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Jean-François Hoarau
(Jean-Francois Hoarau)

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First Name:Jean-Francois
Middle Name:
Last Name:Hoarau
RePEc Short-ID:pho428
[This author has chosen not to make the email address public]


Centre d'Économie et de Management de l'Océan Indien (CEMOI)
Faculté de Droit et de Sciences Économiques et Politiques
Université de la Réunion

St-Denis, Réunion
RePEc:edi:ceunire (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

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Working papers

  1. Frederic Chantreuil & Jean-François Hoarau & Isabelle Lebon & Yannick L'Horty & Sébastien Mathouraparsad, 2024. "Les singularités des terres éparses de la France d’Outre-mer," Post-Print hal-04574776, HAL.
  2. Jean-François Hoarau, 2023. "Statut politique et développement économique," Post-Print hal-04301699, HAL.
  3. Jean-François Hoarau, 2023. "Le développement industriel réunionnais : état des lieux, menaces et perspectives," Post-Print hal-04304663, HAL.
  4. Jean-François Hoarau, 2023. "Les inégalités économiques et sociales dans les Outre-Mer français : un héritage de l'histoire et des institutions coloniales," Post-Print hal-04318997, HAL.
  5. Jean-François Hoarau & Nicolas Lucic, 2023. "Political Status and Economic Development: The case of Small Island Territories," Post-Print hal-04318992, HAL.
  6. Jean-François Hoarau & Nicolas Lucic, 2023. "Testing for the Imports-Led Growth and the Growth-Led Imports Hypotheses in Panels for the Small Island World," Post-Print hal-04301773, HAL.
  7. Jean-François Hoarau, 2023. "Vivre Outre-Mer : une cherté systémique," Post-Print hal-04317076, HAL.
  8. Jean-François Hoarau, 2022. "L’économie réunionnaise contemporaine : vulnérabilités et perspectives," Post-Print hal-04317057, HAL.
  9. Jean-François Hoarau, 2022. "État des lieux, menaces et perspectives futures pour le tourisme à la Réunion: un regard macroéconomique à travers la détection de ruptures structurelles," Post-Print hal-04318988, HAL.
  10. Adele Brial & Sylvie Ferrari & Sandrine Gombert-Courvoisier & Jean Francois Hoarau, 2022. "La résilience alimentaire en milieu insulaireEntre autonomie alimentaire et libre échange," Post-Print hal-03930032, HAL.
  11. Jean-François Hoarau & Françoise de Palmas & Hervé Mariton & Natacha Bosse & Sheila Dayal, 2022. "Agir pour l’industrie en outre-mer," Post-Print hal-04317069, HAL.
  12. Jean-François Hoarau & Nicolas Lucic, 2022. "Are real merchandise imports per capita a good predictor for the standard of living for the small island world: Testing for the imports-led growth and the growth-led imports hypotheses in panels over ," TEPP Working Paper 2022-16, TEPP.
  13. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Le renoncement temporaire au tourisme international comme solution à la crise sanitaire et économique de la COVID 19 pour La Réunion," Post-Print hal-04315613, HAL.
  14. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "État des lieux, menaces et perspectives futures pour le tourisme à La Réunion : un regard macroéconomique," Post-Print hal-03546567, HAL.
  15. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "La « vie chère » comme une manifestation de la vulnérabilité structurelle des Départements et Régions d’Outre-Mer français : entre faits stylisés et enseignements de la littérature académique," Post-Print hal-04301981, HAL.
  16. Laurent Didier & Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Characterising Bilateral Trade between sub-Saharan Africa and China: The Specific Role of Institutional Quality [Le commerce bilatéral entre l'Afrique sub-saharienne et la Chine : le rôle spécifiqu," Post-Print hal-03543392, HAL.
  17. Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Les îles touristiques à la merci du changement climatique : une évaluation par un indice synthétique de vulnérabilité physique," Post-Print hal-03471422, HAL.
  18. Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau & Olivier Santoni, 2021. "La vulnérabilité physique au changement climatique comparée des petites îles du Sud-Ouest de l’océan Indien," Post-Print hal-03471461, HAL.
  19. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Une analyse macroéconomique du secteur touristique à La Réunion : Etat des lieux, menaces et perspectives futures," Post-Print hal-04315795, HAL.
  20. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Les impacts économiques et sociaux de la crise Covid-19 sur l’économie réunionnaise," Post-Print hal-04317060, HAL.
  21. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "La vulnérabilité économique structurelle de La Réunion : un défi pour le développement soutenable," Post-Print hal-04315869, HAL.
  22. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Quel rôle pour le tourisme international dans l'émergence et la diffusion de la pandémie de la Covid-19 ? Une analyse économétrique en coupes transversales avec un focus sur les petites économies insu," Post-Print hal-04318987, HAL.
  23. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Is international tourism responsible for the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands," Post-Print hal-04301932, HAL.
  24. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Is international tourism responsible for the pandemic of COVID-19? A preliminary cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands," Working Papers hal-03234289, HAL.
  25. Stéphane Blancard & Maximin Bonnet & Jean-François Hoarau, 2020. "The specific role of agriculture for economic vulnerability of small island spaces," Working Papers hal-02441237, HAL.
  26. Jean-François Hoarau & Michaël Goujon, 2019. "Le tourisme insulaire à la merci du changement climatique," Post-Print hal-03544905, HAL.
  27. Laurent Didier & Jean-François Hoarau, 2019. "Les accords de partenariat économique (APE) dans l’océan Indien," Post-Print hal-04302649, HAL.
  28. Jean-François Hoarau, 2019. "La vie chère en Outre-Mer, un phénomène structurel ?," Post-Print hal-03546562, HAL.
  29. Amélie Charles & Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau, 2019. "How resilient is La Réunion in terms of international tourism attractiveness: an assessment from unit root tests with structural breaks from 1981-2015," Post-Print hal-02053296, HAL.
  30. Jean-François Hoarau, 2018. "Un état des lieux du modèle économique réunionnais hérité de la départementalisation : entre miracle et incomplétude," Post-Print hal-03546556, HAL.
  31. Jean-François Hoarau & L. Didier, 2018. "Accord commerciaux préférentiels : quels enseignements pour les relations commerciales entre l’UE et les économies de l’Océan Indien," Post-Print hal-01697628, HAL.
  32. Jean-François Hoarau & François Hermet, 2017. "Le tourisme en outre-mer. Un moteur pour un développement économique soutenable ?," Post-Print hal-01697632, HAL.
  33. Jean-François Hoarau, 2017. "L’attractivité de la Zone Océan Indien en matière d’investissement direct international : un focus sur la présence européenne," Post-Print hal-03550315, HAL.
  34. Jean-François Hoarau, 2017. "La ruralité réunionnaise : les perspectives d’avenir," Post-Print hal-01697629, HAL.
  35. Jean-François Hoarau, 2017. "L’importance des investissements européens dans la Zone Océan Indien," Post-Print hal-01697631, HAL.
  36. Jean-François Hoarau, 2017. "Vulnérabilité et adaptation," Post-Print hal-01697633, HAL.
  37. Jean-François Hoarau & A. Charles & O. Darne, 2017. "How resilient is La Reunion in terms of international tourism attractiveness: an assessment from unit root tests with structural breaks over 1981-2015," Post-Print hal-01697638, HAL.
  38. Jean-François Hoarau, 2016. "Les petites économies insulaires à spécialisation touristique, des entités certes vulnérables mais également résilientes : une introduction," Post-Print hal-01454712, HAL.
  39. Jean-François Hoarau, 2016. "Spécialisation touristique et vulnérabilité : Réalités et enjeux pour le développement soutenable des petits territoires insulaires," Post-Print hal-01454714, HAL.
  40. Jean-François Hoarau & F. Melin-Soucramanien, 2016. "La vraie innovation pour l’économie réunionnaise ne serait-elle pas de nature institutionnelle ?," Post-Print hal-01483893, HAL.
  41. Jean-François Hoarau & F. Melin-Soucramanien, 2016. "La vraie innovation ne serait-elle pas institutionnelle ?," Post-Print hal-01697641, HAL.
  42. Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau, 2016. "Le développement humain des territoires ultramarins français : des progrès certains mais un écart encore persistant," Post-Print hal-01454713, HAL.
