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by members of

Groupe de Recherche en Économie et Développement International (GREDI)
École de Gestion
Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, Canada

(Research Group in Economics and International Development, Business School, University of Sherbrooke)

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. This page is updated in the first days of each month.
| Working papers | Journal articles | Books |

Working papers


  1. Abdelkhalek Touhami & Dorothee Boccanfuso, 2024. "Classes moyennes au Maroc : Au-delà des perceptions, que disent les chiffres ?," Policy briefs 2040, Policy Center for the New South.


  1. Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothée Boccanfuso, 2023. "Is the Moroccan Fiscal System Progressive ? A Shapley Decomposition," CIRANO Working Papers 2023s-22, CIRANO.
  2. Abdelkhalek Touhami & Dorothée Boccanfuso, 2023. "Impact analysis on multidimensional poverty index: Do we necessarily need to make targeting more complex? A Moroccan illustration," Policy briefs 2015, Policy Center for the New South.
  3. Siwar Khelifa & Jie He, 2023. "Long-Term Effects of Environmental Policies on Educational Performance: Evidence from China," IRENE Policy Reports 23-04, IRENE Institute of Economic Research.
  4. Kodjovi M. Eklou & Shakeba Foster, 2023. "Capital Account Liberalization and Wage Inequality: Evidence from Firm Level Data," IMF Working Papers 2023/048, International Monetary Fund.
  5. Kodjovi M. Eklou, 2023. "Dollar Exchange Rate volatility and Productivity Growth in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Firm Level Data," IMF Working Papers 2023/111, International Monetary Fund.
  6. Kodjovi M. Eklou, 2023. "The Anatomy of Monetary Policy Transmission in an Emerging Market," IMF Working Papers 2023/146, International Monetary Fund.
  7. Nuri Baek & Kaustubh Chahande & Kodjovi M. Eklou & Mr. Tidiane Kinda & Vatsal Nahata & Umang Rawat & Ara Stepanyan, 2023. "ASEAN-5: Further Harnessing the Benefits of Regional Integration amid Fragmentation Risks," IMF Working Papers 2023/191, International Monetary Fund.
  8. Alassane Drabo & Kodjovi M. Eklou & Patrick A. Imam & Mr. Kangni R Kpodar, 2023. "Social Unrests and Fuel Prices: The Role of Macroeconomic, Social and Institutional Factors," IMF Working Papers 2023/228, International Monetary Fund.


  1. Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothee Boccanfuso, 2022. "Impact of Social Protection Programs on Multidimensional Poverty: New Targeting Approaches and Application to Morocco," Working Papers 1607, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Nov 2022.
  2. Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothee Boccanfuso, 2022. "Généralisation des allocations familiales et impact sur la pauvreté et la vulnérabilité monétaires des enfants en période Post-Covid au Maroc," Policy briefs 1988, Policy Center for the New South.


  1. A. Biscione & D. Boccanfuso & A. de Felice, 2021. "Regulations and Corporate Environmental Responsibility: Evidence from a panel of firms in Transition Economies," Working Papers 1, Africa Institute for Research in Economics and Social Sciences.
  2. Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothee Boccanfuso, 2021. "Impact de programmes de protection sociale sur la pauvrete multidimensionnelle : Nouvelles approches et application au cas du Maroc," Working Papers 5, Africa Institute for Research in Economics and Social Sciences.
  3. Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothee Boccanfuso, 2021. "Human Capital Index (HCI) - From Uncertainty to Robustness of Comparisons," Working Papers 6, Africa Institute for Research in Economics and Social Sciences.
  4. Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothee Boccanfuso, 2021. "Impact of tax reforms in applied models: which functional forms should be chosen for the demand system ? Theory and application for Morocco," Working Papers 9, Africa Institute for Research in Economics and Social Sciences.
  5. Touhami Abdelkhalek & Aziz Ajbilou & Mohamed Benayad & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard, 2021. "How Can the Digital Economy Benefit Morocco and All Moroccans?," Working Papers 1503, Economic Research Forum, revised 20 Nov 2021.
  6. Antonella Biscione & Dorothee Boccanfuso & Annunziata de Felice & Francesco Porcelli, 2021. "Barriers to Firms Energy Efficiency in Transition Countries," Working Papers 1014, European Centre of Peace Science, Integration and Cooperation (CESPIC), Catholic University 'Our Lady of Good Counsel'.
  7. Thomas G. Poder & Elise Dufresne & Jie He & Lucienne Talba Papité & Roxane Borgès Da Silva, 2021. "Confinement et qualité de vie reliée à la santé : Analyse des effets et des facteurs de risque," CIRANO Project Reports 2021rp-07, CIRANO.
  8. Fabrice Dabiré & Hashmat Khan & Patrick Richard & Jean-François Rouillard, 2021. "Characterizing G-multipliers in Canada," Carleton Economic Papers 21-14, Carleton University, Department of Economics, revised 14 Mar 2023.


