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RePEc-registered Economists in International Trade on Twitter

This page indexes registered economists that are also on Twitter and is updated daily. Economists are also listed by field or country. Each listing has a link to a co-called Twitter list, which allows to follow them all.

How to get listed


  1. Be registered with the RePEc Author Service.
  2. Have been registered for a least a day.
  3. Have a main field in International Trade

How to be listed

Add your Twitter handle in your profile on the RePEc Author Service (in the contact page), or (and this may not work due to current Twitter volatility):
  1. Send a tweet to @repec_signup with your RePEc Short-ID. This identifier is of the form pxxnnnn, where xx are two letters and nnnn are up to four numbers. The RePEc Short-ID is found when you log into your account at the RePEc Author Service or on your profile page at EconPapers and IDEAS.

    A sample tweet would be: @repec_signup pxx123

  2. Receive a confirmation email (sent to the address used for the last monthly message from RePEc) within ten minutes.
  3. Click on the link provided in the email.

You are then listed here after the daily refresh. Your Twitter account will then also be listed on your IDEAS profile. Alternatively to the procedure above, look up your monthly RePEc email, click on the ranking analysis link, and there find a link to Twitter that auto-fills the tweet for you.

How the procedure could fail

(You have not received an email within 10 minutes).
  • Your tweets are protected. "Unprotect" before sending the tweet, and protect again after you have received the email.
  • You did not send the tweet to @repec_signup.
  • You have a typo in your RePEc Short-ID.
  • You have registered with RePEc within this month. Try again next month.
  • Twitter does something crazy again.
Note that you can also get on the Mastodon listing. You can easily do both Twitter and Mastodon registrations in one go in your RePEc Author Service profile (under "contacts").

Further listings and links

There are 259 economists on this list. Learn about new papers in this field through NEP-INT (Email or RSS). All registered authors in this field.

