 2004-10, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    23. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2012. "Effective Use of Survey Information in Estimating the Evolution of Expected Inflation," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 44(1), pages 145-169, February.
    24. Takeshi Kimura & Kosuke Aoki, 2009. "Central Bank's Two-Way Communication with the Public and Inflation Dynamics," 2009 Meeting Papers 108, Society for Economic Dynamics.
    25. Christopher J. Gust & Edward P. Herbst & J. David López-Salido, 2020. "Short-term Planning, Monetary Policy, and Macroeconomic Persistence," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2020-003, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    26. Bjarni G. Einarsson, 2024. "Online Monitoring of Policy Optimality," Economics wp95, Department of Economics, Central bank of Iceland.
    27. Hooper, Peter & Mishkin, Frederic S. & Sufi, Amir, 2020. "Prospects for inflation in a high pressure economy: Is the Phillips curve dead or is it just hibernating?," Research in Economics, Elsevier, vol. 74(1), pages 26-62.
    28. Cogley, Timothy W. & Morozov, Sergei & Sargent, Thomas J., 2003. "Bayesian fan charts for UK inflation: Forecasting and sources of uncertainty in an evolving monetary system," CFS Working Paper Series 2003/44, Center for Financial Studies (CFS).
    29. Marcelo Arbex & Sidney Caetano & Wilson Correa, 2018. "Macroeconomic Effects of Inflation Target Uncertainty Shocks," Working Papers 1804, University of Windsor, Department of Economics.
    30. Michael T. Kiley, 2014. "The Aggregate Demand Effects of Short- and Long-Term Interest Rates," International Journal of Central Banking, International Journal of Central Banking, vol. 10(4), pages 69-104, December.
    31. Matthieu Lemoine & Florian Pelgrin, 2003. "Introduction aux modèles espace-état et au filtre de Kalman," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 86(3), pages 203-229.
    32. Sharon Kozicki & P. A. Tinsley, 2007. "Perhaps the FOMC Did What It Said It Did: An Alternative Interpretation of the Great Inflation," Staff Working Papers 07-19, Bank of Canada.
    33. Rautureau, Nicolas, 2004. "Measuring the long-term perception of monetary policy and the term structure," Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 12/2004, Bank of Finland.
    34. Richard L. Johnson, 2001. "Fiscal reaction rules in numerical macro models," Research Working Paper RWP 01-01, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    35. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2003. "Permanent and transitory policy shocks in an empirical macro model with asymmetric information," Research Working Paper RWP 03-09, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    36. Chi-Young Choi & Joo Yong Lee & Róisín O'Sullivan, 2015. "Monetary Policy Regime Change and Regional Inflation Dynamics: Looking through the Lens of Sector-Level Data for Korea," Working Papers 2015-20, Economic Research Institute, Bank of Korea.
    37. Alain Monfort & Fulvio Pegoraro & Jean-Paul Renne & Guillaume Roussellet, 2017. "Staying at zero with affine processes : an application to term structure modelling," Rue de la Banque, Banque de France, issue 52, november.
    38. Todd E. Clark & Troy Davig, 2008. "An empirical assessment of the relationships among inflation and short- and long-term expectations," Research Working Paper RWP 08-05, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    39. Timothy Cogley, 2005. "Changing Beliefs and the Term Structure of Interest Rates: Cross-Equation Restrictions with Drifting Parameters," Review of Economic Dynamics, Elsevier for the Society for Economic Dynamics, vol. 8(2), pages 420-451, April.
