- 215-223 Analysis of public relations’ influence on the Romanian academic environment
by Nicoleta CRISTACHE & Carmen OPRIT MAFTEI & Georgeta Beatrice PETRACHE LANG & Cosmin MATIS - 224-228 Predictive modeling organizational change – using Big Data
by Ioana LAZARESCU & Gabriela GHEORGHE - 229-237 Using the focus group method to determine the adults’ needs for continuous professional development
by Geanina COLAN & Monica RADUCAN & Georgeta Beatrice PETRACHE LANG & Irina SUSANU - 238-241 The legal and economic framework of investing in production of solar energy in Romania
by Florentina MOISESCU - 242-251 The digital economy based on networked and intelligent ICTs
by Vasile MAZILESCU - 252-259 Income inequality. Literature review
by Arabela ICHIM & Mihaela NECULITA & Daniela Ancuta SARPE - 260-266 The planning of a network company activity
by Cristina ZAMFIR - 267-275 The impact of new technologies in the field of tourism services
by Vasile MAZILESCU - 276-280 Freelancing, the solution of employees in the context of the technological revolution
by Daniela DAMIAN - 281-289 Introducing the Blue Economy concept in the Romanian nearshore
by Catalin ANTON & Carmen GASPAROTTI & Eugen RUSU - 290-294 The advantage of using the MySMIS 2014 application to access non-reimbursable funds in Romania during the programming period 2014-2020
by Ovidiu MOCANU & Carmen GASPAROTTI - 295-300 The influence of human capital on economic growth
by Simona LIPOVESCHI BROASCA - 301-310 Organizational behavior from the perspective of the paradigme strategy-structure-performance (SSP) in the banking system
by Gabriel CROITORU & Valentina Ofelia ROBESCU & Ion STEGAROIU & Oana OPRISAN - 311-315 The process of integrating Romania in the Schengen Area from the perspective of the Romanian Border Police
by Florin-Fanel NICU - 316-320 The values of the internal audit in the framework corporate governance
by Stefan Nicolae SIMESCU - 321-324 Ukraine – EU foreign investments: Theoretical and applied aspects
by Nataliia KRIUCHKOVA & Svetlana SHANDRU - 325-329 Evolution of the human resources management in the pre-university education
by Marilena Cristina NITU & Carmen GASPAROTTI - 330-342 The union between traditional products and tourism, a platform of revitalisation of a category of villages from Romania on the principles of sustainability
by Ionica SOARE - 343-349 Research on the presence of fishery products in the Moldovan diet’
by Mihaela MUNTEANU PILA & Silvius STANCIU - 350-354 Pharmaceutical entrepreneurship, a new challenge after the new tax measures
by Doina MARGARITTI - 355-366 Is the old communist brand preferred by the young consumers? A country of origin study case with multimethod analysis
by Manuela Rozalia GABOR & Flavia Dana OLTEAN - 367-376 The experimental modeling for the analysis of the impact of international organizations on the national economy, in the context of the globalization
by Ludmila Daniela MANEA & Florina Oana VIRLANUTA & Valentin SAVA
- 1-8 Education in the Contemporary Economy and Society. Risks and Challenges
by Sebastian Cristian CHIRIMBU & Eduard IONESCU - 9-29 The Statistical Connector between the Health Expenditures and the Life Expectancy, in United States
by Gabriela OPAIT - 30-36 Management of Educational Paradigms within the Framework of Contemporary Educational Strategies
by Eduard IONESCU & Sebastian Cristian CHIRIMBU - 37-58 Comparative Statistical Analysis Concerning „The Boom” of the Medical Equipments and Technologies, between United States and Germany
by Gabriela OPAIT - 59-73 Premises and Consequences of the Adoption of the Euro as the Single Currency in Romania
by Violeta Elena DRAGOI & Lucretia Mariana CONSTANTINESCU & Larisa Elena PREDA - 74-82 Adults’ Educational Needs and Continuous Professional Development
by Geanina COLAN & Marilena RAPA & Diamanta BULAI & Monica RADUCAN - 83-94 The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Performance of Organizations
