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by members of

Departamento de Economía Cuantitativa
Escuela Politécnica Nacional
Quito, Ecuador

(Department of Quantitative Economics, National Polytechnic School)

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. This page is updated in the first days of each month.
| Working papers | Journal articles | Chapters |

Working papers


  1. Dianne H.B. Welsh & Eugene Kaciak & Muriel Fadairo & Vijayta Doshi & Cintya Lanchimba, 2023. "How to erase gender differences in entrepreneurial success? Look at the ecosystem," Post-Print hal-03976366, HAL.


  1. Cintya Lanchimba & Dianne H.B. Welsh & Muriel Fadairo & Vivian-Lara D.S. Silva, 2021. "The impact of franchisor signaling on entrepreneurship in emerging markets," Post-Print hal-03976359, HAL.


  1. Eugênio José Silva Bitti & Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba & Vivian-Lara Silva, 2019. "Should I stay or should I go? Geographic Entrepreneurial Choices in Brazilian Franchising," Post-Print halshs-01886971, HAL.


  1. Moisés Obaco & Juan Pablo Díaz-Sánchez, 2018. "“An Overview of Urbanization in Ecuador under FUAs Definition”," AQR Working Papers 201807, University of Barcelona, Regional Quantitative Analysis Group, revised Jul 2018.
  2. Moisés Obaco & Juan Pablo Díaz-Sánchez, 2018. "“Urbanization in Ecuador: An overview using the FUA definition”," IREA Working Papers 201814, University of Barcelona, Research Institute of Applied Economics, revised Oct 2018.
  3. Carolina Guevara & Stéphane Riou & Corinne Autant-Bernard, 2018. "Agglomeration externalities in Ecuador. Do urbanisation and tertiarisation matter?," Working Papers 1818, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  4. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba & Josef Windsperger, 2018. "Entrepreneurial orientation, risk and incentives: the case of franchising," Post-Print halshs-01611633, HAL.
  5. Eugenio Jose Silva Bitti & Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba, 2018. "Spatial Organization and Contractual Design in Franchising: Evidence from Brazil," Post-Print halshs-01945773, HAL.
  6. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba & Vivian-Lara Silva, 2018. "Separate the Tares from the Wheat? Organizational Design and Signaling Issues in Brazilian Franchising," Post-Print halshs-01945788, HAL.


  1. Ramírez, José & Carrillo Maldonado, Paul A., 2017. "Indicador de eficiencia recaudatoria del impuesto al valor agregado y del impuesto a la renta de Ecuador," IDB Publications (Working Papers) 8679, Inter-American Development Bank.
  2. Eugênio José Silva Bitti & Cintya Lanchimba & Muriel Fadairo, 2017. "Franchisors'choice between royalties and fixed fees evidence from Brazil," Working Papers 1731, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  3. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba, 2017. "Franchising in Latin America," Post-Print halshs-01367372, HAL.
  4. Muriel Fadairo & Jianyu Yu & Cintya Lanchimba, 2017. "The Choice of Exclusive Dealing: Economic Rationales and Evidence from French Retail Chains," Post-Print halshs-01524163, HAL.


  1. Andrea Bonilla Bolaños, 2016. "A step further in the theory of regional integration: A look at the Unasur's integration strategy," Working Papers 1617, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  2. Carolina Guevara, 2016. "Growth agglomeration effects in spatially interdependent Latin American regions," Working Papers 1611, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  3. Eugenio Jose Silva Bitti & Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba & Vivian-Lara Silva, 2016. "Spatial strategies in Brazilian Franchising; Behavior categories and Performance Outcome," Working Papers 1614, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  4. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba & Josef Windsperger, 2016. "The Trade-Off between Risk and Royalties in Franchise Contracting," Post-Print halshs-01352085, HAL.
  5. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba, 2016. "Franchising in Latin America; State of the art, stylized facts, and avenues for further research," Post-Print halshs-01366882, HAL.
  6. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba & Miguel Yangari, 2016. "Optimal Monetary Provisions and Risk Aversion in Plural Form Franchise Networks A Model of Incentives with Heterogeneous Agents," Working Papers halshs-01251344, HAL.


