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by members of

UFR des Sciences Juridiques, Économiques, Politiques et de Gestion
Université de Franche-Comté
Besançon, France

(Law, Economics, Politics and Management Unit, University of Franche-Comte)

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. Find also a compilation of publications from alumni here.

This page is updated in the first days of each month.

| Working papers | Journal articles | Books | Chapters |

Working papers


  1. Hervé Alexandre & Catherine Refait-Alexandre & Larry D. Wall, 2024. "European banks and Fed liquidity facilities during the Global Financial Crisis: Good news for the bad and bad news for the good," Working Papers 2024-12, CRESE.
  2. Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps & Mostapha Diss & Rodrigue Tido Takeng, 2024. "Cooperative games with diversity constraints," Working Papers 2024-06, CRESE.
  3. Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps & Mostapha Diss & Rodrigue Tido Takeng, 2024. "Multiwinner elections with diversity constraints on individual preferences," Working Papers 2024-07, CRESE.
  4. Sylvain Béal & Mostapha Diss & Rodrigue Tido Takeng, 2024. "New axiomatizations of the Diversity Owen and Shapley values," Working Papers 2024-09, CRESE.
  5. Sylvain Béal & David Lowing & Léa Munich, 2024. "Sharing the cost of cleaning up non-point source pollution," Working Papers 2024-13, CRESE.
  6. Pierre Bernhard & Marc Deschamps, 2024. "Cournot oligopoly: a discrete time sticky-prices paradox," Working Papers 2024-01, CRESE.
  7. Romain Biard & Marc Deschamps & Mostapha Diss & Alexis Roussel, 2024. "Assessing available care time and nursing shortage in a hospital," Working Papers 2024-03, CRESE.
  8. Mostapha Diss & Clinton Gabon Gassi & Eric Kamwa, 2024. "On the price of diversity for multiwinner elections under (weakly) separable scoring rules," Working Papers 2024-02, CRESE.


  1. Hervé Alexandre & Christian At & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2023. "Strategic Toeholds in Takeovers," Working Papers 2023-10, CRESE.
  2. Sylvain Béal & Adriana Navarro-Ramos & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2023. "Sharing the cost of hazardous transportation networks and the Priority Shapley value," Working Papers 2023-03, CRESE.
  3. Sylvain Ferrières & Adriana Navarro-Ramos & Philippe Solal & Sylvain Béal, 2023. "Axiomatic characterizations of the family of Weighted priority values," Post-Print hal-04053363, HAL.
  4. Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrières & Philippe Solal, 2023. "A Core-Partition Ranking Solution to Coalitional Ranking Problems," Post-Print hal-04114152, HAL.
  5. Alexis Roussel & Romain Biard & Marc Deschamps & Mostapha Diss, 2023. "Modeling medical material shortage using Markov processes," Working Papers 2023-04, CRESE.
  6. Jenny Helstroffer & Majlinda Joxhe & Marc Deschamps & Julien Jacob & Géraldine Bocquého, 2023. "Modelling refugee migration under cognitive biases: Experimental evidence and policy," Post-Print hal-03987371, HAL.
  7. Jihad Elnaboulsi & Ibrahim Tawbe, 2023. "La régulation par l'information : la lumière du soleil est-elle le meilleur des désinfectants de l'environnement ?," Post-Print hal-04211463, HAL.
  8. Mostapha Diss & Clinton Gubong Gassi & Issofa Moyouwou, 2023. "Combining diversity and excellence in multi winner elections," Working Papers 2023-05, CRESE.
  9. Ahmad Awde & Mostapha Diss & Eric Kamwa & Julien Yves Rolland & Abdelmonaim Tlidi, 2023. "Social unacceptability for simple voting procedures," Post-Print hal-03614587, HAL.
  10. Mostapha Diss & Keith Dougherty & Jac Heckelman, 2023. "When ties are possible: Weak Condorcet winners and Arrovian rationality," Post-Print hal-04419865, HAL.
  11. Mostapha Diss & Eric Kamwa & Abdelmonaim Tlidi, 2023. "The effect of close elections on the likelihood of voting paradoxes: Further results in three-candidate elections," Working Papers hal-04230359, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2022. "Incentives to implement personalized medicine under second‐best pricing," Post-Print hal-04353272, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2022. "Health Care Provider Networks: Are Insurers Better Off?," Post-Print hal-04353283, HAL.
  3. Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps & Catherine Refait-Alexandre & Guillaume Sekli, 2022. "Early contributors, cooperation and fair rewards in crowdfunding," Working Papers 2022-07, CRESE.
  4. Sylvain Béal & Stéphane Gonzalez & Philippe Solal & Peter Sudhölter, 2022. "Axiomatic characterizations of the core without consistency," Working Papers 2022-02, CRESE.
  5. Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrières & Adriana Navarro-Ramos & Philippe Solal, 2022. "A characterization of the family of Weighted priority values," Working Papers 2022-03, CRESE.
  6. Marc Deschamps & Julie Mansuy & Bruno Jeandidier, 2022. "Les décisions des juges sont-elles influencées par la météo ? Application aux décisions en matière de divorce en France," Working Papers hal-03437622, HAL.
  7. Christophe Blot & Fabien Labondance, 2022. "Beyond the Interest Rate Pass-through: Monetary Policy and Banks Interest Rates since the Effective Lower Bound," Post-Print hal-03927306, HAL.
  8. Mostapha Diss & Clinton Gubong Gassi & Issofa Moyouwou, 2022. "Social acceptability and the majoritarian compromise rule," Working Papers 2022-05, CRESE.
  9. Marie Obidzinski & Yves Oytana, 2022. "Advisory algorithms and liability rules," Working Papers 2022-04, CRESE.
  10. Marie Obidzinski & Yves Oytana, 2022. "Prediction, human decision and liability rules, CRED Working paper No 2022-06," Working Papers hal-04034871, HAL.


  1. Raphaël Cardot-Martin & Fabien Labondance & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2021. "Capital ratios and banking crises in the European Union," Working Papers 2021-05, CRESE.
  2. Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps & Mostapha Diss & Issofa Moyouwou, 2021. "Inconsistent weighting in weighted voting games," Working Papers 2021-01, CRESE.
  3. Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrières & Philippe Solal, 2021. "A Core-partition solution for coalitional rankings with a variable population domain," Working Papers 2021-06, CRESE.
  4. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2021. "Lexicographic solutions for coalitional rankings based on individual and collective performances," Working Papers 2021-07, CRESE.
  5. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2021. "Allocation rules for cooperative games with restricted communication and a priori unions based on the Myerson value and the average tree solution," Post-Print hal-03422939, HAL.
  6. Sylvain Béal & André Casajus & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2021. "Cohesive efficiency in TU-games: axiomatizations of variants of the Shapley value, egalitarian values and their convex combinations," Post-Print hal-03422949, HAL.
  7. Marc Deschamps & Bruno Jeandidier & Julie Mansuy, 2021. "Weather and appeal court decisions in divorce cases in France," Working Papers 2021-02, CRESE.
  8. Yannick Gabuthy & Emmanuel Peterle & Jean-Christian Tisserand, 2021. "Legal Fees, Cost-Shifting Rules and Litigation: Experimental Evidence," Post-Print hal-03209291, HAL.
  9. Christophe Blot & Fabien Labondance, 2021. "Beyond the Interest Rate Pass-through: Monetary Policy and Banks Interest Rates during the Effective Lower Bound," Working Papers 2021-03, CRESE.
  10. Mostapha Diss & Issofa Moyouwou & Hatem Smaoui & Eric Kamwa, 2021. "Condorcet efficiency of general weighted scoring rules under IAC: indifference and abstention," Post-Print hal-02196387, HAL.
  11. Patrizia Pérez-Asurmendi & Abdelmonaim Tlidi & Mostapha Diss, 2021. "The Effect of Closeness on the Election of a Pairwise Majority Rule Winner," Post-Print hal-04420156, HAL.
  12. Vincent Merlin & Mostapha Diss, 2021. "Introduction," Post-Print halshs-03504784, HAL.
  13. Alexandre Chirat & Guillaume Sekli, 2021. "The rates matter! Assessing the credibility of international corporate tax rate harmonization via cooperative game theory," Working Papers 2021-04, CRESE.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2020. "Pollution Permit Market and International Trade-exposed Sector: Differentiated Allocations versus Border Adjustment," Post-Print hal-02500686, HAL.
  2. Sylvain Béal & Florian Navarro, 2020. "Necessary versus equal players in axiomatic studies," Working Papers 2020-01, CRESE.
  3. Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrières & Philippe Solal, 2020. "The Priority Value for Cooperative Games with a Priority Structure," Working Papers 2020-02, CRESE.
  4. Hervé Moulin & Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps, 2020. "Taxing congestion of the space commons," Post-Print hal-04417722, HAL.
  5. Romain Biard & Marc Deschamps, 2020. "Quel impact pour les taxis si la loi supprimait toute différence règlementaire entre taxis et VTC ?," Working Papers 2020-03, CRESE.
  6. Thierry Martin & Marc Deschamps, 2020. "Cournot, économie et philosophie," Post-Print hal-03042190, HAL.
  7. Pierre Bernhard & Marc Deschamps, 2020. "Le Modèle de Cournot avec entrées aléatoires de firmes," Post-Print hal-03547666, HAL.
  8. Marc Deschamps & Romain Biard, 2020. "Quel impact pour les taxis si la loi supprimait toute différence règlementaire entre taxis et VTC ? Éléments de réponse à partir d'une modélisation sur l'arrivée aléatoire de nouveaux concurrents," Working Papers hal-04251715, HAL.
  9. Yannick Gabuthy & Emmanuel Peterle & Jean-Christian Tisserand, 2020. "English versus American rule : an experimental analysis [Règle anglaise versus règle américaine d’allocation des frais de justice : une analyse expérimentale]," Post-Print hal-03211963, HAL.
  10. Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2020. "Credit, banking fragility and economic performance," Documents de Travail de l'OFCE 2020-03, Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE).
  11. Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2020. "The asymmetric effects of monetary policy on stock price bubbles," Documents de Travail de l'OFCE 2020-12, Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE).
  12. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2020. "The role of ECB monetary policy and financial stress on Eurozone sovereign yields," Post-Print hal-02160378, HAL.
  13. Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2020. "Monetary policy and asset prices in the euro area since the Global financial crisis," Post-Print hal-03580877, HAL.
  14. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2020. "The effect of ECB Monetary Policy and Financial Stress on Eurozone Sovereign Yields," Post-Print hal-04329798, HAL.
  15. Thomas Chuffart & Cyril Dell'Eva, 2020. "The role of carry trades on the effectiveness of Japan's quantitative easing," Post-Print hal-03157207, HAL.
  16. Jihad C. Elnaboulsi & Wassim Daher & Yigit Saglam, 2020. "Environmental Taxation, Information Precision, and Information Sharing," Working Papers 2020-04, CRESE.
  17. Mostapha Diss & Eric Kamwa & Muhammad Mahajne, 2020. "Borda rule as an almost first-order stochastic dominance rule," Working Papers 2020-05, CRESE.
  18. Mostapha Diss & Michele Gori, 2020. "Majority properties of positional social preference correspondences," Working Papers 2020-06, CRESE.
  19. Mostapha Diss & Eric Kamwa & Abdelmonaim Tlidi, 2020. "On some k-scoring rules for committee elections: agreement and Condorcet Principle," Post-Print hal-02147735, HAL.
  20. Mostapha Diss & Eric Kamwa, 2020. "Simulations in Models of Preference Aggregation," Post-Print hal-02424936, HAL.
  21. Murat C. Mungan & Marie Obidzinski & Yves Oytana, 2020. "Accuracy and Preferences for Legal Error," Working Papers 2020-09, CRESE.
  22. Marie Obidzinski & Yves Oytana, 2020. "Presumption of Innocence and Deterrence," Post-Print hal-04035073, HAL.


  1. Encarnaciön Algaba & Sylvain Béal & Vito Fragnelli & Natividad Llorca & Joaquin Sänchez-Soriano, 2019. "Relationship between labeled network games and museum pass games," Working Papers 2019-02, CRESE.
  2. Sylvain Béal & André Casajus & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2019. "Cohesive efficiency in TU-games: Two extensions of the Shapley value," Working Papers 2019-03, CRESE.
  3. Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrière, 2019. "Examination design: an axiomatic approach," Working Papers 2019-05, CRESE.
  4. Encarnación Algaba & Vito Fragnelli & Natividad Llorca & Joaquin Sánchez-Soriano & Sylvain Béal, 2019. "Relationship between labeled network games and other cooperative games arising from attributes situations," Post-Print hal-04417764, HAL.
  5. Sylvain Béal & Philippe Solal & Marc Deschamps, 2019. "REACH legislation," Post-Print halshs-01660722, HAL.
  6. Marc Deschamps, 2019. "Regard sur la ruse en économie," Working Papers 2019-07, CRESE.
  7. Marc Deschamps & Mostapha Diss, 2019. "Brexit et transfert des agences européennes: Pourquoi l’Agence européenne des médicaments ira-t-elle à Amsterdam et l'Autorité bancaire européenne à Paris ?," Working Papers 2019-09, CRESE.
  8. Julien Jacob & Jenny Helstroffer & Majlinda Joxhe & Géraldine Bocquého & Marc Deschamps, 2019. "Mieux comprendre le choix de demande d'asile au Luxembourg: Aversion pour la perte," Post-Print hal-02620028, HAL.
  9. Marc Deschamps & Fabien Labondance, 2019. "La banque centrale européenne au prisme de l'ordolibéralisme," Post-Print hal-03403740, HAL.
  10. Joël-Thomas Ravix & Marc Deschamps, 2019. "Politique de l’innovation et politique industrielle," Post-Print halshs-02146204, HAL.
  11. Joël-Thomas Ravix & Marc Deschamps, 2019. "Innovation and Industrial Policies," Post-Print halshs-03563093, HAL.
  12. Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2019. "Central bank tone and the dispersion of views within monetary policy committees," Working Papers 2019-08, CRESE.
  13. Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2019. "The intertwining of credit and banking fragility," Post-Print hal-02894259, HAL.
  14. Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2019. "Central bank tone and the dispersion of views within monetary policy committees," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03403256, HAL.
  15. Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2019. "Central bank tone and the dispersion of views within monetary policy committees," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03403256, HAL.
  16. Thomas Chuffart & Emma Hooper, 2019. "An investigation of oil prices impact on sovereign credit default swaps in Russia and Venezuela," Post-Print hal-02194152, HAL.
  17. Mostapha Diss & Boris Tsvelikhovskiy, 2019. "Manipulable outcomes within the class of scoring voting rules," Papers 1911.09173,, revised Sep 2020.
  18. Mostapha Diss & Muhammad Mahajne, 2019. "Social Acceptability of Condorcet Committees," Working Papers 1906, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  19. Eve-Angéline Lambert & Yves Oytana, 2019. "Optimal Resort to Court-Appointed Experts," Post-Print hal-02315732, HAL.
  20. Marie Obidzinski & Yves Oytana, 2019. "Identity errors and the standard of proof," Post-Print hal-04035094, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Sonia Schwartz, 2018. "A Discriminatory Mechanism to Reduce Urban Congestion," Post-Print hal-01797958, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2018. "Achieving a fair geographical distribution of health-care resources," Post-Print hal-01816851, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2018. "Nonresponsiveness, Severity Auditing, and Upcoding Deterrence," Post-Print hal-01816853, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2018. "Medical service provider networks," Post-Print hal-01816860, HAL.
  5. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2018. "Quels bénéfices peut-on attendre des réseaux de soins ?," Post-Print hal-02500715, HAL.
  6. Beugnot, Julie & Peterlé, Emmanuel, 2018. "Gender Bias in Job Referrals: An Experimental Test," MPRA Paper 87538, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Sylvain Béal & Mihai Manea & Eric Rémila & Phillippe Solal, 2018. "Games With Identical Shapley Values," Working Papers 2018-03, CRESE.
  8. Encarnaciön Algaba & Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Phillippe Solal, 2018. "Harsanyi power solutions for cooperative games on voting structures," Working Papers 2018-05, CRESE.
  9. Sylvain Béal & Issofa Moyouwou & Eric Rémila & Phillippe Solal, 2018. "Cooperative games on intersection closed systems and the Shapley value," Working Papers 2018-06, CRESE.
  10. Sylvain Béal & Yannick Gabuthy, 2018. "Théorie des jeux coopératifs et non-coopératifs," Post-Print hal-04418653, HAL.
  11. Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrières & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2018. "Axiomatization of an allocation rule for ordered tree TU-games," Post-Print halshs-01763073, HAL.
  12. Marc Deschamps & Bruno Jeandidier, 2018. "Expertise économique et droit français de la concurrence," Working Papers 2018-01, CRESE.
  13. Géraldine Bocquého & Marc Deschamps & Jenny Helstroffer & Julien Jacob & Majlinda Joxhe, 2018. "The risk and refugee migration," Documents de Travail de l'OFCE 2018-10, Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE).
  14. Pierre Bernhard & Marc Deschamps, 2018. "Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem," Post-Print hal-01940545, HAL.
  15. Pierre Bernhard & Marc Deschamps, 2018. "Arrow’s (im)possibility theorem," Post-Print hal-01941037, HAL.
  16. Keser, Claudia & Müller, Stephan & Peterlé, Emmanuel & Rau, Holger A., 2018. "Bargaining and the role of negotiators' competitiveness," University of Göttingen Working Papers in Economics 341, University of Goettingen, Department of Economics.
  17. Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2018. "Monetary Policy and Asset Price Bubbles," EconomiX Working Papers 2018-5, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  18. Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2018. "Quelles réformes pour la Banque centrale européenne," Post-Print hal-03408942, HAL.
  19. Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2018. "The Effect of ECB Forward Guidance on the Term Structure of Interest Rates," Post-Print hal-03457846, HAL.
  20. Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2018. "Reforming the European Central Bank," Post-Print hal-03471743, HAL.
  21. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2018. "Les effets redistibutifs des politiques monétaires de la BCE," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03458469, HAL.
  22. Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2018. "Reforming the European Central Bank," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03471743, HAL.
  23. Thomas Chuffart & Emmanuel Flachaire & Anne Peguin-Feissolle, 2018. "Testing for misspecification in the short-run component of GARCH-type models," Post-Print hal-02083772, HAL.
  24. Y. Sağlam & W. Daher & Jihad Elnaboulsi, 2018. "On the social value of publicly disclosed information and environmental regulation," Post-Print hal-04230837, HAL.
  25. Christian At & Tim Friehe & Yannick Gabuthy, 2018. "On Lawyer Compensation When Appeals Are Possible," Working Papers of BETA 2018-17, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  26. Lionel Thomas & Christian At, 2018. "Optimal Tenurial Contracts Under Both Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection," Post-Print hal-03763708, HAL.
  27. Mostapha Diss & Eric Kamwa & Abdelmonaim Tlidi, 2018. "The Chamberlin-Courant Rule and the k-Scoring Rules: Agreement and Condorcet Committee Consistency," Working Papers 1812, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  28. Daniela Bubboloni & Mostapha Diss & Michele Gori, 2018. "Extensions of the Simpson voting rule to the committee selection setting," Working Papers 1813, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  29. Mostapha Diss & Eric Kamwa & Abdelmonaim Tlidi, 2018. "A Note on the Likelihood of the Absolute Majority Paradoxes," Post-Print hal-01896273, HAL.
  30. Marie Obidzinski & Yves Oytana, 2018. "Identity mistakes and the standard of proof," Working Papers halshs-01879555, HAL.


