Enero-Junio 2006, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 56-82 Determinacion del indice fisico de calidad de vida en el Estado de Tabasco
by Jesus Antonio Garcia Hernandez - 83-106 Financial determinants of private investment in Turkey. An Euler Equation Approach to Time Series
by Öner Güncavdi & Michael Bleaney & Andrew McKay
Julio-Diciembre 2005, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 3-35 Do Developing Countries Benefit from Antidumping Laws? An Assessment Based upon a Theoretical Dumping Model
by Mario D. Tello - 38-62 Armonizacion fiscal del iva entre paises de diferente tamano
by Gustavo Cabrera Gonzalez - 63-90 Sectoral Economic Growth and Employment in Mexico, 1996-2001
by Aniel A. Altamirano Ogarrio & Mario M. Carrillo Huerta & Jose A. Ceron Vargas - 127-139 Negociando con opciones exteriores
by Maria de las Mercedes Adamuz Pena - 141-164 La planeacion estrategica en la pequena y mediana empresa: Una revision bibliografica
by Alejandra Lopez Salazar
Enero-Junio 2005, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 7-38 Is the market concentration and interest-rates relationship in the Mexican commercial banking industry a sign of efficiency?
by Clemente Hernandez-Rodriguez - 39-56 La estabilidad de la demanda real de dinero en Puerto Rico
by Carlos A. Rodriguez Ramos - 57-79 Agglomeration economies, growth and the new economic geography in Mexico
by Alejandro Diaz-Bautista - 81-101 Politica de control de rentas e inversion bajo incertidumbre
by Leonardo Gonzalez Tejeda - 103-123 The Mexican fixed national long distance market: evidence of monopoly power
by J. Alejandro Tirado - 125-139 Los criterios de objetividad cientifica y las metodologias cuantitativas y cualitativas en el analisis de la ventaja competitiva, ¿aun existe un debate?
by Carlos Fong Reynoso
Julio-Diciembre 2004, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 3-15 Devaluation, Conflict Inflation and Endogenous Growth in a Small Open Economy
by Jose Antonio Cordero - 17-39 Corrupcion, inversion extranjera directa y reformas institucionales
by Rafael S. Espinosa Ramirez & Ana Torres Mata - 41-56 The Effects of Foreign Exchange Rate Movements on Domestic Prices in the Turkish Manufacturing Industry
by Oner Guncavdi & Benan Zeki Orbay - 57-82 Productividad del trabajo en la industria maquiladora del norte de Mexico: Un analisis de convergencia
by Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Cota - 83-92 An evaluation of female expatriate managers efficacy
by Eileen Daspro - 93-115 Regionalizacion y cambio institucional en Mexico a finales del siglo XX
by Carlos Riojas & Alfonso Alarcon
Enero - Junio 2004, Volume 1, Issue 0
- 7-16 Oligopolio, rendimientos crecientes y regulacion
by Pedro Uribe - 17-23 A numerical representation of acyclic preferences when non-comparability and indifference are concepts with different meaning
by Leobardo Plata-Perez - 25-47 Convergencia salarial entre las principales ciudades mexicanas: Un analisis de cointegracion
by Alejandro Islas-Camargo & Willy W. Cortez - 49-63 Trade and Foreign Direct Investment Linkages: FDI versus Imports
by M. Ozgur Kayalica & Ensar Yilmaz - 65-70 Aprendizaje en teoria de juegos
by Francisco Sanchez Sanchez