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by members of

Departamento de Fundamentos da Análise Económica
Facultade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

(Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Santiago de Compostela)

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. This page is updated in the first days of each month.
| Working papers | Journal articles | Chapters |

Working papers

Undated material is listed at the end


  1. Ugolini, Andrea & Reboredo, Juan Carlos & Ojea-Ferreiro, Javier, 2023. "Is Climate Transition Risk Priced into Corporate Credit Risk? Evidence from Credit Default Swaps," FEEM Working Papers 330720, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM).


  1. Ojea-Ferreiro, Javier & Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2022. "The impact of climate transition risks on financial stability. A systemic risk approach," Working Papers 2022-01, Joint Research Centre, European Commission.


  1. Bande, Roberto & Riveiro, Dolores & Ruiz, Freddy, 2021. "Does Uncertainty Affect Saving Decisions of Colombian Households? Evidence on Precautionary Saving," MPRA Paper 106771, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Ojea-Ferreiro, Javier & Reboredo, Juan C., 2021. "Exchange rates and the global transmission of equity market shocks," Working Papers 2021-05, Joint Research Centre, European Commission.


  1. del Río, Fernando & Lores, Francisco-Xavier, 2020. "Accounting for U.S. post-war economic growth," MPRA Paper 100716, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. J. C. Arismendi-Zambrano & T. Ramos-Almeida & J. C. Reboredo & M. A. Rivera-Castro, 2020. "Identifying Statistical Arbitrage in Interest Rate Markets: A Genetic Algorithm Approach," Economics Department Working Paper Series n305-20.pdf, Department of Economics, National University of Ireland - Maynooth.


  1. Rahmani, Djamel & Loureiro, Maria & Escobar, Cristina & Gil, Jose Maria, 2019. "Relationship between wine-evoked emotions and consumers’ preferences and willingness to Pay," 93rd Annual Conference, April 15-17, 2019, Warwick University, Coventry, UK 289662, Agricultural Economics Society - AES.


  1. Antelo, Manel & Antonio, Sampayo, 2017. "Licensing contracts and the number of licenses under screening," MPRA Paper 77252, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Lugilde, Alba & Bande, Roberto & Riveiro, Dolores, 2017. "Precautionary Saving: a review of the theory and the evidence," MPRA Paper 77511, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Bande, Roberto & Martín-Román, Ángel L., 2017. "Regional differences in the Okun’s Relationship: New Evidence for Spain (1980-2015)," MPRA Paper 79833, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Roberto Bande & Marika Karanassou & Hector Sala, 2017. "Employment in Spanish regions: Cost control or growth-enhancing policies?," Working Papers 834, Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance.


  1. Lugilde, Alba & Bande, Roberto & Riveiro, Dolores, 2016. "Precautionary saving in Spain during the Great Recession: evidence from a panel of uncertainty indicators," MPRA Paper 72436, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Antelo, Manel & Magdalena, Pilar & Reboredo, Juan C., 2015. "Economic crisis and the unemployment effect on household food expenditure: The case of Spain," MPRA Paper 77004, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2016.


  1. Antelo, Manel & Sampayo, Antonio, 2014. "On the number of licenses under symmetric versus asymmetric information with signaling," MPRA Paper 60759, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Bande, Roberto & López-Mourelo, Elva, 2014. "The impact of worker’s age on the consequences of occupational accidents: empirical evidence using Spanish data," MPRA Paper 53097, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Bande, Roberto & López-Mourelo, Elva, 2014. "The spatial distribution of workplace accidents in Spain: assessing the role of workplace inspections," MPRA Paper 56767, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Rodriguez, Gonzalo & Bande, Roberto, 2014. "Market differences in wild and farmed marine fish in the Spanish seafood market," MPRA Paper 59142, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Peon, David & Calvo, Anxo & Antelo, Manel, 2014. "A short-but-efficient test for overconfidence and prospect theory. Experimental validation," MPRA Paper 54135, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. David Peón & Anxo Calvo & Manel Antelo, 2014. "A Behavioral Model of the Credit Boom," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0057, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  7. Walid Mensi & Shawkat Hammoudeh & Juan Carlos Reboredo & Duc Khuong Nguyen, 2014. "Do global factors impact BRICS stock markets? A quantile regression approach," Working Papers 2014-159, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
  8. Arreola Hernandez, Jose & Hammoudeh, Shawkat & Nguyen, Duc Khuong & Al Janabi, Mazin A. M. & Reboredo, Juan Carlos, 2014. "Global financial crisis and dependence risk analysis of sector portfolios: a vine copula approach," MPRA Paper 73399, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised Aug 2016.


  1. Eva Rodríguez Míguez & José María Abellán Perpiñán & José Carlos Álvarez Villamarín & José Manuel González Martínez & Antonio Rodríguez Sampayo, 2013. "Development of a new preference-based instrument to measure dependency," Working Papers 1301, Universidade de Vigo, Departamento de Economía Aplicada.
  2. Diana Pérez Dacal & Melchor Fernández Fernández & Yolanda Pena Boquete, 2013. "Measuring Tourism Specialization: a composite indicator for the Spanish regions," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0056, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  3. Xes�s Pereira L�pez & Andr� Carrascal Incera & Melchor Fern�ndez Fern�ndez, 2013. "Cocientes de localizaci�n mediante una doble parametrizaci�n," Documentos de trabajo - IRENe 0006, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  4. Loureiro, Maria L. & Rahmani, Djamal, 2013. "Calorie labeling and fast food choices in surveys and actual markets: some new behavioral results," 2013 Annual Meeting, August 4-6, 2013, Washington, D.C. 150622, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
  5. Alló, Maria & Igleasias, Eva & Loureiro, Maria L., 2013. "Farmers’ preferences and social capital towards agri-environmental schemes for protecting birds," 2013 Annual Meeting, August 4-6, 2013, Washington, D.C. 150620, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
  6. Manel Antelo & Lluis Bru, 2013. "Large buyers, preferential treatment and cartel stability," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0051, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.


  1. Roberto Bande & Dolores Riveiro, 2012. "The Consumption-Investment-Unemployment Relationship in Spain: An Analysis with Regional Data," Documentos de trabajo - IRENe 0003, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  2. Roberto Bande & Dolores Riveiro, 2012. "Private Saving Rates and Macroeconomic Uncertainty: Evidence from Spanish Regional Data," Documentos de trabajo - IRENe 0004, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  3. Xesús Pereira López & Melchor Fernández Fernández & André Carrascal Incera, 2012. "Algunas consideraciones acerca de los modelos input-output rectangulares," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0049, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  4. Melchor Fernández Fernández & Manuel Flores Mallo, 2012. "Diferencias entre paro registrado y paro EPA en España: Una evaluación a partir de microdatos de Galicia," Documentos de trabajo - IRENe 0001, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  5. Loureiro, Maria L. & Labandeira, Xavier & Hanemann, Michael, 2012. "Unrevealing Public Preferences for Climate Change Policies in Spain: A Hybrid Mixture Model," 2012 Annual Meeting, August 12-14, 2012, Seattle, Washington 124933, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.


  1. Roberto Bande & Marika Karanassou, 2011. "The NRU and the Evolution of Regional Disparities in Spanish Unemployment," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0043, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  2. Roberto Bande Ramudo & Melchor Fernández Fernández & Víctor Montuenga Gómez, 2011. "Wage flexibility and local labour markets: homogeneity of the wage curve in Spain," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0044, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  3. Roberto Bande Ramudo & Manuel Fernández Grela & Mª Dolores Riveiro García, 2011. "Consumption, Saving, Investment, and Unemployment. SVAR Tests of the Effects of Changes in the Consumption-Saving Pattern," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0045, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  4. Xesús Pereira López & José Luis Quiñoá López & Melchor Fernández Fernández, 2011. "Máximo aprovechamiento de métodos de actualización matricial," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0041, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  5. Xesús Pereira López & José Luis Quiñoá López & Melchor Fernández Fernández, 2011. "Actualización global de tablas origen-destino: una alternativa al método Euro," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0042, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  6. Melchor Fernandez & Yolanda Pena-Boquete, 2011. "Macroeconomic consequences of gender discrimination: a preliminary approach (refereed paper)," ERSA conference papers ersa10p1066, European Regional Science Association.
  7. Yolanda Pena-Boquete & Melchor Fernandez, 2011. "Could gender wage discrimination explain regional differences in productivity?," ERSA conference papers ersa11p1272, European Regional Science Association.
  8. Michael Hanemann & Xavier Labandeira & María L. Loureiro, 2011. "Public Preferences for Climate Change Policies: Evidence from Spain," Working Papers 2011-06, FEDEA.
  9. Manel Antelo, 2011. "Output taxation by a revenue-raising government under signaling," Economic Working Papers at Centro de Estudios Andaluces E2011/03, Centro de Estudios Andaluces.
  10. Juan C Reboredo, 2011. "The Switch from Continuous to Call Auction Trading in Response to a Large Intraday Price Movement," Post-Print hal-00667598, HAL.


