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by members of

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russia

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. This page is updated in the first days of each month.
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Working papers


  1. Pavel Trunin & Alexandra Bozheckkova & Alexander Knobel, 2024. "Russia's monetary policy in 2023," Published Papers ppaper-2024-1322, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2024.
  2. Alexander Knobel & Maria Baeva, 2024. "Russia's participation in WTO disputes in 2023," Published Papers ppaper-2024-1325, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2024.


  1. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander, 2023. "Russia’s Monetary Policy in 2022," Published Papers ppaper-2023-1273, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2023.
  2. Baeva Marina & Knobel Alexander, 2023. "Russia’s participation in the WTO’s trade disputes in 2022," Published Papers ppaper-2023-1278, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2023.
  3. Knobel, Alexander & Abroskin, Alexander & Abroskina, Natalia & Bagdasaryan, Kniaz & Zaytsev, Yuriy & Zyamalov, Vadim & Sedalishchev, Vladimir & Turuntseva, Marina, 2023. "Digital economy non-market components accounting methodology," Working Papers w20220218, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  4. Bagdasaryan, Kniaz & Baeva, Marina & Zaytsev, Yury & Knobel, Alexander & Loschenkova, Anna, 2023. "The Impact Of The Dynamics Of The Ruble Exchange Rate On The Inflow Of Foreign Investments Into The Russian Economy And The Conditions Of Sanctions," Working Papers w20220265, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.


  1. Baeva Marina & Knobel Alexander, 2022. "Russia’s participation in the WTO’s trade disputes in 2021," Published Papers ppaper-2022-1200, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2022.
  2. Knobel Alexander & Kuznetsov Dmitry & Loshchenkova Anna, 2022. "The role of national development institutions in Russian export diversification," Working Papers wpaper-2023-1253, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2022.


  1. Knobel Alexander & Baeva Marina, 2021. "Russia’s participation in the WTO’s trade disputes," Published Papers ppaper-2021-1122, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2021.
  2. Knobel Alexander & Kuznetsov Dmitry & Lyubimov Ivan, 2021. "Country factors determining the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development," Working Papers wpaper-2022-1191, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2021.
  3. Abroskin Alexandr & Bagdasaryan Knyaz & Zaytsev Yuriy & Knobel Alexandr & Sedalishev Vladimir & Turuntseva Marina, 2021. "Prospects For Accounting And Measuring The Digital Economy Based On National Accounts Applications [Перспективы Учета И Измерения Цифровой Экономики На Основе Приложений Системы Национальных Счетов," Working Papers s21106, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  4. Knobel Alexandr & Baeva Marina & Zaytsev Yuriy & Kazaryan Margarita, 2021. "Approaches To Assessment Of The Impact Of Protective Trade Measures On Russian Exporters [Подходы К Оценке Влияния Защитных Торговых Мер На Российских Экспортеров]," Working Papers s21146, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  5. Alexander Knobel & Yuriy Zaytsev & Kniaz Bagdasaryan & Marina Baeva & Vladimir Sedalishchev & Maria Kazaryan & Dmitriy Kuznetsov & Diana Mirakyan & Nikita Toropov, 2021. "Benefits and risks for Russian industries and individual enterprises from the implementation of trade and economic agreements of the CIS countries [Выгоды И Риски Для Российских Отраслей И Отдельны," Working Papers w2022033, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  6. Gordeev Dmitry & Naumyanov Ruslan, 2021. "Research Transfer Of Retail Prices For Petroleum Products To The Regional Level Of Inflation [Исследование Переноса Розничных Цен На Нефтепродукты На Региональный Уровень Инфляции]," Working Papers s21177, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  7. Grishina Irina & Polinev Andrey & Shkuropat Anna, 2021. "Methodology Of The Comprehensive Assessment Of The Socio-Economic Situation Of Regions For Monitoring The Achievement Of The National Development Goals Of Russia Until 2024 [Методика Комплексной Оц," Working Papers s21156, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  8. Irina V. Grishina & Andrey O. Polynev & Andrey O. Polynev & Alexander V. Kotov, 2021. "Analysis And Assessment Of The Prospects For The Development Of Existing Specializations Of Russian Regions [Анализ И Оценка Перспектив Развития Существующих Специализаций Регионов России]," Working Papers w2022021, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  9. Girich Maria & Levashenko Antonina & Valamat-Zade A. & Magomedov Rustam, 2021. "Trends in regulating online platforms worldwide: international experience," Published Papers ppaper-2021-1142, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2021.
  10. Levashenko Antonina & Girich Maria, 2021. "Analysis Of Trends In The Regulation Of Online Platforms Creating Infrastructure For Equal Participants Of The Digital Economy [Анализ Тенденций Регулирования Онлайн-Платформ, Создающих Инфраструкт," Working Papers s21174, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  11. Levashenko A.D. & Girich M.G., 2021. "Improving the risk management system for combatting trade-based money laundering [Совершенствование Системы Управления Рисками Легализации (Отмывания) Доходов, Полученных Преступным Путем, В Сфере ," Working Papers w2022025, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  12. Levashenko Antonina & Koval' Alexandra, 2021. "Tax compliance as a tool for deregulating the economy [Налоговый Комплаенс Как Инструмент Дерегулирования Экономики]," Working Papers s21114, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  13. Levashenko Antonina & Koval Alexandra, 2021. "Determination of approaches to the regulation of personal data in Russia, taking into account the task of developing the digital economy [Определение Подходов К Регулированию Персональных Данных В ," Working Papers s21166, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  14. Levashenko Antonina & Chernovol Alexander, 2021. "Development of a concept for the creation in the Russian Federation of a regulatory framework for the development of the market for artificial intelligence technologies [Разработка Концепции Создан," Working Papers s21173, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  15. Levashenko A.D. & Koval A.A., 2021. "Impact analysis of automatic exchange of financial information in tax matters for business and natural persons [Анализ Последствий Автоматического Налогового Обмена Для Бизнеса И Физических Лиц]," Working Papers w2022065, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  16. Levashenko A.D. & I.Ermokhin, 2021. "Analysis of the impact of international standards for responsible business conduct on the financial sector in the world and in Russia: Formation of proposals for the development of regulation in Russi," Working Papers w2022066, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.


  1. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander, 2020. "Russia’s Monetary Policy in 2018," Published Papers ppaper-2020-1038, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2020.
  2. Baeva Marina & Knobel Alexander, 2020. "Russia’s participation in the WTO disputes," Published Papers ppaper-2020-1044, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2020.
  3. Volovik Nadezhda & Knobel Alexander, 2020. "Russia’s foreign trade in 2019," Published Papers ppaper-2020-1045, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2020.
  4. Avdonina Natalia & Avxentyev Nikolay & Grishina Elena & Idrisov Georgy & Kaukin Andrey & Klyachko Tatiana & Knobel Alexander & Kurakova N. & Pleskachev Yuri & Ponomarev Yuri & Ponomareva Ekaterina & K, 2020. "The implementation of executive order No.204 of May 7, 2018 of the President of the Russian Federation and national projects in 2019," Published Papers ppaper-2020-1057, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2020.
  5. Knobel, Alexandr (Кнобель, Александр) & Zaitsev, Yuriy (Зайцев, Юрий), 2020. "Theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of macroeconomic dynamics in a modern economy, taking into account its digitalization [Теоретические И Методологические Подходы К Анализу М," Working Papers 042033, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  6. Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Zaitsev, Yuriy (Зайцев, Юрий), 2020. "Microeconomic analysis of investment strategies of foreign companies in Russia in the context of their foreign trade activities [Микроэкономический Анализ Инвестиционных Стратегий Зарубежных Компан," Working Papers 052031, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  7. Gordeev, Dmitriy (Гордеев, Дмитрий) & Kosukhina, Ekaterina (Косухина, Екатерина), 2020. "Study of the influence of prices for petroleum products on their consumption in road transport [Исследование Влияния Цен На Нефтепродукты На Их Потребление В Автомобильном Транспорте]," Working Papers 052042, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  8. Gordeev, Dmitriy (Гордеев, Дмитрий) & Kaukin, Andrei (Каукин, Андрей) & Tomaev, Alexander (Томаев, Александр), 2020. "Factors of price distortions in government procurement of investment goods [Факторы Ценовых Искажений При Осуществлении Государственных Закупок Товаров Инвестиционного Назначения]," Working Papers 052029, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  9. Grishina, Irina (Гришина, Ирина) & Kotov, Alexander (Котов, Александр) & Polynev, Andrei (Полынев, Андрей) & Shkuropat, Anna (Шкуропат, Анна), 2020. "Federal tools for implementing the spatial development strategy of Russia (on the example of pilot regions) [Федеральные Инструменты Реализации Стратегии Пространственного Развития России (На Приме," Working Papers 042017, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  10. Grishina, Irina (Гришина, Ирина) & Polynev, Andrey (Полынев, Андрей) & Shkuropat, Anna (Шкуропат, Анна) & Kotov, Alexander (Котов, Александр), 2020. "Development of a methodology for medium-term forecasting of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in the territorial context [Разработка Методологии Среднесрочного Прогнозировани," Working Papers 052015, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.


  1. Alexander Knobel & Andrey Lipin & Andrey Malokostov & David G. Tarr & Natalia Turdyeva, 2019. "Deep Integration in the Eurasian Economic Union: What are the Benefits of Successful Implementation or Wider Liberalization?," Bank of Russia Working Paper Series wps41, Bank of Russia.
  2. Knobel Alexander & Barinova Vera & Zemtsov Tsepan & Loshchenkova A., 2019. "Small and Mid-Sized Business as a Factor of Economic Growth in Russia," Published Papers ppaper-2019-330, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2019.
  3. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander, 2019. "Russia’s Monetary Policy in 2018," Published Papers ppaper-2019-960, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2019.
  4. Baeva Marina & Knobel Alexander, 2019. "The use by Russia of the WTO dispute settlement mechanisms," Published Papers ppaper-2019-966, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2019.
  5. Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель Александр) & Bagdasaryan, Kniaz (Багдасарян, Княз) & Loshchenkova, Anna (Лощенкова, Анна) & Proka, Ksenia (Прока, Ксения), 2019. "Sanctions: seriously and for a long time [Санкции: Всерьез И Надолго]," Published Papers 021901, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  6. Alexeev, Michael (Алексеев, Майкл) & Belev, Sergey (Белев, Сергей) & Gromov, Valdimir (Громов, Владимир) & Deryugin, Alexander (Дерюгин, Александр) & Drobyshevsky, Sergey (Дробышевский, Сергей) & Kauk, 2019. "Prospects for tax policy. Is there an “ideal tax system” for Russia? [Перспективы Налоговой Политики. Существует Ли «Идеальная Налоговая Система» Для России?]," Published Papers 021907, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  7. Bozhechkova, Alexandra (Божечкова, Александра) & Klyachko, Tatiana (Клячко, Татьяна) & Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Loshchenkova, Anna (Лощенкова, Анна) & Lubimov, Ivan (Любимов Иван) & Si, 2019. "Education and economic growth [Образование И Экономический Рост]," Published Papers 021915, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  8. Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Spartak, Andrey (Спартак, Андрей) & Baeva, Marina (Баева, Марина) & Zaitsev, Yury (Зайцев, Юрий) & Levashenko, Antonina (Левашенко, Антонина) & Loshchenkova, A, 2019. "Foreign economic activity as a source of economic growth [Внешнеэкономическая Деятельность Как Источник Экономического Роста]," Published Papers 021920, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  9. Abroskin, Alexander (Аброскин, Александр) & Zaitsev, Yury (Зайцев, Юрий) & Idrisov, Georgiy (Идрисов, Георгий) & Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Ponomareva, Ekaterina (Пономарева, Екатерина), 2019. "Economic development in the digital age [Экономическое Развитие В Цифровую Эпоху]," Published Papers 021922, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  10. Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Aliev, Timur (Алиев, Тимур) & Pyzhikov, Nikita (Пыжиков, Никита) & Flegontova, Tatiana (Флегонтова, Татьяна), 2019. "Trade and globalization: events of the past thirty years and further evolutionary trajectories [Торговля И Глобализация: События Последних Тридцати Лет И Дальнейшие Эволюционные Траектории]," Published Papers 021923, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  11. Kuznetsov, Dmitriy (Кузнецов, Дмитрий) & Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр), 2019. "Regularities in the choice of Russian firms for the implementation of export and import deliveries in the context of embedding in the global value chain [Закономерности Выбора Российскими Фирмами С," Working Papers 041913, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  12. Bagdasaryan, Knyaz (Багдасарян, Княз) & Baeva, Marina (Баева, Марина) & Zaitsev, Yuriy (Зайцев, Юрий) & Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Loshchenkova, Anna (Лощенкова, Анна), 2019. "The impact of the ruble exchange rate dynamics on the inflow of foreign investment in the Russian economy [Влияние Динамики Обменного Курса Рубля На Приток Иностранных Инвестиций В Российскую Эконо," Working Papers 041931, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  13. Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Chentsov, Alexander (Ченцов, Александр), 2019. "Construction and evaluation of the model of foreign trade of Russia with regard to its membership in the EAEU [Построение И Оценка Модели Внешней Торговли России С Учетом Её Членства В Еаэс]," Working Papers 041935, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  14. Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Kuznetsov, Dmitriy (Кузнецов, Дмитрий) & Sedalischev, Vladimir (Седалищев, Владимир), 2019. "Assessment of risks and benefits for the Russian economy from the conduct of various integration strategies in modern conditions [Оценка Рисков И Выгод Для Российской Экономики От Проведения Различ," Working Papers 041936, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  15. Drobyshevsky, Sergey (Дробышевский, Сергей) & Koval, Alexandra (Коваль, Александра) & Levashenko, Antonina (Левашенко, Антонина) & Trunin, Pavel (Трунин, Павел) & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergey (Синельник, 2019. "Cancellation of currency control [Отмена Валютного Контроля]," Published Papers 021910, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  16. Balandina, Galina (Баландина, Галина) & Ponomarev, Yuriy (Пономарев, Юрий) & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergey (Синельников-Мурылев, Сергей), 2019. "Customs Administration in Russia: What Should Modern Procedures Be? [Таможенное Администрирование В России: Какими Должны Быть Современные Процедуры]," Published Papers 021911, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.


