- 06-06 Why public goods are a pedagogical bad
by Frances Woolley - 06-05 Politics, political competition and the political budget cycle in Canada, 1870 - 2000: a search across alternative fiscal instruments
by J. Stephen Ferris & Stanley L. Winer - 06-04 Just how much bigger is government in Canada?
by J. Stephen Ferris + - 06-03 Deficits, Debt Financing, Monetary Policy and Inflation in Developing Countries: Internal or External Factors? Evidence from Iran
by Amir Kia - 06-02 Control over Money and Wealth Accumulation in Canadian Families – revised version: Control over Money and the Savings Decisions of Canadian Households (with Shelley Phipps)
by Frances Woolley & Shelley Phipps - 06-01 North-South Technology Diffusion: How Important Are Trade, FDI and International Telecommunications?
by Yanling Wang
- 05-09 Political Competition and Convergence to Fundamentals: With Application to the Politcal Business Cycle and the Size of the Public Sector
by J. Stephen Ferris & Soo-Bin Park & Stanley L. Winer - 05-08 Sustainability of the Fiscal Process in Developing Countries- Egypt, Iran and Turkey: A Multicointegration Approach – revised version: Fiscal Sustainability in Emerging Countries: Evidence from Iran and Turkey
by Amir Kia - 05-07 Overnight Monetary Policy in the United States: Active or Interest-Rate Smoothing?
by Amir Kia - 05-06 Estimating a Linear Simultaneous Equation Model with Panel Data
by Soo-Bin Park - 05-05 The citation impact of Feminist Economics
by Frances Woolley - 05-04 Balancing Work and Care in the Post-Soviet Russian Labour Market
by Tatyana Teplova - 05-03 Would a Borderless North America Kill Canadian Culture?
by Vivek H. Dehejia & James W. Dean - 05-02 Developing a Market-Based Monetary Policy Transparency Index and Testing Its Impact on Risk and Volatility in the United States
by Amir Kia - 05-01 An Assessment of the Currency Board Regime in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Vivek H. Dehejia & Nadja Kamhi
- 04-19 Monopoly and Product Diversity: The Role of Retailer Countervailing Power
by Zhiqi Chen - 04-18 A Competitive Equilibrium With Product Differentiation
by Richard L. Carson - 04-17 Optimal Globalization and National Welfare
by James Dean & Vivek H. Dehejia & Elinor Johansen & Sarah Turney - 04-16 Euroizing the New Europe
by James Dean - 04-15 Deficits, Debt Financing, Monetary Policy and Inflation in Developing Countries: Internal or External Factors?
by Amir Kia - 04-14 Modern Central Banks Only Have Real Effects?
by T.K. Rymes - 04-13 Government Antismoking Campaigns: An Endogenous Yardstick Political Competition Approach
by Zhihao Yu - 04-12 Cuba's Underground Economy
by Archibald R. M. Ritter - 04-11 Canada's "Mineral Cluster:" Structure, Evolution and Functioning
by Archibald R. M. Ritter - 04-10 Mineral Sector Development and The Community: Some Canadian Experiences
by Archibald R. M. Ritter - 04-09 A Graphical Depiction of Hicksian Partial-Equilibrium Welfare Analysis
by Keir G. Armstrong - 04-08 Output and Unemployment Dynamics in Transition
by Vivek H. Dehejia & Douglas W. Dwyer - 04-07 Market-Based Monetary Policy Transparency Index, Risk and Volatility - The Case of the United States
by Amir Kia & Hilde Patron - 04-06 Politics versus Economics in the Explanation of Government – revised version: Studying the Role of Political Competition in the Evolution of Government Size over Long Horizons
by J.Stephen Ferris & Soo-Bin Park & Stanley Winer - 04-05 The North Korean Economy: Current Issues and Prospects
by Soo-Bin Park - 04-04 A Contribution to the Political Economy of Government Size: 'Demand', 'Supply' and 'Political Influence'
by George Tridimas & Stanley L. Winer - 04-03 Regulation and Taxation: Analyzing Policy Interdependence
by Walter Hettich & Stanley L. Winer - 04-02 The Effect of Foreign Capital and Imports on Economic Growth: Further Evidence from Four Asian Countries
by Kanta Marwah & Akbar Tavakoli - 04-01 Lost Productivity and Defense Burden of the Southern Cone of Latin America
