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by alumni of

Facoltà di Economia
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Cagliari, Italy

(Faculty of Economics, University of Cagliari)

These are publications listed in RePEc written by alumni of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service and listed in the RePEc Genealogy. List of alumni. For a list of publications by current members of the department, see here. Register yourself.

This page is updated in the first days of each month.

| Working papers | Journal articles | Chapters |

Working papers


  1. Grazia Sveva Ascione & Laura Ciucci & Claudio Detotto & Valerio Sterzi, 2024. "University patent litigation in the United States: Do we have a problem?," Post-Print hal-04528949, HAL.
  2. R. Paci & C. Usala & I. Etzo, 2024. "Brain gain vs. brain drain. The effects of universities' mobile students on territorial inequalities," Working Paper CRENoS 202411, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.


  1. G. Concu & C. Detotto & M. Vannini, 2023. "Drivers of intentions and drivers of actions: willingness to participate versus actual participation in fire management in Sardinia, Italy," Working Paper CRENoS 202301, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  2. L. Ciucci & C. Detotto & B. Biagi & M. Pulina, 2023. "University study programmes and students dynamics," Working Paper CRENoS 202302, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  3. Eric Innocenti & Claudio Detotto & Corinne Idda & Dawn Cassandra Parker & Dominique Prunetti, 2023. "Spécification conceptuelle MR POTATOHEAD -Property Market Edition du système complexe d'un territoire touristique à deux marchés : application au territoire corse," Post-Print hal-04121402, HAL.
  4. Dominique Prunetti & Claudio Detotto & Corinne Idda & Eric Innocenti & Yuheng Ling, 2023. "Simulation des conflits liés à l'utilisation des terres en Corse à l'aide d'un modèle à base d'agents," Post-Print hal-04121412, HAL.
  5. Steven B Caudill & Claudio Detotto & Dominique Prunetti, 2023. "Pouvoir de négociation sur le marché des appartements en Corse : une analyse en classes latentes," Post-Print hal-04121942, HAL.
  6. Bianca Biagi & Laura Ciucci & Claudio Detotto & Manuela Pulina, 2023. "Do diverse degree courses matter for university attractiveness?," Post-Print hal-04542142, HAL.


  1. M. Vannini & B. Mccannon & R. Marselli & C. Detotto, 2022. "Experts and Arbitration Outcomes: Insights from Public Procurement Contract Disputes," Working Paper CRENoS 202204, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  2. Dominique Prunetti & Eric Innocenti & Claudio Detotto & Corinne Idda & Ling Yuheng, 2022. "Using spatial econometrics models to parametrize ABM : an application to land and housing market in Corsica," Post-Print hal-03886642, HAL.
  3. Dominique Prunetti & Claudio Detotto & Corinne Idda & Eric Innocenti & Ling Yuheng, 2022. "Simulation of conflicts over land use in Corsica using an Agent-Based Model," Post-Print hal-03886664, HAL.
  4. Claudio Detotto & Corinne Idda & E Innocenti & Ling Yuheng & Dawn Cassandra Parker & Dominique Prunetti, 2022. "A resuable, extensible Netlogo building block of land and housing markets in a touristic region," Post-Print hal-03886692, HAL.
  5. Kaori Narita & J.D. Tena & Claudio Detotto, 2022. "Causal Inference with Observational Data: A Tutorial on Propensity Score Analysis," Working Papers 202225, University of Liverpool, Department of Economics.
  6. Luca De Benedictis & Vania Licio & Anna Pinna, 2022. "From the historical Roman road network to modern infrastructure in Italy," Papers 2208.06675,
  7. Vania Licio, 2022. "The Italian coal shortage: the price of import and distribution, 1861-1911," Department of Economics University of Siena 875, Department of Economics, University of Siena.


