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by members of

Centre d'Études et de Recherche en Gestion (CERGAM)
Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE)
Aix-Marseille Université
Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, France

(Management Study and Research Center, Business School, Aix-Marseille University)

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. Find also a compilation of publications from alumni here.

This page is updated in the first days of each month.

| Working papers | Journal articles | Chapters |

Working papers


  1. Aitzaz Ahsan Alias Sarang & Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2025. "Board Gender Diversity and the Cost of Equity: What difference does gender quota legislation make?," Post-Print hal-03875465, HAL.


  1. Manel Zidi & Helmi Hamdi, 2024. "A Panel-corrected Standard Error (PCSE) Framework to Estimate Capital Structure and Banking Performance within the Tunisian Context," Post-Print hal-04616733, HAL.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Joseph Abdel Nour & Walid Ben Amar, 2023. "Employee stock ownership and voluntary carbon disclosure in Europe," Post-Print hal-03951455, HAL.
  2. Nicolas Aubert & Miguel Cordova & Gonzalo Hernandez, 2023. "Sharing the ownership in Peru and Mexico: The case of a French MNE prompting the SDGs achievement," Post-Print hal-03951463, HAL.
  3. Nicolas Aubert & Francis Kessler, 2023. "Financial participation in France," Post-Print hal-04311590, HAL.
  4. Joseph Abdelnour & Nicolas Aubert & Domenico Campa, 2023. "Can Employee Ownership Make Earnings Management Beneficial for the Firm?," Post-Print hal-04311634, HAL.
  5. Nicolas Aubert, 2023. "Shared capitalism: A solution to transitional challenges?," Post-Print hal-04311651, HAL.
  6. Nicolas Aubert & Peter Wirtz & Xavier Hollandts, 2023. "Freins et leviers de la mobilisation sociale : l’histoire de la codétermination en France et en Allemagne," Post-Print hal-04311674, HAL.
  7. Nicolas Aubert & Peter Wirtz & Xavier Hollandts, 2023. "Social Mobilization Barriers and Levers The History of Codetermination in France and Germany," Post-Print hal-04311693, HAL.
  8. Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2023. "La codétermination sera-t-elle la grande Réforme de notre siècle ?," Post-Print hal-04501083, HAL.
  9. Joseph Abdelnour & Nicolas Aubert & Walid Ben-Amar, 2023. "Employee stock ownership and voluntary carbon disclosure," Post-Print halshs-04094880, HAL.
  10. Abdelaziz Hakimi & Helmi Hamdi & Mohamed Ali Khemiri, 2023. "Banking in the MENA region: the pro-active role of financial and economic freedom," Post-Print hal-04133788, HAL.
  11. Le Quy Duong & Philippe Bertrand, 2023. "Overreaction and momentum in the Vietnamese stock market," Post-Print hal-03778049, HAL.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Marc Bonnet & Aude Deville & Anouk Grevin, 2022. "Vers la reconnaissance de la valeur du don," Post-Print hal-03418495, HAL.
  2. Abdelnour Joseph & Aubert Nicolas & Campa Domenico, 2022. "Does employee ownership decrease agency costs? Evidence from French listed companies [L'actionnariat salarié réduit-il les coûts d'agence? Le cas des entreprises françaises cotées]," Post-Print hal-03723164, HAL.
  3. Nicolas Aubert & Miguel Cordova, 2022. "Dealing With COVID-19 Through Employee Stock Ownership Plans," Post-Print hal-03723166, HAL.
  4. Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2022. "La réforme de l'entreprise : un modèle français de codétermination," Post-Print hal-03723172, HAL.
  5. Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2022. "Corporate governance: shareholders, employees and stakeholders," Post-Print hal-03723183, HAL.
  6. Nicolas Aubert & Marc Bonnet & Aude Deville & Anouk Grevin, 2022. "Vers la reconnaissance de la valeur du don - Un parcours au sein de la section 06 du CNU," Post-Print hal-03904956, HAL.
  7. Abdelnour Joseph & Aubert Nicolas & Campa Domenico, 2022. "Does employee ownership reduce agency costs? Evidence from French listed companies [L'actionnariat salarié réduit-il les coûts d'agence ? Le cas des entreprises françaises cotées]," Post-Print hal-04311548, HAL.
  8. Le Quy Duong & Philippe Bertrand, 2022. "The size effect and default risk: Evidence from the Vietnamese stock market," Post-Print hal-03513362, HAL.
  9. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2022. "Performance Participation Strategies: OBPP versus CPPP," Post-Print hal-03672691, HAL.
  10. Philippe Bertrand, 2022. "Black-Scholes Approximation of Warrant Prices: Slight Return in a Low Interest Rate Environment," Post-Print hal-03672714, HAL.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Philippe Bernheim, 2021. "What the PACTE law changes for employee savings and participation?," Post-Print hal-02532708, HAL.
  2. Aitzaz Ahsan Alias Sarang & Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2021. "Board Gender Diversity and Corporate Cash Holdings," Post-Print hal-02897433, HAL.
  3. Nicolas Aubert & Hubert Clerbois, 2021. "Epargne entreprise, intéressement, participation: Associer les salariés aux performances," Post-Print hal-03082395, HAL.
  4. Nicolas Aubert & Joseph Abdel Nour & Walid Ben Amar, 2021. "Employee Stock Ownership and Voluntary Carbon Disclosure in France," Post-Print hal-03317665, HAL.
  5. Nicolas Aubert & Miguel Ignacio Cordova, 2021. "How society’s constraints would undermine ESPP adaption in Latin America: The Case of Peru," Post-Print hal-03317667, HAL.
  6. Joseph Abdel Nour & Nicolas Aubert & Ben Amar, W., 2021. "Employee share ownership and voluntary carbon disclosure," Post-Print hal-03323894, HAL.
  7. Rharbi, M.A. & Nicolas Aubert & Ben Larbi, S., 2021. "Do managers cater to share buyback and dividend demand?," Post-Print hal-03323923, HAL.
  8. Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2021. "Les administrateurs salariés : levier du dialogue social au coeur de la gouvernance des entreprises," Post-Print hal-03427215, HAL.
  9. Jean-Pierre Centi & Helmi Hamdi & P. Maître, 2021. "Fintech et Innovations Monétaires: Vers Un Processus concurrentiel?," Post-Print hal-03323646, HAL.
  10. Helmi Hamdi & Hakimi, A., 2021. "Trade Openness, Foreign Direct Investment, and Human Development: A Panel Cointegration Analysis for MENA Countries," Post-Print hal-03323678, HAL.


