February 1996, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 81-96 Couples' Evaluations of Foreknowledge of Fetal Impairment
by Margarete Sandelowski & Linda Corson Jones - 97-104 CABG Discharge Information
by Shirley M. Moore - 105-115 Cardiac Response of Elderly Adults to Normal Activities and Aerobic Walking
by Beverly L. Roberts & Robert Palmer
November 1995, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 355-357 Expanding the Horizons of Nursing Research
by Patricia Hayes - 358-370 Life in a Nursing Home for the Frail Elderly
by Arja Liukkonen - 370-372 Commentary
by Marjorie C. Anderson - 373-386 Well-Being of Caregivers of Spouses with Parkinson's Disease
by Ronald A. Berry & Juanita F. Murphy - 387-396 Religiosity as a Dimension of Well-Being
by Päivi Astedt-Kurki - 397-410 Patient Factors and Central Line Infection
by Kathy L. Rush & Lorraine T. Haller - 411-424 Content Analysis of Nonprofessional Caregiver-Patient Interactions in Long-Term Care Facilities
by Carroll L. Iwasiw & Joanne K. Olson - 425-441 Focus Groups
by Linda M. Janelli & Suzanne S. Dickerson & Marlene R. Ventura - 442-464 Predictors of Taiwanese Nurses' Intention to Care for Patients who are HIV Positive
by Yun-Fang Tsai & Mary L. Keller - 465-471 Boomerang Pillows and Respiratory Capacity in Frail Elderly Women
by Kathryn L. Roberts & Maureen Brittin & June DeClifford
August 1995, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 235-237 Editorial
by Martha C. Piper - 238-249 Sleep during the Week before Labor
by Marilyn L. Evans & Margaret J. Dick & Ann S. Cark - 250-252 Commentary
by Päivi Astedt-Kurki & Hlie Neimenin - 253-273 The Effect of Pain on Infant Behaviors
by Barbara F. Fuller & Douglas A. Conner - 274-289 Chemical Dependency and Adolescent Self Esteem
by Dianne Wasson & Mary Ann Anderson - 290-305 A Nursing Survey to Determine the Characteristics of Medication Administration through Enteral Feeding Catheters
by Charles F. Seifert & Jeff L. Frye & Dorothy C. Belknap & Douglas C. Anderson Jr. - 306-322 Fruitlax
by Rene A. Day & Margery Monsma - 323-334 Coprolite Assessment in Nursing Research and Practice
by Kathleen M. Neill & Laura I. Wanger & Louise P. Grant - 335-345 Hmong Cultural Practices and Beliefs
by Jaya Jambunathan
May 1995, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 123-126 What Bugs you about Nursing Practice
by Wendy M. Fallis & Annette Gupton - 127-148 The Role of Comfort in Nursing Care: 1900-1980
by Kathleen Hunter McIlveen & Janice M. Morse - 149-167 School-Age Children's Understanding of the Relations between their Behavior and their Asthma Management
by Gail M. Kieckhefer & Ada Spitzer - 168-180 Beliefs and Perceptions of Childbearing Women Choosing Different Primary Health Care Providers
by Lynn Clark Callister - 181-194 Hospital Discharge Preparation for Homeward Bound Elderly
by Diane Storer Brown - 195-207 Strike-through Contamination in Saturated Sterile Dressings
by Deborah M. Popovich & Doris Alexander & Maude Rittman & Christopher Martorella & Letitia Jackson - 208-222 Pain in the Postoperative Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patient
by Bunny Pozehl & Susan Barnason & Lani Zimmerman & Janet Nieveen & Joyce Crutchfield - 223-231 A Measurement of Self-Esteem in Pregnant Teenagers
by Lois Bolden & Barbara G. Williams
February 1995, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-5 Authors, Editors, and the World of Computers
by Patricia Hayes - 6-18 Incontinence and Clean Intermittent Catheterization Following Spinal Cord Injury
by Mikel Gray & Richard Rayome & Carol Anson - 19-21 Commentary
by Kathleen P. Dean - 22-37 Skin Temperature and Limb Blood Flow as Predictors of Cardiac Index
