2015, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 276-279 The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Disaster: Investigating the Myth and Reality
by Kenji E. KUSHIDA - 279-282 Japan’s Shrinking Regions in the 21st Century: Contemporary Responses to Depopulation and Socioeconomic Decline
by Gavin Hamilton WHITELAW - 282-285 Inequality in the Workplace: Labor Market Reform in Japan and Korea
by Myoung-Jung KIM - 285-288 Japan’s Ainu Minority in Tokyo: Diasporic Indigeneity and Urban Politics
by John C. MAHER - 288-291 Gender and Nation in Meiji Japan: Modernity, Loss, and the Doing of History
by Philip SEATON - 291-294 The Japanese Family: Touch, Intimacy and Feeling
by Kathryn E. GOLDFARB - 294-297 A Disability of the Soul: An Ethnography of Schizophrenia and Mental Illness in Contemporary Japan
by Mitsuho IKEDA - 297-300 Manga Girl Seeks Herbivore Boy: Studying Japanese Gender at Cambridge
by Karen NAKAMURA - 300-302 Fashioning Japanese Subcultures
by Laura MILLER - 302-305 From Cultures of War to Cultures of Peace: War and Peace Museums in Japan, China, and South Korea
by Kazuyo YAMANE
2015, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-2 The Winner of the 2014 ISS-OUP Prize
by Gregory W. NOBLE - 3-22 Who Deserves Citizenship? An Experimental Study of Japanese Attitudes Toward Immigrant Workers
by Tetsuro KOBAYASHI & Christian COLLET & Shanto IYENGAR & Kyu S. HAHN - 23-44 Reconsidering the Japanese Industrial Revolution: Local Entrepreneurs in the Cotton Textile Industry during the Meiji Era
by Naofumi NAKAMURA - 45-61 Traditional Gender Norms and Women’s Political Participation: How Conservative Women Engage in Political Activism in Japan
by Kimiko OSAWA - 63-88 Decades not Lost, but Won: Increased Employment, Higher Wages, and More Equal Opportunities in the Japanese Labour Market
by Georg D. BLIND & Stefania LOTTANTI VON MANDACH - 89-91 Kenryoku ikō: nani ga seiji o antei saseru no ka (Power Shift: What Keeps the Political System Stable?)
by Yosuke TEZUKA - 92-94 Japan Under the DPJ: The Politics of Transformation and Governance
by Takayoshi UEKAMI - 94-97 Seitō-Shiji no Riron (The Theory of Party Identification)
by Masao MATSUMOTO - 97-100 Nihon ni Okeru Seiji e no Shinrai to Fushin (Political Trust and Distrust in Japan)
by Takahiro KIMURA - 100-103 Ōsaka: daitoshi wa kokka o koeru ka (Osaka: Can Localities Be Free from Central Control?)
by Purnendra C. JAIN - 103-106 The Death Penalty in Japan: Will the Public Tolerate Abolition?
by Koichi HAMAI - 106-109 Sekai Seigi Ron (On Global Justice)
by Hirohide TAKIKAWA - 109-112 Shirīzu sengo Nihon shakai no rekishi, 1. Kawaru shakai, kawaru hitobito: 20-seiki no naka no sengo Nihon (The Social History of Postwar Japan, Vol. 1. Changing Society, Changing Individuals: Japan’s Postwar 20th Century)
by Akimasa MIYAKE - 112-115 Senshu Bōei kokufuku no senryaku: Nihon no anzenhoshō o dō toraeru ka (A Strategy for Overcoming Defensive Defense: How Can Japan Achieve Security?)
