- 14-07 Across The Great Divide: The Economy Of The Inland Corridor
by Lionel Frost - 13-07 Exchange Rate Variability And The Export Demand For Malaysia'S Semiconductors: An Empirical Study
by Koi Nyen Wong & Tuck Cheong Tang - 12-07 Does Exchange Rate Variability Affect The Causation Between Foreign Direct Investment And Electronics Exports? An Empirical Test Using Malaysian Data
by Koi Nyen Wong & Tuck Cheong Tang - 11-07 New Evidence On The Causal Linkages Between Foreign Direct Investment, Exports And Imports In Malaysia
by Koi Nyen Wong & Tuck Cheong Tang - 10-07 Does Democracy Facilitate Economic Growth Or Does Economic Growth Facilitate Democracy? An Empirical Study Of Sub-Saharan Africa
by Paresh Narayan & Seema Narayan & Russell Smyth - 09-07 Globalisation And Child Labour: Evidence From India
by Mita Bhattacharya - 08-07 Dams And Disputes: Water Institutions In Colonial New South Wales, Australia, 1850-1870
by Edwyna Harris - 07-07 Planning For The End Of The Construction Boom And Transition To A Normal Economy In Aceh And Nias
by Robert Rice - 06-07 Communication And Coordination In The Laboratory Collective Resistance Game
by Timothy N. Cason & Vai-Lam Mui - 05-07 Copyright Protection And Innovation In The Presence Of Commercial Piracy
by Dyuti S. Banerjee & Teyu Chou - 04-07 Adjustment Of Pricing: Evidence From Indian Manufacturing
by Mita Bhattacharya & Michael Olive - 03-07 A Survey Of Recent Developments In The Literature Of Finance And Growth
by James B. Ang - 02-07 Are Financial Sector Policies Effective In Deepening The Malaysian Financial System?
by James B. Ang - 01-07 Economic Growth, Tfp Convergence And World Exports Of Ideas: A Century Of Evidence
by Jakob B. Madsen
- 16/06 Population Ageing And Labour Supply Prospects In China From 2005 To 2050
by Xiujian Peng & Dietrich Fausten - 15/06 Public Goods, Corruption And Growth???
by Ratbek Dzhumashev - 14/06 Evolution Of Dollar/Euro Exchange Rate Before And After The Birth Of Euro And Policy Implications
by Heng Chen & Dietrich K. Fausten & Wing-Keung Wong - 13/06 The Relationship Between Female Labour Force Participation And Fertility In G7 Countries: Evidence From Panel Cointegration And Granger Causality
by Vinod Mishra & Ingrid Nielsen & Russell Smyth - 12/06 Lobbying For Legislation: An Examination Of Water Rights Transition In Colonial Victoria, Australia 1840-1886
by Edwyna Harris - 11/06 Asian Financial Crisis, Avian Flu And Terrorist Threats: Are Shocks To Malaysian Tourist Arrivals Permanent Or Transitory?
by Hooi Hooi Lean & Russell Smyth - 10/06 THE EFFECTS OF FOREIGN AID ON THE CREATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH Wenli Cheng, Dingsheng Zhang and Heng-Fu Zou
by Wenli Cheng & Dingsheng Zhang & Heng-Fu Zou - 09/06 How Should A Public Good Be Provided? A Transaction Cost Approach
by Wenli Cheng & Dingsheng Zhang - 08/06 Demand For Malaysia'S Exports: Evidence From The Electronics Industry
by Koi Nyen Wong - 07/06 Moral Outrage
by Elias Khalil - 06/06 Weakness Of Will
by Elias Khalil - 05/06 Communication, Advice and Beliefs in an Experimental Public Goods Game
by Ananish Chaudhuri & Pushkar Maitra & Susan Skeath - 04/06 Financial Development, Capital Accumulation And Productivity Improvement: Evidence From China
by Xun Lu & Dietrich Fausten & Russell Smyth - 03/06 Measuring Human Wellbeing And Advancing Sustainable Development: How Credible Are The Undp'S Human Development Reports?