by Nicoleta CRISTACHE & Irina Olimpia SUSANU & Adrian Ciprian GHINEA & Ana Maria STAN & Marius George MUNTEANU - 95-112 The Behavior of Stock Prices during Lent and Advent
by Ramona DUMITRIU & Razvan STEFANESCU - 113-123 Identifying the Wastes from the Romanian Healthcare System using the Lean Approach
by Cosmin DOBRIN & Ruxandra DINULESCU & Adriana DIMA - 124-134 Corporate Governance and Related Parties Transactions - Evidence from Romanian Listed Companies
by Iuliana Oana MIHAI & Riana Iren RADU & Violeta ISAI - 135-145 Considerations Regarding the Assessment Capacity and Recognition in Accounting of Human Capital
by Riana Iren RADU & Iuliana Oana MIHAI & Violeta ISAI - 146-156 Approaches Regarding the Application of ISQC1 and ISA 220 in the Audit Activity
by Riana Iren RADU & Iuliana Oana MIHAI - 157-163 Strategic Management of Cerebral Arachnoid Cysts in Children in the Era of Globalisation
by Eva-Maria COJOCARU & Victorita STEFANESCU - 164-171 Information Security - A Growing Challenge for Online Business
by Gabriela GHEORGHE & Ioana LUPASC - 172-183 Combating Fraud in the European Union and in Romania
by Gabriela GHEORGHIU & Cerasela Elena SPATARIU - 184-192 Information and Communication Technologies for the Safety and Security of Fish and Fishery Products
by Liliana Mihaela MOGA - 193-216 Entrepreneurial Resilience, Factor of Influence on the Function of Entrepreneur
by Gabriel CROITORU & Mircea DUICA & Ofelia ROBESCU & Valentin RADU & Oana OPRISAN - 217-225 The Impact of Standardization on Growth of Performances of Human Resources within an Organization
by Constanta POPESCU & Roxana SURCEL GEORGESCU - 226-239 Cross-Cultural Evidence on Students' Perceptions of Experiential Learning
by Alexandrina TANVUIA & Matthew REILLY & Alexandru CAPATINA & Adrian MICU & Angela Eliza MICU - 240-249 The Impact of Development in Forestry Related Activities on Local Economy
by Florin-Octavian MATEI - 250-260 The Project Team: Features, Effectiveness and Leadership
by Ramona-Elena GABREA & Catalin-Ionut LASCAIE & Delia-Mioara POPESCU & Alin-Iulian TUCMEANU - 261-273 Entrepreneurship in the Tourism Sector: A Risky Activity in French Overseas Departments?
by Hugues SERAPHIN & Manuela PILATO & Claudio BELLIA - 274-283 The Mobbing Phenomene and its Impact on the Employees Activity
by Georgiana Tatiana BONDAC & Maria Luiza HRESTIC & Crenguta Ileana SINISI - 284-292 Transforming the Banking Organization in the Context of Digital Economy
by Oana-Mihaela ILIE & Constanta POPESCU & Silvia Elena IACOB - 293-303 Relationship Between Supply Chain Risks: An Empirical Work
by Mustafa UNGAN - 304-320 Influences of the Capital Structure and the Cost of Capital on Financial Performance. Case Study on ENGIE Group
by Elena Valentina IVASCU & Nicoleta BARBUTA-MISU - 321-328 The Nitrification Capacity of Different Types of Biological Filters - An Overview
by Ahmed EL-SHESHTAWY & Abdallah SALAH & Mostafa Abdel RAHMAN IBRAHIM & Dorina Nicoleta MOCUTA & Adrian TUREK RAHOVEANU & Ana Maria HOSSU - 329-337 Analysis of Agriculture in the Socio-Economic Context of the Romanian Rural Environment
by Iulia GRADINARU CRISTEA & Dorina MOCUTA - 338-346 Rural Tourism - Alternative to the Development of Rural Areas
by Maria Cristina PAIU & Adrian TUREK RAHOVEANU - 347-356 Culture of Lavender: Investment for Health, Beauty and Food
by Stelica CRISTEA & Georgia BOROS-IACOB - 357-363 The Intangible Assets, the Hidden Wealth of the Romanian Companies
by Florentina MOISESCU & Silvia-Aurora TITOR - 364-373 Impact of Globalization on the Romanian Labor Market
by Ramona Mariana CALINICA - 374-382 The Effects of the Globalization on the Labor Market in Republic of Moldova
by Ramona Mariana CALINICA - 383-396 Food Quality in Romania. Compliant or Not with Food Quality in Western Europe?
