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by alumni of

Research School of Economics
College of Business and Economics
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia

These are publications listed in RePEc written by alumni of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service and listed in the RePEc Genealogy. List of alumni. For a list of publications by current members of the department, see here. Register yourself.

This page is updated in the first days of each month.

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Working papers

Undated material is listed at the end


  1. Madison Terrell & Qazi Haque & Jamie L. Cross & Firmin Doko Tchatoka, 2023. "Monetary policy shocks and exchange rate dynamics in small open economies," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 2023-04 Classification-C3, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
  2. Hilde C. Bjørnland & Yoosoon Chang & Jamie L. Cross, 2023. "Oil and the Stock Market Revisited: A Mixed Functional VAR Approach," CAMA Working Papers 2023-18, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  3. Hilde C. Bjørnland & Jamie L. Cross & Felix Kapfhammer, 2023. "The Drivers of Emission Reductions in the European Carbon Market," CAMA Working Papers 2023-53, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.


  1. Nouf Alsharif & Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2022. "Oil Discovery, Boom-Bust Cycle and Manufacturing Slowdown: Evidence from a Large Industry Level Dataset," Working Paper Series 0222, Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School.
  2. Richard Dennis & Pelin Ilbas, 2022. "Monetary and macroprudential policy interactions in a model of the European Union," CAMA Working Papers 2022-33, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.


  1. Nader AlKathiri & Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2021. "Credit Creation, Economic Progress and the Saturation Effect: A Sector Level Analysis," Working Paper Series 1121, Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School.
  2. Richard Dennis & Tatiana Kirsanova, 2021. "Policy biases in a model with labor market frictions," CAMA Working Papers 2021-63, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  3. Richard Dennis, 2021. "Using a hyperbolic cross to solve non-linear macroeconomic models," CAMA Working Papers 2021-93, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  4. McManus, Richard & Mumford, Karen A. & Sechel, Cristina, 2021. "Measuring Research Excellence Amongst Economics Lecturers in the UK," IZA Discussion Papers 14156, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  5. Mumford, Karen A. & Aguirre, Edith & Einarsdóttir, Anna & Lockyer, Bridget & Sayli, Melisa & Smith, Benjamin A., 2021. "Pay Gaps in the National Health Service: Observability and Disclosure," IZA Discussion Papers 14482, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  6. Knut Are Aastveit & Jamie L. Cross & Herman K. van Dijk, 2021. "Quantifying time-varying forecast uncertainty and risk for the real price of oil," Working Paper 2021/3, Norges Bank.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "A History of Global Capitalism: Feuding Elites and Imperial Expansion," Working Paper Series 1020, Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School.
  2. Richard Dennis, 2020. "Computing time-consistent equilibria: A perturbation approach," CAMA Working Papers 2020-111, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  3. Richard Dennis & Oleg Kirsanov, 2020. "Monetary policy when preferences are quasi-hyperbolic," CAMA Working Papers 2020-14, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  4. Knut Are Aastveit & Hilde C. Bjørnland & Jamie L. Cross, 2020. "Inflation expectations and the pass-through of oil prices," Working Paper 2020/5, Norges Bank.
  5. Jamie L. Cross & Bao H. Nguyen & Trung Duc Tran, 2020. "The role of precautionary and speculative demand in the global market for crude oil," CAMA Working Papers 2020-34, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.


  1. Mumford, Karen A. & Sechel, Cristina, 2019. "Pay and Job Rank Amongst Academic Economists in the UK: Is Gender Relevant?," IZA Discussion Papers 12397, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  2. Tim Butcher & Karen Mumford & Peter N. Smith, 2019. "The Gender Earnings Gap in British Workplaces: A Knowledge Exchange Report," Discussion Papers 19/10, Department of Economics, University of York.
  3. Mumford, Karen A. & Parera-Nicolau, Antonia & Pena-Boquete, Yolanda, 2019. "Labour Supply and Childcare: Allowing Both Parents to Choose," IZA Discussion Papers 12500, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).


  1. Nemera Mamo & Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2018. "Natural Resources and Political Patronage in Africa: An Ethnicity Level Analysis," Working Paper Series 0418, Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School.
  2. Jamie L. Cross & Chenghan Hou & Aubrey Poon, 2018. "International transmissions of aggregate macroeconomic uncertainty in small open economies: An empirical approach," CAMA Working Papers 2018-16, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  3. Bo Zhang & Joshua C.C. Chan & Jamie L. Cross, 2018. "Stochastic volatility models with ARMA innovations: An application to G7 inflation forecasts," CAMA Working Papers 2018-32, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.


  1. Nemera Mamo & Sambit Bhattacharya & Alexander Moradi & Rabah Arezki, 2017. "Intensive and Extensive Margins of Mining and Development: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa," CSAE Working Paper Series 2017-05, Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford.
  2. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Michael Keller & Rabah Arezki, 2017. "Resource Discovery and the Political Fortunes of National Leaders," Working Paper Series 0917, Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School.
  3. Richard Dennis, 2017. "Durations at the zero lower bound," CAMA Working Papers 2017-25, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  4. Karen Mumford & Cristina Sechel, 2017. "Pay, Rank and Job Satisfaction amongst Academic Economists in the UK," Discussion Papers 17/17, Department of Economics, University of York.
  5. Richard McManus & Karen Mumford & Cristina Sechel, 2017. "The Selection of Economics Lecturers into the 2014 UK Research Excellence Framework Exercise: Outputs and Gender," Discussion Papers 17/16, Department of Economics, University of York.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Louis Conradie & Rabah Arezki, 2016. "Resource Discovery and the Politics of Fiscal Decentralization," CSAE Working Paper Series 2016-05, Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford.
  2. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Maurizio Intartaglia & Andy McKay, 2016. "Does Climate Aid Affect Emissions? Evidence from a Global Dataset," CSAE Working Paper Series 2016-09, Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford.
  3. Nouf Alsharif & Sambit Bhattacharya, 2016. "Oil Discovery, Political Institutions and Economic Diversification," CSAE Working Paper Series 2016-19, Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford.
  4. Bhattacharyya, Sambit, 2016. "The Historical Origins of Poverty in Developing Countries," MPRA Paper 67902, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Nouf Alsharif & Sambit Bhattacharyya & Maurizio Intartaglia, 2016. "Economic Diversification in Resource Rich Countries: Uncovering the State of Knowledge," Working Paper Series 09816, Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School.
  6. Richard Dennis & Pelin Ilbas, 2016. "Monetary and Macroprudential Policy Games in a Monetary," Working Paper Research 304, National Bank of Belgium.
  7. Butcher, Tim & Mumford, Karen A. & Smith, Peter N., 2016. "Workplaces, Low Pay and the Gender Earnings Gap in Britain," IZA Discussion Papers 10453, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).


  1. Rabah Arezki & Sambit Bhattacharyya & Nemera Mamo, 2015. "Resource Discovery and Conflict in Africa: What Do the Data Show?," CSAE Working Paper Series 2015-14, Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford.
  2. Waki, Yuichiro & Dennis, Richard & Fujiwara, Ippei, 2015. "The Optimal Degree of Monetary-Discretion in a New Keynesian Model with Private Information," SIRE Discussion Papers 2015-66, Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE).
  3. Mariotti, Francesco & Mumford, Karen A. & Pena-Boquete, Yolanda, 2015. "Power-Couples and the Colocation Hypothesis Revisited," IZA Discussion Papers 9059, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  4. M. Mitka & K. Mumford & C. Sechel, 2015. "The 10th Royal Economic Society Women’s Committee Survey: The Gender Balance of Academic Economics in the UK," Discussion Papers 15/10, Department of Economics, University of York.


