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by alumni of

Laboratoire d'Économie d'Orléans (LEO)
Faculté de droit, d'économie et de gestion
Université d'Orléans
Orléans, France

(Orleans Economic Laboratory, Faculty of Law, Economics and Management, University of Orleans)

These are publications listed in RePEc written by alumni of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service and listed in the RePEc Genealogy. List of alumni. For a list of publications by current members of the department, see here. Register yourself.

This page is updated in the first days of each month.

| Working papers | Journal articles |

Working papers


  1. Daniela Balutel & Christopher Henry & Jorge Vásquez & Marcel Voia, 2024. "The Role of Beliefs in Entering and Exiting the Bitcoin Market," Staff Working Papers 24-22, Bank of Canada.


  1. Daniela Balutel & Christopher Henry & Doina Rusu, 2023. "Cryptoasset Ownership and Use in Canada: An Update for 2022," Discussion Papers 2023-14, Bank of Canada.
  2. Francisco Serranito & Philipp RODERWEIS & Jamel Saadaoui, 2023. "Is Quantitative Easing Productive? The Role of Bank Lending in the Monetary Transmission Process," EconomiX Working Papers 2023-17, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  3. Francisco Serranito & Donatella Gatti & Gaye-Del Lo, 2023. "Unpacking the green box: Determinants of Environmental Policy Stringency in European countries," EconomiX Working Papers 2023-25, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  4. Francisco Serranito & Nicolas Himounet & Julien Vauday, 2023. "Uncertainty is bad for Business. Really?," EconomiX Working Papers 2023-26, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  5. Donatella Gatti & Gaye-Del Lo & Francisco Serranito, 2023. "Determinants of environmental policy stringency in European countries," Post-Print hal-04242597, HAL.
  6. Philipp Roderweis & Jamel Saadaoui & Francisco Serranito, 2023. "The Unintended Consequences of ECB’s Asset Purchases. How Excess Reserves Shape Bank Lending," Working Papers of BETA 2023-34, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.


  1. Daniela Balutel & Marie-Hélène Felt & Gradon Nicholls & Marcel Voia, 2022. "Bitcoin Awareness, Ownership and Use: 2016–20," Discussion Papers 2022-10, Bank of Canada.
  2. Daniela Balutel & Christopher Henry & Kim Huynh & Marcel Voia, 2022. "Cash in the Pocket, Cash in the Cloud: Cash Holdings of Bitcoin Owners," Staff Working Papers 22-26, Bank of Canada.
  3. Daniela Balutel & Walter Engert & Christopher Henry & Kim Huynh & Marcel Voia, 2022. "Private Digital Cryptoassets as Investment? Bitcoin Ownership and Use in Canada, 2016-2021," Staff Working Papers 22-44, Bank of Canada.
  4. Alin Marius Andries & Daniela Balutel, 2022. "The impact of national culture on systemic risk," Post-Print hal-03857156, HAL.
  5. Francisco Serranito & Julien Vauday & Nicolas Himounet, 2022. "A Positive Effect of Uncertainty Shocks on the Economy: Is the Chase Over ?," EconomiX Working Papers 2022-26, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.


  1. Daniela Balutel & Christopher Henry & Jorge Vásquez & Marcel Voia, 2021. "Bitcoin Adoption and Beliefs in Canada," Staff Working Papers 21-60, Bank of Canada.
  2. Daniela Balutel & Marcel Cristian Voia, 2021. "The effects of bank levies post-financial crisis in Eastern Europe," Post-Print hal-03533212, HAL.
  3. Pedro Cerqueira & Francisco Serranito & Camélia Turcu, 2021. "Policy Challenges for Open Economies," Post-Print hal-03533001, HAL.
  4. Nicolas Clootens & Francesco Magris, 2021. "The Environmental Unsustainability of Public Debt: Non-Renewable Resources, Public Finances Stabilization and Growth," Working Papers 2021.06, FAERE - French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
  5. Nicolas Clootens & Mohamed Sami Ben Ali, 2021. "The Resource Curse: How Can Oil Shape MENA Countries’ Economic Development?," Post-Print hal-03544033, HAL.
  6. Nicolas Clootens, 2021. "Growth in an OLG Economy with Polluting Non-Renewable Resources," Post-Print hal-03544065, HAL.


  1. Ophélie Couperier & Jérémy Leymarie, 2020. "Backtesting Expected Shortfall via Multi-Quantile Regression," Working Papers halshs-01909375, HAL.
  2. Alin Marius Andries & Daniela Balutel & Iulian Ihnatov & Silviu Gabriel Ursu, 2020. "The nexus between corporate governance, risk taking, and growth," Post-Print hal-03557687, HAL.
  3. Nicolas Clootens & Francesco Magris, 2020. "Non-Renewable Resource Use Sustainability and Public Debt," AMSE Working Papers 2032, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France, revised Aug 2023.


