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by members of

Departament d'Economia Aplicada
Facultad de Economía
Universidad de València
València, Spain

(Department of Applied Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Valencia)

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. This page is updated in the first days of each month.
| Working papers | Journal articles | Chapters |

Working papers


  1. Rafael CHAVES ÁVILA & José Luis MONZÓN CAMPOS, 2019. "L’évolution récente de l’économie sociale," CIRIEC Working Papers 1901, CIRIEC - Université de Liège.
  2. Rafael CHAVES ÁVILA & José Luis MONZÓN CAMPOS, 2019. "Evolución reciente de la economía social en la Unión Europea," CIRIEC Working Papers 1903, CIRIEC - Université de Liège.
  3. Rafael CHAVES ÁVILA & José Luis MONZÓN CAMPOS, 2019. "Die jüngsten Entwicklungen der Sozialwirtschaft in der Europäischen Union," CIRIEC Working Papers 1904, CIRIEC - Université de Liège.
  4. Rafael CHAVES ÁVILA & José Luis MONZÓN CAMPOS, 2019. "Recent Evolutions of the Social Economy in the European Union," CIRIEC Working Papers 1902, CIRIEC - Université de Liège.
  5. Rafael CHAVES ÁVILA & José Luis MONZÓN CAMPOS, 2019. "Recente ontwikkelingen in de sociale economie in de Europese Unie," CIRIEC Working Papers 1905, CIRIEC - Université de Liège.
  6. Rafael CHAVES & José Luis MONZÓN, 2019. "Buenas prácticas en las políticas públicas relativas a la economía social europea tras la crisis económica," CIRIEC Working Papers 1926, CIRIEC - Université de Liège.
  7. Rafael CHAVES & José Luis MONZÓN, 2019. "Best practices in public policies regarding the European Social Economy post the economic crisis," CIRIEC Working Papers 1925, CIRIEC - Université de Liège.
  8. Rafael CHAVES & José Luis MONZÓN, 2019. "Les bonnes pratiques en matière de politiques publiques relatives à l’économie sociale européenne, à la suite de la crise économique," CIRIEC Working Papers 1924, CIRIEC - Université de Liège.


  1. Rafael CHAVES ÁVILA & José Luis MONZÓN CAMPOS, 2018. "La economía social ante los paradigmas económicos emergentes: innovación social, economía colaborativa, economía circular, responsabilidad social empresarial, economía del bien común, empresa social y," CIRIEC Working Papers 1813, CIRIEC - Université de Liège.
  2. Cristina Pardo-Garcia & Jose J. Sempere-Monerris, 2018. "Mixed provision of health care services with double coverage," LIDAM Reprints CORE 2955, Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE).


  1. Juan Ramón Gallego-Bono & Rafael Chaves-Avila, 2016. "Innovation cooperative systems and structural change: An evolutionary analysis of Anecoop and Mondragon cases," Post-Print hal-01867952, HAL.
  2. Ulla Pape & Bartosz Pielinski & Danijel Baturina & Taco Brandsen & Rafael Chaves Avila & Jelena Matancevic & Joachim Benedikt Pahl & Francesca Petrella, 2016. "Working under pressure: How third sector organizations in Europe have responded to transforming policy environments," Post-Print halshs-01447586, HAL.
  3. Ulla Pape & Rafael Chaves Avila & Joachim Benedikt Pahl & Francesca Petrella & Bartosz Pielinski, 2016. "Working under pressure: economic recession and third sector development in Europe," Post-Print halshs-01447612, HAL.


  1. PARDO-GARCIA, Christina & SEMPERE-MONERRIS, Jose J., 2013. "Equilibrium mergers in a composite good industry with efficiencies," LIDAM Discussion Papers CORE 2013067, Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE).


  1. Cristina Pardo-Garcia, 2010. "Equilibrium mergers in a composite industry," Discussion Papers in Economic Behaviour 0410, University of Valencia, ERI-CES.


  1. Rafael CHAVES & José Luis MONZON CAMPOS, 2008. "L’économie sociale dans l’Union européenne," CIRIEC Working Papers 0801, CIRIEC - Université de Liège.
  2. Rafael CHAVES & José Luis MONZON CAMPOS, 2008. "The Social Economy in the European Union," CIRIEC Working Papers 0802, CIRIEC - Université de Liège.


