Fall 1984, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 365-380 Introduction: Planning America, Government or the Market?
by James A. Dorn - 381-386 A "Supply-Side" Industrial Policy
by William A. Niskanen - 387-406 U.S. Economic Policy and Productivity Growth
by John W. Kendrick - 407-425 Economic Planning and the knowledge Problem
by Israel M. Kirzner - 427-455 The Incentive to Innovate Under Alternative Property Rights
by Steve Pejovich - 457-484 Two Varieties of Industrial Policy: A Critique
by Don Lavole - 485-520 Industrial Policy in Hungary: Lessons for AmerIca
by Josef C. Brada - 521-548 Japanese Economic Success: Industrial Policy or Free Market?
by Katsuro Sakoh - 549-586 The Constitutional Chaos of Industrial Policy
by Edwin Vieira, Jr. - 587-607 The Political Economy of National Industrial Policy
by Thomas J. Dilorenzo - 609-624 Breaking the Barriers to the U.S. Economic Growth
by John M. Albertine - 625-650 Is Industrial Innovation Destroying Jobs
by Bruce Bartlett - 651-660 The Case Against "Industrial Policy"
by James C. Miller III
Spring/Summer 1984, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-19 In Memory of Robert E. Weintraub
by David I. Meiselman - 21-61 International Debt: Crisis and Challenge
by Robert E. Weintraub - 71-80 World Debt and Monetary Order: Learning from the Past
by James B. Burnham - 81-103 U.S. Macroeconomic Policy and Third World Debt
by Michael Mussa - 105-129 Regulatory Aspects of the World Debt Problem
by A. James Meigs - 131-146 Restoring Credibility to International Lending
by Jerry L. Jordan - 147-184 The Political Economy of International Lending
by Paul De Grauwe & Michele Fratianni - 185-209 Safety-Net Mechanisms: The Case of International Lending
by Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Jr. & Eugenie D. Shor - 211-247 The Politics of IMF Lending
by Fred L. Smith, Jr. - 249-274 International Debt, Bank Failures, and the Money Supply: The Thirties and the Eighties
by Roland Vaubel - 275-321 The Lender of Last Resort; A Historical Perspective
by Thomas H. Humphrey & Robert E. Keleher - 323-342 The Impoverishing Effects of Foreign Aid
by Manuel F. Ayau - 343-353 Country Debt Problems: The Brazilian Case
by Carlos Geraldo Langoni - 355-364 Economic Policy for a Stable World Order
by Jan Tumlir
Winter 1983, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 623-644 International Trade and National Prosperity
by Charles P. Kindleberger - 645-672 Realism and Free-Trade Policy
by Leland B. Ycager & David C. Tuerek - 673-678 Protectionism, the Welfare State and the Third World
by Melvyn Krauss - 679-703 U.S. Trade Policy: History and Evidence
by Victor A. Canto - 705-716 Do Trade Deficits Matter?
by Paul Heyne - 717-741 U.S. Trade Policy and National Security
by Thomas D. Willett & Mehrdad Jalalighajar - 743-755 The Political Economy of Trade Policy
by J. Michael Finger - 757-775 U.S-Japanese Trade: Myths and Realities
by Steve H. Hanke - 777-791 The High Cost of Protectionism
by Murray L. Weidenbaum - 793-810 Constitutional Reform: A Prerequisite for Supply-Side Economics
by Dwight R. Lee - 811-830 Instream Flows: The State and Voluntary Action
by Thomas Greider - 831-853 Deregulating Electric Utilities: A Market-Process Approach
by Douglas A. Houston - 855-867 Information: A Neglected Aspect of the Theory of Price Regulation
by E. C. Pasour, Jr. - 869-874 Privatization, Justice and Markets
by Richard Auster - 875-878 A Note on Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution
by John R. Lott - 879-882 Book Review: The Supply-Side Solution
by Dwight R. Lee - 882-887 Book Review: Development Without Aid
by Doug Bandow
Fall 1983, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 335-359 Introduction: Social Security: Continuing Crisis or Real Reform?
by James A. Dorn - 339-359 Social Security Survival: A Public-Choice Perspective
by James M. Buchanan - 361-391 The Economics and Politics of the Emergence of Social Security: Some Implications for Reform.