by Paul MIDFORD - 115-121 Reconciling Enemy States in Europe and Asia (International Relations and Development Series)War, Guilt, and World Politics after World War IISugisaranu kako to no torikumi: Nihon to Doitsu (Confronting the Past That Does Not Pass: Japan and Germany)
by Ivo PLSEK - 121-124 Okinawa henkan to nichibei anpo taisei (The Reversion of Okinawa and the Japan-US Security Alliance)
by Yasuko KOUNO - 124-127 Transpacific Antiracism: Afro-Asian Solidarity in 20th Century Black America, Japan, and Okinawa
by Tristan IVORY - 127-129 Business Law in Japan, Cases and Comments: Intellectual Property, Civil, Commercial and International Private Law: Writings in Honour of Harold Baum
by Shuya HAYASHI - 129-131 Hedge Fund Activism in Japan: The Limits of Shareholder Primacy
by Seki OBATA - 131-135 Japan Copes with Calamity: Ethnographies of the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disasters of March 2011
by Peter Wynn KIRBY - 135-138 Precarious Japan
by Tom GILL - 138-141 Hikikomori: Adolescence Without End (Shakaiteki Hikikomori: Owaranai Shishunki)
by Sachiko HORIGUCHI - 141-144 Martial Arts and the Body Politic in Meiji Japan
2014, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 155-167 Lending to ‘Lemons’: Adverse Selection and the Failure of New Bank Tokyo
by Brett CLANCY - 169-188 Japanese Female Settlers in Colonial Korea: Between the ‘Benefits’ and ‘Constraints’ of Colonial Society
by Sug-In KWEON - 189-205 Hierarchical Socialisation in a Japanese Junior High School: The Formation of a Sense of One’s Place
by Jeehwan PARK - 207-226 Recontextualizing Disney: Tokyo Disney Resort as a Kingdom of Dreams and Magic
by Yukio TOYODA - 227-230 Kaiken no nani ga mondai ka
by Chris WINKLER - 230-234 Japan Decides 2012: The Japanese General Election
by Aiji TANAKA - 234-237 Seitō seiji to fukinitsu na senkyo seido: kokusei, chihō seiji, tōshu senshutsu katei
by Hirofumi KAWAGUCHI - 237-240 Welfare through Work: Conservative Ideas, Partisan Dynamics and Social Protection in Japan
by Jackie F. STEELE - 240-243 Japan’s Outcaste Abolition: The Struggle for National Inclusion and the Making of the Modern State
by Christopher BONDY - 243-247 Nationalism and Power Politics in Japan’s Relations with China: A Neoclassical Realist Interpretation
by Xueping WANG - 247-251 Komonzu kara no Toshi Saisei: Chiiki Kyōdō Kanri to Hō no Aratana Yakuwari (Urban Commons and City Revitalization: Community Management of the Commons and New Functions of the Law)
by Sumitaka HARADA - 251-254 Youth Movements, Trauma and Alternative Space in Contemporary Japan
by Julia OBINGER - 254-256 Kyōiku kaikaku no shakai kagaku – Inuyamashi no chōsen o Kenshō suru
by Kaoru SATO - 256-258 Kabunushishuken o koete
by Hiroaki HARA - 259-261 The Japanese Family in Transition: From the Professional Housewife Ideal to the Dilemmas of Choice
by Allison ALEXY - 262-264 Modern Girls on the Go: Gender, Mobility, and Labor in Japan
by Kristie COLLINS - 264-267 Pink Globalization: Hello Kitty’s Trek across the Pacific
by Daniel WHITE - 267-270 Slurp! A Social and Culinary History of RAMEN—Japan’s Favorite Noodle Soup
by Samuel H. YAMASHITA - 270-273 Coffee Life in Japan
by Gavin H. WHITELAW - 274-276 Intimate Distance: Andean Music in Japan
by Matt GILLAN - 276-279 The Soul of Anime: Collaborative Creativity and Japan’s Media Success Story
by Deborah SHAMOON
2014, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-2 Reinvigorating SSJJ’s International Editorial Board
by Gregory W. Noble - 3-22 The Logic of Ministerial Selection: Electoral System and Cabinet Appointments in Japan
by Robert J. PEKKANEN & Benjamin NYBLADE & Ellis S. KRAUSS - 23-39 Japan and the Universal Postal Union: An Alternative Internationalism in the 19th Century
by Douglas HOWLAND - 41-58 The Formation of ‘Youth’ as a Social Category in Pre-1970s Japan: A Forgotten Chapter of Japanese Postwar Youth Countercultures
by Michal DALIOT-BUL - 59-76 Empire and Social Science: Shinmei Masamichi and the East Asian Community in Interwar Japan
by Seok-Won LEE - 77-96 Reformer or Destroyer? Hashimoto Tōru and Populist Neoliberal Politics in Japan
by Charles WEATHERS - 97-99 Minshutō no soshiki to seisaku (kettō kara seiken kōtai made) [Democratic Party of Japan: Organization and policy from its formation to the change in administration]
by Jonathan D. MARSHALL - 100-103 Shushō seiji no Seido Bunseki: Gendai Nihon Seiji no Kenryoku Kiban Keisei [The Japanese Premiership: An Institutional Analysis of the Power Relations]
by Hanako OHMURA - 103-106 The Evolution of the Japanese Developmental State: Institutions Locked in by Ideas
by Kyoko TOKUHISA - 107-110 Demo to ha Nanika? [What are Demonstrations About?]
