Customized Publication Compilations
It is now possible to create customized publication compilations on IDEAS. Specifically, this allows to put in one place all publications listed on RePEc of some group of authors. To create such a listing, use this online tool and add authors registered on the RePEc Author Service to your list. Note that the creation and management of these lists is closely monitored. Also, there is no need to create such lists for departments, centers and other institutions already listed on EDIRC. Indeed, EDIRC already compiles such lists (find the link above the list of affilated authors for the institution's entry on EDIRC) as long as registered authors have specified the appropriate affiliations. While the lists below display all publications of a particular set of authors, there are also customizable reading list on particular topics or for courses here.Currently, the following lists are available (lists are updated in the early days of each month):
- Alberta Centre for Labour Market Research (ACLMR)
- Associazione Italiana di Economia Sanitaria - AIES
- Bangladesh related Economists
- Bolivian Economists
- CEIS Health Economists
- DEF list
- Department of Economics, University of Minho
- Economic Growth and Change of African Countries
- Energy Economists
- Energy and environmental economists at the ESRI
- Environmental and Resource Economists in Amsterdam
- Estonian Economists
- Ethiopia related economists
- Female Economist
- Graduate students of Christian Zimmermann
- Hungarian economists
- IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon Islamic Economic
- IEHAS Research Group on Game Theory
- Instituto de Economia UADE
- Islamic Ecomonics
- Items authored by Boston College Economics alumni
- Korean Economists
- Laboratoire d'analyse-recherche en économie quantitative
- Latvian Economists
- Laureates of the John Bates Clark Medal
- Learning and Expectations Macroeconomists
- Lithuanian Economists
- MENA Economists
- Magyar Közgazdaságtudományi Egyesület
- Mercados Derivados
- NEP editors
- NIMA - Applied Microeconomics Research Unit
- Network of Swiss Economists Abroad
- New Economic School Alumni
- Nobel laureates in economics
- Original Institutional Economics and Institutional Thought
- PIDE/SBP related Economists
- Pakistan Economists
- Pakistani Economists
- Portuguese Economists
- Programme \"Technology, Innovation and Society\" at Helmholtz Association (Germany)
- Queen's Economics Department PhD Graduates
- RePEc team
- Research Institute of Economics and Management - China
- Review of Economic Dynamics editors and associated editors
- SOSE - Soluzioni per il Sistema Economico S.p.A.
- Sheffield Health Economics Alumni
- Social economics
- Stata Users Group
- Thai Economists
- Top RePEc Authors by Number of Downloads through RePEc Services over the past 12 months
- Top Russian Federation Economists
- Top authors in NEP-ACC (Accounting & Auditing)
- Top authors in NEP-UPT (Utility Models & Prospect Theory)
- Tunisian Economists
- Turkish Economists
- Ukrainian Economists
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Economics PhD Alumni
- University of Alberta Economists (UAE)
- University of Connecticut Economics BA Alumni
- University of Connecticut Economics MA Alumni
- University of Connecticut Economics PhD Alumni