  1. Magomedov, Rustam (Магомедов, Рустам) & Idrisova, Vittoria (Идрисова, Виттория), 2018. "Sectoral Indices of the Terms of Trade: Development of Methodology and Overview for Russia [Отраслевые Индексы Условий Торговли: Разработка Методики И Обзор Для России]," Working Papers 061822, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  2. Knobel Alexander & Baeva Marina, 2018. "Russia’s participation in the WTO trade dispute settlement system," Published Papers ppaper-2018-310, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2018.
  3. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Kiyutsevskaya Anna, 2018. "Russia’s Monetary Policy in 2017," Published Papers ppaper-2018-323, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2018.
  4. Baeva, Marina (Баева, Марина) & Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Zaytsev, Yuriy (Зайцев, Юрий) & Loshchenkova, Anna (Лощенкова, Анна), 2018. "The Impact of Protective Measures in Integration Associations on International Trade [Влияние Защитных Мер В Интеграционных Объединениях На Международную Торговлю]," Published Papers 011806, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  5. Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Chentsov, Alexander (Ченцов, Александр), 2018. "The Impact of Exchange Rates and Their Volatility on Russia's Foreign Trade, Taking into Account its Membership in EAEU [Влияние Обменных Курсов И Их Волатильности На Внешнюю Торговлю России С Учет," Working Papers 061824, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  6. Kuznetsov, Dmitriy (Кузнецов, Дмитрий) & Sedalishchev, Vladimir (Седалищев, Владимир) & Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр), 2018. "Prospects and Macroeconomic Consequences of the Development of Integration within the Framework of the EAEU [Перспективы И Макроэкономические Последствия Развития Интеграции В Рамках Еаэс]," Working Papers 061825, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  7. Kuznetsov, Dmitriy (Кузнецов, Дмитрий) & Sedalishchev, Vladimir (Седалищев, Владимир) & Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр), 2018. "Prospects for Reducing Barriers to Exports in the Context of the Participation of Russian Firms in Global Value Chains [Перспективы Снижения Барьеров Для Экспорта В Контексте Участия Российских Фир," Working Papers 061826, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  8. Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр), 2018. "Assessment of the Benefits, Risks and Costs of the Transition to the Regime of Preferential Trade and Economic Interaction with the People's Republic of China [Оценка Выгод, Рисков И Издержек Перех," Working Papers 061827, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  9. Klyachko, Tatiana (Клячко, Татьяна) & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei Germanovich (Синельников-Мурылев, Сергей Германович), 2018. "Strategy for Russia: Education [Стратегия Для России: Образование]," Published Papers 011808, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  10. Balandina, Galina (Баландина, Галина) & Ponomarev, Yuriy (Пономарев, Юрий) & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei G. (Синельников-Мурылев, Сергей) & Tochin, Andrey (Точин, Андрей), 2018. "Customs Administration in Russia: What to Do? [Таможенное Право В России: Что Делать?]," Published Papers 061833, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  11. Perevyshin, Yury (Перевышин, Юрий) & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei Germanovich (Синельников-Мурылев, Сергей Германович) & Skrobotov, Anton (Скроботов, Антон) & Trunin, Pavel (Трунин, Павел), 2018. "Analysis of Regional Price Differentiations [Анализ Региональной Дифференциации Цен]," Published Papers 011801, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  12. Gordeev, Dmitry (Гордеев, Дмитрий), 2018. "Analysis of the Impact of Reforming the Customs Business on Loading State Border Check Points in Russia [Анализ Влияния Реформирования Таможенного Дела На Загрузку Пунктов Пропуска Государственной ," Working Papers 031831, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.


  1. Idrisova, Vittoria (Идрисова, Виттория), 2017. "Determinants of Value-Added Exports: The Role of Import Demand Factors [Детерминанты Экспорта Добавленной Стоимости: Роль Факторов Спроса На Импорт]," Working Papers 051715, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  2. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Kiyutsevskaya Anna, 2017. "Russia’s Monetary Policy in 2016," Published Papers ppaper-2017-269, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2017.
  3. Knobel Alexander & Baeva Marina, 2017. "Russia’s application of WTO dispute settlement mechanisms," Published Papers ppaper-2017-281, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2017.
  4. Sedalishchev, Vladimir (Седалищев, Владимир) & Chokaev, Bekhan (Чокаев, Бекхан) & Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр), 2017. "Evaluation of the Effects of Integration of Eurasian Economic Union [Оценка Эффектов Интеграции Еаэс]," Working Papers 051705, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  5. Kuznetsov, Dmitry (Кузнецов, Дмитрий) & Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр), 2017. "Determinants of Entering the Export Markets and Behavior of Russian Firms in International Trade [Детерминанты Выхода На Экспортные Рынки И Поведения Российских Фирм В Международной Торговле]," Working Papers 051716, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  6. Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Baeva, Marina (Баева, Марина), 2017. "Protective Measures in Integration Agreements and Their Impact on Mutual Trade and Trade with Third Countries: Features of Russia and the Countries of the Eurasian Economic Union [Защитные Меры В И," Working Papers 051735, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  7. Trunin, Pavel (Трунин, Павел) & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Segei (Синельников-Мурылев, Сергей) & Perevyshin, Yuri (Перевышин, Юрий) & Egorov, D.A. (Егоров, Д.А.), 2017. "Analysis of the Regional Differentiation of Inflation [Анализ Региональной Дифференциации Инфляции]," Working Papers 021708, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  8. Idrisov Georgy & Gordeev Dmitry, 2017. "Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Natural Gas Pricing in Domestic and Foreign Markets: The Case of Russia," Working Papers wpaper-2017-274, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2017.
  9. Gordeev, Dmitry (Гордеев, Дмитрий) & Kaukin, A.S. (Каукин, А.С.) & Ponomarev, Yuriy (Пономарев, Юрий), 2017. "Development of a Numerical Model of the Russian Oil and Oil Products Market [Разработка Численной Модели Рынка Нефти И Нефтепродуктов Российской Федерации]," Working Papers 051738, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.


  1. Gordeev, Dmitriy (Гордеев, Дмитрий) & Idrisov, Georgiy (Идрисов, Георгий) & Idrisova, Vittoria (Идрисова, Виттория) & Kaukin, Andrei (Каукин, Андрей), 2016. "Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Russian Foreign Trade Flows, Taking into Account the Real Costs of Transport [Моделирование Пространственного Распределения Российских Внешнеторговых Потоков С ," Working Papers 764, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  2. Gordeev, Dmitriy (Гордеев, Дмитрий) & Idrisova, Vittoria (Идрисова, Виттория) & Kaukin, Andrei (Каукин, Андрей) & Ponomarev, Yuriy (Пономарев, Юрий) & Filicheva, Evgeniya (Филичева, Евгения), 2016. "Analysis of Global Supply Chains in International Trade Patterns [Анализ Глобальных Цепочек В Моделях Международной Торговли]," Working Papers 765, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  3. Knobel, Alexander & Lipin, Andrei & Malokostov, Andrey & Turdyeva, Natalia, 2016. "Non-tariff barriers and trade integration in the EAEU," Conference papers 332739, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  4. Knobel Alexander & Baeva Marina, 2016. "Russia’s participation in WTO trade disputes," Published Papers ppaper-2016-250, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2016.
  5. Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Kazaryan, Margarita (Казарян, Маргарита) & Kuznetsov, D.E. (Кузнецов, Д.Е.) & Sedalishchev, V.V. (Седалищев, В.В.) & Firanchuk, Alexander (Фиранчук, Александр), 2016. "Economic Benefits, Costs and Risks for Russia on Trade and Economic Alliances with Countries of CIS, Europe and the USA Contact [Экономические Выгоды, Издержки И Риски Для России От Торгово-Экономи," Working Papers 1854, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  6. Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Kuznetsov, D.E. (Кузнецов, Д.Е.) & Sedalishchev, V.V. (Седалищев, В.В.), 2016. "A Study of Factors Affecting the Price of Russian Exporters on World Markets [Исследование Факторов, Влияющих На Цены Российских Экспортеров На Мировых Рынках]," Working Papers 1855, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  7. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Pavel Trunin, 2016. "Government Wealth Funds and Monetary Policy," Working Papers 148, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2016.
  8. Idrisov, Georgy (Идрисов, Георгий) & Ponomareva, Ekaterina (Пономарева, Екатерина), 2016. "Analysis of the Efficiency of Natural Monopolies in Russia [Анализ Эффективности Работы Естественных Монополий В России]," Working Papers 2041, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.


  1. Alexandra Bozhechkova & Pavel Trunin & Michael Khromov & Alexander Knobel & Anna Kiyutsevskaya, 2015. "Russia’s Monetary and Fiscal Policy in 2014," Published Papers 215, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2015.
  2. Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Chokaev, Bekhan (Чокаев, Бекхан) & Mironov, Alexey (Миронов, Алексей), 2015. "Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of Public Spending in the Field of National Defense and Law Enforcement [Сравнительный Анализ Эффективности Госрасходов В Сфере Национальной Обороны И Прав," Published Papers mn47, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  3. Evgeny Goryunov & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Laurence J. Kotlikoff, 2015. "Theoretical foundations of fiscal gap as a long-term fiscal sustainability indicator and its estimates for Russia," Working Papers 0113, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2015.


  1. Bekkhan Chokaev & Aleksandr Knobel, 2014. "Possible Economic Effects of CU—EU Free Trade Agreement," EcoMod2014 7026, EcoMod.
  2. Alexander Knobel, 2014. "The Risks of Fiscal Policy in Countries Rich in Natural Resource," Working Papers 0094, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2014.
  3. Alexander Knobel & Bekhan Chokaev, 2014. "Possible Economic Outcomes of a Trade Agreement with the European Union," Working Papers 0107, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2014.
  4. Alexander Knobel & Alexey Mironov, 2014. "Оценка Готовности Стран СНГ к Созданию Валютного Союза c Россией (Readiness Assessment of the CIS Member States to Create a Monetary Union with Russia)," Working Papers 136, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2015.
  5. Assessment of CIS Countries Readiness for Creation of Currency Union & Mironov, Alexey, 2014. "Assessment of CIS Countries Readiness for Creation of Currency Union," Published Papers dok19, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  6. Georgy Idrisov & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2014. "Forming Sources for a Long-run Growth: How to Understand Them?," Working Papers 0096, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2014.
  7. Alexey Vedev & Sergey Drobyshevsky & Mikhail Khromov & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2014. "Current Problems in the Development of the Banking System of the Russian Federation," Working Papers 0098, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2014.
  8. Vinokurov, Evgeny & Kulik, Sergey & Spartak, Andrey & Yurgens, Igor, 2014. "Two Integration Projects in Europe: Dead End of Struggle," MPRA Paper 61636, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Alexander Knobel & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Ilya Sokolov, 2013. "Quality of the Administration of Value-Added Tax in OECD countries and Russia," Working Papers 0050, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2013.
  2. Alexander Knobel & Ilya Sokolov, 2013. "Methodology Selection and Justification of Priority Public Spending in Russia," Working Papers 25, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  3. Sergey Drobyshevsky & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2013. "Macroeconomic Preconditions of the Realization of a New Growth Model," CASE Network Studies and Analyses 0450, CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research.
  4. Sergey Drobyshevsky & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Ilya Sokolov, 2013. "Evolution of Russia’s Budgetary Policy in the 2000s: in Search of Financial Stability for the National Budget System," Working Papers 0051, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2013.
  5. Tatiana Klyachko & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2013. "On Standards of Budget Funding and Adjusting the Fees in State Universities," Working Papers 0072, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2013.
  6. Georgy Idrisov & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2013. "Budget Policy and Economic Growth," Working Papers 0076, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2013.
  7. Tatiana Klyachko & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2013. "О Новых Тенденциях и Проблемах в Реформировании Системы Финансирования Вузов (On New Trends and Issues in the Reform of the Financing System of Universities)," Working Papers 130, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2015.


  1. Ekaterina Ponomareva & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexandr Knobel, 2012. "Factors of Economic Growth," Published Papers 172, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2013.
  2. Alexander Knobel, 2012. "The Influence Of Services Trade Liberalization On Service Flows And Industry Productivity In Cis Countries And Russia," Working Papers 0013, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2012.
  3. Alexander Knobel, 2012. "Estimation of Import Demand Function in Russia," Working Papers 0054, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2013.
  4. Georgy Idrisov & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2012. "Modernization or Conservation: The Role of Export Duty on Crude Oil and Petroleum Products," Working Papers 0042, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2012.
  5. Sergey Drobyshevsky & Tatiana Malinina & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2012. "Main Directions Of Tax System Reform In The Medium Term," Working Papers 0046, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2012.
  6. Tatiana Klyachko & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2012. "On the Financial ReformIn Russia’s Higher Education," Working Papers 0052, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2013.
  7. Ekaterina Ponomareva, 2012. "About the sources of the inflation persistence in Russia," Working Papers 0016, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2012.


  1. Sergey Sinelnikov & Ilya Sokolov & Tatiana Tischenko, 2011. "Monetary-Credit and Budgetary Spheres," Working Papers 0020, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2011.


  1. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Ilya Sokolov & Tatiana Tischenko, 2010. "Russia’s National Budget in 2010," Published Papers 24, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2012.


  1. Anton Siluanov & Pavel Kadochnikov & Vladimir Nazarov & Arseny Mamedov, 2009. "Intergovernmental Relations and Subnational Finances in Russia in 2008," Published Papers 31, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2012.
  2. Vladimir Nazarov & Sergey Sinelnikov, 2009. "On the strategy for improving the Russian pension reform," Working Papers 0008, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2009.
  3. Ilya Sokolov & Sergey Sinelnikov & Ilya Trunin, 2009. "Does Russia Need a Reform of VAT?," Working Papers 0010, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2009.
  4. Maria Kazakova & Sergei Sinelnikov-Murilov, 2009. "The Global Market for Energy Sources and the Pace of Economic Growth In Russia," Working Papers 0003, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2011.
  5. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2009. "Tax Policy in Crisis Situation," Published Papers 32, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2012.


  1. Sergey Sinelnikov & Pavel Kadochnikov & Ilya Trunin, 2008. "From Elections to Appointments of the Regional Governors: Major Challenges and Outcomes," Published Papers 2, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2008.
  2. Vladimir Nazarov & Pavel Kadochnikov & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2008. "The Long-Term Sustainability of Russia’s Budgetary Policy," Published Papers 40, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2012.


  1. Sergey Drobyshevsky & Pavel Kadochnikov & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2007. "Forecast Models of the RF Economic Development and Restrictions in Economic Policy over a Medium-Term Prospective," Published Papers 39, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2012.


  1. Sergey Sinelnikov & Pavel Kadochnikov & Ilya Trunin & Sergey Chetverikov & Marianne Vigneault, 2006. "Fiscal Federalism in Russia: Soft Budget Constraints of Regional Governments," Published Papers 47, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, revised 2012.