  1. Grégory Levieuge & Yannick Lucotte & Florian Pradines-Jobet, 2019. "The Cost of Banking Crises: Does the Policy Framework Matter?," Working papers 712, Banque de France.
  2. Sylvain Benoît & Yannick Lucotte & Sébastien Ringuedé, 2019. "Competition and price stickiness: Evidence from the French retail gasoline market," Working Papers hal-02292332, HAL.
  3. Juan Carlos Cuestas & Nicolas Reigl & Yannick Lucotte, 2019. "The evolution and heterogeneity of credit procyclicality in Central and Eastern Europe," Bank of Estonia Working Papers wp2019-03, Bank of Estonia, revised 01 Nov 2019.
  4. Pascal Gallien & Angelo Riva, 2019. "De la poésie des vieux papiers à la prose des nouveaux digits. La valorisation des archives des ministères économiques et financiers au sein de l’équipement d’excellence « données financières historiq," Post-Print halshs-02491774, HAL.
  5. Angelo Riva, 2019. "The Italian Cities Renaissance and the Mediterranean (XVe-XVIe centuries) [La Renaissance des villes italiennes et la Méditerranée (XVe-XVIe siècles)]," Post-Print halshs-02875093, HAL.


  1. Sessi Tokpavi & Christophe Boucher, 2018. "Stocks and Bonds: Flight-to-Safety for Ever?," EconomiX Working Papers 2018-39, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  2. Christophe Hurlin & Jérémy Leymarie & Antoine Patin, 2018. "Loss functions for LGD model comparison," Working Papers halshs-01516147, HAL.
  3. Sullivan HUE & Yannick LUCOTTE & Sessi TOKPAVI, 2018. "Measuring network systemic risk contributions: A leave-one-out approach," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2708, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  4. Patrice Baubeau & Eric Monnet & Angelo Riva & Stefano Ungaro, 2018. "Flight-to-safety and the Credit Crunch: A new history of the banking crisis in France during the Great Depression," Working papers 698, Banque de France.
  5. Paul Lagneau-Ymonet & Angelo Riva, 2018. "Trading forward: The Paris Bourse in the nineteenth century," Post-Print halshs-01630655, HAL.
  6. Jérémie Ducros & Elisa Grandi & Raphaël Hékimian & Emmanuel Prunaux & Angelo Riva & Stefano Ungaro, 2018. "Collecting and storing historical financial data : the DFIH project," Post-Print halshs-01884372, HAL.
  7. Angelo Riva & Luciane Pilotti, 2018. "Community Vision and Strategic Decisions: The Case of City of Portland in Region of Oregon (USA)," Post-Print halshs-01885563, HAL.
  8. Paul Lagneau-Ymonet & Angelo Riva, 2018. "The future of stock exchanges has a long past. What can we learn from financial history?," Post-Print halshs-02103196, HAL.
  9. Jérémy Ducros & Angelo Riva, 2018. "The Lyon Stock Exchange: The Survival of the Fittest (1866-1914)," PSE Working Papers halshs-01800720, HAL.
  10. Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur & Amir Rezaee & Angelo Riva, 2018. "Competition among Securities Markets," Working Papers halshs-01863942, HAL.
  11. Nicolas Clootens & Djamel Kirat, 2018. "Threshold Regressions for the Resource Curse," AMSE Working Papers 1841, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France.


  1. Christophe Boucher & Gilles de Truchis & Elena Dumitrescu & Sessi Tokpavi, 2017. "Testing for Extreme Volatility Transmission with Realized Volatility Measures," EconomiX Working Papers 2017-20, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  2. Gregory Levieuge & Yannick Lucotte & Florian Pradines-Jobet, 2017. "Central banks preferences and banking sector vulnerability," Bank of Estonia Working Papers wp2017-3, Bank of Estonia, revised 25 May 2017.
  3. Cuestas, Juan Carlos & Lucotte, Yannick & Reigl, Nicolas, 2017. "Banking sector concentration, competition and financial stability: the case of the Baltic countries," Bank of Estonia Working Papers wp2017-7, Bank of Estonia, revised 11 Sep 2017.
  4. Aurélien Leroy & Yannick Lucotte, 2017. "Competition and credit procyclicality in European banking," Bank of Estonia Working Papers wp2017-9, Bank of Estonia, revised 09 Nov 2017.
  5. Jérémie Ducros & Elisa Grandi & Raphaël Hékimian & Angelo Riva & Stefano Ungaro, 2017. "Le projet DFIH, humanités numériques et histoire financière," Post-Print halshs-01884373, HAL.
  6. Jérémy Ducros & Angelo Riva, 2017. "La Bourse de Lyon et les autres. Une première évaluation de la géographie des marchés financiers français au XIXe siècle‪," Post-Print halshs-01885556, HAL.
  7. Francisco Serranito, 2017. "Determinants of technology catch-up in MENA and SSA countries: a panel data analysis," CEPN Working Papers hal-01551076, HAL.
  8. Francisco Serranito, 2017. "Determinants of technology catch-up in MENA and SSA countries: a panel data analysis," Working Papers hal-01551076, HAL.
  9. Nicolas Clootens, 2017. "Public Debt, Life Expectancy and the Environment," Post-Print halshs-01203731, HAL.
  10. Nicolas Clootens & Djamel Kirat, 2017. "A Reappraisal of the Resource Curse," Post-Print insu-01526068, HAL.


