- 2001 Visualizing the Evolving Fit of Education and Economy: The Case of ICT Education in Norway
by Marco Capasso & Michael Spjelkavik Mark
- 1932 Do regional social capital and trust matter for immigrant diversity and wages?
by Silje Haus-Reve & Abigail Cooke - 1931 Do EU regions benefit from smart specialization?
by David L. Rigby & Christoph Roesler & Dieter Kogler & Ron Boschma & Pierre-Alexandre Balland - 1930 From variety to economic complexity: empirical evidence from Italian regions
by Roberto Antonietti & Chiara Burlina - 1929 The emergence of relatedness between industries: The example of offshore oil and gas and offshore wind energy in Esbjerg, Denmark
by Mads Bruun Ingstrup & Max-Peter Menzel - 1928 Regional diversification patterns and Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in Italian regions
by Roberto Antonietti & Sandro Montresor - 1927 A shot in the dark? Policy influence on cluster networks
by Holger Graf & Tom Broekel - 1926 Multidimensional relatedness between innovation systems in sustainability transitions
by Tuukka Mäkitie & Allan D. Andersen & Jens Hanson - 1925 Mapping the potential of EU regions to contribute to Industry 4.0
by Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Ron Boschma - 1924 Technological regimes and the geography of innovation: a long-run perspective on US inventions
by Dario Diodato & Andrea Morrison - 1923 Lagging-behind Areas as a Challenge to the Regional Development Strategy: What Insights can New and Evolutionary Economic Geography Offer?
by Seyed Peyman Asadi & Ahmad Jafari Samimi - 1922 Diversifying in green technologies in European regions: does political support matter?
by Artur Santoalha & Ron Boschma - 1921 Skill Mismatch and Skill Transferability: Review of Concepts and Measurements
by Ljubica Nedelkoska & Frank Neffke - 1920 New(s) data for Entrepreneurship Research? An innovative approach to use Big Data on media coverage
by Johannes von Bloh & Tom Broekel & Burcu Oezgun & Rolf Sternberg - 1919 Persistence of entrepreneurship in different historical contexts
by Michael Fritsch & Korneliusz Pylak & Michael Wyrwich - 1918 Using structural diversity to measure the complexity of technologies
by Tom Broekel - 1917 Exploring the role of industrial structure for regional economic resilience
by Luciana Lazzeretti & Stefania Oliva & Niccolò Innocenti - 1916 Industrial Land Policy and Economic Complexity of Chinese Cities
by Zhaoyingzi Dong & Yingcheng Li & Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Siqi Zheng - 1915 Institutional change and the development of lagging regions in Europe
by Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose & Tobias Ketterer - 1914 Housing, urban growth and inequalities: The limits to deregulation and upzoning in reducing economic and spatial inequality
by Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose & Michael Storper - 1913 Diversity and its decomposition into variety, balance and disparity
by Alje van Dam - 1912 Variety, Complexity and Economic Development
by Alje van Dam & Koen Frenken - 1911 Network dynamics in collaborative research in the EU, 2003-2017
by Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Ron Boschma & Julien Ravet - 1910 Building consensus: Shifting strategies in the territorial targeting of Turkey's public transport investment
by Davide Luca & Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose - 1909 Does combining different types of collaboration always benefit firms? Collaboration, complementarity and product innovation in Norway
by Silje Haus-Reve & Rune Dahl Fitjar & Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose - 1908 The relationship of policy induced R&D networks and inter-regional knowledge diffusion
by Marcel Bednarz & Tom Broekel - 1907 Cluster externalities, firm capabilities, and the recessionary shock: How the macro-to-micro-transition shapes firm performance during stable times and times of crisis
by Christian Hundt & Linus Holtermann & Jonas Steeger & Johannes Bersch - 1906 Relatedness and the Resource Curse - Is there a liability of relatedness?
