- 373 An immersive technologies policy primer
by Oecd - 372 The environmental sustainability of communication networks
by Oecd - 371 A quantum technologies policy primer
by Oecd
- 370 Review of relevance of the OECD Recommendation on ICTs and the Environment
by Oecd - 369 The OECD Truth Quest Survey: Methodology and findings
by Oecd - 368 Shaping a rights-oriented digital transformation
by Oecd - 367 Transparency reporting on terrorist and violent extremist content online: Fourth edition
by Oecd - 366 New perspectives on measuring cybersecurity
by Oecd - 365 Financing broadband networks of the future
by Oecd - 364 Key concepts and current technical trends in cryptography for policy makers
by Oecd - 363 Towards digital safety by design for children
by Oecd - 362 Nowcasting the growth rate of the ICT sector
by Camilo Umana Dajud - 334 L’établissement de rapports de transparence sur les contenus terroristes et extrémistes violents en ligne 2022
by Ocde
- 361 Report on the implementation of the OECD Privacy Guidelines
by Oecd - 360 Explanatory memoranda of the OECD Privacy Guidelines
by Oecd - 359 Review of the OECD Recommendation on Cross-Border Co-operation in the Enforcement of Laws Protecting Privacy
by Oecd - 358 Enhancing the security of communication infrastructure
by Oecd - 357 Transparency reporting on child sexual exploitation and abuse online
by Oecd - 356 Regulatory sandboxes in artificial intelligence
by Oecd - 355 Consumer vulnerability in the digital age
by Oecd - 354 Online product safety sweep report
by Oecd - 353 Moving forward on data free flow with trust: New evidence and analysis of business experiences
by Oecd - 352 AI language models: Technological, socio-economic and policy considerations
by Oecd - 351 Emerging privacy-enhancing technologies: Current regulatory and policy approaches
by Oecd - 350 A blueprint for building national compute capacity for artificial intelligence
by Oecd - 349 Advancing accountability in AI: Governing and managing risks throughout the lifecycle for trustworthy AI
by Oecd - 348 Data portability in open banking: Privacy and other cross-cutting issues
by Oecd
- 347 Rights in the digital age: Challenges and ways forward
by Oecd - 346 Data in an evolving technological landscape: The case of connected and automated vehicles
by Oecd - 345 Measuring the value of data and data flows
by Oecd - 344 Data shaping firms and markets
by Oecd - 343 Fostering cross-border data flows with trust
by Oecd - 342 Responding to societal challenges with data: Access, sharing, stewardship and control
by Oecd - 341 Measuring the environmental impacts of artificial intelligence compute and applications: The AI footprint
by Oecd - 340 Exploiter la puissance de l’IA et des technologies émergentes : Document de référence destiné à la Réunion ministérielle du CPEN
by Ocde - 340 Harnessing the power of AI and emerging technologies: Background paper for the CDEP Ministerial meeting
by Oecd - 339 Putting people first in digital transformation: Background paper for the CDEP Ministerial meeting
by Oecd - 339 Placer l’humain au cœur de la transformation numérique : Document de référence destiné à la Réunion ministérielle du CPEN
by Ocde - 338 Building better societies through digital policy: Background paper for the CDEP Ministerial meeting
by Oecd - 338 Bâtir des sociétés meilleures grâce aux politiques du numérique : Document de référence destiné à la Réunion ministérielle du CPEN
by Ocde - 337 Les leviers numériques de l’économie mondiale : Document de référence destiné à la Réunion ministérielle du CPEN
by Ocde - 337 Digital enablers of the global economy: Background paper for the CDEP Ministerial meeting
by Oecd - 336 Dark commercial patterns
by Oecd - 335 Enhancing online disclosure effectiveness
by Oecd - 334 Transparency reporting on terrorist and violent extremist content online 2022
by Oecd - 333 Communication regulators of the future
by Oecd - 332 Developments in spectrum management for communication services
by Oecd - 331 Security of the Domain Name System (DNS): An introduction for policy makers
by Oecd - 330 Routing security: BGP incidents, mitigation techniques and policy actions
by Oecd - 329 The role of online marketplaces in protecting and empowering consumers: Country and business survey findings
by Oecd - 328 The OECD Going Digital Measurement Roadmap
by Oecd - 327 Broadband networks of the future
by Oecd - 326 Measuring financial consumer detriment in e-commerce
