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by alumni of

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University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada

These are publications listed in RePEc written by alumni of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service and listed in the RePEc Genealogy. List of alumni. For a list of publications by current members of the department, see here. Register yourself.

This page is updated in the first days of each month.

| Working papers | Journal articles | Books | Chapters |

Working papers


  1. Ajay K. Agrawal & Joshua S. Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2023. "Similarities and Differences in the Adoption of General Purpose Technologies," NBER Working Papers 30976, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  2. Ajay K. Agrawal & John McHale & Alexander Oettl, 2023. "Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Discovery: A Model of Prioritized Search," NBER Working Papers 31558, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  3. Ajay K. Agrawal & Joshua S. Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2023. "The Turing Transformation: Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Augmentation, and Skill Premiums," NBER Working Papers 31767, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Ajay K. Agrawal & Joshua S. Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2022. "Prediction Machines, Insurance, and Protection: An Alternative Perspective on AI's Role in Production," NBER Working Papers 30177, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Alexandre Corhay & Thilo Kind & Howard Kung & Gonzalo Morales, 2021. "Discount Rates, Debt Maturity, and the Fiscal Theory," Staff Working Papers 21-58, Bank of Canada.
  2. Ajay K. Agrawal & Joshua S. Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2021. "AI Adoption and System-Wide Change," NBER Working Papers 28811, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Ajay K. Agrawal & Joshua S. Gans & Scott Stern, 2020. "Enabling Entrepreneurial Choice," NBER Working Papers 27379, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Ajay Agrawal & Joshua S. Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2019. "Artificial Intelligence: The Ambiguous Labor Market Impact of Automating Prediction," NBER Working Papers 25619, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Avi Goldfarb & Joshua Gans & Ajay Agrawal, 2018. "Economic Policy for Artificial Intelligence," Working Papers id:12798, eSocialSciences.
  2. Ajay K. Agrawal & Joshua S. Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2018. "Prediction, Judgment and Complexity: A Theory of Decision Making and Artificial Intelligence," NBER Working Papers 24243, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  3. Ajay K. Agrawal & Joshua S. Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2018. "Human Judgment and AI Pricing," NBER Working Papers 24284, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  4. Ajay Agrawal & John McHale & Alex Oettl, 2018. "Does Scientist Immigration Harm US Science? An Examination of Spillovers," NBER Working Papers 24519, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  5. Ajay Agrawal & John McHale & Alex Oettl, 2018. "Finding Needles in Haystacks: Artificial Intelligence and Recombinant Growth," NBER Working Papers 24541, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  6. Ajay K. Agrawal & Joshua S. Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2018. "Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence: Prediction versus Judgment," NBER Working Papers 24626, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Howard Kung & Gonzalo Morales & Alexandre Corhay, 2017. "Fiscal Discount Rates and Debt Maturity," 2017 Meeting Papers 840, Society for Economic Dynamics.


  1. Weizeng Sun & Siqi Zheng & Yuming Fu, 2016. "Local Public Service Provision and Spatial Inequality in Chinese Cities," ERSA conference papers ersa16p799, European Regional Science Association.


  1. Yuming Fu & Yang Hao, 2015. "An Urban Accounting for Geographic Concentration of Skills and Welfare Inequality," ERSA conference papers ersa15p734, European Regional Science Association.
  2. Howard Kung & Gonzalo Morales & Francesco Bianchi, 2015. "Monetary/Fiscal Policy Mix and Asset Prices," 2015 Meeting Papers 1224, Society for Economic Dynamics.
  3. Ajay Agrawal & Christian Catalini & Avi Goldfarb, 2015. "Slack Time and Innovation," NBER Working Papers 21134, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Bianchi, Francesco & Kung, Howard & Morales, Gonzalo, 2014. "Growth, Slowdowns, and Recoveries," CEPR Discussion Papers 10291, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  2. Agrawal, Ajay & Galasso, Alberto & Oettl, Alexander, 2014. "Roads and Innovation," CEPR Discussion Papers 10113, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  3. Ajay K. Agrawal & John McHale & Alex Oettl, 2014. "Why Stars Matter," NBER Working Papers 20012, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  4. Ajay Agrawal & Carlos Rosell & Timothy S. Simcoe, 2014. "Tax Credits and Small Firm R&D Spending," NBER Working Papers 20615, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  5. Ajay Agrawal, 2014. "Diaspora Networks, Knowledge Flows and Brain Drain," WIPO Economic Research Working Papers 15, World Intellectual Property Organization - Economics and Statistics Division.