by Kanta Marwah & Lawrence R. Klein
- 03-13 Modeling Money Demand under the Profit-Sharing Banking Scheme: Evidence on Policy Invariance and Long-Run Stability
by Amir Kia & Ali F. Darrat - 03-12 The Choice of Monetary/Exchange Rate Regimes: Concepts and Arguments
by Vivek H. Dehejia - 03-11 Introducing Uncertainty into Baland and Robinson's Model of Child Labour
by William Pouliot - 03-10 Exchange Rate Regimes for the 21st Century: Asia, Europe and the Americas
by James Dean - 03-09 Could Non-redeemable Money have Evolved Naturally from Commodity Money under Free Banking? – revised version: On Hayek’s Denationalization of Money, Free Banking and Inflation Targeting
by J.Stephen Ferris & J. A. Galbraith - 03-08 A New Push on An Old Fundamental: Understanding the Patterns of Outsourcing
by Zhihao Yu - 03-07 Environmental Protection: A Theory of Direct and Indirect Competition for Political Influence
by Zhihao Yu - 03-06 IT, Production Specialization, and Division of Labor: A Smith-Ricardo Model of International Trade
by Zhihao Yu - 03-05 Convention on Cultural Diversity
by Keith Acheson & Christopher Maule - 03-04 Why Take on the Tobacco Industry: the Political Economy of Government Anti-smoking Campaign
by Zhihao Yu - 03-03 An Overview of Cuba’s Economy in the 2000s: Recuperation and/or Relapse – revised version: The Cuban Economy in the Twenty-first Century: Recuperation or Relapse? The Cuban Economy
by Archibald R. M. Ritter - 03-02 Competitive Bank Monies: Reconsidering Hayek and Klein from a Transactions Perspective
by J. Stephen Ferris - 03-01 Can Technology Transfer Induce the South to Sign International Environmental Agreements? – revised version: Technology Transfer and the South’s Participation in an International Environmental Agreement
by Larry D. Qiu & Zhihao Yu
- 02-12 Trade Liberalization and Strategic Outsourcing
by Yongmin Chen & Jota Ishikawa & Zhihao Yu - 02-11 The Political Economy of Taxation: Positive and Normative Analysis when Collective Choice Matters
by Stanley L. Winer & Walter Hettich - 02-10 School Size and Youth Violence
by Ambrose Leung & J. Stephen Ferris - 02-09 Competition, Economic Profit, and Political Capture
by Richard Carson - 02-08 Why pay child benefits to Mothers?
by Frances Woolley - 02-07 Cutural Issues in Trade Agreements: multiculturalism, liberalism and the NICD initiative
by Keith Acheson & Christopher Maule - 02-06 Measuring Academic Potential: A Case for Academic Tenure and Process
by J. Stephen Ferris & Michael McKee - 02-05 Economic Organization, Distribution And The Equality Issue: The Marx-Engels Perspective
by Samuel Hollander - 02-04 Cuba: An Overview of Foreign Direct Investment
by Omar E. Perez Villanueva - 02-03 Who gets caught? Statistical discrimination in law enforcement
by Ambrose Leung & Frances Woolley & Richard E. Tremblay & Frank Vitaro - 02-02 Rhetoric and reality - the debate over trade and culture
by Christopher Maule - 02-01 Economies of Scale, School Violence, and the Optimal Size of Schools
by J. Stephen Ferris & Edwin G. West
- 01-08 Policy-induced Migration in Canada: An Empirical Study
by Kathleen M. Day & Stanley L. Winer - 01-07 Why U.S. Money does not Cause U.S. Output, but does Cause Hong Kong Output
by Gabriel Rodriguez & Nicholas Rowe - 01-06 Growth in the Real Size of Government Since 1970
by Thomas E. Borcherding & J. Stephen Ferris & Andrea Garzoni - 01-05 Dominant Retailers and the Countervailing Power Hypothesis
by Zhiqi Chen - 01-04 Price Dispersion in a Model of Identical Agents with Perfect Information
by Zhiqi Chen & Ying Kong - 01-03 Tax Systems in the World - An Empirical Investigation into the Importance of Tax Bases, Collection Costs, and Political Regime
by Lawrence W. Kenny & Stanley L. Winer - 01-02 Persistent and Transitory Shocks, Learning, and Investment Dynamics
by Bartholomew Moore & Huntley Schaller - 01-01 Property Rights in the History of Economic Thought: From Locke to J.S. Mill
by Edwin G. West
- 00-13 Cuba: from "Dollarization" to "Euro-ization" or "Peso Re-Consolidation"?