  43. Jean-François Hoarau, 2016. "Une évaluation de la capacité de résilience en milieu insulaire créolophone : le cas des outremers français," Post-Print hal-01697630, HAL.
  44. Jean-François Hoarau, 2016. "Une mesure de l’indicateur de développement humain pour Mayotte," Post-Print hal-01483895, HAL.
  45. Stéphane Blancard & Jean-François Hoarau, 2016. "Are Small Island Developing States more Economically Vulnerable than Other Developing Countries?," Post-Print hal-01454717, HAL.
  46. Jean-François Hoarau & Michaël Goujon & Françoise Rivière, 2016. "Vulnérabilités économique et environnementale comparées des économies ultramarines françaises," Post-Print hal-01454715, HAL.
  47. Jean-François Hoarau & Stéphane Blancard, 2016. "La détermination d’un optimum touristique à travers la construction d’un indicateur multidimensionnel de pénétration touristique pour les économies insulaires," Post-Print hal-01454716, HAL.
  48. Jean-François Hoarau, 2016. "Une évaluation du développement humain pour Mayotte : l’application de l’indicateur de développement humain hybride," Post-Print hal-01697636, HAL.
  49. Jean-François Hoarau, 2016. "Les accords de Paris : un goût d’inachevée pour les petits espaces insulaires," Post-Print hal-01697642, HAL.
  50. Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau & Françoise Rivière, 2015. "Vulnérabilités au changement climatique des Outre-mer et des petits Etats insulaires," Post-Print hal-01454721, HAL.
  51. Jean-François Hoarau & Claire Goavec, 2015. "La Réunion est-elle une économie structurellement vulnérable ? Quels enseignements peut-on retirer de l’indicateur de vulnérabilité économique des Nations-Unies ?," Post-Print hal-01258581, HAL.
  52. Jean-François Hoarau & Claire Goavec, 2015. "Vulnérabilité structurelle et dépendence touristique : quels enseignements pour les petites économies en développement," Post-Print hal-01483897, HAL.
  53. Jean-François Hoarau & Valérie Angeon, 2015. "Les petites économies insulaires : nouveaux regards conceptuels et méthodologiques," Post-Print hal-01454718, HAL.
  54. Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "A new assessment for the development level of the French overseas economies by implementing the « hybrid » human development index [Une nouvelle mesure du développement des économies ultramarines f," Post-Print halshs-01413356, HAL.
  55. Claire Goavec & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "Measuring structural economic vulnerability for an European ultraperipheral economy: the case of La Reunion [Une mesure de la vulnérabilité économique structurelle pour une économie ultrapériphériq," Post-Print hal-01243406, HAL.
  56. Claire Goavec & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "Structural economic vulnerability and tourism dependence: new assessment for small island developing economies [Vulnérabilité économique structurelle et dépendance touristique : quels enseignements," Post-Print hal-01454720, HAL.
  57. Valérie Angeon & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "Les petites économies insulaires : un monde à part entière ?," Post-Print hal-02641673, HAL.
  58. Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau & Françoise Rivière, 2015. "Vulnérabilités comparées des économies ultramarines," Post-Print hal-03583870, HAL.
  59. Jean-François Hoarau & Laurent Didier, 2014. "The "shifting trade": the end of colonial rule in Sub-Saharan Africa?," Post-Print hal-01483901, HAL.
  60. Jean-François Hoarau & Laurent Didier, 2014. "Determinants of bilateral trade between BRICs and Sub Saharan Africa: What the gravity model tells us?," Post-Print hal-01483902, HAL.
  61. Jean-François Hoarau & Michaël Goujon & Françoise Rivière, 2014. "Compared economic and environnemental vulnerabilities in French overseas territories," Post-Print hal-01483903, HAL.
  62. Jean-François Hoarau & Michaël Goujon, 2014. "L’évaluation du niveau de développement des économies ultramarines à travers la construction d’un indicateur de développement humain hybride," Post-Print hal-01483900, HAL.
  63. Stéphane Blancard & Jean-François Hoarau, 2013. "A new sustainable human development indicator for small island developing states: A reappraisal from data envelopment analysis," Post-Print hal-01243423, HAL.
  64. Fabien Candau & Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau & Serge Rey, 2013. "Real exchange rate and competitiveness of an EU's ultra-peripheral region: La Reunion Island," Post-Print halshs-00933602, HAL.
  65. Jean-François Hoarau, 2013. "Un modèle NATREX synthétique pour une petite économie «développée» ouverte contrainte sur les marchés internationaux de capitaux," Post-Print hal-01243429, HAL.
  66. Fabien Candau & Jean-François Hoarau & Serge Rey, 2012. "L’impact de la distance et de l’intégration sur le commerce d’une région ultrapériphérique d’Europe: l’île de La Réunion," Post-Print hal-01243441, HAL.
  67. Amélie Charles & Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau, 2012. "Convergence of real per capita GDP within COMESA countries: A panel unit root evidence," Post-Print hal-00956938, HAL.
  68. Sabine Garabedian & Jean-François Hoarau, 2011. "Un indicateur de développement humain soutenable pour les petits espaces insulaires en développement," Post-Print hal-01245309, HAL.
  69. Hoarau, J-F. & Lopez, C. & Paul, M., 2011. "Short Note on the Unemployment Rate of the French Overseas Regions," Working papers 337, Banque de France.
  70. Stéphane Blancard & Jean-François Hoarau, 2011. "Optimizing the new formulation of the United Nations' human development index: an empirical view from data envelopment analysis," Post-Print hal-02642986, HAL.
  71. Amélie Charles & Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau, 2010. "Does the real GDP per capita convergence hold in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa?," Post-Print hal-00797485, HAL.
  72. Michaël GOUJON & Fabien CANDAU & Jean-François HOARAU & Serge REY, 2010. "Taux de change réel et compétitivité de l’économie réunionnaise," Working Papers 201029, CERDI.
  73. Fabien Candau & Jean-François Hoarau & Serge Rey, 2010. "Avantages comparatifs et distance : le cas de l'île de La Réunion," Post-Print hal-01847108, HAL.
  74. Amélie Charles & Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau & Philippe Jean-Pierre, 2010. "La persistance des écarts de richesse entre La Réunion et les standards français et européens : l'apport des tests de racine unitaire," Post-Print hal-00761933, HAL.
  75. Jean-François Hoarau, 2010. "Does long-run purchasing power parity hold in Eastern and Southern African countries? Evidence from panel data stationary tests with multiple structural breaks," Post-Print hal-01243461, HAL.
  76. Jean-François Hoarau, 2009. "Investissements directs étrangers et intégration régionale : un état des lieux pour le marché commun d’Afrique de l'est et du sud," Post-Print hal-01243474, HAL.
  77. Jean-François Hoarau & Stéphane Blancard & Philippe Jean-Pierre, 2009. "Testing for nominal convergence in the Central American area: evidence from panel data unit-root tests," Post-Print hal-01243476, HAL.
  78. Olivier DARNÉ & Jean-François HOARAU, 2008. "La parité des pouvoirs d’achat pour l’économie chinoise : Une nouvelle analyse par les tests de racine unitaire," Discussion Papers (REL - Recherches Economiques de Louvain) 2008025, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).
  79. Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau, 2008. "The purchasing power parity in Australia: evidence from unit root test with structural break," Post-Print hal-01243482, HAL.
  80. Jean-François Hoarau & Ibrahim Ahamada & Alain Nurbel, 2008. "Multiple structural regimes in real exchange rate misalignment: the case of Australian dollar," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00272862, HAL.
  81. Jean-François Hoarau, 2008. "Testing PPP for Central American real exchange rates. Evidence from new panel data stationary tests with structural breaks," Post-Print hal-01243481, HAL.
  82. Alain Nurbel & Jean-François Hoarau & Ibrahim Ahamada, 2007. "Économie Politique : 145 questions et exercices corrigés," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00272865, HAL.
  83. Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau, 2006. "Testing the purchasing power parity in China," EconomiX Working Papers 2006-18, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.