  1. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Jean-Michel Cousineau & Raquel Fonseca, 2020. "Guaranteed Minimum Income: the Case of Quebec," CIRANO Working Papers 2020s-39, CIRANO.
  2. Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothée Boccanfuso, 2020. "Indice du capital humain (HCI) - De l'incertitude à la robustesse des comparaisons," CIRANO Working Papers 2020s-54, CIRANO.
  3. Raul Caruso & Antonella Biscione & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Annunziata de Felice, 2020. "Blinder-Oaxaca Approach to Identify Innovation Differences in Transition Countries," Working Papers 1008, European Centre of Peace Science, Integration and Cooperation (CESPIC), Catholic University 'Our Lady of Good Counsel'.
  4. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Marie-Eve Yergeau, 2020. "Agriculture urbaine, pauvreté et sécurité alimentaire : un portrait du Mali," Cahiers de recherche 20-01, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  5. Maëlle Tripon & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Marie-Eve Yergeau, 2020. "Agriculture urbaine, pratiques agricoles et impacts environnementaux et de santé publique," Cahiers de recherche 20-02, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  6. Paule Olivia Akotto & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Marie-Eve Yergeau, 2020. "Agriculture urbaine et péri-urbaine, pauvreté, sécurité alimentaire et environnement dans les pays en développement : une revue exploratoire des méthodologies et des impacts," Cahiers de recherche 20-03, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  7. Antonella Biscione & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Raul Caruso, 2020. "A Hypothesis on Poverty Change in Albania (2007-2016)," Cahiers de recherche 20-08, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  8. Banie Naser Outchiri & Jie He, 2020. "Technical gap, trade partners and product mix evolution: how trading with China affects global CO2 emissions," Cahiers de recherche 20-07, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  9. Fabrice Dabiré & Mario Fortin & Hashmat Khan & Patrick Richard & Jean-François Rouillard, 2020. "La politique budgétaire en contexte de relance économique post-première vague de Covid-19 : Étude appliquée au Québec," Cahiers de recherche 20-10, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  10. Kodjovi M. Eklou & Mamour Fall, 2020. "The (Subjective) Well-Being Cost of Fiscal Policy Shocks," IMF Working Papers 2020/005, International Monetary Fund.
  11. Martino Pelli & Jeanne Tschopp & Natalia Bezmaternykh & Kodjovi M. Eklou, 2020. "In the Eye of the Storm Firms and Capital Destruction in India," IMF Working Papers 2020/203, International Monetary Fund.
  12. Kodjovi M. Eklou, 2020. "A Leadership Curse? Oil Price Shocks and the Selection of National Leaders," Cahiers de recherche 20-05, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  13. Martino Pelli & Jeanne Tschopp & Natalia Bezmaternykh & Kodjovi M Eklou, 2020. "In the Eye of the Storm: Firms, Putty-Clay and Capital Destruction," Diskussionsschriften dp2012, Universitaet Bern, Departement Volkswirtschaft.
  14. Banie Naser Outchiri, 2020. "Contributing to better energy and environmental analyses: how accurate are decomposition analysis results?," Cahiers de recherche 20-11, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.


  1. Hashmat Khan & Jean-François Rouillard & Santosh Upadhayaya, 2019. "Consumer Confidence and Household Investment," Carleton Economic Papers 19-06, Carleton University, Department of Economics, revised 04 Jan 2024.
  2. Abdoulaye Millogo & Jean-François Rouillard, 2019. "Missing Disinflation and Human Capital Depreciation," Cahiers de recherche 19-03, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke, revised Oct 2020.
  3. Roland Kangni KPODAR & Stefania FABRIZIO & Kodjovi EKLOU, 2019. "Export competitiveness - Fuel Price nexus in Developing Countries: Real or False Concern?," Working Papers P249, FERDI.
  4. Kodjovi M. Eklou & Marcelin Joanis, 2019. "Do Fiscal Rules Cause Fiscal Discipline Over the Electoral Cycle?," IMF Working Papers 2019/291, International Monetary Fund.


  1. Jie He & Jérôme Dupras & Thomas G. Poder, 2018. "Payment and Provision Consequentiality in Voluntary Contribution Mechanism: Single or Double “Knife-Edge” Evidence?," Cahiers de recherche 18-02, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  2. Jie He & Bing Zhang, 2018. "Projection bias in decision-making: Daily air pollution and willingness to pay for better air quality," Cahiers de recherche 18-03, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  3. Hua Wang & Jie He & Desheng Huang, 2018. "Valuation Biases Caused by Public Distrust: Identification and Calibration with Contingent Valuation Studies of Two Air Quality Improvement Programs in China," Cahiers de recherche 18-05, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  4. Hamed Ghiaie & Jean-François Rouillard, 2018. "Housing Taxation and Financial Intermediation," Cahiers de recherche 18-01, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke, revised Nov 2018.
  5. Jacques Rouillard & Jean-François Rouillard, 2018. "Perspective historique sur l’évolution des salaires réels au Québec (1940-2016)," Cahiers de recherche 18-04, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  6. Hamed Ghiaie & Jean-François Rouillard, 2018. "Housing Tax Policy: Comment," Cahiers de recherche 18-06, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.


  1. Hashmat Khan & Jean-François Rouillard, 2017. "Why Does Household Investment Lead Business Investment over the Business Cycle?: Comment," Carleton Economic Papers 17-04, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  2. Jean-François Rouillard, 2017. "Credit Crunch and Downward Nominal Wage Rigidities," Cahiers de recherche 17-05, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke, revised Apr 2019.
  3. Mr. Christian H Ebeke & Kodjovi M. Eklou, 2017. "The Granular Origins of Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Europe," IMF Working Papers 2017/229, International Monetary Fund.


  1. Hashmat Khan & Jean-François Rouillard, 2016. "Household Borrowing Constraints and Residential Investment Dynamics," Carleton Economic Papers 16-07, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
  2. Kodjovi Mawulikplimi Eklou, 2016. "A Conditional Revenue Curse? Progressive Taxation and Resource Rents in Developing Countries," Cahiers de recherche 16-03, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.


