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by members of

Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE)
Université Grenoble Alpes
Grenoble, France

(Institute of Business Administration, Alps University of Grenoble)

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. Find also a compilation of publications from alumni here.

This page is updated in the first days of each month.

| Working papers | Journal articles |

Working papers


  1. Caroline Tarillon & Han Yu & Ludivine Adla & Elodie Manthé & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2023. "Similarity is not everything: the influence of personal characteristics of entrepreneurs and investors on their fit," Post-Print hal-04016359, HAL.
  2. Geoffroy Enjolras & Yann Desjeux & Philippe Jeanneaux & Laure Latruffe, 2023. "Determining farm value: A survey of French practices [Déterminer la valeur des exploitations agricoles : une enquête sur les pratiques françaises]," Post-Print hal-04152201, HAL.
  3. Laure Latruffe & Yann Desjeux & Geoffroy Enjolras & Philippe Jeanneaux, 2023. "Methoden zur Bewertung von landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben [Methods for Farm Valuation]," Post-Print hal-04155663, HAL.
  4. Geoffroy Enjolras & Magali Aubert, 2023. "Assessing the impact of sustainable practices and alternative food networks on agronomic performance: the case of French greenhouse tomato producers," Post-Print hal-04212688, HAL.
  5. Geoffroy Enjolras & Magali Aubert, 2023. "Pesticide-free or IPM: which ways greenhouse tomato growers choose to reduce pesticide use?," Post-Print hal-04212694, HAL.
  6. Pierre Chollet & Geoffroy Enjolras & Iciar Pavez & Louis-Antoine Saïsset, 2023. "Sustainability performance of agricultural cooperatives: A systematic literature review," Post-Print hal-04428994, HAL.


  1. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2022. "Intensive and extensive impacts of EU subsidies on pesticide expenditures at the farm level," Post-Print hal-03331693, HAL.
  2. Magali Aubert & Laurent Parrot & Paula Fernandès Ce & Eric Roux & Jean-Pierre Devin & Geoffroy Enjolras & Isabelle Jean-Baptiste, 2022. "When formal and informal networks promote agroecology: a case study of Martinique Island," Post-Print hal-03727778, HAL.
  3. Philippe Jeanneaux & Yann Desjeux & Geoffroy Enjolras & Laure Latruffe, 2022. "Farm valuation: A comparison of methods for French farms," Post-Print hal-03770125, HAL.
  4. Khalil Al Ayoubi & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2022. "Does disinvestment from fossil fuels reduce the financial performance of responsible sovereign wealth funds?," Post-Print hal-03982863, HAL.
  5. Caroline Tarillon & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2022. "Les enjeux de la notation des start-up en phase d’amorçage," Post-Print hal-03982876, HAL.


  1. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2021. "Caractérisation de la situation financière des exploitations viticoles françaises," Post-Print hal-03142518, HAL.
  2. Élise Alfieri & Geoffroy Enjolras & Radu Burlacu, 2021. "La blockchain, un outil innovant au service du financement des entreprises," Post-Print hal-03364927, HAL.
  3. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2021. "The dynamics of direct selling for wine-growing farms," Post-Print hal-03380304, HAL.
  4. Geoffroy Enjolras & Magali Aubert, 2021. "Evaluating the impact of sustainable practices and alternative food networks on agronomic performance: the case of French greenhouse tomato producers," Post-Print hal-03477621, HAL.
  5. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras & Zouhair Bouhsina, 2021. "Marketing channels and organic certification in the French fruit sector [Circuits de commercialisation et certification biologique dans le secteur français des fruits]," Post-Print hal-03514499, HAL.
  6. Magali Aubert & Zouhair Bouhsina & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2021. "How does the choice of a marketing channel influence the adoption of organic farming? An analysis of the French fruit production," Post-Print hal-03982881, HAL.
  7. Khalil Al Ayoubi & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2021. "How Norway’s sovereign wealth fund negative screening affects firms’ value and behaviour," Post-Print hal-03982960, HAL.
  8. Geoffroy Enjolras & Gilles Sanfilippo & Michał Soliwoda, 2021. "What determines the capital structure of farms? Empirical evidence from Poland," Post-Print hal-03982970, HAL.