  1. Bande, Roberto & Karanassou, Marika, 2010. "Spanish Regional Unemployment Revisited: The Role of Capital Accumulation," IZA Discussion Papers 5012, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  2. Melina Barrio & Maria Loureiro, 2010. "The Impact of Protest Responses in Choice Experiments," Working Papers 2010.133, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
  3. Michael Hanemann & Xavier Labandeira & María L. Loureiro, 2010. "Public preferences for climate change policies: Exploratory evidence from Spain," Working Papers 1004, Universidade de Vigo, Departamento de Economía Aplicada.
  4. Michael Hanemann & Xavier Labandeira & María L. Loureiro, 2010. "Climate Change, Energy and Social Preferences on Policies: Exploratory Evidence for Spain," Working Papers 03-2010, Economics for Energy.
  5. Manel Antelo, 2010. "Screening vs. signaling in technology licensing," Economic Working Papers at Centro de Estudios Andaluces E2010/05, Centro de Estudios Andaluces.


  1. Roberto Bande Ramudo & Elva Lopez Mourelo, 2009. "¿Influye la edad en la incidencia y gravedad de los accidentes de trabajo? Evidencia para la economía española," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0039, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  2. Melchor Fernandez & Victor Montuenga & Roberto Bande, 2009. "Las tasas de paro regionales españolas: convergencia o polarización," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0040, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  3. Paulo A.L.D. Nunes & Elena Ojea & Maria Loureiro, 2009. "Mapping of Forest Biodiversity Values: A Plural Perspective," Working Papers 2009.4, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
  4. Giulia Macagno & Maria Loureiro & Paulo A.L.D. Nunes & Richard Tol, 2009. "Assessing the Impact of Biodiversity on Tourism Flows: A model for Tourist Behaviour and its Policy Implications," Working Papers 2009.21, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
  5. Gracia, Azucena & Loureiro, Maria L. & Nayga, Rodolfo M., Jr., 2009. "Valuing Animal Welfare Labels with Experimental Auctions: What do we learn from Consumers?," 2009 Conference, August 16-22, 2009, Beijing, China 51918, International Association of Agricultural Economists.
  6. Manel Antelo, 2009. "The dominance of fee licensing contracts under asymmetric information signaling," Economic Working Papers at Centro de Estudios Andaluces E2009/08, Centro de Estudios Andaluces.


  1. Da Rocha Alvarez, Jose Maria & Lores, Francisco Javier, 2007. "Demografía, educación, cambio estructural y convergencia: Galicia-España, 2001-2050 [Demography, Education, Structural Change and Convergence Galicia- Spain, 2001-2050]," MPRA Paper 66100, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Bande, Roberto & Karanassou, Marika, 2007. "Labour Market Flexibility and Regional Unemployment Rate Dynamics: Spain 1980-1995," IZA Discussion Papers 2593, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  3. Fernández Fernández, Melchor & Fuentes Castro, Daniel, 2007. "El sector de la construcción en España: efectos económicos y prospectiva [The construction sector in Spain: economic effects and prospective]," MPRA Paper 51606, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Loureiro, Maria L. & Loomis, John B., 2007. "Dealing with Preference Uncertainty: A Mixture Model Approach," 2007 Annual Meeting, July 29-August 1, 2007, Portland, Oregon 10003, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
  5. Coto-Martinez, J. & Reboredo, J. C., 2007. "The Relative Price of Non-traded Goods in an Imperfectly Competitive Economy: Empirical Evidence for G7 Countries," Working Papers 07/14, Department of Economics, City University London.


  1. Raouf, BOUCEKKINE & Fernando, DEL RIO & Blanca, MARTINEZ, 2006. "Technological Progress, Obsolescence and Depreciation," Discussion Papers (ECON - Département des Sciences Economiques) 2006015, Université catholique de Louvain, Département des Sciences Economiques.
  2. Antonio R. Sampayo & Luis A. Puch & Omar Licandro, 2006. "Secondhand market and the lifetime of durable goods," Working Papers 2006-10, FEDEA.
  3. Pilar Abad Romero & Begoña Álvarez García & Eva Rodríguez Míguez & Antonio Rodríguez Sampayo, 2006. "Una aplicación de los sistemas de puntos en la priorización de pacientes en lista de espera quirúrgica," Working Papers 0605, Universidade de Vigo, Departamento de Economía Aplicada.
  4. Loureiro, Maria L. & Sanz-de-Galdeano, Anna & Vuri, Daniela, 2006. "Smoking Habits: Like Father, Like Son, Like Mother, Like Daughter," IZA Discussion Papers 2279, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).


  1. Raouf Boucekkine & Blanca Martínez & Fernando del Río, 2005. "Technological Progress And Depreciation," Working Papers. Serie AD 2005-22, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, S.A. (Ivie).
  2. Omar Licandro & Antonio R. Sampayo, 2005. "The effects of replacement schemes on car sales: the Spanish case," Economics Working Papers ECO2005/20, European University Institute.
  3. Roberto Bande & Melchor Fernandez & Victor Montuenga, 2005. "Regional Unemployment in Spain: Disparities, Business Cycle and Wage Setting," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0035, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  4. Loureiro, Maria L. & Nayga, Rodolfo M., Jr., 2005. "Obesity Rates in OECD Countries: An International Perspective," 2005 International Congress, August 23-27, 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark 24650, European Association of Agricultural Economists.
  5. Manel Antelo, 2005. "Monopoly, asymmetric information, and optimal environmental taxation," Economic Working Papers at Centro de Estudios Andaluces E2005/08, Centro de Estudios Andaluces.
  6. Manel Antelo, 2005. "Double informational asymmetry, signaling, and environmental taxes," Economic Working Papers at Centro de Estudios Andaluces E2005/25, Centro de Estudios Andaluces.


  1. José-María Da-Rocha & Eduardo L. Giménez & Francisco-Xavier Lores, 2004. "Devaluation Beliefs and Debt Crisis: The Argentinian Case," Economic Working Papers at Centro de Estudios Andaluces E2004/09, Centro de Estudios Andaluces.
  2. Melchor Fernandez & Casiano Manrique de Lara, 2004. "La matriz de contabilidad nacional: Un método alternativo de presentación de las cuentas nacionales," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0030, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  3. Loureiro, Maria L. & Jervell-Moxnes, Anne, 2004. "Analyzing Farm Participation Decisions In Agrotourism Activities In Norway: Some Welfare Implications," 2004 Annual meeting, August 1-4, Denver, CO 19959, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
  4. Loureiro, Maria L. & Nayga, Rodolfo M., Jr., 2004. "Analyzing Cross-Country Differences In Obesity Rates: Some Policy Implications," 2004 Annual meeting, August 1-4, Denver, CO 20209, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
  5. Loureiro, Maria L. & Umberger, Wendy J., 2004. "A Choice Experiment Model For Beef Attributes: What Consumer Preferences Tell Us," 2004 Annual meeting, August 1-4, Denver, CO 19931, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
  6. Manel Antelo, 2004. "Simultaneous signaling and output royalties in licensing contracts," Economic Working Papers at Centro de Estudios Andaluces E2004/53, Centro de Estudios Andaluces.
  7. Manel Antelo & Lluís Bru, 2004. "Emissions Permits Markets and Dominant Firms," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0031, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  8. Javier Coto-Martinez & Juan C. Reboredo, 2004. "The Balassa-Samuelson effect in an imperfectly competitive economy: empirical evidence for G7 countries," Money Macro and Finance (MMF) Research Group Conference 2003 19, Money Macro and Finance Research Group.


  1. Roberto Bande & Melchor Fernandez, 2003. "Descentralización de la Negociación Colectiva y Desempleo Regional: Evidencia para la Economía Gallega," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0029, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  2. Loureiro, Maria L. & Lotade-Manje, Justus, 2003. "Interviewer Effects On The Valuation Of Goods With Ethical And Environmental Attributes," 2003 Annual meeting, July 27-30, Montreal, Canada 22014, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
  3. Bugbee, Marcia & Loureiro, Maria L., 2003. "A Risk Perception Analysis Of Genetically Modified Foods Based On Stated Preferences," 2003 Annual meeting, July 27-30, Montreal, Canada 22017, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
  4. Loureiro, Maria L. & Umberger, Wendy J., 2003. "Consumer Response To Country-Of-Origin Labeling Program In The Context Of Heterogenous Preferences," 2003 Annual meeting, July 27-30, Montreal, Canada 22129, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).


  1. Raouf BOUCEKKINE & Omar LICANDRO & Luis A. PUCH & Fernando DEL RIO, 2002. "Vintage Capital And the Dynamics of the AK Model," Economics Working Papers ECO2002/07, European University Institute.
  2. Raouf BOUCEKKINE & Fernando DEL RIO & Omar LICANDRO, 2002. "Embodied Technological Change, Learning-by-Doing and the Productivity Slowdown," Economics Working Papers ECO2002/12, European University Institute.
  3. Fernando DEL RIO IGLESIAS, 2002. "Neutral, Investment-Specific Technical Progress and the Productivity Slowdown," Discussion Papers (REL - Recherches Economiques de Louvain) 2002013, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).
  4. Roberto Bande, 2002. "Ajustes Dinámicos en las Tasas de Paro: España vs. Portugal," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0020, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  5. Roberto Bande, 2002. "Lagged Adjustment Processes and the Natural Rate in Spain: A Comparison with Portugal," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0021, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  6. Grimsrud, Kristine M. & McCluskey, Jill J. & Loureiro, Maria L. & Wahl, Thomas I., 2002. "Consumer Attitudes Towards Genetically Modified Foods In Norway," 2002 Annual meeting, July 28-31, Long Beach, CA 19818, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
  7. Hine, Susan E. & Loureiro, Maria L., 2002. "Understanding Consumers' Perceptions Toward Biotechnology And Labeling," 2002 Annual meeting, July 28-31, Long Beach, CA 19898, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
  8. Loureiro, Maria L. & Umberger, Wendy J., 2002. "Estimating Consumer Willingness-To-Pay For Country Of-Origin-Labels For Beef Products," 2002 Annual meeting, July 28-31, Long Beach, CA 19745, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).