  1. Erlend Berg & Sambit Bhattacharyya & D Rajasekhar & R Manjula, 2014. "Can Public Employment Schemes Increase Equilibrium Wages? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India," The Centre for Market and Public Organisation 14/317, The Centre for Market and Public Organisation, University of Bristol, UK.
  2. Dennis, Richard & Kirsanova, Tatiana, 2014. "Computing Markov-Perfect Optimal Policies in Business-Cycle Models," SIRE Discussion Papers 2015-64, Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE).
  3. Mariotti, Francesco & Mumford, Karen A. & Pena-Boquete, Yolanda, 2014. "Household Asset Holding Diversification in Australia," IZA Discussion Papers 8302, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  4. Geoffrey Brennan & Gordon Menzies & Michael Munger, 2014. "A Brief History of Equality," Working Paper Series 17, Economics Discipline Group, UTS Business School, University of Technology, Sydney.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Jeffrey Williamson, 2013. "Distributional Impact of Commodity Price Shocks: Australia over a Century," CEH Discussion Papers 019, Centre for Economic History, Research School of Economics, Australian National University.
  2. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Budy P. Resosudarmo, 2013. "Growth, Growth Accelerations and the Poor: Lessons from Indonesia," CSAE Working Paper Series 2013-14, Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford.
  3. Richard Dennis & Tatiana Kirsanova, 2013. "Expectations Traps and Coordination Failures with Discretionary Policymaking," ANU Working Papers in Economics and Econometrics 2013-611, Australian National University, College of Business and Economics, School of Economics.
  4. Dennis, Richard, 2013. "Asset Prices, Business Cycles, and Markov-Perfect Fiscal Policy when Agents are Risk-Sensitive," SIRE Discussion Papers 2013-79, Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE).
  5. L.C. Blanco & M. Mitka & K.Mumford & J. Roman, 2013. "The Gender Balance of Academic Economics 2012: Royal Economic Society Women’s Committee Survey," Discussion Papers 13/16, Department of Economics, University of York.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Roland Hodler, 2012. "Media Freedom and Democracy: Complements or Substitutes in the Fight against Corruption?," CSAE Working Paper Series 2012-02, Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford.
  2. Erlend Berg & Sambit Bhattacharyya & Rajasekhar Durgam & Manjula Ramachandra, 2012. "Can Rural Public Works Affect Agricultural Wages? Evidence from India," CSAE Working Paper Series 2012-05, Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford.
  3. Richard Dennis, 2012. "Imperfect Credibility and Robust Monetary Policy," ANU Working Papers in Economics and Econometrics 2012-582, Australian National University, College of Business and Economics, School of Economics.
  4. Chzhen, Yekaterina & Mumford, Karen A. & Nicodemo, Catia, 2012. "The Gender Pay Gap in the Australian Private Sector: Is Selection Relevant across the Wage Distribution?," IZA Discussion Papers 6558, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  5. Mumford, Karen A. & Smith, Peter N., 2012. "Peer Salaries and Employee Satisfaction in the Workplace," IZA Discussion Papers 6673, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  6. Geoffrey Brennan & Michael Brooks, 2012. "Buchanan on Freedom," Economics Working Paper from Condorcet Center for political Economy at CREM-CNRS 2012-10-ccr, Condorcet Center for political Economy.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Paul Collier, 2011. "Public Capital in Resource Rich Economies: Is there a Curse?," CSAE Working Paper Series 2011-14, Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford.
  2. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2011. "Political Origins of Financial Structure," CSAE Working Paper Series 2011-20, Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford.
  3. Bhattacharyya, Sambit, 2011. "Five Centuries of Economic Growth in India: The Institutions Perspective," MPRA Paper 67901, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Roland Hodler, 2010. "Do Natural Resource Revenues Hinder Financial Development? The Role of Political Institutions," CSAE Working Paper Series 2010-40, Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford.
  2. Raghbendra Jha & Sambit Bhattacharyya & Raghav Gaiha, 2010. "Social Safety Nets and Nutrient Deprivation: An Analysis of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Program and the Public Distribution System in India," ASARC Working Papers 2010-04, The Australian National University, Australia South Asia Research Centre.
  3. Richard Dennis & Tatiana Kirsanova, 2010. "Expectations Traps and Coordination Failures:Selecting Among Multiple Discretionary Equilibria," CAMA Working Papers 2010-02, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  4. Almeida-Santos, Filipe & Chzhen, Yekaterina & Mumford, Karen A., 2010. "Employee Training and Wage Dispersion: White and Blue Collar Workers in Britain," IZA Discussion Papers 4821, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  5. Ian W. McLean, 2010. "Responding to Shocks: Australia's Institutions and Policies," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 2010-30, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Jeffrey G. Williamson, 2009. "Commodity Price Shocks and the Australian Economy since Federation," CEPR Discussion Papers 605, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Research School of Economics, Australian National University.
  2. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Raghbendra Jha, 2009. "Economic Growth, Law and Corruption: Evidence from India," ASARC Working Papers 2009-15, The Australian National University, Australia South Asia Research Centre.
  3. Richard Dennis, 2009. "Model uncertainty and monetary policy," CAMA Working Papers 2009-04, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  4. Drolet, Marie & Mumford, Karen A., 2009. "The Gender Pay Gap for Private Sector Employees in Canada and Britain," IZA Discussion Papers 3957, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  5. Chzhen, Yekaterina & Mumford, Karen A., 2009. "Gender Gaps across the Earnings Distribution in Britain: Are Women Bossy Enough?," IZA Discussion Papers 4331, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  6. Prayaga, Prabha & Rolfe, John & Stoeckl, Natalie, 2009. "The value of recreational fishing along the Capricorn Coast: A pooled revealed preference and contingent behaviour model," 2009 Conference (53rd), February 11-13, 2009, Cairns, Australia 48059, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Roland Hodler, 2008. "Natural Resources, Democracy and Corruption," Department of Economics - Working Papers Series 1047, The University of Melbourne.
  2. Raghbendra Jha & Sambit Bhattacharyya & Raghav Gaiha & Shylashri Shankar, 2008. "Capture of Anti-Poverty Programs: An Analysis of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Program in India," ASARC Working Papers 2008-07, The Australian National University, Australia South Asia Research Centre.
  3. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2008. "Trade Liberalization And Institutional Development," Departmental Working Papers 2008-13, The Australian National University, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics.
  4. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2008. "Unbundled Institutions, Human Capital and Growth," Departmental Working Papers 2008-14, The Australian National University, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics.
  5. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2008. "Institutions, Diseases and Economic Progress: A Unified Framework," Departmental Working Papers 2008-15, The Australian National University, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics.
  6. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2008. "Root Causes of African Underdevelopment," Departmental Working Papers 2008-16, The Australian National University, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics.
  7. Richard Dennis, 2008. "The Frequency Of Price Adjustment And New Keynesian Business Cycle Dynamics," CAMA Working Papers 2008-19, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
  8. Richard Dennis, 2008. "Timeless perspective policymaking: When is discretion superior?," Working Paper Series 2008-21, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
  9. Richard Dennis, 2008. "Consumption-habits in a new Keynesian business cycle model," Working Paper Series 2008-35, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Steve Dowrick & Jane Golley, 2007. "Institutions and Trade: Competitors or Complements in Economic Development?," DEGIT Conference Papers c012_005, DEGIT, Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade.
  2. Söderström, Ulf & Leitemo, Kai & ,, 2007. "Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy with a Preference for Robustness," CEPR Discussion Papers 6067, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  3. Richard Dennis & Federico Ravenna, 2007. "Learning and optimal monetary policy," Working Paper Series 2007-19, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
  4. Chatterji, Monojit & Mumford, Karen A., 2007. "The Public-Private Sector Wage Differential for Full-Time Male Employees in Britain: A Preliminary Analysis," IZA Discussion Papers 2781, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  5. Mumford, Karen A. & Smith, Peter N., 2007. "Assessing the Importance of Male and Female Part-Time Work for the Gender Earnings Gap in Britain," IZA Discussion Papers 2981, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  6. Chatterji, Monojit & Mumford, Karen A. & Smith, Peter N., 2007. "The Public-Private Sector Gender Wage Differential: Evidence from Matched Employee-Workplace Data," IZA Discussion Papers 3158, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  7. Monojit Chatterji & Karen Mumford, 2007. "Flying High and Laying Low in the Public and Private Sectors: A Comparison of Pay Differentials for Full-Time Male Employees in Britain," Dundee Discussion Papers in Economics 209, Economic Studies, University of Dundee.
  8. Monojit Chatterji & Karen Mumford & Peter N Smith, 2007. "The Public-Private Sector Wage Differential: Gender, Workplaces and Family Friendliness," Dundee Discussion Papers in Economics 202, Economic Studies, University of Dundee.
  9. Ian McLean, 2007. "Might Australia Have Failed? Endowments, Institutions and Contingency," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 2007-04, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.


  1. Söderström, Ulf & Leitemo, Kai & ,, 2006. "Methods for Robust Control," CEPR Discussion Papers 5638, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  2. Richard Dennis & Kai Leitemo & Ulf Söderström, 2006. "Monetary Policy and Model Uncertainty in a Small Open Economy," Computing in Economics and Finance 2006 14, Society for Computational Economics.
  3. Daly, Anne & Kawaguchi, Akira & Meng, Xin & Mumford, Karen A., 2006. "The Gender Wage Gap in Four Countries," IZA Discussion Papers 1921, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  4. Almeida-Santos, Filipe & Mumford, Karen A., 2006. "Employee Training, Wage Dispersion and Equality in Britain," IZA Discussion Papers 2276, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  5. Jin, Han & Zhang-Yue, Zhou & Stoeckl, Natalie, 2006. "Achieving Sustainable Development in Poverty-Stricken Mountainous Areas in Rural China: Issues and Countermeasures," 2006 Conference (50th), February 8-10, 2006, Sydney, Australia 139786, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society.


  1. Richard Dennis, 2005. "Robust control with commitment: a modification to Hansen-Sargent," Working Paper Series 2005-20, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
  2. Budd, John W. & Mumford, Karen A., 2005. "Family-Friendly Work Practices in Britain: Availability and Perceived Accessibility," IZA Discussion Papers 1662, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  3. Parera-Nicolau, Antonia & Mumford, Karen A., 2005. "Labour Supply and Childcare for British Mothers in Two-Parent Families: A Structural Approach," IZA Discussion Papers 1908, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  4. Ian W. McLean, 2005. "Why Was Australia So Rich?," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 2005-11, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
  5. Ian W. McLean, 2005. "Recovery from Depression: Australia in an Argentine Mirror: 1895-1913," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 2005-19, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
  6. Geoffrey Brennan & Werner Güth & Luis G. Gonzalez & M. Vittoria Levati, 2005. "Attitudes toward Private and Collective Risks in Individual and Strategic Choice Situations," Papers on Strategic Interaction 2005-22, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Strategic Interaction Group.


  1. Richard Dennis, 2004. "New Keynesian Optimal-Policy Models: An Empirical Assessment," Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2004 152, Royal Economic Society.
  2. federico ravenna & richard dennis, 2004. "learning optimal monetary policies," Econometric Society 2004 North American Summer Meetings 626, Econometric Society.
  3. Richard Dennis, 2004. "Specifying and estimating New Keynesian models with instrument rules and optimal monetary policies," Working Paper Series 2004-17, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
  4. Mumford, Karen A. & Smith, Peter N., 2004. "The Gender Earnings Gap in Britain," IZA Discussion Papers 1109, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  5. Mumford, Karen A. & Smith, Peter N., 2004. "Job Tenure in Britain: Employee Characteristics Versus Workplace Effects," IZA Discussion Papers 1085, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  6. Almeida-Santos, Filipe & Mumford, Karen A., 2004. "Employee Training and Wage Compression in Britain," IZA Discussion Papers 1197, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  7. Ian W. McLean, 2004. "Australian Economic Growth in Historical Perspective," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 2004-01, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
  8. Greiner, Romy & Stoeckl, Natalie & Schweigert, Roman, 2004. "Estimating community benefits from tourism: The case of Carpentaria Shire," 2004 Conference (48th), February 11-13, 2004, Melbourne, Australia 58455, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society.
  9. Geoffrey Brennan & Werner Güth & Hartmut Kliemt, 2004. "Approximate Truth in Economic Modelling," Papers on Strategic Interaction 2004-38, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Strategic Interaction Group.


  1. Richard Dennis, 2003. "Inferring policy objectives from economic outcomes," Working Paper Series 2003-05, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.


  1. Richard Dennis & Ulf Soderstrom, 2002. "How important is precommitment for monetary policy?," Working Paper Series 2002-10, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
  2. Richard Dennis, 2002. "Exploring the role of the real exchange rate in Australian monetary policy," Working Paper Series 2002-19, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
  3. Geoffrey Brennan & Jonathan Pincus, 2002. "From the Australian Settlement to Microeconomic Reform: the Change in Twentieth Century Policy Regimes," Centre for International Economic Studies Working Papers 2002-13, University of Adelaide, Centre for International Economic Studies.


  1. Richard Dennis, 2001. "The policy preferences of the U.S. Federal Reserve," Working Paper Series 2001-08, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
  2. Richard Dennis, 2001. "Optimal policy in rational-expectations models: new solution algorithms," Working Paper Series 2001-09, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
  3. Richard Dennis, 2001. "Pre-commitment, the timeless perspective, and policymaking from behind a veil of uncertainty," Working Paper Series 2001-19, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
  4. Kris James Mitchener & Ian W. McLean, 2001. "The Productivity of U.S. States Since 1880," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 2001-08, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
  5. Ian W. McLean & Alan M. Taylor, 2001. "Australian growth: a California perspective," Pacific Basin Working Paper Series 2001-06, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.


  1. Richard Dennis, 2000. "Instability under nominal GDP targeting: the role of expectations," Working Paper Series 2000-09, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
  2. Richard Dennis, 2000. "Steps toward identifying central bank policy preferences," Working Paper Series 2000-13, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
  3. Richard Dennis, 2000. "Solving for optimal simple rules in rational expectations models," Working Paper Series 2000-14, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
  4. Richard Dennis, 2000. "Optimal simple targeting rules for small open economies," Working Paper Series 2000-20, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.


  1. Dennis, R., 1999. "Conditionally Optimal Rules in a Simple Closed Economy Model Under Discretion and Commitment," Papers 361, Australian National University - Department of Economics.
  2. Dennis, R., 1999. "Optimal and Conditionallly Optimal Targeting Rules for Small Open Economies," Papers 362, Australian National University - Department of Economics.


  1. Kris J. Mitchener & Ian W. McLean, 1998. "U.S. Regional Growth and Convergence, 1880-1980," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1998-04, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
  2. Geoffrey Brennan & Jonathan Pincus, 1998. "Is Vertical Fiscal Imbalance so Inefficient? or, The Flypaper Effect is not an Anomaly," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1998-06, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.


