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Luc Behaghel

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First Name:Luc
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Last Name:Behaghel
RePEc Short-ID:pbe252
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Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques 48 bd Jourdan 75014 PARIS FRANCE


Paris School of Economics

Paris, France
RePEc:edi:eeparfr (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

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Working papers

  1. Luc Behaghel & Maria Florencia Pinto, 2024. "Extended maternity leave and children's long‐term development," Post-Print halshs-04330858, HAL.
  2. Behaghel, Luc & Dromundo, Sofia & Gurgand, Marc & Hazard, Yagan & Zuber, Thomas, 2024. "The Potential of Recommender Systems for Directing Job Search: A Large-Scale Experiment," IZA Discussion Papers 16781, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  3. Luc Behaghel & Julien Grenet & Marc Gurgand, 2023. "Économie de l'éducation," Post-Print halshs-04524802, HAL.
  4. Luc Behaghel & Sofia Dromundo & Marc Gurgand & Yagan Hazard & Thomas Zuber, 2022. "Encouraging and Directing Job Search: Direct and Spillover Effects in a Large Scale Experiment," Working papers 900, Banque de France.
  5. Evangeline Pillebout & Isabelle Durand-Zaleski & Louis Farge & Lionel Perrier & Clément de Chaisemartin & Jean-Claude K. Dupont & Behaghel Luc & Lise Rochaix, 2022. "Multicentre, randomised, economic evaluation of a web-based interactive education platform, simple or enhanced, for patients with end-stage renal disease: the PIC-R trial protocol," Post-Print halshs-03936232, HAL.
  6. Evangeline Pillebout & Lise Rochaix & Luc Behaghel & Louis Farge & Isabelle Durand-Zaleski & Jean-Claude K. Dupont, 2021. "Évaluation médico-économique de l’éducation thérapeutique par une plateforme interactive communautaire, dialyse et transplantation rénale, PIC-R," Post-Print hal-04465370, HAL.
  7. Luc Behaghel & Maria Florencia Pinto, 2021. "Econometric Methods for Education," Post-Print halshs-03672230, HAL.
  8. Macours, Karen & Behaghel, Luc & Gignoux, Jérémie, 2020. "Social learning in agriculture: does smallholder heterogeneity impede technology diffusion in Sub-Saharan Africa?," CEPR Discussion Papers 15220, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  9. Luc Behaghel & Marc Gurgand & Bruno Crépon, 2019. "Commentaire de l’article. « L’objectivité sous contrôle », de Claire Vivès," Post-Print halshs-02973602, HAL.
  10. Philippe Askenazy & Luc Behaghel & Morgane Laouenan & Dominique Meurs, 2019. "Quarante ans d’analyse du travail et de l’emploi : points de vue de quatre économistes," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-02386907, HAL.
  11. Philippe Askenazy & Behaghel Luc & Morgane Laouenan & Dominique Meurs, 2019. "Forty Years of Labour Studies : the Perspective of Four Economists [Quarante ans d’analyse du travail et de l’emploi : points de vue de quatre économistes]," Post-Print halshs-03959932, HAL.
  12. Luc Behaghel & Karen Macours & Julie Subervie, 2019. "How can randomised controlled trials help improve the design of the common agricultural policy?," Post-Print halshs-02297689, HAL.
  13. Luc Behaghel & Clément de Chaisemartin & Marc Gurgand, 2018. "Graduating from high school: the effects of a boarding school for disadvantaged students on their secondary education," PSE-Ecole d'économie de Paris (Postprint) halshs-02514231, HAL.
  14. Luc Behaghel & Karen Macours & Julie Subervie, 2018. "Can RCTs help improve the design of CAP," Post-Print hal-02112625, HAL.
  15. Luc Behaghel & Clément de Chaisemartin & Marc Gurgand, 2018. "Avoir le bac : les effets de l’internat d’excellence de Sourdun sur la scolarité des élèves," PSE-Ecole d'économie de Paris (Postprint) halshs-02514290, HAL.
  16. Luc Behaghel & Julie Moschion, 2016. "Skilled Labor Supply,IT-Based Technical Change and Job Instability," Post-Print halshs-01245537, HAL.
  17. Luc Behaghel, 2016. "Les effets de l’affectation des conseillers de Pôle emploi à des modalités de suivi et d’accompagnement différenciées," PSE-Ecole d'économie de Paris (Postprint) halshs-02514684, HAL.
  18. Clement de Chaisemartin & Luc Behaghel, 2015. "Estimating the effect of treatments allocated by randomized waiting lists," Papers 1511.01453,, revised Oct 2018.
