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International Trade Centre
United Nations
Genève, Switzerland

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. This page is updated in the first days of each month.
| Working papers | Journal articles | Books |

Working papers


  1. Cheong, David. & Decreux, Yvan. & Spies, Julia., 2018. "Spotting export potential and implications for employment in developing countries," ILO Working Papers 995008093502676, International Labour Organization.


  1. Yvan Decreux & Lionel Fontagné, 2015. "What Next for Multilateral Trade Talks? Quantifying the Role of Negotiation Modalities," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-01242012, HAL.


  1. Yvan Decreux & Lionel Fontagné, 2014. "What next for the DDA? Quantifying the role of negotiation modalities," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-01299828, HAL.
  2. Alireza Naghavi & Julia Spies & Farid Toubal, 2014. "Intellectual Property Rights, Product Complexity, and the Organization," Working Papers 2014-07, CEPII research center.
  3. Paunov C. & Rollo V., 2014. "Has the internet fostered inclusive innovation in the developing world?," MERIT Working Papers 2014-084, United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (MERIT).


  1. Decreux, Yvan & Fontagné, Lionel, 2013. "Trade liberalization and the demand for natural resources," Conference papers 332333, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  2. Yvan Decreux & Lionel Fontagné, 2013. "What Did Happen in the DDA? Quantifying the Role of Negotiation Modalities," Working Papers 2013-38, CEPII research center.
  3. Alireza Naghavi & Julia Spies & Farid Toubal, 2013. "IPR, Product Complexity and the Organization of Multinational Firms," Working Papers 2013-31, CEPII research center.
  4. Alessandro Nicita & Valentina Rollo, 2013. "Tariff Preferences As A Determinant For Exports From Sub-Saharan Africa," UNCTAD Blue Series Papers 60, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.


  1. Mimouni, Mondher & Decreux, Yvan & Spies, Julia, 2012. "Business Perspectives on Obstacles to Trade," Conference papers 330251, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  2. Christian Arndt & Julia Spies, 2012. "Nationality Matters: The Geographic Origin of Multinationals and the Productivity of their Foreign Affiliates," IAW Discussion Papers 79, Institut für Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung (IAW).
  3. Elena Biewen & Daniela Harsch & Julia Spies, 2012. "The Determinants of Service Imports: The Role of Cost Pressure and Financial Constraints," IAW Discussion Papers 90, Institut für Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung (IAW).
  4. Neugebauer, Katja & Spies, Julia, 2012. "Borrowing Locally, Operating Globally? Financing and Trading Patterns of Firms during the 2007/2008 Economic Crisis," VfS Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century 62066, Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association.
  5. Rollo, Valentina, 2012. "Determinants of Tanzanian export prices," Policy Research Working Paper Series 6225, The World Bank.


  1. Decreux, Yvan & Fontagné, Lionel, 2011. "Economic Impact of Potential Outcome of the DDA," Conference papers 332090, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  2. Chappuis, Thomas & Decreux, Yvan, 2011. "A world CGE model with multinational firms: MIRAGE MNF version," Conference papers 332137, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  3. Naghavi, Alireza & Spies, Julia & Toubal, Farid, 2011. "Intellectual Property Rights, Product Complexity, and the Organization of Multinational Firms (Previously titled: International Sourcing, Product Complexity and Intellectual Property Rights)," Economy and Society 119100, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM).
  4. A. Naghavi & J. Spies & F. Toubal, 2011. "Intellectual Property Rights, Product Complexity, and the Organization of Multinational Firms," Working Papers wp773, Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Universita' di Bologna.
  5. Alireza Naghavi & Julia Spies & Farid Toubal, 2011. "International Sourcing, Product Complexity and Intellectual Property Rights," Working Papers 2011.78, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
  6. Joern Kleinert & Julia Spies, 2011. "Endogenous Transport Costs in International Trade," IAW Discussion Papers 74, Institut für Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung (IAW).
  7. Julia Spies & Joern Kleinert, 2011. "Transport Costs in International Trade," ERSA conference papers ersa11p625, European Regional Science Association.