    40. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "Dynamic specifications in optimizing trend-deviation macro models," Research Working Paper RWP 01-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    41. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2002. "Term premia : endogenous constraints on monetary policy," Research Working Paper RWP 02-07, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    42. Daniela Osterrieder, 2013. "Interest Rates with Long Memory: A Generalized Affine Term-Structure Model," CREATES Research Papers 2013-17, Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University.
    43. Gerlach-Kristen, Petra, 2003. "Interest rate reaction functions and the Taylor rule in the euro area," Working Paper Series 258, European Central Bank.
    44. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Term structure transmission of monetary policy," Research Working Paper RWP 05-06, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    45. Marc Tomljanovich, 2007. "Does Central Bank Transparency Impact Financial Markets? A Cross‐Country Econometric Analysis," Southern Economic Journal, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 73(3), pages 791-813, January.
    46. Kevin Moran, 2005. "Learning and the Welfare Implications of Changing Inflation Targets," Cahiers de recherche 0511, CIRPEE.
    47. James A. Clouse & Dale W. Henderson & Athanasios Orphanides & David H. Small & Peter A. Tinsley, 2000. "Monetary policy when the nominal short-term interest rate is zero," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2000-51, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    48. Saeed Zaman, 2013. "Improving inflation forecasts in the medium to long term," Economic Commentary, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, issue Nov.
    49. Berument, Hakan & Froyen, Richard T., 2006. "Monetary policy and long-term US interest rates," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 28(4), pages 737-751, December.
    50. Edward S. Knotek & Saeed Zaman, 2013. "When Might the Federal Funds Rate Lift Off? Computing the Probabilities of Crossing Unemployment and Inflation Thresholds," Economic Commentary, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, issue Dec.
    51. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P.A., 2009. "Perhaps the 1970s FOMC did what it said it did," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 56(6), pages 842-855, September.
    52. Jardet, C. & Monfort, A. & Pegoraro, F., 2009. "No-arbitrage Near-Cointegrated VAR(p) Term Structure Models, Term Premia and GDP Growth," Working papers 234, Banque de France.
    53. Kim Chang-Jin & Kim Yunmi, 2008. "Is the Backward-Looking Component Important in a New Keynesian Phillips Curve?," Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, De Gruyter, vol. 12(3), pages 1-20, September.
    54. Edward S. Knotek & Saeed Zaman, 2014. "The Slowdown in Residential Investment and Future Prospects," Economic Commentary, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, issue May.
    55. Choi, Chi-Young & O'Sullivan, Róisín, 2013. "Heterogeneous response of disaggregate inflation to monetary policy regime change: The role of price stickiness," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 37(9), pages 1814-1832.
    56. Donald Coletti, 2023. "A Blueprint for the Fourth Generation of Bank of Canada Projection and Policy Analysis Models," Discussion Papers 2023-23, Bank of Canada.
    57. Clark, Todd E. & Doh, Taeyoung, 2014. "Evaluating alternative models of trend inflation," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 30(3), pages 426-448.