  1. Raouf BOUCEKKINE & Fernando DEL RIO & Omar LICANDRO, 2001. "Obsolescence and Modernization in the Growth Process," Economics Working Papers ECO2001/18, European University Institute.
  2. Fernando del Rio & Omar Licandro, 2001. "Existence, Uniqueness and Stability of Equilibrium in an Overlapping Generation Model with Monopolistic Competition and Free Entry and Exit of Firms," LIDAM Discussion Papers IRES 2001032, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).
  3. Lores, Francisco Xavier, 2001. "Growth and cyclical fluctuations in Spanish macroeconomic series," UC3M Working papers. Economics we014609, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Economía.
  4. Lores, Francisco Xavier, 2001. "Cyclical behaviour of consumption of non-durable goods: Spain versus U.S.A," UC3M Working papers. Economics we014710, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Economía.
  5. Roberto Bande & Melchor Fernández & Victor Montuenga, 2001. "Disparidades regionales en la tasa de paro: El papel del mecanismo de determinación salarial," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0018, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  6. Padilla-Bernal, Luz E. & Thilmany, Dawn D. & Loureiro, Maria L., 2001. "Tradability And Market Equilibrium For U.S.-Mexico Fresh Tomatoes," 2001 Annual Meeting, July 8-11, 2001, Logan, Utah 36142, Western Agricultural Economics Association.
  7. Quagrainie, Kwamena K. & McCluskey, Jill J. & Loureiro, Maria L., 2001. "Reputation And State Commodity Promotion: The Case Of Washington Apples," 2001 Annual meeting, August 5-8, Chicago, IL 20592, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
  8. Loureiro, Maria L. & Hine, Susan E., 2001. "Discovering Niche Markets: A Comparison Of Consumer Willingness To Pay For A Local (Colorado Grown), Organic, And Gmo-Free Product," 2001 Annual meeting, August 5-8, Chicago, IL 20630, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
  9. Manel Antelo & Lluís Bru, 2001. "Restructuring or Delegating: Which Is Better?," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0019, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.


  1. Boucekkine, Raouf & Del Rio, Fernando & Licandro, Omar, 2000. "The importance of the embodied question revisited," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Couverture Orange) 0001, CEPREMAP.
  2. Bande, Roberto & Fernández, Melchor & Montuenga, Víctor M., 2000. "The Role Of Productivity In Wage Setting: Differences Across The Spanish Regions," ERSA conference papers ersa00p146, European Regional Science Association.
  3. Víctor Manuel Montuenga Gómez & Andrés E. Romeu Santana & Melchor Fernández Fernández, 2000. "Diferencias salariales y comportamiento no competitivo en el mercado de trabajo en la industria española," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0009, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
  4. Melchor Fernández & Clemente Polo, 2000. "Una nueva matriz de contabilidad social para España: la SAM-90," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0011, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.


  1. Boucekkine, Raouf & Del Rio, Fernando & Licandro, Omar, 1999. "Endogenous vs exogenously driven fluctuations in vintage capital models," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Couverture Orange) 9901, CEPREMAP.
  2. Loureiro, Maria Luz & McCluskey, Jill J., 1999. "Effectiveness of PGI and PDO labels as a rural development policy," 67th Seminar, October 28-30, 1999, LeMans, France 241041, European Association of Agricultural Economists.


  1. Marmol, Francesc & Reboredo, Juan C., 1998. "Near observational equivalence and fractionally integrated processes," DES - Working Papers. Statistics and Econometrics. WS 10611, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Estadística.


  1. Marmol, F. & Reboredo, J.C., 1997. "On the Finite Sample Bhaviour of the Durbin-Watson Test in the Presence of Nonsense Regressions," UFAE and IAE Working Papers 379.97, Unitat de Fonaments de l'Anàlisi Econòmica (UAB) and Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC).
  2. Marmol, F. & Reboredo, J.C., 1997. "Detecting Unbalanced Regressions Using the Durbin-Watson Test," UFAE and IAE Working Papers 380.97, Unitat de Fonaments de l'Anàlisi Econòmica (UAB) and Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC).
  3. Reboredo, J.C., 1997. "Managerial Reputation and Bad Acquisitions: A Note," UFAE and IAE Working Papers 381.97, Unitat de Fonaments de l'Anàlisi Econòmica (UAB) and Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC).
  4. Reboredo, J.C., 1997. "A Markov Model for Risk Evaluation in Banking," UFAE and IAE Working Papers 383.97, Unitat de Fonaments de l'Anàlisi Econòmica (UAB) and Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC).
  5. Reboredo, J.C., 1997. "Efficiency, Solvency, and Size of Banking Firms," UFAE and IAE Working Papers 384.97, Unitat de Fonaments de l'Anàlisi Econòmica (UAB) and Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC).
  6. Mármol, Francesc & Reboredo, Juan C., 1997. "Monte Carlo evidence on the power of the Durbin-Watson test against nonsense relationships," DES - Working Papers. Statistics and Econometrics. WS 6209, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Estadística.


  1. Manel Antelo, 1996. "Experimentación y estructura de mercado en la relación de licencia de patentes no drásticas (II). El caso de información asimétrica," Documentos de trabajo - Analise Economica 0002, IDEGA - Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.


  1. Omar Licandro & Antonio R. Sampayo, "undated". "Evaluacion de los efectos del plan Prever a partir de un modelo de simulacion a partir de un modelo de simulacion de reemplazos del parque español de automoviles," Working Papers 2000-04, FEDEA.
  2. Antonio R. Sampayo & Fernando del Río, "undated". "Obsolescence and Productivity," Working Papers 2005-25, FEDEA.
  3. Omar Licandro & Antonio R. Sampayo, "undated". "La demanda de automóviles en España: Un análisis de la evolución y variabilidad de las tasas de reemplazo," Working Papers 97-12, FEDEA.
  4. Omar Licandro & Antonio R. Sampayo, "undated". "Los efectos de los Planes Renove y Prever sobre el reemplazo de turismos," Working Papers 97-22, FEDEA.
  5. Omar Licandro & Antonio R. Sampayo, "undated". "Evaluación de los efectos del Plan Prever a partir de un modelo de Simulación de reemplazos del parque espanol de automóviles," Studies on the Spanish Economy 71, FEDEA.
  6. Melchor Fernández & Alberto Meixide & Hipólito J. Simón, "undated". "El trabajo de bajos salarios en Espana," Studies on the Spanish Economy 152, FEDEA.
  7. María L. Loureiro & Xavier Labandeira & Michael Hanemann, "undated". "Transport and Low-carbon. Fuel: A study of Public Preferences in Spain," Working Papers 01-2013, Economics for Energy.

Journal articles


  1. Manel Antelo & Antonio Sampayo, 2024. "Licensing of a new technology by an outside and uninformed licensor," Journal of Economics, Springer, vol. 142(2), pages 111-162, July.
  2. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea & Ojea-Ferreiro, Javier, 2024. "Tail risks of energy transition metal prices for commodity prices," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 93(C).
  3. Ugolini, Andrea & Reboredo, Juan C. & Ojea-Ferreiro, Javier, 2024. "Is climate transition risk priced into corporate credit risk? Evidence from credit default swaps," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 70(PB).


  1. Ugolini, Andrea & Reboredo, Juan C. & Mensi, Walid, 2023. "Connectedness between DeFi, cryptocurrency, stock, and safe-haven assets," Finance Research Letters, Elsevier, vol. 53(C).
  2. Juan C. Reboredo & Jose Ramon Barba-Queiruga & Javier Ojea-Ferreiro & Francisco Reyes-Santias, 2023. "Forecasting emergency department arrivals using INGARCH models," Health Economics Review, Springer, vol. 13(1), pages 1-12, December.


  1. Xesús Pereira-López & Napoleón Guillermo Sánchez-Chóez & Melchor Fernández-Fernández, 2022. "Spotting Error Patterns in Input–Output Projections Using Location Quotients," Mathematics, MDPI, vol. 10(9), pages 1-19, April.
  2. Juan C. Reboredo & Luis A. Otero González, 2022. "Low carbon transition risk in mutual fund portfolios: Managerial involvement and performance effects," Business Strategy and the Environment, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 31(3), pages 950-968, March.
  3. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea & Ojea-Ferreiro, Javier, 2022. "Do green bonds de-risk investment in low-carbon stocks?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 108(C).
  4. Ojea-Ferreiro, Javier & Reboredo, Juan C., 2022. "Exchange rates and the global transmission of equity market shocks," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 114(C).
  5. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2022. "Climate transition risk, profitability and stock prices," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 83(C).
  6. Mensi, Walid & Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea & Vo, Xuan Vinh, 2022. "Switching connectedness between real estate investment trusts, oil, and gold markets," Finance Research Letters, Elsevier, vol. 49(C).