  1. Vincent Bertrand, 2017. "Co-firing coal with biomass under mandatory obligation for renewable electricity: implication for the electricity mix," Working Papers 1704, Chaire Economie du climat.
  2. Vincent Bertrand & Sylvain Caurla & Elodie Le Cadre & Philippe Delacote, 2017. "Heat or power: how to increase the use of energy wood at the lowest costs?," Working Papers 2017-12, CRESE.
  3. Karima Bouaiss & Hervé Alexandre & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2017. "Will Bank Transparency really Help Financial Markets and Regulators?," Working Papers hal-01637917, HAL.
  4. Julie Beugnot & Bernard Fortin & Guy Lacroix & Marie Claire Villeval, 2017. "Gender and Peer Effects on Performance in Social Networks," Working Papers halshs-00855047, HAL.
  5. Julie Beugnot & Bernard Fortin & Guy Lacroix & Marie-Claire Villeval, 2017. "Gender and Peer Effects in Social Networks," Working Papers hal-01481999, HAL.
  6. Julie Beugnot & Guy Lacroix & Olivier Charlot, 2017. "Does promoting homeownership always damage labour market performances?," Working Papers 2017-05, CRESE.
  7. Komivi Afawubo & Messan Agbaglah & Mawuli K. Couchoro & Tchapo Gbandi, 2017. "Socioeconomic determinants of the mobile money adoption process: the case of Togo," Cahiers de recherche 17-03, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  8. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Phillippe Solal, 2017. "Coalitional desirability and the equal division value," Working Papers 2017-08, CRESE.
  9. Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrières & Eric Rémila & Phillippe Solal, 2017. "Axiomatic and bargaining foundations of an allocation rule for ordered tree TU-games," Working Papers 2017-11, CRESE.
  10. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2017. "Axiomatization and implementation of a class of solidarity values for TU-games," Post-Print halshs-01446583, HAL.
  11. Pierre Bernhard & Marc Deschamps, 2017. "Kalman on dynamics and contro, Linear System Theory, Optimal Control, and Filter," Working Papers 2017-10, CRESE.
  12. David L. Dickinson & David Masclet & Emmanuel Peterle, 2017. "Discrimination as favoritism: The private benefits and social costs of in-group favoritism in an experimental labor market," Working Papers 17-02, Department of Economics, Appalachian State University.
  13. Youenn Loheac & Hayyan Alia & Cécile Bazart & Mohamed Ali Bchir & Serge Blondel & Mihaela Bonescu & Alexandrine Bornier & Joëlle Brouard & Nathalie Chappe & Francois Cochard & Alexandre Flage & Fabio , 2017. "Mise en place d'une expérience avec le grand public : entre recherche, vulgarisation et pédagogie," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-01321452, HAL.
  14. Peterlé, Emmanuel & Rau, Holger A., 2017. "Gender differences in competitive positions: Experimental evidence on job promotion," University of Göttingen Working Papers in Economics 303, University of Goettingen, Department of Economics.
  15. Hubert, Paul & Labondance, Fabien, 2017. "Central bank sentiment and policy expectations," Bank of England working papers 648, Bank of England.
  16. Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2017. "Does Monetary Policy generate Asset Price Bubbles?," Working Papers 2017-06, CRESE.
  17. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2017. "Eurozone bond market dynamics, ECB monetary policy and financial stress," Documents de Travail de l'OFCE 2017-18, Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE).
  18. Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2017. "Financialisation Risks and Econmic Performance," Documents de Travail de l'OFCE 2017-21, Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE).
  19. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Fabien Labondance & Paul Hubert, 2017. "Les effets redistributifs des politiques monétaires dela BCE," Post-Print hal-01743056, HAL.
  20. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2017. "What factors are behind the recent rise in long-term interest rates? [Quels facteurs expliquent la récente hausse des taux d’intérêt longs ?]," Post-Print hal-03458708, HAL.
  21. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance & Xavier Ragot, 2017. "Financial stability and the ECB," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03457571, HAL.
  22. Paul Hubert & Jérôme Creel & Christophe Blot & Fabien Labondance, 2017. "Are European bond markets overshooting?," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03471799, HAL.
  23. Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2017. "Does monetary policy generate asset price bubbles ?," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03471824, HAL.
  24. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance & Xavier Ragot, 2017. "Financial stability and the ECB," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03457571, HAL.
  25. Paul Hubert & Jérôme Creel & Christophe Blot & Fabien Labondance, 2017. "Are European bond markets overshooting?," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03471799, HAL.
  26. Fabien Labondance & Paul Hubert, 2017. "Central Bank sentiment and policy expectations," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03457514, HAL.
  27. Fabien Labondance & Paul Hubert, 2017. "Central Bank sentiment and policy expectations," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03457514, HAL.
  28. Christian At, 2017. "The Market for Corporate Control with Influential- and Dependent-Stakeholder Protection," Post-Print hal-03764237, HAL.
  29. Mostapha Diss & Frank Steffen, 2017. "The Distribution of Power in the Lebanese Parliament Revisited," Working Papers 1723, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  30. Yves Oytana & Marie Obidzinski, 2017. "How does the probability of wrongful conviction affect the standard of proof?," Working Papers 2017-02, CRESE.