by Rune Dahl Fitjar & Bram Timmermans - 1905 The network effects of NGOs on social capital and innovation of smallholder farmers. A case study in Peru
by D. Hartmann & A. Arata & M. Bezerra & F.L. Pinheiro - 1904 Government institutions and the dynamics of urban growth in China
by Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose & Min Zhang - 1903 The missing ingredient: Distance - Internal migration and its long-term economic impact in the United States
by Viola von Berlepsch & Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose - 1902 Well-being, political decentralisation and governance quality in Europe
by Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose & Vassilis Tselios - 1901 Technological Diversification of U.S. Cities during the Great Historical Crises
by Mathieu Steijn & Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Ron Boschma & David Rigby
- 1843 A network-based method to harmonize data classifications
by Dario Diodato - 1842 Does inward FDI influence the quality of domestic institutions? A cross-country panel analysis
by Roberto Antonietti & Jasmine Mondolo - 1841 Scaling of Atypical Knowledge Combinations in American Metropolitan Areas from 1836 to 2010
by Lars Mewes - 1840 Spinoffs, parents, and institutions: Evidence from the Italian motorcycle industry
by Andrea Morrison - 1839 The geographical dimension of structural change
by Ron Boschma - 1838 Specialization, diversification and environmental technology life-cycle
by Nicoló Barbieri & François Perruchas & Davide Consoli - 1837 Disentangling link formation and dissolution in spatial networks: An application of a two-mode STERGM to a project-based R&D network in the German Biotechnology industry
by Tom Broekel & Marcel Bednarz - 1836 Related variety, unrelated variety and the novelty content of firm innovation in urban and non-urban locations
by Marte C.W. Solheim & Ron Boschma & Sverre Herstad - 1835 Migration and invention in the age of mass migration
by Dario Diodato & Andrea Morrison & Sergio Petralia - 1834 What kind of related variety for long-term regional growth?
by Kadri Kuusk & Mikhail Martynovich - 1833 An Evolutionary Perspective on the British Banking Crisis
by Neill Marshall & Stuart Dawley & Andy Pike & Jane Pollard & Mike Coombes - 1832 Ageing labour: How does demographic change affect regional human capital?
by Paula Prenzel & Simona Iammarino - 1831 Unemployment resistance across EU regions: the role of technological and human capital
by Riccardo Cappelli & Fabio Montobbio & Andrea Morrison - 1830 The Principle of Relatedness
by César Hidalgo & Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Ron Boschma & Mercedes Delgado & Maryann Feldma & Koen Frenken & Edward Glaeser & Canfei He & Dieter F. Kogler & Andrea Morrison & Frank Neffke & David Rigby & Scott Stern & Siqi Zheng & Shengjun Zhu - 1829 Complex Economic Activities Concentrate in Large Cities
by Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Cristian Jara-Figueroa & Sergio Petralia & Mathieu Steijn & David Rigby & César Hidalgo - 1828 The role of industry, occupation, and location specific knowledge in the survival of new firms
by Cristian Jara-Figueroa & Bogang Jun & Edward Glaeser & Cesar Hidalgo - 1827 Innovating in less developed regions: what drives patenting in the lagging regions of Europe and North America
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Callum Wilkie - 1826 Strategies of gain and strategies of waste: What determines the success of development intervention?