  1. Joseph Abdel Nour & Nicolas Aubert & Domenico Campa, 2020. "The type of earnings management in France and the effect of employee share ownership," Post-Print hal-02446620, HAL.
  2. Nicolas Aubert, 2020. "L'actionnariat salarié aux Etats-Unis," Post-Print hal-02514614, HAL.
  3. Nicolas Aubert & Benjamin Chapas & Xavier Hollandts, 2020. "Reforming or revolutionizing the capitalist enterprise: The French debate on industrial democracy," Post-Print hal-02867045, HAL.
  4. Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2020. "The influence of work environments on employees’ participation in the share purchase schemes of businesses [L’influence du contexte de travail des salariés sur la participation aux plans d’achat d’," Post-Print hal-02888176, HAL.
  5. Nicolas Aubert & Miguel E. Cordova, 2020. "Sharing the risk at the expense of power: paying wages in equity to face the Covid-19," Post-Print hal-03027259, HAL.
  6. Abdelaziz Hakimi & Helmi Hamdi, 2020. "Environmental effects of trade openness: what role do institutions have?," Post-Print hal-02492900, HAL.
  7. Rashid Sbia & Hamdi H., 2020. "Remittances and inflation in OPEC countries: Evidence from bias-corrected least-squares dummy variable (CLSDV) estimator," Post-Print hal-03082806, HAL.
  8. Abdelaziz Hakimi & Helmi Hamdi, 2020. "Does Liquidity Matter on Bank Profitability Evidence from a Nonlinear Framework for a Large Sample," Post-Print hal-03511285, HAL.
  9. Hakimi Abdelaziz & Boussaada Rim & Hamdi Helmi, 2020. "The Interactional Relationships Between Credit Risk, Liquidity Risk and Bank Profitability in MENA Region," Post-Print hal-03511359, HAL.


  1. Xavier Hollandts & Nicolas Aubert, 2019. "La gouvernance salariale: contribution de la représentation des salariés à la gouvernance d'entreprise," Post-Print hal-01989060, HAL.
  2. Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2019. "L’influence du contexte de travail des salariés sur la participation aux plans d’achat d’actions de l’entreprise," Post-Print hal-02045358, HAL.
  3. Xavier Hollandts & Benjamin Chapas & Nicolas Aubert, 2019. "La loi PACTE ou le dernier avatar de la réforme de l'entreprise : une relecture historique depuis 1945," Post-Print hal-02299173, HAL.
  4. Aitzaz Ahsan Alias Sarang & Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2019. "Board Gender Diversity and the Cost of Equity: From Tokenism to Critical Mass," Post-Print hal-02446631, HAL.
  5. Nicolas Aubert, 2019. "L’actionnariat salarié : quel actionnaire le salarié est-il ?," Post-Print hal-02482460, HAL.
  6. Nicolas Aubert, 2019. "La participation des travailleurs dans la doctrine sociale de l'Eglise, Journée d’études sur la « subsidiarité et la participation »," Post-Print hal-02482468, HAL.
  7. Nicolas Aubert, 2019. "Quelle finance pour une gouvernance responsable ?," Post-Print hal-02482480, HAL.
  8. Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2019. "Le grand débat sur l’entreprise a déjà eu lieu… en 1975," Post-Print hal-02537176, HAL.
  9. Rudi Zagst & Julia Kraus & Philippe Bertrand, 2019. "Option-Based performance participation," Post-Print hal-02142054, HAL.
  10. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2019. "On the optimality of path-dependent structured funds: The cost of standardization," Post-Print hal-02492961, HAL.


