- 149 Indeterminacy in a Two-sector Endogenous Growth Model with Productive Government Spending
by Yunfang Hu & Ryoji Ohdoi & Koji Shimomura - 148 The Marketing-product Development Interface - Information Acquisition for Product Development -
by Munehiko Itoh
- 170 Almost sure convergence to zero in stochastic growth models
by Takashi Kamihigashi - 169 Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Imitation - An empirical examination of Japanese FDI in China -
by Kegang You & Seiichi Katayama - 158 A Nonsmooth, Nonconvex Model of Optimal Growth
by Takashi Kamihigashi & Santanu Roy - 147 Coordination and Evolutionary Network Formation with Asymmetric Link Costs: Part One
by Masakazu Fukuzumi - 146 Latin American Export Specialization and Growth: An Inquiry into the Nature of Product Competition between Different Exporters
by Jorge Chami Batista - 145 A Modified Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem under Quasi-Linear Utility Functions
by Kenji Fujiwara & Koji Shimomura - 144 A Note on Transversality Conditions
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - 143 System Architecture Dynamics The case of Japanese Car Navigation Systems
by Munehiko Itoh - 142 Assessing the Lead Market Potential of Countries for Innovation Projects
by Marian Beise & Thomas Cleff - 141 Lead Markets: Drivers of the Global Diffusion of Innovations
by Marian Beise - 140 Almost Sure Convergence to Zero in Stochastic Growth Models
by Takashi Kamihigashi - 139 A Nonsmooth, Nonconvex Model of Optimal Growth
by Takashi Kamihigashi & Santanu Roy - 138 Firm-Level Relationship between Technological Capability and Foreign Direct Investment
by Eiichi Tomiura - 137 Necessity of the Transversality Condition for Stochastic Models with CRRA Utility
by Takashi Kamihigashi - 136 The Economics and Politics of Administered Protection: An Analysis of the Japanese Safeguard System for Agricultural Goods
by Koichi Kagitani & Hirofumi Tominaga & Kozo Harimaya - 135 The Number of Firms and the Politics of Export Subsidy
by Koichi Kagitani - 134 The Origins of New Industries: The Case of the Mobile Internet
by Jeffrey L. Funk
- 133 Changing economic geography and vertical linkages in Japan
by Eiichi Tomiura - 132 Economic Preconditions for Monetary Integration in East Asia
by Junichi Goto - 131 Market Economy Model of Chinese Management -Case of Haier-
by Hideki Yoshihara & Tao Hua Ou-yang - 130 A Factor Endowment Theory of International Trade under Imperfect Competition and Increasing Returns
by Kenji Fujiwara & Koji Shimomura - 129 Determinants of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Adoption and Integration in the US and Japanese Automobile Suppliers
by Sam Kurokawa & Seiji Manabe - 128 Necessity of Transversality Conditions for Stochastic Problems
by Takashi Kamihigashi - 127 Liquidity Trap and the Stability of Money Demand: Is Japan Really Trapped at the Zero Bound?
by Ryuzo Miyao - 126 In Search of Marketing Excellence: Strategy of the Leading Japanese Companies
by Kenji Kojima - 125 The Fall of 'Companyism' in Japanese Corporate System
by Kenji Kojima
- 124 Decline of Japan's Predominance in Asia
by Hideki Yoshihara - 123 A Two-Country Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of Endogenous Growth and International Trade
by Junko Doi & Koji Shimomura - 122 Currency Crises in Asia and Latin America: A Comparison
by Shoji Nishijima - 121 Prospects for Closer Economic Relations between Latin America and Asia
by Akio Hosono & Shoji Nishijima - 120 The Impact of Import Competition on Japanese Manufacturing Employment
by Eiichi Tomiura - 119 A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Interplay between Foreign Direct Investment and Trade Adjustments
by Hiro Lee & Dominique van der Mensbrugghe - 118 Japanese Direct Investment in Latin America in the Nineties
by Eduardo Kiyoshi Tonooka - 117 Trade and Indeterminacy in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
by Koji Shimomura & Kazuo Nishimura - 116 A Simple Proof of the Necessity of the Transversality Condition