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Callum Wilkie - 1825 Rethinking Path Creation: A Geographical Political Economy Approach
by Danny Mackinnon & Stuart Dawley & Andy Pike & Andrew Cumbers - 1824 Historical Roots of Entrepreneurial Culture and Innovation Activity?An Analysis for German Regions
by Michael Fritsch & Martin Obschonka & Michael Wyrwich - 1823 Does related variety affect regional resilience? New evidence from Italy
by Giulio Cainelli & Roberto Ganau & Marco Modica - 1822 Industrial Relatedness and Regional Resilience in the European Union
by Giulio Cainelli & Roberto Ganau & Marco Modica - 1821 The high importance of de-industrialization and job polarization for regional diversification
by Jacob Rubæk Holm & Christian Richter Østergaard - 1820 Heterogeneous Foreign Direct Investment and Local Innovation in Italian Provinces
by Andrea Ascani & Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Andrea Morrison - 1819 Relatedness and growth: The impact of creative industries to the wider economy
by Niccolò Innocenti & Luciana Lazzeretti - 1818 On the evolution of comparative advantage: path-dependent versus path-defying changes
by Nicola Coniglio & Davide Vurchio & Nicola Cantore & Michele Clara - 1817 Regional inequality in Europe: evidence, theory and policy implications
by Simona Iammarino & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Michael Storper - 1816 Towards economically dynamic Special Economic Zones in emerging countries
by Susanne A. Frick & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Michael Wong - 1815 A woman's touch? Female migration and economic development in the United States
by Viola von Berlepsch & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Neil Lee - 1814 Why do industries coagglomerate? How Marshallian externalities differ by industry and have evolved over time
by Dario Diodato & Frank Neffke & Neave O'Clery - 1813 What Drives the Geography of Jobs in the US? Unpacking Relatedness
by Teresa Farinha Fernandes & Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Andrea Morrison & Ron Boschma - 1812 Foreign-owned firms as agents of structural change in regions: the case of Hungary 2000-2009
by Zoltán Elekes & Ron Boschma & Balázs Lengyel - 1811 On the evolution of the Castel Goffredo hosiery cluster: A life cycle perspective
by Giulio Carli & Andrea Morrison - 1810 Path creation, global production networks and regional development: a comparative international analysis of the offshore wind sector
by Danny MacKinnon & Stuart Dawley & Markus Steen & Max-Peter Menzel & Asbjørn Karlsen & Pascal Sommer & Gard Hopsdal Hansen & Håkon Endresen Normann - 1809 Regional lobbying and structural funds. Do regional representation offices in Brussels deliver?
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Julie Courty - 1808 Creative and science-oriented employees and firm-level innovation
by Stephan Brunow & Antonia Birkeneder & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose - 1807 Shooting Low or High: Do Countries Benefit from Entering Unrelated Activities?
by Flávio L. Pinheiro & Aamena Alshamsi & Dominik Hartmann & Ron Boschma & César Hidalgo - 1806 The subsidiarity principle: Turning challenge-oriented innovation policy on its head
by Iris Wanzenböck & Koen Frenken - 1805 The revenge of the places that don?t matter (and what to do about it)
by Andres Rodriguez-Pose - 1804 Social capital, resilience and regional diversification in Italy
by Roberto Antonietti & Ron Boschma - 1803 Change in urban concentration and economic growth
by Susanne Frick & Andres Rodriguez-Pose - 1802 Multinational enterprises, industrial relatedness and employment in European regions
by Nicola Cortinovis & Riccardo Crescenzi & Frank van Oort - 1801 Biotech by Bricolage? Agency, institutional relatedness and new path development in peripheral regions
by Luis Carvalho & Mario Vale
- 1732 Why do firms collaborate with local universities?
by Rune Dahl Fitjar & Martin Gjelsvik - 1731 Labour mobility, skill-relatedness and plant survival over the industry life cycle: Evidence from new Dutch plants
by Ron Boschma & Riccardo Cappelli & Anet Weterings - 1730 The core in the periphery? The cluster organisation as the central node in the Apulian aerospace district
by Giuseppe Calignano & Rune Dahl Fitjar & Dieter Franz Kogler - 1729 Does institutional quality matter for trade? Institutional conditions in a sectoral trade framework
by Inmaculada C. Alvarez & Javier Barbero & Andres Rodriguez-Pose & Jose L. Zofio - 1728 Local and Non-Local Knowledge Typologies: Technological Complexity in the Irish Knowledge Space
by Adam Whittle - 1727 Regional diversification and green employment in US Metropolitan Areas
by Nicol˜ Barbieri, Davide Consoli & Davide Consoli - 1726 Analyzing the impact of R&D policy on regional diversification
by Tom Broekel & Lars Mewes - 1725 Big or small cities? On city size and economic growth
by Susanne A. Frick & Andres Rodriguez-Pose - 1724 Multinational enterprises, service outsourcing and regional structural change
by Andrea Ascani & Simona Iammarino - 1723 The visible hand of cluster policy makers: An analysis of Aerospace Valley (2006-2015) using a place-based network methodology
by Delio Lucena Piquero & Jerome Vicente - 1722 R&D Policy and Technological Trajectories of Regions: Evidence from the EU Framework Programmes
by Wolf-Hendrik Uhlbach & Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Thomas Scherngell - 1721 A concise history of the knowledge base literature: challenging questions for future research
by Ron Boschma - 1720 The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in sub-Saharan Africa: What Role for Governance?