  1. Nicolas Aubert, 2018. "La participation des travailleurs dans la doctrine sociale de l'Eglise," Post-Print hal-01817050, HAL.
  2. Nicolas Aubert, 2018. "Employee ownership in the toolbox of economics," Post-Print hal-01817053, HAL.
  3. Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2018. "Pouvoir d’achat : et si la solution venait du Sénat ?," Post-Print hal-02537180, HAL.
  4. Nicolas Aubert & Benameur Hachmi & Guillaume Garnotel & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2018. "Optimal Employee Ownership Contracts under Ambiguity Aversion," Post-Print halshs-01492391, HAL.
  5. Xavier Hollandts & Nicolas Aubert & Abdelmehdi Ben Abdelhamid & Victor Prieur, 2018. "Beyond Dichotomy: The Curvilinear Impact of Employee Ownership on CEO entrenchment," Post-Print halshs-01495427, HAL.
  6. Nicolas Aubert & Niaz Kammoun & Yacine Bekrar, 2018. "Financial decisions of the financially literate," Post-Print halshs-01850997, HAL.
  7. Nabila Boukef Jlassi & Helmi Hamdi & Joseph Joyce, 2018. "External liabilities, domestic institutions and banking crises in developing economies," Post-Print hal-03511273, HAL.
  8. Houssem Rachdi & Abdelaziz Hakimi & Helmi Hamdi, 2018. "What drives banking profitability after the international financial crisis of 2008? Evidence from Eurozone banks," Post-Print halshs-01902729, HAL.
  9. Philippe Bertrand & Vincent Lapointe, 2018. "Risk-based strategies: the social responsibility of investment universes does matter," Post-Print hal-01457390, HAL.
  10. Charles-Olivier Amédée-Manesme & Fabrice Barthélémy & Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2018. "Mixed-asset portfolio allocation under mean-reverting asset returns," Post-Print hal-01955220, HAL.
  11. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2018. "Residential Real Estate in a Mixed-Asset Portfolio," Post-Print hal-01955228, HAL.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Yacine Bekrar, 2017. "The Socioeconomic Determinants of Company-based Savings Plans Risk Exposure," Post-Print hal-03727124, HAL.
  2. Aitzaz Ahsan Alias Sarang & Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2017. "Board of Director’s Composition and Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from French Listed Companies," Post-Print hal-03727127, HAL.
  3. Aitzaz Ahsan Alias Sarang & Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2017. "Board of Director’s Composition and Corporate Cash Holdings," Post-Print hal-03727131, HAL.
  4. Nicolas Aubert & Solange Hernandez & Xavier Hollandts, 2017. "De la participation des salariés à l'épargne salariale : analyse lexicale des débats parlementaires," Post-Print halshs-01401959, HAL.
  5. Nicolas Aubert & Alexander Kern & Xavier Hollandts, 2017. "Employee stock ownership and the cost of capital," Post-Print halshs-01502001, HAL.
  6. Nicolas Aubert & Philippe Desbrières & Guillaume Garnotel, 2017. "L’actionnariat des salariés influence-t-il la rémunération des dirigeants ?," Post-Print halshs-01715895, HAL.
  7. Xavier Hollandts & Nicolas Aubert, 2017. "Les administrateurs salariés améliorent-ils la gouvernance de leur entreprise?," Post-Print halshs-01715901, HAL.
  8. Abdelaziz Hakimi & Helmi Hamdi, 2017. "Does corruption limit FDI and economic growth? Evidence from MENA countries," Post-Print hal-01794391, HAL.
  9. Helmi Hamdi, 2017. "Finance and Growth Nexus: What Role for Institutions in Developed and Developing Countries?," Post-Print hal-01794445, HAL.
  10. Helmi Hamdi & Abdelaziz Hakimi & Khemais Zaghdoudi, 2017. "Diversification, bank performance and risk: have Tunisian banks adopted the new business model?," Post-Print halshs-01902753, HAL.
  11. Helmi Hamdi & Abdelaziz Hakimi & Rashid Sbia & Nabila Boukef Jlassi, 2017. "Financial Liberalization And The Environmental Quality: Evidence From Tunisia," Post-Print halshs-01902754, HAL.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Yacine Bekrar & Thomas Rapp, 2016. "Do as I say not as I do: How much risk the bankers take with their own money?," Post-Print hal-03725449, HAL.
  2. Nicolas Aubert, 2016. "La participation des salariés : Une expression du don dans les organisations," Post-Print halshs-01299098, HAL.
  3. Nicolas Aubert & Virgile Chassagnon & Xavier Hollandts, 2016. "Actionnariat salarié, gouvernance et performance de l’entreprise : une étude de cas économétrique portant sur un groupe français coté," Post-Print halshs-01372445, HAL.
  4. Kamal Anouar & Nicolas Aubert, 2016. "Does the catering theory of dividend apply to the French listed firms?," Post-Print halshs-01401867, HAL.
  5. Manel Zidi & Mouldi Djelassi & Helmi Hamdi, 2016. "Pouvoir de marché et stabilité financière: Etude du secteur bancaire Tunisien," Post-Print halshs-01902743, HAL.
  6. Abdelaziz Hakimi & Helmi Hamdi, 2016. "Trade liberalization, FDI inflows, environmental quality and economic growth: A comparative analysis between Tunisia and Morocco," Post-Print halshs-01902749, HAL.
  7. Muhammad Shahbaz & Ijaz Ur Rehman & Rashid Sbia & Helmi Hamdi, 2016. "The Role of Information Communication Technology and Economic Growth in Recent Electricity Demand: Fresh Evidence from Combine Cointegration Approach in UAE," Post-Print halshs-01902760, HAL.
  8. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2016. "Equilibrium of financial derivative markets under portfolio insurance constraints," Post-Print hal-01833070, HAL.