  1. Richard Dennis, 1997. "A measure of monetary conditions," Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series G97/1, Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
  2. Karen Mumford & P Smith, 1997. "Job Reallocation: Theory and Workplace Evidence," CEP Discussion Papers dp0360, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE.
  3. Michael S. Common & Tim Bull & Natalie Stoeckl, 1997. "The Travel Cost Method: an Empirical Investigation of Randall's Difficulty," Working Papers in Ecological Economics 9705, Australian National University, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Ecological Economics Program.
  4. Brennan, G. & Güth, W. & Kliemt, H., 1997. "Trust in the Shadow of the Courts," Discussion Paper 1997-89, Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research.
  5. Brennan, Geoffrey & Güth, Werner & Kliemt, Hartmut, 1997. "Trust in the shadow of the courts if judges are no better," SFB 373 Discussion Papers 1997,44, Humboldt University of Berlin, Interdisciplinary Research Project 373: Quantification and Simulation of Economic Processes.


  1. Brennan, G., 1996. "The Economic of Politics and the Politics of Economics," Papers 1996-1, Tasmania - Department of Economics.


  1. Geoffrey Brennan & Jonathan Pincus, 1995. "A Minimalist Model of Federal Grants and Flypaper Effects," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1995-01, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.


  1. Ian W. McLean & Stephen J. Woodland, 1992. "Consumer Prices in Australia 1850-1914," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1992-04, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.


  1. Barry Eichengreen & Ian W. McLean, 1991. "The Supply of Gold Under the Pre-1914 Gold Standard," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1991-03, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
  2. Ian W. McLean, 1991. "Saving in Settler Economies: Australian and North American Comparisons," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1991-07, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
  3. Ian W. McLean & Stephen J. Woodland, 1991. "Trends in the Composition of Consumer Expenditure: Australia 1854-1913," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1991-08, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
  4. Brennan, G. & Teal, F., 1991. "Academic Research Productivity: Are Economists Paid Their Marginal Product?," CEPR Discussion Papers 254, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Research School of Economics, Australian National University.


  1. Karen Mumford & Steve Dowrick, 1990. "Wage Bargaining with Endogenous Profits, Overtime Working and Heterogeneous Labor," Working Papers 657, Princeton University, Department of Economics, Industrial Relations Section..


  1. Ian W. McLean, 1988. "The Distributional Impact of the Depression in the United States," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1988-04, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
  2. Ian W. McLean, 1988. "Growth in a Small Open Economy: A Historical View," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1988-05, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.


  1. Ian W. McLean, 1987. "Unequal Sacrifice, Distributional Aspects of Depression and Recovery in Australia," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1987-09, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.


  1. Ian W. McLean & Sue Richardson, 1985. "More or Less Equal? Australian Income Distribution Since 1933," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1985-04, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.


  1. Ian W. McLean, 1984. "Economic Wellbeing: Living Standards and Inequality Since 1900," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1984-08, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.


  1. Ian W. McLean, 1980. "Risk and Crop-Mix Choice in Kansas, 1874-1914," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1980-06, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
  2. Geoffrey Brennan & Dwight Lee & Cliff Walsh, 1980. "Uniform All-Or-None Pricing of Public Goods," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1980-05, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.
  3. Geoffrey Brennan & Cliff Walsh, 1980. "A Problem in the Interpretation of the Contractarian Position: The Impossibility of a Paretian Paretian," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1980-07, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.


  1. Ian W. McLean, 1979. "The Analysis of Agricultural Productivity: Alternative Views and Victorian Evidence," School of Economics and Public Policy Working Papers 1979-04, University of Adelaide, School of Economics and Public Policy.


  1. Karen Mumford, "undated". "The Gender Balance of Academic Economics in the UK," Discussion Papers 97/21, Department of Economics, University of York.
  2. Karen Mumford & Peter N. Smith, "undated". "Job Tenure in Australia and Britain: Individual Versus Workplace effects," Discussion Papers 00/16, Department of Economics, University of York.
  3. John Budd & Karen Mumford, "undated". "Family-Friendly Work Practices in Britain: Availability and Awareness," Discussion Papers 02/01, Department of Economics, University of York.
  4. Sarah Bridges & Karen Mumford, "undated". "Absenteeism in the UK: A Comparison Across Genders," Discussion Papers 00/12, Department of Economics, University of York.
  5. Karen Mumford & Peter N. Smith, "undated". "Job Reallocation and Average Job Tenure: Theory and Workplace Evidence From Australia," Discussion Papers 00/01, Department of Economics, University of York.
  6. Karen Mumford & Peter N Smith, "undated". "Men, Women and the Hiring Function," Discussion Papers 99/16, Department of Economics, University of York.
  7. Karen Mumford & Antonia Parera-Nicolau, "undated". "The Labor Force Participation of Married Mothers in Spain and Britain," Discussion Papers 01/10, Department of Economics, University of York.
  8. Karen Mumford & Peter N. Smith, "undated". "The Hiring Function Reconsidered: On Closing The Circle," Discussion Papers 96/45, Department of Economics, University of York.
  9. Yuxin Li & Karen Mumford, "undated". "Aspirations, Expectations and Education Outcomes for Children in Britain: Considering Relative Measures of Family Efficiency," Discussion Papers 09/26, Department of Economics, University of York.
  10. Karen Mumford, "undated". "Royal Economic Society Women’s Committee Survey on the Gender and Ethnic Balance of Academic Economics 2008," Discussion Papers 09/29, Department of Economics, University of York.
  11. Laura C. Blanco & Karen Mumford, "undated". "Royal Economic Society Women’s Committee Survey on the Gender and Ethnic Balance of Academic Economics 2010," Discussion Papers 11/19, Department of Economics, University of York.
  12. John W. Budd & Karen Mumford, "undated". "Trade Unions and Family Friendly Policies in Britain," Working Papers 0302, Human Resources and Labor Studies, University of Minnesota (Twin Cities Campus).

Journal articles


  1. Nouf Alsharif & Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2024. "Oil discovery, boom‐bust cycle and manufacturing slowdown: Evidence from a large industry level dataset," Review of Development Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 28(2), pages 406-431, May.
  2. Dennis, Richard, 2024. "Using a hyperbolic cross to solve non-linear macroeconomic models," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 163(C).


  1. Dennis, Richard & Ilbas, Pelin, 2023. "Monetary and macroprudential policy interactions in a model of the euro area," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 154(C).
  2. Stoeckl, Natalie & Dodd, Aaron & Kompas, Tom, 2023. "The monetary value of 16 services protected by the Australian National Biosecurity System: Spatially explicit estimates and vulnerability to incursions," Ecosystem Services, Elsevier, vol. 60(C).
  3. Glenn Finau & Diane Jarvis & Natalie Stoeckl & Silva Larson & Daniel Grainger & Michael Douglas & Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation & Ryan Barrowei & Bessie Coleman & David Groves & Joshua Hunter & Maria, 2023. "Accounting for Indigenous cultural connections to land: insights from two Indigenous groups of Australia," Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 36(9), pages 370-389, August.
  4. Cross, Jamie L. & Hou, Chenghan & Koop, Gary & Poon, Aubrey, 2023. "Large stochastic volatility in mean VARs," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 236(1).
  5. Knut Are Aastveit & Jamie L. Cross & Herman K. van Dijk, 2023. "Quantifying Time-Varying Forecast Uncertainty and Risk for the Real Price of Oil," Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 41(2), pages 523-537, April.
  6. Knut Are Aastveit & Hilde C. Bjørnland & Jamie L. Cross, 2023. "Inflation Expectations and the Pass-Through of Oil Prices," The Review of Economics and Statistics, MIT Press, vol. 105(3), pages 733-743, May.


  1. Dennis, Richard, 2022. "Computing time-consistent equilibria: A perturbation approach," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 137(C).
  2. Richard McManus & Karen Mumford & Cristina Sechel, 2022. "Measuring research excellence amongst economics lecturers in the UK," Bulletin of Economic Research, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 74(2), pages 386-404, April.
  3. Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt, 2022. "An Albertian View of Buchanan’s Contractarianism," Homo Oeconomicus: Journal of Behavioral and Institutional Economics, Springer, vol. 39(1), pages 69-82, October.
  4. Jamie L. Cross & Bao H. Nguyen & Trung Duc Tran, 2022. "The role of precautionary and speculative demand in the global market for crude oil," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 37(5), pages 882-895, August.
  5. Na Guo & Bo Zhang & Jamie L. Cross, 2022. "Time‐varying trend models for forecasting inflation in Australia," Journal of Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 41(2), pages 316-330, March.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Michael Keller, 2021. "Resource Discovery and the Political Fortunes of National Leaders," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 88(349), pages 129-166, January.
  2. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2021. "Commodity boom‐bust cycles and the resource curse in Australia: 1900 to 2007," Australian Economic History Review, Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand, vol. 61(2), pages 186-203, July.
  3. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Maurizio Intartaglia, 2021. "Foreign aid network diversification and its impact on growth, growth acceleration, and growth spell," Review of Development Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 25(3), pages 1216-1242, August.
  4. Jarvis, Diane & Stoeckl, Natalie & Larson, Silva & Grainger, Daniel & Addison, Jane & Larson, Anna, 2021. "The Learning Generated Through Indigenous Natural Resources Management Programs Increases Quality of Life for Indigenous People – Improving Numerous Contributors to Wellbeing," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 180(C).
  5. Stoeckl, Natalie & Jarvis, Diane & Larson, Silva & Larson, Anna & Grainger, Daniel & Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation,, 2021. "Australian Indigenous insights into ecosystem services: Beyond services towards connectedness – People, place and time," Ecosystem Services, Elsevier, vol. 50(C).
  6. Stoeckl, Natalie & Condie, Scott & Anthony, Ken, 2021. "Assessing changes to ecosystem service values at large geographic scale: A case study for Australia’s Great Barrier Reef," Ecosystem Services, Elsevier, vol. 51(C).
  7. Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt, 2021. "Sugden’s community of advantage," Journal of Economic Methodology, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 28(4), pages 374-384, October.
  8. Cross, Jamie L. & Hou, Chenghan & Trinh, Kelly, 2021. "Returns, volatility and the cryptocurrency bubble of 2017–18," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 104(C).
  9. Cross, Jamie L. & Hou, Chenghan & Nguyen, Bao H., 2021. "On the China factor in the world oil market: A regime switching approach11We thank Hilde Bjørnland, Tatsuyoshi Okimoto, Ippei Fujiwara, Knut Aastveit, Leif Anders Thorsrud, Francesco Ravazzolo, Renee ," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 95(C).