Journal articles

Undated material is listed at the end


  1. Evgenia Miller & Andrey Kaukin & Pavel Trunin & Alexander Knobel & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Yuriy Perevyshin, 2024. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 1-15, January-F.
  2. Pavel Trunin & Alexander Knobel & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Ilya Sokolov & Tatiana Tischenko & Alexander Deryugin & Alexander Firanchuk & Yuriy Zaitsev, 2024. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-28, March-Apr.
  3. Evgenia Miller & Andrey Kaukin & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Pavel Trunin & Yuriy Perevyshin, 2024. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 1-12, January-F.
  4. Pavel Trunin & Alexander Knobel & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Ilya Sokolov & Tatiana Tischenko & Alexander Deryugin & Alexander Firanchuk & Yuriy Zaitsev, 2024. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-26, March-Apr.
  5. Antonina Levashenko & Maria Girich & Ivan Ermokhin & Olga Magomedova & Tatiana Malinina, 2024. "International information exchange on crypto-assets," Digital monitoring, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 1-5, January.
  6. Antonina Levashenko & Maria Girich & Ivan Ermokhin & Olga Magomedova & Tatiana Malinina, 2024. "Combating anti-competitive practices, cybersecurity, new laws for artificial intelligence," Digital monitoring, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 3, pages 1-8, March.
  7. Antonina Levashenko & Maria Girich & Ivan Ermokhin & Olga Magomedova & Tatiana Malinina, 2024. "International information exchange on crypto-assets," Digital monitoring (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 1-5, January.
  8. Antonina Levashenko & Maria Girich & Ivan Ermokhin & Olga Magomedova & Tatiana Malinina, 2024. "International regulation of deepfakes, quantum technologies and the use of artificial intelligence technologies in labor relations," Digital monitoring (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-5, February.
  9. Antonina Levashenko & Maria Girich & Ivan Ermokhin & Olga Magomedova & Tatiana Malinina, 2024. "Combating anti-competitive practices, cybersecurity, new laws for artificial intelligence," Digital monitoring (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 3, pages 1-8, March.
  10. Antonina Levashenko & Maria Girich & Ivan Ermokhin & Olga Magomedova & Tatiana Malinina, 2024. "Restricting movement of autonomous vehicles on public roads, special measures to protect children in digital environment," Digital monitoring (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 1-7, April.
  11. Antonina Levashenko & Maria Girich & Ivan Ermokhin & Olga Magomedova & Tatiana Malinina, 2024. "Excluding risks in the use of AI in law enforcement, protection of intellectual property rights in training generative AI," Digital monitoring (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 5, pages 1-7, May.
  12. Antonina Levashenko & Maria Girich & Ivan Ermokhin & Olga Magomedova & Tatiana Malinina, 2024. "AI in healthcare, combating anti-competitive behavior of smartphone software vendors, personal data protection in a blockchain," Digital monitoring (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 6, pages 1-9, June.
  13. Antonina Levashenko & Maris Girich & Ivan Ermokhin & Olga Magomedova & Tatiana Malinina, 2024. "International regulation of deepfakes, quantum technologies and the use of artificial intelligence technologies in labor relations," Digital monitoring, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-5, February.


  1. Evgenia Miller & Andrey Kaukin & Alexander Knobel & Alexander Firanchuk & Igor Efremov, 2023. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 1-14, December.
  2. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Efremov Igor, 2023. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 3, pages 1-13, April.
  3. Sergey Drobyshevsky & Elena Sinelnikova-Muryleva & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Pavel Trunin & Sergey Zubov & Antonina Levashenko & Alexandra Koval, 2023. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 6, pages 1-19, July.
  4. Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Pavel Trunin & Yuriy Zaitsev & Ksenia Kasianova & Andrey Kaukin & Evgenia Miller & Sergei Zubov, 2023. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 1-19, October.
  5. Evgenia Miller & Andrey Kaukin & Alexander Knobel & Alexander Firanchuk & Igor Efremov, 2023. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 1-14, December.
  6. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Efremov Igor, 2023. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 3, pages 1-11, April.
  7. Sergey Drobyshevsky & Elena Sinelnikova-Muryleva & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Pavel Trunin & Sergey Zubov & Antonina Levashenko & Alexandra Koval, 2023. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 6, pages 1-17, July.
  8. Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Pavel Trunin & Yuriy Zaitsev & Ksenia Kasianova & Andrey Kaukin & Evgenia Miller & Sergei Zubov, 2023. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 1-17, October.
  9. Yulia Borisovna KRAVCHENKO, 2023. "Opportunities to Use Digital Mediums of Exchange in Russia’s Trade with Friendly Countries," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 5, pages 53-62, May.
  10. Maria G. Girich & Tatyana A. Ilyushnikova & Svyatoslav O. Sorokin & Antonina D. Levashenko & Ivan S. Ermokhin, 2023. "Problems of Involving the Private Sector in the System of Long-term Care for Elderly Citizens and People with Disabilities in Russia in Comparison with Foreign Countries [Проблемы Вовлечения Частно," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 12, pages 74-86, December.
  11. Maria G. Girich & Tatyana A. Ilyushnikova & Svyatoslav O. Sorokin & Antonina D. Levashenko & Ivan S. Ermokhin, 2023. "Approaches to a Long-term Care System Integration in Russia in Comparison with Foreign Countries [Подходы К Внедрению Системы Долговременного Ухода За Гражданами Пожилого Возраста И Инвалидами В Ро," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 11, pages 67-77, November.
  12. Maria G. Girich & Tatyana A. Ilyushnikova & Svyatoslav O. Sorokin & Antonina D. Levashenko & Ivan S. Ermokhin, 2023. "Проблемы Вовлечения Частного Сектора В Систему Долговременного Ухода За Гражданами Пожилого Возраста И Инвалидами В России В Сравнении С Зарубежными Странами," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 12, pages 74-86, December.
  13. Maria G. Girich & Tatyana A. Ilyushnikova & Svyatoslav O. Sorokin & Antonina D. Levashenko & Ivan S. Ermokhin, 2023. "Подходы К Внедрению Системы Долговременного Ухода За Гражданами Пожилого Возраста И Инвалидами В России В Сравнении С Зарубежными Странами," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 11, pages 67-77, November.
  14. A. D. Levashenko & O. S. Magomedova, 2023. "Development of Russian export of business services: great potential and ways to fulfill it," International Trade and Trade Policy, ФГБОУ ВО "Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¹Ñ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ ÑƒÐ½Ð¸Ð²ÐµÑ€Ñ Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÑ‚ им. Г.Ð’. Плеханова", vol. 8(4).
  15. Tatyana A. Ilyushnikova & Svyatoslav O. Sorokin & Antonina D. Levashenko & Ivan S. Ermokhin & Kirill A. Chernovol, 2023. "Assessment of the Contribution of the Non-profit Sector to the Russian Economy: Opportunities for Further Development [Оценка Вклада Некоммерческого Сектора В Экономику России: Возможности Для Даль," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 5, pages 19-36, May.
  16. Aleksandra A. Koval & Antonina D. Levashenko, 2023. "Risks of Russia’s Inclusion in the FAFT «Black» or «Grey» List [Риски Включения России В «Черный» Или «Серый» Списки Фатф]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 8-11, August.
  17. Tatyana A. Ilyushnikova & Svyatoslav O. Sorokin & Antonina D. Levashenko & Ivan S. Ermokhin & Kirill A. Chernovol, 2023. "Оценка Вклада Некоммерческого Сектора В Экономику России: Возможности Для Дальнейшего Развития," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 5, pages 19-36, May.
  18. Aleksandra A. Koval & Antonina D. Levashenko, 2023. "Риски Включения России В «Черный» Или «Серый» Списки Фатф," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 8-11, August.


  1. Ponomarev Yuri & Makarov Andrey & Borzykh Ksenia & Radchenko Daria & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel & Abramov Alexander & Kosyrev Andrey & Radygin Alexandr & Chernova Maria & , 2022. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 1-24, January.
  2. Belev Sergey & Tischenko Tatiana & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel & Lyashok Victor & Agranovich Mark & Ermachkova Julia & Livenets Marina, 2022. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 11, pages 1-21, October.
  3. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Zubov Sergey & Shagaida Natalia & Ternovskiy Dmitry & Klyachko Tatiana & Tokareva Galina, 2022. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 3, pages 1-20, February.
  4. Perevshin Yuri & Dzhunkeev Urmat & Trunin Pavel & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Chembulatova Maria & Miller Evgenia & Sitkevich D. & Ponomareva Ekaterina & Bedareva Larisa, 2022. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 6, pages 1-37, May.
  5. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Lyashok Viktor & Shagaida Natalia & Ternovskiy Dmitry, 2022. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 1-18, July.
  6. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Ponomarev Yuri & Abramov Alexander & Chernova Maria & Zubov Sergey & Kosyrev Andrey & Makarov Andrey & Radchenko Daria, 2022. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 1-24, January.
  7. Belev Sergey & Tischenko Tatiana & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel & Lyashok Victor & Agranovich Mark & Ermachkova Julia & Livenets Marina, 2022. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 11, pages 1-19, October.
  8. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Shagaida Natalia & Klyachko Tatiana & Tokareva Galina & Zubov Sergey & Ternovskiy Dmitry, 2022. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 3, pages 1-19, February.
  9. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Ponomareva Ekaterina & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Sitkevich D. & Lomteva Elena & Bedareva Larisa & Perevshin Yuri & Dzhunkeev Urmat & Ch, 2022. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 6, pages 1-37, May.
  10. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Lyashok Viktor & Shagaida Natalia & Ternovskiy Dmitry, 2022. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 1-17, July.
  11. Alexandra V. Bozhechkova & Alexander Yu. Knobel & Pavel V. Trunin, 2022. "Balance of Payments: Results of 2021 [Платежный Баланс: Итоги 2021 Г]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 4-8, January.
  12. Alexander Yu. Knobel & Alexander S. Firanchuk, 2022. "Foreign Trade in 2021: Export Growth Driven by a Leap in Prices [Внешняя Торговля В 2021 Г.: Рост Экспорта За Счет Скачка Цен]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 10-14, February.
  13. Alexandra V. Bozhechkova & Alexander Yu. Knobel & Pavel V. Trunin, 2022. "Current Account Balance Rose in Q1 2022 amid Record Capital Outflow [Сальдо Счета Текущих Операций В Первом Квартале 2022 Г. Выросло В Условиях Рекордного Оттока Капитала]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 5, pages 9-12, May.
  14. Alexandra V. Bozhechkova & Alexander Yu. Knobel & Pavel V. Trunin, 2022. "Balance of Payments in Q2 2022 [Платежный Баланс Во Втором Квартале 2022 Г]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 12-14, August.
  15. Alexander S. Firanchuk & Alexander Yu. Knobel, 2022. "Estimates of Russia’s Trade Turnover with Major Partners in January-July 2022 [Оценка Товарооборота России С Основными Партнерами В Январе-Июле 2022 Г]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 13-23, October.
  16. Alexandra V. Bozhechkova & Alexander Yu. Knobel & Pavel V. Trunin, 2022. "Balance of Payments in Q3 2022 [Платежный Баланс В Третьем Квартале 2022 Г]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 11, pages 4-7, November.
  17. Alexandra V. Bozhechkova & Alexander Yu. Knobel & Pavel V. Trunin, 2022. "Платежный Баланс: Итоги 2021 Г," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 4-8, January.
  18. Alexander Yu. Knobel & Alexander S. Firanchuk, 2022. "Внешняя Торговля В 2021 Г.: Рост Экспорта За Счет Скачка Цен," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 10-14, February.
  19. Alexandra V. Bozhechkova & Alexander Yu. Knobel & Pavel V. Trunin, 2022. "Сальдо Счета Текущих Операций В Первом Квартале 2022 Г. Выросло В Условиях Рекордного Оттока Капитала," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 5, pages 9-12, May.
  20. Alexandra V. Bozhechkova & Alexander Yu. Knobel & Pavel V. Trunin, 2022. "Платежный Баланс Во Втором Квартале 2022 Г," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 12-14, August.
  21. Alexander S. Firanchuk & Alexander Yu. Knobel, 2022. "Оценка Товарооборота России С Основными Партнерами В Январе-Июле 2022 Г," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 13-23, October.
  22. Alexandra V. Bozhechkova & Alexander Yu. Knobel & Pavel V. Trunin, 2022. "Платежный Баланс В Третьем Квартале 2022 Г," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 11, pages 4-7, November.
  23. Sergey G. Sinelnikov-Murylev & Azamat B. Berberov & Nikolai S. Milogolov, 2022. "Digitalization of Tax Administration in Russia: Opportunities and Risks [Цифровизация Налогового Администрирования В России: Возможности И Риски]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 2, pages 8-33, April.
  24. Sergey G. Sinelnikov-Murylev & Nikolay S. Milogolov & Sergey G. Belev, 2022. "Налоговая Политика В Условиях Санкций," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 9, pages 42-51, September.
  25. Sergey G. Sinelnikov-Murylev & Nikolay S. Milogolov & Sergey G. Belev, 2022. "Tax Policy under Sanctions [Налоговая Политика В Условиях Санкций]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 9, pages 42-51, September.
  26. Yulia Borisovna KRAVCHENKO, 2022. "New Challenges to the Modern International Trade System," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 6, pages 25-37, June.
  27. M. G. Girich & A. D. Levashenko, 2022. "Trade-based money laundering: development of the «red flags» system," International Trade and Trade Policy, ФГБОУ ВО "Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¹Ñ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ ÑƒÐ½Ð¸Ð²ÐµÑ€Ñ Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÑ‚ им. Г.Ð’. Плеханова", vol. 7(4).
  28. Maria G. Girich & Kristina V. Ivanovicheva & Antonina D. Levashenko, 2022. "Taxation and Social Insurance for Employees of Online Platforms: Comparison of Russian and International Experience," Finansovyj žhurnal — Financial Journal, Financial Research Institute, Moscow 125375, Russia, issue 3, pages 44-60, June.
  29. Alexandra Koval & Olga Magomedova & Antonina Levashenko, 2022. "Access to Data in the Digital Economy: Recommendations, Initiatives, Prospects [Доступ К Данным В Цифровой Экономике: Рекомендации, Инициативы, Перспективы]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 4, pages 76-99, August.


