- 2025-18 Fondo di garanzia PMI: l'ascesa dalla micro alla macro-politica economica
by Marcello Esposito
- 2022-14 Private equity for the development of smart cities: the Italian case
by Anna Gervasoni & Francesco Bollazzi & Margherita Mietto - 2022-13 Venture Capital for the development of smart cities: the Italian case
by Anna Gervasoni & Cristina De Silva & Michele Lertora & Andrea Odille Bosio - 2022-12 Pandemics, Business Resilience and Sustainability
by Dipak Raj Pant & Stéphane Jedrzejczak
- 2021-11 Servant leadership and employee engagement: a qualitative study
by Alice Canavesi & Eliana Alessandra Minelli - 2021-10 Stock marketsas a network: from description to inference
by Marcello Esposito
- 2020-8 High prices of new drugs: we are ready to do whatever it takes
by Stefano Capri
- 2019-7 Policy issues on crypto-assets
by Carlo Gola & Andrea Caponera
- 2018-5 A multidisciplinary analysis of the Belt and Road Initiative
by Natan Colombo
- 2017-4 Market Reactions to ECB Policy Innovations: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Fausto Pacicco & Luigi Vena & Andrea Venegoni - 307 A proposal for a micro-territorial well-being index: the WIT
by Fausto Pacicco & Massimiliano Serati - 306 The Symmetry of ECB Monetary Policy Impact Under Scrutiny: An Assessment
by Andrea Venegoni & Massimiliano Serati - 305 Full disclosure and financial stability: how does the market digest the transparency shock?
by Fausto Pacicco & Luigi Vena & Andrea Venegoni - 304 L'origine costitutiva dei corpi intermedi, tra economia, politica e selezione naturale
by Michele Tronconi
- 303 Adattarsi per resiliere: Nuovi approcci metodologici ed evidenze empiriche micro territoriali
by Federica Sottrici - 300 Heritage & profits: La storia come vantaggio competitivo per l'impresa
by Daniele Pozzi - 293 Relative Standing and Temporary Migration: Empirical Evidence from the South Caucasus
by Armenak Antinyan & Luca Corazzini
- 290 Building synthetic indicators for aspects of territorial capital
by Michela Martinoia & Tomaso Pompili - 285 L'economia italiana e il paradosso della produttività
by Giuseppe Schlitzer - 281 Costo-efficacia e concorrenza. Senza dolori non ci sono guadagni: reinventare il sistema sanitario in Italia
by Stefano Capri
- 279 Trade effects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
by Elisa Borghi & Rodolfo Helg & Lucia Tajoli - 278 Local resources and territorial performance. Measures of natural, cultural and human capital
by Michela Martinoia - 276 Dalla prudenza alla crescita. Perché e come diversificare la previdenza sociale
by Michele Tronconi
- 268 Integration Contracts and Asset Complementarity: Evidence from US Data
by Paolo Di Giannatale & Francesco Passarelli - 265 The economics of orphan drugs: the case of osteosarcoma treatment
by Stefano Capri - 264 Service offshoring and wages: worker-level evidence from Italy
by Elisa Borghi & Rosario Crinò - 263 Managing the global waste in the 21st century: As an anthropologist views it
by Dipak R. Pant
- 261 Voting chances instead of voting weights
by Paolo Di Giannatale & Francesco Passarelli - 259 Linee di evoluzione della valutazione nei sistemi universitari europei
by Matteo Turri - 258 Spin-offs and clusters: the case of the swimwear manufacturers in the Oleggio industrial district
by Christian Garavaglia - 254 Probably Not the Best Lager in the World: Effect of Brands on Consumers’ Preferences in a Beer Tasting Experiment
by Matteo Maria Galizzi & Christian Garavaglia
- 240 La sfida della rappresentanza: L’ambito specifico di quella industriale
by Michele Tronconi
- 234 Shifting the risk in pricing and reimbursement schemes. A new model of risk-sharing agreements for innovative drugs
by Stefano Capri & Rossella Levaggi - 232 Expo 2015: an impact analysis on international trade
by Gabriele Maria Sada
- 226 Business cycle causation relations for Mercosur countries
by Francesco Grigoli - 224 Trade and Job Reallocation: Evidence for Morocco
by Novella Bottini & Michael Gasiorek - 222 The impact of trade integration on business cycle synchronisation for Mercosur countries
by Francesco Grigoli
- 212 Building composite leading indexes in a dynamic factor model framework: a new proposal
by Massimiliano Serati & Gianni Amisano - 211 Fiscal Federalism: Analysis and Proposal
by Federico Biagi - 210 Modelling electricity prices: from the state of the art to a draft of a new proposal
by Massimiliano Serati & Matteo Manera & Michele Plotegher - 208 The East-West migration in Europe: skill levels of migrants and their effects on the european labour market
by Massimiliano Serati & Michela Martinoia - 207 The entrepreneurial decision: theories, determinants and constraints
by Daniela Grieco - 206 Trade and quality: theoretical and empirical evidence for the euro zone
by Massimiliano Serati
- 199 The Self-Selection in the Migration Process: What Can We Learn?