  1. del Río, Fernando & Lores, Francisco-Xavier, 2021. "Accounting for U.S. economic growth 1954–2017," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 101(C).
  2. Xesús Pereira-López & Napoleón Guillermo Sánchez-Chóez & Melchor Fernández-Fernández, 2021. "Performance of bidimensional location quotients for constructing input–output tables," Journal of Economic Structures, Springer;Pan-Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies (PAPAIOS), vol. 10(1), pages 1-16, December.
  3. Reboredo, Juan C. & Otero, Luis A., 2021. "Are investors aware of climate-related transition risks? Evidence from mutual fund flows," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 189(C).
  4. Mensi, Walid & Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2021. "Price-switching spillovers between gold, oil, and stock markets: Evidence from the USA and China during the COVID-19 pandemic," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 73(C).
  5. Reboredo, Juan Carlos & Ugolini, Andrea & Hernandez, Jose Arreola, 2021. "Dynamic spillovers and network structure among commodity, currency, and stock markets," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 74(C).
  6. Reyes-Santias, Francisco & Reboredo, Juan C. & de Assis, Edilson Machado & Rivera-Castro, Miguel A., 2021. "Does length of hospital stay reflect power-law behavior? A q-Weibull density approach," Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier, vol. 568(C).
  7. Juan C. Reboredo & Samih M. A. Sowaity, 2021. "Environmental, Social, and Governance Information Disclosure and Intellectual Capital Efficiency in Jordanian Listed Firms," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 14(1), pages 1-19, December.
  8. Muhammad Shafiullah & Sajid M. Chaudhry & Muhammad Shahbaz & Juan C. Reboredo, 2021. "Quantile causality and dependence between crude oil and precious metal prices," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 26(4), pages 6264-6280, October.


  1. Manuel Flores & Melchor Fernández & Yolanda Pena-Boquete, 2020. "The impact of health on wages: evidence from Europe before and during the Great Recession," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 72(2), pages 319-346.
  2. Xesús Pereira-López & André Carrascal-Incera & Melchor Fernández-Fernández, 2020. "A bidimensional reformulation of location quotients for generating input–output tables," Spatial Economic Analysis, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 15(4), pages 476-493, October.
  3. Loureiro, Maria L. & Alló, Maria, 2020. "Sensing climate change and energy issues: Sentiment and emotion analysis with social media in the U.K. and Spain," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 143(C).
  4. Alló, M. & Loureiro, M.L., 2020. "Assessing preferences for wildfire prevention policies in Spain," Forest Policy and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 115(C).
  5. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2020. "Price connectedness between green bond and financial markets," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 88(C), pages 25-38.
  6. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea & Aiube, Fernando Antonio Lucena, 2020. "Network connectedness of green bonds and asset classes," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 86(C).
  7. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2020. "Price spillovers between rare earth stocks and financial markets," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 66(C).
  8. Manel Antelo & Pilar Magdalena & Juan C. Reboredo & Francisco Reyes-Santias, 2020. "How Are Unemployed Individuals with Obesity Affected by an Economic Crisis?," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 12(6), pages 1-17, March.


  1. Fernando del Río & Francisco‐Xavier Lores, 2019. "The Decline in Capital Efficiency and Labour Share," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 86(344), pages 635-662, October.
  2. Alba Lugilde & Roberto Bande & Dolores Riveiro, 2019. "Precautionary Saving: A Review Of The Empirical Literature," Journal of Economic Surveys, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 33(2), pages 481-515, April.
  3. Roberto Bande & Marika Karanassou & Héctor Sala, 2019. "Employment in Spanish regions: cost-control or growth-enhancing policies?," The Annals of Regional Science, Springer;Western Regional Science Association, vol. 62(3), pages 601-635, June.
  4. Fernández Méndez, Diana & Fernández Fernández, Melchor & Meixide Vecino, Alberto, 2019. "La generación real y potencial de empleo de la ley de dependencia: un análisis regional," INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES - Journal of REGIONAL RESEARCH, Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional, issue 43, pages 83-101.
  5. Rahmani, Djamel & Loureiro, Maria L., 2019. "Assessing drivers’ preferences for hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) in Spain," Research in Transportation Economics, Elsevier, vol. 73(C), pages 89-97.
  6. Loureiro, Maria & Labandeira, Xavier, 2019. "Exploring Energy Use in Retail Stores: A Field Experiment," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 84(S1).
  7. Djamel Rahmani & Zein Kallas & Maria Pappa & José Maria Gil, 2019. "Are Consumers’ Egg Preferences Influenced by Animal-Welfare Conditions and Environmental Impacts?," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 11(22), pages 1-23, November.
  8. Juan C. Reboredo & Andrea Ugolini & Yifei Chen, 2019. "Interdependence Between Renewable-Energy and Low-Carbon Stock Prices," Energies, MDPI, vol. 12(23), pages 1-14, November.
  9. Pablo Durán-Santomil & Luis Otero-González & Renato Heitor Correia-Domingues & Juan Carlos Reboredo, 2019. "Does Sustainability Score Impact Mutual Fund Performance?," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 11(10), pages 1-17, May.


  1. Alba Lugilde & Roberto Bande & Dolores Riveiro, 2018. "Precautionary saving in Spain during the great recession: evidence from a panel of uncertainty indicators," Review of Economics of the Household, Springer, vol. 16(4), pages 1151-1179, December.
  2. Bande, Roberto & Martín-Román, Ángel, 2018. "Regional differences in the Okun’s Relationship: New Evidence for Spain (1980-2015)," INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES - Journal of REGIONAL RESEARCH, Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional, issue 41, pages 137-165.
  3. Alló, Maria & Loureiro, Maria L., 2018. "The impact of illegal harvesting on time preferences and willingness to participate in shellfish resource management," Resource and Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 54(C), pages 226-236.
  4. Maria L. LOUREIRO & Maria ALLO, 2018. "Los Incendios Forestales Y Su Impacto Económico: Propuesta Para Una Agenda Investigadora," Revista Galega de Economía, University of Santiago de Compostela. Faculty of Economics and Business., vol. 27(3), pages 129-142.
  5. Padilla-Bernal, Luz E. & Lara-Herrera, Alfredo & Rodriguez, Alberto Velez & Loureiro, Maria L., 2018. "Views on Sustainability and the Willingness to Adopt an Environmental management System in the Mexican Vegetable Sector," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, vol. 21(3), February.
  6. Reboredo, Juan C., 2018. "Green bond and financial markets: Co-movement, diversification and price spillover effects," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 74(C), pages 38-50.
  7. Hammoudeh, Shawkat & Reboredo, Juan C., 2018. "Oil price dynamics and market-based inflation expectations," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 75(C), pages 484-491.
  8. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2018. "The impact of energy prices on clean energy stock prices. A multivariate quantile dependence approach," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 76(C), pages 136-152.
  9. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2018. "The impact of Twitter sentiment on renewable energy stocks," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 76(C), pages 153-169.
  10. Otero, Luis A. & Reboredo, Juan C., 2018. "The performance of precious-metal mutual funds: Does uncertainty matter?," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 57(C), pages 13-22.


  1. Fernando Del Rio & Francisco-Xavier Lores, 2017. "Regulation and rent-seeking: The role of the distribution of political and economic power," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 19(5), pages 986-1008, October.
  2. Manel Antelo & Antonio Sampayo, 2017. "On the Number of Licenses with Signalling," Manchester School, University of Manchester, vol. 85(6), pages 635-660, December.
  3. Fernando Rio & Antonio Sampayo, 2017. "Complementarity, Linkages between Firms, and the Effect of Entry Costs on Productivity," Review of Development Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 21(4), pages 1281-1304, November.
  4. Loureiro, Maria L. & Loomis, John, 2017. "How Sensitive Are Environmental Valuations To Economic Downturns?," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 140(C), pages 235-240.
  5. Antelo, Manel & Magdalena, Pilar & Reboredo, Juan C., 2017. "Obesity: A major problem for Spanish minors," Economics & Human Biology, Elsevier, vol. 24(C), pages 61-73.
  6. Reboredo, Juan C. & Rivera-Castro, Miguel A. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2017. "Wavelet-based test of co-movement and causality between oil and renewable energy stock prices," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 61(C), pages 241-252.
  7. Antelo, Manel & Magdalena, Pilar & Reboredo, Juan C., 2017. "Economic crisis and the unemployment effect on household food expenditure: The case of Spain," Food Policy, Elsevier, vol. 69(C), pages 11-24.
  8. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2017. "Quantile causality between gold commodity and gold stock prices," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 53(C), pages 56-63.
  9. Reboredo, Juan C. & Quintela, Miguel & Otero, Luis A., 2017. "Do investors pay a premium for going green? Evidence from alternative energy mutual funds," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier, vol. 73(C), pages 512-520.
  10. Juan Carlos Reboredo & Nader Naifar, 2017. "Do Islamic Bond (Sukuk) Prices Reflect Financial and Policy Uncertainty? A Quantile Regression Approach," Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53(7), pages 1535-1546, July.
  11. Jose Arreola Hernandez & Shawkat Hammoudeh & Duc Khuong Nguyen & Mazin A. M. Al Janabi & Juan Carlos Reboredo, 2017. "Global financial crisis and dependence risk analysis of sector portfolios: a vine copula approach," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 49(25), pages 2409-2427, May.


