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Jean-Pascal GAYANT

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First Name:Jean-Pascal
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Last Name:Gayant
RePEc Short-ID:pga323
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Groupe d'Analyse des Itinéraires et Niveaux Salariaux (GAINS)
Faculté des Sciences Économiques et du Droit
Le Mans Université

Le Mans, France
RePEc:edi:gamaifr (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

Jump to: Working papers Articles

Working papers

  1. Jean-Pascal Gayant, 2024. "Are the Olympic Games Worth It? The Costs and Benefits of the Organisation of a Worldwide Event [Les Jeux en valent-ils la chandelle ? Coûts et bénéfices de l’organisation d’un événement planétaire," Post-Print hal-04644515, HAL.
  2. Luc Arrondel & Jean-Pascal Gayant & Jean-François Laslier, 2023. "Economic analysis of the 12th man: should the fans be paid?," Post-Print halshs-03962599, HAL.
  3. Mario Chater & Luc Arrondel & Jean-Pascal Gayant & Jean-François Laslier, 2021. "Fixing match-fixing: Optimal schedules to promote competitiveness," Post-Print halshs-03229942, HAL.
  4. Jean-Pascal Gayant & Nicolas Le Pape, 2017. "Increasing Downside or Outer Risk? The Challenge of Measuring Competitive Imbalance in Closed and Open Leagues," Post-Print halshs-01525393, HAL.
  5. Jean-Pascal Gayant & Nicolas Le Pape, 2017. "Increasing N th degree inequality," Post-Print halshs-01525395, HAL.
  6. Jean-Pascal Gayant & Nicolas Le Pape, 2012. "How to account for changes in the size of Sports Leagues? The Iso Competitive Balance Curves," Post-Print halshs-00708604, HAL.
  7. Jean-Michel Courtault & Jean-Pascal Gayant, 2002. "Écarts entre prix d'achat et prix de vente d'une variable aléatoire: une clarification," Post-Print halshs-00447148, HAL.
  8. Jean-Michel Courtault & Jean-Pascal Gayant, 1997. "Détermination des prix d'achat et de vente d'une loterie: une application de la théorie des surplus," CEPN Working Papers halshs-00447387, HAL.
  9. Jean-Michel Courtault & Jean-Pascal Gayant, 1997. "Transfert de risques et création de surplus," CEPN Working Papers halshs-00447516, HAL.


  1. Jean-Pascal Gayant, 2024. "Retombées économiques des jeux olympiques. Splendeurs et misères des études d’impact," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(2), pages 89-113.
  2. Jean-Pascal Gayant & Fabrice Rolland, 2024. "Faut-il maintenir un championnat amateur ou créer une ligue professionnelle ? Le cas du troisième niveau du football français," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(2), pages 153-163.
  3. Chater, Mario & Arrondel, Luc & Gayant, Jean-Pascal & Laslier, Jean-François, 2021. "Fixing match-fixing: Optimal schedules to promote competitiveness," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 294(2), pages 673-683.
  4. Jean‐Pascal Gayant & Nicolas Le Pape, 2017. "Increasing Downside or Outer Risk? The Challenge of Measuring Competitive Imbalance in Closed and Open Leagues," Southern Economic Journal, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 83(3), pages 774-795, January.
  5. Gayant, Jean-Pascal & Le Pape, Nicolas, 2017. "Increasing Nth degree inequality," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 70(C), pages 185-189.
  6. Jean-Pascal Gayant & Nicolas Le Pape, 2015. "Mesure de la Competitive Balance dans les ligues de sports professionnels. Faut-il distinguer les ligues fermées des ligues avec promotion et relégation ?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 66(2), pages 427-448.
  7. Jean-pascal Gayant & Nicolas Le Pape, 2012. "How to account for changes in the size of Sports Leagues? The Iso Competitive Balance Curves," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 32(2), pages 1715-1723.
  8. Jean-Pascal Gayant, 2005. "Impact d'un accroissement de l'aversion pour le risque sur la combinaison d'actifs risqués. Glissades, petits sauts et grands plongeons," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 56(4), pages 889-902.
  9. Jean-Pascal Gayant, 2004. "Rôle de la transformation des probabilités dans la combinaison d'actifs risqués," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 73, pages 141-155.
  10. Courtault, Jean-Michel & Gayant, Jean-Pascal, 2002. "Écarts entre prix d’achat et prix de vente d’une variable aléatoire : une clarification," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 78(2), pages 243-256, Juin.
  11. Courtault, Jean-Michel & Gayant, Jean-Pascal, 1998. "Local risk aversion in the rank dependent expected utility model: First order versus second order effects," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 59(2), pages 207-212, May.
  12. Jean-Pascal Gayant, 1998. "L'apport des modèles non-additifs en théorie de la décision dans le risque et l'incertain," Revue Française d'Économie, Programme National Persée, vol. 13(1), pages 199-227.
  13. Gayant, Jean-Pascal, 1998. "Arguments graphiques simples pour comprendre la spécification du modèle d’espérance non additive d’utilité et l’intégrale de Choquet," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 74(2), pages 183-195, juin.
  14. Jean-Pascal Gayant, 1995. "Généralisation de l'espérance d'utilité en univers risqué : représentation et estimation," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 46(4), pages 1047-1061.


Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.

Working papers

  1. Mario Chater & Luc Arrondel & Jean-Pascal Gayant & Jean-François Laslier, 2021. "Fixing match-fixing: Optimal schedules to promote competitiveness," Post-Print halshs-03229942, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Alex Krumer & Juan D. Moreno-Ternero, 2023. "The allocation of additional slots for the FIFA World Cup," Working Papers 23.05, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Department of Economics.
    2. Avila-Cano, Antonio & Owen, P. Dorian & Triguero-Ruiz, Francisco, 2023. "Measuring competitive balance in sports leagues that award bonus points, with an application to rugby union," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 309(2), pages 939-952.
    3. Csató, László & Petróczy, Dóra Gréta, 2022. "Hogyan számszerűsíthető az ösztönzéskompatibilitás? Esettanulmány a sport világából [Quantifying incentive compatibility: a case study from the world of sports]," Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Közgazdasági Szemle Alapítvány (Economic Review Foundation), vol. 0(7), pages 841-852.
    4. L'aszl'o Csat'o & D'ora Gr'eta Petr'oczy, 2024. "The myth of declining competitive balance in the UEFA Champions League group stage," Papers 2406.19222,, revised Sep 2024.
    5. Lapré Michael A. & Palazzolo Elizabeth M., 2022. "Quantifying the impact of imbalanced groups in FIFA Women’s World Cup tournaments 1991–2019," Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, De Gruyter, vol. 18(3), pages 187-199, September.
    6. Csató, László & Szádoczki, Zsombor & Kiss, László Marcell, 2024. "A labdarúgó-világbajnokság kvóta elosztása páros összehasonlításokkal [Football World Cup quota distribution with pairwise comparisons]," Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Közgazdasági Szemle Alapítvány (Economic Review Foundation), vol. 0(7), pages 791-806.
    7. Lapré Michael A. & Palazzolo Elizabeth M., 2023. "The evolution of seeding systems and the impact of imbalanced groups in FIFA Men’s World Cup tournaments 1954–2022," Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, De Gruyter, vol. 19(4), pages 317-332, December.
    8. Collingwood, James A.P. & Wright, Michael & Brooks, Roger J., 2023. "Simulating the progression of a professional snooker frame," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 309(3), pages 1286-1299.
    9. Csató, László, 2023. "How to avoid uncompetitive games? The importance of tie-breaking rules," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 307(3), pages 1260-1269.
    10. László Csató, 2022. "How to design a multi-stage tournament when some results are carried over?," OR Spectrum: Quantitative Approaches in Management, Springer;Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V., vol. 44(3), pages 683-707, September.
    11. Csató, László, 2022. "Quantifying incentive (in)compatibility: A case study from sports," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 302(2), pages 717-726.
    12. L'aszl'o Csat'o & L'aszl'o Marcell Kiss & Zsombor Sz'adoczki, 2023. "The allocation of FIFA World Cup slots based on the ranking of confederations," Papers 2310.19100,, revised May 2024.

  2. Jean-Pascal Gayant & Nicolas Le Pape, 2017. "Increasing Downside or Outer Risk? The Challenge of Measuring Competitive Imbalance in Closed and Open Leagues," Post-Print halshs-01525393, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-Pascal Guironnet, 2018. "Incertitude de classement final et affluence en Ligue 1 française de football : une nouvelle approche," Post-Print halshs-02064147, HAL.
    2. Marc Dubois, 2020. "Dominance Criteria on Grids for Measuring Seasonal Competitive Imbalance in Sports Leagues," Working Papers hal-02617635, HAL.
    3. Dubois, Marc, 2022. "Dominance criteria on grids for measuring competitive balance in sports leagues," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 115(C), pages 1-10.