  1. Boccanfuso, Dorothée & Larouche, Alexandre & Trandafir, Mircea, 2015. "Quality of Higher Education and the Labor Market in Developing Countries: Evidence from an Education Reform in Senegal," IZA Discussion Papers 9099, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  2. Selly Amal-Kerim & Hélène Rey-Valette & Francoise Seyte & Dorothé Boccanfuso, 2015. "A subjective view of governance indicators," Working Papers 15-10, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Oct 2015.
  3. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard & Jonathan Goyette & Véronique Gosselin & Clovis Tanekou Mangoua, 2015. "An impact analysis of climate change on the forestry industry in Quebec. A dynamic CGE model," Cahiers de recherche 15-05, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  4. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Marcelin Joanis & Mathieu Paquet & Luc Savard, 2015. "Impact de productivité des infrastructures: Une application au Québec," Cahiers de recherche 15-06, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  5. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Marcelin Joanis & Mathieu Paquet & Luc Savard, 2015. "The impact of infrastructure on productivity: new estimates for Québec," Cahiers de recherche Classification-JEL: C13, , Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  6. Jie He & Anping Huang & Luodan Xu, 2015. "Spatial heterogeneity and transboundary pollution: a contingent valuation study on the Xijiang River drainage basin in south China," Cahiers de recherche 15-04, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  7. Marius Yapo & Jie He & Bruno Gagnon & Luc Savard & Roland Leduc, 2015. "La valeur économique pour l’amélioration de la qualité de l’eau: le cas de la rivière Magog et du lac Magog (Québec, Canada)," Cahiers de recherche 15-15, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  8. Jean-François Rouillard, 2015. "Financial frictions, interest rate dynamics, and international business cycle synchronization," Cahiers de recherche 15-12, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  9. Jean-François Rouillard, 2015. "International Risk Sharing and Financial Shocks," Cahiers de recherche 15-13, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  10. Kodjovi Mawulikplimi Eklou & Marcelin Joanis & Patrick Richard, 2015. "A "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" Effect in Public Debt? Evidence from cross-border spillover of fiscal consolidations," Cahiers de recherche 15-11, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.


  1. Marie-Eve Yergeau & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Jonathan Goyette, 2014. "Conservation and welfare: Toward a reconciliation of theory and facts," EcoMod2014 6716, EcoMod.
  2. Luc Savard & Dorothee Boccanfuso & Jonathan Goyette & Véronique Gosselin & Clovis Tanekou Mangoua, 2014. "An impact analysis of the impact of climate change and adaptation policies on the forestry sector in Quebec. A dyanamic macro-micro framework," EcoMod2014 6787, EcoMod.
  3. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Jonathan Goyette & Cho Euphrasie Monique ANGBO, 2014. "Constraints to women’s entrepreneurship and welfare in developing countries," EcoMod2014 6844, EcoMod.
  4. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard & Jonathan Goyette & Véronique Gosselin & Clovis Tanekou Mangoua, 2014. "Analyse économique des impacts et de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques de l’industrie forestière québécoise à l’aide d’un modèle d’équilibre général calculable de type micro-simulation," Cahiers de recherche 14-03, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  5. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Véronique Gosselin & Jonathan Goyette & Luc Savard & Clovis Tanekou Mangoua, 2014. "An impact analysis of climate change and adaptation policies on the forestry sector in Quebec. A dynamic macro-micro framework," Cahiers de recherche 14-04, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  6. Jie HE & Johan JACQUEMIN, 2014. "La balance du carbone incorporé aux commerces bilatéraux entre la France et la Chine: Transferts de responsabilité ou nouvelles créations?," Working Papers P84, FERDI.
  7. Nicolas-Guillaume Martineau & Gregor W. Smith, 2014. "Identifying Fiscal Policy (in)effectiveness From The Differential Counter-cyclicality Of Government Spending In The Interwar Period," Working Paper 1290, Economics Department, Queen's University.


  1. Fanny Moffette & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Patrick Richard & Luc Savard, 2013. "Estimating the Impact of the Québec’s Work Incentive Program on Labour Supply: An Ex Post Microsimulation Analysis," Cahiers de recherche 13-01, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  2. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Marie-Eve Yergeau, 2013. "La contribution santé épargne-t-elle les pauvres du Québec?," Cahiers de recherche 13-06, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  3. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard & Antonio Estache, 2013. "The distributional impact of developed countries' climate change policies on Senegal: A macro-micro CGE application," ULB Institutional Repository 2013/168145, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
  4. Boccanfuso, Dorothee & Coulibaly, Massa & Timilsina, Govinda R. & Savard, Luc, 2013. "Macroeconomic and distributional impacts of jatropha-based biodiesel in Mali," Policy Research Working Paper Series 6500, The World Bank.
  5. Robin Boadway & Nicolas-Guillaume Martineau, 2013. "Normative Analysis with Societal Constraints," CESifo Working Paper Series 4305, CESifo.
  6. Jean-François Rouillard, 2013. "International Risk Sharing and Land Dynamics," Cahiers de recherche 13-02, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.


  1. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Patrick Richard & Luc Savard, 2012. "Parametric and nonparametric income distribution estimators in CGE micro-simulation modeling," EcoMod2012 4631, EcoMod.
  2. Luc Savard & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Marcelin Joanis & Patrick Richard, 2012. "A Comparative Analysis of Funding Schemes for Public Infrastructure Spending in Quebec," EcoMod2012 4633, EcoMod.
  3. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Massa Coulibaly & Govinda R. Timilsina & Luc Savard, 2012. "The prospects of developing Biofuels in Mali," Cahiers de recherche 12-03, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  4. Nicolas-Guillaume Martineau, 2012. "The Influence of Special Interests and Party Activists on Electoral Competition," Cahiers de recherche 12-02, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  5. Nicolas-Guillaume Martineau, 2012. "The Effect of Party Discipline on the Electoral Accountability of Politicians," Cahiers de recherche 12-04, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.