  1. Rodríguez-Míguez, E. & Abellán-Perpiñán, J.M. & Alvarez, X.C. & González, X.M. & Sampayo, A.R., 2016. "The DEP-6D, a new preference-based measure to assess health states of dependency," Social Science & Medicine, Elsevier, vol. 153(C), pages 210-219.
  2. Xesús Pereira López & Melchor Fernández Fernández & André Carrascal Incera, 2016. "The Economic Impact of International Students in a Regional Economy from a Tourism Perspective," Tourism Economics, , vol. 22(1), pages 125-140, February.
  3. Ojea, Elena & Loureiro, Maria L. & Alló, Maria & Barrio, Melina, 2016. "Ecosystem Services and REDD: Estimating the Benefits of Non-Carbon Services in Worldwide Forests," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 78(C), pages 246-261.
  4. Gregory Colson & Jay R. Corrigan & Carola Grebitus & Maria L. Loureiro & Matthew C. Rousu, 2016. "Which Deceptive Practices, If Any, Should Be Allowed in Experimental Economics Research? Results from Surveys of Applied Experimental Economists and Students," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, vol. 98(2), pages 610-621.
  5. Loureiro, Maria L. & Rahmani, Djamel, 2016. "The incidence of calorie labeling on fast food choices: A comparison between stated preferences and actual choices," Economics & Human Biology, Elsevier, vol. 22(C), pages 82-93.
  6. Alló, Maria & Loureiro, Maria L., 2016. "Evaluating the fulfillment of the principles of collective action in practice: A case study from Galicia (NW Spain)," Forest Policy and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 73(C), pages 1-9.
  7. Paulo A.L.D. Nunes & Maria L. Loureiro, 2016. "Economic valuation of climate-change-induced vinery landscape impacts on tourism flows in Tuscany," Agricultural Economics, International Association of Agricultural Economists, vol. 47(4), pages 365-374, July.
  8. Quintas-Soriano, Cristina & Martín-López, Berta & Santos-Martín, Fernando & Loureiro, María & Montes, Carlos & Benayas, Javier & García-Llorente, Marina, 2016. "Ecosystem services values in Spain: A meta-analysis," Environmental Science & Policy, Elsevier, vol. 55(P1), pages 186-195.
  9. Luís C. Rodrigues & Jeroen C. J. M. Bergh & Maria L. Loureiro & Paulo A. L. D. Nunes & Sergio Rossi, 2016. "The Cost of Mediterranean Sea Warming and Acidification: A Choice Experiment Among Scuba Divers at Medes Islands, Spain," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 63(2), pages 289-311, February.
  10. Villasante, Sebastian & Pierce, Graham J. & Pita, Cristina & Guimeráns, César Pazos & Garcia Rodrigues, João & Antelo, Manel & Da Rocha, José María & Cutrín, Javier García & Hastie, Lee C. & Veiga, Pe, 2016. "Fishers' perceptions about the EU discards policy and its economic impact on small-scale fisheries in Galicia (North West Spain)," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 130(C), pages 130-138.
  11. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2016. "Quantile dependence of oil price movements and stock returns," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 54(C), pages 33-49.
  12. Jammazi, Rania & Reboredo, Juan C., 2016. "Dependence and risk management in oil and stock markets. A wavelet-copula analysis," Energy, Elsevier, vol. 107(C), pages 866-888.
  13. Reboredo, Juan C. & Rivera-Castro, Miguel A. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2016. "Downside and upside risk spillovers between exchange rates and stock prices," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 62(C), pages 76-96.
  14. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2016. "The impact of downward/upward oil price movements on metal prices," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 49(C), pages 129-141.
  15. Reboredo, Juan C. & Uddin, Gazi Salah, 2016. "Do financial stress and policy uncertainty have an impact on the energy and metals markets? A quantile regression approach," International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 43(C), pages 284-298.


  1. Roberto Bande & Elva López-Mourelo, 2015. "The Impact of Worker’s Age on the Consequences of Occupational Accidents: Empirical Evidence Using Spanish Data," Journal of Labor Research, Springer, vol. 36(2), pages 129-174, June.
  2. Carrascal Incera, André & Fernández, Melchor Fernández, 2015. "Tourism and income distribution: Evidence from a developed regional economy," Tourism Management, Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 11-20.
  3. Maria Alló & Maria L. Loureiro & Eva Iglesias, 2015. "Farmers' Preferences and Social Capital Regarding Agri‐environmental Schemes to Protect Birds," Journal of Agricultural Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 66(3), pages 672-689, September.
  4. Matthew C. Rousu & Gregory Colson & Jay R. Corrigan & Carola Grebitus & Maria L. Loureiro, 2015. "Deception in Experiments: Towards Guidelines on use in Applied Economics Research," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, vol. 37(3), pages 524-536.
  5. Inglesias, Eva & Lossada, Alfonso & Bardaji, Isabel & Loureiro, Maria, 2015. "Analyses of agri-environmental schemes aimed at the protection of farmland birds in extensive drylands," Revista Espanola de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Rural y Marino (formerly Ministry of Agriculture), issue 240.
  6. Manel Antelo & Pilar Magdalena & Juan C. Reboredo, 2015. "On cocaine consumption: Some lessons from Spain," Cuadernos de Economía - Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance, Asociación Cuadernos de Economía, vol. 38(107), pages 96-106, Agosto.
  7. Manel Antelo & Francisco Reyes Santias & Adela Martinez Calvo, 2015. "Bed capacity and surgical waiting lists: a simulation analysis," European Journal of Government and Economics, Europa Grande, vol. 4(2), pages 118-133, December.
  8. David Peon & Anxo Calvo & Manel Antelo, 2015. "On informational efficiency of the banking sector: a behavioral model of the credit boom," Studies in Economics and Finance, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 32(2), pages 158-180, June.
  9. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2015. "A vine-copula conditional value-at-risk approach to systemic sovereign debt risk for the financial sector," The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 32(C), pages 98-123.
  10. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2015. "Downside/upside price spillovers between precious metals: A vine copula approach," The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 34(C), pages 84-102.
  11. Reboredo, Juan C. & Tiwari, Aviral Kumar & Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu, 2015. "An analysis of dependence between Central and Eastern European stock markets," Economic Systems, Elsevier, vol. 39(3), pages 474-490.
  12. Mensi, Walid & Hammoudeh, Shawkat & Reboredo, Juan C. & Nguyen, Duc Khuong, 2015. "Are Sharia stocks, gold and U.S. Treasury hedges and/or safe havens for the oil-based GCC markets?," Emerging Markets Review, Elsevier, vol. 24(C), pages 101-121.
  13. Reboredo, Juan C., 2015. "Is there dependence and systemic risk between oil and renewable energy stock prices?," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 32-45.
  14. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugolini, Andrea, 2015. "Systemic risk in European sovereign debt markets: A CoVaR-copula approach," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 51(C), pages 214-244.
  15. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugando, Mikel, 2015. "Downside risks in EU carbon and fossil fuel markets," Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM), Elsevier, vol. 111(C), pages 17-35.
  16. Reboredo, Juan C., 2015. "Renewable energy contribution to the energy supply: Is there convergence across countries?," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier, vol. 45(C), pages 290-295.
  17. Reboredo, Juan C. & Wen, Xiaoqian, 2015. "Are China’s new energy stock prices driven by new energy policies?," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier, vol. 45(C), pages 624-636.


  1. Fernando Rio & Antonio Sampayo, 2014. "Obsolescence and productivity," Portuguese Economic Journal, Springer;Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestao, vol. 13(3), pages 195-216, December.
  2. Roberto Bande-Ramudo & Manuel Fernandez-Grela & Dolores Riveiro-Garcia, 2014. "Consumption, investment and unemployment: SVAR tests of the effects of changes in the consumption-saving pattern," Cogent Economics & Finance, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 2(1), pages 1-7, December.
  3. Roberto Bande & Marika Karanassou, 2014. "Spanish Regional Unemployment Revisited: The Role of Capital Accumulation," Regional Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 48(11), pages 1863-1883, November.
  4. André Carrascal Incera & Fernando Corbelle Cacabelos & Melchor Fernández & Mª Carmen Vilariño López, 2014. "Plan E como estímulo fiscal: Evaluación de su efectividad en la creación y mantenimiento de empleo a escala provincial," Revista de Economía Laboral - Spanish Journal of Labour Economics, Asociación Española de Economía Laboral - AEET, vol. 11, pages 1-23.
  5. Barreal, Jesús & Loureiro, Maria L. & Picos, Juan, 2014. "On insurance as a tool for securing forest restoration after wildfires," Forest Policy and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 42(C), pages 15-23.
  6. Alló, Maria & Loureiro, Maria L., 2014. "The role of social norms on preferences towards climate change policies: A meta-analysis," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 73(C), pages 563-574.
  7. Manel Antelo & David Peón, 2014. "Fiscal consolidation and the sustainability of public debt in the GIPSI countries," Cuadernos de Economía - Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance, Asociación Cuadernos de Economía, vol. 37(103), pages 52-71, Abril.
  8. Javier Coto-Martinez & Juan C. Reboredo, 2014. "The Relative Price of Non-traded Goods under Imperfect Competition," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 76(1), pages 24-40, February.
  9. Reboredo, Juan C., 2014. "Volatility spillovers between the oil market and the European Union carbon emission market," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 36(C), pages 229-234.
  10. Reboredo, Juan C. & Rivera-Castro, Miguel A., 2014. "Can gold hedge and preserve value when the US dollar depreciates?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 39(C), pages 168-173.
  11. Reboredo, Juan C. & Ugando, Mikel, 2014. "US dollar exchange rate and food price dependence: Implications for portfolio risk management," The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 30(C), pages 72-89.
  12. Mensi, Walid & Hammoudeh, Shawkat & Reboredo, Juan Carlos & Nguyen, Duc Khuong, 2014. "Do global factors impact BRICS stock markets? A quantile regression approach," Emerging Markets Review, Elsevier, vol. 19(C), pages 1-17.
  13. Hammoudeh, Shawkat & Nguyen, Duc Khuong & Reboredo, Juan Carlos & Wen, Xiaoqian, 2014. "Dependence of stock and commodity futures markets in China: Implications for portfolio investment," Emerging Markets Review, Elsevier, vol. 21(C), pages 183-200.
  14. Reboredo, Juan Carlos & Rivera-Castro, Miguel A. & Zebende, Gilney F., 2014. "Oil and US dollar exchange rate dependence: A detrended cross-correlation approach," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 42(C), pages 132-139.
  15. Hammoudeh, Shawkat & Mensi, Walid & Reboredo, Juan Carlos & Nguyen, Duc Khuong, 2014. "Dynamic dependence of the global Islamic equity index with global conventional equity market indices and risk factors," Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Elsevier, vol. 30(C), pages 189-206.
  16. Reboredo, Juan C. & Rivera-Castro, Miguel A., 2014. "Wavelet-based evidence of the impact of oil prices on stock returns," International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 29(C), pages 145-176.
  17. Reboredo, Juan C. & Rivera-Castro, Miguel A., 2014. "Gold and exchange rates: Downside risk and hedging at different investment horizons," International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 34(C), pages 267-279.
  18. Juan C. Reboredo & Miguel A. Rivera-Castro & Edilson Machado de Assis, 2014. "Power-law behaviour in time durations between extreme returns," Quantitative Finance, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 14(12), pages 2171-2183, December.