  1. G.S Ascione & L. Ciucci & C. Detotto & V. Sterzi, 2021. "Do universities look like patent trolls? An Empirical Study of University Patent Infringement Litigation in the United States," Working Paper CRENoS 202105, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  2. Claudio Detotto & Sauveur Giannoni & Claire Goavec, 2021. "Does good governance attract tourists?," Post-Print hal-03104982, HAL.
  3. Claudio Detotto & Marta Meleddu & Marco Vannini, 2021. "Choosing pictures at an exhibition: do identity values influence the willingness to pay for art?," Post-Print hal-03104983, HAL.
  4. Julien Ciucci & Claudio Detotto & Corinne Idda & Dominique Prunetti, 2021. "The impact of port noise on residents'willingness to pay," Post-Print hal-03388891, HAL.
  5. Ling Yuheng & Claudio Detotto & Dominique Prunetti & Alfred Stein, 2021. "Unveiling spatial and temporal patterns of second home dynamics: a Bayesian spatiotemporal analysis for a Mediterranean island," Post-Print hal-03405512, HAL.
  6. Bianca Biagi & Steven Caudill & Laura Ciucci & Claudio Detotto & Franklin Mixon, 2021. "Relative bargaining power of residential home traders and real estate investors," Post-Print hal-03469529, HAL.
  7. G.S. Ascione & Laura Ciucci & C. Detotto & Valerio Sterzi, 2021. "Universities and patent trolls: An empirical study of university patent infringement litigation in the United States," Post-Print hal-03770869, HAL.
  8. Alfred Stein & Claudio Detotto & Mariana Belgiu, 2021. "A spatial statistical study of the distribution of Sardinian nuraghes," Working Papers 019, Laboratoire Lieux, Identités, eSpaces et Activités (LISA).
  9. A. Caria & F. Cerina & Marco Nieddu, 2021. "Political Selection and Monetary Incentives in Local Parliamentary Systems," Working Paper CRENoS 202109, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.


  1. Steven Caudill & Claudio Detotto & Dominique Prunetti, 2020. "Bargaining power in apartment sales in Corsica: A latent class approach," Post-Print hal-02549769, HAL.
  2. Claudio Detotto & Bryan Mccannon, 2020. "Consolidation of Prosecutor Offices," Post-Print hal-03104979, HAL.
  3. Maria Giovanna Brandano & Claudio Detotto & Vannini Marco, 2020. "Wine routes and efficiency of wineries in Sardinia," Post-Print hal-03104986, HAL.
  4. Yuheng Ling & Claudio Detotto & Dominique Prunetti, 2020. "Spatio-Temporal Modeling of second homes dynamics in Corsica," Working Papers 014, Laboratoire Lieux, Identités, eSpaces et Activités (LISA).
  5. Kaori Naritaa & J .D. Tenaa & Claudio Detottoc, 2020. "What Makes the Ideal Profile of a New Manager in Times of Adversity? Evidence from Italian Serie A," Working Papers 202031, University of Liverpool, Department of Economics.


  1. Claudio Detotto & Laura Serra & Marco Vannini, 2019. "Did specialised courts affect the frequency of business bankruptcy petitions in Spain?," Post-Print hal-01974508, HAL.
  2. Maria Giovanna Brandano & Claudio Detotto & Marco Vannini, 2019. "Comparative Efficiency Of Agricultural Cooperatives And Conventional Firms In A Sample Of Quasi-Twin Companies," Post-Print hal-01974512, HAL.
  3. Eric Innocenti & Claudio Detotto & Corinne Idda & Dominique Prunetti, 2019. "Urban, agricultural and touristic land use patterns: combining spatial econometrics and ABM/LUCC," Post-Print hal-02549832, HAL.
  4. Anna Bussu & Claudio Detotto & Laura Serra, 2019. "Indicators to prevent university drop-out and delayed graduation. An Italian case," Post-Print hal-03104978, HAL.
  5. Takaoka, Sumiko & Etzo, Ivan, 2019. "International human capital mobility and FDI: Evidence from G20 countries," MPRA Paper 96746, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. V. Licio, 2019. "When history leaves a mark: a new measure of Roman roads," Working Paper CRENoS 201904, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.