by Patricia G. STEINHOFF - 110-112 Kazokushugi Fukushi Rejiimu no Saihen to Jendaa Seiji [Restructuring the Familialist Welfare Regime and Gender Politics in Japan]
by Takashi HORIE - 113-118 3.11 go no Tabunka Kazoku [The Post-3.11 Multicultural Family]
by Sunhee LEE - 118-122 Building Resilience: Social Capital in Post-Disaster Recovery
by Tom GILL - 122-126 Minpō kaisei: keiyaku no rūru ga hyakunenburi ni kawaru [Civil Code Reform: The Rules of Contract Change After 100 Long Years]
by Annelise RILES - 126-129 Cyber Law in Japan
by Ryu KOJIMA - 129-133 Coins, Trade, and the State: Economic Growth in Early Medieval Japan
by Jeffrey (Jeff) Y. KURASHIGE - 133-136 The Historical Consumer: Consumption and Everyday Life in Japan, 1850-2000
by Minoru OMAMEUDA - 136-138 Tsūshō sangyō seisakushi 1980–2000 (Dai-ichi-maki Sōron) [History of Japan’s Trade and Industry Policy 1980–2000 (Volume 1): General Overview]
by Gregory W. NOBLE - 138-140 Nihon Shōken-Shiron: Senzenki Shijō Seido no Keisei to Hatten [Study of the History of Japan’s Securities Market: Formation and Development of the Market System in the Prewar Period]
by Osamu ITO - 141-144 War and Health Insurance Policy in Japan and the United States: World War II to Postwar Reconstruction
by A. K. M. Skarpelis - 144-146 Nicchu kankeishi 1972–2012; 1: seiji [A History of Japan-China Relations; 1972–2012: Vol. 1 Politics]
by Ming WAN - 146-148 An Imperial Path to Modernity: Yoshino Sakuzō and a New Liberal Order in East Asia, 1905–1937
by Tetsuya SAKAI - 149-152 Race for Empire: Koreans as Japanese and Japanese as Americans during World War Two
by Barak KUSHNER - 152-154 Taiko Boom: Japanese Drumming in Place and Motion
by Shino ARISAWA
2013, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 207-209 The Winner of the 2012 ISS–OUP Prize
by Gregory W. NOBLE - 211-234 The Difference that Security Makes: The Politics of Citizenship in Postwar Japan in a Comparative Perspective
by Konrad KALICKI & Go MURAKAMI & Nicholas A. R. FRASER - 235-250 Remembering the Oriental Witches: Sports, Gender and Shōwa Nostalgia in the NHK Narratives of the Tokyo Olympics
by Iwona MERKLEJN - 251-277 Interdisciplinary Engagement as an Acculturation Process: The Case of Japanese Studies
by Sierk A. HORN - 279-300 Technology and Tolerance in Japan: Internet Use and Positive Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Foreigners
by Ryan SEEBRUCK - 301-308 Policy Images, Issue Frames, and Technical Realities: Contrasting Views of Japan’s Energy Policy Development
by Paul J. SCALISE - 309-311 Seiji no konmei to kenpō—Seiken kōtai o yomu (Political turmoil and the constitution—A new interpretation of changes of government)
by Tomonobu HAYASHI - 312-314 The Evolution of Japan’s Party System: Politics and Policy in an Era of Institutional Change
by Michio UMEDA - 314-317 Political Institutions and Elderly Care Policy: Comparative Politics of Long-term Care in Advanced Democracies
by Yuki TSUJI - 318-320 Tradition, Democracy and the Townscape of Kyoto: Claiming a Right to the Past
