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by members of

Département d'Économie et Sociologie Rurales
Département ECOSOCIO - Économie et Sciences Sociales pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (SAE2)
Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE)
Toulouse, France

(Department of Rural Economics and Sociology, ECOSOCIO Division - Economics and Social Sciences for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, French National Institute for Agr)

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. This page is updated in the first days of each month.
| Working papers | Journal articles | Books | Chapters |

Working papers

Undated material is listed at the end


  1. Dominique Desbois, 2024. "Die Entstehung des digitalen Euro: viel Lärm um nichts? [Genesis of the digital euro: much ado about nothing?]," Post-Print hal-04535108, HAL.
  2. Dominique Desbois, 2024. "Daniel Kahneman (1934-2024): the prejudices of homo œconomicus [Daniel Kahneman (1934-2024) : les préjugés de l’homo œconomicus]," Post-Print hal-04620674, HAL.


  1. Dominique Desbois, 2023. "Crypto-assets: financial setbacks, legal turpitude and regulatory loopholes [Crypto-actifs : déboires financiers, turpitudes juridiques et réglementations lacunaires]," Post-Print hal-04090688, HAL.
  2. Dominique Desbois, 2023. "BITCOIN. La monnaie acéphale," Post-Print hal-04090764, HAL.
  3. Dominique Desbois, 2023. "Divisive Clustermethode auf der Grundlage von doppelten Schätzintervallen für Quantile der spezifischen Kosten und Bruttomargen [Divisive clustering method based on dual estimation intervals for qu," Post-Print hal-04156425, HAL.
  4. Dominique Desbois, 2023. "Specific costs and gross margins of wheat in Europe: innovative estimation practices for the analysis of regional or structural scale changes [Coûts spécifiques et marges brutes du blé en Europe : ," Post-Print hal-04248802, HAL.
  5. Dominique Desbois, 2023. "Specific costs and gross margins: estimation practices," Post-Print hal-04271145, HAL.
  6. Dominique Desbois, 2023. "Dual estimates of conditional quantiles of specific costs and gross margins: application to European regions [Estimations duales des quantiles conditionnels de coûts spécifiques et de marges brutes," Post-Print hal-04346928, HAL.


  1. Valentin Bellassen & Marion Drut & Mohamed Hilal & Antonio Bodini & Michele Donati & Matthieu Duboys de Labarre & Jelena Filipović & Lisa Gauvrit & José M. Gil & Viet Hoang & Agata Malak-Rawlikowska &, 2022. "The economic, environmental and social performance of European certified food," Post-Print hal-03376106, HAL.
  2. Dominique Desbois, 2022. "To halt and reverse deforestation, greening standards must be specified [Pour stopper et inverser la déforestation, il faut préciser les normes du verdissement]," Post-Print hal-03651634, HAL.
  3. Dominique Desbois, 2022. "Symbolic Clustering Methods Applied to Interval Estimates of Production Cost Quantiles [Méthodes de classification symbolique appliquées aux estimations d'intervalles des quantiles des coûts de pro," Post-Print hal-03735463, HAL.
  4. Dominique Desbois, 2022. "Agricultural Cost Estimation: a conceptual framework and some innovative methods [Estimation des coûts agricoles : un cadre conceptuel et quelques méthodes innovantes]," Post-Print hal-03825675, HAL.
  5. Dominique Desbois, 2022. "Applying interval PCA and clustering to :empirical distributions of fertilizer cost quantile estimates for yearly crops in European Countries [Application de l'ACP par intervalles et de la classifi," Post-Print hal-03868997, HAL.
  6. Dominique Desbois, 2022. "Applying Entropy Criterion to Input Allocation: an Empirical Analysis of Fertilizer Cost Estimates for European Countries [Application du critère d'entropie à l'allocation des coûts : une analyse e," Post-Print hal-03958792, HAL.
  7. Dominique Desbois, 2022. "Symbolic classification methods applied to the intervals of quantile estimates of production costs [Méthodes de classification symbolique appliquées aux intervalles d’estimations quantiles des coût," Post-Print hal-03959713, HAL.


  1. Valentin Bellassen & Filippo Arfini & Federico Antonioli & Antonio Bodini & Michael Boehm & Ružica Brečić & Sara Chiussi & Peter Csillag & Michele Donati & Liesbeth Dries & Marion Drut & Matthieu Dubo, 2021. "Sustainability Performance of Certified and Non-certified Food," Post-Print hal-03526645, HAL.
  2. Bertrand Guenet & Benoit Gabrielle & Claire Chenu & Dominique Arrouays & Jérôme Balesdent & Martial Bernoux & Elisa Bruni & Jean-Pierre Caliman & Rémi Cardinael & Songchao Chen & Philippe Ciais & Domi, 2021. "Can N$_2$O emissions offset the benefits from soil organic carbon storage? [Les émissions de N2O peuvent-elles compenser les avantages du stockage du carbone organique dans le sol ?]," Post-Print hal-02958540, HAL.
  3. Dominique Desbois, 2021. "Ökonomie der landwirtschaftlichen Kohlenstoffspeicherung in Böden [Economics of agricultural carbon storage in soils]," Post-Print hal-03137523, HAL.
  4. Dominique Desbois, 2021. "Exploring the distribution of conditional quantiles estimates: an application to specific costs of pig production in the European Union [Exploration de la distribution des estimations de quantiles ," Post-Print hal-03155023, HAL.
  5. Dominique Desbois, 2021. "Valérie Charolles. Liberalismus Versus Kapitalismus [Valérie Charolles. Liberalism Versus Capitalism]," Post-Print hal-03188316, HAL.
  6. Dominique Desbois, 2021. "Anwendung von Intervall-PCA und Clustering auf Quantilschätzungen mit empirischen Verteilungen von Düngemittelkostenschätzungen für einjährige Kulturen in EU-Ländern [Applying Interval PCA and Clus," Post-Print hal-03193404, HAL.
  7. Dominique Desbois, 2021. "Reading note on Jean-Benoît Zimmerman: Les Communs. From shared gardens to Wikipedia [Les Communs. Des jardins partagés à Wikipédia (par Jean-Benoît Zimmerman)]," Post-Print hal-03212125, HAL.
  8. Dominique Desbois, 2021. "Crossed views on digital communication and the digital trace [Regards croisés sur la communication et la trace numériques]," Post-Print hal-03265845, HAL.
  9. Dominique Desbois, 2021. "The State Of Management 2021. Dauphine Management Research [L’État Du Management 2021. Dauphine Recherches En Management]," Post-Print hal-03266986, HAL.
  10. Dominique Desbois, 2021. "Anwendung von Intervall-PCA und Klassifizierung auf Quantilschätzungen: empirische Verteilungen von Düngemittelkostenschätzungen für einjährige Kulturen in europäischen Ländern [Applying interval P," Post-Print hal-03418130, HAL.
  11. Dominique Desbois, 2021. "Structural modelling: an application to the evaluation of ecosystem practices at the plot level [Modelización estructural: una aplicación a la evaluación de las prácticas de los ecosistemas a nivel," Post-Print hal-03423076, HAL.
  12. Dominique Desbois, 2021. "Symbolic clustering methods with applications to interval estimates of production costs," Post-Print hal-03501049, HAL.