  1. Céline DE QUATREBARBES & Luc SAVARD & Dorothée BOCCANFUSO, 2011. "Can the removal of VAT Exemptions support the Poor? The Case of Niger," Working Papers 201106, CERDI.
  2. Céline de Quatrebarbes & Savard Luc & Boccanfuso Dorothée, 2011. "Can the suppression of VAT exemption support the poor? The case of Niger," EcoMod2011 3227, EcoMod.
  3. Alexandre Larouche & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Mircea Trandafir, 2011. "The impact of the PDEF on the labour market outcomes of «high-skilled» workers in Senegal," EcoMod2011 3572, EcoMod.
  4. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard, 2011. "A segmented labor supply model estimation for the construction of a CGE microsimulation model: An application to the Philippines," Cahiers de recherche 11-19, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  5. Thomas Poder & Jie He, 2011. "How can sanitary infrastructures reduce child malnutrition and health inequalities? Evidence from Guatemala," Post-Print halshs-00666926, HAL.
  6. Jie He & Jingyan Fu, 2011. "Is Pollution Haven Hypothesis valid for China's manufacture sectors? An empirical analysis based on carbon embodied in trade," Cahiers de recherche 11-12, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  7. Thomas Poder & Jie He, 2011. "How can infrastructures reduce child malnutrition and health inequalities? Evidence from Guatemala," Cahiers de recherche 11-13, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  8. Jie He & Wing-tat Hung, 2011. "Perception of Policy-Making Criteria: the Case of Vehicle Emissions Control," Cahiers de recherche 11-18, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  9. He, Jie & Wang, Hua, 2011. "Economic structure, development policy and environmental quality : an empirical analysis of environmental Kuznets curves with Chinese municipal data," Policy Research Working Paper Series 5756, The World Bank.
  10. Wang , Hua & He, Jie & Kim, Yoonhee & Kamata, Takuya, 2011. "Municipal solid waste management in small towns : an economic analysis conducted in Yunnan, China," Policy Research Working Paper Series 5767, The World Bank.


  1. Céline DE QUATREBARBES & Luc SAVARD & Dorothée BOCCANFUSO, 2010. "La fin des exonérations de TVA est-elle favorable aux pauvres ? Le cas du Niger," Working Papers 201034, CERDI.
  2. Dorothée Boccanfuso & G. Rodolphe A. Missinhoun & Luc Savard, 2010. "Réformes économiques et croissance pro-pauvre : une application macro-micro aux Philippines," Discussion Papers (REL - Recherches Economiques de Louvain) 2010032, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).
  3. Dorothée BOCCANFUSO & Massa COULABY & Govinda R TIMILSINA & Luc SAVARD, 2010. "Economic and Distributional Impact of Bio-Fuels in Mali," EcoMod2010 259600032, EcoMod.
  4. Dorothée BOCCANFUSO & Ohiniba BRUCE, 2010. "A New Avenue to Understand the Nutritional Health of the Youths in Guinea," EcoMod2010 259600033, EcoMod.
  5. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Ohiniba Carole Bruce, 2010. "Comprendre l’évolution de la santé des enfants de moins de 5 ans en Guinée," Cahiers de recherche 10-12, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  6. Chakib Zouaghi & Dorothée Boccanfuso, 2010. "La cartographie cognitive comme méthode de planification stratégique Cas d’une stratégie nationale de développement durable d’un pays en développement," Cahiers de recherche 10-15, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  7. Ohiniba Carole Bruce & Dorothée Boccanfuso, 2010. "A New Avenue for Understanding the Nutritional Health of Children in Guinea," Cahiers de recherche 10-22, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  8. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Céline de Quatrebarbes & Luc Savard, 2010. "La fin des exonérations de TVA sur les biens agricoles est-elle favorable aux pauvres ? Le cas du Niger," Cahiers de recherche 10-28, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  9. Jie He & Thomas Poder, 2010. "Social Capital and Health: What the Empirical Literature Teaches Us?," Post-Print halshs-00601335, HAL.
  10. Thomas Poder & Jie He, 2010. "Rôle de la discrimination ethnique et rurale dans la relation entre inégalité de revenu et santé au Guatemala," Cahiers de recherche 10-08, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  11. Jie He & Maurice Ngoko Njipkap & Patrick Richard, 2010. "Impact asymétrique de la variation du prix du pétrole sur les rendements boursiers : une étude empirique sur l’indice SP 500," Cahiers de recherche 10-10, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  12. Jie He & David Roland-Holst, 2010. "Economic Growth, Energy demand and Atmospheric Pollution: Challenges and Opportunities for China in the future 30 years," Cahiers de recherche 10-11, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  13. Jean-Michel Larivière & Jie He, 2010. "L’Impact De La Taille Des Firmes Industrielles Sur La Courbe De Kuznets Environnementale : Le Cas Des Émissions De So2 En Chine," Cahiers de recherche 10-13, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  14. Wang, Hua & He, Jie, 2010. "The value of statistical life : a contingent investigation in China," Policy Research Working Paper Series 5421, The World Bank.


  1. Dorothée BOCCANFUSO & Luc SAVARD, 2009. "The Food Crisis and its Impacts on Poverty in Senegal and Mali: Crossed Destinies," EcoMod2009 21500015, EcoMod.
  2. Luc SAVARD & Dorothée BOCCANFUSO & Antonio ESTACHE, 2009. "Distributional Impact of CC Policies in Senegal : A Macro-Micro CGE application," EcoMod2009 21500082, EcoMod.
  3. Simin SEURY, 2009. "Inward Foreign Investment, Corruption and Firm's Ability: Firm-level Evidence from the Transition Economies," EcoMod2009 21500083, EcoMod.
  4. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Caroline Ménard, 2009. "La croissance pro-pauvre : un aperçu exhaustif de la « boîte à outils »," Cahiers de recherche 09-06, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  5. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Antonio Estache & Luc Savard, 2009. "Distributional impact of developed countries CC policies on Senegal : A macro-micro CGE application," Cahiers de recherche 09-11, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  6. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard & Bernice E. Savy, 2009. "Capital humain et croissance : Evidences sur les données de pays Africains," Cahiers de recherche 09-15, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  7. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Jean Bosco Ki & Caroline Ménard, 2009. "Pro-Poor Growth Measurements in a Multidimensional Model: A Comparative Approach," Cahiers de recherche 09-22, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  8. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard & Bernice E. Savy, 2009. "Human Capital And Growth: New Evidences From African Data," Cahiers de recherche 09-24, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  9. Antonio Estache & L. Savard & D. Boccanfuso, 2009. "Impact Analysis of Electricity reforms in Senegal: A Macro-micro analysis," ULB Institutional Repository 2013/43904, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
  10. Antonio Estache & L. Savard & D. Boccanfuso, 2009. "Incidence of water reform in Mali," ULB Institutional Repository 2013/43905, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
  11. Antonio Estache & L. Savard & D. Boccanfuso, 2009. "Water reforms in Senegal: Distributional impact analysis," ULB Institutional Repository 2013/47138, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
  12. Nicolas Drouin Deziel & Jie He & Luc Savard, 2009. "La Chine Et Le Contrôle Des Émissions De Co2 : Analyse En Équilibre Général Calculable," Cahiers de recherche 09-10, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  13. Jie He & Patrick Richard, 2009. "Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 in Canada," Cahiers de recherche 09-13, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.