  3. Jean-Pascal Gayant & Nicolas Le Pape, 2017. "Increasing N th degree inequality," Post-Print halshs-01525395, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. I. Josa & A. Aguado, 2020. "Measuring Unidimensional Inequality: Practical Framework for the Choice of an Appropriate Measure," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Springer, vol. 149(2), pages 541-570, June.
    2. Christophe Muller, 2019. "Social Shock Sharing and Stochastic Dominance," Working Papers halshs-02005735, HAL.
    3. Marc Dubois & Stéphane Mussard, 2019. "Utility and income transfer principles: Interplay and incompatibility," Post-Print hal-02145100, HAL.
    4. Dubois, Marc, 2022. "Dominance criteria on grids for measuring competitive balance in sports leagues," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 115(C), pages 1-10.
    5. Stelios Arvanitis, 2021. "Stochastic dominance efficient sets and stochastic spanning," Decisions in Economics and Finance, Springer;Associazione per la Matematica, vol. 44(1), pages 401-409, June.
    6. Marc Dubois, 2019. "Unnested Aversion to s-th Degree Inequality," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 39(4), pages 2374-2380.

  4. Jean-Pascal Gayant & Nicolas Le Pape, 2012. "How to account for changes in the size of Sports Leagues? The Iso Competitive Balance Curves," Post-Print halshs-00708604, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Nicolas SCELLES, 2016. "Wladimir Andreff (Ed.), Disequilibrium Sports Economics: Competitive Imbalance and Budget Constraints," Journal of Economics and Political Economy, KSP Journals, vol. 3(2), pages 393-410, June.
    2. Nicolas Scelles & Christophe Durand & Liliane Bonnal & Daniel Goyeau & Wladimir Andreff, 2013. "My teamis in contention? Nice, I go to the stadium! Competitive intensity in the French football Ligue 1," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00874479, HAL.
    3. Antonio Avila-Cano & Amparo Ruiz-Sepulveda & Francisco Triguero-Ruiz, 2021. "Identifying the Maximum Concentration of Results in Bilateral Sports Competitions," Mathematics, MDPI, vol. 9(11), pages 1-19, June.
    4. Avila-Cano, Antonio & Owen, P. Dorian & Triguero-Ruiz, Francisco, 2023. "Measuring competitive balance in sports leagues that award bonus points, with an application to rugby union," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 309(2), pages 939-952.
    5. Antonio Avila-Cano & Francisco Triguero-Ruiz, 2024. "Did the UEFA Champions League winners start in an easy group?," Journal of Economic Analysis, Anser Press, vol. 3(3), pages 161-172, September.
    6. Jean‐Pascal Gayant & Nicolas Le Pape, 2017. "Increasing Downside or Outer Risk? The Challenge of Measuring Competitive Imbalance in Closed and Open Leagues," Southern Economic Journal, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 83(3), pages 774-795, January.
    7. Dubois, Marc, 2022. "Dominance criteria on grids for measuring competitive balance in sports leagues," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 115(C), pages 1-10.
    8. Francisco Triguero Ruiz & Antonio Avila-Cano, 2019. "The distance to competitive balance: a cardinal measure," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 51(7), pages 698-710, February.
    9. Antonio Ávila-Cano & Francisco Triguero-Ruiz, 2018. "The distribution of soccer leagues scores that generates the minimum of competitive balance: Truncated-Cascade Distribution," Working Papers 2018-04, Universidad de Málaga, Department of Economic Theory, Málaga Economic Theory Research Center.


  1. Chater, Mario & Arrondel, Luc & Gayant, Jean-Pascal & Laslier, Jean-François, 2021. "Fixing match-fixing: Optimal schedules to promote competitiveness," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 294(2), pages 673-683.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  2. Jean‐Pascal Gayant & Nicolas Le Pape, 2017. "Increasing Downside or Outer Risk? The Challenge of Measuring Competitive Imbalance in Closed and Open Leagues," Southern Economic Journal, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 83(3), pages 774-795, January. See citations under working paper version above.
  3. Gayant, Jean-Pascal & Le Pape, Nicolas, 2017. "Increasing Nth degree inequality," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 70(C), pages 185-189.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  4. Jean-Pascal Gayant & Nicolas Le Pape, 2015. "Mesure de la Competitive Balance dans les ligues de sports professionnels. Faut-il distinguer les ligues fermées des ligues avec promotion et relégation ?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 66(2), pages 427-448.