  1. Sylvette Monier-Dilhan & Thomas Poméon & Michael Böhm & Ruzica Brečić & Peter Csillag & Michele Donati & Hugo Ferrer-Pérez & Lisa Gauvrit & José M. Gil & Việt Hoàng & Apichaya Lilavanichakul & Edward , 2020. "Do Food Quality Schemes and Net Price Premiums Go Together?," Post-Print hal-03102266, HAL.
  2. Dominique Desbois, 2020. "Biometric technologies and individual freedoms tested by the health crisis [Technologies biométriques et libertés individuelles à l’épreuve de la crise sanitaire]," Post-Print hal-02554246, HAL.
  3. Dominique Desbois, 2020. "Besiege den Kapitalismus, mache die Demokratie neu. Die Einsätze des Delibereralismus von Éric Dacheux und Daniel Goujon [Defeat capitalism, remake democracy. The stakes of delibereralism, by Éric ," Post-Print hal-02554264, HAL.
  4. Dominique Desbois, 2020. "Structural modelling: an application to the assessment of ecosystem practices at the plot level [Modélisation structurelle : une application à l'évaluation de pratiques écosystémiques au niveau de ," Post-Print hal-02635543, HAL.
  5. Dominique Desbois, 2020. "Assessment of Soil Erosion by Quantile Estimates for European Regions [Évaluation de l'érosion des sols par des estimations quantiles pour les régions européennes]," Post-Print hal-02790417, HAL.
  6. Dominique Desbois, 2020. "Applying Interval Clustering to Quantile Estimates: Empirical Distributions of Fertilizer Cost Estimates for European Countries [Application de la classification par intervalles aux quantiles estim," Post-Print hal-02806732, HAL.
  7. Dominique Desbois, 2020. "The IFIP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct: Some elements of context, content and reflection [Le code d’éthique et de conduite professionnelle de l’IFIP : Quelques éléments de contexte, de co," Post-Print hal-03006107, HAL.
  8. Dominique Desbois, 2020. "Reading note on "Predictions. History of the privatization of public goods" [Note de lecture sur "Prédations. Histoire des privatisations des biens publics"]," Post-Print hal-03006110, HAL.
  9. Dominique Desbois, 2020. "Reading note about "Against Nature. The Metaphysics of Information Systems" [Note de lecture sur "Against Nature. The Metaphysics of Information Systems"]," Post-Print hal-03006115, HAL.
  10. Dominique Desbois, 2020. "Von der Großen Moderation über die Große Enge bis hin zur Großen Rezession - was sagen uns die Ökonomen über die "nächste Welt"? [What Do Economists Tell Us About the "Next World&quo," Post-Print hal-03065060, HAL.
  11. Dominique Desbois, 2020. "Sébastien ABIS und Matthieu BRUN (Dir.) - Le Déméter 2020 [Sébastien ABIS and Matthieu BRUN (dir.) - Le Déméter 2020]," Post-Print hal-03112077, HAL.


  1. Loup Rimbaud & Sylvie Dallot & Claude Bruchou & Sophie Thoyer & Emmanuel Jacquot & Samuel Soubeyrand & Gael Thébaud, 2019. "Improving management strategies of plant diseases using sequential sensitivity analyses," Post-Print hal-02095180, HAL.
  2. Le Coent, Philippe & Preget, Raphaële & Thoyer, Sophie, 2019. "Do farmers follow the herd? The influence of social norms on participation in agri-environmental schemes," 172nd EAAE Seminar, May 28-29, 2019, Brussels, Belgium 289863, European Association of Agricultural Economists.
  3. Sophie S. Thoyer & Raphaële Preget, 2019. "Enriching the CAP evaluation toolbox with experimental approaches: introduction to the special issue," Post-Print hal-02143046, HAL.
  4. Alban Thomas & Monique Axelos & Hugo de Vries & Laure Bamière & Julie Wohlfahrt & Francis Colin & Bernard Kurek & Vincent Requillart & Jean-Yves Dourmad & Jean-Philippe Steyer & Michel Duru & Sylvie G, 2019. "Réflexion prospective interdisciplinaire Bioéconomie. Rapport de synthèse," Working Papers hal-02790500, HAL.
  5. Dominique Desbois, 2019. "Libra, another cryptocurrency war or a future de facto international currency? [Libra, une guerre des cryptomonnaies de plus ou une future devise internationale de facto ?]," Post-Print hal-02188851, HAL.
  6. D. Desbois, 2019. "Emilie Bourdu, Michel Lallement, Pierre Veltz, Thierry Weil (Dir.), Working In Motion [Emilie Bourdu, Michel Lallement, Pierre Veltz, Thierry Weil (Dir.), Le Travail En Mouvement]," Post-Print hal-02299538, HAL.
  7. D. Desbois, 2019. "Emilie Bourdu, Michel Lallement, Pierre Veltz et Thierry Weil (dir.) Le travail en mouvement," Post-Print hal-02303475, HAL.
  8. Dominique Desbois, 2019. "Objectifs du développement durable et gouvernance des institutions de recherche : le cas de la fusion de l'Inra et de l’Irstea," Post-Print hal-02392179, HAL.
  9. D. Desbois, 2019. "Tax dredger on social networks: new learning algorithms to track fraud [Drague fiscale sur les réseaux sociaux : de nouveaux algorithmes d’apprentissage pour traquer la fraude]," Post-Print hal-02406386, HAL.
  10. D. Desbois, 2019. "Antoine Gouritin, Startupism. The Technological And Economic Fantasy Of The Startup Nation Fyp Éditions, 2019 [Antoine Gouritin, Le Startupisme. Le Fantasme Technologique Et Économique De La Startu," Post-Print hal-02422377, HAL.
  11. Dominique Desbois, 2019. "Sébastien ABIS (ed.). The 2019 Demeter [Sébastien ABIS (dir.). Le Déméter 2019]," Post-Print hal-02629313, HAL.
  12. Dominique Desbois, 2019. "Application of symbolic clustering to the estimation of agricultural production costs [Application de la classification symbolique à l’estimation des coûts de production agricoles]," Post-Print hal-02735928, HAL.
  13. Dominique Desbois, 2019. "Exploring the distribution of conditional quantile estimate ranges: an application to the estimation of specific production costs of pig in the European Union [Explorer la distribution des quantile," Post-Print hal-02736201, HAL.
  14. Dominique Desbois, 2019. "Towards the cost assessment of soil erosion [Vers l'évaluation des coûts de l'érosion des sols]," Post-Print hal-02790409, HAL.
  15. Dominique Desbois, 2019. "Exploring the distribution of conditional quantiles estimation ranges: an application to the estimation of specific costs of production of pig in the European Union [Exploration de la distribution ," Post-Print hal-02874052, HAL.
  16. Dominique Desbois & Pascal Dayre, 2019. "Proceedings of the Virtual Research Environment Workshop for Open Science [Compte-rendu de l'Atelier Environnement Virtuel de Recherche pour la science ouverte]," Working Papers hal-02789270, HAL.


