- wp2013-20 The Medicaid Buy-In and Social Security Disability Insurance (DI) Beneficiaries: Lessons for the 2014 Medicaid Expansion and Proposals to Reform DI
by Melissa McInerney - wp2013-19 Validating Longitudinal Earnings in Dynamic Microsimulation Models: The Role of Outliers
by Melissa M. Favreault & Owen Haaga - wp2013-18 Housing in Retirement Across Countries
by Makoto Nakajima & Irina A. Telyukova - wp2013-17 Can Benefits and Work Incentives Counseling be a Path to Future Economic Self-Sufficiency for SSI/SSDI Beneficiaries?
by Zafar E. Nazarov - wp2013-16 How Do the Changing Labor Supply Behavior and Marriage Patterns of Women Affect Social Security Replacement Rates?
by April Yanyuan Wu & Nadia S. Karamcheva & Alicia H. Munnell & Patrick Purcell - wp2013-15 Social Security and the 2001 Reform of the Railroad Retirement Program
by Steven A. Sass - wp2013-14 An Assessment of the 2001 Reform of the Railroad Retirement Program
by Steven A. Sass - wp2013-12 How Do the Disabled Cope While Waiting for SSDI?
by Norma B. Coe & Stephan Lindner & Kendrew Wong & April Yanyuan Wu - wp2013-11 The Impact of Population Aging and Delayed Retirement on Workforce Productivity
by Gary Burtless - wp2013-10 Does Access to Health Insurance Influence Work Effort Among Disability Cash Benefit Recipients?
by Norma B. Coe & Kalman Rupp - wp2013-9 How Will Older Workers Who Lose Their Jobs During the Great Recession Fare in the Long-Run?
by Matthew S. Rutledge & Natalia Orlova & Anthony Webb - wp2013-8 Can Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Programs Increase Coverage and Reduce Medicaid Costs?
by Wei Sun & Anthony Webb - wp2013-7 SSI for Disabled Immigrants: Why Do Ethnic Networks Matter?
by Delia Furtado & Nikolaos Theodoropoulos - wp2013-6 The Use of VA Disability Benefits and Social Security Disability Insurance Among Veterans
by Janet M. Wilmoth & Andrew S. London & Colleen M. Heflin - wp2013-5 How Does the Composition of Disability Insurance Applicants Change Across Business Cycles?
by Norma B. Coe & Matthew S. Rutledge - wp2013-4 The Economic Implications of the Department of Labor’s 2010 Proposals for Broker-Dealers
by Alicia H. Munnell & Anthony Webb & Francis Vitagliano - wp2013-3 What Is the Long-Term Impact on Zebley Kids?
by Norma B. Coe & Matthew S. Rutledge - wp2013-2 Sticky Ages: Why Is Age 65 Still a Retirement Peak?
by Norma B. Coe & Mashfiqur Khan & Matthew S. Rutledge - wp2013-1 Rethinking Optimal Wealth Accumulation and Decumulation Strategies in the Wake of the Financial Crisis
by Richard W. Kopcke & Anthony Webb & Joshua Hurwitz
- wp2012-28 Employee Mobility and Employer-Provided Retirement Plans
by Gopi Shah Goda & Damon Jones & Colleen Flaherty Manchester - wp2012-27 Changing Sources of Income among the Aged Population
by Barry P. Bosworth & Kathleen Burke - wp2012-26 Holding Out or Opting Out? Deciding Between Retirement and Disability Applications in Recessions
by Matthew S. Rutledge - wp2012-25 Automatic Enrollment, Employee Compensation, and Retirement Security
by Barbara A. Butrica & Nadia Karamcheva - wp2012-24 401(k) Participant Behavior in a Volatile Economy
by Barbara A. Butrica & Karen Elizabeth Smith - wp2012-23 Immigrant Networks and the Take-Up of Disability Programs: Evidence from U.S. Census Data
by Delia Furtado & Nikolaos Theodoropoulos - wp2012-22 Will Delayed Retirement by the Baby Boomers Lead to Higher Unemployment Among Younger Workers?