by Silvius STANCIU - 397-414 Analysis of Influence of Ethical Principles on the Performance of Health Care System
by Irina Olimpia SUSANU & Nicoleta CRISTACHE & Diana Elena ZAHARIA STEFANESCU & Tiberius STANCIU & Tiberiu Ilidor PLESA - 415-422 Transfer Pricing - An Innovative Approach
by Ramona MAXIM & Florentina MOISESCU - 423-433 Sustainable Rural Development through Promoting Non-Agricultural Activities
by Maria Magdalena TUREK RAHOVEANU & Luxita RISNOVEANU - 434-446 Romanian Health System on the National Statistical Data
by Cezar Ionut BICHESCU & Mariana CHIVU & Silvius STANCIU - 447-455 Academic Marketing
by Ecaterina Daniela ZECA - 456-464 Development Smart Water Aquaponics Model
by Gheorghe Adrian ZUGRAVU & Kamel Ibrahim KAMEL & Maria Magdalena TUREK RAHOVEANU & Marian Tiberiu COADA & Stefan Mihai PETREA & Alexandru Cristian BANDI & Mirela CRETU & Ira Adeline CHIHAIA - 465-478 Performance Audit, an Independent Assessment Instrument for the Management of Public Institutions
by Iliodor Tiberiu PLESA - 479-490 The Equestrian Tourism Valorisation in Romania
by Violeta Andreea ANDREIANA & Lucretia Mariana CONSTANTINESCU & Maria Cristina STEFAN - 491-506 End Users and ERP Systems’ Success. Three Models
by Gianina MIHAI - 507-521 Leadership Approaches – a Comparative Analysis
by George-Eduard NECULAE & Sofia DAVID - 522-531 Developing Customer Trust in E-Commerce Using Inbound Marketing Strategies
by Adrian MICU & Marius GERU & Angela-Eliza MICU - 532-544 Shale Gas Exploitation: Challenges for Development in Algeria
by Boualem Ammar CHEBIRA & Lynda AMIRAT - 545-552 Analysis the Aquaculture Situation in the European Union
by Mihaela NECULITA - 553-562 Features of Leadership in Cultural Institutions. Case Study: Arges County Museums
by Iuliana TALMACIU & Diana Elena ZAHARIA STEFANESCU - 563-578 An Expert System for a Business Problem
by Vasile MAZILESCU - 579-604 Socio-Economic Costs of Affective Disorders in Romania
by Valentin Marian ANTOHI & Florin Marian BUHOCIU & Daniela Gabriela GLAVAN & Cristina COTOCEL & Mihail Cristian PIRLOG - 605-617 Transfer Pricing - between Optimization and International Tax Evasion
by Valentin SAVA & Manuela Violeta TUREATCA - 618-626 Territorial Structures for Transborder Development; Efficiency and Financing
by Florin-Marian BUHOCIU & George SCHIN & Dragos Horia BUHOCIU & Valentin Marian ANTOHI - 627-644 The Appearance and Development of Wine Tourism in Romania
by Mihaela-Carmen MUNTEAN & Rozalia NISTOR - 645-657 Employment and Entrepreneurship. Strategic Orientations in Current Economic and Social Development
by Daniela NECHITA - 658-666 Opportunities for Regional Development of the National Territory
by Daniela NECHITA & Ludmila Daniela MANEA & Florina Oana VIRLANUTA
- 11-18 The Perception of Entrepreneurial and 3rd Generation University in Turkey
by Deniz Zungun & Harun Gumus - 19-24 Pivot Tables - Toolkit: the Constraints to the Business Development in the Former Socialist EU Countries from the Central and Eastern Europe between (2008-2016)
by Ecaterina Daniela Zeca - 25-34 Comparative Statistical Analysis Regarding the Shares of the Research-Development Expenditures from the Gross Domestic Product Between Romania, French and Germany
by Gabriela Opait - 35-40 Aspects Regarding the Use of Coco Model for Public Entities’ Internal Control
by Madalina Beldiman - 41-45 Effects of Regional Policy in Romania
by Florina-Oana Virlanuta & Ludmila-Daniela Manea - 46-49 Shipments of 2015 in Romania
by Florin Dobre - 50-57 Cases when Criminal Action Stops for not being well Grounded
by Marian Alexandru - 58-63 New Approaches Factor in Economic Theory of Work