  1. Kuhfuss, Laure & Preget, Raphaele & Thoyer, Sophie & de Vries, Frans & Hanley, Nick, 2018. "Spatial coordination in Payment for Environmental Service schemes: can we nudge the agglomeration bonus to enhance its effectiveness?," 92nd Annual Conference, April 16-18, 2018, Warwick University, Coventry, UK 273497, Agricultural Economics Society.
  2. Philippe Le Coent & Raphaële Preget & Sophie S. Thoyer, 2018. "Do farmers follow the herd? The influence of social norms in the participation to agri-environmental schemes," CEE-M Working Papers halshs-01936004, CEE-M, Universtiy of Montpellier, CNRS, INRA, Montpellier SupAgro.
  3. Sophie S. Thoyer, 2018. "Enriching the CAP evaluation toolbox with experimental approaches," Post-Print hal-02095182, HAL.
  4. Pauline Lécole & Sophie S. Thoyer, 2018. "Politique agricole commune et petites exploitations agricoles d'hier et d'aujourd'hui," Post-Print hal-02095181, HAL.
  5. Jesus Lozano Vita & Florence Jacquet & Sophie S. Thoyer, 2018. "Les motivations économiques et non économiques dans le choix de pratiques des viticulteurs. Une approche par la programmation mathématique," Post-Print hal-02095179, HAL.
  6. D. Desbois, 2018. "Jérôme Denis. The invisible work of the data. Elements for a sociology of infrastructures [Jérôme Denis. Le Travail invisible des données. Eléments pour une sociologie des infrastructures]," Post-Print hal-02299590, HAL.
  7. Dominique Desbois, 2018. "Guide Obergo du télétravail salarié," Post-Print hal-02618042, HAL.
  8. Dominique Desbois, 2018. "Exploring the distribution of conditional quantiles estimation ranges: an application to the estimation of specific costs of production of cow's milk in the European Union [Explorer la distribution," Post-Print hal-02618210, HAL.
  9. Dominique Desbois, 2018. "Regionalized estimates of specific wheat costs at European level based on conditional quantiles [Estimations régionalisées de coûts spécifiques du blé au niveau européen basées sur les quantiles co," Post-Print hal-02737348, HAL.
  10. Dominique Desbois, 2018. "Lesen: Die Weltwirtschaft 2017, CEPII [Read: The world economy 2017, CEPII]," Post-Print hal-04459162, HAL.


  1. Laure Kuhfuss & Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer & Frans P. de Vries & Nick Hanley, 2017. "Nudging Participation and Spatial Agglomeration in Payment for Environmental Service Schemes," Discussion Papers in Environment and Development Economics 2017-11, University of St. Andrews, School of Geography and Sustainable Development.
  2. Sophie Thoyer, 2017. "France : mise en oeuvre de la PAC," Post-Print hal-01681894, HAL.
  3. Sophie Thoyer & Raphaële Préget & Anne Rozan, 2017. "How to choose the best format within the portfolio of economic experiments? Going from lab to field," Post-Print hal-01681896, HAL.
  4. Sophie Thoyer & Raphaële Préget, 2017. "Best practices for organizing experiments with farmers," Post-Print hal-01681895, HAL.
  5. Sophie Thoyer, 2017. "Best practices for environment and climate change," Post-Print hal-01710357, HAL.
  6. Laure Kühfuss & Raphaële Preget & Sophie S. Thoyer, 2017. "Peut-on « nudger » les agriculteurs vers des pratiques plus respectueuses de l'environnement ?," Post-Print halshs-02129075, HAL.
  7. Jesus Lozano Vita & Florence Jacquet & Sophie Thoyer, 2017. "Choix de pratiques des viticulteurs et facteurs comportementaux : une approche par la modélisation multi-objectif," Post-Print hal-02738164, HAL.
  8. Desquilbet, Marion & Maigné, Elise & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette, 2017. "Organic food retailing and the conventionalization debate," TSE Working Papers 17-778, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), revised Mar 2018.
  9. Dominique Desbois, 2017. "Distribution of specific costs of agricultural production in the European Union: an approach based on the quantile regression method," Post-Print hal-01538654, HAL.
  10. Dominique Desbois, 2017. "Displaying empirical distributions of conditional quantile estimates: an application of symbolic data analysis to the cost allocation problem in agriculture [Affichage des distributions empiriques ," Post-Print hal-02735229, HAL.
  11. Dominique Desbois & J.P. Butault & Yves Surry, 2017. "Verteilung der spezifischen Produktionskosten in der Landwirtschaft der Europäischen Union: ein Ansatz auf der Grundlage der Quantil-Regression [Analyzing the Distribution of Specific Production Co," Post-Print hal-04535147, HAL.


  1. Le Coënt, Philippe & Preget, Raphaele & Thoyer, Sophie, 2016. "Compensating environmental losses versus creating environmental gains Implications for biodiversity offsets and agri-environmental contracts," 90th Annual Conference, April 4-6, 2016, Warwick University, Coventry, UK 236365, Agricultural Economics Society.
  2. Liesbeth Colen & Sergio Gomez y Paloma & Uwe Latacz-Lohmann & Marianne Lefebvre & Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer, 2016. "Economic Experiments as a Tool for Agricultural Policy Evaluation: Insights from the European CAP," Post-Print hal-01416121, HAL.
  3. Philippe Le Coent & Raphaelle Préget & Sophie Thoyer, 2016. "Compensating environmental losses versus creating environmental gains: Implications for biodiversity offsets," Working Papers 07-16, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier.
  4. Laure Kuhfuss & Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer & Nick Hanley, 2016. "Nudging farmers to enrol land into agri-environmental schemes: the role of a collective bonus," Post-Print hal-01506443, HAL.
  5. Tristan Le Cotty & Elodie Maître d'Hôtel & Moctar Ndiaye & Sophie Thoyer, 2016. "Output price risk and fertilizer use decisions in Burkina Faso," Post-Print hal-01419764, HAL.
  6. Pauline Lécole & Sophie Thoyer, 2016. "La PAC et l’environnement : freins et leviers pour la transition agro-écologique," Post-Print hal-01447441, HAL.
  7. Sophie Thoyer & Philippe Le Coent & Raphaële Préget, 2016. "Compensating losses versus creating gains: implications for biodiversity offsets and agri-environmental contracts," Post-Print hal-01710359, HAL.
  8. Pauline Lécole & Sophie S. Thoyer, 2016. "La PAC responsable de tous les maux agricoles ?," Post-Print hal-02095185, HAL.
  9. Sophie Thoyer & Raphaële Préget & Laure Kuhfuss & Philippe Le Coent & François Gautier-Pelissier & Julie Subervie & Lisette L. Ibanez & Mathieu Desole & Mabel Tidball, 2016. "COUD’POUCE : COmportementet Usage Des pesticides : POUr des Contrats Environnementaux innovants : projet de recherche 2012-2015," Post-Print hal-02801402, HAL.
  10. Philippe Le Coent & Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer, 2016. "Do social norms influence farmers’ participation in agri-environmental schemes?," Post-Print hal-02743066, HAL.
  11. Dominique Desbois, 2016. "Lanceurs d’alerte : vers un statut unifié ?," Post-Print hal-01537753, HAL.


  1. Laure Kuhfuss & Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer & Nick Hanley, 2015. "Nudging farmers to sign agri-environmental contracts: the effects of a collective bonus," Discussion Papers in Environment and Development Economics 2015-06, University of St. Andrews, School of Geography and Sustainable Development.
  2. Liesbeth Colen & Sergio Gomez Y Paloma & Uwe Latacz-Lohmann & Marianne Lefebvre & Sophie Thoyer & Raphaële Préget, 2015. "(How) can economic experiments inform EU agricultural policy?," JRC Research Reports JRC97340, Joint Research Centre.
  3. Pauline Lecole & Sophie Thoyer, 2015. "Qui veut garder ses millions ? Redistribution des aides dans la nouvelle PAC," Post-Print hal-01506430, HAL.
  4. G. Grolleau & Naoufel Mzoughi & Sophie Thoyer, 2015. "Using monetary incentives in agri-environmental policies: Can we do more with less? [Les incitations monétaires dans la politique agro-environnementale : peut-on faire mieux avec moins ?]," Post-Print hal-01884947, HAL.
  5. Philippe Le Coent & Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer, 2015. "Can collective conditionality improve agri-environmental contracts? Insights from experimental economics," Post-Print hal-01606341, HAL.
  6. Dominique Desbois & Jean-Pierre Butault & Yves Surry, 2015. "Distribution des coûts spécifiques de production dans l’agriculture de l’Union européenne : une approche reposant sur la méthode de régression quantile," Post-Print hal-01580680, HAL.
  7. Dominique Desbois, 2015. "La qualité du lait a-t-elle un prix ? Une estimation hédonique de la valeur des attributs spécifiques du lait de vache," Post-Print hal-01885126, HAL.