  1. Nicolas Lucic & Jean-François Hoarau, 2023. "Le statut politique des petites économies insulaires a-t-il une influence sur leurs performances de développement ?," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 17-34.
  2. Jean-François Hoarau & Nicolas Lucic, 2023. "Testing for the Imports-Led Growth and the Growth-Led Imports Hypotheses in Panels for the Small Island World," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 133(4), pages 569-600.
  3. Jean-François Hoarau, 2023. "L’évolution de la fréquentation touristique de La Réunion au regard de la détection de ruptures structurelles," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(3), pages 155-196.
  4. Jean-François Hoarau, 2022. "Is international tourism responsible for the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 158(2), pages 493-528, May.
  5. Laurent Didier & Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Characterising Bilateral Trade between sub-Saharan Africa and China: The Specific Role of Institutional Quality," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 131(1), pages 57-88.
  6. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "La « vie chère » comme une manifestation de la vulnérabilité structurelle des Départements et Régions d’Outre-Mer français : entre faits stylisés et enseignements de la littérature académique," Géographie, économie, société, Lavoisier, vol. 23(3), pages 303-339.
  7. Stéphane Blancard & Maximin Bonnet & Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "The influence of agriculture on the structural economic vulnerability of small island spaces: Assessment using DEA based composite indicators," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53(1), pages 79-97, January.
  8. Jean-François Hoarau, 2020. "Is international tourism responsible for the pandemic of COVID-19? A very preliminary assessment with a special focus on small islands," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 40(3), pages 2395-2407.
  9. Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau, 2020. "Les îles touristiques à la merci du changement climatique : une évaluation par un indice synthétique de vulnérabilité physique," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 28(1), pages 69-106.
  10. Amélie Charles & Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau, 2019. "How resilient is La Réunion in terms of international tourism attractiveness: an assessment from unit root tests with structural breaks from 1981-2015," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 51(24), pages 2639-2653, May.
  11. Stéphane Blancard & Jean-François Hoarau, 2016. "Les petites économies insulaires en développement. Des territoires particulièrement vulnérables sur le plan économique ?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 67(1), pages 117-142.
  12. Michaël GOUJON & Jean-François HOARAU, 2015. "Une Nouvelle Mesure Du Développement Des Économies Ultramarines Françaises À Travers L’Application De L’Indicateur De Développement Humain « Hybride »," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 42, pages 55-78.
  13. Claire Goavec & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "Une mesure de la vulnérabilité économique structurelle pour une économie ultrapériphérique européenne : le cas de La Réunion," Géographie, économie, société, Lavoisier, vol. 17(2), pages 177-200.
  14. Valérie ANGEON & Jean-François HOARAU, 2015. "Introduction - Les Petites Économies Insulaires : Un Monde À Part Entière ?," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 42, pages 5-13.
  15. Claire GOAVEC & Jean-François HOARAU, 2015. "Vulnérabilité Économique Structurelle Et Dépendance Touristique : Quels Enseignements Pour Les Petites Économies Insulaires En Développement," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 42, pages 157-188.
  16. Fabien Candau & Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau & Serge Rey, 2014. "Real exchange rate and competitiveness of an EU's ultra-peripheral region: La Reunion Island," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 137, pages 1-21.
  17. Blancard, Stéphane & Hoarau, Jean-François, 2013. "A new sustainable human development indicator for small island developing states: A reappraisal from data envelopment analysis," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 30(C), pages 623-635.
  18. Hoarau, Jean-François, 2013. "Un modèle NATREX synthétique pour une petite économie « développée » ouverte contrainte sur les marchés internationaux de capitaux," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 89(4), pages 259-303, Décembre.
  19. Fabien Candau & Jean-François Hoarau & Serge Rey, 2012. "L’impact de la distance et de l’intégration sur le commerce d’une région ultrapériphérique d’Europe: l’île de La Réunion," The European Journal of Development Research, Palgrave Macmillan;European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), vol. 24(5), pages 808-831, December.
  20. Amélie Charles & Olivier Darne & Jean-François Hoarau, 2012. "Convergence of real per capita GDP within COMESA countries: A panel unit root evidence," The Annals of Regional Science, Springer;Western Regional Science Association, vol. 49(1), pages 53-71, August.
  21. Stéphane Blancard & Jean-François Hoarau, 2011. "Optimizing the new formulation of the United Nations' human development index: An empirical view from data envelopment analysis," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 31(1), pages 989-1003.
  22. Sabine Garabedian & Jean-François Hoarau, 2011. "Un indicateur de développement humain soutenable pour les petits espaces insulaires en développement," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Armand Colin, vol. 0(4), pages 651-680.
  23. Jean françois Hoarau & Claude Lopez & Michel Paul, 2010. "Short Note on the Unemployment Rate of the “French overseas regions”," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 30(3), pages 2321-2329.
  24. Jean-Francois Hoarau, 2010. "Does long-run purchasing power parity hold in Eastern and Southern African countries? Evidence from panel data stationary tests with multiple structural breaks," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 15(4), pages 307-315.
  25. Hoarau, Jean-François, 2009. "L’approche microéconomique du taux de change réel d’équilibre : une revue de la littérature théorique," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 85(4), pages 403-436, décembre.
  26. Jean-Francois HOARAU, 2009. "INVESTISSEMENTS DIRECTS eTRANGERS ET INTeGRATION ReGIONALE : UN eTAT DES LIEUX POUR LE MARCHe COMMUN D’AFRIQUE DE L’EST ET DU SUD," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 29, pages 69-103.
  27. Jean-Francois Hoarau & Stephane Blancard & Philippe Jean-Pierre, 2009. "Testing for nominal convergence in the Central American area: evidence from panel data unit-root tests," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 16(11), pages 1171-1174.
  28. Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau, 2008. "La parité des pouvoirs d'achat pour l'économie chinoise : une nouvelle analyse par les tests de racine unitaire," Recherches économiques de Louvain, De Boeck Université, vol. 74(2), pages 219-236.
  29. Jean-François Hoarau, 2008. "Testing PPP for Central American real exchange rates. Evidence from new panel data stationary tests with structural breaks," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 6(21), pages 1-5.
  30. Jean-Francois Hoarau & Ibrahim Ahamada & Alain Nurbel, 2007. "Multiple structural regimes in real exchange rate misalignment: the case of Australian dollar," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 15(2), pages 101-104.
  31. Olivier Darne & Jean-Francois Hoarau, 2007. "The purchasing power parity in Australia: evidence from unit root test with structural break," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 15(3), pages 203-206.
  32. Olivier Darné & Jean‐François Hoarau, 2007. "Further Evidence On Mean Reversion In The Australian Exchange Rate," Bulletin of Economic Research, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 59(4), pages 383-395, October.
  33. Jean-François Hoarau, 2006. "Les regimes monetaires en Australie, 1977-2000 : une mise en perspective a l’aide d’un indicateur de distorsion du taux de change reel," Economie Internationale, CEPII research center, issue 105, pages 85-112.


Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.

