2002, Volume 17, Issue 35
- 409-448 Can training and employment subsidies combat European unemployment?
[‘The non-parametric identification of treatment effects in duration models’]
by Jochen Kluve & Christoph M. Schmidt - 449-495 Corporate income tax reforms and international tax competition
[‘Do domestic firms benefit from direct foreign investment? Evidence from Venezuela’]
by Michael P. Devereux & Rachel Griffith & Alexander Klemm - 497-534 A European VAT on financial services?
[‘Taxation of financial services under a VAT’]
by Harry Huizinga - 535-552 Analysis of spreads in the dollar/euro and deutschemark/dollar foreign exchange markets
by Charles Goodhart & Ryan Love & Richard Payne & Dagfinn Rime - 553-569 Features of the euro's role in international financial markets
by Carsten Detken & Philipp Hartmann - 571-597 Theoretical perspective on euro liquidity
[‘The distribution of realized exchange rate volatility’]
by Richard K. Lyons
2002, Volume 17, Issue 34
- 7-66 Public employment and labour market performance
[‘On the benefits from rigid labour markets: Norms, market failures and social insurances’]
by Yann Algan & Pierre Cahuc & André Zylberberg - 67-114 Anatomy of employment growth
[‘Growth and unemployment’]
by Pietro Garibaldi & Paolo Mauro - 115-148 Unemployment clusters across Europe's regions and countries
[‘Regional evolutions’]
by Henry G. Overman & Diego Puga - 149-192 How has the euro changed the foreign exchange market?
[‘The distribution of realized exchange rate volatility’]
by Harald Hau & William Killeen & Michael Moore - 193-228 The challenges facing currency usage: will the traditional transaction medium be able to resist competition from the new technologies?
[‘Statement before the subcommittee on general oversight and investigations of the committee on banking and financial services’]
by Mathias Drehmann & Charles Goodhart & Malte Krueger - 229-270 Venture capital in Europe and the financing of innovative companies
[‘Robust financial contracting and the role of venture capitalists’]
by Laura Bottazzi & Marco Da Rin
2001, Volume 16, Issue 33
- 264-299 Some simple economics of GM food
by Dietmar Harhoff & Pierre Régibeau & Katharine Rockett - 302-327 Should we beware of the Precautionary Principle?
by Christian Gollier - 330-367 The political economy of direct legislation: direct democracy and local decision–making
by Lars P. Feld & Gebhard Kirchgässner - 370-406 Monetary policy implementation and transmission in the European Monetary Union
by Ilian Mihov - 408-432 International bailouts, moral hazard and conditionality
by Olivier Jeanne & Jeromin Zettelmeyer - 434-448 Currency unions and trade: how large is the treatment effect?
by Torsten Persson - 449-461 Currency unions and trade: the effect is large
by Andrew K. Rose
2001, Volume 16, Issue 32
- 08-50 Would you like to shrink the welfare state? A survey of European citizens
by Tito Boeri & Axel Börsch-Supan & Guido Tabellini - 52-82 Is the crisis problem growing more severe?
by Michael Bordo & Barry Eichengreen & Daniela Klingebiel & Maria Soledad Martinez-Peria - 84-126 Structural booms
by Edmund Phelps & Gylfi Zoega - 128-166 Implications of ethnic diversity
by Paul Collier - 168-204 Fighting collusion by regulating communication between firms
by Kai-Uwe Kühn - 206-253 Inequality and convergence in Europe’s regions: reconsidering European regional policies
by Michele Boldrin & Fabio Canova
2000, Volume 15, Issue 31
- 238-267 Corporate governance in Germany: the role of banks and ownership concentration
by Jeremy Edwards & Marcus Nibler - 270-335 Currency boards: More than a quick fix?
by Atish R. Ghosh & Anne-Marie Gulde & Holger C. Wolf - 338-378 Factor mobility and fiscal policy in the EU: policy issues and analytical approaches
by David E. Wildasin - 380-428 Labour market outliers: Lessons from Portugal and Spain
by Olympia Bover & Pilar García-Perea & Pedro Portugal - 430-472 The case for international tax co-ordination reconsidered
by Peter Birch Sørensen - 474-511 Taxation for the 21st century: the automated payment transaction (APT) tax
by Edgar L. Feige
2000, Volume 15, Issue 30
- 08-45 One money, one market: the effect of common currencies on trade
by Andrew K. Rose - 48-104 Unemployment, growth and taxation in industrial countries
by Francesco Daveri & Guido Tabellini - 106-133 Labour market implications of EU product market integration
by Torben M. Andersen & Niels Haldrup & Jan Rose Sørensen - 136-180 The Netherlands and the United Kingdom: a European unemployment miracle?