  1. Catherine Refait-Alexandre & Stéphanie Serve, 2016. "Multiple banking relationships: do SMEs mistrust their banks?," Working Papers 2016-02, CRESE.
  2. Hervé Alexandre & Catherine Refait-Alexandre & François Guillemin, 2016. "Crise de la dette souveraine dans l’Union européenne : transparence des banques et spreads de CDS," Post-Print hal-01362381, HAL.
  3. Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrières & Eric Rémila & Phillippe Solal, 2016. "The proportional Shapley value and an application," Working Papers 2016-08, CRESE.
  4. Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrières & Eric Rémila & Phillippe Solal, 2016. "An axiomatization of the iterated h-index and applications to sport rankings," Working Papers 2016-11, CRESE.
  5. Sylvain Béal & André Casajus & Frank Huettner & Éric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2016. "Characterizations of Weighted and Equal Division Values," Post-Print halshs-01212085, HAL.
  6. Sylvain Béal & Philippe Solal & Marc Deschamps, 2016. "Comparable Axiomatizations of Two Allocation Rules for Cooperative Games with Transferable Utility and their Subclass of Data Games," Post-Print halshs-01328888, HAL.
  7. Pierre Bernhard & Marc Deschamps, 2016. "Dynamic equilibrium in games with randomly arriving players," Working Papers 2016-10, CRESE.
  8. Pierre Bernhard & Marc Deschamps, 2016. "Cournot oligopoly with randomly arriving producers," Working Papers 2016-14, CRESE.
  9. Marc Deschamps & Joël Thomas Ravix, 2016. "La philosophie sociale est-elle un no man's land ? Réflexions sur l'idée d'émancipation de l'économie politique," GREDEG Working Papers 2016-39, Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur, France.
  10. Julien Pénin & Marc Deschamps, 2016. "Designing Sanctions [La construction d’une sanction]," Post-Print hal-04061572, HAL.
  11. Özgümüs, Asri & Keser, Claudia & Peterlé, Emmanuel & Schmidt, Martin, 2016. "An experimental investigation of rating-market regulation," VfS Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change 145934, Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association.
  12. Gabin Langevin & David Masclet & Fabien Moizeau & Emmanuel Peterle, 2016. "Ethnic gaps in educational attainment and labor-market outcomes : evidence from France," Post-Print halshs-01525385, HAL.
  13. Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2016. "The Effect of ECB Forward Guidance on Policy Expectations," Working Papers 2016-12, CRESE.
  14. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance & Xavier Ragot, 2016. "Euro Area Inflation and ECB Policy in a Global Environment," Post-Print hal-03399733, HAL.
  15. Fabien Labondance, 2016. "La Banque centrale européenne et la stabilité financière," Post-Print hal-03459374, HAL.
  16. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2016. "The impact of ECB policies on Euro area investment," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03459319, HAL.
  17. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2016. "Financial fragmentation in the Euro area," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03471879, HAL.
  18. Fabien Labondance, 2016. "La Banque centrale européenne et la stabilité financière," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03459374, HAL.
  19. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2016. "Financial fragmentation in the Euro area," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03471879, HAL.
  20. Christian At & Lionel Thomas, 2016. "Optimal lending contracts," Post-Print hal-03790381, HAL.
  21. Sylvain Ferrières, 2016. "Smoothness, nullified equal loss property and equal division values," Working Papers 2016-01, CRESE.
  22. Sylvain Ferrières, 2016. "Nullified equal loss property and equal division values," Working Papers 2016-06, CRESE.
  23. Mostapha Diss & Ahmed Doghmi, 2016. "Multi-winner scoring election methods: Condorcet consistency and paradoxes," Working Papers 1613, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  24. Mostapha Diss & Abdelmonaim Tlidi, 2016. "Another perspective on Borda’s paradox," Working Papers 1632, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  25. Mostapha Diss & Patrizia Pérez-Asurmendi, 2016. "Probabilities of Consistent Election Outcomes with Majorities Based on Difference in Support," Post-Print halshs-01289319, HAL.
  26. Yves Oytana & Nathalie Chappe, 2016. "Expert opinion in a tort litigation game," Working Papers 2016-13, CRESE.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2015. "La tarification à l’activité : une réforme dénaturée du financement des hôpitaux," Post-Print hal-02500693, HAL.
  2. Vincent Bertrand & Elodie Le Cadre, 2015. "Simulating the use of biomass in electricity with the green electricity simulate model: An application to the French power generation," Working Papers 1503, Chaire Economie du climat.
  3. Yohan Bernard & Laurence Godard & Mohamed Zouaoui, 2015. "Effet des changements de dirigeant sur la performance RSE des entreprises cotées.Le cas français (1999-2011). Does CEOs' turnover influence CSP of listed French firms in the stock exchange?," Working Papers CREGO 1150105, Université de Bourgogne - CREGO EA7317 Centre de recherches en gestion des organisations.
  4. Etienne Farvaque & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2015. "Les exigences de transparence des accords de Bâle: Aubaine ou fardeau pour les pays en développement ?," Working Papers 2015-09, CRESE.
  5. Hervé Alexandre & François Guillemin & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2015. "Disclosure, banks CDS spreads and the European sovereign crisis," Working Papers 2015-10, CRESE.
  6. Hervé Alexandre & François Guillemin & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2015. "Downgrades of sovereign credit ratings and impact on banks CDS spread: does disclosure by banks improve stability?," Post-Print hal-01622782, HAL.
  7. Nicolas Huck & Komivi Afawubo, 2015. "Pairs trading and selection methods: Is cointegration superior?," Post-Print hal-01508010, HAL.
  8. Sylvain Béal & André Casajus & Frank Huettner, 2015. "Efficient extensions of the Myerson value," Working Papers 2015-01, CRESE.
  9. Sylvain Béal & Anna Khmelnitskaya & Philippe Solal, 2015. "Two-step values for games with two-level communication structure," Working Papers 2015-02, CRESE.
  10. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2015. "A Class of Solidarity Allocation Rules for TU-games," Working Papers 2015-03, CRESE.
  11. Sylvain Béal & André Casajus & Frank Huettner, 2015. "Efficient extensions of communication values," Working Papers 2015-04, CRESE.
  12. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2015. "Characterizations of three linear values for TU games by associated consistency: simple proofs using the Jordan normal form," Working Papers 2015-05, CRESE.
  13. Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrières & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2015. "Axiomatic characterizations under players nullification," Working Papers 2015-06, CRESE.
  14. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2015. "A strategic implementation of the sequential equal surplus division rule for digraph cooperative games," Working Papers 2015-07, CRESE.
  15. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Phillippe Solal, 2015. "Discounted Tree Solutions," Working Papers 2015-18, CRESE.
  16. Marc Deschamps & Julien Pénin, 2015. "La construction d'une sanction Le cas des pénalités de retard dans les centres de loisirs de la commune d'Asnières-sur-Seine," Working Papers 2015-12, CRESE.
  17. Pierre Bernhard & Marc Deschamps, 2015. "On dynamic games with randomly arriving players," Working Papers 2015-13, CRESE.
  18. Patrice Bougette & Marc Deschamps & Frédéric Marty, 2015. "When economics met antitrust: The second Chicago School and the economization of antitrust law," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03579676, HAL.
  19. David Masclet & Emmanuel Peterle & Sophie Larribeau, 2015. "Gender differences in tournament and flat-wage schemes: An experimental study," Post-Print halshs-01105414, HAL.
  20. Natalia Borzino & Enrique Fatas & Emmanuel Peterle, 2015. "In Gov we trust: Voluntary compliance in networked investment games," Working Paper series, University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) 15-21, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
  21. Jerome Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2015. "The intertwining of financialisation and financial instability," Documents de Travail de l'OFCE 2015-14, Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE).
  22. Jérôme Creel & Fabien Labondance & Sandrine Levasseur, 2015. "Le secteur bancaire français dans la crise," Post-Print hal-03398034, HAL.
  23. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Anne-Laure Delatte & Fabien Labondance & Sandrine Levasseur, 2015. "Financial Regulation in France," Post-Print hal-03398502, HAL.
  24. Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2015. "Les politiques monétaires non conventionnelles : quelles actions pour quels résultats?," Post-Print hal-03399830, HAL.
  25. Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2015. "La politique monétaire crée-t-elle des bulles ?," Post-Print hal-03459513, HAL.
  26. Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2015. "Financial stability and economic performance in Europe," Post-Print hal-03459729, HAL.
  27. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2015. "Que peut-on attendre de l'assouplissement quantitatif de la BCE ?," Post-Print hal-03459898, HAL.
  28. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2015. "The QE experience : Worth a try ?," Post-Print hal-03459951, HAL.
  29. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance & Xavier Ragot, 2015. "Les effets redistributifs du QE de la BCE," Post-Print hal-03594333, HAL.
  30. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance & Xavier Ragot, 2015. "The redistributive effects of QE," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03459824, HAL.
  31. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance & Xavier Ragot, 2015. "The ability of the ECB to control inflation in a global environment," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03472141, HAL.
  32. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance & Xavier Ragot, 2015. "The redistributive effects of QE," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03459824, HAL.
  33. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance & Xavier Ragot, 2015. "The ability of the ECB to control inflation in a global environment," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03472141, HAL.
  34. Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2015. "La politique monétaire crée-t-elle des bulles ?," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03459513, HAL.
  35. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2015. "The QE experience: Worth a try?," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03568216, HAL.
  36. Jihad C. Elnaboulsi, 2015. "Environmental Regulation and Policy Design: The Impact of the Regulator?s Ecological Conscience on the Tax Setting Process," Working Papers 2015-11, CRESE.
  37. Jihad C. Elnaboulsi & W. Daher & Yigit Saglam, 2015. "On the Social Value of Disclosed Information and Environmental Regulation," Working Papers 2015-14, CRESE.
  38. Christian At & Yannick Gabuthy, 2015. "Moral Hazard and Agency Relationship in Sequential Litigation," Post-Print halshs-01309094, HAL.
  39. Christian At, 2015. "Shareholder vs. Stakeholder Protection and Interest Group Politics," Post-Print halshs-01308188, HAL.
  40. Mostapha Diss & Patrizia Pérez-Asurmendi, 2015. "Consistent collective decisions under majorities based on difference of votes," Working Papers 1533, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  41. Mostapha Diss, 2015. "Fuzzy social choice theory, Michael B. Gibilisco et al, Springer: A review," Post-Print halshs-01148756, HAL.
  42. Mostapha Diss & Abdallah Zouache, 2015. "Une étude de la répartition du pouvoir confessionnel au parlement libanais," Post-Print halshs-01148763, HAL.
  43. Mostapha Diss, 2015. "The True Impact of Voting Rule Selection on Condorcet Efficiency," Post-Print halshs-01231013, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2014. "Asymmetric information and pooling contracts in the hospital sector," Post-Print hal-02500679, HAL.
  2. Catherine Refait-Alexandre & Jean-Christophe Duhamel & Björn Fasterling, 2014. "La recherche de légitimité par la conformité aux codes de gouvernance d'entreprise. Une analyse des déclarations de conformité des sociétés françaises du SBF 120," Post-Print hal-03126793, HAL.
  3. Herve Alexandre & Karima Bouaiss & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2014. "Banking Relationships and Syndicated Loans during the 2008 Financial Crisis," Post-Print halshs-01067252, HAL.
  4. Beugnot, Julie & Lacroix, Guy & Charlot, Olivier, 2014. "Homeownership and Labour Market Outcomes: Micro versus Macro Performances," IZA Discussion Papers 8599, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  5. Julie Beugnot & Bernard Fortin & Guy Lacroix & Marie Claire Villeval, 2014. "Social networks, peer effects and effort at work," Post-Print halshs-01096773, HAL.
  6. Komivi Afawubo, 2014. "Microfinance intensity’s in reducing poverty and in equality in Africa: Is there something with good governance?," Post-Print hal-01374280, HAL.
  7. Komivi Afawubo & Samuel Mathey, 2014. "Employment and education effects on HIV/AIDS prevalence rate and economic growth: empirical investigation in ECOWAS," Post-Print hal-01369791, HAL.
  8. Komivi Afawubo, 2014. "Education and employment impact on hiv/aids prevalence rate and economic growth," Post-Print hal-01370117, HAL.
  9. Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps, 2014. "On compensation schemes for data sharing within the european REACH legislation," Working Papers 2014-01, CRESE.
  10. Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps & Philippe Solal, 2014. "Balanced collective contributions, the equal allocation of non-separable costs and application to data sharing games," Working Papers 2014-02, CRESE.
  11. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2014. "Veto players, the kernel of the Shapley value and its characterization," Working Papers 2014-03, CRESE.
  12. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2014. "Characterization of the Average Tree solution and its kernel," Working Papers 2014-04, CRESE.
  13. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2014. "Decomposition of the space of TU-games, Strong Transfer Invariance and the Banzhaf value," Working Papers 2014-05, CRESE.
  14. Sylvain Béal & Amandine Ghintran & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2014. "The Sequential Equal Surplus Division for Rooted Forest Games and an Application to Sharing a River with Bifurcations," Working Papers 1440, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  15. Sylvain Béal & André Casajus & Frank Huettner & Éric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2014. "Solidarity within a Fixed Community," Post-Print halshs-01090487, HAL.
  16. Patrice Bougette & Marc Deschamps & Frédéric Marty, 2014. "When Economics Met Antitrust: The Second Chicago School and the Economization of Antitrust Law," GREDEG Working Papers 2014-23, Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur, France.
  17. Marc Deschamps & Jenny Helstroffer, 2014. "Public confidence in economics. The French Economics Association's recommendations on scientific ethics," Post-Print halshs-01083134, HAL.
  18. Claudia Keser & Emmanuel Peterlé & Cornelius Schnitzler, 2014. "Money talks - Paying physicians for performance," CIRANO Working Papers 2014s-41, CIRANO.
  19. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance & Francesco Saraceno, 2014. "Assessing the link between price and financial stability," Documents de Travail de l'OFCE 2014-02, Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE).
  20. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2014. "Dealing with the ECB's triple mandate?," Post-Print hal-01072114, HAL.
  21. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2014. "Les enjeux du triple mandant de la BCE," Post-Print hal-01072116, HAL.
  22. Céline Antonin & Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Fabien Labondance & Vincent Touzé & Paul Hubert, 2014. "Comment lutter contre la fragmentation du système bancaire de la zone euro," Post-Print hal-01093021, HAL.
  23. Jérôme Creel & Fabien Labondance & Sandrine Levasseur, 2014. "The French banking and financial system and the crisis," Post-Print hal-03460335, HAL.
  24. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2014. "Les enjeux du triple mandant de la BCE," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-01072116, HAL.
  25. Céline Antonin & Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Fabien Labondance & Vincent Touzé & Paul Hubert, 2014. "Comment lutter contre la fragmentation du système bancaire de la zone euro," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-01093021, HAL.
  26. Jihad Elnaboulsi, 2014. "Innovation in the Water Sector in France," Post-Print hal-01381026, HAL.
  27. Mostapha Diss & Patrizia Pérez-Asurmendi, 2014. "Consistent collective decisions under majorities based on differences," Working Papers 1402, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  28. Richard Baron & Mostapha Diss & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2014. "A geometric examination of majorities based on difference in support," Working Papers 1414, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  29. Mostapha Diss & Abdallah Zouache, 2014. "Analyse économique du système électoral confessionnel au Liban," Working Papers 1428, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  30. Mostapha Diss & Abdallah Zouache, 2014. "Une étude de la répartition du pouvoir confessionnel au Liban," Working Papers halshs-01090114, HAL.
  31. Yves Oytana, 2014. "The Judicial Expert in a Two-Tier Hierarchy," Post-Print hal-01410633, HAL.
  32. Yves Oytana, 2014. "Le coût des expertises judiciaires dans les procédures inquisitoire et accusatoire," Post-Print hal-01410634, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2013. "La théorie normative de la régulation hospitalière," Post-Print hal-02500706, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2013. "Vertical Differentiation, Quality Competition and Second-Best Hospital Price Regulation," Post-Print hal-02500724, HAL.
  3. Vincent Bertrand, 2013. "Modeling of Emission Allowance Markets: A Literature Review," Working Papers 1304, Chaire Economie du climat.
  4. Vincent Bertrand, 2013. "Carbon and energy prices under uncertainty: A theoretical analysis of fuel switching with non-equally efficient power plants," Working Papers 1309, Chaire Economie du climat.
  5. Vincent Bertrand, 2013. "Switching to biomass co-firing in European coal power plants: Estimating the biomass and CO2 breakeven prices," Working Papers 1306, Chaire Economie du climat.
  6. Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2013. "Les justifications théoriques de la réglementation bancaire," Post-Print hal-04403796, HAL.
  7. Julie Beugnot & Bernard Fortin & Guy Lacroix & Marie Claire Villeval, 2013. "Social Networks and Peer Effects at Work," Cahiers de recherche 1320, CIRPEE.
  8. Julie Beugnot & Bernard Fortin & Guy Lacroix & Marie Claire Villeval, 2013. "Social networks, peer pressure and labor supply," Post-Print halshs-00919348, HAL.
  9. Komivi Afawubo & Vincent Fromentin, 2013. "Financial development and economic growth: the case of ECOWAS and WAEMU," Post-Print hal-01369146, HAL.
  10. Komivi Afawubo, 2013. "Knowledge Management: les concepts de partage et de transfert des connaissances dans la revue Journal of Knowledge Management," Post-Print hal-01376686, HAL.
  11. Komivi Afawubo, 2013. "ARCH/GARCH Models on Inflation Volatility and Economic Performance: The Case of ECOWAS," Post-Print hal-01369722, HAL.
  12. Christian At & Sylvain Béal & Pierre-Henri Morand, 2013. "Freezeout, Compensation Rules and Voting Equilibria," Working Papers 2013-04, CRESE.
  13. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2013. "A Decomposition of the Space of TU-games Using Addition and Transfer Invariance," Working Papers 2013-08, CRESE.
  14. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2013. "Preserving or removing special players: what keeps your payoff unchanged in TU-games?," Working Papers 2013-09, CRESE.
  15. Sylvain Béal & Amandine Ghintran & Éric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2013. "The River Sharing Problem : a Survey," Post-Print halshs-00708467, HAL.
  16. Sylvain Béal & Éric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2013. "Accessibility and stability of the coalition structure core," Post-Print halshs-00817008, HAL.
  17. Sylvain Béal & Amandine Ghintran & Philippe Solal, 2013. "The sequential surplus division for sharing a river with bifurcations," Post-Print halshs-00945341, HAL.
  18. Marc Deschamps, 2013. "Pourquoi des politiques de concurrence ?," GREDEG Working Papers 2013-23, Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur, France.
  19. Marc Deschamps, 2013. "L'articulation économie, droit et politique dans la pensée ordolibérale," GREDEG Working Papers 2013-31, Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur, France.
  20. Marc Deschamps, 2013. "Pour une hiérarchisation et une nouvelle forme de rédaction des décisions de l'Autorité de la concurrence," GREDEG Working Papers 2013-48, Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur, France.
  21. Marc Deschamps & Samuel Ferey, 2013. "Economie comportementale et politique de concurrence," Post-Print halshs-00859136, HAL.
  22. Marc Deschamps, 2013. "L'inexistence du luxe comme catégorie finie et unifiée. Le classement hôtelier en France," Post-Print halshs-00859151, HAL.
  23. Marc Deschamps & Olivier Sautel, 2013. "L'opération de concentration Castel Frères : la première utilisation d'un test de pression à la hausse sur les prix en France," Post-Print halshs-00859164, HAL.
  24. Marc Deschamps & René Poésy, 2013. "Les jeux de procédures en droit français des pratiques anticoncurrentielles," Post-Print halshs-01083132, HAL.
  25. Marc Deschamps & Jenny Helstroffer, 2013. "Garantir la confiance du public en la discipline économique : les recommandations en matière d’éthique scientifique de l’Association Française de Sciences Economiques," Working Papers of BETA 2013-05, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  26. Gabin Langevin & David Masclet & Fabien Moizeau & Emmanuel Peterle, 2013. "Educational Attainment, Wages and Employment of Second-Generation Immigrants in France," Economics Working Paper Archive (University of Rennes & University of Caen) 201327, Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes, University of Caen and CNRS.
  27. Sophie Larribeau & David Masclet & Emmanuel Péterlé, 2013. "Que nous apprend l'économie expérimentale sur les différences homme-femme sur le marché du travail ?," Post-Print halshs-00921089, HAL.
  28. Gilson, Nathalie & Labondance, Fabien, 2013. "Synchronisation des chocs d'offre et de demande en Europe : un après euro ou une après crises des subprimes ?," LIDAM Reprints LFIN 2013002, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain Finance (LFIN).
  29. Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2013. "Financial stability and economic performance," Documents de Travail de l'OFCE 2013-24, Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE).
  30. Céline Antonin & Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance & Catherine Mathieu & Christine Rifflart & Vincent Touzé, 2013. "Politiques monétaires : est-ce le début de la fin ?," Post-Print hal-01072109, HAL.
  31. Christophe Blot & Fabien Labondance, 2013. "Politique monétaire unique, taux bancaires et prix immobiliers dans la zone euro," Post-Print hal-03473898, HAL.
  32. Jean-Yves Filbien & Fabien Labondance, 2013. "Do financial markets learn from ECB monetary policy?," Post-Print hal-04409584, HAL.
  33. Christophe Blot & Fabien Labondance, 2013. "Réformer la zone euro : un retour d'expériences," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-01245262, HAL.
  34. Thomas Chuffart, 2013. "Selection Criteria in Regime Switching Conditional Volatility Models," AMSE Working Papers 1339, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France, revised 14 Jul 2013.
  35. Mostapha Diss, 2013. "Strategic manipulability of self-selective social choice rules," Working Papers 1302, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  36. Mostapha Diss, 2013. "Paradoxes, stabilité et efficience des classements par points," Post-Print halshs-00990195, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2012. "Price Adjustment in the Hospital Sector : How should the NHS discriminate between providers. A Comment on Miraldo, Siciliani and Street," Post-Print hal-02500729, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2012. "Les marchés de permis d’émission : principes et évolution," Post-Print hal-02501185, HAL.
  3. Etienne Farvaque & Catherine Refait-Alexandre & Laurent Weill, 2012. "Are Transparent Banks More Efficient?," Post-Print hal-03126787, HAL.
  4. Komivi Afawubo, 2012. "Analysis of fixed effects models and random effects in panel data and causality between financial development and economic growth: the case of ECOWAS and WAEMU," Post-Print hal-01380801, HAL.
  5. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2012. "Axioms of Invariance for TU-games," Working Papers 2012-01, CRESE.
  6. Sylvain Béal & Amandine Ghintran & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2012. "The Sequential Equal Surplus Division for Sharing International Rivers with Bifurcations," Working Papers 2012-02, CRESE.
  7. Sylvain Béal & Éric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2012. "On the number of blocks required to access the core," Post-Print halshs-00662489, HAL.
  8. Sylvain Béal & Éric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2012. "Weighted component fairness for forest games," Post-Print halshs-00678832, HAL.
  9. Sylvain Béal & Éric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2012. "Fairness and Fairness for Neighbors: The Difference between the Myerson Value and Component-Wise Egalitarian Solutions," Post-Print halshs-00699641, HAL.
  10. Philippe Solal & Sylvain Béal & Éric Rémila, 2012. "An optimal bound to acces the core of TU-games," Post-Print halshs-00756547, HAL.
  11. Éric Rémila & Sylvain Béal & Philippe Solal, 2012. "An Optimal Bound to Access the Core in TU-Games," Post-Print halshs-00756559, HAL.
  12. Béal, Sylvain & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2012. "The sequential equal surplus division for sharing a river," MPRA Paper 37346, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  13. Patrice Bougette & Marc Deschamps & Christian Montet, 2012. "Le premier retrait d'autorisation de concentration pour non-respect des engagements en France : l'opération d'acquisition TPS et Canal Satellite par Vivendi Universal et Groupe Canal Plus," Post-Print halshs-00694275, HAL.
  14. Patrice Bougette & Marc Deschamps & Frédéric Marty, 2012. "The Proper Scope of Economics: An Application to Antitrust Ruling," Post-Print halshs-00752238, HAL.
  15. Marc Deschamps, 2012. "Experts or the People? [L'expert ou le peuple ? Deux attitudes polaires face à la politique de concurrence]," Post-Print halshs-00766846, HAL.
  16. Marc Deschamps, 2012. "L’Autorité de la concurrence doit-elle, dans le cadre de sa fonction consultative, disposer de toutes les libertés ? Retour sur l’avis concernant la distribution alimentaire à Paris," Post-Print halshs-00859157, HAL.
  17. Marc Deschamps, 2012. "L’autorité de la concurrence doit-elle, dans le cadre de sa fonction consultative disposer de toutes les libertés ? Retour sur l’avis n°12-A-01 du 11 janvier 2012 portant sur la distribution alimentai," Working Papers of BETA 2012-03, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  18. David Masclet & Emmanuel Peterle & Sophie Larribeau, 2012. "Une mesure expérimentale de la discrimination homme-femme à l’embauche," Economics Working Paper Archive (University of Rennes & University of Caen) 201237, Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes, University of Caen and CNRS.
  19. David Masclet & Emmanuel Peterle & Sophie Larribeau, 2012. "Gender Differences in Competitive and Non Competitive Environments: An Experimental Evidence," Economics Working Paper Archive (University of Rennes & University of Caen) 201236, Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes, University of Caen and CNRS.
  20. David Masclet & Emmanuel Peterle & Sophie Larribeau, 2012. "The Role of Information in Deterring Discrimination: A New Experimental Evidence of Statistical Discrimination," Economics Working Paper Archive (University of Rennes & University of Caen) 201238, Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes, University of Caen and CNRS.
  21. Mostapha Diss & Ahmed Louichi & Vincent Merlin & H. Smaoui, 2012. "An example of probability computations under the IAC assumption: The stability of scoring rules," Post-Print halshs-00667660, HAL.
  22. Mostapha Diss & William V. Gehrlein, 2012. "Borda's Paradox with weighted scoring rules," Post-Print halshs-00759869, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2011. "Régulation et Tarification des hôpitaux," Post-Print hal-02500718, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2011. "Power of Incentives with Motivated Agents in Public Organizations," Post-Print hal-02500737, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot, 2011. "Concurrence et régulation dans le secteur hospitalier," Post-Print hal-02501189, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot & Benjamin Pelloux & Jean-Louis Rullière & Florence Naegelen, 2011. "Breaking Collusion in Auctions Through Speculation: An Experiment on CO2 Emission Permit Market," Post-Print halshs-00642537, HAL.
  5. Karima Bouaiss & Hervé Alexandre & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2011. "Banking relationship and syndicated loans during the last financial crisis," Post-Print hal-01637916, HAL.
  6. Etienne Farvaque & Catherine Refait-Alexandre & Dhafer Saïdane, 2011. "Corporate Disclosure: A Review Of Its (Direct And Indirect) Benefits And Costs," Post-Print hal-03126778, HAL.
  7. Sylvain Béal & Aymeric Lardon & Éric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2011. "The Average Tree Solution for Multi-Choice Forest Games," Post-Print halshs-00674431, HAL.
  8. Joël-Thomas Ravix & Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps & Olivier Sautel, 2011. "La mise en place de la législation européenne REACH : Une analyse des effets anticoncurrentiels," Post-Print halshs-00726526, HAL.
  9. Sylvain Béal & Joël-Thomas Ravix & Olivier Sautel & Marc Deschamps, 2011. "Les effets d'une réglementation sur la concurrence et l'innovation : première analyse de la réglementation européenne REACH," Post-Print halshs-00859130, HAL.
  10. Béal, Sylvain & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2011. "On the number of blocks required to access the coalition structure core," MPRA Paper 29755, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  11. Marc Deschamps, 2011. "La prévention des conflits d'intérêts au sein de l'Autorité de la concurrence," Post-Print halshs-00859168, HAL.
  12. Sophie Larribeau & David Masclet & Emmanuel Péterlé, 2011. "The nature of discrimination: An experimental study," Post-Print halshs-00603282, HAL.
  13. Yann Echinard & Fabien Labondance, 2011. "La crise dans tous ses états," Post-Print halshs-00639272, HAL.
  14. Jihad Elnaboulsi, 2011. "An Efficient Pollution Control Instrument: The Case of Urban Wastewater Pollution," Post-Print hal-01381023, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2010. "Franchise Bidding, Regulation and Investment Costs," Post-Print hal-00448961, HAL.
  2. Florence Naegelen & Michel Mougeot, 2010. "Les marchés de droits d'émission: principes et évolution," Post-Print hal-00449442, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Dominique Bureau, 2010. "Mesurer la performance publique à la lumière de l’analyse économique, avec Dominique BUREAU et Nicolas STUDER, Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, vol. 64,1-2, 2010, 89-104," Post-Print hal-02501094, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot, 2010. "Rapport sur le jury du premier concours d’agrégation pour le recrutement des professeurs d’université en sciences économiques, Revue d’économie Politique, 120(6), 2010, 883-894," Post-Print hal-02501102, HAL.
  5. Laurence Godard, 2010. "Les entreprises françaises face aux normes de gouvernance et de développement durable; Firms’ behavior towards stockholders and stakeholders, through governance and sustainability standards," Working Papers CREGO 1100702, Université de Bourgogne - CREGO EA7317 Centre de recherches en gestion des organisations.
  6. Herve Alexandre & Karima Bouaiss & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2010. "Does a banking relationship help a firm on the syndicated loans market in a time of financial crisis?," Working Papers halshs-00538328, HAL.
  7. Jean-Luc Rossignol & Michèle Saboly, 2010. "La profession comptable libérale française à la recherche de l'unité : tentatives et échecs au 20ème siècle," Post-Print halshs-00465996, HAL.
  8. Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps & Joël Thomas Ravix & Olivier Sautel, 2010. "Informational Advantage and Influence of Communicating Central Banks," Documents de Travail de l'OFCE 2010-04, Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE).
  9. Sylvain Béal & Subhadip Chakrabarti & Amandine Ghintran & Philippe Solal, 2010. "Partial Cooperative Equilibria : Existence and Characterization," Post-Print halshs-00530580, HAL.
  10. Sylvain Béal, 2010. "Perceptron versus Automaton in the Finitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma," Post-Print halshs-00530593, HAL.
  11. Sylvain Béal & Éric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2010. "Rooted-tree Solutions for Tree Games," Post-Print halshs-00530595, HAL.
  12. Sylvain Béal & Éric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2010. "Compensations in the Shapley value and the compensation solutions for graph games," Post-Print halshs-00530600, HAL.
  13. Richard Baron & Sylvain Béal & Philippe Solal & Éric Rémila, 2010. "Average Tree Solutions and the Distribution of Harsanyi Dividends," Post-Print halshs-00530610, HAL.
  14. Sylvain Béal & Philippe Solal, 2010. "Règles d'allocation pour les programmes de pass culturels," Post-Print halshs-00554811, HAL.
  15. Joël-Thomas Ravix & Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps & Olivier Sautel, 2010. "Les informations exigées par la législation REACH : analyse du partage des coûts," Post-Print halshs-00726514, HAL.
  16. Marc Deschamps, 2010. "La stratégie anticoncurrentielle d'augmentation des coûts des rivaux à travers l'exemple du contrat de travail," Post-Print halshs-00859189, HAL.
  17. Marc Deschamps, 2010. "SIEG, facilités essentielles et exclusion des concurrents. Les leçons de l'affaire de l'Institut Géographique National," Post-Print halshs-00859242, HAL.
  18. Lionel Thomas & Christian At & Nathalie Chappe & Pierre-Henri Morand, 2010. "Efficacité et compétences spécifiques des dirigeants : l'arbitrage entre incitations externes et incitations internes," Post-Print hal-00448781, HAL.
  19. Mostapha Diss & Vincent Merlin, 2010. "On the stability of a triplet of scoring rules," Post-Print halshs-00443854, HAL.
  20. Mostapha Diss & Vincent Merlin & Fabrice Valognes, 2010. "On the Condorcet efficiency of approval voting and extended scoring rules for three alternatives," Post-Print halshs-00533124, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2009. "Moral Hazard, Adverse Selection and Outlier Payment Policy," Post-Print hal-00448965, HAL.
  2. Catherine Refait-Alexandre & Karima Bouaiss, 2009. "La structure des crédits syndiqués comme défense contre les problèmes informationnels – une analyse empirique sur le marché français," Post-Print hal-00447162, HAL.
  3. Catherine Refait-Alexandre & Jean-Christophe Duhamel & Björn Fasterling, 2009. "La transparence : outil de conciliation de la finance et du management ?," Post-Print hal-00485794, HAL.
  4. Julie Beugnot & Mabel Tidball, 2009. "A Multiple Equilibria Model with Intrafirm Bargaining and Matching Frictions," Working Papers 09-11, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Oct 2009.
  5. Béal, Sylvain & Solal, Philippe, 2009. "Allocation rules for museum pass programs," MPRA Paper 20103, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Florence Naegelen & Anaïs Delbosc, 2009. "Enchères de quotas en phase III de l'EU ETS : l'apport des expérimentations," Post-Print hal-00448936, HAL.
  7. Laurence Boy & Marc Deschamps, 2009. ""Plus, n'est pas nécessairement mieux" ou la difficulté de faire apparaître le(s) vraies question(s) de droit dans la masse des décisions des autorités de concurrence," Post-Print hal-00721563, HAL.
  8. Joël-Thomas Ravix & Marc Deschamps, 2009. "La liberté contre le Bonheur : Morellet et Constant face à Bentham," Post-Print halshs-00726561, HAL.
  9. Marc Deschamps, 2009. "Le poids des coauteurs," Post-Print halshs-00766873, HAL.
  10. Marc Deschamps, 2009. "Regard concurrentiel sur la pondéraion des critères dans la définition et l'attribution des marchés publics," Post-Print halshs-00859193, HAL.
  11. Marc Deschamps, 2009. "Comment affecter les concurrents grâce au Droit? Les stratégies d'augmentation des coûts des rivaux," Post-Print halshs-00859247, HAL.
  12. Jihad Elnaboulsi, 2009. "An Incentive Water Pricing Policy for Sustainable Water Use," Post-Print hal-00447922, HAL.
  13. Jihad Elnaboulsi, 2009. "Macroéconomie," Post-Print hal-00451373, HAL.
  14. Christian At & Pierre-Henri Morand, 2009. "Privatization and Leverage," Post-Print hal-01313413, HAL.
  15. Christian At & Nathalie Chappe & Pierre-Henri Morand & Lionel Thomas, 2009. "Efficiency and Specific Skills of Managers : the Tradeoff between Internal and External Incentives [Efficacité et compétences spécifiques des dirigeants: l’arbitrage entre incitations externes et i," Post-Print halshs-01308329, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2008. "Swiss DRGs: Patient heterogeneity and hospital payment," Post-Print hal-00448480, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2008. "Supply side risk adjustment and outlier payment policy," Post-Print hal-00448482, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Sonia Schwartz, 2008. "Allocation optimale de quotas de pollution et information asymétrique," Post-Print hal-00448969, HAL.
  4. Richard Baron & Sylvain Béal & Philippe Solal & Éric Rémila, 2008. "Average tree solution for graph games," Post-Print hal-00332537, HAL.
  5. Sylvain Béal & Jacques Durieu & Philippe Solal, 2008. "Farsighted Coalitional Stability in TU-games," Post-Print hal-00334049, HAL.
  6. Florence Naegelen & Karine Brisset, 2008. "Enchères en ligne et E.commerce," Post-Print hal-00447956, HAL.
  7. Marc Deschamps & Frédéric Marty, 2008. "Les politiques de concurrence sont-elles réductibles à de la théorie économique appliquée?," Post-Print halshs-00859198, HAL.
  8. Marc Deschamps & Frédéric Marty, 2008. "L'économie du droit est-elle une théorie scientifique du droit?," Post-Print halshs-00859202, HAL.
  9. Marc Deschamps, 2008. "L'instauration de "l'Autorité de la concurrence" en France. Réflexions autour de la nécessité d'un débat technique et démocratique," Post-Print halshs-00859208, HAL.
  10. Marc Deschamps & Frédéric Marty, 2008. "L'imputabilité des infractions et l'efficacité des sanctions dans le cadre d'ententes impliquant des organisations syndicales professionnelles," Post-Print halshs-00859216, HAL.
  11. Marc Deschamps, 2008. "Vers un affermissement de la "culture de concurrence" des acheteurs publics et des élus locaux : le guide de la DGCCRF," Post-Print halshs-00859220, HAL.
  12. Marc Deschamps & Frédéric Marty, 2008. "Libérer la croissance en supprimant les barrières réglementaires à l'entrée : le rapport Attali et l'équipement commercial," Post-Print halshs-00859229, HAL.
  13. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Fabien Labondance & Mathieu Plane & Xavier Timbeau, 2008. "Monetary policy in France and Germany: a case for different channels?," Post-Print hal-03473708, HAL.
  14. Christian At & Pierre-Henri Morand, 2008. "Jump Bidding in Ascending Auctions: the Case of Takeover Contests," Post-Print hal-00448000, HAL.
  15. Christian At & Nathalie Chappe, 2008. "Timing of Crime, Learning and Sanction," Post-Print hal-00447999, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2007. "Was Chadwick right?," Post-Print hal-00448476, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Dominique Bureau, 2007. "Performances, incitations et gestion publique, avec Dominique BUREAU, collection du Conseil d’Analyse Economique n°66, la Documentation Française, Paris, 2007, 136 pages," Post-Print hal-02501165, HAL.
  3. Béal, Sylvain, 2007. "Perceptron Versus Automaton∗," Sonderforschungsbereich 504 Publications 07-58, Sonderforschungsbereich 504, Universität Mannheim;Sonderforschungsbereich 504, University of Mannheim.
  4. Marc Deschamps & Frédéric Marty, 2007. "Répression des ententes anticoncurrentielles dans les marchés publics : quelle balance des intérêts?," Post-Print halshs-00859233, HAL.
  5. Jihad Elnaboulsi, 2007. "Information Exchange, Transparency and Competition Policies," Post-Print hal-00451385, HAL.
  6. Burkart, Mike & At, Christian & Lee, Samuel, 2007. "Security-Voting Structure and Bidder Screening," CEPR Discussion Papers 6241, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  7. Christian At & Lionel Thomas & Nathalie Chappe & Pierre-Henri Morand, 2007. "Protections des actionnaires et bénéfices privés : doit-on aller plus loin que la Loi ?," Post-Print halshs-01309091, HAL.