by Cristina Cattaneo
- 197 The role of information in the relationship between competition and x-inefficiency: theoretical ambiguities of "product market competition"
by Alessandro Graffi - 196 The Determinants of Actual Migration and the Role of Wages and Unemployment in Albania: an Empirical Analysis
by Cristina Cattaneo - 193 Protecting free market entry as a cornerstone of competition policy
by Alessandro Graffi - 185 The effect of monetary policy on asset prices: evidence from Germany and UK
by Elena Corallo
- 182 New comparative advantages in the Central and Eastern European countries
by Alessia Amighini & Stefano Chiarlone - 181 Trade liberalization in the Mediterranean countries: a general equilibrium analysis
by Andrea Gamba - 176 Textile and Apparel: an historical and "glo-cal" perspective. The Italian case from an economic agent's point of view
by Michele Tronconi - 172 The "news" effect on some financial variables
by Elena Corallo - 171 The effect of the war risk: a comparison of the consequences of the two Iraq wars on some financial variables
by Elena Corallo - 170 Reconciling social and industrial goals: a bargaining model to pricing pharmaceuticals
by Stefano Capri & Rosella Levaggi - 167 Patterns of international fragmentation of production and the relative demand for labor
by Rodolfo Helg - 163 A talk about that thing called "economia"
by Giancarlo Origgi
- 161 Intellectual property and the markets of ideas
by Giovanni B. Ramello - 153 Competition in Banking: Switching Costs and the Limits of Antitrust Enforcement
by Giovanni B. Ramello & Donatella Porrini - 150 Risk of the Chinese trade integration for the Italian trade specialisation
by Alessia Amighini & Stefano Chiarlone - 144 The determining factors of entry of new firms into industrial sectors: a survey
by Christian Garavaglia - 141 Pelle sub agnina latitat mens saepe lupina. Copyright in the marketplace
by Giovanni B. Ramello
- 122 Unemployment and labour taxation: an econometric analysis
by Massimiliano Serati & Gianni Amisano - 121 Unemployment persistence in Italy. An econometric analysis with multivariate time varying parameter models
by Gianni Amisano & Massimiliano Serati
- 117 Exclusive Rights and Anticompetitive Behaviours: the Uneasy Case of Copyright and Competition in the European and Italian Antitrust Practice
by Giovanni B. Ramello - 114 Copyright and Antitrust Issues
by Giovanni B. Ramello - 112 Globalization
by Luca De Benedictis & Rodolfo Helg - 111 What goes up sometimes stays up: shocks and institutions as determinants of unemployment persistence
by Gianni Amisano & Massimiliano Serati
- 85 Codified-Tacit and General-Specific Knowledge in the division of labour among firms. A study of the Software Industry
by Salvatore Torrisi & Rosa Grimaldi - 84 Knowledge spillovers and local innovation systems: a critical survey
by Stefano Breschi & Francesco Lissoni
- 78 High growing small and medium sized firms. The Varese province case
by Alessandro Graffi - 77 Export pricing strategy of Italian firms: from the depreciation of the lira to the euro
by Carlo Gola - 75 Import demand with product differentiation: disaggregated estimation of italian sectoral elasticities
by Stefano Chiarlone - 74 The speed of adjustment to PPP: is there any puzzle?
by Rodolfo Helg & Massimiliano Serati - 72 Trade of quality differentiated goods and import elasticities
by Stefano Chiarlone - 71 Working time regulation in european countries
by Daniela Feliziani & Manuela Samek Lodovici - 70 From Seattle to nowhere. Some considerations on the anti-globalisation games
by Rodolfo Helg
- 68 Italian districts in the international economy
by Rodolfo Helg - 61 On the dynamics of trade patterns
by Andrea Brasili & Paolo Epifani & Rodolfo Helg - 60 The introduction of a basic income: a fruitful chance or an insidious trap for the italian labour market? An econometric analysis of the italian case
by Massimiliano Serati
- 59 Globalization and Regional Unemployment Divergence in the EU Countries
by Paolo Epifani - 57 Agglomeration economies, knowledge spillovers, technological diversity and spatial clustering of innovations
by Stefano Breschi - 51 On the determinants of italian trade pattern
by Paolo Epifani
- 48 Efficiency and antitrust policy
by Francesco Silva - 44 The nature of author's right
by Giovanni Ramello & Francesco Silva - 42 Anthropology and business: reflections on the business applications of cultural anthropology
by Dipak Raj Pant & Fernando Alberti - 41 "Watch-dogs" vs. supervisor-agent collusion: an economic theory of codes of conduct for public administrators
by Lorenzo Sacconi
- 35 Firm specialisation and growth. A study of the european software industry
by Salvatore Torrisi - 33 The dynamic of the public debt. An analysis of the italian case, 1980-1996
by Angelo Marano - 31 Technological change and international competitiveness: the case of Switzerland
by Stefano Breschi & Rodolfo Helg - 30 Does the PPP need the UIP?
by Rodolfo Helg & Massimiliano Serati
- 25 High tecnology and the evolution of the italian industrial system
by Camillo Bussolati & Franco Malerba & Salvatore Torrisi - 21 A multivariate GARCH model for exchange rates volatility
by Eduardo Rossi - 18 Are the solutions to the high unemployment puzzle?
by Francesco Silva - 17 Innovation public policies and competitiveness of the italian Industrie
by Camillo Bussolati & Giovanni Dosi
- 3 Economics and business economics
by Francesco Silva