  1. Sophie Thoyer & Christophe Després & Marianne Le Bail & Jean-Marc Meynard & Antoine Messean, 2014. "La diversification des cultures pour limiter les impacts environnementaux : freins et leviers agronomiques et économiques en France. Quelques propositions pour les exploitations, les filières et la PA," Post-Print hal-01198249, HAL.
  2. Jean-Christophe Bureau & Sophie Thoyer, 2014. "La politique agricole commune," Post-Print hal-01173055, HAL.
  3. Pauline Lecole & A. Cobacho & Sophie Thoyer, 2014. "Politiques de développement rural entre planification centrale et initiatives locales : l'expérience de l'Allemagne et de l'Italie," Post-Print hal-01506362, HAL.
  4. Sophie Thoyer & Christophe Desprès & Marianne Le Bail & Jean-Marc Meynard & Antoine Messean, 2014. "Evolution des raisonnements agronomiques et économiques pour accompagner les changements des systèmes techniques dans les exploitations agricoles," Post-Print hal-01811436, HAL.
  5. Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer, 2014. "Does the competition structure impact the performance of multi-unit auctions? An experimental investigation," Post-Print hal-01506278, HAL.
  6. Laure Kuhfuss & Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer, 2014. "Préférences individuelles et incitations collectives : quels contrats agroenvironnementaux pour la réduction des herbicides par les viticulteurs ?," Post-Print hal-02629727, HAL.
  7. Laure Kuhfuss & Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer, 2014. "Quels contrats environnementaux pour réduire les herbicides en viticulture ? Résultat d'une enquête en Languedoc-Roussillon," Post-Print hal-02630558, HAL.
  8. Philippe Le Coent & Sophie Thoyer & Raphaële Préget, 2014. "Why pay for nothing? An experiment on a conditional subsidy scheme in a threshold public good game," Post-Print hal-02739425, HAL.


  1. Bergès, Fabian & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette, 2013. "Do consumers buy organic food for sustainability or selfish reasons?," TSE Working Papers 13-372, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), revised Aug 2013.


  1. Marianne LEFEBVRE & Sophie THOYER, 2012. "Risque sécheresse et gestion de l'eau agricole en France," Studies and Syntheses 12-02, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Jan 2012.
  2. Marianne LEFEBVRE & Sophie THOYER, 2012. "Risque sécheresse et gestion de l'eau agricole en Australie," Studies and Syntheses 12-01, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Jan 2012.
  3. Bergès, Fabian & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette, 2012. "Mass Retailers’ Advertising Strategies Faced with Different Competitor Store Formats: Commodity Stores or Hard Discounts," TSE Working Papers 12-277, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE).


  1. Solenn Leplay & Sophie Thoyer, 2011. "Synergy effects of international policy instruments to reduce deforestation: a cross-country panel data analysis," Working Papers 11-01, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Jan 2011.
  2. Marianne Lefebvre & Sophie Thoyer & Mabel Tidball & Marc Willinger, 2011. "Sharing rules for a Common-Pool Resource with private alternatives," Working Papers 11-11, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised May 2011.
  3. Solenn Leplay & Jonah Busch & Philippe Delacote & Sophie Thoyer, 2011. "Implementation of national and international REDD mechanism under alternative payments for environemtal services: theory and illustration from Sumatra," Working Papers 11-02, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Feb 2011.
  4. Marianne LEFEBVRE & Lata GANGADHARAN & Sophie THOYER, 2011. "Do Security-differentiated Water Rights Improve Efficiency?," Working Papers 11-14, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Jun 2012.
  5. Stéphanie Aulong & C. Figuières & S. Thoyer, 2011. "Agriculture production versus biodiversity protection: The impact of North-South unconditional transfers," Post-Print hal-00601787, HAL.
  6. Sophie Thoyer, 2011. "La montée en puissance de la notion de bien public mondial," Post-Print hal-01479526, HAL.
  7. Hassan, Daniel & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette & Orozco, Valérie, 2011. "Measuring Consumers' Attachment to Geographical Indications: Implications for Competition Policy," TSE Working Papers 11-225, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE).
  8. Desquilbet, Marion & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette, 2011. "Are geographical indications a worthy quality label? A framework with endogenous quality choice," TSE Working Papers 11-263, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), revised Jun 2012.
  9. Sylvette Monier Dilhan & Daniel Hassan & Valérie Orozco, 2011. "Measuring consumers' attachment to geographical indications," Post-Print hal-02646992, HAL.
  10. Dominique Desbois & Cédric Gossart & Nicolas Jullien & Jean-Benoît Zimmermann, 2011. "Le développement durable à l'épreuve des TIC," Post-Print hal-01172995, HAL.


  1. Charles Figuières & Solenn Leplay & Estelle Midler & Sophie Thoyer, 2010. "The REDD scheme to curb deforestation: A well-designed system of incentives?," Working Papers 10-06, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Jun 2010.
  2. Patrick Rio & Sophie Thoyer, 2010. "Simulation of negociation process and land planning: the case of the Thau laguna territory [Simulation des négociations et intercommunalité sur l’étang de Thau]," Post-Print hal-02654398, HAL.
  3. Bergès, Fabian & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette, 2010. "Trade Policy Reform: How to win wide-ranging support?," IDEI Working Papers 651, Institut d'Économie Industrielle (IDEI), Toulouse.
  4. Dominique Desbois, 2010. "Économie des données personnelles et de la vie privée - Fabrice Rochelandet - La Découverte, coll. « Repères », Paris, 2010, 128 pages," Post-Print hal-03318747, HAL.


  1. Sandra SAÏD & Sophie THOYER, 2009. "What shapes farmers' attitudes towards agri-environmental payments : A case study in Lozere," Working Papers 09-08, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Aug 2009.
  2. Erdlenbruch, Katrin & Thoyer, Sophie & Grelot, Frédéric & Kast, Robert & Enjolras, Geoffroy, 2009. "Risk-sharing policies in the context of the French Flood Prevention Action Programmes," MPRA Paper 20187, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer, 2009. "Multi-Unit Auctions and Competition Stricture," Working Papers 09-18, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Dec 2009.
  4. Hassan, Daniel & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette & Nichele, Veronique & Simioni, Michel, 2009. "Organic Food Consumption Patterns in France," 2009 Pre-Conference Workshop, August 16, 2009, Diet and Obesity: Role of Prices and Policies 53342, International Association of Agricultural Economists.
  5. Bergès, Fabian & Hassan, Daniel & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette, 2009. "Are Consumers More Loyal to National Brands than to Private Labels?," TSE Working Papers 09-131, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE).
  6. Dominique Desbois, 2009. "Agricultural statistics: for sustainability indicators at farm level [Statistiques agricoles : pour des indicateurs de durabilité au niveau de l'exploitation]," Post-Print hal-01172910, HAL.


  1. Dominique Desbois, 2008. "Statistiques agricoles : pour des indicateurs de durabilité au niveau de l'exploitation," Post-Print hal-01173000, HAL.
  2. Dominique Desbois, 2008. "Niederländische Mehrfach-Korrespondenzanalyse: Einführung In Die Homogenitätsanalyse [Dutch-Style Multiple Correspondence Analysis: Introduction To Homogeneity Analysis]," Post-Print hal-03129969, HAL.
  3. Dominique Desbois, 2008. "Reading note on the book "The coffee paradox" [Nota de lectura sobre el libro "La paradoja del café"]," Post-Print hal-03323559, HAL.