  1. Michel MOUGEOT & Florence NAEGELEN, 2006. "Enchères anglaises inversées avec bonus de qualité dans les procédures d’E-procurement," Discussion Papers (REL - Recherches Economiques de Louvain) 2006032, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).
  2. Michel Mougeot & François Maréchal, 2006. "Cost variability, quality of care and hospital payment systems," Post-Print hal-00448977, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot, 2006. "Politiques de concurrence : commentaire," Post-Print hal-02501200, HAL.
  4. Guillaume Biot-Paquerot & Jean-Luc Rossignol, 2006. "Performance Management In The Public Sector:," Post-Print hal-00137200, HAL.
  5. Beal, Sylvain & Querou, Nicolas, 2006. "Bounded Rationality and Repeated Network Formation," Coalition Theory Network Working Papers 12169, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM).
  6. Sylvain Béal, 2006. "Perceptron versus Automaton," Post-Print hal-00375344, HAL.
  7. Karine Brisset & Florence Naegelen, 2006. "Why the reserve price should not be kept secret," Post-Print hal-00448459, HAL.
  8. Marc Deschamps & Frédéric Marty, 2006. "Détection et sanction des ententes anticoncurrentielles : l'éclairage de l'analyse économique du droit," Post-Print halshs-00859235, HAL.
  9. Christian At & Nathalie Chappe & Lionel Thomas & Pierre-Henri Morand, 2006. "Rémunération optimale des dirigeants : faut-il interdire les bénéfices privés ?," Post-Print hal-00448791, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2005. "Designing a market structure when firms compete for the right to serve the market," Post-Print hal-00448913, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2005. "La concurrence pour le marché," Post-Print hal-00448918, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2005. "A political economy analysis of preferential public procurement policies," Post-Print hal-00448920, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2005. "Hospital price regulation and expenditure cap policy," Post-Print hal-00448922, HAL.
  5. Michel Mougeot & Dominique Bureau, 2005. "Politique environnementale en économie ouverte, avec Dominique BUREAU, Revue d’Economie Politique, 115 (4), 2005, p 441-450," Post-Print hal-02501118, HAL.
  6. Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2005. "Soutien financier ou mise en faillite de l'entreprise ? Comprendre la décision de la banque," Post-Print hal-01391665, HAL.
  7. Sylvain Béal, 2005. "Rationalité limitée et jeux de machines," Post-Print hal-00372470, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Dominique Bureau, 2004. "Politiques environnementales et compétitivité, avec Dominique BUREAU, collection du Conseil d’Analyse Economique n°54, La Documentation française, Paris, 2004,160 pages," Post-Print hal-02501167, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 2004. "Education et croissance : commentaire, in PH. AGHION et E.COHEN (eds), Education et croissance, Paris, La Documentation Française, 2004, 131-135," Post-Print hal-02501204, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot, 2004. "La théorie microéconomique antidote à l’économie du café du commerce, in « L’enseignement des sciences économiques et sociales », Ministère de l’Education Nationale, Paris, 2004, 42-48," Post-Print hal-02501215, HAL.
  4. François MARECHAL & Michel MOUGEOT, 2004. "Risk sharing and moral hazard under prospective payment to hospitals: how to reimburse services for outlier patients," Cahiers de Recherches Economiques du Département d'économie 04.03, Université de Lausanne, Faculté des HEC, Département d’économie.
  5. Laurence Godard & Alain Schatt, 2004. "Les déterminants de la "qualité" des conseils d'administration français," Working Papers CREGO 1040603, Université de Bourgogne - CREGO EA7317 Centre de recherches en gestion des organisations.
  6. Laurence Godard & Alain Schatt, 2004. "Caractéristiques et fonctionnement des conseils d'administration français:un état des lieux," Working Papers CREGO 1040201, Université de Bourgogne - CREGO EA7317 Centre de recherches en gestion des organisations.
  7. Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2004. "A Review of Business Failure Prediction Based on Financial Analysis of the Firm [La prévision de la faillite fondée sur l'analyse financière de l'entreprise : un état des lieux]," Post-Print hal-01391654, HAL.
  8. Christian At & Nathalie Chappe, 2004. "La répression des pratiques délictueuses des dirigeants : le rôle des actionnaires," Post-Print halshs-01309053, HAL.
  9. Christian At & Nathalie Chappe & Pierre-Henri Morand, 2004. "Sentencing private benefits in a takeover contest," Post-Print halshs-01309085, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Pierre Malgrange, 2003. "Economie publique : développements récents, avec Pierre MALGRANGE, Economie et Prévision, n° 156, 2003, 1-7," Post-Print hal-02501126, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 2003. "Mécanismes d’enchères et intervention publique, Economie Publique, n° 10, 2003-1, 51-55," Post-Print hal-02501128, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2003. "Using Auctions for Contracting with Hospitals when quality matters," Post-Print hal-02501131, HAL.
  4. Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2003. "Multiple Banking Relationships: Choice Of The Number Of Main Banks And Choice Of The Number Of Banks [La Multibancarité Des Entreprises]," Post-Print hal-01391629, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 2002. "UMTS : Fallait-il renégocier ? Revue d'Economie Politique, vol 112, n°1, 2002, 1-8," Post-Print hal-02501135, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 2002. "Les enseignements de l'ouverture de la concurrence du secteur énergétique : l'utilisation des enchères, Revue de la concurrence et de la consommation, n°128, 2002, 21-24," Post-Print hal-02501141, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot, 2002. "Commande publique et concurrence, Revue de la concurrence et de la consommation, 2002, n°129, 6-8," Post-Print hal-02501145, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot, 2002. "Comparer les systèmes de santé, "Notes de Benchmarking international", Institut de l'Entreprise, Paris, 2002, 36 pages," Post-Print hal-02501171, HAL.
  5. Michel Mougeot, 2002. "Enjeux économiques de I’UMTS : commentaire, in M. DIDIER et J.H. LORENZI (eds), les Enjeux économiques de l'UMTS, La Documentation française, Paris, 2002, 161-169," Post-Print hal-02501217, HAL.
  6. Elie Cohen & Michel Mougeot, 2002. "Enchères et gestion publique," Post-Print hal-03582791, HAL.
  7. Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2002. "Les asymétries d'information influencent-elles le choix de la banque principale entre soutien et mise en faillite de l’entreprise ? Une vérification empirique par un modèle Probit," Post-Print hal-03126774, HAL.
  8. Christian At & Laurent Flochel & Patrick Roger, 2002. "Market-making, inventories and martingale pricing," Post-Print halshs-00178162, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Pierre-Henri Morand & Florence Naegelen, 2001. "UMTS : Fallait-il choisir un concours de beauté ?," Post-Print hal-02501147, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Louis-Andre Gerard-Varet & Jean-Louis Guigou, 2001. "Aménagement du Territoire, avec J.-L. GUIGOU, L.-A. GERARD-VARET, A. LIPIETZ, Collection du Conseil d'Analyse Economique, n° 31, La Documentation française, Paris, 2001, 260 pages," Post-Print hal-02501178, HAL.
  3. Pierre-Henri Morand & Florence Naegelen, 2001. "L'attribution des licences hertziennes," Post-Print hal-01313429, HAL.
  4. Jihad Elnaboulsi, 2001. "Organization, Management and Delegation in the French Water Industry," Post-Print hal-00447923, HAL.
  5. Jihad Elnaboulsi, 2001. "Nonlinear pricing and capacity planning for water and wastewater services," Post-Print hal-00447925, HAL.
  6. Christian At & Pierre-Henri Morand, 2001. "The Sales of Small firms : a multidimensional analysis," Post-Print halshs-00179998, HAL.
  7. Christian At & Laurent Flochel, 2001. "Large shareholder portfolios, monitoring and legal protection of shareholders : A note," Post-Print halshs-00179976, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 2000. "La tarification hospitalière : de l’enveloppe globale à la concurrence par comparaison, Annales d’Economie et de Statistiques, n° 58, 2000, 195-214," Post-Print hal-02501150, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 2000. "Assurance maladie et dépenses de santé : les enjeux, Revue d'Economie Politique, n° 4, vol.110, 2000, 447-456," Post-Print hal-02501154, HAL.
  3. Laurence Hartmann & Michel Mougeot, 2000. "Aléa moral, partage du risque et choix des contrats dans le secteur de l'hospitalisation privée en France," Post-Print hal-02501155, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2000. "Anti-sélection, concurrence et qualité des soins," Post-Print hal-02501158, HAL.
  5. Michel Mougeot & Michel Moreaux & Pierre Malgrange, 2000. "Economie de l'environnement et des ressources naturelles, avec P. MALGRANGE et M. MOREAUX, Economie et Prévision, n° 143-144, 2000, 1-10," Post-Print hal-02501162, HAL.
  6. Michel Mougeot, 2000. "Régulation du commerce : commentaire, in J. TIROLE et P. REY (éd.) Régulation des relations entre fournisseurs et distributeurs, Conseil d'Analyse Economique, n° 29, La Documentation française, Paris,," Post-Print hal-02501220, HAL.
  7. Michel Mougeot, 2000. "Assurance maladie et dépenses de santé, numéro spécial de la Revue d'Economie Politique, Dalloz, Paris, 2000, 220 pages," Post-Print hal-02504421, HAL.
  8. Laurence Godard & Alain Schatt, 2000. "Quelles sont les caractéristiques optimales du conseil d'administration?," Working Papers CREGO 1000901, Université de Bourgogne - CREGO EA7317 Centre de recherches en gestion des organisations.
  9. Laurence Godard, 2000. "La taille du conseil d'administration:déterminants et impact sur la performance," Working Papers CREGO 1010702, Université de Bourgogne - CREGO EA7317 Centre de recherches en gestion des organisations, revised Jul 2001.
  10. Refait, C., 2000. "Estimation du risque de defaut par une modelisation stochastique du bilan : application a des firmes industrielles francaises," Papiers d'Economie Mathématique et Applications 2000.40, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1).
  11. Christian At, 2000. "Structure des actifs financiers et actionnariat hostile au risqué, faut-il créer un marché des droits de vote ?," Post-Print halshs-01309047, HAL.
  12. Christian At & Pierre-Henri Morand, 2000. "The Choice of voting structure for privatizing a Company," Post-Print halshs-01309050, HAL.