by Oecd - 325 Policy guidance on consumer product safety pledges
by Oecd - 324 Assessing national digital strategies and their governance
by David Gierten & Molly Lesher - 323 OECD Framework for the Classification of AI systems
by Oecd - 313 L’établissement de rapports de transparence sur les contenus terroristes et extrémistes violents en ligne : Une mise à jour sur les 50 principaux services de partage de contenus
by Ocde
- 322 Promoting comparability in personal data breach notification reporting
by Suguru Iwaya & Elif Koksal-Oudot & Elettra Ronchi - 321 Mapping data portability initiatives, opportunities and challenges
by Oecd - 320 Firms going digital: Tapping into the potential of data for innovation
by David Gierten & Steffen Viete & Raphaela Andres & Thomas Niebel - 319 Venture capital investments in artificial intelligence: Analysing trends in VC in AI companies from 2012 through 2020
by Roland Tricot - 318 Implementation and usage of the OECD Recommendation on Broadband Development
by Oecd - 317 Broadband policy and technology developments
by Oecd - 316 Emerging trends in communication market competition
by Oecd - 315 Bridging connectivity divides
by Oecd - 314 Measuring telework in the COVID-19 pandemic
by Daniel Ker & Pierre Montagnier & Vincenzo Spiezia - 313 Transparency reporting on terrorist and violent extremist content online: An update on the global top 50 content sharing services
by Oecd - 312 Tools for trustworthy AI: A framework to compare implementation tools for trustworthy AI systems
by Oecd - 311 State of implementation of the OECD AI Principles: Insights from national AI policies
by Oecd - 310 Implementation toolkit on legislative actions for consumer protection enforcement co-operation
by Oecd - 309 Transparency reporting: Considerations for the review of the privacy guidelines
by José Tomás Llanos - 308 AI measurement in ICT usage surveys: A review
by Pierre Montagnier & Irene Ek - 307 Encouraging vulnerability treatment: Overview for policy makers
by Oecd - 306 Enhancing the digital security of products: A policy discussion
by Oecd - 305 Understanding the digital security of products: An in-depth analysis
by Oecd - 304 Measuring cloud services use by businesses
by Daniel Ker - 303 The effects of online disclosure about personalised pricing on consumers: Results from a lab experiment in Ireland and Chile
by Oecd - 302 Children in the digital environment: Revised typology of risks
by Oecd - 296 Approches actuelles des 50 principaux services mondiaux de partage de contenus en ligne face aux contenus terroristes et extrémistes violents
by Ocde
- 301 Data localisation trends and challenges: Considerations for the review of the Privacy Guidelines
by Dan Svantesson - 300 OECD bundled communication price baskets
by Oecd - 299 Perspectives on the value of data and data flows
by Daniel Ker & Emanuele Mazzini - 298 Encouraging digital security innovation: Global Forum on Digital Security for Prosperity
by Oecd - 297 Measuring the economic value of data and cross-border data flows: A business perspective
by David Nguyen & Marta Paczos - 296 Current approaches to terrorist and violent extremist content among the global top 50 online content-sharing services
by Oecd - 295 Protecting children online: An overview of recent developments in legal frameworks and policies
by Oecd - 294 OECD GlobalRecalls portal: 2015-2019 enhancements
by Oecd - 293 Measuring consumer detriment and the impact of consumer policy: Feasibility study
by Oecd - 292 Going Digital integrated policy framework
by Oecd
- 291 Scoping the OECD AI principles: Deliberations of the Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence at the OECD (AIGO)
by Oecd - 290 Good practice guide on consumer data
by Oecd - 289 Understanding online consumer ratings and reviews
by Oecd - 288 Good practice guide on online consumer ratings and reviews
by Oecd - 287 The operators and their future: The state of play and emerging business models
by Oecd - 286 Roles and responsibilities of actors for digital security
by Oecd - 285 The effects of zero rating
by Oecd - 284 The road to 5G networks: Experience to date and future developments
by Oecd - 283 Measuring digital security risk management practices in businesses
by Oecd - 282 Measuring platform mediated workers
by Oecd - 281 Digital security and resilience in critical infrastructure and essential services
by Oecd - 280 ICT investments in OECD countries and partner economies: Trends, policies and evaluation
