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Moscow, Russia

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Working papers

Undated material is listed at the end


  1. Popov, Vladimir & Konchakov, Roman & Didenko, Dmitry, 2024. "Human capital in the regions of the Russian Empire and inequality in land distribution at the turn of the 20th century," MPRA Paper 119796, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Popov, Vladimir, 2024. "Сколько Прав Нужно Человеку: Взлет И Падение Либерализма [How many rights does a human need: The rise and fall of liberalism]," MPRA Paper 120479, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Popov, Vladimir, 2024. "Balance of Payments, Exchange Rate, and Foreign Exchange Reserves in China since 1979," MPRA Paper 121627, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Popov, Vladimir, 2024. "Китайская Модель: Ретроспектива И Перспектива [The Chinese model: Retrospective and perspective]," MPRA Paper 121802, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Popov, Vladimir & Konchakov, Roman & Didenko, Dmitry, 2024. "Growth of human capital in the regions of the Russian Empire in 1897-1913: the role of local self-government bodies (zemstva) financing," MPRA Paper 122162, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Polterovich, Victor, 2024. "Математическая Экономика В Эпоху Социализма И Переход К Рынку [Mathematical Economics in the Era of Socialism, and Transition to the Market]," MPRA Paper 120794, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Polterovich, Victor, 2024. "Формирование Отечественных Сетей Добавленной Стоимости [Formation of domestic value-added networks]," MPRA Paper 121661, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Parinov, Sergey, 2023. "Socio-Economic Coordination Mechanisms Design: Conceptual Model," MPRA Paper 117282, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Parinov, Sergey, 2023. "Конструирование Механизмов Социально-Экономической Координации. Концептуальная Модель [Conceptual Model of the Socio-Economic Coordination Mechanisms Design]," MPRA Paper 117347, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Popov, Vladimir, 2023. "Why the rich and the poor value freedom and equality differently," MPRA Paper 116563, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Popov, Vladimir, 2023. "Can China maintain high growth rates under the “dual-circulation” decoupling?," MPRA Paper 117953, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Popov, Vladimir, 2023. "US dollar is losing it position of a reserve currency: How the BRICS development bank can ensure the soft landing," MPRA Paper 118342, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Popov, Vladimir & Konchakov, Roman & Didenko, Dmitry, 2023. "Factors of social tension in the provinces of the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries," MPRA Paper 118464, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Polterovich, Victor, 2023. "Авторский Капитал И Реформирование Российской Публикационной Системы [Authorship Capital and reforming The Russian Publication System]," MPRA Paper 117309, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Polterovich, Victor, 2023. "Догоняющее Развитие В Условиях Санкций: Стратегия Позитивного Сотрудничества [Catching-up development under sanctions: the strategy of positive collaboration]," MPRA Paper 117659, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  9. Samovoleva, Svetlana, 2023. "Проблемы Регулирования Абсорбции Знаний В России [The Challenges of Regulating Knowledge Absorption in Russia]," MPRA Paper 119311, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  10. Samovoleva, Svetlana, 2023. "Окна Возможностей И Ловушки При Переходе К Собственным Инновациям [Transition toward own innovation: the windows of opportunity and traps]," MPRA Paper 119314, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Parinov, Sergey, 2022. "Экономическая Координация Как Результат Координирующего Поведения Агентов [Economic coordination as a coordinating behavior of human agents]," MPRA Paper 112190, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Popov, Vladimir, 2022. "Why is the United States so tough on Russia? The answer may be in the Lenin’s brochure of 1920," MPRA Paper 115447, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Popov, Vladimir, 2022. "Brexit: Four charts to explain why did Britain make the decision to leave the EU," MPRA Paper 115465, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Popov, Vladimir, 2022. "“Good” and “bad” GDP: Output fall in transition economies and the dead rat effect," MPRA Paper 115490, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Polterovich, Victor, 2022. "На Пути К Общей Теории Социально-Экономического Развития: К Синтезу Двух Канонов [On the way to a general theory of socio-economic development: Towards the synthesis of two canons]," MPRA Paper 111538, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Polterovich, Victor, 2022. "Экономическая Теория И Формирование Человеческих Качеств [Economic theory and the formation of human qualities]," MPRA Paper 111540, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Polterovich, Victor, 2022. "Библиометрическое Равновесие [Bibliometric Equilibrium]," MPRA Paper 111802, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Polterovich, Victor, 2022. "Конкуренция, Сотрудничество И Удовлетворенность Жизнью Часть 1. Семерка Европейских Лидеров [Competition, Collaboration, and Life Satisfaction Part 1. The Seven of European Leaders]," MPRA Paper 112896, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  9. Polterovich, Victor, 2022. "Конкуренция, Сотрудничество И Удовлетворенность Жизнью. Часть 2. Основа Лидерства – Коллаборативные Преимущества [Competition, Collaboration, and Life Satisfaction Part 2. The Fundament of Leadersh," MPRA Paper 113053, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  10. Polterovich, Victor, 2022. "Еще Раз О Том, Куда Идти: К Стратегии Развития В Условиях Изоляции От Запада [Once again about where to go: Toward a development strategy in isolation from the West]," MPRA Paper 113807, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Parinov, Sergey, 2021. "Перспективы Цифровой Трансформации Механизмов Координации [Towards digital transformation of coordination mechanisms]," MPRA Paper 108816, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Parinov, Sergey, 2021. "Основания Общей Теории Социально-Экономической Координации [Foundation of a general theory of socio-economic coordination]," MPRA Paper 110667, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Shagaida Natalia & Uzun Vasily & Ternovskiy Denis & Shishkina Ekaterina & Svetlov Nikolai, 2021. "Estimation Of The Potential For Growth Of Production And Export Of Competitive Products Of The Agroindustrial Complex [Оценка Потенциала Роста Производства И Экспорта Конкурентоспособной Продукции ," Working Papers s21162, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  4. Popov, Vladimir, 2021. "Why Europe looks so much like China: Big government and low income inequalities," MPRA Paper 106326, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Tourdyeva, Natalia & Bogatova, Irina & Vartanov, Sergey & Denisova, Irina & Chubarova, Tatiana & Shakleina, Marina & Polterovich, Victor, 2021. "Расчетная Модель Общего Равновесия Для Оценки Экономического Эффекта Ранней Диагностики Болезни Паркинсона [Computable general equilibrium model for assessing the economic effect of early diagnosis," MPRA Paper 105182, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Polterovich, Victor, 2021. "Коллаборативные Иерархии [Collaborative Hierarchies]," MPRA Paper 106944, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Danielyan, Vladimir & Polterovich, Victor, 2021. "Пенсионные Реформы И Теневой Сектор: Моделирование Поведения Доходных Групп [Pension reforms and the informal sector: modeling of income groups behavior]," MPRA Paper 110676, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Polterovich, Victor & Ilinskiy, Dmitry, 2021. "К Теории Рынка Жилья: Модель Дифференциации Цен На Квартиры В Зависимости От Их Готовности [To the theory of housing markets: a model of differentiation of prices for apartments depending on their ," MPRA Paper 110947, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Parinov, Sergey, 2020. "Общая Теория Согласования Социально-Экономической Деятельности: Коллективные Ментальные Модели [General theory of socio-economic coordination activity: shared mental models]," MPRA Paper 112147, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Dmitriy, Skrypnik, 2020. "Инфраструктура И Экономический Рост. «Бюджетный Маневр» В России [Infrastructure and economic growth. "Budgetary maneuver" in Russia]," MPRA Paper 104920, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Popov, Vladimir, 2020. "How to Deal with a Coronavirus Economic Recession?," MPRA Paper 100485, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Popov, Vladimir, 2020. "Global health care system after coronavirus: Who has responsibility to protect," MPRA Paper 100542, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Popov, Vladimir, 2020. "The mystery of growth mechanism in a centrally planned economy: Planning process and economics of shortages," MPRA Paper 101300, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Popov, Vladimir, 2020. "A myth of soft budget constraints in socialist economies," MPRA Paper 99769, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Vartanov, Sergey & Bogatova, Irina & Denisova, Irina & Kucheryanu, Valerian & Tourdyeva, Natalia & Chubarova, Tatyana & Shakleina, Marina & Polterovich, Victor, 2020. "Экономическая Эффективность Доклинической Диагностики Болезни Паркинсона: Марковская Модель [Cost-effectiveness of preclinical Parkinsonism diagnosis: a Markov model]," MPRA Paper 103096, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Polterovich, Victor & Denisova, Irina & Shakleina, Marina & Bogatova, Irina & Vartanov, Sergey & Turdyeva, Natalya & Chubarova, Tatiana, 2020. "Социально-Экономические Детерминанты Болезни Паркинсона Для Развитых И Развивающихся Стран [Socioeconomic determinants of Parkinson's disease for developed and developing countries]," MPRA Paper 103126, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  9. Denisova, Irina & Chubarova, Tatiana & Bogatova, Irina & Vartanov, Sergey & Kucheryanu, Valerian & Polterovich, Victor & Tourdyeva, Natalia & Shakleina, Marina, 2020. "Оценка Эффективности Доклинической Диагностики Болезни Паркинсона Методом "Затраты-Полезность" [Estimating economic efficiency of preclinical diagnostics of Parkinson disease with cost-ut," MPRA Paper 103691, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  10. Polterovich, Victor, 2020. "Кризис Институтов Политической Конкуренции, Интернет И Коллаборативная Демократия [Crisis of Institutions of Political Competition. Internet and Collaborative Democracy]," MPRA Paper 104363, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  11. Polterovich, Victor, 2020. "Реформа Государственной Системы Проектной Деятельности, 2018-2019 Годы [Reform of the project activity state system, 2018-2019]," MPRA Paper 99133, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  12. Polterovich, Victor, 2020. "Петр Кропоткин, Философия Сотрудничества И Цифровая Революция [Peter Kropotkin, Philosophy of Collaboration and the Digital Revolution]," MPRA Paper 99182, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Svetlov, Nikolay (Светлов, Николай) & Loginova, Daria (Логинова, Дарья), 2019. "Evaluation of the effectiveness of the organization of grain production in unused farmland [Оценка Эффективности Организации Производства Зерна На Неиспользуемых Сельхозугодьях]," Working Papers 041932, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  2. Dmitriy, Skrypnik & Marina, Shakleina, 2019. "Counter sanctions and well-being population of Russia: econometric analyses," MPRA Paper 94478, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Dmitriy, Skrypnik & Alexander, Zaytsev & Kirill, Ryazanov, 2019. "Контрсанкции И Российская Экономика: Эффекты Для Экономического Роста, Импорта И Продовольственных Рынков [Counter-sanctions and the Russian economy: effects for economic growth, imports and food m," MPRA Paper 96188, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Popov, Vladimir, 2019. "Billionaires, millionaires, inequality, and happiness," MPRA Paper 94081, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Popov, Vladimir, 2019. "Successes and failures of industrial policy: Lessons from transition (post-communist) economies of Europe and Asia," MPRA Paper 95332, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Polterovich, Victor & Panchuk, Daria, 2019. "Диверсификсация Российской Экономики За Счет Углубления Переработки Углеводородов: Проблема Индикативного Планирования [Diversification of Russian Economy by Deepening Hydrocarbon Processing: a Pro," MPRA Paper 92291, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Polterovich, Victor & Ilinskiy, Dmitry & Boltonosov, Igor & Starkov, Oleg & Tutundzhyan, Artem & Zhikhareva, Alina, 2019. "Институты Коллективных Жилищных Сбережений [Institutions of Collective Housing Savings]," MPRA Paper 94348, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Vladimir I. Danilov & Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky, 2018. "Targeting in quantum persuasion problem," Post-Print halshs-02088061, HAL.
  2. Shagaida, Natalia (Шагайда, Наталлья) & Svetlov, Nikolai (Светлов, Николай) & Uzun, Vasily (Узун, Василий) & Loginova, Daria (Логинова, Дарья) & Prishchepov, Alexander V. (Прищепов, Александр), 2018. "The Potential for Growth in Russia's Agricultural Production Due to the Involvement of Unused Agricultural Lands [Потенциал Роста Сельскохозяйственного Производства России За Счёт Вовлечения В Обор," Working Papers 041805, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  3. Popov, Vladimir, 2018. "Paradoxes of Happiness: Why People Feel More Comfortable With High Inequalities And High Murder Rates?," MPRA Paper 87118, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Popov, Vladimir, 2018. "Why Some Countries Have More Billionaires Than Others? (Explaining Variations in Billionaire Intensity of GDP)," MPRA Paper 87119, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Gharleghi, Behrooz & Popov, Vladimir, 2018. "Changes in the geographical structure of trade in Central Asia: Real flows in the 1989-2016 period versus gravity model predictions," MPRA Paper 89041, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Gharleghi, Behrooz & Popov, Vladimir, 2018. "Farewell to Agriculture? Productivity Trends and the Competitiveness of Agriculture in Central Asia," MPRA Paper 89520, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Popov, Vladimir & Grote, Jurgen, 2018. "The causes of political misperceptions: Suggestions for research," MPRA Paper 90974, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Polterovich, Victor, 2018. "Федеральное Агенство Развития. Оно Необходимо Для Разработки И Реализации Успешных Стратегий [Federal development agency. It is necessary to design and implement successful strategies]," MPRA Paper 84130, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  9. Polterovich, Victor, 2018. "К Общей Теории Социально-Экономического Развития [Towards a general theory of social and economic development: evolution of coordination mechanisms]," MPRA Paper 88164, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  10. Polterovich, Victor, 2018. "Интернет, Гражданская Культура И Эволюция Механизмов Координации [Internet, civic culture and the evolution of coordination mechanisms]," MPRA Paper 88981, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Vladimir Ivanovitch Danilov & Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky, 2017. "Preparing a (quantum) belief system," PSE Working Papers halshs-01542068, HAL.
  2. Uzun, Vasily (Узун, Василий) & Svetlov, Nikolai (Светлов, Николай) & Shagaida, Natalia (Шагайда, Наталья) & Loginova, Daria (Логинова, Дарья) & Shishkina, Ekaterina (Шишкина, Екатерина), 2017. "Improvement of Mechanisms of State Regulation of the Russian Grain Market [Совершенствование Механизмов Государственного Регулирования Российского Рынка Зерна]," Working Papers 051736, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  3. Azarova, Aytalina & Irdam, Darja & Gugushvili, Alexi & Fazekas, Mihaly & Scheiring, Gábor & Horvat, Pia & Stefler, Denes & Kolesnikova, Irina & Popov, Vladimir & Szelenyi, Ivan & Stuckler, David & Mar, 2017. "The effect of rapid privatisation on mortality in mono-industrial towns in post-Soviet Russia: a retrospective cohort study," LSE Research Online Documents on Economics 73617, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library.
  4. Polterovich, Victor, 2017. "Теория Эндогенного Экономического Роста И Уравнения Математической Физики [The theory of endogenous economic growth and equations of mathematical physics]," MPRA Paper 78622, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Polterovich, Victor, 2017. "Разработка стратегий социально-экономического развития: наука vs идеология [Designing the Strategies for Socio-Economic Development: Science vs. Ideology]," MPRA Paper 81243, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Polterovich, Victor, 2017. "Толерантность, Сотрудничество И Экономический Рост [Tolerance, collaboration and economic growth]," MPRA Paper 81277, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Vladimir Ivanovitch Danilov & Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky & Vassili Vergopoulos, 2016. "Dynamic consistency of expected utility under non-classical(quantum) uncertainty," PSE Working Papers halshs-01324046, HAL.
