2024, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 117-131 Strategies for trading in money markets
by Fabian Beck - 133-140 The St. Petersburg paradox with state dependent linear utility functions for monetary returns. A note
by Somdeb Lahiri - 141-158 The interdisciplinarity of the publications of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice based on the analysis of the co-occurrence of issues specific to medicine and computer science
by Ewelina Paluch & Marcela Mikulska - 159-172 Functional business valuation – purpose is king!
by Christian Toll & Thomas Hering
2024, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 7-54 Fighting recent inflation: An empirical literature review of monetary and governmental policies
by Christof Haar - 55-70 Introduction of a general class of entropy-based control charts: The Φ-chart
by Benedikt Mangold & Jens Konopik - 71-104 Investment attractiveness factors in the opinion of companies from Special Economic Zones in Poland
by Piotr Misztal & Vasili Kulakou
2023, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 107-143 The impact of digitization on corporate controlling and the role of controllers
by Jessica Hastenteufel & Max Dorow & Susanne Weber - 145-164 The impact of markups and wages on changes in the level of inflation in Poland
by Aneta Kosztowniak - 165-185 The relationship between the inflation rate and the unemployment rate in Poland and their long-term associations with selected macroeconomic variables
by Jan Koterwa & Hubert Kycia & Anna Czapkiewicz - 187-217 Literature review. Pricing rule alternatives for the European day-ahead market
by Felix Weissensteiner
2023, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 7-26 Hedging the investment portfolio with derivatives present on the Polish market
by Tomasz Bernat & Robert Ruszkiewicz - 27-38 A statistical interpretation of a market demand curve for a commodity obeying the law of demand
by Somdeb Lahiri - 39-82 Expiration day effects of stock and index futures on the Warsaw Stock Exchange before and in the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic
by Milena Suliga - 83-94 The decision making criteria of a rational investor on the example of an investment portfolio analysis of listed companies and a basket of currencies
by Karolina Tadla
2022, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 111-130 Spillovers between European markets
by Agnieszka Choczynska - 131-152 The usefulness of big data in creating innovations. The example of Google Trends
by Joanna Hernik - 153-170 Tightening tax policy and changes to tax efficiency on the example of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Michal J. Kowalski & Janusz Nesterak
2022, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 7-26 Development of key performance indicators of capital market-oriented entities in the Prime Standard since the introduction of DRS 20
by Philipp Blumenstein & Robert C. Schmidt & Jessica Hastenteufel - 27-48 Changes in the quality of bank loan portfolios in EU countries - with the particular case of Poland
by Aneta Kosztowniak - 49-76 Gamified Recruitment: A Way to Win the Talent of Tomorrow?
by Hannah Martensen & Malte Martensen & Johannes Asanger - 77-98 How to define macroeconomic announcement surprises? An example of the impact of US macroeconomic news on stock prices on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Tomasz Wojtowicz
2021, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 73-94 The dependencies of subindexes of Stoxx 600 during the Covid-19 pandemic
by Henryk Gurgul & Robert Syrek - 95-112 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the German banking industry – a critical analysis of regulatory easing for banks
by Jessica Hastenteufel & Anke Haag & Maria Eschenröder - 113-142 Forecasting the economic impact of a vacuum tube high-speed transport system in Poland: An input-output approach
by Šukasz Lach & Marcin Suder & Rafał Kusa & Joanna Duda
2021, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 7-22 Climate protection as an opportunity for banks to increase earnings and consumer trust
by Sabrina Kiszka & Jessica Hastenteufel - 23-34 An example to illustrate several aspects of optimization theory in Managerial Economics
by Somdeb Lahiri
2020, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 99-125 Testing for the economic and environmental impacts of EU Emissions Trading System: A panel GMM approach
by Piotr Gretszel & Henryk Gurgul & £ukasz Lach & Stefan Schleicher - 127-156 Low Interest Rates – A Real Threat to German Banks or First-Class Whining?!