  1. Bousebata, Meryem & Enjolras, Geoffroy & Girard, Stéphane, 2020. "The dependence structure between yields and prices: A copula-based model of French farm income," 2020 Annual Meeting, July 26-28, Kansas City, Missouri 304313, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
  2. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2020. "Characterizing the financial situation of French winegrowing operations," Post-Print hal-03116366, HAL.
  3. Niklas Möhring & Tobias Dalhaus & Geoffroy Enjolras & Robert Finger, 2020. "Crop insurance and pesticide use in European agriculture," Post-Print hal-03982974, HAL.
  4. Geoffroy Enjolras & Philippe Madiès, 2020. "The role of bank analysts and scores in the prediction of financial distress: Evidence from French farms," Post-Print hal-03982982, HAL.


  1. Magali Aubert & Laurent Parrot & Eric Roux & Lucile Vantard & Paula Fernandes & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2019. "Formal and informal networks at the heart of the pesticide reduction process," Post-Print hal-02582095, HAL.
  2. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2019. "The influence of the farmer and his family on the adoption of short food supply chains," Post-Print hal-02790096, HAL.
  3. Élise Alfieri & Radu Burlacu & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2019. "Was the 2017 Crash of the Crypto-currency Market Predictable?," Post-Print hal-02952123, HAL.


  1. Enjolras, G. & Sanfilippo, G., 2018. "The role of debt in financing French farm investments," 2018 Conference, July 28-August 2, 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia 277006, International Association of Agricultural Economists.
  2. Aubert, M. & Enjolras, G., 2018. "Are EU subsidies a springboard to the reduction of pesticide use?," 2018 Conference, July 28-August 2, 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia 277228, International Association of Agricultural Economists.
  3. Aubert, M. & Enjolras, G., 2018. "Does crop insurance lead to better environmental practices? Evidence from French farms," 2018 Conference, July 28-August 2, 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia 277242, International Association of Agricultural Economists.
  4. Geoffroy Enjolras & Magali Aubert, 2018. "Short food supply chains and the issue of sustainability: a case study of French fruit producers," Post-Print hal-01986357, HAL.
  5. Geoffroy Enjolras & Magali Aubert, 2018. "Est-ce que l’assurance récolte amène à une meilleure situation financière ? Retour d’expériences des exploitations françaises," Post-Print hal-02048339, HAL.


  1. Enjolras, Geoffroy & Madiès, Philippe, 2017. "The determinants of financial distress in French farms: Analysts versus Algorithms," 2017 Annual Meeting, July 30-August 1, Chicago, Illinois 259168, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
  2. Enjolras, Geoffroy & Madiès, Philippe, 2017. "The determinants of loan acceptance: A case study of French farms," 2017 Annual Meeting, July 30-August 1, Chicago, Illinois 259169, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
  3. Enjolras, Geoffroy & Aubert, Magali, 2017. "Which incentives for direct selling? An analysis of French farms," 2017 International Congress, August 28-September 1, 2017, Parma, Italy 261432, European Association of Agricultural Economists.
  4. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2017. "Which Incentives for Direct Selling?," Post-Print hal-01685408, HAL.
  5. Élise Alfieri & Radu Burlacu & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2017. "On the nature and the financial performance of Bitcoin," Post-Print hal-01960475, HAL.