by Marilyn Sawyer Sommers & Joanne S. Stevenson & Robert L. Hamlin & Tom D. Ivey - 38-49 Pregnant Teenagers' Reasons for Seeking or Delaying Prenatal Care
by Sally Hughes Lee & Laurie M. Grubbs - 50-66 Postpartum Early Discharge
by Caroline Smith-Hanrahan & Denise Deblois - 67-77 Negotiated and Nonnegotiated Nurse-Patient Interactions
by Susan Jo Roberts & Helene J. Krouse & Paula Michaud - 78-104 Cooperation during Morning Care between Nurses and Severely Demented Institutionalized Patients
by Ingalhll R. Hallbierg & Goran Holst & Asa Nordmark & Anna-Karen Edberg - 105-113 Selecting a Bedside Glucose Monitor for Outpatient Clinics
by Jane Goff & Barbara P. Rogers
November 1994, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 291-293 Stigma and Obesity
by Pamela J. Brink - 294-296 Stigma
by Janice M. Roper & Nancy Lois Ruth Anderson - 297-315 Resolutions and Risk-Taking in Juvenile Detention
by Nancy Lois Ruth Anderson - 316-333 Messages of Psychiatric Patients who Attempted or Committed Suicide
by Sharon M. Valente - 334-352 Self-Caring in a Family Unit of an HIV-Positive Individual
by Judith M. Saunders - 353-370 Self-Esteem, Problem Solving, and Sexual Risk Behavior among Women with and without Chlamydia
by Elizabeth Abel & Ellen Adams & Reid Stevenson - 371-392 Mother-Daughter and Husband-Wife Attachment as Predictors of Psychological Well-Being during Pregnancy
by Rachel Zachariah - 393-413 Young Adolescents' Identification of Difficult Life Events
by Susan K. Riesch & Gloria A. Jacobson & Charlene B. Tosi - 414-422 The Effect of Two Nursing Interventions on Families of ICU Patients
by Kathleen Daly & Ruth M. Kleinpell & Sandra Lawinger & Ginny Casey
August 1994, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 179-182 Progressive Nursing—Psychological Care Interventions
by Jenifer Wilson-Barnett - 183-203 Validity of Concepts for Selected Nursing Diagnoses
by Betty L. Chang - 204-206 Commentary
by Kathryn L. Roberts - 206-208 Response
by Cha ng - 209-227 Recommendations by Clinicians for Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy
by Colleen DiIorio & Donna Van Lier & Brigitte Manteuffel - 228-242 The Alcoholism Denial Assessment Tool (ADAT)
by Donna Marie Wing & Helen Hansen & Barbara Martin - 243-252 Cardiac Patients and Spouses
by Gail A. Hilbert - 253-268 Understanding Depression in Bereaved Older Adults
by Margaret Dimond & Michael Caserta & Dale Lund - 269-281 Factors Influencing Nursing Home Placement Decisions
by Rebecca A. Johnson & Valerie B. Schwiebert & Patricia Alvarado Rosenmann
May 1994, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 83-85 Researchers: Blow Your Own Horn!
by Patricia Hayes - 86-101 Positive Health Practices and Perceived Health Status in Adolescents
by Noreen E. Mahon - 101-103 Commentary
by A. Robertson - 104-118 Psychophysiological Responses of Parents to Pediatric Critical Care Stress
by Lynda L. LaMontagne & Joseph T. Hepworth & Barbara D. Johnson & Jayant K. Deshpande - 119-131 Information Needs Prior to Breast Biopsy
by Christine R. Shaw & Sarah A. Wilson & Maureen E. O'Brien - 132-145 Minimizing Effects of Low Literacy on Medication Knowledge and Compliance among the Elderly
by Leslie C. Hussey - 146-156 Validity and Reliability of a Quality-of-Life Instrument
by Linda L. Martin - 157-165 Boomerang Pillows and Respiratory Capacity
by Kathryn L. Roberts & Maureen Brittin & Margaret-Ann Cook & June DeClifford - 166-172 Fiber-Fortifiled Feedings in Immobile Patients
by Louise P. Grant & Laura I. Wanger & Kathleen M. Neill
February 1994, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 3-6 Why Not Practice-Based Theory?