  1. Denisa Banulescu-Radu & Christophe Hurlin & Bertrand Candelon & Sébastien Laurent, 2016. "Do We Need High Frequency Data to Forecast Variances?," Post-Print hal-01448237, HAL.
  2. Annaert Jan & Buelens Frans & Angelo Riva, 2016. "Financial History Databases: Old Data, Old Issues, New Insights?," Post-Print halshs-01509708, HAL.
  3. Damien Besancenot & Kim Huynh & Francisco Serranito, 2016. "Co-Authorship And Research Productivity In Economics: Assessing The Assortative Matching Hypothesis," Working Papers DT/2016/02, DIAL (Développement, Institutions et Mondialisation).


  1. Georgiana-Denisa Banulescu & Elena Ivona Dumitrescu, 2015. "Which Are the SIFIs? A Component Expected Shortfall Approach to Systemic Risk," Post-Print hal-01385923, HAL.
  2. Grégory Levieuge & Yannick Lucotte & Sébastien Ringuedé, 2015. "Central bank credibility and the expectations channel: Evidence based on a new credibility index," NBP Working Papers 209, Narodowy Bank Polski.
  3. Damien Besancenot & Kim Van Huynh & Francisco Serranito, 2015. " Thou shalt not work alone ," CEPN Working Papers hal-01175758, HAL.
  4. Damien Besancenot & Kim Van Huynh & Francisco Serranito, 2015. "Determinants of Co-Authorship in Economics: The French Case," CEPN Working Papers halshs-01204687, HAL.
  5. Damien Besancenot & Kim Huynh & Francisco Serranito, 2015. "Co-Authorship And Individual Research Productivity In Economics: Assessing The Assortative Matching Hypothesis," CEPN Working Papers halshs-01252373, HAL.
  6. Francisco Serranito, 2015. "Dévaluation interne, politiques structurelles et réductions des déficits publics : les réponses apportées par la « troïka » sont-elles un remède aux déséquilibres externes des pays périphériques de la," Post-Print hal-01384665, HAL.
  7. Damien Besancenot & Kim Van Huynh & Francisco V Serranito, 2015. "Determinant of Co-authorship in economics: the French case," Post-Print hal-01384671, HAL.
  8. Damien Besancenot & Kim Van Huynh & Francisco Serranito, 2015. " Thou shalt not work alone ," Working Papers hal-01175758, HAL.
  9. Francisco Serranito, 2015. "Devaluation Interne, Politiques Structurelles Et Reductions Des Deficits Publics : Les Reponses Apportees Par La « Troika » Sont-Elles Un Remede Aux Desequilibres Externes Des Pays Peripheriques De La," Working Papers halshs-01251440, HAL.
  10. Damien Besancenot & Kim Huynh & Francisco Serranito, 2015. "Co-Authorship And Individual Research Productivity In Economics: Assessing The Assortative Matching Hypothesis," Working Papers halshs-01252373, HAL.
  11. Francisco SERRANITO, 2015. "Determinants of Co-Authorship in Economics: The French Case," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1962, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  12. Francisco SERRANITO, 2015. "Dévaluation interne, politiques structurelles et réductions des déficits publics les réponses apportées par la "Troika" sont-elles un remède aux déséquilibres externes des pays périphériques," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 2091, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.


  1. Arslan Tariq Rana & Mazen Kebewar, 2014. "The Political Economy of FDI flows into Developing Countries: Does the depth of International Trade Agreements Matter?," Papers 1402.0139,
  2. Bertrand Caudelon & Sessi Tokpavi, 2014. "A Nonparametric Test for Granger-causality in Distribution with Application to Financial Contagion," EconomiX Working Papers 2014-18, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  3. Georgiana-Denisa Banulescu & Bertrand Candelon & Christophe Hurlin & Sébastien Laurent, 2014. "Do We Need Ultra-High Frequency Data to Forecast Variances?," Working Papers halshs-01078158, HAL.
  4. Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur & Angelo Riva & Eugene N. White, 2014. "Floating a "lifeboat": The Banque de France and the crisis of 1889," Post-Print halshs-01053389, HAL.
  5. Paul Lagneau-Ymonet & Amir Rezaee & Angelo Riva, 2014. "Is the proof of the pudding in the eating? » - Comparaison entre l’Alternative Investment Market et Alternext," Post-Print halshs-01207195, HAL.
  6. Paul Lagneau-Ymonet & Amir Rezaee & Angelo Riva, 2014. "Aux sources de l'histoire des professions boursières: les archives du personnel de la Compagnie des Agents de Change de Paris," Post-Print halshs-01516995, HAL.
  7. Jérémy Ducros & Angelo Riva, 2014. "The Lyon Stock Exchange: A Struggle for Survival (1866-1914)," PSE Working Papers halshs-00960528, HAL.
  8. Francisco Serranito & Jean-Baptiste Gossé, 2014. "Long-run determinants of current accounts in OECD countries: Lessons for intra-European imbalances," Post-Print hal-01384673, HAL.