by Andres Rodrigues-Pose & Gilles Cols - 1719 Industrial Clusters, Organized Crime and Productivity Growth in Italian SMEs
by Roberto Ganau & Andres Rodrigues-Pose - 1718 Following Your Job
by Martijn Smit - 1717 Smart Specialization policy in the EU: Relatedness, Knowledge Complexity and Regional Diversification
by Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Ron Boschma & Joan Crespo & David L. Rigby - 1716 Industry Evolution in Varieties of Capitalism: a Comparison of the Danish and US Wind Turbine Industries
by Max-Peter Menzel & Johannes Kammer - 1715 Co-inventor Networks and Knowledge Production in Specialized and Diversified Cities
by Frank van der Wouden & David L. Rigby - 1714 Promoting regional growth and innovation: relatedness, revealed comparative advantage and the product space
by Gloria Cicerone & Philip McCann & Viktor A. Venhorst - 1713 Technological Coherence and the Adaptive Resilience of Regional Economies
by Silvia Rocchetta & Andrea Mina - 1712 Knowledge bases and relatedness: A study of labour mobility in Norwegian regions
by Rune Dahl Fitjar & Bram Timmermans - 1711 Critical links in knowledge networks. What about proximities and gatekeeper organizations?
by Tom Broekel & Wladimir Mueller - 1710 Local Discoveries and Technological Relatedness: the Role of Foreign Firms
by Alessia Lo Turco & Daniela Maggioni - 1709 Economic Geography in R: Introduction to the EconGeo package
by Pierre-Alexandre Balland - 1708 The pattern of structural change: testing the Product Space framework
by Nicola D. Coniglio & Raffaele Lagravinese & Davide Vurchio & Massimo Armenise - 1707 The spatial evolution of the Italian motorcycle industry (1893-1993): KlepperÕs heritage theory revisited
by Andrea Morrison & Ron Boschma - 1706 Collective Learning in China's Regional Economic Development Formations of Co-Inventors During the Dot-com Bubble in the Research Triangle Region
by Jian Gao & Bogang Jun & Alex Sandy Pentland & Tao Zhou & Cesar A. Hidalgo - 1705 Institutional Change and Network Evolution: Explorative and Exploitative Tie Formations of Co-Inventors During the Dot-com Bubble in the Research Triangle Region
by Max-Peter Menzel & Maryann P. Feldman & Tom Broekel - 1704 What drives employment growth and social inclusion in EU regions?
by Marco Di Cataldo & Andres Rodrigues-Pose - 1703 Does federal contracting spur development? Federal contracts, income, output, and jobs in US cities
by Michiel Gerritse & Andres Rodrigues-Pose - 1702 Relatedness as driver behind regional diversification: a research agenda
by Ron Boschma - 1701 When Buzz and Pipelines Fail
by Christopher Esposito & David Rigby
- 1630 A critical review of entrepreneurial ecosystems: towards a future research agenda
by Yana Borissenko & Ron Boschma - 1629 Climbing the Ladder of Technological Development
by Sergio Petralia & Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Andrea Morrison - 1628 Polarization and the growth of low-skill employment in Spanish Local Labor Markets
by Davide Consoli & Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo - 1627 Industrial diversification in Europe: The differentiated role of relatedness
by Jing Xiao & Ron Boschma & Martin Andersson - 1626 Agglomeration economies: the heterogeneous contribution of human capital and value chains
by Dario Diodato & Frank Neffke, & Neave O’Clery - 1625 Risk-taking, skill diversity, and the quality of human capital: how insurance affects innovation
by Andrea Filippetti & Frederick Guy - 1624 Measuring how the knowledge space shapes the technological progress of European regions
by Silvia Rita Sedita & Ivan De Noni & Roberta Apa & Luigi Orsi - 1623 Place, platform, and knowledge co-production dynamics: Evidence from makers and FabLab
by Raphaël Suire - 1622 Can we learn anything from economic geography proper? Yes, we can!
