2011, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 299-302 ‘Kindai Okinawa’ no Chishikijin: Shimabukuro Zenpatsu no Kiseki (An Intellectual of ‘Modern Okinawa’: The Trajectory of Shimabukuro Zenpatsu)
by Masamichi S. INOUE - 302-306 Modan Gāru to Shokuminchiteki Kindai: Higashi Ajia ni okeru Teikoku, Shihon, Jendā (Modern Girls and Colonial Modernity)
by Hiroko MATSUDA - 306-309 Screening Enlightenment: Hollywood and the Cultural Reconstruction of Defeated Japan
by Yuka TSUCHIYA - 309-312 Tourism in Japan: An Ethno-Semiotic Analysis
by Megumi DOSHITA - 312-314 Reconstructing Kobe: The Geography of Crisis and Opportunity
by Keiichi SATO - v:14:y:2011:i:2:p:np. Announcing the Winner of the 2010 ISS/OUP Prize
by Gregory W. NOBLE
2011, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-20 Technology Transfer and the Gendering of Communications Work: Meiji Japan in Comparative Historical Perspective
by Janet HUNTER - 21-38 Public Opinion and the Press: Transnational Contexts of Early Media and Communication Studies in Prewar Japan, 1918–1937
by Fabian SCHÄFER - 39-54 Parental Attitudes Toward Public School Education in Tokyo
by Jun YAMASHITA & Satoshi OKADA - 55-61 Is There Life after Work for Japan? Political ‘Work–Life Balance’ Research Begins to Address the Hard Questions
by Tuukka TOIVONEN - 63-67 Explaining the Japanese–German Relationship: The Appeal and Difficulty
by Tetsuya SAKAI - 69-72 Shiryō de Yomitoku Nanbara Shigeru to Sengo Kyōiku Kaikaku (Nanbara Shigeru and Postwar Education Reform: A Documentary Study)
by Noboru SEKIYA - 72-75 Sengo Seishin no Seijigaku: Maruyama Masao, Fujita Shōzō, Hagiwara Nobutoshi (Political Theory of the Postwar Ethos)
by Yuri KONO - 75-78 Northeast Asia’s Difficult Past: Essays in Collective Memory
by Hiro SAITO - 78-80 The Proletarian Gamble: Korean Workers in Interwar Japan
by Jong-moon HA - 80-82 Women's History and Local Community in Postwar Japan
by Christopher GERTEIS - 83-86 Monozukuri no Gūwa: Fo-do kara Toyota e (The Parable of Monozukuri: From Ford to Toyota)
by Koichi SHIMOKAWA - 86-89 Jūtaku Seisaku no Doko ga Mondai ka: ‘Mochiie Shakai’ no Tsugi o Tenbō suru (Identifying Problems in Housing Policy: The Future of the ‘Homeowner Society’)
by Iwao SATO - 89-92 Managing in the Modern Corporation: The Intensification of Managerial Work in the USA, UK and Japan
by Ken'ichi ANDO - 92-95 Jyakunen Hiseiki Koyō no Shakaigaku: Kaisō, Jenda-, Gurobaruka (The Sociology of Irregular Youth Employment: Class, Gender, Globalization)
by Colin S. SMITH - 95-98 Gendai Nihon no Seikatsu Hosho Shisutemu (The Contemporary Japanese Livelihood Security System)
by Karen A. SHIRE - 98-102 Civic Engagement in Contemporary Japan: Established and Emerging Repertoires
by Yoshiko KONISHI - 102-105 Dancing With the Dead: Memory, Performance, and Everyday Life in Postwar Okinawa
by Matthew ALLEN - 105-108 Embodying Belonging: Racializing Okinawan Diaspora in Bolivia and Japan
by James E. ROBERSON - 108-111 Immigration and Citizenship in Japan
by Soo im LEE - 111-114 Girl Reading Girl in Japan
by Kaori YOSHIDA - 114-117 Supōtsu Kansengaku: Nekkyō no Stēji no Kōzō to Imi (Studies in Sport Spectating: The Structure and Meaning of the Frenzied Stage)
by Lee THOMPSON - 117-121 Asia's Flying Geese: How Regionalization Shapes Japan
by Hiroyuki HOSHIRO - 121-123 Seifu Kisei to Sofuto Rō (Soft Law on Regulation)
by Keigo FUCHI
2010, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 183-185 Introduction: A Special Focus on Shrinking Regions
by Peter MATANLE - 187-210 Coming Soon to a City Near You! Learning to Live ‘Beyond Growth’ in Japan's Shrinking Regions
by Peter MATANLE & Yasuyuki SATO - 211-225 The Shinkansen's Local Impact
by Christopher P. HOOD - 227-240 Depopulation and Financial Collapse in Yūbari: Market Forces, Administrative Folly, or a Warning to Others?