by Ludmila-Daniela Manea & Florina-Oana Virlanuta & Daniela Nechita - 64-69 The Judicial Control on Bail
by Marian Alexandru - 70-74 Cargo Contract
by Florin Dobre - 75-78 Hedging – The Use of Cautious Language in Academic Research Papers Written by Non-native English Authors
by Carmen Oprit-Maftei - 80-89 Analysis of Correlating Competencies Required on the Romanian and European Union IT Workforce Markets
by Cristian Georgescu - 90-97 Logical Aspects Regarding the Conception of Intelligent Systems
by Vasile Mazilescu - 98-103 Web-Based Tools in Education
by Lupasc Adrian - 104-109 SaaS Model, Virtualization and Information Safety - Challenge for Online Business
by Ioana Lupasc & Gabriela Gheorghe - 110-117 Mobile Commerce
by Maria Cristina Enache - 118-123 Informatics Solutions for Data Processing of Electricity Consumption Optimization in Smart Grids
by Simona-Vasilica Oprea & Adela Bara - 124-131 Increasing the Decision Making Capacities Based on an Inference-Event Algorithm for Artificial Agents
by Vasile Mazilescu - 133-138 Causes of Resistance to Change. What Managers Should Do?
by Ion Stegaroiu & Iuliana Talmaciu - 139-145 Model Analysis on Consumption and Tourist Demand in Galati
by Irina Olimpia Susanu & Monica Raducan - 146-155 Post - Crisis Resilience and Trends in the International Service Exchanges by Romania
by Lucretia Mariana Constantinescu & Maria Cristina Stefan - 156-161 Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior based on Flow Experience
by Alecxandrina Deaconu & Catalina Radu & Alexandra Mihaela Popescu - 162-165 Innovation Management and SMEs Development in Romania
by Robescu Valentina Ofelia & Croitoru Gabriel & Paun Sorin - 166-171 Happiness in the Context of European Human Values
by Paun Maria & Constanta Popescu & Funieru Constanta - 172-178 The Impact of the Human Resources on the Romanian Court of Accounts' Performance
by Ion Stegaroiu & Iliodor Tiberiu Plesa - 179-186 Risk Management and SME's: Needs, Attitudes, Competencies
by Sabina Irimie & Luise Zeininger & Mircea Mihai - 187-191 Strategic Management in Public Administration
by Sorina-Cristina Marin - 202-206 Promoting Mathematics by Software Techniques
by Luminita Caragea & Alina-Gabriela Tepes - 207-212 The Contribution of Education to the Insertion of Vulnerable Groups on the Labour Market
by Constanta Popescu & Diana Serb & Nicoleta Cicioc & Carmen Andreiana - 213-219 The Impact of Brand Awareness on Companies` Marketing Strategies
by Alexandra Zaif - 220-228 Impact of Socially Responsible Marketing on Consumers’ Behaviour
by Nicoleta Cristache & Ciprian Istrate - 229-233 International Crisis Propagation
by Ana-Lucia Ristea & Maria Luiza Hrestic & Constantin Popescu - 234-238 Risk Management related to Privacy Policies of an Online Store
by George Cristian Schin - 239-243 The Visual Image in Managerial Communication
by Tudor Ioan - 244-252 Next manager. Academic Background versus Labor Market Requirements
by Razvan Catalin Dobrea & Camelia Staiculescu - 253-260 The Impact of Motivation on Employees’ Performance and Satisfaction
by Angela-Eliza Micu - 261-265 The Utilisation of Marketing to Support the Strategic Development of Educational Institutions and the Continue Training of Adults
by Geanina Colan & Sofia Totolici - 267-272 Implementing Performance-Based Budgeting in Republic of Moldova
by Maria Ciubotaru & Vasile Hincu - 273-277 Considerations Over the Evaluation of Investment Projects Financed From European Structural Funds
by Mirela Iloiu & Diana Cornelia Csiminga & Sorin Iuliu Mangu - 278-281 The Evaluation of Unincorporated Areas – Particularities and Perspectives on the Real Estate Market