by Robert Hassink, Huiwen Gong, Fabian Faller & Huiwen Gong, & Fabian Faller - 1621 Related variety and economic development:a literature review
by Jeroen Content & Koen Frenken - 1620 Related trade linkages, foreign firms, and employment growth in less developed regions
by Zoltán Elekes & Balázs Lengyel - 1619 A Complexity-Theoretic Perspective on Innovation Policy
by Koen Frenken - 1618 Is there trickle-down from tech? Poverty, employment and the high-technology multiplier in US cities
by Neil Lee & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose - 1617 Towards a theory of regional diversification
by Ron Boschma, Lars Coenen, Koen Frenken, Bernhard Truffer & Lars Coenen & Koen Frenken & Bernhard Truffer - 1616 European Cities and Foreign Investment Networks
by Riccardo Crescenzi & Kerwin Datu & Simona Iammarino - 1615 Liberals, Socialists, and pork-barrel politics in Greece
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Yannis Psycharis & Vassilis Tselios - 1614 Institutions vs. ‘First-Nature’ Geography – What Drives Economic Growth in Europe’s Regions?
by Tobias Ketterer & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose - 1613 Tie creation versus tie persistence in cluster knowledge networks
by Sándor Juhász & Balázs Lengyel - 1612 Related variety, ownership, and firm dynamics in transition economies: the case of Hungarian city regions 1996-2012
by Izabella Szakálné Kanóa, Balázs Lengyel, Zoltán Elekes, Imre Lengyel & Balázs Lengyel & Zoltán Elekes & Imre Lengyel - 1611 The Variety of Related Variety Studies: Opening the Black Box of Technological Relatedness via Analysis of Inter-firm R&D Cooperative Projects
by Ji?í Blažek & David Marek & Viktor Kv?to? - 1610 Quality of government and social capital as drivers of regional diversification in Europe
by Nicola Cortinovis & Jing Xiao & Ron Boschma & Frank van Oort - 1609 Not too close, not too far: testing the Goldilocks principle of ‘optimal’ distance in innovation networks
by Rune Dahl Fitjar & Franz Huber & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose - 1608 Resilience in the European Union: the effect of the 2008 crisis on the ability of regions in Europe to develop new industrial specializations
by Jing Xiao & Ron Boschma & Martin Andersson - 1607 Historical Shocks and Persistence of Economic Activity: Evidence from a Unique Natural Experiment
by Michael Fritsch & Alina Sorgner & Michael Wyrwich & Evguenii Zazdravnykh - 1606 Inter-industry labor flows
by Frank Neffke & Anne Otto & Antje Weyh - 1605 The mobility of displaced workers: How the local industry mix affects job search strategies
by Frank Neffke & Anne Otto & César Hidalgo - 1604 (Un)Related Variety and Employment Growth at the Sub-Regional Level
by Matthias Firgo & Peter Mayerhofer - 1603 The workforce of pioneer plants
by Ricardo Hausmann & Frank Neffke - 1602 Nothing is in the air
by Rune Dahl Fitjar & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose - 1601 The crisis and regional employment in Europe: what role for sheltered economies?