  19. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Crépon & Thomas Le Barbanchon, 2015. "Unintended Effects of Anonymous," PSE-Ecole d'économie de Paris (Postprint) halshs-01203070, HAL.
  20. Behaghel, Luc & de Chaisemartin, Clement & Gurgand, Marc, 2015. "Ready for boarding? The effects of a boarding school for disadvantaged students," Economic Research Papers 270224, University of Warwick - Department of Economics.
  21. Crépon, Bruno & Behaghel, Luc & Le Barbanchon, Thomas, 2014. "Unintended Effects of Anonymous Resumes," CEPR Discussion Papers 10215, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  22. Luc Behaghel & Didier Blanchet & Muriel Roger, 2014. "Retirement, Early Retirement and Disability: Explaining Labor Force Participation after Fifty-Five in France," Post-Print hal-01504268, HAL.
  23. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Crépon & Marc Gurgand, 2014. "Private and public provision of counseling to job seekers: evidence from a large controlled experiment," Post-Print hal-02631944, HAL.
  24. L. Behaghel & D. Blanchet & M. Roger, 2014. "Retirement, Early Retirement and Disability: Explaining Labor Force Participation after 55 in France," Working papers 500, Banque de France.
  25. Luc Behaghel & Vera Chiodi & Marc Gurgand, 2013. "Evaluation de l'impact du programme de parrainage d'aide à l'orientation de l'association Actenses," PSE-Ecole d'économie de Paris (Postprint) halshs-00840894, HAL.
  26. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Crépon & Marc Gurgand, 2013. "Robustness of the encouragement design in a two-treatment randomized control trial," PSE Working Papers halshs-00834169, HAL.
  27. Luc Behaghel & Clément de Chaisemartin & Axelle Charpentier & Marc Gurgand, 2013. "Internats d’excellence: les enseignements de Sourdun," PSE-Ecole d'économie de Paris (Postprint) halshs-02514281, HAL.
  28. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Crépon & Marc Gurgand & Thierry Kamionka & Laurent Lequien & Roland Rathelot & Philippe Zamora, 2013. "L'accompagnement personnalisé des demandeurs d'emploi : les enseignements de trois expériences contrôlées menées en France," Post-Print halshs-00941839, HAL.
  29. Luc Behaghel & Clément de Chaisemartin & Axelle Charpentier & Marc Gurgand, 2013. "Internats d’excellence: lessons from Sourdun," PSE-Ecole d'économie de Paris (Postprint) halshs-02512791, HAL.
  30. Behaghel, Luc & Lorenceau, Adrien & Quantin, Simon, 2013. "Replacing churches and mason lodges? Tax exemptions and rural development," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Docweb) 1308, CEPREMAP.
  31. Behaghel, L. & Caroli, E. & Roger, M., 2013. "Age Biased Technical and Organisational Change, Training and Employment Prospects of Older Workers," Working papers 431, Banque de France.
  32. Luc Behaghel, 2012. "Lire l’économétrie," Post-Print hal-02805817, HAL.
  33. Luc Behaghel & Adrien Lorenceau & Simon Quantin, 2012. "Tax exemptions and rural development: Evidence from a quasi-experiment," PSE Working Papers halshs-00728195, HAL.
  34. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Crépon & Marc Gurgand & Thomas Le barbanchon, 2012. "Please Call Again, Correcting Non-response Bias in Treatment Effect Models," Working Papers 2012-15, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics.
  35. Luc Behaghel, 2012. "Focus -- Un exemple d'expérimentation sociale contrôlée : le cas du CV anonyme," Post-Print hal-00813035, HAL.
  36. Luc Behaghel & David M. Blau, 2012. "Framing Social Security Reform: Behavioral Responses to Changes in the Full Retirement Age," Post-Print hal-00772844, HAL.
  37. Luc Behaghel & Blanchet Didier & Debrand Thierry & Muriel Roger, 2012. "Disability and Social Security Reforms: The French Case," Post-Print hal-01504234, HAL.
  38. Luc Behaghel & Eve Caroli & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2011. "Information and Communication Technologies and Skill Upgrading: the Role of Internal vs External Labour Markets," EconomiX Working Papers 2011-4, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  39. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Crépon & Thomas Le Barbanchon, 2011. "Impact evaluation of Anonymous CVs," PSE-Ecole d'économie de Paris (Postprint) halshs-00754921, HAL.