  1. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Antonio Estache & Luc Savard, 2008. "Intra-Country Distributional Impact of Policies to Fight Climate Change: A Survey," Working Papers ECARES 2008_038, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
  2. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Amélie Dansereau, 2008. "Le noyau dur de la pauvreté au Mexique," Cahiers de recherche 08-05, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  3. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Antonio Estache & Luc Savard, 2008. "Distributional impact of global warming environmental policies: A survey," Cahiers de recherche 08-14, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.


  1. Mathieu Audet & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Paul Makdissi, 2007. "Food Subsidies and Poverty in Egypt: Analysis of Program Reform using Stochastic Dominance," Cahiers de recherche 0707, CIRPEE.
  2. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Antonio Estache & Luc Savard, 2007. "Electricity Reforms in Mali: A Macro–Micro Analysis of the Effects on Poverty and Distribution," Cahiers de recherche 07-10, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  3. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Antonio Estache & Luc Savard, 2007. "Electricity Reforms in Senegal: A Macro–Micro Analysis of the Effects on Poverty and Distribution," Cahiers de recherche 07-12, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  4. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Franck Adoho, 2007. "L’approche Blinder-Oaxaca permet-elle d’identifier les causes des écarts de pauvreté en Guinée ?," Cahiers de recherche 07-16, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  5. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Massa Coulibaly & Luc Savard, 2007. "Une analyse d’impact économique et social des réformes économiques et de l'aide publique au développement au Mali – Un cadre macro-micro," Cahiers de recherche 07-20, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  6. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard, 2007. "Une analyse d’impact économique et social de la cohérence des politiques économiques et aide publique au développement au Sénégal : Un cadre macro-micro," Cahiers de recherche 07-21, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  7. Jie He, 2007. "Is the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis valid for developing countries? A survey," Cahiers de recherche 07-03, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  8. Jie He & Paul MAKDISSI & Quentin WODON, 2007. "Corruption, Inequality, and Environmental Regulation," Cahiers de recherche 07-13, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.


  1. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard, 2006. "Impact analysis of cotton subsidies on poverty: A CGE macro-accounting approach applied to Mali," Cahiers de recherche 06-04, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  2. Paul Makdissi & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Mathieu Audet, 2006. "A Model of Horizontal Inequality," Cahiers de recherche 06-06, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  3. Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard, 2006. "Politiques économiques et pauvreté au Maroc : Analyse en équilibre général micro-simulé," Cahiers de recherche 06-07, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  4. Paul Makdissi & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Mathieu Audet, 2006. "L’impact de la proposition conservatrice de réforme du financement des services de garde sur la pauvreté et l’inégalité au Québec," Cahiers de recherche 06-10, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  5. Paul Makdissi & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Mathieu Audet, 2006. "The Geographic Determinants of Poverty in Albania," Cahiers de recherche 06-12, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  6. Marie Suzanne Badji & Dorothée Boccanfuso, 2006. "Niveau De Vie Du Menage Et Sante Nutritionnelle Des Enfants Agés De 0 À 59 Mois Au Senegal : Une Analyse Comparee Avant/Apres La Devaluation Du Franc Cfa," Cahiers de recherche 06-14, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  7. Alex Siméon & Dorothée Boccanfuso, 2006. "Dynamique de la pauvreté en Haïti et ses déterminants," Cahiers de recherche 06-15, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  8. Alex Siméon & Dorothée Boccanfuso, 2006. "Pauvreté, croissance et redistribution en Haïti," Cahiers de recherche 06-17, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  9. Marie Suzanne Badji & Dorothée Boccanfuso, 2006. "La tendance d’évolution de la pauvreté féminine et de ses déterminants : Le cas des ménages conduits par des femmes au Sénégal," Cahiers de recherche 06-18, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  10. Jie He, 2006. "What is the role of economic growth and openness for China’s environment? An analysis based on Divisia decomposition method from the regional angle," Cahiers de recherche 06-26, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.


  1. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard, 2005. "Analyse d’Impact de la Construction de l’Autoroute Dakar-Thies : un Modèle Equilibre Géneral Calculable Multi-Ménages Intégrés," Cahiers de recherche 05-11, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  2. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard, 2005. "Impact Analysis of the Liberalization of Groundnut Production in Senegal: A Multi-household Computable General Equilibrium Model," Cahiers de recherche 05-12, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  3. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Antonio Estache & Luc Savard, 2005. "A Poverty and Inequality Impact Assessment of Liberalization of Water Utility in Senegal: A Macro-Micro Analysis," Cahiers de recherche 05-13, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  4. Jie HE, 2005. "Economic Determinants for China’s Industrial SO2 Emission: Reduced vs. Structural form and the role of international trade," Working Papers 200505, CERDI.
  5. Jie HE, 2005. "Pollution haven hypothesis and Environmental impacts of foreign direct investment: The Case of Industrial Emission of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) in Chinese provinces," Working Papers 200506, CERDI.
  6. Jie HE, 2005. "Environmental impacts of international trade: the case of industrial emission of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) in Chinese provinces," Working Papers 200507, CERDI.
  7. Jie HE, 2005. "What is the Role of Openness for China's Environment? An Analysis Based on Divisia Decomposition Method From the Regional Angle," Working Papers 200532, CERDI.


