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by members of

Groupe de Recherche sur le Capital Humain (GRCH)
École des Sciences de la Gestion (ESG)
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Montréal, Canada

(Research Group on Human Capital, Business School, University of Quebec in Montreal)

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. This page is updated in the first days of each month.
| Working papers | Journal articles | Books | Chapters |

Working papers


  1. Brodeur, Abel & Mikola, Derek & Cook, Nikolai & Brailey, Thomas & Briggs, Ryan & de Gendre, Alexandra & Dupraz, Yannick & Fiala, Lenka & Gabani, Jacopo & Gauriot, Romain & Haddad, Joanne & McWay, Ryan, 2024. "Mass Reproducibility and Replicability: A New Hope," I4R Discussion Paper Series 107, The Institute for Replication (I4R).
  2. Nicholas Lawson, 2024. "Discrimination and the Fiscal Benefits of Immigration," Working Papers 24-01, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management.


  1. Yacine Boujija & Marie Connolly & Xavier St-Denis, 2023. "Monter dans le train et gravir l’échelle sociale: Le rôle de la mobilité géographique dans la lutte contre les inégalités au Québec," CIRANO Papers 2023pj-08, CIRANO.
  2. Yacine Boujija & Marie Connolly & Xavier St-Denis, 2023. "Take the train and climb the social ladder: The role of geographical mobility in the fight against inequality in Quebec," CIRANO Papers 2023pj-10, CIRANO.
  3. Yacine Boujija & Marie Connolly & Xavier St-Denis, 2023. "Mobilité géographique et transmission intergénérationnelle du revenu au Québec," CIRANO Project Reports 2023rp-11, CIRANO.
  4. Marie Connolly & Akakpo Domefa-Konou & Marie-Louise Leroux, 2023. "Evaluating the relationship between income, survival and loss of autonomy among older Canadians," CIRANO Working Papers 2023s-04, CIRANO.
  5. Marie Connolly & Marie Melanie Fontaine & Catherine Haeck, 2023. "Child Penalties in Canada," Working Papers 23-02, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management.
  6. Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck & Anne Mei Le Bourdais-Coffey, 2023. "Age at Immigration and the Intergenerational Income Mobility of the 1.5 Generation," Working Papers 23-03, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management.


  1. Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck & Lucie Raymond-Brousseau, 2022. "La mobilité sociale au Québec selon différents parcours universitaires," CIRANO Project Reports 2022rp-12, CIRANO.
  2. Catherine Haeck & Nicholas Lawson & Krystel Poirier, 2022. "Estimating consumer preferences for different beverages using the BLP approach," Working Papers 22-01, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management.


  1. Marie Connolly & Marc-Antoine Dionne & Catherine Haeck, 2021. "Modélisation des effectifs dans les secteurs de la santé et de l’éducation," CIRANO Project Reports 2021rp-16, CIRANO.
  2. Raquel Fonseca & Marie Mélanie Fontaine & Catherine Haeck, 2021. "Le lien entre les compétences en numératie et les rendements sur le marché du travail au Québec," CIRANO Project Reports 2021rp-11, CIRANO.


  1. Pierre-Loup Beauregard & Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck, 2020. "Professions et industries : quels sont les risques de transmission de la COVID-19 ? Un outil pour faire face à la deuxième vague," CIRANO Papers 2020pe-40, CIRANO.
  2. Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck & Anne-Charlotte Latour, 2020. "Étude du lien entre la mobilité intergénérationnelle du revenu et caractéristiques socioéconomiques durant l’adolescence," CIRANO Project Reports 2020rp-03, CIRANO.
  3. Marie Connolly & Marie Mélanie Fontaine & Catherine Haeck, 2020. "Les politiques familiales du Québec évaluées à partir des trajectoires de revenus d’emploi des parents et des personnes sans enfant," CIRANO Project Reports 2020rp-05, CIRANO.
  4. Patrick Baylis & Pierre-Loup Beauregard & Marie Connolly & Nicole Fortin & David A. Green & Pablo Gutiérrez-Cubillos & Samuel Gyetvay & Catherine Haeck & Tímea L. Molnár & Gäelle Simard-Duplain & Henr, 2020. "The Distribution of COVID-19 Related Risks," CIRANO Working Papers 2020s-50, CIRANO.
    • Patrick Baylis & Pierre-Loup Beauregard & Marie Connolly & Nicole Fortin & David A. Green & Pablo Gutierrez Cubillos & Sam Gyetvay & Catherine Haeck & Timea Laura Molnar & Gaëlle Simard-Duplain & Henr, 2020. "The Distribution of COVID-19 Related Risks," NBER Working Papers 27881, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  5. Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck & Jean-William Laliberte, 2020. "Parental Education and the Rising Transmission of Income between Generations," Working Papers 20-05, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management.
  6. Pierre-Loup Beauregard & Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck & Timea Laura Molnar, 2020. "Primary School Reopenings and Parental Work," Working Papers 20-06, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management.
  7. Jean-Denis Garon & Catherine Haeck & Simon Bourassa-Viau, 2020. "Going Back to School Takes Time: Evidence from a Negative Trade Shock," CESifo Working Paper Series 8094, CESifo.
  8. Catherine Haeck & Robert Lacroix & Claude Montmarquette, 2020. "Favoriser l’acquisition en capital humain durant la pandémie : un investissement rentable pour l’emploi et la croissance économique," CIRANO Papers 2020pr-02, CIRANO.
  9. Catherine Haeck & Pierre Lefebvre, 2020. "Pandemic School Closures May Increase Inequality in Test Scores," Working Papers 20-03, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management, revised Jun 2020.
  10. Catherine Haeck & Pierre Lefebvre, 2020. "The Evolution of Cognitive Skills Inequalities by Socioeconomic Status across Canada," Working Papers 20-04, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management.