  1. Claudio Detotto & Sauveur Giannoni & Dominique Prunetti & Caroline Tafani, 2018. "La valeur identitaire des produits de terroir en Corse," Post-Print hal-01854522, HAL.
  2. Claudio Detotto & Eric Innocenti & Dominique Prunetti & Corinne Idda, 2018. "Simulation informatique du développement résidentiel d'un territoire touristique : économétrie spatiale et ABM/LUCC," Post-Print hal-02549828, HAL.
  3. Maria Giovanna Brandano & Claudio Detotto & Marco Vannini, 2018. "In vino feracitas! Efficiency of wineries in and out of Sardinia's wine routes," Working Papers 010, Laboratoire Lieux, Identités, eSpaces et Activités (LISA).
  4. L. De Benedictis & V. Licio & Am Pinna, 2018. "The long-term effects of the historical Roman road network: trade costs of Italian provinces," Working Paper CRENoS 201801, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.


  1. C. Detotto & M. Meleddu & M. Vannini, 2017. "Cultural identity and willingness to protect and preserve art," Working Paper CRENoS 201702, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  2. Claudio Detotto & Sauveur Giannoni & Dominique Prunetti & Caroline Tafani, 2017. "The identity value of local production: the example of Corsican wine," Post-Print hal-01819715, HAL.
  3. Caroline Tafani & Claudio Detotto & Sauveur Giannoni & Dominique Prunetti, 2017. "Les produits de terroir en Corse : une consommation identitaire?," Post-Print hal-01819722, HAL.
  4. Anna Bussu & Claudio Detotto & Laura Serra, 2017. "Does slow and steady win the race? An Italian case," Working Papers 007, Laboratoire Lieux, Identités, eSpaces et Activités (LISA).
  5. Claudio Detotto & Laura Serra & Marco Vannini, 2017. "Did the establishment of specialised courts affect the frequency of business bankruptcy petitions in Spain?," Working Papers 009, Laboratoire Lieux, Identités, eSpaces et Activités (LISA).


  1. Bianca Biagi & Claudio Detotto & Alessandra Faggian, 2016. "« The impact of short and long run growth on human capital migration »," Post-Print hal-01362236, HAL.
  2. Claudio Detotto & Laura Serra & Vannini Marco, 2016. "« Did the establishment of commercial courts in Spain have an impact on the frequency of business bankruptcy petitions ? »," Post-Print hal-01362254, HAL.
  3. Claudio Detotto & Bryan Mccannon, 2016. "« Economic freedom and public, non-market institutions: evidence from criminal prosecution »," Post-Print hal-01468069, HAL.
  4. Bianca Biagi & Claudio Detotto & Alessandra Faggian, 2016. "« The impacts of short run growth on human capital migration »," Post-Print hal-01468554, HAL.
  5. Claudio Detotto, 2016. "« Le attese e il grado di soddisfazione »," Post-Print hal-01468671, HAL.
  6. Claudio Detotto, 2016. "« Opinione dei residenti sulla distribuzione futura delle risorse agli eventi »," Post-Print hal-01468676, HAL.
  7. Etzo, Ivan & Takaoka, Sumiko, 2016. "The impact of migrants on the cross-border M&A: Some evidence for Japan," MPRA Paper 71558, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Etzo, Ivan & Massidda, Carla & Piras, Romano & Mattana, Paolo, 2016. "The impact of immigration on output and its components: A sectoral analysis for Italy at regional level," MPRA Paper 72300, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  9. Etzo, Ivan, 2016. "The impact of migration on tourism demand: evidence from Japan," MPRA Paper 72457, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Claudio Detotto & Bryan Mccannon & Vannini Marco, 2015. "« Evidence of marginal deterrence: Kidnapping and murder in Italy »," Post-Print hal-01289349, HAL.
  2. Vannini Marco & Claudio Detotto & Bryan Mccannon, 2015. "« Ransom Kidnapping »," Post-Print hal-01289362, HAL.
  3. Maria Giovanna Brandano & Claudio Detotto & Marta Meleddu & Edoardo Otranto & Manuela Pulina, 2015. "Il residuo fiscale nelle regioni italiane," Post-Print hal-03104989, HAL.
  4. Claudio Detotto & Edoardo Otranto & Riccardo Marselli, 2015. "Analisi degli effetti del residuo fiscale," Post-Print hal-03104990, HAL.


