- 202481 Employment Impacts of Energy Transition in Indonesia
by Alin Halimatussadiah & Milda Irhamni & Teuku Riefky & Muhammad Nur Ghiffari & Fachry Abdul Razak Afifi - 202480 Indonesia's Decarbonization Plans Diagnostic: A Policy Paper
by Alin Halimatussadiah & Muhammad Adriansyah & Fachry Abdul Razak Afifi & Muhammad Yudha Pratama & Teuku Riefky & Jiehong Lou - 202479 Innovation for Scaling Up Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
by Chaikal Nuryakin & Izyan Pijar Bungabangsa Satyagraha & Ratu Silfa Addiba Nursahla - 202478 Analysis of Korean's ODA Projects in Indonesia: Development Demands, Projects Performance, and Satisfaction
by Faradina A. Maizar & Teuku Riefky & Ghany E. Wiguna & Raka R. Fadilla & Yoshua Caesar Justinus & Jahen F. Rezki - 202477 The Impact of COVID-19 on Voter Turnout in the 2020 Regional Elections in Indonesia: Do Voters Care About Health Risks?
by Teguh Dartanto & Yoshua Caesar Justinus & Rus'an Nasrudin
- 202376 Policy Modelling in Indonesia: Gaps, Potential, and the Way Forward
by Jahen F. Rezki & Roes Regi Lutfi & Yoshua Caesar Justinus - 202375 Leaders Characteristics in Indonesia: What Does the Data Say?
by Albert Ludi Angkawibawa & Jahen F. Rezki
- 202274 Bending the Moral Arc of Technological Adoption in Indonesia Towards Good
by Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman & Maria Monica Wihardja - 202273 The Potential Distributional and Economic Wide Impact of the New Indonesia's VAT Law Implementation
by Bisuk Abraham Sisungkunon & Atiqah Amanda Siregar & Wildan Al Kautsar Anky - 202272 The Potential Distributional and Economic Wide Impact of the New Indonesia's VAT Law Implementation
by Rus’an Nasrudin & Djoni Hartono & Faizal Rahmanto Moeis & Andhika Putra Pratama & Raka Rizky Fadilla & Rustam Effendi - 202271 The ASEAN Economic Integration Principles: Open, Convergence, Inclusive, and Green
by Kiki Verico - 202270 The Perks of Well Targeting Social Protection Program: The Impact of Kartu Prakerja Program to Mental Health
by Chairina Hanum Siregar & Muhammad Rifqi Aufari & Hamdan Bintara & Raka Rizky Fadilla & Wildan Al Kautsar Anky & Nia Kurnia Sholihah & Lovina Aisha Malika Putri & Alin Halimatussadiah & Jahen Fachrul Rizki - 202269 Who works from home during the COVID-19 pandemic? Case of Indonesia
by Riatu Mariatul Qibthiyyah & Fauziah Zen
- 202168 Macro Uncertainties and Tests of Capital Structure Theories across Renewable and Non-Renewable Resource Companies
by Deni Irawan & Tatsuyoshi Okimoto - 202167 Climate and Environmental Financing at Regional Level: Amplifying and Seizing the Opportunities
by Nauli A. Desdiani & Fachry Abdul Razak Afifi & Amalia Cesarina & Syahda Sabrina & Meila Husna & Rosalia Marcha Violeta & Adho Adinegoro & Alin Halimatussadiah - 202166 Travel Demand of Denpasar Greater Area
by Dhaniel Ilyas - 202165 Conditional Capital Surplus and Shortfall across Renewable and Non-Renewable Resource Firms
by Deni Irawan & Tatsuyoshi Okimoto - 202164 Resilient Infrastructure in Indonesia: A Way Forward
by Teuku Riefky & Faizal Rahmanto Moeis & Yusuf Sofiyandi & Muhammad Adriansyah & Anas Izzuddin & Aqilah Farhani & Sendy Jasmine - 202163 Assessing Indonesia’s Inclusive Employment Opportunities for People with Disability in the COVID-19 Era
by Atiqah Amanda Siregar & Faizal Rahmanto Moeis & Wildan Al Kautsar Anky - 202162 Quantifying the Impacts of COVID-19 Mobility Restrictions on Ridership and Farebox Revenues: The Case of Mass Rapid Transit in Jakarta, Indonesia
by Yusuf Sofiyandi & Yusuf Reza Kurniawan & Khoirunurrofik & Prayoga Wiradisuria & Dikki Nur Ahmad Saleh - 202161 How COVID-19 Affects Food Security in Indonesia
by Mohamad Ikhsan & I Gede Sthitaprajna Virananda - 202160 Tax Education and Tax Awareness: An Analysis on Indonesian Tax Education Program
by Yulianti Abbas & Christine Tjen & Panggah Tri Wicaksono - 202159 Province and Local Finances in Indonesia during COVID-19 Pandemic
by Riatu Mariatul Qibthiyyah - 202158 What has been happening to Indonesia’s Manufacturing Industry?