Adekunle, Ibrahim Ayoade Alam, Md. Mahmudul Antras, Pol
Afonso, Antonio Andersson, Martin Auer, Raphael Anton
Aksoy, Cevat Giray Antonietti, Roberto Autor, David
Backes-Gellner, Uschi Bekes, Gabor Bhaumik, Sumon K.
Backhaus, Andreas Benassy-Quere, Agnes Boehm, Johannes
Bahar, Dany Benetrix, Agustin S. Boubtane, Ekrame
Baier, Scott L. Benigno, Gianluca D. Bougette, Patrice
Baldwin, Richard Edward Bent, Peter H. Bouoiyour, Jamal
Barbero, Javier Bergeaud, Antonin Bricongne, Jean-Charles
Batista, Catia Bergeijk, Peter A.G. van Brulhart, Marius
Baum, Christopher F Berthou, Antoine Buehler, Mathias
Becker, Sascha O. Besedes, Tibor Bulime, Enock Will Nsubuga
Cabral, Sonia Cernat, Lucian Clemens, Michael A.
Caldarola, Bernardo Cezar, Rafael Cogliano, Jonathan F.
Camino-Mogro, Segundo Chien, Jing-Woei Constant, Amelie F.
Campbell, Douglas L. Chinn, Menzie Conteduca, Francesco Paolo
Campos, Nauro F. Ciccarelli, Carlo Crowley, Meredith Allison
Candau, Fabien Cieslik, Andrzej Cruz Hidalgo, Esteban
Caruso, Raul Clausing, Kimberly A.
Damijan, Joze P. de Rassenfosse, Gaetan Di Pace, Federico
Das, Gouranga Gopal DeRemer, David R. Dougherty, Sean M.
David, Anda Mariana Desmet, Klaus Drechsel, Thomas
Davies, Ronald Diaz-Lanchas, Jorge Dreher, Axel
de Lucio, Juan Dingel, Jonathan Ivan Dutta, Sourish
Elliott, Robert J R Eppinger, Peter S. Eyquem, Aurelien
Elsner, Benjamin Escamilla-Guerrero, David
Fadinger, Harald Fedoseeva, Svetlana Frankel, Jeffrey Alexander
Fagiolo, Giorgio Felbermayr, Gabriel J Frattini, Tommaso
Farrokhi, Farid Fetzer, Thiemo Friesenbichler, Klaus Sylvester
Farzanegan, Mohammad Reza Florez Mendoza, Javier
Fasani, Francesco Francois, Manon
Gaigne, Carl Ghodsi, Mahdi Groen, Jan J. J.
Galiani, Sebastian Giammetti, Raffaele Gruebler, Julia
Ganapati, Sharat Gigout, Timothee Gupta, Krisna
Garcia-Marin, Alvaro F. Giuntella, Osea Guriev, Sergei
Garofalo, Marco Goes, Carlos Gutmann, Jerg
Gaulier, Guillaume Gopinath, Gita Guzi, Martin
Gautier, Erwan Gouel, Christophe
Ghironi, Fabio Grazzi, Marco
Haidar, Jamal Ibrahim Heimberger, Philipp Hoen, Maria Forthun
Halliday, Timothy J. Hidalgo, Cesar A. Holzner, Mario
Hausmann, Ricardo Himics, Mihaly Hornung, Erik
Head, Keith Hinz, Julian Hur, Sewon
Heid, Benedikt Sebastian Hirsch, Cornelius
Iliopoulos, Panagiotis
Jaeger, David A. Jansky, Petr Joyez, Charlie Marius
Karaboğa, Hasan Kirdar, Murat Koren, Miklos
Kato, Hayato Kodila-Tedika, Oasis Krieger, Tim
Kehoe, Timothy J. Kohn, David Kugler, Maurice David
Leibovici, Fernando Llull, Joan Lopez Acevedo, Gladys Cristina
Lezama, Guillermo Loeschel, Andreas Lopez Gonzalez, Javier
Lippoldt, Douglas C. Lonsky, Jakub López Rago, Ricardo A.
Lisack, Noemie Loof, Hans
Machado, Joel Mattes, Anselm Millimet, Daniel L.
Manelici, Isabela Maurer, Stephan Ernst Minondo, Asier
Marouani, Mohamed Ali Mayo, Angie Mondragon Miroudot, Sebastien
Martin, Philippe McKenzie, David Mirza, Daniel
Martinez, Tomas R. Meissner, Christopher M. Mizen, Paul David
Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada Mejean, Isabelle Jeanne Muhammad, Andrew
Martins, Pedro S. Meschi, Elena
Marvasi, Enrico Miguelez, Ernest
Nagengast, Arne J. Nistico, Roberto Noland, Marcus
Naito, Takumi Nith, Kosal Nunn, Nathan
Napoletano, Mauro Nitsch, Volker
Oberhofer, Harald O'Rourke, Kevin Osorio Rodarte, Israel
Ofori, Pamela Efua Osbat, Chiara Ouedraogo, Idrissa
Panagiotidis, Theodore Paunov, Caroline Pierola, Martha Denisse
Paniagua, Jordi Peichl, Andreas Portes, Jonathan
Papadia, Andrea Penaloza-Pacheco, Leonardo Presbitero, Andrea Filippo
Patnaik, Ila Persson, Maria
Patunru, Arianto A. Pica, Giovanni
Quast, Bastiaan Alexander
Rabellotti, Roberta Ricchiuti, Giorgio Rosas, Jose Nicolas
Redding, Stephen James Riezman, Raymond G. Rosendahl, Knut Einar
Reed, W. Robert Rodriguez-Pose, Andres Roventini, Andrea
Reinstaller, Andreas Rodrik, Dani
Reyes, Jose-Daniel Roesner, Anja
Sanfilippo, Marco Shepotylo, Oleksandr Steinhardt, Max Friedrich
Santacreu, Ana Maria Siddig, Khalid Steinwachs, Thomas
Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano Siddiqui, Rizwana Suedekum, Jens
Santi, Filippo Sintos, Andreas Sum, Dek Joe
Sayre, James Edward Siroen, Jean Marc Sundaram, Asha
Sedrakyan, Gohar Smolka, Marcel Buus Suwanprasert, Wisarut
Severgnini, Battista Spadavecchia, Lorenzo
Sharp, Paul Richard Steingress, Walter
Tamarit, Cecilio Tang, Heiwai Tang, John P.
Van Campenhout, Bjorn Vezina, Pierre-Louis Vittucci Marzetti, Giuseppe
Velasquez, Andrea Vicard, Vincent Voss, Simon
Vespignani, Joaquin Vicquery, Roger Henry
Wacker, Konstantin M. Wagner, Rodrigo Andres Werning, Ivan
Wagle, Swarnim Waldkirch, Andreas Wolff, Guntram
Yalew, Amsalu Woldie Yilmazkuday, Hakan Yotov, Yoto V.
Zaki, Chahir Zimmermann, Klaus F. Zucman, Gabriel
Ziesemer, Thomas H.W. Zissimos, Benjamin C.
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