Report NEP-DEV-2005-12-14
This is the archive for NEP-DEV, a report on new working papers in the area of Development. Jeong-Joon Lee issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-DEV
The following items were announced in this report:
- Ling Shen, 2005. "When will a dictator be good?," Bonn Econ Discussion Papers bgse22_2005, University of Bonn, Germany.
- Fernanda, ESTEVAN & Jean-Marie, BALAND, 2005. "Mortality risks and child labor," Discussion Papers (ECON - Département des Sciences Economiques) 2005040, Université catholique de Louvain, Département des Sciences Economiques.
- Rohini Pande & Christopher Udry, 2005. "Institutions and Development:A View from Below," Working Papers 928, Economic Growth Center, Yale University.
- Markus Goldstein & Christopher Udry, 2005. "The Profits of Power: Land Rights and Agricultural Investment in Ghana," Working Papers 929, Economic Growth Center, Yale University.
- Nava Ashraf & Dean Karlan & Wesley Yin, 2005. "Deposit Collectors," Working Papers 930, Economic Growth Center, Yale University.
- Pudney, Stephen & Aassve, Arnstein & Mencarini, Letizia & Kedir, Abbi & Francavilla, Francesca & Mealli, Fabrizia & Engelhardt, Henriette & Kim, Jungho & Prskawetz, Alexia, 2005. "Poverty and fertility in less developed countries: a comparative analysis," ISER Working Paper Series 2005-13, Institute for Social and Economic Research.
- Adams, Richard H. Jr., 2005. "Remittances, household expenditure and investment in Guatemala," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3532, The World Bank.
- Hiau Looi Kee & Chen, Derek H. C., 2005. "A model on knowledge and endogenous growth," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3539, The World Bank.
- Seshan, Ganesh, 2005. "The impact of trade liberalization on household welfare in vietnam," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3541, The World Bank.
- van de Walle, Dominique & Cratty, Dorothyjean, 2005. "Do donors get what they paid for? micro evidence on the fungibility of development project aid," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3542, The World Bank.
- Korinek, Anton & Mistiaen, Johan A. & Ravallion, Martin, 2005. "Survey nonresponse and the distribution of income," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3543, The World Bank.
- Fernandes, Ana M. & Isgut, Alberto E., 2005. "Learning-by-doing, learning-by-exporting, and productivity : evidence from Colombia," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3544, The World Bank.
- Wang Jici & Tong Xin, 2005. "Sustaining urban growth through innovative capacity : Beijing and Shanghai in comparison," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3545, The World Bank.
- Kremer, Michael & Miguel, Edward & Thornton, Rebecca & Ozier, Owen, 2005. "Incentives to learn," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3546, The World Bank.
- Jamasb, Tooraj & Mota, Raffaella & Newbery, David & Pollitt, Michael, 2005. "Electricity sector reform in developing countries : a survey of empirical evidence on determinants and performance," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3549, The World Bank.
- Palmade, Vincent, 2005. "Industry level analysis : the way to identify the binding constraints to economic growth," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3551, The World Bank.
- Aubert, Jean-Eric, 2005. "Promoting innovation in developing countries: a conceptual framework," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3554, The World Bank.
- Stephanou, Constantinos & Mendoza, Juan Carlos, 2005. "Credit risk measurement under Basel II : an overview and implementation issues for developing countries," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3556, The World Bank.
- Heckelman, Jac & Knack, Stephen, 2005. "Foreign aid and market-liberalizing reform," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3557, The World Bank.
- Lindelow, Magnus & Serneels, Pieter & Lemma, Teigist, 2005. "The performance of health workers in Ethiopia - results from qualitative research," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3558, The World Bank.
- Wagstaff, Adam, 2005. "Decomposing changes in income inequality into vertical and horizontal redistribution and reranking, withapplications to China and Vietnam," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3559, The World Bank.
- Verner, Dorte, 2005. "Activities, employment, and wages in rural and semi-urban Mexico," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3561, The World Bank.