  1. José-María Da-Rocha & Eduardo-Luis Giménez & Francisco-Xavier Lores, 2013. "Self-fulfilling crises with default and devaluation," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 53(3), pages 499-535, August.
  2. Roberto Bande & Dolores Riveiro, 2013. "Private Saving Rates and Macroeconomic Uncertainty: Evidence from Spanish Regional Data," The Economic and Social Review, Economic and Social Studies, vol. 44(3), pages 323-349.
  3. Roberto Bande & Marika Karanassou, 2013. "The Natural Rate of Unemployment Hypothesis and the Evolution of Regional Disparities in Spanish Unemployment," Urban Studies, Urban Studies Journal Limited, vol. 50(10), pages 2044-2062, August.
  4. Roberto BANDE & Dolores RIVEIRO, 2013. "The Consumption-Investment-Unemployment Relationship In Spain: An Analysis With Regional Data," Theoretical and Practical Research in the Economic Fields, ASERS Publishing, vol. 4(1), pages 5-24.
  5. PEREIRA LÓPEZ, XESÚS & Quiñoá López, José Luís & FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ, MELCHOR, 2013. "Análisis de la estabilidad de una economía con desequilibrios sectoriales || Analysis of the Stability in an Economy with Sectoral Imbalances," Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa = Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Department of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, vol. 15(1), pages 168-187, June.
  6. Carrascal Incera, André & Fernández Fernández, Melchor & Pereira López, Xesús, 2013. "Waste Generation From Inbound Tourism In Galicia," Revista Galega de Economía, University of Santiago de Compostela. Faculty of Economics and Business., vol. 22(1).
  7. Alló, Maria & Loureiro, Maria L., 2013. "Estimating a meta-damage regression model for large accidental oil spills," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 86(C), pages 167-175.
  8. Loureiro, Maria L. & Gracia, Azucena & Nayga, Rodolfo M., 2013. "Do experimental auction estimates pass the scope test?," Journal of Economic Psychology, Elsevier, vol. 37(C), pages 7-17.
  9. Loureiro, Maria L. & Labandeira, Xavier & Hanemann, Michael, 2013. "Transport and low-carbon fuel: A study of public preferences in Spain," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 40(S1), pages 126-133.
  10. Maria Loureiro & John Loomis, 2013. "International Public Preferences and Provision of Public Goods: Assessment of Passive Use Values in Large Oil Spills," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 56(4), pages 521-534, December.
  11. Domínguez Alvarez, Rocío & Loureiro, María L., 2013. "Environmental accidents and stigmatized fish prices: evidence from the Prestige oil spill in Galicia," Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, Spanish Association of Agricultural Economists, vol. 13(02), pages 1-24, December.
  12. Manel Antelo, 2013. "Duration and payment of licensing contracts for users to reveal what they know," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 22(2), pages 127-151, March.
  13. Sebastian Villasante & David Rodríguez-González & Manel Antelo, 2013. "On the Non-Compliance in the North Sea Cod Stock," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 5(5), pages 1-20, May.
  14. Reboredo, Juan C. & Rivera-Castro, Miguel A., 2013. "A wavelet decomposition approach to crude oil price and exchange rate dependence," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 32(C), pages 42-57.
  15. Reboredo, Juan C., 2013. "Modeling EU allowances and oil market interdependence. Implications for portfolio management," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 36(C), pages 471-480.
  16. Reboredo, Juan C., 2013. "Is gold a safe haven or a hedge for the US dollar? Implications for risk management," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 37(8), pages 2665-2676.
  17. Reboredo, Juan C., 2013. "Is gold a hedge or safe haven against oil price movements?," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 38(2), pages 130-137.
  18. Reboredo, Juan C. & Rivera-Castro, Miguel A. & Miranda, José G.V. & García-Rubio, Raquel, 2013. "How fast do stock prices adjust to market efficiency? Evidence from a detrended fluctuation analysis," Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier, vol. 392(7), pages 1631-1637.


  1. Bande, Roberto & Fernández, Melchor & Montuenga , Víctor, 2012. "Wage flexibility and local labour markets: a test on the homogeneity of the wage curve in Spain," INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES - Journal of REGIONAL RESEARCH, Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional, issue 24, pages 175-198.
  2. Melchor Fernández & Manuel Flores, 2012. "Las diferencias entre el paro registrado y el paro EPA en Galicia: Una evaluación con microdatos," Revista de Economía Laboral - Spanish Journal of Labour Economics, Asociación Española de Economía Laboral - AEET, vol. 9, pages 46-72.
  3. Maria L. Loureiro & Steven T. Yen & Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr, 2012. "The effects of nutritional labels on obesity," Agricultural Economics, International Association of Agricultural Economists, vol. 43(3), pages 333-342, May.
  4. Barreal, Jesus & Loureiro, Maria L. & Picos, Juan, 2012. "Estudio de la causalidad de los incendios forestales en Galicia," Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, Spanish Association of Agricultural Economists, vol. 12(01), June.
  5. Rocio Dominguez Alvarez & Maria L. Loureiro, 2012. "Stigma, Ex-convicts and Labour Markets," German Economic Review, Verein für Socialpolitik, vol. 13(4), pages 470-486, November.
  6. Loureiro, Maria L. & Dominguez Arcos, Fernando, 2012. "Applying Best–Worst Scaling in a stated preference analysis of forest management programs," Journal of Forest Economics, Elsevier, vol. 18(4), pages 381-394.
  7. Villasante, Sebastián & Rodríguez, David & Antelo, Manel & Quaas, Martin & Österblom, Henrik, 2012. "The Global Seafood Market Performance Index: A theoretical proposal and potential empirical applications," Marine Policy, Elsevier, vol. 36(1), pages 142-152, January.
  8. Manel Antelo, 2012. "A Revenue-raising Government Taxing a Firm with Private Information," Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics, IEF, vol. 203(4), pages 57-86, December.
  9. David Peón & Manel Antelo, 2012. "Are normative models in Finance realistic?," Cuadernos de Economía - Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance, Asociación Cuadernos de Economía, vol. 35(98), pages 89-99, Agosto.
  10. Reboredo, Juan C., 2012. "Do food and oil prices co-move?," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 49(C), pages 456-467.
  11. Reboredo, Juan C., 2012. "Modelling oil price and exchange rate co-movements," Journal of Policy Modeling, Elsevier, vol. 34(3), pages 419-440.
  12. Juan Reboredo & José Matías & Raquel Garcia-Rubio, 2012. "Nonlinearity in Forecasting of High-Frequency Stock Returns," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 40(3), pages 245-264, October.
  13. Juan C. Reboredo, 2012. "The switch from continuous to call auction trading in response to a large intraday price movement," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 44(8), pages 945-967, March.
  14. José M. Matías & Juan C. Reboredo, 2012. "Forecasting Performance of Nonlinear Models for Intraday Stock Returns," Journal of Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 31(2), pages 172-188, March.