by Madalina Beldiman & Valentina - Mihaela Iurascu & Georgiana Ciobanu - 282-290 The Contribution of Banks towards the Formation of Capital Market Liquidity: the Case of Moldova
by Rodica Hincu & Florin-Marian Buhociu & Marcelina Rosca - 291-296 Aspects Concerning the Relationship between Internal Audit and Fraud Risk
by Ioana Lupasc & Laura-Ana Baragan - 297-305 Pharmaceutical Receivables, the Source of the Pharmaceutical Units Solvency
by Doina Margaritti - 306-314 Determinants of Trade Credit: A Preliminary Analysis on Construction Sector
by Nicoleta Barbuta-Misu & Fitim Deari - 315-319 Annual Financial Statements – the Final Products of Accounting
by Genu Alexandru Caruntu & Gheorgheo Holt - 320-326 The Main Aspects of Implementing the Accumulation Function by the Financial Markets of European Countries
by Svetlana Biloocaia - 327-334 Impact of the NYSE Shocks on the European Developed Capital Markets
by Ramona Dumitriu & Razvan Stefanescu - 335-340 Corporate Social Responsibility between the Aim and the Reality of Implementation in the Romanian Companies
by Marinela - Daniela Manea - 341-351 The Governance of the Operational Risk Indicators
by Angelica Stratulat & Monica Susanu - 352-358 A Study of Segment Reporting Practices: Empirical Evidence from Romania’s Banks
by Mariana Vlad - 359-368 The Determinants Factors of the Capital Cost – Evidence from 5 EU Countries
by Georgiana Sterea & Nicoleta Barbuta-Misu - 369-377 The Dynamics and Structural Changes of Foreign Direct Investments In Romania – before and after the Recent Global Crisis
by Ramona Mariana Calinica & Viorica Ioan - 378-384 Contrarian and Momentum Profits during Periods of High Trading Volume preceded by Stock Prices Shocks
by Razvan Stefanescu & Ramona Dumitriu - 385-392 The Approach based on the Income in the Context of the Real Estate Ownership
by Mihaela Onica - 393-399 Transfer Pricing Documentation – A Current Issue
by Violeta Isai & Ramona Maxim - 400-405 Cloud Accounting In Romania. A Literature Review
by Maria Cristina Bosoteanu - 406-411 A Literature Review of Accounting and Auditing Related Parties Tranzactions
by Iuliana Oana Mihai & Riana Iren Radu - 412-416 New Developing Methodologies for Strategic and Operational Limits in the European and Romanian Banking System
by Stratulat Angelica - 417-422 The Management of Disinvestment Decision and its Impact on Financial Statements
by Moisescu Florentina & Persicov Oana - 423-430 New Leverage for Increasing Tax Revenues in Turkey: Traditional Tax Applications Supported by Electronic Tax Audits
by Ozge Onkan - 431-436 Some Accounting Aspects regarding the Elections Campaigns in Romania
by Riana Iren Radu & Iuliana Oana Mihai - 437-441 Evaluation Methods of the Real Estate Goods
by Bleoju Gianita & Madalina Beldiman & Georgiana Maciuca & Alina Mihaela Dima - 442-444 The Analysis of Restrictions System in the Financial Position Management and Financial Performances of the Company
by Gheorgheo Holt & Genu Alexandru Caruntu - 445-450 REPO Operations - a Way to Adjust Liquidity Crisis on Banking Institutions
by Lucean Mihalcea & Andrei-Mirel Florea - 451-457 The Methodology of Direct Comparison in the Context of Movable Goods Evaluation
by Cristina Mihaela Onica - 458-463 Intangible Wealth, between Recognition and Evaluation
by Florentina Moisescu & Oana Lupoae - 465-473 Gold Nanoparticles as a Novel Tool for Detection of Pathogens
by Ahmed El-sheshtawy & Nader Y. Moustafa & Maged El-kemary & Abdullah Salah & Hatem Soliman - 474-486 The Importance of Enviroment European Funds Implementation towards Ensuring Durable Economic Development in Romania