  2. Svetlov, Nikolai (Светов, Николай) & Shishkina, Ekaterina (Шишкина, Екатерина), 2016. "Economic and Mathematical Modeling of EAEC Agri-food Policy [Экономико-Математическое Моделирование Агро- Продовольственной Политики Еаэс]," Working Papers 767, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  3. Skrypnik, Dmitriy, 2016. "Budget Policy And Economic Growth In Russia. Optimal Budget Rule," MPRA Paper 75853, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Skrypnik, Dmitriy, 2016. "A Macroeconomic Model of the Russian Economy," MPRA Paper 93506, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Popov, Vladimir, 2016. "Is Globalization Coming to an End Due to Rise of Income Inequalities?," MPRA Paper 73094, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Vladimir Popov & Anis Chowdhury, 2016. "What can Uzbekistan tell us about industrial policy that we did not already know?," Working Papers 147, United Nations, Department of Economics and Social Affairs.
  7. Polterovich, Victor, 2016. "Институциональные Реформы И Гражданская Культура [Institutional Reforms and Civic Culture]," MPRA Paper 71658, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Polterovich, Victor, 2016. "Институты Догоняющего Развития [Institutions of Catching-up Development]," MPRA Paper 73447, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  9. Polterovich, Victor, 2016. "Позитивное Сотрудничество: Факторы И Механизмы Эволюции [Positive Collaboration: Factors and Mechanisms of Evolution]," MPRA Paper 73448, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Vadim Arkin & Alexander Slastnikov, 2015. "Real Options and Threshold Strategies," Papers 1511.00468,
  2. Savvateev, Alexei & Weber, Shlomo & Musatov, Daniil, 2015. "Gale-Nikaido-Debreu and Milgrom-Shannon: Market Interactions with Endogenous Community Structures," CEPR Discussion Papers 10641, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  3. Kwame Sundaram, Jomo. & Popov, Vladimir., 2015. "Income inequalities in perspective," ILO Working Papers 994876503402676, International Labour Organization.
  4. Popov, Vladimir, 2015. "Catching Up: Developing Countries in Pursuit of Growth," MPRA Paper 65878, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Popov, Vladimir, 2015. "Разрыв Между Югом И Западом По Уровню Экономического Развития Сокращается? [Catching up: Developing countries in pursuit of growth]," MPRA Paper 65893, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Popov, Vladimir & Chowdhury, Anis, 2015. "What Uzbekistan tells us about industrial policy that we did not know?," MPRA Paper 67013, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Polterovich, Victor, 2015. "От Социального Либерализма - К Философии Сотрудничества [From social liberalism towards the philosophy of collaboration]," MPRA Paper 63531, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Polterovich, Victor, 2015. "Эволюция Институтов Конкуренции, Власти И Сотрудничества [Institutions of competition, power and collaboration]," MPRA Paper 64375, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  9. Polterovich, Victor, 2015. "О Формировании Системы Национального Планирования В России [On the Formation of National Planning System in Russia]," MPRA Paper 65169, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  10. Polterovich, Victor, 2015. "Корпоративные Программы Помощи Сотрудникам В Приобретении Жилья: Проблема Выбора Институциональной Структуры [Home Purchase Assistance Programs in Corporations: A Problem of Institutional Design]," MPRA Paper 66981, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Popov, Vladimir, 2014. "Socialism is dead, long live socialism!," MPRA Paper 54294, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Popov, Vladimir, 2014. "Загадки Общественного Мнения: Почему Советское Население Поддерживает Переход К Капитализму С Конца 80-Х Годов [Puzzles Of Public Opinion: Why Soviet Population Supports The Transition To Capitalis," MPRA Paper 57842, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Popov, Vladimir, 2014. "Can Uzbekistan Economy Retain Its High Growth Rates? Scenarios of Economic Development in 2015-30," MPRA Paper 59735, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 20 Oct 2014.
  4. Popov, Vladimir, 2014. "Сохранит Ли Экономика Узбекистана Высокие Темпы Роста? Сценарии Развития В 2015-30гг [Can Uzbekistan Economy Retain Its High Growth Rate? Scenarios Of Economic Development In 2015-30]," MPRA Paper 59785, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 15 Oct 2014.
  5. Popov, Vladimir, 2014. "Puzzles of public opinion: Why Soviet population supports the transition to capitalism since the 1980S," MPRA Paper 60915, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Polterovich, Victor, 2014. "Institutional Reform Design: А New Chapter of Economics," MPRA Paper 54811, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Polterovich, Victor & Tonis, Alexander, 2014. "Absorptive Capacity and Innovative Capability: An Approach to Estimation," MPRA Paper 56855, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Polterovich, Victor & Starkov, Oleg & Ilinskiy, Dmitry, 2014. "Линейки Ссудо-Сберегательных Тарифных Планов: Обобщение Идеи Стройсберкасс [Lines of Savings and Loan Tariff Plans: a Generalization of the Bausparkasse Concept]," MPRA Paper 56960, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  9. Polterovich, Victor, 2014. "Куда Идти: Двадцать Четыре Тезиса [Where to go: twenty four theses]," MPRA Paper 60068, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  10. Olga, Andryushkevich, 2014. "Что Мешает Развитию Гчп В России [What prevents the development of public-private partnership in Russia]," MPRA Paper 84536, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Popov, Vladimir, 2013. "Economic Miracle of Post-Soviet Space: Why Uzbekistan Managed to Achieve What No Other Post-Soviet State Achieved," MPRA Paper 48723, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Sundaram, Jomo Kwame & Popov, Vladimir, 2013. "Whither Income Inequalities?," MPRA Paper 52154, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Polterovich, Victor, 2013. "Реформа Ран: Экспертный Анализ: Часть I. Реформа Ран: Проект Минобрнауки [Reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences: An Expert Analysis: Part I. Reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences: a project," MPRA Paper 49291, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Polterovich, Victor, 2013. "Институциональный Эксперимент [Institutional Experiment]," MPRA Paper 50071, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Polterovich, Victor & Starkov, Oleg & Ilinskiy, Dmitry, 2013. "Разработка И Исследование Ссудо-Сберегательных Программ Ипотечного Кредитования: Динамическая Модель [Designing and Analyzing the Programs of Contractual Savings for Housing: а Dynamic Model]," MPRA Paper 52719, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Polterovich, Victor, 2013. "Приватизация И Рациональная Структура Собственности. Часть 2. Рационализация Структуры Собственности [Privatization and the rational ownership structure. Part 2: rationalization of the ownership st," MPRA Paper 64374, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Vladimir Danilov & Gleb Koshevoy & Ernesto Savaglio, 2012. "Orderings of Opportunity Sets," Department of Economics University of Siena 660, Department of Economics, University of Siena.
  2. Polterovich, Victor, 2012. "Проектирование реформ: как искать промежуточные институты (Proektirovanie reform: kak iskat' promezhutochnye instituty) [Reform Design: How to Search for Interim Institutions]," MPRA Paper 41043, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Polterovich, Victor, 2012. "Приватизация и рациональная структура собственности (Privatizatsiya i ratsional’naya struktura sobstvennosti) [Privatization and the Rational Ownership Structure]," MPRA Paper 41069, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Polterovich, Victor, 2012. "Приватизация И Рациональная Структура Собственности. Часть 1. Приватизация: Проблема Эффективности [Privatization and the rational ownership structure. Part 1: privatization: the effeciency problem," MPRA Paper 64371, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Danilov, Vladimir & Koshovoy, Gleb & Page, Frank & Wooders, Myrna, 2011. "Existence of equilibrium with unbounded short sales: A new approach," MPRA Paper 37778, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised Mar 2012.
  2. Vladimir Popov, 2011. "To devaluate or not to devalue? How East European countries responded to the outflow of capital in 1997-99 and in 2008-09," Working Papers w0154, New Economic School (NES).
  3. Vladimir Popov, 2011. "Is Chinese Variety of Capitalism Really Unique?," Working Papers w0156, New Economic School (NES).
  4. Vladimir Popov, 2011. "Mortality Crisis in Russia Revisited: Evidence from Cross-regional Comparison," Working Papers w0157, New Economic School (NES).
  5. Popov, Vladimir, 2011. "Why transition economies did worse than others in 2008-09 recession?," MPRA Paper 32388, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Popov, Vladimir, 2011. "Developing new measurements of State institutional capacity," MPRA Paper 32389, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Polterovich, Victor, 2011. "Региональные институты модернизации (Regional'nye instituty modernizatsii) [Regional Institutions of Modernization]," MPRA Paper 42170, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Vladimir Ivanovitch Danilov & Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky, 2010. "Expected utility theory under non-classical uncertainty," Post-Print halshs-00754482, HAL.
  2. Svetlov, Nikolay M. & Kazakevich, Iryna A., 2010. "A microeconomic model for subsidies allocation: The case of Belarus," IAMO Forum 2010: Institutions in Transition – Challenges for New Modes of Governance 52701, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO).
  3. Michel Le Breton & Juan D. Moreno-Ternero & Alexei Savvateev & Shlomo Weber, 2010. "Stability and Fairness in Models with a Multiple Membership," Working Papers 2010-10, Universidad de Málaga, Department of Economic Theory, Málaga Economic Theory Research Center.
  4. Vladimir Popov, 2010. "Life Cycle of the Centrally Planned Economy: Why Soviet Growth Rates Peaked in the 1950s," Working Papers w0152, New Economic School (NES).
  5. Vladimir Popov, 2010. "Development theories and development experience: half a century journey," Working Papers w0153, New Economic School (NES).
  6. Vladimir Popov, 2010. "Global Imbalances: Non-conventional View," Working Papers w0160, New Economic School (NES).
  7. Vladimir Popov, 2010. "Do We Need to Protect Intellectual Property Rights?," Working Papers w0161, New Economic School (NES).
  8. Victor Polterovich, Vladimir Popov, Alexander Tonis, 2010. "Resource abundance: A curse or blessing?," Working Papers 93, United Nations, Department of Economics and Social Affairs.
  9. Vladimir Popov, 2010. "The Long Road to Normalcy: Where Russia Now Stands," WIDER Working Paper Series wp-2010-013, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER).
  10. Polterovich, Victor, 2010. "Становление Общего Социального Анализа [Toward General Social Analysis]," MPRA Paper 26085, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Vladimir Ivanovitch Danilov & Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky, 2009. "La théorie non-classique de la mesure : un cadre pour les sciences du comportement," Post-Print halshs-00841489, HAL.
  2. Vladimir Ivanovitch Danilov & Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky, 2009. "Théorie non-classique de l'utilité espérée," Post-Print halshs-00841490, HAL.
  3. Когаловский М.Р. & Паринов С.И., 2009. "Новая Технология Электронной Публикации Результатов Научных Исследований," Научные отчеты Института проблем рынка РАН r09-0341, Институт проблем рынка РАН.
  4. Svetlov, Nikolai M. & Hockmann, Heinrich, 2009. "Optimal Farm Size in Russian Agriculture," 2009 Conference, August 16-22, 2009, Beijing, China 51667, International Association of Agricultural Economists.
  5. Shlomo Weber & Victor Ginsburgh & A. Savvateev & A. Philatov & Jean Jaskold Gabszewicz, 2009. "Linguistic diversity and its impact on economic policy and political decisions (in Russian)," ULB Institutional Repository 2013/174047, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
  6. Vladimir Popov, 2009. "Why the West Became Rich before China and Why China Has Been Catching Up with the West since 1949: nother Explanation of the “Great Divergence” and “Great Convergence” Stories," Working Papers w0132, New Economic School (NES).
  7. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir & Tonis, Alexander, 2009. "Instability of Democracy as Resource Curse," MPRA Paper 22069, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir & Tonis, Alexander, 2009. "Концентрация Доходов, Нестабильность Демократии И Экономический Рост [Income Concentration, Instability of Democracy and the Economic Growth]," MPRA Paper 27561, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  9. Vladimir Popov, 2009. "Lessons from the Transition Economies: Putting the Success Stories of the Postcommunist World into a Broader Perspective," WIDER Working Paper Series RP2009-15, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER).
  10. Polterovich, Victor, 2009. "Проблема Формирования Национальной Инновационной Системы [The Problem of Creating a National Innovation System]," MPRA Paper 22043, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Danilov, Vladimir I. & Koshevoy, Gleb A. & Lang, Christine, 2008. "Equilibria with indivisible goods and package-utilities," Sonderforschungsbereich 504 Publications 08-30, Sonderforschungsbereich 504, Universität Mannheim;Sonderforschungsbereich 504, University of Mannheim.
  2. Vladimir Ivanovitch Danilov & Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky, 2008. "Measurable systems and behavioral sciences," Post-Print halshs-00754291, HAL.
  3. Alexei Savvateev & Michel Le Breton & Valery Makarov & Shlomo Weber, 2008. "Multiple Membership and Federal Sructures," Working Papers 2008.41, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
  4. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir & Tonis, Alexander, 2008. "Mechanisms of Resource Curse, Economic Policy and Growth," MPRA Paper 20570, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir & Tonis, Alexander, 2008. "Нестабильность Демократии В Странах, Богатых Ресурсами [Instability of Democracy in Resource Abundant Countries]," MPRA Paper 22840, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Polterovich, Victor, 2008. "Современное Состояние Теории Экономических Реформ [Modern Condition of the Theory of Economic Reforms]," MPRA Paper 22032, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Polterovich, Victor, 2008. "Стратегии Модернизации, Институты И Коалиции [Strategies of Modernization, Institutions and Coalitions]," MPRA Paper 22072, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Vladimir Ivanovitch Danilov & Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky, 2007. "Non-classical expected utility theory with application to type indeterminacy," PSE Working Papers halshs-00587721, HAL.
  2. Svetlov, Nikolai M., 2007. "Corporate farm size determinants in transitional economy: the case of the Moscow region," 102nd Seminar, May 17-18, 2007, Moscow, Russia 10017, European Association of Agricultural Economists.
  3. Alexei Savvateev & Jacques Drèze & Michel Le Breton & Shlomo Weber, 2007. "“Almost” Subsidy-free Spatial Pricing in a Multi-dimensional Setting," Working Papers 2007.68, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
  4. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir, 2007. "Democratization, Quality of Institutions and Economic Growth," MPRA Paper 19152, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir & Tonis, Alexander, 2007. "Resource Abundance, Political Corruption, and Instability of Democracy," MPRA Paper 19154, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir & Tonis, Alexander, 2007. "Экономическая Политика, Качество Институтов И Механизмы "Ресурсного Проклятия" [Economic Policy, Quality of Institutions, and Mechanisms of Resource Curse]," MPRA Paper 22454, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir, 2007. "Демократизация И Экономический Рост [Democratization and Economic Growth]," MPRA Paper 23012, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Polterovich, Victor, 2007. "Institutional Trap," MPRA Paper 20595, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  9. Polterovich, Victor, 2007. "О Стратегии Догоняющего Развития Для России [About Strategies of Catching-up Development for Russia]," MPRA Paper 22014, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  10. Polterovich, Victor & Starkov, Oleg, 2007. "Стратегия Формирования Ипотечного Рынка В России [A Strategy for Building Mortgage Market in Russia]," MPRA Paper 22044, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  11. Polterovich, Victor, 2007. "Стратегии Институциональных Реформ, Или Искусство Реформ [Institutional Reform Strategies or Art of Reforms]," MPRA Paper 22751, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2007.