Working papers

  1. Laurent Didier & Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Characterising Bilateral Trade between sub-Saharan Africa and China: The Specific Role of Institutional Quality [Le commerce bilatéral entre l'Afrique sub-saharienne et la Chine : le rôle spécifiqu," Post-Print hal-03543392, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. David Landry, 2024. "Does governance matter? Comparing the determinants of Chinese and Western trade with Africa," Global Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 15(2), pages 342-354, May.

  2. Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Les îles touristiques à la merci du changement climatique : une évaluation par un indice synthétique de vulnérabilité physique," Post-Print hal-03471422, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-François Hoarau & Nicolas Lucic, 2022. "Are real merchandise imports per capita a good predictor for the standard of living for the small island world: Testing for the imports-led growth and the growth-led imports hypotheses in panels over ," TEPP Working Paper 2022-16, TEPP.
    2. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "État des lieux, menaces et perspectives futures pour le tourisme à La Réunion : un regard macroéconomique," Post-Print hal-03546567, HAL.
    3. Jean-François Hoarau, 2022. "Is international tourism responsible for the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 158(2), pages 493-528, May.

  3. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Is international tourism responsible for the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands," Post-Print hal-04301932, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Cláudia Seabra & Ketan Bhatt, 2022. "Tourism Sustainability and COVID-19 Pandemic: Is There a Positive Side?," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 14(14), pages 1-14, July.

  4. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Is international tourism responsible for the pandemic of COVID-19? A preliminary cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands," Working Papers hal-03234289, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-François Hoarau, 2020. "Is international tourism responsible for the pandemic of COVID-19? A very preliminary assessment with a special focus on small islands," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 40(3), pages 2395-2407.
    2. Ketan Bhatt & Claudia Seabra & Sunil Kumar Kabia & Kumar Ashutosh & Amit Gangotia, 2022. "COVID Crisis and Tourism Sustainability: An Insightful Bibliometric Analysis," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 14(19), pages 1-23, September.
    3. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "État des lieux, menaces et perspectives futures pour le tourisme à La Réunion : un regard macroéconomique," Post-Print hal-03546567, HAL.
    4. Feng, Qu & Wu, Guiying Laura & Yuan, Mengying & Zhou, Shihao, 2022. "Save lives or save livelihoods? A cross-country analysis of COVID-19 pandemic and economic growth," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 197(C), pages 221-256.

  5. Stéphane Blancard & Maximin Bonnet & Jean-François Hoarau, 2020. "The specific role of agriculture for economic vulnerability of small island spaces," Working Papers hal-02441237, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-François Hoarau, 2019. "La vie chère en Outre-Mer, un phénomène structurel ?," Post-Print hal-04315775, HAL.

  6. Jean-François Hoarau & Michaël Goujon, 2019. "Le tourisme insulaire à la merci du changement climatique," Post-Print hal-03544905, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-François Hoarau, 2019. "La vie chère en Outre-Mer, un phénomène structurel ?," Post-Print hal-04315775, HAL.
    2. Jean-François Hoarau, 2020. "Is international tourism responsible for the pandemic of COVID-19? A preliminary cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands," TEPP Working Paper 2020-04, TEPP.
    3. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "État des lieux, menaces et perspectives futures pour le tourisme à La Réunion : un regard macroéconomique," Post-Print hal-03546567, HAL.

  7. Amélie Charles & Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau, 2019. "How resilient is La Réunion in terms of international tourism attractiveness: an assessment from unit root tests with structural breaks from 1981-2015," Post-Print hal-02053296, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-François Hoarau, 2020. "Is international tourism responsible for the pandemic of COVID-19? A very preliminary assessment with a special focus on small islands," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 40(3), pages 2395-2407.
    2. Jennifer C. H. MIN & Hsien-Hung KUNG & Tsangyao CHANG, 2019. "Testing the Structural Break of Taiwan Inbound Tourism Markets," Journal for Economic Forecasting, Institute for Economic Forecasting, vol. 0(2), pages 117-130, June.
    3. Juan Antonio Duro & Melchor Fernández-Fernández & Alejandro Pérez-Laborda & Jaume Rosselló-Nadal, 2024. "Towards a risk-adjusted tourism and travel competitiveness index," Tourism Economics, , vol. 30(4), pages 947-968, June.
    4. Jean-François Hoarau, 2020. "Is international tourism responsible for the pandemic of COVID-19? A preliminary cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands," TEPP Working Paper 2020-04, TEPP.
    5. Jean-François Hoarau, 2022. "Is international tourism responsible for the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 158(2), pages 493-528, May.
    6. James E Payne & Junsoo Lee, 2024. "Global perspective on the permanent or transitory nature of shocks to tourist arrivals: Evidence from new unit root tests with structural breaks and factors," Tourism Economics, , vol. 30(1), pages 67-103, February.

  8. Jean-François Hoarau, 2018. "Un état des lieux du modèle économique réunionnais hérité de la départementalisation : entre miracle et incomplétude," Post-Print hal-03546556, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-François Hoarau, 2019. "La vie chère en Outre-Mer, un phénomène structurel ?," Post-Print hal-04315775, HAL.
    2. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "État des lieux, menaces et perspectives futures pour le tourisme à La Réunion : un regard macroéconomique," Post-Print hal-03546567, HAL.

  9. Stéphane Blancard & Jean-François Hoarau, 2016. "Are Small Island Developing States more Economically Vulnerable than Other Developing Countries?," Post-Print hal-01454717, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-François Hoarau, 2019. "La vie chère en Outre-Mer, un phénomène structurel ?," Post-Print hal-04315775, HAL.
    2. Michaël GOUJON & Jean-François HOARAU, 2015. "Une Nouvelle Mesure Du Développement Des Économies Ultramarines Françaises À Travers L’Application De L’Indicateur De Développement Humain « Hybride »," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 42, pages 55-78.
    3. Valérie ANGEON & Jean-François HOARAU, 2015. "Introduction - Les Petites Économies Insulaires : Un Monde À Part Entière ?," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 42, pages 5-13.
    4. Laurent Didier, 2020. "Exchange rate regimes, trade in raw materials and exporters behavior: Evidence from some Small Island Developing States (SIDS)," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 40(4), pages 2894-2919.

  10. Jean-François Hoarau & Michaël Goujon & Françoise Rivière, 2016. "Vulnérabilités économique et environnementale comparées des économies ultramarines françaises," Post-Print hal-01454715, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "A new assessment for the development level of the French overseas economies by implementing the « hybrid » human development index [Une nouvelle mesure du développement des économies ultramarines f," Post-Print halshs-01413356, HAL.

  11. Jean-François Hoarau & Stéphane Blancard, 2016. "La détermination d’un optimum touristique à travers la construction d’un indicateur multidimensionnel de pénétration touristique pour les économies insulaires," Post-Print hal-01454716, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "État des lieux, menaces et perspectives futures pour le tourisme à La Réunion : un regard macroéconomique," Post-Print hal-03546567, HAL.

  12. Jean-François Hoarau, 2016. "Une évaluation du développement humain pour Mayotte : l’application de l’indicateur de développement humain hybride," Post-Print hal-01697636, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-François Hoarau, 2019. "La vie chère en Outre-Mer, un phénomène structurel ?," Post-Print hal-04315775, HAL.

  13. Claire Goavec & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "Measuring structural economic vulnerability for an European ultraperipheral economy: the case of La Reunion [Une mesure de la vulnérabilité économique structurelle pour une économie ultrapériphériq," Post-Print hal-01243406, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-François Hoarau, 2019. "La vie chère en Outre-Mer, un phénomène structurel ?," Post-Print hal-04315775, HAL.
    2. Claire Goavec & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "Structural economic vulnerability and tourism dependence: new assessment for small island developing economies [Vulnérabilité économique structurelle et dépendance touristique : quels enseignements," Post-Print hal-01454720, HAL.
    3. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "État des lieux, menaces et perspectives futures pour le tourisme à La Réunion : un regard macroéconomique," Post-Print hal-03546567, HAL.
    4. Jean-François Hoarau, 2018. "Un état des lieux du modèle économique réunionnais hérité de la départementalisation : entre miracle et incomplétude," Post-Print hal-03546556, HAL.