  1. A. Bussu & C. Detotto, 2014. "Understanding the relationship between gambling and other addictive behaviors," Working Paper CRENoS 201403, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  2. Claudio Detotto & Bryan Mccannon & Marco Vannini, 2014. "Understanding Ransom Kidnappings and Their Duration," Post-Print hal-01972855, HAL.
  3. Claudio Detotto & Manuela Pulina & Juan Gabriel Brida, 2014. "Assessing the productivity of the Italian hospitality sector: a post-WDEA pooled-truncated and spatial analysis," Post-Print hal-01972857, HAL.
  4. Etzo, Ivan & Massidda, Carla & Piras, Romano, 2014. "Migration and Inbound Tourism: An Italian Perspective," MPRA Paper 54252, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. OA Carboni & C. Detotto, 2013. "The economic consequences of crime in Italy," Working Paper CRENoS 201303, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  2. A. Bussu & C. Detotto, 2013. "The effect of socio-economic and emotional factors on gambling behaviour," Working Paper CRENoS 201305, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  3. C. Detotto & B. Mccannon & M. Vannini, 2013. "A Note on Marginal Deterrence: Evidence," Working Paper CRENoS 201310, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  4. Claudio Detotto & Manuela Pulina, 2013. "Does more crime mean fewer jobs and less economic growth?," Post-Print hal-01972853, HAL.
  5. Claudio Detotto & Manuela Pulina, 2013. "Assessing Substitution and Complementary Effects Amongst Crime Typologies," Post-Print hal-01972854, HAL.
  6. Etzo, Ivan & Massidda, Carla & Piras, Romano, 2013. "Migration and Outbound Tourism: Evidence From Italy," MPRA Paper 54173, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  7. Am Pinna & V. Licio, 2013. "The European firms' export activity to the neighbouring countries," Working Paper CRENoS 201321, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  8. Am Pinna & V. Licio, 2013. "Measuring insularity as a state of nature. Is there a case of bad geography?," Working Paper CRENoS 201322, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.


  1. B. Biagi & MG. Brandano & C. Detotto, 2012. "The effect of tourism on crime in Italy: a dynamic panel approach," Working Paper CRENoS 201201, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  2. A. Bussu & C. Detotto & V. Sterzi, 2012. "Social conformity and suicide," Working Paper CRENoS 201207, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  3. M. Vannini & B. Mccannon & C. Detotto, 2012. "Understanding Ransom Kidnapping and Its Duration," Working Paper CRENoS 201219, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  4. C. Detotto & D. Paolini, 2012. "Do managerial skills matter? An analysis of the impact of managerial features on performance for the Italian football," Working Paper CRENoS 201220, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  5. MG. Brandano & C. Detotto & M. Vannini, 2012. "Comparative efficiency of producer cooperatives and conventional firms in a sample of quasi-twin companies," Working Paper CRENoS 201228, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.


  1. JG. Brida & C. Detotto & M. Pulina, 2011. "How efficient is the Italian hospitality sector? A window DEA and truncated-Tobit analysis," Working Paper CRENoS 201102, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  2. C. Detotto & E. Otranto, 2011. "Cycles in Crime and Economy Revised," Working Paper CRENoS 201107, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.


