- WP1977-09-01_00252 Financing Minor Irrigation Projects: A Decision Theoretic Framework to Tackle Uncertainities
by Srivastava Uma Kant & Oza Nikhil M - WP1977-08-01_00251 Some Propositions about Institutions Building
by Pareek Udai - WP1977-08-01_00250 The Concept of Bonus
by Srivastava Uma Kant - WP1977-08-01_00249 The Style of Corporate Management, Goals, Strategy Structure and Performance
by Khandwalla P N - WP1977-08-01_00248 Rural Banks for Rural Development: The Indian Experiment
by Wadhva Charan D - WP1977-08-01_00247 Techniques of Mobilizing Rural People to Support Rural Development Programme
by Moulik T K - WP1977-08-01_00246 Management and Operations of Regional Rural Banks: Two Case Studies
by Srivastava Uma Kant - WP1977-08-01_00245 Theory of Financial Intermediation - A Portfolio Approach
by Gupta Ramesh - WP1977-08-01_00244 Agricultural Sector and Growth Rates of NNP, 1950-51 to 1975-76
by Desai G M - WP1977-07-01_00243 Costs of Operations in Agricultural Financing by Formal Agencies
by Desai G M - WP1977-07-01_00242 Operations Research and Planning for Dharmpur
by Patel Nitin R - WP1977-07-01_00241 Changes in Land Ownership Pattern - An Aspect of Structural Change in Indian Agriculture
by Vyas Vijay Shankar - WP1977-06-01_00240 On Wait-And-See Stochastic Linear Programs: An Application and Algorithm
by Patel Nitin R - WP1977-06-01_00239 Rural Development - Some Issues and Approaches
by Vyas Vijay Shankar - WP1977-06-01_00238 The Industrial Man of India
by Sheth N R - WP1977-05-01_00237 Psychology of Inequality
by Chattopadyay Somnath - WP1977-05-01_00236 Trade Unions in Social Reality
by Sheth N R - WP1977-05-01_00235 The Role of Action Research in Building Self-Sustaining Systems
by Pareek Udai - WP1977-05-01_00234 Measurement of Attitudes
by Arul M J & Misra Sasi B - WP1977-04-01_00233 Survey on Exports and Future Export Plans of Large Indian Companies: 1970-75
by Kulkarni G R & Srivastava Uma Kant - WP1977-04-01_00232 A Study of the Image of Indian Journals on Management and Social Sciences in the International Academic Community
by Dhawle A S & Ghose Amitabha - WP1977-04-01_00231 The Impact of the New Rice Technology on Fertiliser Consumption
by Desai G M - WP1977-04-01_00230 Fertilizers in India Agricultural Development, Problems and Policies
by Desai G M - WP1977-03-01_00229 Corporate Investment in 1977: A Forecast
by Rangarajan, C - WP1977-03-01_00228 Integrated Rural Development Through Farmer Organization
by Desai G M & Sambrani Shreekant - WP1977-03-01_00227 Determinants of Effective Working Capital Management - A Discriminant Analysis Approach
by Bhattacharyya S K & Raghavacahari M - WP1977-02-01_00226 Reshaped Fifth Five Year Plan: Response to Changed Environment
by Srivastava Uma Kant - WP1977-02-01_00225 Mathematical Programming Method to Determine exact
by Rai Ajai K - WP1977-02-01_00224 Process Consultation for Managing Change in a Voluntary Agency
by Rao, T. V. - WP1977-02-01_00223 Psychology of Poverty
by Moulik T K - WP1977-01-01_00222 Multinational Enterprises in India and their Export Performance: The Case of Hindustan Lever Limited
by Wadhva Charan D - WP1977-01-01_00221 Performance - Oriented Selection Criteria for Rural Entrepreneurs
by Basu Shyamal K & Moulik T K
- WP1976-12-01_00220 Future of India Exports: Need for Evolving a National Export Strategy
by Wadhva Charan D - WP1976-12-01_00219 Social Changes and Sociology of Development: A Trend Report Covering the Period 1969-72
by Gaikwad V R - WP1976-12-01_00218 An Exploratory Study of Decision Making Strategies and Oraganisational Health in Maharashtra Ohule Krishi Vidyalaya
by Pareek Udai & Matthai Ravi & Rao, T. V. - WP1976-12-01_00217 Relevance: A Poser for Indian Psychology at the Crossroads