by Steve Nickell & Jan van Ours - 182-229 Economic reforms and labour markets: policy issues and lessons from Chile
by Sebastian Edwards & Alejandra Cox Edwards
1999, Volume 14, Issue 29
- 252-286 Risk sharing and transition costs in the reform of pension systems in Europe
by David Miles & Allan Timmermann - 288-320 The future of pensions in Europe
by Michele Boldrin & Juan J. Dolado & Juan F. Jimeno & Franco Peracchi - 322-361 Tradable deficit permits: efficient implementation of the Stability Pact in the European Monetary Union
by Alessandra Casella - 364-397 Regulation and efficiency in European insurance markets
by Ray Rees & Ekkehard Kessner - 400-436 The economic crisis of the 1990s in Finland
by Seppo Honkapohja & Erkki Koskela
1999, Volume 14, Issue 28
- 14-53 The effects and policy implications of state aids to industry: an economic analysis
by Timothy Besley & Paul Seabright - 56-86 When is fiscal adjustment an illusion?
by William Easterly - 88-131 Five proposals for a European model of the countryside
by Louis Pascal Mahé & François Ortalo-Magné - 134-164 Retailer power: recent developments and policy implications
by Paul Dobson & Michael Waterson - 166-201 Real capital market integration in the EU: How far has it gone? What will the effect of the euro be?
by Georges de Ménil - 204-240 The Americanization of European football
by Thomas Hoehn & Stefan Szymanski
1998, Volume 13, Issue 27
- 358-401 The economic analysis of lotteries
by Ian Walker - 404-438 European technology policy
by Jonathan Eaton & Eva Gutierrez & Samuel Kortum - 440-486 The competition effects of the Single Market in Europe
by Chris Allen & Michael Gasiorek & Alasdair Smith - 488-545 Tales of fiscal adjustment
by Alberto Alesina & Silvia Ardagna - 548-583 Trends in household saving don’t justify tax incentives to boost saving
by Orazio Attanasio & James Banks - 586-623 Securities fraud
by Norvald Instefjord & Patricia Jackson & William Perraudin
1998, Volume 13, Issue 26
- 16-64 Immediate challenges for the European Central Bank
by Rudi Dornbusch & Carlo Favero & Francesco Giavazzi - 66-113 The Stability Pact: more than a minor nuisance?
by Barry Eichengreen & Charles Wyplosz - 116-162 Stability without a pact? Lessons from the European gold standard, 1880—1914
by Marc Flandreau & Jacques Le Cacheux & Frédéric Zumer - 164-203 Does EMU need a fiscal federation?
by Antonio Fatás - 206-259 Regional non-adjustment and fiscal policy
by Maurice Obstfeld & Giovanni Peri - 262-303 Blessing or curse? Foreign and underground demand for euro notes
by Kenneth Rogoff - 306-343 The emergence of the euro as an international currency
by Richard Portes & Hélène Rey
1997, Volume 12, Issue 25
- 222-264 Public finance solutions to the European unemployment problem?
by Peter Birch Sørenson - 266-291 French unemployment: a transatlantic perspective
by Daniel Cohen & Arnaud Lefrance & Gilles Saint-Paul - 294-334 Concentration and public policies in the broadcasting industry: the future of television
by Massimo Motta & Michele Polo - 336-370 The arms trade
by Paul Levine & Ron Smith - 388-398 Drugs, economics and policy
by Bruno S. Frey
1997, Volume 12, Issue 24
- 13-52 Soft versus hard targets for exchange rate intervention
by Leonardo Bartolini & Alessandro Prati - 53-89 ERM bandwidths for EMU and after: evidence from foreign exchange options
by José M. Campa & P.H. Kevin Chang & Robert L. Reider - 91-123 Reforming corporate governance: redirecting the European agenda
by Erik Bergloöf - 125-176 The costs and benefits of eastern enlargement: the impact on the EU and central Europe
by Richard E. Baldwin & Joseph F. Francois & Richard Portes - 178-210 Foreign direct investment, political resentment and the privatization process in eastern Europe
by Hans-Werner Sinn & Alfons J. Weichenrieder