  1. Hockmann, Heinrich & Svetlov, Nikolai M., 2006. "Factors Constraining Efficiency of Russian Corporate Farms: The Case of the Moscow Region," 2006 Annual Meeting, August 12-18, 2006, Queensland, Australia 25439, International Association of Agricultural Economists.
  2. Anna, BOGOMOLNAIA & Michel, LE BRETON & Alexei, SAVVATEEV & Sholmo, WEBER, 2006. "Heterogeneity gap in stable juridiction structures," Discussion Papers (ECON - Département des Sciences Economiques) 2006019, Université catholique de Louvain, Département des Sciences Economiques.
  3. Bogomolnaia, Anna & Le Breton, Michel & Savvateev, Alexei & Weber, Shlomo, 2006. "Stability under Unanimous Consent, Free Mobility and Core," IDEI Working Papers 413, Institut d'Économie Industrielle (IDEI), Toulouse.
  4. Dreze, Jacques & Le Breton, Michel & Savvateev, Alexei & Weber, Shlomo, 2006. "0.19% Subsidy-Free Spatial Pricing," IDEI Working Papers 423, Institut d'Économie Industrielle (IDEI), Toulouse.
  5. Vladimir Popov, 2006. "Shock Therapy Versus Gradualism Reconsidered: Lessons From Transition Economies After 15 Years Of Reforms," Working Papers w0068, New Economic School (NES).
  6. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir, 2006. "Stages of Development, Economic Policies and a New World Economic Order," MPRA Paper 20055, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir, 2006. "Эволюционная Теория Экономической Политики: Часть I: Опыт Быстрого Развития [An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Policy: Part I: The Experience of Fast Development]," MPRA Paper 22168, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir, 2006. "Эволюционная Теория Экономической Политики: Часть Ii: Необходимость Своевременного Переключения [The Evolutionary Theory of Economic Policy: Part II: The Necessity of Timely Switching]," MPRA Paper 22170, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  9. Polterovich, Victor & Katyshev, Pavel, 2006. "Политика Реформ, Начальные Условия И Трансформационный Спад [Reform policies, initial conditions, and transformational recession]," MPRA Paper 21551, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  10. Polterovich, Victor & Starkov, Oleg, 2006. "Проблема Трансплантации Ипотечных Институтов В Переходных Экономиках: Роль Стройсберкасс [The Problem of Transplantation of Housing Finance Institutions in Transition Economies: the Role of Contrac," MPRA Paper 21996, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  11. Polterovich, Victor, 2006. "Стратегии Институциональных Реформ: Перспективные Траектории [Institutional Reform Strategies: Promising trajectories]," MPRA Paper 22000, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  12. Polterovich, Victor, 2006. "Стратегии Институциональных Реформ: Китай И Россия [Institutional Reform Strategies: China and Russia]," MPRA Paper 22010, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  13. Polterovich, Victor, 2006. "Снижение Инфляции Не Должно Быть Главной Целью Экономической Политики Правительства России [Decreasing Inflation Should not Be the Main Task of the Russian Government Economic Policy]," MPRA Paper 22064, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. V. I. Danilov & A. Lambert-Mogiliansky, 2005. "Non-classical Measurement Theory: a Framework for Behavioral Sciences," Levine's Working Paper Archive 122247000000000899, David K. Levine.
  2. Svetlov, Nikolai M. & Hockmann, Heinrich, 2005. "Technical And Economic Efficiency Of Russian Corporate Farms: The Case Of The Moscow Region," IAMO Discussion Papers 14922, Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO).
  3. Alexei Savvateev & Anna Bogomolnaia & Michel Le Breton & Shlomo Weber, 2005. "The Egalitarian Sharing Rule in Provision of Public Projects," Working Papers 2005.39, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
  4. Bogomolnaia, Anna & Le Breton, Michel & Savvateev, Alexei & Weber, Shlomo, 2005. "On Heterogeneous Sizes of Stable Jurisdictions," IDEI Working Papers 363, Institut d'Économie Industrielle (IDEI), Toulouse.
  5. Bogomolnaia, Anna & Le Breton, Michel & Savvateev, Alexei & Weber, Shlomo, 2005. "Stability of Jurisdiction Structures under the Equal Share and Median Rule," IDEI Working Papers 362, Institut d'Économie Industrielle (IDEI), Toulouse.
  6. Bogomolnaia, Anna & Le Breton, Michel & Savvateev, Alexei & Weber, Shlomo, 2005. "Strong Stability in Jurisdiction Formation," IDEI Working Papers 365, Institut d'Économie Industrielle (IDEI), Toulouse.
  7. SAVVATEEV, Alexei & STARK, Oded, 2005. "An evolutionary explanation for the propensity to migrate," LIDAM Discussion Papers CORE 2005038, Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE).
  8. BOGOMOLNAIA, Anna & LE BRETON, Michel & SAVVATEEV, Alexei & WEBER, Shlomo, 2005. "The egalitarian sharing rule in provision of public goods," LIDAM Reprints CORE 1775, Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE).
  9. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir, 2005. "Appropriate Economic Policies at Different Stages of Development," MPRA Paper 20066, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  10. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir, 2005. "Democracy and Growth Reconsidered: Why Economic Performance of New Democracies is not Encouraging," MPRA Paper 21606, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  11. Popov, Vladimir, 2005. "Exchange rate in a resource based economy in the short term: the case of Russia," MPRA Paper 28115, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  12. Polterovich, Victor & Tonis, Alexander, 2005. "Hiring Strategies and the Evolution of Honesty," MPRA Paper 20053, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  13. Polterovich, Victor & Tonis, Alexander, 2005. "Innovation and Imitation at Various Stages of Development: A Model with Capital," MPRA Paper 20067, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  14. Polterovich, Victor, 2005. "К Руководству Для Реформаторов: Некоторые Выводы Из Теории Экономических Реформ [Towards a Manual for Reformers: Some Conclusions from the Theory of Economic Reform]," MPRA Paper 22033, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  15. Polterovich, Victor, 2005. "Общество Перманентного Перераспределения: Роль Реформ [Permanent Redistribution Society: The Role of Reforms]," MPRA Paper 22526, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Nikolai M. Svetlov, 2004. "Farm management specificity under the conditions of low land price," Others 0406004, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Savvateev Alexey, 2004. "Achieving stability in heterogeneous societies: multi-jurisdictional structures, and redistribution policies," EERC Working Paper Series 04-13e, EERC Research Network, Russia and CIS.
  3. Polterovich, Victor, 2004. "Институциональные Ловушки: Есть Ли Выход? [Institutional Traps: Is There a Way Out?]," MPRA Paper 22071, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Arkin Vadim & Arkina Svetlana & Slastnikov Alexander, 2003. "Investment Stimulation by a Depreciation Mechanism," EERC Working Paper Series 02-05e, EERC Research Network, Russia and CIS.
  2. Nikolai Svetlov, 2003. "A new paradigm of economic regulation," General Economics and Teaching 0307005, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Savvateev Alexey, 2003. "Strong equilibrium implementation for a principal with heterogeneous agents," EERC Working Paper Series 00-103e, EERC Research Network, Russia and CIS.
  4. Polterovich, Victor & Popov, Vladimir, 2003. "Accumulation of Foreign Exchange Reserves and Long Term Growth," MPRA Paper 20069, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Polterovich, Victor & Tonis, Alexander, 2003. "Innovation and Imitation at Various Stages of Development," MPRA Paper 20065, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Polterovich, Victor, 2003. "Парадоксы Российского Рынка Труда И Теория Коллективных Фирм [Paradoxes of the Russian Labor Market and the Theory of Collective Firms]," MPRA Paper 21993, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Nikolai Svetlov, 2002. "System of mathematical models of value (methodology, theory, agricultural applications)," Microeconomics 0204003, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 09 May 2002.