  1. BOUËT Antoine & BUREAU Jean-Christophe & DECREUX Yvan & JEAN Sébastien, 2010. "Is Northern Agricultural Liberalization Beneficial to Developing Countries?," EcoMod2003 330700021, EcoMod.
  2. Giovannucci, Daniele & Pierrot, Joost & Kasterine, Alexander, 2010. "Trends in the Trade of Certified Coffees," MPRA Paper 27551, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Anos-Casero, Paloma & Rollo, Valentina, 2010. "Argentina : trade patterns and challenges ahead," Policy Research Working Paper Series 5221, The World Bank.


  1. Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Yvan Decreux & Lionel Fontagné & David Khoudour-Castéras, 2009. "Economic Crisis and Global Supply Chains," Working Papers 2009-15, CEPII research center.
  2. Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Yvan Decreux & Lionel Fontagné & David Khoudour-Castéras, 2009. "Le commerce victime de la mondialisation ?," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00687417, HAL.
  3. Julia Spies, 2009. "Network and Border Effects: Where Do Foreign Multinationals Locate in Germany?," IAW Discussion Papers 47, Institut für Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung (IAW).
  4. Anselm Mattes & Julia Spies, 2009. "Außenwirtschaftliche Verbindungen der deutschen Bundesländer zur Republik Österreich," IAW Discussion Papers 49, Institut für Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung (IAW).


  1. Antoine Bouet & Yvan Decreux & Lionel Fontagné & Sébastien Jean & David Laborde, 2008. "Assessing Applied Protection across the World," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00307910, HAL.
  2. Belke, Ansgar H. & Spies, Julia, 2008. "Enlarging the EMU to the East: What Effects on Trade?," IZA Discussion Papers 3647, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).


  1. Decreux, Yvan & Ramos, Maria Priscila, 2007. "How does Tariff-rate quota modelling affect CGE results?: an application for MIRAGE," Conference papers 331613, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  2. Decreux, Yvan & Valin, Hugo, 2007. "MIRAGE, Updated Version of the Model for Trade Policy Analysis: Focus on Agriculture and Dynamics," Working Papers 7284, TRADEAG - Agricultural Trade Agreements.
  3. Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Sophie Béreau & Yvan Decreux & Christophe Gouel & Sandra Poncet, 2007. "IMF Quotas at Year 2030," Working Papers 2007-12, CEPII research center.
  4. Alberto Amurgo-Pacheco, Martha Denisse Pierola, 2007. "Patterns of export diversification in developing countries: intensive and extensive margins," IHEID Working Papers 20-2007, Economics Section, The Graduate Institute of International Studies, revised Jul 2007.
  5. Ansgar Belke & Julia Spies, 2007. "Die Aussenhandelspolitik der EU gegenüber China - "China-Bashing" ist keine rationale Basis für Politik," Diskussionspapiere aus dem Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre der Universität Hohenheim 280/2007, Department of Economics, University of Hohenheim, Germany.


  1. Yvan Decreux & Lionel Fontagné, 2006. "A Quantitative Assessment of the Outcome of the Doha Development Agenda," Working Papers 2006-10, CEPII research center.
  2. Kai Sülzle, 2006. "Innovation and Adoption of Electronic Business Technologies," ifo Working Paper Series 38, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich.
  3. Alberto Amurgo Pacheco, 2006. "Institutions and Deep Integration," IHEID Working Papers 07-2006, Economics Section, The Graduate Institute of International Studies.
  4. Alberto Amurgo Pacheco, 2006. "Preferential Trade Liberalization and the Range of Exported Products: The Case of the Euro-Mediterranean FTA," IHEID Working Papers 18-2006, Economics Section, The Graduate Institute of International Studies.
  5. Alberto AMURGO PACHECO, 2006. "Mutual Recognition Agreements and Trade Diversion: Consequences for Developing Nations," IHEID Working Papers 20-2006, Economics Section, The Graduate Institute of International Studies, revised Jun 2007.
  6. Julia Spies & Helena Marques, 2006. "Trade Effects of the Europe Agreements," Diskussionspapiere aus dem Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre der Universität Hohenheim 274/2006, Department of Economics, University of Hohenheim, Germany.