  1. Karen Mumford & Cristina Sechel, 2020. "Pay and Job Rank among Academic Economists in the UK: Is Gender Relevant?," British Journal of Industrial Relations, London School of Economics, vol. 58(1), pages 82-113, March.
  2. Karen Mumford & Antonia Parera‐Nicolau & Yolanda Pena‐Boquete, 2020. "Labour Supply and Childcare: Allowing Both Parents to Choose," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 82(3), pages 577-602, June.
  3. Cross, Jamie L. & Hou, Chenghan & Poon, Aubrey, 2020. "Macroeconomic forecasting with large Bayesian VARs: Global-local priors and the illusion of sparsity," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 36(3), pages 899-915.
  4. Zhang, Bo & Chan, Joshua C.C. & Cross, Jamie L., 2020. "Stochastic volatility models with ARMA innovations: An application to G7 inflation forecasts," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 36(4), pages 1318-1328.
  5. Jamie L. Cross & Aubrey Poon, 2020. "On the contribution of international shocks in Australian business cycle fluctuations," Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 59(6), pages 2613-2637, December.


  1. Nouf Alsharif & Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2019. "Oil Discovery, Political Institutions and Economic Diversification," Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Scottish Economic Society, vol. 66(3), pages 459-488, July.
  2. Mamo, Nemera & Bhattacharyya, Sambit & Moradi, Alexander, 2019. "Intensive and extensive margins of mining and development: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 139(C), pages 28-49.
  3. Mumford, Karen & Sechel, Cristina, 2019. "Job satisfaction amongst academic economists in the UK," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 182(C), pages 55-58.
  4. Grainger, Daniel & Stoeckl, Natalie, 2019. "The importance of social learning for non-market valuation," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 164(C), pages 1-1.
  5. Li, Qian & Stoeckl, Natalie & King, David, 2019. "Using the life-satisfaction approach to quantify the complex inter-related impacts of coal mining on host communities: A case study in Shanxi, China," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 62(C), pages 305-316.
  6. Addison, Jane & Stoeckl, Natalie & Larson, Silva & Jarvis, Diane & Bidan Aboriginal Corporation, & Bunuba Dawangarri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC, & Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC, & Gooniyandi , 2019. "The ability of community based natural resource management to contribute to development as freedom and the role of access," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 120(C), pages 91-104.
  7. Silva Larson & Natalie Stoeckl & Diane Jarvis & Jane Addison & Daniel Grainger & Felecia Watkin Lui & Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation & Bunuba Dawangarri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC & Ewamian Aborig, 2019. "Indigenous Land and Sea Management Programs (ILSMPs) Enhance the Wellbeing of Indigenous Australians," IJERPH, MDPI, vol. 17(1), pages 1-15, December.
  8. Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt, 2019. "Buchanan@100: Special Issue in Honor of James M. Buchanan," Homo Oeconomicus: Journal of Behavioral and Institutional Economics, Springer, vol. 36(1), pages 1-5, October.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Maurizio Intartaglia & Andy McKay, 2018. "Does energy‐related aid affect emissions? Evidence from a global dataset," Review of Development Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 22(3), pages 1166-1194, August.
  2. Maurizio Intartaglia & Andreas Antoniades & Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2018. "Unbundled debt and economic growth in developed and developing economies: An empirical analysis," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 41(12), pages 3345-3358, December.
  3. Berg, Erlend & Bhattacharyya, Sambit & Rajasekhar, D. & Manjula, R., 2018. "Can public works increase equilibrium wages? Evidence from India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 103(C), pages 239-254.
  4. Waki, Yuichiro & Dennis, Richard & Fujiwara, Ippei, 2018. "The optimal degree of monetary-discretion in a New Keynesian model with private information," Theoretical Economics, Econometric Society, vol. 13(3), September.
  5. Richard Dennis & Tatiana Kirsanova, 2018. "Equilibrium Coordination with Discretionary Policy Making," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 128(609), pages 710-727, March.
  6. Stoeckl, Natalie & Hicks, Christina & Farr, Marina & Grainger, Daniel & Esparon, Michelle & Thomas, Joseph & Larson, Silva, 2018. "The Crowding Out of Complex Social Goods," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 144(C), pages 65-72.
  7. Farr, Marina & Stoeckl, Natalie, 2018. "Overoptimism and the undervaluation of ecosystem services: A case-study of recreational fishing in Townsville, adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef," Ecosystem Services, Elsevier, vol. 31(PC), pages 433-444.
  8. Qian Li & Natalie Stoeckl & David King & Emma Gyuris, 2018. "Using Both Objective and Subjective Indicators to Investigate the Impacts of Coal Mining on Wellbeing of Host Communities: A Case-Study in Shanxi Province, China," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Springer, vol. 137(3), pages 895-921, June.


  1. Bhattacharyya, Sambit & Conradie, Louis & Arezki, Rabah, 2017. "Resource discovery and the politics of fiscal decentralization," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 45(2), pages 366-382.
  2. Alsharif, Nouf & Bhattacharyya, Sambit & Intartaglia, Maurizio, 2017. "Economic diversification in resource rich countries: History, state of knowledge and research agenda," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 52(C), pages 154-164.
  3. Francesco Mariotti & Karen Mumford & Yolanda Pena-Boquete, 2017. "Education, job insecurity and the within country migration of couples," IZA Journal of Migration and Development, Springer;Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH (IZA), vol. 6(1), pages 1-18, December.
  4. Jarvis, Diane & Stoeckl, Natalie & Liu, Hong-Bo, 2017. "New methods for valuing, and for identifying spatial variations, in cultural services: A case study of the Great Barrier Reef," Ecosystem Services, Elsevier, vol. 24(C), pages 58-67.
  5. Li, Qian & Stoeckl, Natalie & King, David & Gyuris, Emma, 2017. "Exploring the impacts of coal mining on host communities in Shanxi, China – using subjective data," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 53(C), pages 125-134.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Anke Hoeffler & Henrik Hansen & Andy McKay & David Stifel, 2016. "Introduction to First Set of Papers Accepted by the New Editorial Team," Review of Development Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 20(3), pages 635-636, August.
  2. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Jeffrey G. Williamson, 2016. "Distributional Consequences of Commodity Price Shocks: Australia Over A Century," Review of Income and Wealth, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, vol. 62(2), pages 223-244, June.
  3. Dennis, Richard & Kirsanova, Tatiana, 2016. "Computing Markov-Perfect Optimal Policies In Business-Cycle Models," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 20(7), pages 1850-1872, October.
  4. Francesco Mariotti & Maria Dickson & Karen Mumford & Yolanda Pena-Boquete, 2016. "Job Insecurity Within the Household: Are Australian Householders Caring When it Comes to Risk Sharing?," Australian Journal of Labour Economics (AJLE), Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC), Curtin Business School, vol. 19(2), pages 77-90.
  5. Chaiechi, Taha & Stoeckl, Natalie & Jarvis, Diane & Lewis, Stephen & Brodie, Jon, 2016. "Assessing the impact of price changes and extreme climatic events on sediment loads in a large river catchment near the Great Barrier Reef," Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, vol. 60(3), July.
  6. Jarvis, Diane & Stoeckl, Natalie & Liu, Hong-Bo, 2016. "The impact of economic, social and environmental factors on trip satisfaction and the likelihood of visitors returning," Tourism Management, Elsevier, vol. 52(C), pages 1-18.
  7. Marina Farr & Natalie Stoeckl & Michelle Esparon & Silva Larson & Diane Jarvis, 2016. "The Importance of Water Clarity to Great Barrier Reef Tourists and Their Willingness to Pay to Improve it," Tourism Economics, , vol. 22(2), pages 331-352, April.
  8. Putu Liza Kusuma Mustika & Natalie Stoeckl & Marina Farr, 2016. "The potential implications of environmental deterioration on business and non-business visitor expenditures in a natural setting," Tourism Economics, , vol. 22(3), pages 484-504, June.
  9. Mary Lavelle & Duncan Stewart & Karen James & Michelle Richardson & Laoise Renwick & Geoffrey Brennan & Len Bowers, 2016. "Predictors of effective de‐escalation in acute inpatient psychiatric settings," Journal of Clinical Nursing, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 25(15-16), pages 2180-2188, August.


  1. Bhattacharyya, Sambit & Hodler, Roland, 2015. "Media freedom and democracy in the fight against corruption," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 39(C), pages 13-24.
  2. Bhattacharyya, Sambit & Resosudarmo, Budy P., 2015. "Growth, Growth Accelerations, and the Poor: Lessons from Indonesia," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 66(C), pages 154-165.
  3. Karen Mumford & Peter N. Smith, 2015. "Peer Salaries and Gender Differences in Job Satisfaction in the Workplace," Manchester School, University of Manchester, vol. 83(3), pages 307-313, June.
  4. Francesco Mariotti & Karen Mumford & Yolanda Pena-Boquete, 2015. "Household Asset-Holding Diversification in Australia," Australian Economic Review, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, vol. 48(1), pages 43-64, March.
  5. GC Harcourt & Karen A Mumford & Barbara Spencer & Bruce Chapman & Maria Racionero, 2015. "Steven Dowrick 7 May 1953–3 August 2013: tributes," The Economic and Labour Relations Review, , vol. 26(4), pages 681-684, December.
  6. Geoffrey Brennan, 2015. "Buchanan’s anti-conservatism," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 163(1), pages 7-13, April.
  7. Geoffrey Brennan, 2015. "Olson and imperceptible differences: the Tuck critique," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 164(3), pages 235-250, September.


  1. Bhattacharyya, Sambit & Hodler, Roland, 2014. "Do Natural Resource Revenues Hinder Financial Development? The Role of Political Institutions," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 57(C), pages 101-113.
  2. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Paul Collier, 2014. "Public capital in resource rich economies: is there a curse?," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 66(1), pages 1-24, January.
  3. Dennis, Richard, 2014. "Imperfect credibility and robust monetary policy," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 44(C), pages 218-234.
  4. Natalie Stoeckl & Michelle Esparon & Marina Farr & Aurélie Delisle & Owen Stanley, 2014. "The great asymmetric divide: An empirical investigation of the link between indigenous and non-indigenous economic systems in Northern Australia," Papers in Regional Science, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 93(4), pages 783-801, November.
  5. Stoeckl, Natalie & Farr, Marina & Larson, Silva & Adams, Vanessa M. & Kubiszewski, Ida & Esparon, Michelle & Costanza, Robert, 2014. "A new approach to the problem of overlapping values: A case study in Australia׳s Great Barrier Reef," Ecosystem Services, Elsevier, vol. 10(C), pages 61-78.
  6. Farr, Marina & Stoeckl, Natalie & Alam Beg, Rabiul, 2014. "The non-consumptive (tourism) ‘value’ of marine species in the Northern section of the Great Barrier Reef," Marine Policy, Elsevier, vol. 43(C), pages 89-103.
  7. Farr, Marina & Stoeckl, Natalie & Sutton, Stephen, 2014. "Recreational fishing and boating: Are the determinants the same?," Marine Policy, Elsevier, vol. 47(C), pages 126-137.
  8. Vanessa M Adams & Robert L Pressey & Natalie Stoeckl, 2014. "Estimating Landholders’ Probability of Participating in a Stewardship Program, and the Implications for Spatial Conservation Priorities," PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, vol. 9(6), pages 1-12, June.
  9. Brennan Geoffrey, 2014. "Hayek’s Conservatism: The Possibility of a Conservative Liberal," ORDO. Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, De Gruyter, vol. 65(1), pages 331-344, January.
  10. Brennan Geoffrey, 2014. "„Für Ökonomen muss alles auf eine einzige Leinwand passen“: Ein Gespräch mit Geoffrey Brennan über Sinn und Wirkung von wirtschaftspolitischen Spielregeln, die Verhaltensmotive von Bürgern und Politik," Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, De Gruyter, vol. 15(4), pages 334-345, December.
  11. Geoffrey Brennan, 2014. "The reason for ‘The Reason of Rules’," Constitutional Political Economy, Springer, vol. 25(1), pages 103-109, March.
  12. Geoffrey Brennan & Paul Oslington & John Lodewijks & Tony Aspromourgos & Geoffrey Brennan, 2014. "HET: A Double Lament," History of Economics Review, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 60(1), pages 50-63, June.


