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Reading Lists

You can now manage reading lists on IDEAS, be it for a course you teach or on a specific topic. Specifically, this allows to put in one place all the relevant publications indexed in RePEc. To create such a reading list, use this online tool.
There are various advantages to create a reading list here:
  1. You may not have a web page handy to put the reading list up, or may not know how to do it. The script provided above should make it easier.
  2. Your reading list will point to URLs (web addresses) that are permanent.
  3. If you have some access restricted articles, IDEAS will try and find freely available working papers.
  4. If you list working papers, IDEAS will add links to their article version once published.
  5. Your reading list will be mentioned on the abstract pages and the JEL code pages.
Note that the creation and management of these lists is closely monitored. Thus, lists are updated or refreshed about once a week. If you want to create a compilation of publications of a particular group of people, use this other tool.

Topical Reading Lists

  1. Canadian Macro Study Group , managed by Christian Zimmermann.
  2. Data import and export modules for Stata, managed by Sergiy Radyakin.
  3. Documents related to the workings of RePEc., managed by Jonas Holmstrom.
  4. Economic Growth, managed by Dietrich Vollrath.
  5. Economic Logic blog, managed by Jeffrey Scot Banks.
  6. Historical Economic Geography, managed by Joan R. Roses.
  7. Meta-Research in Economics, managed by Tomas Havranek.
  8. Online Marketing and Advertising, managed by Ron Berman.
  9. Papers and articles using the American Time Use Survey (ATUS), managed by Yusuf Soner Baskaya.
  10. Papers using RePEc data, managed by Christian Zimmermann.
  11. Quantitative Macroeconomics and Real Business Cycles (QM&RBC), managed by Christian Zimmermann.
  12. Rankings of Economists, Economics Departments and Economics Journals, managed by Christian Zimmermann.
  13. Recognized plagiarism, managed by Christian Zimmermann.
  14. Recursive Macroeconomic Theory, managed by Christian Zimmermann.
  15. SOEP based publications, managed by Uta Rahmann.
  16. Socio-economics of Fisheries and Aquaculture, managed by Antonio Brandao Moniz.
  17. Strategic Interaction: Signaling/Cheap Talk, managed by .
  18. Studies on the automobile industry, managed by Antonio Brandao Moniz.
  19. Technology Assessment, managed by Antonio Brandao Moniz.

Course Reading Lists

  1. Advanced Monetary Theory and Policy (ECON 447), taught by Christian Zimmermann at University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  2. Econometría Aplicada II, taught by Pablo Matias Pincheira at Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios.
  3. Industrial Sociology (FCT-UNL), taught by Antonio Brandao Moniz at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais (CICS.NOVA), Inovação e Estudos de Tecnologia (IET).
  4. Labor Economics (ECON 431-531), taught by Joseph Marchand at University of Alberta, Department of Economics.
  5. Mondialisation, taught by Christian Calmes at Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO), Départment des sciences administratives.
  6. Socio-Economics of Innovation, taught by Antonio Brandao Moniz at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais (CICS.NOVA), Inovação e Estudos de Tecnologia (IET).

IDEAS is a RePEc service. RePEc uses bibliographic data supplied by the respective publishers.