  1. Bouet, Antoine & Decreux, Yvan & Fontagne, Lionel & Jean, Sebastien & Laborde, David, 2005. "A Consistent Picture of Applied Protection Across the World," Working Papers 18859, TRADEAG - Agricultural Trade Agreements.
  2. Kai Sülzle, 2005. "Stable and Efficient Electronic Business Networks: Key Players and the Dilemma of Peripheral Firms," ifo Working Paper Series 22, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich.
  3. Kai Sülzle, 2005. "Duopolistic Competition between Independent and Collaborative Business-to-Business Marketplaces," ifo Working Paper Series 5, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich.


  1. Bouët, Antoine & Bureau, Jean-Christophe & Decreux, Yvan & Jean, Sébastien, 2004. "Assessing the impact of multilateral agricultural liberalization: the contrasted fortunes of developing countries in the Doha Round," Conference papers 331288, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  2. Antoine Bouët & Jean-Christophe Bureau & Yvan Decreux & Sébastien Jean, 2004. "Multilateral Agricultural Trade Liberalization: The Contrasting Fortunes of Developing Countries in the Doha Round," Working Papers 2004-18, CEPII research center.
  3. Antoine Bouët & Yvan Decreux & Lionel Fontagné & Sébastien Jean & David Laborde, 2004. "A Consistent, Ad-Valorem Equivalent Measure of Applied Protection Across the World: The MAcMap-HS6 Database," Working Papers 2004-22, CEPII research center.


  1. Bouët, Antoine & Bureau, Jean-Christophe & Decreux, Yvan & Jean, Sébastien, 2003. "Is agricultural liberalization beneficial to developing countries?," Conference papers 331128, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.


  1. Bchir, Mohamed Hedi & Decreux, Yvan & Guérin, Jean-Louis & Jean, Sébastien, 2002. "Key Assumptions in AGE Trade Models: An Assessment using the Mirage Model," Conference papers 331050, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  2. Mohamed Hedi Bchir & Yvan Decreux & Jean-Louis Guérin & Sébastien Jean, 2002. "MIRAGE, a Computable General Equilibrium Model for Trade Policy Analysis," Working Papers 2002-17, CEPII research center.
  3. Kai Sülzle & Achim Wambach, 2002. "Insurance in a Market for Credence Goods," CESifo Working Paper Series 677, CESifo.

Journal articles


  1. Valentina Rollo, 2023. "Technical regulations and exporters’ dynamics: evidence from developing countries," International Economics and Economic Policy, Springer, vol. 20(1), pages 189-212, February.


  1. Falciola, Justine & Jansen, Marion & Rollo, Valentina, 2020. "Defining firm competitiveness: A multidimensional framework," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 129(C).


  1. Paunov, Caroline & Rollo, Valentina, 2016. "Has the Internet Fostered Inclusive Innovation in the Developing World?," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 78(C), pages 587-609.


  1. Decreux, Yvan & Fontagné, Lionel, 2015. "What Next for Multilateral Trade Talks? Quantifying the Role of Negotiation Modalities," World Trade Review, Cambridge University Press, vol. 14(1), pages 29-43, January.
  2. Alireza Naghavi & Julia Spies & Farid Toubal, 2015. "Intellectual property rights, product complexity and the organization of multinational firms," Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Economics Association, vol. 48(3), pages 881-902, August.
  3. Nicita, Alessandro & Rollo, Valentina, 2015. "Market Access Conditions and Sub-Saharan Africa’s Exports Diversification," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 68(C), pages 254-263.
  4. Caroline Paunov & Valentina Rollo, 2015. "Overcoming Obstacles: The Internet's Contribution to Firm Development," The World Bank Economic Review, World Bank, vol. 29(suppl_1), pages 192-204.


  1. Decreux, Yvan & Milner, Chris, 2010. "Some New Insights into the Effects of the EU-South Korea Free Trade Area: The Role of Non Tariff Barriers," Journal of Economic Integration, Center for Economic Integration, Sejong University, vol. 25, pages 783-817.
  2. Spies, Julia, 2010. "Network and border effects: Where do foreign multinationals locate in Germany?," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 40(1), pages 20-32, January.