  1. Alexander Kern & Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2015. "Does shared capitalism lead to cheaper capital ? Evidence from employee ownership in France," Post-Print hal-03727136, HAL.
  2. Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2015. "How Shared Capitalism Affects Employee Withdrawal: An Econometric Case Study Of A French-Listed Company," Post-Print halshs-01256759, HAL.
  3. Hamdi, Helmi & Hakimi, Abdelaziz, 2015. "Corruption, FDI and Growth: All the truths of a corrupted regime before and after the social upsurge in Tunisia," MPRA Paper 63748, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Hakimi, Abdelaziz & Hamdi, Helmi, 2015. "How Corruption affect Growth in MENA region? Fresh Evidence from a Panel Cointegration Analysis," MPRA Paper 63750, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Hamdi, Helmi & Hakimi, Abdelaziz, 2015. "Did banks and financial markets developments lead to economic growth in MENA region? Evidence from Dynamic panel data estimation," MPRA Paper 64310, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. BOUKEF JLASSI, NABILA & Hamdi, Helmi, 2015. "The relationship between Financial liberalization, Financial Stability and Capital Control: Evidence from a multivariate framework for developing countries," MPRA Paper 64328, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. ZAGHDOUDI, Khemais & HAMDI, Helmi & DKHILI, Hichem & HAKIMI, Abdelaziz, 2015. "Bank Competition and Risk Appetite: Evidence from Tunisia," MPRA Paper 64475, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. RACHDI, Houssem & Hakimi, Abdelaziz & Hamdi, Helmi, 2015. "Financial Liberalization, Banking Crisis and Economic Growth in MENA Region: Do Institutions Matter?," MPRA Paper 64562, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  9. Philippe Bertrand & Vincent Lapointe, 2015. "How performance of risk-based strategies is modified by socially responsible investment universe?," Post-Print hal-01833066, HAL.
  10. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2015. "On Path-Dependent Structured Funds: Complexity Does Not Always Pay (Asian versus Average Performance Funds)," Post-Print hal-01833074, HAL.
  11. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2015. "French Retail Financial Structured Products: A Typology and Assessment of Their Fair Pricing," Post-Print hal-01833084, HAL.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2014. "How shared capitalism affects employee withdrawal," Post-Print hal-03727140, HAL.
  2. Kamal Anouar & Nicolas Aubert, 2014. "A test of the catering theory of dividend in the French market," Post-Print hal-03727144, HAL.
  3. Nicolas Aubert & Guillaume Garnotel & André Lapied & Patrick Rousseau, 2014. "Employee ownership: A theoretical and empirical investigation of management entrenchment vs. reward management," Post-Print halshs-01256766, HAL.
  4. Muhammad Shahbaz & Rashid Sbia & Helmi Hamdi & Ilhan Ozturk, 2014. "Economic growth, electricity consumption, urbanization and environmental degradation relationship in United Arab Emirates," Post-Print halshs-01902764, HAL.
  5. Helmi Hamdi & Rashid Sbia & Bedri Kamil Onur Tas, 2014. "Financial Deepening and Economic Growth in Gulf Cooperation Council Countries," Post-Print halshs-01902766, HAL.
  6. Helmi Hamdi & Nabila Boukef Jlassi, 2014. "Financial liberalization, disaggregated capital flows and banking crisis: Evidence from developing countries," Post-Print halshs-01902770, HAL.
  7. Rashid Sbia & Muhammad Shahbaz & Helmi Hamdi, 2014. "A contribution of foreign direct investment, clean energy, trade openness, carbon emissions and economic growth to energy demand in UAE," Post-Print halshs-01902774, HAL.
  8. Helmi Hamdi & Rashid Sbia & Muhammad Shahbaz, 2014. "The nexus between electricity consumption and economic growth in Bahrain," Post-Print halshs-01902777, HAL.
  9. Hamdi, Helmi & Sbia, Rashid & said, ali, 2014. "Empirical Evidence on the Long-Run Money Demand Function in the GCC Countries," MPRA Paper 63306, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2015.
  10. Guillaume MARCEAU & Jean-Michel SAHUT, 2014. "CREATION de VALEUR dans une STARTUP - MODELE et ETUDE de CAS," Working Papers 2014-263, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
  11. Sandra Camus & Lubica Hikkerova & Soumaya Hergli & Guillaume Marceau & Jean-Michel Sahut, 2014. "Stratégie de "tourisme durable": Validation empirique dans le Groupe TUI en Tunisie," Working Papers 2014-264, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
  12. Philippe Bertrand & Alexis Guyot & Vincent Lapointe, 2014. "Raising Companies' Profile with Corporate Social Performance: Variation in Investor recognition and Liquidity Linked to Vigeo CSP Rating Disclosures," Post-Print hal-00995406, HAL.
  13. Philippe Bertrand & Alexis Guyot & Vincent Lapointe, 2014. "Variations in Liquidity and the Size of Investor Base Associated with Corporate Social Performance Ratings," Post-Print hal-01833087, HAL.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & André Lapied & Patrick Rousseau, 2013. "Employee ownership: management entrenchment vs reward management," Post-Print hal-03727148, HAL.
  2. Nicolas Aubert, 2013. "Pour une théorie de la participation fondée sur le don: l'apport de François Perroux," Post-Print halshs-01256771, HAL.
  3. Cristina Sarasa & Jean-Marc Philip & Julio Sánchez-Chóliz, 2013. "A tax policy strategy faces with future water availability using a dynamic CGE approach," EcoMod2013 5349, EcoMod.
  4. Virginie Doumax & Jean-Marc Philip & Cristina Sarasa, 2013. "Biofuels, tax policies and oil price: insights from a dynamic CGE model," EcoMod2013 5417, EcoMod.
  5. Virginie Doumax-Tagliavini & Jean-Marc Philip & Cristina Sarasa, 2013. "Biofuels, Tax Policies and Oil Prices in France: Insights from a Dynamic CGE Model," EcoMod2013 6245, EcoMod.
  6. Helmi Hamdi & Rashid Sbia, 2013. "Dynamic relationships between oil revenues, government spending and economic growth in an oil-dependent economy," Post-Print halshs-01902776, HAL.
  7. Abdelaziz Hakimi & Helmi Hamdi, 2013. "The Duration Of Relationship Banking And The Performance Of Tunisian Firms: An Empirical Test," Post-Print halshs-01902783, HAL.
  8. Helmi Hamdi & Rashid Sbia, 2013. "Fiscal Policy And Economic Growth In PIIGS Countries: An Empirical Assessment," Post-Print halshs-01902785, HAL.
  9. Helmi Hamdi & Rashid Sbia, 2013. "Re-Examining Government Revenues, Government Spending And Economic Growth In GCC Countries," Post-Print halshs-01902788, HAL.
  10. Shahbaz, Muhammad & Sbia, Rashid & Hamdi, Helmi, 2013. "The Environmental cost of Skiing in the Desert? Evidence from Cointegration with unknown Structural breaks in UAE," MPRA Paper 48007, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 03 Jul 2013.
  11. Hakimi, Abdelaziz & Hamdi, Helmi, 2013. "Credit Information, Guarantees and Non-Performing Loans," MPRA Paper 55750, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
  12. Hakimi, Abdelaziz & Hamdi, Helmi, 2013. "The duration of bank relationships and the performance of Tunisian firms," MPRA Paper 55754, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
  13. Hakimi, Abdelaziz & Hamdi, Helmi & Djlassi, Mouldi, 2013. "Testing the concentration-performance relationship in the Tunisian banking sector," MPRA Paper 55927, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2013.
  14. Sbia, Rashid & Hamdi, Helmi, 2013. "Are Investment and Saving Cointegrated Evidence From Middle East and North African Countries," MPRA Paper 64151, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  15. Hamdi, Helmi, 2013. "Testing Export-led Growth in Tunisia and Morocco: New Evidence using the Toda and Yamamoto procedure," MPRA Paper 65072, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  16. Hamdi, Helmi & Hakimi, Abdelaziz & Djelassi, Mouldi, 2013. "Did financial liberalization lead to bank fragility? Evidence from Tunisia," MPRA Paper 65075, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  17. Helmi Hamdi & Rashid Sbia, 2013. "The relationship between natural resources rents, trade openness and economic growth in algeria," ULB Institutional Repository 2013/199932, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
  18. Helmi Hamdi & Rashid Sbia & Abdelaziz Hakimi & Wafa Khlaifia Hakimi, 2013. "Multivariate granger causality between foreign direct investment and economic growth in Tunisia," ULB Institutional Repository 2013/206834, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
  19. Julia Kraus & Philippe Bertrand & Rudi Zagst, 2013. "Theory of Performance Participation Strategies," Papers 1302.5339,
  20. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2013. "Analysis and Comparison of Leveraged ETFs and CPPI-type Leveraged Strategies," Post-Print hal-01833059, HAL.