  1. Andrea Bonilla Bolaños, 2015. "Initiative for Infrastructure Integration in South America : Way toward Regional Convergence," Working Papers 1521, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  2. Carolina Guevara, 2015. "The effect of trade on agglomeration within regions," Working Papers 1530, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  3. Corinne Autant-Bernard & Carolina Guevara, 2015. "Technological interdependence between South American countries: a spatial panel data growth model," Post-Print halshs-00949842, HAL.
  4. Carolina Guevara & Stéphane Riou & Corinne Autant-Bernard, 2015. "Agglomeration externalities and urbanization in Ecuador," Post-Print halshs-01196588, HAL.
  5. Carolina Guevara, 2015. "Intra-agglomeration and trade. Case study for Colombia," Post-Print halshs-01196591, HAL.
  6. Carolina Guevara, 2015. "The impact of the spatial agglomeration in developing countries: The Latin American case," Post-Print halshs-01212180, HAL.
  7. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba & Josef Windsperger, 2015. "Network Form and Performance. The Case of Multi-Unit Franchising," Working Papers 1502, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  8. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba & Josef Windsperger, 2015. "The royalty rate and the trade-off between risk and incentives ; Determinants and performance outcomes in franchising networks," Post-Print halshs-01219911, HAL.
  9. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba & M. Yangari, 2015. "Optimal monetary provisions and risk aversion in plural form franchise networks ; a theoretical model of incentives with heterogeneous agents," Post-Print halshs-01219940, HAL.
  10. E. Bitti & Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba & V. Silva, 2015. "Location strategies in Brazilian Franchising; Behavior categories and Performance Outcome," Post-Print halshs-01219943, HAL.


  1. Andrea Bonilla Bolanos, 2014. "An Examination of the Convergence in the Output of South American Countries: The Influence of the Region’s Integration Projects," Working Papers 1424, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  2. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba, 2014. "Organizational choices and performance in distribution systems," Post-Print halshs-00949167, HAL.
  3. Cintya Lanchimba & Guillem Roig, 2014. "Optimal Monetary Provisions in Plural Forms Franchise Systems," Post-Print halshs-00981555, HAL.
  4. Cintya Lanchimba & Muriel Fadairo & Josef Windsperger, 2014. "Is Multi-Unit Franchising an Effective Organizational Form? Evidence from European Data," Post-Print halshs-01087534, HAL.


  1. Carolina Guevara & Corinne Autant-Bernard, 2013. "Network Formation and Geography : Modelling Approaches, Underlying Conceptions, Recent and Promising Extensions," Working Papers 1313, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  2. Cintya Lanchimba, 2013. "Optimal Monetary Provisions in Plural Form Franchise Systems ; A Theoretical Model of Incentives with Two Risk-Averse Agents," Working Papers 1321, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  3. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba, 2013. "Signaling the value of a business concept; Evidence from a structural equations model with Brazilian data," Post-Print halshs-00858871, HAL.
  4. Cintya Lanchimba & Josef Windsperger, 2013. "Multi-unit Franchise System: An Organizational Economics Analysis," Post-Print halshs-00945468, HAL.
  5. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba, 2013. "Performance in distribution systems : What is the influence of the upstream firm's organizational choices?," Post-Print halshs-00945470, HAL.


  1. Andrea Bonilla Bolanos, 2012. "External vulnerabilities and economic integration. Is the Union of South American Nations a promising project?," Working Papers 1238, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  2. Yannira Chávez & Cintya Lanchimba, 2012. "Estructuración del proceso de titularización de una cartera crediticia : Caso práctico para una institución financiera de la banca ecuatoriana," Post-Print halshs-00945463, HAL.
  3. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba, 2012. "Signaling the value of a business concept : Evidence from a structural model with Brazilian franchising data," Working Papers halshs-00735573, HAL.


  1. Andrea Gabriela Bonilla Bolaños, 2011. "Symmetry of External Shock responses within the Andean Community of Nations: A SVAR Approach," Working Papers 1140, Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon.
  2. Gachet, Ivan & Maldonado, Diego & Oliva, Nicolas & Ramirez, Jose, 2011. "Hechos Estilizados de la Economía Ecuatoriana: El Ciclo Económico 1965-2008 [Stylized Facts of the Ecuadorian Economy: The Economic Chicle 1965-2008]," MPRA Paper 30280, University Library of Munich, Germany.

Journal articles


  1. José Ramírez-Álvarez & Vanessa Chungandro-Carranco & Nathaly Montenegro-Rosero & Carolina Guevara-Rosero, 2024. "Central Industries in the Ecuadorian Input–Output Network. An Application of Social Network Analysis," Networks and Spatial Economics, Springer, vol. 24(1), pages 131-164, March.
  2. Cintya Lanchimba & Dianne H.B. Welsh & Joseph Kaswengi, 2024. "Unveiling the interplay of psychological capital, family business, and gender on firm performance during COVID-19," International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Springer, vol. 20(2), pages 1401-1427, June.