by Jessica Hastenteufel & Lena Fuchs* - 157-175 Functional business valuation – The theoretical foundation of argumentation value and its underlying function
by Manfred Jürgen Matschke & Gerrit Brösel & Patrick Thielmann
2020, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 7-47 What do German bank customers want? The importance of customer expectations and the failure of the integral customer advisory service
by Jessica Hastenteufel & Sabrina Kiszka - 49-65 Consumer surplus and budget constrained preference maximization: A note
by Somdeb Lahiri - 67-83 Regulation of the Ukrainian labor market in the context of European integration: system priorities
by Oleh Risnyy
2019, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 71-118 Review of stochastic differential equations in statistical arbitrage pairs trading
by Sylvia Endres - 119-132 Current and future challenges of family businesses
by Jessica Hastenteufel & Mareike Staub - 133-150 Selected methods of studying a college’s image
by Katarzyna Kowalska-Jarnot - 151-180 Pairs trading with the persistence-based decomposition model
by Jonas Rende
2019, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 7-26 The analysis of liberalisation of the electricity market in Slovenia
by Stefan Bojnec & Drago Papler - 27-42 Youth unemployment and crime: an empirical investigation for Turkey
by Halil Tunca & Ferda Esin Gulel - 43-56 Methods of limiting selected risk types in the municipal waste incineration plant
by Ewa Kubinska-Jabcon & Mariusz Niekurzak
2018, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 169-185 Prerequisites for successful succession in family company according to its successor
by Mariola Dzwigol-Barosz - 187-203 Exposure of Polish enterprises to risk within business cycle
by Izabela Jonek-Kowalska - 205-225 Odra River in Lower Silesia: probabilistic analysis of flood risk dynamics as part of sustainable development of water management
by Lukasz Kuzminski & Arkadiusz Halama - 227-249 Cluster as place of efficient diffusion of knowledge. Experiences of Lower Silesia
by Malgorzata Wachowska - 251-269 Patterns of technological accumulation in European Union countries
by Rafal Wisla
2018, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 7-24 RIPRAN – one of the best project risk analysis methodologies
by Katerina Bockova & Daniel Lajcin - 25-47 Bank policies towards SME sector in Poland and selected countries worldwide
by Joanna Duda & Maciej Wozniak - 49-73 Impact of ATM location on its profi tability in Malopolskie and Podkarpackie provinces
by Henryk Gurgul & Marcin Suder - 75-88 Managing volunteer engagement in reference to empirical research
by Tomasz Janik & Ewa Beck-Krala - 89-101 Descriptive representation about transformation of company by using current technologies and tools for analytical processing and evaluation of diverse data
by Gabriel Koman & Martin Holubcik & Milan Kubina - 103-116 Universal basic income. Theory and practice
by Piotr Misztal - 117-131 Reasons full-time students of economics in Poland undertake jobs
by Izabela Ostoj - 133-152 Cooperation among SMEs in Poland on path to their development
by Barbara Siuda-Tokarska
2017, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 133-145 Does income inequality hamper human capital accumulation in OECD countries?
by Jakub Bartak - 147-163 Importance of copyrights in online society
by S³awomir Czetwertyñski - 165-181 MIDAS models in banking sector – systemic risk comparison
by Henryk Gurgul & Roland Mestel & Robert Syrek - 183-199 Exploring relative instances of exposure in equilibrium of migration processes based on population characteristics
by Laszlo Pitlik & Peter Kollar & Zsolt Fulop & Imre Madarasz - 201-225 Price reversal as potential expiration day effect of stock and index futures: evidence from Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Milena Suliga - 227-245 CAPM applications for appropriate stock pricing – impact of speculation companies
by Stanis³aw Urbañski & Iwona Skalna - 247-264 Human and social capital facing challenges of economic convergence processes in Poland
by Ma³gorzata Wosiek
2017, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 7-22 Entrepreneurial orientation in high-tech and low-tech SMEs in Malopolska region
by Mateusz Codogni & Joanna Duda & Rafal Kusy - 23-46 Spatial contagion between stock markets in Central Europe
by Anna Czapkiewicz & Tomasz Wojtowicz - 47-62 Agricultural income and prices. The interdependence of selected phenomena in Poland compared to EU-15 member states
by Andrzej Czyzewski & Lukasz Kryszak - 63-86 Multi-criteria decision methods for CSR management – literature review
by Anna Dos - 87-102 Trading volume and volatility patterns across selected Central European stock markets from microstructural perspective
by Henryk Gurgul & Robert Syrek - 103-116 Earn-outs to bridge gap between negotiation parties – curse or blessing?