  1. Mazen Kebewar, 2013. "The effect of debt on corporate profitability : Evidence from French service sector," Papers 1301.0072,, revised Mar 2014.
  2. Muhammad Khan & Mazen Kebewar & Nikolay Nenovsky, 2013. "Inflation Uncertainty, Output Growth Uncertainty and Macroeconomic Performance: Comparing Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes in Eastern Europe," Papers 1303.6192,
  3. Mazen Kebewar, 2013. "Does debt affect profitability? An empirical study of French trade sector," Working Papers halshs-00780310, HAL.
  4. Sessi Tokpavi, 2013. "Testing for the Systemically Important Financial Institutions: a Conditional Approach," EconomiX Working Papers 2013-27, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  5. Bertrand Maillet & Sessi Tokpavi & Benoit Vaucher, 2013. "Minimum Variance Portfolio Optimisation under Parameter Uncertainty: A Robust Control Approach," EconomiX Working Papers 2013-28, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  6. Denisa Georgiana Banulescu & Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2013. "High-Frequency Risk Measures," Working Papers halshs-00859456, HAL.
  7. Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur & Angelo Riva, 2013. "What Financiers Usually Do, and What We Can Learn from History," Post-Print halshs-00846970, HAL.
  8. Marc Lenglet & Angelo Riva, 2013. "Les conséquences inattendues de la régulation financière : pourquoi les algorithmes génèrent-ils de nouveaux risques sur les marchés financiers ?," Post-Print halshs-01517014, HAL.
  9. Francisco Serranito, 2013. "Heterogeneous technology and the technological catching-up hypothesis: Theory and assessment in the case of MENA countries," Post-Print hal-01384675, HAL.


  1. Mazen Kebewar, 2012. "La structure du capital et la profitabilit\'e: Le cas des entreprises industrielles fran\c{c}aises," Papers 1212.6795,
  2. Mazen Kebewar, 2012. "La structure du capital et la profitabilité : Une étude empirique sur données de panel françaises," Working Papers hal-00751211, HAL.
  3. Mazen Kebewar, 2012. "L'Impact De L'Endettement Sur La Profitabilité Une Étude Empirique Sur Données Françaises En Panel," Working Papers halshs-00749685, HAL.
  4. Mazen Kebewar, 2012. "L'Endettement Affecte-T-Il La Profitabilité? Le Cas Des Firmes Agro-Alimentaires Françaises," Working Papers halshs-00756972, HAL.
  5. Mazen Kebewar, 2012. "La structure du capital et la profitabilité : Le cas des entreprises industrielles françaises," Working Papers halshs-00758410, HAL.
  6. Mazen Kebewar, 2012. "La structure du capital et la profitabilité : Une étude empirique sur données françaises en panel," Working Papers halshs-00826530, HAL.
  7. Bertrand Candelon & Marc Joëts & Sessi Tokpavi, 2012. "Testing for crude oil markets globalization during extreme price movements," EconomiX Working Papers 2012-28, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  8. Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur & Angelo Riva, 2012. "The Paris financial market in the XIXth century: Complementarities and competition in microstructures," Post-Print halshs-00754572, HAL.


  1. Candelon, B. & Hurlin, C. & Tokpavi, S., 2011. "Sampling error and double shrinkage estimation of minimum variance portfolios," Research Memorandum 002, Maastricht University, Maastricht Research School of Economics of Technology and Organization (METEOR).
  2. Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur & Paul Lagneau-Ymonet & Angelo Riva, 2011. "Les marchés financiers français : une perspective historique," Post-Print hal-00813040, HAL.


  1. Yannick LUCOTTE, 2010. "The Choice of Adopting Inflation Targeting in Emerging Economies: Do Domestic Institutions Matter?," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1561, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  2. Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur & Paul Lagneau-Ymonet & Angelo Riva, 2010. "L'information boursière comme bien public. Enjeux et perspectives de la révision de la directive européenne " Marchés d'instruments financiers "," Post-Print halshs-00754470, HAL.
  3. Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur & Amir Rezaee & Angelo Riva, 2010. "How to regulate a financial market? The impact of the 1893-1898 regulatory reforms on the Paris Bourse," PSE Working Papers halshs-00547470, HAL.
  4. Angelo Riva & Eugene N. White, 2010. "Danger on the Exchange: How Counterparty Risk Was Managed on the Paris Bourse in the Nineteenth Century," NBER Working Papers 15634, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  5. Kim Oosterlinck & Angelo Riva, 2010. "Competition among the french stock exchanges during the second world war," ULB Institutional Repository 2013/14435, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.