by Alicia H. Munnell & Rebecca April Yanyuan Wu - wp2012-21 Growth in Health Consumption and Its Implications for Financing OASDI: An International Perspective
by Barry P. Bosworth & Gary Burtless - wp2012-20 Using Participant Data to Improve Target Date Fund Allocations
by Zhenyu Li & Anthony Webb - wp2012-19 Job Demand and Early Retirement
by Sepideh Modrek & Mark R. Cullen - wp2012-18 Changes in Labor Force Participation of Older Americans and Their Pension Structures: A Policy Perspective
by Frank W. Heiland & Zhe Li - wp2012-17 Borrow Less Tomorrow: Behavioral Approaches to Debt Reduction
by Dean Karlan & Jonathan Zinman - wp2012-16 Spousal Labor Market Effects from Government Health Insurance: Evidence from a Veterans Affairs Expansion
by Melissa A. Boyle & Joanna N. Lahey - wp2012-15 Social Measuring Social Security Proposals by More than Solvency: Impacts on Poverty, Progressivity, Horizontal Equity, and Work Incentives
by Melissa M. Favreault & C. Eugene Steuerle - wp2012-14 Can the Government Incentivize the Purchase of Private Long-Term Care Insurance? Evidence from the Long-Term Care Partnership Program
by Nadia Greenhalgh-Stanley - wp2012-13 How Important Is Asset Allocation to Financial Security in Retirement?
by Alicia H. Munnell & Natalia Orlova & Anthony Webb - wp2012-12 Great Recession-Induced Early Claimers: Who Are They? How Much Do They Lose?
by Matthew S. Rutledge & Norma B. Coe - wp2012-11 Effects of Employer Health Costs on the Trend and Distribution of Social Security-Taxable Wages
by Gary Burtless & Sveta Milusheva - wp2012-10 Should Households Base Asset Decumulation Strategies on Required Minimum Distribution Tables?
by Wei Sun & Anthony Webb - wp2012-9 Geographic Mobility Among Residents in Seniors Housing and Care Communities: Evidence from the Residents Financial Survey
by Norma B. Coe & April Yanyuan Wu - wp2012-8 Costs and Concerns Among Residents in Seniors Housing and Care Communities: Evidence from the Residents Financial Survey
by Norma B. Coe & April Yanyuan Wu - wp2012-7 Financial Well-being of Residents in Seniors Housing and Care Communities: Evidence from the Residents Financial Survey
by Norma B. Coe & April Yanyuan Wu - wp2012-6 Residents in Seniors Housing and Care Communities: Overview of the Residents Financial Survey
by Norma B. Coe & April Yanjuan Wu - wp2012-5 Social Security Claiming: Trends and Business Cycle Effects
by Owen Haaga & Richard W. Johnson - wp2012-4 Economic Consequences of the Great Recession: Evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics
by Barry Bosworth - wp2012-3 The Changing Causes and Consequences of Not Working Before Age 62
by Barbara A. Butrica & Nadia Karamcheva - wp2012-2 The Impact of Temporary Assistance Programs on Disability Rolls and Re-Employment
by Stephan Lindner & Austin Nichols - wp2012-1 Understanding the Growth in Federal Disability Programs: Who Are the Marginal Beneficiaries and How Much Do They Cost?
by Adele Kirk
- wp2011-24 Nonparametric Evidence on the Effects of Retirement Benefits on Labor Force Participation Decisions
by Dayanand Manoli & Andrea Weber - wp2011-23 What Explains State Variation in SSDI Application Rates?
by Norma B. Coe & Kelly Haverstick & Alicia H. Munnell & Anthony Webb - wp2011-22 How Do Subjective Mortality Beliefs Affect the Value of Social Security and the Optimal Claiming Age?
by Wei Sun & Anthony Webb - wp2011-21 How Does the Personal Income Tax Affect the Progressivity of OASI Benefits?
by Norma B. Coe & Zhenya Karamcheva & Richard W. Kopcke & Alicia - wp2011-20 The Pension Protection Act of 2006 and Diversification of Employer Stock in Defined Contribution Plans
by Gary V. Engelhardt - wp2011-19 Prescription Drug Insurance Coverage, Drug Utilization, and Cost-Related Non-Adherence: Evidence from the Medicare Part D Expansion
by Gary V. Engelhardt - wp2011-18 Social Security on Auto-Pilot: International Experience with Automatic Stabilizer Mechanisms
by Barry P. Bosworth & R. Kent Weaver - wp2011-17 The Impact of Unemployment Insurance Extensions on Disability Insurance Application and Allowance Rates
by Matthew S. Rutledge - wp2011-16 Do Couples Self-Insure? The Effect of Informal Care on a Couple’s Labor Supply
by Norma B. Coe & Meghan Skira & Courtney Harold Van Houtven - wp2011-15 How Prepared are State and Local Workers for Retirement?