  40. Luc Behaghel & Eve Caroli & Muriel Roger, 2010. "Départ des travailleurs âgés : formation continue et changements techniques et organisationnels," Post-Print halshs-00754471, HAL.
  41. Luc Behaghel & Marc Gurgand, 2010. "Collective grants for high-school students: final report," PSE-Ecole d'économie de Paris (Postprint) halshs-00754920, HAL.
  42. Luc Behaghel & Nathalie Greenan, 2010. "Training and Age-Biased Technical Change," Post-Print halshs-00754408, HAL.
  43. Luc BEHAGHEL & Bruno CREPON & Marc GURGAND & Thomas LE BARBANCHON, 2009. "Sample Attrition Bias in Randomized Experiments : A Table of Two Surveys," Working Papers 2009-05, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics.
  44. Luc Behaghel & Eve Caroli & Muriel Roger, 2009. "Départ des travailleurs âgés et formation continue dans les entreprises innovantes," PSE Working Papers halshs-00575081, HAL.
  45. Luc Behaghel & Eve Caroli & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2009. "Do internal labour markets survive in the New Economy? The Case of France," Working Papers halshs-00567682, HAL.
  46. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Crépon & Marc Gurgand, 2009. "Evaluation d'impact de l'accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi par les Opérateurs Privés de Placement et le programme Cap Vers l'Entreprise," PSE-Ecole d'économie de Paris (Postprint) halshs-00754917, HAL.
  47. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Crépon & Béatrice Sédillot, 2008. "The perverse effects of partial employment protection reform: The case of French older workers," Post-Print halshs-00754293, HAL.
  48. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Crépon & Julien Guitard & Marc Gurgand, 2008. "Evaluation d'impact de l'accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi par les Opérateurs privés de placement et le programme Cap vers l'entreprise. Rapport intermédiaire," PSE-Ecole d'économie de Paris (Postprint) halshs-00754916, HAL.
  49. Luc Behaghel, 2008. "La dynamique des inégalités de revenu en France rurale et urbaine (1984-2002)," Post-Print halshs-00824889, HAL.
  50. Luc Behaghel & Jérôme Gautié, 2008. "From internal to transitional labour markets? Firms restructuring and early retirement in France," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00266365, HAL.
  51. Luc Behaghel & Eve Caroli & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2008. "Innovation and skill upgrading: The role of external vs internal labour markets," Working Papers halshs-00588316, HAL.
  52. Luc Behaghel, 2008. "La dynamique des écarts de revenu sur le territoire métropolitain (1984-2002)," Post-Print hal-02654572, HAL.
  53. Luc Behaghel, 2007. "The senior worker employment [Emploi de seniors : des effets du changement technologique aux recommandations [Commentaire]]," Post-Print hal-02664445, HAL.
  54. Luc Behaghel, 2007. "La protection de l'emploi des travailleurs âgés en France : une étude de la contribution Delalande," Post-Print halshs-00824896, HAL.
  55. Luc Behaghel, 2007. "Emploi de seniors : des effets du changement technologique aux recommandations - Commentaire," Post-Print halshs-00825761, HAL.
  56. Luc Behaghel & Eve Caroli & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2007. "Innovation and Skill Upgrading : The of External vs Internal Labor Markets," Post-Print halshs-00257810, HAL.
  57. Luc Behaghel, 2007. "Poverty and social exclusion in rural France (French contribution to a report to EC DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities," PSE-Ecole d'économie de Paris (Postprint) halshs-00754913, HAL.
  58. Luc Behahel, 2006. "Changement technologique et formation tout au long de la vie," Research Unit Working Papers 0602, Laboratoire d'Economie Appliquee, INRA.
  59. Luc Behaghel, 2006. "Technical change and lifelong training [Changement technologique et formation tout au long de la vie]," Post-Print hal-02661027, HAL.
  60. Luc Behaghel & Nathalie Greenan, 2005. "Training and Age-Biased Technical Change : Evidence from French Micro Data," Working Papers 2005-06, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics.
  61. Behaghel, Luc & Crépon, Bruno & Sédillot, Béatrice, 2005. "The Perverse Effects of Partial Employment Protection Reform: Experience Rating and French Older Workers," IZA Discussion Papers 1679, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).