  1. Vincent Bonniol & Sandrine Chambaretaud & Olivier Chanel & Louis-Andre Gerard-Varet & Laurence Hartmann & Alain Leroux & Karine Moschetti & Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1999. "Efficacité de la dépense publique en matière de santé - Cohérence des instruments de régulation - Rapport scientifique," Post-Print hal-02004982, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 1999. "Régulation du système de santé, Collection du Conseil d'Analyse Economique, n° 13, La Documentation française, Paris, 1999 (avec des annexes de D. Henriet et J-Ch. Rochet, D. Bureau et L. Caussat, F. ," Post-Print hal-02501181, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1999. "La fonction de préférence de l'Etat : le cas de l'assurance maladie en France," Post-Print hal-02503168, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot, 1999. "Quelle régulation pour le système de santé, Risques, n° 39, juillet septembre 1999, 21-22," Post-Print hal-02503172, HAL.
  5. Refait, C., 1999. "Liquidation ou redressement des entreprises: decision de la banque et impact sur la probabilite de faillite," Papiers d'Economie Mathématique et Applications 1999.100, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1).
  6. Jean-Luc Rossignol, 1999. "Etude de la variable fiscale comme facteur de contingence dans la reconnaissance des immobilisations incorporelles," Post-Print halshs-00587816, HAL.
  7. Jihad Elnaboulsi, 1999. "A model for constrained Peak-load water and wastewater pricing and capacity planning," Post-Print hal-00447926, HAL.
  8. Jihad Elnaboulsi, 1999. "What can we learn about water services management and privatization in France?," Post-Print hal-00451374, HAL.
  9. Jihad Elnaboulsi, 1999. "The optimal nonlinear pricing rules for water services," Post-Print hal-00451375, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1998. "Discriminatory Public Procurement Policy and Cost Reduction Incentives," Post-Print hal-02503175, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1998. "Faut-il interdire la discrimination dans les marchés publics ?," Post-Print hal-02503179, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1998. "Asymétrie d’information et financement des hôpitaux : une comparaison des modes d’organisation des systèmes de santé," Post-Print hal-02503183, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot, 1998. "La création d’un marché par la puissance publique, Revue de la concurrence et de la consommation, n° 104, 1998, 22-26," Post-Print hal-02503184, HAL.
  5. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1998. "Théorie et application des mécanismes d’enchères," Post-Print hal-02503185, HAL.
  6. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1998. "La régulation contractuelle de l'offre de soins," Post-Print hal-02503189, HAL.
  7. Michel Mougeot, 1998. "Economie et systèmes de santé, in B. LASSUDRIE-DUCHENE (éd.), Connaissances économiques : approfondissement, Economica, Paris, 1998, 189-202," Post-Print hal-02504426, HAL.
  8. Michel Mougeot, 1998. "Marchés de droits à polluer et fiscalité environnementale : un commentaire, in D. BUREAU et alii (éds), Fiscalité de l’environnement, Conseil d’Analyse économique, n° 8, La Documentation française, Pa," Post-Print hal-02504428, HAL.
  9. Laurence Godard, 1998. "Les déterminants du choix entre un conseil d'administration et un conseil de surveillance," Working Papers CREGO 0981201, Université de Bourgogne - CREGO EA7317 Centre de recherches en gestion des organisations.
  10. Rossignol, Jean-Luc, 1998. "Pratique comptable et traitement fiscal: le cas des charges à répartir," Working Papers CREGO 0981001, Université de Bourgogne - CREGO EA7317 Centre de recherches en gestion des organisations.
  11. Jihad Elnaboulsi & Olivier Alexandre, 1998. "Renovating urban drinking water systems - An economic optimisation approach," Post-Print hal-00447927, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Philippe Benilan & Florence Naegelen, 1997. "Enchères asymétriques : contribution à la détermination numérique des stratégies d’équilibre bayesien," Post-Print hal-02503194, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1997. "La réglementation des hôpitaux : achat de soins ou tarification par pathologie," Post-Print hal-02503199, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1997. "Marchés publics et Théorie économique : un guide de l’acheteur," Post-Print hal-02503201, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot, 1997. "Droit de la concurrence et secteur de la santé," Post-Print hal-02503206, HAL.
  5. Jihad Elnaboulsi & Olivier Alexandre, 1997. "Détermination de la date optimale de renouvellement des réseaux urbains d'eau potable," Post-Print hal-00447928, HAL.
  6. Jihad Elnaboulsi, 1997. "The optimal economic regulation and the French experience of privatization," Post-Print hal-00451376, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1996. "Les mécanismes d’achat dans les industries de réseau in J.-M. CHEVALIER (éd.), Les relations verticales dans les industries de réseau, Ministère de l’Industrie, Paris, 1996, 108-120," Post-Print hal-02504430, HAL.
  2. Jihad Elnaboulsi & Olivier Alexandre, 1996. "Le renouvellement des réseaux d'eau potable: une revue critique," Post-Print hal-00447929, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1995. "Coûts d'entrée et intensification de la concurrence," Post-Print hal-02503209, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Laurent Benzoni & André Torre, 1995. "Economie industrielle : développements récents, avec L. BENZONI et A. TORRE, Revue d'Economie Industrielle, numéro exceptionnel, 1995, 5-11," Post-Print hal-02503214, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot, 1995. "Asymétries d'information et mécanismes incitatifs dans les systèmes de santé, Dossier Santé, Commission des comptes et des budgets économiques de la nation, Ministère de l'économie et des finances, 19," Post-Print hal-02504432, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1994. "Systèmes de santé et concurrence, éditions Economica, Paris, 1994, 210 pages," Post-Print hal-02504348, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1994. "La discrimination par les prix," Post-Print hal-02504372, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1993. "Concurrence et incitations dans le système hospitalier, Revue Française d'Economie, n° 2, vol VIII, 1993, 109-132," Post-Print hal-02503224, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Luc Gaffard, 1993. "L'économiste face à la localisation des activités, avec J.P. de GAUDEMAR et J.L. GAFFARD, Revue Economique, vol. 44, n° 3, 1993. 645-652," Post-Print hal-02503228, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot, 1993. "Concurrence et incitations dans le système hospitalier, Revue Economique et Sociale, vol. 51, n° 3, 1993,.203-216," Post-Print hal-02503230, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1993. "Les marchés publics. Règles, stratégies, politiques," Post-Print hal-02504375, HAL.
  5. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Luc Gaffard, 1993. "La localisation des activités économiques dans l'espace mondial : Analyses et politique, numéro spécial de la Revue Economique, édité avec J.-P. GAUDEMAR et J.-L. GAFFARD, 1993, 162 pages," Post-Print hal-02504409, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1992. "Mercati Pubblici ed integrazione europea : il ruolo dei costi di entrata," Post-Print hal-02503221, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1992. "L'ouverture des marchés publics dans la communauté économique européenne," Post-Print hal-02503232, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1992. "Coûts irrécupérables et structures de marché endogènes : le cas des marchés régis par appel d'offres," Post-Print hal-02503234, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1992. "Mécanismes incitatifs et formation des prix," Post-Print hal-02504376, HAL.
  5. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1992. "Marchés publics et intégration européenne," Post-Print hal-02504436, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1991. "Duopole de Bertrand, information asymétrique et bien-être collectif," Post-Print hal-02503236, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Simon Schraub & Mariette Mercier, 1991. "Evaluation of Health Care Expenditures, with S. SCHRAUB and M. MERCIER, Health Policy, vol. 18, n° 3, 1991, 219-229," Post-Print hal-02503238, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1991. "Malédiction du vainqueur et rationalité économique," Post-Print hal-02503659, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot, 1991. "Systèmes de santé, in L. PHILIP (éd.), Dictionnaire encyclopédique de Finances publiques, Economica, Paris, Tome II, 1991, 1408-1411," Post-Print hal-02504437, HAL.
  5. Michel Mougeot, 1991. "Economie de la santé, in L. PHILIP (éd.), Dictionnaire encyclopédique de Finances publiques, Economica, Paris, Tome I, 1991, 687-690," Post-Print hal-02504440, HAL.
  6. Michel Mougeot, 1991. "Public Procurement and Aid for Industry, Subsidies and Structural Adjustment, Industry Commitee, OCDE, Paris, 1991," Post-Print hal-02504442, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1990. "Economie publique locale et théorie économique, Revue Economique, vol. 41, n° 1, 1990, 153-158," Post-Print hal-02503663, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1990. "La libéralisation des marchés publics en 1992," Post-Print hal-02503669, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Pierre Salmon & Alain Wolfelsperger & Bernard Walliser & Jacques Wolff, 1990. "La méthodologie de l'Economie Théorique et Appliquée aujourd'hui, ouvrage édité sous la direction de J. WOLFF avec P. SALMON, B. WALLISER, A. WOLFELSPERGER, Actes du Colloque de l'AFSE, Nathan, Paris,," Post-Print hal-02504406, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot, 1990. "Décentralisation et régionalisation dans les systèmes de santé, in A. BIDEAU (éd.), Sciences de l'homme en Rhône-Alpes, éd. CNRS, Lyon, 1990, 80-84," Post-Print hal-02504444, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1989. "La pensée économique française après 1945, Revue Economique, n° 3, vol. 40, 1989,. 567-574," Post-Print hal-02503673, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1989. "Enchère optimale, surplus collectif et discrimination," Post-Print hal-02503676, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot, 1989. "Economie du secteur public, éditions Economica, Paris, 1989, 495 pages," Post-Print hal-02504379, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot, 1989. "Information asymmetriess, Entscheidungsmechanismen und Anreize im französischen Gesundheitswesen, in F. SCHNEIDER, J.M. von der SCHULENBURG (éds), Ökonomische Probleme der Gesundheitsversorgung in Deu," Post-Print hal-02504446, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1988. "Les schémas incitatifs dans une économie centralement planifiée, Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest, vol. 19, n° 1, 1988, 101-130," Post-Print hal-02503685, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 1988. "Rhétorique et immobilisme : le rôle social ambigu du discours économique sur la santé, Politiques et management public, vol. 6, n° 1, 1988, 103-116," Post-Print hal-02503691, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot, 1988. "Comprendre l'économie publique, Politiques et management public, vol. 6, n° 1, 1988, 124-133," Post-Print hal-02503697, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1988. "Analyse microéconomique des marchés publics," Post-Print hal-02503706, HAL.
  5. Michel Mougeot, 1988. "Asymétries d'information, mécanismes de décision et incitations dans le système de santé français, in G. DURU, R. LAUNOIS, F. SCHNEIDER, J.M. von der SCHULENBURG (éds), La régulation des systèmes de s," Post-Print hal-02504448, HAL.
  6. Michel Mougeot, 1988. "Costs Manipulation Versus Quality Manipulation in French Health Care System, in G.S. SANTE (éd.), Society Concern about Health, editions ERES, Toulouse, 1988, 49-59," Post-Print hal-02504449, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1987. "Asymétrie d'information et théorie économique, in M. MOUGEOT (éd.), Décentralisation et régionalisation dans les systèmes de santé, Rapport CNRS, 1987, 42-80," Post-Print hal-02504453, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 1987. "Marchés publics : règles rigides ou procédures flexibles ? in Flexibilité, mobilité et stimulants économiques, A.F.S.E. (éds), Nathan, Paris, 1987, 200-218," Post-Print hal-02504456, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot, 1987. "Production de biens collectifs locaux et financement centralisé in P. BURGAT et C. JEANRENAUD (éds.), Services publics locaux : demande, offre et financement, Economica, Paris, 1987, 101-125," Post-Print hal-02504460, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot, 1987. "La régionalisation du système de santé français in A.S. BAILLY, F. BRIDEL, M. PERIAT (éds), La santé : perspectives médicales et économiques, éditions régionales européennes, Genève, 1987, 59-74," Post-Print hal-02504461, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1986. "Régulation des dépenses de santé et décentralisation des décisions, Revue d'Economie Politique, n° 4, 1986, 359-383," Post-Print hal-02503712, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 1986. "L'espace dans la théorie du rendement social, Revue d'Economie Politique, n° 6, 1986, 699-704," Post-Print hal-02503717, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot, 1986. "Asymétries d'information, mécanismes de décision et incitations dans le système de santé français, Journal d'Economie Médicale, vol. 4, n° 3, 1986, 137-154," Post-Print hal-02503723, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot, 1986. "Marchés publics : règles rigides ou procédures flexibles ?, Politiques et management public, vol. 4, n° 3, 1986, 1-26," Post-Print hal-02503728, HAL.
  5. Michel Mougeot, 1986. "Le système de santé : centralisation ou décentralisation ? , éditions Economica, Paris, 1986 , Préface de H. GUITTON, de l'Institut, 184 pages," Post-Print hal-02504382, HAL.
  6. Michel Mougeot, 1986. "Economie publique, in G. DURU (ed..), La recherche en science économique et en gestion, éd. du C.N.R.S., Paris, 1986, 63-80," Post-Print hal-02504796, HAL.
  7. Michel Mougeot, 1986. "Régionalisation du rationnement ou décentralisation ? Annexe au rapport Une décentralisation du système de Santé, Commissariat Général du Plan, La Documentation française, Paris, 1986, 157-161," Post-Print hal-02504800, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1985. "L'impact industriel des commandes publiques : une analyse en termes de diffusion intersectorielle, Marchés Publics, n° 209, avril 1985, 22-25," Post-Print hal-02503738, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 1985. "Les marchés publics et la politique régionale, in C. JEANRENAUD (éd.), Regional Impact of Government Procurement, Verlag Ruegger, Grüsch, 1985, 30-50," Post-Print hal-02504802, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot, 1985. "Les lois de décentralisation sont-elles applicables au système de santé et de sécurité sociale ? in "Vertus et limites de la décentralisation", les Cahiers du Droit, tome III, 1985, 397-410," Post-Print hal-02505762, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1985. "L'analyse structurale des modèles input-output , avec J.P. AURAY, G. DURU et Ch. SEFFERT, in G. RITSCHARD et D. ROYER (éds), Optimalité et Structures, Economica, Paris, 1985, 117-152," Post-Print hal-02505766, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1984. "Le rapport Dupeyroux ou comment révéler les transactions cachées, Revue d'Economie Politique, n° 3, 1984, 407-412," Post-Print hal-02503740, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 1984. "La différenciation des prix d'achat des hôpitaux, Cahiers de Sociologie et de Démographie Médicales, n° 2, vol. XXIV, 1984, 37-44," Post-Print hal-02503946, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1984. "Les marchés hospitaliers," Post-Print hal-02504385, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot, 1984. "Libre administration et planification décentralisée in La Libre administration des collectivités locales, J. MOREAU et G. DARCY (eds), Economica, Paris, 1984, 73-91," Post-Print hal-02505768, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1983. "Les achats hospitaliers face à la conquête du marché intérieur, Journal d'Economie Médicale, vol. 1, n° 1, 1983,1.-21," Post-Print hal-02503948, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1983. "La formation des prix dans les mécanismes d'enchères sous pli cacheté," Post-Print hal-02503954, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1982. "Procédures d'achats hospitaliers et comportements stratégiques," Post-Print hal-02503959, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1982. "Structures productives européennes, avec J.-P. AURAY et G. DURU, éditions du CNRS, Paris, 1982, 328 pages," Post-Print hal-02504391, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1981. "Peut-on définir de manière univoque la notion d'industrie industrialisante ?, avec J.P. AURAY et G. DURU, Revue Tiers-Monde, vol. XXII, n° 87, 1981, 585-601," Post-Print hal-02503963, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1981. "Classification endowed by transfer of structure, with J.P. AURAY, G. DURU, in G.E. LASKER (éd.) "Applied System and Cybernetics", vol. 5, Pergamon Press, 1981, 2705-2710," Post-Print hal-02505774, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1980. "A problem of classification on a set endowed with a poor structure," Post-Print hal-02503991, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1980. "Influence par les prix et influence par les quantités dans un modèle input-output, avec J.P. AURAY et G. DURU, Economie Appliquée, n° 3-4, tome XXXIII, 1980, 695-725," Post-Print hal-02503995, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1980. "Elements for a Generalization of the New Theory of Consumer, with J.P. AURAY and G. DURU, Methods of Operations Research, vol. 38, 1980, 15-24," Post-Print hal-02504002, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot, 1980. "Des théorèmes d'existence aux procédures de planification, Economies et Sociétés, série E.M., n° 6, tome XIV, n° 8-9-10,1980, 1179-1232," Post-Print hal-02504008, HAL.
  5. Michel Mougeot, 1980. "Analyse factorielle et classification ou l'irréductibilité des, particularismes régionaux, Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine, n° 4, 1980, 385-399," Post-Print hal-02504011, HAL.
  6. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1980. "Une méthode de comparaison des structures productives des pays de la C.E.E., avec J.P. AURAY et G. DURU, Publications Econométriques, vol. XI, n° 2, 1980, 31-59," Post-Print hal-02504016, HAL.
  7. Michel Mougeot & Gérard Duru & Jean-Paul Auray, 1980. "Une méthode pour la recherche de partitions associées à une structure, avec J.P. AURAY, G. DURU et A. DUSSAUCHOY) in P. HANSEN et D. de WERRA (éds.), Regards sur la théorie des graphes, Presses Polyte," Post-Print hal-02505782, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1979. "Economie du bien-être et production marchande de l'Etat : une synthèse, Revue d'Economie Politique, n° 2, vol. LXXXIX, 1979, 129-165," Post-Print hal-02504019, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1979. "Some Pretopological Properties of Input-Output Models and Graph Theory, with J.P. AURAY and G. DURU, Methods of Operations Research, vol. 34, 1979, 5-21," Post-Print hal-02504025, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1979. "A Pretopological Analysis of the Input-Output Model," Post-Print hal-02504026, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Alain Heraud, 1978. "Migrations alternantes et bassins d'emploi," Post-Print hal-02504037, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 1978. "The Welfare foundations of Regional Planning : General Equilibrium and Pareto Optimality in a Spatial Economy," Post-Print hal-02504040, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1978. "Graphes et topologies : réponse à Claude PONSARD, avec J.-P. AURAY et G. DURU, Revue d'Economie Politique, n°2, vol. LXXXVIII, 1978, 292-300," Post-Print hal-02504044, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1978. "Note sur la théorie de la production," Post-Print hal-02504048, HAL.
  5. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1978. "Propositions pour une analyse topologique des ensembles d'agents, avec J.P. AURAY et G. DURU, Economie et Sociétés, n°6-7, série F, 1978, 1151-1168," Post-Print hal-02504053, HAL.
  6. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1978. "L'asymétrie des relations intersectorielles : une analyse prétopologique, avec J.P. AURAY et G. DURU, Economie Appliquée, n° 4, 1978, 429-450," Post-Print hal-02504059, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1977. "Les déséquilibres implicites du marché des biens hors marché, Revue d'Economie Politique, n° 5, vol. LXXXVII, 1977, 643-652," Post-Print hal-02504323, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 1977. "Analyse du surplus et répartition ; à propos d'un article de V. LEVY-GARBOUA, Revue Economique, n° 6, vol. XXVII, 1976, 1061-1069," Post-Print hal-02504335, HAL.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1977. "Problèmes d'économie mathématique, avec J.-P. AURAY et G. DURU, éditions Economica, Paris, 1977, 326 pages," Post-Print hal-02504393, HAL.
  4. Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru, 1977. "La structure productive française, avec J.-P. AURAY et G. DURU, éditions Economica, Paris, 1977, 228 pages," Post-Print hal-02504396, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1976. "Peut-on séparer l'économique et le social ? Réflexion sur le dilemme efficience-équité dans la théorie économique du Bien-être, Revue d'Economie Politique, n° 4, vol. LXXXVI, 1976, 535-554," Post-Print hal-02504333, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1975. "Théorie et politique économiques régionales, éditions Economica, Paris, 1975, (préface de C. PONSARD), 332 pages," Post-Print hal-02504398, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1974. "Les coûts de l'hospitalisation en milieu psychiatrique (en collaboration), éditions du CNRS, Paris, 1974, 110 pages," Post-Print hal-02504401, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 1974. "Les implications économiques des théorèmes d'existence en matière d'équilibre général," Post-Print hal-02504404, HAL.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1972. "L'analyse topologique des flux monétaires inter-sectoriels et ses limites," Post-Print hal-02504345, HAL.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 1972. "L'analyse topologique des flux monétaires intersectoriels et ses limites, p 337-354," Post-Print hal-02505785, HAL.

