Data import and export modules for Stata
These are publications indexed on RePEc about the above topic. This reading list is managed by Sergiy Radyakin (who can update the reading list here). You can also create your own reading list here. This page is updated in the first days of each month, at least.This list is a collection of tools to import, export, convert, catalogue, and organize datasets.
Data conversion packages
Data import
- Sergiy Radyakin, 2008. "USESPSS: Stata module to import SPSS (*.sav) data (Windows only)," Statistical Software Components S456957, Boston College Department of Economics.
- Sergiy Radyakin, 2008. "USESPSS: Processing SPSS files in Stata," Summer North American Stata Users' Group Meetings 2008 3, Stata Users Group, revised 28 Aug 2008.
- Sergiy Radyakin, 2013. "usecspro: Importing CSPro hierarchical datasets to Stata," United Kingdom Stata Users' Group Meetings 2013 17, Stata Users Group.
Data export
savespssData conversion
- Sergiy Radyakin, 2008. "USE10: Stata module to use and describe version 10 datafiles in Stata 9.2," Statistical Software Components S456963, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 11 Oct 2008.
- Sergiy Radyakin, 2013. "USE13: Stata module to import Stata 13 (*.dta) data into older versions of Stata," Statistical Software Components S457667, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 17 Jul 2013.