by Oecd - 279 Good practice guide on online advertising: Protecting consumers in e-commerce
by Oecd - 278 BBVA big data on online credit card transactions: The patterns of domestic and cross-border e-commerce
by Oecd - 277 Determinants and impact of automation: An analysis of robots' adoption in OECD countries
by Oecd - 276 Measuring indirect investments in ICT
by Oecd - 275 Policies for the protection of critical information infrastructure: Ten years later
by Oecd - 274 Using digital technologies to improve the design and enforcement of public policies
by Oecd - 273 Vectors of digital transformation
by Oecd - 272 Online advertising: Trends, benefits and risks for consumers
by Oecd
- 271 IoT measurement and applications
by Oecd - 270 AI: Intelligent machines, smart policies: Conference summary
by Oecd - 269 Improving online disclosures with behavioural insights
by Oecd - 268 Consumer policy and the smart home
by Oecd - 267 Consumer product safety in the Internet of Things
by Oecd - 266 Consumer protection enforcement in a global digital marketplace
by Oecd - 265 Bridging the rural digital divide
by Oecd
- 264 The evolving role of satellite networks in rural and remote broadband access
by Oecd - 263 Trust in peer platform markets: Consumer survey findings
by Oecd - 262 Résultats de l’investigation surprise de l’OCDE sur la sécurité des produits vendus en ligne : Commission australienne de la concurrence et de la consommation
by Ocde - 261 Sécurité des produits vendus en ligne : Tendances et défis
by Ocde
- 262 Online Product Safety Sweep Results: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
by Oecd - 261 Online Product Safety: Trends and Challenges
by Oecd - 260 New Forms of Work in the Digital Economy
by Oecd - 259 ICTs and Jobs: Complements or Substitutes?
by Oecd - 258 New Skills for the Digital Economy: Measuring the demand and supply of ICT skills at work
by Oecd - 257 Economic and Social Benefits of Internet Openness
by Oecd - 256 Stimulating digital innovation for growth and inclusiveness: The role of policies for the successful diffusion of ICT
by Oecd - 255 New Markets and New Jobs
by Oecd - 254 Managing Digital Security and Privacy Risk
by Oecd - 253 Protecting Consumers In Peer Platform Markets: Exploring The Issues
by Oecd - 252 The Internet of Things: Seizing the Benefits and Addressing the Challenges
by Oecd - 251 Digital Convergence and Beyond: Innovation, Investment and Competition in Communication Policy and Regulation for the 21st Century
by Oecd - 250 Skills for a Digital World: 2016 Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy Background Report
by Oecd - 249 Évolution de l'itinérance mobile internationale
by Frédéric Bourassa & Sam Paltridge & Verena Weber & Yuki Yokomori & Dimitri Ypsilanti - 249 Developments in International Mobile Roaming
by Frédéric Bourassa & Sam Paltridge & Verena Weber & Yuki Yokomori & Dimitri Ypsilanti
- 248 Assessing government initiatives on public sector information: A review of the OECD Council Recommendation
by Oecd - 247 Industry Self Regulation: Role and Use in Supporting Consumer Interests
by Oecd - 246 Big Data for Advancing Dementia Research: An Evaluation of Data Sharing Practices in Research on Age-related Neurodegenerative Diseases
by Ulrike Deetjen & Eric T. Meyer & Ralph Schroeder - 245 The Proliferation of “Big Data” and Implications for Official Statistics and Statistical Agencies: A Preliminary Analysis
by Christian Reimsbach-Kounatze - 241 Orientations pour les politiques à l'égard des consommateurs concernant les produits de contenu numérique intangibles
by Ocde
- 244 The Economics of Transition to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
by Oecd - 243 Wireless Market Structures and Network Sharing
by Oecd - 242 Skills and Jobs in the Internet Economy
by Oecd - 241 Consumer Policy Guidance on Intangible Digital Content Products
by Oecd - 240 Cloud Computing: The Concept, Impacts and the Role of Government Policy
by Oecd - 239 The Development of Fixed Broadband Networks
by Oecd - 238 International Traffic Termination
by Oecd - 237 Access Network Speed Tests
by Oecd - 236 Consumer Policy Guidance on Mobile and Online Payments
by Oecd - 235 New Approaches to Spectrum Management
by Oecd - 234 The Internet in Transition: The State of the Transition to IPv6 in Today's Internet and Measures to Support the Continued Use of IPv4