  1. Nikolai Svetlov, 2001. "Econometric application of linear programming: a model of Russian large-scale farm (the case of the Moscow Region)," Econometrics 0112002, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Savvateev Alexey, 2001. "The role of externalities in determining the average level of corruption in the production process," EERC Working Paper Series 2k/04e, EERC Research Network, Russia and CIS.
  3. Popov, Vladimir, 2001. "Currency crises in Russia and other transition economies," MPRA Paper 28117, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Polterovich, Victor, 2001. "Rent Seeking, Tax Policy, and Economic Growth," MPRA Paper 20058, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Polterovich, Victor, 2001. "Трансплантация Экономических Институтов [Transplantation of Economic Institutions]," MPRA Paper 22034, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Irina V. Bezlepkina & Nikolai M. Svetlov, 2000. "Approaching the losses caused by imperfect short-term financing at the Russian farms," Econometrics 0004006, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Polterovich, Victor, 2000. "Civic Culture and Economic Transition in Russia," MPRA Paper 20068, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Polterovich, Victor, 2000. "Employment- wage decisions in the insider-owned firm," BOFIT Discussion Papers 1/2000, Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies (BOFIT).


  1. Varshavsky Alexander, 1999. "Macroeconomic Aggregate Model for Analysis of Inflation and Stabilization of the Russian Economy," EERC Working Paper Series 97-109e, EERC Research Network, Russia and CIS.
  2. Arkin Vadim & Shevtsova Elmira & Slastnikov Alexander, 1999. "Tax Incentives for Investment Projects in the Russian Economy," EERC Working Paper Series 99-03e, EERC Research Network, Russia and CIS.
  3. Sergei Parinov, 1999. "Toward a Theory and Agent-Based Model of the Networked Economy," Russian Working Paper Archive for Economists and Sociologists 827080, The Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of SD of RAS.
  4. Polterovich, Victor, 1999. "Institutional Traps and Transition," MPRA Paper 20126, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Polterovich, Victor, 1999. "На Пути К Новой Теории Реформ [Towards a New Theory of Reform]," MPRA Paper 22035, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Polterovich, Victor, 1999. "Институциональные Ловушки И Экономические Реформы [Institutional Traps and Economic Reforms]," MPRA Paper 27257, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Danilov, V. & Sotskov, A., 1998. "Maximal Elements in Topological Convex Spaces," Papiers d'Economie Mathématique et Applications 98.28, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1).
  2. Nikolai M. Svetlov, 1998. "Market behavior and formation of value under absence of information on prices," Microeconomics 9809001, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Polterovich, Victor, 1998. "Corruption Factors," MPRA Paper 20958, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Polterovich, Victor & Henkin, Gennadi, 1998. "A Difference-differential Analogue of the Burgers Equation and Some Models of Economic Development," MPRA Paper 21031, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Polterovich, Victor, 1998. "Кризис Экономической Теории [The Crisis of Economic Theory]," MPRA Paper 22015, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Polterovich, Victor & Fridman, Alexander, 1998. "Экономическая Наука И Экономическое Образование В России: Проблема Интеграции [Economic Science and Economic Education in Russia: The Problem of Integration]," MPRA Paper 22753, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Cornia, Giovanni Andrea & Honkkila, Juha & Paniccia, Renato & Popov, Vladmir, 1996. "Long-Term Growth and Welfare in Transitional Economies The Impact of Demographic, Investment and Social Policy Changes," WIDER Working Papers 295446, United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER).
  2. Polterovich, Victor, 1996. "Трансформационный Спад В России [Transformational Recession in Russia]," MPRA Paper 22060, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Polterovich, Victor, 1995. "Towards the Theory of Privatization," MPRA Paper 20151, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Polterovich, Victor, 1993. "Экономическая Реформа 1992 Г.: Битва Правительства С Трудовыми Коллективами [Economic Reform in Russia in 1992: The Government Battles Labor Collectives]," MPRA Paper 22003, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Polterovich, Victor & Gelman, Lev & Levin, Mark & Spivak, Vladimir, 1993. "Моделирование Динамики Распределения Предприятий Отрасли По Уровням Эффективности (На Примере Черной Металлургии) [Modeling of the Dynamics of Firms Distribution in Accordance with Efficiency Level," MPRA Paper 22070, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Danilov, Vi & Sotskov, Ai, 1992. "Generalized convexity : some fixed points theorems and their applications," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Couverture Orange) 9213, CEPREMAP.


  1. Bourguignon, F. & Lang, C., 1991. "Education And Development: Some Research Directions," DELTA Working Papers 91-03, DELTA (Ecole normale supérieure).


  1. Polterovich, Victor & Henkin, Gennadi, 1990. "An Evolutionary Model of Economic Growth," MPRA Paper 20830, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Polterovich, Victor & Henkin, Gennadi, 1989. "An Evolutionary Model with Interaction between Development and Adoption of New Technologies," MPRA Paper 22555, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Polterovich, Victor & Spivak, Vladimir, 1987. "Вариации Квот В Производственной Системе С Фиксированными Ценами [Quota Variations in an Industrial Fixed Price System]," MPRA Paper 40949, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Polterovich, Victor & Levin, Mark & Lakhman, Iosif, 1987. "Механизм договорных цен (Mekhanizm dogovornykh tsen) [The Mechanism of Negotiated Prices]," MPRA Paper 41103, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Polterovich, Victor, 1984. "Уравновешенные Состояния В Задачах Векторной Оптимизации [Balanced States in Vector Optimization Problems]," MPRA Paper 40907, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Kantorovich, Leonid & Katyshev, Pavel & Kiruta, Alexander & Polterovich, Victor, 1982. "О Некоторых Направлениях Исследований В Математической Экономике [Some Trends in Research in Mathematical Economics]," MPRA Paper 21623, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Polterovich, Victor & Spivak, Vladimir, 1982. "Отображения С Валовой Заменимостью В Теории Экономического Равновесия [Gross Substitutability Mappings in Economic Equilibrium Theory]," MPRA Paper 21814, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Polterovich, Victor & Mityushin, Leonid, 1978. "Criteria for Monotonicity of Demand Functions," MPRA Paper 20097, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Polterovich, Victor, 1976. "Модели Равновесного Экономического Роста [Models of Equilibrium Economic Growth]," MPRA Paper 22201, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Polterovich, Victor, 1973. "Экономическое Равновесие И Оптимум [Economic Equilibrium and the Optimum]," MPRA Paper 22359, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Polterovich, Victor, 1971. "A Model of Resource Redistribution," MPRA Paper 21721, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Polterovich, Victor, 1970. "Об Одной Модели Перераспределения Ресурсов [A Model of Resource Redistribution]," MPRA Paper 22205, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Sergei Parinov & Tanya Yakovleva, "undated". "Internet based economy of the 21st century," Russian Working Paper Archive for Economists and Sociologists 1762001, The Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of SD of RAS.
  2. Popov, Vladimir, "undated". "A Russian Puzzle What Makes the Russian Economic Transformation a Special Case," WIDER Working Papers 295322, United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER).
  3. Popov, Vladimir, "undated". "The Investement Decline in Transition Economies: Policy Versus Non-Policy Factors," WIDER Working Papers 295355, United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER).

Journal articles

Undated material is listed at the end


  1. A. O. Trofimov & D. V. Skrypnik, 2024. "Reducing the number and the size of sovereign defaults in the world: Long-term trend or temporary phenomenon?," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 5.
  2. Polterovich, V., 2024. "The formation of domestic value-added networks," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 64(3), pages 251-257.
  3. V. M. Polterovich, 2024. "Mathematical Economics in the Era of Socialism and the Transition to the Market (Part One)," Studies on Russian Economic Development, Springer, vol. 35(5), pages 609-617, October.
  4. Rodion Latypov & Elena Akhmedova & Egor Postolit & Marina Mikitchuk, 2024. "Bottom-up Inflation Forecasting Using Machine Learning Methods," Russian Journal of Money and Finance, Bank of Russia, vol. 83(3), pages 23-44, September.
  5. Mikitchuk, Marina, 2024. "Forming the benefit-oriented official assistance: Cross-country analysis," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 74, pages 124-143.


  1. S. I. Parinov, 2023. "Micro level of economic coordination processes," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 2.
  2. V. M. Polterovich, 2023. "Authorship capital and reforming the Russian publication system," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 6.
  3. Dementiev, V., 2023. "Updating the technological base of the economy and real interest rates," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 60(3), pages 104-119.