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  1. Luc Behaghel & Maria Florencia Pinto, 2024. "Extended maternity leave and children's long‐term development," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 126(2), pages 224-253, April.
  2. Clément de Chaisemartin & Luc Behaghel, 2020. "Estimating the Effect of Treatments Allocated by Randomized Waiting Lists," Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 88(4), pages 1453-1477, July.
  3. Philippe Askenazy & Luc Behaghel & Morgane Laouenan & Dominique Meurs, 2019. "Quarante ans d’analyse du travail et de l’emploi : points de vue de quatre économistes," Travail et Emploi, La DARES, vol. 0(2), pages 69-93.
  4. Luc Behaghel & Karen Macours & Julie Subervie, 2019. "How can randomised controlled trials help improve the design of the common agricultural policy?," European Review of Agricultural Economics, Oxford University Press and the European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation, vol. 46(3), pages 473-493.
  5. Luc Behaghel & Clément de Chaisemartin & Marc Gurgand, 2017. "Ready for Boarding? The Effects of a Boarding School for Disadvantaged Students," American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Economic Association, vol. 9(1), pages 140-164, January.
  6. Luc Behaghel & Julie Moschion, 2016. "IT-Based Technical Change and Job Instability," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 118(1), pages 79-104, January.
  7. Behaghel, Luc & Lorenceau, Adrien & Quantin, Simon, 2015. "Replacing churches and mason lodges? Tax exemptions and rural development," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 125(C), pages 1-15.
  8. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Crépon & Thomas Le Barbanchon, 2015. "Unintended Effects of Anonymous Résumés," American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Economic Association, vol. 7(3), pages 1-27, July.
  9. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Crépon & Marc Gurgand & Thomas Le Barbanchon, 2015. "Please Call Again: Correcting Nonresponse Bias in Treatment Effect Models," The Review of Economics and Statistics, MIT Press, vol. 97(5), pages 1070-1080, December.
  10. Behaghel, Luc & Lambert, Sylvie, 2014. "Polygamie et transmission intergénérationnelle de l’éducation au Sénégal," INRAE Sciences Sociales, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2), vol. 2014, pages 1-2, November.
  11. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Cr?pon & Marc Gurgand, 2014. "Private and Public Provision of Counseling to Job Seekers: Evidence from a Large Controlled Experiment," American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Economic Association, vol. 6(4), pages 142-174, October.
  12. Luc Behaghel & Eve Caroli & Muriel Roger, 2014. "Age-biased Technical and Organizational Change, Training and Employment Prospects of Older Workers," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 81(322), pages 368-389, April.
  13. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Crépon & Marc Gurgand & Thierry Kamionka & Laurent Lequien & Roland Rathelot & Philippe Zamora, 2013. "L'accompagnement personnalisé des demandeurs d'emploi," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(1), pages 123-158.
  14. Luc Behaghel & Eve Caroli & Emmanuelle Walkowiak, 2012. "Information and communication technologies and skill upgrading: the role of internal vs external labour markets," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 64(3), pages 490-517, July.
  15. Luc Behaghel & David M. Blau, 2012. "Framing Social Security Reform: Behavioral Responses to Changes in the Full Retirement Age," American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, American Economic Association, vol. 4(4), pages 41-67, November.
  16. Luc Behaghel & Nathalie Greenan, 2010. "Training and Age-Biased Technical Change," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 99-100, pages 317-342.
  17. Luc Behaghel, 2008. "La dynamique des écarts de revenu sur le territoire métropolitain (1984-2002)," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 415(1), pages 97-120.
  18. Behaghel, Luc & Crépon, Bruno & Sédillot, Béatrice, 2008. "The perverse effects of partial employment protection reform: The case of French older workers," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 92(3-4), pages 696-721, April.
  19. Luc Behaghel, 2007. "La protection de l'emploi des travailleurs Âgés en France : une étude de la contribution Delalande," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 85, pages 41-80.
  20. Sévane Ananian & Patrick Aubert & Luc Behaghel, 2006. "Travailleurs âgés, nouvelles technologies et changements organisationnels : un réexamen à partir de l'enquête « Reponse ». Suivi d'un commentaire de Luc Behaghel : emploi des seniors - Des effets du c," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 397(1), pages 21-49.
  21. Luc Behaghel, 2006. "Changement technologique et formation tout au long de la vie," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 57(6), pages 1351-1382.
  22. Luc Behaghel & Bruno Crépon & Béatrice Sédillot, 2004. "Contribution Delalande et transitions sur le marché du travail," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 372(1), pages 61-88.
  23. Luc Behaghel & Fabien Postel-Vinay, 2003. "Insécurité de l'emploi : le rôle protecteur de l'ancienneté a-t-il baissé en France ? Suivi d'un commentaire de Fabien Postel-Vinay," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 366(1), pages 3-29.