  1. Marie Connolly & Miles Corak & Catherine Haeck, 2019. "Intergenerational Mobility between and within Canada and the United States," Working Papers 19-02, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management.
  2. Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck & David Lapierre, 2019. "Social Mobility Trends in Canada: Going up the Great Gatsby Curve," Working Papers 19-03, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management, revised May 2019.
  3. Catherine Haeck & Marie Connolly, 2019. "Point de vue sur l'accessibilité aux données des administrations publiques," Working Papers 19-04, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management.
  4. Catherine Haeck & Samuel Pare & Pierre Lefebvre & Philip Merrigan, 2019. "Paid Parental Leave: Leaner Might Be Better," Working Papers 19-01, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management.
  5. Nicholas Lawson, 2019. "Taxing the job creators: Efficient taxation with bargaining in hierarchical firms," Post-Print hal-02510497, HAL.
  6. Lawson, Nicholas & Spears, Dean, 2019. "Those Who Can't Sort, Steal: Caste, Occupational Mobility, and Rent-Seeking in Rural India," IZA Discussion Papers 12538, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).


  1. Marie Connolly & Marie Mélanie Fontaine & Catherine Haeck, 2018. "État des lieux sur les écarts de revenus entre les parents et les femmes et hommes sans enfant au Québec et dans le reste du Canada," CIRANO Project Reports 2018rp-07, CIRANO.
  2. Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck, 2018. "Le lien entre la taille des classes et les compétences cognitives et non cognitives," CIRANO Project Reports 2018rp-18, CIRANO.
  3. Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck, 2018. "Nonlinear Class Size Effects on Cognitive and Noncognitive Development of Young Children," Working Papers 18-01, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management, revised Dec 2020.
  4. Swinnen, J. & Meloni, G. & Haeck, C., 2018. "What is the Value of Terroir? Historical Evidence from Champagne and Bordeaux," 2018 Conference, July 28-August 2, 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia 277221, International Association of Agricultural Economists.
  5. Catherine Haeck & Giulia Meloni & Jo Swinnen, 2018. "The Value of Terroir. A historical analysis of the Bordeaux and Champagne geographical indications," Working Papers of Department of Economics, Leuven 634338, KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Economics, Leuven.


  1. Stéphanie Boulenger & Aurélie Côté-Sergent & Catherine Haeck & Pierre-Carl Michaud, 2016. "Études des bénéfices économiques de Québec en Forme," CIRANO Project Reports 2016rp-12, CIRANO.


  1. Catherine Haeck, 2015. "Connecting the Dots: The Early Impacts of Increased Paid Maternity Leave on Child Development," Working Papers 15-01, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management.
  2. Laetitia Lebihan & Catherine Haeck & Philip Merrigan, 2015. "Universal childcare and long-term effects on child well-being: Evidence from Canada," Working Papers 15-02, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management, revised Nov 2017.
  3. Laetitia Lebihan & Catherine Haeck & Pierre Lefebvre & Philip Merrigan, 2015. "Universal Childcare and Longer-Run Effects on Parental Health and Behaviors: Evidence from a Canadian Universal Child Care Program," Working Papers 15-04, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management.