by Bruce WHITE - 320-323 Quiet Politics and Business Power: Corporate Control in Europe and Japan
by Manabu MATSUNAKA - 323-326 Tenkanshasai no Keizaibunseki (Economic Analysis of Convertible Bonds)
by Hisashi OHGAKI - 326-328 Kisei Kanwa to Shijō Kōzō no Henka: Kōkū, Sekiyū, Tsūshin Sekuta (Deregulation and Changes in Market Structures: A Comparative Analysis of Equilibrium Paths in the Aviation, Oil and Telecommunications Sectors)
by Jun MATSUNAMI - 328-331 Conflicts of Interest and the Future of Medicine—The United States, France, and Japan
by Michael D. FETTERS - 332-334 The Art of Censorship in Postwar Japan
by Steven RIDGELY - 335-337 Diversity at Kaizen Motors: Gender, Race, Age, and Insecurity in a Japanese Auto Transplant
by Mitchell W. SEDGWICK - 337-340 Wind Bands and Cultural Identity in Japanese Schools (Landscapes: The Arts, Aesthetics, and Education)
by Hiroshi NISHIJIMA - 340-343 Idols and Celebrity in Japanese Media Culture
by Hiroshi AOYAGI - 343-346 The Japanese House: Material Culture in the Modern Home
by Gavin Hamilton WHITELAW - 346-349 Multinational Retailers and Consumers in China: Transferring Organizational Practices from the United Kingdom and Japan
by Kenichi ANDO - 349-351 Japan, China and Networked Regionalism in East Asia
by Hiroyuki HOSHIRO - 351-354 Reisengo Nihon no Bōei Seisaku: Nichibei Dōmei Shinka no Kigen (Japan’s Post-Cold War Defence Policy: The Origins of the Strengthened Japan-US Alliance)
by Sebastian MASLOW - 354-357 Masculinity and Japan’s Foreign Relations
by Kana TAKAMATSU - 357-359 Transpacific Field of Dreams—How Baseball Linked the United States and Japan in Peace and War
by Masaru IKEI
2013, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-28 Self-Employment in Japan: A Microanalysis of Personal Profiles
by Jess DIAMOND & Ulrike SCHAEDE - 29-43 Expectations of Failure: Maturity and Masculinity for Freeters in Contemporary Japan
by Emma E. COOK - 45-62 Citizen Participation or Low-Cost Care Providers? Welfare Non-profit Organisations in Japan
by Junko YAMASHITA - 63-85 Liabilities of Partisan Labels: Independents in Japanese Local Elections
by Ken Victor L. HIJINO - 87-105 Does Viewing Television Affect the Academic Performance of Children?
by Wataru KUREISHI & Keiko YOSHIDA - 107-129 Yasuoka Masahiro’s ‘New Discourse on Bushidō Philosophy’: Cultivating Samurai Spirit and Men of Character for Imperial Japan
by Roger H. BROWN - 131-153 Historical Origins of a Welfare-State Regime: Unemployment Protection in Japan, 1919–1949
by Hans Martin KRÄMER - 155-158 The Transformation of Japanese Employment Relations: Reform without Labour
by Bill TAYLOR - 158-160 Corporate Governance and Managerial Reform in Japan
by Takahito KATO - 161-163 The People’s Post OfficeThe History and Politics of the Japanese Postal System, 1871–2010
by Janet HUNTER - 164-167 Taishūka to Meritocracy: Kyōikusenbatsu o meguru Shiken to Suisen no paradox (Educational Expansion and Meritocracy: The Paradox of Examination and Recommendation in Educational Selection)
by Ryoji MATSUOKA - 167-170 Rōdōhō Nyūmon (Introduction to Labor Law)