  1. Borghans, L. & Cörvers, F., 2009. "The Americanization of European higher education and research," Research Memorandum 051, Maastricht University, Maastricht Research School of Economics of Technology and Organization (METEOR).
  2. Yannick Lucotte, 2009. "Central Bank Independence and Budget Deficits in Developing Countries: New Evidence from Panel Data Analysis," Post-Print halshs-00447398, HAL.
  3. Angelo Riva & Eugene White, 2009. "Danger on Exchange: Counterparty Risk on the Paris Stock Exchange in the XIX Century," Post-Print hal-00390429, HAL.
  4. Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur & Angelo Riva, 2009. "The Paris Financial Market in the 19th Century: an efficient multi - polar organisation?," Post-Print hal-00390432, HAL.
  5. Angelo Riva & K. Oosterlinck, 2009. "The stock exchange externality puzzle: evidence from the French Stock Exchanges during World War II," Post-Print hal-00390433, HAL.
  6. Angelo Riva & Paul Lagneau-Ymonet, 2009. "Les opérations à terme à la Bourse de Paris au XIX siècle," Post-Print halshs-00389855, HAL.
  7. Angelo Riva & K. Oosterlinck, 2009. "Short and Long-term Effects of German Occupation during World War II: Evidence from the French Stock Exchanges," Post-Print halshs-00389859, HAL.
  8. Francisco Serranito, 2009. "Trade, catching-up and divergence," Post-Print halshs-00283892, HAL.


  1. Christophe Hurlin & Gilbert Colletaz & Sessi Tokpavi & Bertrand Candelon, 2008. "Backtesting Value-at-Risk: A GMM Duration-Based Test," Working Papers halshs-00329495, HAL.
  2. Sessi TOKPAVI, 2008. "Sélection dynamique de portefeuille dans un cadre Moyenne-VaR : une approche GARCH multivariée," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 1463, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  3. Angelo Riva & K. Oosterlinck, 2008. "Champagne for Lyon. Competititon among French Stock Excahnges during the Second World War," Post-Print hal-00390425, HAL.
  4. Angelo Riva & Paul Lagneau-Ymonet & David Le Bris, 2008. "Qui gagne à la Bourse de Paris pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale?," Post-Print hal-00390445, HAL.


  1. Christophe Hurlin & Gilbert Colletaz & Sessi Tokpavi, 2007. "Irregularly Spaced Intraday Value at Risk (ISIVaR) Models : Forecasting and Predictive Abilities," Working Papers halshs-00162440, HAL.
  2. Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2007. "Une Evaluation des Procédures de Backtesting," Working Papers halshs-00159846, HAL.
  3. Francisco Serranito & Imène Guetat, 2007. "Income Convergence within MENA countries: a panel unit root approach," Post-Print halshs-00174157, HAL.
  4. Francisco Serranito & Imène Guetat, 2007. "Convergence des revenus au sein de la region MENA: une approche par les tests de racines unitaires sur données de panel," Post-Print halshs-00174168, HAL.


  1. Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2006. "Backtesting VaR Accuracy: A New Simple Test," Working Papers halshs-00068384, HAL.
  2. Christophe HURLIN & Sessi TOKPAVI, 2006. "Backtesting VaR Accuracy: A Simple and Powerful Test," LEO Working Papers / DR LEO 268, Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans.
  3. Francisco Serranito & Christophe Blot, 2006. "Convergence of fiscal policies in EMU: a unit root test with structural break," Post-Print halshs-00174163, HAL.


  1. Imène Guetat & Francisco Serranito, 2005. "Using panel unit root tests to evaluate the income convergence hypothesis in middle East and North Africa countries," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00193284, HAL.


  1. Jean-Paul Pollin & A. Riva, 2001. "Financial Inclusion and the Role of Postal Systems," Post-Print halshs-00287696, HAL.
  2. Francisco Serranito, 2001. "L'impact de L'ouverture sur la Croissance et la Convergence : Un Examen Empirique," Post-Print halshs-00174186, HAL.
  3. Francisco Serranito & Patrick Villieu, 2001. "La réduction des déficits publics en Europe : incidences sur les marchés financiers internationaux et sur la crédibilité de la monnaie unique," Post-Print halshs-00256001, HAL.