by Takashi Kamihigashi
- 115 Necessity of Transversality Conditions for Stochastic Problems
by Takashi Kamihigashi - 114 FSC Certification in Japan: An Uncertain Future
by Akira Kajiwara - 113 Regulation on Gene Diagnosis and Non-Existence of Equilibrium in the Lif/Medical Insurance Market
by Nobuyuki Soga - 112 Existence of an Asymmetric Information Structure in Gene Diagnosis -the Mechanism by which Genetic Discrimination is Induced-
by Nobuyuki Soga - 111 A Differential Game Model of Tariff War
by Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - 110 Commitments and Contests: a Game-Theoretic Perspective on Japanese Vertical Relationships
by Kenji Kojima - 109 International Migration and Trade Liberalization
by Junichi Goto
- 108 Glibal Operationsa Managed by Japanese and in Japanese
by Hideki Yoshihara - 107 The Effects of Monetary Policy in Japan
by Ryuzo Miyao - 106 Long-Term Cooperation in Japanese Vertical Relationships
by Kenji Kojima - 105 Transfer Paradox and Indeterminacy in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of International Trade
by Koji Shimomura - 104 A Dynamic Conjectural Variations Model in the Private Provision of Public Goods: a Differential Game Approach
by Jun-ichi Itaya & Koji Shimomura - 103 General Equilibrium Assessments of Trade Liberalization in APEC Countries
by Hiro Lee & David Roland-Holst & Dominique van der Mensbrugghe - 102 Indeterminancy in a Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin Model
by Kazuo Nishimura & Koji Shimomura - 101 Organizational Leaning Through Reverse Transfer of R&D: Perspectives of the Japanese Overseas Subsidiary
by David T. Methe & Hideki Yoshihara - 100 Sustainability in Resource Economies: Revisited
by Seiichi Katayama
- 99 Non-Performing Assets of Banks and Financial Intermediation: Experiences of Japan in the Inter-War Period
by Munehisa Kasuya - 98 Japanese Supplier Relations: A Comparative Perspective
by Kenji Kojima - 97 Note on the Paradigm Shift in Natural Resource Management in the USA
by Akira Kajiwara - 96 Policy Analysis of Estate Tax Exemption Reform Related to Conservation of Timber Resources in USA
by Akira Kajiwara - 95 A Second Elementary Proposition Concerning: The Formation of Customs Unions
by Murray C. Kemp & Koji Shimomura - 94 Note on the Stability of Long-Run Money Demand: Is the Interest Elasticity Really Constant?
by Ryuzo Miyao - 93 Structural Changes of the Financial System and Corporate Governance in Japan
by Kenji Kojima - 92 Japanse Corporate Governance in Transition
by Kenji Kojima - 91 Shifts in the Japanese Corporate Governance
by Kenji Kojima - 90 Overcoming a Standard Bearer: Challenges to NEC's Personal Computer in Japan
by David Thomas Methe - 89 A Tale of Two PC Industries: Technology, Environment and Managerial Action In Shaping the Japanese and US Personal Computer Industry
by David Thomas Methe - 88 The Kemp-Wan Proposition under Increasing Returns to Scale and Oligopolistic Competition
by Murray C. Kemp & Koji Shimomura
- 87 Chaotic Equilibria in a Small Open Overlapping Generations Economy with Child-Parent Externality
by Kazuo Nishimura & Koji Shimomura - 86 Foreign Direct Investment, Technological Capabilities and Performance in the Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry
by Steven White & Hideki Yoshihara & Xielin Liu - 85 Organizational Dynamics and Strcuture in the Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry: A Technological System Perspective
by Steven White - 84 Imperfect Substitutes and Trade Policy under Cournot Duopoly
by Seiichi Katayama & Hiroshi Ohta - 83 Alternative Transition Trajectories for Complementary Asset Markets in China's Pharmaceutical Industry
by Steven White & Xielin Liu - 82 Factor Income Function and Oligopolistic Heckscher-Ohlin Model in Internationl Trade
by Koji Shimomura - 81 Long-Term Commitment in Japanese Vertical relations
by Kenji Kojima - 80 Education, Moral Hazard, and Endogenous Growth
