December 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 133-140 Physical and Health Education for a Resilient Future Workforce
by Cristiana Lucretia POP - 143-169 Appreciative Teaching of Social Sciences in Competence Based Approaches to Higher Education
by Antonio SANDU
June 2015, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 11-23 Core Values in Action: Therapeutic Farms for Persons with Severe Mental Illness
by Sana LOUE & Virgil STUCKER & Richard R. KARGES - 25-42 Public Policies of Professional Integration of Young People in the EU and in Romania
by Gabriela NEAGU - 43-55 Transition from Education to Labour: Parental Cultural Transmission and Children’s Reproduction of Gender Inequalities
by Andra-Bertha SĂNDULEASA - 57-73 Families with a Disabled Child, between Stress and Acceptance. A Theoretical Approach
by Camelia SOPONARU & Magdalena IORGA - 75-88 The Role of Moral Values in Development Personality Teenagers
by Cristina TIMPAU - 91-104 Identity of Social Workers Working with Immigrants with an International Protection in Slovakia
by Martina ZAKOVA & Katarina LEVICKA & Dusan LEGERSKY - 105-116 Methodological Principles of Ethnic Minority Life Conditions Assessment
by Konstantin KLOKOV - 117-128 The Role of Associative Sector in Intervention of Children with Autism
by Mihaela GRASU - 129-140 Coping Styles and Social Support in Emergency Workers: Family as a Resource
by Cinzia NOVARA & Maria GARRO & Giuseppe DI RIENZO - 141-154 The Role of Agentic and Communal Values in the Individuals' Outcomes of Job Related Affective Well Being and Political Deviance
by Secil BAL TASTAN - 155-168 Moral Values – A Comparative Study: Romanian and Turkish Students
by Claudia SALCEANU & Claudia-Neptina MANEA & Edvina Ghionul GEAFER - 169-180 Developing English Communication Skills in a Different Cultural Context: Matches and Mismatches
by Nicoleta-Mariana IFTIMIE - 181-192 Predictors of Academic Performance among At-Risk Romanian Youth
by Ramona Elena ANGHEL - 193-202 Perception of Pre-Service Teachers Regarding the Relationship between Didactic Competencies and Learning Motivation
by Cristina TULBURE & Elena Mirela SAMFIRA & Ionel SAMFIRA - 203-218 Intercultural Education in Italy and in the United States: the Results of a Binational Inquiry
by Rina Manuela CONTINI & Mariella HEROLD - 219-231 Psychological and Psychophysiological Research of the Attitude System of Students for Technical and Humanitarian Specialities
by Natalia GORDIENKO & Kira SILAEVA - 235-239 The Actuality of Logic. Book review: Elemente de logica si teoria argumentarii, authors Professor PhD Sorin–Tudor MAXIM, Lecturer PhD Marius-Costel EsI. Iasi, Romania: Lumen Publishing House
by Antonio SANDU - 241-244 Regards on the Ethics and Transparency in Public Administration Book Review. Etica profesionala si transparenta in administratia publica, author Antonio Sandu, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, 2014
by Loredana TEREC-VLAD - 245-252 Few Epistemic Considerations on Pre-School Education. Book review: The Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Modern Pre-school Education in Poland, Romania and Ukraine, coord. Otilia CLIPA, Maria OLINEK, Malgorzata STAWIAK-OSOSINSK. London, UK: Lumen Media Publishing
by Antonio SANDU
December 2014, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 9-13 Transdisciplinarity and Communicative Action in Multidimensional Education. Editorial
by Otilia CLIPA - 17-27 Managerial Competences in the Field of University Curriculum for Virtual Learning Communities
by Claudiu Marian BUNĂIAŞU & Ștefan VLĂDUŢESCU & Alexandru Constantin STRUNGĂ - 29-38 Psychological Implications of Cancer Treatment in Pregnancy
by Emilia OPRIŞAN & Mirela ZIVARI - 39-53 Like Parent, Like Child? Considerations on Intergenerational Transmission of Alcoholism
by Alexandru-George COTEŢI & Andreea-Irina ION & Simona-Irina DAMIAN & Marius NEAGU & Beatrice-Gabriela IOAN - 57-78 Romanticism v/s Antagonism: Battle of Minds,A Case of Beijing Pollution
by Faheem Gul GILAL & Rehman Gul GILAL & Rukhsana Gul GILAL - 79-95 Using Video Conferences for ESP Postgraduate Students: An Example of Distance Learning at the University of Tlemcen/ Algeria
by Abdelkader BENSAFA - 97-109 Instability of Finance in Local Government. Case of Albania
by Fatbardha KADIU - 111-118 Developing ECEC in Romania: between Perceptions and Social Realities
by Aniela MATEI - 119-125 Aspects Regarding the Improving of Fitness and Health Issues by Cycling
by Cătălin Octavian MĂNESCU - 127-138 The Effect of Success Maker Software on State Scores in Elementary School Math
by Peter P. KIRIAKIDIS & Brandon Terrell GEER
June 2014, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 9-11 Editorial
by Cătălin-George FEDOR - 15-27 Image Erosion of Elderly People in Romania and the Need for Proactive Inclusive Approaches
by Oana Elena LENTA & Viorica Cristina CORMOS - 29-38 What Does Confidentiality Inside The Arbitration Mean?