  1. Asuaga, Carolina & Rausell, Pau, 2006. "Un Análisis de la gestión de instituciones culturales: el caso específico de los Museos [Management in cultural organizations: the case of museums]," MPRA Paper 13756, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Coll Serrano, Vicente & Cuñat Giménez, Rubén, 2006. "Análisis de los factores que influyen en el proceso de creación de una cooperativa de trabajo asociado [Analysis of the factors that influence in the process of creation of a worker cooperetive]," MPRA Paper 2667, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2006.


  1. Pau Rausell-Köster & Francisco Marco- Serrano, 2004. "Why don’t we do what we want? Non-consumers and the public dilemma in cultural promotion," Others 0407002, University Library of Munich, Germany.

Journal articles


  1. Amo Cifuentes, Rubén & Granell Pérez, Rafael & Fuenmayor Fernández, Amadeo, 2024. "Impacto regional del nuevo Impuesto sobre Grandes Fortunas: un análisis mediante microsimulación," INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES - Journal of REGIONAL RESEARCH, Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional, issue 58, pages 71-89.


  1. Maja Barac & Rafael Moner‐Colonques, 2022. "Leadership in internationalization strategies," Manchester School, University of Manchester, vol. 90(3), pages 293-318, June.


  1. Rafael Boix‐Domenech & Jesús Peiró‐Palomino & Pau Rausell‐Köster, 2021. "Creative industries and productivity in the European regions. Is there a Mediterranean effect?," Regional Science Policy & Practice, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 13(5), pages 1546-1564, October.


  1. Chuan Li & Pau Rausell Köster, 2020. "Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of European Design Policy to Enable Innovation. The Case of Designscapes Project," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 12(12), pages 1-23, June.
  2. Jordi Sanjuán & Pau Rausell & Vicente Coll & Raül Abeledo, 2020. "Mayors, Using Cultural Expenditure in An Opportunistic Way Improves the Chances of Re-Election, but Do Not Do It: Revisiting Political Budget Cycles," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 12(21), pages 1-15, October.
  3. Rafael Chaves-Avila & Juan Ramon Gallego-Bono, 2020. "Transformative Policies for the Social and Solidarity Economy: The New Generation of Public Policies Fostering the Social Economy in Order to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals. The European and Sp," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 12(10), pages 1-29, May.
  4. Cristina Pardo-Garcia & Maja Barac, 2020. "Promoting Employability in Higher Education: A Case Study on Boosting Entrepreneurship Skills," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 12(10), pages 1-23, May.
  5. Amadeo Fuenmayor & Rafael Granell & Teresa Savall Morera, 2020. "Tax-benefit Systems and Gender Gap. An Across-Europe Study," Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics, IEF, vol. 235(4), pages 87-118, December.


  1. Maja Barac & Rafael Moner‐Colonques, 2019. "To lead or to wait? An application to internationalization strategies under demand uncertainty," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 40(5), pages 559-568, July.
  2. Rafael Granell Pérez & Amadeo Fuenmayor Fernández, 2019. "Implementing a Negative Income Tax. Net Cost, Poverty and Inequality Effects," Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics, IEF, vol. 228(1), pages 83-108, March.
  3. Fuenmayor, Amadeo & Granell, Rafael & Savall Morera, Teresa, 2019. "Impacto económico de las rentas mínimas: la Renta Valenciana de Inclusión," INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES - Journal of REGIONAL RESEARCH, Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional, issue 44, pages 97-110.


  1. Pardo-García, C. & Coll-Serrano, V. & Rausell-Köster, P. & Pérez Bustamante-Yábar, D., 2018. "Cultural attitudes and tourist destination prescription," Annals of Tourism Research, Elsevier, vol. 71(C), pages 59-61.
  2. de Arriba Raul & Barac Maja, 2018. "Homo Economicus and the Shepherd: the Traditional Sheep Farmer Facing the Modernisation (or Intensification) of European Livestock," Eastern European Countryside, Sciendo, vol. 24(1), pages 171-187, December.
  3. Amadeo Fuenmayor & Rafael Granell & Mauro Mediavilla, 2018. "The effects of separate taxation on labor participation of married couples. An empirical analysis using propensity score," Review of Economics of the Household, Springer, vol. 16(2), pages 541-561, June.
  4. Cristina Pardo-Garcia & Jose J. Sempere-Monerris, 2018. "Mixed provision of health care services with double coverage," Journal of Economics, Springer, vol. 123(1), pages 49-70, January.