  1. Helmi Hamdi & Abdelaziz Hakimi & Mouldi Djelassi, 2012. "What Determines The Duration Of Bank-Enterprise Relationships For Tunisian Firms?," Post-Print halshs-01902789, HAL.
  2. Helmi Hamdi & Abdelaziz Hakimi & Mouldi Djelassi, 2012. "The Relationship Between Costs And Availability Of Credit: An Empirical Study For Some Tunisian Firms," Post-Print halshs-01902790, HAL.
  3. HAMDI, Helmi & SBIA, Rashid, 2012. "Short-run and Long-run causality between electricity consumption and economic growth in a small open economy," MPRA Paper 49904, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. HAMDI, Helmi & SBIA, Rashid, 2012. "Error-correction based panel estimates of the relationship between CO2 emissions, energy usage and output in Gulf Cooperation Council countries," MPRA Paper 49906, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. HAMDI, Helmi & SBIA, Rashid, 2012. "Modeling causality between Electricity consumption and Economic Growth in BIICS Countries," MPRA Paper 49909, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2012.
  6. HAMDI, Helmi & SBIA, Rashid, 2012. "Natural resource rents, fiscal policy and economic growth in Algeria," MPRA Paper 49910, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Hakimi, Abdelaziz & Hamdi, Helmi & Djelassi, Mouldi, 2012. "Modelling non-interest income at Tunisian banks," MPRA Paper 65114, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Lubica Hikkerova & Jean Paré & Jean Redis & Guillaume Marceau, 2012. "Caractéristiques des entrepreneurs et conception de leurs business plans : le cas des primés au concours du Réseau Entreprendre Paris," Post-Print hal-01763664, HAL.
  9. Philippe Bertrand, 2012. "Régime de retraite complémentaire Préfon : les fonctionnaires ont-ils vraiment intérêt à cotiser ?," Post-Print hal-01833089, HAL.


  1. Zied Guedri & Xavier Hollandts & Nicolas Aubert, 2011. "Les| déterminants de la représentation des actionnaires salariés au conseil d'administration ou de surveillance," Post-Print hal-02312660, HAL.
  2. Xavier Hollandts & Nicolas Aubert, 2011. "La représentation obligatoire des actionnaires salariés au conseil d’administration : un état des lieux," Post-Print halshs-01256778, HAL.
  3. Thomas Rapp & Nicolas Aubert, 2011. "Bank Employee Incentives and Stock Purchase Plans Participation," Post-Print halshs-01256781, HAL.
  4. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2011. "Omega performance measure and portfolio insurance," Post-Print hal-01445954, HAL.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Thomas Rapp, 2010. "Employees' investment behaviors in a company based savings plan," Post-Print halshs-00454018, HAL.
  2. Nicolas Aubert & André Lapied & Patrick Rousseau, 2010. "Employee ownership as a signal of management quality," Working Papers halshs-00534025, HAL.
  3. Hamdi, Helmi, 2010. "Can e-payment systems revolutionize finance of the less developed countries? The case of mobile payment technology," MPRA Paper 64597, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2011.
  4. Hakimi, Abdelazizi & Hamdi, Helmi & Djelassi, Mouldi, 2010. "Financial Liberalization and Banking Profitability: A Panel Data Analysis for Tunisian Banks," MPRA Paper 65073, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2011.
  5. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2010. "A Note on Risk Aversion, Prudence and Portfolio Insurance," Post-Print hal-01833054, HAL.
  6. Philippe Bertrand, 2010. "Another Look at Portfolio Optimization under Tracking-Error Constraints," Post-Print hal-01833085, HAL.
  7. Philippe Bertrand & Protopopescu Protopopescu Costin, 2010. "The Statistics of The Information Ratio," Post-Print hal-01833090, HAL.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Bernard Grand & André Lapied & Patrick Rousseau, 2009. "Is employee ownership so senseless ?," Post-Print halshs-00454017, HAL.
  2. Xavier Hollandts & Zied Guedri & Nicolas Aubert, 2009. "Représentation du travail au conseil d'administration et performance de l'entreprise : une étude empirique sur le SBF 250 (2000-2005)," Post-Print halshs-01256785, HAL.
  3. Philippe Bertrand, 2009. "Risk-adjusted performance attribution and portfolio optimisations under tracking-error constraints," Post-Print hal-01833079, HAL.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Thomas Rapp, 2008. "Les Salariés Actionnaires : Pourquoi Investissent-ils dans leur Entreprise ?," Post-Print halshs-00454019, HAL.
  2. Nicolas Aubert, 2008. "Developing an Ownership Culture with Employee Share Purchase Plans : Evidence from France," Post-Print halshs-00454021, HAL.
  3. Philippe Bertrand, 2008. "Risk Attribution and Portfolio Optimizations Under Tracking-Error Constraints," Post-Print hal-01833102, HAL.
  4. Philippe Bertrand & Costin Protopopescu, 2008. "The Sensitivity of the Asymptotic Variance of Performance Measures with Respect to Skewness and Kurtosis," Post-Print hal-01833104, HAL.


  1. Gilbert Bougi & Helmi Hamdi, 2007. "La crédibilité de la banque centrale face aux défis de la monnaie électronique," CAE Working Papers 56, Aix-Marseille Université, CERGAM.