  1. Bhattacharyya, Sambit, 2013. "Political origins of financial structure," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 41(4), pages 979-994.
  2. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Raghbendra Jha, 2013. "Economic Growth, Law, and Corruption: Evidence from India," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 55(2), pages 287-313, June.
  3. Richard Dennis, 2013. "Macroeconomic Theory: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach , 2nd edn , by Michael Wickens ( Princeton University Press , Princeton, NJ , 2011 ), pp. xvii + 616 front matter ," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 89(285), pages 275-276, June.
  4. Yekaterina Chzhen & Karen Mumford & Catia Nicodemo, 2013. "The Gender Pay Gap in the Australian Private Sector: Is Selection Relevant Across the Earnings Distribution?," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 89(286), pages 367-381, September.
  5. Larson, Silva & Stoeckl, Natalie & Neil, Barbara & Welters, Riccardo, 2013. "Using resident perceptions of values associated with the Australian Tropical Rivers to identify policy and management priorities," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 94(C), pages 9-18.
  6. Kristen Corrie & Natalie Stoeckl & Taha Chaiechi, 2013. "Tourism and Economic Growth in Australia: An Empirical Investigation of Causal Links," Tourism Economics, , vol. 19(6), pages 1317-1344, December.
  7. Geoffrey Brennan & Alan Hamlin, 2013. "Conservatism and radicalism," Constitutional Political Economy, Springer, vol. 24(2), pages 173-176, June.
  8. Geoffrey Brennan, 2013. "James Buchanan: in memoriam," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 156(1), pages 1-5, July.


  1. Bhattacharyya, Sambit, 2012. "Trade liberalization and institutional development," Journal of Policy Modeling, Elsevier, vol. 34(2), pages 253-269.
  2. Marie Drolet & Karen Mumford, 2012. "The Gender Pay Gap for Private-Sector Employees in Canada and Britain," British Journal of Industrial Relations, London School of Economics, vol. 50(3), pages 529-553, September.
  3. Karen Mumford & Monojit Chatterji, 2012. "Flying High and Laying Low in the Public and Private Sectors: A Comparison of Pay Differentials for Male, Full-Time Employees," Australian Journal of Labour Economics (AJLE), Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC), Curtin Business School, vol. 15(3), pages 235-259.
  4. Natalie Stoeckl, 2012. "Comparing Multipliers from Survey and Non-Survey Based IO Models," International Regional Science Review, , vol. 35(4), pages 367-388, October.
  5. Geoffrey Brennan, 2012. "The political economy of public debt," Constitutional Political Economy, Springer, vol. 23(3), pages 182-198, September.
  6. Geoffrey Brennan, 2012. "Politics-as-exchange and The Calculus of Consent," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 152(3), pages 351-358, September.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Timothy J. Hatton, 2011. "Australian Unemployment in the Long Run, 1903–2007," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 87(277), pages 202-220, June.
  2. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Jeffrey G. Williamson, 2011. "Commodity Price Shocks And The Australian Economy Since Federation," Australian Economic History Review, Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand, vol. 51(2), pages 150-177, July.
  3. Jha, Raghbendra & Bhattacharyya, Sambit & Gaiha, Raghav, 2011. "Social safety nets and nutrient deprivation: An analysis of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Program and the Public Distribution System in India," Journal of Asian Economics, Elsevier, vol. 22(2), pages 189-201, April.
  4. Raghbendra Jha & Sambit Bhattacharyya & Raghav Gaiha, 2011. "Temporal variation of capture of anti-poverty programs: rural public works and food for work programs in rural India," International Review of Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 25(3), pages 349-362.
  5. Monojit Chatterji & Karen Mumford & Peter Smith, 2011. "The public-private sector gender wage differential in Britain: evidence from matched employee-workplace data," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 43(26), pages 3819-3833.
  6. Chzhen, Yekaterina & Mumford, Karen, 2011. "Gender gaps across the earnings distribution for full-time employees in Britain: Allowing for sample selection," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 18(6), pages 837-844.
  7. Farr, Marina & Stoeckl, Natalie & Beg, Rabiul Alam, 2011. "The efficiency of the Environmental Management Charge in the Cairns management area of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park," Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, vol. 55(3), pages 1-20, September.
  8. Brennan, Geoffrey & Brooks, Michael, 2011. "On the ‘cashing out’ hypothesis and ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ policies," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 27(4), pages 601-610.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2010. "Africa’s Turn," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 86(272), pages 133-134, March.
  2. Bhattacharyya, Sambit & Hodler, Roland, 2010. "Natural resources, democracy and corruption," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 54(4), pages 608-621, May.
  3. Dennis, Richard, 2010. "When is discretion superior to timeless perspective policymaking?," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 57(3), pages 266-277, April.
  4. Dennis, Richard, 2010. "How robustness can lower the cost of discretion," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 57(6), pages 653-667, September.
  5. Richard Dennis, 2010. "The “inflation” in inflation targeting," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue jun7.
  6. Prayaga, Prabha & Rolfe, John & Stoeckl, Natalie, 2010. "The value of recreational fishing in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia: A pooled revealed preference and contingent behaviour model," Marine Policy, Elsevier, vol. 34(2), pages 244-251, March.
  7. Natalie Stoeckl & Alastair Birtles & Marina Farr & Arnold Mangott & Matthew Curnock & Peter Valentine, 2010. "Live-Aboard Dive Boats in the Great Barrier Reef: Regional Economic Impact and the Relative Values of Their Target Marine Species," Tourism Economics, , vol. 16(4), pages 995-1018, December.
  8. Brennan, Geoffrey, 2010. "Notes- Climate hopes: pious and otherwise," Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, vol. 54(1), pages 1-3.
  9. Geoffrey Brennan, 2010. "Climate hopes: pious and otherwise," Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, vol. 54(1), pages 5-7, January.
  10. Brennan Geoffrey & Eusepi Giuseppe, 2010. "Introduction: Ex Uno Plures. Welfare Without Illusion," Review of Law & Economics, De Gruyter, vol. 6(3), pages 325-328, December.
  11. Brennan Geoffrey & Pincus Jonathan J., 2010. "Fiscal Equity In Federal Systems," Review of Law & Economics, De Gruyter, vol. 6(3), pages 347-363, December.
  12. Geoffrey Brennan & Alan Hamlin & Hartmut Kliemt, 2010. "PPE: An appraisal," Politics, Philosophy & Economics, , vol. 9(4), pages 363-365, November.
  13. Geoffrey Brennan, 2010. "PPE: An institutional view," Politics, Philosophy & Economics, , vol. 9(4), pages 379-397, November.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya & Steve Dowrick & Jane Golley, 2009. "Institutions and Trade: Competitors or Complements in Economic Development?," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 85(270), pages 318-330, September.
  2. Bhattacharyya, Sambit, 2009. "Institutions, diseases, and economic progress: a unified framework," Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 5(1), pages 65-87, April.
  3. Jha, Raghbendra & Bhattacharyya, Sambit & Gaiha, Raghav & Shankar, Shylashri, 2009. ""Capture" of anti-poverty programs: An analysis of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Program in India," Journal of Asian Economics, Elsevier, vol. 20(4), pages 456-464, September.
  4. Bhattacharyya, Sambit, 2009. "Unbundled institutions, human capital and growth," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 37(1), pages 106-120, March.
  5. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2009. "Root Causes of African Underdevelopment," Journal of African Economies, Centre for the Study of African Economies, vol. 18(5), pages 745-780, November.
  6. Richard Dennis, 2009. "Robustness ‐ by Lars Peter Hansen and Thomas J. Sargent," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 85(268), pages 108-109, March.
  7. Dennis, Richard & Leitemo, Kai & Söderström, Ulf, 2009. "Methods for robust control," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 33(8), pages 1604-1616, August.
  8. Richard Dennis, 2009. "Consumption Habits in a New Keynesian Business Cycle Model," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 41(5), pages 1015-1030, August.
  9. Karen Mumford & Peter N. Smith, 2009. "What determines the part-time and gender earnings gaps in Britain: evidence from the workplace," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 61(suppl_1), pages 56-75, April.
  10. Ian W. McLean, 2009. "Globalization and the Poor Periphery before 1950," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 85(271), pages 494-495, December.
  11. Brennan, Geoffrey, 2009. "Climate change: A rational choice politics view," Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, vol. 53(3), pages 1-18.
  12. Geoffrey Brennan, 2009. "Hobbes’s Samuel," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 141(1), pages 5-12, October.
  13. Geoffrey Brennan, 2009. "Politics, selection and the public interest: Besley’s benevolent despot," The Review of Austrian Economics, Springer;Society for the Development of Austrian Economics, vol. 22(2), pages 131-143, June.
  14. Geoffrey Brennan & Alan Hamlin, 2009. "Bygones are Bygones," Rationality, Markets and Morals, Frankfurt School Verlag, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, vol. 0(10), November.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2008. "Institutions, Globalisation and Empowerment ‐ edited by Kartik C. Roy and Jörn Sideras," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 84(265), pages 274-276, June.
  2. Dennis, Richard & Ravenna, Federico, 2008. "Learning and optimal monetary policy," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 32(6), pages 1964-1994, June.
  3. Richard Dennis, 2008. "Monetary policy and asset markets: conference summary," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue jul11.
  4. Ian W McLean, 2008. "The New Comparative Economic History: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey G. Williamson ‐ Edited by Timothy J. Hatton, Kevin H. O’Rourke and Alan M. Taylor," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 84(264), pages 132-134, March.
  5. Brennan, Geoffrey & González, Luis G. & Güth, Werner & Levati, M. Vittoria, 2008. "Attitudes toward private and collective risk in individual and strategic choice situations," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 67(1), pages 253-262, July.
  6. Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt, 2008. "Regulation and revenue," Constitutional Political Economy, Springer, vol. 19(3), pages 249-260, September.
  7. Geoffrey Brennan & Giuseppe Eusepi, 2008. "Introduction," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 26(3), pages 233-235, December.
  8. Geoffrey Brennan, 2008. "Crime and punishment: an expressive voting view," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 26(3), pages 237-252, December.
  9. Geoffrey Brennan, 2008. "Homo economicus and homo politicus: an introduction," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 137(3), pages 429-438, December.
  10. Geoffrey Brennan, 2008. "Psychological dimensions in voter choice," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 137(3), pages 475-489, December.