  1. Sergey Parinov, 2022. "New Approaches to the Improvement of Coordination Mechanisms," Foresight and STI Governance (Foresight-Russia till No. 3/2015), National Research University Higher School of Economics, vol. 16(4), pages 82-89.
  2. D. V. Skrypnik, 2022. "The VAT rate hike, government spending, economic growth and sectoral effects: CGE analysis," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 7.
  3. Polterovich, V., 2022. "Once again about where to go: Toward a development strategy in isolation from the West," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 55(3), pages 238-244.
  4. V. E. Dementiev, 2022. "Prospects for Russia Under the Digital Domination of China and the United States," Studies on Russian Economic Development, Springer, vol. 33(4), pages 359-366, August.


  1. Sergey Parinov, 2021. "Citation contexts as a data source for evaluation of scholarly consumption," Scientometrics, Springer;Akadémiai Kiadó, vol. 126(11), pages 9249-9265, November.
  2. V. M. Polterovich, 2021. "Crisis of institutions of political competition, Internet and collaborative democracy," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 1.
  3. V. M. Polterovich, 2021. "Collaborative hierarchies," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 7.
  4. Zak, F., 2021. "On some models of altruistic behavior," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 49(1), pages 12-52.
  5. Mikhail Y. Afanasyev & Alexander V. Kudrov, 2021. "Economic Complexity, Embedding Degree and Adjacent Diversity of the Regional Economies," Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Economic Laboratory for Transition Research (ELIT), vol. 17(2), pages 7-22.


  1. Natalia A. Vinokurova & Nikolai M. Svetlov, 2020. "On the Specifics of Entrepreneurship Perception by University Students," Economics of Contemporary Russia, Regional Public Organization for Assistance to the Development of Institutions of the Department of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, issue 1.
  2. Vladimir Popov & K. S. Jomo, 2020. "What is Slowing Growth in China?," Development, Palgrave Macmillan;Society for International Deveopment, vol. 63(1), pages 115-119, March.
  3. Vladimir Popov & Kwame Sundaram Jomo, 2020. "Exchange Rate Undervaluation and Growth in China," Development, Palgrave Macmillan;Society for International Deveopment, vol. 63(1), pages 120-125, March.
  4. Irina A. Denisova & Tatiana V. Chubarova & Irina E. Bogatova & Sergei A. Vartanov & Valerian G. Kucheryanu & ViÑ tor M. Polterovich & Natalia A. Turdyeva & Marina V. Shakleina, 2020. "Estimating economic efficiency of preclinical diagnostics of Parkinson disease with cost-utility approach," Population and Economics, ARPHA Platform, vol. 4(3), pages 111-127, December.
  5. Mikhail Y. Afanasyev & Alexander V. Kudrov, 2020. "Estimates of Economic Complexity in the Structure of the Regional Economy," Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Economic Laboratory for Transition Research (ELIT), vol. 16(4), pages 43-53.
  6. Victor A. Volkonsky & Yuri N. Gavrilets & Alexander V. Kudrov, 2020. "Liberalism and the State: Economic Growth and the Inequality," Economics of Contemporary Russia, Regional Public Organization for Assistance to the Development of Institutions of the Department of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, issue 2.
  7. Dementiev, V. & Evsukov, S. & Ustyuzhanina, E., 2020. "The importance of a strategic approach to pricing in markets for network goods," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 46(2), pages 57-71.


  1. Данилов В.И., 2019. "Лемма Скарфа И Теорема Брауэра," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 55(3), pages 141-143, июль.
  2. Arkin, V. & Slastnikov, A., 2019. "Mathematical Model of Unitary Enterprise Privatization in the Real Sector," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 43(3), pages 12-33.
  3. Nikolai M. Svetlov & Renata G. Yanbykh & Dariya A. Loginova, 2019. "On the diversity of the effects of the state support for agriculture," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 4.
  4. N. M. Svetlov & S. O. Siptits & I. A. Romanenko & N. E. Evdokimova, 2019. "The Effect of Climate Change on the Location of Branches of Agriculture in Russia," Studies on Russian Economic Development, Springer, vol. 30(4), pages 406-418, July.
  5. Скрыпник Д.В., 2019. "Бюджетная Политика И Экономический Рост В России. Оптимальное Бюджетное Правило," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 55(2), pages 24-40, апрель.
  6. Danielyan, V. & Polterovich, V., 2019. "The Adventures of Pension Reform in Russia: Where Are the Mistakes?," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 42(2), pages 186-194.
  7. Svetlana A. Samovoleva, 2019. "Technological knowledge absorption as a factor of innovation development," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 11.
  8. Aivazian, Sergei & Afanasiev, Mikhail & Kudrov, Alexander, 2019. "Indicators of the main directions of socio-economic development in the space of characteristics of regional differentiation," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 54, pages 51-69.
  9. Mikhail Afanasiev & Alexander Kudrovn, 2019. "Integrated Indicator of the Living Quality Conditions," Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Economic Laboratory for Transition Research (ELIT), vol. 15(3), pages 7-21.
  10. Olga A. Andryushkevich & Irina M. Denisova, 2019. "On Some Paradoxes of the Russian Innovation Infrastruct," Economics of Contemporary Russia, Regional Public Organization for Assistance to the Development of Institutions of the Department of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, issue 1.
  11. Dementiev, V., 2019. "Economic journals: Specialization against scientometrics," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 44(4), pages 238-244.
  12. Viktor Dementiev, 2019. "Productivity Paradox in Regional Dimension," Economy of region, Centre for Economic Security, Institute of Economics of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, vol. 1(1), pages 43-56.
  13. Gayane L. Beklaryan & Andranik S. Akopov, 2019. "Modelling the Efficiency of the Use of Production and Investment Resources at the Regional Level: The Case of Russia," International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA), International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA), vol. 0(3), pages 151-166.


  1. V. I. Danilov & A. Lambert-Mogiliansky & V. Vergopoulos, 2018. "Dynamic consistency of expected utility under non-classical (quantum) uncertainty," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 84(4), pages 645-670, June.
  2. Danilov, V.I. & Lambert-Mogiliansky, A., 2018. "Targeting in quantum persuasion problem," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 78(C), pages 142-149.
  3. Vladimir Popov & K S Jomo, 2018. "Are developing countries catching up? [Aid, growth, and development: have we come full circle]," Cambridge Journal of Economics, Cambridge Political Economy Society, vol. 42(1), pages 33-46.
  4. Victor Polterovich, 2018. "Towards a general theory of social and economic development: Evolution of coordination mechanisms," Russian Journal of Economics, ARPHA Platform, vol. 4(4), pages 346-385, December.
  5. V. M. Polterovich, 2018. "Towards a general theory of socio-economic development. Part 1. Geography, institutions, or culture?," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 11.
  6. V. M. Polterovich, 2018. "Towards a general theory of socio-economic development. Part 2. Evolution of coordination mechanisms," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 12.
  7. V. M. Polterovich & A. P. Zaostrovtsev & E. T. Gurvich & N. A. Volchkova & L. M. Grigoryev & А. A. Yakovlev, 2018. "Incentives for academic and applied research and the reproduction of the economic community (Proceedings of the roundtable discussion at the XIX April international academic conference on economic and," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 10.
  8. Айвазян С.А. & Афанасьев М.Ю. & Кудров А.В., 2018. "Метод Сравнения Регионов Рф По Оценкам Технической Эффективности С Учетом Структуры Производства," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 54(1), pages 43-51, январь.
  9. Aivazian, Sergei & Afanasiev, Mikhail & Kudrov, Alexander, 2018. "Indicators of economic development in the basis of the characteristics of regional differentiation," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 50, pages 4-22.
  10. Sergei A. Aivazian & Mikhail Yu. Afanasiev & Alexander V. Kudrov, 2018. "Indicators of Regional Development Using Differentiation Characteristics," Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Economic Laboratory for Transition Research (ELIT), vol. 14(3), pages 7-22.


  1. Arkin,V. & Slastnikov, A., 2017. "Optimization of Concession Payments in Stochastic Model of Public-Private Partnership," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 36(4), pages 31-47.
  2. Polterovich, Victor, 2017. "Positive collaboration: Factors and mechanisms of evolution," Russian Journal of Economics, Elsevier, vol. 3(1), pages 24-41.
  3. Polterovich, V., 2017. "The Theory of Endogenous Economic Growth and Equations of Mathematical Physics," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 34(2), pages 193-201.
  4. Polterovich, V., 2017. "Designing the Strategies for Socio-Economic Development: Science vs. Ideology," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 35(3), pages 198-206.
  5. V. Polterovich & M. Dmitriev & A. Yakovlev & E. Gurvich & A. Auzan, 2017. "The fate of economic programs and reforms in Russia (Proceedings of the roundtable discussion at the XVIII April international academic conference on economic and social development)," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 6.
  6. V. Polterovich, 2017. "Tolerance, collaboration, and economic growth," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 11.
  7. Даниелян В.А., 2017. "Социально-Экономические Детерминанты Пенсионного Возраста: Обзор Исследований," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 53(1), pages 36-56, январь.
  8. Aivazian, Sergei & Afanasiev, Mikhail & Kudrov, Alexander & Lysenkova, Maria, 2017. "To the question about parameterization of national innovation system," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 45, pages 29-49.
  9. Sergei Aivazian & Mikhail Afanasiev & Alexander Kudrov, 2017. "About One Approach for Comparing Regions of Different Countries According to the Technical Efficiency of Innovation Space," Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Economic Laboratory for Transition Research (ELIT), vol. 13(2), pages 7-24.
  10. Akopov, Andranik S. & Beklaryan, Levon A. & Saghatelyan, Armen K., 2017. "Agent-based modelling for ecological economics: A case study of the Republic of Armenia," Ecological Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 346(C), pages 99-118.


  1. Danilov, V., 2016. "Utility Theory of General Lotteries," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 32(4), pages 12-29.
  2. Arkin, V. & Slastnikov, A., 2016. "Optimization of Budget Subsidies on Credits for Investment Projects," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 29(1), pages 12-26.
  3. Аркин В.И. Сластников А.Д., 2016. "Сравнительный Анализ Различных Принципов Назначения Налоговых Каникул," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 52(3), pages 78-91, июль.
  4. Musatov, Daniil & Savvateev, Alexei & Weber, Shlomo, 2016. "Gale–Nikaido–Debreu and Milgrom–Shannon: Communal interactions with endogenous community structures," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 166(C), pages 282-303.
  5. Skrypnik, D., 2016. "Budget Rules, Government Efficiency and Economic Growth," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 30(2), pages 12-32.
  6. Скрыпник Д.В., 2016. "Макроэкономическая Модель Российской Экономики," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 52(3), pages 92-113, июль.
  7. Polterovich, V. & Popov, V., 2016. "Exchange Rate, Inflation and Industrial Policy," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 29(1), pages 192-198.
  8. Jomo, K. & Popov, V., 2016. "Long-Term Trends in Income Distribution," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 31(3), pages 146-160.
  9. V. Popov & В. Попов, 2016. "Секреты И Перспективы Промышленной Политики Узбекистана // What Can Uzbekistan Tell Us About Industrial Policy That We Did Not Already Know," Review of Business and Economics Studies // Review of Business and Economics Studies, Финансовый Университет // Financial University, vol. 4(1), pages 5-25.
  10. Popov Vladimir, 2016. "What can Uzbekistan tell us about industrial policy that we did not already know," Review of Business and Economics Studies, CyberLeninka;Федеральное государственное образовательное бюджетное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации» (Финансовый университет), issue 1, pages 5-25.
  11. Ильинский Д.Г., 2016. "Свойства Линеек Ссудо-Сберегательных Планов," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 52(2), pages 40-59, апрель.
  12. Aivazian, Sergei & Afanasiev, Mikhail & Kudrov, Alexander, 2016. "Clustering methodology of the Russian Federation regions with account of sectoral structure of GRP," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 41, pages 24-46.
  13. Гаврилец Ю.Н. & Клименко К.В. & Кудров А.В., 2016. "Статистический Анализ Факторов Социальной Напряженности В России," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 52(1), pages 45-66, январь.
  14. Айвазян С.А. & Афанасьев М.Ю. & Кудров А.В., 2016. "Модели Производственного Потенциала И Оценки Технологической Эффективности Регионов Рф С Учетом Структуры Производства," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 52(1), pages 28-44, январь.
  15. Andranik S. Akopov & Armen L. Beklaryan & Armen K. Saghatelyan & Lilit V. Sahakyan, 2016. "Control system for ecological modernization of enterprises (on the example of the Republic of Armenia)," Бизнес-информатика, CyberLeninka;Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики», issue 2 (36), pages 71-78.