by Ryō KAMBAYASHI - 170-173 Shakaiteki Keizai ga Hiraku Mirai: Kiki no Jidai ni ‘Hōsetsu Shakai’ o Motomete (Beyond the Horizons of the Social Economy: Demands for an ‘Inclusive Society’ in an Age of Economic Crisis)
by Masafumi ARATA - 173-176 Making Japanese Citizens: Civil Society and the Mythology of the Shimin in Postwar Japan
by Shigeki UNO - 176-179 A Natural Experiment on Electoral Law Reform: Evaluating the Long Run Consequences of 1990s Electoral Reform in Italy and Japan
by Yoshikuni ONO - 179-182 Reisen Kōzō no Henyō to Nihon no tai Chū Gaikō (The Transformation of the Framework of the Cold War and Japan’s China Policy)
by Madoka FUKUDA - 182-184 Teikoku Nihon to Zaibatsu Shōsha: Kyōkō—Sensōka no Mitsui Bussan (Imperial Japan and Zaibatsu Trading Companies: Mitsui & Co. in Times of Panic and War)
by Keishi OKABE - 185-188 Dealing with Disaster in Japan: Responses to the Flight JL123 Crash
by Junko OTANI - 188-191 Bonds of the Dead: Temples, Burial, and the Transformation of Contemporary Japanese Buddhism
by Scott SCHNELL - 191-194 Food and Fantasy in Early Modern Japan
by David EASON - 195-198 Passionate Friendship: The Aesthetics of Girl’s Culture in Japan
by Patrick W. GALBRAITH - 198-201 Empire of Dogs: Canines, Japan, and the Making of the Modern Imperial World
by Paul S. HANSEN - 201-203 Fabricating Consumers: The Sewing Machine in Modern Japan
by M. William STEELE - 204-206 Songs from the Edge of Japan: Music-making in Yaeyama and Okinawa
2012, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 177-178 The Winner of the 2011 ISS-OUP Prize
by Gregory W. NOBLE - 179-200 Explaining the Politicization of Monetary Policy in Japan
by Jennifer Holt DWYER - 201-218 Japan’s Rescue of the IMF
by Carin L. HOLROYD & Bessma MOMANI - 219-237 A Comparative Analysis of Biotechnology Startups between Japan and the US
by Kazuyuki MOTOHASHI - 239-254 Real Men Don’t Hold Their Liquor: The Complexity of Drunkenness and Sobriety in a Tokyo Bar
by Paul CHRISTENSEN - 255-260 Information, Re-education and Re-orientation Policies in the US Occupation of Japan
by Maho TOYODA - 261-264 Japan’s New InequalityIntersection of Employment Reforms and Welfare Arrangements
by Hiroshi ONO - 264-267 Japan Transformed: Political Change and Economic Restructuring
by Jennifer Holt DWYER - 267-270 The Japanese Consumer: An Alternative Economic History of Modern Japan
by Masayuki TANIMOTO - 270-273 Economic Thought in Early Modern Japan
by Yasuo TAKATSUKI - 273-276 Civic Engagement in Postwar Japan: The Revival of a Defeated Society
by Haruya SAKAMOTO - 276-278 Social Networks and Japanese DemocracyThe Beneficial Impact of Interpersonal Communication in East Asia
by Daniel P. ALDRICH - 278-281 Democratic Reform in JapanAssessing the Impact
by Gregory W. NOBLE - 281-284 Popular Democracy in JapanHow Gender and Community Are Changing Modern Electoral Politics
by Mari MIURA - 285-287 A Turning Point of Women, Families and Agriculture in Rural Japan (Tenkanki ni aru Nihon Nōson Josei to Kazoku)
by Tamae SUGIHARA - 288-291 Hybrid Identities and Adolescent Girls: Being ‘Half’ in Japan