by Ugo Fratesi & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose
- 1535 Government quality and the economic returns of transport infrastructure investment in European regions
by Riccardo Crescenzi & Marco Di Cataldo & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose - 1534 Causal Relations between Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and Regional Employment Growth
by Thomas Brenner & Marco Capasso & Matthias Duschl & Koen Frenken & Tania Treibich - 1533 Overcoming the Dualism between Adaptation and Adaptability in Regional Economic Resilience
by Xiaohui Hu & Robert Hassink - 1532 Doing evolution in economic geography
by Andy Pike & Andrew Cumbers & Stuart Dawley & Danny MacKinnon & Robert McMaster - 1531 How Smart is Specialisation? An Analysis of Specialisation Patterns in Knowledge Production
by Gaston Heimeriks & Pierre-Alexandre Balland - 1530 Relatedness through experience: On the importance of collected worker experiences for plant performance
by Lisa Östbring & Rikard Eriksson & Urban Lindgren - 1529 Technological Relatedness and Firm Productivity: Do low and high performing firms benefit equally from agglomeration economies in China?
by Anthony J. Howell & Canfei He & Rudai Yang & Cindy Fan - 1528 Industry Relatedness, Agglomeration Externalities and Firm Survival in China
by Canfei He & Qi Guo & David Rigby - 1527 Firm Dynamics and Regional Inequality of Productivity in China
by Canfei He & Yi Zhou - 1526 Same Place, Same Knowledge – Same People? The Geography of Non-Patent Citations in Dutch Polymer Patents
by Dominik Heinisch & Önder Nomaler & Guido Buenstorf & Koen Frenken & Harry Lintsen - 1525 Smart Specialization Strategies and Key Enabling Technologies. Regional evidence from European patent data
by Sandro Montresor & Francesco Quatraro - 1524 How to jump further? Path dependent and path breaking in an uneven industry space
by Shengjun Zhu & Canfei He & Yi Zhou - 1523 Institutions and the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process for Smart Specialization
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Callum Wilkie - 1522 Does Creative Destruction Work for Chinese Regions? An Empirical Study on the Articulation between Firm Exit and Entry
by Yi Zhou & Canfei He & Shengjun Zhu - 1521 Evolution of Production Space and Regional Industrial Structures in China
by Qi Guo & Canfei He - 1520 Regional Industrial Evolution in China: Path Dependence or Path Creation?
by Canfei He & Yan Yan & David Rigby - 1519 Cross-specialization: A New Perspective on Industry Policy
by Matthijs J. Janssen - 1518 Evolutionary Economic Geography
by Ron Boschma & Koen Frenken - 1517 On firms’ product space evolution: the role of firm and local product relatedness
by Alessia Lo Turco & Daniela Maggioni - 1516 Networking, context and firm-level innovation: Cooperation through the regional filter in Norway
by Rune Dahl Fitjar & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose - 1515 The Evolution of Specialization in the EU15 Knowledge Space
by Dieter F. Kogler & Jürgen Essletzbichler & David L. Rigby - 1514 Another cluster premium: Innovation subsidies and R&D collaboration networks
by Tom Broekel & Dirk Fornahl & Andrea Morrison - 1513 Co-worker networks and productivity growth in regions
by Balázs Lengyel & Rikard H. Eriksson - 1512 Knowledge flows in high-impact firms: How does relatedness influence survival, acquisition and exit?
by Jonathan Borggren & Rikard H. Eriksson & Urban Lindgren - 1511 How do regional economies respond to crises? The geography of job creation and destruction in Sweden (1990-2010)
by Rikard H. Eriksson & Emelie Hane-Weijman - 1510 Does Related variety matter for Creative Industries?