  1. Villacreses, Diego & Bonilla-Bolaños, Andrea, 2023. "Dolarización plena y uniones monetarias: el caso del Ecuador," Revista CEPAL, Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), August.
  2. Villacreses, Diego & Bonilla-Bolaños, Andrea, 2023. "Full dollarization versus monetary union: the case of Ecuador," Revista CEPAL, Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), August.
  3. Welsh, Dianne H.B. & Kaciak, Eugene & Fadairo, Muriel & Doshi, Vijayta & Lanchimba, Cintya, 2023. "How to erase gender differences in entrepreneurial success? Look at the ecosystem," Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, vol. 154(C).


  1. Obaco, Moisés & Pontarollo, Nicola & Mendieta Muñoz, Rodrigo & Díaz-Sánchez, Juan Pablo, 2022. "On the association between housing deprivation and urban size: Evidence from South Asia," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 157(C).
  2. Juan Pablo Díaz-Sánchez & Moisés Obaco & Javier Romaní, 2022. "Measuring Overcrowding in Households with Children: Official vs. Actual Thresholds in the Ecuadorian Case," Child Indicators Research, Springer;The International Society of Child Indicators (ISCI), vol. 15(2), pages 383-398, April.
  3. Guevara Rosero, Grace Carolina & Quijia Pillajo , Jonathan Rafael & Ramírez Álvarez, José Fernando & Acero Almachi, Oscar Omar, 2022. "Do the novelty and type of innovation affect the performance of firms? A case study for Ecuador," INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES - Journal of REGIONAL RESEARCH, Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional, issue 52, pages 81-102.


  1. Adrian Yerovi, 2021. "Tax Enforcement and Young Formal Businesses in Shocks: Microeconomic Evidence for the Ecuadorian Case," X-pedientes_Economicos, X-pedientes Económicos, vol. 5(13), pages 24-42.
  2. Grace Carolina Guevara-Rosero & Andrea Gabriela Bonilla-Bolaños, 2021. "Non-pecuniary Effects of Migration Inflows to Ecuador: Is Residents’ Life Satisfaction Affected?," Journal of International Migration and Integration, Springer, vol. 22(4), pages 1243-1270, December.
  3. Andrea Bonilla‐Bolaños, 2021. "A step further in the theory of regional integration: A look at the South American integration strategy," Journal of International Development, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 33(5), pages 845-873, July.
  4. Grace Carolina Guevara‐Rosero, 2021. "Determinants of manufacturing micro firms' productivity in Ecuador. Do industry and canton where they operate matter?," Regional Science Policy & Practice, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 13(4), pages 1215-1248, August.
  5. Lanchimba, Cintya & Welsh, Dianne H.B. & Fadairo, Muriel & Silva, Vivian-Lara D.S., 2021. "The impact of franchisor signaling on entrepreneurship in emerging markets," Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, vol. 131(C), pages 337-348.
  6. Cintya Lanchimba & Hugo Porras & Yasmin Salazar & Josef Windsperger, 2021. "Franchising and country development: evidence from 49 countries," International Journal of Emerging Markets, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 19(1), pages 7-32, October.


  1. Marcela Guachamín & Diana Ramírez‐Cifuentes & Olga Delgado, 2020. "An Uncertainty Thermometer to Measure the Macroeconomic‐Financial Risk in South American Countries," Journal of International Development, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 32(6), pages 854-890, August.
  2. Cintya Lanchimbra & Andrea Bonilla-Bolaños & Juan Pablo Díaz-Sánchez, 2020. "The COVID-19 pandemic: theoretical scenarios of its socioeconomic impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean," Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Center of Political Economy, vol. 40(4), pages 622-646.
  3. Grace Carolina Guevara-Rosero, 2020. "Trade, innovation and agglomeration. A case study for Colombia," Estudios Gerenciales, Universidad Icesi, vol. 36(155), pages 156-166, June.
  4. Grace Carolina Guevara Rosero & JosŽ Ramirez & Diana Saez, 2020. "Determinantes de la innovaci—n: el rol de las econom’as de aglomeraci—n," Archivos Revista Economía y Política., Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, Universidad de Cuenca., vol. 31, pages 50-70, Enero.
  5. Guevara-Rosero, Grace Carolina & Del Pozo, Diego, 2020. "Determination of the urban wage premium in Ecuador," INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES - Journal of REGIONAL RESEARCH, Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional, issue 47, pages 57-77.
  6. Carrillo Maldonado, Paul & Ramírez-Álvarez, José, 2020. "Indicador de eficiencia recaudatoria del impuesto al valor agregado y del impuesto a la renta del Ecuador," Revista CEPAL, Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), August.
  7. Carrillo Maldonado, Paul & Ramírez-Álvarez, José, 2020. "Indicator of the efficiency of value added tax and income tax collection in Ecuador," Revista CEPAL, Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), August.
  8. Cintya Lanchimba & Joselyn Quisnancela & Yasmín Salazar Méndez, 2020. "The choice of elderly labor: Evidence from Ecuador," Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review, Universidad Alberto Hurtado/School of Economics and Business, vol. 35(1), pages 75-97, April.