by Archibald R.M. Ritter & Nicholas Rowe - 00-12 Rules, Politics and the Normative Analysis of Taxation
by Walter Hettich & Stanley L. Winer - 00-11 Political Influence, Economic Interests and Endogenous Tax Structure in a Computable Equilibrium Framework: with Application to the United States, 1973 and 1983
by Louis Hotte & Stanley L. Winer - 00-10 Indirect Convertibility, Inflation Targeting, and Monetary Policy Rules
by J. Stephen Ferris & J.A. Galbraith - 00-09 Efficiencies Defences for Mergers within a Dominant Group
by Lin Bian & Donald G. McFetridge - 00-08 On the Cambridge Correction to the Measurement of Productivity in Manufacturing
by T.K. Rymes - 00-07 Control over Money in Marriage
by Frances Woolley - 00-06 Wage, Structure, Turnover and Working Conditions: A Public Finance Perspective
by George Warskett & Stanley L. Winer - 00-05 Education Vouchers, Dropouts, and the Peer Group Problem 1
by J. Stephen Ferris & Edwin G. West - 00-04 Earnings and Employment Probabilities of Men by Education and Birth Cohort, 1982-96: Evidence for the United States, Canada and Australia
by James Ted McDonald & Christopher Worswick - 00-03 The Proprietary Rights Initiatives in Canadian Film Distribution Policy
by Keith Acheson & Christopher J. Maule - 00-02 Absolute and Comparative Advantage, Reconsidered: The Pattern of International Trade with Optimal Saving
by Richard A. Brecher & Zhiqi Chen & Ehsan U. Choudhri - 00-01 Unemployment and Growth in the Long Run: An Efficiency-Wage Model with Optimal Savings
by R.A. Brecher & Z. Chen & E.U. Choudhri
- 99-19 Subjective Ambiguity, Expected Utility and Choquet Expected Utility
by Jiankang Zhang - 99-18 Subjective Probabilities on Subjectively Unambiguous Events
by Larry G. Epstein & Jiankang Zhang - 99-17 Are the Effects of Monetary Policy Asymmetric?
by René Garcia & Huntley Schaller - 99-16 A Restricted-Domain Multilateral Test Approach to the Theory of International Comparisons(revised and extended version of CEP 96-03)
by Keir G. Armstrong - 99-15 Macroeconomic Stabilisation: Fixed Exchange Rates vs Inflation Targeting vs Price Level Targeting
by Vivek H. Dehejia & Nicholas Rowe - 99-14 Import Competition and Market Power: Canadian Evidence
by Aileen J. Thompson - 99-13 A Cournot-Nash Model of Family Decision Making
by Zhiqi Chen & Frances Woolley - 99-12 On The Cost and Benefits of Product Differentiation Old title: On the Welfare Effects of Monopolistic Competition with Quality Variation – revised version: On Equilibrium in Monopolistic Competition
by Richard L. Carson - 99-11 Searching for Ghosts: Who Are the Nonfilers nd How Much Tax Do They Owe?