  1. Dorothée Boccanfuso & François Joseph Cabral & Luc Savard, 2004. "Une analyse préliminaire d'impacts de la libéralisation de la filière arachide au Sénégal: un modèle d'équilibre général calculable multi-ménages," Cahiers de recherche 0406, CIRPEE.
  2. Dorothée BOCCANFUSO & Tambi Samuel KABORE, 2004. "Macroeconomic Growth, Sectoral Quality Of Growth And Poverty In Developing Countries: Measure And Application To Burkina Faso," Cahiers de recherche 04-07, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  3. Dorothée BOCCANFUSO & Luc Savard & A. Diagne, 2004. "Impacts De La Libéralisation Commerciale De L’Agriculture Sur La Pauvreté Et La Distribution De Revenus Au Sénégal," Cahiers de recherche 04-11, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
  4. He, Jie & Roland-Holst, David, 2004. "Chinese Growth and Atmospheric Pollution: An Empirical Assessment of Challenges and Opportunities," Conference papers 331279, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  5. Jie He, 2004. "The Economic Cost of China's New De-sulfur Policy During Her Gradual Accession to WTO: The Case of Industrial SO2 Emission," EEPSEA Special and Technical Paper tp200408t1, Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA), revised Aug 2004.


  1. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Bernard Decaluwé & Luc Savard, 2003. "Poverty, Income Distribution and CGE Modeling: Does the Functional Form of Distribution Matter?," Cahiers de recherche 0332, CIRPEE.
  2. D. Boccanfuso & F. Cabral & F. Cissé & A. Diagne & L. Savard, 2003. "Pauvreté et distribution de revenus au Sénégal: une approche par la modélisation en équilibre général calculable micro-simulé," Cahiers de recherche 0333, CIRPEE.
  3. Abdoulaye Diagne & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Djibril Gassama Barry, 2003. "La rentabilité de l'investissement dans l'éducation au Sénégal," Cahiers de recherche 0345, CIRPEE.
  4. Jie HE, 2003. "Estimation on Economic Cost of China's New De-sulfur Policy During Her Gradual Accession to WTO: The Case of Industrial SO2 Emission," Working Papers 200315, CERDI.

Journal articles


  1. Christian R. C. Kouakou & Jie He & Thomas G. Poder, 2024. "Estimating the monetary value of a Quality-Adjusted Life-Year in Quebec," The European Journal of Health Economics, Springer;Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsökonomie (DGGÖ), vol. 25(5), pages 787-811, July.
  2. Jie He & Yue He & Bing Zhang, 2024. "Income Elasticity of Willingness to Pay for Better Air Quality: Effect of a Private Environmental Substitute," Land Economics, University of Wisconsin Press, vol. 100(3), pages 505-525.


  1. Antonella Biscione & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Annunziata de Felice & Francesco Porcelli, 2023. "Barriers to firms’ energy efficiency in transition countries," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 55(36), pages 4258-4272, August.
  2. Jie He & Jun Yang, 2023. "Spatial–Temporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Land-Use Carbon Emissions: An Empirical Analysis Based on the GTWR Model," Land, MDPI, vol. 12(8), pages 1-23, July.
  3. Ebeke, Christian H. & Eklou, Kodjovi M., 2023. "Automation and the employment elasticity of fiscal policy," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 75(C).
  4. Pelli, Martino & Tschopp, Jeanne & Bezmaternykh, Natalia & Eklou, Kodjovi M., 2023. "In the eye of the storm: Firms and capital destruction in India," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 134(C).


  1. Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard, 2022. "Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Monetary Child Poverty in Morocco," International Journal of Microsimulation, International Microsimulation Association, vol. 15(3), pages 15-37.
  2. Antonella Biscione & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Raul Caruso & Annunziata Felice, 2022. "The innovation gender gap in transition countries," Economia Politica: Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, Springer;Fondazione Edison, vol. 39(2), pages 493-516, July.
  3. Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothée Boccanfuso, 2022. "Human Capital Index (HCI) – from uncertainty to robustness of comparisons," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 54(28), pages 3246-3260, June.
  4. Hamed Ghiaie & Jean‐François Rouillard, 2022. "Housing tax expenditures and financial intermediation," Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 55(2), pages 937-970, May.
  5. Kangni Kpodar & Stefania Fabrizio & Kodjovi Eklou, 2022. "Export Growth - Fuel Price Nexus in Developing Countries:Real or False Concern?," The Energy Journal, , vol. 43(3), pages 59-82, May.


  1. Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothée Boccanfuso, 2021. "Impact des programmes de protection sociale sur la pauvreté multidimensionnelle : nouvelles approches et application au cas du Maroc," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 29(3), pages 5-48.
  2. Antonella Biscione & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Annunziata De Felice, 2021. "Regulations and Corporate Environmental Responsibility: evidence from a panel of firms in Transition economies," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53(54), pages 6286-6299, November.
  3. Lévesque, Ann & Kermagoret, Charlène & Poder, Thomas G. & L'Ecuyer-Sauvageau, Chloé & He, Jie & Sauvé, Sébastien & Dupras, Jérôme, 2021. "Financing on-farm ecosystem services in southern Quebec, Canada: A public call for pesticides reduction," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 184(C).
  4. Jie He & Bing Zhang, 2021. "Current Air Pollution and Willingness to Pay for Better Air Quality: Revisiting the Temporal Reliability of the Contingent Valuation Method," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 79(1), pages 135-168, May.
  5. Hamed Ghiaie & Jean‐François Rouillard, 2021. "Housing and Tax Policy: Comment," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 53(8), pages 2215-2219, December.


  1. Antonella Biscione & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Raul Caruso, 2020. "A Hypothesis on Poverty Change in Albania (2007-2016)," Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, Vita e Pensiero, Pubblicazioni dell'Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, vol. 128(3), pages 301-320.
  2. Wang, Hua & He, Jie & Huang, Desheng, 2020. "Public distrust and valuation biases: Identification and calibration with contingent valuation studies of two air quality improvement programs in China," China Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 61(C).
  3. Jie He & Jérôme Dupras & Franck Ndefo & Thomas Poder, 2020. "Payment and provision consequentiality in voluntary contribution mechanism: separate or joint effects?," Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, Springer, vol. 13(1), pages 11-36, April.
  4. Rouillard, Jacques & Rouillard, Jean-François, 2020. "L’évolution des salaires réels au Québec de 1940 à 2018 : Analyse historique," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 96(1), pages 5-46, Mars.