  1. Aubert, Magali & Enjolras, Geoffroy, 2016. "Which stability for marketing channels? The case of short food supply chains in French agriculture," 149th Seminar, October 27-28, 2016, Rennes, France 244895, European Association of Agricultural Economists.
  2. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2016. "Do short food supply chains go hand in hand with environment-friendly practices ? An analysis of French farms," Post-Print hal-01338620, HAL.
  3. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras & Zouhair Bouhsina, 2016. "How does the choice of a marketing channel influence the adoption of organic farming ?," Post-Print hal-01419767, HAL.
  4. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2016. "Analyse financière des exploitations fruitières et maraîchères françaises qui vendent au détail," Post-Print hal-01424784, HAL.
  5. Hervé Cheillan & Geoffroy Enjolras & Gilles Guieu, 2016. "Performance of Product-Oriented Bop StrategiesAn Analysis by the Case Survey Method [Eficiencia de las estrategias ‘base de la pirámide’ orientadassobre los productos Un análisis por el método de s," Post-Print hal-01477872, HAL.
  6. Antonella Pontrandolfi & Geoffroy Enjolras & Fabian Capitanio, 2016. "Analysis of Factors Used by Farmers to Manage Risk : A Case Study on Italian Farms," Post-Print hal-01987875, HAL.
  7. Geoffroy Enjolras & Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, 2016. "An innovation in risk management in the French agriculture: a baseline crop insurance [Un nuovo strumento di gestione dei rischi nel settore agricolo francese: l'assicurazione di base delle colture," Post-Print hal-02014288, HAL.
  8. Robert Finger & Niklas Möhring & Tobias Dalhaus & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2016. "The Effects of Crop Insurance on Pesticide Use," Post-Print hal-02048251, HAL.


  1. Aubert, Magali & Enjolras, Geoffroy, 2015. "Are short food supply chains a solution for farms facing financial difficulties?," 2015 Conference, August 9-14, 2015, Milan, Italy 211622, International Association of Agricultural Economists.
  2. Aubert, Magali & Enjolras, Geoffroy, 2015. "Do short food supply chains go hand in hand with environment-friendly practices?," 2015 Conference, August 9-14, 2015, Milan, Italy 211623, International Association of Agricultural Economists.
  3. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2015. "Stabilité ou instabilité des stratégies commerciales ? Le cas des circuits courts dans l'agriculture française," Post-Print hal-01296421, HAL.
  4. Geoffroy Enjolras & Mathieu Gatumel & Philippe Madiès & Ollivier Taramasco, 2015. "La couverture des catastrophes naturelles et nucléaires : une source d’inspiration pour l’assurance des dépôts bancaires," Post-Print hal-01986348, HAL.
  5. Geoffroy Enjolras & Magali Aubert, 2015. "Which relationship between financial distress and marketing channels? An analysis of French farms," Post-Print hal-02047885, HAL.
  6. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2015. "Les circuits courts au cœur des enjeux de la durabilité en agriculture : le cas des exploitations arboricoles françaises," Post-Print hal-02744324, HAL.


  1. Geoffroy Enjolras & Magali Aubert, 2014. "Le mode de commercialisation est-il une échappatoire pour les exploitations en difficulté financière ?," Post-Print hal-02047868, HAL.
  2. Geoffroy Enjolras & Magali Aubert, 2014. "Organization tools to manage risk at the farm level," Post-Print hal-02047875, HAL.
  3. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2014. "Between the approved and the actual dose: a diagnosis of pesticide overdosing in French vineyards [Entre dose homologuée et dose réellement appliquée : un diagnostic des exploitations viticoles fra," Post-Print hal-02631015, HAL.
  4. G. Enjolras & M. Aubert, 2014. "The Determinants of Chemical Input Use in Agriculture: A Dynamic Analysis of the Wine Grape–Growing Sector in France," Post-Print halshs-01026299, HAL.


  1. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2013. "Entre dose homologuée et dose réellement appliquée : diagnostic des exploitations viticoles françaises," Post-Print hal-02642450, HAL.
  2. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2013. "Quelles incitations pour la vente au détail ? Une analyse économique et financière des exploitations agricoles françaises," Post-Print hal-02750392, HAL.