  1. Nicolas Aubert, 2006. "Understanding Employer's Stock Holdings in the French Company Savings Plans Using the Literature on the American 401(k) plans," Post-Print halshs-00188518, HAL.
  2. Jean-Marc Philip, 2006. "Le recours aux MEGC pour l’analyse de l’accord de partenariat économique entre l’union européenne et les pays ACP : une revue de la littérature," CAE Working Papers 92, Aix-Marseille Université, CERGAM.
  3. Helmi Hamdi, 2006. "La contribution des technologies de l'information et de communication dans la performance des marchés électroniques," CAE Working Papers 48, Aix-Marseille Université, CERGAM.
  4. Philippe Bertrand & Pierre-Xavier Meschi, 2006. "Performance des partenaires locaux dans les coentreprises internationales en Asie: Valorisation boursière et application de la théorie des coûts de transaction," Post-Print hal-01833075, HAL.


  1. Philippe Bertrand & Pierre-Xavier Meschi, 2005. "A Transactional Analysis of Chinese Partners' Performance in International Joint Ventures," Post-Print hal-01833042, HAL.
  2. Philippe Bertrand & Patrick Rousseau, 2005. "L'attribution de performance en gestion de portefeuille," Post-Print hal-01833071, HAL.
  3. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2005. "Portfolio Insurance Strategies: OBPI versus CPPI," Post-Print hal-01833077, HAL.
  4. Philippe Bertrand, 2005. "A Note on Portfolio Performance Attribution: Taking Risk into Account," Post-Print hal-01833107, HAL.


  1. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2003. "Evaluation Of Financial Structured Products: An Application Of The Extreme Value Theory," Post-Print hal-01833069, HAL.
  2. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2003. "Portfolio Insurance Strategies: A Comparison of Standard Methods When the Volatility of the Stock is Stochastic," Post-Print hal-01833118, HAL.


  1. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2002. "Portfolio Insurance: The Extreme Value Theory of the Cppi Method," Post-Print hal-01833122, HAL.


  1. P. Bertrand & J.L. Prigent, 2000. "Portfolio Insurance : The extreme Value of the CCPI Method," THEMA Working Papers 2000-49, THEMA (THéorie Economique, Modélisation et Applications), Université de Cergy-Pontoise.
  2. Bertrand, P. & lesne, J.-P. & Prigent, J.-L., 2000. "Gestion de portefeuille avec garantie: l'allocation optimale en actifs derives," G.R.E.Q.A.M. 00a03, Universite Aix-Marseille III.
  3. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent & Raphael Sobotka, 2000. "Optimisation de portefeuille sous contrainte de variance de la tracking-error," Post-Print hal-01833150, HAL.


  1. Philippe Bertrand, 1993. "Obligation à réinvestissement optionnel du coupon : prix à l'émission et évaluation de la position en chaque instant," Post-Print hal-01833073, HAL.


  1. Bertrand, P. & Kast & R. & Lapied, A., 1990. "Evaluation Des Titres Hypothecaires," G.R.E.Q.A.M. 90b04, Universite Aix-Marseille III.

Journal articles


  1. Helmi Hamdi & Abdelaziz Hakimi, 2023. "Corruption, imported innovation, and growth: Evidence using the panel smooth transition regression approach for developing countries," Regional Science Policy & Practice, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 15(5), pages 956-972, June.
  2. Hakimi, Abdelaziz & Hamdi, Helmi & Khemiri, Mohamed Ali, 2023. "Banking in the MENA region: The pro-active role of financial and economic freedom," Journal of Policy Modeling, Elsevier, vol. 45(5), pages 1058-1076.


  1. Hakimi Abdelaziz & Boussaada Rim & Hamdi Helmi, 2022. "The Interactional Relationships Between Credit Risk, Liquidity Risk and Bank Profitability in MENA Region," Global Business Review, International Management Institute, vol. 23(3), pages 561-583, June.
  2. Helmi Hamdi & Abdelaziz Hakimi, 2022. "Improving the environmental quality: Should African countries locally innovate or import innovation?," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 54(39), pages 4545-4556, August.
  3. Helmi Hamdi & Abdelaziz Hakimi, 2022. "Trade Openness, Foreign Direct Investment, and Human Development: A Panel Cointegration Analysis for MENA Countries," The International Trade Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 36(3), pages 219-238, May.
  4. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2022. "Performance Participation Strategies: OBPP versus CPPP," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 43(1), pages 123-150.


  1. Aitzaz Ahsan Alias Sarang & Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2021. "Board Gender Diversity and Corporate Cash Holdings," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 42(1), pages 7-49.


  1. Rashid Sbia & Helmi Hamdi, 2020. "Remittances and inflation in OPEC countries:Evidence from bias-corrected least-squares dummy variable (CLSDV) estimator," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 40(3), pages 2471-2483.
  2. Abdelaziz Hakimi & Helmi Hamdi, 2020. "Environmental effects of trade openness: what role do institutions have?," Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 9(1), pages 36-56, January.
  3. Helmi Hamdi & Abdelaziz Hakimi, 2020. "Corruption, FDI, and Growth: An Empirical Investigation into the Tunisian Context," The International Trade Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 34(4), pages 415-440, July.


