November 2024, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-11 Old Age Allowance and Its Implications for Household Food Expenditure and Farming Investment: Evidence from Bangladesh
by Mussa DEME & Md Abdul BARI & Md Monzur MORSHED & Md. Jahedul ISLAM & Ghulam Dastgir KHAN - 12-22 The Socioeconomic Value Creation in Morocco through the Organization of the 2030 World Cup: An Exploration of its Impact on the Financial Performance of Moroccan Businesses
by Wafaa El GOUZ & Azzeddine ALLIOUI - 23-31 Exploring Social Media Engagement Strategies in Small Nonprofit Organizations: From Informational Sharing to Community Calling
by Wen Chen Denq - 32-42 Gamification Techniques and the Impact on Motivation, Engagement, and Learning Outcomes in ESL Students
by Promethi Das DEEP & Nitu GHOSH & Catherine GAITHER & Andrey V. KOPTELOV - 43-53 Understanding Cognitive and Behavioral Psychological Factors that Lead to Cybersecurity Breaches in Healthcare
by Darrell Norman BURRELL - 54-63 Optimizing Household Solid Waste to Resource Management in Rajshahi Metropolitan City
by Moinul Islam MINU & Muhammad Mizanur RAHMAN - 64-72 The Verification of Statements at the Crime Scene:The Main Goals, Objectives and Requirements
by Vitalie JITARIUC & Nicoleta-Elena HEGHES - 73-85 Mastering the Art of Talents in Family Businesses: Approaches for Sustainability in the Digitalization and E-Recruitment Era
by Chaimaa TOUISSI & Kenza ELKADIRI - 86-93 Social Influence and Groupthink
by Maria-Daniela PIPAS - 94-102 Breaking Barriers: The Evolution and Impact of Women's Political Leadership in Afghanistan
by Ali Juma HAMDARD & Sayed Mohammad FIROZI - 103-107 Learning Between Tradition and Technology
by Anca Andreea STEFANESCU - 108-112 Political Challenges and Legal Complexities in Evidence Collection at the International Criminal Court
by Lika CHIMCHIURI - 113-121 Emotions and Masculinities
by Daniela Felicia ROMAN - 122-131 The Public Sector Facing the Challenges of Development in the Age of Globalization
by Krzysztof JAROSINSKI - 132-141 Project Management in The Public Sector. The Socio-Economic Approach
by Benedykt OPALKA - 142-147 Aspects of Friendship Healing Power in Social Reforms
by Ovidiu CARTIS - 148-153 Christianity Between Adapting to Culture and Transforming It
by Razvan NEAGU - 154-159 Christian Perspectives on Technology: A Dialog Between Faith and Innovation
by Pavel-Iosif PUNGILA - 160-165 The Future of Religion within a Post-Truth World
by Beneamin MOCAN
May 2024, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-12 Exploring the Nexus of Family Businesses Management: Technological Diversification and Exploratory AI Innovation
by Hanane ALLIOUI & Azzeddine ALLIOUI - 13-22 Evidence and the Object of Probatorium in Criminal Cases: Features, Particularities and Regulation
by Jitariuc VITALIE & Nicoleta-Elena HEGHES - 23-29 Government Investiture in the Current European Legislation
by Elena Emilia STEFAN - 30-38 Progressing Attitude towards Sustainability: The Developmental Role of Open Sciences on Open Educational Resources in the MENA Region
by Samah NASSAR - 39-44 Current European Energy Architecture
by Alexandru PETREA - 45-55 Gender Role Beliefs and Intercultural Relationships
by Jessica BUJOR & Karl G.D. BAILEY - 56-64 Life in Freedom after Detention for Former Convicts in Italy
by Bogdan PETRE & Mihai HIMCINSCHI - 65-75 Beyond Crisis: Unveiling the Untold Saga of Family Businesses, Resilience Chronicles, and the Roadmap for Future Prosperity
by Azzeddine ALLIOUI - 76-83 The Gospel and the Impact of Eschatology on the Life of Society
by Florin MATEI - 84-89 Migration: A Global Social Reality with Multiple Religious Implications