  1. Yuming Fu & Wenlan Qian & Bernard Yeung, 2013. "Speculative Investors and Tobin's Tax in the Housing Market," NBER Working Papers 19400, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  2. Kamstra, Mark J. & Kramer, Lisa A. & Levi, Maurice D. & Wermers, Russ, 2013. "Seasonal asset allocation: Evidence from mutual fund flows," CFR Working Papers 13-09, University of Cologne, Centre for Financial Research (CFR).
  3. Cockburn, Iain M & Agrawal, Ajay & Galasso, Alberto & Oettl, Alexander, 2013. "Why are some regions more innovative than others? The role of firm size diversity," CEPR Discussion Papers 9766, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  4. Ajay K. Agrawal & Nicola Lacetera & Elizabeth Lyons, 2013. "Does Information Help or Hinder Job Applicants from Less Developed Countries in Online Markets?," NBER Working Papers 18720, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  5. Ajay K. Agrawal & Christian Catalini & Avi Goldfarb, 2013. "Some Simple Economics of Crowdfunding," NBER Working Papers 19133, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  6. Ajay Agrawal & John Horton & Nicola Lacetera & Elizabeth Lyons, 2013. "Digitization and the Contract Labor Market: A Research Agenda," NBER Working Papers 19525, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  7. Ajay Agrawal & John McHale & Alexander Oettl, 2013. "Collaboration, Stars, and the Changing Organization of Science: Evidence from Evolutionary Biology," NBER Working Papers 19653, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  8. Ajay Agrawal & Iain Cockburn & Laurina Zhang, 2013. "Deals Not Done: Sources of Failure in the Market for Ideas," NBER Working Papers 19679, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  9. Ajay Agrawal & Avi Goldfarb & Florenta Teodoridis, 2013. "Does Knowledge Accumulation Increase the Returns to Collaboration?," NBER Working Papers 19694, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Ajay K. Agrawal & Christian Catalini & Avi Goldfarb, 2011. "The Geography of Crowdfunding," NBER Working Papers 16820, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Sanghoon Lee & Qiang Li, 2010. "Uneven landscapes and the city size distribution," Working Papers 2010/41, Institut d'Economia de Barcelona (IEB).
  2. Jasjit Singh & Ajay K. Agrawal, 2010. "Recruiting for Ideas: How Firms Exploit the Prior Inventions of New Hires," NBER Working Papers 15869, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  3. Ajay Agrawal & Christian Catalini & Avi Goldfarb, 2010. "Entrepreneurial Finance and the Flat-World Hypothesis: Evidence from Crowd-Funding Entrepreneurs in the Arts," Working Papers 10-08, NET Institute, revised Sep 2010.


  1. Ajay K. Agrawal & Iain M. Cockburn & Carlos Rosell, 2009. "Not Invented Here? Innovation in Company Towns," NBER Working Papers 15437, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Ajay Agrawal & Devesh Kapur & John McHale, 2008. "Brain Drain or Brain Bank? The Impact of Skilled Emigration on Poor-Country Innovation," NBER Working Papers 14592, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Ajay Agrawal & Devesh Kapur & John McHale, 2007. "Birds of a Feather - Better Together? Exploring the Optimal Spatial Distribution of Ethnic Inventors," NBER Working Papers 12823, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Yuming Fu & Maarten Jennen, 2006. "Construction Cycles And Stock Markets: An International Empirical Investigation," ERES eres2006_194, European Real Estate Society (ERES).
  2. Carlos Rosell & Ajay Agrawal, 2006. "University Patenting: Estimating the Diminishing Breadth of Knowledge Diffusion and Consumption," NBER Working Papers 12640, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  3. Ajay K. Agrawal & Avi Goldfarb, 2006. "Restructuring Research: Communication Costs and the Democratization of University Innovation," NBER Working Papers 12812, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Ian Garrett & Mark Kamstra & Lisa Kramer, 2004. "Winter blues and time variation in the price of risk," FRB Atlanta Working Paper 2004-8, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.