Journal articles


  1. Marc Deschamps & Georges Zaccour, 2024. "Preface: Special Issue on Game Theory and Optimization in Honor of Pierre Bernhard," International Game Theory Review (IGTR), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 26(02), pages 1-7, June.
  2. Romain Biard & Marc Deschamps & Mostapha Diss & Alexis Roussel, 2024. "Assessing Available Care Time and Nursing Shortage in a Hospital," International Game Theory Review (IGTR), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 26(02), pages 1-26, June.
  3. Blot, Christophe & Hubert, Paul & Labondance, Fabien, 2024. "The asymmetric effects of monetary policy on stock price bubbles," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 168(C).


  1. Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrières & Adriana Navarro‐Ramos & Philippe Solal, 2023. "Axiomatic characterizations of the family of Weighted priority values," International Journal of Economic Theory, The International Society for Economic Theory, vol. 19(4), pages 787-816, December.
  2. Catherine Baumont & Sylvain Béal & Lionel Védrine, 2023. "Introduction," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 133(5), pages 651-652.
  3. Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrières & Philippe Solal, 2023. "A Core-Partition Ranking Solution to Coalitional Ranking Problems," Group Decision and Negotiation, Springer, vol. 32(4), pages 965-985, August.
  4. Sylvain Béal & Stéphane Gonzalez & Philippe Solal & Peter Sudhölter, 2023. "Axiomatic characterizations of the core without consistency," International Journal of Game Theory, Springer;Game Theory Society, vol. 52(3), pages 687-701, September.
  5. Bernhard, Pierre & Deschamps, Marc & Zaccour, Georges, 2023. "Large satellite constellations and space debris: Exploratory analysis of strategic management of the space commons," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 304(3), pages 1140-1157.
  6. Bocquého, Géraldine & Deschamps, Marc & Helstroffer, Jenny & Jacob, Julien & Joxhe, Majlinda, 2023. "Modelling refugee migration under cognitive biases: Experimental evidence and policy," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 103(C).
  7. Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2023. "Credit, banking fragility, and economic performance," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 75(2), pages 553-573.
  8. Jihad C. Elnaboulsi & Wassim Daher & Yiğit Sağlam, 2023. "Environmental taxation, information precision, and information sharing," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 25(2), pages 301-341, April.
  9. Diss, Mostapha & Dougherty, Keith & Heckelman, Jac C., 2023. "When ties are possible: Weak Condorcet winners and Arrovian rationality," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 123(C), pages 128-136.
  10. Mostapha Diss & Clinton Gubong Gassi & Issofa Moyouwou, 2023. "Social acceptability and the majoritarian compromise rule," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 61(3), pages 489-510, October.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2022. "Incentives to implement personalized medicine under second‐best pricing," Health Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 31(11), pages 2411-2424, November.
  2. Raphaël Cardot-Martin & Fabien Labondance & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2022. "Capital ratios and banking crises in the European Union," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 172, pages 389-402.
  3. Béal, Sylvain & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2022. "Lexicographic solutions for coalitional rankings based on individual and collective performances," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 102(C).
  4. Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps & Mostapha Diss & Issofa Moyouwou, 2022. "Inconsistent weighting in weighted voting games," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 191(1), pages 75-103, April.
  5. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2022. "Allocation rules for cooperative games with restricted communication and a priori unions based on the Myerson value and the average tree solution," Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Springer, vol. 43(4), pages 818-849, May.
  6. Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrières & Philippe Solal, 2022. "The priority value for cooperative games with a priority structure," International Journal of Game Theory, Springer;Game Theory Society, vol. 51(2), pages 431-450, June.
  7. Christophe Blot & Fabien Labondance, 2022. "Beyond the interest rate pass-through: monetary policy and banks interest rates since the effective lower bound," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 54(51), pages 5976-5990, November.
  8. Chuffart, Thomas, 2022. "Interest in cryptocurrencies predicts conditional correlation dynamics," Finance Research Letters, Elsevier, vol. 46(PA).
  9. Mostapha Diss & Michele Gori, 2022. "Majority properties of positional social preference correspondences," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 92(2), pages 319-347, March.


  1. Mougeot Michel & Naegelen Florence, 2021. "Health Care Provider Networks: Are Insurers Better Off?," Review of Network Economics, De Gruyter, vol. 20(4), pages 187-212, December.
  2. Sylvain Béal & André Casajus & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2021. "Cohesive efficiency in TU-games: axiomatizations of variants of the Shapley value, egalitarian values and their convex combinations," Annals of Operations Research, Springer, vol. 302(1), pages 23-47, July.
  3. Florence Naegelen, 2021. "Paul Milgrom et Robert Wilson. De la théorie à la pratique des enchères," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 131(6), pages 825-847.
  4. Stéphane Alcenat & François Maréchal & Florence Naegelen, 2021. "Implementation of personalized medicine in a context of moral hazard and uncertainty about treatment efficacy," International Journal of Health Economics and Management, Springer, vol. 21(1), pages 81-97, March.
  5. Romain Biard & Marc Deschamps, 2021. "Oligopoles avec entrées et types d’entrants aléatoires," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 43-87.
  6. Pierre Bernhard & Marc Deschamps, 2021. "Dynamic Equilibrium with Randomly Arriving Players," Dynamic Games and Applications, Springer, vol. 11(2), pages 242-269, June.
  7. Gabuthy, Yannick & Peterle, Emmanuel & Tisserand, Jean-Christian, 2021. "Legal Fees, Cost-Shifting Rules and Litigation: Experimental Evidence," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 93(C).
  8. Hubert, Paul & Labondance, Fabien, 2021. "The signaling effects of central bank tone," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 133(C).
  9. Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2021. "The intertwining of credit and banking fragility," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 26(1), pages 459-475, January.
  10. Diss, Mostapha & Tsvelikhovskiy, Boris, 2021. "Manipulable outcomes within the class of scoring voting rules," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 111(C), pages 11-18.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2020. "Pollution Permit Market and International Trade-Exposed Sector: Differentiated Allocations versus Border Adjustment," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 176(3), pages 473-495.
  2. Refait-Alexandre, Catherine & Serve, Stéphanie, 2020. "Multiple banking relationships: Do SMEs mistrust their banks?," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 51(C).
  3. Beugnot, Julie & Peterlé, Emmanuel, 2020. "Gender bias in job referrals: An experimental test," Journal of Economic Psychology, Elsevier, vol. 76(C).
  4. Béal, Sylvain & Moyouwou, Issofa & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2020. "Cooperative games on intersection closed systems and the Shapley value," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 104(C), pages 15-22.
  5. Yannick Gabuthy & Emmanuel Peterle & Jean-Christian Tisserand, 2020. "Règle anglaise versus règle américaine d’allocation des frais de justice : une analyse expérimentale," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 71(6), pages 973-1004.
  6. Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2020. "Monetary policy and asset prices in the euro area since the global financial crisis," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 130(2), pages 257-281.
  7. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2020. "The role of ECB monetary policy and financial stress on Eurozone sovereign yields," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 59(3), pages 1189-1211, September.
  8. Thomas Chuffart & Cyril Dell'Eva, 2020. "The role of carry trades on the effectiveness of Japan's quantitative easing," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 161, pages 30-40.
  9. Mostapha Diss & Eric Kamwa & Abdelmonaim Tlidi, 2020. "On Some k -scoring Rules for Committee Elections: Agreement and Condorcet Principle," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 130(5), pages 699-725.
  10. Diss, Mostapha & Mahajne, Muhammad, 2020. "Social acceptability of Condorcet committees," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 105(C), pages 14-27.
  11. Daniela Bubboloni & Mostapha Diss & Michele Gori, 2020. "Extensions of the Simpson voting rule to the committee selection setting," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 183(1), pages 151-185, April.
  12. Marie Obidzinski & Yves Oytana, 2020. "Presumption of Innocence and Deterrence," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 176(2), pages 377-412.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2019. "Nonresponsiveness, Severity Auditing, and Upcoding Deterrence," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 175(2), pages 308-331.
  2. Vincent Bertrand, 2019. "Co-firing Coal with Biomass under Mandatory Obligation for Renewable Electricity: Implication for the Electricity Mix," The Energy Journal, International Association for Energy Economics, vol. 0(Number 4).
  3. Julie Beugnot & Olivier Charlot & Guy Lacroix, 2019. "Does promoting homeownership always damage labour market performances?," Journal of Economics, Springer, vol. 127(2), pages 161-183, July.
  4. Beugnot, Julie & Fortin, Bernard & Lacroix, Guy & Villeval, Marie Claire, 2019. "Gender and peer effects on performance in social networks," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 113(C), pages 207-224.
  5. Algaba, Encarnación & Béal, Sylvain & Fragnelli, Vito & Llorca, Natividad & Sánchez-Soriano, Joaquin, 2019. "Relationship between labeled network games and other cooperative games arising from attributes situations," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 185(C).
  6. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2019. "Coalitional desirability and the equal division value," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 86(1), pages 95-106, February.
  7. Pierre Bernhard & Marc Deschamps, 2019. "Kalman 1960: The birth of modern system theory," Mathematical Population Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 26(3), pages 123-145, July.
  8. Nikolaos Georgantzís & Julie Le Gallo & Emmanuel Peterle & Jean-Christian Tisserand, 2019. "Gender Differences in Legal Disputes: The Case of French Labor Courts," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 70(6), pages 1201-1211.
  9. Cochard, François & Flage, Alexandre & Peterle, Emmanuel, 2019. "Intermediation and discrimination in an investment game: An experimental study," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 168(C), pages 196-208.
  10. Lambert, Eve-Angéline & Peterle, Emmanuel & Tisserand, Jean-Christian, 2019. "Pretrial settlement and coercion: An experiment," International Review of Law and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 60(C).
  11. Chuffart, Thomas & Hooper, Emma, 2019. "An investigation of oil prices impact on sovereign credit default swaps in Russia and Venezuela," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 80(C), pages 904-916.
  12. At Christian & Friehe Tim & Gabuthy Yannick, 2019. "On Lawyer Compensation When Appeals Are Possible," The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, De Gruyter, vol. 19(2), pages 1-11, April.
  13. Christian At & Lionel Thomas, 2019. "Optimal Tenurial Contracts Under Both Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, vol. 101(3), pages 941-959.
  14. Lambert Eve-Angeline & Oytana Yves, 2019. "Optimal Resort to Court-Appointed Experts," Review of Law & Economics, De Gruyter, vol. 15(2), pages 1-32, July.
  15. Obidzinski, Marie & Oytana, Yves, 2019. "Identity errors and the standard of proof," International Review of Law and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 57(C), pages 73-80.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Sonia Schwartz, 2018. "A Discriminatory Mechanism to Reduce Urban Congestion," German Economic Review, Verein für Socialpolitik, vol. 19(2), pages 190-208, May.
  2. Mougeot, Michel & Naegelen, Florence, 2018. "Achieving a fair geographical distribution of health-care resources," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 70(C), pages 384-392.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2018. "Medical service provider networks," Health Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 27(8), pages 1201-1217, August.
  4. Caurla, Sylvain & Bertrand, Vincent & Delacote, Philippe & Le Cadre, Elodie, 2018. "Heat or power: How to increase the use of energy wood at the lowest cost?," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 75(C), pages 85-103.
  5. Béal, Sylvain & Ferrières, Sylvain & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2018. "The proportional Shapley value and applications," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 108(C), pages 93-112.
  6. Béal, Sylvain & Ferrières, Sylvain & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2018. "Axiomatization of an allocation rule for ordered tree TU-games," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 93(C), pages 132-140.
  7. Sylvain Béal & André Casajus & Frank Huettner, 2018. "Efficient extensions of communication values," Annals of Operations Research, Springer, vol. 264(1), pages 41-56, May.
  8. Sylvain Béal & Anna Khmelnitskaya & Philippe Solal, 2018. "Two-step values for games with two-level communication structure," Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Springer, vol. 35(2), pages 563-587, February.
  9. Dickinson, David L. & Masclet, David & Peterle, Emmanuel, 2018. "Discrimination as favoritism: The private benefits and social costs of in-group favoritism in an experimental labor market," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 104(C), pages 220-236.
  10. Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2018. "The Effect of ECB Forward Guidance on the Term Structure of Interest Rates," International Journal of Central Banking, International Journal of Central Banking, vol. 14(5), pages 193-222, December.
  11. Chuffart Thomas & Flachaire Emmanuel & Péguin-Feissolle Anne, 2018. "Testing for misspecification in the short-run component of GARCH-type models," Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, De Gruyter, vol. 22(5), pages 1-17, December.
  12. Elnaboulsi, J.C. & Daher, W. & Sağlam, Y., 2018. "On the social value of publicly disclosed information and environmental regulation," Resource and Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 54(C), pages 1-22.
  13. Mostapha Diss & Eric Kamwa & Abdelmonaim Tlidi, 2018. "A Note on the Likelihood of the Absolute Majority Paradoxes," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 38(4), pages 1727-1734.
  14. Mostapha Diss & Abdelmonaim Tlidi, 2018. "Another perspective on Borda’s paradox," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 84(1), pages 99-121, January.
  15. Yves Oytana & Nathalie Chappe, 2018. "Expert opinion in a tort litigation game," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 46(1), pages 67-107, August.