by Alicia H. Munnell & Jean-Pierre Aubry & Josh Hurwitz & Laura Quinby - wp2011-14 Do Low-Income Workers Benefit from 401(k) Plans?
by Eric Toder & Karen E. Smith - wp2011-13 Corporate Pension Plan Investments in Alternative Assets: Determinants and Consequences
by Divya Anantharaman - wp2011-12 Social Security Reform and Male Labor Force Participation Around The World
by Jocelyn E. Finlay & Günther Fink - wp2011-11 An In-Depth Look Into Intergenerational Flows
by Oksana Leukhina & Marika Santoro - wp2011-10 Who Retires Early?
by Henry J. Aaron & Jean Marie Callan - wp2011-9 The Potential Impact of the Great Recession on Future Retirement Incomes
by Barbara A. Butrica & Richard W. Johnson & Karen E. Smith - wp2011-8 Immigrant Diversity and Social Security: Recent Patterns and Future Prospects
by Melissa M. Favreault & Austin Nichols - wp2011-7 Why Aren't More Families Buying Life Insurance?
by Matthew S. Chambers & Don E. Schlagenhauf & Eric R. Young - wp2011-6 Changes in Firm Pension Policy: Trends Away From Traditional Defined Benefit Plans
by Kandice A. Kapinos - wp2011-5 Interdependent Durations in Joint Retirement
by Bo Honoré & Áureo de Paula - wp2011-4 Health and Retirement Effects in a Collective Consumption Model of Elderly Households
by Arthur Lewbel & Shannon Seitz - wp2011-3 Age Differences in Job Displacement, Job Search, and Reemployment
by Richard W. Johnson & Corina Mommaerts - wp2011-2 How Important Are Intergenerational Transfers for Baby Boomers?
by Alicia H. Munnell & Anthony Webb & Zhenya Karamcheva & Andrew Eschtruth - wp2011-1 The Earnings and Social Security Contributions of Documented and Undocumented Mexican Immigrants
by Gary Burtless & Audrey Singer
- wp2010-22 Effect of Informal Care on Work, Wages, and Wealth
by Courtney Harold Van Houtven & Norma B. Coe & Meghan Skira - wp2010-21 Recessions, Wealth Destruction, and the Timing of Retirement
by Barry P. Bosworth & Gary Burtless - wp2010-20 Measuring the Spillover to Disability Insurance Due to the Rise in the Full Retirement Age
by Norma B. Coe & Kelly Haverstick - wp2010-19 Is the Reduction in Older Workers' Job Tenure a Cause for Concern?
by Steven A. Sass & Anthony Webb - wp2010-18 Accounting for Disability Insurance in the Dynamic Relationship Between Disability Onset and Earnings
by Perry Singleton - wp2010-17 The Treatment of Married Women by the Social Security Retirement Program
by Andrew G. Biggs & Gayle L. Reznik & Nada O. Eissa - wp2010-16 What is the Impact of Foreclosures on Retirement Security?