  1. Dennis, Richard, 2007. "Optimal Policy In Rational Expectations Models: New Solution Algorithms," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 11(1), pages 31-55, February.
  2. Richard Dennis & John C. Williams, 2007. "Monetary policy, transparency, and credibility: conference summary," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue may25.
  3. Richard Dennis, 2007. "Fixing the New Keynesian Phillips curve," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue nov30.
  4. Karen Mumford, 2007. "Handbook on the Economics of Discrimination – Edited by William M. Rodgers III," British Journal of Industrial Relations, London School of Economics, vol. 45(1), pages 204-206, March.
  5. Karen Mumford & Peter N. Smith, 2007. "The Gender Earnings Gap In Britain: Including The Workplace," Manchester School, University of Manchester, vol. 75(6), pages 653-672, December.
  6. Ian W. McLean & Martin P. Shanahan, 2007. "Australasian Economic History: Research Challenges And Big Questions," Australian Economic History Review, Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand, vol. 47(3), pages 300-315, November.
  7. McLean, Ian W., 2007. "Why was Australia so rich?," Explorations in Economic History, Elsevier, vol. 44(4), pages 635-656, October.
  8. Natalie Stoeckl, 2007. "Regional Expenditure Patterns, Remoteness And Type Of Enterprise: Which Tourism Businesses Spend The Largest Amounts Within Their Local Communities?," Economic Papers, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 26(1), pages 64-85, March.
  9. Natalie Stoeckl, 2007. "Using Surveys of Business Expenditure to Draw Inferences about the Size of Regional Multipliers: A Case-study of Tourism in Northern Australia," Regional Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 41(7), pages 917-931.
  10. Geoffrey Brennan & Michael Brooks, 2007. "Esteem-based contributions and optimality in public goods supply," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 130(3), pages 457-470, March.
  11. Geoffrey Brennan, 2007. "Discounting the future, yet again," Politics, Philosophy & Economics, , vol. 6(3), pages 259-284, October.


  1. Richard Dennis & John C. Williams, 2006. "Labor markets and the macroeconomy: conference summary," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue jul21.
  2. Richard Dennis, 2006. "The policy preferences of the US Federal Reserve," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 21(1), pages 55-77.
  3. Dennis, Richard & Soderstrom, Ulf, 2006. "How Important Is Precommitment for Monetary Policy?," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 38(4), pages 847-872, June.
  4. Anne Daly & Xin Meng & Akira Kawaguchi & Karen Mumford, 2006. "The Gender Wage Gap in Four Countries," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 82(257), pages 165-176, June.
  5. Ian W. McLean, 2006. "Recovery From Depression: Australia In An Argentine Mirror 1895–1913," Australian Economic History Review, Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand, vol. 46(3), pages 215-241, November.
  6. Natalie Stoeckl & Trevor Mules, 2006. "A Travel Cost Analysis of the Australian Alps," Tourism Economics, , vol. 12(4), pages 495-518, December.
  7. Geoffrey Brennan & Loren Lomasky, 2006. "Against reviving republicanism," Politics, Philosophy & Economics, , vol. 5(2), pages 221-252, June.


  1. Richard Dennis & John Williams, 2005. "Fiscal and monetary policy: conference summary," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue jun10.
  2. Richard Dennis, 2005. "Uncertainty and monetary policy," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue nov30.
  3. Richard Dennis, 2005. "Inflation targeting under commitment and discretion," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, pages 1-13.
  4. Filipe Almeida‐Santos & Karen Mumford, 2005. "Employee Training And Wage Compression In Britain," Manchester School, University of Manchester, vol. 73(3), pages 321-342, June.
  5. Natalie Stoeckl & Owen Stanley, 2005. "Land Rich And Data Poor: Modelling Requirements In Australia'S Far North," Economic Papers, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 24(3), pages 230-248, September.
  6. Geoffrey Brennan, 2005. "“The Myth of Ownership” Liam Murphy and Thomas Nagel," Constitutional Political Economy, Springer, vol. 16(2), pages 207-219, June.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2004. "Deep determinants of economic growth," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 11(9), pages 587-590.
  2. Dennis R. & Lopez J.A., 2004. "Comment," Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, American Statistical Association, vol. 22, pages 165-169, April.
  3. Richard Dennis, 2004. "Inferring Policy Objectives from Economic Outcomes," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 66(s1), pages 735-764, September.
  4. Dennis, Richard, 2004. "Solving for optimal simple rules in rational expectations models," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 28(8), pages 1635-1660, June.
  5. Richard Dennis, 2004. "New Keynesian models and their fit to the data," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue jul9.
  6. Richard Dennis & Jose A. Lopez, 2004. "Policy applications of a global macroeconomic model," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue jun11.
  7. Richard Dennis & Tao Wu, 2004. "Interest rates and monetary policy: conference summary," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue jun4.
  8. Karen Mumford & Peter N. Smith, 2004. "Job Reallocation, Employment Change And Average Job Tenure: Theory And Workplace Evidence From Australia," Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Scottish Economic Society, vol. 51(3), pages 402-421, August.
  9. Filipe Almeida‐Santos & Karen A. Mumford, 2004. "Employee Training in Australia: Evidence from AWIRS," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 80(s1), pages 53-64, September.
  10. John W. Budd & Karen Mumford, 2004. "Trade Unions and Family-Friendly Policies in Britain," ILR Review, Cornell University, ILR School, vol. 57(2), pages 204-222, January.
  11. Ian W. Mclean, 2004. "Australian Economic Growth in Historical Perspective," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 80(250), pages 330-345, September.
  12. Natalie Stoeckl, 2004. "The private costs and benefits of environmental self‐regulation: which firms have most to gain?," Business Strategy and the Environment, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 13(3), pages 135-155, May.
  13. Geoffrey Brennan, 2004. "Life in the Putty‐Knife Factory!," American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 63(1), pages 79-104, January.
  14. Brennan, Geoffrey & Hamlin, Alan, 2004. "Analytic Conservatism," British Journal of Political Science, Cambridge University Press, vol. 34(4), pages 675-691, October.
  15. Geoffrey Brennan & Alan Hamlin, 2004. "An Introduction to the Status Quo," Constitutional Political Economy, Springer, vol. 15(2), pages 127-132, June.
  16. Geoffrey Brennan & Jonathan J. Pincus, 2004. "Fiscal Equalisation: Some Questions of Design," Rivista di Politica Economica, SIPI Spa, vol. 94(4), pages 79-104, July-Augu.


  1. Richard Dennis, 2003. "Exploring the Role of the Real Exchange Rate in Australian Monetary Policy," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 79(244), pages 20-38, March.
  2. Richard Dennis, 2003. "Time-inconsistent monetary policies: recent research," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue apr11.
  3. Richard Dennis & Glenn D. Rudebusch, 2003. "Finance and macroeconomics," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue may2.
  4. Karen Mumford & Antonia Parera-Nicolau, 2003. "The Labour Force Participation of Married Mothers: A Tale of International Catch-Up," Australian Journal of Labour Economics (AJLE), Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC), Curtin Business School, vol. 6(4), pages 619-630, December.
  5. Karen Mumford & Peter N. Smith, 2003. "Determinants of current job tenure: a cross country comparison," Australian Journal of Labour Economics (AJLE), Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC), Curtin Business School, vol. 6(3), pages 435-451, September.
  6. Mitchener, Kris James & McLean, Ian W, 2003. "The Productivity of US States since 1880," Journal of Economic Growth, Springer, vol. 8(1), pages 73-114, March.
  7. Franco Papandrea & Natalie Stoeckl & Anne Daly, 2003. "Bundling in the Australian Telecommunications Industry," Australian Economic Review, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, vol. 36(1), pages 41-54, March.
  8. Natalie Stoeckl, 2003. "A ‘Quick and Dirty’ Travel Cost Model," Tourism Economics, , vol. 9(3), pages 325-335, September.
  9. Natalie Stoeckl, 2003. "Measurement error and functional form: implications for welfare estimates," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 10(5), pages 259-270, April.
  10. Geoffrey Brennan & Werner Güth & Hartmut Kliemt, 2003. "Trust in the Shadow of the Courts," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 159(1), pages 16-36, March.


  1. Richard Dennis, 2002. "Inferring policy objectives from policy actions," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue apr5.
  2. Geoffrey Brennan & Philip Pettit, 2002. "Power Corrupts, But Can Office Ennoble?," Kyklos, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 55(2), pages 157-178, May.
  3. Geoffrey Brennan & Alan Hamlin, 2002. "Expressive Constitutionalism," Constitutional Political Economy, Springer, vol. 13(4), pages 299-311, December.
  4. Geoffrey Brennan & Giuseppe Eusepi, 2002. "The Dubious Ethics of Debt Default," Public Finance Review, , vol. 30(6), pages 546-561, November.


  1. Dennis, Richard, 2001. "Inflation Expectations and the Stability Properties of Nominal GDP Targeting," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 111(468), pages 103-113, January.
  2. Richard Dennis, 2001. "Monetary policy and exchange rates in small open economies," FRBSF Economic Letter, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, issue may25.
  3. Sarah Bridges & Karen Mumford, 2001. "Absenteeism in the UK: A Comparison Across Genders," Manchester School, University of Manchester, vol. 69(3), pages 276-284, June.
  4. Mclean, Ian W., 2001. "The Centenary Companion to Australian Federation. Edited by Helen Irving. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp. xxii, 474. $64.95," The Journal of Economic History, Cambridge University Press, vol. 61(2), pages 550-552, June.
  5. Geoffrey Brennan, 2001. "Five Rational Actor Accounts of the Welfare State," Kyklos, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 54(2‐3), pages 213-233, May.
  6. Brennan, Geoffrey, 2001. "Collective coherence?," International Review of Law and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 21(2), pages 197-211, June.


  1. Booth, Alison L & Burton, Jonathan & Mumford, Karen, 2000. "The Position of Women in UK Academic Economics," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 110(464), pages 312-333, June.
  2. Karen Mumford, 2000. "The Relative Positions Of Men And Women In Australian Academic Economics," Economic Papers, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 19(1), pages 18-27, March.
  3. Karen Mumford & Peter N. Smith, 2000. "Men, Women and the Hiring Function," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 76(235), pages 374-385, December.
  4. Brennan, Geoffrey & Pettit, Philip, 2000. "The hidden economy of esteem," Economics and Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, vol. 16(1), pages 77-98, April.
  5. Brennan, Geoffrey, 2000. "James M. Dean and A.M.C. Waterman, eds., Religion and Economics: Normative Social Theory (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999), pp. viii, 205, $95.00. ISBN 0-7923-83737," Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Cambridge University Press, vol. 22(3), pages 386-389, September.
  6. M. Holler & G. Brennan & C. Deissenberg & C. Papageorgiou & R. Forslid & I. Steedman & G. Tullio & S. Gomulka & S. Marjit, 2000. "Book reviews," Journal of Economics, Springer, vol. 71(2), pages 200-226, June.
  7. Brennan, Geoffrey, 2000. "Onwards and Upwards: James Buchanan At 80," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 104(1-2), pages 1-18, July.