by Pareek Udai - WP1976-12-01_00216 Validity Study of Tests for Executive Selection
by Saiyadain M S & Monappa Arun - WP1976-11-01_00215 Self Medication Practices: An Exploratory Study
by Sen Gupta Subroto - WP1976-11-01_00214 A Geometric Programming Approach to Solve Van Der Warden Conjecture on Doubly Stochastic Matrices
by Raghavacahari M - WP1976-11-01_00213 A Consumer View of Cooperative Outlets A Report of Small-Scale Studies in Bombay and Ahmedabad
by Sen Gupta Subroto - WP1976-10-01_00212 Load Factor Measurement for Road Transport Corporations
by Patel Nitin R - WP1976-10-01_00211 Support Systems for Enterpreneurs
by Moulik T K - WP1976-10-01_00210 Indian Markets and Marketing: The Emerging Perspective
by Dholakia Nikhilesh - WP1976-09-01_00209 Sources of Growth in Indian Iron & Steel Industry
by Dholakia Bakul H - WP1976-08-01_00208 Strategies of Rural Development and Training of District Level Project Executives
by Gupta Ranjit - WP1976-08-01_00207 Pattern of Industrial Location in Gujarat
by Papola T S - WP1976-08-01_00206 Marketing of Debentures and Shares
by Gupta G S - WP1976-08-01_00205 Export Performance of Indian Industries in Terms of Net Foreign Exchange Earnings and Implications for Export Policy
by Wadhva Charan D - WP1976-08-01_00204 Measurement of Capital Input and Estimation of Time Series Production in Indian Manufacturing
by Dholakia Bakul H - WP1976-07-01_00203 Formal Vis-à-vis Informal Credit Supply Sources in Tribal Areas: A Case of Dharampur Taluka
by Desai B M - WP1976-07-01_00202 Options for the Fifth Sector: A Discussion of the Workers Sector Proposal
by Khurana Rakesh & Dholakia Nikhilesh - WP1976-07-01_00201 Rural Development in India: Problems and Prospects
by George P S - WP1976-07-01_00200 Some Establishments in an Indian Metropolis (A Study on Employment and Labour Marketing in Bombay)
by Papola T S - WP1976-06-01_00199 Pshychology of Work: Individual in Organization
by Rao, T. V. - WP1976-06-01_00198 Total Performance Measurement System for Public Enterprises: A Framework
by Dholakia Nikhilesh & Khurana Rakesh - WP1976-06-01_00197 A Framework for a National Wage Policy
by Papola T S - WP1976-06-01_00196 Growth of Factor Inputs and Total Factor Productivity in Public Sector Enterprises in India
by Dholakia Bakul H - WP1976-06-01_00195 Employment Generation in Panchmahals
by Sambrani Shreekant - WP1976-06-01_00194 Psychological Maturity and Motivational Profiles of Management Students
by Rao, T. V. & Vijayashree P - WP1976-06-01_00193 Utilizing the Rural Educated as Change Agents
by Monappa Arun - WP1976-06-01_00192 The Personnel Manager and Community Relations
by Monappa Arun - WP1976-06-01_00191 Styles of Top Management and Organizational Performance
by Khandwalla P N - WP1976-05-01_00190 Agricutural Labour Market - A Synoptic View
by Vyas Vijay Shankar - WP1976-05-01_00189 Wages in India: Towards A National
by Verma Pramod - WP1976-05-01_00188 Delay in Labour Judiciary: An Empirical Investigation
by Verma Pramod - WP1976-05-01_00187 Social Change
by Pareek Udai - WP1976-04-01_00186 Patterns of MRTP Judgements (Relating To Restrictive Trade Practices) - A Preliminary Analysis
by Khurana Rakesh & Dholakia Nikhilesh - WP1976-04-01_00185 Properties of Competing Organizations
by Khandwalla P N - WP1976-04-01_00184 Higher Education in India: Trends and Bibliography
by Rao M L & Rao, T. V. - WP1976-04-01_00183 Effectiveness of Varying Sales Style on Consumer Orientations
by Rao, T. V. & Misra Sasi B - WP1976-04-01_00182 Share or Fight: Dynamics of Co-operative and Competitive Behaviour