by Silvia Käppeli - 7-25 Interpretation and Management of Dementia-Related Behavior Problems
by Theresa A. Harvath - 25-26 Commentary
by Priscilla M. Koop - 27-41 Alzheimer's Residents' Cognitive and Functional Measures
by Elizabeth A. Swanson & Meridean L. Maas & Kathleen C. Buckwalter - 43-56 Communication Strategies Used by an Expert Nurse
by Sarah Jo Brown - 57-68 Stressors Associated with Coronary Bypass Surgery
by Adela Yarcheski & Carrie Knapp-Spooner - 69-76 Perception of Surgical Pain by Nurses and Patients
by Josie M. Bowman
November 1993, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 379-381 History: Its Relevance to Practice
by Marilynn J. Wood & Pauline Paul - 382-395 Challenges for Nursing Research in an Era Dominated by Health Service Reform and Cost Containment
by Alison J. Tierney - 396-410 The Development of Mothers' Understanding of Infant Crying
by Jane E. Drummond & Michelle L. McBride & C. Faye Wiebe - 411-413 Commentary
by Noriko Katada - 414-437 Behavioral Responses of Family Members during Critical Illness
by Margo A. Halm & Marita G. Titler & Charmaine Kleiber & Susan K. Johnson & Lou Ann Montgomery & Martha J. Craft & Kaihleen Buckwalter & Anita Nicholson & Karen Megern - 438-450 Effects of Therapeutic Touch on Anxiety in the Institutionalized Elderly
by Jane A. Simington & Gail P. Laing - 451-463 Time Experience of Selected Institutionalized Adult Clients
by Rozzano C. Locsin - 464-477 Dietary Fiber Nursing Intervention
by Lorraine Rodrigues-Fisher & Cheryl Bourguignon & Barbara Vonthron Good - 478-486 Effects of Guided Imagery in Patients with Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema
by Linda E. Moody & Maureen Fraser & Hossein Yarandi - 487-487 Erratum
by N/A
August 1993, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 243-244 Replicative Studies
by Patricia Hayes - 245-263 The Impact of HIV-Positive Diagnosis on the Individual, Part 1
by Maureen Laryea & Lan Gien - 263-266 Commentary
by Marie Annette Brown - 267-277 Anxiety and the Colposcopy Experience
by Linda S. Nugent & Karen Tamlyn-Leaman & Nessim Isa & Edward Reardon & John Crumley - 278-295 Patterns of Concerns and Demands Experienced by Spouses Following Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
by Nancy Trygar Artinian & Colette Hmilebrand Duggan - 296-308 Body and Orofacial Cathexis in Edentulous Complete-Denture-Wearing Clients
by Susan F. Rudy & Albert D. Guckes & Shu-Hua Li & George R. McCarthy & Jaime S. Brahim - 309-326 Experiences of Primiparous Breast-Feeding Mothers in the First Days Following Birth
by M. Kay Matthews - 327-344 Behavioral Analysis and Behavioral Strategies to Improve Self-Management of Type II Diabetes
by Susan Boehmk & Eizabeth A. Schlenk & Edith Raleigh & David Ronis - 345-359 Toward a Definition of a Successful Dieter
by Pamela J. Brink & Marilynn J. Wood - 360-370 Adverse Events in the Hospitalized Elderly
by Marquis D. Foreman & Saundra L. This & Mary Ann Anderson
May 1993, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 123-124 Who are Clinicians?
by Patricia Hayes - 125-127 Letter to the Editor
by Ada Spitzer - 128-144 Community Elders
by Cynthia D. McCurren & Lynne A. Hall & Graham D. Rowles - 144-147 Commentaries
by Ingalill R. Hallberg - 148-159 Symptoms Reported by Older and Middle-Aged Adults after Coronary Bypass Surgery
by Nancy S. Redeker - 160-175 Wandering in Alzheimer's Dementia Patients
by Mary Lucero & Sally Hutchinson & Sue Leger-Krall & Holly Skodol Wilson - 176-187 Preterm Infants in Pain
by Margaret Jorgensen Dick - 188-211 Social Skills Training and Cognitive Restructuring for Adolescents on Hemodialysis
by Pauline C. Beecroft - 212-223 Complications of Enteral Nutrition in Hospitalized Patients with Artificial Airways
by Faye Medley & Joyce Stechimiller & Audrey Field - 224-231 The Human/Animal Bond as a Correlate of Family Functioning
by Ruth P. Cox - 232-239 Setting a Research Agenda to Promote Nursing Research
by Belinda J. Pinyerd & Jamie McArdle Blair & Ruth Chavez & Sharon Stout-Shaffer
February 1993, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 3-4 Talking to Ourselves
by Amy Zelmer - 5-18 The Significance of Pain in Children's Experiences of Hemophilia
by Ada Spitzer - 19-23 Commentary on "The Significance of Pain in Children's Experiences of Hemophilia"
by Philip Darbyshire - 24-40 Effectiveness of a Handwashing Program
by Rene A. Day & Sheri St. Arnaud & Margery Monsma - 41-53 A Medication Discharge Planning Program