  1. Eugênio J. S. Bitti & Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba & Vivian Lara Dos santos silva, 2019. "Should I Stay or Should I Go? Geographic Entrepreneurial Choices in Brazilian Franchising," Journal of Small Business Management, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 57(S2), pages 244-267, November.


  1. Moises Obaco Alvarez & Juan Pablo Diaz Sanchez, 2018. "An Overview of Urbanization in Ecuador under Functional Urban Area Definition," REGION, European Regional Science Association, vol. 5, pages 39-48.
  2. Cintya Lanchimba & Josef Windsperger & Muriel Fadairo, 2018. "Entrepreneurial orientation, risk and incentives: the case of franchising," Small Business Economics, Springer, vol. 50(1), pages 163-180, January.


  1. Andrea Bonilla BOLAÑOS, 2017. "Are South American Countries Really Converging?: The Influence of the Region's Integration Projects," Journal for Economic Forecasting, Institute for Economic Forecasting, vol. 0(3), pages 130-149, September.
  2. Andrea Bonilla Bolaños, 2017. "Initiative for Infrastructure Integration in South America: Way Toward Regional Convergence," International Economic Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 31(2), pages 326-354, April.
  3. José Fernando Ramírez Álvarez & Juan Díaz Sanchez, 2017. "Fuentes de la desigualdad económica en Ecuador," Archivos Revista Economía y Política., Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, Universidad de Cuenca., vol. 25, pages 9-28, Enero.
  4. Cintya Lanchimba & Juan Pablo Diaz-Sanchez, 2017. "Efectos de los Ingresos del Hogar, Educación de la Mujer y Participación Laboral Femenina Sobre la Fecundidad Ecuatoriana," Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review, Universidad Alberto Hurtado/School of Economics and Business, vol. 32(1), pages 47-67, April.
  5. Fadairo, Muriel & Yu, Jianyu & Lanchimba, Cintya, 2017. "The Choice of Exclusive Dealing: Economic Rationales and Evidence from French Retail Chains," Journal of Retailing, Elsevier, vol. 93(3), pages 317-335.


  1. Carolina Guevara & Corinne Autant-Bernard, 2015. "Technological interdependence between South American countries: a spatial panel data growth model," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Armand Colin, vol. 0(1), pages 181-210.
  2. Jorge Luis Palacios Riquetti & Pablo Anibal Beltrán Romero & Santiago Estuardo Pozo Rodríguez & Fabián Patricio Cordero Méndez & José Ramírez Álvarez, 2015. "Metodología para el cálculo de evasión del impuesto a la renta," Archivos Revista Economía y Política., Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, Universidad de Cuenca., vol. 21, pages 49-63, Enero.


  1. Andrea Bonilla Bolanos, 2014. "External Vulnerabilities And Economic Integration: Is The Union Of South American Nations A Promising Project?," Journal of Economic Development, Chung-Ang Unviersity, Department of Economics, vol. 39(2), pages 97-131, June.
  2. Muriel Fadairo & Cintya Lanchimba, 2014. "Organizational choices and performance in distribution systems," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 46(14), pages 1609-1623, May.


  1. Cintya Lanchimba & Paúl Medina, 2011. "Fecundidad en el Ecuador y su relación con el entorno social y evolutivo," Analítika, Analítika - Revista de Análisis Estadístico/Journal of Statistical Analysis, vol. 1(1), pages 31-55, Junio.



  1. Cintya Lanchimba & Josef Windsperger, 2015. "Multi-unit Franchise System Performance: An Organizational Economics Analysis," Springer Books, in: Josef Windsperger & Gérard Cliquet & Thomas Ehrmann & Georg Hendrikse (ed.), Interfirm Networks, edition 127, pages 57-76, Springer.

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