    Cited by:

    1. Nicolas SCELLES, 2016. "Wladimir Andreff (Ed.), Disequilibrium Sports Economics: Competitive Imbalance and Budget Constraints," Journal of Economics and Political Economy, KSP Journals, vol. 3(2), pages 393-410, June.
    2. Dubois, Marc, 2022. "Dominance criteria on grids for measuring competitive balance in sports leagues," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 115(C), pages 1-10.

  5. Jean-pascal Gayant & Nicolas Le Pape, 2012. "How to account for changes in the size of Sports Leagues? The Iso Competitive Balance Curves," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 32(2), pages 1715-1723. See citations under working paper version above.
  6. Jean-Pascal Gayant, 2004. "Rôle de la transformation des probabilités dans la combinaison d'actifs risqués," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 73, pages 141-155.

    Cited by:

    1. Trabelsi, Mohamed Ali, 2019. "The new models of decision in risk: A review of the critical literature," MPRA Paper 92693, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2019.
    2. Luc Arrondel & André Masson & Daniel Verger, 2005. "De la théorie à une enquête méthodologique originale," Post-Print halshs-00754085, HAL.

  7. Courtault, Jean-Michel & Gayant, Jean-Pascal, 1998. "Local risk aversion in the rank dependent expected utility model: First order versus second order effects," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 59(2), pages 207-212, May.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-Louis Arcand & Grégoire Graziosi, 2005. "Tax Compliance and Rank Dependent Expected Utility," The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, Springer;International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics (The Geneva Association), vol. 30(1), pages 57-69, June.
    2. Eric Langlais, 2012. "Safety and the allocation of costs in large accidents," Post-Print hal-01411623, HAL.
    3. Jean-Michel Courtault & Jean-Pascal Gayant, 2002. "Écarts entre prix d'achat et prix de vente d'une variable aléatoire: une clarification," Post-Print halshs-00447148, HAL.
    4. Robert F. Nau, 2003. "A Generalization of Pratt-Arrow Measure to Nonexpected-Utility Preferences and Inseparable Probability and Utility," Management Science, INFORMS, vol. 49(8), pages 1089-1104, August.

  8. Jean-Pascal Gayant, 1998. "L'apport des modèles non-additifs en théorie de la décision dans le risque et l'incertain," Revue Française d'Économie, Programme National Persée, vol. 13(1), pages 199-227.

    Cited by:

    1. Jean-Michel Courtault & Jean-Pascal Gayant, 2002. "Écarts entre prix d'achat et prix de vente d'une variable aléatoire: une clarification," Post-Print halshs-00447148, HAL.

  9. Gayant, Jean-Pascal, 1998. "Arguments graphiques simples pour comprendre la spécification du modèle d’espérance non additive d’utilité et l’intégrale de Choquet," L'Actualité Economique, Société Canadienne de Science Economique, vol. 74(2), pages 183-195, juin.

    Cited by:

    1. Alain Chateauneuf & Michèle Cohen, 2008. "Cardinal extensions of EU model based on the Choquet integral," Post-Print halshs-00348822, HAL.
    2. Paugam, Luc, 2011. "Valorisation et reporting du goodwill : enjeux théoriques et empiriques," Economics Thesis from University Paris Dauphine, Paris Dauphine University, number 123456789/8007 edited by Casta, Jean-François.

  10. Jean-Pascal Gayant, 1995. "Généralisation de l'espérance d'utilité en univers risqué : représentation et estimation," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 46(4), pages 1047-1061.

    Cited by:

    1. Trabelsi, Mohamed Ali, 2006. "Les nouveaux modèles de décision dans le risque et l’incertain : quel apport ? [The new models of decision under risk or uncertainty : What approach?]," MPRA Paper 25442, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    2. Trabelsi, Mohamed Ali, 2010. "Choix de portefeuille: comparaison des différentes stratégies [Portfolio selection: comparison of different strategies]," MPRA Paper 82946, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 01 Dec 2010.
    3. Trabelsi, Mohamed Ali, 2019. "The new models of decision in risk: A review of the critical literature," MPRA Paper 92693, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2019.
    4. Trabelsi, Mohamed Ali, 2006. "Les Nouveaux Modèles de Décision dans le Risque et l’Incertain : Quel Apport ? [The New Models of Decision Under Risk or Uncertainty : What Approach?]," MPRA Paper 76954, University Library of Munich, Germany.

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  1. NEP-SPO: Sports and Economics (2) 2021-07-19 2021-07-26


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