by Joanne Kraenzle Schneider & Susan Hornberger & Jane Booker & Alyce Davis & Randy Kralicek - 54-66 Submucous Resection
by Kathy Oberle & Marion Allen & Patricia Lynkowski - 67-85 Multiple Sclerosis
by Mary T. O'Brien - 86-97 Dementia Care-Receiver Needs and their Impact on Caregivers
by Carol J. Farran & Eleanora Keane-Hagerty & Lydia Tatarowicz & Elaine Scorza - 98-110 Nursing Personnel's Perceptions of Physical Restraint Use in Long-Term Care
by Victoria Schirm & Marjorie Gray & Marlene Peoples - 111-118 Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Condom Use in Ile-Ife, Nigeria
by M. K. Jinadu & W. O. Odesanmi
November 1992, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 315-316 Reflections on the Gift of Birth
by Reva Rubin - 317-332 Hearing Loss among Nursing Home Residents
by Diane Feeney Mahoney - 333-335 Commentary on "Hearing Loss among Nursing Home Residents"
by Elisabeth Hamrin & Eva Andersson - 336-346 The Parent Expectations Survey
by Susan McClennan Reece - 347-365 Treating Hopelessness
by Madeline Musante Wake & Judith Fitzgerald Miller - 366-384 Women's Views of the Preterm Labor Experience
by Marlene C. Mackey & Marcia A. Coster-Schulz - 385-401 The Impact of Critical Injury as Described by a Spouse
by Jane Stover Leske - 402-417 Body Image Measurement in Overweight Females
by Sue Popkess-Vawter & Nancy Banks - 418-429 Challenging Commonly Held Beliefs about Obesity
by Pamela J. Brink - 430-439 Improving Elders' Continence State
by Betty D. Pearson & Janice Larson
August 1992, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 219-220 "De-Jargonizing" Research Communication
by Patricia Hayes - 221-235 Intergenerational Geriatric Remotivation
by Mary West & Sally Hutchinson - 236-237 Commentary on "Intergenerational Geriatric Remotivation"
by Roger J. Ustick - 238-251 Cultural Diversity in the Nurse-Client Encounter
by Joann Butrin - 252-265 A Comparison of Childbirth Expectations in High-Risk and Low-Risk Pregnant Women
by Maureen Heaman & Janet Beaton & Annette Gupton & Jeff Sloan - 266-277 Effects of Intraoperative Progress Reports on Anxiety of Elective Surgical Patients' Family Members
by Jane Stover Leske - 278-291 A Comparative Study of Patients with Chronic Pain in India and the United States
by Mary F. Kodiath & Alex Kodiath - 292-304 The Postoperative Pain Experience
by Jacqueline D. Fortin & Donna Schwartz-Barcott & Susan Rossi - 305-311 Home Health Care
by Mary Nies Albrecht & Kathleen M. Perry
May 1992, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 123-126 Shaping Practice through Research
by Marilynn J. Wood - 127-140 Patterns of Nausea during First Trimester of Pregnancy
by Colleen DiIorio & Donna Van Lier & Brigitte Manteuffel - 141-143 Commentary on "Patterns of Nausea during First Trimester of Pregnancy"
by Emma Nemetz - 144-157 Setting an Agenda for Clinical Nursing Research in Long-Term Care
by Barbara K. Haight & Sister Rose Therese Bahr - 158-168 Barriers to Implementing a Continence Program in Nursing Homes
by Judith M. Harke & Kristin Richgels - 169-179 Bedside Nursing Research
by Pamela S. Hinds & Jami S. Gattuso & Robbie Norville & Linda Oakes & Lisa Prichard - 180-195 Development of a Predictive Model for Postoperative Pulmonary Complications after Cholecystectomy
by Jo Ann Brooks-Brunn - 196-206 Hospital-Based Nursing Response to Perinatal Drug Exposure
by Deena Nardi - 207-213 The Importance of Nonverbal Communication during the Preanesthesia Period
by Namie Okino Sawada & Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes & Cristina Maria Galvão & Maria Auxiliadora Trevizan
February 1992, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editorial
by Patricia Hayes & Marilynn J. Wood - 5-8 Why Promote Clinical Nursing Scholarship?
by Rozella M. Schlotfeldt - 9-24 Strategies for AIDS Prevention
by Ruth M. Harris & Kathryn Hopkins Kavanagh & Susan E. Hetherington & Doris E. Scott - 25-27 A Commentary on Strategies for AIDS Prevention from the British Perspective
by Sarah Johanna MacDonald - 28-34 Analysis of Strike-through Contamination in Saturated Sterile Dressings
by Doris Alexander & Debbie Gammage & Arlene Nichols & Darla Gaskins - 35-49 Mismatched Caring in High-Risk Perinatal Situations
by M. Colleen Stainton - 50-66 Variations in the Hemodialysis Treatment Process
by Katherine R. Jones - 67-79 The Assessment of Coping
by Hazel E. McHaffie - 80-90 What Psychiatric Nurses Say about Constant Care
by Olive Yonge & L. L. Stewin - 91-106 Comfort
by Janice M. Morse - 107-113 Patient-Controlled Analgesia for Older Adults
by Wendy Duggleby & Janice Lander