by Chieko Tokuyama & J. Ram Pillarisetti - 02/06 An Experimental Analysis of Group Size and Risk Sharing
by Ananish Chaudhuri & Lata Gangadharan & Pushkar Maitra - 01/06 Panel Data, Cointegration, Causality And Wagner'S Law: Empirical Evidence From Chinese Provinces
by Paresh Kumar Narayan & Ingrid Nielsen & Russell Smyth - archive-44 Subsidizing Charitable Contributions in the Field: Evidence from a Non-Secular Charity
by Catherine C. Eckel & Philip J. Grossman - archive-40 The Impact of Immigration on Native Workers in Australia
by Jaai Parasnis & Dietrich Fausten & Russell Smyth - archive-38 Laboratory experiments on corruption
by Klaus Abbink - archive-23 Gorman Engel Curves for Incomplete Demand Systems
by Jeffrey T. LaFrance & Timothy K. Beatty & Rulon D. Pope - archive-10 Do Donors Care about Subsidy Type? An Experimental Study
by Catherine C. Eckel & Philip J. Grossman
- 22/05 Household Composition and Schooling of Rural South African Children: Sibling Synergy and Migrant Effects
by Katy Cornwell & Brett Inder & Pushkar Maitra & Anu Rammohan - 21/05 Some Economic Effects of Changes to Gate-Sharing Arrangements in the Australian Football League
by Ross Booth - 20/05 Would Outsourcing Increase or Decrease Wage Inequality? Two Models, Two Answers
by Wenli Cheng & Dingsheng Zhang - 19/05 Welfare, Population Growth and Dynamic Inefficiency in an OLG Framework
by Daniel Mulino - 18/05 Is there a Natural Rate of Crime?
by Paresh Kumar Narayan & Ingrid Nielsen & Russell Smyth - 17/05 International Demonstration Effect and Domestic Division of Labour: A Simple Model
by Po-Ting Liu & Guang-Zhen Sun - 16/05 Revisiting Calender Anomolies in Asian Stock Markets Using a Stochastic Dominance Approach
by Lean Hooi Hooi & Wong Wing Keung & Russell Smyth - 15/05 Why Might a Country Want to Develop its Comparative Disadvantage Industries?
by Wenli Cheng & Dingsheng Zhang - 14/05 Exploiting Gossen's Second Law: A Simple Proof of the Euler Equation and the Maximum Principle
by Guang-zhen Sun - 13/05 Firm Compliance with Social Insurance Obligations where there is a Weak Surveillance and Enforcement Mechanism: Empirical Evidence from Shanghai
by Pushkar Maitra & Ingrid Nielsen & Chris Nyland & Russell Smyth & Cherrie Zhu - 12/05 Can Productivity Progress in China hurt the US ? Professor Samuelson's Example Extended
by Wenli Cheng & Dingsheng Zhang - 11/05 Growth Accounting for the Chinese Provinces 1990-2000: Incorporating Human Capital Accumulation
by Xiaolei Qian & Russell Smyth - 10/05 Bivariate Causality between Exchange Rates and Stock Prices on Major Asian Countries
by Hooi-Hooi Lean & Marwan Halim - 09/05 Robust Estimation of Multiple Regression Model with Non-normal Error: Symmetric Distribution
by Wing-Keung Wong & Guorui Bian - 08/05 Prospect and Markowitz Stochastic Dominance
by Wing-Keung Wong & Raymond H. Chan - 07/05 Elasticity of risk aversion and international trade
by Udo Broll & Jack E. Wahl & Wing-Keung Wong - 06/05 Are Shocks To Energy Consumption Permanent Or Temporary? Evidence From 182 Countries
by Paresh Kumar Narayan & Russell Smyth - 05/05 Domestic And Global Sourcing
by Wenli Cheng & Dingsheng Zhang - 04/05 Using Turn Taking to Mitigate Conflict and Coordination Problems in the Repeated Battle of the Sexes Game
by Sau-Him Paul lau & Vai-Lam Mui - 03/05 The Economic Development Of The Australian Football League
by Ross Booth - 02/05 Comparing Competitive Balance In Australian Sports Leagues, The Afl, Nbl And Nrl: Does The Afl'S Team Salary Cap And Player Draft Measure Up?