by Luciana Lazzeretti & Niccolò Innocenti & Francesco Capone - 1509 Innovation in Russia: the territorial dimension
by Riccardo Crescenzi & Alexander Jaax - 1508 Neighbor regions as the source of new industries
by Ron Boschma & Víctor Martín & Asier Minondo - 1507 Network proximity in the geography of research collaboration
by Laurent R. Bergé - 1506 Regional heterogeneity and interregional research spillovers in European innovation: modeling and policy implications
by Gianni Guastella & Frank van Oort - 1505 When are recruited competences supportive of innovation? Inter-industry differences in the importance of similarity and diversity
by Sverre J. Herstad & Tore Sandven - 1504 Proximity, knowledge base and the innovation process: The case of Unilever’s Becel diet margarine
by Mila Davids & Koen Frenken - 1503 Simulating micro behaviours and structural properties of knowledge networks: toward a “one size fits one” cluster policy
by Joan Crespo & Frédéric Amblard & Jérôme Vicente - 1502 The geography and evolution of complex knowledge
by Pierre-Alexandre Balland & David L. Rigby - 1501 Persistence and extinction of brokerage roles in clusters: the role of status, former experiences and extra-cluster relationships
by José-Antonio Belso-Martínez & Manuel Expósito-Langa
- 1423 Cultural diversity and entrepreneurship in England and Wales
by Andres Rodríguez-Pose & Daniel Hardy - 1422 Innovation in creative cities: Evidence from British small firms
by Neil Lee & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose - 1422 Innovation in creative cities: Evidence from British small firms
by Neil Lee & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose - 1421 Institutions and Diversification: Related versus Unrelated Diversification in a Varieties of Capitalism framework
by Ron Boschma & Gianluca Capone - 1420 “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water”. Network failures and policy challenges for cluster long run dynamics
by Jérôme Vicente - 1419 The Technological Resilience of U.S. Cities
by Pierre-Alexandre Balland & David Rigby & Ron Boschma - 1418 Do spinoff dynamics or agglomeration externalities drive industry clustering? A reappraisal of Steven Klepper’s work
by Ron Boschma - 1417 Innovation and Regional Growth in Mexico: 2000-2010
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Edna MaríaVillarreal Peralta - 1416 Spinoff and Clustering: a return to the Marshallian district
by Lucia Cusmano & Andrea Morrison & Enrico Pandolfo - 1415 Regional and industrial mobility of workers leaving mature industries. A study of individuals who exit the Swedish shipbuilding industry 1970-2000
by Rikard Eriksson & Martin Henning & Anne Otto - 1414 The role of external linkages and gatekeepers for the renewal and expansion of U.S. cities’ knowledge base, 1990-2004
by Stefano Breschi & Camilla Lenzi - 1413 Relatedness in eco-technological development in European regions
by Martijn van den Berge & Anet Weterings - 1412 The Dynamics of Technical and Business Networks in Industrial Clusters: Embeddedness, status or proximity?
by Pierre-Alexandre Balland & José Antonio Belso-Martínez & Andrea Morrison - 1411 The Effect of Regional Entrepreneurship Culture on Economic Development - Evidence for Germany
by Michael Fritsch & Michael Wyrwich - 1410 Agents of structural change. The role of firms and entrepreneurs in regional diversification
by Frank Neffke & Matté Hartog & Ron Boschma & Martin Henning - 1409 Towards an evolutionary perspective on regional resilience
by Ron Boschma - 1408 The evolving dialogue between Innovation and Economic Geography. From physical distance to non-spatial proximities and 'integrated' frameworks
by Riccardo Crescenzi - 1407 Relatedness and Diversification in the EU-27 and ENP countries
by Ron Boschma & Gianluca Capone - 1406 Quality of government and innovative performance in the regions of Europe
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Marco Di-Cataldo - 1405 Proximity and scientific collaboration: Evidence from the global wine industry
by Lorenzo Cassi & Andrea Morrison & Roberta Rabellotti - 1404 Gradual Catch Up and Enduring Leadership in the Global Wine Industry
by Andrea Morrison & Roberta Rabellotti - 1403 Trust your neighbour. Industrial relatedness, social capital and outsourcing
by Roberto Antonietti & Maria Rosaria Ferrante & Riccardo Leoncini - 1402 Banks, industrial relatedness and firms’ investments
by Roberto Antonietti & Giulio Cainelli & Monica Ferrari & Stefania Tomasini - 1401 Towards a Developmental Turn in Evolutionary Economic Geography?
by Ron Martin & Peter Sunley
- 1327 Export diversification in the product space and regional growth: Evidence from Russia
by Sergey Kadochnikov & Anna Fedyunina