  1. V. Danilov & G. Koshevoy & E. Savaglio, 2015. "Hyper-relations, choice functions, and orderings of opportunity sets," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 45(1), pages 51-69, June.
  2. Danilov, V., 2015. "Beyond Classical Rationality: Two-Stage Rationalization," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 26(2), pages 12-35.
  3. Данилов В.И., 2015. "Заменимость И Дополнительность Товаров В Терминах Функций Полезности," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 51(4), pages 25-36, октябрь.
  4. Leonidov, A. & Savvateev, A. & Filatov, A., 2015. "Fourth School of Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Socio-economic Processes," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 25(1), pages 218-222.
  5. Leonidov, A. & Savvateev, A. & Filatov, A., 2015. "Vth School of Interdisciplinary Analysis of Socio-Economic Processes," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 27(3), pages 218-221.
  6. Popov, V., 2015. "Can Uzbekistan Economy Retain Its High Growth Rate? Scenarios of Economic Development in 2015-2030," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 27(3), pages 163-181.
  7. V. Popov, 2015. "Searching for new Sources of growth. Are the Developing Countries Catching up with the Developed ones?," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 10.
  8. Polterovich, V., 2015. "On the Formation of National Planning System in Russia," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 26(2), pages 237-242.


  1. Аркин В.И. & Сластников А.Д., 2014. "Моделирование Механизма Государственных Гарантий И Кредитной Политики Банка При Инвестировании Рискованных Проектов," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 50(3), pages 105-118, июль.
  2. Slastnikov, A., 2014. "Investing a Risky Projects under the Government Guarantees on Loans," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 24(4), pages 12-37.
  3. Аркин В.И. & Сластников А.Д., 2014. "Компенсация Повышенных Процентов За Кредит С Помощью Механизмов Государственной Поддержки," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 50(4), pages 104-111, октябрь.
  4. Sergey Parinov & Mikhail Kogalovsky, 2014. "Semantic linkages in research information systems as a new data source for scientometric studies," Scientometrics, Springer;Akadémiai Kiadó, vol. 98(2), pages 927-943, February.
  5. Chernavsky, S., 2014. "Successes and Failures of the Russian Energy Market Reforms," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 23(3), pages 165-169.
  6. Skrypnik, D., 2014. "The Spillover Effects of Quantitative Easing in the United States for Russian Economy. Macroeconometric Analysis," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 22(2), pages 74-101.
  7. Popov, V., 2014. "An Economic Miracle in the Post-Soviet Space: How Uzbekistan Managed to Achieve What No Other Post-Soviet State Has," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 21(1), pages 136-159.
  8. Popov, V., 2014. "Industrial Policy - How to Choose Industries that Should Be Supported," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 22(2), pages 186-190.
  9. Polterovich, V., 2014. "Industrial Policy: Recipes or Institutions?," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 22(2), pages 190-195.
  10. Polterovich, V., 2014. "Why Reforms Fail," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 23(3), pages 169-173.
  11. Polterovich, V., 2014. "The New Economic Association in 2009-2014: President's Report," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 24(4), pages 219-222.
  12. Ильинский Д.Г. & Полтерович В.М. & Старков О.Ю., 2014. "Разработка И Исследование Ссудо-Сберегательных Программ Ипотечного Кредитования: Динамическая Модель," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 50(2), pages 35-57, апрель.
  13. Ильинский Д.Г. & Полтерович В.М. & Старков О.Ю., 2014. "Линейки Ссудо-Сберегательных Тарифных Планов: Обобщение Идеи Стройсберкасс," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 50(4), pages 71-88, октябрь.
  14. Zak, F., 2014. "Psychological Games in the Theory of Choice: Temptation, Perfectionism, Self-deception," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 21(1), pages 12-32.
  15. Zak, F., 2014. "Psychological Games in the Theory of Choice. II. Shame, Regret, Egoism and Altruism," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 22(2), pages 12-40.
  16. Гольштейн Е.Г., 2014. "Приближенный Метод Решения Конечной Игры Трех Лиц," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 50(1), pages 110-116, январь.
  17. Victor Ye. Dementiev, 2014. "The long waves in the post-industrial economy," Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Economic Laboratory for Transition Research (ELIT), vol. 10(2), pages 63-70.


  1. Danilov, V. & Koshevoy, G. & Lang, C., 2013. "Equilibria in Markets with Indivisible Goods," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 18(2), pages 10-34.
  2. Michel Le Breton & Juan Moreno-Ternero & Alexei Savvateev & Shlomo Weber, 2013. "Stability and fairness in models with a multiple membership," International Journal of Game Theory, Springer;Game Theory Society, vol. 42(3), pages 673-694, August.
  3. Savvateev, A., 2013. "Coalitional Stability of a "Bipolar World"," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 17(1), pages 10-43.
  4. Leonidov, A. & Savvateev, A. & Filatov, A., 2013. "Third School on Interdisciplinary Analysis of Social and Economic Processes," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 20(4), pages 199-203.
  5. V. Popov, 2013. "Global Imbalances: An Unconventional View," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 1.
  6. Victor Polterovich, 2013. "«An Expert must Strive to be Independent while Society should Support His Inspiration»," Journal of Economic Sociology, National Research University Higher School of Economics, vol. 14(3), pages 8-26.
  7. Polterovich, V., 2013. "General Social Analysis and Reform Design," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 17(1), pages 185-188.
  8. Polterovich, V., 2013. "On Control of the Ownership Structure," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 20(4), pages 177-182.
  9. Balatsky, E., 2013. "Russian Investment Forums as the Regional Development Institute," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 18(2), pages 101-128.
  10. Oleg Golichenko & Svetlana Samovoleva, 2013. "Mapping risk factors of innovation activity enterprises," International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 5(2), pages 149-164.
  11. Varshavsky, Leonid, 2013. "Studying dynamics of indicators of nuclear power stations exploitation (the case of US nuclear power stations)," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 30(2), pages 115-137.
  12. Гольштейн Е.Г. & Малков У.Х. & Соколов Н.А., 2013. "Об Одном Численном Методе Решения Биматричных Игр," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 49(4), pages 94-104, октябрь.
  13. Alexandr V. Kudrov, 2013. "Extremal Quantiles Of Maximums For Stationary Sequences With Pseudo-Stationary Trend With Applications In Electricity Consumption," Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Economic Laboratory for Transition Research (ELIT), vol. 9(4), pages 53-64.


  1. Danilov, V., 2012. "Outcast Condition in the Choice Theory," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 13(1), pages 34-49.
  2. Leonidov, A. & Savvateev, A. & Filatov, A., 2012. "Second School of Interdisciplinary Analysis of Social and Economic Processes," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 15(3), pages 197-199.
  3. Popov, V., 2012. "Why the West got Rich Before Other Countries and Why China is Catching Up With the West Today? New Answer to the Old Question," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 15(3), pages 35-64.
  4. Vladimir Popov, 2012. "Russia: austerity and deficit reduction in historical and comparative perspective," Cambridge Journal of Economics, Cambridge Political Economy Society, vol. 36(1), pages 313-334.
  5. Victor Polterovich, 2012. "Reform Design: How To Search For Interim Institutions," Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Economic Laboratory for Transition Research (ELIT), vol. 8(2), pages 25-44.
  6. Polterovich, V., 2012. "Kantorovich's Theory of Optimal Resource Allocation Within the History of Economic Thought," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 13(1), pages 176-180.
  7. Polterovich, V., 2012. "Stimulation of Savings and the Family Pension," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 15(3), pages 187-189.
  8. Полтерович В. М., 2012. "Региональные Институты Модернизации," Вестник УГУЭС. Наука, образование, экономика. Серия: Экономика, CyberLeninka;Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Уфимский государственный университет экономики и сервиса», issue 1, pages 45-54.
  9. Balatsky, Ye., 2012. "Technological Diffusion and Investment Decision," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 15(3), pages 10-34.
  10. Balatsky, E. & Ekimova, N., 2012. "The Global University Rankings: the Problem of Manipulation," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 13(1), pages 126-146.
  11. Гольштейн Е.Г., 2012. "Об Одном Классе Антагонистических Игр," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 48(3), июль.


  1. Varshavsky, Alexander & Komkina, Tatiana, 2011. "Analysis of two main university rankings," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 23(3), pages 57-78.
  2. Sergey Parinov & Cameron Neylon, 2011. "Science as a Social System and Virtual Research Environment," Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, vol. 14(4), pages 1-10.
  3. V. Popov, 2011. "To devalue or not to devalue?," Acta Oeconomica, Akadémiai Kiadó, Hungary, vol. 61(3), pages 255-279, September.
  4. Vladimir Popov, 2011. "Exchange Rate in a Resource-Based Economy in the Short-Term: The Case of Russia," The IUP Journal of Monetary Economics, IUP Publications, vol. 0(3), pages 20-49, August.
  5. Popov, V., 2011. "Do We Need to Protect Intellectual Property Rights?," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 11, pages 107-126.
  6. Polterovich, V., 2011. "The Mission of an Economic Journal and the Institution of Refereeing," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 12, pages 194-197.
  7. Polterovich, V., 2011. "The New Economic Association in 2009–2011: Achievements and Plans," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 9, pages 206-207.
  8. Polterovich, V. & Rubinstein, A., 2011. "On the Work of the JNEA Editorial Board in 2009-2010 and our Plans for 2011," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 9, pages 207-209.
  9. Balatsky, E. & Ekimova, N., 2011. "The International Rankings of Universities: Practice of drawing up and using," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 9, pages 150-172.
  10. Balatsky, E., 2011. "The Role of Academic Journals: A Period of Uncertainty," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 12, pages 164-166.
  11. Balatsky, E. & Ekimova, N., 2011. "The Comparative Reliability of the Global University Rankings," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 11, pages 127-140.