by Oecd - 233 Unleashing the Power of Big Data for Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Research: Main Points of the OECD Expert Consultation on Unlocking Global Collaboration to Accelerate Innovation for Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
by Oecd - 232 International Cables, Gateways, Backhaul and International Exchange Points
by Oecd - 231 Connected Televisions: Convergence and Emerging Business Models
by Oecd
- 230 The App Economy
by Oecd - 229 Privacy Expert Group Report on the Review of the 1980 OECD Privacy Guidelines
by Oecd - 228 Electronic and Mobile Commerce
by Oecd - 227 Ensuring the Global Participation in the Internet Economy for Development
by Oecd - 226 Measuring the Internet Economy: A Contribution to the Research Agenda
by Oecd - 225 Review of the Seoul Declaration for the Future of the Internet Economy: Synthesis Report
by Oecd - 224 Mobile Handset Acquisition Models
by Oecd - 223 International Mobile Roaming Agreements
by Oecd - 222 Exploring Data-Driven Innovation as a New Source of Growth: Mapping the Policy Issues Raised by "Big Data"
by Oecd - 221 OECD Consumer Policy Toolkit Workshop on Communication Services: Summary of Proceedings
by Oecd - 220 Exploring the Economics of Personal Data: A Survey of Methodologies for Measuring Monetary Value
by Oecd - 219 Protecting and Empowering Consumers in the Purchase of Digital Content Products
by Oecd - 218 Broadband Networks and Open Access
by Oecd - 217 The Relationship between Local Content, Internet Development and Access Prices
by Oecd/Isoc/Unesco - 216 Empowering and Protecting Consumers in the Internet Economy
by Oecd - 215 Building Blocks for Smart Networks
by Oecd - 207 Internet Traffic Exchange: Market Developments and Policy Challenges
by Dennis Weller & Bill Woodcock
- 214 Improving the Evidence Base for Information Security and Privacy Policies: Understanding the Opportunities and Challenges related to Measuring Information Security, Privacy and the Protection of Children Online
by Oecd - 213 The Development and Diffusion of Digital Content
by Oecd - 212 Non-governmental Perspectives on a New Generation of National Cybersecurity Strategies
by Oecd - 211 Cybersecurity Policy Making at a Turning Point: Analysing a New Generation of National Cybersecurity Strategies for the Internet Economy
by Oecd - 210 Terms of Reference for the Review of the OECD Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems and Networks
by Oecd - 209 The Role of the 2002 Security Guidelines: Towards Cybersecurity for an Open and Interconnected Economy
by Oecd - 208 E-books: Developments and Policy Considerations
by Oecd - 206 Fixed and Mobile Networks: Substitution, Complementarity and Convergence
by Oecd - 205 Méthodologie de construction des paniers de haut débit sans fil
by Ocde - 205 Methodology for Constructing Wireless Broadband Price Baskets
by Oecd - 204 Rapport sur la protection des consommateurs dans les paiements en ligne et mobiles
by Ocde - 204 Report on Consumer Protection in Online and Mobile Payments
by Oecd - 203 Universal Service Policies in the Context of National Broadband Plans
by Angela Garcia Calvo - 202 Review of the 2006 OECD Recommendation on Cross-Border Co-operation in the Enforcement of Laws Against SPAM
by Oecd - 201 Laying the Foundation for the Internet Economy: Access to the Internet via a High-Speed Infrastructure
by Oecd - 200 The Impact of Internet in OECD Countries
by Oecd - 199 Proactive Policy Measures by Internet Service Providers against Botnets
by Oecd - 198 ICT Skills and Employment: New Competences and Jobs for a Greener and Smarter Economy
by Oecd - 197 Measuring the Broadband Bonus in Thirty OECD Countries
by Shane Greenstein & Ryan McDevitt - 196 Measuring the Impact of Innovations in Public IT Infrastructure on the Standard of Living in OECD Economies
by Russel J. Cooper - 195 Information and Communication Technologies and Productivity Growth: A Survey of the Literature
by Tobias Kretschmer - 194 Measuring the Internet: The Data Challenge
by William Lehr - 193 Developments in Mobile Termination
by Oecd - 192 Machine-to-Machine Communications: Connecting Billions of Devices
by Oecd - 191 Estimation of Loss in Consumer Surplus Resulting from Excessive Pricing of Telecommunication Services in Mexico
by Marta Stryszowska - 190 ICT Applications for the Smart Grid: Opportunities and Policy Implications
by Oecd
- 189 Digital Divide: From Computer Access to Online Activities – A Micro Data Analysis
by Pierre Montagnier & Albrecht Wirthmann - 188 Measuring Digital Local Content
by Chris Bruegge