Decembrie 2010, Volume 1, Issue 5
- 294-303 Capitalul Social – (Re)Sursa a Dezvoltarii Sociale Durabile - Social Capital – (Re) Source of Sustainable Social Development (Romanian version)
by Lecturer Ph.D. Cristina TEODORESCU - 304-316 Trecutul Familiei Revine Intotdeauna in Prezent (Problemele familiei actuale, a copiilor, ca efect al "problemelor generatiilor anterioare". Studii de caz evaluate si analizate in contextul Terapiei Unificarii - T.U.) - The Past of the Family Always Comes Back in the Present (Romanian version)
by Psychotherapist and counsellor Gabriela FODOR (ANDREI) - 317-331 Perspective Politico-Juridice asupra Bunurilor Colective - Political-Legal Perspectives on Collective Goods (Romanian version)
by Ana-Maria AMBROSA & Grigore RUSU - 332-345 Statul si Politicile Publice - The State and the Public Policies (Romanian version)
by Ana-Maria AMBROSA - 346-354 Constitutia Romanesca de la 1866. Modernism si Spirit European - The Romanian Constitution of 1866. Modernism and European Spirit (Romanian version)
by Ph. D. Marius HRISCU - 355-367 The Social Impact of the Puritan Ethic on the American Mindset (English version)
by Lecturer Ph.D. Student Irina Raluca CIOBANU - 368-386 Rezultate relevante ale unei analize cazuistice a fenomenului maltratarii copilului realizata la nivelul judetului Neamt - The Relevant Results of Casuistry Analysis on Child Maltreatment Phenomenon Carried out in Neamt County (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Eugen SIMION - 387-397 Rolul Culturii Antreprenoriale intr-o Societate Bazata pe Cunoastere - The Role of the Entrepreneurial Culture in a Knowledge-Based Society (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Liliana-Camelia SANDULESCU - 398-419 Perspective Teoretice Asupra Calitatii Serviciilor Sociale - Theoretical Perspectives on the Quality of Social Services (Romanian version)
by Loredana Iuliana IANAS - 420-435 Romania si Exigentele Aderarii la Spatiul Schengen - Romania and Adherence Requirements to Schengen (Romanian version)
by Ciprian IFTIMOAEI - 437-477 Electroconvergenta Corpurilor Naturale din Univers (Pledoarie pentru o teorie unitara de interactiune a corpurilor naturale) - Electrical Convergence of Natural Bodies from Univers (Romanian version)
by D.Dumitru CRIVOI