by Ross Booth - 01/05 A Review Of Selected Literature In The Economics Of Division Of Labor From 5th Century To Wwii: Part I
by Guang-Zhen Sun - archive-45 Wireless Communications
by Joshua S. Gans & Stephen P. King & Julian Wright
- archive-29 A learning rule for inferring local distributions over space and time
by Stephens M. Stohs & Jeffrey T. LaFrance - archive-07 Giving to Secular Causes by the Religious and Nonreligious: An Experimental Test of the Responsiveness of Giving to Subsidies
by Catherine C. Eckel & Philip J. Grossman
- archive-39 Access Holidays for Network Infrastructure Investment
by Joshua Gans & Stephen King - archive-32 A Model-Based Assessment of India's Progress in Reducing Poverty in the 1990s
by Gaurav Datt & Valerie Kozel & Martin Ravallion - archive-16 Testing the power law model for discrete size data
by Andrew R. Solow & Christopher J. Costello & Michael B. Ward
- archive-03 Sex Differences and Statistical Stereotyping in Attitudes Toward Financial Risk
by Catherine C. Eckel & Philip J. Grossman
- archive-36 A User's Guide to Banking Crises
by John H. Boyd & Pedro Gomis & Sungkyu Kwak & Bruce D. Smith - archive-30 Thinking Like a Game Theorist: Comment
by Nathaniel T. Wilcox & Nick Feltovich - archive-19 The Optimal Size of Public Spending and the Distortionary Cost of Taxation
by Yew-Kwang Ng
- archive-31 Has Poverty Declined since Economic Reforms? Statistical Data Analysis
by Gaurav Datt
- archive-37 Social Influence in the Sequential Dictator Game
by Timothy N. Cason & Vai-Lam Mui
- archive-42 Playing it Safe: Men, Women, and Risk Aversion
by Catherine C. Eckel & Philip J. Grossman & Nancy Lutz & V. Padmanbhan
- archive-33 India's Checkered History in Fight against Poverty: Are There Lessons for the Future?
by Martin Ravallion & Gaurav Datt - archive-13 The distribution of Federal grants-in-aid: the increasing importance of PACS relative to state and local political parties
by Philip J. Grossman
- archive-46 Public Grazing in the West and "Rangeland Reform '94"
by Jeffrey T. LaFrance & Myles J. Watts - archive-41 Is Targeting Through a Work Requirement Efficient? Some Evidence for Rural India
by Martin Ravallion & Gaurav Datt
- archive-24 Cows, Cowboys, and Controversy: The Grazing Fee Issue
by Myles J. Watts & Jeffrey T. LaFrance
- archive-26 Weak Separability in Applied Welfare Analysis
by Jeffrey T. LaFrance - archive-18 Tourism, economic welfare and efficient pricing
by Harry R. Clarke & Yew-Kwang Ng
- archive-35 Consumer's surplus versus compensating variation revisited
by Jeffrey T. LaFrance - archive-14 Explaining intergovernmental grants: Australian evidence
by Mel Bungey & Peter Kenyon & Philip J. Grossman
- archive-15 Fiscal Competition among States in Australia: The Demise of Death Duties
by Philip J. Grossman - archive-11 The impact of federal and state grants on local government spending: A test of the fiscal illusion hypothesis
by Philip J. Grossman
- archive-21 The Dual Structure of Incomplete Demand Systems
by Jeffrey T. LaFrance & W. Michael Hanemann - archive-12 Intergovernmental grants and grantor government own-purpose expenditures
by Philip J. Grossman - archive-08 Federalism and the Size of Government
by Philip J. Grossman - archive-05 Fiscal Decentralization and Government Size: An Extension
by Philip J. Grossman
- archive-04 Government and Economic Growth: A Non-Linear Relationship
by Philip J. Grossman
- archive-06 The Optimal Size of Government
by Philip J. Grossman
- archive-28 The Structure of Constant Elasticity Demand Models
by Jeffrey T. LaFrance
- archive-34 Regulation in a Dynamic Market: The U.S. Dairy Industry
by Jeffrey T. LaFrance & Harry D. Gorter
- archive-25 An Econometric Model of Cattle Inventories
by Randal R. Rucker & Oscar R. Burt & Jeffrey T. LaFrance - archive-20 Interpersonal level comparability implies comparability of utility differences
by Yew-Kwang Ng