  1. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Lyashok Viktor & Lomteva Elena & Bedareva Larisa, 2021. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 13, pages 1-24, July.
  2. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Abramov Alexander & Kosyrev Andrey & Radygin Alexandr & Chernova Maria, 2021. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 15, pages 1-22, September.
  3. Sokolov Ilya & Trunin Pavel & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Zubov Sergey & Gorlin Yuri & Lyashok Viktor, 2021. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 17, pages 1-21, October.
  4. Knobel Alexander & Zaitsev Yuri & Klyachko Tatiana & Semenova Elena & Larionova Marina, 2021. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 19, pages 1-18, November.
  5. Ponomarev Yuri & Radchenko Daria & Makarov Andrey & Borzhyh K. & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Tsukhlo Sergey, 2021. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-21, January.
  6. Ponomarev Yuri & Radchenko Daria & Makarov Andrey & Borzhyh K. & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Deryugin Alexander & Zubov Sergey & Tsukhlo Sergey, 2021. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 1-26, March.
  7. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Lyashok Viktor & Lomteva Elena & Bedareva Larisa, 2021. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 13, pages 1-20, July.
  8. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Abramov Alexander & Kosyrev Andrey & Radygin Alexandr & Chernova Maria, 2021. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 15, pages 1-19, September.
  9. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Lyashok Viktor & Sokolov Ilya & Zubov Sergey & Gorlin Yuri, 2021. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 17, pages 1-21, October.
  10. Knobel Alexander & Zaitsev Yuri & Klyachko Tatiana & Semenova Elena & Larionova Marina, 2021. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 19, pages 1-15, November.
  11. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Ponomarev Yuri & Miller Evgenia & Makarov Andrey & Radchenko Daria & Borzhyh K., 2021. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-17, January.
  12. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Deryugin Alexander & Ponomarev Yuri & Zubov Sergey & Makarov Andrey & Radchenko Daria & Borzhyh K., 2021. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 1-22, March.
  13. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel, 2021. "Balance of Payments in Q3 2021 [Платежный Баланс В Третьем Квартале 2021 Г]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 4-8, October.
  14. Zaitsev Yury & Knobel Alexander, 2021. "Russian Development Assistance during the Coronavirus Pandemic in 2020 [Российская Помощь В Целях Развития В Период Пандемии Коронавируса В 2020 Г]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 12, pages 8-11, December.
  15. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel, 2021. "Balance of Payments: Results of 2020 [Платежный Баланс: Итоги 2020 Г]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 4-8, February.
  16. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2021. "Foreign Trade in 2020: Overcoming the Downturn [Внешняя Торговля В 2020 Г.: Преодоление Падения]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 3, pages 12-17, March.
  17. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel, 2021. "Balance of Payments in Q2 2021 [Платежный Баланс Во Втором Квартале 2021 Г]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 4-8, August.
  18. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2021. "Foreign Trade in January-July 2021: Growth of Non-Energy Exports [Внешняя Торговля В Январе-Июле 2021 Г.: Рост Несырьевого Экспорта]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 9, pages 21-26, September.
  19. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel, 2021. "Платежный Баланс В Третьем Квартале 2021 Г," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 4-8, October.
  20. Zaitsev Yury & Knobel Alexander, 2021. "Российская Помощь В Целях Развития В Период Пандемии Коронавируса В 2020 Г," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 12, pages 8-11, December.
  21. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel, 2021. "Платежный Баланс: Итоги 2020 Г," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 4-8, February.
  22. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2021. "Внешняя Торговля В 2020 Г.: Преодоление Падения," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 3, pages 12-17, March.
  23. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel, 2021. "Платежный Баланс Во Втором Квартале 2021 Г," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 4-8, August.
  24. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2021. "Внешняя Торговля В Январе-Июле 2021 Г.: Рост Несырьевого Экспорта," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 9, pages 21-26, September.
  25. Tatyana Klyachko & Alexey Novoseltsev & Elena Odoevskaya & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2021. "Lessons Learned from the Coronavirus Pandemic and Possible Changes to Funding Mechanisms in Higher Education," Voprosy obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, National Research University Higher School of Economics, issue 1, pages 8-30.
  26. T. L. Klyachko & S. G. Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2021. "Russian Higher Education as Influenced by COVID-19 Pandemic," University Management: Practice and Analysis, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin»; Non-Commercial Partnership “University Management: Practice and, vol. 24(4).
  27. Sergey Vasilyevich Khalipov, 2021. "From Difficult to Simple in Search of Aircraft Declarant," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 1, pages 20-28, January.
  28. Sergey Vasilyevich Khalipov, 2021. "Movement of Superpotent Substances Across the Russian Federation State Border: Foreign Trade and Non-Commercial Aspects," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 2, pages 112-123, February.
  29. Larisa Viktorovna Krivokochenko, 2021. "Wood Pellet Market: Current State and Prospects," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 7, pages 61-73, July.
  30. Viktor Petrovich Medvedev & Irina Vladimirovna Grishina, 2021. "Stages of Concluding an Import Contract for Dairy Equipment and its Execution," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 2, pages 66-75, February.
  31. Irina Vladimirovna Grishina & Aleksander Ivanovich Belchuk & Leonid Vladimirovich Sabelnikov, 2021. "Pharmaceuticals Imports in Russia," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 3, pages 69-76, March.
  32. Viktor Nikolayevich Kirillov & Irina Vladimirovna Grishina & Lyubov`Arkadyevna Strizhkovà, 2021. "Ferrous Metals Export in Russian Companies," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 4, pages 101-107, April.
  33. Viktor Petrovich Medvedev & Valeriy Viktorovich Ivanov & Irina Vladimirovna Grishina & Karen Gevorkovich Susanyan & Andrey Olegovich Polynev, 2021. "Specifics of Company’s Operations during Implementation of Export Activities," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 6, pages 51-57, June.
  34. Yulia Borisovna Kravchenko, 2021. "International Production – Results Over Last 30 years," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 1, pages 106-113, January.
  35. Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak & Yulia Borisovna Kravchenko, 2021. "Key Global Economic Trends of the Current Decade," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 12, pages 7-26, December.
  36. Koval Alexandra & Levashenko Antonina, 2021. "Will Automatic Exchange Help Fight Corruption and Criminal Money? [Поможет Ли Автообмен В Борьбе С Коррупцией И «Грязными» Деньгами?]," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 6, pages 53-57, June.
  37. Koval Alexandra & Levashenko Antonina, 2021. "Поможет Ли Автообмен В Борьбе С Коррупцией И «Грязными» Деньгами?," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 6, pages 53-57, June.


  1. Bobylev Yuri & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Mikhailova Tatiana, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 1-16, January.
  2. Ponomarev Yuri & Makarov A. & Rodchenko D. & Sidorova E. & Borzykh K. & Zaitsev Yuri & Grebenkina Alina & Makeeva Natalia & Sinelnikova-Muryleva Elena & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trun, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 1-211, April.
  3. Levashenko Antonina & Koval A. & Girich M. & Saule Anes & Chernovol K. & Nazarov Vladimir & Sisigina N. & Avxentyev Nikolay & Tsatsura E. & Belev Sergey & Tishchenko Tatiana & Polezhaeva Natalia & Ape, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 11, pages 1-209, May.
  4. Levashenko Antonina & Koval Aleksandra & Girich M. & Valamat-Zade A. & Chernovol K. & Magomedova O. & Trunin Pavel & Goryunov Evgeny & Dobrolyubova E. & Starostina A. & Potapova A. & Rogozin D. & Evse, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 14, pages 1-98, May.
  5. Abramov Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Chernova Maria & Kosyrev Andrey & Tarasova N. & Pestrikova S. & Belev Sergey & Tishchenko Tatiana & Kurdin A. & Shastitko A. & Markova O. & Morozov S. & Ponomare, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 15, pages 1-148, June.
  6. Abramov Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Kosyrev Andrey & Chernova Maria & Leskova Yu. & Levushkin A. & Makarentseva Alla & Malakhov V. & Motin A. & Ponomarev Yuri & Makarov A. & Radchenko D. & Sidorova, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 17, pages 1-85, June.
  7. Starodubrovskaya Irina & Sitkevich D. & Kazenin Konstantin & Belev Sergey & Vedev Alexey & Drobyshevsky Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Knobel Alexander & Miller Evgenia & Trunin Pavel & Abramov Alexander & , 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 18, pages 1-84, June.
  8. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia & Miller Evgenia & Zubov Sergey, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-23, February.
  9. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Radygin Alexandr & Ponomarev Yuri & Abramov Alexander & Chernova Maria & Zubov Sergey & Kosyrev Andrey & Makarov Andrey & Radchenko Daria & Bo, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 29, pages 1-24, December.
  10. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Belev Sergey & Miller Evgenia & Sokolov Ilya & Tishchenko Tatiana & Arlashkin Igor, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 1-26, March.
  11. Vedev Alexei & Drobyshevsky Sergey & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Sokolov Ilya, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia`s Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4.1 (Spec, pages 1-9, April.
  12. Levashenko Antonina & Koval A. & Mikhailova Tatiana & Komarov Vladimir & Klyachko Tatiana & Semenova Elena & Tokareva Galina & Ponomarev Yuri & Makarov A. & Radchenko D. & Sidorova E. & Borzykh K. & K, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 115-115, May.
  13. Bobylev Yuri & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Mikhailova Tatiana, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 1-16, January.
  14. Zubarev Andrei & Shilov K. & Trunin Pavel & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Deryugin Alexander & Belev Sergey & Vedev Alexey & Drobyshevsky Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Knobel Alexander & Miller Evgenia, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 11, pages 1-38, July.
  15. Abramov Alexander & Kosarev Andrey & Radygin Alexandr & Chernova Maria & Levashenko Antonina & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 14, pages 1-22, September.
  16. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia & Miller Evgenia & Zubov Sergey, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-23, February.
  17. Abramov Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Kosyrev Andrey & Chernova Maria & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Zubov Sergey & Tsukhlo Sergey & Ponomarev Yuri & Borzykh Ksenia & Makarov Andrey & Rad, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 20, pages 1-24, December.
  18. Belev Sergey & Sokolov Ilya & Arlashkin Igor & Tishchenko Tatiana & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 1-26, March.
  19. Vedev Alexei & Drobyshevsky Sergey & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Sokolov Ilya, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4.1 (Spec, pages 1-9, April.
  20. Trunin Pavel & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Levashenko Antonina & Koval A. & Milogolov Nikolai & Gromov Vladimir & Zemtsov Tsepan & Tsareva Yulia, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 9, pages 1-26, May.
  21. Knobel, A. & Pyzhikov, N. & Aliev, T., 2020. "Trends in the development of world trade in recent decades and current challenges for its development," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 45(1), pages 174-182.
  22. Balandina, Galina (Баландина, Галина) & Ponomarev, Yuriy (Пономарев, Юрий) & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergey (Синельников-Мурылев, Сергей), 2020. "Customs Administration in Russia: State-of-the-Art Procedures to Be Followed [Таможенное Администрирование В России: Какими Должны Быть Современные Процедуры]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 1, pages 108-135, February.
  23. Sinelnikov-Murylev Sergey & Trunin Pavel & Goryunov Evgeny & Sokolov Ilya & Tokareva Galina & Semenova Elena & Iskhakova Farida & Evseev Aleksei, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 6, pages 1-23, April.
  24. Trunin Pavel & Tokareva Galina & Iskhakova Farida & Evseev Aleksei & Goryunov Evgeny & Sokolov Ilya & Sinelnikov-Murylev Sergey & Semenova Elena, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 6, pages 1-23, April.
  25. Polbin Andrei & Sinelnikov-Murylev Sergey, 2020. "A simple macro-econometric simultaneous equation model for the Russian economy," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 180P, pages 1-51.
  26. Ismagilova, Olga (Исмагилова, Ольга) & Khadzhi, Karine (Хаджи, Карине), 2020. "Global Experience in Regulating Data Protection, Transfer and Storage [Мировой Опыт Регулирования Защиты, Передачи И Хранения Данных]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 3, pages 152-175, June.
  27. Sergej Ivanovich Dolgov & Yuri Anatolievich Savinov, 2020. "The impact of the new coronavirus outbreak on international trade," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 2, pages 7-18, February.
  28. Sergej Ivanovich Dolgov & Yuri Anatolievich Savinov, 2020. "Transformation of Globalization Dimensions," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 9, pages 7-26, September.
  29. Sergey Vasilyevich Khalipov, 2020. "Imports of containers within the Eurasian Economic Union: peculiarities of customs processing," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 4, pages 48-57, April.
  30. Ol`ga Vladimirovna Leonova, 2020. "2020 Changes in Foreign Trade Contract," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 11, pages 58-71, November.
  31. Olga Vladimirovna Leonova & Aleksandra Sergeevna Buyankina, 2020. "Risk Management - the Realities today," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 3, pages 82-89, March.
  32. Andrey N. Spartak & Tatiana A. Voronova, 2020. "Medium- and Long-Term Trends in the Development of the World Economy," International Trade and Trade Policy, ФГБОУ ВО "Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¹Ñ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ ÑƒÐ½Ð¸Ð²ÐµÑ€Ñ Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÑ‚ им. Г.Ð’. Плеханова", issue 4.
  33. Larisa Viktorovna Krivokochenko, 2020. "Opportunities and prospects for Russian timber export growth to China and India," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 7, pages 58-66, July.
  34. Valerij Viktorovich Ivanov & Alexandra Evgenievna Sorokina, 2020. "Cross-Border Digital Healthcare Trends," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 10, pages 100-108, October.
  35. Valery Viktorovich Ivanov & Ekaterina Valerievna Levites, 2020. "Digital communication technologies in export promotion of NTI Sensorika projects," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 3, pages 90-104, March.
  36. Irina Vladimirovna Grishina & Aleksandr Vladimirovich Kotov, 2020. "Federal support of regional development: investment aspect," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 3, pages 23-34, March.
  37. Irina Vladimirovna Grishina & Andrey Olegovich Polynev, 2020. "Regional Features of the Response to the Global Crisis," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 10, pages 62-76, October.
  38. Yuliya Borisovna Kravchenko, 2020. "Special economic zones and global economic growth," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 1, pages 93-103, January.
  39. Yulia Borisovna Kravchenko, 2020. "New measures to support non-resource non-energy exports," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 9, pages 115-126, September.
  40. M. G. Girich & A. Saule, 2020. "International Standards Impact On The Regulation Of National Taxi Aggregator Markets," International Trade and Trade Policy, ФГБОУ ВО "Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¹Ñ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ ÑƒÐ½Ð¸Ð²ÐµÑ€Ñ Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÑ‚ им. Г.Ð’. Плеханова", issue 2.
  41. Maria G. Girich & Antonina D. Levashenko & Alexandra A. Koval, 2020. "From Monetary Towards Non-Monetary Transactions: Consumer Personal Data Protection in E-commerce," Finansovyj žhurnal — Financial Journal, Financial Research Institute, Moscow 125375, Russia, issue 1, pages 117-130, February.
  42. Levashenko Antonina & Koval Aleksandra & Girich M. & Saule Anes & Chernovol K. & Abramov Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Kosyrev Andrey & Chernova Maria & Maksimov A. & Belyakova N. & Ponomarev Yuri & , 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 16, pages 1-61, June.
  43. Varshaver E. & Abramov Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Kosyrev Andrey & Chernova Maria & Levashenko Antonina & Koval Aleksandra & Girich Maria & Chernovol K. & Maksimov A. & Sosnin D. & Lyashok Viktor , 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 20, pages 1-106, July.
  44. Abramov Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Kosyrev Andrey & Chernova Maria & Grishina Elena & Polynev A. & Shkuropat A. & Levashenko Antonina & Magomedova O. & Koval Aleksandra & Girich Maria & Chernovol , 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 21, pages 1-39, August.
  45. Abramov Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Kosyrev Andrey & Chernova Maria & Grishina Elena & Levashenko Antonina & Koval Aleksandra & Girich Maria & Chernovol K. & Ermokhin I. & Magomedova O. & Ponomarev, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 23, pages 1-59, August.
  46. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Makarentseva Alla & Khasanova Ramilya & Levashenko Antonina & Girich M., 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 5, pages 1-18, April.
  47. Tischenko A. & Trunin Pavel & Evseev Aleksei & Goryunov Evgeny & Ishakova F. & Grishina Elena & Tsatsura Elena & Nazarov Vladimir & Sisigina N. & Ponomarev Yuri & Radchenko D. & Barbashova Natalia & K, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 9, pages 1-170, May.
  48. Radygin Alexandr & Potapova A. & Levashenko Antonina & Girich Maria & Belev Sergey & Tishchenko Tatiana & Sokolov Ilya, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 1-25, June.
  49. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Makarentseva Alla & Khasanova Ramilya & Levashenko Antonina & Girich M., 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 5, pages 1-18, April.
  50. A. A. Koval & A. D. Levashenko, 2020. "Export Of Services: Is Data Localization A Barrier?," International Trade and Trade Policy, ФГБОУ ВО "Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¹Ñ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ ÑƒÐ½Ð¸Ð²ÐµÑ€Ñ Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÑ‚ им. Г.Ð’. Плеханова", issue 2.
  51. Talapina E. & Cheresneva I. & Trunin Pavel & Evseev Aleksei & Iskhakova Farida & Kosarev V. & Abramov Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Kosyrev Andrey & Chernova Maria & Levashenko Antonina & Chernovol K, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 12, pages 1-89, May.
  52. Levashenko Antonina & Koval Aleksandra & Chernovol K. & Ermokhin I. & Magomedova O. & Zaitsev Yuri & Abramov Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Chernova Maria & Efremov A. & Kosyrev Andrey & Yuzhakov A. &, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 13, pages 1-90, May.
  53. Abramov Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Kosyrev Andrey & Chernova Maria & Grishina Elena & Levashenko Antonina & Magomedova O. & Koval Aleksandra & Valamat-Zade A. & Saule Anes & Deryugin Alexander & P, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 22, pages 1-50, August.
  54. Levashenko Antonina & Magomedova O. & Sinelnikova-Muryleva Elena & Trunin Pavel & Evseev Aleksei & Iskhakova Farida & Deryugin Alexander, 2020. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 13, pages 1-21, August.