  1. Claire Sensoli & Francisco Serranito & Thierry Latreille & Olivier Passet & Odile Chagny & Hélène Baudchon & Catherine Mathieu & Christine Rifflart & Hervé Péléraux & Henri Sterdyniak & Paola Veroni, 2000. "Tous ensemble ? Perspectives 2000-2001 pour l'économie mondiale," Post-Print hal-01218109, HAL.
  2. Hervé Péléraux & Henri Sterdyniak & Catherine Mathieu & Christine Rifflart & Claire Sensoli & Francisco Serranito & Thierry Latreille & Olivier Passet & Odile Chagny & Hélène Baudchon & Paola Veroni, 2000. "Tous ensemble ? : Perspectives 2000-2001 de l'économie mondiale," Post-Print hal-03458471, HAL.
  3. Corinne Houizot & Hélène Baudchon & Catherine Mathieu & Francisco Serranito, 2000. "Plus-values, consommation et épargne," Post-Print hal-03458494, HAL.
  4. Francisco Serranito & C. Houzioth. Baudchonc. Mathieu, 2000. "Consommation, Plus-values et Epargne : estimation d'un effet richesse aux Etats-Unis et au Royaume-Uni," Post-Print halshs-00174173, HAL.
  5. Francisco Serranito & H. Baudchon, 2000. "Estimation d'un boucle prix-salaire et détermination du NAIRU aux Etats-Unis," Post-Print halshs-00174175, HAL.
  6. Christophe Blot & Francisco Serranito & Patrick Villieu, 2000. "Politique monétaire commune et convergence des dépenses publiques en Europe," Post-Print halshs-00253596, HAL.
  7. Christophe Blot & Francisco Serranito & Patrick Villieu, 2000. "Common Monetary Policy adn Convergence of Fiscal Policies in Europe," Post-Print halshs-00255868, HAL.
  8. Hervé Péléraux & Henri Sterdyniak & Catherine Mathieu & Christine Rifflart & Claire Sensoli & Francisco Serranito & Thierry Latreille & Olivier Passet & Odile Chagny & Hélène Baudchon & Paola Veroni, 2000. "Tous ensemble ? : Perspectives 2000-2001 de l'économie mondiale," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-03458471, HAL.


  1. Francisco Serranito & Taoufik Rajhi, 1998. "L'impact du commerce de biens intermédiaires sur la croissance et les inégalites salariales," Post-Print halshs-00174188, HAL.


  1. Francisco Serranito & Valérie Levasseur, 1996. "Y-a-t-il Formation d'une Zone-Yen en Asie : une approche empirique," Post-Print halshs-00174178, HAL.

Journal articles


  1. Daniela Balutel & Marie-Hélène Felt & Gradon Nicholls & Marcel-Cristian Voia, 2024. "Bitcoin awareness, ownership and use: 2016–20," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 56(1), pages 33-58, January.


  1. Daniela Balutel & Marcel C. Voia, 2023. "Surviving the Storm: Hazard Models and Signaling Shocks in Bitcoin Prices," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 21-46.


  1. Andries, Alin Marius & Balutel, Daniela, 2022. "The impact of national culture on systemic risk," Economic Systems, Elsevier, vol. 46(2).
  2. Daniela Balutel & Marcel Cristian Voia, 2022. "The effects of bank levies post-financial crisis in Eastern Europe," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 34(2), pages 196-218, February.
  3. Daniela Balutel & Christopher Henry & Jorge Vásquez & Marcel Voia, 2022. "Bitcoin adoption and beliefs in Canada," Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 55(4), pages 1729-1761, November.


  1. Levieuge, Grégory & Lucotte, Yannick & Pradines-Jobet, Florian, 2021. "The cost of banking crises: Does the policy framework matter?," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 110(C).
  2. Aurélien Leroy & Yannick Lucotte, 2021. "Environnement de taux bas et rentabilité des banques en zone euro," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(2), pages 157-177.
  3. Pedro Cerqueira & Francisco Serranito & Camélia Turcu, 2021. "Policy Challenges for Open Economies," Open Economies Review, Springer, vol. 32(5), pages 823-827, November.
  4. Nicolas Clootens, 2021. "Growth in an OLG Economy with Polluting Non-Renewable Resources," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 141, pages 3-22.


  1. Juan Carlos Cuestas & Yannick Lucotte & Nicolas Reigl, 2020. "Banking sector concentration, competition and financial stability: the case of the Baltic countries," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 32(2), pages 215-249, February.
  2. Garcia Revelo, José David & Lucotte, Yannick & Pradines-Jobet, Florian, 2020. "Macroprudential and monetary policies: The need to dance the Tango in harmony," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 108(C).
  3. Alin Marius Andries & Daniela Balutel & Iulian Ihnatov & Silviu Gabriel Ursu, 2020. "The nexus between corporate governance, risk taking, and growth," PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, vol. 15(2), pages 1-24, February.
  4. Clootens, Nicolas & Kirat, Djamel, 2020. "Threshold regressions for the resource curse," Environment and Development Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 25(6), pages 583-610, December.