by Irena Dushi & Leora Friedberg & Anthony Webb - wp2010-15 Children and Household Utility: Evidence from Kids Flying the Coop
by Norma B. Coe & Anthony Webb - wp2010-14 Overview of the CRR 2009 Retirement Survey
by Alicia H. Munnell & Norma B. Coe & Kelly Haverstick & Steven A. Sass - wp2010-13 State Wage-Payment Laws, the Pension Protection Act of 2006, and 401(k) Saving Behavior
by Gary V. Engelhardt - wp2010-12 Asset Cycles and the Retirement Decisions of Older Workers
by Jan Ondrich - wp2010-11 Price Deflators, the Trust Fund Forecast, and Social Security Solvency
by Barry Bosworth - wp2010-10 The Impact of a DROP Program on the Age of Retirement and Employer Pension Costs
by Samson Alva & Norma B. Coe & Anthony Webb - wp2010-02 Social Security, Benefit Claiming and Labor Force Participation: A Quantitative General Equilibrium Approach
by Selahattin Imrohoroglu & Sagiri Kitao - wp2010-9 Housing Consumption in Late Life: The Role of Income, Health Shocks, and Marital Shocks
by Douglas A. Wolf & Janet M. Wilmoth - wp2010-8 Adjusting Social Security for Increasing Life Expectancy: Effects on Progressivity
by Courtney Monk & John A. Turner & Natalia A. Zhivan - wp2010-7 Work and Retirement Patterns for the G.I. Generation, Silent Generation, and Early Boomers: Thirty Years of Change
by Richard Johnson & Barbara Butrica & Corina Mommaerts - wp2010-6 Spousal Health Shocks and the Timing of the Retirement Decision in the Face of Forward-Looking Financial Incentives
by Courtney Harold Van Houtven & Norma B. Coe - wp2010-5 Incorporating Employee Heterogeneity Into Default Rules for Retirement Plan Selection
by Gopi Shah Goda & Colleen Flaherty Manchester - wp2010-4 Accurately Measuring Health Over the Life Course
by Fabian Lange & Doug McKee - wp2010-3 The Shrinking Tax Preference for Pension Savings: An Analysis of Income Tax Changes, 1985-2007
by Gary Burtless & Eric Toder - wp2010-2 Getting to the Top of Mind: How Reminders Increase Saving
by Dean Karlan & Margaret McConnell & Sendhil Mullainathan & Jonathan Zinman - wp2010-1 How Much Is Enough? The Distribution of Lifetime Health Care Costs
by Anthony Webb & Natalia Zhivan
- wp2009-34 Impact of Immigration on the Distribution of American Well-Being
by Gary Burtless - wp2009-33 Will Automatic Enrollment Reduce Employer Contributions to 401(k) Plans?
by Mauricio Soto & Barbara A. Butrica - wp2009-32 Actual and Anticipated Inheritance Receipts
by Norma B. Coe & Anthony Webb - wp2009-31 How Seniors Change Their Asset Holdings During Retirement
by Karen Smith & Mauricio Soto & Rudolph G. Penner - wp2009-30 Retirement Security and the Stock Market Crash: What Are the Possible Outcomes?
by Barbara A. Butrica & Karen E. Smith & Eric J. Toder - wp2009-29 Dutch Pension Funds in Underfunding: Solving Generational Dilemmas
by Niels Kortleve & Eduard Ponds - wp2009-28 Work Ability and the Social Insurance Safety Net in the Years Prior to Retirement
by Richard W. Johnson & Melissa M. Favreault & Corina Mommaerts - wp2009-27 Fees and Trading Costs of Equity Mutual Funds in 401(k) Plans and Potential Savings from ETFS and Commingled Trusts
by Richard W. Kopcke & Francis M. Vitagliano & Zhenya S. Karamcheva - wp2009-26 An Update on 401(k) Plans: Insights from the 2007 Survey of Consumer Finance
by Alicia H. Munnell & Richard W. Kopcke & Francesca Golub-Sass & Dan Muldoon - wp2009-25 Insult to Injury: Disability, Earnings, and Divorce
by Perry Singleton - wp2009-24 Medicare Part D and the Financial Protection of the Elderly
by Gary V. Engelhardt & Jonathan Gruber - wp2009-23 The Role of Information for Retirement Behavior: Evidence Based on the Stepwise Introduction of the Social Security Statement
by Giovanni Mastrobuoni - wp2009-22 Social Security and the Joint Trends in Labor Supply and Benefits Receipt Among Older Men
by Bo MacInnis - wp2009-21 The Wealth of Older Americans and the Sub-Prime Debacle The Wealth of Older Americans and the Sub-Prime Debacle
by Barry Bosworth & Rosanna Smart - wp2009-20 The Asset and Income Profile of Residents in Seniors Care Communities
by Norma B. Coe & Melissa Boyle - wp2009-19 Pension Buyouts: What Can We Learn From The UK Experience?
by Ashby H. B. Monk - wp2009-18 What Drives Health Care Spending? Can We Know Whether Population Aging Is A 'Red Herring'?