by Valentin Marian Antohi & Daniela Girneata & Elena Sorina Munteanu - 487-492 Opportunities and Conditionality in the Development of Fishing Communities in the Lower Prut
by Daniela Nechita - 493-498 Renewable Energy in Romania after 2007
by Daniela Enachescu - 499-505 Priorities and Economic Development Projects in the Danube Region from Romania within the Context of Implementing the European Union Strategy
by Florin-Marian Buhociu & George Schin - 506-508 An Overview of Traceability System for Fish Products in Romania
by Liliana Mihaela Moga & Mihaela Neculita - 509-516 Trends in the main Labor Force Indicators in South- East Region of Romania during 1998 -2014 - Effect on Regional Disparities on the Labor Market
by Iulian Adrian Sorcaru - 517-524 A New Trend of Foreign Direct Investment and Sustainable Growth of Emerging Economies
by Pradeep Kumar - 525-530 The Perception of Aquaponics Products in Romania
by Adrian Gheorghe Zugravu & Maria Magdalena Turek Rahoveanu & Adrian Turek Rahoveanu & Mohamed S. Khalel & Mostafa Abdel Rahman Ibrahim - 531-537 The Economic Effect of a Daily Supplementation of carob pods (Ceratonia siliqua L.,) on Rumen Fermentation and Lactating Goats Performance
by Ayman A. Hassan & Mohamed H.Yacout & Mohamed S. Khalel & Turek Rahoveanu Adrian & Mocuta Dorina & Turek Rahoveanu Magdalena - 538-544 The Influence of the Rural Sustainable Development on the Life Quality
by Dorina Nicoleta Mocuta & Adrian Turek Rahoveanu & Maria Magdalena Turek Rahoveanu & Adrian Gheorghe Zugravu & Ionica Soare & Mohamed H.Yacout & Mostafa Abdel Rahman Ibrahim - 545-551 Higher Education and its Financing in the Context of Sustainable Development
by Olga Conencov - 552-559 Correlation of the Structure and Content of Educational and Training Workforce with Current and Future Needs of the Economy
by Loredana Maria Paunescu - 560-563 The Behavior of Contemporary Journalist Oscillates between Socially Responsible Behavior Journalist and the Journalist who Voluntarily Conform Public Opinion and Public Interest
by Daniel Stefanov - 570-575 Corporate Communication in the Top Management Perspective
by Roxana Lucia Mihai - 576-581 SRCF CFR Galati Sustainable Knowledge Capability through Business Intelligence Design
by George Bogdan Dragan
- 12-16 Current Theoretical Framework Of The Human Factor In The Market Economy
by Ludmila-Daniela Manea & Vasile Mazilescu - 17-26 The Relationship Between Romanian Exports And Economic Growth After The Adhesion To European Union
by Ramona Dumitriu & Razvan Stefanescu - 27-31 The Importance Of Carrying Out Complementary Activities In The Lower Prut Area
by Daniela Nechita - 32-37 Social Economy Efficiency
by Florina Oana Virlanuta - 38-43 The Specific Of Smes Innovating Activities In Regional Context. Study Case Romanian’S Development Regions
by Florin-Marian Buhociu - 44-46 The Adoption Of The Traceability System In Romanian Fish Farms
by Liliana Mihaela Moga & Dragos Sebastian Cristea & Valentin Marian Antohi - 48-53 Identifying The Competency Mix Required For The Romanian It Labor Market
by Cristian Georgescu - 54-59 An Analysis On Choosing A Proper Ecommerce Platform
by Radu Lixandroiu & Catalin Maican - 60-64 Academic Motivation For Business Information Systems Students
by Catalin Maican & Radu Lixandroiu - 65-73 An Analysis Of Different Forms Of Intelligence Within Organizations
by Vasile Mazilescu & Ludmila Daniela Manea - 74-80 Statistical Approaches Between The Number Of Inhabitants Per Doctor And The Life Expectancy,In Romania
by Gabriela Opait - 81-89 A Formalism For Fuzzy Business Rules
by Vasile Mazilescu - 90-99 The Intensity Of The Correlation Between The Human Development Index, Respectively The Happy Planet Index And The Life Expectancy, In Romania