by Brian Erard & Chih-Chin Ho - 99-10 Environmental Resource Valuation: Some Problems Of Specification And Identification
by Michael Burns - 99-09 Effect of monetary policy on productivity in Canada
by T.K. Rymes - 99-08 A Theory of Inernational Strategic Alliance
by Z. Chen - 99-07 Real Effects of Collapsing Exchange Rate Regimes: An Application to Mexico
by Patrick N. Osakwe & Lawrence L. Schembri - 99-06 Searching for Keynes
by J.Stephen Ferris & Stanley L. Winer - 99-05 On Hollander’s and Keynes’s `Canonical’ Interpretations of Malthus
by T.K. Rymes - 99-04 The Tax Regime for Micro-Enterprise in Cuba
by Archibald R. M. Ritter & J.A.Turvey - 99-03 A Test of The Market Efficiency Hypothesis with An Application to Canadian Treasury Bill Yields
by Soo-Bin Park - 99-02 Productivity Performance and International Competitiveness: A New Test of an Old Theory
by Ehsan U. Choudhri & Lawrence L. Schembri - 99-01 Private Versus Collectivized Charity: Further Explorations Of The Crowding Out Debate
by Edwin G. West & J. Stephen Ferris
- 98-03 Coordination Failures and Government Policy: Evidence from Emerging Countries
by J. Stephen Ferris & Kishore Gawande - 98-02 Selective Versus Universal Vouchers: Modelling Median Voter Preferences in Education
by Z. Chen & Edwin G. West - 98-01 On 'Money' in ISLM and AD/AS Models
by T.K. Rymes & Colin Rogers
- 97-06 Cointegration and Market Efficiency: An Application to the Canadian Treasury Bill Market
by Park, S.B. - 97-05 New Monetary Economics: Revisiting Indirect Converibility and Monetary Separation
by Ferris, S. & Galbraith, J. - 97-04 John Rae: Captial and Growth Theory
by T.K. Rymes - 97-03 What Impact does the Choice of Formula have on International Comparisons?
by Keir G. Armstrong - 97-02 Can Standards Immiserize?
by Vivek H. Dehejia
- 97-01 Cross Boarder Shopping and the Provision of Government Services
by J. Stephen Ferris - 96-06 Integration of the Mortgage and Capital Markets in Canada: A Cointegration Analysis
by Soo-Bin Park - 96-05 The Efficiency Case of Universality
by Nicholas Rowe & Frances Woolley - 96-04 Capital Inflow and Economic Growth
by Kanta Marwah & Lawrence Klein - 96-03 A Restricted-Domain Multilateral Test Approach to the Theory of International Comparisons
by Keir Armstrong - 96-02 The Effect of Business Cycles On Growth
by Nicholas Rowe & Dehjia, V-H
- 95-13 Business Fixed Investment and "Bubbles": the Japanese Case
by Huntley Schaller & Robert S. Chirinko - 95-12 A Theory of Tenure for the Teaching University
by Zhiqi Chen & J. Stephen Ferris - 95-11 Keynes' Monetary Theory of Value and Modern Banking
by T.K. Rymes & Colin Rogers - 95-10 Autonomous and Accountable
by T.K. Rymes - 95-09 Adam Smith on the Cultural Effects of Specialization: Splenetics Versus Economics
by Edwin G. West - 95-08 Will Gradualism Work When Shock Therapy Doesn't?
by Vivek H. Dehejia - 95-07 Adoption of New Technology by a Lagging Country: Leapfrogging or No Leapfrogging
by Zhiqi Chen - 95-06 Stock Market Evaluations of a European Monetary Union
by Aileen Thompson & Filip Abraham - 95-05 Shifts in the Multilateral Trade Structure of Canada and India: Market Shares, Trade Entropy and Growth
by Kanata Marwah - 95-04 What Are some Prospects for India's Joining the Asian Growth Process?