  1. Sandra Saïd & Sophie Thoyer, 2007. "Agri-environmental auctions with synergies," Working Papers 07-07, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Sep 2007.
  2. Sophie Thoyer & Sandra Saïd, 2007. "Mesures agri-environnementales : quels mécanismes d’allocation?," Studies and Syntheses 07-01, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Jan 2007.
  3. Atakelty Hailu & Sophie Thoyer, 2007. "Designing multi-unit multiple bid auctions: an agent-based computational model of uniform, discriminatory and generalised Vickrey Auctions [Le format des enchères multi-unitaires : un modèle de sim," Post-Print hal-02664994, HAL.
  4. Cahuzac, Eric & Hassan, Daniel & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette, 2007. "Securite Sanitaire Des Aliments: Fausse Alerte Et Vraie Crise," 103rd Seminar, April 23-25, 2007, Barcelona, Spain 9439, European Association of Agricultural Economists.
  5. Bergès-Sennou, Fabian & Hassan, Daniel & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette & Raynal, Helene, 2007. "Consumers' Decision between Private Labels and National Brands in a Retailer's Store: A Mixed Multinomial Logit Application," 103rd Seminar, April 23-25, 2007, Barcelona, Spain 9407, European Association of Agricultural Economists.
  6. Fabian Berges & Daniel Hassan & Sylvette Monier Dilhan, 2007. "The characterics of private label demand. A study on two stapple goods [Les déterminants de la demande en marques de distributeurs : étude à partir de deux produits de consommation courante]," Post-Print hal-02656327, HAL.
  7. Dominique Desbois, 2007. "Reading note on the book 'The Common Agricultural Policy' [Nota de lectura sobre el libro "La Política Agrícola Común"]," Post-Print hal-03318735, HAL.
  8. Dominique Desbois, 2007. "Reading note on the book "Demeter 2007 [Note de lecture sur l'ouvrage "Déméter 2007"]," Post-Print hal-03319188, HAL.
  9. Dominique Desbois, 2007. "Reading note on the book "Risk analysis. The expert, the decision-maker and the citizen" [Note de lecture sur l'ouvrage "L'analyse des risques. L'expert, le décideur et le citoyen&qu," Post-Print hal-03319521, HAL.
  10. Dominique Desbois, 2007. "Reading note on the book 'Biotechnology and Agricultural Development" [Note de lecture sur l'ouvrage "Biotechnologies et développement agricole"]," Post-Print hal-03319579, HAL.
  11. Dominique Desbois & Abdoulaye Adam, 2007. "Stakes and pitfalls of the development of the statistical systems in agriculture: the web of sustainable development [Enjeux et pièges du développement des systèmes statistiques en agriculture : la," Post-Print hal-03319867, HAL.


  1. Leo K. Simon & Sophie Thoyer & Sylvie Morardet & Rachael E. Goodhue & Patrick Rio & Gordon C. Rausser, 2006. "Structure and bargaining power in multilateral negotiations : Application to water management policies in France," Working Papers 06-09, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Oct 2006.
  2. Stéphanie Aulong & Charles Figuières & Sophie Thoyer, 2006. "Agriculture production versus biodiversity protection: what role for north-south unconditional transfers?," Working Papers 06-07, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Aug 2006.
  3. Desquilbet, Marion & Hassan, Daniel & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette, 2006. "Are Geographical Indications a Worthy Quality Signal? A Framework on Protected Designation of Origin with Endogenous Quality Choice," 2006 Annual meeting, July 23-26, Long Beach, CA 21466, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
  4. Dominique D. Desbois, 2006. "Déméter : économie et stratégies agricoles. 2007, 294 p., Club Demeter, 24€ [Compte-rendu d'ouvrage]," Post-Print hal-02653482, HAL.
  5. Dominique Desbois, 2006. "Lesehinweis zu Liberalisierung der Weltlandwirtschaft? Theorien, Modelle und Realitäten von Boussard JM, Gérard F. und Piketty MG [Reading note on Liberalising world agriculture? Theories, models a," Post-Print hal-03133831, HAL.
  6. Dominique Desbois, 2006. "Reading note on the book "Liberalising World Agriculture? Theories, models and realities" [Note de lecture sur l'ouvrage "Libéraliser l'agriculture mondiale ? Théories, modèles et ré," Post-Print hal-03319201, HAL.
  7. Dominique Desbois, 2006. "Reading note on the book "They will feed you all the farmers in the world, if ... " [Note de lecture sur l'ouvrage "Ils vous nourriront tous les paysans du monde, si ... "]," Post-Print hal-03319647, HAL.
  8. Dominique Desbois, 2006. "Reading note on "Liberalising world agriculture? Theories, models and realities" [Note de lecture sur "Libéraliser l'agriculture mondiale ? Théories, modèles et réalités"]," Post-Print hal-03319683, HAL.


  1. Hailu, Atakelty & Schilizzi, Steven & Thoyer, Sophie, 2005. "Assessing the performance of auctions for the allocation of conservation contracts: Theoretical and computational approaches," 2005 Annual meeting, July 24-27, Providence, RI 19478, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
  2. Sophie Thoyer & Atakelty Hailu, 2005. "Multi-Unit Auctions to Allocate Water Scarcity Simulating bidding behaviour with agent based models," Working Papers 05-01, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Jan 2005.
  3. Dominique Desbois, 2005. "An introduction to Box and Jenkins' methodology: the use of ARIMA models with SPSS [Una introducción a la metodología de Box y Jenkins: el uso de modelos ARIMA con SPSS]," Post-Print hal-03129806, HAL.
  4. Dominique Desbois, 2005. "Reading note on the book "Freedom from Matter" [Note de lecture sur l'ouvrage "Se libérer de la matière"]," Post-Print hal-03319664, HAL.


  1. Fabian Berges-Sennou & Michael Waterson, 2004. "Private Label Products As Experience Goods," Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2004 34, Royal Economic Society.
  2. Bergès-Sennou, F. & Caprice, S., 2004. "Is competition or collusion in the product market relevant for labour markets ?," Economics Working Paper Archive (Toulouse) 200412, French Institute for Agronomy Research (INRA), Economics Laboratory in Toulouse (ESR Toulouse).
  3. Bergès-Sennou, F. & Rey, P., 2004. "Private labels and the specific retailer's role," Economics Working Paper Archive (Toulouse) 200413, French Institute for Agronomy Research (INRA), Economics Laboratory in Toulouse (ESR Toulouse).
  4. Nathanaël Pingault & Dominique Desbois, 2004. "Estimation des coûts de production des principaux produits agricoles à partir du RICA," Post-Print hal-01072921, HAL.
  5. Dominique Desbois, 2004. "Reading note on the book "The Economics of Software" [Note de lecture sur l'ouvrage "L'économie des logiciels"]," Post-Print hal-03318748, HAL.


  1. Juliette Rouchier & S. Thoyer, 2003. "Votes and Lobbying in the European Decision-Making Process: Application to the European Regulation on GMO Release," Post-Print halshs-00550491, HAL.
  2. Bergès-Sennou, F. & Mitraille, S., 2003. "Private label, quality choice and bargaining power in a vertical structure," Economics Working Paper Archive (Toulouse) 52, French Institute for Agronomy Research (INRA), Economics Laboratory in Toulouse (ESR Toulouse).
  3. Daniel Hassan & Sylvette Monier Dilhan, 2003. "Price transmission throughout the agro food chain : a hedonic approach [Transmission des prix dans la filière fruits : une approche hédonique]," Post-Print hal-02670561, HAL.
  4. Dominique Desbois, 2003. "Une introduction à l’analyse discriminante avec SPSS pour Windows," Post-Print hal-03130163, HAL.