by Diana - Loredana HOGAŞ - 39-66 Mediation – Communicative Action and Philosophical Practice
by Antonio SANDU - 69-81 Adjustment of Romanian Immigrant Students in a New Educational Context
by Aniella Mihaela VIERIU - 83-92 Student’s Satisfaction - An Indicator of Quality in Physical Education
by Cristiana POP - 93-107 The Use of Psychoactive Substances among University Students
by Magdalena IORGA & Camelia SOPONARU
December 2013, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 5-8 Educational Policies in Knowledge Based Society
by Tomita CIULEI - 5-12 The New Civil Code: Monistic Theory between Intention and Reality
by Maria DUMITRU - 11-16 The Importance of Psychological Preparation in Football
by Catalin Octavian MANESCU - 13-22 The Flexibility of the Labor Relationships through the Practice of Fixed-Term Employment Contracts
by Maria Cristina BALANEASA - 17-39 Information Society and Education System in Romania
by Gabriela NEAGU - 23-32 The Implementation of the Decentralisation and Deconcentration Strategies in the Romanian Public Services
by Irina BILOUSEAC - 33-39 The Flexibility of Good Faith Concept
by Camelia IGNATESCU - 41-50 The Premises of Responsibility
by Camelia IGNATESCU - 41-56 From Ancient Gnostics to Modern Scholars – Issues in Defining the Concept of “Gnosticism”
by Victor-Alexandru PRICOPI - 51-57 Remarks Regarding the Activity of Taxpayers Declared Inactive and Subsequent Economical Consequences
by Despina-Martha ILUCA - 57-65 Overweight – Cultural and Educational Aspects
by Cristiana POP - 67-74 Linguistic Form of the Legal Norm
by Camelia IGNATESCU - 75-82 Letter and Spirit of the Law- an Interpretation based on Principles of Law
by Camelia IGNATESCU - 85-100 Learning Dynamics in Feminine Precarious Migration. A Qualitative Perspective
by Letitia TRIFANESCU - 101-118 A Case Study of Student-to-student Cyber Bullying in one High School
by Peter P. KIRIAKIDIS & Lakes DeMARQUES - 119-129 The Role of Motivation in School Evaluation. Teachers and Students Partners in the Assessment Process
by Carmen Maria CHISIU - 133-136 Book review: Istoria organizarii si functionării Guvernului in Romania. De la inceputuri si pana la 22 decembrie 1989 Author: Bogdan-Michael Ciubotaru, Editura LUMEN, Iasi, 2013
by Cristian SANDACHE - 137-139 Book review: Abuzul de drept Author: Ignatescu Camelia, Editura Lumen, Iasi, 2013
by Aurora CIUCA
June 2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 7-17 Entrepreneurship and Knowledge-Based Economies (English version)
by Alba KRUJA - 19-34 Work Projects in the Subject of Art Education (English version)
by Ainhoa GOMEZ PINTADO - 35-45 Bourdieu Sociologist of Literature (English version)
by Sergiu GHICA - 47-58 Information Literacy, Theory and Practice in Education (English version)
by Dubravka MANDUSIC & Lucija BLASKOVIC - 59-77 Aspects of Ancient Ceramics in Romania: from Secular to Paleo-Christian Pottery (English version)
by Ioana-Iulia OLARU - 79-100 A Balanced Approach to Experiential Education in Teacher Training: Serving and Learning
by Aida KOCI - 101-109 Quality Education through Child-Friendly Schools: Resource Allocation for the Protection of Children’s Rights (English version)
by Mariam ORKODASHVILI - 113-121 Implementing Some Simple Strategies to Enhance Learners’ Listening Skills
by John J. CARO - 123-139 Experiences of Innovation Teaching in Bioprocess Engineering University Course (English version)
by Marta PAZOS & Maria A. LONGO & M. Angeles SANROMAN - 141-159 Efficiency – Model for Scientific Research Evaluation (English version)
by Panaite NICA & Silviu Mihail TITA - 161-197 EU Legal Education in Romania: From Governmental Commitment to Academic Responsibility (English version)
by Brindusa Camelia GOREA & Mugurel Minodor GOREA - 199-213 Validating Global Competency Scale for Indian Business and Management Education (English version)
by Juthika KONWAR & Arup BARMAN - 215-233 A Detailed Study on Issues and Challenges of Management Education in Digital Age with Special Reference to Lucknow District (English version)
by Yasir Arafat ELAHI & Anisur REHMAN