  1. Glen Donaldson & Mark Kamstra & Lisa Kramer, 2003. "Stare down the barrel and center the crosshairs: Targeting the ex ante equity premium," FRB Atlanta Working Paper 2003-4, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
  2. Ajay Agrawal & Iain Cockburn & John McHale, 2003. "Gone But Not Forgotten: Labor Flows, Knowledge Spillovers, and Enduring Social Capital," NBER Working Papers 9950, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Mark Kamstra & Lisa Kramer & Maurice D. Levi, 2002. "Winter blues: a SAD stock market cycle," FRB Atlanta Working Paper 2002-13, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
  2. Ajay Agrawal & Iain M. Cockburn, 2002. "University Research, Industrial R&D, and the Anchor Tenant Hypothesis," NBER Working Papers 9212, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Yuming Fu & Stuart A. Gabriel, 2001. "Transistions to Private Employment: Earnings Determination, Worker Employment Preferences, and Job Turnover in Urban China," Working Paper 8636, USC Lusk Center for Real Estate.
  2. Yuming Fu & Stephen Ching, 2001. "Examining Competition in Land Market: An Application of Event Study to Land Auctions in Hong Kong," Wisconsin-Madison CULER working papers 01-01, University of Wisconsin Center for Urban Land Economic Research.


  1. Yuming Fu & Stuart A.Gabriel, 2000. "Location, Market Segmentation, and Returns to Human Capital: The Privatization of China's Labor Markets," Working Paper 8650, USC Lusk Center for Real Estate.
  2. Yuming Fu, 2000. "Hong Kong: Overcoming Financial Risks of Growing Real Estate Credit," Wisconsin-Madison CULER working papers 00-02, University of Wisconsin Center for Urban Land Economic Research.
  3. Yuming Fu & Lilian K Ng, 2000. "Market Efficiency and Return Statistics: Evidence from Real Estate and stock Markets Using a Present-Value Approach," Wisconsin-Madison CULER working papers 00-03, University of Wisconsin Center for Urban Land Economic Research.
  4. Yuming Fu & David K. Tse & nan Zhou, 2000. "Housing Choice Behavior of Urban Workers in China's Transition to a Housing Market," Wisconsin-Madison CULER working papers 00-06, University of Wisconsin Center for Urban Land Economic Research.


  1. Fu Yuming & C. Tsuriel Somerville, 1999. "Endogenous Land Use Regulations: Local Fiscal Federalism, Inter-government Negotiations, and Density Restrictions in Shanghai's Emerging Land Market," Wisconsin-Madison CULER working papers 99-10, University of Wisconsin Center for Urban Land Economic Research.


  1. Kamstra, M.J. & Kramer, L.A. & Levi, M.D., 1998. "Losing Sleep at the Market: The Daylight-Savings Anomaly," Discussion Papers dp98-04, Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University.


  1. Yuming Fu, 1995. "The Relationship in Yield and Price Appreciation among Hong Kong Properties and Stocks," ERES eres1995_173, European Real Estate Society (ERES).

Journal articles


  1. Vicki L. Bogan & Lisa A. Kramer & Chi Liao & Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, 2024. "Race, Police Violence, and Financial Decision-Making," AEA Papers and Proceedings, American Economic Association, vol. 114, pages 163-168, May.


  1. Yuming Fu & Song Shi, 2022. "Barriers to urban spatial development: Evidence from the 2010–2011 Christchurch earthquakes," Journal of Regional Science, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 62(1), pages 218-245, January.
  2. Zhaohui Li & Qiang Li & Hua Sun & Li Sun, 2022. "Diffused effort, asset heterogeneity, and real estate brokerage," Real Estate Economics, American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, vol. 50(3), pages 707-742, September.