  1. Bergès-Sennou, F. & Caprice, S., 2002. "Les rapports "producteurs-distributeurs" : puissance d'achat et marques de distributeurs," Economics Working Paper Archive (Toulouse) 42, French Institute for Agronomy Research (INRA), Economics Laboratory in Toulouse (ESR Toulouse).
  2. Daniel Hassan & Sylvette Monier-Dilhan, 2002. "Signes de qualité et qualité des signes : une application au marché du camembert," Post-Print hal-01201007, HAL.
  3. Dominique Desbois, 2002. "Comparison of two estimation methods based on the FADN [Comparaison de deux méthodes d'estimation sur la base du RICA]," Post-Print hal-03319858, HAL.


  1. S. Thoyer & L. Tubiana, 2001. "Political economic in international negotiation on biodiversity : actors, institutions and global governance [Economie politique des négociations internationales sur la biodiversité : acteurs, inst," Post-Print hal-02669366, HAL.
  2. Bergès-Sennou, F. & Loss, F. & Malavoti, E. & Vergé, T., 2001. "Competition policy and agreements between firms," Economics Working Paper Archive (Toulouse) 22, French Institute for Agronomy Research (INRA), Economics Laboratory in Toulouse (ESR Toulouse).
  3. Hollander, A. & Monier-Dilhan, S. & Raynal, H., 2001. "Grading and quality upgrading : complements or substitutes ?," Economics Working Paper Archive (Toulouse) 14, French Institute for Agronomy Research (INRA), Economics Laboratory in Toulouse (ESR Toulouse).


  1. Bergès-Sennou, F., 2000. "Coupons : the choice of the promotional vehicle by the producer," Economics Working Paper Archive (Toulouse) 9, French Institute for Agronomy Research (INRA), Economics Laboratory in Toulouse (ESR Toulouse).


  1. S. Thoyer & L. Tubiana, 1998. "Legitimacy of international regulation : States, actors and institutions in the political economy trade [Les légitimités de la régulation internationale : etats, acteurs et institutions dans l'écon," Post-Print hal-02693041, HAL.
  2. HOLLANDER, Abraham & MONIER, Sylvette & OSSARD, Hervé, 1998. "Pleasures of Cockaigne: a Story of Quality Gaps, Market Structure and Demand for Grading Services," Cahiers de recherche 9804, Universite de Montreal, Departement de sciences economiques.
  3. Sylvette Monier Dilhan & H. Ossard, 1998. "Producers' loss due to asymmetric information : an application to a specific case [[Perte pour les producteurs due à une information asymétrique : une application à un cas spécifique]]," Post-Print hal-02691762, HAL.
  4. Philippe Bontems & Sylvette Monier Dilhan & Vincent V. Requillart, 1998. "Strategic effects of private labels [[Les effets stratégiques des marques de distributeurs]]," Post-Print hal-02839838, HAL.


  1. Dominique Desbois, 1997. "Reading note on the book "The World Trade Organization" [Note de lecture sur l'ouvrage " L'Organisation mondiale du commerce"]," Post-Print hal-03318752, HAL.


  1. Dominique Desbois, 1996. "Reading note on the book 'Deregulation of telecommunications in the major industrial countries' [Note de lecture sur l'ouvrage "La dérèglementation des télécommunications dans les grands pays ," Post-Print hal-03318757, HAL.


  1. Sophie Thoyer, 1994. "Reform of the Moroccan sugar industry : market deregulation and imperfect competition [La réforme du secteur sucrier marocain : les imperfections de la dérégulation du marché]," Post-Print hal-02849751, HAL.


  1. Jonathan Kydd & Sophie Thoyer, 1992. "Structural Adjustment and Moroccan Agriculture: An Assessment of the Reforms in the Sugar and Cereal Sectors," OECD Development Centre Working Papers 70, OECD Publishing.


  1. Kuhfuss, L. & Preget, R. & Thoyer, S. & Hanley, N. & Le Coent, P. & Desole, M., "undated". "Nudges, Social Norms and Permanence in Agri-Environmental Schemes," 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK 204233, Agricultural Economics Society.

Journal articles


  1. Bellassen, Valentin & Drut, Marion & Hilal, Mohamed & Bodini, Antonio & Donati, Michele & de Labarre, Matthieu Duboys & Filipović, Jelena & Gauvrit, Lisa & Gil, José M. & Hoang, Viet & Malak-Rawlikows, 2022. "The economic, environmental and social performance of European certified food," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 191(C).


  1. Monier-Dilhan Sylvette & Poméon Thomas & Böhm Michael & Brečić Ruzica & Csillag Peter & Donati Michele & Ferrer-Pérez Hugo & Gauvrit Lisa & Gil José M. & Hoàng Việt & Lilavanichakul Apichaya & Majewsk, 2021. "Do Food Quality Schemes and Net Price Premiums Go Together?," Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, De Gruyter, vol. 19(2), pages 79-94, December.


  1. Dominique Desbois, 2020. "Economics of Agricultural Carbon Sequestration in Soils," Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal, Juniper Publishers Inc., vol. 24(3), pages 127-128, June.
  2. Desbois, Dominique, 2020. "Sébastien ABIS et Matthieu BRUN (dir.) - Le Déméter 2020," Économie rurale, French Society of Rural Economics (SFER Société Française d'Economie Rurale), vol. 374(October-D).


  1. Sophie Thoyer & Raphaële Préget, 2019. "Enriching the CAP evaluation toolbox with experimental approaches: introduction to the special issue," European Review of Agricultural Economics, Oxford University Press and the European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation, vol. 46(3), pages 347-366.
  2. Desbois, Dominique, 2019. "Sébastien ABIS (dir.). Le Déméter 2019‪," Économie rurale, French Society of Rural Economics (SFER Société Française d'Economie Rurale), vol. 368(April-Jun).


  1. Kuhfuss, Laure & Préget, Raphaële & Thoyer, Sophie, 2018. "Peut-on « nudger » les agriculteurs vers des pratiques plus respectueuses de l’environnement ?," INRAE Sciences Sociales, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2), vol. 2017, June.
  2. Desquilbet, Marion & Maigné, Elise & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette, 2018. "Organic Food Retailing and the Conventionalisation Debate," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 150(C), pages 194-203.


  1. Le Coent, Philippe & Préget, Raphaële & Thoyer, Sophie, 2017. "Compensating Environmental Losses Versus Creating Environmental Gains: Implications for Biodiversity Offsets," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 142(C), pages 120-129.
  2. Desbois, Dominique & Butault, Jean-Pierre & Surry, Yves, 2017. "Distribution des coûts spécifiques de production dans l’agriculture de l’Union européenne : une approche reposant sur la régression quantile‪," Économie rurale, French Society of Rural Economics (SFER Société Française d'Economie Rurale), vol. 361(September).


  1. Laure Kuhfuss & Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer & Nick Hanley & Philippe Le Coent & Mathieu Désolé, 2016. "Nudges, Social Norms, and Permanence in Agri-environmental Schemes," Land Economics, University of Wisconsin Press, vol. 92(4), pages 641-655.
  2. Laure Kuhfuss & Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer & Nick Hanley, 2016. "Nudging farmers to enrol land into agri-environmental schemes: the role of a collective bonus," European Review of Agricultural Economics, Oxford University Press and the European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation, vol. 43(4), pages 609-636.
  3. Liesbeth Colen & Sergio Gomez y Paloma & Uwe Latacz-Lohmann & Marianne Lefebvre & Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer, 2016. "Economic Experiments as a Tool for Agricultural Policy Evaluation: Insights from the European CAP," Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie, Canadian Agricultural Economics Society/Societe canadienne d'agroeconomie, vol. 64(4), pages 667-694, December.
  4. Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette & Bergès, Fabian, 2016. "Consumers' Motivations Driving Organic Demand: Between Self-interest and Sustainability," Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Cambridge University Press, vol. 45(3), pages 522-538, December.