December 2012, Volume 3
- 7-19 Primary Qualification of Matrimonial Regime Notion (English version)
by Nadia Cerasela ANITEI - 21-28 Romanian Deaf Sign Languages Projects – an Overview (English version)
by Florea BARBU & Ionut Adrian CHIRIAC - 29-47 British Philosopher Gilbert Ryle’s Perspective on Behaviorism (English version)
by Elena BANCIU - 49-61 Policy Perspectives on Migration of Romanian Health Personnel (English version)
by Irina CEHAN - 63-79 Social Action through Educational Strategies: Ethics and the Election of Communication Etudies in Spain (English version)
by Joan-Francesc FONDEVILA-GASCÓN & Josep-Lluís del OLMO-ARRIAGA & Marta CARRERAS-ALCALDE - 81-105 Faith Organizations and Social Economic Welfare in Kenya (English version)
by Richard Muko OCHANDA - 109-128 Perceptions of Personal and Professional Values in Social Work Training (English version)
by Daniela SOITU & Mihaela RADOI - 129-143 The Discourse Analyse in the Romanian Media Regarding the Organ Transplant – Systemic References (English version)
by Adina Karner-HUTULEAC - 145-162 Aspects of Coping with Disease in some Roma Communities of Romania (English version)
by Andrada PARVU & Laszlo FOSZTO & Angela ENACHE & Silvia DUMITRAS & Stefana MOISA & Rodica GRAMMA & Gabriel ROMAN & Radu CHIRITA & Beatrice IOAN - 163-174 Influence of Personality Traits on Leadership Styles: A Secondary Level Study (English version)
by Ijaz Ahmad TATLAH & Rahila NIZAMI & Kamran Ahmad SIDDIQUI - 175-203 Graduate Competency,Teaching Effectiveness and Faculty Performance Evaluation: An International Perspective (English version)
by Minga NEGASH - 205-217 Cultural Capital Accumulation Mechanisms and Their Effects on the Professional Habitus of Romanian Nurses (English version)
by Silvia POPOVICI - 219-231 Education through Migration. How the Experience of Living Abroad Can Be an Educational Factor (English version)
by Teodora MANEA
August 2012, Volume 2
- 7-26 Going Back to School: A University-Middle School Civics (English version)
by Robbin SMITH - 27-43 Postmodernism and Constructionism. Seeing Truth through Different Eyes (English version)
by Antonio SANDU & Simona USURELU - 45-67 Multi –Media Educational Communication Strategies for English. A Case Study of an Online Chat Room for EFL as Platform of Applied Language Learning (English version)
by Fee-Alexandra HASSE - 69-82 Implications of Globalization on Education (English version)
by Srikant MISRA - 83-100 The Moral Values and Dilemmas in Romanian University. The Influence of Prosperity on Ethical Behavior (English version)
by Magdalena IORGA - 103-127 Implementing Bologna Process: Taking into Account what Students Think and Improving Professor’s Performance in Class (English version)
by Fernando Diez ESTELLA - 129-152 Martial Arts Anthropology for Sport Pedagogy and Physical Education (English version)
by Wojciech J. CYNARSKI & Kazimierz OBODY?SKI & Howard Z. ZENG - 153-164 The 2008 Election Moment. Iasi, the First Uninominal Elections (English version)
by Nicolae LUPASCU - 167-170 Review for the volume Body Language. Communication and interpretation, by Barbu Florea, published at Lumen Publishing House, 2011 (English version)
by Ana CARAS
April 2012, Volume 1
- 7-14 Relevance of Educational Factors in the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer (English version)
by Dan Silviu VERZEA & Magdalena Roxana NECULA - 15-30 Patterns of Internet Use by Students in English Schools (English version)
by Albin WALLACE - 31-41 Defining Graduate Attributes as Prerequisite for Incorporating Activity Based Learning in Commerce Education (English version)
by Siraj K.K & P.Sudarsanan PILLAI - 45-56 Risks, Vulnerability and Primary Education in Sudan (English version)
by Hisham Mohamed HASSAN ALI - 57-68 To Identify the Suggestions for Streamlining the Professional Training Programme of the Future Teaching Staff in Romania (English version)
by Laura SERBANESCU - 69-80 Electoral Campaigns in the Process of Transition to Democracy in Romania after December 1989. Research Theme: Local Campaign for Mayor’s Office of Iasi, 2004 – The Construction of a Political Product (English version)