  1. Sun, Weizeng & Guo, Dongmei & Li, Qiang & Fang, Haidong, 2021. "School runs and urban traffic congestion: Evidence from China," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 86(C).


  1. Huang, Yuting & Li, Qiang & Liow, Kim Hiang & Zhou, Xiaoxia, 2020. "Is Housing the Business Cycle? A Multiresolution Analysis for OECD Countries," Journal of Housing Economics, Elsevier, vol. 49(C).


  1. Kim Hiang Liow & Xiaoxia Zhou & Qiang Li & Yuting Huang, 2019. "Time–Scale Relationship between Securitized Real Estate and Local Stock Markets: Some Wavelet Evidence," JRFM, MDPI, vol. 12(1), pages 1-23, January.
  2. Kim Hiang Liow & Xiaoxia Zhou & Qiang Li & Yuting Huang, 2019. "Co-movement between the US and the securitised real estate markets of the Asian-Pacific economies," Journal of Property Research, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 36(1), pages 27-58, January.
  3. KimHiang Liow & Xiaoxia Zhou & Qiang Li & Yuting Huang, 2019. "Dynamic interdependence between the US and the securitized real estate markets of the Asian-Pacific economies," Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 37(1), pages 92-117, January.
  4. Bianchi, Francesco & Kung, Howard & Morales, Gonzalo, 2019. "Growth, slowdowns, and recoveries," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 101(C), pages 47-63.
  5. Ajay Agrawal & Joshua S. Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2019. "Artificial Intelligence: The Ambiguous Labor Market Impact of Automating Prediction," Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, vol. 33(2), pages 31-50, Spring.
  6. Agrawal, Ajay & McHale, John & Oettl, Alexander, 2019. "Does scientist immigration harm US science? An examination of the knowledge spillover channel," Research Policy, Elsevier, vol. 48(5), pages 1248-1259.
  7. Ajay Agrawal & Joshua Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2019. "Economic Policy for Artificial Intelligence," Innovation Policy and the Economy, University of Chicago Press, vol. 19(1), pages 139-159.


  1. Suwei Feng & Qiang Li, 2018. "Evaluating the car ownership control policy in Shanghai: a structural vector auto-regression approach," Transportation, Springer, vol. 45(1), pages 205-232, January.
  2. Ajay Agrawal & Joshua S. Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2018. "Human Judgment and AI Pricing," AEA Papers and Proceedings, American Economic Association, vol. 108, pages 58-63, May.


  1. Weizeng Sun & Yuming Fu & Siqi Zheng, 2017. "Local Public Service Provision And Spatial Inequality In Chinese Cities: The Role Of Residential Income Sorting And Land-Use Conditions," Journal of Regional Science, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 57(4), pages 547-567, September.
  2. Kamstra, Mark J. & Kramer, Lisa A. & Levi, Maurice D. & Wermers, Russ, 2017. "Seasonal Asset Allocation: Evidence from Mutual Fund Flows," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Cambridge University Press, vol. 52(1), pages 71-109, February.
  3. Agrawal, Ajay & McHale, John & Oettl, Alexander, 2017. "How stars matter: Recruiting and peer effects in evolutionary biology," Research Policy, Elsevier, vol. 46(4), pages 853-867.
  4. Ajay Agrawal & Alberto Galasso & Alexander Oettl, 2017. "Roads and Innovation," The Review of Economics and Statistics, MIT Press, vol. 99(3), pages 417-434, July.


  1. Kramer, Lisa A. & Liao, Chi M., 2016. "The spillover effects of management overconfidence on analyst forecasts," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Elsevier, vol. 12(C), pages 79-92.
  2. Ajay Agrawal & Avi Goldfarb & Florenta Teodoridis, 2016. "Understanding the Changing Structure of Scientific Inquiry," American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Economic Association, vol. 8(1), pages 100-128, January.
  3. Agrawal, Ajay & Lacetera, Nicola & Lyons, Elizabeth, 2016. "Does standardized information in online markets disproportionately benefit job applicants from less developed countries?," Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 103(C), pages 1-12.