by Pareek Udai - WP1976-03-01_00181 Elicitation of Subjective Probabilities in the Context of Decision-Making
by Sarin R K - WP1976-03-01_00180 Corporate Investment in 1976: A Forecast
by Rangarajan, C - WP1976-02-01_00179 Scope of Agricultural Economics and Role of Agricultural Economics
by George P S - WP1976-02-01_00178 A Village in South Gujarat
by Girja Sharan - WP1976-01-01_00177 Corporate Planning in the Context of National Planning
by Rangarajan, C
- WP1975-12-01_00176 The Chemistry of Effective Management
by Khandwalla P N - WP1975-12-01_00175 A Strategy Model for Export Marketing
by Dholakia Nikhilesh & Khurana Rakesh - WP1975-12-01_00174 Agricultural Development Through Community Action: Scope and Limitations
by Gaikwad V R - WP1975-12-01_00173 Production Function in Indian Sugar Industry
by Gupta G S & Patel Kirit - WP1975-11-01_00172 The Communication Effects Gap: A Field Experiment on Television and Agricultural Ignorance in India
by Shingi P M & Mody Bella - WP1975-11-01_00171 Behaviour of Income Shares in a Developing Economy - The Indian Experience
by Dholakia Bakul H - WP1975-10-01_00170 Interactive Evaluation and Bound Procedure for Selecting Multiattributed Alternatives
by Sarin R K - WP1975-10-01_00169 An Intemative Procedure for Subset Selection with Ordinal Preferences
by Sarin R K - WP1975-10-01_00168 Change and Innovations: A Select Bibliography of books for the Use of Those who are Concerned with Educational Innovations
by Pareek Udai - WP1975-10-01_00167 Towards Understanding the Values of Future Managers
by Saiyadain M S - WP1975-10-01_00166 New Marketing in a New Environment: Some Thoughts on a Basic Restructuring
by Dholakia Nikhilesh - WP1975-10-01_00165 Stewart Maturity Scale (Practice Stores)
by Rao, T. V. - WP1975-10-01_00164 Perception of College Environment Work Values and Professional Aspirations of Students of a Medical College
by Rao, T. V. & Sarupriya D S - WP1975-09-01_00163 Inter Personal Feedback: The Transaction for Mutuality
by Pareek Udai - WP1975-09-01_00162 Implementation Problems of Management Control Systems
by Bhattacharyya S K & Camillus J C - WP1975-09-01_00161 Training Economic Impacts Through the Commodity Price/Quantity Structure
by Mathur P N & Shah Tushar - WP1975-09-01_00160 Management Process by the Education of the Future
by Pareek Udai - WP1975-09-01_00159 Location of Indian Cement Industry
by Gupta G S & Patel Kirit - WP1975-09-01_00158 Relationship of Consumption and Production in Changing Agriculture: A Study in Surat Dist. India - A Summary
by Desai B M - WP1975-09-01_00157 Empirical Test of the Marginal Productivity Theory of Wages: The Case of Indian Industries
by Dholakia Bakul H & Dholakia Archana R - WP1975-09-01_00156 Determinants of Inter-Industry Wage Structure in India
by Dholakia Bakul H - WP1975-08-01_00155 Consumption Patterns and Macromarketing: A Radical Perspective
by Dholakia Nikhilesh - WP1975-08-01_00154 Information Systems for Control of Development Activities: A Conceptual Framework
by Camillus J C & Asopa V N & Kaul Mohan - WP1975-07-01_00153 Stewart Maturity Scale Manual
by Rao, T. V. - WP1975-07-01_00152 Structure of Demand for India Exports of Selected Engineering Goods 1961-71 (Global)
by Wadhva Charan D - WP1975-05-01_00151 Psychological and Organizational Factors in Successful Entrepreneurship: A Small Sample Survey
by Rao, T. V. & Rao K Dinker & Chudgar Amita - WP1975-05-01_00150 Cross Cultural Surveys and Interviewing
by Pareek Udai & Rao, T. V. - WP1975-05-01_00149 Research Relevant to Population Education: Survey from India
by Pareek Udai & Rao, T. V. - WP1975-04-01_00148 Assessment of the Requirements of Seeds of High Yielding Varieties of Major Cereal Crops