  1. Catherine Haeck & Pierre Lefebvre, 2014. "A Simple Recipe: the Effect of a Prenatal Nutrition Program on Child Health at Birth," Working Papers 14-01, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management, revised May 2016.
  2. Catherine Haeck & Pierre Lefebvre & Philip Merrigan & David Lapierre, 2014. "Evidence on Maternal Health from Two Large Canadian Parental Leave Expansions: When is Enough Too Much?'," Working Papers 14-02, Research Group on Human Capital, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management, revised Dec 2016.
  3. Catherine Haeck & Pierre Lefebvre & Xiaozhou Zhou, 2014. "The Power of the Purse: New Evidence on the Distribution of Income and Expenditures within the Family from a Canadian Experiment," Cahiers de recherche 1415, CIRPEE.
  4. Nicholas Lawson, 2014. "Liquidity Constraints, Fiscal Externalities and Optimal Tuition Subsidies Optimal College Tuition Subsidies," AMSE Working Papers 1404, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France, revised 18 Mar 2014.
  5. Nicholas Lawson, 2014. "Social Program Substitution and Optimal Policy," AMSE Working Papers 1417, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France, revised 16 May 2014.
  6. Nicholas Lawson, 2014. "Taxing the Job Creators: Efficient Progressive Taxation with Wage Bargaining," AMSE Working Papers 1442, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France, revised Aug 2014.
  7. Nicholas Lawson, 2014. "Liquidity Constraints, Fiscal Externalities and Optimal Tuition Subsidies," Working Papers halshs-00964527, HAL.
  8. Lawson, Nicholas & Spears, Dean, 2014. "What doesn't kill you makes you poorer : adult wages and the early-life disease environment in India," Policy Research Working Paper Series 7121, The World Bank.


  1. Brahim Boudarbat & Marie Connolly, 2013. "Brain Drain: Why Do Some Post-Secondary Graduates Choose to Work in the United States?," CIRANO Project Reports 2013rp-12, CIRANO.
  2. Brahim Boudarbat & Marie Connolly, 2013. "Exode des cerveaux : Pourquoi certains diplômés d'études postsecondaires choisissent-ils de travailler aux États-Unis?," CIRANO Project Reports 2013rp-13, CIRANO.
  3. Brahim Boudarbat & Marie Connolly, 2013. "Évolution de l'accès à l'emploi et des conditions de travail des immigrants au Québec, en Ontario et en Colombie-Britannique entre 2006 et 2012," CIRANO Working Papers 2013s-28, CIRANO.
  4. Abel Brodeur & Marie Connolly, 2013. "Do higher child care subsidies improve parental well-being? Evidence from Quebec's family policies," Post-Print halshs-01510390, HAL.
  5. Catherine Haeck & Pierre Lefebvre & Philip Merrigan, 2013. "Canadian Evidence on Ten Years of Universal Preschool Policies: the Good and the Bad," Cahiers de recherche 1334, CIRPEE.
  6. Nicholas Lawson, 2013. "Fiscal Externalities and Optimal Unemployment Insurance," AMSE Working Papers 1357, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France, revised 21 Nov 2013.


  1. Brahim Boudarbat & Marie Connolly, 2011. "L'écart salarial entre les sexes chez les nouveaux diplômés postsecondaires," CIRANO Project Reports 2011rp-12, CIRANO.
  2. Marie Connolly Pray, 2011. "Some Like It Mild and Not Too Wet: the Influence of Weather on Subjective Well-Being," Cahiers de recherche 1116, CIRPEE.
  3. Catherine HAECK, 2011. "Increased paid maternitiy leave and children's development measured at age four to five. An empirical analysis," Working Papers of Department of Economics, Leuven ces11.15, KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Economics, Leuven.
  4. Catherine HAECK & Pierre LEFEBVRE & Philip MERRIGAN, 2011. "All students left behind: an ambitious provincial school reform in Canada, but poor math achievements from grade 2 to 10," Working Papers of Department of Economics, Leuven ces11.28, KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Economics, Leuven.
  5. Catherine Haeck & Pierre Lefebvre & Philip Merrigan, 2011. "The Distributional Impacts of a Universal School Reform on Mathematical Achievements: a Natural Experiment from Canada (revised)," Cahiers de recherche 1135, CIRPEE.


  1. Verboven, Frank & Haeck, Catherine, 2010. "The Internal Economics of a University - Evidence from Personnel Data," CEPR Discussion Papers 7843, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  2. Nicholas Lawson, 2010. "Is Collective Bargaining Pareto Efficient? A Survey of the Literature," Working Papers 1268, Princeton University, Department of Economics, Industrial Relations Section..