- Wagstaff, Adam & Pradhan, Menno, 2005. "Health insurance impacts on health and nonmedical consumption in a developing country," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3563, The World Bank.
- Amiti, Mary & Javorcik, Beata Smarzynska, 2005. "Trade costs and location of foreign firms in China," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3564, The World Bank.
- Limao, Nuno & Olarreaga, Marcelo, 2005. "Trade preferences to small developing countries and the welfare costs of lost multilateral liberalization," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3565, The World Bank.
- Hoekman, Bernard & Ozden, Caglar, 2005. "Trade preferences and differential treatment of developing countries : a selective survey," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3566, The World Bank.
- Alderman, Harold & Hoogeveen, Hans & Rossi, Mariacristina, 2005. "Reducing child malnutrition in Tanzania - combined effects of income growth and program interventions," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3567, The World Bank.
- Hildebrandt, Nicole & McKenzie, David, 2005. "The effects of migration on child health in Mexico," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3573, The World Bank.
- Glinskaya, Elena & Lokshin, Michael, 2005. "Wage differentials between the public and private sector in India," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3574, The World Bank.
- Hoff, Karla & Sen, Arijit, 2005. "The kin system as a poverty trap?," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3575, The World Bank.
- Verner, Dorte, 2005. "Poverty in rural and semi-urban Mexico during 1992-2002," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3576, The World Bank.
- Hamilton, Kirk, 2005. "Testing genuine saving," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3577, The World Bank.
- Yang, Dean, 2005. "International migration, human capital, and entrepreneurship : evidence from Philippine migrants'exchange rate shocks," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3578, The World Bank.
- Ravallion, Martin, 2005. "A poverty-inequality trade-off?," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3579, The World Bank.
- Ravallion, Martin, 2005. "On the contribution of demographic change to aggregate poverty measures for the developing world," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3580, The World Bank.
- Bosch, Mariano & Maloney, William, 2005. "Labor market dynamics in developing countries: comparative analysis using continuous time Markov processes," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3583, The World Bank.
- Gallardo, Joselito & Ouattara, Korotoumou & Randhawa, Bikki & Steel, William F., 2005. "Comparative review of microfinance regulatory framework issues in Benin, Ghana, and Tanzania," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3585, The World Bank.
- Hoogeveen,Johannes G. & Schipper,Youdi, 2005. "Which inequality matters? Growth evidence based on small area welfare estimates in Uganda," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3592, The World Bank.
- Keefer, Philip, 2005. "Democratization and clientelism: why are young democracies badly governed?," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3594, The World Bank.
- Lall, Somik V. & Suri, Ajay & Deichmann, Uwe, 2005. "Household savings and residential mobility in informal settlements," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3596, The World Bank.
- Arnold, Jens Matthias & Javorcik, Beata Smarzynska, 2005. "Gifted kids or pushy parents? Foreign acquisitions and plant performance in Indonesia," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3597, The World Bank.
- Das, Jishnu & Dercon, Stefan & Habyarimana, James & Krishnan, Pramila, 2005. "Teacher shocks and student learning : evidence from Zambia," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3602, The World Bank.
- Loayza, Norman V. & Oviedo, Ana Maria & Serven, Luis, 2005. "The impact of regulation on growth and informality - cross-country evidence," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3623, The World Bank.
- Ravallion, Martin, 2005. "Evaluating anti-poverty programs," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3625, The World Bank.
- Suescun, Rodrigo, 2005. "Fiscal space for investment in infrastructure in Colombia," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3629, The World Bank.
- Kaufmann, Daniel & Kraay, Aart & Mastruzzi, Massimo, 2005. "Governance matters IV : governance indicators for 1996-2004," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3630, The World Bank.
- Kraay, Aart & Raddatz, Claudio, 2005. "Poverty traps, aid, and growth," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3631, The World Bank.
- Kuijs, Louis, 2005. "Investment and saving in China," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3633, The World Bank.