by Carolyn L. Weaver - 393-401 Social Security: Myths and Realiies
by Paul Craig Roberts - 403-416 The National Commission’s Failure to Achieve Real Reform
by A. Haeworth Robertson - 417-442 Individual Gains and Losses from Social Security before and after the 1983 Amendments
by Anthony Pellechio & Gordon Goodfellow - 443-465 A Constitutionalist Approach to Social Security Reform
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo - 489-512 Social Security: The Absence of Lasting Reform
by Richard B. McKenzie - 489-512 Criteria for Reforming Social Security
by David Ranson - 513-536 Misdirection of Labor and Capital under Social Security
by Roger W. Garrison - 537-546 Supply-Side Effects of Social Insurance
by Norman B. Ture - 547-561 Achieving Social Security Reform: A Leninist Strategy
by Stuart Butler & Peter Germanis - 563-580 Private Alternatives to SociM Security: The Experience of Other Countries
by John C. Goodman - 581-608 Funded Social Security: Collective and Private Options
by Richard E. Wagner - 609-621 The Prospect of Real Reform
by Peter J. Ferrara
Spring 1983, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-9 Introduction: A Historical Perspective on the Importance of Stable Money
by James A. Dorn - 11-14 Fritz Machiup: In Memoriam
by Gottfried Haberler - 23-62 Has Monetarism Failed?
by Karl Brunner - 63-91 The Importance of Stable Money: Theory and Evidence
by Michael D, Bordo & Anna J. Schwartz - 93-120 Monetary Reform in an Uncertain Environment
by Allan H. Meltzer - 121-146 Rules vs. Discretion in Monetary Policy
by Carl Christ - 147-154 Changes in Monetary Policy and the Fight Against Inflation
by Henry C. Wallich - 155-162 Can the Fed Control Money?
by Beryl W. Sprinkel - 163-170 Economic Calculation and Monetary Stability
by Don C. Lavoie - 171-188 What Type of Monetary Rule?
by Robert E. Weintraub - 189-210 International Monetary Options
by Robert A. Mundell - 211-238 Why Gold?
by Alan Reynolds - 239-275 Cold Standards: True and False
by Joseph T. Salerno - 277-280 Gold and International Monetary Stability
by Alexandre Kafka - 281-304 Competitive Money, Inside and Out
by Lawrence H. White - 305-333 Stable Money and Free-Market Currencies
by Leland B. Yeager
Winter 1982, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 363-384 Aggregate Supply-Driven Deflation and Its Implications for Macroeconomic Stability
by David Beckworth - 385-420 Sustained Economic Growth: Do Institutions Matter, and Which One Prevails?
by Abdoul' Ganiou Mijiyawa - 421-434 Censoring and Destroying Information in the Information Age
by J. R. Clark and Dwight R. Lee - 435-448 State Fiscal Crises: Are Rapid Spending Increases to Blame?
by Dean Stansel and David T. Mitchell - 449-478 Small States: Not Handicapped and Under-Aided, but Advantaged and Over-Aided
by Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar - 479-493 Parental Valuation of Charter Schools and Student Performance
by James VanderHoff - 495-514 Cold Case Files: The Athenian Grain Merchants, 386 B.C
by Wayne R. Dunham - 515-533 State Sanctions and the Decline in Welfare Caseloads
by Michael J. New - 535-553 Creating Financial Harmony: Lessons for China
by James A. Dorn - 555-558 Book Review: Termites in the Trading System: How Preferential Agreements Undermine Free Trade
by Daniel Griswold - 559-561 Book Review: The Swiss National Bank: 1907–2007
by Kurt Schuler - 562-565 Book Review: Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness
by Ike Brannon - 565-568 Book Review: Forgotten Continent: The Battle for Latin America’s Soul
by Juan Carlos Hidalgo - 568-573 Book Review: Heads in the Sand: How Republicans Screw Up Foreign Policy and Foreign Policy Screws Up the Democrats
by Brendan Rittenhouse Green - 653-662 The Privatization Debate: An Insider's View
by Steve H. Hanke - 663-685 On Divestiture and the Creation of Property Rights in Public Lands
by Vernon L. Smith - 691-708 Endowment Areas: A Clearing in the Policy Wilderness?
by Richard L. Stroup & John Baden - 709-738 The Suburban Squeeze: Land-Use Policies in the San Francisco Bay Area
by David E. Dowall - 739-758 Agricultural Land Protection: Is Government Intervention Warranted?
by E. C. Pasour, Jr. - 759-792 Institutional Underpinnings of the Water Crisis
by Terry L. Anderson - 793-821 Developing the Mineral Resources of the Seabed
by Doug Bandow - 823-841 Sentiment, Guilt, and Reason in the Management of Wild Herds
by Garrett Hardin - 843-849 Is Supply-Side Economics Enough?
by Karl Brunner - 851-863 Reflections on Supply-Side Economics
by Morgan O. Reynolds - 865-905 Trade Adjustment Assistance: A Case of Government Failure
by James A. Dorn
Fall 1982, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 335-337 Introduction: Cato Symposium on the New Federalism and Urban Opportunities
by James A. Dorn - 339-359 The Zoning of Enterprise
by Edward C. Banfield - 361-371 The Rationale for Enterprise Zones
by Peter J. Ferrara - 373-390 The Enterprise Zone as a Political Animal
by Suart M. Butler - 391-410 Enterprise Zones: New Deal, Old Deal, or No Deal?