  1. Martineau, Nicolas-Guillaume & de Vanssay, Xavier, 2019. "Sinning by omission: Insider trading and ethical behavior," Journal of Economics and Business, Elsevier, vol. 104(C), pages 1-1.


  1. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Massa Coulibaly & Luc Savard & Govinda Timilsina, 2018. "Macroeconomic and Distributional Impacts of Jatropha Based Biodiesel in Mali," Economies, MDPI, vol. 6(4), pages 1-22, November.
  2. Jean‐François Rouillard, 2018. "Financial frictions, interest rate dynamics, and international business cycle synchronization," Review of International Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 26(2), pages 279-301, May.
  3. Khan, Hashmat & Rouillard, Jean-François, 2018. "Household borrowing constraints and residential investment dynamics," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 95(C), pages 1-18.
  4. Rouillard, Jean-François, 2018. "International risk sharing and financial shocks," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 82(C), pages 26-44.


  1. Teno, Gabriel & Mayer, Holly & Boccanfuso, Dorothee & Duynisveld, John & Dykens, Tanya, 2017. "Economic benefits of extending the grazing season in beef cattle production in Atlantic Canada," International Journal of Agricultural Management, Institute of Agricultural Management, vol. 6(1), May.
  2. Yergeau, Marie-Eve & Boccanfuso, Dorothée & Goyette, Jonathan, 2017. "Linking conservation and welfare: A theoretical model with application to Nepal," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier, vol. 85(C), pages 95-109.
  3. Yergeau, Marie-Eve & Boccanfuso, Dorothée & Goyette, Jonathan, 2017. "Reprint of: Linking conservation and welfare: A theoretical model with application to Nepal," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier, vol. 86(C), pages 229-243.
  4. Poder, Thomas G. & He, Jie, 2017. "Willingness to pay for a cleaner car: The case of car pollution in Quebec and France," Energy, Elsevier, vol. 130(C), pages 48-54.
  5. Jie He & Jérôme Dupras & Thomas G. Poder, 2017. "The value of wetlands in Quebec: a comparison between contingent valuation and choice experiment," Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 6(1), pages 51-78, January.


  1. de Quatrebarbes, Céline & Boccanfuso, Dorothée & Savard, Luc, 2016. "Beyond representative households: The macro–micro impact analysis of VAT designs applied to Niger," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 57(C), pages 76-92.
  2. Jie He & Johan Jacquemin, 2016. "La balance du carbone incorporé au commerce bilatéral entre la France et la Chine : transferts d’émissions ou nouvelles créations ?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 67(6), pages 1179-1210.
  3. Thomas G. Poder & Jie He, 2016. "Willingness to pay and the sensitivity of willingness to pay for interdisciplinary musculoskeletal clinics: a contingent valuation study in Quebec, Canada," International Journal of Health Economics and Management, Springer, vol. 16(4), pages 337-361, December.
  4. Thomas G Poder & Jérôme Dupras & Franck Fetue Ndefo & Jie He, 2016. "The Economic Value of the Greater Montreal Blue Network (Quebec, Canada): A Contingent Choice Study Using Real Projects to Estimate Non-Market Aquatic Ecosystem Services Benefits," PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, vol. 11(8), pages 1-16, August.
  5. Robin W. Boadway & Nicolas-Guillaume Martineau, 2016. "Optimal Redistribution with Endogenous Social Norms," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 118(3), pages 524-556, July.


  1. Boccanfuso, Dorothée & Larouche, Alexandre & Trandafir, Mircea, 2015. "Quality of Higher Education and the Labor Market in Developing Countries: Evidence from an Education Reform in Senegal," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 74(C), pages 412-424.
  2. He, Jie & Huang, Anping & Xu, Luodan, 2015. "Spatial heterogeneity and transboundary pollution: A contingent valuation (CV) study on the Xijiang River drainage basin in south China," China Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 36(C), pages 101-130.
  3. Yang, Haisheng & He, Jie & Chen, Shaoling, 2015. "The fragility of the Environmental Kuznets Curve: Revisiting the hypothesis with Chinese data via an “Extreme Bound Analysis”," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 109(C), pages 41-58.
  4. Nicolas-Guillaume Martineau & Gregor W. Smith, 2015. "Identifying fiscal policy (in)effectiveness from the differential counter-cyclicality of government spending in the interwar period," Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Economics Association, vol. 48(4), pages 1291-1320, November.


  1. Doroth饠Boccanfuso & Marcelin Joanis & Patrick Richard & Luc Savard, 2014. "A comparative analysis of funding schemes for public infrastructure spending in Quebec," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 46(22), pages 2653-2664, August.
  2. Hua Wang & Jie He, 2014. "Estimating the Economic Value of Statistical Life in China: A Study of the Willingness to Pay for Cancer Prevention," Frontiers of Economics in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities, Higher Education Press, vol. 9(2), pages 183-215, June.
  3. Jie He & Jingyan Fu, 2014. "Carbon leakage in China's manufacturing trade: An empirical analysis based on the carbon embodied in trade," The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 23(3), pages 329-360, April.


  1. Boccanfuso, Dorothée & Richard, Patrick & Savard, Luc, 2013. "Parametric and nonparametric income distribution estimators in CGE micro-simulation modeling," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 35(C), pages 892-899.
  2. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard & Antonio Estache, 2013. "The Distributional Impact of Developed Countries’ Climate Change Policies on Senegal: A Macro-Micro CGE Application," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 5(6), pages 1-24, June.
  3. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Ohiniba Bruce, 2013. "A New Avenue for Understanding the Nutritional Status of Children in Guinea," The European Journal of Development Research, Palgrave Macmillan;European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), vol. 25(5), pages 714-736, December.
  4. Dorothee Boccanfuso & Luc Savard & Bernice Elvire Savy, 2013. "Human Capital and Growth: New Evidences from African Data," International Economic Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 27(1), pages 55-77, March.