  1. Hué, Sullivan & Lucotte, Yannick & Tokpavi, Sessi, 2019. "Measuring network systemic risk contributions: A leave-one-out approach," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 100(C), pages 86-114.
  2. Leroy, Aurélien & Lucotte, Yannick, 2019. "Competition and credit procyclicality in European banking," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 99(C), pages 237-251.
  3. Levieuge, G. & Lucotte, Y. & Pradines-Jobet, F., 2019. "Central banks’ preferences and banking sector vulnerability," Journal of Financial Stability, Elsevier, vol. 40(C), pages 110-131.
  4. Angelo Riva, 2019. "La Renaissance des villes italiennes et la Méditerranée (XV e -XVI e siècles)," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(4), pages 17-39.


  1. Hurlin, Christophe & Leymarie, Jérémy & Patin, Antoine, 2018. "Loss functions for Loss Given Default model comparison," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 268(1), pages 348-360.
  2. Grégory Levieuge & Yannick Lucotte & Sébastien Ringuedé, 2018. "Central bank credibility and the expectations channel: evidence based on a new credibility index," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 154(3), pages 493-535, August.
  3. José David Garcia Revelo & Aurélien Leroy & Yannick Lucotte, 2018. "Les politiques macroprudentielles : enjeux et défis," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 127-174.
  4. Paul Lagneau-Ymonet & Angelo Riva, 2018. "Trading forward: The Paris Bourse in the nineteenth century," Business History, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 60(2), pages 257-280, February.


  1. Leroy, Aurélien & Lucotte, Yannick, 2017. "Is there a competition-stability trade-off in European banking?," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 46(C), pages 199-215.
  2. Jérémy Ducros & Angelo Riva, 2017. "La Bourse de Lyon et les autres. Une première évaluation de la géographie des marchés financiers français au XIX e siècle," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 47-83.
  3. Francisco Serranito, 2017. "Determinants of technology catch-up in MENA and SSA countries: a panel data analysis," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 37(4), pages 2809-2825.
  4. Besancenot, Damien & Huynh, Kim & Serranito, Francisco, 2017. "Co-authorship and research productivity in economics: Assessing the assortative matching hypothesis," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 66(C), pages 61-80.
  5. Nicolas Clootens & Djamel Kirat, 2017. "A Reappraisal of the Resource Curse," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 37(1), pages 12-18.


  1. Denisa Banulescu & Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2016. "Forecasting High‐Frequency Risk Measures," Journal of Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 35(3), pages 224-249, April.
  2. Bertrand Candelon & Sessi Tokpavi, 2016. "A Nonparametric Test for Granger Causality in Distribution With Application to Financial Contagion," Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 34(2), pages 240-253, April.
  3. Denisa Banulescu-Radu & Christophe Hurlin & Bertrand Candelon & Sébastien Laurent, 2016. "Do We Need High Frequency Data to Forecast Variances?," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 123-124, pages 135-174.
  4. Aurélien Leroy & Yannick Lucotte, 2016. "Structural and Cyclical Determinants of Bank Interest-Rate Pass-Through in the Eurozone," Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Association for Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 58(2), pages 196-225, June.
  5. Lucotte, Yannick, 2016. "Co-movements between crude oil and food prices: A post-commodity boom perspective," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 147(C), pages 142-147.
  6. Aurélien Leroy & Yannick Lucotte, 2016. "Architecture des systèmes financiers et performances macroéconomiques," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(3), pages 297-316.


  1. Maillet, Bertrand & Tokpavi, Sessi & Vaucher, Benoit, 2015. "Global minimum variance portfolio optimisation under some model risk: A robust regression-based approach," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 244(1), pages 289-299.
  2. Sessi Tokpavi, 2015. "Commentaire sur l’article « Droits de contrôle versus droits pécuniaires, crise financière et vulnérabilité des banques européennes »," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 66(3), pages 537-539.
  3. Banulescu, Georgiana-Denisa & Dumitrescu, Elena-Ivona, 2015. "Which are the SIFIs? A Component Expected Shortfall approach to systemic risk," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 50(C), pages 575-588.
  4. Yannick Lucotte, 2015. "Le ciblage d’inflation dans les économies émergentes," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(2), pages 93-128.
  5. Aurélien Leroy & Yannick Lucotte, 2015. "Heterogeneous monetary transmission process in the Eurozone: Does banking competition matter?," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 141, pages 115-134.
  6. Yannick Lucotte, 2015. "Euro area banking fragmentation in the aftermath of the crisis: a cluster analysis," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 22(13), pages 1046-1050, September.
  7. Damien Besancenot & Kim V. Huynh & Francisco Serranito, 2015. "Determinant of Co-authorship in economics: the French case," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 35(1), pages 680-693.
  8. Serranito, Francisco, 2015. "Dévaluation interne, politiques structurelles et réductions des déficits publics : les réponses apportées par la « troïka » sont-elles un remède aux déséquilibres externes des pays périphériques de la," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 18.