  1. Luc Behaghel & Didier Blanchet & Muriel Roger, 2014. "Retirement, Early Retirement, and Disability: Explaining Labor Force Participation after Fifty-Five in France," NBER Chapters, in: Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: Disability Insurance Programs and Retirement, pages 251-284, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  2. Luc Behaghel & Didier Blanchet & Thierry Debrand & Muriel Roger, 2012. "Disability and Social Security Reforms: The French Case," NBER Chapters, in: Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: Historical Trends in Mortality and Health, Employment, and Disability Insurance Participatio, pages 301-326, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.

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  1. NEP-LAB: Labour Economics (24) 2005-07-25 2006-12-01 2007-03-31 2010-11-27 2011-01-30 2011-02-05 2011-02-05 2011-02-12 2011-02-19 2011-02-19 2011-02-26 2011-03-12 2011-05-24 2011-12-13 2012-05-08 2012-05-29 2012-09-30 2013-04-20 2014-04-18 2014-08-02 2014-12-13 2015-01-03 2023-01-30 2024-03-18. Author is listed
  2. NEP-EXP: Experimental Economics (12) 2009-05-23 2013-06-30 2014-12-13 2015-01-03 2015-02-11 2018-10-22 2019-02-04 2019-04-01 2019-05-20 2019-10-07 2023-01-30 2024-03-18. Author is listed
  3. NEP-AGE: Economics of Ageing (11) 2010-11-27 2011-01-30 2011-02-05 2011-02-12 2011-02-19 2011-02-19 2011-03-12 2011-05-24 2013-04-20 2014-04-18 2014-08-02. Author is listed
  4. NEP-EUR: Microeconomic European Issues (10) 2011-01-30 2011-02-12 2011-02-19 2011-03-12 2011-05-24 2012-05-29 2012-09-16 2014-04-18 2014-08-02 2023-01-30. Author is listed
  5. NEP-BEC: Business Economics (7) 2007-03-31 2011-02-05 2011-02-26 2011-03-12 2011-12-13 2012-05-29 2019-05-20. Author is listed
  6. NEP-LMA: Labor Markets - Supply, Demand, and Wages (5) 2011-12-13 2012-05-29 2012-09-30 2013-12-20 2014-04-18. Author is listed
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  14. NEP-CBE: Cognitive and Behavioural Economics (2) 2010-11-27 2011-02-05
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  24. NEP-REG: Regulation (1) 2005-07-25


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