by Kiki Verico - 202157 Global Pandemic 2020: Indonesia’s Output Gap and Middle-Income Trap Scenario
by Kiki Verico
- 202056 How to Measure Bilateral Economic Relations? Case of Indonesia – Australia
by Kiki Verico - 202055 Listen to Your Wife When It Comes to Saving Decision: Women’s Bargaining Power and Household’s Saving Outcome in Indonesia
by Sulistiadi Dono Iskandar & Faradina Alifia Maizar - 202054 Exploring the Changes of Commuting Patterns, Commuting Flows, and Travel-to-work Behaviour in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area from 2014 to 2019: A Comparative Analysis of Two Cross-sectional Commuting Surveys
by Yusuf Sofiyandi & Atiqah Amanda Siregar - 202053 Highway Expansion and Urban Sprawl in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area
by Andhika Putra Pratama & Muhammad Halley Yudhistira - 202052 Unlocking Renewable Energy Potential in Indonesia: Assessment on Project Viability
by Alin Halimatussadiah & Atiqah Amanda Siregar & Rafika Farah Maulia - 202051 Beyond The Scopus Frenzy: Policy Alternatives To Incentivize Academic Publications
by Aditya Alta - 202050 Nurturing the Levelled-Up Indonesia’s South-South Cooperation and the Future of Indonesian AID
by Rhapsagita Malist Pamasiwi & Novrima Rizki Arsyani - 202049 Indonesia’s Aid Messaging: Recommendations from Discourse Analysis
by Aditya Alta - 202048 How to Fuel Better? Assessing the Impact of Energy Use on Industrialization in Developing Countries
by Teuku Riefky & Syahda Sabrina & Lourentius Dimas & Abrar Aulia - 202047 The Impact of Tourism on Poverty Alleviation and Income Distribution: Evidence from Indonesia
by Riyanto & Natanael W. G. Massie & Djoni Hartono & Mohamad D. Revindo & Usman & Setya A. Riyadi & Nanda Puspita & Uka Wikarya - 202046 Political Competition and Economic Performance: Evidence from Indonesia
by Jahen F. Rezki - 202045 Modernizing Official Statistics with Big Data: A Case on PODES
by Chaikal Nuryakin & Nandaru Annabil Gumelar & Muhammad Dhiya Ul-Haq & Riefhano Patonangi & Andhika Putra Pratama - 202044 Analysis of Tax Education and Tax Knowledge: Survey on University Students in Indonesia
by Bernardus Bayu Ryanto Prakoso Putro & Christine Tjen - 202043 Estimating the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of Electrified Vehicle in Indonesia
by Riyanto & Chaikal Nuryakin & Setya Agung Riyadi & Natanael Waraney Gerald Massie
- 201942 Heterogenous Effects of Visa Exemption Policy on International Tourist Arrivals: Evidence from Indonesia
by Muhammad Halley Yudhistira & Yusuf Sofiyandi & Witri Indriyani & Andhika Putra Pratama - 201941 The Sky in Blues: On the Recent Development of Indonesian Airlines Industry
by Chaikal Nuryakin & Regi Kusumaatmadja & Natanael Waraney Gerald Massie & Alvin Ulido Lumbanraja & Sean Hambali & Devina Anindita - 201940 Long-term Effect of Mega Sports Event on Host Country’s Tourism: Evidence from the Jakarta-Palembang 2018 Asian Games
by Mohamad D. Revindo & Amalia A. Widyasanti & Chairina H. Siregar & Devina Anindita & Nurindah W. Hastuti & Sean Hambali & Devianto - 201939 Personal Income Tax Exemption and Labor Supply: A Preliminary Study
by Riatu Mariatul Qibthiyyah - 201938 Asymmetric Transmission of the Monetary Policy: Empirical Evidence from the Consumer Credit Rates in Indonesia
by Fitri Ami Handayani & Febrio Nathan Kacaribu - 201937 Spending of Sports Event Participants and Tourists: Evidence from the 2018 Asian Games
by Mohamad D. Revindo & Chairina H. Siregar & Amalia A. Widyasanti & Devina Anindita & Nurindah W. Hastuti & Sean Hambali & Hamdan Bintara - 201936 Financial Technology in Indonesia: A Fragmented Instrument for Financial Inclusion?