by Razvan Ionut NEAGU - 90-99 Christianity - An Integral Part of European Culture and Identity
by Cristinel-Mugurel POPA - 100-109 Exploring the 'Feminization of Christianity': Secularization, Gender and Power Shifts in 19th Century Religious Dynamics
by Claudia MATEI VARGA - 110-116 The Relevance of Bebbington's Patrullater in Defining Evangelicalism
by Iosif ANCA - 117-124 Achievements and Hazards of Contextualization in Theology: The Case of Christian Mission
by Ovidiu MOLDOVAN
November 2023, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-10 The Relationship Between College-Educated Officers and Their Self-Efficacy on Performance: A Quasi-Experiment
by Hieu PHAN & Andre CAMP - 11-18 The Correlation between the Demographic Factors and Students’ Moodle Logs and their Academic Achievements in a Pre-degree Course
by Komal KARISHMA & Krishna RAGHUWAIYA & Roneel CHAND - 19-29 Stabilization Function of Public Finances: Implementation of Instruments in Conditions of Socio-Economic Crises
by Krzysztof JAROSINSKI - 30-39 Context of Police Use of Deadly Force: Statistical Case Study on Officer and Civilian Demographics in Texas
by DeJante EATON & Hieu PHAN - 40-49 Determinants of Public Investment Effectiveness Evaluation in Unstable Macroeconomic Environment
by Benedykt OPALKA - 50-54 Ethics and Judicial Integrity under the Bangalore Principles
by Bogdan DAVID - 55-66 The Role of ICT in Engaging with the Institution: A Learners Perspective
by Komal KARISHMA & Krishna RAGHUWAIYA - 67-78 Gender-Based Violence and Educational Development of Children in Northern Nigeria
by Damilola Aminah MOLIKI-SALMAN & Anna KOPCZAK-WIRGA - 79-87 The Relevance of CS Lewis's Anthropology for the Contemporary World
by Florin MATEI - 88-103 The Causal Relationship between Measures of Career Salience and the Probability of Having Children: Comparing Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Personnel in the United States Military
by Chelli PLUMMER - 104-112 Understanding and Addressing Environmental Challenges
by Mirela MACELARU & Mirta LULIC - 113-119 The Role of Religion in Contemporary Society – Mapping a Research Itinerary
June 2023, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-9 Student Retention Analytics: Modeling the Effect of Poverty on College Student Retention
by Adam GUERRERO - 10-20 A Strong Dynamic Financial Growth of Moroccan Family SMEs: What Feasibility of Artificial Intelligence?
by Azzeddine ALLIOUI & Hanane ALLIOUI - 21-28 Examining Bias-Sentencing and Recidivism of Minorities in South Texas: A Case Study Data Analysis
by DeJante EATON & Jack PHAN - 29-33 Development and Globalization as Challenges – A Christian Perspective
by Ligia-Mariana MACELARU - 34-44 Using Bronfenbrenner’s Process-Person-Context-Time Model to Conceptualize a School-Based Intervention to Help Prevent Adolescent Intimate Partner Violence
by Xiaomin SHENG - 45-51 Counseling Migration
by Cristian SANDU - 52-60 Postmodernism and the Consumer Culture – A Christian Response
by Iosif RIVIS-TIPEI - 61-74 Cultural Paradoxes in Financial and Control Management of Family SMEs: Agenda for Future Research in the Emerging Moroccan Context
by Azzeddine ALLIOUI & Omar AOUDI - 75-86 A Historical and Contextual Case for Modular and Transnational Education: The Baptist Theological School in Serbia
by Dwayne BALDWIN - 87-92 Ethics of Holy War
by Marcel–Leon TREICA
November 2022, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-10 Critical Analysis of Rape Laws in Pakistan: Still Long Road to Seek Justice
by Abida Abdul KHALIQ & Hammad Raza SULTAN - 11-19 Brain Imagistic Investigations and Electroencephalography in Forensic Psychiatry