  14. Claire Goavec & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "Structural economic vulnerability and tourism dependence: new assessment for small island developing economies [Vulnérabilité économique structurelle et dépendance touristique : quels enseignements," Post-Print hal-01454720, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-François Hoarau, 2022. "Is international tourism responsible for the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 158(2), pages 493-528, May.

  15. Jean-François Hoarau & Laurent Didier, 2014. "Determinants of bilateral trade between BRICs and Sub Saharan Africa: What the gravity model tells us?," Post-Print hal-01483902, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Mwangi, Esther N., 2021. "Determinants of Agricultural Imports in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Gravity Model," African Journal of Economic Review, African Journal of Economic Review, vol. 9(2), April.
    2. wani, Nassir ul & dhami, Jasdeep kaur, 2016. "Trade Potential of India against BRCS Economies: An empirical analysis based on Gravity Model," MPRA Paper 91785, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 10 Feb 2017.

  16. Stéphane Blancard & Jean-François Hoarau, 2013. "A new sustainable human development indicator for small island developing states: A reappraisal from data envelopment analysis," Post-Print hal-01243423, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Wei Liu & Jinyan Zhan & Zhihui Li & Siqi Jia & Fan Zhang & Yifan Li, 2018. "Eco-Efficiency Evaluation of Regional Circular Economy: A Case Study in Zengcheng, Guangzhou," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 10(2), pages 1-16, February.
    2. Sueyoshi, Toshiyuki & Yuan, Yan & Goto, Mika, 2017. "A literature study for DEA applied to energy and environment," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 62(C), pages 104-124.
    3. Issaka Dialga & Le Thi Hang Giang, 2017. "Highlighting Methodological Limitations in the Steps of Composite Indicators Construction," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Springer, vol. 131(2), pages 441-465, March.
    4. Su, Weihua & Chen, Sibo & Zhang, Chonghui & Li, Kevin W., 2023. "A subgroup dominance-based benefit of the doubt method for addressing rank reversals: A case study of the human development index in Europe," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 307(3), pages 1299-1317.
    5. Florent Deisting & Serge Rey, 2015. "Determinants of Tourism in French Overseas Departments and Collectivities," Working papers of CATT hal-01880325, HAL.
    6. Christoph Dörffel & Sebastian Schuhmann, 2020. "What is Inclusive Development? Introducing the Multidimensional Inclusiveness Index," Jena Economics Research Papers 2020-015, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
    7. Stéphane Blancard & Maximin Bonnet & Jean-François Hoarau, 2020. "The specific role of agriculture for economic vulnerability of small island spaces," Working Papers hal-02441237, HAL.
    8. Nicky Rogge & Ilse Nijverseel, 2019. "Quality of Life in the European Union: A Multidimensional Analysis," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Springer, vol. 141(2), pages 765-789, January.
    9. Nazli Goker & E. Ertugrul Karsak & Mehtap Dursun, 2022. "An Integrated QFD and Common Weight DEA-Based Fuzzy MCDM Framework for Performance Ranking of Countries," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Springer, vol. 159(1), pages 409-430, January.
    10. Van Puyenbroeck, Tom & Rogge, Nicky, 2017. "Geometric mean quantity index numbers with Benefit-of-the-Doubt weights," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 256(3), pages 1004-1014.
    11. Qing Yang & Xingzi Wan & Huimin Ma, 2015. "Assessing Green Development Efficiency of Municipalities and Provinces in China Integrating Models of Super-Efficiency DEA and Malmquist Index," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 7(4), pages 1-19, April.
    12. Christoph Dörffel & Sebastian Schuhmann, 2022. "What is Inclusive Development? Introducing the Multidimensional Inclusiveness Index," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Springer, vol. 162(3), pages 1117-1148, August.
    13. Hyeri Choi & Min Jae Park, 2019. "Evaluating the Efficiency of Governmental Excellence for Social Progress: Focusing on Low- and Lower-Middle-Income Countries," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Springer, vol. 141(1), pages 111-130, January.
    14. Diogo Ferraz & Enzo B. Mariano & Daisy Rebelatto & Dominik Hartmann, 2020. "Linking Human Development and the Financial Responsibility of Regions: Combined Index Proposals Using Methods from Data Envelopment Analysis," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Springer, vol. 150(2), pages 439-478, July.
    15. Ayvar-Campos, Francisco & Navarro-Chávez, José César & Giménez, Víctor, 2020. "Generation and distribution of income in Mexico, 1990-2015," Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, Universidad ESAN, vol. 25(49), pages 163-180.
    16. Claire GOAVEC & Jean-François HOARAU, 2015. "Vulnérabilité Économique Structurelle Et Dépendance Touristique : Quels Enseignements Pour Les Petites Économies Insulaires En Développement," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 42, pages 157-188.
    17. Claire Goavec & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "Structural economic vulnerability and tourism dependence: new assessment for small island developing economies [Vulnérabilité économique structurelle et dépendance touristique : quels enseignements," Post-Print hal-01454720, HAL.
    18. Wang, Hanjie & Feil, Jan-Henning & Yu, Xiaohua, 2023. "Let the data speak about the cut-off values for multidimensional index: Classification of human development index with machine learning," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 87(PA).
    19. Michaël GOUJON & Jean-François HOARAU, 2015. "Une Nouvelle Mesure Du Développement Des Économies Ultramarines Françaises À Travers L’Application De L’Indicateur De Développement Humain « Hybride »," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 42, pages 55-78.
    20. Panagiotis Ravanos & Giannis Karagiannis, 2021. "A VEA Benefit-of-the-Doubt Model for the HDI," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Springer, vol. 155(1), pages 27-46, May.
    21. Ganlin Huang & Yaqiong Jiang, 2017. "Urbanization and Socioeconomic Development in Inner Mongolia in 2000 and 2010: A GIS Analysis," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 9(2), pages 1-11, February.
    22. Rogge, Nicky, 2018. "Composite indicators as generalized benefit-of-the-doubt weighted averages," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 267(1), pages 381-392.
    23. Hussein Sayed & Ramadan Hamed & Mohamed Ramadan & Samaa Hosny, 2015. "Using Meta-goal Programming for a New Human Development Indicator with Distinguishable Country Ranks," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Springer, vol. 123(1), pages 1-27, August.
    24. Jean-François Hoarau & Nicolas Lucic, 2022. "Are real merchandise imports per capita a good predictor for the standard of living for the small island world: Testing for the imports-led growth and the growth-led imports hypotheses in panels over ," TEPP Working Paper 2022-16, TEPP.
    25. Verbunt, Pim & Rogge, Nicky, 2018. "Geometric composite indicators with compromise Benefit-of-the-Doubt weights," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 264(1), pages 388-401.
    26. Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "A new assessment for the development level of the French overseas economies by implementing the « hybrid » human development index [Une nouvelle mesure du développement des économies ultramarines f," Post-Print halshs-01413356, HAL.
    27. Teodor Marian Cojocaru & George H. Ionescu & Daniela Firoiu & Laura Mariana Cismaș & Maria Daniela Oțil & Ovidiu Toma, 2022. "Reducing Inequalities within and among EU Countries—Assessing the Achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Targets (SDG 10)," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 14(13), pages 1-22, June.
    28. Omrani, Hashem & Alizadeh, Arash & Amini, Mohaddeseh, 2020. "A new approach based on BWM and MULTIMOORA methods for calculating semi-human development index: An application for provinces of Iran," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 70(C).
    29. Giménez, Víctor & Ayvar-Campos, Francisco Javier & Navarro-Chávez, José César Lenin, 2017. "Efficiency in the generation of social welfare in Mexico: A proposal in the presence of bad outputs," Omega, Elsevier, vol. 69(C), pages 43-52.
    30. Valérie ANGEON & Jean-François HOARAU, 2015. "Introduction - Les Petites Économies Insulaires : Un Monde À Part Entière ?," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 42, pages 5-13.
    31. Zhou, Haibo & Yang, Yi & Chen, Yao & Zhu, Joe, 2018. "Data envelopment analysis application in sustainability: The origins, development and future directions," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 264(1), pages 1-16.
    32. Genave, Anna & Blancard, Stéphane & Garabedian, Sabine, 2020. "An assessment of energy vulnerability in Small Island Developing States," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 171(C).
    33. Raghoo, Pravesh & Surroop, Dinesh & Wolf, Franziska & Leal Filho, Walter & Jeetah, Pratima & Delakowitz, Bernd, 2018. "Dimensions of energy security in Small Island Developing States," Utilities Policy, Elsevier, vol. 53(C), pages 94-101.
    34. Wang, H. & Zhou, P. & Wang, Qunwei, 2016. "Constructing slacks-based composite indicator of sustainable energy development for China: A meta-frontier nonparametric approach," Energy, Elsevier, vol. 101(C), pages 218-228.