  12. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P A, 1998. "Moving Endpoints and the Internal Consistency of Agents' Ex Ante Forecasts," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 11(1-2), pages 21-40, April.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  13. Flint Brayton & Eileen Mauskopf & David L. Reifschneider & Peter A. Tinsley & John Williams, 1997. "The role of expectations in the FRB/US macroeconomic model," Federal Reserve Bulletin, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), vol. 83(Apr), pages 227-245, April.

    Cited by:

    1. Willem H. Buiter, 2008. "Housing Wealth Isn't Wealth," NBER Working Papers 14204, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    2. Olivier Coibion & Yuriy Gorodnichenko & Rupal Kamdar, 2017. "The Formation of Expectations, Inflation and the Phillips Curve," NBER Working Papers 23304, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    3. Don H. Kim, 2008. "Challenges in macro-finance modeling," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2008-06, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    4. Robert H. Rasche, 2001. "Identification of dynamic economic models from reduced form VECM structures: an application of covariance restrictions," Working Papers 2000-011, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
    5. Athanasios Orphanides & John C. Williams, 2004. "The decline of activist stabilization policy: natural rate misperceptions, learning, and expectations," International Finance Discussion Papers 804, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    6. Luis Catão & Adrian Pagan, 2010. "The Credit Channel and Monetary Transmission in Brazil and Chile: A Structured VAR Approach," NCER Working Paper Series 53, National Centre for Econometric Research.
    7. John C. Williams, 2009. "Heeding Daedalus: Optimal Inflation and the Zero Lower Bound," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Economic Studies Program, The Brookings Institution, vol. 40(2 (Fall)), pages 1-49.
    8. John C. Williams, 2003. "Simple rules for monetary policy," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, pages 1-12.
    9. Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken, 2010. "Averaging forecasts from VARs with uncertain instabilities," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 25(1), pages 5-29.
    10. Frédérique Bec & Patrick Kanda, 2019. "Is inflation driven by survey-based, VAR-based or myopic expectations?," Working Papers hal-02175836, HAL.
    11. Muellbauer, John, 2008. "Housing, Credit and Consumer Expenditure," CEPR Discussion Papers 6782, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    12. David L. Reifschneider & William L. Wascher & David W. Wilcox, 2013. "Aggregate supply in the United States: recent developments and implications for the conduct of monetary policy," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2013-77, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    13. Bec, Frédérique & Kanda, Patrick, 2020. "Is inflation driven by survey-based, VAR-based or myopic expectations? An empirical assessment from US real-time data," The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 51(C).
    14. Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken, 2006. "Forecasting of small macroeconomic VARs in the presence of instabilities," Research Working Paper RWP 06-09, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    15. Frederic S. Mishkin, 2007. "Housing and the monetary transmission mechanism," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2007-40, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    16. John M. Roberts, 2004. "Monetary policy and inflation dynamics," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2004-62, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    17. John C. Williams & Andrew T. Levin, 2003. "Robust Monetary Policy with Competing Reference Models," Computing in Economics and Finance 2003 291, Society for Computational Economics.
    18. Hess T. Chung & Jean-Philippe Laforte & David L. Reifschneider & John C. Williams, 2011. "Have we underestimated the likelihood and severity of zero lower bound events?," Working Paper Series 2011-01, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    19. Joseph E. Gagnon, 2007. "Productive Capacity, Product Varieties, and the Elasticities Approach to the Trade Balance," Review of International Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 15(4), pages 639-659, September.
    20. Corinne Houizot & Hélène Baudchon & Catherine Mathieu & Francisco Serranito, 2000. "Plus-values, consommation et épargne," Post-Print hal-03458494, HAL.
    21. Willman, Alpo, 2003. "Consumption, habit persistence, imperfect information and the lifetime budget constraint," Working Paper Series 251, European Central Bank.