by Henry J. Aaron - wp2009-17 Unusual Social Security Claiming Strategies: Costs and Distributional Effects
by Alicia H. Munnell & Steven A. Sass & Alex Golub-Sass & Nadia Karamcheva - wp2009-16 Determinants and Consequences of Moving Decisions for Older Homeowners
by Esteban Calvo & Kelly Haverstick & Natalia A. Zhivan - wp2009-15 The Implications of Declining Retiree Health Insurance
by Courtney Monk & Alicia H. Munnell - wp2009-14 Capital Income Taxes With Heterogeneous Discount Rates
by Peter Diamond & Johannes Spinnewijn - wp2009-13 Are Age-62/63 Retired Worker Beneficiaries At Risk?
by Eric R. Kingson & Maria T. Brown - wp2009-12 Taxes and Pensions
by Peter Diamond - wp2009-11 How Much Do Households Really Lose By Claiming Social Security at Age 62?
by Wei Sun & Anthony Webb - wp2009-10 Health Care, Health Insurance, and the Relative Income of the Elderly and Nonelderly
by Gary Burtless & Pavel Svaton - wp2009-9 Do Health Problems Reduce Consumption at Older Ages?
by Barbara A. Butrica & Richard W. Johnson & Gordon B.T. Mermin - wp2009-8 Financial Hardship Before and After Social Security's Early Eligibility Age
by Richard W. Johnson & Gordon B.T. Mermin - wp2009-7 Rising Tides and Retirement: The Aggregate and Distributional Effects of Differential Wage Growth on Social Security
by Melissa M. Favreault - wp2009-6 Accounting for the Heterogeneity in Retirement Wealth
by Fang Yang - wp2009-5 Labor Supply Elasticity and Social Security Reform
by Selahattin Imrohoroglu & Sagiri Kitao - wp2009-4 Evaluating Micro-Survey Estimates of Wealth and Saving
by Barry P. Bosworth & Rosanna Smart - wp2009-3 Portfolio Choice in Retirement: Health Risk and the Demand for Annuities, Housing and Risky Assets
by Motohiro Yogo - wp2009-2 The Disappearing Defined Benefit Pension and its Potential Impact on the Retirement Incomes of Boomers
by Barbara A. Butrica & Howard M. Iams & Karen E. Smith & Eric J. Toder - wp2009-1 Retirement and Social Security: A Time Series Approach
by Brendan Cushing-Daniels & C. Eugene Steuerle
- wp2008-26 Reforming Pensions
by Nicholas Barr & Peter Diamond - wp2008-25 Elderly Immigrants' Labor Supply Response to Supplemental Security Income
by Neeraj Kaushal - wp2008-24 Economic Restructuring and Retirement in Urban China
by John Giles - wp2008-23 Sources of Support for Pension Reform: A Cross-National Perspective
by Michelle Dion & Andrew Roberts - wp2008-22 The Long-Term Effects of the Divorce Revolution: Health, Wealth, and Labor Supply
by Kristin Mammen - wp2008-21 The Response of Household Saving to the Large Shock of German Reunification
by Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln - wp2008-20 A Parsimonious Choquet Model of Subjective Life Expectancy
by Alexander Ludwig & Alexander Zimper - wp2008-19 Risky Pensions and Household Saving Over the Life Cycle
by David A. Love & Paul A. Smith - wp2008-18 Identifying Local Differences in Retirement Patterns
by Leora Friedberg & Michael Owyang & Anthony Webb - wp2008-17 What Effect Do Time Constraints Have on the Age of Retirement?
by Leora Friedberg & Wei Sun & Anthony Webb - wp2008-16 Dual-Eligible Medicaid Spending: Are We on the Flat of the Curve?
by Melissa A. Boyle & Joanna N. Lahey & Margaret E. Czervionke - wp2008-15 Public Long-Term Care Insurance and the Housing and Living Arrangements of the Elderly: Evidence from Medicare Home Health Benefits
by Gary V. Engelhardt & Nadia Greenhalgh-Stanley - wp2008-14 The Impact of Changing Earnings Volatility on Retirement Wealth
by Austin Nichols & Melissa M. Favreault - wp2008-13 The Housing Bubble and Retirement Security
by Alicia H. Munnell & Mauricio Soto - wp2008-12 How Much Do State Economics and Other Characteristics Affect Retirement Behavior?