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - 79 Adaptive Capacity: Linking New Know-How to Innovation and Financial Performance in Late-Follower Firms
by Steven White - 78 Sustainability in Small Open Economies Under Uncertainty
by Seiichi Katayama & Hiroshi Ohta - 77 Trade Gains in Chaotic Equilibrium
by Murray C. Kemp & Koji Shimomura - 76 Regional Economic Integration and Agricultural Trade
by Junichi Goto - 75 Ttechnology Acquisition Choices by State-Owned Entreprises in Transition Economies
by Steven White - 74 Japanese Financial Relationships in Transition
by Kenji Kojima - 73 The influence of New 3-D CAD Systems on Knowledge Creation in Product Development
by Kentaro Nobeoka & Yasunori Baba
- 72 Supplier Relation in Japan: An International Perspective
by Kenji Kojima - 71 A Geometric Approach to the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem
by Koji Shimomura - 70 In-between Management of NIEs Multinational Firms: Taiwanese Firms in Malaysia
by Hideki Yoshihara - 69 Top Management Localization and Performance of Overseas Japanese Companies
by Hideki Yoshihara - 68 Japanese Multinationals (Manufacturing)
by Hideki Yoshihara - 67 Endogenous Growth, Trade, and Specialization under Variable Returns to Scale: The Case of Small Open Economy
by Ngo Vang Long & Kazuo Nishimura & Koji Shimomura - 66 Gains from Trade in a Cournot-Nash General Equibrium
by Murray C. Kemp & Koji Shimomura - 65 Membership Dynamics and Japanese Firms' Strategies for Developing New Technological Capabilities
by Steven White - 64 Shifting Organizational Capabilities to Meet New Performance Criteria: Chinise Pharmaceutical Firms in Transition
by Steven White - 63 Regional Economic Integration and Endogenous Policy Reform: The "Special" Case of Developing Asia
by Michael G. Plummer - 62 Hartwick's Rule in Small Open Economies under Uncertainty
by Seiichi Katayama & Hiroshi Ohta - 61 Is the Monopolist the Friend of the Conservationist? Two Remarks on the Hotelling-Solow Paradox
by Seiichi Katayama & Fumioshi Abe - 60 Long-Run Effects of Real,Monetary and Exchange Rate Disturbances The Case of Japan
by Ryuzo Miyao - 59 Regional Economic Integration and Article XXIV of the GATT
by Junichi Goto & Koichi Hamada - 58 How Small Are the Long-Run Effects of Aggregate Demand Disturbances?
by Ryuzo Miyao - 57 The Existence of a Threshold in a Small Open Economy with Non-Convex Technology
by Ngo Van Long & Kazuo Nishimura & Koji Shimomura
- 56 The Influence of Customer Scope on Supplier's Performance in the Japanese Automobile Industry
by Kentaro Nobeoka - 55 The Law of Comparative Advantage without Social Utility Functions
by Koji Shimomura & Kar-yiu Wong - 54 Alternative Component Sourcing Strategies within the Manufacturer-Supplier Network : Benefits of Quasi-Market Strategy in the Japanese Automobile Industry
by Kentaro Nobeoka - 53 The Functions of Consolidated Financial Statements in Japan
by Akira Kajiwara - 52 Sources of Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Japan, 1975-1994
by Ryuzo Miyao - 51 Characteristic Development of Japanese Corporate Financial Behavior Affecting and Responding to the Changes in Accounting Standards
by Hidetoshi Yamaji - 50 A Lesson of International Accounting from Railroad Regulation in the United States in the Nineteenth Century
by Hidetoshi Yamaji - 49 Cooperation or Rivalry? Achieving Global Economic Order A Policy Report
by Shoji Nishijima & Peter H. Smith - 48 Reorganizing for Multi-Project Management Toyota's New Structure of Product Development Centers
by Kentaro Nobeoka - 47 Economic Integration and the Welfare of Those Who Are Left Behind An Asian Perspective
by Junichi Goto & Koichi Hamada - 46 Bertrand Equilibria Reconsidered
by Koji Shimomura
- 45 An International Perspective on Japanese Corporate Finance
by Kenji Kojima - 44 Business Ethics of Korean and Japanese Managers
by Chong-Yeong Lee & Hideki Yoshihara - 43 A New Set of Equivalent Conditions for a Given NxN Stochastic Matrix to be Minkowski or Metzler
by Koji Shimomura - 42 Does a Cointegrating M2 Demand Relation Really Exist in Japan?