    22. Ellen R. McGrattan, 1999. "Predicting the effects of Federal Reserve policy in a sticky-price model: an analytical approach," Working Papers 598, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
    23. Philippe Jeanfils & Koen Burggraeve, 2005. "Noname - A new quarterly model for Belgium," Working Paper Research 68, National Bank of Belgium.
    24. Brian Ironside & Robert J. Tetlow, 2006. "Real-time model uncertainty in the United States: the Fed from 1996-2003," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2006-08, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    25. Hess T. Chung & Jean-Philippe Laforte & David L. Reifschneider & John C. Williams, 2011. "Estimating the macroeconomic effects of the Fed’s asset purchases," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue jan31.
    26. Frederico Finan & Athanasios Orphanides & Richard D. Porter & David L. Reifschneider & Robert J. Tetlow, 1999. "Errors in the measurement of the output gap and the design of monetary policy," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1999-45, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    27. Antulio N. Bomfim & Glenn D. Rudebusch, 1997. "Opportunistic and deliberate disinflation under imperfect credibility," Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory 97-07, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    28. René Lalonde & Dirk Muir, 2007. "The Bank of Canada's Version of the Global Economy Model (BoC-GEM)," Technical Reports 98, Bank of Canada.
    29. Philippe Jeanfils, 2000. "A model with explicit expectations for Belgium," Working Paper Research 04, National Bank of Belgium.
    30. Fanelli, Luca, 2007. "Evaluating the New Keynesian Phillips Curve under VAR-based learning," MPRA Paper 1616, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    31. Chan Guk Huh & Kevin J. Lansing, 1997. "Expectations, credibility, and disinflation in a small macroeconomic model," Working Papers (Old Series) 9713, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
    32. Robert J. Tetlow & Peter Von zur Muehlen, 2000. "Robust monetary policy with misspecified models: does model uncertainty always call for attenuated policy?," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2000-28, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    33. Peter Von zur Muehlen, 2001. "The effect of past and future economic fundamentals on spending and pricing behavior in the FRB/US macroeconomic model," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2001-12, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    34. Todd E. Clark & Troy Davig, 2008. "An empirical assessment of the relationships among inflation and short- and long-term expectations," Research Working Paper RWP 08-05, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    35. Luca Fanelli, 2008. "Testing the New Keynesian Phillips Curve Through Vector Autoregressive Models: Results from the Euro Area," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 70(1), pages 53-66, February.
    36. Emilian DOBRESCU, 2020. "Self-fulfillment degree of economic expectations within an integrated space: The European Union case study," Journal for Economic Forecasting, Institute for Economic Forecasting, vol. 0(4), pages 5-32, December.
    37. Svensson, Lars O & Tetlow, Robert J, 2005. "Optimal Policy Projections," MPRA Paper 839, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    38. Sujit Chakravorti & William R. Emmons, 2001. "Who pays for credit cards?," Occasional Paper; Emerging Payments EPS-2001-1, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
    39. Poledna, Sebastian & Miess, Michael Gregor & Hommes, Cars & Rabitsch, Katrin, 2023. "Economic forecasting with an agent-based model," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 151(C).
    40. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2001. "Dynamic specifications in optimizing trend-deviation macro models," Research Working Paper RWP 01-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    41. Thomas Laubach & John C. Williams, 2001. "Measuring the natural rate of interest," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2001-56, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    42. Marco Del Negro & Frank Schorfheide, 2003. "Take your model bowling: forecasting with general equilibrium models," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, vol. 88(Q4), pages 35-50.
    43. Athanasios Orphanides & John C. Williams, 2002. "Imperfect knowledge, inflation expectations, and monetary policy," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2002-27, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    44. Jaime Marquez, 2000. "The Puzzling Income Elasticity of US Imports," Econometric Society World Congress 2000 Contributed Papers 1128, Econometric Society.
    45. David E Lindsey, 1997. "Discussion of 'The Smoothing of Official Interest Rates'," RBA Annual Conference Volume (Discontinued), in: Philip Lowe (ed.),Monetary Policy and Inflation Targeting, Reserve Bank of Australia.