by Alicia H. Munnell & Mauricio Soto & Robert K. Triest & Natalia A. Zhivan - wp2008-11 Will People Be Healthy Enough to Work Longer?
by Alicia H. Munnell & Mauricio Soto & Alex Golub-Sass - wp2008-10 An Assessment of Life-Cycle Funds
by Mauricio Soto & Robert K. Triest & Alex Golub-Sass & Francesca Golub-Sass - wp2008-9 Participant Perceptions and Decision-Making Concerning Retirement Benefits
by Colleen E. Medill - wp2008-8 A Micro-Level Analysis of Recent Increases in Labor Force Participation Among Older Workers
by Kevin E. Cahill & Michael D. Giandrea & Joseph F. Quinn - wp2008-7 The Trajectory of Wealth in Retirement
by David A. Love & Michael G. Palumbo & Paul A. Smith - wp2008-6 The Rising Age at Retirement in Industrial Countries
by Gary Burtless - wp2008-5 The Implications of Career Lengths for Social Security
by Melissa M. Favreault & C. Eugene Steuerle - wp2008-4 Do Out-of-Pocket Health Care Costs Delay Retirement?
by Richard W. Johnson & Rudolph G. Penner & Desmond Toohey - wp2008-3 How the Income Tax Treatment of Saving and Social Security Benefits May Affect Boomers' Retirement Incomes
by Barbara A. Butrica & Karen E. Smith & Eric Toder - wp2008-2 Saving and Wealth Accumulation in the PSID, 1984-2005
by Barry P. Bosworth & Sarah Anders - wp2008-1 Older Women's Income and Wealth Packages in Cross-National Perspective
by Timothy M. Smeeding & Janet C. Gornick & Eva Sierminska & Maurice Leach
- wp2007-27 How Many Struggle to Get By in Retirement?
by Barbara A. Butrica & Dan Murphy & Sheila R. Zedlewski - wp2007-26 The Impact of Late-Career Health and Employment Shocks on Social Security and Other Wealth
by Richard W. Johnson & Gordon B.T. Mermin & Dan Murphy - wp2007-24 The Cost of Owning Employer Stocks: Lessons From Taiwan
by Yi-Tsung Lee & Yu-Jane Liu & Ning Zhu - wp2007-23 Health Insurance and the Labor Supply Decisions of Older Workers: Evidence from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
by Melissa A. Boyle & Joanna N. Lahey - wp2007-22 Why Are Companies Freezing Their Pensions?
by Alicia H. Munnell & Mauricio Soto - wp2007-21 Capital Income Flows and the Relative Well-Being of America's Aged Population
by Barry P. Bosworth & Gary Burtless & Sarah E. Anders - wp2007-20 The Role of Governance in Retirement Investments: Evidence from Variable Annuities
by Richard Evans & Rüdiger Fahlenbrach - wp2007-19 A New Approach to Raising Social Security's Earliest Eligibility Age
by Kelly Haverstick & Margarita Sapozhnikov & Robert Triest & Natalia Zhivan - wp2007-18 What Makes Retirees Happier: A Gradual or 'Cold Turkey' Retirement?
by Esteban Calvo & Kelly Haverstick & Steven A. Sass - wp2007-17 Why Do Married Men Claim Social Security Benefits So Early? Ignorance or Caddishness?
by Steven A. Sass & Wei Sun & Anthony Webb - wp2007-16 Measurement Error in Earnings Data in the Health and Retirement Study
by Jesse Bricker & Gary V. Engelhardt - wp2007-15 Evaluating the Advanced Life Deferred Annuity - An Annuity People Might Actually Buy
by Guan Gong & Steven A. Sass - wp2007-14 Population Aging, Labor Demand, and the Structure of Wages
by Margarita Sapozhnikov & Robert K. Triest - wp2007-13 Work at Older Ages: Is Raising the Early Retirement Age an Option for Social Security Reform?
by John A. Turner - wp2007-12 The Labor Supply of Older Americans
by Alicia H. Munnell & Steven A. Sass - wp2007-11 Why Do Japanese Workers Remain in the Labor Force So Long?