  17. Fabien Candau & Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau & Serge Rey, 2013. "Real exchange rate and competitiveness of an EU's ultra-peripheral region: La Reunion Island," Post-Print halshs-00933602, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Fabien Candau & Serge Rey, 2014. "International Trade in Outermost Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Mayotte Island and French Overseas Departments," European Journal of Comparative Economics, Cattaneo University (LIUC), vol. 11(1), pages 123-146, June.
    2. Florent Deisting & Serge Rey, 2015. "Determinants of Tourism in French Overseas Departments and Collectivities," Working papers of CATT hal-01880325, HAL.
    3. Mien, Edouard, 2021. "External and internal exchange rates and the Dutch disease: Evidence from a panel of oil-exporting African countries," International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 167(C), pages 206-228.

  18. Jean-François Hoarau, 2013. "Un modèle NATREX synthétique pour une petite économie «développée» ouverte contrainte sur les marchés internationaux de capitaux," Post-Print hal-01243429, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Cécile Couharde & Serge Rey & Audrey Sallenave, 2016. "External debt and real exchange rates’ adjustment in the euro area: new evidence from a nonlinear NATREX model," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 48(11), pages 966-986, March.

  19. Fabien Candau & Jean-François Hoarau & Serge Rey, 2012. "L’impact de la distance et de l’intégration sur le commerce d’une région ultrapériphérique d’Europe: l’île de La Réunion," Post-Print hal-01243441, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Fabien Candau & Serge Rey, 2014. "International Trade in Outermost Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Mayotte Island and French Overseas Departments," European Journal of Comparative Economics, Cattaneo University (LIUC), vol. 11(1), pages 123-146, June.
    2. Florent Deisting & Serge Rey, 2015. "Determinants of Tourism in French Overseas Departments and Collectivities," Working papers of CATT hal-01880325, HAL.
    3. Fabien Candau & Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau & Serge Rey, 2013. "Real exchange rate and competitiveness of an EU’s ultra-peripheral region: La Reunion Island," Working papers of CATT hal-01847942, HAL.

  20. Amélie Charles & Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau, 2012. "Convergence of real per capita GDP within COMESA countries: A panel unit root evidence," Post-Print hal-00956938, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Serge Rey & Florent Deisting, 2012. "GDP per Capita among African Countries over the Period 1950-2008: Highlights of Convergence Clubs," Post-Print hal-01881912, HAL.
    2. J. Paul Dunne & Nicholas Masiyandima, 2017. "Bilateral FDI from South Africa and Income Convergence in SADC," School of Economics Macroeconomic Discussion Paper Series 2017-04, School of Economics, University of Cape Town.
    3. Desli, Evangelia & Gkoulgkoutsika, Alexandra, 2021. "Economic convergence among the world’s top-income economies," The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 80(C), pages 841-853.
    4. Burcu Ozcan, 2014. "Does Income Converge among EU Member Countries following the Post-War Period? Evidence from the PANKPSS Test," Journal for Economic Forecasting, Institute for Economic Forecasting, vol. 0(3), pages 22-38, October.
    5. Aweng Peter Majok Garang & Hatice Erkekoglu, 2021. "Convergence Triggers in Africa: Evidence from Convergence Clubs and Panel Models," South African Journal of Economics, Economic Society of South Africa, vol. 89(2), pages 218-245, June.

  21. Sabine Garabedian & Jean-François Hoarau, 2011. "Un indicateur de développement humain soutenable pour les petits espaces insulaires en développement," Post-Print hal-01245309, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Mickaël Cita, 2019. "The complexity to evaluate small firm performance [La Complexité de l'évaluation de la performance des microentreprises]," Working Papers hal-02311502, HAL.
    2. Claire GOAVEC & Jean-François HOARAU, 2015. "Vulnérabilité Économique Structurelle Et Dépendance Touristique : Quels Enseignements Pour Les Petites Économies Insulaires En Développement," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 42, pages 157-188.
    3. Claire Goavec & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "Structural economic vulnerability and tourism dependence: new assessment for small island developing economies [Vulnérabilité économique structurelle et dépendance touristique : quels enseignements," Post-Print hal-01454720, HAL.
    4. Genave, Anna & Blancard, Stéphane & Garabedian, Sabine, 2020. "An assessment of energy vulnerability in Small Island Developing States," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 171(C).

  22. Hoarau, J-F. & Lopez, C. & Paul, M., 2011. "Short Note on the Unemployment Rate of the French Overseas Regions," Working papers 337, Banque de France.

    Cited by:

    1. Pedro Clavijo-Cortes, 2021. "How persistent is unemployment in major Latin American economies?," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 41(2), pages 342-360.
    2. Michaël GOUJON & Jean-François HOARAU, 2015. "Une Nouvelle Mesure Du Développement Des Économies Ultramarines Françaises À Travers L’Application De L’Indicateur De Développement Humain « Hybride »," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 42, pages 55-78.
    3. Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "A new assessment for the development level of the French overseas economies by implementing the « hybrid » human development index [Une nouvelle mesure du développement des économies ultramarines f," Post-Print halshs-01413356, HAL.
    4. Yannick L'Horty, 2014. "La persistance du chômage ultra-marin," TEPP Research Report 2014-05, TEPP.

  23. Stéphane Blancard & Jean-François Hoarau, 2011. "Optimizing the new formulation of the United Nations' human development index: an empirical view from data envelopment analysis," Post-Print hal-02642986, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Stéphane Blancard & Jean-François Hoarau, 2013. "A new sustainable human development indicator for small island developing states: A reappraisal from data envelopment analysis," Post-Print hal-01243423, HAL.
    2. Jadvyga Ciburiene, 2016. "The Evaluation Of Economic Development Index Of Poland And Lithuania In The Context Of The European Union," Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, Institute of Economic Research, vol. 11(3), pages 437-449, September.
    3. Chris Tofallis, 2013. "An automatic-democratic approach to weight setting for the new human development index," Journal of Population Economics, Springer;European Society for Population Economics, vol. 26(4), pages 1325-1345, October.
    4. Ayvar-Campos, Francisco & Navarro-Chávez, José César & Giménez, Víctor, 2020. "Generation and distribution of income in Mexico, 1990-2015," Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, Universidad ESAN, vol. 25(49), pages 163-180.
    5. Shahari, Mohd Ridzwan & See, Kok Fong & Mohammed, Noor Syahireen & Yu, Ming-Miin, 2023. "Constructing the performance index of Malaysia’s district health centers using effectiveness-based hierarchical data envelopment analysis," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 89(C).
    6. Victoria Wojcik & Harald Dyckhoff & Marcel Clermont, 2019. "Is data envelopment analysis a suitable tool for performance measurement and benchmarking in non-production contexts?," Business Research, Springer;German Academic Association for Business Research, vol. 12(2), pages 559-595, December.
    7. See, Kok Fong & Ng, Ying Chu & Yu, Ming-Miin, 2022. "An alternative assessment approach to national higher education system evaluation," Evaluation and Program Planning, Elsevier, vol. 94(C).
    8. Omrani, Hashem & Alizadeh, Arash & Amini, Mohaddeseh, 2020. "A new approach based on BWM and MULTIMOORA methods for calculating semi-human development index: An application for provinces of Iran," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 70(C).
    9. Giménez, Víctor & Ayvar-Campos, Francisco Javier & Navarro-Chávez, José César Lenin, 2017. "Efficiency in the generation of social welfare in Mexico: A proposal in the presence of bad outputs," Omega, Elsevier, vol. 69(C), pages 43-52.
    10. Sevinc Rende & Murat Donduran, 2013. "Neighborhoods in Development: Human Development Index and Self-organizing Maps," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Springer, vol. 110(2), pages 721-734, January.