by Kanta Marwah & Lawrence Klein - 95-03 The Possibility of Expanding Asia-Pacific Economic Integration
by Kanta Marwah & Lawrence Klein - 95-02 Who Paid the Taxes in Canada, 1951-1988
by Irwin W. Gillespie & Frank Vermaeten & Arndt Vermaeten - 95-01 Trade Liberalization and Sectoral Productivity Growth: Some Evidence for Canada and the United States
by Richard A. Brecher & Eshan Choudhri & Lawrence Schembri
- 94-06 Liberalizing Multinational Investment: The Stolper-Samuelson Question Revisited
by Richard A. Brecher & Ehsan U. Choudhri - 94-05 Ending Universality: The Case of Child Benefits
by Frances Woolley & Judith Marshall & Arndt Vermaeten - 94-04 On the Coyne-Rasminsky Directive and Responsibility for Monetary Policy in Canada
by T.K. Rymes - 94-03 Lessons from East Asia for Economies in Transition: The Korean Example
by Carl McMillan & Soo-Bin Park - 94-02 Trends and Recent Developments in the Korean Economy
by Soo-bin Park - 94-01 Acquisitions and Investment
by Brian Erard & Huntley Schaller
- 93-12 Desired Bank Reserves in the Absence of legal Reserve Requirements
by J. A. Galbraith - 93-11 Investment, Taxes, and the Cost of Capital: An Euler Equation Specification Test
by Huntley Schaller - 93-10 Investments Under Uncertainty and Irreversibility
by Huntley Schaller & Fanny Demers & Michel Demers - 93-09 Production-Based Asset Pricing Models and Finance Constraints
by Huntley Schaller - 93-08 Bubbles, Fundamentals, and Investment: A Multiple Equation Testing Strategy
by Huntley Schaller & Robert Chirinko - 93-07 The Risky Spread, Investment, and Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence on the Role of Asymmetric Information
by Huntley Schaller & Serena Ng - 93-06 Honesty and Evasion in the Tax Compliance Game
by Brian Erard & Jonathan Feinstein - 93-05 On the Nature Equilibrium with "Buyer's Markets"
by Richard L. Carson - 93-04 A Panel Data Test for Mean Reversion Using Randomization
by Huntley Schaller & Vijay Jog - 93-03 Finance Constraints and Asset Pricing: Evidence on Mean Reversion
by Huntley Schaller & Vijay Jog - 93-02 Measuring the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy: Considerations from an Institutional Perspective
by Stephen Ferris - 93-01 Changes in the Real Size of Government. U.S. Experience 1948-1989
by J. Stephen Ferris & Edwin G. West
- 92-10 Divided Taxation and Equity Value: A Note on the Canadian Tax Changes of 1986
by Kenneth McKenzie & Aileen Thompson - 92-08 Some Empirical Support for the Heckscher-Ohlin Model of Production
by Richard Brecher & Eshan Choudhri - 92-07 Measuring Inequality within the Household
by Frances Woolley & Judith Marshall - 92-06 Federalism and the Growth of Government Revisited
by Edwin West - 92-05 The Benthamites as Educational Engineers: the Reputation and the Record
by Edwin West - 92-02 Some Theoretical Problems in Accounting for Sustainnable Consumption
by T.K. Rymes. - 92-01 The Laffer Curve, Precautionary Taxation, and Paying Down the National Debt
by Vivek H. Dehejia & Nicholas Rowe
- 91-16 Pareto Gains from Trade, Reconsidered: Compensating for Job Lost
by Richard Brecher & Eshan Choudhri - 91-15 Saving Under Uncertainty : A Bivariate Non-Expected Utility Approach
by Fanny Demers & Michel Demers - 91-14 A Note on the "Monetary Overhang" and Its Relation to Shortages and to Welrasian Excess Demand in a Soviet-Type Economy
by Richard Carson - 91-13 The Fiminist Challenge to Neoclassical. EconomiesClassification-JEL: B4, D1, J7
by Frances Woolley - 91-12 The Policy Significance of the Founding of the Bank of Canada
by Robin Neill - 91-11 The Existence and Economic Interpretation of Mean Reversion: Evidence from Panel Data