by Nicoleta-Elena HEGHES & Cristina-Gabriela SCHIOPU - 20-29 Human Right-based Understanding of Mining-Induced Displacement and Resettlement: A Review of the Literature and Synthesis
by Ghulam Dastgir KHAN & Pinar TEMOCIN - 30-36 Women’s Emancipation in Romanian Society and the Recognition of Her Rights in Couple Relationships
by Angela VLAD CHIRVASUTA - 37-47 Nurturing Prospective Female Politicians in Local Governance and Community Development
by Janet Serwah BOATENG - 47-60 Theoretical Linkages between Status of Maternal and Child Health in India and Risk of Non-Communicable Diseases
by Arora PALAK - 61-66 Right to Compensation of the Spouse who is Innocent of the Dissolution of Marriage in Romanian Civil Law
by Ciprian Raul ROMITAN - 67-72 Toward Marital Holiness as a Christian Value
by Cristian SANDU
May 2022, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-6 Entrepreneurship in Public Institutions
by Denisa Maria VILCEANU - 7-20 Respect for the Right of the Defence in the Romanian Criminal Process from the Perspective of European Union Law and Internal Criminal Procedural Law
by Nicoleta-Elena HEGHES & Bogdan BUNECI - 21-25 Romanian Public Sector Innovation from an Educational Perspective in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Mihaela-Gabriela APOSTOL - 26-36 Twins Taboo in Mananjary: An Ancestral Tradition of the Dead that Strongly Dominates the Lives of the Living
by Marcel SAITIS - 37-46 Reopening of Criminal Proceedings in Romania in Case of a Trial in Absentia
by Bogdan BUNECI - 47-51 Operative Judicial Photography
by Cosmin BUTURA - 52-60 “Our Air is Biscuit†: Victims’ Perspective of Factory Pollution in Oluyole, Ibadan
by Olajumoke Elizabeth ADEMUYIWA & Ikem Godspower UJENE & Babatunde Michel IDOWU & Felix M. NWANKWO - 61-69 The Social Problem of Suicide: A Theological Perspective
by Nicolae C CRETU - 70-75 The Educator as a Role Model within the Community: An Analysis of the Leader's Speech in the Book of Samuel
by Samuel Florin BIRLE - 76-83 Integrated Management System in Education
by Salome CHKHEIDZE - 84-95 A Century-Old Yet Topical Controversy - Euthanasia
November 2021, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-9 Human Security and Gender: A Comparative Case Study of Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia
by Leo S.F. LIN - 10-18 The Relevance of Nonviolent Politics in Nation Building: Gandhi's Lens
by Onwe Jeremiah NGWU - 19-25 Psychiatric Expertise and Forensic Management in Cases of Dissociative Identity Disorders
by Nicoleta-Elena HEGHES & Cristina-Gabriela SCHIOPU - 26-37 Analysing the Impact of Occupational Stress on Employee Performance: A Case Study on Hayleys Plantations and Tea Export PLC in Sri Lanka
by Sathya Rashmi GURUGE & Joowon BAN - 38-42 Brief Considerations regarding the Enforceability of the Letter of Bank Guarantee
by Dorel Mihai VLAD - 43-51 An Empirical Validation of Eco-Service Quality (ECOPERF) Scale Measure: A Short Form ECOPERF
by Joowon BAN & Sathya Rashmi GURUGE - 52-56 Regulation of the Double Degree of Jurisdiction in Criminal Proceedings in Romania
by Bogdan BUNECI - 57-62 The Difficulties in Social Communication of Elderly People in Romania
by Georgeta STOICA-MARCU - 63-69 The Importance of the Holy Matrimony s Secret in the Liturgical Life of the Orthodox Church
by Vasile MIRON - 70-76 The Importance of Church Iconography
by Vasile MIRON - 77-81 The Cornerstone Imprint of Kandinsky in the History of Abstract Art
by Samah Nassar
May 2021, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-12 Security and Privacy in the Era of Electronic Health Records
by Mohamed CHAWKI - 13-19 The Use of Virtual Financial and Monetary Instruments is Soaring. How Urgent is Their Regulation?