by Philip SEATON - 241-247 The Study of Hope in Kamaishi
by Christopher S. THOMPSON - 249-254 Japan's State–Civil Society Relations at Multiple Levels of Analysis
by Yuko KAWATO - 255-257 ‘Ekotaun’ ga Chiiki Burando ni naru Jidai (An Era When ‘Eco-Towns’ Will Have Become Regional Brands)
by Ken ŌHORI - 258-261 Ideology and Christianity in Japan
by David MERVART - 261-264 Numazu Heigakkō no Kenkyū (A Study of Numazu Military Academy)
by Hiroki NAKANO - 264-267 Kindai Seishigyō no Koyō to Keiei (Employment and Management in the Modern Silk Reeling Industry)
by Janet HUNTER - 267-269 From Foot Soldier to Finance Minister: Takahashi Korekiyo, Japan's Keynes
by Takenobu YUKI - 269-273 Rōdō wa Shinsei nari, Ketsugō wa Seiryroku nari: Takano Fusatarō to Sono Jidai (Labor is Sacred, Unity is Strength: The Life and Times of Takano Fusatarō)
by Andrew GORDON - 273-276 Production Organizations in Japanese Economic Development: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy
by Takashi KITAURA - 276-278 Japan's Motorcycle Wars: An Industry History
by Jun OTAHARA - 278-281 Japanese Corporate Transition in Time and Space
by Yuko OGASAWARA - 281-284 Conflict and Change: Foreign Ownership and the Japanese Firm
by Jesper EDMAN - 284-286 Gender Struggles: Wage-Earning Women and Male-Dominated Unions in Postwar Japan
by Koshi ENDO - 287-290 Nihon no Fubyōdō wo Kangaeru: Shōshi-Koreika Shakai no Kokusai Hikaku
by James M. RAYMO - 290-293 Nīzu Chūshin no Fukushi Shakai e—Tōjisha Shuken no Jisedai Fukushi Senryaku (Towards a Needs-Based Welfare Society—Next Generation Individual Autonomy Welfare Strategies)
by HeeSook PARK & Akira YONEZAWA - 293-296 Wakamono no Kaigo Ishiki: Oyako Kankei to Jenda- Fukinkō (Young Adults' Attitudes toward Caregiving: Parent-child Bonds and Gender Inequality)
by Yoku KADO - 296-298 Nature's Embrace: Japan's Aging Urbanites and New Death Rites
by Susan Orpett LONG - 299-300 Fiscal Decentralization and Local Public Finance in Japan
by Jun SAITO - 300-302 Kōteki Tōkei no Taikei to Mikata (The System and Interpretation of Public Statistics)
by Ulrich MÖHWALD - 302-305 East Asian Regionalism from a Legal Perspective: Current Features and a Vision for the Future
by Tom GINSBURG - v:13:y:2010:i:2:p:np. From the Editor
by Gregory W. NOBLE
2010, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-1 Announcing the Winner of the 2009 ISS/OUP Prize
by Hiroshi ISHIDA - 1-3 Introduction: Income Inequality, Social Exclusion and Redistribution
by Mari OSAWA - 5-30 Social Exclusion and Earlier Disadvantages: An Empirical Study of Poverty and Social Exclusion in Japan
by ABE Aya K. - 31-52 Japan as a Stratified Society: With a Focus on Class Identification
by Sawako SHIRAHASE - 53-67 Liberal Preferences and Conservative Policies: The Puzzling Size of Japan's Welfare State
by Shogo TAKEGAWA - 69-93 Facilitating Spontaneity: The State and Independent Volunteering in Contemporary Japan
by Simon A. AVENELL - 95-113 Confucian Morals and the Making of a ‘Good Wife and Wise Mother’: From ‘Between Husband and Wife there is Distinction’ to ‘As Husbands and Wives be Harmonious’
by Sumiko SEKIGUCHI - 115-135 From Seniority to Performance Principle: The Evolution of Pay Practices in Japanese Firms since the 1990s
by Harald CONRAD - 137-141 Who Cares about Care Work in Japan?
by Kaye BROADBENT - 143-148 Back on the Agenda: Decentralization and the Japanese Political Economy
by Andrew DEWIT & Takehiko IKEGAMI - 149-151 Japanese Workplaces in Transition: Employee Perceptions
by Yuko OGASAWARA - 152-154 Ushinawareta Ba o Sagashite: Rosutojenerēshon no Shakaigaku (Lost in Transition: Youth, Education and Work in Postindustrial Japan)
by Reiko KOSUGI - 154-156 Japanese Tourism and Travel Culture
by Hideki ENDO - 156-159 Hanryū no Shakaigaku: Fandamu, Kazoku, Ibunka Kōryū (Sociology of the Korean Boom: Fandom, The Family, and Intercultural Exchange)
by Mariko NAGOSHI - 159-162 Politics and Pitfalls of Japan Ethnography: Reflexivity, Responsibility, and Anthropological Ethics
by Etsuko KATO - 162-165 Gaikō no Chikara (The Power of Diplomacy)
by Tatsuya NISHIDA - 166-168 Shōgen: Miyazawa Daiichiji (1986-1988) Tsūka Gaikō (Documenting the First Round of Miyazawa's Currency Diplomacy)
by Kenji ARAMAKI - 168-171 Shinsedai Chitekizaisannhō no Sōsei (Genesis of Intellectual Property Law and Policy in the New Era)
by Hisao SHIOMI - 171-174 Sofutorō no Kiso Riron (Theory of Soft Law)
by Takashi IIDA - 174-176 Kimu wa Naze Sabakaretanoka: Chōsenjin BC-kyū Senpan no Kiseki (Why Was Kim Tried?: The Trajectory of Korean Class BC War Criminals)
by Yuma TOTANI - 177-179 Meiji Chihō Jichi Taisei no Kigen—Kinsei Shakai no Kiki to Seido Henyō (The Origin of the Meiji Local Autonomy System: The Crisis of Pre-Modern Society and Its Institutional Transformation)
by Hikaru TANAKA - 179-182 Tokugawa-kōki no Gakumon to Seiji: Shōheizaka Gakumonjojusha to Bakumatsu Gaikō Hen'yō (Politics and Academia in Late Tokugawa Japan: Shōheizaka Confucians and Diplomatic Transformation)
by Yoshikazu NAKADA - v:13:y:2010:i:1:p:np. Editorial
by Hiroshi ISHIDA