  1. C. Detotto & E. Otranto, 2010. "A Time Varying Parameter Approach to Analyze the Macroeconomic Consequences of Crime," Working Paper CRENoS 201002, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  2. C. Detotto & M. Vannini, 2010. "Counting the cost of crime in Italy," Working Paper CRENoS 201013, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  3. B. Biagi & C. Detotto, 2010. "Crime as tourism externality," Working Paper CRENoS 201015, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  4. C. Detotto & V. Sterzi, 2010. "The Role of Family in Suicide Rate in Italy," Working Paper CRENoS 201020, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  5. C. Detotto & E. Otranto, 2010. "Cycles in Crime and Economy: Leading, Lagging and Coincident Behaviors," Working Paper CRENoS 201023, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  6. Claudio Detotto & Manuela Pulina, 2010. "Testing the effects of crime on the Italian economy," Post-Print hal-01971129, HAL.
  7. Manuela Pulina & Claudio Detotto & Antonello Paba, 2010. "An investigation into the relationship between size and efficiency of the Italian hospitality sector: A window DEA approach," Post-Print hal-01972847, HAL.
  8. Claudio Detotto & Edoardo Otranto, 2010. "Does Crime Affect Economic Growth?," Post-Print hal-01972848, HAL.
  9. Massidda, Carla & Etzo, Ivan, 2010. "Domestic tourism demand in Italy: a Fixed Effect Vector Decomposition estimation," MPRA Paper 26073, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  10. Bellla, Gianni & Massidda, Carla & Etzo, Ivan, 2010. "A panel estimation of the relationship between income, electric power consumption and CO2 emissions," MPRA Paper 26077, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. C. Detotto & M. Pulina, 2009. "Does more crime mean fewer jobs? An ARDL model," Working Paper CRENoS 200905, Centre for North South Economic Research, University of Cagliari and Sassari, Sardinia.
  2. Claudio Detotto & Edoardo Otranto, 2009. "Misura dell’effetto criminalità sull’economia italiana," Post-Print hal-03104973, HAL.


  1. Etzo, Ivan, 2008. "Internal migration and growth in Italy," MPRA Paper 8642, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Etzo, Ivan, 2008. "Internal migration: a review of the literature," MPRA Paper 8783, University Library of Munich, Germany.

Journal articles


  1. Ascione, Grazia Sveva & Ciucci, Laura & Detotto, Claudio & Sterzi, Valerio, 2024. "University patent litigation in the United States: Do we have a problem?," Research Policy, Elsevier, vol. 53(2).
  2. Bianca Biagi & Laura Ciucci & Claudio Detotto & Manuela Pulina, 2024. "Do diverse degree courses matter for university attractiveness?," The Annals of Regional Science, Springer;Western Regional Science Association, vol. 72(4), pages 1189-1229, April.
  3. William Addessi & Ivan Etzo, 2024. "International immigration and final consumption expenditure composition," Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), vol. 160(2), pages 427-454, May.


  1. Bianca Biagi & Claudio Detotto & Alessandra Faggian, 2023. "Evidence of self-selection and spatial mismatch in interregional migration: the case of Italy," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 75(3), pages 858-872.
  2. Caria, Andrea & Cerina, Fabio & Nieddu, Marco, 2023. "Choosing not to lead: Monetary incentives and political selection in local parliamentary systems," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 79(C).
  3. Luca De Benedictis & Vania Licio & Anna Maria Pinna, 2023. "From the historical Roman road network to modern infrastructure in Italy," Journal of Regional Science, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 63(5), pages 1162-1191, November.
  4. Vania Licio, 2023. "The Italian coal shortage: the price of import and distribution, 1861–1911," Cliometrica, Springer;Cliometric Society (Association Francaise de Cliométrie), vol. 17(3), pages 501-532, September.


  1. Laura Serra & Claudio Detotto & Pablo Juan & Marco Vannini, 2022. "Intersectoral and spatial spill-overs of firms’ bankruptcy in Spain," Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, Springer, vol. 15(2), pages 197-211, August.
  2. Laura Serra & Claudio Detotto & Marco Vannini, 2022. "Public lands as a mitigator of wildfire burned area using a spatio-temporal model applied in Sardinia," Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, Springer, vol. 15(3), pages 621-635, December.
  3. Grazia Sveva Ascione & Laura Ciucci & Claudio Detotto & Valerio Sterzi, 2022. "Universities involvement in patent litigation: an analysis of the characteristics of US litigated patents," Scientometrics, Springer;Akadémiai Kiadó, vol. 127(12), pages 6855-6879, December.
  4. Claudio Detotto & Marta Meleddu & Marco Vannini, 2022. "Choosing pictures at an exhibition: do identity values influence the willingness to pay for art?," Review of Social Economy, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 80(2), pages 250-267, April.
  5. Ling Yuheng & Claudio Detotto & Dominique Prunetti & Alfred Stein, 2022. "Unveiling spatial and temporal patterns of second home dynamics: a Bayesian spatiotemporal analysis for a Mediterranean island," Spatial Economic Analysis, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 17(1), pages 10-33, January.