  1. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Burdyak Alexandra & Eliseeva Marina, 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 1-17, January.
  2. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Larionova Marina & Miller Evgenia & Antonova M. & Potapova A., 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 11, pages 1-22, July.
  3. Knobel Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Zubarevich Natalia & Vedev Alexey & Khasanova Ramilya & Pyzhikov N., 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 15, pages 1-18, October.
  4. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Idrisov Georgy & Pleskachev Yuri & Tsukhlo Sergey & Knobel Alexander & Zybov S. & Zaitsev Yuri, 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 17, pages 1-23, November.
  5. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Abramov Alexander & Miller Evgenia & Lavrischeva A. & Zhemkova A., 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-26, January.
  6. Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Khudko Elizaveta & Mikhailova Tatiana & Gadiy Ludmila & Sherbustanova Maria, 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 5, pages 1-24, April.
  7. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Avdonina A., 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 1-19, May.
  8. Knobel Alexander & Klyachko Tatiana & Tishchenko Tatiana & Poliakova Aleksandra & Zaitsev Yuri, 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 9, pages 1-19, June.
  9. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Burdyak Alexandra & Eliseeva Marina, 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 1-16, January.
  10. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Larionova Marina & Miller Evgenia & Antonova M. & Potapova A., 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 11, pages 1-22, July.
  11. Knobel Alexander & Pyzhikov N. & Tsukhlo Sergey & Vedev Alexey & Zubarevich Natalia & Khasanova Ramilya, 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 15, pages 1-18, October.
  12. Idrisov Georgy & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Pleskachev Yuri & Zaitsev Yuri & Zybov S., 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 17, pages 1-22, November.
  13. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Abramov Alexander & Miller Evgenia & Lavrischeva A. & Zhemkova A., 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-25, February.
  14. Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Khudko Elizaveta & Mikhailova Tatiana & Gadiy Ludmila & Sherbustanova Maria, 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 5, pages 1-24, April.
  15. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Avdonina A., 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 1-19, May.
  16. Knobel Alexander & Klyachko Tatiana & Tishchenko Tatiana & Poliakova Aleksandra & Zaitsev Yuri, 2019. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 9, pages 1-19, June.
  17. Knobel, A. & Kuznetsov, D., 2019. "Patterns of Russian Firms' Export Pricing," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 41(1), pages 100-127.
  18. Knobel, A. & Proka, K. & Bagdasaryan, K., 2019. "The Theory and Practice of International Economic Sanctions," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 43(3), pages 152-162.
  19. Kadochnikov, Pavel A. (Кадочников, Павел А.) & Chentsov, Alexander M. (Ченцов, Александр М.) & Knobel, Alexander Yu. (Кнобель, Александр Ю.), 2019. "Assessment of Import Substitution Due to the Trade Embargo in Russia, 2014–2016 [Оценка Масштабов Импортозамещения В России В 2014–2016 Годах]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 1, pages 8-33, February.
  20. Michael Alexeev & Nikolay Avxentyev & Arseny Mamedov & Sergey G. Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2019. "Fiscal Decentralization, Budget Discipline, and Local Finance Reform in Russia’s Regions," Public Finance Review, , vol. 47(4), pages 679-717, July.
  21. Sergey Germanovich Sinelnikov-Murylev & Antonina Davidovna Levashenko & Alexandra Alexandrovna Koval & Pavel Vyacheslavovich Trunin, 2019. "Currency control in Russia: archaism or necessity," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 5, pages 7-15, May.
  22. Gordeev, Dmitry S. (Гордеев, Дмитрий) & Idrisov, Georgy I. (Идрисов, Георгий), 2019. "Prospects of Forming a New Rail Freight Tariff System [Перспективы Формирования Новой Тарифной Системы Грузовых Железнодорожных Перевозок]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 4, pages 194-219, August.
  23. Oleg Yur'evich Gavryushin & Sergey Ivanovich Dolgov & Yuri Anatolievich Savinov & Evgenija Vadimovna Taranovskaja, 2019. "Corporate structure changes in online sales in Russia," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 8, pages 77-93, August.
  24. Sergey Ivanovich Dolgov & Yuri Anatolievich Savinov & Aleksandr Alekseevich Nikitenko & Sergej Aleksandrovich Bartenev, 2019. "An important tool for expanding Russian exports of engineering products," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 10, pages 26-39, October.
  25. Sergey Vasilievich Khalipov, 2019. "Export and export customs procedures within the Eurasian economic union," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 4, pages 37-47, April.
  26. Sergey Vasilievich Khalipov, 2019. "Customs control in the Eurasian Economic Unionv and the Russian Federation," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 1, pages 88-95, January.
  27. Olga Vladimirovna Leonova, 2019. "Liberalization of currency control regulations affecting foreign trade participants," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 12, pages 65-69, December.
  28. Kristina M Gicas & Andrea A Jones & William J Panenka & Chantelle Giesbrecht & Donna J Lang & Fidel Vila-Rodriguez & Olga Leonova & Alasdair M Barr & Ric M Procyshyn & Wayne Su & Alexander Rauscher & , 2019. "Cognitive profiles and associated structural brain networks in a multimorbid sample of marginalized adults," PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, vol. 14(6), pages 1-20, June.
  29. Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak & Vitalij Vital’evich Francuzov, 2019. "Current trends and risks in the world economy growth," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 2, pages 7-24, February.
  30. Larisa Viktorovna Krivokochenko, 2019. "Modern features of commodity futures and options trading," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 5, pages 41-53, May.
  31. Yuliya Borisovna Kravchenko, 2019. "Important factor of manufacturing growth," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 1, pages 103-114, January.
  32. Maria G. Girich & Antonina D. Levashenko, 2019. "Separate And Dominate: Hidden Potential Of Waste Market In Russia And In The World," International Trade and Trade Policy, ФГБОУ ВО "Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¹Ñ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ ÑƒÐ½Ð¸Ð²ÐµÑ€Ñ Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÑ‚ им. Г.Ð’. Плеханова", issue 1.
  33. Maria Georgievna Girich & Alexandra Alexandrovna Koval & Antonina Davidovna Levashenko, 2019. "OECD Mutual Acceptance of Data System (MAD) for Export Development," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 1, pages 15-23, January.
  34. Maria Georgievna Girich & Antonina Davidovna Levashenko, 2019. "New legal aspects of regulating Russian agricultural exports," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 10, pages 57-65, October.


  1. Alexey Kudrin & Alexander Knobel, 2018. "Russian budget structure efficiency: Empirical study," Russian Journal of Economics, ARPHA Platform, vol. 4(3), pages 197-214, October.
  2. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Uzun Vasily & Tishchenko Tatiana, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 1-24, May.
  3. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 13, pages 1-20, July.
  4. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia & Miller Evgenia & Lavrischeva A., 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 14, pages 1-19, July.
  5. Idrisov Georgy & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Uzun Vasily & Shagaida Natalia & Pavlov Pavel, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 16, pages 1-21, September.
  6. Sinelnikov-Murylev Sergey & Drobyshevsky Sergey & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Khasanova Ramilya, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-27, February.
  7. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Deryugin Alexander & Tishchenko Tatiana & Zaitsev Yuri, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 20, pages 1-22, November.
  8. Avraamova Elena & Loginov Dmitry & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 1-27, March.
  9. Berezinskaya Olga & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsarev Yuri & Kosarev A. & Sinigina N. & Barinova Vera, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 7, pages 1-23, April.
  10. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia & Miller Evgenia & Zaitsev Yuri, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 1-25, April.
  11. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Uzun Vasily & Tishchenko Tatiana, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 1-23, May.
  12. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 13, pages 1-20, July.
  13. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia & Miller Evgenia & Lavrischeva A., 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 14, pages 1-19, July.
  14. Idrisov Georgy & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Uzun Vasily & Shagaida Natalia & Pavlov Pavel, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 16, pages 1-20, September.
  15. Sinelnikov-Murylev Sergey & Drobyshevsky Sergey & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Khasanova Ramilya, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-27, February.
  16. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Deryugin Alexander & Tishchenko Tatiana & Zaitsev Yuri, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 20, pages 1-21, November.
  17. Avraamova Elena & Loginov Dmitry & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 1-27, March.
  18. Berezinskaya Olga & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsarev Yuri & Kosarev A. & Sinigina N. & Barinova Vera, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 7, pages 1-21, April.
  19. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Zubarevich Natalia & Miller Evgenia & Zaitsev Yuri, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 1-24, April.
  20. Roman Vakulchuk & Alexander Knobel, 2018. "Impact of non-tariff barriers on trade within the Eurasian Economic Union," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 30(4), pages 459-481, July.
  21. Kadochnikov, Pavel (Кадочников, Павел) & Flegontova, Tatiana (Флегонтова, Татьяна) & Aliev, Timur (Алиев, Тимур), 2018. "Dynamics and Structure of Non-Tariff Measures Applied in International Trade [Динамика И Структура Нетарифных Мер, Применяемых В Международной Торговле]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 6, pages 82-101, December.
  22. Sinelnikov-Murylev Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Mamedov Arseny, 2018. "Stabilizing features of transfers allocated to the Russian regions from the Federal budget," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 173P, pages 1-68.
  23. Balandina, Galina V. (Баландина, Галина) & Ponomarev, Yuriy Yu. (Пономарев, Юрий) & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei G. (Синельников-Мурылев, Сергей) & Tochin, Andrey V. (Точин, Андрей), 2018. "Customs Administration in Russia: Directions of Improvement [Таможенное Администрирование В России: Направления Совершенствования]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 3, pages 106-131, June.
  24. Bozhechkova, A. & Mamedov, A. & Sinelnikov-Murylev, S. & Turuntseva, M., 2018. "Stabilization Properties of Federal Fiscal Transfers to Russian Regions," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 40(4), pages 61-83.
  25. Sergey Drobyshevsky & Georgy Idrisov & Andrey Kaukin & Pavel Pavlov & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2018. "Decomposition of growth rates for the Russian economy," Russian Journal of Economics, ARPHA Platform, vol. 4(4), pages 305-327, December.
  26. Sergey Ivanovich Dolgov & Yuri Anatolievich Savinov, 2018. "International trade: USA on the warpath," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 9, pages 7-21, September.
  27. Sergey Vasilievich Khalipov, 2018. "The system of customs law and structure of the Ñustoms code of the Eurasian economic union," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 1, pages 91-98, January.
  28. A. N. Spartak & T. A. Voronova, 2018. "Prospects And Limitations Of The Eurasian Neighborhood Policy," International Trade and Trade Policy, ФГБОУ ВО "Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¹Ñ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ ÑƒÐ½Ð¸Ð²ÐµÑ€Ñ Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÑ‚ им. Г.Ð’. Плеханова", issue 4.
  29. A. N. Spartak, 2018. "The Fourth Industrial Revolution And International Trade," International Trade and Trade Policy, ФГБОУ ВО "Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¹Ñ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ ÑƒÐ½Ð¸Ð²ÐµÑ€Ñ Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÑ‚ им. Г.Ð’. Плеханова", issue 2.
  30. Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak, 2018. "Strategic aspects of Russia’s services exports," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 12, pages 7-30, December.
  31. Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak, 2018. "Intellectual dimension of international trade," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 4, pages 7-24, April.
  32. Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak & Aleksey Evgen’evich Likhachev, 2018. "Long-term trends and new developments in international trade," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 2, pages 7-24, February.
  33. Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak, 2018. "Effects of digital transformation on international trade," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 5, pages 7-23, May.
  34. Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak, 2018. "Economic, foreign trade and globalization aspects of the fourth industrial revolution," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 6, pages 7-23, June.
  35. Larisa Viktorovna Krivokochenko, 2018. "Current problems of the global sawn timber market growth," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 6, pages 47-56, June.
  36. Irina Vladimirovna Grishina & Aleksandr Vladimirovich Kotov, 2018. "Prospects for foreign trade diversification of Zabaykalsky krai," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 11, pages 72-86, November.
  37. A. D. Levashenko & I. S. Ermokhin & S. K. Lebedeva, 2018. "Russia’s Adherence to the OECD Declaration on International Investments and Multinational Enterprises: New Opportunities for Promoting National Interests," Administrative Consulting, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. North-West Institute of Management., issue 1.
  38. Antonina D. Levashenko & Ivan S. Ermokhin, 2018. "Modern Cryptoeconomics: International Legal Regulation," International Trade and Trade Policy, ФГБОУ ВО "Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¹Ñ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ ÑƒÐ½Ð¸Ð²ÐµÑ€Ñ Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÑ‚ им. Г.Ð’. Плеханова", issue 1.
  39. Mikhail Yur’evich Kuzmenkov & Antonina Davidovna Levashenko, 2018. "Education services exports of Russia," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 4, pages 39-50, April.
  40. Alexandra Alexandrovna Koval & Antonina Davidovna Levashenko, 2018. "Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 7, pages 99-104, July.
  41. Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita & Zubarevich Natalia & Mikhailova Tatiana & Levashenko A. & Koval A. & Aksyuk S., 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 1-27, January.
  42. Shagaida Natalia & Kaukin Andrey & Abramov Alexander & Miller Evgenia & Levashenko Antonina & Koval A. & Danilov Yuri, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 3, pages 1-30, February.
  43. Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita & Zubarevich Natalia & Mikhailova Tatiana & Levashenko A. & Koval A. & Aksyuk S., 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 1-27, January.
  44. Shagaida Natalia & Abramov Alexander & Miller Evgenia & Levashenko Antonina & Koval A. & Danilov Yuri, 2018. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 3, pages 1-30, February.