by Nicolae LUPASCU - 83-85 Review for Methodology of Ethno- Psychological Research, author Mictat Garlan, Lumen Publishing House, 2011 (English version)
by Ana CARAS - 87-89 Review for the Volume Southeast European Sovereign Cult and Case of Wallachia. An Artistic Perspective, author Elisabeta Negrau, Lumen Publishing House, 2011 (English version)
by Ana CARAS
December 2011, Volume 8
- 7-14 The Individualization of Foreign Language Teaching in the University-level Professional Education (English version)
by Svitlana MUNTYAN & Lilia VALENTINOVA - 15-29 Editorialists’ Linguistic Imaginary. Language Creativity [Limaginaire linguistique des éditorialistes. De la créativité dans le langage] (French version)
by Cristina OBREJA - 31-38 US Interests in the Post – Soviet Space (English version)
by Svetlana CEBOTARI & Irina COJUHARI & Ion XENOFONTOV - 39-48 Self-searching, the Anchor in the River of Globalization (English version)
by Simona Irina DAMIAN & Roxana Magdalena NECULA & Andreea HEFCO - 49-58 Artistic Moulding of Bessarabia in XIX Century (Typology Church Inventory, Architectural and Sculptural Details) (English version)
by Liliana CONDRATICOVA - 61-83 The Effects of Non-traditional Teaching Styles on College Mathematics between Face-to-face and Online Students (English version)
by Peter KIRIAKIDIS & Natalie THORNTON JOHNSON - 85-96 The Entrepreneurial Orientation Can Enhance the Teacher Performance in Higher Education (English version)
by Naeem HAYAT & Muhammad Tayyeb RIAZ - 97-107 Changes in the Romanian Rural Communities. A Socio-Theological Perspective (English version)
by Roxana Magdalena NECULA & Simona Irina DAMIAN - 111-113 Review for the Volume “Alexei Marco. Destinul unui bijutier din Moldova” / Alexei Marco. The Destiny of a Jeweler from Moldova – Author Liliana Condraticova (English version)
by Antonio SANDU
August 2011, Volume 7
- 7-15 A Competence-based Perspective on Foreign Language Teaching at the Master Level: Insights from John Dewey’s Educational Philosophy (English version)
by Svetlana MUNTYAN & Lilia VALENTINOVA - 17-29 The Role of Gender Studies in Transforming Society (English version)
by Catalina-Daniela RADUCU - 33-142 Analysis of the Educational Statistics of the Sudanese Secondary Certificate (English version)
by A.W. Mohamed ISSAM - 143-164 Faculty Engagement in Higher Educational Institution – A proposed model (English version)
by Arup BARMAN & Roy SAIKAT - 165-184 The Perceptions of High School Honor Students on the Academic Skills Needed to Succeed in College Science Classes (English version)
by Peter KIRIAKIDIS & Paul BARBER - 185-193 An Explorative Analysis of Children’s Dropouts from Rural Schools of Pakistan (English version)
by Muhammad Mehar AKRAM - 195-225 Resilient Children and Youths Overcoming Risks and Achieving in Life in Arba Minch town of Ethiopia (English version)
by Tekalign AYALEW - 229-234 Comments to the Study: Savulescu J., Autonomy, the Good Life, and Controversial Choices, in , Rhodes R., Francis L.P., Silvers A. (eds.), 2007, The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp.: 17 – 37. (English version)
by Antonio SANDU - 235-251 The official language and the rights of the persons belonging to national minorities in the area of education (English version)
April 2011, Volume 6
- 7-15 Competency Based Curriculum in Higher Education: A Necessity Grounded by Globalization (English version)
by Ph.D. Arup BARMAN & Asst. Professor Ms. Jothika KONWAR - 17-21 Reading and Writing for the Social Sciences: How to Interpret and Marshal the Literature, Rather than be Terrorized by It (English version)
by N.A.J. Taylor - 23-29 Director, Master of Laws Program in the Law of the United States, University of Baltimore School of Law, 1420 North Charles St., LC202, Baltimore, MD 21201 USA (English version)
by Jane E. SCHUKOSKE - 33-47 Why do ECE Teachers Need To Be Mentored by ECE Administrators? (English version)
by Ph.D. Peter KIRIAKIDIS - 49-59 New Forms of Management and Governance in the School System in England and Wales (English version)