- de Luna Martinez, Jose, 2005. "Workers'remittances to developing countries : a survey with central banks on selected public policy issues," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3638, The World Bank.
- Murgai, Rinku & Ravallion, Martin, 2005. "Is a guaranteed living wage a good anti-poverty policy?," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3640, The World Bank.
- Estache, Antonio & Goicoechea, Ana, 2005. "A"research"database on infrastructure economic performance," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3643, The World Bank.
- Wagstaff, Adam, 2005. "The economic consequences of health shocks," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3644, The World Bank.
- Herrera, Santiago & Pang, Gaobo, 2005. "Efficiency of public spending in developing countries : an efficiency frontier approach," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3645, The World Bank.
- Basu, Priya & Srivastava, Pradeep, 2005. "Scaling-up microfinance for India's rural poor," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3646, The World Bank.
- Das Gupta, Monica & Lokshin, Michael & Gragnolati, Michele & Ivaschenko, Oleksiy, 2005. "Improving child nutrition outcomes in India : can the integrated child development services be more effective?," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3647, The World Bank.
- Shankar, Rashmi, 2005. "Insurance and liquidity : panel evidence," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3648, The World Bank.
- Xubei Luo, 2005. "Growth spillover effects and regional development patterns : the case of Chinese provinces," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3652, The World Bank.
- Kalavakonda, Vijay & Mahul, Olivier, 2005. "Crop insurance in Karnataka," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3654, The World Bank.
- Cull, Robert & Effron, Laurie, 2005. "World Bank lending and financial sector development," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3656, The World Bank.
- Honohan, Patrick, 2005. "Banking sector crises and inequality," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3659, The World Bank.
- Agenor, Pierre-Richard & Nabli, Mustapha K. & Yousef, Tarik M., 2005. "Public infrastructure and private investment in the Middle East and North Africa," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3661, The World Bank.
- Fujii, Tomoki, 2005. "Micro-level estimation of child malnutrition indicators and its application in Cambodia," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3662, The World Bank.
- Lall, Somik V. & Mengistae, Taye, 2005. "The impact of business environment and economic geography on plant-level productivity : an analysis of Indian industry," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3664, The World Bank.
- Gine, Xavier & Klonner, Stefan, 2005. "Credit constraints as a barrier to technology adoption by the poor : lessons from South Indian small-scale fishery," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3665, The World Bank.
- Verner, Dorte & Verner, Mette, 2005. "Economic impacts of professional training in the informal sector : the case of the labor force training program in Cote d'Ivoire," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3668, The World Bank.
- Das, Jishnu & Hammer, Jeffrey, 2005. "Money for nothing : the dire straits of medical practice in Delhi, India," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3669, The World Bank.
- Gill, Indermit & Pinto, Brian, 2005. "Public debt in developing countries : has the market-based model worked?," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3674, The World Bank.
- Lall, Somik V. & Mengistae, Taye, 2005. "Business environment, clustering, and industry location : evidence from Indian cities," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3675, The World Bank.
- Hoekman & Bernard & Winters, L. Alan, 2005. "Trade and employment : stylized facts and research findings," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3676, The World Bank.
- Ravallion, Martin, 2005. "Inequality is bad for the poor," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3677, The World Bank.
- Warlters, Michael & Auriol, Emmanuelle, 2005. "The marginal cost of public funds in Africa," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3679, The World Bank.
- Rao, Vijayendra, 2005. "Symbolic public goods and the coordination of collective action : a comparison of local development in India and Indonesia," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3685, The World Bank.
- Baker, Judy & Basu, Rakhi & Cropper, Maureen & Lall, Somik & Takeuchi, Akie, 2005. "Urban poverty and transport : the case of Mumbai," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3693, The World Bank.
- Porto, Guido G., 2005. "Estimating household responses to trade reforms : net consumers and net producers in rural Mexico," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3695, The World Bank.
- Milanovic, Branko, 2005. "Half a world : regional inequality in five great federations," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3699, The World Bank.