by Stephen MURPHY-SHIGEMATSU - 291-294 Sex in Japan’s Globalization, 1870-1930Prostitutes, Emigration and Nation-Building
by Ann Marie L. DAVIS - 294-297 Nihon Saigunbi e no Michi—1945–1954 (The Path Toward Japan’s Rearmament 1945–1954)
by Hideki UEMURA - 297-300 Planning for Empire: Reform Bureaucrats and the Japanese Wartime State
by Munehiro MIWA - 300-304 Seikan Sukuramu-gata Riidaashippu no Hōkai (The Breakdown of Government Leadership based on the Politico-Bureaucratic Scrum)
by Margarita ESTÉVEZ-ABE - 304-307 Toshi Kōtsū no Seiritsu (The Formation of Urban Public Transportation)
by Noboru HIRAYAMA - 307-309 An Introduction to Japanese Folk Performing Arts
by Matt GILLAN - 310-313 Gendai nihon no Shiritsu shogakko jukenParentocracy ni motozuku Kyoikusenbatsu no Genjo
by Hiroki IGARASHI
2012, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-1 From the Editor
by Gregory W. NOBLE - 3-30 Entrepreneurship in Japan’s ICT Sector: Opportunities and Protection from Japan’s Telecommunications Regulatory Regime Shift
by Kenji E. KUSHIDA - 31-52 Not by Education Alone: How Young Adults’ Employment Status Is Determined by Employment Environments and Family Backgrounds
by Takehisa SHINOZAKI - 53-74 Housing Histories and Intergenerational Dynamics in Tokyo
by Misa IZUHARA & Ray FORREST - 75-92 Globalism and Liberal Expansionism in Meiji Protestant Discourse
by Yosuke NIREI - 93-110 Consistent Conservatism in Changing Times: An Analysis of Japanese Conservative Intellectuals’ Thought
by Christian G. WINKLER - 111-114 Genshiryoku Hatsuden o Dō Suru ka: Nihon no Enerugī Seisaku no Saisei ni Mukete(How to Handle Nuclear Power Generation: Towards the Reconstruction of Japanese Energy Policy)
by Shin-ichi HANADA - 114-117 The Rise and Fall of Japan’s LDP: Political Party Organizations as Historical Institutions
by Ethan SCHEINER - 117-120 Jiyūminshutō no Tanjō: Sōsai Kōsen to Soshiki Seitōron (The Birth of the Liberal Democratic Party: Party Presidential Elections and Theories of Party Organization)
by Tetsuya MURAI - 120-122 Seitōkan Idō to Seitō Shisutemu (Party Switching and Party Systems)
by Shiro SAKAIYA - 123-125 In Defense of Japan: From the Market to the Military in Space Policy
by Kazuto SUZUKI - 126-129 Jōhōhō no Kōzō: Jōhō no Jiyū, Kisei, Hogo (The Architecture of Information Law: Freedom, Regulation, and Protection of Information)
by Eiji KAWABATA - 129-132 Chiiki Shakai ni okeru Josei to Seiji (Women and Politics in Local Society)
by Robin M. LEBLANC - 132-135 Glocalization, Chiiki Saisei Anata ga Shuyaku da: Nōshōkō Renkei to Koyō Sōshutsu (In the Revitalization of Local Regions, You Play the Main Role: Joint Ventures between Agriculture, Commerce and Manufacturing and the Creation of Employment)
by Philip SEATON - 135-138 Zaitakukaigo ni okeru Kōreisha to Kazoku: Toshi to Chihō no Hikakubunseki (Elderly People and Families in Home Care: A Comparative Analysis of Cities and Provincial Areas in Japan)
by Yayoi SAITO - 138-140 Nihonjin no Kaisō Ishiki (Class Identification of the Japanese)
by Carola HOMMERICH - 141-142 Crime in Japan: Paradise Lost?