by Otto A. Davis & Denise Dipasquale - 411-436 Urban Housing Programs: What Is the Question?
by John C. Weicher - 437-471 Plastic Land in the Post-Industrial Era
by Donald A. Hicks - 473-499 The New Federalism: An Economist's View
by Wallace E. Oates - 501-541 The Post-Interventionist City
by John W. Sommer - 543-564 Cancer's Uncertainties and Public Policy
by William R. Havender & Elizabeth M. Whelan - 565-606 Chemical and Nuclear Waste Disposal: Problems and Solutions
by James P. Murray & Joseph J. Harrington & Richard Wilson - 607-617 The Political Economy of Corporate Welfare: Industrial Revenue Bonds
by James T. Bennett & Thomas J. DiLorenzo - 619-635 Compulsory Unionism and the Free-Rider Doctrine
by John C. Moorhouse Author-Email: - 637-652 Budgetary Referenda: An Efficient Alternative to Representative Democracy
by Roger A. Arnold & Thomas L. Wyrick & Thomas L. Wyrick
Spring 1982, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 9-53 The Principles of Environmental Protection: The Case of Superfund
by Richard A. Epstein - 55-99 Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution
by Murray Rothbard - 101-136 Legal Issues in Pollution-Engendered Torts
by Robert K. Best & James I. Collins - 165-204 Can Water Pollution Policy Be Efficient?
by Jerome W. Milliman - 205-229 Pollution Externalities: Social Cost and Strict Liability
by Peter Lewin - 231-253 Imposed Risk Controversies: A Critical Analysis
by Gerald L. Sauer - 255-278 Radiation Pollution and Cancer: Comparative Risks and Proof
by Bernard L. Cohen - 279-304 Cost-Benefit Analysis, Environmentalism, and Rights
by Richard N. Langlois - 305-333 Pollution as Moral Coercion: Culture, Risk Perception, and Libertarian Values
by Aaron Wildavsky
Fall 1981, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 313-337 Energy Considerations in United States Foreign Policy
by Hendrik S. Houthakker - 339-371 Taxation and Income Redistribution: An Unsympathetic Critique of Practice and Theory
by Richard B. McKenzie - 373-390 The Public and Private Interest in Wilderness Protection
by William C. Dennis - 391-404 Competing for the Rental Value of Federal Land: The Assignment of Use Rights and Their Regulation
by Gary D. Libecap - 405-420 Proportionality, Justice, and the Value-Added Tax
by Charles W. Baird - 421-438 Responsible Individuals and the Nation’s Energy Future
by Richard Stroup and John Baden - 439-468 Resolving the Tragedy of the Commons by Creating Private Property Rights in Wildlife
by Robert J. Smith - 469-471 “Resolving the Tragedy of the Commons†: A Comment
by Walter N. Thurman - 473-499 Parks Property Rights, and the Possibilities of the Private Law
by James P. Beckwith, Jr. - 501-517 Toward a Free Market in Forest Resources
by Charles R. Batten - 519-564 The Myth of Neutral Taxation
by Murray N. Rothbard - 585-607 Bureaucratic Incentives, Social Efficiency, and the Conflict in Federal Land Policy
by Mack Ott - 609-627 United States Energy Policy: The Translucent Hand and the Art of Muddling Through
by Edward W. Erickson - 629-632 The Consumption Tax and Supply-Side Economics: Some Short-Term Revenue Effects
by Communications Author-Email:
Spring 1981, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-21 Government Exactions and Revenue Deficiencies
by Arthur B. Laffer - 23-44 A Comment on the Laffer Model
by Max Moszer - 45-52 Limitations of the Laffer Curve as a Justification for Tax Cuts
by David Henderson - 53-85 The Petroleum Industry: A Historical Study in Power
by D.T. Armentano - 87-105 Establishing Property Rights in Energy: Efficient vs. Inefficient Processes
by Terry L. Anderson & Peter J. Hill - 107-127 Competition and Monopoly in World Oil Markets: The Role of the International Oil Companies
by Richard B. Mancke - 129-153 Taxation in England during the Industrial Revolution
by Ronald Max Hartwell - 155-159 “Taxation in England during the Industrial Revolution†: A Comment
by Donald N. McCloskey - 161-182 The Sixteenth Amendment: The Historical Background
by Arthur A. Ekirch, Jr. - 183-223 The Ratification of the Federal Income Tax Amendment
by John D. Buenker - 225-275 The IRS and Civil Liberties: Powers of Search and Seizure
by Ronald Hamowy - 277-292 Taxes and Militarism
by Lloyd J. Dumas - 293-311 Bureaucracy, Entrepreneurship, and Natural Resources: Witless Policy and the Barrier Islands
by William J. Siffin