  1. Kamstra, Mark J. & Kramer, Lisa A. & Levi, Maurice D., 2015. "Seasonal Variation in Treasury Returns," Critical Finance Review, now publishers, vol. 4(1), pages 45-115, June.
  2. Ajay Agrawal & Christian Catalini & Avi Goldfarb, 2015. "Crowdfunding: Geography, Social Networks, and the Timing of Investment Decisions," Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 24(2), pages 253-274, June.
  3. Ajay Agrawal & Iain Cockburn & Laurina Zhang, 2015. "Deals not done: Sources of failure in the market for ideas," Strategic Management Journal, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 36(7), pages 976-986, July.


  1. Yuming Fu & Wenlan Qian, 2014. "Speculators and Price Overreaction in the Housing Market," Real Estate Economics, American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, vol. 42(4), pages 977-1007, December.
  2. Li, Qiang, 2014. "Ethnic diversity and neighborhood house prices," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 21-38.
  3. Mark J. Kamstra & Lisa A. Kramer & Maurice D. Levi & Tan Wang, 2014. "Seasonally Varying Preferences: Theoretical Foundations for an Empirical Regularity," The Review of Asset Pricing Studies, Society for Financial Studies, vol. 4(1), pages 39-77.
  4. Agrawal, Ajay & Cockburn, Iain & Galasso, Alberto & Oettl, Alexander, 2014. "Why are some regions more innovative than others? The role of small firms in the presence of large labs," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 81(C), pages 149-165.
  5. Ajay Agrawal & Christian Catalini & Avi Goldfarb, 2014. "Some Simple Economics of Crowdfunding," Innovation Policy and the Economy, University of Chicago Press, vol. 14(1), pages 63-97.


  1. Li, Qiang, 2013. "Language and urban labor market segmentation: Theory and evidence," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 74(C), pages 27-46.
  2. Lee, Sanghoon & Li, Qiang, 2013. "Uneven landscapes and city size distributions," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 78(C), pages 19-29.


  1. Fu, Yuming & Gabriel, Stuart A., 2012. "Labor migration, human capital agglomeration and regional development in China," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 42(3), pages 473-484.
  2. Kamstra, Mark J. & Kramer, Lisa A. & Levi, Maurice D., 2012. "A careful re-examination of seasonality in international stock markets: Comment on sentiment and stock returns," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 36(4), pages 934-956.


  1. Agrawal, Ajay & Kapur, Devesh & McHale, John & Oettl, Alexander, 2011. "Brain drain or brain bank? The impact of skilled emigration on poor-country innovation," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 69(1), pages 43-55, January.
  2. Jasjit Singh & Ajay Agrawal, 2011. "Recruiting for Ideas: How Firms Exploit the Prior Inventions of New Hires," Management Science, INFORMS, vol. 57(1), pages 129-150, January.


  1. Donaldson, R. Glen & Kamstra, Mark J. & Kramer, Lisa A., 2010. "Estimating the Equity Premium," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Cambridge University Press, vol. 45(4), pages 813-846, August.
  2. Agrawal, Ajay & Cockburn, Iain & Rosell, Carlos, 2010. "Not Invented Here? Innovation in company towns," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 67(1), pages 78-89, January.


  1. Yuming Fu & Maarten Jennen, 2009. "Office Construction in Singapore and Hong Kong: Testing Real Option Implications," The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Springer, vol. 38(1), pages 39-58, January.
  2. Siqi Zheng & Yuming Fu & Hongyu Liu, 2009. "Demand for Urban Quality of Living in China: Evolution in Compensating Land-Rent and Wage-Rate Differentials," The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Springer, vol. 38(3), pages 194-213, April.
  3. Kamstra, Mark J. & Kramer, Lisa A. & Levi, Maurice D., 2009. "Is it the weather? Comment," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 33(3), pages 578-582, March.
  4. Rosell, Carlos & Agrawal, Ajay, 2009. "Have university knowledge flows narrowed?: Evidence from patent data," Research Policy, Elsevier, vol. 38(1), pages 1-13, February.