by Ph.D. Arthur DAVIES - 61-71 The University With a Soul. University of Vlora and the Reforms that Revolutionized Standards of Student Enrollment, Training, and Advancement in Albanian Higher Education (English version)
by Erida PRIFTI - 73-85 Nexus between Government Expenditure on Education and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidences from India (English version)
by Abhijeet CHANDRA
December 2010, Volume 5
- 5-17 Le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence - The Common European Framework of Reference (France version)
by Prof. Ph.D. Jan GOES - 19-25 L ‘ éducation de l’ Europe en France dans le cadre des programmes de l’ éducation nationale et sa mise en œuvre pédagogique en college - The Education of Europe in France as Part of National Education Programs and Its Implementation in Teaching College (France version)
by Brigitte SAINT-GEORGES - 27-38 Normative-Explanatory Valences at the Level of the Scientific Theory (English version)
by Ph.D. Marius-Costel ESI - 39-53 Integrative Processes in the Romanian Contemporary Rural. The Impact of Advisory Community Councils (English version)
by Elena UNGURU & Lecturer Ph.D. Antonio SANDU - 55-77 Migration and Economic Development Comparative Study: Romania-Italy (English version)
by Petronela Daniela FERARU - 79-108 The Topos of the Ephemeral in the Ancient Greek Tragedy (English version)
by Ph.D Candidate Ioana PETCU - 109-130 Qualitative Methodology in Analyzing Educational Phenomena (English version)
by Elena UNGURU & Simona PONEA & Lecturer Ph.D. Antonio SANDU - 131-139 The Pragmatism of Educational Strategies within Managerial Society (English version)
by Georgeta PUSTIU
August 2010, Volume 4
- 5-16 Executive Function in Preschool Children: Working Memory as a Predictor of Mathematical Ability at School Age
by Diana ANGHEL - 17-40 Assessment of Professional Competences. Constructive Dimension of Human Resources Management
by Simona PONEA & Ph.D. Antonio SANDU - 41-50 Legitimizing the Educational Experience in the context of the Didactic Methodology
by Lecturer Ph.D. Marius-Costel ESI - 51-71 The War from Afghanistan (1979–1989) in the Memory of Participants from the Republic of Moldova. Official and Oral Speech
by Ph.D. Ion XENOFONTOV - 73-78 Modern Jewelry Art of Moldova
by Ph.D. Liliana CONDRATICOVA - 79-89 Regulation of the main principles that govern the family relationships according to the stipulations in the Family Code and the new Civil Code
by Ph.D. Nadia Cerasela DARIESCU - 93-98 Appreciative seminars.Appreciative teaching of Appreciative Inquiry
by Simona PONEA & Bianca VLASA
April 2010, Volume 3
- 5-25 Freedom as a hermeneutical pretext
by Lecturer Ph.D. Antonio SANDU - 27-35 Poetry: primitive form of language in the philosophy of Giambattista Vico
by Ph.D. Gabriela LUNGU - 37-50 Appreciative Management – A Management based on Excellence
by Simona PONEA - 51-63 Roles, responsabilities and situations faced by supervisor
by Bianca VLASA - 65-79 Crisis and the Activity of Communication and Public Relations Department
by Elena Unguru
December 2009, Volume 2
- 5-15 The need for philosophical education in contemporary society
by Ph.D. Antonio SANDU - 17-30 Sign and word on the philosophy of Giambattista Vico
by Gabriela Lungu – Ph.D - 31-38 Study on Jewish Mentality: The Divorce
by Simona Ponea – Researcher Assistent - 39-51 Evaluation of Parental Education Programme “How to become better parents?”
by Bianca VLASA
August 2009, Volume 1
- 5-11 Mentalitatea romaneasca de la homo balcanicus la homo europeus
by Antonio SANDU & Oana BRADU - 13-20 Corruption and Anti-Corruption Strategies: An Assessment Framework
by Octavian ARON - 21-50 The Influence of Trade Unions on Pension Reform in Romania and Hungary: The Role of Ideas, Interests and Institutions in Policy-Making
by Monica BUCURENCIU - 51-58 Globalization and Social Policy
by Monica BUCURENCIU - 59-81 Conversii perceptive in romanul Ion (de Liviu Rebreanu)
by Rodica CALOTA - 83-93 NATO’s Military Intervention in Kosovo and the Diplomatic Alternative
by Iulia Elena SOCEA