by Gabriela Opait - 100-105 Particularities Of The Cultural Dimensions Of Galati County Organizations
by Gabriela Gheorghe & Edit Lukacs & Daniela Sarpe & Ioana Lupasc - 107-114 Perspectives Of Strategic Management Of Romanian Enterprises From The View Of Promoting The Competitive Strategies Of Development
by Gabriel Croitoru & Valentina Ofelia Robescu & Marius Piturlea - 115-119 The Role Of Ethics In Educational Management
by Maria-Luiza Hrestic & Constantin Popescu & Ioana Panagoret - 120-126 Young Smes Insolvency.Theoretical Considerations And Policy Actions
by Sebastian Ion Ceptureanu - 127-134 Connection Between Entrepreneurship And Innovation Into Romanian Small And Medium-Size Enterprises
by Eduard Gabriel Ceptureanu - 135-142 Characteristics Of Management And Leadership In Order To Efficiently Achieve The Organizational Changes Produced By The Economic Crisis
by Iuliana Talmaciu & Ion Stegaroiu & Gabriel Croitoru - 143-152 Human Capital In The Current Labor Market Of Europe
by Diana Elena Serb & Nicoleta Camelia Cicioc - 153-159 The Role Of Networks In Permanent Training
by Geanina Colan - 160-168 Leadership And The Gender Balance: Past, Present And Perspectives
by Alecxandrina Deaconu & Lavina Rasca - 169-176 Building A Competitive Business Intelligence Architecture That Can Foster Performance In The Romanian National Railway Company
by Dragan George Bogdan - 177-186 Comparative Analysis Of The Organizational Structures In Some Eu Countries
by Ioana Raluca Goldbach - 187-191 Internationalization In Higher Education
by Catalina Crisan-Mitra & Anca Borza - 192-199 The Study Of Compulsive Behavior In Online Shopping
by Nicoleta Cristache & Sofia David & Monica Raducan & Severin Florin Lungu - 200-209 Aspects Of Risk Management Introduction In Small And Medium Enterprises
by Luise Zeininger & Sabina Irimie - 210-214 Issues Regarding The Management Of Internal Control/ Managerial And Combating Some Negative Effects In Romanian Public Institutions' Activity
by Ion Stegaroiu & Iliodor Tiberiu Plesa & Oana Panagoret & Stefania Mubben - 215-222 Using The Innovative Software Products In The Companies Management
by Matei Radu Todoran - 223-231 Prospective Analysis Of Education In Dambovita County
by Constanta Popescu & Diana Elena Serb & Carmen Andreiana & Georgeta Gogeanu - 232-238 Inbound And Outbound Marketing Techniques: A Comparison Between Italian And Romanian Pure Players And Click And Mortar Companies
by Elisa Rancati & Federica Codignola & Alexandru Capatina - 239-244 New Institutional Tasks To Efficient Response Against The Ecological Impact Of Climate Change Effects In Romania
by Lucretia Mariana Constantinescu & Mohamed Lamine Lebbou - 245-250 A Banking -Intelligent Management Must Focus To Risks And Performance Of The Banks
by Violeta Elena Dragoi & Larisa Preda - 251-260 The Organizational Culture Specific To The Student-Centred Education
by Remus Dorel Rosca & Maria-Madela Abrudan - 261-265 The Leadership Adaptability Based On The Risk Of Contemporary Economy
by Ion Stegaroiu & Diana Elena Zaharia (Stefanescu) & Stefania Mubeen (Stegaroiu) - 266-270 Fair Value: Utility And Limits
by Valentin Gabriel Cristea - 272-278 Identifying And Quantifying Components Of Transaction Costs In The Banking System
by Cristina Elena Georgescu & Riana Iren Radu - 279-288 The Legal Framework For The Implementation Of Ifrs And Their Implications In The Banking System From Romania
by Anisoara Apetri & Camelia Mihalciuc & Oana Iuliana Mihai - 289-297 Financial Outcome Between Accounting And Fiscality
by Florentina Moisescu & Hij Daniela