  1. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Deryugin Alexander & Lyashok Viktor & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Arlashkin Igor, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 1-30, May.
  2. Bobylev Yuri & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 12, pages 1-27, June.
  3. Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Grishina Elena & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Gorshkova Taisiya, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 14, pages 1-24, July.
  4. Avraamova Elena & Loginov Dmitry & Bobylev Yuri & Rasenko Oleg & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Zaitsev Yuri, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 17, pages 1-23, October.
  5. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Deryugin Alexander & Burdyak Alexandra & Gromov Vladimir & Korytin Andrey & Patel Svetlana, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 18, pages 1-24, October.
  6. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Nazarov Vladimir, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 19, pages 1-24, November.
  7. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Lyashok V. & Gurevich Vladimir, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-23, February.
  8. Grishina Elena & Knobel Alexander & Ponomarev Yuri & Klyachko Tatiana & Burdyak Alexandra & Tokareva Galina & Pleskachev Yuri & Zaitsev Yuri, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 22, pages 1-20, December.
  9. Avraamova Elena & Loginov Dmitry & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Mamedov Arseny & Fomina Elena & Gurevich Vladimir, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 1-28, March.
  10. Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Grishina Elena & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Averkiev Vladimir & Shagaida Natalia & Gurevich Vladimir, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 7, pages 1-26, April.
  11. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Gurevich Vladimir & Miller Evgenia, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 1-26, April.
  12. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Deryugin Alexander & Lyashok Viktor & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Arlashkin Igor, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 1-30, May.
  13. Bobylev Yuri & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 12, pages 1-27, June.
  14. Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Grishina Elena & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Gorshkova Taisiya, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 14, pages 1-24, July.
  15. Avraamova Elena & Loginov Dmitry & Bobylev Yuri & Rasenko Oleg & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Zaitsev Yuri, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 17, pages 1-23, October.
  16. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Deryugin Alexander & Burdyak Alexandra & Gromov Vladimir & Korytin Andrey & Patel Svetlana, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 18, pages 1-24, October.
  17. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Nazarov Vladimir, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 19, pages 1-24, November.
  18. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Lyashok V., 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-23, February.
  19. Grishina Elena & Knobel Alexander & Ponomarev Yuri & Klyachko Tatiana & Burdyak Alexandra & Tokareva Galina & Pleskachev Yuri & Zaitsev Yuri, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 22, pages 1-21, December.
  20. Avraamova Elena & Loginov Dmitry & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Mamedov Arseny & Fomina Elena & Gurevich Vladimir, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 1-28, March.
  21. Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Grishina Elena & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Averkiev Vladimir & Shagaida Natalia & Gurevich Vladimir, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 7, pages 1-26, April.
  22. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Gurevich Vladimir & Miller Evgenia, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 1-26, April.
  23. A. Kudrin & A. Knobel, 2017. "Fiscal policy as a source of economic growth," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 10.
  24. Knobel, Alexander (Кнобель, Александр) & Sedalishchev, Vladimir (Седалищев, Владимир), 2017. "Risks and Benefits for EAEU from Various Integration Scenarios in Asia-Pacific Region [Риски И Выгоды Для Еаэс От Различных Сценариев Интеграции В Азиатско-Тихоокеанском Регионе]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 2, pages 72-85, April.
  25. Bozhechkova, Alexandra (Божечкова, Александра) & Goryunov, Evgeny (Горюнов, Евгений) & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergey (Синельников-Мурылев, Сергей) & Trunin, Pavel V. (Трунин, Павел), 2017. "Capital Controls: World Experience and Lessons for Russia [Ограничения На Движение Капитала: Мировой Опыт И Уроки Для России]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 2, pages 8-43, April.
  26. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Khromov Mikhail & Larionova Marina & Magomedov Rustam & Makarentseva Alla & Gordeev Vladimir & Mikhailova Tatiana, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 13, pages 1-21, July.
  27. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Khromov Mikhail & Larionova Marina & Magomedov Rustam & Makarentseva Alla & Gordeev Vladimir, 2017. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 13, pages 1-21, July.
  28. Sergey Ivanovich Dolgov & Yuri Anatolievich Savinov, 2017. "Globalization: no alternative," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 9, pages 3-26, September.
  29. Sergey Vasilievich Khalipov, 2017. "Customs facilities under the law of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Russian Federation legislation," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 4, pages 107-113, April.
  30. Olga Vladimirovna Leonova, 2017. "Changes in the currency legislation to affect foreign trade participants," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 11, pages 26-31, November.
  31. Olga Vladimirovna Leonova, 2017. "Financial challenges of the banking sector due to the anti-Russian sanctions," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 1, pages 56-62, January.
  32. Andrey N. Spartak, 2017. "Metamorphosis of Regionalization: from Regional Trade Agreements to Megaregional Projects," Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law, Center for Crisis Society Studies, vol. 10(4).
  33. Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak & Aleksey Evgen’evich Likhachev, 2017. "Russia’s export potential on the world market for innovations," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 10, pages 3-22, October.
  34. Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak, 2017. "Prospects for Russia’s export expansion and its state support," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 5, pages 3-18, May.
  35. Galina Vladimirovna Balandina & Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak, 2017. "Prospects and limitations of Russia’s participation in regional and global value chains," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 11, pages 3-16, November.
  36. Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak, 2017. "Perestroyka in Russian exports," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 4, pages 3-13, April.
  37. Larisa Viktorovna Krivokochenko, 2017. "Organizational forms of international trade in raw materials," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 2, pages 43-54, February.
  38. Maria Georgievna Girich & Alexandra Alexandrovna Koval, 2017. "A single window of opportunity for Russian exporters," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 11, pages 93-100, November.
  39. Antonina Davidovna Levashenko & Maria Andreevna Logvinova, 2017. "Boosting EAEU’s competiveness through OECD standards," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 10, pages 125-133, October.


  1. Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Sergey Tsukhlo & Elena Grishina & Pavel Trunin & Alexander Firanchuk & Olga Berezinskaya, 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 22, pages 1-27, April.
  2. Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Averkiev Vladimir & Shishkina Ekaterina & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian N. & S, 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 24, pages 1-27, April.
  3. Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Bobylev Yuri & Rasenko O. & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Averkiev Vladimir & Shagaida Nat, 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 28, pages 1-28, June.
  4. Loginov D. & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Goryunov Evgeny & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Larionova M. & Sakharov A. & Shelepov A. & Avraamova A., 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 29, pages 1-26, June.
  5. Berezinskaya Olga & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Ponomarev Yuri & Polyakova Alexandra, 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 30, pages 1-25, July.
  6. Idrisov Georgy & Loginova D. & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Uzun Vasily & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia, 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 32, pages 1-27, September.
  7. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Grishina Elena & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Burdyak Alexandra & Gurevich Vladimir & Sokolov Ilya, 2016. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 34, pages 1-29, October.
  8. Drobyshevsky Sergey & Bobylev Yuri & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Goryunov Evgeny & Deryugin Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Gurevich Vladimir, 2016. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 36, pages 1-22, November.
  9. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia & Gurevich Vladimir & Miller Evgenia, 2016. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 38, pages 1-23, December.
  10. Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Sergey Tsukhlo & Elena Grishina & Pavel Trunin & Alexander Firanchuk & Olga Berezinskaya, 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 22, pages 1-27, March.
  11. Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Averkiev Vladimir & Shishkina Ekaterina & Uzun Vasily & Flor, 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 24, pages 1-27, April.
  12. Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Bobylev Yuri & Rasenko O. & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Averkiev Vladimir & Shagaida Natalia & Kiyutsevskaya Ann, 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 28, pages 1-28, June.
  13. Loginov D. & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Goryunov Evgeny & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Larionova M. & Sakharov A. & Shelepov A. & Avraamova A., 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 29, pages 1-26, June.
  14. Berezinskaya Olga & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Ponomarev Yuri & Polyakova Alexandra, 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 30, pages 1-25, July.
  15. Idrisov Georgy & Loginova D. & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Uzun Vasily & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia, 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 32, pages 1-27, September.
  16. Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Grishina Elena & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Burdyak Alexandra & Gurevich Vladimir & Sokolov Ilya, 2016. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 34, pages 1-29, October.
  17. Drobyshevsky Sergey & Bobylev Yuri & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Goryunov Evgeny & Deryugin Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Gurevich Vladimir, 2016. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 36, pages 1-22, November.
  18. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia & Gurevich Vladimir & Miller Evgenia, 2016. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 38, pages 1-23, December.
  19. A. Knobel, 2016. "Export-Import: Era Of Stagnation," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 42-45, January.
  20. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Kaukin Andrey, 2016. "The Implications of tax maneuver: production of oil and petrochemicals," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 12, pages 28-32, December.
  21. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2016. "Dynamics Of Production And Foreign Trade Of Russia," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 25-30, April.
  22. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2016. "Foreign Trade: Trade Balance Down Due To Decline In Export," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 5, pages 35-37, May.
  23. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2016. "Brexit And Trade And Economic Relations Between Russia And The Uk," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 7, pages 54-58, July.
  24. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2016. "Russian Exports To The Eu: A General Decline With Mixed Trends," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 7, pages 33-35.
  25. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2016. "Russia in global exports: 2015–2016," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 9, pages 28-31, September.
  26. A. Knobel, 2016. "Структура И Цены На Отдельные Товары Российского Экспорта И Импорта," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 44-47, Январь.
  27. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2016. "Особенности Российского Экспорта И Импорта В Январеавгусте 2016 Года," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 11, pages 24-30, Ноябрь.
  28. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Kaukin Andrey, 2016. "Ïîñëåäñòâèÿ Ðåàëèçàöèè Íàëîãîâîãî Ìàíåâðà: Äîáû÷À Íåôòè È Ïðîèçâîäñòâî Íåôòåïðîäóêòîâ," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 12, pages 29-33, December.
  29. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2016. "Динамика Производства И Внешней Торговли России," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 27-32, Апрель.
  30. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2016. "Внешняя Торговля: Падение Экспорта Обусловило Снижение Торгового Сальдо," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 5, pages 35-37, Май.
  31. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2016. "«Брекзит» И Торгово-Экономические Отношения России И Великобритании," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 7, pages 54-58, July.
  32. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2016. "Российский Экспорт В Ес," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 7, pages 33-35, July.
  33. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2016. "Факторы Спада Российского Экспорта В Январе–Мае 2016 Г," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 31-36, Август.
  34. Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander, 2016. "Россия В Мировом Экспорте: 2015–2016 Гг," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 9, pages 29-32, September.
  35. P. Kadochnikov & A. Knobel & S. Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2016. "Openness of the Russian economy as a source of economic growth," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 12.
  36. Knobel, Alexander, 2016. "The influence of services trade liberalization on service flows and industry productivity in CIS countries and Russia," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 44, pages 75-99.
  37. Pavel Anatolievich Kadochnikov & Natalia Valerievna Stapran, 2016. "Transpacific partnership: the main obligations of participants and a consequence for international trade," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 2, pages 21-31, February.
  38. Pavel Anatolievich Kadochnikov & Natalia Izyaslavovna Yacheistova & Evgeny Sergeevich Gushchin, 2016. "Russian foreign economic policy in Asia and transformation of Greater Tumen Initiative," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 3, pages 14-28, March.
  39. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Sergey Drobyshevsky & Maria Kazakova & Michael Alexeev, 2016. "Decomposition of Russia's GDP Growth Rates," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 167P, pages 123-123.
  40. Sinelnikov-Murylev Sergey & Drobyshevsky Sergey & Idrisov Georgy & Deryugin Alexander & Klyachko Tatiana & Zolotareva Anna, 2016. "Urgent Issues in the Sphere of Budget Policy," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 170P, pages 1-27.
  41. Idrisov, Georgy & Ponomarev, Yury & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergey, 2016. "Terms of trade and Russian economic development," Russian Journal of Economics, Elsevier, vol. 2(3), pages 279-301.
  42. Ponomareva Ekaterina & Sudakov Sergey, 2016. "Проблемы Автомобильных Грузовых Перевозок Между Россией И Польшей," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 43-47, Апрель.
  43. Mikhail Khromov & Yuri Bobylev & Sergey Tsukhlo & E. Avraamova & D. Loginov & O. Rasenko & Ekaterina Ponomareva & Sergey Sudakov, 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 23, pages 1-27, April.
  44. Mikhail Khromov & Yuri Bobylev & Sergey Tsukhlo & E. Avraamova & D. Loginov & O. Rasenko & Ekaterina Ponomareva & Sergey Sudakov, 2016. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 23, pages 1-27, March.
  45. Ponomareva Ekaterina & Sudakov Sergey, 2016. "Road Freight Traffic Between Russia And Poland," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 41-44, April.
  46. Gordeev Dmitry, 2016. "Inter-Fuel Competition In Electric Power Generation: Coal Or Natural Gas," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 45-49, April.
  47. Gordeev Dmitry, 2016. "Повышение Акцизов Блокирует Налоговый Маневр," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 9, pages 49-53, September.
  48. Gordeev Dmitry, 2016. "The raise of excise tax rates will hamper The Tax maneuver," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 9, pages 46-49, September.
  49. Gordeev Dmitry, 2016. "Межтопливная Конкуренция В Электрогенерации: Уголь Или Газ," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 4, pages 48-53, Апрель.
  50. Sergej Ivanovich Dolgov & Yuri Anatolievich Savinov, 2016. "Economic aspects of Brexit," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 9, pages 3-22, September.
  51. Chantelle J Giesbrecht & Norm O’Rourke & Olga Leonova & Verena Strehlau & Karine Paquet & Fidel Vila-Rodriguez & William J Panenka & G William MacEwan & Geoffrey N Smith & Allen E Thornton & William G, 2016. "The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS): A Three-Factor Model of Psychopathology in Marginally Housed Persons with Substance Dependence and Psychiatric Illness," PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, vol. 11(3), pages 1-14, March.
  52. Ol`ga Vladimirovna Leonova, 2016. "Analysis of the 2015 Basic Balance of Payments and the Russian Economy," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 2, pages 82-85, February.
  53. A. N. Spartak & N. N. Yevchenko, 2016. "The socioeconomic situation in Transdniestria," Studies on Russian Economic Development, Springer, vol. 27(4), pages 446-452, July.
  54. Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak & Anton Vladimirovich Khokhlov, 2016. "Promising areas of Russia’s export specialization," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 3, pages 3-12, March.
  55. Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak, 2016. "Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: possible impacts on Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 6, pages 3-17, June.
  56. Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak & Anton Vladimirovich Khokhlov, 2016. "Improvement of methodological approaches towards Russia’s exports analysis," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 5, pages 3-15, May.
  57. Larisa Viktorovna Krivokochenko, 2016. "World timber markets: state and prospects for Russia’s exports," Russian Foreign Economic Journal, Russian Foreign Trade Academy Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, issue 2, pages 71-81, February.