by Christian Toll & Jan-Phillipp Rolinck
2016, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 179-201 Financial determinants of corporate reputation: A short-term approach
by Anna Blajer-Golebiewska & Arkadiusz Kozlowski - 203-216 Evaluation of training programs by medical employees in a chosen hospital in Poland
by Beata Detyna & Jerzy Detyna & Anna Dudek-Kajewska - 217-240 Linear and nonlinear intraday causalities in response to U.S. macroeconomic news announcements: Evidence from Central Europe
by Henryk Gurgul & Lukasz Lach & Tomasz Wójtowicz - 241-260 Price duration versus trading volume in high-frequency data for selected DAX companies
by Henryk Gurgul & Robert Syrek & Christoph Mitterer - 261-275 Relationship between fiscal instruments and investments of industrial SMEs and LEs in Poland
by Maciej Wozniak & Robert Lisowski
2016, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 7-20 The long-run relationship between the stock market and main macroeconomic variables in Poland
by Anna Czapkiewicz & Marta Stachowicz - 21-58 Comparative advantage of the EU in global value chains: How important and efficient are new EU members in transition?
by Henryk Gurgul & Lukasz Lach - 57-75 The impact of asynchronous trading on Epps effect. Comparative study on Warsaw Stock Exchange and Vienna Stock Exchange
by Henryk Gurgul & Artur Machno - 77-92 The logarithmic ACD model: The microstructure of the German and Polish stock markets
by Henryk Gurgul & Robert Syrek - 93-121 Non-financial dimensions of measurement and assessment in the performance model for hospitals
by Magdalena Kludacz-Alessandri - 123-148 The reaction of investors to analyst recommendations of stocks listed on the WIG20 index
by Milena Suliga - 149-162 Intraday patterns in time-varying correlations among Central European stock markets
by Tomasz Wojtowicz
2015, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 127-136 Telework as a form of limiting human and social capital depreciation among parents with young children
by Baha Kalinowska-Sufinowicz - 137-148 Assessing the relationship between business strategy and knowledge acquisition in Polish Manufacturing Enterprises
by Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska - 149-159 Fragmentation and the value-added structure of exports in Polish industry
by Krzysztof Posluszny - 161-174 Markets in catholic social teaching
by Robert Rogowski - 175-188 Specialization and business cycles fluctuations of Polish regions
by Rafal Warzala
2015, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 7-37 The impact of estimation methods and data frequency on the results of long memory assessment
by Krzysztof Brania & Henryk Gurgul - 39-76 Key sectors after a decade of transition: Evidence from Poland
by Henryk Gurgul & Lukasz Lach - 77-89 Can the publication of annual financial reports become an opportunity for insider trading?
by Milena Suliga - 91-111 The impact of speculation on the pricing of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in light of the ICAPM
by Stanislaw Urbanski
2014, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 149-164 The relationship between WIG-subindexes: evidence from the Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Henryk Gurgul & Robert Syrek - 165-175 Integrated reporting – a “one-size-?ts-all” solution!?