  1. Xavier Hollandts & Nicolas Aubert, 2019. "La gouvernance salariale : contribution de la représentation des salariés à la gouvernance d’entreprise," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 22(1), pages 63-88, March.
  2. Hakimi Abdelaziz & Hamdi Helmi, 2019. "Financial development and human development: A non-linear analysis for Oil-exporting and Oil-importing countries in MENA region," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 39(4), pages 2484-2498.
  3. Hamdi, Helmi & Hakimi, Abdelaziz, 2019. "Does Liquidity Matter on Bank Profitability? Evidence from a Nonlinear Framework for a Large Sample," Business and Economics Research Journal, Uludag University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, vol. 10(1), pages 13-26, January.
  4. Bertrand, Philippe & Prigent, Jean-luc, 2019. "On the optimality of path-dependent structured funds: The cost of standardization," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 277(1), pages 333-350.
  5. Zagst, Rudi & Kraus, Julia & Bertrand, Philippe, 2019. "Option-Based performance participation," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 105(C), pages 44-61.
  6. Charles-Olivier Amédée-Manesme & Fabrice Barthélémy & Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2019. "Mixed-asset portfolio allocation under mean-reverting asset returns," Annals of Operations Research, Springer, vol. 281(1), pages 65-98, October.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Hachmi Ben Ameur & Guillaume Garnotel & Jean‐Luc Prigent, 2018. "Optimal Employee Ownership Contracts Under Ambiguity Aversion," Economic Inquiry, Western Economic Association International, vol. 56(1), pages 238-251, January.
  2. Nicolas Aubert & Niaz Kammoun & Yacine Bekrar, 2018. "Financial decisions of the financially literate," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 39(2), pages 43-91.
  3. Nabila Boukef Jlassi & Helmi Hamdi & Joseph P. Joyce, 2018. "External liabilities, domestic institutions and banking crises in developing economies," Review of International Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 26(1), pages 96-116, February.
  4. Rachdi, Houssem & Hakimi, Abdelaziz & Hamdi, Helmi, 2018. "Liberalization, crisis and growth in MENA region: Do institutions matter?," Journal of Policy Modeling, Elsevier, vol. 40(4), pages 810-826.
  5. Philippe Bertrand & Vincent Lapointe, 2018. "Risk-based strategies: the social responsibility of investment universes does matter," Annals of Operations Research, Springer, vol. 262(2), pages 413-429, March.


  1. Aubert, Nicolas & Kern, Alexander & Hollandts, Xavier, 2017. "Employee stock ownership and the cost of capital11We are grateful to the Editor in Chief, Thomas Lagoarde-Segot and to participants at 2016 French accounting association conference, 2015 French financ," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 41(C), pages 67-78.
  2. Abdelaziz Hakimi & Helmi Hamdi, 2017. "Does corruption limit FDI and economic growth? Evidence from MENA countries," International Journal of Emerging Markets, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 12(3), pages 550-571, July.
  3. Helmi Hamdi, Abdelaziz Hakimi, and Rashid Sbia, 2017. "Finance and Growth Nexus: What Role for Institutions in Developed and Developing Countries?," Journal of Economic Development, Chung-Ang Unviersity, Department of Economics, vol. 42(4), pages 1-22, December.
  4. Helmi Hamdi & Abdelaziz Hakimi & Khemais Zaghdoudi, 2017. "Diversification, bank performance and risk: have Tunisian banks adopted the new business model?," Financial Innovation, Springer;Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, vol. 3(1), pages 1-25, December.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Virgile Chassagnon & Xavier Hollandts, 2016. "Actionnariat salarié, gouvernance et performance de la firme : une étude de cas économétrique portant sur un groupe français coté," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(2), pages 151-176.
  2. Nicolas Aubert, 2016. "Does the Catering Theory of Dividend Apply to the French Listed Firms?," Bankers, Markets & Investors, ESKA Publishing, issue 145, pages 27-38, November-.
  3. Manel Zidi & Mouldi Djelassi & Helmi Hamdi, 2016. "Pouvoir de marché et stabilité financière: Etude du secteur bancaire Tunisien," African Development Review, African Development Bank, vol. 28(4), pages 416-429, December.
  4. Nidhal Mgadmi & Helmi Hamdi & Houssem Rachdi, 2016. "Non-Linear Modelling of Money Demand in Tunisia: Evidence from the STAR Model," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 36(4), pages 1975-1985.
  5. Rashid Sbia & Rashid Sbia & Helmi Hamdi & Bedri Kamil Onur Tas & Sahel Al Rousan, 2016. "Gulf Cooperation Council Stock Returns and the Effect of Domestic Monetary Policy Shocks," International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Econjournals, vol. 6(2), pages 629-639.
  6. Hakimi, Abdelaziz & Hamdi, Helmi, 2016. "Trade liberalization, FDI inflows, environmental quality and economic growth: A comparative analysis between Tunisia and Morocco," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier, vol. 58(C), pages 1445-1456.
  7. Khemais Zaghdoudi & Helmi Hamdi & Hichem Dkhili & Abdelaziz Hakimi, 2016. "Bank Competition And Risk Appetite: Evidence From Tunisia," The International Journal of Business and Finance Research, The Institute for Business and Finance Research, vol. 10(1), pages 85-93.
  8. Bertrand, Philippe & Prigent, Jean-luc, 2016. "Equilibrium of financial derivative markets under portfolio insurance constraints," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 52(PA), pages 278-291.


  1. Helmi Hamdi & Ali Said & Rashid Sbia, 2015. "Empirical Evidence on the Long-Run Money Demand Function in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries," International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Econjournals, vol. 5(2), pages 603-612.
  2. Helmi Hamdi, 2015. "Financial Reform and Economic Development," Economies, MDPI, vol. 3(4), pages 1-2, December.
  3. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2015. "On Path-Dependent Structured Funds: Complexity Does Not Always Pay (Asian versus Average Performance Funds)," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 36(2), pages 67-105.
  4. Bertrand, Philippe & Lapointe, Vincent, 2015. "How performance of risk-based strategies is modified by socially responsible investment universe?," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 38(C), pages 175-190.
  5. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2015. "French Retail Financial Structured Products: A Typology and Assessment of Their Fair Pricing," Bankers, Markets & Investors, ESKA Publishing, issue 135, pages 4-18, March-Apr.