by Vijay Jog & Huntley Schaller - 91-10 Economic Efficiency, Political Institutions and Policy Analysis
by Walter Hettich & Stanely Winer - 91-09 Revisit to Supplementary Unemployment Benefits (SUBS) - An Analysis of Canadian Experience
by Caswell Johnson & Kempster, A. - 91-08 Bargaining Power and the Strike Decision
by Caswell L. Johnson - 91-07 Price Margins and Capital Adjustment: Canadian Mill Products and Pulp and Paper Industries
by Jeffery Bernstein - 91-06 The Wald and LM Tests for Structural Change in aLinear Simultaneous Equation Model
by Soo-Bin Park - 91-05 Secular Cost Changes and the Size of Government : Towards a generalized Theory
by Edwin G. West - 91-04 Multivariate Risk Aversion and Uninsurable Risks: Theory and Applications
by Fanny Demers & Michel Demers - 91-03 Increases in Risk and the Optimal Deductible
by Fanny Demers & Michel Demers - 91-02 Sex-Specific Voluntary Annuity Plans
by Simon Power & P.G.C. Townley - 91-01 Specification and robustness of a Public Sector, Voluntary, Life-insurred Annuity Plan
by Simon Power & P.G.C.Townley
- 90-07 Econometric Aspects of the Variance-Bound Tests: A Survey
by C. Gilles & S.F. Leroy - 90-06 The Arbitrage Pricing Theory: A Geometric Interpretation
by C. Gilles & S.F. Leroy - 90-05 Incurable Unemployment in a Minimum-wage Model of an Open Economy
by Richard Brecher - 90-04 Development Strategy and Structural Adjustment in Chile, 1973-1990
by Arch Ritter - 90-03 The Cuban Economy in the 1990'S: External Challenges and Policy Imperatives
by Arch Ritter - 90-02 The Economics of Regulated Early Closing Hours: Some Evidence From Ontario
by J. Stephen Ferris - 90-01 Public Education Via Exclusive Territories
by Edwin West
- 89-09 On the Arbitrage Pricing Theory
by C. Gilles & S.F. Leroy - 89-08 Corporatist and Decentralised Labour Unions in a Macroeconomic Model With Monopolistic Firms
by Nick Rowe - 89-07 Exchange Rates, Relative Prices and Some Fundamentals
by Kanta Marwah - 89-06 An Efficiency-Wage Model of Unemployment in an Open Economy
by Richard Brecher - 89-05 Bublles and Charges
by C. Gilles & S.F. Leroy - 89-04 Does Irving Fisher's Data Support The Fisher Effect?
by R. Geehan & J.F. Mccollum - 89-03 Mathematical Economics and Soviet Planning
by A. Belykh - 89-02 Productivity Change in the Non-Agricultural Economy of Kenya, 1964-1987
by Arch Ritter - 89-01 Basic Issues in the Positive Political Economy of Income Taxation
by Walter Hettich & Stanley Winer
- 88-06 The Empirical Validity and Relevance of Purchasing Power Parity in the Managed Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee
by Kanta Marwah - 88-05 Nonparametric Density Estimation of Response Surfaces
by Simon Power - 88-04 Cuba's Convertible Currency Debt Problem 1980-1988
by Arch Ritter - 88-03 Non-Uniform Pricing: An Alternative Approach
by Michael E. Burns - 88-02 Self Selection and Administration Cost in the Formation of Tax Structure
by George Warskett & Stanley L. Winer & Walter Hettich - 88-01 The Tracks of the Managed Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee with Monetary Shocks and External Distrubances
by Kanta Marwah & Halldor P. Palsson
- 96-01 Microeconomic Foundations for the Theory of International Comparisons
by Keir Armstrong - 92-09 The J-Curve and the Indian Trade Balanace: A Quantitative Perspective
by kanta Marwah - 92-04 Taxing the Family; Lump-Sum Transfers and Optimal Linear Income Taxes
by Frances Woolley - 92-03 The Bank of Canada Should Peg the TSE-300
by Nicholas Rowe - 19-10 Visualizing Energy Efficiency: A Picture is Worth More Than 1,022 Words
by Maya Papineau & Nicholas Rivers - 19-09 What Drives Inventory Accumulation? News on Rates of Return and Marginal Costs
by Christoph Görtz & Christopher Gunn & Thomas Lubik