  1. Gilles GROLLEAU & Naoufel MZOUGHI & Sophie THOYER, 2015. "Les incitations monétaires dans la politique agro-environnementale : peut-on faire mieux avec moins ?," Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies - Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement, INRA Department of Economics, vol. 96(2), pages 241-258.
  2. Marion Desquilbet & Sylvette Monier-Dilhan, 2015. "Are geographical indications a worthy quality label? A framework with endogenous quality choice," European Review of Agricultural Economics, Oxford University Press and the European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation, vol. 42(1), pages 129-150.
  3. DESBOIS, Dominique, 2015. "La qualité du lait a-t-elle un prix ? Une estimation hédonique de la valeur des attributs spécifiques du lait de vache," Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies - Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement (RAEStud), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), vol. 96(3), September.
  4. DESBOIS, Dominique, 2015. "Caroline Oudin-Bastide et Philippe Steiner, Calcul et Morale. Coût de l’esclavage et valeur de l’émancipation (XVIIIe-XIXe siècle)," Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies - Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement (RAEStud), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), vol. 96(4), November.


  1. Laure Kuhfuss & Raphaële Preget & Sophie Thoyer, 2014. "Préférences individuelles et incitations collectives : quels contrats agroenvironnementaux pour la réduction des herbicides par les viticulteurs ?," Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies - Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement, INRA Department of Economics, vol. 95(1), pages 111-143.
  2. Philippe Le Coent & Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer, 2014. "Why pay for nothing? An experiment on a conditional subsidy scheme in a threshold public good game," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 34(3), pages 1976-1989.
  3. Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer, 2014. "Does the competition structure impact the performance of multi-unit auctions ? An experimental investigation," Recherches économiques de Louvain, De Boeck Université, vol. 80(2), pages 85-109.
  4. Bouamra-Mechemache, Zohra & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette & Orozco, Valérie, 2014. "Les AOC fromagères : quelle perception des consommateurs, quels atouts pour les producteurs ?," INRAE Sciences Sociales, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2), vol. 2014, pages 1-4, December.


  1. Fabian Bergès & Daniel Hassan & Sylvette Monier-Dilhan, 2013. "Are Consumers More Loyal To National Brands Than To Private Labels?," Bulletin of Economic Research, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 65, pages 1-16, May.
  2. Fabian Bergès & Sylvette Monier-Dilhan, 2013. "Mass Retailers' Advertising Strategies Against Commodity Stores," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 33(4), pages 2968-2981.
  3. Fabian Bergès & Sylvette Monier-Dilhan, 2013. "Trade Policy Reform : How to Win Wide-ranging Support ?," Recherches économiques de Louvain, De Boeck Université, vol. 79(2), pages 27-43.
  4. Desbois, Dominique & Butault, Jean-Pierre & Surry, Yves, 2013. "Estimation des coûts de production en phytosanitaires pour les grandes cultures. Une approche par la régression quantile," Économie rurale, French Society of Rural Economics (SFER Société Française d'Economie Rurale), vol. 333(January-F).


  1. Marianne Lefebvre & Lata Gangadharan & Sophie Thoyer, 2012. "Do Security-Differentiated Water Rights Improve the Performance of Water Markets?," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, vol. 94(5), pages 1113-1135.
  2. Laure Kuhfuss & Florence Jacquet & Raphaële Preget & Sophie Thoyer, 2012. "Le dispositif des MAEt pour l’enjeu eau : une fausse bonne idée ?," Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies - Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement, INRA Department of Economics, vol. 93(4), pages 395-422.
  3. Figuieres, Charles & Leplay, Solenn & Midler, Estelle & Thoyer, Sophie, 2012. "The REDD Scheme to Curb Deforestation: A Well-designed System of Incentives?," Strategic Behavior and the Environment, now publishers, vol. 2(3), pages 239-257, September.


  1. Aulong, Stéphanie & Figuières, Charles & Thoyer, Sophie, 2011. "Agriculture production versus biodiversity protection: The impact of North-South unconditional transfers," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 70(8), pages 1499-1507, June.
  2. Hassan Daniel & Monier-Dilhan Sylvette & Orozco Valérie, 2011. "Measuring Consumers' Attachment to Geographical Indications," Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, De Gruyter, vol. 9(1), pages 1-30, June.


  1. Atakelty Hailu & Sophie Thoyer, 2010. "What Format for Multi-Unit Multiple-Bid Auctions?," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 35(3), pages 189-209, March.


  1. Daniel Hassan & Sylvette Monier-Dilhan, 2009. "Mesure des changements de consommation suite à une segmentation de l’offre : l’exemple de la tomate fraîche," Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies - Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement, INRA Department of Economics, vol. 90(3), pages 309-326.
  2. Monier Sylvette & Hassan Daniel & Nichèle Véronique & Simioni Michel, 2009. "Organic Food Consumption Patterns," Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, De Gruyter, vol. 7(2), pages 1-25, December.


  1. Figuieres, Charles & Lifran, Robert & Salles, Jean-Michel & Thoyer, Sophie, 2008. "Analyses économiques de la biodiversité: évaluation des enjeux et modélisation des politiques," INRAE Sciences Sociales, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2), vol. 2008, pages 1-4, September.
  2. Rio, Patrick & Thoyer, Sophie, 2008. "Les processus de négociation dans la gestion des ressources en eau," INRAE Sciences Sociales, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2), vol. 2008, pages 1-4, September.
  3. Rio, Patrick & Thoyer, Sophie, 2008. "Negotiation process in water resource management," INRAE Sciences Sociales, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2), vol. 2008, pages 1-5, September.
  4. Figuières, Charles & Lifran, Robert & Salles, Jean-Michel & Thoyer, Sophie, 2008. "Economic analyses of biodiversity: Assessment of stakes and modelling of policies," INRAE Sciences Sociales, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2), vol. 2008, pages 1-5, September.


  1. Atakelty Hailu & Sophie Thoyer, 2007. "Designing Multi‐unit Multiple Bid Auctions: An Agent‐based Computational Model of Uniform, Discriminatory and Generalised Vickrey Auctions," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 83(s1), pages 57-72, September.
  2. Mohamed Salah Matoussi & Sylvette Monier-Dilhan & Daniel Hassan & Éric Cahuzac, 2007. "Sécurité sanitaire des aliments : fausse alerte et vraie crise," Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 177(1), pages 55-64.


  1. Sophie Thoyer, 2006. "How to reallocate water rights when environmental goals conflict with existing entitlements," International Journal of Sustainable Development, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 9(2), pages 122-137.
  2. Atakelty Hailu & Sophie Thoyer, 2006. "Multi-unit auction format design," Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, Springer;Society for Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, vol. 1(2), pages 129-146, November.
  3. Juliette Rouchier & Sophie Thoyer, 2006. "Votes and Lobbying in the European Decision-Making Process: Application to the European Regulation on GMO Release," Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, vol. 9(3), pages 1-1.
  4. Daniel Hassan & Sylvette Monier-Dilhan, 2006. "National brands and store brands: Competition through public quality labels," Agribusiness, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 22(1), pages 21-30.
  5. Hassan, Daniel & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette & Réquillart, Vincent, 2006. "Public quality labels: results of a public policy," INRAE Sciences Sociales, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2), vol. 2006, pages 1-6, November.
  6. Bergès-Sennou, Fabian & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette & Valérie Orozco, Valérie, 2006. "Private Labels: A Winning Store Strategy," INRAE Sciences Sociales, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2), vol. 2006, pages 1-6, November.
  7. Hassan, Daniel & Requillart, Vincent & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette, 2006. "Signes officiels de qualité : éléments de bilan d'une politique publique," INRAE Sciences Sociales, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2), vol. 2006, pages 1-4, November.
  8. Bergès-Sennou, Fabian & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette & Orozco, Valerie, 2006. "Les marques de distributeurs : une stratégie d'entreprise gagnante," INRAE Sciences Sociales, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2), vol. 2006, pages 1-4, November.