  1. Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Yvan Decreux & Lionel Fontagné & David Khoudour-Castéras, 2009. "Is Trade the Victim of Globalisation?," La Lettre du CEPII, CEPII research center, issue 291.
  2. Sülzle, Kai, 2009. "Duopolistic competition between independent and collaborative business-to-business marketplaces," International Journal of Industrial Organization, Elsevier, vol. 27(5), pages 615-624, September.
  3. Julia Spies & Helena Marques, 2009. "Trade effects of the Europe agreements: A theory-based gravity approach," The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 18(1), pages 11-35.


  1. Antoine Bouët & Yvan Decreux & Lionel Fontagné & Sébastien Jean & David Laborde, 2008. "Assessing Applied Protection across the World," Review of International Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 16(5), pages 850-863, November.
  2. Ansgar Belke & Julia Spies, 2008. "Enlarging the EMU to the east: what effects on trade?," Empirica, Springer;Austrian Institute for Economic Research;Austrian Economic Association, vol. 35(4), pages 369-389, September.


  1. Hans Schedl & Kai Sülzle, 2007. "Sektorspezifische Regulierung: Transitorisch oder ad infinitum?Eine internationale Bestandsaufnahme von Regulierungsinstitutionen," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 60(09), pages 31-34, May.
  2. Belke, Ansgar & Spies, Julia, 2007. "Die Außenhandelspolitik der EU gegenüber China," Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007), ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, vol. 87(7), pages 458-466.


  1. Antoine Bouët & Jean‐Christophe Bureau & Yvan Decreux & Sébastien Jean, 2005. "Multilateral Agricultural Trade Liberalisation: The Contrasting Fortunes of Developing Countries in the Doha Round," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 28(9), pages 1329-1354, September.
  2. Kai Sülzle & Achim Wambach, 2005. "Insurance in a Market for Credence Goods," Journal of Risk & Insurance, The American Risk and Insurance Association, vol. 72(1), pages 159-176, March.
  3. McCann, Laura & Colby, Bonnie & Easter, K. William & Kasterine, Alexander & Kuperan, K.V., 2005. "Transaction cost measurement for evaluating environmental policies," Ecological Economics, Elsevier, vol. 52(4), pages 527-542, March.


  1. Antoine Bouët & Jean-Christophe Bureau & Yvan Decreux & Sébastien Jean, 2004. "La libéralisation agricole : des effets ambigus sur les pays en développement," La Lettre du CEPII, CEPII research center, issue 236.
  2. Hans Schedl & Kai Sülzle, 2004. "Welche Entwicklungen zeichnen sich im elektronischen Geschäftsverkehr zwischen Unternehmen ab?," ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, vol. 57(19), pages 10-18, October.


  1. Mohamed Hedi Bchir & Yvan Decreux & Jean-Louis Guerin, 2003. "Accord de libre-echange entre l'Union europeenne et le Mercosur : une etude avec le modele MIRAGE," Economie Internationale, CEPII research center, issue 94-95, pages 77-108.
  2. Yvan Decreux & Jean-Louis Guerin & Sebastien Jean, 2003. "Commerce international et salaires relatifs : les enseignements des modeles d'equilibre general calculables," Economie Internationale, CEPII research center, issue 94-95, pages 175-200.
  3. Mohamed Hedi Bchir & Yvan Decreux & Michel Fouquin & Jean-Pierre Cling & Jacques Ould Aoudia, 2003. "L'élargissement : vers un renforcement des relations entre l'Europe et les pays méditerranéens ? suivi d'un commentaire de Jean-Pierre Cling et Jacques Ould Aoudia," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 363(1), pages 267-301.


  1. Mohamed Hedi Bchir & Yvan Decreux & Jean-Louis Guerin & Sebastien Jean, 2002. "MIRAGE, un modele d'equilibre general calculable pour l'evaluation des politiques commerciales," Economie Internationale, CEPII research center, issue 89-90, pages 109-153.



  1. Kai Sülzle, 2007. "Strategic decisions on electronic business-to-business markets," ifo Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsforschung, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, number 27, May.
  2. Hans Schedl & Kai Sülzle & Andreas Kuhlmann, 2007. "Sector-specific regulation: transitory or ad infinitum? An international status report on regulatory institutions," ifo Forschungsberichte, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, number 40.

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