  1. Marie Connolly & Alan B. Krueger, 2005. "Rockonomics: The Economics of Popular Music," NBER Working Papers 11282, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Marie Connolly & Claude Montmarquette & Ali Béjaoui, 2003. "Econometric Models of Student Loan Repayment in Canada," CIRANO Working Papers 2003s-68, CIRANO.

Journal articles


  1. Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck, 2024. "Intergenerational income mobility trends in Canada," Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 57(1), pages 5-26, February.


  1. Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck, 2022. "Nonlinear Class Size Effects on Cognitive and Noncognitive Development of Young Children," Journal of Labor Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 40(S1), pages 341-382.
  2. Patrick Baylis & Pierre‐Loup Beauregard & Marie Connolly & Nicole M. Fortin & David A. Green & Pablo Gutiérrez‐Cubillos & Samuel Gyetvay & Catherine Haeck & Tímea Laura Molnár & Gaëlle Simard‐Duplain , 2022. "The distribution of COVID‐19–related risks," Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 55(S1), pages 172-213, February.
    • Patrick Baylis & Pierre-Loup Beauregard & Marie Connolly & Nicole Fortin & David A. Green & Pablo Gutiérrez-Cubillos & Samuel Gyetvay & Catherine Haeck & Tímea L. Molnár & Gäelle Simard-Duplain & Henr, 2020. "The Distribution of COVID-19 Related Risks," CIRANO Working Papers 2020s-50, CIRANO.
    • Patrick Baylis & Pierre-Loup Beauregard & Marie Connolly & Nicole Fortin & David A. Green & Pablo Gutierrez Cubillos & Sam Gyetvay & Catherine Haeck & Timea Laura Molnar & Gaëlle Simard-Duplain & Henr, 2020. "The Distribution of COVID-19 Related Risks," NBER Working Papers 27881, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  3. Pierre‐Loup Beauregard & Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck & Tímea Laura Molnár, 2022. "Primary school reopenings and parental work," Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 55(S1), pages 248-281, February.


  1. Catherine Haeck & Pierre Lefebvre, 2021. "Trends in Cognitive Skill Inequalities by Socio-Economic Status across Canada," Canadian Public Policy, University of Toronto Press, vol. 47(1), pages 88-116, March.


  1. Catherine Haeck & Pierre Lefebvre, 2020. "Pandemic School Closures May Increase Inequality in Test Scores," Canadian Public Policy, University of Toronto Press, vol. 46(S1), pages 82-87, July.


  1. Marie Connolly & Miles Corak & Catherine Haeck, 2019. "Intergenerational Mobility Between and Within Canada and the United States," Journal of Labor Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 37(S2), pages 595-641.
  2. Catherine Haeck & Giulia Meloni & Johan Swinnen, 2019. "The Value of Terroir: A Historical Analysis of the Bordeaux and Champagne Geographical Indications," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 41(4), pages 598-619, December.
  3. Lawson, Nicholas, 2019. "Taxing the job creators: Efficient taxation with bargaining in hierarchical firms," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 56(C), pages 1-25.


  1. Marie Connolly, 2018. "Climate change and the allocation of time," IZA World of Labor, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), pages 417-417, January.
  2. Catherine Haeck & Laetitia Lebihan & Philip Merrigan, 2018. "Universal Child Care and Long-Term Effects on Child Well-Being: Evidence from Canada," Journal of Human Capital, University of Chicago Press, vol. 12(1), pages 38-98.
  3. Nicholas Lawson & Dean Spears, 2018. "Optimal population and exhaustible resource constraints," Journal of Population Economics, Springer;European Society for Population Economics, vol. 31(1), pages 295-335, January.


  1. Nicholas Lawson, 2017. "Fiscal Externalities and Optimal Unemployment Insurance," American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, American Economic Association, vol. 9(4), pages 281-312, November.
  2. Nicholas Lawson, 2017. "Liquidity Constraints, Fiscal Externalities, and Optimal Tuition Subsidies," American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, American Economic Association, vol. 9(4), pages 313-343, November.