by Jessica Knoll & Anna Feigenbutz - 177-188 Negotiations as a tool of business strategy creation
by Andrzej W. Kozina - 189-201 Selected implications of negative externalities – on the example of the Polish energy sector
by Mariusz Kudelko & Malgorzata Wejer - 203-215 The role of the psychological contract in knowledge management
by Anna Rogozinska-Pawelczyk - 217-228 A view on certain conditions for economic growth in Bulgaria (2008–2013)
by Penka Shishmanova
2014, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 7-18 Evaluation of motivation system in Health Care Organization - perception of employees. A case study analysis from Polish hospital
by Ewa Beck-Krala & Elzbieta Tarczon - 19-28 Concept of a regional silver economy illustrated with the example of Lubusz province
by Brygida Cupial & Ewa Sobolewska-Poniedzialek - 29-42 Interests of territorial self-governments in shaping local development on the example of tourism economy in Poland - selected aspects
by Aleksandra Grabowska & Monika Krakowiak-Drzewiecka - 43-62 The effect of location on the distribution of withdrawals from selected ATMs of the "Euronet" network
by Henryk Gurgul & Marcin Suder - 63-81 In search of financial stability - the case of shadow banking
by Otto Lucius - 83-96 Is the state really a Leviathan? Testing the model of Buchanan and Brennan in Europe
by Michal Mozdzen - 97-106 Micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises using structural funds
by Agnieszka Peszko - 107-131 Wavelet-based forecasting of ARIMA time series - an empirical comparison of different methods
by Stephan Schlueter & Carola Deuschle
2013, Volume 14
- 7-16 Remarks on network public theory
by Marcin Brol & Slawomir Czetwertynski - 17-38 The optimal portfolio in respect to Expected Shortfall: a comparative study
by Henryk Gurgul & Artur Machno & Robert Syrek - 39-60 The structure of contemporaneous price-volume relationships in financial markets
by Henryk Gurgul & Robert Syrek - 61-70 Financial institutions as an example of institutions of public trust
by Agata Jakubowska - 71-88 Methodology of optimisation of local energy infrastructure development
by Zbigniew Juroszek & Mariusz Kudelko - 89-98 Using case study for tertiary education in the field of economics
by Jaroslaw Korpysa - 99-112 Commercial hospitality as a business model in the inde- pendent hotel company
by Zbigniew Kowalski - 113-135 The institutional matrices theory as the basis of explanation of real estate bubble
by Krystian Nowakowski - 137-150 Industrial meaning of university basic research in modern economies
by Elzbieta Pohulak-Zoledowska - 151-164 European enterprises in crisis time
by Joanna Stefaniak-Kopoboru & Joanna Kuczewska - 165-176 The reaction of the WSE to U.S. employment news announcements
by Milena Suliga & Tomasz Wojtowicz
2013, Volume 13
- 7-20 The Role of Bank Credits in Investment Financing of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Sector in Poland
by Joanna Duda - 21-44 The testing of causal stock returns-trading volume dependencies with the aid of copulas
by Henryk Gurgul & Roland Mestel & Robert Syrek - 45-64 Modeling of returns and trading volume by regime switching copulas
by Henryk Gurgul & Machno Artur & Roland Mestel - 65-82 Modeling of withdrawals from selected ATMs of the "Euronet" network
by Henryk Gurgul & Marcin Suder - 83-98 A strong brand as a determinant of purchase the case of sectors, where advertising in mass media is banned – on the example of the Polish spirits sector
by K. Liczmanska & A.M. Wisniewska - 99-110 The New Approach to estimation of the Hazard Function in Business Demography on example of Data from New Zealand
by Pawel Zajac
2012, Volume 12
- 41-59 Responses of the Warsaw Stock Exchange to the U.S. macroeconomic data announcements
by Henryk Gurgul & Milena Suliga & Tomasz Wojtowicz - 79-108 Two deficits and economic growth: case of CEE countries in transition
by Henryk Gurgul & Lukasz Lach - 119-129 New mobile marketing capabilities of the Android platform
by Piotr Gurgul
2011, Volume 9
- 25-48 The interdependence between energy consumption and economic growth in the Polish economy in the last decade
by Henryk Gurgul & Lukasz Lach - 103-120 Impact of hard coal usage for metal production on economic growth of Poland
by Lukasz Lach
2010, Volume 8
- 21-39 Polish stock market and some foreign markets - dependence analysis by regime-switching copulas
by Henryk Gurgul & Robert Syrek
2007, Volume 1
- 101-120 Product-embodied diffusion of innovations in Poland: R&D multiplier analysis
by Henryk Gurgul - 121-142 Zur Verwendung von Regressionsmodellen im Rahmen von finanzwirtschaftlichen Ereignisstudien
by Henryk Gurgul & Pawel Majdosz & Roland Mestel - 143-163 Distribution of volume on the American stock market
by Henryk Gurgul & Roland Mestel & Tomasz Wojtowicz