    46. Frederic S. Mishkin, 2007. "\"Housing and the monetary transmission mechanism,\" Finance and Economics Discussion Series Working Paper: a speech at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City's Economic Symposium, Jackson ," Speech 312, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    47. David Dupuis, 2004. "The New Keynesian Hybrid Phillips Curve: An Assessment of Competing Specifications for the United States," Staff Working Papers 04-31, Bank of Canada.
    48. Menzie Chinn, 2013. "fiscal multipliers," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics,, Palgrave Macmillan.
    49. David L. Reifschneider & John C. Williams, 2000. "Three lessons for monetary policy in a low-inflation era," Conference Series ; [Proceedings], Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, pages 936-978.
    50. James A. Clouse & Dale W. Henderson & Athanasios Orphanides & David H. Small & Peter A. Tinsley, 2000. "Monetary policy when the nominal short-term interest rate is zero," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2000-51, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    51. Yanick Desnoyers, 2001. "L'effet de la richesse sur la consommation aux États-Unis," Staff Working Papers 01-14, Bank of Canada.
    52. Corinne Houizot & Hélène Baudchon & Catherine Mathieu & Francisco Serranito, 2000. "Plus-values, consommation et épargne. Une estimation de l'effet richesse aux États- Unis et au Royaume- Uni," Revue de l'OFCE, Programme National Persée, vol. 73(1), pages 197-240.
    53. Jacob Punnoose & Amber Wadsworth, 2018. "Estimated policy rules for different monetary regimes: Flexible inflation targeting versus a dual mandate," Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series AN2018/11, Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
    54. Roberto M. Billi & George A. Kahn, 2008. "What is the optimal inflation rate?," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, vol. 93(Q II), pages 5-28.
    55. Roy H. Webb, 1999. "Two approaches to macroeconomic forecasting," Economic Quarterly, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, issue Sum, pages 23-40.
    56. Ichiro Fukunaga & Naoko Hara & Satoko Kojima & Yoichi Ueno & Shunichi Yoneyama, 2011. "The Quarterly Japanese Economic Model (Q-JEM): 2011 Version," Bank of Japan Working Paper Series 11-E-11, Bank of Japan.
    57. Bogdan OANCEA & Tudorel ANDREI & Raluca DRAGOESCU, 2012. "Cuda Based Computational Methods For Macroeconomic Forecasts," New Trends in Modelling and Economic Forecast (MEF 2011), ROMANIAN ACADEMY – INSTITUTE FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING;"Nicolae Titulescu" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Economic Sciences, vol. 1(1), pages 42-53, January.
    58. Shaun de Jager & Michael Johnston & Rudi Steinbach, 2015. "A Revised Quarterly Projection Model for South Africa," Working Papers 6839, South African Reserve Bank.
    59. David L. Reifschneider & Peter Tulip, 2007. "Gauging the uncertainty of the economic outlook from historical forecasting errors," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2007-60, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    60. Taylor, John B, 2000. "Alternative Views of the Monetary Transmission Mechanism: What Difference Do They Make for Monetary Policy?," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Oxford University Press and Oxford Review of Economic Policy Limited, vol. 16(4), pages 60-73, Winter.
    61. Christopher J. Erceg & James Hebden & Michael T. Kiley & J. David López-Salido & Robert J. Tetlow, 2018. "Some Implications of Uncertainty and Misperception for Monetary Policy," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2018-059, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    62. Marc-André Gosselin & René Lalonde, 2003. "Un modèle « PAC » d'analyse et de prévision des dépense des ménages américains," Staff Working Papers 03-13, Bank of Canada.
    63. René Lalonde & Dirk Muir, 2009. "BoC-GEM: Modelling the World Economy," Bank of Canada Review, Bank of Canada, vol. 2009(Summer), pages 43-53.
    64. Reifschneider, David L. & Roberts, John M., 2006. "Expectations formation and the effectiveness of strategies for limiting the consequences of the zero bound," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Elsevier, vol. 20(3), pages 314-337, September.
    65. Atsushi Ishikawa & Koichiro Kamada & Yoshiyuki Kurachi & Kentaro Nasu & Yuki Teranishi, 2012. "Introduction to the Financial Macro-econometric Model," Bank of Japan Working Paper Series 12-E-1, Bank of Japan.
    66. Andrew T. Levin & John H. Rogers & Ralph W. Tryon, 1997. "A guide to FRB/Global," International Finance Discussion Papers 588, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).