  1. Dennis, Richard, 1999. "Discretionary monetary policy with costly inflation," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 65(1), pages 91-96, October.
  2. Karen Mumford & Peter N. Smith, 1999. "The Hiring Function Reconsidered: on Closing the Circle," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 61(3), pages 343-364, August.
  3. McLean, Lan, 1999. "Making Rural Australia: An Economic History of Technical and Institutional Creativity, 1788–1860. By Geoff Raby. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1996," The Journal of Economic History, Cambridge University Press, vol. 59(2), pages 532-533, June.
  4. Mitchener, Kris James & McLean, Ian W., 1999. "U.S.Regional Growth And Convergence, 1880–1980," The Journal of Economic History, Cambridge University Press, vol. 59(4), pages 1016-1042, December.
  5. Common, Mick S. & Bull, Tim & Stoeckl, Natalie, 1999. "The Travel Cost Method: an empirical investigation of Randall's Difficulty," Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, vol. 43(4), pages 1-21, December.
  6. Brennan, Geoffrey & Hamlin, Alan, 1999. "On Political Representation," British Journal of Political Science, Cambridge University Press, vol. 29(1), pages 109-127, January.
  7. Geoffrey Brennan, 1999. "Public Choice and Public Finance: the Place of 'Tax Reform Advocacy'," FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 56(1), pages 67-85, March.


  1. Brennan, Geoffrey, 1998. "Economic Analysis and Moral Philosophy, David M. Hausman and Michael S. McPherson. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, xii + 249 pages," Economics and Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, vol. 14(2), pages 339-342, October.
  2. Brennan, Geoffrey & Hamlin, Alan, 1998. "Expressive Voting and Electoral Equilibrium," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 95(1-2), pages 149-175, April.


  1. Richard Dennis, 1997. "Bandwidth, bandlength, and inflation targeting: some observations," Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin, Reserve Bank of New Zealand, vol. 60, March.


  1. Karen Mumford, 1996. "Strikes and profits: considering an asymmetric information model," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 3(8), pages 545-548.
  2. Karen Mumford, 1996. "Arbitration and ACAS in Britain: a Historical Perspective," British Journal of Industrial Relations, London School of Economics, vol. 34(2), pages 287-305, June.
  3. Brennan, G. & Pincus, J. J., 1996. "A minimalist model of federal grants and flypaper effects," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 61(2), pages 229-246, August.


  1. Bruce Knapman & Natalie Stoeckl, 1995. "Recreation User Fees: An Australian Empirical Investigation," Tourism Economics, , vol. 1(1), pages 5-15, March.
  2. Geoffrey Brennan & Alan Hamlin, 1995. "Economizing on virtue," Constitutional Political Economy, Springer, vol. 6(1), pages 35-56, December.


  1. Mumford, Karen, 1994. "Trade union behaviour, pay bargaining and economic performance : R.J. Flanagan, M. Wallerstein and K.O. Moene (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993) pp. vi + 165," International Journal of Industrial Organization, Elsevier, vol. 12(2), pages 294-295, June.
  2. Mumford, Karen & Dowrick, Steve, 1994. "Wage Bargaining with Endogenous Profits, Overtime Working and Heterogeneous Labor," The Review of Economics and Statistics, MIT Press, vol. 76(2), pages 329-336, May.
  3. Karen Mumford, 1994. "Possibilities For The Future Of Arbitration In Australia: Learning From International Experience," Economic Papers, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 13(3), pages 91-102, September.
  4. BARRY EICHENGREEN & IAN W. McLEAN, 1994. "The supply of gold under the pre-1914 gold standard," Economic History Review, Economic History Society, vol. 47(2), pages 288-309, May.
  5. McLean Ian W., 1994. "Saving in Settler Economies: Australian and North American Comparisons," Explorations in Economic History, Elsevier, vol. 31(4), pages 432-452, October.
  6. Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt, 1994. "Finite Lives and Social Institutions," Kyklos, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 47(4), pages 551-571, November.
  7. Steven Horwitz & Geoffrey Brennan & Leland Yeager, 1994. "Reviews," Constitutional Political Economy, Springer, vol. 5(1), pages 117-127, December.
  8. Geoffrey Brennan, 1994. "Public economics: Where are we now?," International Tax and Public Finance, Springer;International Institute of Public Finance, vol. 1(2), pages 183-188, October.
  9. Geoffrey Brennan & Alan Hamlin, 1994. "A Revisionist View of the Separation of Powers," Journal of Theoretical Politics, , vol. 6(3), pages 345-368, July.


  1. Mumford, Karen, 1993. "A Critical Comparison of Models of Strike Activity," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 55(3), pages 285-312, August.


  1. Brennan, Geoffrey & Hamlin, Alan, 1992. "Bicameralism and Majoritarian Equilibrium," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 74(2), pages 169-179, September.


  1. Geoffrey Brennan & Jose Pardo, 1991. "A reading of the Spanish Constitution (1978)," Constitutional Political Economy, Springer, vol. 2(1), pages 53-79, December.


  1. Brennan, Geoffrey & Pettit, Philip, 1990. "Unveiling the Vote," British Journal of Political Science, Cambridge University Press, vol. 20(3), pages 311-333, July.
  2. Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt, 1990. "Logo logic," Constitutional Political Economy, Springer, vol. 1(1), pages 125-127, December.
  3. Geoffrey Brennan, 1990. "James Buchanan's public economics: One proposition, two speculations and three queries," Constitutional Political Economy, Springer, vol. 1(2), pages 113-133, March.


  1. Daniel McMillen & William Niskanen & Wayne Brough & Geoffrey Brennan & Gordon Tullock & Van Kolpin & Loren Lomasky & Peter Aranson & Joe Head & Thomas Dye & John Dryzek, 1989. "Book reviews," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 63(2), pages 183-200, November.


  1. Brennan, G., 1988. "The Structure of Tertiary Education Fees," Economic Analysis and Policy, Elsevier, vol. 18(2), pages 149-170.
  2. G Brennan, 1988. "The Public Choice Approach to Tax Reform," Environment and Planning C, , vol. 6(1), pages 41-52, March.


  1. Geoffrey Brennan & Jonathan Pincus, 1987. "Rational Actor Theory in Politics: A Critical Review of John Quiggin," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 63(1), pages 22-32, March.
  2. Brennan, Geoffrey & Lomasky, Loren E., 1987. "The Logic of Electoral Preference: Response to Saraydar and Hudelson," Economics and Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, vol. 3(1), pages 131-138, April.
  3. Brennan, Geoffrey, 1987. "Methodological individualism under fire : A reply to Jackson," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 8(4), pages 627-635, December.


  1. IAN McLEAN & SUE RICHARDSON, 1986. "More or Less Equal? Australian Income Distribution in 1933 and 1980," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 62(1), pages 67-81, March.


  1. Geoffrey Brennan, 1985. "Taxation and Policy Change: A Median Voter Model for Australia 1968–69 to 1981–82," Australian Economic Review, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, vol. 18(3), pages 20-33, September.
  2. Geoffrey Brennan & James Buchanan & Dwight R. Lee, 1985. "On Monopoly Price: Reply," Kyklos, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 38(2), pages 274-275, May.
  3. Brennan, Geoffrey & Lomasky, Loren, 1985. "The Impartial Spectator Goes to Washington: Toward a Smithian Theory of Electoral Behavior," Economics and Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, vol. 1(2), pages 189-211, October.
  4. Geoffrey Brennan & Cliff Walsh, 1985. "Private Markets in (Excludable) Public Goods: A Reexamination," The Quarterly Journal of Economics, President and Fellows of Harvard College, vol. 100(3), pages 811-819.


  1. Maddock, Rodney & McLean, Ian, 1984. "Supply-Side Shocks: The Case of Australian Gold," The Journal of Economic History, Cambridge University Press, vol. 44(4), pages 1047-1067, December.
  2. Geoffrey Brennan, 1984. "Elements of a Fiscal Politics: Public Choice and Public Finance," Australian Economic Review, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, vol. 17(3), pages 62-72, November.
  3. Brennan, Geoffrey & Bohanon, Cecil & Carter, Richard, 1984. "Public Finance and Public Prices: Towards a Reconstruction of Tax Theory," Public Finance = Finances publiques, , vol. 39(2), pages 157-181.


  1. McLean, Ian W. & Pincus, Jonathan J., 1983. "Did Australian Living Standards Stagnate between 1890 and 1940?," The Journal of Economic History, Cambridge University Press, vol. 43(1), pages 193-202, March.
  2. Geoffrey Brennan & James Buchanan & Dwight Lee, 1983. "On Monopoly Price," Kyklos, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 36(4), pages 531-547, November.
  3. Brennan, Geoffrey & Buchanan, James, 1983. "Predictive Power and the Choice among Regimes," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 93(369), pages 89-105, March.
  4. Brennan, Geoffrey & Pincus, Jonathan J, 1983. "Government Expenditure Growth and Resource Allocation: The Nebulous Connection," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 35(3), pages 351-365, November.
  5. Geoffrey Brennan & Dwight Lee & Cliff Walsh, 1983. "Monopoly Markets in Public Goods: the Case of the Uniform All-or-None Price," Public Finance Review, , vol. 11(4), pages 465-490, October.


  1. McLean, Ian W, 1982. "The Demand for Agricultural Research in Australia, 1870-1914," Australian Economic Papers, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 21(39), pages 294-308, December.
  2. Brennan, Geoffrey & Tullock, Gordon, 1982. "An economic theory of military tactics : Methodological individualism at war," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 3(2-3), pages 225-242.


  1. Brennan, Geoffrey & Walsh, Cliff, 1981. "A Monopoly Model of Public Goods Provision: The Uniform Pricing Case," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 71(1), pages 196-206, March.
  2. Brennan, Geoffrey & Buchanan, James, 1981. "Revenue Implications of Money Creation under Leviathan," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 71(2), pages 347-351, May.
  3. Brennan, Geoffrey & Buchanan, James, 1981. "The normative purpose of economic "science": Rediscovery of an eighteenth century method," International Review of Law and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 1(2), pages 155-166, December.
  4. Ulrich Lith & Morgan Reynolds & Joseph Reid & Geoffrey Brennan & Jürgen Backhaus & Gordon Tullock, 1981. "Reviews," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 36(2), pages 351-371, January.
  5. Brennan, Geoffrey, 1981. "The Attribution of Public Goods Benefits," Public Finance = Finances publiques, , vol. 36(3), pages 347-373.


  1. Brennan, Geoffrey & Walsh, Cliff, 1980. "Pareto-Desirable Redistribution in Kind: Reply," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 70(5), pages 1032-1036, December.
  2. Geoffrey Brennan & Marilyn Flowers, 1980. "All “NG†up an Clubs?/ some Notes on the Current Status of Club Theory," Public Finance Review, , vol. 8(2), pages 153-169, April.


  1. McLean, Ian W & Round, David K, 1978. "Research and Product Innovation in Australian Manufacturing Industries," Journal of Industrial Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 27(1), pages 1-12, September.
  2. Brennan, Geoffrey & Buchanan, James M., 1978. "Tax instruments as constraints on the disposition of public revenues," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 9(3), pages 301-318, June.
  3. Brennan, Geoffrey, 1978. "Death and Taxes: An Attack on the Orthodoxy," Public Finance = Finances publiques, , vol. 33(3), pages 201-224.