by Chaikal Nuryakin & Lovina Aisha & Natanael Waraney Gerald Massie - 201935 An Inquiry of Indonesia Central and Sub-national Government Cooperation on National Expenditure Program
by Riatu Mariatul Qibthiyyah - 201934 The Economic Correlation between China and Southeast Asian Countries: Derivative Market and Real Sector Analysis
by Muhamad Irzal & Kiki Verico - 201933 Enrolment of Informal Sector Workers on the National Health Insurance System in Indonesia: A Qualitative Analysis
by Teguh Dartanto & Chairina Hanum Siregar & Alvin Ulido Lumbanraja & Usman & Hamdan Bintara & Wahyu Pramono & Nia Kurnia Sholihah - 201932 A Comparison Between Merit-Based and Test-Based Higher Education Admission in Indonesia
by Mohamad Ikhsan & Natanael Waraney Gerald Massie & Ari Kuncoro - 201931 Beyond Indonesia’s Sustainable Movement in South Paci?c Area: Study Case on Pilot Projects for Timor Leste and Fiji
by Rhapsagita Malist Pamasiwi & Natanael Novrima Rizki Arsyani - 201930 Prior Experience, Trust, IS Success Model: A Study on the Use of Tax e-Filing in Indonesia
by Christine Tjen & Vitria Indriani & Panggah Tri Wicaksono - 201929 Does Trafic Management Matter? Evaluating Congestion Effect of Odd-Even Policy in Jakarta
by Muhammad Halley Yudhistira & Regi Kusumaatmadja & Mochammad Firman Hidayat
- 201828 Systemic Risk Cycle: Evidence from ASEAN-5
by Febrio Kacaribu & Denny Irawan - 201827 Does Deposit Insurance Matter? Behavioral Evidence from Indonesia
by Chaikal Nuryakin & Natanael Waraney Gerald Massie - 201826 Are (More) Economic News Good for the Economy ? Case on Indonesian Sub-nationals
by Riatu Mariatul Qibthiyyah & Ummi Salamah - 201825 The Implications of Intangible Assets Identification with DEMPE in the Indonesia’s Transfer Pricing Tax Regulations
by Leonard Saputra & Christine Tjen - 201823 Let’s talk about the Free Trade Agreement (FTA): The five ASEAN members highlighting Indonesia
by Kiki Verico & Yeremia Natanael - 201822 The Effect of Residential Location and Housing Unit Characteristics on Labor Force Participation of Childbearing Women in Indonesia: Using Twin Births As A Quasi-Natural Experiment
by Yusuf Sofiyandi1 - 201821 Toward Higher Financial Inclusion Rate: Service Quality, Costs Of Access, And Awareness
by Chaikal Nuryakin & Prani Sastiono & Faradina Alifia Maizar & Pyan Amin & Nanda Puspita & Wahyu Pramono & Christine Tjen - 201820 Factors Affecting Variation in SMES' Export Intensity
by Mohamad D. Revindo & Christopher Gan - 201819 Does Indonesia’s Macroeconomic Work Well Towards the Political Year?
by Kiki Verico - 201818 Estimating Urban Water Demand Elasticities using Regression Discontinuity: A Case of Tangerang Regency, Indonesia
by Muhammad Halley Yudhistira & Prani Sastiono & Melly Meliyawati - 201817 Indonesian South-South Cooperation: Stepping Up the Institution and Strategy for Indonesias Development Assistance
by Aditya Alta & Rhapsagita Malist Pamasiwi - 201816 Estimating the Benefit of Document-Handling Process Improvement for Seaport Reliability: The Case of Indonesia
by Yusuf Sofiyandi & Muhammad Halley Yudhistira
- 201715 Preliminary Finding of Small and Micro Firms Resilience in Indonesia
by Dhaniel Ilyas - 201714 When Officials Dont Know What They Dont Know: Dunning-Kruger Effect in the Case of Green Budgeting for Local Government
by Alvin Ulido Lumbanraja - 201713 ICT Capital Spending, ICT Sector, and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Indonesian Firm-Level Data
by Chaikal Nuryakin & Faisal Rachman & Ashintya Damayati & Nia Kurnia & Moslem Afrizal - 201712 When Prime Depositors Run on the Banks: A Behavioral Approach
by Natanael Waraney Gerald Massie & Chaikal Nuryakin - 201711 Factors Influencing SMEs Engagement in Direct Export Activities
by Mohamad D. Revindo & Christopher Gan - 201710 Supporting National Commitment in Reducing GHG Emissions: A Painful Journey for Indonesian Local Government?
by Sulistiadi Dono Iskandar & Andhika Putra Pratama - 201708 Financial Inclusion through Digital Financial Services and Branchless Banking: Inclusiveness, Challenges and Opportunities
by Chaikal Nuryakin & Prani Sastiono & Faradina Alifia Maizar & Pyan Amin & Lili Yunita & Nanda Puspita & Moslem Afrizal & Christine Tjen - 201707 Tri-Cycles Analysis on Bank Performance: Panel VAR Approach
by Denny Irawan & Febrio Kacaribu - 201706 Disaster, Mitigation and Household Welfare in Indonesia
by Teguh Dartanto
- 201605 A Bad Luck: People with Disabilities (PWD) and Poverty in Indonesia
by Adrianna Bella & Teguh Dartanto
- 201511 Expanding Universal Health Coverage in The Presence of Informality in Indonesia: Challenges and Policy Implications
by Teguh Dartanto & Jahen Fachrul Rezki & Usman & Chairina Hanum Siregar & Hamdan Bintara & Wahyu Pramono
- 201403 Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and Labor Force in Indonesia : A Preliminary Study
by Alin Halimatussadiah & Maria Agriva & Chaikal Nuryakin
- wpebII-3 Civil Service Reforms in Thailand: Political Control and Corruption
by Prijono Tjiptoherijanto
- 200917 To Squeeze Or Not To Squeeze: Characterising The Investment Climate In The City Of Manado, Indonesia
by Neil McCulloch & Arianto A. Patunru & Christian von Luebke
- 200704 Returns to Scale in Agriculture: A Suggested Theoretical Framework
by Arianto Patunru