  1. V. Idrisova & Yu. Litvinova, 2015. "Specific Features Of Russia’S Integration In Global And Regional Value Chains," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 12, pages 120-128, December.
  2. V. Idrisova & Yu. Litvinova, 2015. "Особенности Интеграции России В Глобальные И Региональные Производственно-Торговые Цепочки," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 12, pages 126-136, Декабрь.
  3. Pavel Trunin & Kirill Rogov & Natalia Shagaida & Mikhail Khromov & Sergey Tsukhlo & Alexander Deryugin & Alexander Knobel & Yuri Bobylev & M.K. Kirillova, 2015. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 1-28, January.
  4. Mikhail Khromov & Sergey Drobyshevsky & Alexander Knobel & Marina Turuntseva & Kirill Rogov & Georgy Idrisov & Yuriy Ponomarev & Sergey Tsukhlo & Elena Avraamova & Dmitriy Loginov, 2015. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 1-40, June.
  5. Alexander Knobel & Yuri Bobylev & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Pavel Trunin & Mikhail Khromov & Natalia Shagaida & Vasily Uzun & Elena Avraamova & D. Loginov, 2015. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 14, pages 1-26, October.
  6. Georgy Idrisov & Mikhail Khromov & Evgeny Goryunov & Alexander Knobel & Yuri Ponomarev & Alexander Deryugin & Julia Florinskaya & Nikita Mkrtchan, 2015. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 16, pages 1-26, November.
  7. Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Georgy Idrisov & Yuri Ponomarev & Sergey Tsukhlo & Pavel Trunin & Sergey Sudakov & Alexandra Burdyak & Elena Grishina, 2015. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 18, pages 1-26, December.
  8. Pavel Trunin & Mikhail Khromov & Olga Izryadnova & Alexander Knobel & Arseny Mamedov & Kirill Rogov & Marina Turuntseva & Yulia Florinskaya & Elena Grishina & M.K. Kirillova & Natalia Zubarevich, 2015. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 3, pages 1-26, March.
  9. Pavel Trunin & Mikhail Khromov & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Marina Turuntseva & Georgy Idrisov & Andrey Kaukin & Arseny Mamedov & Yuri Bobylev & Elena Fomina & Olga Morgunova & M.K. Ki, 2015. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 7, pages 1-38, April.
  10. Georgy Idrisov & Mikhail Khromov & Evgeny Goryunov & Alexander Knobel & Yuri Ponomarev & Alexander Deryugin & Julia Florinskaya & Nikita Mkrtchan, 2015. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 16, pages 1-26, November.
  11. Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Georgy Idrisov & Yuri Ponomarev & Sergey Tsukhlo & Pavel Trunin & Sergey Sudakov & Alexandra Burdyak & Elena Grishina, 2015. "Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 18, pages 1-26, December.
  12. Alexandr Knobel, 2015. "Foreign trade and production in 2015: change of geografy," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 11, pages 46-50, November.
  13. A. Knobel, 2015. "Export-Import: A Nearly Simultaneous Drop," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 12, pages 80-83, December.
  14. Alexandr Knobel, 2015. "Внешняя Торговля И Производство В 2015 Г.: Смена Географии," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 11, pages 52-56, Ноябрь.
  15. Alexander Knobel, 2015. "Экспорт-Импорт: Почти Синхронное Падение," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 12, pages 83-86, ДЕКАБРЬ.
  16. Knobel, A. & Mironov, A., 2015. "Assessment of CIS Countries Readiness for Creation of Currency Union," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, vol. 25(1), pages 76-101.
  17. A. Knobel, 2015. "Eurasian Economic union: Prospects and challenges for Development," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 3.
  18. Pavel Trunin & Mikhail Khromov & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Deryugin & Marina Turuntseva & Georgy Idrisov & Andrey Kaukin & Yuriy Ponomarev & Olga Berezinskaya & Elena Grishina & Natalia Zubare, 2015. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 9, pages 1-45, June.
  19. Georgy Idrisov & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2015. "The Perspectives of Long-Term Growth in Russia," Acta Oeconomica, Akadémiai Kiadó, Hungary, vol. 65(supplemen), pages 7-23, December.
  20. Idrisov, Georgiy (Идрисов, Георгий) & Ponomarev, Yuriy (Пономарев, Юрий) & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei (Синельников-Мурылев, Сергей), 2015. "Terms of trade and economic development of modern Russia [Условия Торговли И Экономическое Развитие Современной России]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 3, pages 7-37.
  21. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Eugene Goryunov & Laurence Kotlikoff, 2015. "Theoretical foundations of fiscal gap as a long-term fiscal sustainability indicator and its estimates for Russia," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 168P, pages 1-58.
  22. Goryunov, Evgeny & Kotlikoff, Lawrence & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergey, 2015. "The fiscal gap: An estimate for Russia," Russian Journal of Economics, Elsevier, vol. 1(3), pages 240-256.
  23. Sergey G. Sinelnikov-Murylev & Pavel V. Trunin, 2015. "Government Wealth Funds and Monetary Policy in Russia," Finansovyj žhurnal — Financial Journal, Financial Research Institute, Moscow 125375, Russia, issue 3, pages 26-34, June.
  24. Georgiy Idrisov & Ekaterina Ponomareva, 2015. "Регулирование Естественных Монополий Не Должно Опережать Развитие Рынков," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 64-68, Август.
  25. Georgiy Idrisov & E. Ponomareva, 2015. "Import Substitution Policy And The Competitiveness Of The Russian Economy," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 63-65, October.
  26. Georgiy Idrisov & E. Ponomareva, 2015. "The Regulation Of Natural Monopolies Goes Ahead Market Development," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 8, pages 61-65, August.
  27. Georgiy Idrisov & Ekaterina Ponomareva, 2015. "Политика Импортозамещения И Конкурентоспособность Российской Экономики," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 10, pages 64-66, Октябрь.
  28. D. Gordeev, 2015. "Межрегиональное Перекрестное Субсидирование На Российском Газовом Рынке: Консервация Неэффективности," Russian Economic Development (in Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 6, pages 55-57, Июнь.
  29. D. Gordeev, 2015. "Inter-Regional Cross-Subsidization In The Russian Gas Market: Preserved Inefficiency," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 6, pages 50-51, June.
  30. Pavel Trunin & Natalia Shagaida & Sergey Tsukhlo & Alexander Abramov & Mikhail Khromov & Georgy Idrisov & Maria Kazakova & Dmitry Gordeev & Andrey Kaukin & Yuri Ponomarev & Sergey Sudakov & Eugenya Fi, 2015. "Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook," Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development (In Russian), Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 1-30, February.
  31. A. Levashenko, 2015. "Russia And Oecd: The Prospects And Priorities For Cooperation," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 2, pages 68-71, February.


  1. A. Knobel & B. Chokaev, 2014. "Possible Economic Effects of CU—EU Trade Agreement," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, issue 2.
  2. Kadochnikov, Pavel (Кадочников, Павел) & Aliev, Timur (Алиев, Тимур), 2014. "On the question of the presence of de-globalization in world trade [К Вопросу О Наличии Деглобализации В Мировой Торговле]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 5, pages 127-149, October.
  3. Kadochnikov, Pavel (Кадочников, Павел) & Ptashkina, Maria (Пташкина, Мария), 2014. "The liberalization of foreign trade in China: Meeting the Challenges of the beginning of the 1990s [Либерализация Внешней Торговли В Китае: Ответ На Вызовы Начала 1990-Х Годов]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 6, pages 103-113, December.
  4. Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei (Синельников-Мурылев, Сергей) & Drobyshevskiy, Sergei (Дробышевский, Сергей) & Kazakova, Maria (Казакова, Мария), 2014. "Decomposition of the russian GDP growth rate in 1999-2014 [Декомпозиция Темпов Роста Ввп России В 1999—2014 Годах]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 5, pages 7-37, October.
  5. Vedev, Alexey (Ведев, Алексей) & Drobyshevskiy, Sergei (Дробышевский, Сергей) & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei (Синельников-Мурылев, Сергей) & Khromov, Mikhail (Хромов, Михаил), 2014. "Actual problems of the banking system in the Russian Federation [Актуальные Проблемы Развития Банковской Системы В Российской Федерации]," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 2, pages 7-24.
  6. Georgiy Korolev & Antonina Levashenko, 2014. "Modern Trends In Minimisation Of Offshore Jurisdiction: Oecd, G20 And Russia," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 1, pages 46-48, January.


  1. Knobel, Alexander, 2013. "The risks of fiscal policy in countries rich in natural resources," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, pages 29-38, October.
  2. Kokorin Alexey & Gordeev Dmitry, 2013. "Greenhouse gas emission scenarios for Russia and rest of the world," Review of Business and Economics Studies, CyberLeninka;Федеральное государственное образовательное бюджетное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации» (Финансовый университет), issue 1, pages 55-66.
  3. Natalia Efimova & Antonina Levashenko, 2013. "Oecd And Russia Mutual International Responsibility," Russian Economic Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 5, pages 61-63, May.


  1. Yuri Bobylev & Georgy Idrisov & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, 2012. "Export Duties on Oil and Oil Products: Cancel Expediency and Scenario Analysis," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 161P.
  2. Idrisov, Georgiy & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei, 2012. "Modernisation or Conservation: the Role of Export Duties on Oil and Oil Products," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, pages 5-19, June.
  3. Drobyshevsky, Sergei & Malinina, Tatiana & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei, 2012. "The Main Directions of Reforming the Tax System in the Medium Term Perspective Abstract: In the next decade the Russian tax system will face tremendous challenges, due to both objective factors (signi," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, pages 20-38, June.
  4. Klyachko, Tatiana & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei, 2012. "On Standards of Budget Funding and Adjusting the Fees in State Universities," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 6, pages 1-28.


  1. Vittoria Idrisova, 2011. "Application of non-tariff barriers," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 150P.
  2. Idrisova, Vittoria, 2011. "Evaluation of Ad Valorem Equivalents of Non-tariff Measures to Regulate Foreign Trade of the Russian Federation," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 2, pages 1-20.
  3. Àlexandr Knobel & Ilya Sokolov & Elizaveta Khudko, 2011. "The Impact of State Expenditure on the Quality of General Education in Russia," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 152P.
  4. Knobel, A., 2011. "Inter-industry Import Tariff Differences in Russia," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 11, pages 64-84.
  5. Knobel, Alexander & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergey & Sokolov, Iliya, 2011. "Quality of VAT administration in OECD countries and Russia," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 21(1), pages 16-34.
  6. Knobel, Alexander, 2011. "Estimation of import demand function in Russia," Applied Econometrics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), vol. 24(4), pages 3-26.
  7. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Pavel Kadochnikov & Georgy Idrisov, 2011. "Corporate Income Tax: Analysis of 2001 Reform and Modelling of Tax Potential of the Regions," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 153P.
  8. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Elena Shkrebela, 2011. "Improvement of corporate profit tax in the Russian Federation in the medium term," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 149P.
  9. Spartak, A., 2011. "The Eurasian Perspective of Post-Soviet Integration," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 11, pages 164-167.


  1. Vittoria Idrisova & Lev Freinkman, 2010. "Impact of Federal Transfers over Regional Authorities Behavior," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 137P.
  2. Alexandr Knobel, 2010. "Factors of important Tariff Information," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 143P.
  3. Maria Kazakova & Alexandr Knobel & Ilya Sokolov, 2010. "Quality of VAT administration in OECD countries and Russia. Reform of the Russian system of tax collection," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 134P.
  4. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Sergey Drobyshevsky & Vladimir Nazarov & Ilya Sokolov, 2010. "Budget Policy Evolution in Russia in 2000s: searching for the budget system financial stability," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 147P.


  1. Knobel, A., 2009. "Vertical Integration and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study," Journal of the New Economic Association, New Economic Association, issue 3-4, pages 54-70.
  2. Maria Kazakova & Sinelnikov-Murylev Sergey & Kadochnikov Pavel, 2009. "Analysis of Structural and Business Component of the Tax Burden in Russian Economy," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 129P.
  3. Nazarov, Vladimir & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei, 2009. "On the Strategy of improvement of the Russian pension system," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 3, pages 150-177, June.
  4. Klyachko, Tatiana & Mau, Vladimir & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei, 2009. "On the reform of public institutions," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 1, pages 115-131, March.
  5. Kazakova, Maria & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei, 2009. "The conjuncture of the global energy market and economic growth in Russia," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 5, pages 118-135, October.