  1. Aubert, Nicolas & Garnotel, Guillaume & Lapied, André & Rousseau, Patrick, 2014. "Employee ownership: A theoretical and empirical investigation of management entrenchment vs. reward management," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 40(C), pages 423-434.
  2. Doumax, Virginie & Philip, Jean-Marc & Sarasa, Cristina, 2014. "Biofuels, tax policies and oil prices in France: Insights from a dynamic CGE model," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 66(C), pages 603-614.
  3. Sbia, Rashid & Shahbaz, Muhammad & Hamdi, Helmi, 2014. "A contribution of foreign direct investment, clean energy, trade openness, carbon emissions and economic growth to energy demand in UAE," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 36(C), pages 191-197.
  4. Hamdi, Helmi & Sbia, Rashid & Shahbaz, Muhammad, 2014. "The nexus between electricity consumption and economic growth in Bahrain," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 38(C), pages 227-237.
  5. Hamdi, Helmi & Jlassi, Nabila Boukef, 2014. "Financial liberalization, disaggregated capital flows and banking crisis: Evidence from developing countries," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 41(C), pages 124-132.
  6. Helmi Hamdi & Rashid Sbia & Bedri Kamil Onur Tas, 2014. "Financial Deepening and Economic Growth in Gulf Cooperation Council Countries," International Economic Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 28(3), pages 459-473, September.
  7. Philippe Bertrand & Alexis Guyot & Vincent Lapointe, 2014. "Raising Companies’ Profile with Corporate Social Performance," Bankers, Markets & Investors, ESKA Publishing, issue 130, pages 41-54, May-June.


  1. Helmi Hamdi, 2013. "Testing export-led growth in Tunisia and Morocco: New evidence using the Toda and Yamamoto procedure," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 33(1), pages 677-686.
  2. Helmi Hamdi & Rashid Sbia & Hakimi Abdelaziz & Wafa Khlaifia hakimi, 2013. "Multivariate Granger causality between foreign direct investment and economic growth in Tunisia," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 33(2), pages 1193-1203.
  3. Helmi Hamdi & Rashid Sbia, 2013. "The relationship between natural resources rents, trade openness and economic growth in Algeria," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 33(2), pages 1649-1659.
  4. Hamdi, Helmi & Sbia, Rashid, 2013. "Dynamic relationships between oil revenues, government spending and economic growth in an oil-dependent economy," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 35(C), pages 118-125.
  5. Helmi Hamdi & Rashid Sbia, 2013. "Are Investment and Savings Cointegrated? Evidence from Middle East and North African Countries," The International Journal of Business and Finance Research, The Institute for Business and Finance Research, vol. 7(4), pages 103-113.
  6. Helmi Hamdi & Abdelaziz Hakimi & Mouldi Djelassi, 2013. "Did Financial Liberalization Lead to Bank Fragility? Evidence from Tunisia," The International Journal of Business and Finance Research, The Institute for Business and Finance Research, vol. 7(5), pages 77-88.
  7. Helmi Hamdi & Rashid Sbia, 2013. "A Note on Electricity-Growth Nexus in Bahrain," Bulletin of Energy Economics (BEE), The Economics and Social Development Organization (TESDO), vol. 1(4), pages 28-34, September.
  8. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2013. "Analysis and Comparison of Leveraged ETFs and CPPI-type Leveraged Strategies," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 34(1), pages 73-116.


  1. Abdelaziz HAKIMI & Helmi HAMDI & Mouldi DJELASSI, 2012. "Modelling Non-Interest Income at Tunisian Banks," Asian Economic and Financial Review, Asian Economic and Social Society, vol. 2(1), pages 88-99.


  1. Thomas Rapp & Nicolas Aubert, 2011. "Bank Employee Incentives and Stock Purchase Plans Participation," Journal of Financial Services Research, Springer;Western Finance Association, vol. 40(3), pages 185-203, December.
  2. Hakimi Abdelaziz & Djelassi Mouldi & Hamdi Helmi, 2011. "Financial Liberalization and Banking Profitability: A Panel Data Analysis for Tunisian Banks," International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Econjournals, vol. 1(2), pages 19-32, June.
  3. Helmi Hamdi, 2011. "Can E-Payment Systems Revolutionize Finance of the Less Developed Countries? The Case of Mobile Payment Technology," International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Econjournals, vol. 1(2), pages 46-53, June.
  4. Bertrand, Philippe & Prigent, Jean-luc, 2011. "Omega performance measure and portfolio insurance," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 35(7), pages 1811-1823, July.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Thomas Rapp, 2010. "Employee's investment behaviors in a company based savings plan," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 31(1), pages 5-32.
  2. Philippe Bertrand & Jean-Luc Prigent, 2010. "A Note on Risk Aversion, Prudence and Portfolio Insurance," The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, Palgrave Macmillan;International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics (The Geneva Association), vol. 35(1), pages 81-92, June.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Bernard Grand & André Lapied & Patrick Rousseau, 2009. "Is employee ownership so senseless," Finance, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, vol. 30(2), pages 5-29.
  2. Philippe Bertrand, 2009. "Risk-adjusted performance attribution and portfolio optimisations under tracking-error constraints," Journal of Asset Management, Palgrave Macmillan, vol. 10(2), pages 75-88, June.


  1. Nicolas Aubert & Thomas Rapp, 2008. "Les salariés actionnaires:pourquoi investissent-ils dans leur entreprise?," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 11(4), pages 87-110, December.
  2. Nicolas Aubert, 2008. "Developing an Ownership Culture with Employee Share Purchase Plans: Evidence from France," Zeitschrift fuer Personalforschung. German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management, Rainer Hampp Verlag, vol. 22(2), pages 130-151.


  1. Helmi Hamdi, 2007. "Some Ambiguities Concerning the Development of Electronic Money," Financial Theory and Practice, Institute of Public Finance, vol. 31(3), pages 293-307.


  1. Philippe Bertrand & Patrick Rousseau, 2005. "L'attribution de performance en gestion de portefeuille," Revue française de gestion, Lavoisier, vol. 154(1), pages 59-73.
  2. Philippe Bertrand & Pierre-Xavier Meschi, 2005. "A Transactional Analysis of Chinese Partners' Performance in International Joint Ventures," Chinese Economy, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 38(2), pages 16-35, March.
  3. Philippe Bertrand, 2005. "A note on portfolio performance attribution: Taking risk into account," Journal of Asset Management, Palgrave Macmillan, vol. 5(6), pages 428-437, April.



  1. Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts, 2023. "Corporate Governance: Shareholders, Employees, and Stakeholders," Springer Books, in: Thomas Lagoarde-Segot (ed.), Ecological Money and Finance, chapter 0, pages 443-484, Springer.

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