  1. Ajay Agrawal & Avi Goldfarb, 2008. "Restructuring Research: Communication Costs and the Democratization of University Innovation," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 98(4), pages 1578-1590, September.
  2. Agrawal, Ajay & Kapur, Devesh & McHale, John, 2008. "How do spatial and social proximity influence knowledge flows? Evidence from patent data," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 64(2), pages 258-269, September.
  3. Alexander Oettl & Ajay Agrawal, 2008. "International labor mobility and knowledge flow externalities," Journal of International Business Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Academy of International Business, vol. 39(8), pages 1242-1260, December.


  1. Ajay Agrawal & Lorenzo Garlappi, 2007. "Public Sector Science And The Strategy Of The Commons," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 16(7), pages 517-539.


  1. Zheng, Siqi & Fu, Yuming & Liu, Hongyu, 2006. "Housing-choice hindrances and urban spatial structure: Evidence from matched location and location-preference data in Chinese cities," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 60(3), pages 535-557, November.
  2. Qiang Li & Hua Sun & Seow Ong, 2006. "REIT Splits and Dividend Changes: Tests of Signaling and Information Substitutability," The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Springer, vol. 33(2), pages 127-150, September.


  1. Garrett, Ian & Kamstra, Mark J. & Kramer, Lisa A., 2005. "Winter blues and time variation in the price of risk," Journal of Empirical Finance, Elsevier, vol. 12(2), pages 291-316, March.


  1. Ching, Stephen & Fu, Yuming, 2003. "Contestability of the urban land market: an event study of Hong Kong land auctions," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 33(6), pages 695-720, October.
  2. Mark J. Kamstra & Lisa A. Kramer & Maurice D. Levi, 2003. "Winter Blues: A SAD Stock Market Cycle," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 93(1), pages 324-343, March.
  3. Agrawal, Ajay & Cockburn, Iain, 2003. "The anchor tenant hypothesis: exploring the role of large, local, R&D-intensive firms in regional innovation systems," International Journal of Industrial Organization, Elsevier, vol. 21(9), pages 1227-1253, November.
  4. Ajay K. Agrawal, 2003. "Innovation and the Growth of Cities," Journal of Economic Geography, Oxford University Press, vol. 3(4), pages 458-461, October.


  1. Mark J. Kamstra & Lisa A. Kramer & Maurice D. Levi, 2002. "Losing Sleep at the Market: The Daylight Saving Anomaly: Reply," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 92(4), pages 1257-1263, September.
  2. Ajay Agrawal & Rebecca Henderson, 2002. "Putting Patents in Context: Exploring Knowledge Transfer from MIT," Management Science, INFORMS, vol. 48(1), pages 44-60, January.


  1. Yuming Fu & Lilian K. Ng, 2001. "Market Efficiency and Return Statistics: Evidence from Real Estate and Stock Markets Using a Present‐Value Approach," Real Estate Economics, American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, vol. 29(2), pages 227-250.
  2. Fu, Yuming & Somerville, C. Tsuriel, 2001. "Site Density Restrictions: Measurement and Empirical Analysis," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 49(2), pages 404-423, March.


  1. Fu, Yuming & Tse, David K. & Zhou, Nan, 2000. "Housing Choice Behavior of Urban Workers in China's Transition to a Housing Market," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 47(1), pages 61-87, January.
  2. Lisa A. Kramer & Mark J. Kamstra & Maurice D. Levi, 2000. "Losing Sleep at the Market: The Daylight Saving Anomaly," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 90(4), pages 1005-1011, September.