  1. Ojea, Elena & Loureiro, Maria L., 2011. "Identifying the scope effect on a meta-analysis of biodiversity valuation studies," Resource and Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 33(3), pages 706-724, September.
  2. Maria Loureiro & Melina Barrio, 2011. "Do entreaties reduce the WTA-WTP disparity when valuing public goods?," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 18(6), pages 581-584.
  3. Azucena Gracia & Maria L. Loureiro & Rodolfo M. Nayga, 2011. "Are Valuations from Nonhypothetical Choice Experiments Different from Those of Experimental Auctions?," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, vol. 93(5), pages 1358-1373.
  4. Azucena Gracia & Maria L. Loureiro & Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr., 2011. "Valuing an EU Animal Welfare Label using Experimental Auctions," Agricultural Economics, International Association of Agricultural Economists, vol. 42(6), pages 669-677, November.
  5. Barreal Pernas, Jesús & Loureiro García, María & Picos Martín, Juan, 2011. "Study Causation Of Fires In Galicia: A Socioeconomic Perspective," Revista Galega de Economía, University of Santiago de Compostela. Faculty of Economics and Business., vol. 20(ex).
  6. Domínguez Arcos, Fernando & Labandeira Villot, Xavier & Loureiro García, María, 2011. "Climate Change Policies And Social Preferences In Galicia And Spain," Revista Galega de Economía, University of Santiago de Compostela. Faculty of Economics and Business., vol. 20(1).
  7. Reboredo, Juan C., 2011. "How do crude oil prices co-move?: A copula approach," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 33(5), pages 948-955, September.


  1. del Rio, Fernando, 2010. "Investment-specific technical progress, capital obsolescence and job creation," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 17(1), pages 248-257, January.
  2. Barrio, Melina & Loureiro, Maria L., 2010. "A meta-analysis of contingent valuation forest studies," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 69(5), pages 1023-1030, March.
  3. Elena Ojea & Paulo Nunes & Maria Loureiro, 2010. "Mapping Biodiversity Indicators and Assessing Biodiversity Values in Global Forests," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 47(3), pages 329-347, November.
  4. Ojea, Elena & Loureiro, Maria L., 2010. "Valuing the recovery of overexploited fish stocks in the context of existence and option values," Marine Policy, Elsevier, vol. 34(3), pages 514-521, May.
  5. Maria L. Loureiro & Anna Sanz-de-Galdeano & Daniela Vuri, 2010. "Smoking Habits: Like Father, Like Son, Like Mother, Like Daughter?," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 72(6), pages 717-743, December.
  6. Antelo, Manel & Bru, Lluis, 2010. "Outsourcing or restructuring: The dynamic choice," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 123(1), pages 1-7, January.
  7. Juan Reboredo, 2010. "Nonlinear effects of oil shocks on stock returns: a Markov-switching approach," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 42(29), pages 3735-3744.


  1. Raouf Boucekkine & Fernando del Río & Blanca Martínez, 2009. "Technological progress, obsolescence, and depreciation," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 61(3), pages 440-466, July.
  2. Roberto Bande & Marika Karanassou, 2009. "Labour market flexibility and regional unemployment rate dynamics: Spain 1980–1995," Papers in Regional Science, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 88(1), pages 181-207, March.
  3. Pereira López, Xesús & Fernández Fernández, Melchor & Pena Boquete, Yolanda, 2009. "An Alternative Method For Detecting Technological Changes In Tourism Industry," Revista Galega de Economía, University of Santiago de Compostela. Faculty of Economics and Business., vol. 18(2).
  4. Elena Ojea & Maria L. Loureiro, 2009. "Valuation Of Wildlife: Revising Some Additional Considerations For Scope Tests," Contemporary Economic Policy, Western Economic Association International, vol. 27(2), pages 236-250, April.
  5. Antelo, Manel & Loureiro, Maria L., 2009. "Asymmetric information, signaling and environmental taxes in oligopoly," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 68(5), pages 1430-1440, March.
  6. Maria L. Loureiro, 2009. "Farmers' health and agricultural productivity," Agricultural Economics, International Association of Agricultural Economists, vol. 40(4), pages 381-388, July.
  7. Maria Loureiro & John Loomis & Maria Vázquez, 2009. "Economic Valuation of Environmental Damages due to the Prestige Oil Spill in Spain," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 44(4), pages 537-553, December.
  8. Costa Sandine & Ibanez Lisette & Loureiro Maria L. & Marette Stéphan, 2009. "Quality Promotion through Eco-Labeling: Introduction to the Special Issue," Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, De Gruyter, vol. 7(2), pages 1-8, December.
  9. Manel Antelo and Maria L. Loureiro, 2009. "Soft Fiscal Policies for a Polluting Monopolist," The Energy Journal, International Association for Energy Economics, vol. 0(Special I).
  10. Manel Antelo, 2009. "On contract duration of royalty licensing contracts," Spanish Economic Review, Springer;Spanish Economic Association, vol. 11(4), pages 301-301, December.
  11. Antelo, Manel & Bru, Lluís, 2009. "Permit markets, market power, and the trade-off between efficiency and revenue raising," Resource and Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 31(4), pages 320-333, November.


  1. Omar Licandro & Luis Puch & Antonio Sampayo, 2008. "A Vintage Model of Trade in Secondhand Markets and the Lifetime of Durable Goods," Mathematical Population Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 15(4), pages 249-266.
  2. Bande, Roberto & Fernández, Melchor & Montuenga, Víctor, 2008. "Regional unemployment in Spain: Disparities, business cycle and wage setting," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 15(5), pages 885-914, October.
  3. Loureiro, Maria L., 2008. "Liability and food safety provision: Empirical evidence from the US," International Review of Law and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 28(3), pages 204-211, September.
  4. Loureiro, Maria L. & Ojea, Elena, 2008. "Valuing local endangered species: The role of intra-species substitutes," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 68(1-2), pages 362-369, December.


  1. Roberto Bande & Melchor Fernandez & Victor Montuenga, 2007. "Regional Disparities in the Unemployment Rate: The Role of the Wage-setting Mechanism in Spain, 1987-92," Regional Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 41(2), pages 235-251.
  2. Victor Montuenga-Gomez & Melchor Fernandez & Andres Romeu, 2007. "The Link Between Wages and Productivity in Spain," International Review of Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 21(2), pages 247-272.
  3. Loureiro, Maria L. & Umberger, Wendy J., 2007. "A choice experiment model for beef: What US consumer responses tell us about relative preferences for food safety, country-of-origin labeling and traceability," Food Policy, Elsevier, vol. 32(4), pages 496-514, August.
  4. Gracia, Azucena & Loureiro, Maria & Nayga, Rodolfo Jr., 2007. "Do consumers perceive benefits from the implementation of a EU mandatory nutritional labelling program?," Food Policy, Elsevier, vol. 32(2), pages 160-174, April.
  5. Ojea, Elena & Loureiro, Maria L., 2007. "Altruistic, egoistic and biospheric values in willingness to pay (WTP) for wildlife," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 63(4), pages 807-814, September.
  6. Barrio, Melina & Loureiro, Maria L. & Chas, Maria Luisa, 2007. "Aproximacion a las perdidas economicas ocasionadas a corto plazo por los incendios forestales en Galicia en 2006," Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, Spanish Association of Agricultural Economists, vol. 7(14), pages 1-20.
  7. Maria L. Loureiro & Marcia Bugbee, 2007. "Trading off risks and benefits when valuing new GM technologies: a consumer perspective," International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 6(1), pages 111-123.
  8. Maria L. Loureiro & Rodolfo M. Nayga, 2007. "Physician's Advice Affects Adoption of Desirable Dietary Behaviors," Review of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, vol. 29(2), pages 318-330.


  1. Pilar Abad Romero & Begoña Alvarez García & Eva Rodríguez Míguez & Antonio Rodríguez Sampayo, 2006. "Social preferences measures and the quality of the job match for persons with disabilities," Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics, IEF, vol. 179(4), pages 113-134, September.
  2. Omar Licandro & Antonio R. Sampayo, 2006. "The effects of replacement schemes on car sales: the Spanish case," Investigaciones Economicas, Fundación SEPI, vol. 30(2), pages 239-282, May.
  3. Loureiro, Maria L. & Ribas, Alfonso & Lopez, Edelmiro & Ojea, Elena, 2006. "Estimated costs and admissible claims linked to the Prestige oil spill," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 59(1), pages 48-63, August.
  4. Maria L. Loureiro & Azucena Gracia & Rodolfo M. Nayga, 2006. "Do consumers value nutritional labels?," European Review of Agricultural Economics, Oxford University Press and the European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation, vol. 33(2), pages 249-268, June.
  5. Alvarez, Alfonso Ribas & Iglesias, Edelmiro Lopez & Loureiro, Maria L., 2006. "Los factores determinantes del paso de las explotaciones de la leche a la carne en la Cornisa Cantabrica: analisis empirico para una comarca del interior de Galicia [Analysis of the determinant fac," Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, Spanish Association of Agricultural Economists, vol. 6(11), pages 1-18.
  6. Loureiro, Maria L. & Nayga, Rodolfo Jr, 2006. "Obesity, weight loss, and physician's advice," Social Science & Medicine, Elsevier, vol. 62(10), pages 2458-2468, May.
  7. Manel Antelo & Lluís Bru, 2006. "The Welfare Effects Of Upstream Mergers In The Presence Of Downstream Entry Barriers," International Economic Review, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association, vol. 47(4), pages 1269-1294, November.
  8. Luis Granero & Juan Carlos Reboredo, 2006. "Competition and R&D in retail banking under expense preference behaviour," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 13(1), pages 47-50.