  24. Amélie Charles & Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau, 2010. "Does the real GDP per capita convergence hold in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa?," Post-Print hal-00797485, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Gil-Alana, Luis A. & Yaya, OlaOluwa S & Shittu, Olanrewaju I, 2014. "GDP Per Capita in Africa before the Global Financial Crisis: Persistence, Mean Reversion and Long Memory Features," MPRA Paper 88758, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    2. Wolassa Lawisso Kumo, 2011. "Working Paper 130 - Growth and Macroeconomic Convergence in Southern Africa," Working Paper Series 314, African Development Bank.

  25. Fabien Candau & Jean-François Hoarau & Serge Rey, 2010. "Avantages comparatifs et distance : le cas de l'île de La Réunion," Post-Print hal-01847108, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Françoise RIVIERE & Michel DIMOU, 2017. "Modèles et stratégies de développement des petites économies insulaires. Revue de la littérature et nouveaux paradigmes," Working Paper 0bd96404-7210-4678-93d6-4, Agence française de développement.

  26. Amélie Charles & Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau & Philippe Jean-Pierre, 2010. "La persistance des écarts de richesse entre La Réunion et les standards français et européens : l'apport des tests de racine unitaire," Post-Print hal-00761933, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Michaël GOUJON & François HERMET, 2012. "L’Indice De Développement Humain : Une Évaluation Pour Mayotte," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 36, pages 229-244.
    2. Françoise RIVIERE & Michel DIMOU, 2017. "Modèles et stratégies de développement des petites économies insulaires. Revue de la littérature et nouveaux paradigmes," Working Paper 0bd96404-7210-4678-93d6-4, Agence française de développement.

  27. Jean-François Hoarau, 2010. "Does long-run purchasing power parity hold in Eastern and Southern African countries? Evidence from panel data stationary tests with multiple structural breaks," Post-Print hal-01243461, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Saint Kuttu, 2018. "Asymmetric mean reversion and volatility in African real exchange rates," Journal of Economics and Finance, Springer;Academy of Economics and Finance, vol. 42(3), pages 575-590, July.
    2. Fabien Candau & Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau & Serge Rey, 2013. "Real exchange rate and competitiveness of an EU’s ultra-peripheral region: La Reunion Island," Working papers of CATT hal-01847942, HAL.
    3. E. N. Gyamfi & E. F. Appiah, 2019. "Further evidence on the validity of purchasing power parity in selected African countries," Journal of Economics and Finance, Springer;Academy of Economics and Finance, vol. 43(2), pages 330-343, April.
    4. Gómez Aguirre Mario & Rodríguez Chávez José Carlos, 2013. "El efecto Harrod-Balassa-Samuelson. El caso de México," Contaduría y Administración, Accounting and Management, vol. 58(3), pages 121-147, julio-sep.
    5. Mario Gómez Aguirre & José Carlos A. Rodríguez Chávez, 2012. "Análisis de la paridad del poder de compra: evidencia empírica entre México y Estados Unidos," Estudios Económicos, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos, vol. 27(1), pages 169-207.

  28. Jean-François Hoarau & Stéphane Blancard & Philippe Jean-Pierre, 2009. "Testing for nominal convergence in the Central American area: evidence from panel data unit-root tests," Post-Print hal-01243476, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Hałka, Aleksandra & Leszczyńska-Paczesna, Agnieszka, 2019. "Price convergence in the European Union – What has changed?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 79(C), pages 226-241.

  29. Olivier DARNÉ & Jean-François HOARAU, 2008. "La parité des pouvoirs d’achat pour l’économie chinoise : Une nouvelle analyse par les tests de racine unitaire," Discussion Papers (REL - Recherches Economiques de Louvain) 2008025, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-François Hoarau, 2013. "Un modèle NATREX synthétique pour une petite économie «développée» ouverte contrainte sur les marchés internationaux de capitaux," Post-Print hal-01243429, HAL.
    2. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "État des lieux, menaces et perspectives futures pour le tourisme à La Réunion : un regard macroéconomique," Post-Print hal-03546567, HAL.

  30. Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau, 2008. "The purchasing power parity in Australia: evidence from unit root test with structural break," Post-Print hal-01243482, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Cuestas, Juan C. & Gil-Alana, Luís A., 2009. "Further evidence on the PPP analysis of the Australian dollar: Non-linearities, fractional integration and structural changes," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 26(6), pages 1184-1192, November.
    2. Juan Carlos Cuestas & Paulo José Regis, 2008. "Testing for PPP in Australia: Evidence from unit root test against nonlinear trend stationarity alternatives," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 3(27), pages 1-8.
    3. Mubariz Hasanov, 2014. "Testing for a unit root in the presence of a nonlinear trend: The case of Australian Reel Exchange Rate," Econometrics Letters, Bilimsel Mektuplar Organizasyonu (Scientific letters), vol. 1(1), pages 10-17.
    4. Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah & Siew-Voon Soon, 2012. "Mean reversion in bilateral real exchange rates: evidence from the Malaysian ringgit," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 44(22), pages 2921-2933, August.
    5. Yutaka Kurihara, 2009. "Is Purchasing Power Parity Hypothesis Reasonable from the View of Trade Blocks and Currency Zones?," European Research Studies Journal, European Research Studies Journal, vol. 0(3), pages 3-14.
    6. Xie, Zixiong & Chen, Shyh-Wei & Hsieh, Chun-Kuei, 2021. "Facing up to the polysemy of purchasing power parity: New international evidence," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 98(C), pages 247-265.

  31. Jean-François Hoarau & Ibrahim Ahamada & Alain Nurbel, 2008. "Multiple structural regimes in real exchange rate misalignment: the case of Australian dollar," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00272862, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Dağdeviren, Sengül & Ogus Binatli, Ayla & Sohrabji, Niloufer, 2011. "Misalignment under different exchange rate regimes: the case of Turkey," MPRA Paper 46774, University Library of Munich, Germany.

  32. Jean-François Hoarau, 2008. "Testing PPP for Central American real exchange rates. Evidence from new panel data stationary tests with structural breaks," Post-Print hal-01243481, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Venus Khim-Sen Liew & Tuck Cheong Tang, 2010. "An empirical investigation of purchasing power parity for a transition economy - Cambodia," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 30(2), pages 1025-1031.
    2. Vasilii Erokhin & Tianming Gao, 2020. "Impacts of COVID-19 on Trade and Economic Aspects of Food Security: Evidence from 45 Developing Countries," IJERPH, MDPI, vol. 17(16), pages 1-28, August.
    3. Gao Tianming & Vasilii Erokhin & Aleksandr Arskiy & Mikail Khudzhatov, 2021. "Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Maritime Connectivity? An Estimation for China and the Polar Silk Road Countries," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 13(6), pages 1-39, March.