- Freund, Caroline & Spatafora, Nikola, 2005. "Remittances : transaction costs, determinants, and informal flows," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3704, The World Bank.
- Catin, Maurice & Luo, Xubei & Van Huffel, Christophe, 2005. "Openness, industrialization, and geographic concentration of activities in China," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3706, The World Bank.
- Almeida, Rita, 2005. "Local economic structure and growth," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3728, The World Bank.
- Gine, Xavier, 2005. "Cultivate or rent out ? Land security in rural Thailand," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3734, The World Bank.
- Lindelow, Magnus & Wagstaff, Adam, 2005. "Health shocks in China : are the poor and uninsured less protected ?," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3740, The World Bank.
- Wagstaff, Adam & Lindelow, Magnus, 2005. "Can insurance increase financial risk ? The curious case of health insurance in China," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3741, The World Bank.
- Wellenius, Bjorn & Neto, Isabel, 2005. "The radio spectrum : opportunities and challenges for the developing world," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3742, The World Bank.
- Antman, Francisca & McKenzie, David J., 2005. "Earnings mobility and measurement error : a pseudo-panel approach," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3745, The World Bank.
- Francois, Joseph F. & Rojas-Romagosa, Hugo, 2005. "The construction and interpretation of combined cross-section and time-series inequality datasets," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3748, The World Bank.
- Agenor, Pierre-Richard & Bayraktar, Nihal & Pinto Moreira, Emmanuel & El Aynaoui, Karim, 2005. "Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Sub-Saharan Africa : a macroeconomic monitoring framework," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3750, The World Bank.
- Berman, Eli & Somanathan, Rohini & Tan, Hong W., 2005. "Is skill-biased technological change here yet ? Evidence from Indian manufacturing in the 1990," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3761, The World Bank.
- Chang, Roberto & Kaltani, Linda & Loayza, Norman, 2005. "Openness can be good for growth : the role of policy complementarities," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3763, The World Bank.
- Antman, Francisca & McKenzie, David J., 2005. "Poverty traps and nonlinear income dynamics with measurement error and individual heterogeneity," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3764, The World Bank.
- Kuijs, Louis & Wang, Tao, 2005. "China's pattern of growth : moving to sustainability and reducing inequality," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3767, The World Bank.
- Fofack, Hippolyte L., 2005. "Nonperforming loans in Sub-Saharan Africa : causal analysis and macroeconomic implications," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3769, The World Bank.
- Kristensen, Nicolai & Verner, Dorte, 2005. "Labor market distortions in Cote d'Ivoire : analyses of employer-employee data from the manufacturing sector," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3771, The World Bank.
- Ianchovichina, Elena & Kacker, Pooja, 2005. "Growth trends in the developing world : country forecasts and determinants," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3775, The World Bank.
- de la Plaza, Luis & Sirtaine, Sophie, 2005. "An analysis of the 2002 Uruguayan banking crisis," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3780, The World Bank.
- Carsten A Holz, 2005. "China’s Economic Growth 1978-2025: What We Know Today about China’s Economic Growth Tomorrow," Development and Comp Systems 0512002, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Diego Winkelried, 2005. "Income Distribution and the Size of the Informal Sector," Development and Comp Systems 0512005, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Tewodaj Mogues, 2005. "Shocks, Livestock Asset Dynamics, and Social Capital in Ethiopia," Development and Comp Systems 0512006, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Deepak Shah, 2005. "Financial Health of Credit Cooperatives in the state of Maharashtra in India: Case Studies of DCCCBs," Finance 0512007, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Carsten A Holz, 2005. "New Capital Estimates for China," Macroeconomics 0512001, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Loren Brandt & Carsten Holz, 2005. "Spatial Price Differences in China: Estimates and Implications," Microeconomics 0512001, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Rajashri Chakrabarti, 2005. "Gains from a Redrawing of Political Boundaries: Evidence from State Reorganization in India," Others 0512002, University Library of Munich, Germany.
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