  1. D. Boccanfuso & L. Savard, 2012. "A Segmented Labour Supply Model Estimation for the Construction of a CGE Microsimulation Model: An Application to the Philippines," Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research, National Council of Applied Economic Research, vol. 6(2), pages 211-234, May.
  2. He, Jie & Wang, Hua, 2012. "Economic structure, development policy and environmental quality: An empirical analysis of environmental Kuznets curves with Chinese municipal data," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 76(C), pages 49-59.
  3. Larivière, Jean-Michel & He, Jie, 2012. "L’impact de la taille des firmes industrielles sur la courbe de Kuznets environnementale : le cas des émissions de SO2 en Chine," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 88(1), pages 5-36, mars.


  1. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard, 2011. "The Food Crisis and its Impacts on Poverty in Senegal and Mali: Crossed Destinies," Development Policy Review, Overseas Development Institute, vol. 29(2), pages 211-247, March.
  2. Dorothee Boccanfuso & Antonio Estache & Luc Savard, 2011. "The Intra-country Distributional Impact of Policies to Fight Climate Change: A Survey," Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 47(1), pages 97-117.
  3. Hua Wang & Jie He, 2011. "Estimating individual valuation distributions with multiple bounded discrete choice data," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 43(21), pages 2641-2656.
  4. Thomas G. Poder & Jie He, 2011. "How can sanitary infrastructures reduce child malnutrition and health inequalities? Evidence from Guatemala," Journal of Development Effectiveness, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 3(4), pages 543-566, December.


  1. Dorothée Boccanfuso & G. Rodolphe A. Missinhoun & Luc Savard, 2010. "Réformes economiques et croissance pro-pauvre : une application macro-micro aux Philippines," Recherches économiques de Louvain, De Boeck Université, vol. 76(3), pages 257-288.
  2. He, Jie, 2010. "What is the role of openness for China's aggregate industrial SO2 emission?: A structural analysis based on the Divisia decomposition method," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 69(4), pages 868-886, February.
  3. He, Jie & Richard, Patrick, 2010. "Environmental Kuznets curve for CO2 in Canada," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 69(5), pages 1083-1093, March.


  1. Dorothee Boccanfuso & Antonio Estache & Luc Savard, 2009. "Water Price Reforms in Senegal: Distributional Impact Analysis," Journal of African Development, African Finance and Economic Association (AFEA), vol. 11(1), pages 11-39.
  2. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Antonio Estache & Luc Savard, 2009. "Electricity Reforms In Mali: A Macro–Micro Analysis Of The Effects On Poverty And Distribution," South African Journal of Economics, Economic Society of South Africa, vol. 77(1), pages 127-147, March.
  3. Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard, 2009. "Politiques économiques, pauvreté et inégalités au Maroc : analyses en équilibre général micro simulé," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 99-118.
  4. Dorothee Boccanfuso & Antonio Estache & Luc Savard, 2009. "A Macro-Micro Analysis of the Effects of Electricity Reform in Senegal on Poverty and Distribution," Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 45(3), pages 351-368.
  5. He, Jie, 2009. "China's industrial SO2 emissions and its economic determinants: EKC's reduced vs. structural model and the role of international trade," Environment and Development Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 14(2), pages 227-262, April.


  1. Marie Suzanne Badji & Dorothee Boccanfuso, 2008. "Nutritional Health of the Children in Senegal: A Comparative Analysis," Journal of African Development, African Finance and Economic Association (AFEA), vol. 10(1), pages 71-103.
  2. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Bernard Decaluwé & Luc Savard, 2008. "Poverty, income distribution and CGE micro-simulation modeling: Does the functional form of distribution matter?," The Journal of Economic Inequality, Springer;Society for the Study of Economic Inequality, vol. 6(2), pages 149-184, June.
  3. Dorothee Boccanfuso & Massa Coulibaly & Luc Savard, 2008. "Une analyse d'impacts economique et social des reformes economiques et de l'aide publique au developpement au Mali - Un cadre macro-micro," The European Journal of Development Research, Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 20(3), pages 519-545.
  4. Dorothee Boccanfuso & Luc Savard, 2008. "Groundnut Sector Liberalization in Senegal: A Multi-household CGE Analysis," Oxford Development Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 36(2), pages 159-186.
  5. Jie HE, 2008. "Foreign Direct Investment And Air Pollution In China: Evidence From Chinese Cities," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 28, pages 131-150.


  1. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard, 2007. "Poverty and Inequality Impact Analysis Regarding Cotton Subsidies: A Mali-based CGE Micro-accounting Approach," Journal of African Economies, Centre for the Study of African Economies, vol. 16(4), pages 629-659, August.
  2. Boccanfuso, Dorothée & Cabral, François & Cissé, Fatou & Diagne, Abdoulaye & Savard, Luc, 2007. "Stratégies de réduction de la pauvreté au Sénégal : une analyse par la modélisation en équilibre général calculable microsimulé," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 83(4), pages 483-528, décembre.


  1. He, Jie, 2006. "Pollution haven hypothesis and environmental impacts of foreign direct investment: The case of industrial emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in Chinese provinces," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 60(1), pages 228-245, November.


  1. Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard & François Joseph Cabral, 2005. "Une analyse d’impacts de la libéralisation de la filière arachide au Sénégal: un modèle d’équilibre général calculable multi-ménages," Perspective Afrique, Association Africaine pour les Sciences sociales, vol. 1(1), pages 1-32.58.
  2. He, Jie, 2005. "Estimating the economic cost of China's new desulfur policy during her gradual accession to WTO: The case of industrial SO2 emission," China Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 16(4), pages 364-402.


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