  1. Rafael Boix & Pau Rausell & Raül Abeledo, 2017. "The Calatrava model: reflections on resilience and urban plasticity," European Planning Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 25(1), pages 29-47, January.


  1. Gallego-Bono, Juan Ramón & Chaves-Avila, Rafael, 2016. "Innovation cooperative systems and structural change: An evolutionary analysis of Anecoop and Mondragon cases," Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, vol. 69(11), pages 4907-4911.
  2. Maja Barac & Rafael Moner-Colonques, 2016. "Internationalization Strategies In Oligopoly With Heterogeneous Firms," Bulletin of Economic Research, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 68(S1), pages 66-77, December.
  3. Amadeo Fuenmayor & Rafael Granell & María Angeles Tortosa, 2016. "Quasi-markets Targets and the Evaluation of Nursing-home Funding in the Valencian Region," Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics, IEF, vol. 216(1), pages 13-38, March.


  1. Cristina Pardo-Garcia & Jose Sempere-Monerris, 2015. "Equilibrium mergers in a composite good industry with efficiencies," SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, Springer;Spanish Economic Association, vol. 6(1), pages 101-127, March.


  1. Fernando Toboso, 2014. "Asymmetric decentralisation, economic cycle, regional and local government’s borrowing in Spain," Acta Oeconomica, Akadémiai Kiadó, Hungary, vol. 64(4), pages 441-461, December.
  2. Vila, Luis E. & Pérez, Pedro J. & Coll-Serrano, Vicente, 2014. "Innovation at the workplace: Do professional competencies matter?," Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, vol. 67(5), pages 752-757.


  1. Fernando Toboso, 2013. "Methodological developments in the Old and the New Institutional Economics," History of Economic Ideas, Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa - Roma, vol. 21(1), pages 77-115.
  2. Rausell Koster, Pau & Coll-Serrano, Vicente & Abeledo Sanchis, Ra_ul & Marco-Serrano, Francisco, 2013. "Eficiencia de las sociedades musicales de la Comunidad Valenciana || Efficiency of Musical Societies in the Valencian Community," Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa = Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Department of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, vol. 15(1), pages 117-132, June.
  3. Rafael Chaves Ávila & Teresa Savall Morera, 2013. "La insuficiencia de las actuales políticas de fomento de cooperativas y sociedades laborales frente a la crisis en España [The insufficiency of current policies to foster cooperatives and labour co," REVESCO: Revista de estudios cooperativos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Escuela de Estudios Cooperativos, issue 113, pages 61-91.


  1. Rafael Chaves, 2012. "Las políticas públicas y las cooperativas," EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía, Gobierno Vasco / Eusko Jaurlaritza / Basque Government, vol. 79(01), pages 169-200.
  2. F. Fecher & R. Chaves & J.L. Monzon, 2012. "Introduction: Recent Trends In Social Economy Research," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 83(3), pages 251-258, September.
  3. Raquel Puentes & Adoración Mozas & Enrique Bernal & Rafael Chaves, 2012. "E‐corporate social responsibility in small non‐profit organisations: the case of Spanish ‘Non Government Organisations’," The Service Industries Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 32(15), pages 2379-2398, January.
  4. Rafael Chaves & Jose Monzón, 2012. "Beyond the crisis: the social economy, prop of a new model of sustainable economic development," Service Business, Springer;Pan-Pacific Business Association, vol. 6(1), pages 5-26, March.
  5. Juan Julià & Rafael Chaves, 2012. "Introduction: social economy, a third sector in a plural people-oriented economy," Service Business, Springer;Pan-Pacific Business Association, vol. 6(1), pages 1-4, March.
  6. Amadeo Fuenmayor & Rafael Granell & Mª Ángeles Tortosa, 2012. "Caring for older people: an analysis of the small business sector," The Service Industries Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 32(15), pages 2347-2363, January.
  7. Vicente Coll-Serrano & Salvador Carrasco-Arroyo & Olga Blasco-Blasco & Luis Vila-Lladosa, 2012. "Design of a Basic System of Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluating Spanish Cooperation’s Culture and Development Strategy," Evaluation Review, , vol. 36(4), pages 272-302, August.
  8. Álvarez-Jareño, José Antonio & Coll-Serrano, Vicente, 2012. "Estimación de reservas en una compañía aseguradora. Una aplicación en Excel del método Chain-Ladder y Bootstrap || Estimating the Reserves in Insurance Companies: An Excel Application of the Chain-Lad," Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa = Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Department of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, vol. 14(1), pages 124-136, December.