  14. Tinsley, P A & Krieger, Reva, 1997. "Asymmetric Adjustments of Price and Output," Economic Inquiry, Western Economic Association International, vol. 35(3), pages 631-652, July.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  15. Brayton, Flint & Tinsley, P. A., 1996. "Effective interest rate policies for price stability," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 13(2), pages 289-314, April.

    Cited by:

    1. Reifschneider, David L. & Stockton, David J. & Wilcox, David W., 1997. "Econometric models and the monetary policy process," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Elsevier, vol. 47(1), pages 1-37, December.

  16. Neumark, David & Tinsley, P A & Tosini, Suzanne, 1991. "After-Hours Stock Prices and Post-Crash Hangovers," Journal of Finance, American Finance Association, vol. 46(1), pages 159-178, March.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  17. Jeffrey C. Fuhrer & Eileen Mauskopf & Peter A. Tinsley, 1990. "The transmission channels of monetary policy: how have they changed?," Federal Reserve Bulletin, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), issue Dec, pages 985-1008.

    Cited by:

    1. Rudebusch, Glenn D & Svensson, Lars E O, 1998. "Policy Rules for Inflation Targeting," CEPR Discussion Papers 1999, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    2. Janet L. Yellen, 2009. "Linkages between monetary and regulatory policy: lessons from the crisis," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue nov23.
    3. Ha, Yuong, 1999. "Uncertainty about Length of the Monetary Policy Transmission Lag: Implications for Monetary Policy," Working Paper Series 94, Sveriges Riksbank (Central Bank of Sweden).
    4. J.M. Berk, 1998. "Monetary transmission: what do we know and how can we use it?," BNL Quarterly Review, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, vol. 51(205), pages 145-170.
    5. Boivin, Jean & Kiley, Michael T. & Mishkin, Frederic S., 2010. "How Has the Monetary Transmission Mechanism Evolved Over Time?," Handbook of Monetary Economics, in: Benjamin M. Friedman & Michael Woodford (ed.), Handbook of Monetary Economics, edition 1, volume 3, chapter 8, pages 369-422, Elsevier.
    6. Glenn D. Rudebusch, 1995. "What are the lags in monetary policy?," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue feb3.
    7. Douglas W. Elmendorf, 1996. "The effect of interest-rate changes on household saving and consumption: a survey," Finance and Economics Discussion Series 96-27, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    8. John V. Duca, 1995. "Regulatory changes and housing coefficients," Working Papers 9512, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
    9. van Els, Peter J. A. & Morgan, Julian & Locarno, Alberto & Villetelle, Jean-Pierre, 2001. "Monetary policy transmission in the euro area: What do aggregate and national structural models tell us?," Working Paper Series 94, European Central Bank.
    10. Brayton, Flint & Tinsley, P. A., 1996. "Effective interest rate policies for price stability," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 13(2), pages 289-314, April.
    11. J.M. Berk, 1998. "Monetary transmission: what do we know and how can we use it?," Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, vol. 51(205), pages 145-170.
    12. Jan Marc Berk, 2002. "Central banking and financial innovation. A survey of the modern literature," Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, vol. 55(222), pages 263-297.
    13. Jan Marc Berk, 2002. "Central banking and financial innovation. A survey of the modern literature," BNL Quarterly Review, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, vol. 55(222), pages 263-297.
    14. Monaco, Ralph M., 1991. "Recent Macroeconomic Developments And Their Impact On Agriculture," Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association, vol. 20(2), pages 1-7, October.
    15. Jan Marc Berk, 2002. "Banca centrale e innovazione finanziaria. Una rassegna della letteratura recente," Moneta e Credito, Economia civile, vol. 55(220), pages 345-385.
    16. Filippo Altissimo & Alberto Locarno & Stefano Siviero, 2002. "Dealing with forward-looking expectations and policy rules in quantifying the channels of transmission of monetary policy," Temi di discussione (Economic working papers) 460, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
    17. John V. Duca, 1996. "Can mortgage applications help predict home sales?," Economic and Financial Policy Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, issue Q IV, pages 21-30.
    18. Karen Mills & Steven Morling & Warren Tease, 1994. "The Influence of Financial Factors on Corporate Investment," RBA Research Discussion Papers rdp9402, Reserve Bank of Australia.
    19. Bernard Shull, 1993. "The Limits of Prudential Supervision: Economic Problems, Institutional Failure and Competence," Economics Working Paper Archive wp_88, Levy Economics Institute.
    20. Jan Marc Berk, 2002. "New Economy, Old Central Banks?," Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 02-087/2, Tinbergen Institute, revised 01 Aug 2002.

  18. Swamy, P. A. V. B. & Barth, J. R. & Tinsley, P. A., 1982. "The rational expectations approach to economic modelling," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 4(1), pages 125-147, November.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  19. Tinsley, P. A. & von zur Muehlen, P. & Fries, G., 1982. "The short-run volatility of money stock targeting," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 10(2), pages 215-237.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  20. Tinsley, Peter A, et al, 1982. "Policy Robustness: Specification and Simulation of a Monthly Money Market Model," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 14(4), pages 829-856, November.

    Cited by:

    1. Robert H. Rasche, 1985. "Interest rate volatility and alternative monetary control procedure," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue Sum, pages 46-63.
    2. Conway, Roger K., 1985. "Examining Intertemporal Export Elasticities for Wheat, Corn, and Soybeans: A Stochastic Coefficients Approach," Technical Bulletins 157006, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
    3. Kozicki, Sharon & Tinsley, P. A., 2001. "Term structure views of monetary policy under alternative models of agent expectations," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 25(1-2), pages 149-184, January.
    4. Goodhart, Charles, 1989. "The Conduct of Monetary Policy," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 99(396), pages 293-346, June.
    5. Robert B. Avery & Myron L. Kwast, 1993. "Money and interest rates under a reserves operating target," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, vol. 29(Q II), pages 24-34.
    6. Robert L. Hetzel, 1986. "A critique of theories of money stock determination," Working Paper 86-06, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
    7. Michael Tindall & Roger Spencer, 1997. "Borrowed reserves and deposit variation: The risks to monetary policy," Atlantic Economic Journal, Springer;International Atlantic Economic Society, vol. 25(3), pages 297-306, September.
    8. Ben S. Bernanke & Ilian Mihov, 1998. "The Liquidity Effect and Long-Run Neutrality," NBER Working Papers 6608, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    9. Daniel L. Thornton, 1996. "The information content of discount rate announcements: what's behind the announcement effect?," Working Papers 1994-032, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
    10. Robert L. Hetzel, 1986. "Monetary policy in the early 1980s," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, vol. 72(Mar), pages 20-32.
    11. Allan D. Brunner, 1994. "The federal funds rate and the implementation of monetary policy: estimating the Federal Reserve's reaction function," International Finance Discussion Papers 466, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    12. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 2005. "Term structure transmission of monetary policy," Research Working Paper RWP 05-06, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    13. Joseph G. Haubrich & Paul Wachtel, 1993. "Capital requirements and shifts in commercial bank portfolios," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, vol. 29(Q III), pages 2-15.
    14. Hanes, Christopher, 2019. "Explaining the appearance of open-mouth operations in the 1990s U.S," The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 682-701.

  21. Tinsley, P. A. & Garrett, Bonnie & Friar, Monica, 1981. "An expose of disguised deposits," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 15(1), pages 117-137, January.

    Cited by:

    1. V. Vance Roley, 1985. "Money Demand Predictability," NBER Working Papers 1580, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    2. Duca, John V., 1995. "Should bond funds be added to M2?," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 19(1), pages 131-152, April.
    3. Duca, John V. & VanHoose, David D., 2004. "Recent developments in understanding the demand for money," Journal of Economics and Business, Elsevier, vol. 56(4), pages 247-272.

  22. Tinsley, P. & Von Zur Muehlen, P., 1981. "A maximum probability approach to short-run policy," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 15(1), pages 31-48, January.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  23. Tinsley, P. A. & Spindt, P. A. & Friar, M. E., 1980. "Indicator and filter attributes of monetary aggregates : A nit-picking case for disaggregation," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 14(1), pages 61-91, September.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  24. Swamy, P. A. V. B. & Tinsley, P. A., 1980. "Linear prediction and estimation methods for regression models with stationary stochastic coefficients," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 12(2), pages 103-142, February.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  25. Kalchbrenner, J. H. & Tinsley, P. A. & Berry, J. & Garrett, B., 1977. "On filtering auxiliary information in short-run monetary policy," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Elsevier, vol. 7(1), pages 39-84, January.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  26. Kalchbrenner, J H & Tinsley, Peter A, 1976. "On the Use of Feedback Control in the Design of Aggregate Monetary Policy," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 66(2), pages 349-355, May.

    Cited by:

    1. Altissimo, Filippo & Gaiotti, Eugenio & Locarno, Alberto, 2005. "Is money informative? Evidence from a large model used for policy analysis," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 22(2), pages 285-304, March.
    2. Hans M. Amman & David A. Kendrick, 2003. "A Classification System for Economic Stochastic Control Models," Computing in Economics and Finance 2003 114, Society for Computational Economics.
    3. Athanasios Orphanides & John C. Williams, 2013. "Monetary Policy Mistakes and the Evolution of Inflation Expectations," NBER Chapters, in: The Great Inflation: The Rebirth of Modern Central Banking, pages 255-288, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    4. Henderson, Dale, 1999. "Monetary policy issues for the Eurosystem : A comment," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Elsevier, vol. 51(1), pages 137-148, December.
    5. Robert B. Litterman, 1982. "Optimal Control of the Money Supply," NBER Working Papers 0912, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    6. Svensson, Lars O & Tetlow, Robert J, 2005. "Optimal Policy Projections," MPRA Paper 839, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    7. Gregory C. Chow, 1980. "Comparison of Econometric Models by Optimal Control Techniques," NBER Chapters, in: Evaluation of Econometric Models, pages 229-243, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    8. Matthew B. Canzoneri, 1980. "Stability in financial and labor markets: is there a tradeoff?," International Finance Discussion Papers 161, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    9. Kendrick, David A., 2005. "Stochastic control for economic models: past, present and the paths ahead," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 29(1-2), pages 3-30, January.