  1. Brennan, Geoffrey & Walsh, Cliff, 1977. "Pareto-Desirable Redistribution in Kind: An Impossibility Theorem," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 67(5), pages 987-990, December.
  2. Brennan, Geoffrey & Buchanan, James M., 1977. "Towards a tax constitution for Leviathan," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 8(3), pages 255-273, December.
  3. Geoffrey Brennan, 1977. "A note on progression and public sector size," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 32(1), pages 123-129, December.
  4. Brennan, Geoffrey, 1977. "Tax Concessions for Charitable Contributions-A Comment," Public Finance = Finances publiques, , vol. 32(3), pages 402-411.


  1. I. W. Mclean, 1976. "Anglo-American Engineering Competition, 1870–1914: Some Third-Market Evidence," Economic History Review, Economic History Society, vol. 29(3), pages 452-464, August.
  2. Brennan, Geoffrey, 1976. "The Distributional Implications of Public Goods," Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 44(2), pages 391-399, March.
  3. Brennan, Geoffrey, 1976. "Public Goods and Income Distribution: A Rejoinder to the Aaron-McGuire Reply," Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 44(2), pages 405-407, March.


  1. Chisholm, Anthony H. & Walsh, Cliff & Brennan, Geoffrey, 1975. "Pollution And Resource Allocation: Reply," Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, vol. 19(2), pages 1-3, August.
  2. Brennan, Geoffrey & McGuire, Thomas, 1975. "Optimal policy choice under uncertainty," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 4(2), pages 205-209, February.
  3. Brennan, Geoffrey, 1975. "Public Goods and Factor Prices," Public Finance = Finances publiques, , vol. 30(1), pages 1-19.
  4. Brennan, Geoffrey, 1975. "Second-Best Aspects of Horizontal Equity Questions: A Reply," Public Finance = Finances publiques, , vol. 30(3), pages 473-475.


  1. I. W. McLean, 1974. "Growth and Technological Change in Agriculture: A Reply," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 50(4), pages 620-622, December.
  2. Chisholm, Anthony H. & Walsh, Cliff & Brennan, Geoffrey, 1974. "Pollution And Resource Allocation," Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, vol. 18(1), pages 1-21, April.
  3. Geoffrey Brennan & Cliff Walsh, 1974. "Hochman and Rodgers on Brennan and Walsh: Reply," Public Finance Review, , vol. 2(3), pages 383-392, July.


  1. I. W. McLean, 1973. "Growth and Technological Change in Agriculture: Victoria 1870–1910," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 49(4), pages 560-574, December.
  2. Brennan, Geoffrey, 1973. "Pareto desirable redistribution: the case of malice and envy," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 2(2), pages 173-183, April.
  3. Geoffrey Brennan, 1973. "Pareto desirable redistribution: The non-altruistic dimension," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 14(1), pages 43-67, March.


  1. Brennan, Geoffrey, 1972. "Second Best Aspects of Horizontal Equity Questions," Public Finance = Finances publiques, , vol. 27(3), pages 282-291.


  1. Brennan, Geoffrey, 1971. "Horizontal Equity: An Extension of an Extension," Public Finance = Finances publiques, , vol. 26(3), pages 437-456.


  1. Brennan, Geoffrey, 1969. "The Optimal Provision of Public Goods: A Comment," Journal of Political Economy, University of Chicago Press, vol. 77(2), pages 237-241, March/Apr.


  1. G. Brennan & D. A. L. Auld, 1968. "The Tax Cut as an Anti‐Inflationary Measure," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 44(4), pages 520-525, December.



  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "A History of Global Capitalism," Frontiers in Economic History, Springer, edition 1, number 978-3-030-58736-9, October.


  1. Ian W. McLean, 2012. "Why Australia Prospered: The Shifting Sources of Economic Growth," Economics Books, Princeton University Press, edition 1, volume 1, number 9897.


  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2011. "Growth Miracles and Growth Debacles," Books, Edward Elgar Publishing, number 13609.


  1. Geoffrey Brennan & Giuseppe Eusepi (ed.), 2009. "The Economics of Ethics and the Ethics of Economics," Books, Edward Elgar Publishing, number 13632.


  1. Brennan,Geoffrey & Buchanan,James M., 2008. "The Reason of Rules," Cambridge Books, Cambridge University Press, number 9780521070904.


  1. Brennan,Geoffrey & Buchanan,James M., 2006. "The Power to Tax," Cambridge Books, Cambridge University Press, number 9780521027922.


  1. Brennan, Geoffrey & Pettit, Philip, 2004. "The Economy of Esteem: An Essay on Civil and Political Society," OUP Catalogue, Oxford University Press, number 9780199246489, December.


  1. Brennan,Geoffrey & Hamlin,Alan, 2000. "Democratic Devices and Desires," Cambridge Books, Cambridge University Press, number 9780521630207.


  1. Brennan,Geoffrey & Lomasky,Loren (ed.), 1997. "Democracy and Decision," Cambridge Books, Cambridge University Press, number 9780521585248.


  1. Brennan,Geoffrey & Lomasky,Loren (ed.), 1994. "Democracy and Decision," Cambridge Books, Cambridge University Press, number 9780521330404.



  1. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "Capitalism and Elite Feud: A Short Introduction," Frontiers in Economic History, in: A History of Global Capitalism, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 1-7, Springer.
  2. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "End of History and Exceptionalism: International System After 1991," Frontiers in Economic History, in: A History of Global Capitalism, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 137-150, Springer.
  3. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "The Rise of China, India, and Russia: The Building Blocks of a New International System," Frontiers in Economic History, in: A History of Global Capitalism, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 151-178, Springer.
  4. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "Rivalry, Expansionism, and the Future of the International System," Frontiers in Economic History, in: A History of Global Capitalism, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 181-197, Springer.
  5. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "Long-Run Economic Development: A Survey of the Literature," Frontiers in Economic History, in: A History of Global Capitalism, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 201-221, Springer.
  6. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "A Unified Theory of Rent, Elite Feud, and Imperial Expansion," Frontiers in Economic History, in: A History of Global Capitalism, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 11-24, Springer.
  7. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "Atlanticism, the Slave Trade, and the Westward Expansion of Western Europe," Frontiers in Economic History, in: A History of Global Capitalism, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 27-43, Springer.
  8. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "The Adventures and Misadventures of Expansion in Eastern and Central Europe," Frontiers in Economic History, in: A History of Global Capitalism, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 45-55, Springer.
  9. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "Western European Expansionism in India, China, and Indonesia," Frontiers in Economic History, in: A History of Global Capitalism, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 57-69, Springer.
  10. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "Expansionism in the American and Australian Colonies," Frontiers in Economic History, in: A History of Global Capitalism, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 71-79, Springer.
  11. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "Expansionism, Russian Revolution, and the Two World Wars," Frontiers in Economic History, in: A History of Global Capitalism, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 81-100, Springer.
  12. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "Cold War Rivalry in a Bipolar World," Frontiers in Economic History, in: A History of Global Capitalism, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 103-123, Springer.
  13. Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2020. "Dissolution of the USSR and Russian Decline in the 1990s," Frontiers in Economic History, in: A History of Global Capitalism, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 125-136, Springer.


  1. Geoffrey Brennan, 2018. "Political obligations: is debt special?," Chapters, in: Giuseppe Eusepi & Richard E. Wagner (ed.), Debt Default and Democracy, chapter 3, pages 36-50, Edward Elgar Publishing.


  1. Geoffrey Brennan & Giuseppe Eusepi, 2016. "Hobbesian and Contractarian Constitutions," The European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences, in: Alain Marciano & Giovanni Battista Ramello (ed.), Law and Economics in Europe and the U.S, pages 55-73, Springer.


  1. Richard Dennis, 2014. "Comments on Pierre Siklos' paper," BIS Papers chapters, in: Bank for International Settlements (ed.), Globalisation, inflation and monetary policy in Asia and the Pacific, volume 77, pages 31-34, Bank for International Settlements.


  1. Michelle Esparon & Natalie Stoeckl & Emma Gyuris, 2013. "Eco Certification In Queensland'S Wet Tropics World Heritage Area: Is It Good For Business?," World Scientific Book Chapters, in: Clement A Tisdell (ed.), Handbook of Tourism Economics Analysis, New Applications and Case Studies, chapter 36, pages 845-869, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd..
  2. Geoffrey Brennan & Michael Brooks, 2013. "Expressive voting," Chapters, in: William F. Shughart II & Laura Razzolini & Michael Reksulak (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Public Choice, Second Edition, chapter 7, pages 111-126, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  3. Geoffrey Brennan & Giuseppe Eusepi, 2013. "Buchanan, Hobbes and contractarianism: the supply of rules?," Chapters, in: Francisco Cabrillo & Miguel A. Puchades-Navarro (ed.), Constitutional Economics and Public Institutions, chapter 2, pages 17-34, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  4. Geoffrey Brennan & Michael Brooks, 2013. "Buchanan on Freedom," Studies in Public Choice, in: Dwight R. Lee (ed.), Public Choice, Past and Present, edition 127, chapter 0, pages 43-64, Springer.


  1. Ian W. McLean, 2012. "Introduction - Weaving Analysis and Narrative [Why Australia Prospered: The Shifting Sources of Economic Growth]," Introductory Chapters,, Princeton University Press.


  1. Filipe Almeida-Santos & Yekaterina Chzhen & Karen Mumford, 2010. "Employee training and wage dispersion: white- and blue-collar workers in Britain," Research in Labor Economics, in: Jobs, Training, and Worker Well-being, pages 35-60, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


  1. Geoffrey Brennan & Giuseppe Eusepi, 2009. "Value and Values, Preferences and Price: An Economic Perspective on Ethical Questions," Chapters, in: Geoffrey Brennan & Giuseppe Eusepi (ed.), The Economics of Ethics and the Ethics of Economics, chapter 2, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  2. Geoffrey Brennan & Alan Hamlin, 2009. "Positive Constraints on Normative Political Theory," Chapters, in: Geoffrey Brennan & Giuseppe Eusepi (ed.), The Economics of Ethics and the Ethics of Economics, chapter 7, Edward Elgar Publishing.


  1. Geoffrey Brennan & Anthony M.C. Waterman, 2008. "Christian theology and economics: convergence and clashes," Chapters, in: Ian R. Harper & Samuel Gregg (ed.), Christian Theology and Market Economics, chapter 5, pages 77-93, Edward Elgar Publishing.


  1. Geoffrey Brennan & Michael Brooks, 2007. "Esteem, Norms of Participation and Public Goods Supply," Springer Books, in: Pio Baake & Rainald Borck (ed.), Public Economics and Public Choice, chapter 4, pages 63-80, Springer.


  1. Geoffrey Brennan, 2004. "The political economy of regulation: a prolegomenon," Chapters, in: Giuseppe Eusepi & Friedrich Schneider (ed.), Changing Institutions in the European Union, chapter 4, Edward Elgar Publishing.


  1. Geoffrey Brennan, 2002. "Public finance, public choice and the political economy of regulation," Chapters, in: Stanley L. Winer & Hirofumi Shibata (ed.), Political Economy and Public Finance, chapter 2, Edward Elgar Publishing.


  1. Geoffrey Brennan & Alan Hamlin, 2001. "Constitutional choice," Chapters, in: William F. Shughart II & Laura Razzolini (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Public Choice, chapter 5, Edward Elgar Publishing.

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