  1. Lilian Carpenè & Vincent Bertrand & Timothée Ollivier, 2017. "Comparing biomass-based and conventional heating systems with costly CO 2 emissions: cost estimations and breakeven prices for large-scale district heating schemes," International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 40(1/2), pages 20-42.
  2. Komivi Afawubo & Mawuli kodjovi Couchoro, 2017. "Do remittances enhance the economic growth effect of private health expenditures in West African Economic and Monetary Union?," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 37(2), pages 1247-1264.
  3. Komivi Afawubo & Samuel Mathey, 2017. "The effectiveness of aid on savings and investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: do volatility and institutional quality matter?," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 49(51), pages 5212-5230, November.
  4. Yawo A. Noglo & Komivi Afawubo, 2017. "2011-2015: an illustration based on the decomposition of the Gini coefficient using the Shapley value approach," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 37(4), pages 2602-2615.
  5. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2017. "Axiomatization and implementation of a class of solidarity values for TU-games," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 83(1), pages 61-94, June.
  6. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2017. "A strategic implementation of the sequential equal surplus division rule for digraph cooperative games," Annals of Operations Research, Springer, vol. 253(1), pages 43-59, June.
  7. Pierre Bernhard & Marc Deschamps, 2017. "On Dynamic Games with Randomly Arriving Players," Dynamic Games and Applications, Springer, vol. 7(3), pages 360-385, September.
  8. Youenn Lohéac & Alia Hayyan & Cécile Bazart & Mohamed Ali Bchir & Serge Blondel & Mihaela Bonescu & Alexandrine Bornier & Joëlle Brouard & Nathalie Chappe & François Cochard & Alexandre Flage & Fabio , 2017. "Mise en place d’une expérience avec le grand public : entre recherche, vulgarisation et pédagogie," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 68(5), pages 941-953.
  9. Keser, Claudia & Özgümüs, Asri & Peterlé, Emmanuel & Schmidt, Martin, 2017. "An experimental investigation of rating-market regulation," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 144(C), pages 78-86.
  10. Gabin Langevin & David Masclet & Fabien Moizeau & Emmanuel Peterle, 2017. "Ethnic gaps in educational attainment and labor-market outcomes: evidence from France," Education Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 25(1), pages 84-111, January.
  11. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2017. "Les effets redistributifs des politiques monétaires de la BCE," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(4), pages 165-180.
  12. Christian At & Lionel Thomas, 2017. "Optimal lending contracts," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 69(1), pages 263-277.
  13. Christian At, 2017. "The Market for Corporate Control with Influential- and Dependent-Stakeholder Protection," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 173(3), pages 419-430, September.


  1. Étienne Farvaque & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2016. "Les exigences de transparence des accords de Bâle : aubaine ou fardeau pour les pays en développement ?," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 131-147.
  2. Hervé Alexandre & François Guillemin & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2016. "Crise de la dette souveraine dans l’Union européenne : transparence des banques et spreads de CDS," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 67(5), pages 1007-1035.
  3. Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps & Philippe Solal, 2016. "Comparable Axiomatizations of Two Allocation Rules for Cooperative Games with Transferable Utility and Their Subclass of Data Games," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 18(6), pages 992-1004, December.
  4. Béal, Sylvain & Casajus, André & Huettner, Frank, 2016. "On the existence of efficient and fair extensions of communication values for connected graphs," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 146(C), pages 103-106.
  5. Béal, Sylvain & Ferrières, Sylvain & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2016. "Axiomatic characterizations under players nullification," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 80(C), pages 47-57.
  6. Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps, 2016. "On compensation schemes for data sharing within the European REACH legislation," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 41(1), pages 157-181, February.
  7. Sylvain Béal & André Casajus & Frank Huettner & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2016. "Characterizations of weighted and equal division values," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 80(4), pages 649-667, April.
  8. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2016. "Characterizations of Three Linear Values for TU Games by Associated Consistency: Simple Proofs Using the Jordan Normal Form," International Game Theory Review (IGTR), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 18(01), pages 1-21, March.
  9. Marc Deschamps & Julien Pénin, 2016. "La construction d’une sanction. Pénalités de retard à Asnières-sur-Seine," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(2), pages 59-91.
  10. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance & Xavier Lagot, 2016. "Euro Area Inflation and ECB Policy in a Global Environment," Politica economica, Società editrice il Mulino, issue 3, pages 539-554.
  11. Mostapha Diss & Ahmed Doghmi, 2016. "Multi-winner scoring election methods: Condorcet consistency and paradoxes," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 169(1), pages 97-116, October.
  12. Mostapha Diss & Patrizia Pérez-Asurmendi, 2016. "Probabilities of Consistent Election Outcomes with Majorities Based on Difference in Support," Group Decision and Negotiation, Springer, vol. 25(5), pages 967-994, September.
  13. Yves Oytana, 2016. "Les coûts des expertises judiciaires dans les procédures inquisitoire et accusatoire," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 67(1), pages 5-48.


  1. Nicolas Huck & Komivi Afawubo, 2015. "Pairs trading and selection methods: is cointegration superior?," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 47(6), pages 599-613, February.
  2. At, Christian & Béal, Sylvain & Morand, Pierre-Henri, 2015. "Freezeout, compensation rules, and voting equilibria," International Review of Law and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 41(C), pages 91-102.
  3. Béal, Sylvain & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2015. "Characterization of the Average Tree solution and its kernel," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 60(C), pages 159-165.
  4. Béal, Sylvain & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2015. "Preserving or removing special players: What keeps your payoff unchanged in TU-games?," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 73(C), pages 23-31.
  5. Sylvain Béal & Amandine Ghintran & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2015. "The sequential equal surplus division for rooted forest games and an application to sharing a river with bifurcations," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 79(2), pages 251-283, September.
  6. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2015. "Axioms of invariance for TU-games," International Journal of Game Theory, Springer;Game Theory Society, vol. 44(4), pages 891-902, November.
  7. Sylvain Béal & André Casajus & Frank Huettner, 2015. "Efficient extensions of the Myerson value," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 45(4), pages 819-827, December.
  8. Bougette, Patrice & Deschamps, Marc & Marty, Frédéric, 2015. "When Economics Met Antitrust: The Second Chicago School and the Economization of Antitrust Law," Enterprise & Society, Cambridge University Press, vol. 16(2), pages 313-353, June.
  9. Masclet, David & Peterle, Emmanuel & Larribeau, Sophie, 2015. "Gender differences in tournament and flat-wage schemes: An experimental study," Journal of Economic Psychology, Elsevier, vol. 47(C), pages 103-115.
  10. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2015. "Que peut-on attendre de l’assouplissement quantitatif de la BCE ?," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(2), pages 265-290.
  11. Christophe Blot & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2015. "La politique monétaire crée-t-elle des bulles ?," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(8), pages 257-286.
  12. Creel, Jérôme & Hubert, Paul & Labondance, Fabien, 2015. "Financial stability and economic performance," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 25-40.
  13. Blot, Christophe & Creel, Jérôme & Hubert, Paul & Labondance, Fabien & Saraceno, Francesco, 2015. "Assessing the link between price and financial stability," Journal of Financial Stability, Elsevier, vol. 16(C), pages 71-88.
  14. Thomas Chuffart, 2015. "Selection Criteria in Regime Switching Conditional Volatility Models," Econometrics, MDPI, vol. 3(2), pages 1-28, May.
  15. Christian At, 2015. "Shareholder versus Stakeholder Protection and Interest-Group Politics," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 171(3), pages 478-492, September.
  16. At, Christian & Gabuthy, Yannick, 2015. "Moral hazard and agency relationship in sequential litigation," International Review of Law and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 41(C), pages 86-90.
  17. Mostapha Diss & Abdallah Zouache, 2015. "Une étude de la répartition du pouvoir confessionnel au Liban," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 125(4), pages 527-546.
  18. Mostapha Diss & William V. Gehrlein, 2015. "The True Impact of Voting Rule Selection on Condorcet Efficiency," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 35(4), pages 2418-2426.
  19. Mostapha Diss, 2015. "Strategic manipulability of self-selective social choice rules," Annals of Operations Research, Springer, vol. 229(1), pages 347-376, June.
  20. Richard Baron & Mostapha Diss & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2015. "A geometric examination of majorities based on difference in support," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 45(1), pages 123-153, June.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2014. "La tarification à l'activité : une réforme dénaturée du financement des hôpitaux," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(3), pages 111-141.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2014. "Asymmetric Information and Pooling Contracts in the Hospital Sector," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 170(2), pages 365-386.
  3. Bertrand, Vincent, 2014. "Carbon and energy prices under uncertainty: A theoretical analysis of fuel switching with heterogenous power plants," Resource and Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 38(C), pages 198-220.
  4. Bertrand, Vincent & Dequiedt, Benjamin & Le Cadre, Elodie, 2014. "Biomass for electricity in the EU-27: Potential demand, CO2 abatements and breakeven prices for co-firing," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 73(C), pages 631-644.
  5. Hervé Alexandre & Karima Bouaiss & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2014. "Banking Relationships and Syndicated Loans during the 2008 Financial Crisis," Journal of Financial Services Research, Springer;Western Finance Association, vol. 46(1), pages 99-113, August.
  6. Komivi Afawubo & Samuel Mathey, 2014. "Employment and education effects on HIV/AIDS prevalence rate and economic growth: empirical investigation in ECOWAS," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 21(11), pages 755-759, July.
  7. Béal, Sylvain & Casajus, André & Huettner, Frank & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2014. "Solidarity within a fixed community," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 125(3), pages 440-443.
  8. Marc Deschamps & Jenny Helstroffer, 2014. "Public confidence in economics. The French Economics Association's recommendations on scientific ethics," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 124(4), pages 667-678.
  9. Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance, 2014. "Les enjeux du triple mandat de la BCE," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(3), pages 175-186.
  10. Céline Antonin & Christophe Blot & Jérôme Creel & Paul Hubert & Fabien Labondance & Vincent Touzé, 2014. "Comment lutter contre la fragmentation du système bancaire de la zone euro ?," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(5), pages 171-219.
  11. Daniel Detzer & Jerome Creel & Fabien Labondance & Sandrine Levasseur & Mimoza Shabani & Jan Toporowski & Judith Tyson & Costanza Consolandi & Giampaolo Gabbi & Massimo Matthias & Pietro Vozzella & Ca, 2014. "Financial systems in financial crisis — An analysis of banking systems in the EU," Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, Springer;ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics;Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), vol. 49(2), pages 56-87, March.
  12. Yves Oytana, 2014. "The Judicial Expert in a Two-Tier Hierarchy," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 170(3), pages 537-570, September.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2013. "Vertical Differentiation, Quality Competition and Second-Best Hospital Price Regulation," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 109-110, pages 163-178.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2013. "La théorie normative de la régulation hospitalière," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 123(2), pages 179-210.
  3. Vincent Bertrand, 2013. "Switching to biomass co-firing in European coal power plants: Estimating the biomass and CO2 breakeven prices," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 33(2), pages 1535-1546.
  4. Beugnot, Julie, 2013. "Binding Minimum Wage As An Equilibrium Selection Device," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 17(7), pages 1411-1437, October.
  5. Komivi Afawubo & Vincent Fromentin, 2013. "Financial development and economic growth: the case of ECOWAS and WAEMU," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 33(3), pages 1715-1722.
  6. Béal, Sylvain & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2013. "An optimal bound to access the core in TU-games," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 80(C), pages 1-9.
  7. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2013. "Accessibility and stability of the coalition structure core," Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Springer;Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR);Nederlands Genootschap voor Besliskunde (NGB), vol. 78(2), pages 187-202, October.
  8. Sylvain Beal & Amandine Ghintran & Eric Remila & Philippe Solal, 2013. "The River Sharing Problem: A Survey," International Game Theory Review (IGTR), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 15(03), pages 1-19.
  9. Marc Deschamps, 2013. "L'inexistence du luxe comme catégorie finie et unifiée : le classement hôtelier en France," Innovations, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(2), pages 117-137.
  10. Marc Deschamps & René Poésy, 2013. "Les jeux de procédures en droit français des pratiques anticoncurrentielles," Revue internationale de droit économique, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 569-578.
  11. Sophie Larribeau & David Masclet & Emmanuel Peterle, 2013. "Une mesure expérimentale de la discrimination homme-femme à l'embauche," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 123(3), pages 333-351.
  12. Sophie Larribeau & David Masclet & Emmanuel Peterle, 2013. "Que nous apprend l'économie expérimentale des différences homme-femme sur le marché du travail ?," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(2), pages 121-154.
  13. Christophe Blot & Fabien Labondance, 2013. "Politique monétaire unique, taux bancaires et prix immobiliers dans la zone euro," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(2), pages 189-215.
  14. Christophe Blot & Fabien Labondance, 2013. "Business lending rate pass-through in the Eurozone: monetary policy transmission before and after the financial crash," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 33(2), pages 973-985.
  15. Jean-yves Filbien & Fabien Labondance & Yann Echinard, 2013. "Macroeconomic, financial and institutional determinants of Eurozone sovereign crisis - Evidence from daily data," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 33(2), pages 1170-1176.
  16. Filbien, Jean-Yves & Labondance, Fabien, 2013. "Do financial markets learn from ECB monetary policy?," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 120(2), pages 271-275.
  17. Labondance, Fabien, 2013. "Synchronisation des cycles régionaux dans la zone euro," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Editions NecPlus, vol. 2013(02), pages 269-296, June.
  18. Gilson, Nathalie alias Natacha & Labondance, Fabien, 2013. "Synchronisation des chocs d’offre et de demande en Europe – Un après-euro ou une après-crise des subprimes ?," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 89(3), pages 155-189, Septembre.