  1. Fernando Toboso López, 2011. "Viejos y nuevos institucionalismos bajo el prisma del individualismo institucional," EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía, Gobierno Vasco / Eusko Jaurlaritza / Basque Government, vol. 77(02), pages 86-125.
  2. Pau Rausell-Köster & Francisco Marco-Serrano & Raúl Abeledo Sanchís, 2011. "Sector cultural y creativo y riqueza de las regiones: en busca de causalidades," EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía, Gobierno Vasco / Eusko Jaurlaritza / Basque Government, vol. 78(03), pages 66-89.
  3. José Luis Monzón & Rafael Chaves, 2011. "Social Economy, an international perspective. Introduction," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 73, pages 5-8, October.
  4. Colin C. Williams & Amadeo Fuenmayor & Sonia Dasí, 2011. "Innovation and creativity in the automobile industry: environmental proposals and initiatives," The Service Industries Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 31(12), pages 1931-1942, January.


  1. Rafael Chaves & Adoración Mozas & Raquel Puentes & Enrique Bernal, 2010. "E-corporate social responsibility in socially responsible firms: the case of Spanish firms," The Service Industries Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 31(12), pages 2033-2050, December.


  1. Amadeo Fuenmayor Fernández & Rafael Granell Pérez & Francisco J. Higón Tamarit, 2009. "Las deducciones autonómicas en el IRPF: Análisis y alternativas," Revista de Estudios Regionales, Universidades Públicas de Andalucía, vol. 3, pages 209-236.


  1. José Luis Monzon & Rafael Chaves, 2008. "The European Social Economy: Concept And Dimensions Of The Third Sector," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 79(3‐4), pages 549-577, September.
  2. Rafael Chaves, 2008. "Public Policies and Social Economy in Spain and Europe," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 62, pages 35-60, October.


  1. Fernando Toboso, 2006. "Key organisational choices for financing regional governments in democratic Spain," Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review, Universidad Alberto Hurtado/School of Economics and Business, vol. 21(2), pages 61-81, December.
  2. Fernando Toboso, 2006. "Old organizational issues from a new institutional economics perspective. Some introductory remarks," Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review, Universidad Alberto Hurtado/School of Economics and Business, vol. 21(2), pages 3-11, December.
  3. Antonia Sajardo Moreno & Rafael Chaves, 2006. "Balance y tendencias en la investigación sobre Tercer Sector no lucrativo. Especial referencia al caso español," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 56, pages 87-116, November.
  4. José Luis Monzón Campos & Rafael Chaves, 2006. "Presentación del monográfico "Dos décadas de investigación en economía social en España"," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 56, pages 5-8, November.
  5. Ana Lópaz Pérez & Vicente Coll Serrano, 2006. "Destino empresarial: China. Cuestiones de carácter fiscal a tener en cuenta," Contribuciones a la Economía, Servicios Académicos Intercontinentales SL, issue 2006-09, September.


  1. Roger Spear & Chris Cornforth & Rafael Chaves & Robert Schediwy, 2004. "Introduction," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 75(1), pages 3-9, March.
  2. Rafael Chaves & Antonia Sajardo‐Moreno, 2004. "Social Economy Managers: Between Values and Entrenchment," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 75(1), pages 139-161, March.
  3. Rafael Chaves & Antonia Sajardo, 2004. "Economía política de los directivos de las empresas de economía social," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 48, pages 31-52, April.
  4. Rafael Chaves & Robert Schediwy, 2004. "Introducción al monográfico "Gobierno, democracia y directivos en las empresas cooperativas"," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 48, pages 5-10, April.


  1. Toboso, Fernando & Compés, Raúl, 2003. "Nuevas tendencias analíticas en el ámbito de la nueva economía institucional. La incorporación de los aspectos distributivos," El Trimestre Económico, Fondo de Cultura Económica, vol. 0(280), pages 637-671, octubre-d.