  27. Tinsley, P A, 1971. "A Variable Adjustment Model of Labor Demand," International Economic Review, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association, vol. 12(3), pages 482-510, October.

    Cited by:

    1. Mr. Michael Funke & Mr. Felix FitzRoy, 1995. "Skills, Wages, and Employment in East and West Germany," IMF Working Papers 1995/004, International Monetary Fund.
    2. Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley, 1998. "Vector rational error correction," Research Working Paper 98-03, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
    3. Hans M. Amman & David A. Kendrick, 2003. "A Classification System for Economic Stochastic Control Models," Computing in Economics and Finance 2003 114, Society for Computational Economics.
    4. Nakamura, Tamotsu, 2000. "Seniority-Wage System and the Growth of a Labor-Managed Firm," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 28(3), pages 606-618, September.
    5. Peter Isard & Barbara R. Lowrey & P. A. V. B. Swamy, 1975. "Theory and estimation of the demand for imports of consumer goods," International Finance Discussion Papers 61, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
    6. Grant Kirkpatrick, 1982. "Real factor prices and German manufacturing employment: A time series analysis, 1960I–1979IV," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 118(1), pages 79-103, March.
    7. Stevens, Guy V. G., 2000. "Politics, economics and investment:: Explaining plant and equipment spending by US direct investors in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 19(2), pages 153-183, April.
    8. Daniel S. Hamermesh, 1992. "Spatial and Temporal Aggregation in the Dynamics of Labor Demand," NBER Working Papers 4055, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    9. Spitznagel, Eugen, 1977. "Kurzfristige Beschäftigungsfunktionen - Empirische Ergebnisse - ," Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany], vol. 10(1), pages 166-181.
    10. Grant Kirkpatrick, 1981. "Further results on the time series analysis of real wages and employment for U. S. manufacturing, 1948–1977," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 117(2), pages 326-351, June.
    11. Allan Drazen & Daniel S. Hamermesh & Norman P. Obst, 1981. "Quantity and Elasticity Spillovers onto the Labor Market: Theory and Evidence on Sluggishness," NBER Working Papers 0676, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    12. Guy V.G. Stevens, 1998. "U.S. Direct Investment To Mexico: Politics, Economics, And Nafta," Contemporary Economic Policy, Western Economic Association International, vol. 16(2), pages 197-210, April.
    13. Daniel S. Hamermesh, 1984. "The Demand for Labor in the Long Run," NBER Working Papers 1297, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    14. Drazen, Allan & Hamermesh, Daniel & Obst, Norman P., 1982. "The Variable Employment Elasticity Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence," Foerder Institute for Economic Research Working Papers 275358, Tel-Aviv University > Foerder Institute for Economic Research.

  28. Tinsley, P. A., 1970. "Capital Structure, Precautionary Balances, and Valuation of the Firm: The Problem of Financial Risk," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Cambridge University Press, vol. 5(1), pages 33-62, March.
    See citations under working paper version above.


  1. Roger Craine & Arthur Havenner & Peter Tinsley, 1976. "Optimal Macroeconomic Control Policies," NBER Chapters, in: Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, Volume 5, number 2, pages 191-203, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.

    Cited by:

    1. Hans M. Amman & David A. Kendrick, 2003. "A Classification System for Economic Stochastic Control Models," Computing in Economics and Finance 2003 114, Society for Computational Economics.
    2. Amman, Hans M & Kendrick, David A, 1999. "Should Macroeconomic Policy Makers Consider Parameter Covariances?," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 14(3), pages 263-267, December.
    3. Gregory C. Chow, 1980. "Comparison of Econometric Models by Optimal Control Techniques," NBER Chapters, in: Evaluation of Econometric Models, pages 229-243, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    4. Kendrick, David A., 2005. "Stochastic control for economic models: past, present and the paths ahead," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 29(1-2), pages 3-30, January.
    5. Marco Tucci, 2006. "Understanding the Difference Between Robust Control and Optimal Control in a Linear Discrete-Time System with Time-Varying Parameters," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 27(4), pages 533-558, June.

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