  1. Enjolras, Geoffroy & Capitanio, Fabian & Aubert, Magali & Adinolfi, Felice, 2012. "Direct payments, crop insurance and the volatility of farm income. Some evidence in France and in Italy," 123rd Seminar, February 23-24, 2012, Dublin, Ireland 122478, European Association of Agricultural Economists.
  2. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2012. "Quand le surdosage devient la norme : un diagnostic des exploitations viticoles françaises," Post-Print hal-02749128, HAL.
  3. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2012. "The determinants of input use in agriculture: a dynamic analysis of the wine-growing sector in France," Post-Print hal-02804170, HAL.


  1. Geoffroy Enjolras & Robert Kast & Patrick Sentis, 2009. "Diversification in Area-Yield Crop Insurance : The Multi Linear Additive Model," Working Papers 09-15, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Nov 2009.
  2. Erdlenbruch, Katrin & Thoyer, Sophie & Grelot, Frédéric & Kast, Robert & Enjolras, Geoffroy, 2009. "Risk-sharing policies in the context of the French Flood Prevention Action Programmes," MPRA Paper 20187, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Jean-Denis Culié & R. Colle, 2009. "Etre chercheur dans un pôle de compétitivité : une nouvelle manière de percevoir sa carrière ?," Post-Print halshs-00518976, HAL.


  1. Enjolras, Geoffroy & Sentis, P., 2008. "The Main Determinants of Insurance Purchase: An Empirical Study on Crop Insurance Policies in France," 2008 International Congress, August 26-29, 2008, Ghent, Belgium 44395, European Association of Agricultural Economists.
  2. Geoffroy Enjolras & Jean-Marie Boisson, 2008. "Valuing lagoons using a meta-analytical approach: Methodological and practical issues," Working Papers 08-05, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Apr 2008.


  1. Enjolras, Geoffroy & Kast, Robert, 2007. "Using participating and financial contracts to insure catastrophe risk: Implications for crop risk management," 101st Seminar, July 5-6, 2007, Berlin Germany 9268, European Association of Agricultural Economists.

Journal articles


  1. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2024. "The influence of the farmer and his family on the adoption of short food supply chains," International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 52(4), pages 528-547.


  1. Laure Latruffe & Yann Desjeux & Geoffroy Enjolras & Philippe Jeanneaux, 2023. "Methods for Farm Valuation," EuroChoices, The Agricultural Economics Society, vol. 22(2), pages 36-37, August.
  2. Bousebata, Meryem & Enjolras, Geoffroy & Girard, Stéphane, 2023. "Extreme partial least-squares," Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 194(C).
  3. Caroline Tarillon & Han Yu & Ludivine Adla & Elodie Manthé & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2023. "Similarity is not everything: the influence of personal characteristics of entrepreneurs and investors on their fit," International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Springer, vol. 19(2), pages 709-732, June.


  1. Al Ayoubi, Khalil & Enjolras, Geoffroy, 2022. "Does disinvestment from fossil fuels reduce the financial performance of responsible sovereign wealth funds?," Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Elsevier, vol. 64(C).
  2. Magali Aubert & Laurent Parrot & Paula Fernandes & Éric Roux & Jean-Pierre Devin & Geoffroy Enjolras & Isabelle Jean-Baptiste, 2022. "When formal and informal networks promote agroecology: a case study of Martinique Island," International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 18(3), pages 258-276.
  3. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2022. "Intensive and extensive impacts of EU subsidies on pesticide expenditures at the farm level," Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 11(2), pages 218-234, April.
  4. Philippe Jeanneaux & Yann Desjeux & Geoffroy Enjolras & Laure Latruffe, 2022. "Farm valuation: A comparison of methods for French farms," Agribusiness, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 38(4), pages 786-809, October.


  1. Geoffroy Enjolras & Gilles Sanfilippo & Michał Soliwoda, 2021. "What determines the capital structure of farms? Empirical evidence from Poland," Baltic Journal of Economics, Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies, vol. 21(2), pages 113-133.
  2. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2021. "The dynamics of direct selling for wine-growing farms," International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 44(2), pages 155-176.