  1. Rafael Granell, 2002. "Education Vouchers in Spain: The Valencian Experience," Education Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 10(2), pages 119-132.


  1. Toboso, Fernando, 2001. "Institutional Individualism and Institutional Change: The Search for a Middle Way Mode of Explanation," Cambridge Journal of Economics, Cambridge Political Economy Society, vol. 25(6), pages 765-783, November.
  2. José Luis Monzón Campos & Rafael Chaves, 2001. "Presentación del monográfico ‘Economía social y sector no lucrativo’," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 37, pages 5-6, April.
  3. Rafael chaves, 2001. "Presentación del monográfico "El balance social en la economía social"," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 39, pages 7-8, November.
  4. Rafael Chaves & José Luis Monzón Campos, 2001. "Economía social y sector no lucrativo: Actualidad científica y perspectivas," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 37, pages 7-33, April.


  1. Rafael Chaves, 2000. "Presentación del monográfico: "Fondos estructurales de la Unión Europea: balance, reforma y perspectivas"," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 35, pages 7-10, August.


  1. Pau Rausell Köster & José Antonio Estrems, 1999. "Una aproximación económica a las sociedades musicales," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 31, pages 149-186, June.
  2. Rafael Chaves, 1999. "La economía social como enfoque metodológico, como objeto de estudio y como disciplina científica," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 33, pages 115-139, December.


  1. Rafael Chaves & Antonia Sajardo Moreno, 1997. "Le partenariat public-OSBL dans les services sociaux. Le cas espagnol," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 68(1), pages 65-86, March.
  2. Antonia Sajardo & Rafael Chaves, 1997. "El tercer sector como realidad institucional. Delimitación y cuantificación en España y otros países desarrollados," EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía, Gobierno Vasco / Eusko Jaurlaritza / Basque Government, vol. 39(03), pages 82-107.


  1. Fernando Toboso, 1994. "The Role the Static Maximization Approach Plays in Neoclassical Analyses," Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, , vol. 5(2), pages 121-133, April.


  1. Toboso, Fernando, 1993. "Limitaciones de los análisis neoclásicos de maximización estática destacadas por un Premio Nobel de Economía," El Trimestre Económico, Fondo de Cultura Económica, vol. 60(239), pages 699-712, julio-sep.



  1. Blanca de-Miguel-Molina & Rafael Boix-Doménech & Pau Rausell-Köster, 2021. "The Impact of the Music Industry in Europe and the Business Models Involved in Its Value Chain," SpringerBriefs in Economics, in: Blanca de-Miguel-Molina & Virginia Santamarina-Campos & María de-Miguel-Molina & Rafael Boix-Doménec (ed.), Music as Intangible Cultural Heritage, pages 9-25, Springer.


  1. Jose M. Pavia & Fernando Toboso, 2017. "Electoral Rules and Proportionality in Spain: Estimating the Impact of some Swedish Rules Through the 2011 Electoral Data," Studies in Political Economy, in: Norman Schofield & Gonzalo Caballero (ed.), State, Institutions and Democracy, pages 205-221, Springer.


  1. Jose M. Pavía & Fernando Toboso, 2015. "Federalism, Proportionality, and Popular Will in US Presidential Elections: Did Colorado Have the Right Idea?," Studies in Political Economy, in: Norman Schofield & Gonzalo Caballero (ed.), The Political Economy of Governance, edition 127, pages 377-393, Springer.


  1. Rafael Granell Pérez & Mauro Mediavilla & Amadeo Fuenmayor Fernández, 2014. "Movilidad educativa intergeneracional y características familiares. La situación de la población inmigrante," Investigaciones de Economía de la Educación volume 9, in: Adela García Aracil & Isabel Neira Gómez (ed.), Investigaciones de Economía de la Educación 9, edition 1, volume 9, chapter 10, pages 223-238, Asociación de Economía de la Educación.


  1. Amadeo Fuenmayor, 2012. "Automobile taxation in Spain: recent reforms and future proposals," Chapters, in: Larry Kreiser & Ana Yábar Sterling & Pedro Herrera & Janet E. Milne & Hope Ashiabor (ed.), Green Taxation and Environmental Sustainability, chapter 9, pages 130-143, Edward Elgar Publishing.

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