  1. Vincent Bertrand, 2012. "Understanding fuel switching under the EU ETS," International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 35(6), pages 494-517.
  2. Etienne Farvaque & Catherine Refait-Alexandre & Laurent Weill, 2012. "Are Transparent Banks More Efficient?," Eastern European Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 50(4), pages 60-77, July.
  3. Julie Beugnot & Zeynep Gürgüç & Frederik Roose Øvlisen & Michael M. W. Roos, 2012. "Coordination failure caused by sunspots," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 32(4), pages 2860-2869.
  4. Béal, Sylvain & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2012. "Fairness and fairness for neighbors: The difference between the Myerson value and component-wise egalitarian solutions," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 117(1), pages 263-267.
  5. Béal, Sylvain & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2012. "Weighted component fairness for forest games," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 64(2), pages 144-151.
  6. S. Béal & A. Lardon & E. Rémila & P. Solal, 2012. "The average tree solution for multi-choice forest games," Annals of Operations Research, Springer, vol. 196(1), pages 27-51, July.
  7. Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2012. "Compensations in the Shapley value and the compensation solutions for graph games," International Journal of Game Theory, Springer;Game Theory Society, vol. 41(1), pages 157-178, February.
  8. Marc Deschamps & Samuel Ferey, 2012. "Economie comportementale et politique de concurrence. Une étude du cas français," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 81-114.
  9. Marc Deschamps, 2012. "L'expert ou le peuple ?. Deux attitudes polaires face à la politique de concurrence," Revue internationale de droit économique, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 57-94.
  10. Jean-Yves Filbien & Fabien Labondance, 2012. "Reactions Des Marches D’Actions De La Zone Euro Aux Annonces Non Anticipees De La Bce," Brussels Economic Review, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles, vol. 55(2), pages 179-204.
  11. Christian At & Pierre-Henri Morand, 2012. "Privatization and Leverage," The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Oxford University Press, vol. 28(1), pages 32-44.
  12. Diss, Mostapha & Louichi, Ahmed & Merlin, Vincent & Smaoui, Hatem, 2012. "An example of probability computations under the IAC assumption: The stability of scoring rules," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 64(1), pages 57-66.
  13. Mostapha Diss & William Gehrlein, 2012. "Borda’s Paradox with weighted scoring rules," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 38(1), pages 121-136, January.


  1. Florence Naegelen & Michel Mougeot, 2011. "Power of Incentives with Motivated Agents in Public Organizations," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 13(3), pages 391-416, June.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen & Benjamin Pelloux & Jean‐Louis Rullière, 2011. "Breaking Collusion in Auctions through Speculation: An Experiment on CO 2 Emission Permit Markets," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 13(5), pages 829-856, October.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2011. "Franchise bidding, regulation and investment costs," Review of Economic Design, Springer;Society for Economic Design, vol. 15(1), pages 37-58, March.
  4. Etienne Farvaque & Catherine Refait-Alexandre & Dhafer Saïdane, 2011. "Corporate disclosure: A review of its (direct and indirect) benefits and costs," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 128, pages 5-31.
  5. Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps & Joël Thomas Ravix & Olivier Sautel, 2011. "Les effets d'une réglementation sur la concurrence et l'innovation : première analyse de la réglementation européenne REACH," Economie & Prévision, La Documentation Française, vol. 0(1), pages 63-79.
  6. Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps & Joël Thomas Ravix & Olivier Sautel, 2011. "La mise en place de la législation européenne REACH. Une analyse des effets anticoncurrentiels," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(3), pages 113-128.
  7. Richard Baron & Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal, 2011. "Average tree solutions and the distribution of Harsanyi dividends," International Journal of Game Theory, Springer;Game Theory Society, vol. 40(2), pages 331-349, May.
  8. At, Christian & Burkart, Mike & Lee, Samuel, 2011. "Security-voting structure and bidder screening," Journal of Financial Intermediation, Elsevier, vol. 20(3), pages 458-476, July.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 2010. "Rapport sur le premier concours d'agrégation de l'enseignement supérieur pour le recrutement de professeurs des Universités en Sciences Economiques (Année 2009-2010)," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 120(6), pages 883-894.
  2. Laurence Godard, 2010. "Les comités stratégiques et l’innovation dans les entreprises françaises," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 13(1), pages 99-121., March.
  3. Beugnot, Julie & Tidball, Mabel, 2010. "Multiple equilibria model with intrafirm bargaining and matching frictions," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 17(5), pages 810-822, October.
  4. Sylvain Béal & Philippe Solal, 2010. "Règles d'allocation pour les programmes de pass culturel. Allocation rules for museum pass programs," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 61(6), pages 1099-1109.
  5. Sylvain Béal & Marc Deschamps & Joël Thomas Ravix & Olivier Sautel, 2010. "Les informations exigées par la législation REACH : Analyse du partage des coûts," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 120(6), pages 991-1014.
  6. Béal, Sylvain & Rémila, Eric & Solal, Philippe, 2010. "Rooted-tree solutions for tree games," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 203(2), pages 404-408, June.
  7. Sylvain Béal & Subhadip Chakrabarti & Amandine Ghintran & Philippe Solal, 2010. "Partial Cooperative Equilibria: Existence and Characterization," Games, MDPI, vol. 1(3), pages 1-19, September.
  8. Sylvain Béal, 2010. "Perceptron versus automaton in the finitely repeated prisoner’s dilemma," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 69(2), pages 183-204, August.
  9. Fabien Labondance, 2010. "Le rôle international de l'euro," Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 47-58.
  10. Mostapha Diss & Vincent Merlin, 2010. "On the stability of a triplet of scoring rules," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 69(2), pages 289-316, August.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2009. "Adverse Selection, Moral Hazard, and Outlier Payment Policy," Journal of Risk & Insurance, The American Risk and Insurance Association, vol. 76(1), pages 177-195, March.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2009. "La phase III du système communautaire d'échange de quotas d'émission : Comment attribuer les permis ?," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 119(2), pages 165-184.
  3. Jean-Christophe Duhamel & Bjorn Fasterling & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2009. "La transparence : outil de conciliation de la finance et du management," Revue française de gestion, Lavoisier, vol. 0(8), pages 59-75.
  4. Karima Bouaiss & Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2009. "La structure des crédits syndiqués comme défense contre les problèmes informationnels - Une analyse empirique sur le marché français," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 12(2), pages 35-68, June.
  5. Marc Deschamps, 2009. "Le poids des coauteurs," Revue internationale de droit économique, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 451-463.
  6. Christian At & Nathalie Chappe & Pierre-Henri Morand & Lionel Thomas, 2009. "Efficacité et compétences spécifiques des dirigeants : l'arbitrage entre incitations externes et incitations internes," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 93-94, pages 279-299.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Sonia Schwartz, 2008. "Allocation optimale de quotas de pollution et information asymétrique," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 59(3), pages 505-515.
  2. Mougeot, Michel & Naegelen, Florence, 2008. "Supply-side risk adjustment and outlier payment policy," Journal of Health Economics, Elsevier, vol. 27(5), pages 1196-1200, September.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2008. "Swiss DRGs: Patient Heterogeneity and Hospital Payments," Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES), Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES), vol. 144(III), pages 309-322, September.
  4. Béal, Sylvain & Durieu, Jacques & Solal, Philippe, 2008. "Farsighted coalitional stability in TU-games," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 56(3), pages 303-313, November.
  5. Karine Brisset & Florence Naegelen, 2008. "Enchères en ligne et E-commerce," Revue Française d'Économie, Programme National Persée, vol. 23(1), pages 165-201.
  6. At Christian & Chappe Nathalie, 2008. "Timing of Crime, Learning and Sanction," Review of Law & Economics, De Gruyter, vol. 4(1), pages 35-44, February.
  7. At, Christian & Morand, Pierre-Henri, 2008. "Jump bidding in ascending auctions: The case of takeover contests," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 99(3), pages 458-460, June.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2007. "Was Chadwick right?," Review of Industrial Organization, Springer;The Industrial Organization Society, vol. 30(2), pages 121-137, March.
  2. Beal, Sylvain & Querou, Nicolas, 2007. "Bounded rationality and repeated network formation," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 54(1), pages 71-89, July.
  3. Christian At & Nathalie Chappe & Pierre-Henri Morand & Lionel Thomas, 2007. "Protection des actionnaires et bénéfices privés. Doit-on aller plus loin que la loi ?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 58(6), pages 1207-1220.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2006. "Enchères anglaises inversées avec bonus de qualité dans les procédures d'Eprocurement," Recherches économiques de Louvain, De Boeck Université, vol. 72(3), pages 247-264.
  2. Sylvain Béal & Jacques Durieu, 2006. "Comportements adaptatifs sans croyances," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(2), pages 7-7.
  3. Brisset Karine & Naegelen Florence, 2006. "Why the Reserve Price Should Not Be Kept Secret," The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, De Gruyter, vol. 6(1), pages 1-19, April.
  4. Christian At & Nathalie Chappe & Pierre-Henri Morand & Lionel Thomas, 2006. "Rémunération optimale des dirigeants : faut-il interdire les bénéfices privés ?," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 116(6), pages 831-846.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2005. "Designing A Market Structure When Firms Compete For The Right To Serve The Market," Journal of Industrial Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 53(3), pages 393-416, September.
  2. Dominique Bureau & Michel Mougeot, 2005. "Politique environnementale en économie ouverte," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 115(4), pages 441-450.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2005. "La concurrence pour le marché," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 115(6), pages 739-778.
  4. Mougeot, Michel & Naegelen, Florence, 2005. "Hospital price regulation and expenditure cap policy," Journal of Health Economics, Elsevier, vol. 24(1), pages 55-72, January.
  5. Mougeot, Michel & Naegelen, Florence, 2005. "A political economy analysis of preferential public procurement policies," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 21(2), pages 483-501, June.
  6. Catherine Refait, 2005. "Soutien financier ou mise en faillite de l'entreprise? Comprendre la décision de la banque," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 8(1), pages 131-157, March.
  7. Sylvain Béal, 2005. "Rationalité limitée et jeux de machines," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 56(5), pages 1033-1063.
  8. Christian At & Nathalie Chappe, 2005. "Crime timing," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 11(2), pages 1-7.


  1. Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2004. "La prévision de la faillite fondée sur l'analyse financière de l'entreprise : un état des lieux," Economie & Prévision, La Documentation Française, vol. 162(1), pages 129-147.
  2. At, Christian & Chappe, Nathalie & Morand, Pierre-Henri, 2004. "Sentencing private benefits in takeover contest," International Review of Law and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 24(4), pages 409-424, December.
  3. Christian At & Nathalie Chappe, 2004. "La répression des pratiques délictueuses des dirigeants le rôle des actionnaires," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 114(1), pages 99-110.


  1. Catherine Refait-Alexandre, 2003. "La multibancarité des entreprises. Choix du nombre de banques et choix du nombre de banques principales," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 54(3), pages 649-661.
  2. Christian At & Pierre-Henri Morand, 2003. "The sale of small firms: a multidimensional analysis," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 22(4), pages 927-933, November.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 2002. "UMTS : fallait-il renégocier ?," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 112(1), pages 1-8.
  2. Florence Naegelen, 2002. "original papers : Implementing optimal procurement auctions with exogenous quality," Review of Economic Design, Springer;Society for Economic Design, vol. 7(2), pages 135-153.


  1. Pierre-Henri Morand & Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 2001. "UMTS : fallait-il choisir un concours de beauté ?," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 111(5), pages 669-682.
  2. Pierre-Henri Morand & Florence Naegelen, 2001. "L'attribution des licences hertziennes," Revue Française d'Économie, Programme National Persée, vol. 16(1), pages 215-270.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 2000. "La tarification hospitalière : de l'enveloppe globale à la concurrence par comparaison," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 58, pages 195-213.
  2. At, Christian & Morand, Pierre-Henri, 2000. "The choice of the voting structure for privatizing a company," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 68(3), pages 287-292, September.


  1. Michel Mougeot & en coll°. avec Florence Naegelen, 1999. "La fonction de préférence de l'Etat. Le cas de l'assurance maladie en France," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 50(3), pages 361-382.


  1. Naegelen, Florence & Mougeot, Michel, 1998. "Discriminatory public procurement policy and cost reduction incentives," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 67(3), pages 349-367, March.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1998. "Présentation générale," Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 132(1), pages 73-82.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1998. "Faut-il interdire la discrimination dans les marchés publics ?," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 49(3), pages 767-776.
  4. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1998. "Asymétrie d'information et financement des hôpitaux. Une comparaison des modes d'organisation du système de santé," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 49(5), pages 1323-1343.
  5. Laurence Godard, 1998. "Les déterminants du choix entre un conseil d'administration et un conseil de surveillance," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 1(4), pages 39-61, December.
  6. Florence Naegelen, 1998. "L'attribution des marchés en fonction de l'offre économiquement la plus avantageuse," Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 132(1), pages 103-120.


  1. Philippe Benilan & Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1997. "Enchères asymétriques: contribution à la détermination numérique des stratégies d'équilibre bayésien," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 46, pages 225-251.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1997. "La réglementation hospitalière : tarification par pathologie ou achat de soins ?," Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 129(3), pages 207-220.


  1. Florence Naegelen, 1995. "Le placement des obligations du trésor : l'Etat doit-il discriminer ?," Revue Française d'Économie, Programme National Persée, vol. 10(3), pages 45-79.


  1. Jean-Luc Gaffard & Michel Mougeot & Jean-Paul de Gaudemar, 1993. "L'économiste face à la localisation des activités," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 44(4), pages 645-652.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 1993. "Concurrence et incitations dans le système hospitalier," Revue Française d'Économie, Programme National Persée, vol. 8(2), pages 109-131.


  1. Schraub, Simon & Mougeot, Michel & Mercier, Mariette & Bourgeois, Pierre, 1991. "Evaluation from population registry data of health care expenditure during the 6 months after cancer diagnosis," Health Policy, Elsevier, vol. 18(3), pages 219-229, August.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1991. "Malédiction du vainqueur et rationalité économique," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 42(1), pages 29-50.
  3. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1991. "Duopole de Bertrand, asymétrie d'information et bien-être collectif," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 42(6), pages 1027-1046.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1990. "La libéralisation des marchés publics en 1992," Revue d'Économie Industrielle, Programme National Persée, vol. 52(1), pages 52-68.
  2. Michel Mougeot, 1990. "Économie publique locale et théorie économique," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 41(1), pages 153-158.
  3. Florence Naegelen, 1990. "L'arbitrage qualité-prix dans les procédures d'appels d'offres," Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 96(5), pages 95-108.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1989. "La pensée économique française après 1945. A propos d'un ouvrage de A. Marchal," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 40(3), pages 567-574.
  2. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1989. "Surplus collectif, enchère optimale et discrimination," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 40(5), pages 765-790.


  1. Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen, 1988. "Analyse micro-économique du Code des marchés publics," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 39(4), pages 725-752.
  2. Florence Naegelen, 1988. "L'Enchére optimale dans l'hypothése de dépendance des évaluations : une caractérisation," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 10, pages 23-43.


  1. Florence Naegelen, 1986. "La malédiction du vainqueur dans les procédures d'appels d'offres," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 37(4), pages 605-636.


  1. Florence Naegelen, 1985. "Les marchés au cadran et la formation des prix," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 170(1), pages 46-50.


  1. Jean-Paul Auray & Gérard Duru & Michel Mougeot, 1981. "Peut-on définir de manière univoque la notion d'industrie industrialisante ?," Revue Tiers Monde, Programme National Persée, vol. 22(87), pages 585-601.


  1. Auray, Jean-Paul & Duru, Gerard & Mougeot, Michel, 1979. "A pre-topological analysis of the input-output model," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 2(4), pages 343-347.


  1. Mougeot, Michel, 1978. "The welfare foundations of regional planning : General equilibrium and Pareto Optimality in a spatial economy," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 8(2), pages 175-194, May.


  1. Michel Mougeot, 1976. "Analyse de surplus et répartition des revenus. A propos d'un article de M. Vivien Lévy-Garboua," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 27(6), pages 1061-1067.



  1. Mostapha Diss & Vincent Merlin (ed.), 2021. "Evaluating Voting Systems with Probability Models," Studies in Choice and Welfare, Springer, number 978-3-030-48598-6, July.



  1. Ahmad Awde & Mostapha Diss & Eric Kamwa & Julien Yves Rolland & Abdelmonaim Tlidi, 2023. "Social Unacceptability for Simple Voting Procedures," Studies in Choice and Welfare, in: Sascha Kurz & Nicola Maaser & Alexander Mayer (ed.), Advances in Collective Decision Making, pages 25-42, Springer.


  1. Mostapha Diss & Vincent Merlin, 2021. "Introduction," Studies in Choice and Welfare, in: Mostapha Diss & Vincent Merlin (ed.), Evaluating Voting Systems with Probability Models, pages 1-12, Springer.
  2. Mostapha Diss & Eric Kamwa & Issofa Moyouwou & Hatem Smaoui, 2021. "Condorcet Efficiency of General Weighted Scoring Rules Under IAC: Indifference and Abstention," Studies in Choice and Welfare, in: Mostapha Diss & Vincent Merlin (ed.), Evaluating Voting Systems with Probability Models, pages 55-73, Springer.
  3. Mostapha Diss & Patrizia Pérez-Asurmendi & Abdelmonaim Tlidi, 2021. "The Effect of Closeness on the Election of a Pairwise Majority Rule Winner," Studies in Choice and Welfare, in: Mostapha Diss & Vincent Merlin (ed.), Evaluating Voting Systems with Probability Models, pages 75-95, Springer.


  1. Mostapha Diss & Vincent Merlin & Fabrice Valognes, 2010. "On the Condorcet Efficiency of Approval Voting and Extended Scoring Rules for Three Alternatives," Studies in Choice and Welfare, in: Jean-François Laslier & M. Remzi Sanver (ed.), Handbook on Approval Voting, chapter 0, pages 255-283, Springer.

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