  1. Varshavsky, A., 2010. "Problems of Science: RAS and Higher Educational Institutions," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 8, pages 158-161.
  2. V. Danilov & A. Lambert-Mogiliansky, 2010. "Expected utility theory under non-classical uncertainty," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 68(1), pages 25-47, February.
  3. Данилов В.И. & Карзанов А.В. & Кошевой Г.А., 2010. "Области Кондорсе И Ромбические Паркеты," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 46(4), октябрь.
  4. Сластников А.Д., 2010. "Оптимизация Участия Государства В Софинансировании Проектов В Условиях Государственно-Частного Партнерства," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 46(4), октябрь.
  5. Nikolai Svetlov, 2010. "External Transaction Costs and Large‐scale Farming in Moscow Oblast Coûts de transaction externes et agriculture à grande échelle dans la région de Moscou Externe Transaktionskosten und landwirtschaft," EuroChoices, The Agricultural Economics Society, vol. 9(2), pages 40-46, August.
  6. Vladimir Popov, 2010. "Putting the success stories in the post-communist world into a broader perspective," Society and Economy, Akadémiai Kiadó, Hungary, vol. 32(1), pages 83-102, June.
  7. Polterovich, V., 2010. "Strategy of Modernization of the Russian Economy: System of Interactive Growth Management," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 7, pages 158-160.
  8. Polterovich, V., 2010. "Economics in Russia:Globalization Costs and RAS Reforms," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 8, pages 161-164.
  9. Balatsky, Ye., 2010. "Higher Education Rationing Problem," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 8, pages 145-147.
  10. Zak, F., 2010. "Taxation in Walrasian Economy," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 6, pages 30-60.
  11. Varshavsky, Leonid, 2010. "Crisis of financial system and evolution of commodities market," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 17(1), pages 30-44.
  12. Varshavsky, Leonid, 2010. "Methodological basis of modeling evolution of markets of products with long life cycle: a study of the civil aircrafts’ market," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 20(4), pages 53-74.
  13. Гольштейн Е.Г., 2010. "О Модификациях Конечной Бескоалиционной Игры, Имеющих Выпуклую Структуру," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 46(4), октябрь.


  1. Varshavsky, Alexander, 2009. "Questionable Innovations in Data Processing with Incomplete Information about the Analyzed System in Absence of Applications Limitations," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 16(4), pages 116-133.
  2. Vladimir Danilov, 2009. "Modelling of Non-Commuting Measurements," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 1-2, pages 10-36.
  3. Svetlov, Nikolai M., 2009. "Estimating internal transaction costs: the case of corporate dairy farms in Russia’s Moscow oblast," German Journal of Agricultural Economics, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Department for Agricultural Economics, vol. 58(08), pages 1-8, November.
  4. Weber, S. & Gabszewicz, J. & Ginsburgh, V. & Savvateev, A. & Filatov, A., 2009. "Linguistic Diversity and Its Impact on Economic Policies and Political Decisions," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 3-4, pages 28-53.
  5. Vladimir Popov, 2009. "The Memory of the Future: The Second Edition of the Drama of "The 1998 Crisis"," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 1-2, pages 249-252.
  6. V. Popov, 2009. "Concatenation of Circumstances or Historical Regularity?," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 7.
  7. Victor Polterovich, 2009. "The Economic Crisis in 2008: A Breakdown of Institutions and Views," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 1-2, pages 262-264.
  8. Victor Polterovich, 2009. "The Association and the Journal: Our First Steps and Our Agenda for 2009," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 1-2, pages 266-267.
  9. V. Polterovich, 2009. "The Innovation Pause Hypothesis and the Strategy of Modernization," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 6.
  10. Полтерович В.М., 2009. "Проблема Формирования Национальной Инновационной Системы," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 45(2), апрель.
  11. Varshavsky , Leonid, 2009. "Modeling Dynamics of Oil Prices under Different Regimes of Oil Market Development," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 13(1), pages 70-88.
  12. Гольштейн Е.Г., 2009. "Об Одной Задаче Равновесия, Связанной С Бескоалиционными Играми," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 45(4), октябрь.
  13. Dementiev, V., 2009. "Struggle for Nanotechnological Leadership: the USA, EU, China, Russia," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 3-4, pages 123-144.


  1. Danilov, V.I. & Lambert-Mogiliansky, A., 2008. "Measurable systems and behavioral sciences," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 55(3), pages 315-340, May.
  2. Anna Bogomolnaia & Michel Breton & Alexei Savvateev & Shlomo Weber, 2008. "Stability of jurisdiction structures under the equal share and median rules," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 34(3), pages 525-543, March.
  3. Drèze, Jacques & Le Breton, Michel & Savvateev, Alexei & Weber, Shlomo, 2008. ""Almost" subsidy-free spatial pricing in a multi-dimensional setting," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 143(1), pages 275-291, November.
  4. Anna Bogomolnaia & Michel Le Breton & Alexei Savvateev & Shlomo Weber, 2008. "Heterogeneity Gap in Stable Jurisdiction Structures," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 10(3), pages 455-473, June.
  5. V. Polterovich, 2008. "Strategies of Modernization, Institutions and Coalitions," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 4.
  6. V. Polterovich, 2008. "Interviewing Oneself (On the Book by Janos Kornai “By the Strength of Thought. Nonordinary Reсollections about One Intellectual Journey”)," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 5.
  7. Полтерович В. М. & Попов В. В. & Тонис А. С., 2008. "Нестабильность Демократии В Странах, Богатых Ресурсами," Higher School of Economics Economic Journal Экономический журнал Высшей школы экономики, CyberLeninka;Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики», vol. 12(2), pages 176-200.
  8. Гольштейн Е.Г., 2008. "Метод Решения Вариационных Неравенств, Использующий Неточные Исходные Данные," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 44(3), июль.
  9. Гольштейн Е.Г., 2008. "О Монотонности Отображения, Связанного С Неантагонистической Игрой Двух Лиц," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 44(4), октябрь.
  10. Kudrov, Alexander, 2008. "Evaluation of the Distribution Function of Sample Maxima in Stationary Random Sequences with Pseudo-Stationary Trend," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 11(3), pages 64-86.


  1. Аркин В.И. & Сластников А.Д., 2007. "Инвестиционное Ожидание, Стимулирование Инвестиций И Налоговые Реформы," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 43(2), апрель.
  2. Vadim Arkin & Alexander Slastnikov, 2007. "The effect of depreciation allowances on the timing of investment and government tax revenue," Annals of Operations Research, Springer, vol. 151(1), pages 307-323, April.
  3. Anna Bogomolnaia & Michel Breton & Alexei Savvateev & Shlomo Weber, 2007. "Stability under unanimous consent, free mobility and core," International Journal of Game Theory, Springer;Game Theory Society, vol. 35(2), pages 185-204, January.
  4. V. Popov, 2007. "Shock Therapy versus Gradualism: 15 Years Later," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 5.
  5. V. Polterovich & V. Popov & A. Tonis, 2007. "Mechanisms of Resource Curse and Economic Policy," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 6.
  6. Vladimir Popov, 2007. "Shock Therapy versus Gradualism Reconsidered: Lessons from Transition Economies after 15 Years of Reforms1," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 49(1), pages 1-31, March.
  7. Galina Kitova & Tatyana Kuznetsova & Svetlana Samovoleva, 2007. "The Government’s Role in Innovation Projects: Capabilities and Constraints," Foresight and STI Governance (Foresight-Russia till No. 3/2015), National Research University Higher School of Economics, vol. 1(1), pages 54-60.
  8. Гольштейн Е.Г., 2007. "Седловой Метод, Использующий Неточные Исходные Данные," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 43(3), июль.


  1. Danilov, V. & Koshevoy, G., 2006. "A new characterization of the path independent choice functions," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 51(2), pages 238-245, March.
  2. Аркин В.И. & Сластников А.Д., 2006. "Оптимизация Налоговых Каникул В Стохастической Модели Создания Нового Предприятия," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 42(1), январь.
  3. V. Polterovich & V. Popov, 2006. "An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Policy. Part I: The Experience of Fast Development," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 7.
  4. V. Polterovich & V. Popov, 2006. "An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Policy. Part II: The Necessity of Timely Switching," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 8.
  5. V. Polterovich, 2006. "Valtukh K. K. Regularities of Short-term Economic Dynamics. Theory. Statistical Research. Critique of Macroeconomics," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 5.
  6. Полтерович В.М., 2006. "Стратегии Институциональных Реформ. Перспективные Траектории," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 42(1), январь.
  7. Полтерович В.М., 2006. "Стратегии Институциональных Реформ. Китай И Россия," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 42(2), апрель.
  8. Катышев П.К. & Полтерович В.М., 2006. "Политика Реформ, Начальные Условия И Трансформационный Спад," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 42(4), октябрь.
  9. E. Presman & I. Sonin, 2006. "The Existence and Uniqueness of Nash Equilibrium Point in an m-player Game “Shoot Later, Shoot First!”," International Journal of Game Theory, Springer;Game Theory Society, vol. 34(2), pages 185-205, August.
  10. Гольштейн Е.Г., 2006. "Метод Минимизации Негладких Квазивыпуклых Функций, Использующий Неточные Исходные Данные," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 42(2), апрель.


  1. Danilov, V. & Koshevoy, G., 2005. "Mathematics of Plott choice functions," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 49(3), pages 245-272, May.
  2. Данилов В.И., 2005. "Случайный Выбор И Случайные Предпочтения," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 41(1), январь.
  3. Аркин В.И. & Сластников А.Д., 2005. "Моделирование Влияния Имущественных Налогов На Создание Новых Предприятий В Условиях Риска И Неопределенности," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 41(4), октябрь.
  4. Shlomo Wever & Alexei Savvateev & Michel Le Breton & Anna Bogomolnaia, 2005. "The Egalitarian sharing rule in provision of public goods," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 8(11), pages 1-5.
  5. V. Polterovich & O. Starkov & E. Chrenykh, 2005. "Contractual Savings for Housing: A Mortgage Institution for Russia," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 1.


  1. Аркин В.И. & Сластников А.Д., 2004. "Оптимизация Амортизационной Политики Для Привлечения Инвестиций В Условия Неопределенности," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 40(2), апрель.
  2. Leonid Polishchuk & Alexei Savvateev, 2004. "Spontaneous (non)emergence of property rights," The Economics of Transition, The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, vol. 12(1), pages 103-127, March.
  3. Vladimir Popov, 2004. "Fiscal Federalism in Russia: Rules versus Electoral Politics," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 46(4), pages 515-541, December.


  1. Danilov, V. I., 2003. "Existence of stable matchings in some three-sided systems," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 46(2), pages 145-148, October.
  2. Полтерович В.М., 2003. "Парадоксы Российского Рынка Труда И Теория Коллективных Фирм," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 39(2), апрель.
  3. Полтерович В.М., 2003. "Оптимальный Выбор Экономических Институтов," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 39(4), октябрь.
  4. Гольштейн Е.Г., 2003. "Использование Логарифмических Барьеров Для Отыскания Седловых Точек," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 39(2), апрель.
  5. Малков У.Х. & Гольштейн Е.Г. & Соколов Н.А., 2003. "Результаты Экспериментального Сравнения Метода Уровней И Принципа Разложения Данцига-Вульфа," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 39(2), апрель.


  1. Jan R. Magnus & Victor M. Polterovich & Dmitri L. Danilov & Alexei V. Savvateev, 2002. "Tolerance of Cheating: An Analysis Across Countries," The Journal of Economic Education, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 33(2), pages 125-135, June.


  1. Danilov, Vladimir & Koshevoy, Gleb & Murota, Kazuo, 2001. "Discrete convexity and equilibria in economies with indivisible goods and money," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 41(3), pages 251-273, May.
  2. Данилов В.И. & Ланг К., 2001. "Кусочно-Линейные Функции Полезности, Удовлетворяющие Условию Валовой Заменимости," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 37(4), октябрь.
  3. Popov, Vladimir, 2001. "Reform Strategies and Economic Performance of Russia's Regions," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 29(5), pages 865-886, May.
  4. Vladimir Popov, 2001. "Reform Strategies and Economic Performance: The Russian Far East as Compared to Other Regions," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 43(4), pages 33-66, December.
  5. Vladimir Popov, 2001. "Money Unmade: Barter and the Fate of Russian Capitalism," Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 20(2), pages 376-379.
  6. Бэр К. & Гольштейн Е.Г. & Соколов Н.А., 2001. "Метод Отыскания Седловой Точки Функции, Область Определения Которой Содержится В Многограннике," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 37(3), июль.