  1. Marie Connolly & Jérôme Dupras & Charles Séguin, 2016. "An economic perspective on rock concerts and climate change: Should carbon offsets compensating emissions be included in the ticket price?," Journal of Cultural Economics, Springer;The Association for Cultural Economics International, vol. 40(1), pages 101-126, February.
  2. Haeck, Catherine & Lefebvre, Pierre, 2016. "A simple recipe: The effect of a prenatal nutrition program on child health at birth," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 41(C), pages 77-89.
  3. Lawson, Nicholas & Spears, Dean, 2016. "What doesn't kill you makes you poorer: Adult wages and early-life mortality in India," Economics & Human Biology, Elsevier, vol. 21(C), pages 1-16.
  4. Jacob Goldin & Nicholas Lawson, 2016. "Defaults, Mandates, and Taxes: Policy Design with Active and Passive Decision-Makers," American Law and Economics Review, American Law and Economics Association, vol. 18(2), pages 438-462.


  1. Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck, 2015. "Are Childcare Subsidies Good for Parental Well-being? Empirical Evidence from Three Countries," ifo DICE Report, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 13(01), pages 09-15, April.
  2. Haeck, Catherine & Lefebvre, Pierre & Merrigan, Philip, 2015. "Canadian evidence on ten years of universal preschool policies: The good and the bad," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 36(C), pages 137-157.
  3. Lawson, Nicholas, 2015. "Social program substitution and optimal policy," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 37(C), pages 13-27.


  1. Haeck, Catherine & Lefebvre, Pierre & Merrigan, Philip, 2014. "The distributional impacts of a universal school reform on mathematical achievements: A natural experiment from Canada," Economics of Education Review, Elsevier, vol. 41(C), pages 137-160.


  1. Brahim Boudarbat & Marie Connolly, 2013. "The gender wage gap among recent postsecondary graduates in Canada: a distributional approach," Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Economics Association, vol. 46(3), pages 1037-1065, August.
  2. Brodeur, Abel & Connolly, Marie, 2013. "Do higher child care subsidies improve parental well-being? Evidence from Quebec's family policies," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 93(C), pages 1-16.
  3. Marie Connolly, 2013. "Some Like It Mild and Not Too Wet: The Influence of Weather on Subjective Well-Being," Journal of Happiness Studies, Springer, vol. 14(2), pages 457-473, April.


  1. Catherine Haeck & Frank Verboven, 2012. "The Internal Economics of a University: Evidence from Personnel Data," Journal of Labor Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 30(3), pages 591-626.


  1. Nicholas Lawson, 2011. "Is Collective Bargaining Pareto Efficient? A Survey of the Literature," Journal of Labor Research, Springer, vol. 32(3), pages 282-304, September.


  1. Marie Connolly, 2008. "Here Comes the Rain Again: Weather and the Intertemporal Substitution of Leisure," Journal of Labor Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 26(1), pages 73-100.


  1. Connolly, Marie & Montmarquette, Claude & Béjaoui, Ali, 2004. "Modèles économétriques de remboursement de prêts étudiants au Canada," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 80(2), pages 305-339, Juin-Sept.



  1. Marcelin Joanis & Claude Montmarquette & Christian Belzil & Brahim Boudarbat & Bryan Campbell & Rui Castro & Jean-Claude Cloutier & Marie Connolly & David D’Arrisso & François Delorme & Pouya Ebrahimi, 2018. "Le Québec économique 7 : Éducation et capital humain," CIRANO Monographs, CIRANO, number 2018mo-01.



  1. Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck, 2024. "Differences across place in intergenerational income mobility," Chapters, in: Elina Kilpi-Jakonen & Jo Blanden & Jani Erola & Lindsey Macmillan (ed.), Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality, chapter 14, pages 178-191, Edward Elgar Publishing.


  1. Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck & Jean-William P. Laliberté, 2021. "Parental Education and the Rising Transmission of Income between Generations," NBER Chapters, in: Measuring Distribution and Mobility of Income and Wealth, pages 289-315, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Marie Connolly & Miles Corak & Catherine Haeck, 2016. "Intergenerational Mobility between and within Canada and the United States," NBER Chapters, in: Small Differences II: Public Policies in Canada and the United States, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.


  1. Marie Connolly, 2014. "The Changing Time use of U.S. Welfare Recipients between 1992 and 2005," Research in Labor Economics, in: Factors Affecting Worker Well-being: The Impact of Change in the Labor Market, volume 40, pages 223-255, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


  1. Connolly, Marie & Krueger, Alan B., 2006. "Rockonomics: The Economics of Popular Music," Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture, in: V.A. Ginsburgh & D. Throsby (ed.), Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture, edition 1, volume 1, chapter 20, pages 667-719, Elsevier.

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