  1. Yuming Fu & Tsur Somerville & Mengdi Gu & Tongcheng Huang, 1999. "Land Use Rights, Government Land Supply, and the Pattern of Redevelopment in Shanghai," International Real Estate Review, Global Social Science Institute, vol. 2(1), pages 49-78.


  1. Fu, Yuming, 1995. "Uncertainty, liquidity, and housing choices," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 25(2), pages 223-236, April.


  1. Fu, Yuming, 1991. "A Model of Housing Tenure Choice: Comment," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 81(1), pages 381-383, March.



  1. Ajay Agrawal & Joshua Gans & Avi Goldfarb & Catherine Tucker, 2024. "The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: Health Care Challenges," NBER Books, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc, number agra-2.


  1. Ajay Agrawal & Joshua Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2019. "The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: An Agenda," NBER Books, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc, number agra-1.
  2. Agrawal, Ajay & Gans, Joshua & Goldfarb, Avi (ed.), 2019. "The Economics of Artificial Intelligence," National Bureau of Economic Research Books, University of Chicago Press, number 9780226613338, September.


  1. Timothy Simcoe & Ajay K. Agrawal & Stuart Graham, 2014. "Standards, Patents and Innovations," NBER Books, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc, number simc12-1.



  1. Mark J. Kamstra & Lisa A. Kramer, 2023. "Seasonality in stock returns and government bond returns," Chapters, in: Gilles Hilary & David McLean (ed.), Handbook of Financial Decision Making, chapter 2, pages 36-62, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  2. Ajay Agrawal & Joshua S. Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2023. "Similarities and Differences in the Adoption of General Purpose Technologies," NBER Chapters, in: Technology, Productivity, and Economic Growth, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  3. Ajay Agrawal & Joshua Gans & Avi Goldfarb & Catherine Tucker, 2023. "Introduction to "The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: Health Care Challenges"," NBER Chapters, in: The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: Health Care Challenges, pages 1-7, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Ajay Agrawal & Joshua Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2018. "Introduction to "The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: An Agenda"," NBER Chapters, in: The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: An Agenda, pages 1-19, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  2. Ajay Agrawal & Joshua Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2018. "Prediction, Judgment, and Complexity: A Theory of Decision-Making and Artificial Intelligence," NBER Chapters, in: The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: An Agenda, pages 89-110, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  3. Ajay Agrawal & John McHale & Alexander Oettl, 2018. "Finding Needles in Haystacks: Artificial Intelligence and Recombinant Growth," NBER Chapters, in: The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: An Agenda, pages 149-174, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  4. Ajay Agrawal & Joshua Gans & Avi Goldfarb, 2018. "Economic Policy for Artificial Intelligence," NBER Chapters, in: Innovation Policy and the Economy, Volume 19, pages 139-159, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Ajay Agrawal & John Horton & Nicola Lacetera & Elizabeth Lyons, 2015. "Digitization and the Contract Labor Market: A Research Agenda," NBER Chapters, in: Economic Analysis of the Digital Economy, pages 219-250, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Ajay Agrawal & John McHale & Alexander Oettl, 2014. "Collaboration, Stars, and the Changing Organization of Science: Evidence from Evolutionary Biology," NBER Chapters, in: The Changing Frontier: Rethinking Science and Innovation Policy, pages 75-102, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Ajay Agrawal & Christian Catalini & Avi Goldfarb, 2013. "Some Simple Economics of Crowdfunding," NBER Chapters, in: Innovation Policy and the Economy, Volume 14, pages 63-97, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Ajay Agrawal & Iain Cockburn & Carlos Rosell, 2010. "Not Invented Here? Innovation in Company Towns," NBER Chapters, in: Cities and Entrepreneurship, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. C. Tsuriel Somerville & Paulina Teller & Michael Farrell & Yosh Kasahara & Li Qiang, 2007. "Do Renters Miss the boat? Homeownership, Renting, and Wealth Accumulation," Palgrave Macmillan Books, in: Sumit Agarwal & Brent W. Ambrose (ed.), Household Credit Usage, chapter 0, pages 203-217, Palgrave Macmillan.

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