  1. A. Varshavsky, 2000. "Nonpayments and Barter as a Manifestation of Systemic Transformations," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, vol. 6.
  2. Vladimir Popov, 2000. "Shock Therapy Versus Gradualism: The End Of The Debate (Explaining The Magnitude Of Transformational Recession)," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 42(1), pages 1-57, April.
  3. V Popov, 2000. "From Shock to Therapy. The Political Economy of Postsocialist Transformation. UNU/WIDER Studies in Development Economics," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 42(3), pages 121-125, September.
  4. Gur Ofer & Victor Polterovich, 2000. "Modern Economics Education in TEs: Technology Transfer to Russia," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 42(2), pages 5-35, July.
  5. Бэр К. & Гольштейн Е.Г. & Соколов Н.А., 2000. "Об Использовании Метода Уровней Для Минимизации Выпуклых Функций, Не Все Значения Которых Конечны," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 36(4), октябрь.


  1. A. Barsky & A. Dankov & M. Mikulin, 1999. "Municipal Finances Issues," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, vol. 3.
  2. V. Popov, 1999. "Lessons of the Currency Crisis in Russia and in Other Countries," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, vol. 6.
  3. Vladimir Popov, 1999. "The Financial System in Russia Compared to Other Transition Economies: The Anglo-American Versus the German-Japanese Model*," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 41(1), pages 1-42, April.
  4. Vladimir Popov, 1999. "Investment, Restructuring and Performance in Transition Economies," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 11(4), pages 445-462.
  5. Полтерович В.М., 1999. "Институциональные Ловушки И Экономические Реформы," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 35(2), апрель.
  6. Гольштейн Е.Г., 1999. "Двойственный Декомпозиционный Метод Решения Общей Задачи Дробно-Линейного Программирования," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 35(1), январь.


  1. A. Varshavsky, 1998. "Social and Economic Problems of Russian Science: Longterm Aspects of Development," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, vol. 12.
  2. Yves Balasko & Christine Lang, 1998. "Manifolds of golden rule and balanced steady state equilibria," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 11(2), pages 317-330.
  3. V. Popov, 1998. "Production Dynamics during Transition to Market: The Role of Objective Conditions and Economic Policy," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, vol. 7.
  4. V. Popov, 1998. "Strong Institutions Are More Important than the Speed of Reforms," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, vol. 8.
  5. Vladimir Popov, 1998. "Will Russia achieve fast economic growth?," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 10(4), pages 421-449.
  6. Полтерович В.М., 1998. "Факторы Коррупции," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 34(3), июль.


  1. Danilov, Vladimir I. & Koshevoy, Gleb A. & Sotskov, Alexandr I., 1997. "Equilibrium analysis of an economy with innovations," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 27(2), pages 195-228, March.
  2. Беленький В.З. & Сластников А.Д., 1997. "Модель Оптимального Инвестирования Проекта Новой Технологии," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 33(3), июль.
  3. V. Popov, 1997. "Lessons of the Currency and Stock Exchange Crisis in the South-Eastern Asia," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, vol. 12.
  4. Полтерович В.М., 1997. "Дифференциация Стандартов Потребления В Открытой Экономике С Отсталой Технологией," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 33(2), апрель.
  5. Гольштейн Е.Г., 1997. "Об Одном Методе Решения Общей Задачи Дробно-Линейного Программирования," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 33(4), октябрь.
  6. Гольштейн Е.Г. & Соколов Н.А., 1997. "Декомпозиционнный Метод Решения Производственно-Транспортных Задач," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 33(1), январь.


  1. Vadim I. Arkin & Alexander D. Slastnikov, 1996. "Changing economic mechanisms: A model of the transition from budget regulation to the competitive market (*)," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 7(2), pages 307-321.
  2. Полтерович В.М., 1996. "Трансформационный Спад В России," Журнал Экономика и математические методы (ЭММ), Центральный Экономико-Математический Институт (ЦЭМИ), vol. 32(1), январь.
  3. Presman, E. & Sethi, S., 1996. "Distribution of bankruptcy time in a consumption/portfolio problem," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 20(1-3), pages 471-477.


  1. Danilov, Vladimir I., 1994. "The structure of non-manipulable social choice rules on a tree," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 27(2), pages 123-131, April.
  2. Danilov, Vladimir I. & Koshevoy, Gleb A. & Sotskov, Aleksandr I., 1994. "Equilibrium in a market of intellectual goods," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 27(2), pages 133-144, April.
  3. Korneyev, Andrei V & Stobart, Christopher, 1994. "Change in the former Soviet Union and its implications for the Canadian minerals sector: The cases of copper, gold, nickel and uranium : David G Hagland, S Neil MacFarlane and Vladimir Popov with Olga," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 20(4), pages 282-285, December.


  1. Danilov, V. I. & Sotskov, A. I., 1993. "On strongly consistent social choice functions," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 22(4), pages 327-346.
  2. Polterovich, Victor, 1993. "Rationing, Queues, and Black Markets," Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 61(1), pages 1-28, January.


  1. Danilov, Vladimir, 1992. "Implementation via Nash Equilibria," Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 60(1), pages 43-56, January.
  2. Sethi, Suresh P. & Taksar, Michael I. & Presman, Ernst L., 1992. "Explicit solution of a general consumption/portfolio problem with subsistence consumption and bankruptcy," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 16(3-4), pages 747-768.


  1. Popov, Vladimir, 1991. "Soviet economic reforms: Possible difficulties in the application of public choice theory," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 15(2), pages 304-324, June.
  2. Henkin, Gennadi M. & Polterovich, Victor M., 1991. "Schumpeterian dynamics as a non-linear wave theory," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 20(6), pages 551-590.
  3. E. Presman & S. Sethi, 1991. "ERRATUM: risk‐Aversion Behavior In Consumption/Investment Problems," Mathematical Finance, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 1(3), pages 1-1, July.
  4. E. Presman & S. Sethi, 1991. "Risk‐Aversion Behavior In Consumption/Investment Problems1," Mathematical Finance, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 1(1), pages 100-124, January.


  1. Danilov, V. I. & Sotskov, A. I., 1990. "A generalized economic equilibrium," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 19(4), pages 341-356.
  2. Polterovich, Victor M., 1990. "Equilibrated states and optimal allocations of resources under rigid prices," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 19(3), pages 255-268.


  1. Danilov, Vladimir I., 1987. "Aggregation of dichotomic preferences," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 13(1), pages 49-58, February.


  1. Polterovich, V M, 1983. "Equilibrium Trajectories of Economic Growth," Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 51(3), pages 693-729, May.
  2. Polterovich, V. M. & Spivak, V. A., 1983. "Gross substitutability of point-to-set correspondences," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 11(2), pages 117-140, April.


  1. S. A. Smolyak & V. I. Arkin & A. D. Slastnikov, 0. "Of the DCF-method for real estate valuation under uncertainty," Economics of Contemporary Russia, Regional Public Organization for Assistance to the Development of Institutions of the Department of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, issue 3.
  2. V. I. Arkin & A. D. Slastnikov, 0. "Comparative Analysis of Tax Benefits in Territories of Priority Development and Special Economic Zones," Economics of Contemporary Russia, Regional Public Organization for Assistance to the Development of Institutions of the Department of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, issue 4.
  3. V. M. Polterovich, 0. "About the Book G.B. Kleiner “Economy. Modeling. Mathematicsâ€," Economics of Contemporary Russia, Regional Public Organization for Assistance to the Development of Institutions of the Department of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, issue 4.
  4. O. G. Golichenko & S. A. Samovoleva, 0. "Complementarity and Substitution in Industrial R&D Activity," Economics of Contemporary Russia, Regional Public Organization for Assistance to the Development of Institutions of the Department of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, issue 3.
  5. O. A. Andryushkevich & I. M. Denisova, 0. "Is it Possible to Have Open Innovations in Russia?," Economics of Contemporary Russia, Regional Public Organization for Assistance to the Development of Institutions of the Department of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, issue 3.
  6. A. S. Akopov & L. A. Beklryan & A. L. Beklaryan & A. K. Saghatelyan, 0. "Modelling the Regional Ecological-Economic System with the Mechanism of the Government Regulation for the Case-Study of the Republic of Armenia," Economics of Contemporary Russia, Regional Public Organization for Assistance to the Development of Institutions of the Department of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, issue 1.



  1. Vladimir Popov & Piotr Dutkiewicz (ed.), 2017. "Mapping a New World Order," Books, Edward Elgar Publishing, number 17622, March.


  1. Popov, Vladimir, 2014. "Mixed Fortunes: An Economic History of China, Russia, and the West," OUP Catalogue, Oxford University Press, number 9780198703631.


  1. Natalia Dinello & Vladimir Popov (ed.), 2007. "Political Institutions and Development," Books, Edward Elgar Publishing, number 12689, March.


  1. Cornia, Giovanni Andrea & Popov, Vladimir (ed.), 2001. "Transition and Institutions: The Experience of Gradual and Late Reformers," OUP Catalogue, Oxford University Press, number 9780199242184.



  1. Vladimir Popov, 2023. "Recent experiences of successful economic policies: the case of Uzbekistan," Chapters, in: Erik S. Reinert & Ingrid H. Kvangraven (ed.), A Modern Guide to Uneven Economic Development, chapter 14, pages 304-330, Edward Elgar Publishing.


  1. Vladimir Popov & Jomo Kwame Sundaram, 2017. "Convergence? More developing countries are catching up," Chapters, in: Vladimir Popov & Piotr Dutkiewicz (ed.), Mapping a New World Order, chapter 1, pages 7-22, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  2. Vladimir Popov, 2017. "Why growth rates differ," Chapters, in: Vladimir Popov & Piotr Dutkiewicz (ed.), Mapping a New World Order, chapter 3, pages 38-52, Edward Elgar Publishing.


  1. Vadim Arkin & Alexander Slastnikov & Svetlana Arkina, 2008. "Investment Timing Problem Under Tax Allowances: The Case of Special Economic Zones," Operations Research Proceedings, in: Jörg Kalcsics & Stefan Nickel (ed.), Operations Research Proceedings 2007, pages 173-178, Springer.
  2. Vladimir Popov, 2008. "Shock Therapy versus Gradualism Reconsidered: Lessons from Transition Economies," Chapters, in: José María Fanelli & Lyn Squire (ed.), Economic Reform in Developing Countries, chapter 8, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  3. Anatoliy Peresetsky & Vladimir Popov, 2008. "Russia," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: José María Fanelli (ed.), Macroeconomic Volatility, Institutions and Financial Architectures, chapter 8, pages 190-219, Palgrave Macmillan.


  1. Vladimir Popov, 2007. "Life Cycle of the Centrally Planned Economy: Why Soviet Growth Rates Peaked in the 1950s," Studies in Economic Transition, in: Saul Estrin & Grzegorz W. Kolodko & Milica Uvalic (ed.), Transition and Beyond, chapter 2, pages 35-57, Palgrave Macmillan.


  1. Vadim I. Arkin & Alexander D. Slastnikov & Svetlana V. Arkina, 2006. "Investment Attraction and Tax Reform: a Stochastic Model," Operations Research Proceedings, in: Hans-Dietrich Haasis & Herbert Kopfer & Jörn Schönberger (ed.), Operations Research Proceedings 2005, pages 501-506, Springer.


  1. Ksenia Yudaeva & Maria Gorban & Vladimir Popov, 2004. "Down and up the stairs: paradoxes of Russian economic growth," Chapters, in: Gur Ofer & Richard Pomfret (ed.), The Economic Prospects of the CIS, chapter 2, Edward Elgar Publishing.

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