  1. Boucekkine, Raouf & del Rio, Fernando & Licandro, Omar, 2005. "Obsolescence and modernization in the growth process," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 77(1), pages 153-171, June.
  2. Maria Loureiro & Justus Lotade, 2005. "Interviewer Effects on the Valuation of Goods with Ethical and Environmental Attributes," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 30(1), pages 49-72, January.
  3. Loureiro, Maria L. & Lotade, Justus, 2005. "Do fair trade and eco-labels in coffee wake up the consumer conscience?," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 53(1), pages 129-138, April.
  4. Loureiro, Maria L. & Umberger, Wendy J., 2005. "Assessing Consumer Preferences for Country-of-Origin Labeling," Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, vol. 37(1), pages 1-14, April.
  5. McCluskey, Jill J. & Loureiro, Maria L., 2005. "Reputation and Production Standards," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Western Agricultural Economics Association, vol. 30(1), pages 1-11, April.
  6. Hine, Susan E. & Pritchett, James G. & Loureiro, Maria L. & Meyer, Susan E., 2005. "Vertical Integration in Produce Markets: A Colorado Cooperative’s Strategic Response to Change," Journal of Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics Association of Georgia, vol. 23(1), pages 1-16.
  7. Maria L. Loureiro & Rodolfo M. Nayga, 2005. "International Dimensions of Obesity and Overweight Related Problems: An Economics Perspective," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, vol. 87(5), pages 1147-1153.
  8. Maria L. Loureiro & Anne Moxnes Jervell, 2005. "Farmers' Participation Decisions regarding Agro-Tourism Activities in Norway," Tourism Economics, , vol. 11(3), pages 453-469, September.


  1. Fernández, Melchor & Polo, Clemente, 2004. "Consecuencias del ajuste fiscal en España," El Trimestre Económico, Fondo de Cultura Económica, vol. 0(282), pages 453-484, abril-jun.
  2. Hipolito Simón & Melchor Fernández & Alberto Meixide, 2004. "Empleo de bajos salarios y pobreza en España," Revista de Economía Laboral - Spanish Journal of Labour Economics, Asociación Española de Economía Laboral - AEET, vol. 1, pages 76-88.
  3. Loureiro, Maria L. & Hine, Susan, 2004. "Preferences and willingness to pay for GM labeling policies," Food Policy, Elsevier, vol. 29(5), pages 467-483, October.
  4. Laura Nahuelhual-Muñoz & Maria Loureiro & John Loomis, 2004. "Addressing Heterogeneous Preferences Using Parametric Extended Spike Models," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 27(3), pages 297-311, March.
  5. Kristine M. Grimsrud & Jill J. McCluskey & Maria L. Loureiro & Thomas I. Wahl, 2004. "Consumer Attitudes to Genetically Modified Food in Norway," Journal of Agricultural Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 55(1), pages 75-90, March.
  6. Nahuelhual, Laura & Loureiro, Maria L. & Loomis, John B., 2004. "Using Random Parameters to Account for Heterogeneous Preferences in Contingent Valuation of Public Open Space," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Western Agricultural Economics Association, vol. 29(3), pages 1-16, December.
  7. Loureiro, Maria L. & Loomis, John B. & Nahuelhual, Laura, 2004. "A comparison of a parametric and a non-parametric method to value a non-rejectable public good," Journal of Forest Economics, Elsevier, vol. 10(2), pages 61-74, September.
  8. Loureiro, Maria L. & Nayga, Rodolfo M., Jr., 2004. "Economics, Policy, and Obesity," Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm, and Resource Issues, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, vol. 19(3), pages 1-2.
  9. Loureiro, Maria L., 2004. "Obesity: Economic Dimensions of a "Supersize" Problem," Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm, and Resource Issues, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, vol. 19(3), pages 1-6.
  10. J. C. Reboredo, 2004. "A note on efficiency and solvency in banking," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 11(3), pages 183-185.


  1. Raouf Boucekkine & Fernando Del Río & Omar Licandro, 2003. "Embodied Technological Change, Learning‐by‐doing and the Productivity Slowdown," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 105(1), pages 87-98, March.
  2. Roberto Bande & Melchor Fernández, 2003. "El papel del mecanismo de determinación salarial en la explicación de los patrones de empleo en Galicia," Revista de Estudios Regionales, Universidades Públicas de Andalucía, vol. 3, pages 87-105.
  3. Melchor Fernández & Víctor M. Montuenga‐Gómez, 2003. "The Effects of Public Capital on the Growth in Spanish Productivity," Contemporary Economic Policy, Western Economic Association International, vol. 21(3), pages 383-393, July.
  4. Montuenga, Victor & Garcia, Inmaculada & Fernandez, Melchor, 2003. "Wage flexibility: evidence from five EU countries based on the wage curve," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 78(2), pages 169-174, February.
  5. Loureiro, Maria L., 2003. "Rethinking new wines: implications of local and environmentally friendly labels," Food Policy, Elsevier, vol. 28(5-6), pages 547-560.
  6. Maria L. Loureiro & Wendy J. Umberger & Susan Hine, 2003. "Testing the initial endowment effect in experimental auctions," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 10(5), pages 271-275, April.
  7. Hine, Susan E. & Fulton, Joan R. & Loureiro, Maria L. & Vandeburg, Jennifer M. & McNamara, Kevin T., 2003. "Local Cooperatives' Evaluation Of Business Investment Opportunities," Journal of Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics Association of Georgia, vol. 21(1), pages 1-14.
  8. Loureiro, Maria L. & Umberger, Wendy J., 2003. "Estimating Consumer Willingness to Pay for Country-of-Origin Labeling," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Western Agricultural Economics Association, vol. 28(2), pages 1-15, August.
  9. McCluskey, Jill J. & Loureiro, Maria L., 2003. "Consumer Preferences And Willingness To Pay For Food Labeling: A Discussion Of Empirical Studies," Journal of Food Distribution Research, Food Distribution Research Society, vol. 34(3), pages 1-8, November.
  10. Padilla-Bernal, Luz E. & Thilmany, Dawn D. & Loureiro, Maria L., 2003. "An Empirical Analysis of Market Integration and Efficiency for U.S. Fresh Tomato Markets," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Western Agricultural Economics Association, vol. 28(3), pages 1-16, December.
  11. Maria L. Loureiro & Jill J. McCluskey & Ron C. Mittelhammer, 2003. "Are Stated Preferences Good Predictors of Market Behavior?," Land Economics, University of Wisconsin Press, vol. 79(1), pages 44-45.
  12. Antelo, Manel, 2003. "Licensing a non-drastic innovation under double informational asymmetry," Research Policy, Elsevier, vol. 32(3), pages 367-390, March.


  1. Fernando del Rio Iglesias, 2002. "Neutral, Investment-Specific Technical Progress and the Productivity Slowdown," Recherches économiques de Louvain, De Boeck Université, vol. 68(1), pages 37-54.
  2. Loureiro, Maria L. & Hine, Susan E., 2002. "Discovering Niche Markets: A Comparison Of Consumer Willingness To Pay For Local (Colorado Grown), Organic, And Gmo-Free Products," Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, vol. 34(3), pages 1-11, December.
  3. Manel Antelo, 2002. "Complementaries and commitment in a Cournot setting," Estudios Económicos, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos, vol. 17(1), pages 3-36.
  4. Manel Antelo & Lluís Bru, 2002. "Forward contracts and competition," Spanish Economic Review, Springer;Spanish Economic Association, vol. 4(4), pages 281-300.


  1. Hine, Susan E. & Loureiro, Maria L. & Meyer, Susan E., 2001. "Marketing Colorado Potatoes As A Value-Added Product: A Case Study," Journal of Food Distribution Research, Food Distribution Research Society, vol. 32(3), pages 1-9, November.
  2. Loureiro, Maria L. & McCluskey, Jill J. & Mittelhammer, Ronald C., 2001. "Assessing Consumer Preferences For Organic, Eco-Labeled, And Regular Apples," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Western Agricultural Economics Association, vol. 26(2), pages 1-13, December.


  1. Maria Luz Loureiro & Jill J. McCluskey, 2000. "Assessing consumer response to protected geographical identification labeling," Agribusiness, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 16(3), pages 309-320.


  1. Boucekkine, Raouf & del Rio, Fernando & Licandro, Omar, 1999. "Endogenous vs Exogenously Driven Fluctuations in Vintage Capital Models," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 88(1), pages 161-187, September.
  2. Francesc Marmol & Juan C. Reboredo, 1999. "Near Observational Equivalence and Fractionally Integrated Processes," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 61(2), pages 283-290, May.


  1. Manel Antelo, 1998. "Licencia de patentes no drásticas, estructura de mercado e información simétrica entre los licenciados," Estudios Económicos, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos, vol. 13(2), pages 123-155.



  1. Maria Loureiro & Andrea Ghermandi & Bella Galil & John Gowdy & Paulo A.L.D. Nunes, 2017. "Jellyfish outbreaks and recreation in the Mediterranean Sea: welfare impacts and impacted recreationist types in Tel Aviv and Barcelona coastlines," Chapters, in: Paulo A.L.D. Nunes & Lisa E. Svensson & Anil Markandya (ed.), Handbook on the Economics and Management of Sustainable Oceans, chapter 12, pages 263-277, Edward Elgar Publishing.


  1. Víctor Montuenga & Inmaculada García & Melchor Fernández, 2006. "Regional Wage Flexibility: the Wage Curve in Five EU Countries," AIEL Series in Labour Economics, in: Floro Ernesto Caroleo & Sergio Destefanis (ed.), The European Labour Market. Regional Dimensions, edition 1, chapter 12, pages 245-265, AIEL - Associazione Italiana Economisti del Lavoro.

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