  1. Jean-François Hoarau, 2022. "Is international tourism responsible for the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 158(2), pages 493-528, May. See citations under working paper version above.
  2. Laurent Didier & Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "Characterising Bilateral Trade between sub-Saharan Africa and China: The Specific Role of Institutional Quality," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 131(1), pages 57-88. See citations under working paper version above.
  3. Stéphane Blancard & Maximin Bonnet & Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "The influence of agriculture on the structural economic vulnerability of small island spaces: Assessment using DEA based composite indicators," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53(1), pages 79-97, January.

    Cited by:

    1. Giannis Karagiannis & Panagiotis Ravanos, 2023. "A Composite Indicator of Social Inclusion for EU based on the Inverted BoD Model," Discussion Paper Series 2023_02, Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, revised Feb 2023.

  4. Jean-François Hoarau, 2020. "Is international tourism responsible for the pandemic of COVID-19? A very preliminary assessment with a special focus on small islands," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 40(3), pages 2395-2407.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-François Hoarau, 2021. "État des lieux, menaces et perspectives futures pour le tourisme à La Réunion : un regard macroéconomique," Post-Print hal-03546567, HAL.

  5. Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau, 2020. "Les îles touristiques à la merci du changement climatique : une évaluation par un indice synthétique de vulnérabilité physique," Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 28(1), pages 69-106. See citations under working paper version above.
  6. Amélie Charles & Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau, 2019. "How resilient is La Réunion in terms of international tourism attractiveness: an assessment from unit root tests with structural breaks from 1981-2015," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 51(24), pages 2639-2653, May. See citations under working paper version above.
  7. Stéphane Blancard & Jean-François Hoarau, 2016. "Les petites économies insulaires en développement. Des territoires particulièrement vulnérables sur le plan économique ?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 67(1), pages 117-142.

    Cited by:

    1. Stéphane Blancard & Maximin Bonnet & Jean-François Hoarau, 2020. "The specific role of agriculture for economic vulnerability of small island spaces," Working Papers hal-02441237, HAL.
    2. Didier Laurent, 2022. "Preferential trade agreements: what lessons for small island economies in the Indian Ocean ? [Les accords commerciaux préférentiels : quels enseignements pour les petites économies insulaires de l’," Post-Print hal-03710061, HAL.

  8. Claire Goavec & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "Une mesure de la vulnérabilité économique structurelle pour une économie ultrapériphérique européenne : le cas de La Réunion," Géographie, économie, société, Lavoisier, vol. 17(2), pages 177-200.

    Cited by:

    1. Claire GOAVEC & Jean-François HOARAU, 2015. "Vulnérabilité Économique Structurelle Et Dépendance Touristique : Quels Enseignements Pour Les Petites Économies Insulaires En Développement," Region et Developpement, Region et Developpement, LEAD, Universite du Sud - Toulon Var, vol. 42, pages 157-188.
    2. Claire Goavec & Jean-François Hoarau, 2015. "Structural economic vulnerability and tourism dependence: new assessment for small island developing economies [Vulnérabilité économique structurelle et dépendance touristique : quels enseignements," Post-Print hal-01454720, HAL.
    3. Jean-François Hoarau, 2018. "Un état des lieux du modèle économique réunionnais hérité de la départementalisation : entre miracle et incomplétude," Post-Print hal-03546556, HAL.

  9. Fabien Candau & Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau & Serge Rey, 2014. "Real exchange rate and competitiveness of an EU's ultra-peripheral region: La Reunion Island," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 137, pages 1-21.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  10. Blancard, Stéphane & Hoarau, Jean-François, 2013. "A new sustainable human development indicator for small island developing states: A reappraisal from data envelopment analysis," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 30(C), pages 623-635. See citations under working paper version above.
  11. Hoarau, Jean-François, 2013. "Un modèle NATREX synthétique pour une petite économie « développée » ouverte contrainte sur les marchés internationaux de capitaux," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 89(4), pages 259-303, Décembre. See citations under working paper version above.
  12. Fabien Candau & Jean-François Hoarau & Serge Rey, 2012. "L’impact de la distance et de l’intégration sur le commerce d’une région ultrapériphérique d’Europe: l’île de La Réunion," The European Journal of Development Research, Palgrave Macmillan;European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), vol. 24(5), pages 808-831, December. See citations under working paper version above.
  13. Amélie Charles & Olivier Darne & Jean-François Hoarau, 2012. "Convergence of real per capita GDP within COMESA countries: A panel unit root evidence," The Annals of Regional Science, Springer;Western Regional Science Association, vol. 49(1), pages 53-71, August.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  14. Stéphane Blancard & Jean-François Hoarau, 2011. "Optimizing the new formulation of the United Nations' human development index: An empirical view from data envelopment analysis," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 31(1), pages 989-1003. See citations under working paper version above.
  15. Sabine Garabedian & Jean-François Hoarau, 2011. "Un indicateur de développement humain soutenable pour les petits espaces insulaires en développement," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Armand Colin, vol. 0(4), pages 651-680.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  16. Jean françois Hoarau & Claude Lopez & Michel Paul, 2010. "Short Note on the Unemployment Rate of the “French overseas regions”," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 30(3), pages 2321-2329.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  17. Jean-Francois Hoarau, 2010. "Does long-run purchasing power parity hold in Eastern and Southern African countries? Evidence from panel data stationary tests with multiple structural breaks," International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 15(4), pages 307-315. See citations under working paper version above.
  18. Jean-Francois Hoarau & Stephane Blancard & Philippe Jean-Pierre, 2009. "Testing for nominal convergence in the Central American area: evidence from panel data unit-root tests," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 16(11), pages 1171-1174.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  19. Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau, 2008. "La parité des pouvoirs d'achat pour l'économie chinoise : une nouvelle analyse par les tests de racine unitaire," Recherches économiques de Louvain, De Boeck Université, vol. 74(2), pages 219-236.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  20. Jean-François Hoarau, 2008. "Testing PPP for Central American real exchange rates. Evidence from new panel data stationary tests with structural breaks," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 6(21), pages 1-5. See citations under working paper version above.
  21. Jean-Francois Hoarau & Ibrahim Ahamada & Alain Nurbel, 2007. "Multiple structural regimes in real exchange rate misalignment: the case of Australian dollar," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 15(2), pages 101-104.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  22. Olivier Darne & Jean-Francois Hoarau, 2007. "The purchasing power parity in Australia: evidence from unit root test with structural break," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 15(3), pages 203-206.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  23. Olivier Darné & Jean‐François Hoarau, 2007. "Further Evidence On Mean Reversion In The Australian Exchange Rate," Bulletin of Economic Research, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 59(4), pages 383-395, October.

    Cited by:

    1. Jiranyakul, Komain & Batavia, Bala, 2009. "Does Purchasing Power Parity hold in Thailand?," MPRA Paper 47032, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    2. Chiang, Shu-Mei & Lee, Yen-Hsien & Su, Hsin-Mei & Tzou, Yi-Pin, 2010. "Efficiency tests of foreign exchange markets for four Asian Countries," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 24(3), pages 284-294, September.

  24. Jean-François Hoarau, 2006. "Les regimes monetaires en Australie, 1977-2000 : une mise en perspective a l’aide d’un indicateur de distorsion du taux de change reel," Economie Internationale, CEPII research center, issue 105, pages 85-112.

    Cited by:

    1. Fabien Candau & Michaël Goujon & Jean-François Hoarau & Serge Rey, 2013. "Real exchange rate and competitiveness of an EU’s ultra-peripheral region: La Reunion Island," Working papers of CATT hal-01847942, HAL.

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