by Narciz BALASOIU - 20-28 Considerations Related to the Incrimination and the Forensic Investigation of the Crime of Illegal Obtaining of Funds in the Romanian Legislation
by Adrian Cristian MOISE - 29-38 Influence of Politics of Governance on Management of Coronavirus in Nigeria
by Samuel Adedayo MUYIWA - 39-48 General Considerations on Punishment in Medieval Europe
by Bogdan BUNECI - 49-54 Morality and Religious Ethos: A Discussion between Paul and His Disciple
by Nicolae CRETU - 55-62 Re-constructing and Reconciling the Self: Muslim Women of Bengal through the Performance of the Wedding Sagas
by Dipanwita PAL - 63-72 Who is My Neighbor?: The Concept of the Neighbor in the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) as a Social Phenomenon
by Nicolae CRETU - 73-78 Student Views on Vocational Guidance: Findings on Chronic Deficits - Suggestions to Meet Students Needs
by Stamatis GARGALIANOS & Giorgos MAKRIDIS & Dimitra TSIAKA & Despina KALAITZIDOU - 79-83 Between Love and Judgement – The Sociological Side of Theology
by Virgil GURALIVU
November 2020, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-4 NATO Security Policy – Georgian National Values
by Tamar KUPREISHVILI - 5-13 Forest of Arden Revisited: Re-assessing the Role of Jaques in Shakespeare’s As You Like It from an Ecocritical Perspective
by Dipanwita PAL - 14-19 Criminological Analysis of the Criminal’s Personality and Internationalization of Punishment
by Iancu TÄ‚NÄ‚SESCU & Camil TÄ‚NÄ‚SESCU & Gabriel TÄ‚NÄ‚SESCU - 20-29 The Impact of Habit Trackers, Healthy Lifestyles and Exercise Motives of University Students in Toronto
by Matt VOCINO & Laurel WALZAK - 30-38 Juvenile Delinquency Bio-Psycho-Social Bases of Deviance
by Nicoleta-Elena HEGHES & Cristina-Gabriela SCHIOPU - 39-46 Environmental Sustainability Through Textile and Apparel Upcycling
by Beatrice MANTYI-NCUBE & Simanga JUBA - 47-55 The Parents’ Maintenance Obligation towards the Minor Child and the Descendant over the Age of Majority Pursuing Their Studies in Romanian Law
by Ciprian Raul ROMITAN - 56-65 An Economic Value Approach to Intellectual Capital Accounting: A Case Study of Oman's Hospitality Industry
by Sandeep OJHA & Mohammed Bakhit KASHOOB - 66-70 The Translation of Euphemisms for Genitals in the Quran
by Osama Abdulrhman ALQAHTANI - 71-88 An Analysis of the Long-Run Relationship Between Corruption and Debt Sustainability in Nigeria
by Matthew Terry RIVI & Ishmael OGBORU & Dooshima Jennifer RIVI
May 2020, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-8 Medicine of the Future: The Power of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Healthcare
by Julia M. PUASCHUNDER & Josef MANTL & Bernd PLANK - 9-19 The Place of School Social Workers within Education Public Policy: The Portuguese Case
by Sandra Maria Gouveia ANTUNES - 20-31 The Impact of Discriminatory Harassment on Gender Representation in Elected Office in the United States
by Olivia LARAMIE - 32-46 Bibliometric Review Paper on Palatography
by Elmira ESMAEELPOUR & Hamideh POSHTVAN & Mandana NOURBAKHSH - 47-56 Indian Muslim Mothers and their Maternal Subjectivity
by Syeda Naghma ABIDI - 57-67 The Impact of Culture on Education in Africa: A Resolution from the Aristotelian Perspective
by Peter Bisong BISONG, & Samuel Aloysius EKANEM - 68-73 Correlation Context of Job Involvement and Organizational Culture
by Irina KHECHOSHVILI & Dina ASLAMAZISHVILI - 74-78 The Influence of Political Culture on Democracy in Parliamentary and Semi-Presidential Systems. Case Study: Albania vs France
by Romeo TEROLLI - 79-86 Towards Introducing a New Concept for Standard Arabic
by Mamon Suleiman ALGHANNAM - 87-95 Salient Factor of Voting Behaviour and its Relationship with Ethnic and Political Tolerance in Malaysia
by Mohd Azmir Mohd NIZAH & Afi Roshezry Abu BAKAR - 96-98 The Tarantism Phenomenon in Italy
by Aurelia SABIESCU - 99-109 Causes and Effects of Budget Imbalance in Poland and Selected Countries in the World
by Krzysztof JAROSINSKI - 110-119 Conditions and Possibilities of Long-Term Public Debt Management
by Benedykt OPALKA
November 2019, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-9 Design Thinking as Innovative Management Method
by Ivana MARINOVIC MATOVIC - 10-17 Psychological Treatment of Binge-Eating Disorder: A Case Study
by Ligiana Mihaela PETRE - 18-28 Funeral Services: The Silent Oligopoly An Exploration of the Funeral Industry in the United States