  1. Hassan, Daniel & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette, 2005. "Public quality labels: should stores' own brand names be feared?," INRAE Sciences Sociales, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2), vol. 2004, pages 1-5, April.
  2. Hassan, Daniel & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette, 2005. "Signes officiels de qualité: faut-il avoir peur des marques de distributeur?," INRAE Sciences Sociales, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2), vol. 2004, pages 1-4, April.


  1. Desbois Dominique & SCEES & MAAPR, 2004. "Jean-Pierre Butault (Ed.), Les soutiens à l'agriculture Théorie, histoire, mesure," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 282(1), pages 81-82.


  1. Daniel Hassan & Sylvette Monier-Dilhan, 2003. "Transmission des prix dans la filière fruits: une approche hédonique," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 275(1), pages 19-29.


  1. Daniel Hassan & Sylvette Monier-Dilhan, 2002. "Signes de qualité et qualité des signes : une application au marché du camembert," Cahiers d'Economie et Sociologie Rurales, INRA Department of Economics, vol. 65, pages 23-36.


  1. Sophie Thoyer & Sylvie Morardet & Patrick Rio & Leo Simon & Rachael Goodhue & Gordon Rausser, 2001. "A Bargaining Model to Simulate Negotiations Between Water Users," Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, vol. 4(2), pages 1-6.


  1. Hannin, Hervé & Codron, Jean-Marie & Thoyer, Sophie, 2000. "L'office international de la vigne et du vin et l'organisation mondiale du commerce: les enjeux de la normalisation dans le secteur viti-vinicole," Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales (CESR), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), vol. 55.


  1. Thoyer Sophie, 1999. "Rosemary Fennell The Common Agricultural Policy Continuity and Change," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 254(1), pages 66-66.
  2. Bontems, Philippe & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette & Requillart, Vincent, 1999. "Strategic Effects of Private Labels," European Review of Agricultural Economics, Oxford University Press and the European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation, vol. 26(2), pages 147-165, June.
  3. Sylvette Monier-Dilhan & Hervé Ossard, 1999. "Pleasures of Cockaigne: Quality Gaps, Market Structure, and the Amount of Grading," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, vol. 81(3), pages 501-511.
  4. Desbois Dominique, 1999. "Jean-Marie Attonaty (sous la direction de) Les chercheurs et l'innovation Regard sur les pratiques de l'INRA," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 251(1), pages 55-55.
  5. Desbois Dominique, 1999. "Groupe de recherches ethnologiques de L'Anjou Paroles et parcours de paysans Nous avons cru au progrès," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 251(1), pages 56-56.
  6. Desbois Dominique, 1999. "C. Laurent, I. Bowler (Eds) Cap and the Regions, Building a Multi- disciplinary Framework for the Analysis of the EU Agricultural Space," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 251(1), pages 58-58.
  7. Desbois Dominique, 1999. "Pierre Bourdieu Les usages sociaux de la science. Pour une sociologie clinique du champ scientifique," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 251(1), pages 63-63.
  8. Desbois Dominique, 1999. "Henri Atlan Sciences et Techniques La fin du «tout génétique»?," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 254(1), pages 68-68.


  1. Courboin Véronique & Thoyer Sophie, 1998. "Économie et stratégies agricoles - Demeter 97/98 : L'agriculture et la monnaie unique de Claude Gnos L'agriculture chinoise : pour une approche régionale de C. Aubert Sécurité alimentaire : États et m," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 247(1), pages 59-60.
  2. Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette & Ossard, Herve, 1998. "Producers' Loss Due to Asymmetric Information: An Application to a Specific Case," European Review of Agricultural Economics, Oxford University Press and the European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation, vol. 25(2), pages 155-169.
  3. Desbois Dominique, 1998. "Patrick Pigeon Espaces ruraux et échanges internationaux," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 244(1), pages 56-56.
  4. Desbois Dominique, 1998. "Jacques Brossier, Eduardo Chia, Eric Marshall, Michel Petit Gestion de l'exploitation agricole familiale Éléments théoriques et méthodologiques," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 244(1), pages 59-60.


  1. Monier-Dilhan, s. & Ossard, Hervé, 1997. "Partage du risque dans un contrat entre agriculteurs et industriel," Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales (CESR), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), vol. 44.
  2. Desbois Dominique, 1997. "Michel Rainelli L'organisation mondiale du commerce," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 240(1), pages 62-63.
  3. Desbois Dominique, 1997. "Groupe de Bruges Agriculture, un tournant nécessaire," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 240(1), pages 63-63.
  4. Desbois Dominique, 1997. "Jacques Blanchet, Claude Chéreau, Jean-Christophe Debar, Alain Revel, Politiques agricoles La révolution agricole américaine," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 241(1), pages 58-59.


  1. Thoyer, Sophie, 1995. "Reform of the Moroccan Sugar Industry: Market Deregulation and Imperfect Competition," European Review of Agricultural Economics, Oxford University Press and the European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation, vol. 22(3), pages 372-384.
  2. Ivaldi, Marc & Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette & Simioni, Michel, 1995. "Stochastic production frontiers and panel data: A latent variable framework," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 80(3), pages 534-547, February.


  1. Dominique Desbois & Georges Vidal, 1988. "Abidjan devient le premier nœud africain du réseau télématique EARN," Revue Tiers Monde, Programme National Persée, vol. 29(116), pages 1237-1243.


  1. Dominique Desbois, 1987. "Logiciel : la force et le droit," Revue Tiers Monde, Programme National Persée, vol. 28(111), pages 709-726.


  1. Dominique Desbois, 1986. "Deuxième Conférence mondiale sur les Politiques en matière de Flux transfrontières de Données. Rome, IHI (Bureau intergouvernemental pour l'Information), 26-29 juin 1984," Revue Tiers Monde, Programme National Persée, vol. 27(105), pages 223-225.


  1. Dominique Desbois, 1985. "« Transfert Nord-Sud de données nominatives », délibération de la Commission nationale Informatique et libertés du 17 avril 19S4," Revue Tiers Monde, Programme National Persée, vol. 26(101), pages 227-229.


  1. Dominique Desbois, 1984. "Informatique et développement : l'Amérique latine (à propos d'un livre récent)," Revue Tiers Monde, Programme National Persée, vol. 25(98), pages 371-379.



  1. Simon, Leo K. & Goodhue, Rachael E. & Rausser, Gordon C. & Thoyer, Sophie & Morardet, Sylvie & Rio, Patrick, 2007. "Structure and Power in Multilateral Negotiations: An Application to French Water Policy," Monographs, University of California, Davis, Giannini Foundation, number 37630.



  1. Laure Kuhfuss & Philippe Le Coent & Raphaële Préget & Sophie Thoyer, 2015. "Agri-Environmental Schemes in Europe: Switching to Collective Action," World Scientific Book Chapters, in: Jeffrey Bennett (ed.), Protecting the Environment, Privately, chapter 13, pages 273-293, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd..

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