  1. Bianca Biagi & Steven B. Caudill & Laura Ciucci & Claudio Detotto & Franklin Mixon, 2021. "Relative bargaining power of residential home traders and real estate investors," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53(34), pages 3962-3971, July.
  2. Piras , Romano & Etzo, Ivan & Massidda, Carla & Mattana, Paolo, 2021. "A Panel SVAR Analysis of the Long-Run Economic Impacts of Migration," Economia Internazionale / International Economics, Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato Agricoltura di Genova, vol. 74(2), pages 197-224.
  3. Vania Licio & Anna Maria Pinna, 2021. "Measuring insularity as a state of nature," Papers in Regional Science, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 100(4), pages 979-1004, August.
  4. Vania Licio, 2021. "When History Leaves a Mark: A New Measure of Roman Roads," Italian Economic Journal: A Continuation of Rivista Italiana degli Economisti and Giornale degli Economisti, Springer;Società Italiana degli Economisti (Italian Economic Association), vol. 7(1), pages 1-35, March.


  1. Steven Caudill & Claudio Detotto & Dominique Prunetti, 2020. "Bargaining power in apartment sales in Corsica: A latent class approach," Urban Studies, Urban Studies Journal Limited, vol. 57(13), pages 2754-2772, October.
  2. Ivan Etzo & Carla Massidda & Romano Piras, 2020. "Do Firms Follow Immigrants? Empirical Evidence From Italy," Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Royal Dutch Geographical Society KNAG, vol. 111(5), pages 718-737, December.


  1. Maria Giovanna BRANDANO & Claudio DETOTTO & Marco VANNINI, 2019. "Comparative Efficiency Of Agricultural Cooperatives And Conventional Firms In A Sample Of Quasi‐Twin Companies," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 90(1), pages 53-76, March.
  2. Anna Bussu & Claudio Detotto & Peter Leadbetter, 2019. "Understanding the influence of guilt, loss and self-awareness on gambling behaviour," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 39(1), pages 223-236.
  3. Claudio Detotto & Laura Serra & Marco Vannini, 2019. "Did specialised courts affect the frequency of business bankruptcy petitions in Spain?," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 47(1), pages 125-145, February.


  1. Claudio Detotto & Dimitri Paolini & J. D. Tena, 2018. "Do managerial skills matter? An analysis of the impact of managerial features on performance for Italian football," Journal of the Operational Research Society, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 69(2), pages 270-282, February.
  2. Ivan Etzo & Sumiko Takaoka, 2018. "The impact of migration on the cross‐border M&A: Some evidence for Japan," The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 41(9), pages 2464-2490, September.


  1. Claudio Detotto & Bryan C. McCannon, 2017. "Economic freedom and public, non-market institutions: evidence from criminal prosecution," Economics of Governance, Springer, vol. 18(2), pages 107-128, May.
  2. Carla Massidda & Ivan Etzo & Romano Piras, 2017. "The relationship between immigration and tourism firms," Tourism Economics, , vol. 23(8), pages 1537-1552, December.
  3. Ivan Etzo & Carla Massidda & Paolo Mattana & Romano Piras, 2017. "The impact of immigration on output and its components: a sectoral analysis for Italy at regional level," Economia Politica: Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, Springer;Fondazione Edison, vol. 34(3), pages 533-564, December.


  1. Oliviero A. Carboni & Claudio Detotto, 2016. "The economic consequences of crime in Italy," Journal of Economic Studies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 43(1), pages 122-140, January.
  2. Anna Maria Pinna & Rinaldo Brau & Vania Manuela Licio, 2016. "Broadening or jumping? An analysis of the first export market of European Union firms," Environment and Planning C, , vol. 34(4), pages 592-616, June.