by Asopa V N - WP1975-03-01_00147 Industrial Relations in Government: Dynamics and Key Issues
by Verma Pramod & Mookherjee S - WP1975-03-01_00146 An Econometric Approach to Evolve Viable Cattle Development Financing Schemes
by Misra P N & Srivastava Uma Kant - WP1975-02-01_00145 Role Set Based Assessment Center Approach to Personnel Selection
by Rao, T. V. - WP1975-01-01_00144 Participation in Decision Making: Research, Results and Hypotheses
by Saiyadain M S - WP1975-01-01_00143 General Knowledge Test for Competitive Examinations
by Misra Sasi B - WP1975-01-01_00142 The Emerging Economic Environment
by Paul Samuel - WP1975-01-01_00141 Notes on Approached and Priorities in Rural Research
by Aneja Ajay - WP1975-01-01_00140 Process Consultation with an International Conference
by Pareek Udai - WP1975-01-01_00139 Mathematical Model for Urban Water Supply and Waste Disposal Systems
by Mukherjee Shishir K
- WP1974-12-01_00138 Some Results in Finding A Lower Bound of the Efficiency of Least Square Estimates Relative to Best Linear Estimates in Regression Model
by Raghavacahari M - WP1974-12-01_00137 Impact of Export Fluctuations on Come: A Cross Country Analysis
by Rangarajan, C - WP1974-12-01_00136 A Network Programming Approach for Investment Planning in Electric Power Systems: Case Study for Northern Region of India
by Mukherjee Shishir K - WP1974-12-01_00134 Unionizing Indian Agricultural Workers: Problems and Prospects
by Verma Pramod & Mookherjee S - WP1974-11-01_00135 Ahmedabad Disturbances: July 1973
by Mohan Manendra - WP1974-11-01_00133 Management of Rural Development Programme: Organizational Deficiencies and Strategies for Improvement
by Gaikwad V R - WP1974-11-01_00132 Choice of Elective Courses in IIMA - An Application of Factor Analysis
by Raghavacahari M & Sabharwal Y P - WP1974-10-01_00131 Orientation Towards Work and School: Cultural Context and Intervention Strategies
by Pareek Udai - WP1974-10-01_00130 Management of the Public Distribution System for Meeting the Needs of the Urban Poor
by Chauhan K K S & Srivastava Uma Kant - WP1974-09-01_00129 Stochastic Models for Stock Price Fluctuations
by Rangan A & Kalro A H - WP1974-09-01_00128 Structured Interviews and FRM Acceptability
by Pareek Udai & Rao, T. V. - WP1974-09-01_00127 Development of an Entrepreneur: A Behaviouristic Model
by Rao, T. V. - WP1974-09-01_00126 Use of Non-Cognitive Instruments in Personnel Selection and Appraisal
by Rao, T. V. - WP1974-09-01_00125 Stochastic Point Processes in a Storage Model
by Rao P Poornachandra & Kalro A H - WP1974-08-01_00124 Capital Expenditures in Corporate Sector - A Forecast for 1974
by Rangarajan, C - WP1974-08-01_00123 Some Results on the Use of Random Numbers in Sampling from Finite and Infinite Populations
by Sabharwal Y P - WP1974-08-01_00122 Economics of Scale in the Indian Cement Industry
by Gupta G S - WP1974-08-01_00121 Fieldwork in a Factory
by Sheth N R - WP1974-08-01_00119 Communal Conflict in India with Special Reference to July 1973 Riots in Ahmedabad
by Saiyadain M S - WP1974-08-01_00118 Inter-Role Exploration: An Od Intervention
by Pareek Udai - WP1974-07-01_00117 Economics of Gobar Gas Plant
by Desai D K - WP1974-07-01_00116 Working Capital Requirements and Credit Needs for Foodgrains Distribution in India
by Desai D K & Ramachandran V - WP1974-07-01_00115 Some Conceptual Designs for Understanding Adoption and Diffusion Processes in Action
by Gaikwad V R - WP1974-07-01_00114 On the Number Non-Negative Integral Solutions to the Knapsack Problem
by Raghavacahari M & Sabharwal Y P - WP1974-07-01_00113 Management of Industrial Conflict
by Sheth N R & Shah B G - WP1974-07-01_00112 Personnel Management for Rural Banking