  1. Grégory Levieuge & Yannick Lucotte, 2014. "A Simple Empirical Measure of Central Banks' Conservatism," Southern Economic Journal, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 81(2), pages 409-434, October.
  2. Paul Lagneau-Ymonet & Amir Rezaee & Angelo Riva, 2014. "« I s the proof of the pudding in the eating? » Comparaison entre l'Alternative Investment Market et Alternext," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(2), pages 189-206.
  3. Hautcoeur, Pierre-Cyrille & Riva, Angelo & White, Eugene N., 2014. "Floating a “lifeboat”: The Banque de France and the crisis of 1889," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 65(C), pages 104-119.
  4. Gossé, Jean-Baptiste & Serranito, Francisco, 2014. "Long-run determinants of current accounts in OECD countries: Lessons for intra-European imbalances," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 38(C), pages 451-462.


  1. Mazen Kebewar, 2013. "The effect of Debt on Corporate Profitability :Evidence from French Service Sector," Brussels Economic Review, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles, vol. 56(1), pages 43-59.
  2. Candelon, Bertrand & Joëts, Marc & Tokpavi, Sessi, 2013. "Testing for Granger causality in distribution tails: An application to oil markets integration," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 31(C), pages 276-285.
  3. Grégory Levieuge & Yannick Lucotte, 2013. "Les cibleurs d'inflation sont-ils monomaniaques ?," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(4), pages 49-81.
  4. Hautcoeur Pierre-Cyrille & Riva Angelo E., 2013. "What Financiers Usually Do, and What We Can Learn from History," Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium, De Gruyter, vol. 3(3), pages 313-331, April.
  5. Lenglet, Marc & Riva, Angelo, 2013. "Les conséquences inattendues de la régulation financière : pourquoi les algorithmes génèrent-ils de nouveaux risques sur les marchés financiers ?," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 14.
  6. Serranito, Francisco, 2013. "Heterogeneous technology and the technological catching-up hypothesis: Theory and assessment in the case of MENA countries," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 30(C), pages 685-697.


  1. Candelon, B. & Hurlin, C. & Tokpavi, S., 2012. "Sampling error and double shrinkage estimation of minimum variance portfolios," Journal of Empirical Finance, Elsevier, vol. 19(4), pages 511-527.
  2. Lucotte, Yannick, 2012. "Adoption of inflation targeting and tax revenue performance in emerging market economies: An empirical investigation," Economic Systems, Elsevier, vol. 36(4), pages 609-628.
  3. Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur & Angelo Riva, 2012. "The Paris financial market in the nineteenth century: complementarities and competition in microstructures," Economic History Review, Economic History Society, vol. 65(4), pages 1326-1353, November.


  1. Bertrand Candelon & Gilbert Colletaz & Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2011. "Backtesting Value-at-Risk: A GMM Duration-Based Test," Journal of Financial Econometrics, Oxford University Press, vol. 9(2), pages 314-343, Spring.
  2. Riva, Angelo & White, Eugene N., 2011. "Danger on the exchange: How counterparty risk was managed on the Paris exchange in the nineteenth century," Explorations in Economic History, Elsevier, vol. 48(4), pages 478-493.


  1. Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur & Pascal Lagneau-Ymonet & Angelo Riva, 2010. "L’information boursière comme bien public. Enjeux et perspectives de la révision de la directive européenne « Marchés d’instruments financiers »," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 98(3), pages 297-315.
  2. Francisco Serranito, 2010. "Rattrapage technologique et convergence : un test par les séries temporelles dans le cas des pays de la région MENA," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 18(2), pages 5-45.


  1. Francisco Serranito, 2009. "Trade, catching-up and divergence," International Review of Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 23(3), pages 239-264.


  1. Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2008. "Une évaluation des procédures de Backtesting. « Tout va pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes »," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 29(1), pages 53-80.


  1. Christophe Hurlin & Sessi Tokpavi, 2007. "Un test de validité de la Value at Risk," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 58(3), pages 599-608.
  2. Guetat, Imene & Serranito, Francisco, 2007. "Income convergence within the MENA countries: A panel unit root approach," The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 46(5), pages 685-706, February.


  1. Christophe Blot & Francisco Serranito, 2006. "Convergence of fiscal policies in EMU: a unit-root tests analysis with structural break," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 13(4), pages 211-216.


  1. Département analyse et prévision de l'OFCE & Henri Sterdyniak & Hélène Baudchon & Odile Chagny & Thierry Latreille & Catherine Mathieu & Olivier Passet & Christine Rifflart & Claire Sensoli & Paola Ve, 2000. "Tous ensemble ?," Revue de l'OFCE, Programme National Persée, vol. 73(1), pages 7-113.
  2. Corinne Houizot & Hélène Baudchon & Catherine Mathieu & Francisco Serranito, 2000. "Plus-values, consommation et épargne. Une estimation de l'effet richesse aux États- Unis et au Royaume- Uni," Revue de l'OFCE, Programme National Persée, vol. 73(1), pages 197-240.

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