  1. Detotto, Claudio & McCannon, Bryan C. & Vannini, Marco, 2015. "Evidence of marginal deterrence: Kidnapping and murder in Italy," International Review of Law and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 41(C), pages 63-67.
  2. Anna Bussu & Claudio Detotto, 2015. "The bidirectional relationship between gambling and addictive substances," International Gambling Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 15(2), pages 285-308, August.
  3. Carla Massidda & Ivan Etzo & Romano Piras, 2015. "Migration and inbound tourism: an Italian perspective," Current Issues in Tourism, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 18(12), pages 1152-1171, December.


  1. Detotto Claudio & McCannon Bryan C. & Vannini Marco, 2014. "Understanding Ransom Kidnappings and Their Duration," The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, De Gruyter, vol. 14(3), pages 849-871, July.
  2. Claudio Detotto & Manuela Pulina & Juan Brida, 2014. "Assessing the productivity of the Italian hospitality sector: a post-WDEA pooled-truncated and spatial analysis," Journal of Productivity Analysis, Springer, vol. 42(2), pages 103-121, October.
  3. Bianca Biagi & Claudio Detotto, 2014. "Crime as Tourism Externality," Regional Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 48(4), pages 693-709, April.
  4. Etzo, Ivan & Massidda, Carla & Piras, Romano, 2014. "Migration and outbound tourism: Evidence from Italy," Annals of Tourism Research, Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 235-249.


  1. Bussu, Anna & Detotto, Claudio & Sterzi, Valerio, 2013. "Social conformity and suicide," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 42(C), pages 67-78.
  2. Claudio Detotto & Manuela Pulina, 2013. "Does more crime mean fewer jobs and less economic growth?," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 36(1), pages 183-207, August.
  3. Giovanni Bella & Carla Massidda & Ivan Etzo, 2013. "A Panel Estimation of the Relationship between Income, Electric Power Consumption and CO2 Emissions," Applied Economics Quarterly (formerly: Konjunkturpolitik), Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, vol. 59(2), pages 149-166.
  4. Ivan Etzo & Antonella Mandarino & Paolo Mattana, 2013. "The impact of CAP's «second pillar» transfers on agricultural employment in the 2000-2006 programming cycle: the case of Sardinian municipalities," Politica economica, Società editrice il Mulino, issue 3, pages 319-351.


  1. Biagi, Bianca & Brandono, Maria Giovanna & Detotto, Claudio, 2012. "The effect of tourism on crime in Italy: A dynamic panel approach," Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal (2007-2020), Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel), vol. 6, pages 1-24.
  2. Massidda, Carla & Etzo, Ivan, 2012. "The determinants of Italian domestic tourism: A panel data analysis," Tourism Management, Elsevier, vol. 33(3), pages 603-610.


  1. Claudio Detotto & Valerio Sterzi, 2011. "The role of family in suicide rate in Italy," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 31(2), pages 1509-1519.
  2. Ivan Etzo, 2011. "The Determinants Of The Recent Interregional Migration Flows In Italy: A Panel Data Analysis," Journal of Regional Science, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 51(5), pages 948-966, December.


  1. Claudio Detotto & Edoardo Otranto, 2010. "Does Crime Affect Economic Growth?," Kyklos, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 63(3), pages 330-345, August.
  2. Claudio Detotto & Pulina Manuela, 2010. "Testing the effects of crime on the Italian economy," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 30(3), pages 2063-2074.
  3. Pulina, Manuela & Detotto, Claudio & Paba, Antonello, 2010. "An investigation into the relationship between size and efficiency of the Italian hospitality sector: A window DEA approach," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 204(3), pages 613-620, August.
  4. Claudio Detotto & Marco Vannini, 2010. "Counting the cost of crime in Italy," Global Crime, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 11(4), pages 421-435, November.



  1. Ivan Etzo & Sumiko Takaoka, 2024. "The Contribution of Migrant Inventors to Environmental Innovation in the Asia-Pacific Region," Springer Books, in: Sumiko Takaoka (ed.), Environmental Technology Innovation and ESG Investment, pages 113-136, Springer.

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