by Jennifer DiCamillo LARES & Kruti LEHENBAUER - 29-39 Adoption of Affordability and Sustainability Issues in Slum Rehabilitation through PPP in Dhaka, Bangladesh
by Fawzia FARZANA - 40-49 Critical View of Skilled Migration and Skilled Immigrants, Post-Migration
by Dalon P. TAYLOR - 50-54 Automatic Identification of Political Ideology in Online News Articles
by Vikki FIORE - 55-61 Fighting Corruption in China Using the Media
by Bilu GUAN - 62-68 Mothers of Unseen Children: The Invisible Child
by Bharti MOHAN - 69-84 The Future of Kenyan Banks: Mitigate Financial Risk Using Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology
by Olanrewaju Isola FATOKI & Jedidah WANJAGI - 85-93 Legal Regime of the Public Property in Romania
by Ciprian Raul ROMITAN - 94-103 Social Anomie and Suicide Phenomenon in Nigeria: Lending Credence to the Voiceless Phenomenon
by Kingsley NNOROM
May 2019, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-5 The Concept of Trust in Criminal Law – The Need for a Standard
by Camil TANASESCU - 1-5 Kairopraxis or Opportunity in Deterring Domestic Violence
by Claudia FRÄ‚ÈšILÄ‚ & Anca URSACHE TCACIUC - 1-6 The Impact of Globalization and Trade on Africa
by Samuel Akpan BASSEY & Mfonobong David UDOUDOM & Timothy Adie OKPE - 1-6 Theoretical Aspects Related to Social Practices of Adolescents on Social Media
by Gabriel-Constantin NICOLA - 1-6 The Church – A Model for Society
by Cristian Marius MUNTEANU - 1-7 Some Aspects of the Criminalization of Drug Trafficking
by Tiberiu Viorel POPESCU - 1-10 The Causal Link between Functional Disorder of the Orbitofrontal Cortex, Disorder of Moral Reasoning and Aggressive Sexual Behavior
by Gabriel TANASESCU - 1-11 The Us and High Health Care Spendings: A Comparative Case With OECD on the Three Prominent Factors
by Seksiri NIWATTISAIWONG - 1-11 African Environmental Ethics
by Joseph Nkang OGAR & Samuel Akpan BASSEY - 1-12 Gheorghe Taşcă. Romanian Capitalism and Cooperation - Past and Present
by Otilia MANTA - 1-13 Social Purpose and Administrative Contentious Matter in Romania
by Alina Livia NICU - 1-14 Effects Of Capital Flight On Exchange Rate In Nigeria: 1986-2015
by Olanike Rose ALABI & Ishmael OGBORU
December 2018, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-7 Gender Equality in Environmental Issues for Achieving Sustainable Peace and Security in Nigeria
by Inabo Abel OBAKA - 1-10 Between Communalism and Individualism: Which Way Africa?
by Peter Bisong BISONG - 1-10 The Pressure of Modernity on the Christian Family
by Stelian MANOLACHE - 1-10 The Constitutionality/Constitutionalisation of the Death Penalty in Cameroon and Ghana: An Appraisal on the Right to Life
by Eric Che MUMA - 1-11 Margin of luck and value of information in lottery purchases in Thailand
by Seksiri Niwattisaiwong & Komsan Suriya - 1-14 South Africa’s Trade with G20 and Top ten African Countries-Applying Gravity Model
by Pallabi MUKHERJEE & Vivek. S. KUSHWAHA & Kalicharan MODAK - 1-15 A General Dynamic Equilibrium Model and Business Cycles
by Wei-Bin ZHANG
May 2018, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-7 The Status of the Social Sciences in Romanian Educational System
by Ioana-Anca GHERASIM - 1-11 Flipping the Script for Skilled Immigrant Women: What Suggestions Might Critical Social Work Offer?
by Dalon Taylor - 1-17 Opportunistic Migration: A Collateral Promise for Development in Seasonal Migration of Southwest Coastal Bangladesh
by Md Mostafizur RAHMANPhD & Mahmud Uz ZAMAN & Ali HAIDER - 1-17 Role of Identity Crisis and Relative Deprivation as Catalysts of Political Violence and Terrorism
by Marium Akhtar - 1-21 Maternal Participation in Agricultural Production and Population Growth in Cameroon
by Mbu Daniel Tambi - 1-23 The Immediate Demand for an Efficient Protection of Witnesses of Justice in Albania
by Romina Beqiri
December 2017, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 7-23 Culture-Led Urban Regeneration of Industrial Derelict Places. Case study: Paltim Hats Factory of Timisoara - A Cultural Social Enterprise
by Corina TURSIE - 24-33 Family – A Prototype of Society
by Marius NECHITA - 34-43 The Church as a Prophet in the Contemporary Market
by Sorin BADRAGAN - 44-51 The Concept of the Aesthetics
by Claudia BUDA - 52-58 Contemplation of the Social Identity of a Human Collectivity through Animated Metaphors (family, body) - A Success Factor For Its Functioning
by Remus SOARE - 59-64 The Role of Public Opprobrium in Adjusting Socio-Legal Behavior
by Daniel FODOREAN