by John B. Williamson & Masa Higo - wp2007-10 Literacy, Trust and 401(k) Savings Behavior
by Julie Agnew & Lisa R. Szykman & Stephen P. Utkus & Jean A. Young - wp2007-07 Social Security Spouse and Survivor Benefits for the Modern Family
by Melissa M. Favreault & C. Eugene Steuerle - wp2007-06 How Economic Security Changes During Retirement
by Barbara A. Butrica - wp2007-05 International Investment for Retirement Savers: Historical Evidence on Risk and Returns
by Gary Burtless - wp2007-04 Job Changes at Older Ages: Effects on Wages, Benefits, and Other Job Attributes
by Richard W. Johnson & Janette Kawachi - wp2007-03 Cross-National Comparison of Income and Wealth Status in Retirement: First Results From the Luxembourg Wealth Study (LWS)
by Eva Sierminska & Andrea Brandolini & Timothy M. Smeeding - wp2007-02 Saving and Demographic Change: The Global Dimension
by Barry Bosworth & Gabriel Chodorow-Reich - wp2007-01 The Repeal of the Retirement Earnings Test and the Labor Supply of Older Men
by Gary V. Engelhardt & Anil Kumar - wp2007-9 The Recent Evolution of Pension Funds in the Netherlands: The Trend to Hybrid DB-DC Plans and Beyond
by Eduard Ponds & Bart van Riel
- wp2006-27 Persistence in Labor Supply and the Response to the Social Security Earnings Test
by Leora Friedberg & Anthony Webb - wp2006-26 Annuitized Wealth and Consumption at Older Ages
by Barbara A. Butrica & Gordon B.T. Mermin - wp2006-25 Risk and Reward of International Investing for U.S. Retirement Savers: Historical Evidence
by Gary Burtless - wp2006-24 State Age Protection Laws and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act
by Joanna Lahey - wp2006-23 Age, Women, and Hiring: An Experimental Study
by Joanna Lahey - wp2006-22 Optimal Retirement Asset Decumulation Strategies: The Impact of Housing Wealth
by Wei Sun & Robert Triest & Anthony Webb - wp2006-21 The Impact of Aggregate Mortality Risk on Defined Benefit Pension Plans
by Irena Dushi & Leora Friedberg & Anthony Webb - wp2006-20 Health Care Costs, Taxes, and the Retirement Decision: Conceptual Issues and Illustrative Simulation
by Rudolph G. Penner & Richard W. Johnson - wp2006-19 Why Do Boomers Plan to Work So Long?
by Gordon B.T. Mermin & Richard W. Johnson & Dan Murphy - wp2006-18 Job Tenure and Pension Coverage
by Alicia H. Munnell & Kelly Haverstick & Geoffrey Sanzenbacher - wp2006-17 Has the Displacement of Older Workers Increased?
by Alicia H. Munnell & Steven Sass & Mauricio Soto & Natalia Zhivan - wp2006-16 No Place Like Home: Older Adults and Their Housing
by Timothy Smeeding & Barbara Boyle Torrey & Jonathon Fisher & David S. Johnson & Joseph Marchand - wp2006-15 Effects of Public Policies on the Disposition of Lump-Sum Distributions: Rational and Behavioral Influences
by William G. Gale & Michael Dworsky - wp2006-14 Pensions, Social Security, Wealth and Lifetime Earnings: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
by William G. Gale & John W.R. Phillips - wp2006-13 Determinants and Consequences of Bargaining Power in Households
by Leora Friedberg & Anthony Webb - wp2006-11 Mortality Heterogeneity and The Distributional Consequences of Mandatory Annuitization
by Guan Gong & Anthony Webb - wp2006-10 Can Heterogeneity of Populations Explain Differences in Mortality?
by James W. Vaupel & Roland Rau & Carlo Giovanni Camarda & Kristin G. von Kistowski - wp2005-19 Making Maximum Use Of Tax-Deferred Retirement Accounts
by Janette Kawachi & Karen E. Smith & Eric J. Toder - wp2005-18 When The Nest Egg Cracks: Financial Consequences Of Health Problems, Marital Status Changes, And Job Layoffs At Older Ages
by Richard W. Johnson & Gordon B.T. Mermin & Cori E. Uccello