by Ryuzo Miyao - 41 Regional Trade Groupings and the National Interest of Japan and the United States Perspectives on an Asian Trading Bloc, Expanded NAFTA, and Asia-Pacific Free Trade
by Robert K. Mccleery & Shoji Nishijima - 40 Adaptive Capacity: The Dynamic Effects of Real, Money Demand and Money Supply Disturbances
by Ryuzo Miyao - 39 The Dynamic Effects of Real, Money Demand and Money Supply Disturbances
by Ryuzo Miyao - 38 Does A Long-run M2 Demand Relation Really Exist in the United States? Evidence from Cointegration Tests
by Ryuzo Miyao - 37 Multi-Project Strategy and Market-Share Growth The Benefits of Rapid Design Transfer in New Product Development
by Kentaro Nobeoka & Michael A. Cusumano - 36 Multi-Project Strategy and Market-Share Growth The Benefits of Rapid Design Transfer in New Product Development
by Kentaro Nobeoka & Michael A. Cusumano - 35 The Economic Impact of Migrant Workers on the Host Country : Theory and Application to Japan
by Junichi Goto - 34 Corporate Governance An International Comparison. 1
by Kenji Kojima
- 33 A Geometric Approach to the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem in the 4×4 Heckscher-Ohlin Model
by Koji Shimomura - 32 Economic Issues in International Debt Problem
by Hideki Izawa - 31 Economic Preconditions for the Asian Regional Integration
by Junichi Goto & Koichi Hamada
- 30 The Impact of EC92 on the Japanese Economy. A Simple Analytical Framework under Imperfect Competition
by Junichi Goto - 29 Durable Consumption Goods, Variable Time Preference, and the Pattern of International Trade
by Koji Shimomura - 28 Building Responsive and Intelligent Organization through Information Technology
by Kenji Kojima - 27 Australian Financial Market and the Asia-Pacific
by Kenichi Ishigaki - 26 Dynamic Games in a Two-Country Model Simulation Analysis
by Hideki Izawa
- 25 A Formal Analysis of Migrant Workers in Japan
by Junichi Goto - 24 Technology Transfer to and from Korea: Results of a Fact-Finding Survey
by Sikander Khan - 23 VIET NAM Personal experiences: Investment Environment and Opportunities in VIET NAM
by Sikander Khan - 22 Local Participation and English: Japanese Multinational Corporation and Information
by Hideki Yoshihara - 21 Local Entrepreneurship and Reverse Technology Transfer: Messages from Foreign Companies in Japan
by Hideki Yoshihara - 20 The Long-Term Relationship in the Japanese Distribution System Game-Theoretic Viewpoints
by Kenji Kojima - 19 Marketing Strategy of BMW in Japan The Keys to Success in the Japanese Market
by Lin Huang - 18 Development of Information Technology and Competitive Advantage
by Kenji Kojima - 17 Investment and Regulation; Increasing Returns to Scale and Adjustment Costs Clauses
by Seiichi Katayama
- 16 Industrial Policy under International Oligopoly
by Kenji Kojima
- 15 External Debt, Real Exchange Rate and Budget Deficit in Latin American Countries
by Shoji Nishijima
- 14 Reconsideration of Averch-Johnson Argument
by Seiichi Katayama & Fumio Abe - 13 A Reconciliation Account for Analysing Hyperinflation In Land Price
by Nobuko Nose
- 12 Foreign Exchange Rate and International Investments
by Kazuhiro Igawa
- 11 Demand for Foreign Money Related to Transactions Costs
by Kazuhiro Igawa - 10 Perfect Capital Mobilities under Alternative Exchange Rate Systems
by Kazuhiro Igawa
- 9 Bridgeston's Overseas Operations in Southeast Asia
by Hikoji Katano - 8 Ownership of Japanese Joint Venture and Technology Transfer
by Hikoji Katano - 7 Change in Share of Ownership and Technology Transfer
by Hikoji Katano
- 6 Personnel Practices of Japanese Companies in Thailand
by Hideki Yoshihara - 5 Japanese Business Abroad Past, Present and Future
by Hideki Yoshihara - 4 National Income and Expenditure at Factor Cost in Japan 1955-1970 A Macro-Accounting for Growing Economy
by Nobuko Nose - 3 Statistical Supplement Analysis of World Trade Structure in the 1960's
by Hikoji Katano - 2 The Role of Japanese Trading Companies in the External Trade of Thailand
by Hikoji Katano - 1 Uncertainty in Accounting Data and the Probabilistic Accounting Measurements
by Isao Nakanko