- 039 The tragedy (or virtue?) of in-kind redistribution: How the poor pays for the rich's status concerns
by Jan Schumacher - 038 Capital stock approximation using firm level panel data
by Steffen Mueller - 037 The impact of ballot access restrictions on electoral competition: Evidence from a natural experiment
by Marcus Drometer & Johannes Rincke
- 036 Seniority in Germany: New Evidence on Returns to Tenure for Male Full-time Workers
by Robert Orlowski & Regina T. Riphahn - 035 Merger Policy and Tax Competition
by Andreas Haufler & Christian Schulte - 034 The Uncertainty Channel of Contagion
by Fritzi Koehler-Geib - 033 Horizontale und vertikale Innovationen in einem semi-endogenen Wachstumsmodell mit Kapitalakkumulation
by Wolfgang Kornprobst - 032 Subsidy competition and the role of firm ownership
by Ferdinand Mittermaier - 031 A Dual Elasticity of Substitution Production Function with an Application to Cross Country Inequality
by Juergen Antony - 030 How to get tenured
by Michael Graber & Andrey Launov & Klaus Waelde - 029 "Taste heterogeneity, labor mobility and economic geography" - A critical reconsideration and correction
by Stephan Russek - 028 A Reconsideration of the Stiglitz-Weiss Model with a Discrete Number of Borrower Types
by Susanne Steger & Helke Waelde - 027 Depletion of Non-Renewable Resources and Endogenous Technical Change
by Juergen Antony - 026 Monitoring and Privacy in Automobile Insurance Markets with Moral Hazard
by Lilia Filipova - 025 The ratchet effect in a two lag setting and the mitigating influence of yardstick competition
by Cord Brockmann - 024 Joan Robinson Meets Harold Hotelling: A Dyopsonistic Explanation of the Gender Pay Gap
by Boris Hirsch - 023 Health Relevant Behavior and its Impact on the Physician-Patient Relationship
by Udo Schneider & Volker Ulrich - 022 Double Moral Hazard and Outcome-based Remuneration of Physicians
by Udo Schneider - 020 Do the World Trade Organization and the Generalized System of Preferences foster bilateral trade?
by Bernhard Herz & Marco Wagner - 017 New Combinations and Growth
by Juergen Antony - 016 Dynamic Clusters
by Oliver Falck & Stephan Heblich - 015 Schwellenwerte im Arbeitsrecht: Höhere Transparenz und Effizienz durch Vereinheitlichung
by Lena Koller & Claus Schnabel & Joachim Wagner - 014 Das Romer-Modell mit qualitaetsverbesserndem technischem Fortschritt
by Wolfgang Kornprobst
- 021 Optimal Simple Rules for Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union
by Lukas Vogel & Werner Roeger & Bernhard Herz - 019 Are twin currency and debt crises special?
by Christian Bauer & Bernhard Herz & Volker Karb - 018 Uncertainty about the fundamentals and the occurrence of sudden stops of capital flows: Theory and Empirics
by Fritzi Koehler-Geib - 013 Yardstick Competition when Quality is Endogenous: The Case of Hospital Regulation
by Hanjo M. Koehler - 012 Tax-Favored Retirement Accounts: Are they Efficient in Increasing Savings and Growth?
by Hans Fehr & Christian Habermann & Fabian Kindermann - 011 The Effect of Mergers on the Incentive to Invest in Cost Reducing Innovations
by Robin Kleer - 010 Social Security with Rational and Hyperbolic Consumers
by Hans Fehr & Christian Habermann & Fabian Kindermann - 009 Financial Incentives and the Timing of Retirement: Evidence from Switzerland
by Barbara Hanel & Regina Riphahn - 008 Hyperbolic Discounting and Politics: The beneficial effects of bureaucrats
by Marcus Drometer - 007 The Choice of Prices vs. Quantities under Uncertainty
by Markus Reisinger & Ludwig Ressner - 006 Gender Differences in Labor Supply to Monopsonistic Firms: An Empirical Analysis Using Linked Employer-Employee Data from Germany
by Boris Hirsch & Thorsten Schank & Claus Schnabel - 005 Endogenous Information and Privacy in Automobile Insurance Markets
by Lilia Filipova - 004 Private Provision of a Complementary Public Good
by Richard Schmidtke - 003 Two–Sided Markets with Pecuniary and Participation Externalities
by Richard Schmidtke - 002 Entry of Foreign Banks and their Impact on Host Countries
by Maria Lehner & Monika Schnitzer - 001 Competition in an Increasing Variety Growth Model
by Christian Bauer