by Koichi HAMAI - 143-146 Tough Choices: Bearing an Illegitimate Child in Contemporary Japan
by Nana O. GAGNÉ - 146-149 Minorities and Education in Multicultural Japan: An Interactive Perspective
by Robert MOOREHEAD - 149-152 Reimagining Japanese Education: Borders, Transfers, Circulations, and the Comparative
by Hiro SAITO - 153-156 Scripted Affects, Branded Selves: Television, Subjectivity, and Capitalism in 1990s Japan
by Emma E. COOK - 156-159 Tokyo in Transit: Japanese Culture on the Rails and Road
by Robert GOREE - 159-161 ‘Shūsha’ Shakai no Tanjō: Howaito Kara- kara Buru- Kara e (Transition of the ‘Corporate’ Society: From White to Blue-collar Jobs)
by Osamu UMEZAKI - 162-164 Defure Hanten no Seichō Senryaku (Strategies for Growth by Countering Deflation)
by Yuji GENDA - 164-167 Chihō kara no Sangyō Kakumei: Nihon ni okeru Kigyō Bokkō no Gendōryoku (The Industrial Revolution from the Regions: The Driving Force behind the Rise of Business in Japan)
by Martin DUSINBERRE - 167-170 Shisha-tachi no Sengoshi: Okinawa Senseki o Meguru Hitobito no Kioku (A Postwar Ethnography of the War Dead in Okinawa)
by James E. ROBERSON - 170-173 Defining Engagement: Japan and Global Contexts, 1640-1868
by David L. HOWELL - 173-176 Imperial Japan at Its Zenith: The Wartime Celebration of the Empire’s 2,600th Anniversary
by Sandra S. COLLINS
2011, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 125-144 Cosmopolitan Nation-Building: The Institutional Contradiction and Politics of Postwar Japanese Education
by Hiro SAITO - 145-163 Explaining the Impact of Japan's Educational Reform: Or, Why Are Junior High Schools So Different from Elementary Schools?
by Peter CAVE - 165-187 Defining and Interpreting Absence from School in Contemporary Japan: How the Ministry of Education Has Framed School Non-attendance
by Katsunobu SHIMIZU - 189-212 Different Faces, Different Spaces: Identifying the Islanders of Ogasawara
by David CHAPMAN - 213-231 Creating the ‘Multicultural Coexistence’ Society: Central and Local Government Policies towards Foreign Residents in Japan
by Hardeep Singh AIDEN - 233-245 Changes in the Socio-economic Position of Zainichi Koreans: A Historical Overview
by Bumsoo KIM - 247-252 Increasing Gaps between Immigration Policies and Outcomes in Japan: The Responsibility of Researchers in International Migration Studies
by Keiko YAMANAKA - 253-258 Pitfalls of Representation: Using the New Woman to Criticize the Good Wife, Wise Mother
by Craig COLBECK - 259-261 Itō Hirobumi to Kankoku Tōchi (Itō Hirobumi and Japanese Rule in Korea)
by Kazuto SAKAMOTO - 261-264 Umi no Fugōno Shihonshugi: Kitamae-sen to Nihon no Sangyōka (The Capitalism of Sea Barons: Kitamae Ships and the Industrialization of Japan)
by Naofumi NAKAMURA - 264-267 Hikaku Keizai Hattenron—Rekishiteki Apurōchi (Comparative Analysis of Economic Growth: A Historical Approach)
by Yasuo TAKATSUKI - 268-271 Gendai Nihon Nogyon no Seisaku Katei (Japanese Agriculture Today and the Policy-making Process)
by Yoshihisa GODO - 271-274 Inove-shon no Soshutsu: Monozukuri o Sasaeru Jinzai to Soshiki (Industrial Innovations Made Easy: How and Why Human and Organizational Interaction Renovated Modern Japanese Enterprises)
by Hiroshi SHIMIZU - 274-277 Chugoku Nihon no Jidōsha Sangyō Sapuraiya Shisutemu (The Parts Supplier Networks of the Chinese and Japanese Automobile Industries)
by Tomoo MARUKAWA - 277-280 Ningen ni Kaku ha Nai: Ishikawa Tsuneo to 2000 Nendai no Rōdō Shijō (Don't Rank People: Tsuneo Ishikawa and the Labor Market in the 2000s)
by Keiko YOSHIDA - 280-284 Social Class in Contemporary Japan: Structures, Sorting, and Strategies
by Patricia G. STEINHOFF - 284-286 Minji Sosho/Shikko/Hasan no Kin-gendai-shi (The Modern and Contemporary History of Civil Procedure, Civil Execution and Insolvency)
by Shusuke KAKIUCHI - 286-289 Furanchaizu Keiyakuron (Franchise Law and Franchise Agreements)
by Hiroyasu ISHIKAWA - 289-292 Changing Politics in Japan
by Rieko KAGE - 292-295 The Art of the Gut: Manhood, Power and Ethics in Japanese Politics
by Hiroko TAKEDA - 296-298 Women in the Language and Society of Japan: The Linguistic Roots of Bias
by Debra J. OCCHI