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RePEc-registered Economists in Business Economics on Twitter

This page indexes registered economists that are also on Twitter and is updated daily. Economists are also listed by field or country. Each listing has a link to a co-called Twitter list, which allows to follow them all.

How to get listed


  1. Be registered with the RePEc Author Service.
  2. Have been registered for a least a day.
  3. Have a main field in Business Economics

How to be listed

Add your Twitter handle in your profile on the RePEc Author Service (in the contact page).

You are then listed here after the daily refresh. Your Twitter account will then also be listed on your IDEAS profile.

Note that you can also get on the Mastodon or Bluesky listings. You can easily do both Twitter, Mastodon, and Bluesky registrations in one go in your RePEc Author Service profile (under "contacts").

Further listings and links

There are 138 economists on this list. Learn about new papers in this field through NEP-BEC (Email, RSS, Mastodon, or Bluesky). All registered authors in this field.

Aiello, Francesco Antonietti, Roberto Arellano-Bover, Jaime
Andersson, Martin Antras, Pol Autor, David
Bachmann, Ruediger Bayer, Christian Boeckerman, Petri
Backes-Gellner, Uschi Bekes, Gabor Boehm, Johannes
Backus, David Bergeaud, Antonin Boldrin, Michele
Baldwin, Richard Edward Berka, Martin Bourles, Renaud
Baltrunaite, Audinga Berthou, Antoine Brynjolfsson, Erik
Bassanini, Andrea Bhaumik, Sumon K. Bryson, Alex
Baum, Christopher F Blundell, Richard Buhai, Ioan Sebastian
Camacho, Maximo Cette, Gilbert Crifo, Patricia
Canales, Mario Chari, Anusha Crowley, Meredith Allison
Carreira, Carlos Chen-Zion, Ayal
Dai, Miao Demirguc-Kunt, Asli Dostie, Benoit
Decker, Ryan A. Diebold, Francis X. Dovern, Jonas
Degryse, Hans Do, Quoc-Anh Dur, Robert
Ederer, Florian Eppinger, Peter S. Epure, Mircea
Fadinger, Harald Felbermayr, Gabriel J Frimmel, Wolfgang
Fagiolo, Giorgio Foster, Lucia Smith Fritsch, Michael
Gabaix, Xavier Giannetti, Mariassunta Grassi, Basile
Gaigne, Carl Gigout, Timothee Grazzi, Marco
Garicano, Luis Ginja, Rita Guvenen, Fatih
Gaulier, Guillaume Gnocato, Nicolo
Gautier, Erwan Gourio, Francois
Haskel, Jonathan E. Hennig, Jan-Luca Huber, Peter
Heathcote, Jonathan Hijzen, Alexander Hur, Sewon
Hennicke, Moritz Hoelzl, Werner
Jarmin, Ron S. Jolevski, Filip Joyez, Charlie Marius
Kehoe, Timothy J. Krafft, Jackie Kuhnen, Camelia Mariana
Klimek, Shawn D Krueger, Alan B.
Langenmayr, Dominika Irma Leibovici, Fernando
Lecat, Remy Loof, Hans
Macis, Mario Martins, Pedro S. Millard, Stephen
Magerman, Glenn McKenzie, David Mittal, Amit
Maliranta, Mika Mejean, Isabelle Jeanne Mizen, Paul David
Marini, Marco A. Messina, Julian Mulier, Klaas
Martin, Philippe Milakovic, Mishael
Napoletano, Mauro
Oberhofer, Harald Ourens, Guzman
Panagiotidis, Theodore Pesaran, Mohammad Hashem Prinz, Daniel
Parker, Miles Ian Pierola, Martha Denisse
Paunov, Caroline Portier, Franck
Rasul, Imran Rodriguez-Pose, Andres Roventini, Andrea
Reggiani, Carlo Rogoff, Kenneth S
Restuccia, Diego Rossi, Lorenza
Sadun, Raffaella Smolka, Marcel Buus Suedekum, Jens
Santarelli, Enrico Stam, Erik
Shin, Hyun Song Steingress, Walter
Tag, Joacim Tang, Heiwai
Talavera, Oleksandr Thommen, Yann
van Rens, Thijs Vicard, Vincent Vlachos, Jonas
Walsh, Patrick Paul Winner, Hannes
Webber, Douglas Wolfers, Justin
Yamazaki, Akio Yilmaz, Kamil
Zingales, Luigi
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