  1. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Ilya Trunin, 2007. "Problems of taxation of non"commercial organizations in Russia," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 108P.


  1. Drobyshevsky Sergey & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexandr, 2006. "Some Approaches to the Development of the System of Indicators for Monitoring the Financial Stability," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 103P.
  2. Pavel Kadochnikov, 2006. "An Analysis of Import Substitution in Russia after the 1998 Crisis," Research Paper Series, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, issue 95, pages 148-148.
  3. Vinyo, Marianna & Kadochnikov, Pavel & Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergei & Trunin, Ilya & Chetverikov, Sergei, 2006. "Soft budget restrictions of subnational authorities: practice and implications for Russia," Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, vol. 2, pages 180-208, June.


  1. P. Kadochnikov & S. Sinel & Nikov-Murylev & I. Trunin., 2002. "Problems of Modeling of the Impact of the System of Intergovernmental Transfers on the Fiscal Behavior of Subnational Governments," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, vol. 5.


  1. S. Sinel'nikov-Murilev & G. Trofimov, 1998. "Fiscal crisis and macroeconomic policy in Russia," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 10(2), pages 189-202.


  1. V. Mau & S. Sinel'nikov-Murylev & G. Trofimov, 1996. "Macroeconomic Stabilizationand Russia's Economic Policy in 1995-1996," Voprosy Ekonomiki, NP Voprosy Ekonomiki, vol. 5.


  1. Knobel, Alexander & Mironov, Alexey, "undated". "Readiness Assessment of the CIS Countries to Create a Monetary Union with Russia on the Basis of the Criteria of the Theory of Optimum Currency Area," Published Papers nvg155, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  2. Knobel, Alexandr (Кнобель, Александр) & Radygin, Alexandr (Радыгин, Александр) & Baeva, Maria (Баева, Мария) & Sedalishev, Vladimir (Седалищев, Владимир) & Toropov, Pavel (Торопов, Павел) & Trunin, Pa, "undated". "Assessment of the use of general-use macroeconomic models on the Russian economy of modern trade wars [Оценка С Использованием Инструментария Моделей Общего Равновесия Макроэкономических И Торговых," Working Papers s21015, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  3. A. N. Spartak, 0. "New stage of regionalization: basic content, challenges for multilateral trading system and postsoviet integration," International Trade and Trade Policy, ФГБОУ ВО "Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¹Ñ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ ÑƒÐ½Ð¸Ð²ÐµÑ€Ñ Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÑ‚ им. Г.Ð’. Плеханова", issue 2.



  1. Alexei Kudrin & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin (ed.), 2021. "Russian Economy in 2020. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 42) In English," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 42, number re42-2021-en.


  1. Alexei Kudrin & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin (ed.), 2020. "Russian Economy in 2019. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 41) In English," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 41, number re41-2020-en.


  1. Alexei Kudrin & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin (ed.), 2019. "Russian Economy in 2018. Trends and Outlooks. In Russian," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 40, number re40-2019-ru.
  2. Alexei Kudrin & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin (ed.), 2019. "Russian Economy in 2018. Trends and Outlooks. In English," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 40, number re40-2019-en.


  1. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin (ed.), 2018. "Russian Economy in 2017. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 39) In English," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 39, number re39-2017-en.
  2. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin (ed.), 2018. "Russian Economy in 2017. Trends and Outlooks. In Russian," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 39, number re39-2017-ru.


  1. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin (ed.), 2017. "Russian Economy in 2016. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 38) in English," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 38, number re38-2016-en.
  2. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin (ed.), 2017. "Russian Economy in 2016. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 38) In Russian," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 38, number re38-2016-ru.


  1. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), 2016. "Российская Экономика В 2015 Году. Тенденции И Перспективы (Выпуск 37)," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 37, number re37-2015-ru.
  2. Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), 2016. "Russian Economy in 2015. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 37)," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 37, number re37-2015-en.


  1. S. Sinelnikov-Murylev & A. Radygin & N. Glavatskaya (ed.), 2015. "Российская Экономика В 2014 Году. Тенденции И Перспективы (Выпуск 36)," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 36, number re36-2014-ru.
  2. S. Sinelnikov-Murylev & A. Radygin (ed.), 2015. "Russian Economy in 2014. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 36)," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 36, number re36-2014-en.


  1. S. Sinelnikov-Murylev & A. Radygin & L. Freinkman & N. Glavatskaya (ed.), 2014. "RUSSIAN ECONOMY IN 2013 Trends and Outlooks (Issue 35)," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 35, number 5.
  2. S. Sinelnikov-Murylev & A. Radygin & L. Freinkman & N. Glavatskaya (ed.), 2014. "Российская Экономика В 2013 Году. Тенденции И Перспективы (Выпуск 35)," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 35, number 6.


  1. S. Sinelnikov-Murylev & A. Radygin & N. Glavatskaya (ed.), 2013. "RUSSIAN ECONOMY IN 2012 Trends and Outlooks (Issue 34)," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 34, number 8.
  2. S. Sinelnikov-Murylev & A. Radygin & N. Glavatskaya (ed.), 2013. "Российская Экономика В 2012 Году. Тенденции И Перспективы (Выпуск 34)," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 34, number 7.


  1. S. Sinelnikov-Murylev & A. Radygin & N. Glavatskaya (ed.), 2012. "Российская Экономика В 2011 Году. Тенденции И Перспективы (Выпуск 33)," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 33, number re33-2011-ru.
  2. S. Sinelnikov-Murylev & A. Radygin & N. Glavatskaya (ed.), 2012. "Russian Economy in 2011. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 33)," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 33, number re33-2011-en.


  1. S. Sinelnikov-Murylev & A. Radygin & N. Glavatskaya (ed.), 2011. "Российская Экономика В 2010 Году. Тенденции И Перспективы (Выпуск 32)," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 33, number re33-2010-ru.


  1. S. Sinelnikov-Murylev & A. Radygin & N. Glavatskaya (ed.), 2010. "RUSSIAN ECONOMY IN 2010 Trends and Outlooks (Issue 32)," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 32, number 2.


  1. Y. Gaidar & S. Sinelnikov-Murylev & N. Glavatskaya (ed.), 2008. "Russian Economy in 2008 Trends and Outlooks (issue 30)," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, volume 30, number 3.


  1. Sergey Sinelnikov & Pavel Kadochnikov & Ilya Trunin (ed.), 2006. "Fiscal Federalism in Russia: Soft Budget Constraints of Regional Governments," Books, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, edition 1, number 4.



  1. Alexander Knobel & Nikita Pyzhikov, 2024. "Trade, Customs Union, and the EAEU Common External Tariff," Chapters, in: Alexander Libman & Evgeny Vinokurov (ed.), The Elgar Companion to the Eurasian Economic Union, chapter 4, pages 41-58, Edward Elgar Publishing.


  1. Andrey N. Spartak, 2021. "EAEU Intra-Regional Trade," Springer Books, in: Natalia A. Piskulova (ed.), The Economic Dimension of Eurasian Integration, chapter 0, pages 27-66, Springer.


  1. V. Mau & A. Bozhechkova & A. Kiyutsevskaya & P. Trunin & S. Belev & A. Alaev & A. Mamedov & E. Fomina & A. Abramov & A. Shadrin & O. Izriadnova & S. Drobyshevskiy & M. Kazakova & S. Tsukhlo & G. Idris, 2016. "Section 1. Russian Economic Policy in 2015: Anti-Crisis Measures or Structural Reforms (Mau V.)," Book Chapters, in: Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), Russian Economy in 2015. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 37), edition 1, volume 37, chapter 1, pages 9-32, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.
  2. V. Mau & A. Bozhechkova & A. Kiyutsevskaya & P. Trunin & S. Belev & A. Alaev & A. Mamedov & E. Fomina & A. Abramov & A. Shadrin & O. Izriadnova & S. Drobyshevskiy & M. Kazakova & S. Tsukhlo & G. Idris, 2016. "Раздел 1. Социально-Экономическая Политика России: Обретение Новых Рубежей," Book Chapters, in: Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), Российская экономика в 2015 году. Тенденции и перспективы (Выпуск 37), edition 1, volume 37, chapter 1, pages 9-34, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.
  3. V. Mau & A. Bozhechkova & A. Kiyutsevskaya & P. Trunin & S. Belev & A. Alaev & A. Mamedov & E. Fomina & A. Abramov & A. Shadrin & O. Izriadnova & S. Drobyshevskiy & M. Kazakova & S. Tsukhlo & G. Idris, 2016. "Section 2. Monetary and Fiscal Policies," Book Chapters, in: Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), Russian Economy in 2015. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 37), edition 1, volume 37, chapter 2, pages 33-82, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.
  4. V. Mau & A. Bozhechkova & A. Kiyutsevskaya & P. Trunin & S. Belev & A. Alaev & A. Mamedov & E. Fomina & A. Abramov & A. Shadrin & O. Izriadnova & S. Drobyshevskiy & M. Kazakova & S. Tsukhlo & G. Idris, 2016. "Раздел 2. Денежно-Кредитная И Бюджетная Сферы," Book Chapters, in: Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), Российская экономика в 2015 году. Тенденции и перспективы (Выпуск 37), edition 1, volume 37, chapter 2, pages 35-85, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.
  5. V. Mau & A. Bozhechkova & A. Kiyutsevskaya & P. Trunin & S. Belev & A. Alaev & A. Mamedov & E. Fomina & A. Abramov & A. Shadrin & O. Izriadnova & S. Drobyshevskiy & M. Kazakova & S. Tsukhlo & G. Idris, 2016. "Section 3. Financial Markets and Financial Institutions," Book Chapters, in: Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), Russian Economy in 2015. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 37), edition 1, volume 37, chapter 3, pages 83-170, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.
  6. V. Mau & A. Bozhechkova & A. Kiyutsevskaya & P. Trunin & S. Belev & A. Alaev & A. Mamedov & E. Fomina & A. Abramov & A. Shadrin & O. Izriadnova & S. Drobyshevskiy & M. Kazakova & S. Tsukhlo & G. Idris, 2016. "Раздел 3. Финансовые Рынки И Финансовые Институты," Book Chapters, in: Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), Российская экономика в 2015 году. Тенденции и перспективы (Выпуск 37), edition 1, volume 37, chapter 3, pages 86-184, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.
  7. V. Mau & A. Bozhechkova & A. Kiyutsevskaya & P. Trunin & S. Belev & A. Alaev & A. Mamedov & E. Fomina & A. Abramov & A. Shadrin & O. Izriadnova & S. Drobyshevskiy & M. Kazakova & S. Tsukhlo & G. Idris, 2016. "Section 4. The Real Sector of the Economy," Book Chapters, in: Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), Russian Economy in 2015. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 37), edition 1, volume 37, chapter 4, pages 171-288, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.
  8. V. Mau & A. Bozhechkova & A. Kiyutsevskaya & P. Trunin & S. Belev & A. Alaev & A. Mamedov & E. Fomina & A. Abramov & A. Shadrin & O. Izriadnova & S. Drobyshevskiy & M. Kazakova & S. Tsukhlo & G. Idris, 2016. "Раздел 4. Реальный Сектор Экономики," Book Chapters, in: Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), Российская экономика в 2015 году. Тенденции и перспективы (Выпуск 37), edition 1, volume 37, chapter 4, pages 185-303, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.
  9. V. Mau & A. Bozhechkova & A. Kiyutsevskaya & P. Trunin & S. Belev & A. Alaev & A. Mamedov & E. Fomina & A. Abramov & A. Shadrin & O. Izriadnova & S. Drobyshevskiy & M. Kazakova & S. Tsukhlo & G. Idris, 2016. "Section 5. Social Sphere," Book Chapters, in: Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), Russian Economy in 2015. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 37), edition 1, volume 37, chapter 5, pages 289-344, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.
  10. V. Mau & A. Bozhechkova & A. Kiyutsevskaya & P. Trunin & S. Belev & A. Alaev & A. Mamedov & E. Fomina & A. Abramov & A. Shadrin & O. Izriadnova & S. Drobyshevskiy & M. Kazakova & S. Tsukhlo & G. Idris, 2016. "Раздел 5. Социальная Сфера," Book Chapters, in: Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), Российская экономика в 2015 году. Тенденции и перспективы (Выпуск 37), edition 1, volume 37, chapter 5, pages 304-369, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.
  11. V. Mau & A. Bozhechkova & A. Kiyutsevskaya & P. Trunin & S. Belev & A. Alaev & A. Mamedov & E. Fomina & A. Abramov & A. Shadrin & O. Izriadnova & S. Drobyshevskiy & M. Kazakova & S. Tsukhlo & G. Idris, 2016. "Section 6. Institutional Changes," Book Chapters, in: Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), Russian Economy in 2015. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 37), edition 1, volume 37, chapter 6, pages 345-456, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.
  12. V. Mau & A. Bozhechkova & A. Kiyutsevskaya & P. Trunin & S. Belev & A. Alaev & A. Mamedov & E. Fomina & A. Abramov & A. Shadrin & O. Izriadnova & S. Drobyshevskiy & M. Kazakova & S. Tsukhlo & G. Idris, 2016. "Раздел 6. Институциональные Изменения," Book Chapters, in: Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev & Alexandr Radygin & Vladimir Mau (ed.), Российская экономика в 2015 году. Тенденции и перспективы (Выпуск 37), edition 1, volume 37, chapter 6, pages 370-444, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.


  1. A. Bozhechkova & A. Kiyutsevskaya & M. Khromov & A. Knobel & P. Trunin & S. Belev & M. Deshko & A. Mamedov & E. Fomina & A. Alaev & A. Deryugin, 2015. "Section 2. Monetary and Fiscal Policies," Book Chapters, in: S. Sinelnikov-Murylev & A. Radygin (ed.), Russian Economy in 2014. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 36), edition 1, volume 36, chapter 2, pages 34-80, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.
  2. A. Bozhechkova & A. Knobel & A. Kiyutsevskaya & P. Trunin & M. Khromov & S. Belev & M. Dechko & E. Fomina & A. Alaev & A. Mamedov, 2015. "Раздел 2. Денежно-Кредитная И Бюджетная Сферы," Book Chapters, in: S. Sinelnikov-Murylev & A. Radygin & N. Glavatskaya (ed.), Российская Экономика В 2014 Году. Тенденции И Перспективы (Выпуск 36), edition 1, volume 36, chapter 2, pages 35-85, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.

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