by Sheth N R & Shah B G - WP1974-07-01_00111 Feasibility of Institutional Financing for Dairy Development
by George P S & Srivastava Uma Kant - WP1974-06-01_00110 Population-Resource Dynamics in an Indian Village
by Murthy Nirmal S - WP1974-06-01_00109 Futurology and Public Systems Analysis: A Major Social Need
by Krishnayya J G - WP1974-04-01_00108 Optimal Investment Planning Model for Power Systems
by Mukherjee Shishir K - WP1974-04-01_00107 Price Behaviour in India - An Explanation Through a Model of Supply and Demand for Money
by Rangarajan, C - WP1974-04-01_00106 Need based Family Planning Programmes: Content and Treatment Guidelines for T V Producers
by Rao, T. V. - WP1974-04-01_00105 Food Riots: An Analysis of Price Movements of Essential Commodities 1971-83 with Tools for Policy Analysis
by Krishnayya J G - WP1974-04-01_00104 Information Technology for Developing Countries: Priority Sectors and Prefered Technology
by Krishnayya J G - WP1974-03-01_00103 A Network Programming Model with Nonlinear Cost Functions
by Mukherjee Shishir K - WP1974-03-01_00102 A Network Model for Urban Water Supply System including Desalination and Waster Water Renovation
by Mukherjee Shishir K - WP1974-03-01_00101 Environmental Scanning for Corporate Planning in India
by Wadhva Charan D - WP1974-02-01_00100 On Deficit Financing
by Swamy Dalip - WP1974-02-01_00099 Analysis of Disturbances in Gujarat (Jan. 1-28, 1974): The Food Problem and Suggestions
by Desai D K - WP1974-01-01_00098 Operations Research in National and Multi-Level Planning
by Mukherjee Shishir K - WP1974-01-01_00097 The Flow of Funds in Indian Manufacturing Sector
by Swamy Dalip & Rao V G
- WP1973-06-01 Corporate Planning Practices in Private Sector Companies in India
by Nambudiri C N S - WP1973-04-01 Organization of Knowledge and Information Retrevals
by Ghose Amitabha & Dhawle A S - WP1973-12-01_00096 Case Development: Process & Problems
by Shah B G - WP1973-12-01_00095 Training and Research Needs for Agricultural Management
by Gaikwad V R - WP1973-12-01_00094 Industrial Performance and Government Controls
by Paul Samuel - WP1973-12-01_00093 Importance of Civil Air Transport to the Indian Economy
by Joshi Nandini - WP1973-11-01_00092 Personality Predisposition and Satisfaction with Supervisory Style
by Saiyadain M S - WP1973-09-01_00091 Labour in a Textile City: A Study of Workers Needs and Welfare in Ahmedabad
by Verma Pramod - WP1973-09-01_00088 International Themes of Indian Youth as Expressed During Sensitivity Training
by Garg Pulin K - WP1973-09-01_00087 Relationship of Job Involvement to Perceived Importance and Satisfaction of Employee Needs
by Kanungo R N & Misra Sasi B - WP1973-09-01_00086 Developing Countries as a Market for Software Exports: The View from India
by Krishnayya J G - WP1973-09-01_00085 Note on Forecasting Techniques
by Gupta G S - WP1973-09-01_00084 A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for A Matrix to be Totally Unimodular
by Raghavacahari M - WP1973-08-01_00120 An Approach for the Agricultural Strategy in the Fifth Five Year Plan of Gujarat
by Desai D K - WP1973-08-01_00090 Implementation Problems of Management Control Systems
by Bhattacharyya S K & Camillus J C - WP1973-08-01_00089 Trainer Intervention: A Case Study
by Baliga B R & Garg Pulin K - WP1973-08-01_00083 Optimal Targets for Indian Family Planning Program
by Satia J K - WP1973-08-01_00082 A Monetary Policy Model for India
by Gupta G S - WP1973-07-01_00081 Some Implications of Structural Changes Within the Sample
by Misra P N - WP1973-07-01_00080 Efficiency of Several Generalised Least Squares Estimators
by Misra P N - WP1973-07-01_00079 Behaviour of Firms Subject to Imperfect Markets
by Misra P N