  1. Enjolras, Geoffroy & Aubert, Magali, 2020. "How does crop insurance influence pesticide use? Evidence from French farms," Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), vol. 101(4), November.
  2. Geoffroy Enjolras & Philippe Madiès, 2020. "The role of bank analysts and scores in the prediction of financial distress: Evidence from French farms," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 40(4), pages 2978-2993.
  3. Möhring, Niklas & Dalhaus, Tobias & Enjolras, Geoffroy & Finger, Robert, 2020. "Crop insurance and pesticide use in European agriculture," Agricultural Systems, Elsevier, vol. 184(C).
  4. Geoffroy Enjolras & Magali Aubert, 2020. "Correction to: How does crop insurance influence pesticide use? Evidence from French farms," Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, Springer, vol. 101(4), pages 487-488, December.


  1. Enjolras, Geoffroy & Sanfilippo, Gilles, 2019. "La structure du capital des exploitations agricoles françaises," Économie rurale, French Society of Rural Economics (SFER Société Française d'Economie Rurale), vol. 369(July-Sept).
  2. Geoffroy Enjolras & Philippe Madiès, 2019. "The determinants of loan acceptance: a case study of French farms," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 39(1), pages 358-371.
  3. Elise Alfieri & Radu Burlacu & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2019. "On the nature and financial performance of bitcoin," Journal of Risk Finance, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 20(2), pages 114-137, March.


  1. Magali Aubert & Geoffroy Enjolras, 2016. "Do short food supply chains go hand in hand with environment-friendly practices? An analysis of French farms," International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 12(2), pages 189-213.


  1. Geoffroy Enjolras & Mathieu Gatumel & Philippe Madiès & Ollivier Taramasco, 2015. "La couverture des catastrophes naturelles et nucléaires : une source d’inspiration pour l’assurance des dépôts bancaires," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(4), pages 217-238.


  1. Pontrandolfi, A. & Capitanio, F. & Enjolras, G. & Goodwin, B., 2014. "Analysis of the factors used by farmers to manage risk. A case study on Italian farms," Politica Agricola Internazionale - International Agricultural Policy, Edizioni L'Informatore Agrario, vol. 2014(4).
  2. Aubert, Magali & Enjolras, Geoffroy, 2014. "Between the approved and the actual dose. A diagnosis of pesticide overdosing in French vineyards," Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies - Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement (RAEStud), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), vol. 95(3).
  3. Aubert, Magali & Enjolras, Geoffroy, 2014. "The Determinants of Chemical Input Use in Agriculture: A Dynamic Analysis of the Wine Grape–Growing Sector in France," Journal of Wine Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 9(1), pages 75-99, May.


  1. Capitanio, Fabian & Goodwin, Barry K. & Enjolras, Geoffroy & Adinolfi, Felice, 2013. "Risk management tools for Italian farmers: public support, problems and perspectives under CAP Reform," Politica Agricola Internazionale - International Agricultural Policy, Edizioni L'Informatore Agrario, vol. 2013(1), pages 1-17, March.


  1. Enjolras, Geoffroy & Capitanio, Fabian & Adinolfi, Felice, 2012. "The Demand for Crop Insurance: Combined Approaches for France and Italy," Agricultural Economics Review, Greek Association of Agricultural Economists, vol. 13(1), pages 1-18.
  2. Geoffroy Enjolras & Robert Kast, 2012. "Combining participating insurance and financial policies," Agricultural Finance Review, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 72(1), pages 156-178, May.


  1. Geoffroy Enjolras & Patrick Sentis, 2011. "Crop insurance policies and purchases in France," Agricultural Economics, International Association of Agricultural Economists, vol. 42(4), pages 475-486, July.


  1. Geoffroy Enjolras & Jean-Marie Boisson, 2010. "Valuing lagoons using a meta-analytical approach: methodological and practical issues," Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53(8), pages 1031-1049.


  1. Havlik, Peter & Enjolras, Geoffroy & Boisson, Jean-Marie & Jacquet, Florence & Lherm, Michel & Veysset, Patrick, 2008. "Environmental good production in the optimum activities portfolio of a risk averse-farmer," Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies - Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement (RAEStud), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), vol. 86(1).

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